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Aunt Rose's Place By Bea "Come on for god's sake Janice" I snapped peevishly. "We'll be late!" Neither my words nor tone impressed themselves on Janice, my fianc?e . She was doing one of the things she delighted in making herself pretty. Peering into her compact mirror, delicately applying touches of lipstick and blusher dabbing a tiny powder applicator around her nose. She kept her compact open. Obviously letting me know that she wasn't finished. Looked over the top of it, her gray eyes calm and confident. "Peter? Aunt Rose will give us a great wedding present. Trust me. She'd be more inclined to cut me out of her will if my makeup isn't on right." "Oh GRIEF!" I muttered. "Don't tell me that she's as bad as you?" She dropped the hand holding the little brush she was touching her cheeks up with and surveyed me calmly again. "Worse, darling. Much worse. And? If you're going to keep nattering at me, it's just going to take me longer. Is that what you want? Really want?" I had to laugh. "No dear. Please forgive me. I do not wish to disturb you Madame. Mea Culpa. Mea Culpa!" I turned then to look at the house where we'd been invited for 'afternoon tea' by her aunt Rose a woman of supposed style, beauty, and, seemingly, much wealth. I'd never met her until now, and to tell the truth was extremely nervous. I'd just graduated from college and needed a job and accommodations. Somehow, I had snagged Janice and wanted to impress her mother and sisters. Up until that particular moment I hadn't seemed to be doing too good a job in that regard. Her father was dead and they seemed to badly lack a male presence. Naturally, this was only my supposition the way they looked down on me just gave the impression that they considered males beneath them socially and intellectually, but I figured I'd win them over sooner or later. Even Janice, the love of my life, seemed to constantly regard me with an amused tolerance and I'd won her over, right? So went my rationale, anyway. From some of the conversations we'd had and I'd overheard it seemed as if an easy way to accomplish this - was to win over Janice's aunt Rose, someone who seemed to be revered in that feminine hierarchy. I had pushed and prodded gently of course for an invite to meet this paragon and the moment was nigh. Janice had seemed initially reluctant to make the visit, but gradually succumbed to my continual pushing. I don't want to sound venal, but I was hoping to impress the old broad to the extent that she'd maybe give me a job in one of her extensive set of enterprises. The fact that Janice was reputedly a favorite of hers actually made me more uncomfortable though. Suppose I wasn't up to her aunt's expectations? Suppose, despite all of the 'ins' that Janice provided me, I still couldn't score? We were in a very exclusive part of town, but her house certainly didn't match her vaunted wealth at first impression. It had its own walled garden surrounding it and a perfectly manicured driveway leading up to what appeared to be a small residence for the surrounding neighborhood of sumptuous mansions. I did see a small cottage off at the back turned out to be the maid's residence and a car sat out front. The fact that it was a late model Rolls Royce Silver Cloud, started to give the house some distinction though especially when I discovered that it belonged to the lady we were about to visit. I'd actually driven past the house on purpose, hoping to scope it out better. Apart from the driveway leading up to the house, any view was curtailed by a dense hedge. I had also been a little concerned. My car is old, and has a tendency to leak oil. As the driveway was concrete, I didn't want to put my car there it would make an awful mess. Accordingly, I stopped fairly near to the open gate to the driveway and parked in a t the side of the road. Janice naturally saw this as a chance to check her makeup. It wasn't far to the house from the gate, but Janice complained vociferously that the heels she wore weren't suitable for walking. She bitched quietly all the way to the front door. Just as we got there, the door opened and a very pretty maid stepped through it to welcome us. "Hello Miss Janice" she said, curtseying nicely. "How lovely to see you again! Madam Rose would have welcomed you herself, but she couldn't have heard your car drive up, so went to make a phone call. I just now saw you walking up the driveway." Janice beamed and went and gave the girl an affectionate hug. "Margaret! How lovely you look! New uniform? You look very pretty in it. But let me introduce you to my fianc?e . This is Peter. Peter? This is Margaret been with aunt Rose for years and years!" Margaret dropped another curtsey. "Pleased to meet you sir." She said, smiling in welcome. "A pleasure Margaret" I replied off handedly. I mean I'm not used to servants but from what I understand, it's silly to get overly friendly with them. She stopped smiling and gave me a look that I interpreted as not being very friendly (as if I cared). As Margaret led the way, it suddenly dawned on me how nicely she was dressed for a maid. I mean, her uniform looked as if made of an extremely rich fabric almost like black velvet with satin 'enhancements' I guessed. Quite a full skirt, well supported by a multi layered petticoat with flashes of white lace showing as she walked. I shook my head. Her dress had to be made of some other fabrics, surely? Nobody is going to spend that kind of money dressing a servant. Are they? Reluctantly, I pulled my eyes from her, and started taking in the house. Sumptuous was about the only way to describe it. I mean, it could have been furniture from Sears and art from K-mart for all I knew, but only if the furniture had been hand polished lovingly for about fifty years, and the artwork had taken on a patina that only seems to be acquired by museum quality paintings. The place oozed money. It gleamed, it sparkled, it shone. I actually saw a beam of sunlight come through a stained glass window not a particle of dust did I see suspended in the air! The hallway was floored in an intricate parquet. The sitting room where we were taken had carpet about a foot deep. That is, of course, an exaggeration but I make the statement to show my state of mind awestruck! Margaret showed us into the sitting room, and said she expected that the mistress would be with us in just a moment, then left, closing the door gently behind her. "Good God Janice! What a house this is! Absolutely immaculate. I'm really impressed." "She has enough money, plenty of taste and she makes sure that she has very good help but here she comes now," Janice said, walking back towards the door which was opening. She greeted the woman who entered with a tiny squeal and a big hug. I couldn't see aunt Rose completely at first because of Janice being draped all over her, but was astonished by my first impression. The woman I'd caught a glimpse of couldn't have been Janice's aunt! Had to be an older sister and not that much older at that! But, as they disengaged and I approached to be introduced, I did notice some very fine lines around the eyes. Same quizzical expression on her face that Janice often regarded me with. Same calm, gray, eyes evaluating me. She was wearing pale green silk pants with a matching, loose fitting jacket, a textured silk 'T', silver strapped shoes which, though low in the heel made her taller than Janice, and considerably taller than me. Her hair was well tended. Not immaculate, but natural looking and attractive. A large diamond ring on one hand, with a fine gold chain necklace and bracelet and earrings to match was the only remaining jewelry she wore. Certainly not ostentatious in any way, shape, or form. She was lithe in her movements as we approached each other, hand outstretched smiling, thank God! Again, I was surprised by the size of her hand as it engulfed mine in a beautifully manicured grip of steel. I did manage to mutter some sort of greeting which pleased me because I was totally intimidated by this imposing female. "Peter?" she said in an attractive husky voice. "It's about time we met. I've been nagging and nagging at Janice to bring you to meet me, but she seems to think that I'll seduce you or something. Fancy a girl as pretty as her being frightened by an old hag like me!" "Aunt Rose? May I call you that? It's hard for me to believe that you're not Janice's sister her younger sister" I said, gallantry oozing out of me. Her eyes narrowed. "I love flattery but not when it is too obvious. You may need to be taught manners young man. And, as far as calling me Aunt, I'd prefer that you did not. Miss Rose is my preference. You may call me that." I was speechless. What I'd thought to be no more than a casual social riposte, had got me lectured as if I were nothing but a schoolboy! Janice laughed. "Well Rose? You were right. I was hoping he wouldn't be a candidate for you but he has really been on everybody's case trying to get an invite to come here. By the look on his face, I'd say that I should have brought him here sooner." The older woman's eyes took on a peculiar metallic sheen as she turned to survey me. "You mean you know what I do for a living, and you still wanted to come here and bring him?" I looked helplessly at Janice as I had absolutely no idea what the woman was asking, though there were implications in what she said and the tone of her voice that were confusing me. Janice was of absolutely no help at first, then relented. "No Rose. He's got no idea. Though I'm convinced that he'd like to work for you." Then she switched her attention back to me. "Aunt Rose? She supplies I don't know exactly how to put this. Entertainers? To interested parties." "Oh. Like an agent?" I asked. The older woman drew her lips back in close to a sarcastic grin. "Yes. That might be an apt description. But enough of this idle chatter. Do something for me dear boy? Turn around, would you? Let me have a look at you." Feeling rather silly, I turned around. She motioned with her hand, imperiously, that I should do it again. I saw the mocking grin on Janice's face and blushed. This meeting wasn't going quite the way I'd anticipated. "Lovely!" Rose said. "Now would you remove your jacket dear boy and do another turn for an old lady?" Feeling even more stupid, I complied. "A perfect physique," Rose said to Janice. "Are you sure?" "Yes. I suppose so." Janice said after a pause and, to my surprise, with a note of regret. "I really am still a little fond of him I guess." I was confused. Were the two women talking about ME? I mean, nobody in their right mind would ever call my physique 'perfect' under any circumstances I'm too small and too skinny. Not only that? Janice seemed to be talking about giving someone 'up'. At least, that was the impression I was getting. But Rose was talking to me again. "Let me rephrase my question. Are you interested in working for me?" "Yes Miss Rose. I don't know what capacity you have in mind for me, but I'm a quick learner..." "Are you eager to please?" she interrupted. "Oh yes. Once I know what is required, I will do my utmost to make you glad you hired me," I replied, my confidence growing as we got more into what sounded like a standard interview. "That's good dearie. Very good. We'll see if you're as good as you say." She was talking carelessly as if she didn't care about me one way or the other. "Now? Be a little doll for me darling? Go and pull that bell pull over there beside the fireplace." Flushing at her tone, I went to the fireplace and found a scarlet braided cord there that seemed to hang from the ceiling and gave it a tug. "Is that okay?" I asked. She gave me a cold glare, but didn't answer. "Is that all right Miss Rose?" I asked again meekly. "Much better darling! Yes, you did it very well!" And now she was talking down to me as if I were a child! I was just about ready to tell her to shove her job and stalk out of there, when the door opened and Margaret came in. "You rang, mistress?" she said to Rose. Rose nodded and pointed an elegant finger at me. "Yes Margaret. Take this ... this ... young man and screen him please. Is Alison around?" "Yes ma'am. She's waiting for..." Rose interrupted after a snort of impatience. "Oh tell her to dispose of that matter quickly. Tell her not to waste any time on it at all. Tell her that I want her to give you a hand with screening this applicant instead." "Yes mistress." Margaret said, then to me. "Would you come with me please?" "I don't understand. I'm sorry, " I said. "Screening?" Rose sighed. "You've never undergone a screening interview before? Surely, college must have given you some idea of what the real world is like when you're going after a job?" "Oh yes Miss Rose. I just wasn't ready for that just now." I said this hastily actually astounded that a maid a MAID! was going to conduct a screening interview on ME? "Well then off with you!" Rose barked. "I'd like some peace and quiet to talk to my niece. If you don't MIND?" she said, heavy on the sarcasm. I wanted to ask how long this screening was going to take, but figured I'd better shut up for the time being. Chastened, and following a grinning Margaret, I left the room, closing the door behind us. Margaret turned her head and spoke over her shoulder. "Got a tongue on her, doesn't she? But just always remember her bite is worse than her bark. Way worse. Trust me!" "I'm not that easy to scare." I said with an attempt at bravery. I don't think I fooled her for an instant. She stopped and turned back to face me. "I think she scares you right now. You ever get employed by her? You'll find out what scared is. When she chews on somebody? It's not always words she uses you wouldn't be the first to find her teeth marks on your ass. But let's go and find Alison." I wasn't overly happy with the amount of familiarity this maid was treating me with, but lets face it, I thought, if she was anything to do with the screening process, I'd better stay on her good side. At the same time I was surprised when she took a hold of my upper arm and started walking me forward. Not just because of the action itself, but also because of the strength evident in her hand. I got the distinct impression that she was probably stronger than I and she was well aware of it too, I was sure. Her next comment verified this. "Don't have much in the way of upper arm strength, do you? Mistress will like that." "You don't seem to suffer from weakness, " I said with an attempt at flattery, wondering what she had meant by her comment. "Doesn't she like you to be weak too?" "Heaven's no!" she laughed. "I'm a trainer not an employee like you hope to be. She likes us me and Alison to be fit and in good shape." "What's this all about, Margaret? It all seems very strange. I don't quite understand ..." "Oh you will, sweetie. You will. But we don't normally like to give out too much information at this point. It could screw up the psychology of the interview and you wouldn't want that now, would you?" As she said this, we came into another sumptuously furnished room. A tall attractive blonde girl in a lovely uniform like Margaret's was talking to a rather cowed looking young man. " and we can't be having this now, can we?" I heard her say. "No Mistress Alison." He said softly. "But ..." "Sorry to interrupt girls!" Margaret called out cheerfully. "But the boss wants you to give me a hand to screen this applicant, Alison. Told me to tell you to take care of this situation quickly." Alison grimaced at this news. Spoke to him. "Aw shit Pansy! I'm sorry but my hands are tied. You see that, don't you?" "Please mistress Alison. I won't do it again ... It wasn't my fault ..." Alison shook her head. "Sorry dear. Go get the brush and bring it here. Git! Argue some more? It'll be worse for you." The young man blanched and shot me a shamed glance, but said nothing more. Did a strange curtseying motion with his hands to his pant legs, then scurried away. "Whew!" Alison said coming up to me and examining me with a great deal of curiosity. "Interested in working for Auntie Rose, huh?" "I think he might be starting to change his mind " Margaret giggled. "His name is Peter." "Hi Alison," I said holding my hand out. "Nice to meet you." She grinned and shook my hand again impressing me with her obvious hand strength. I actually winced a little. She caught on immediately. "I'm sorry sweetie" she said. "Sometimes I forget." She didn't go into details about what she forgot, but I was too busy trying to get circulation back into my fingers to notice. "Here doll, why don't you sit at this table here?" Margaret was saying leading me over to a round table set somewhat in the corner of the room. "Alison and I will sit right here we need the room for writing our comments." I sat in the chair she indicated , feeling enclosed as she and Alison took chairs on either side of me. They both opened up small drawers in the table and took out folders and pencils. Margaret did some fiddling about, getting her papers in order and perching a pair of glasses on her nose. They both appeared to be ready to commence asking me questions when the young man I'd seen earlier on came back into the room tentatively, carrying what looked like a long handled hair brush. "Why thank you for being so quick Pansy. Why don't you just bring the brush over here, dear?" Alison said kindly. "Over there?" he said despairingly, then started "Please ..." then stopped as if knowing that whatever he was going to say was useless. Started walking over towards us as Alison backed her chair away from the table and smoothed out the skirts of her uniform. "That's a good girl," I thought she said as he approached her. "Take your pants down Pansy, and take the position." She continued calmly, half her attention on the papers in front of her. He shot a quick, shamed look in my direction, but started unfastening his pants and lowering them. To my complete surprise, he seemed to be wearing scarlet, lacy, women's panties with lots of lace edging, and a garter belt in matching scarlet, holding up a pair of black seamed nylon stockings under his pants. As he approached Alison, his pants gradually lowered enough so that he could drape himself over her knees handing her the hairbrush in the process. I couldn't believe my eyes or my ears, as Alison looked at me and said. "Excuse the interruption but this is something that needs to be done. Is it okay to spank this guy in front of you?" "It's It's none of my business." I said weakly. She gave me a seductive smile. "If you would like to be spanked in his place? That could be arranged." she purred. "Oh no!" I said hurriedly. "So I should spank him?" she said. I exhaled sharply through my nose, ignoring the pleading look I could see him cast upwards in my direction. "I guess so." I said. I think he started crying even before the first blow landed but I felt that he had good reason to weep before the spanking was finished. To be honest, by the time his punishment was over, it was hard to tell what was reddest his panties or his skin. Blubbering and weeping, he was finally allowed to rise. "Now Pansy? Go put your uniform on and do the library. Properly this time?" Alison said. "And for goodness sake, tidy yourself up. What kind of impression do you think you're making in front of this young man here?" Horrified, I watched this travesty of a male make another pitiful attempt at a curtsey because now there was no doubt as to what it was intended to be. "Yes Miss Alison" he wept. "Thank you." And he pulled his pants up, and without even waiting to fasten them, scurried away like a frightened little rodent. Alison turned her attention back to me. "Now where were we?" she said cheerfully, putting the hairbrush down firmly on the table in front of her. I looked at this woman, suddenly conscious of her strength and authority, mouth suddenly dry. "Don't think we'd actually started?" I said tentatively. "Oh, that's right. Thank you. I seem to be very easily distracted today. Now then, first of all, could we have your name please?" "Peter Challis." "Peter?" Alison asked, then looked at Margaret. Wrote something down on her paper. "Guess it'll do for now," she said carelessly. "Do you have any identification with you just now?" "My driving license." "May I see it please?" I pulled my wallet from my hip pocket, tried to smile. "This seems awfully formal." I said, opening it up and showing it to her. She nodded and held her hand out. I gave her my wallet. She glanced at my license. "Mmm" she said. "Terrible picture. This your signature on it?" "Yes." I said, holding my hand out for my wallet to be returned. She stared at me calmly and passed it to Margaret instead. She examined my license then closed the wallet and put it down on the table in front of her. Shoved a sheet of paper across to me with a pen. "Sign on the dotted line please," she said. I started to read the rather small printing, then almost jumped a foot off my chair when Alison smashed the hairbrush hard onto the table. "Just sign the bloody thing!" she yelled. "Don't have ALL day!" In a state of pure fright, I hurriedly signed the document without reading it any further. Slid it back across the table to Margaret who shook her head. "You'll have to excuse Alison dearie. She's very bad tempered and any screening Mistress asks us to do does tend to eat up a lot of our time ..." "A lot of time? Can I ask how much?" I asked softly, not wanting to antagonize Alison any further. It didn't help. She leaned over the table and glared at me. "All goddam day if you ask a bunch of stupid questions!" "I'm sorry Alison. I just wanted ..." "Dearie?" Margaret interrupted gently. "You're just aggravating my friend. Let me explain before she has apoplexy. We are going to be asking you a lot of questions. Asking you to do certain things that might seem strange to you or embarrass you. Please don't be asking questions, or refusing to do what we ask because if you won't do as we ask? Then I'm afraid that we'll have to do it for you. Understand?" "Not really." I said, trying to get some degree of normalcy back into what felt like a Mad Hatter's Interview then quickly added "Not that it matters very much." Happily, I saw Alison settle back in her chair in a more relaxed attitude. The ghost of a smile touched her lips, and I felt a distinct lowering of my fear level. "Fire away ladies" I said gallantly. To my surprise, Alison pulled what appeared to be a stop watch out and held it in her hand. Margaret explained that she was going to run a word association test past me and just respond with one word answers to the words that she would say. Did I understand? At my nod, she started to say a whole series of words. I can't remember them all because it lasted for about ten minutes but I remember some: Woman, Boss, Power, Submit, Sissy, Dress, Panties, Bra, Perform, Sing, Dance, Mistress lots of words like that. Both women nodded when we finished. "Very good!" Alison said approvingly, putting her watch away. "Now. Have you ever dressed in women's clothes at all? Either completely or partially? Ever put on cosmetics lipstick or the like?" "Never. Not at all!" I said vehemently. "Ever wanted to?" she asked calmly, ignoring my reaction. "No! What IS this?" I retorted, my anger starting to return. "A screening." She answered, still calmly. "And if you use that tone of voice on me again? The spanking that Pansy just got a little while ago will pale in comparison to what you are going to get." I almost replied sharply, but looked at her confident demeanor and decided not to chance anything. She nodded confidently, obviously reading my mind. Looked back at her papers. "Now, let me rephrase that same question. Did anyone ever dress you in girl's or women's clothes?" She lifted her face and stared at me calmly. I let out a weak laugh. "Well, yes. But you're not going to hold that against me, surely. It was my cousin and she was much bigger and older than I, and it was Halloween, and ..." "You're babbling dearie. What did you put on? Dress? Skirt and top?" "Dress." I admitted. "A pretty dress?" "I guess so." I tried to smile. "Though I don't think anyone would have mistaken me for a girl." "Oh, I don't know. I'll bet that you made a pretty little what? Nurse, maid?" "Fairy princess" I admitted, blushing to the roots of my hair. Both of my tormentors grinned. Alison continued. "And the color of your pretty dress?" "Pink" "And? Did you put on panties and a bra underneath your pretty dress?" "Look! It was all in fun ... Halloween! and it was a training bra too!" I added despairingly. "Of course it was," Margaret said sympathetically, "and did you stuff a few tissues in the cups too? Make you look like a real fairy girl?" "It was my cousin." I whispered. "Lipstick and mascara? Bet she did that too?" I nodded helplessly. "Didn't forget blush for nice red cheeks, or eyeshadow to make you look sexy, did she?" I shook my head. "No. She didn't forget." "High heels and nylons?" "They were just open toed sandals not very high heels and knee-highs for stockings." I said with a rush. "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" Alison said. "I guess not." I admitted, internally very glad that this subject was dropped. "Bet you got lots of candy," Margaret said with a grin. "Sure did!" I said gratefully remembering the loot I'd got that night. "So you had a good time? Enjoyed yourself?" Alison laughed. "Oh yes! It was a super Halloween! My cousin even had a party afterwards." "Bet the boys all wanted to kiss you!" Margaret laughed. "Weren't any boys there. Just her girl friends." I answered, all of a sudden turning beet red at the implication of what I'd just said. "Weren't the girls all put off when they discovered they had a boy there?" Margaret asked. Alison snorted. "Don't be silly Margaret! They probably thought he was a girl. Isn't that right Peter?" "Some of them did." I said miserably. "They couldn't have called you Peter then, did they?" "No. They called me Priscilla Princess." I admitted reluctantly. "These must have been very nice girls. None of them tease you?" Alison asked. "I used to love teasing little sissy boys. It was very cruel of me, but I really did! I would have made you dance with me. Any of them do that?" "They were all bigger than I," I wailed, "yes. They made me dance with them." "Do your hair? Put ribbons in it?" I nodded miserably. "What time did the party end?" Margaret asked. "Eleven o'clock." "All of her friends leave then?" "Not all of them." "Stayed for a slumber party? A sleepover?" "Yes." "But surely, you hadn't got an invitation, being a boy. Had your mother stayed so that she could drive you home?" "Yes." Margaret smiled at me sympathetically. "But you stayed overnight, didn't you?" I hung my head and didn't answer. "I know what I'd have done with him, if I'd been his cousin," Alison giggled. "Put him in a nice frilly nighty. Made him up. Do his hair, then have all my friends join him while he asked his mother if he could PLEASE stay! Spend the night with his new friends! I stared at her in astonishment, remembering all too clearly standing surrounded by five giggling young girls, while dressed in a set of pale yellow baby dolls, my hair tied in matching yellow satin ribbons, pleading with my mother to let me stay at my cousins, because the girls were going to teach me how to put my makeup on. I could tell that my mother was perfectly aware that I was being forced to do this, but had pretended that I was actually wanting to do it because of the threats that had been made against me, if I hadn't looked to be trying convincingly. Mother's smiling approval. The night of total degradation that had followed at the girls hands. Actually being 'loaned' a dress the following morning to go home in. But my reflections were interrupted once more by Alison. "Well? For once in your life, it seems you acted properly. Put on a nice dress with the proper lingerie of course. Had your makeup done properly along with your hair of course. Slept overnight with a group of girls, and learned how to behave how to fit in. Would that describe it? You had fun, just as you said?" Knowing full well or at least having a very good idea of what would transpire if I didn't answer properly, I said "Yes. All of that's true. And it was fun." "Very good!" Margaret said patronizingly . "You're a much better applicant than I thought you'd be!" "Yes," Alison said thoughtfully. "This might be a good time to point out that Pansy you remember him?" She paused. I nodded (How could I have forgotten?) "Well? He failed the screening test. Not by much, poor thing, but fail it he did. Because he was so close to passing, we'll be giving him a second chance ..." "What would have happened to him if he'd failed badly?" I asked timorously. Both women tightened their lips. Margaret shook her head slightly. "I don't think you need to know that at this time..." "She's right." Alison said. "It would make you nervous and we don't want that, do we Margaret?" Margaret shook her head again. "Not at all. Not at ALL!" She then leaned across the table and took hold of my hands in hers. Looked at me in kindly fashion over the top of her glasses. "I feel that I should tell you that what you just asked? It was very close to getting you a negative mark from me ..." "And from me too!" Alison chimed in. Margaret shook her head. "And too many negative marks? You don't pass. Period. You fail! And you want to pass, don't you?" "Yes, of course," I said weakly. "Think I should tell him?" Margaret asked Alison. "Up to you," Alison said dubiously. Margaret looked undecided for a moment, then obviously made up her mind. "I haven't checked with Alison, but ..." she looked down at her papers in front of her ... "I have you passing quite handily. We're almost finished here, but from here on in especially from here on in? It's very important that you stress the positive. Ask too many questions? Say negative things? It won't go well with you. Catch my drift?" I had actually been on the point of asking if I could withdraw my application but immediately figured that this might not be the appropriate moment. "Oh yes Margaret!" I enthused. "Thank you very much! She looked on me proudly, as a teacher would a bright student. "Very well dear." She said "Remove your shirt and tie please. Alison? You have the calipers and the tape measure there ?" I came close to remonstrating that this was going too far, but fortunately both women were looking elsewhere and did not see my facial expression, before I realized that I'd better do as I was told. Trying to look as pleasant as possible, I slid the knot of my tie down, then slipped the loop over my head. Slowly, undid the shirt buttons. I then realized that any kind of delay on my part could generate demerits, so just removed the shirt and gave it to Alison who had picked up my tie, and now had her hand out. Came very close to complaining when she just threw both articles of clothing carelessly into a corner but didn't, when I saw her looking closely at me to gauge my reaction then treat my jacket in the same contemptuous way! I don't wear undershirts, never have. Both women were gazing on my poorly developed body with something approaching awe. "Damn near perfect!" Alison was enthusing as she approached me with a pair of medical calipers in her hand. "Ooh! I must touch!" And, with that, she put her hand on my biceps. "Very nice!" she sighed. "Rose will be most impressed, I'm sure. Now dear? I'm going to take some upper body measurements. So stand up out here and just do as I tell you. Okay?" With the calipers and tape measure, she measured a lot of my body that had never been measured before - in my lifetime anyway - calling out the measurements to Margaret who noted them onto what looked like a form. They also held different pieces of tinted paper up against me as if looking for a shade that matched my skin tone. Finally, after some more measuring, she said "Think that's about it, Margaret. Want anything double checked?" "No. Everything seems kosher," was the reply. "But I can't believe the body fat index! It computes out better than MINE!" "Yeah. Thought it was going to be fantastic," Alison said, then continued. "Okay honey? Lets get the rest of your clothes off please." Totally nude and shivering in a mixture of fright and humiliation I then underwent the most dreadful ten minutes of my life as I was poked and prodded and measured! My genitalia and anus were included in the measurements, with some poorly muffled giggles from both women as my dimensions were called out and recorded. My horror was compounded when, after all of the necessary measurements had been taken, Alison disappeared for a while. I use the term 'compounded' as though I was provided with clothes that hid my nakedness when she returned they were provocative women's clothes! "Now dearie? Let me help you into this. It won't be as comfortable a bra as the last one you wore, but it'll do a lot more for your figure it's a modified 'Wonderbra'. Now the color is purple, and we know it doesn't suit you, but it's for a reason, so don't be thinking we have bad taste like this normally. Here, put your arms through the loops. " Margaret told me. "Yes. That's it. Now breathe in while I fasten you in." Two horrible things then happened to increase my shame. The first thing was that the bra was very uncomfortable, but seemed to create a pair of breasts on my chest as if from nowhere. The second was that I had an erection. Now, for some reason, the women had paid this practically no mind while taking my measurements, but now Alison was approaching with a pair of panties in her hand. "Love your breasts darling!" she said mockingly. "But time to get your panties on!" Then she noticed my erection or seemed to. With a quick flick of her fingernail she contacted the underside of my penis which shrunk immediately. She laughed and, from the sound of it, quoted some poem: "T'was one inch long when strongly reared, When lying down? It disappeared!" Both women cackled with glee at this. I was deeply offended. Almost said that I was longer than one inch! But thought better of that as well. Helplessly, I allowed myself to then step into the panties, have a garter belt cinched around me, then put black net stockings on, and clip them to the suspender straps from the garter belt. Being naturally pale skinned, the purple lingerie looked very garish and the black stockings only seemed to make my outfit even more tawdry. Then? High heeled shoes! About three and a half inches. Scarlet red in color and fine looking straps. Tiny little buckles. I couldn't walk in them at all just stagger about erratically, both women laughing at my antics. Then Margaret came over, a smile still on her face. "I'm sorry for laughing dearie but it's always fun for us girls see a guy try and do what we have to go through if we're going out on a date. Here, put your collar on." And she handed me a band of velvet, matching my lingerie in color. It had a buckle at the back, and a pretty bow in front. Puzzled, I fastened the buckle under my chin, then rotated it so that the bow was at the front. As I did this, I could feel a metallic ring hidden under the bow. Wondered what it was there for. Found out quickly. "Very gooood!" she said. "Now if you'd just attach your leash?" and handed me a purple velvet cord about six foot long with a snap catch at one end. She beamed her approval as I attached the clip to the ring on my collar, and handed the leash back to her. Alison appeared from nowhere from nowhere carrying a large black case and handed it to me. It was surprisingly light. "Next part of your application, Peter. Very important. You are going to go through a very informal interview but it's extremely important that you do well. We are going to take you to a room. You will sit at a table. There, you will open this case. In it, there are three wigs, and various hair adornments combs, barrettes, pulls all sorts of things. Also in the case are many cosmetics all sorts of foundations, blushers, powders, lipsticks, eye shadows just about everything a young girl could ask for." She stared at me. "Now listen up, dearie. While you are being interviewed it is important that you experiment in making yourself look pretty. It is actually more important that you try everything you can to make yourself attractive than answer the questions you will be asked properly. Nothing I mean NOTHING is to deter you from applying your makeup. Do you hear me? "I think so, Alison." I said "Do you hear me LOUD and CLEAR?" she snarled. "Yes Alison" I said, trembling. Her face relaxed, and she smiled nicely. Patted me on the rump encouragingly "Do well now sweetie! " she said. "Don't be making me and Margaret look bad, hear?" "I'll try Alison" I said, almost weeping with fright. "C'mon then sweetie!" Margaret said, tugging on my leash gently. I still hadn't discovered how to walk in the heels properly, but wasn't staggering quite so much as I was led down the hall back to the room where I'd left Janice and Miss Rose! Just as we got to the door, it opened and a young maid in a most provocative uniform came out with a tray. It wasn't until she shot me a venomous glance that I recognized Pansy! I could not help but notice as she wiggled off down the hallway, her petticoats swishing remarkably under the short skirt. I don't really know what I expected to find there but it was still Janice and Miss Rose. They looked up with disinterested smiles as I was led in and over to a table that had been set up in the center of the floor. There was a chair sat there, with a mirror placed on the top of the table. I saw though, that the chair was positioned so that whoever sat there could see his reflection, while perfectly able to talk to the other people sitting where Janice and Miss Rose sat. Nothing was said until I had been led to the chair, released from my leash, and had my case opened. "My, Peter! You've changed!" Janice said lightly. "Been having a nice time?" I had a great inclination to burst into tears! My fianc?e sat there, seeing the humiliated picture I had to be making, and could ask a question like that! But I remembered the instructions I had been given by Alison and Margaret. "Oh yes Janice" I managed. "Very interesting!" and slipped a platinum blonde wig onto my head! To my satisfaction, I heard the hiss of her surprised inhalation, and Miss Rose laugh. "My My! What do we have here? Like your pretty toys there Peter?" "Oh yes. Thank you," I said, clipping a pink barrette onto my hair. It was really ugly, so I frowned, and tried to place a black Spanish style comb in there instead. It wasn't so bad, and I knew that if I'd had more experience, I could have done it better, but I left it alone then started playing with the cosmetics. For almost an hour, I sat there, primping and prettifying myself as closely to a young girl as I could get. Felt a strange sense of exultation in surprising my fianc?e because I knew then that we were finished. There was no way that I was going to marry anyone that had seen me humiliated in fact had participated in humiliating me in such a way as I had been that afternoon. Once I was outside those gates, I was gone GONE FOREVER! Miss Rose was impressed. She made no attempt to hide it. I had made absolutely NO negative comments. LOVED everything in the case, smiled and sighed, grinned and even laughed at some of the looks I applied. Finally, I had to admit, I looked like a SLUT! Glittering eyeshadow, black eyebrows. Caked mascara. Blush spread unevenly over both cheeks. Scarlet, wet looking lipstick smudged more than it should be. Platinum wig, curly and shoulder length - much shoddier than the auburn or dark blonde with black ribbons clipped into the curls. I looked like a travesty of a woman! Finally, Miss Rose applauded, clapping her hands. "Well DONE Peter! My GOODNESS! One of the best performances I've ever seen. Now why don't you ring for one of the girls, and you can join me and Janice for a drink, huh?' Triumphantly, this was almost OVER, I went and pulled on the pull rope and then (I would love to say 'strutted') staggered over towards the couch and chairs where the women sat. Before I got there, Alison appeared. Rose spoke, smiling. "Alison? I think we ladies will refresh our drinks. And get a dry martini for Peter. Now that I think of it Get him a dress for the time being. The Jade green I think. Can't have him sitting around in his undies can we?" This made sense, because I had obviously 'passed' the test, but with Margaret and Alison in the house, I wasn't stupid enough to divulge my true intentions. I felt even more insecure when Alison, grinning, returned with a bright green dress very short and very tight. It also incorporated an external, lace-up corset that Alison utilized to compress my waist line to a size it was never meant to be. Finally, feeling almost ready to faint, I was taken over to a mirror to 'admire' myself. I cringed when I noticed that my dress was so short that the minute I took a step, the tops of my stockings and garter belt straps were easily seen. My 'breasts' also seemed to protrude aggressively from the purple lace of my bra which was also clearly visible. Then, feeling like a prostitute, I went and sat beside my two ladylike companions. Feeling totally intimidated and foolish, I stupidly gulped down the martini I had been given. It didn't help, so I didn't refuse when Miss Rose poured me another from the pitcher that had been left, not bothering with the olives this time. I was a little slower in disposing of that one, but did feel a little glow as Miss Rose poured me another. "Well Peter? It's coming very close to decision time for you. Let me point out your options. In a little while you will make the decision to continue with your application for a position within my organization. You will be allowed to make this consideration away from this house and on your own. If you decide to stay and I surely hope that you will you're such a natural! you'll be given training for the taking of an audition ..." "Rose? Sorry to interrupt," Janice was saying, "But I'm curious. Have you estimated what size of an audition it'll be?" "A decided no-brainer," Miss Rose laughed. "A Full audition!" "Wow!" Janice said. I had no idea of what they were talking about of course, but felt that Janice's reaction indicated something special, so was puffed up with pride even though I knew that there was no way in hell I was going to stay with this stupid program. I took a sip from my martini. Strange? I thought I had finished the second drink, or was it my third? "The training will be somewhat intensive Peter, but let me explain. The more bookings you generate from the audition, the more money you will earn. Let me explain it this way; some of my clients have earned more than Wall Street brokers sometimes. You could be a reasonably wealthy young man before a year is out. (Sure! I thought. Wave that carrot around in front of my nose. You must take me for a fool! Took another sip from my martini gosh it was good!). She was still talking. "But there IS a downside to this Peter. I must tell you, that if your audition is not up to my normal standards..." She sighed. "Your earnings will be considerably less. Not only that I could possibly have to sign you up for a long term contract at those lower earnings which could really damage any chance you had for a full time career." I was having difficulty concentrating. 'Shouldn't have those drinks on an empty stomach' I thought. But the old broad sorry - old DRAGON was talking at me again. "Peter? But before you make that decision? A few things more. But first? A reward for you. Janice has graciously decided to try and motivate you to do a great audition I should have mentioned the fact that, as the talent scout that found you, She will get a small percentage of your earnings." "Gosh Aunt Rose, that's very generous of you! I wasn't expecting that!" Janice said excitedly. "You may have indicated a good eye for future applicants," the old broad said to her, "So I consider it an investment in the future as well as a small 'thank you'. So say no more about it. Peter? Wake up! I know you've had an exhausting day, but that is no reason for bad manners!" Bleary eyed I opened my eyes. Janice was standing about six front of my chair. She smiled tenderly at me. "Peter? Come here and kneel in front of me please." I found it very difficult to get out of my chair, but smiling in a maternal way she came forward and gave a hand to me. That made it a lot easier, and in a few seconds I was kneeling on the carpet in front of her. "I want you to look at my elbow, Peter." Saying this, she turned a little and I found myself looking at the back of her elbow. I shook my head. It was badly bruised and scratched with dried blood congealed there. "What happened?" I said, the fog lifting a little from my brain. She didn't answer, just turned her back to me. "See the tear in my dress?" she said. It was easy to see. "Janice? How did this ... " "Now lift my dress up bunch it about my waist!" she commanded. I did, enjoying the sight of her lovely white thighs and dimpled soft knees until I saw the large ugly bruise - and more dried blood on the back of her thigh, under where the rips in her skirt were. "I don't understand. Janice ... ?" "You will in a minute dear. Now pull down my panties. All the way down! And you can let my skirts fall now." She stepped daintily out of her panties. "Hand them up to me, please," she said. I did. As I did so, she took hold of my hand. "Upsa daisy Peter" she said and, once I was precariously raised to my feet, she slowly led me back to where she had been sitting. She sat, and suddenly I was being pulled down into her lap. I let out a little squeal of surprise, and she laughed as her left arm embraced me around the shoulders, and her right slid up under my skirt and wrapped the panties she had been holding about my erection. Horrified, and sexually stimulated at the same time, I struggled weakly, but she had absolutely no problem with dealing with me. "Hush Peter!" she laughed. "I'm gonna help you make your decision! Just listen up! Aunt Rose? Going to do the honors? "Sure!" I heard, then the rustle of paper: Then the older woman's voice: "Sub headline in local newspaper. Local woman, subject of hit and run! Today, police responded to a hit and run called in by a well known young socialite. Sobbing, she recounted how her fianc?e had demanded that she participate in perverted sex practices. When she fled from his car, he attempted to knock her down. His car was discovered, abandoned, about a half mile from the scene. Witnesses described a man in sluttish women's clothes was seen attempting to sell himself as a prostitute May have been inebriated. The car's right front fender was damaged and police are sure they will have a positive DNA match between the blood on the car and that of the victim. The suspect has been identified by his wallet and license found in the car. He is Peter Shallis. His license photograph is attached. Police are probably going to charge him with felony hit and run. He is from out of state, but knowing his home address, they are expecting to arrest him shortly. "But that's impossible! I haven't hit anyone with my car." I stammered. "Well, theoretically, that's true." Miss Rose said "But it might happen yet, don't you think?" I mean, the stuff I just read to you? Janice and I just wrote it while you were playing with Margaret and Alison. Not probably how a real reporter would write it, I'm sure but close enough for you to get the point?" "What point? It's still not true!" I protested, my body undulating under Janice's soft, strong, fingers. "But darling? Your car does have a damaged front fender and it does have some of my blood on it. And? let's face it? You are kinda sluttish looking and, guess what? Aunt Rose has kindly taken a video of you putting on your makeup and having such a good time doing it!" I was woozy from the alcohol, and dazed sexually. "But I've never been in that part of town. I've been here all day!" "Yes. Of course you have darling! But I think I'll have to leave now. Want to join me?" "Yes. Please Janice. Help me get out of here. Please?" She didn't answer, just pulled my own panties down, arranged her own over the tip of my penis, then brought me to ejaculation with a few slow strokes, then pushed me to my feet after adjusting the waistband of my panties. Handed me the soggy mess of her own. "Very well dear now go and rinse these out and ask Margaret or Alison for a plastic bag so that I can take these home. Go ahead." Still drunk, and still unsure of myself in my heels, it took me a while to do as she had said. When I got back, she was standing, handbag in hand, chatting to Miss Rose. "Took you long enough!" Janice said pertly. "Here. This is yours." And from a table beside her, she took a black shiny plastic handbag and gave it to me. "Let's go. Alison's waiting for us!" "But ... I need to change Janice." "Don't be ridiculous!" she snapped. "C'mon! Don't have all day!" Before I knew it, she had a firm grip of my elbow and was hustling me out of the house. My car was in the driveway, right in front of the door, with the engine running, and Alison behind the wheel. Strangely, she was wearing gloves. Though I was hurried into the back seat beside Janice, I did have time to see the dent on my right front fender. Even thought I could see traces of blood there, but couldn't swear to it. "But you can't take me home to your house looking like this!" I whined after we had driven a fair distance. "What will your mother say?" Janice laughed. "Don't worry darling. I'm not going to have mummy seeing you this way." "Honest? Promise Janice?" "Cross my heart and hope to die!" she said, laughing harder. We drove on for another ten minutes or so. Then I just had to ask. "But how am I to get my clothes! Good grief Janice, what's going on?" "Trust me. You'll know all about it in a little while." Then she tapped Alison on the shoulder. There's that phone. You can drop me off here." "Where are you going? " I asked, panic stricken. "Just to make sure that that particular phone is in good working order. Or would you rather do it for me?" Thinking of how I looked, I declined the offer. "No. But please don't take too long Janice." I said weepily. She gave me a kiss. "You'll do just fine, darling. Wait and see." There was something of finality in her tone as she got out of the car, shut the door and went to the phone. Totally focused on watching her go to the phone, take it off the receiver, then smile, I wasn't expecting the car to move away from the curb quickly. "What are you doing Alison?" I cried. "What is Janice doing? We can't leave her like this. Please go back, please!" "Don't you see dearie?" she said, laughing, without taking her eyes from the road. "She's calling in the report of the hit and run to the police along with the license number of this car, so we don't have much time. Here ... " she drove for a few more minutes, then stopped the car. "Get out of the car." "I will NOT!" I said . "Sweetie? We can sit here for another ten seconds. After that I get out of the car and walk away. You're not going to get very far in that outfit and with Janice's description? The cops are gonna identify you in minutes. Now? If you get out, I'll take the car to close to a friend of mine, drop it there, get a loan of her car come back and pick you up? And then you'll be safe. Got it? One...Two ..." "Oh please Alison, don't take too long," I said, weeping in terror now. "Promise?" "Yeah, sure. I promise," she said as I slowly got out of the car, and closed the door. I heard her activate the power locks, then use the power to lower the window beside me. "Decision time honey bun! You can run away now, and try to get away from the cops or you can walk down that way about two blocks. See that group of people there?" She pointed " Get down in amongst them. I'll pick you up there in about five or ten minutes. If you're not there, I'll figure that you decided against working for Miss Rose and tell her so when I get back." "But Alison Please Couldn't you pick me up here again? Please?" I was crying openly now. She shook her head. "Uh Uh! That's the pickup point in town for tranny pickups. You'll be noticed, I'm sure but you ain't gonna stand out too much not in that crowd. In the clothes you're wearing you'll fit right in. Better get a move on! I don't see you there when I get back? You're on your own! Bye sweetie!" And she drove off! The looks I got from pedestrians of both sexes as I staggered down the street, lurching about in my high heels! The shaking of heads and the staring! Oh grief! But, as I got closer to the group, it was as if everybody knew where I was going now and had a very good idea of why I was going there. A car even pulled up to the curb alongside me. A slim woman with a sharp face lowered her window. "Hi there doll. How much?" "I don't ... I don't ... " "Sure darling. Want to come home with me? I'll let you make it all nice and clean. Maybe give you a little discipline...? Think you'd like that? Wouldn't hurt you or be too mean to you." "I can't. Someone is picking me up soon." I managed to get out. "Aw well. If she doesn't remember? I'll be around again." She said, and drove off. But I saw her car stop down where the main group was, and someone got in her car quickly, and she drove off again. I could hear the voices of the people in the group get a little quiet as I approached them, then some laughter as the details of my makeup and capability of walking in the shoes finally struck home. I could hear the word "drunk" being said repeatedly, and some cruel laughter. But I'd only been there a few minutes when a car drove up to the curb, and I heard Alison's voice. "Peter? Peter? For god's sake, get in! I just heard!" As she spoke, she threw open the door on the front, and I hobbled over and jumped into the passenger seat, with a huge sigh of relief. "Glad to see me honey?" Alison asked. In answer I burst into tears. The 'article' that had been read to me hadn't happened then but it had happened NOW! Back at the house, Miss Rose met with me again. "I see that you decided to stay with the program after all, Peter. I'm very glad, because I have the feeling that you will do very well." She paused. "But I want you to understand one thing. You now belong to me. If you behave properly, I will treat you well very well. You can walk away from here at any time now. Janice made all of the necessary calls. The police ARE searching for you and will continue to do so for a long time. I donate very generously to police charities here, so am well known. Trust me they are looking for you all over the U.S. now" "But I never did anything - Honest!" "I know that, silly! But think of it this way. Your car will have been found by now. Only your fingerprints are n the steering wheel ..." But Alison was..." I started to say, then remembered the gloves. Miss Rose nodded. "As I was saying" she continued. "Your car has been found, with your wallet and I.D. where they must have accidentally fallen out of your pocket. From Janice's description of the dress you're wearing and your heels Lot's of people will remember seeing you. On top of that Her statement that you had been drinking a great deal will explain your staggering walk so the police will probably swear out a warrant for your arrest for drunk driving in addition to felony hit and run. So Peter If you want You can leave right now. Would you like to do that?" "No miss Rose. May I stay?" I mumbled. "Of course you may! But from now on Peter I'm afraid we'll have to give you a new identity, so shall we pick a nice name for you Any name you've always liked?" "I've always been partial to Paul." I suggested after a moments thought. She giggled delightedly. "How droll, my dear. But a name like that is out of the question!" "May I ask why, Miss Rose?" "I'm sorry dear, but I thought you'd have figured it out by now. You're going to be trained as a sissy whose only objective in life is to please women. Something like a Japanese geisha of olden days." "To please women? I didn't know that women liked sissies. I'm sorry." I said. "Oh, some women just love little sissy boys adore them as a matter of fact. Just can't get enough of them and a pretty little virgin like you They'll go simply ga-ga over you that is IF you learn your lessons well!" What she was saying was making me nauseous. I was to be some sort of play toy for women? Then something else hit me. "I thought that geisha girls didn't give sex." "I've heard that same thing myself," she said. "So?" "You said that your customers would like the idea that I was a virgin. If there's no sex involved, what difference would it make?" She stared at me for a minute, then burst out laughing. "I really, really, want to call you "Simplicity' a nice girlish name, and very appropriate, but I'm going to call you Pamela instead. You don't mind, do you Pamela?" I started to pant in desperation . "No, Miss Rose. But can't a sissy have a boy's name?" "Yes. That's right. But I'm afraid that Alison and Margaret are going to have a tough enough time reminding you that you're a sissy without making it harder by calling you by a male name. No dear, sorry. Pamela it is!" She grinned at me. "And as far as sex is concerned any resemblance between you and geisha girls ends right there understand?' I did only too well. "But? I'm a virgin Miss Rose. I don't know anything about sex!" "Of course you're a virgin! Think Alison and Margaret couldn't ...?" She looked at me, mouth actually agape, before recovering a little. "You mean you mean ... you're a virgin at that end too?" We both stared at each other in astonishment. "What do you mean ..." I started, before it hit me. "Oh, sweet Jesus!" she laughed. "Wait until Alison and Margaret, hear about this! "You mean...?" I started. "Yes dear. In this house your NEW life, so to speak it's NOT what's up front that counts!" and she started laughing so hard, that I thought she might choke for a moment or two. When she recovered, she said "For starters take off these silly shoes. I'm tired of seeing you walk like a cart horse. Go and pull the bell pull for the girls. Give it three sharp tugs. That will bring both of them. Go on now!" Almost delirious with happiness at the idea of getting rid of the shoes that had made my life miserable for what seemed like days, I unfastened the straps and kicked them from my feet. The tightness of the dress felt more noticeable now, forcing me to make short little steps as I crossed the room to pull on the velvet cord once again, giving it the three tugs as directed. I was extremely conscious of Miss Rose watching me walk both going and coming. She made no comment though, and her face remained impassive as I returned. "Just stand there, Pamela and wait for the girls to arrive." Both Alison and Margaret were there in seconds. Seemed somewhat surprised to see me without shoes, but came close to where I stood, then waited. "Ah ladies. First of all I'd like you to meet Pamela, our newest guest. Pamela, I know that this is an unusual thing for you to do, but I'd like you to take the sides of your dress in your hands and curtsey these two ladies. They are going to be your mentors for the next week or so and I'd like you to show your respect for their authority. Now please." Blushing like a fool in front of the two grinning maids, I did as I was told, my dress sliding up my thighs as I did so. "Awful, but creditable enough, " Miss Rose grumbled, though cheerfully ... "Now Pamela? Which did you have last, a bowel movement or a shower?" "A shower ma'am," I said. "Very good. Take your panties off please." Trying to remain cool and maintain composure, I slid my hands up under my dress. The tight lacing at the back gave me a little problem, but I managed to find the waistband of my panties and pull them all the way down. Stepped out of them the way I'd seen Janice do some hours before. "Very good Pamela. Was that a touch of feminine grace I saw there girls?" Miss Rose said. the girls responded with nods and mumbled approvals as I blushed even further. "Now Pamela. Lift your dress and petticoats at the back, and bend over that chair cushion please." she said. "It might be a good idea to rest your tummy on the cushion." I felt so ungainly as I followed her orders, terrified that I was going to be spanked or beaten. This was reinforced when she reminded me to hold my skirts and petticoats well up and out of the way. "Come here girls," she said, getting up and approaching me. "I want you to verify something for me." The three women surrounded me, all looking down at my bared backside. With a tremor of fear, I felt fingers open up the cheeks of my backside. "Yes. I can see why you girls felt that Pamela was a virgin but let's make absolutely sure, huh? Take a good second look and confirm your original estimate please, ladies." And, humiliated beyond all endurance, I lay there like a slab of meat, while three women poked and prodded me, all extolling the 'little rosebud' attributes of what they were examining. Finally they were all agreed. There was no question. Pamela was a bona fide virgin! I'd thought that I'd be allowed to get up immediately, but Miss Rose had a few things to say. "Now girls and don't forget that as I now consider you a girl Pamela, I'm including you in this. This little piece of ass here is ..." she chuckled, " ... forgive me an asset! A very valuable asset. Pamela, You will undergo discipline until it is felt that you are ready for the audition. Normally you would be caned as part of the disciplinary process, but I don't want any damaged goods here if I can help it. Accordingly, you will be spanked only and by hand..." "Mistress? Are you sure that's wise? It could increase the amount of training required." Alison said. "You may have a point there Alison." Miss Rose replied. "Let me think a moment." Then she said. "Give me an estimate girls. How long to get him ready for the audition?" "What degree of audition ma'am?" Margaret asked. "Oh! That's right! I forgot to tell you, didn't I? I'm thinking of a full audition subject to you girls agreeing, of course." Both girls gave audible gasps of pleasure. "Oooh! We haven't had one of them for a while ma'am" Alison said. "But it's a lot more work." "True." Margaret said. "But he's sorry ma'am she's a docile little thing. Might not be too bad. A week? Ten days tops?" "Sounds about right to me ma'am" Alison chimed in. "Though without being able to cane her? Can't say for sure." Miss Rose let out a resigned sigh. "Okay then. Alison? Go get a cane medium weight please. Margaret? Go and get a piece of cloth large enough to cover Pamela's backside." I couldn't help it. Started to plead. "Please Miss Rose. I haven't done anything wrong. It's not fair ..." "I'm sorry dear," she said kindly, patting my bare backside as she di

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The Last Days of Miss Primrose

THE LAST DAYS OF MISS PRIMROSE ©C. Smith 2004 1. The Abduction Damn! He hates to plan these things at the last minute. Too many thingscan go wrong. But she has to be done quickly and he has, after all, considerableexperience at this sort of thing, although never before in haste or with someonehe knows. Just means he has to be more careful and more clever. Besides, dangerhas always been part of the thrill, hasn't it? So far he's been lucky. The self-righteous bitch was stupid enough to...

3 years ago
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Part 1 : Rosemary was anxious. She didn't know why. Her husband Ray, a professor at New Orleans University, was playing tennis. Their four c***dren were spending the weekend with their grandparents. Rose had planned to go to the Jazz Palace. They had an excellent Jazz band, the establishment was clean as a hospital operating room, and Khristian one of the servers was a good friend. Khriatian had reserved a two chaired table in the front of the stage about halfway back.Rose lived in the suburbs,...

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Dead Rosed

I haven't been able to sleep lately. I started a new shift at work, and it seems like the world is always asleep, while I'm awake at crazy hours, working hard to afford the life I want us to live. I never wanted her to feel like I didn't care about her needs, because I do. I guess I just have trouble exspressing how I feel sometimes. But i do it all for her. I do it all for us. She says I don't try hard enough to make time for her. She says that I concern myself too much with money, and the...

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The Wolf with the Red Roses

The Wolf with the Red Roses, by Chloe Tzang© 2017 Chloe Tzang. All rights reserved. The author asserts a moral right to be identified as the author of this story. This story or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a review. [Boy:] On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?[Girl:] Yes.[Boy:] I bet you say that to all the...

4 years ago
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The Enslavement of Rose

The Enslavement of Rose   by Tiff Baker . Feedback and comments welcome at [email protected]   Chapter 1Rose Hoffman sat at her computer bored again.? She was done all her homework and like most high school girls her age, she had more important things in her life than school. She loved to play field hockey, and hanging out with her friends, but she had another interest that she didn’t share with anyone.? She loved to read S&M stories. She had been secretly been reading them since she was only...

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Thirty eight years old but she felt like she was fifty, Rose Blaine thought as she looked out the front window of her nondescript house. The house was as bland as her life, as plain as she was.Rose had been married for s*******n years to Henry, a long haul trucker who was frequently gone for weeks at a time, not that it was much better when he was home. No k**s yet, not that they hadn't tried real hard in the beginning, but they certainly had been trying a whole lot less as the years passed....

3 years ago
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Exposing Rose

--CH01-- And So It BeginsRose had been a very outgoing young girl, that is, until she hit puberty. Although many might call it a blessing, Rose had been very uncomfortable with the changes that were happening to her body. Her breasts grew quite rapidly to a generous D cup and her hips and rear grew to give her a very shapely appearance. While many of her girlfriends looked on in envy, Rose drew the undesired attention of every hormone addled teenage boy at her school.Her defense against all the...

2 years ago
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The Enlightenment of Rose

February 16, 2009 Rose was having great difficulty staying focused in her biology class. The teacher was one of those artifacts in the educational system who seems to be a permanent fixture. Rose imagined that old Mrs. Garner was teaching the same class during her grandmother's school years. She felt a giggle escape when this thought popped into her head. Judy, the cute black girl sitting across from her glanced her way with a quizzical look. Rose shook her head to convey that the giggle...

4 years ago
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Lisa Introduces Rose

Lisa got on the bus and took her normal seat in the third row. As she sat down, she looked over to see Rose looking at her. Lisa was struck again at just how young the other eighteen girl appeared but today she was also struck by Rose’s large deep blue eyes. Lisa quickly changed so that she was seated next to Rose.“How are you today?” Lisa asked as she looked at the other girl.“I’m ok.” Rose replied but she kept looking at Lisa as if she was thinking about something and then she asked; “Did you...

3 years ago
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Rose (F/f) By Dudetodude Note: I have re written an older story of mine and re posted it under my current pen name. Hope you enjoy it! This story is about an older woman and a young mother whose casual relationship had developed into more than what the young mother had expected. My name is Lacy and since my divorce six months ago, I have been living on my own with both my daughters 2 and 4 years old and trying to settle into a new life after 5 years of marriage. I have no family in town...

1 year ago
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On the bus ride home from work, all Rose looked forward to was getting home, getting naked, and getting into a nice warm bath. It had been an absolute shite of a day at work. She wanted nothing to do with nobody for how ever long it would take to feel better. She even toyed with the notion of borrowing some of her flatmate, Jeanine's, marijuana for the bath. As the bus made it's routine turn with three stops before Rose's, the sky let go in a torrential downpour, and Rose was without a coat or...

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Blooming Under the Rose

Blooming Under the Rose By Ricky There was a time not that long ago when the phrase "I work for Arthur Anderson" was something to be proud of. At least in Tracy's office, located in a large city that will go nameless, it still was. Tracy's boss was one of the most scrupulously honest people you will ever met, and he demanded a level of integrity from his employees that was second to none. But all that didn't matter when everything fell apart, the office was locked up and...

2 years ago
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RosebyL.A. Wicker©My name is Jack, I’m married, Not very happily. My wife Missy, is one of the women that think she has the only pussy on earth. I’m lucky if I get her once a month. If I do get some, she lays on the bed, spreads her legs and tells me, "Would you please...hurry the fuck up."Missy is a total babe. She stands five foot six inches tall. Long dark brown hair to the middle of her back. Big sexy brown eyes.Firm perky breast, that can bust a 36d bra open. Her nipples are light pink and...

4 years ago
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English Rose

/* AUTHORS NOTES: This story represents a severely edited version of the original draft. Two whole chapters have disappeared from the beginning because they featured not even a single mention of anything TG. Still it manages to weigh in at 75k plus! Whilst this story is finished, I'd quite happily extend it if there's any interest. Hope you enjoy it! */ English Rose by Kathy Core ...Jake walked towards the exit of the hotel, but was stopped in his tracks by the English...

2 years ago
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Training Rose

                                                       Training Rose by Angie FRose has become something of a living legend around Saddleworth so I persuaded her to tell me her story for a small, or actually not so small, fee. I had to edit some of it and change a couple of identities but I hope you enjoy it.    Angie.                                                            Training RoseI cowered in the corner protecting my face as best I could as the blows rained down, five, six, I counted,...

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The Next Rose

Adrienne was new to the city, and didn't know anyone. After a few weeks of stifling solitude, she had decided to visit the local equivalents of her old haunts. Part of her hoped that the city would change around her, spitting out her old friends and familiar environs. The corner pub had been nearly deserted, and it was hard to make new friends at the mall, so Adrienne found herself alone at the gay club. She wasn't expecting to be alone for long. With her shock of long blonde hair and cute...

3 years ago
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Exposing Rose

I appreciate getting feedback, both positive and negative, as long as it is constructive. I will not hesitate, however, to delete any nasty or abusive anonymous comments. I enjoy corresponding with my readers, and if you send me an e-mail I will respond. Also, if you like this story, please register your vote with the stars at the end. –CH01– And So It Begins Rose had been a very outgoing young girl, that is, until she hit puberty. Although many might call it a blessing, Rose had been very...

1 year ago
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The Rose

The Rose     I have always enjoyed living in the country, it maintained such a peaceful essence about it, and even still seemed peaceful after going through a horrific divorce, Lucky me she didn’t want the farm. My closest neighbor was an elderly woman who was very much like my grandmother who I checked on regularly to make sure she was alright, she recently lost her husband after 58 years of marriage and enjoyed the company.   On one visit I was greeted at the door by a woman in her mid...

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The Rose

The Rose     I have always enjoyed living in the country, it maintained such a peaceful essence about it, and even still seemed peaceful after going through a horrific divorce, Lucky me she didn’t want the farm. My closest neighbor was an elderly woman who was very much like my grandmother who I checked on regularly to make sure she was alright, she recently lost her husband after 58 years of marriage and enjoyed the company.   On one visit I was greeted at the door by...

2 years ago
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Withering Rose

She looked toward several overdue bills laid out in front of the table of her dining room, this was the cause of all of her grief and stress. Her husband, Troy Vachite, had gamble away the sizable inheritance her parents had left her. Now Rose own money that she did not have, to people she did not know. Troy had run away with what little money was left, leaving Rose to fend for both herself and their teen daughter. “Fuck the day I ever laid eyes on that bastard.” Rose said as she poured...

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A New Life for Rose

Rose had just recently turned fifty. For the last year, she had worked very hard to get her body back in shape. After three kids, she had let herself go, gaining weight with her first, then never losing it all before getting pregnant with her twins. She had gained almost hundred pounds with them, and only lost about forty-five pounds after they were born. Over the years she had made halfhearted attempts to lose weight, but whatever she lost, she ended up gaining back and more. She stopped...

4 years ago
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Cmb Jasons Victims Rose

I was determined to find out what had happened to Rose, she was Nikki's sister (see Jason's victims 2) and for some reason I wasn't allowed to help her after I found a trace from Jason's memories to her. I went to sleep and found myself in the Church; Father Murray was waiting for me he held up a hand. "My son, I'm sorry but the time wasn't right." He said. I shook my head, "What do you mean? She needed help then and I think she still does!" He sighed, "Yes, she does but not for...

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Cathy and Rose

It was the day after my niece Cathy’s 16 th birthday, when my sister-in-law Rose dropped Cathy off at my house for afternoon tea. “Hello Cathy, did you enjoy your 16 th birthday party?” “Yes Uncle Jim,” said Cathy, “I did, except for one thing. I didn’t get a proper birthday kiss from you. I overhead my mum talking to her friend Trudy and mum said that you are the best kisser she has ever had.” Feeling quite flattered, I said to Cathy “Well, we will just have to fix that won’t we? Why don’t you...

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The Chocolate Rose

Now. Prince Arrik peered out of the Palace tower window, his breath misting on the thin diamonds of window glass. As far as the eye could see, and he could see a long way over the flat terrain from this high up, the ground lay white in a thick layer of freshly-fallen snow. More thick soft white flakes gently floated down from a still leaden sky. His mother had forecast the snowstorm yesterday, so he shouldn’t have been surprised. The Queen was so wise and he had yet to learn such...

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A Rose By Any Other Name Is Sitll A Rose

My name is Rose. I am a slut wife and a flight attendant for a major airline. There aren’t many women like me and I like that. So does Ed. Ed and I met on a flight to Seattle. He was the first officer and I was a flight attendant. I immediately liked him. When I stuck my head in the cockpit to say hello he said “Wow! You are some good looking lady.” Ed had that look I like in a man, slim, attractive, and a pilot’s uniform. Yes, I admit it I wanted a pilot when I met him....

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Pete Will and Rose

Pete, Will and Rose   Pete and Will had been friends for years and always tried to get a game of squash each Friday at the local sports centre. Now that they were in their 40’s – this was really an excuse for a few beers in the local afterwards.   Will had been separated for a few years, but they were always met in the pub by Pete’s wife Rose, and the three of them were really close.   After a few beers and glasses of wine, the banter was often a bit risqué, but nothing had ever come of...

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Pete Will and Rose

Pete, Will and Rose   Pete and Will had been friends for years and always tried to get a game of squash each Friday at the local sports centre. Now that they were in their 40’s – this was really an excuse for a few beers in the local afterwards.   Will had been separated for a few years, but they were always met in the pub by Pete’s wife Rose, and the three of them were really close.   After a few beers and glasses of wine, the banter was often a bit risqué, but...

Group Sex
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My name is Jack, I'm married, Not very happily. My wife Missy, is one of the women that think she has the only pussy on earth. I'm lucky if I get her once a month. If I do get some, she lays on the bed, spreads her legs and tells me, "Would you please... hurry the fuck up." Missy is a total babe. She stands five foot six inches tall. Long dark brown hair to the middle of her back. Big sexy brown eyes. Firm perky breast, that can bust a 36d bra open. Her nipples are light pink and always...

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Meals on Wheels 3 Rose

After several weeks volunteering for the Meals on Wheels program, one of the other volunteers was leaving for vacation. Sarah didn’t deliver to very many people, but they were spread out in the rural areas. We decided that the rest of us would just pick up one extra stop to cover down for her. I was assigned to deliver to Rose. It just so happens, that Rose is about 17 miles in the opposite direction from the rest of my deliveries. Rose was a spry 59 years young, and didn’t really...

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The Chocolate Rose

There is no sex, it is a soppy romantic fairy story for adults wanting to warm the cockles of their heart. ***** Now Prince Arrik peered out of the Palace tower window, his breath misting the thin plate glass. As far as the eye could see, and he could see a long way over the flat terrain from this high up, the ground lay white in a thick layer of freshly-fallen snow. More thick soft white flakes gently floated down from a still leaden sky. His mother had forecast the snowstorm yesterday, so...

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4 Hands Massage with Sunny and Rose

If you haven't read my first two stories about my first Asian Massage Parlor visit with Lucy or my second AMP and prostate experience with Sunny, please do. My prostate massage experience with Sunny had been on my mind all week. I called the massage parlor where she works and made an appointment with her for later that afternoon. When I arrived, Sunny greeted me and walked me back to the room. As we were walking, I noticed a girl coming out of the back room. Sunny, as I described before, was...

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Love for the Azure Rose

It was in my second year in college, I’m studying to be a history teacher, when my professor gave us the assignment. We were to do a full report on any one period in history. He gave us complete freedom to choose the time or event and plenty of time to complete it. He did however tell us to be as thorough as possible. Then he dropped the bomb. It was going to be half of our grade for the semester! He left the room, leaving behind him a sea of open mouths. Then chaos erupted. Some of my...

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Carpet of Roses

She looked down and smiled. Roses. She loved roses. But who would leave them at the door for her? She hadn’t heard from Billy since they broke up. Well she considered them broken up. She hadn’t heard from him from that stupid fight they had two weeks ago that had them both saying things she knew, or at least she thought she knew, they didn’t mean. They had both asked each other at the same time if the other one wanted to break up. No one really said a yes or no as a response. Just silence...

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SAGN Chapter 11 The Devouring Rose

Chapter 11 The Devouring Rose Phar' Naqua, in the aether: Day 12, 0400 hours She could smell the dawn approaching. It was like a faint tickle that played tag with her senses; it was almost dancing there on the edge of her awareness taunting her. If she had someone to describe it to she might say that in some ways it was almost like the mental equivalent of smelling an iron pan on a stove slowly growing hotter with nothing inside it. Just as with the slowly heating pan the smell of...

1 year ago
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The Emily Rose

This story has no sex. Sorry. It is just a man trying to use his past to understand and handle his present. If you want to leave comments, thanks. If you just want to bash the main character for being a wimp please remember that this is fiction. Thanks. * Did you ever have one of those moments when something that happened years before pops into your mind and it seems so fresh that it feels like it only happened yesterday? Well, I did and in fact it is happening right now. I’m not really...

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The Transendence of Rose

Rose felt a tingling and tightness in her breasts. The sensation was awkward and foreign, enough to get her attention while she flipped through the channels of her TV. She moved to adjust her bra believing it must have shifted or bunched up only to remember she hadn't yet put one on for the day. Still feeling the strange sensations she stood up from her bed and walked towards the mirror on her closet door, removing her top as she did. At first, everything seemed normal and as it...

1 year ago
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Letters From Rose

John Henry Bartlett III laid back on his bunk and closed his eyes, exhausted after another long day at sea. It had been another stressful day, causing him to question once again why he had joined the Navy. The answer was simple: his family legacy. Father and grandfather before him, along with scores of uncles and cousins…men in his family were supposed to be Navy men. He hadn’t even questioned it, the choice was made for him before he was born and he stepped into his role like a pair of...

2 years ago
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Letters From Rose

John Henry Bartlett III laid back on his bunk and closed his eyes, exhausted after another long day at sea. It had been another stressful day, causing him to question once again why he had joined the Navy. The answer was simple: his family legacy. Father and grandfather before him, along with scores of uncles and cousins…men in his family were supposed to be Navy men. He hadn’t even questioned it; the choice was made for him before he was born and he stepped into his role like a pair of...

Straight Sex
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My wifes roses

It has been several months since my wife and I had sex. Usually, our sex frequency was normal, two – three times a week, as the statistical average. We have been married for about nine years and had two young kids. But eight months ago, I was promoted as VP Sales, a job that is demanding long travels abroad. So, our intimacy and sex life took a dramatic decrease due my traveling. I spent most of the time outside the country, far away from her. During my trips away from home, as a normal man, I...

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The Blushing Rose

The faucet was tightened with a squeak, and the water was shut off. Inside a steamy shower was a young woman named Rose. There was a party going on at her friends house, and she was preparing herself for it. The red head had just finished with a long hot shower, making her bathroom quite humid. While she really enjoyed sauna-like atmosphere, she didn't want to waste too much time. She had to dry off, get dressed, and be on her way. Rose pulled back the glass shower door and reached towards her...

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Best Summer Job EverChapter 7 Rose

Ellen Hayden woke up on an operating table. Her head hurt and her legs felt like they were on fire. She tried to move her head, but found she couldn't. It was firmly locked in place. A brief test showed that she could not move her arms and legs. Her eyes were bleary, but she could hear the sound of a heart monitor, and the whispers of people talking above her head. The last thing she remembered was getting in her car to go to Pocatello, on a date; after that, nothing. A voice spoke to her....

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English rose

The English Rose The English Rose 1. Spencer Thomas was a balding man in his late forties. He wore a golfing tie ? white golf balls against a vivid green field. He rotated the nearly empty pint glass in the slick of spilt beer on the bar, making trails along the bar-top. It was three in the afternoon and he really should be getting on the road again. He looked up at the fake oak-stained beam over the bar and read the curious announcement over for the third time - ?The Black...

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Jill the MirrorChapter 7 A Blighted Rose

We weren’t, however, to get right into scene. Lucy’s cell phone rang, with an odd tone. “Hang on, Howard. That’s my emergency ring. “Hi! What’s wrong? “Oh. Yes, I can help. Don’t say anything if possible. I’ll send people to come get you. We have a specialist in security clearance law, Don Jenner, who will meet us.” Lucy told Howard and Diane, “Weird coincidence. That was Rose. She’s nearly hysterical. Apparently, she got called into the security office and told that her clearance was...

4 years ago
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A Rose by any other name is just a fucking Rose

I took out a loan at 25 years old and bought my wife based on her merits. Her eyes are a rare shade of gray, her hair a brilliant mane of sunshine yellow, so light it’s almost white. Milky skin, rosy lips, you see it in de***********ions of women all the time, but you have to pay to make your fairytales a reality. She came meek, and easy to use. There was no fight on our wedding night, just my hard jabs, and her soft cries as I deflowered her. Bruises of my firm hands purpled her perfect...

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Kiss Of A Rose

Clothed in only the moonlight streaming through her window, Shelli drowsily rolls over onto her belly, nestling pillows beneath her. The breeze that caresses her flutters through the curtains above the bed like a lover’s whisper and carries faintly a hint of the fragrances from the flowers in full bloom, the rose garden that is her pride and joy, even a monument to a joy once shared. There is a pleasant ache that suffuses her body. She had begun at dawn and worked until evening glimmered...

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Master MasterMistress Rose

Chapter 1 Rose was a 38 year old redhead & femdom , she was alsoJoyce Evans boss at the Real Estate Office she worked at. . Currently Rose was sitting on Joyce's face , rubbing her pussy & clit all over Joyce's viisage had become a daily habit . Her male master her son Mark knew nothing about it . Completely naked except her spiked high heels & Cumslut dog-collar , Joyce's face was now covered in her boss's female juices . Mistress Rose put Joyce in the doggy-style position as...

3 years ago
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My Gorlfriend Rose

My Girlfriend RoseBy: Londebaaz Chohan I am Owen, High School Senior. I am touching 6’, lean, muscular frame but slim with no fat deposits. Sexy and horny as fuck and surely enjoy to fuck and always had a girlfriend for the purpose. Rose and I had been a couple for almost 4 months and we had fucked each other’s brain out, every chance we got since the day one we got each other. During this time the best thing happened to us, in my opinion; was not only the fact that we got each other a great...

2 years ago
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The Stolen Rose

He awoke. He could feel the stiffness in his limbs. And then the cold wind blew across him, bringing memory with the chill. The battle he had waged against the dark lord. His companions falling one by one. And finally…alone…surrounded by demons…he was taken. They did not finish him there, but dragged him back to their foul lair. In that darkness he lost all sense of time. There were only hours of pain, torture and taunts, followed by blessed loss of consciousness. Until he awoke in this...

2 years ago
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Motorcycle Rose

Motorcycle RoseFather's Day dawned crisp and clear. At least that's what I was told. It happened about 3 hours before I crawled out of bed. By the time I got my eyes open it looked like a great day for a ride. Unfortunately the ride would have to wait for a while. Since the closest of my k**s lives about 1000 miles away, we no longer have family gatherings on these special occasions so we had made arrangements with our friends to meet for lunch at the local truck stop. They had...

2 years ago
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Via Rose

Via Rose by Stella Part one more to Follow "Come in, come in, you must be Jimmy, we are expecting you." I am Melonie, the receptionist at Via Rose, you have an appointment with Emily, I'll let her know you are here Please be comfortable, would you like something to drink, we have superb fruit tea". "Yes please, I'll wait in here if it's OK". "Of course, I'll let Emily know where you are" Jimmy looked around the room, it was exquisite. The Persian Rug alone was worth a small...

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Missys Girlfriend Amy

Amy was one of the sexiest black girls Missy had ever seen. She'd met Amy through her brother, Ron, who had started dating her and on this particular evening, Ron and Amy had come over where Missy and Amy's brother, Larry, had settled down to watch a DVD and enjoy the evening having sex. When Ron and Amy showed up, Missy had intially been very upset but when they started passing around a toke of marijuans, Missy felt herself becoming noticeably much more mellow and at ease with having the...

2 years ago
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Breeding My Widowed Aunt Rose

“So, what the hell are you going to do?” my father asked. “ I don't know yet,” I replied. My mother joined in on the scolding and pretty soon I felt like a failure. As I retreated to my room my father yelled “Maybe you should join the marines, that way you can get your shit straight!” I wanted to yell something back but I really didn't have anything to say. It also didn't help that my dad was old, hard ass marine. The next few weeks were hell. My parents were unrelenting...

3 years ago
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Breeding My Widowed Aunt Rose

After a year in college I had become very disillusioned with my prospects. Not only was I failing my classes but I felt like a little cog in a big machine; a machine designed to extract money from people like me. However, my parents had high expectations and I didn't want to disappoint them. After much consideration, I figured I would take a semester off to figure things out. As expected, my parents were not only disappointed but angry as well.“So, what the hell are you going to do?” my father...

1 year ago
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Strolling home from the yearly carnival there was a mature slim lady taking care of her huge garden.She had on a long flowing white dress, tan stockings and her underwear was visible. My heart began to pound. I have always loved woman in their prime and the very thought of seeing my ultimate fantasy woman before me gave enough cause for me to hide in the bush surrounding her picturesque garden.Combing her silvery white hair with her fingers, my prick began throbbing in my pants as she slowly...

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Julia Rose

Julia Rose Reddit, aka r/JuliaRose! Have you ever heard about the beautiful Julia Rose? Maybe it is time for you to check out a subreddit dedicated all to Julia Rose, a gorgeous blonde babe with amazing tits. You can find some of her naughtiest videos and images on this subreddit, and since it is all free, you can explore and enjoy your horny self as much as you fucking want.On the other hand, you have Reddit in general to explore. This website is filled with a ton of NSFW subreddits, and Julia...

Reddit NSFW List
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Peach Yellow Roses

She glanced at the clock in the kitchen as she placed a bottle of Peter Michael Chardonnay in the refrigerator. It had to chilled just right. She wanted everything perfect. She checked the yellow and peach colored rose petals that were soaking in a covered bowl of peach scented oil. They were smelling delicious, she slid the bowl back in. As she passed the coffee table in the den, she picked up a vase of yellow and peach long stem roses and took them to the bathroom placing them on a rattan...

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