Winters Dawning Charity s Holiday to Remember
- 4 years ago
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The snow floated gently down on the assembly. The graves of those who had gone before, lie silently covered in their blankets of white. I stood against the chill of winter, my head bowed, contemplating. Contemplating life, contemplating death, contemplating the impact of one simple life upon this ball of mud called Earth. She was born, she lived, she died, it was as simple as that, or was it? In her years what had she accomplished? Her meager possessions had already been divvied up amongst those of us left. A few scraps of cloth, a few shards of glass, a couple of bits of gold, photographs faded by time, only this and nothing more.
The minister said his Amens’ and bade us to go in peace. Peace, what was that, I wondered as I made my way to the wood coffin. The coffin gleamed dully against the stark winter’s backdrop. The gaping hole, a black earthen maw lie silently beneath her, ready to swallow her up. I plucked a rose from the funeral spray, something to remember this day by, as if I would ever forget.
The white snow landed on the blood red of the bud melting, making the rose appear to be weeping. I turned and began to walk, the winds whispered to me as I carefully picked my way over the frozen waste. I searched the landscape for something to cheer me, to thaw my freezing heart, but there was nothing only silence and decay from the graves. At least the day was over, I thought to myself from the solace of my car, turning the key, backing out of the cemetery, I left her behind, left her behind to sleep in the black silence of eternity. The hum of my tires on the interstate was a rhythm of comfort. I was away from that wretched place, away from the stench of chrysanthemums, away from the well wishers, those who claimed to understand, but they couldn’t, away, safely away from the remnants of my life, a life that would never be the same.
The house was as dark and silent as the grave in which she slept, I put my souvenir in a tiny bit of water, but it was too late the beauty of the rose had already faded, it withered much has she had, their lifetimes spent. Carefully I pressed the petals between two books, I wondered to myself why people insist on doing this, how could a person’s life be remembered by a dead, dried out flower? I poured myself a hit of whiskey and flipped on the TV, not to watch, but to drown out the deafening roar of silence. After a few more shots, I fell into a restless and troubled slumber.
I dreamt of her, her hair as white as the snow which covered her grave. Her smile, always warm and welcoming, the look she always had in her brown eyes, a look of knowing things which others did not, and sometimes, she did. Her voice and her scent haunted me, I wondered if I had done right by her. Would she have liked the funeral? Was the minister the one she would have picked? What about the flowers, the music, her funeral dress, was she satisfied? Did I do the right thing by following her wishes and allowing her to die? Maybe I could have done something more, but in the end there was no more to be done, me a simple human following the commands of another, the doctors mere mortals, powerless to stop the progression of time. I had to make a decision, I had a question that I would never have an answer to, did I make the right one?
The minutes turned into hours, the hours into days, the days into weeks, till months had passed. She was with me every second of every day, watching over me, whispering to me the same way that she always did. I began to wonder who died that day, who was buried beneath the cold dark earth, her or me? She had gone on, I remained left behind, changed by what had occurred, but still the same. I had to find a reason for it, there had to be an explanation.
I looked to others for comfort and solace but found none. There simply were no answers, only more questions. I pushed the great oak door open, the church was dark and musty, and the evening rays of sun struck the panels of colored glass casting sad reflections onto the creaking wood floor. Far above, the crucified body of Christ looked down upon burning incense and candles, on my knees I looked up at Him. The Virgin Mary knowingly smiled down at me. I asked my questions, whispered my prayers, waiting silently for answers, the statues stood at their posts, mute. No secrets were revealed that day, or in the days that followed.
I stood in the doorway to what was once her room, a gallon of paint in my grip. The sickly gray that had once adorned the walls was replaced stroke by stroke, the past disguised with latex. Blue, the brilliant blue of a future that had no meaning to me, the blue of my pain, the blue of my anger, I moved some furniture into the room, making it a study. A study for what? Evening light crept through the white plastic mini blinds, turning my brilliant blue in to the same sickly gray color that I had concealed. I was transformed back, this was her room again, and I thought that if I listened closely enough, I could hear her last gasps for air, a painful wheezing and rattling, the sounds that haunted my dreams every night.
I took pills to sleep, each night the dreams were the same, dreams of death. I couldn’t escape the reality of it, not even in my dreams. The stench of death, the black silence of the grave, the deafening roar of the death rattle, the sobs of the family, and the flood of tears. I had prayed for the Lord to take her fast, to end her misery. She had been good and kind to me, and I loved her. The moment came and it was over, her worn out body lay lifeless in the bed, the starched white sheet that covered her lay still across her. I looked to the doctors and nurses, asking why? They looked away, there was no explanation, her body had simply given out, and she had simply given up.
Simply given up, it was unfathomable. Didn’t she realize how much I needed her? Didn’t she realize how dark and lifeless the world was without her? She was my light, and that light had gone out, I was lost and alone. Her birthday was drawing near. I searched through the flower shops trying to find an adornment worthy of her, something that would tell the world that underneath this cold slab of concrete, the remains of a great, kind, and loving woman remained. Nothing was good enough, nothing was suitable, I couldn’t bring myself to travel out to her grave empty handed, and I whispered a short apology to her, hoping she would forgive me.
A strange thing began to happen, I was finding pennies almost everywhere that I went. I found pennies in parking lots, in the seat of my car, in the laundry hamper, it seemed that no matter where I went, a penny was there. Some of the pennies were bright and shiny new, some were green with age, some were a dull brown. I had begun to collect the pennies, pitching them into an old mug of hers that I had kept. I had bought the mug for her one year for Christmas. I had earned money by shoveling snow and sweeping walks. After carefully shopping to select the perfect present and proudly digging the money out of my shoe, I presented it to her, full of steaming hot coffee. She was so surprised, she used the mug every morning there after. The mug was chipped in spots, but the words were still legible, blue against a yellow background ‘I love you’ they spelled.
One day I was bent over picking up a penny when a woman stopped me. She looked down at me from under the brim of her sun visor, her slip was peeking from under the hem of her cheap polyester skirt. ‘You know, those are pennies from heaven,’ she said. I looked up at her, not sure of how to reply. ‘I believe that those who love us pitch pennies down on us as a way to tell us that they are watching over us and keeping us safe’ she reached into her pocket and pulled out a penny of her own. ‘This one is from my husband, you know something though, and the living have to keep on living. The dead want us to be happy, that’s why they give us pennies, to remind us.’ She shifted her bag, hefting her great purse onto her shoulder and waddled to her car, le
aving me stooping in a parking lot to ponder what she had said.
That evening after having a couple of stout shots of whiskey, I came up with an idea. I pulled up to the tattoo parlor and told them about my idea. The artist was a large, burly man with several tattoos of his own. He drew up a sketch and after bearing my shoulder, set about doing his work. The drinks I had earlier might have dulled my sense of reason, but not my sense of pain. My arm felt as if it were on fire, the buzz of the gun was deafening in my ears, but for once, I couldn’t hear her gasps. I almost stopped him in the middle of his work, but I stuck it out, I had to do this. I would be her memorial, the tattoo her monument, the design an outward expression of my inward pain.
I inspected his work, the design was intricate, a ring of forget-me-nots encircling a penny. The forget –me-nots were her favorite flower, every year, her summer gardens were filled with them. The penny was to remind me that she was watching over me and that I was never alone. I chose to tattoo it on my back to remind me to leave the past behind, the penny was heads up, looking forward to my future, unknown. The pain that I endured from the tattoo seemed to ease the pain that I had endured for months.
I pressed the breaks on the car, turning onto the dirt road of the cemetery, greeted by the rows of gray and black tombstones. I could have found hers blindfolded, easing the car into park and turning off the engine, I walked across the freshly mown grass. I sat in front of the marker, tracing the name with my fingertip. ‘Beloved’ she was my beloved, and I was hers. I told her about what had been going on in my life, as if she didn’t already know. I showed her my new tattoo, she didn’t agree with getting tattoos, but I knew she approved of this one.
I had finally found peace, I finally had my answers, life is for the living and death was a part of that life, one could not exist without the other. She was still as real as I was, she left because it was her time, and my time is yet to come. I hadn’t made the wrong decisions, the decisions were never mine to make. She was safe and happy, and for the first time in what seemed an eternity, so was I.
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This story has no sex. Sorry. It is just a man trying to use his past to understand and handle his present. If you want to leave comments, thanks. If you just want to bash the main character for being a wimp please remember that this is fiction. Thanks. * Did you ever have one of those moments when something that happened years before pops into your mind and it seems so fresh that it feels like it only happened yesterday? Well, I did and in fact it is happening right now. I’m not really...
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We weren’t, however, to get right into scene. Lucy’s cell phone rang, with an odd tone. “Hang on, Howard. That’s my emergency ring. “Hi! What’s wrong? “Oh. Yes, I can help. Don’t say anything if possible. I’ll send people to come get you. We have a specialist in security clearance law, Don Jenner, who will meet us.” Lucy told Howard and Diane, “Weird coincidence. That was Rose. She’s nearly hysterical. Apparently, she got called into the security office and told that her clearance was...
I took out a loan at 25 years old and bought my wife based on her merits. Her eyes are a rare shade of gray, her hair a brilliant mane of sunshine yellow, so light it’s almost white. Milky skin, rosy lips, you see it in de***********ions of women all the time, but you have to pay to make your fairytales a reality. She came meek, and easy to use. There was no fight on our wedding night, just my hard jabs, and her soft cries as I deflowered her. Bruises of my firm hands purpled her perfect...
Clothed in only the moonlight streaming through her window, Shelli drowsily rolls over onto her belly, nestling pillows beneath her. The breeze that caresses her flutters through the curtains above the bed like a lover’s whisper and carries faintly a hint of the fragrances from the flowers in full bloom, the rose garden that is her pride and joy, even a monument to a joy once shared. There is a pleasant ache that suffuses her body. She had begun at dawn and worked until evening glimmered...
Chapter 1 Rose was a 38 year old redhead & femdom , she was alsoJoyce Evans boss at the Real Estate Office she worked at. . Currently Rose was sitting on Joyce's face , rubbing her pussy & clit all over Joyce's viisage had become a daily habit . Her male master her son Mark knew nothing about it . Completely naked except her spiked high heels & Cumslut dog-collar , Joyce's face was now covered in her boss's female juices . Mistress Rose put Joyce in the doggy-style position as...
My Girlfriend RoseBy: Londebaaz Chohan I am Owen, High School Senior. I am touching 6’, lean, muscular frame but slim with no fat deposits. Sexy and horny as fuck and surely enjoy to fuck and always had a girlfriend for the purpose. Rose and I had been a couple for almost 4 months and we had fucked each other’s brain out, every chance we got since the day one we got each other. During this time the best thing happened to us, in my opinion; was not only the fact that we got each other a great...
He awoke. He could feel the stiffness in his limbs. And then the cold wind blew across him, bringing memory with the chill. The battle he had waged against the dark lord. His companions falling one by one. And finally…alone…surrounded by demons…he was taken. They did not finish him there, but dragged him back to their foul lair. In that darkness he lost all sense of time. There were only hours of pain, torture and taunts, followed by blessed loss of consciousness. Until he awoke in this...
Motorcycle RoseFather's Day dawned crisp and clear. At least that's what I was told. It happened about 3 hours before I crawled out of bed. By the time I got my eyes open it looked like a great day for a ride. Unfortunately the ride would have to wait for a while. Since the closest of my k**s lives about 1000 miles away, we no longer have family gatherings on these special occasions so we had made arrangements with our friends to meet for lunch at the local truck stop. They had...
Via Rose by Stella Part one more to Follow "Come in, come in, you must be Jimmy, we are expecting you." I am Melonie, the receptionist at Via Rose, you have an appointment with Emily, I'll let her know you are here Please be comfortable, would you like something to drink, we have superb fruit tea". "Yes please, I'll wait in here if it's OK". "Of course, I'll let Emily know where you are" Jimmy looked around the room, it was exquisite. The Persian Rug alone was worth a small...
“So, what the hell are you going to do?” my father asked. “ I don't know yet,” I replied. My mother joined in on the scolding and pretty soon I felt like a failure. As I retreated to my room my father yelled “Maybe you should join the marines, that way you can get your shit straight!” I wanted to yell something back but I really didn't have anything to say. It also didn't help that my dad was old, hard ass marine. The next few weeks were hell. My parents were unrelenting...
Introduction: My first story, I hope you guys like it, and I am open to all of your critisism. Miss Emma Rose I scrunched my nose at the heavy textbook I pulled from the cheap plastic bag. Jesus Emma, My roommate Katie snorted as she caught a glimpse of the thickly bound book. I told you that you should have just taken a history course instead. We both had the same Arts major, but instead of having the same elective as her, I chose to go with something a little more challenging, German....
After a year in college I had become very disillusioned with my prospects. Not only was I failing my classes but I felt like a little cog in a big machine; a machine designed to extract money from people like me. However, my parents had high expectations and I didn't want to disappoint them. After much consideration, I figured I would take a semester off to figure things out. As expected, my parents were not only disappointed but angry as well.“So, what the hell are you going to do?” my father...