The Chocolate Rose
- 3 years ago
- 24
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Prince Arrik peered out of the Palace tower window, his breath misting on the thin diamonds of window glass. As far as the eye could see, and he could see a long way over the flat terrain from this high up, the ground lay white in a thick layer of freshly-fallen snow. More thick soft white flakes gently floated down from a still leaden sky. His mother had forecast the snowstorm yesterday, so he shouldn’t have been surprised. The Queen was so wise and he had yet to learn such wisdom.
Every morning lately when he arose, though, he was sad. Something was missing from his life. He knew what it was, of course, but was powerless to do anything about it. It all stemmed from that cursed Chocolate Rose. He first heard about it two months ago and was naturally curious about rumours of its existence. He followed it up and within the space of a single day his life had been completely turned upside down.
Before the chocolate rose episode, Arrik’s life was simple, ordered and safe. He could have been killed a number of times during the adventure and now he was virtually imprisoned, although not physically, his heart felt constricted as if it was bound in heavy chains.
“In three months’ time I will be crowned King Arrik, the most powerful man in my kingdom,” he said to himself. “But I am alone and friendless, without the princess of my choosing to share my crown, powerless to change the state of my unhappiness.”
He spoke to himself, alone in his isolated chamber at the very top of the palace tower. He had been doing a lot of that lately, as well as sleeping alone. He felt the absence of his once-dear cousin Thad more than he thought possible.
Every morning recently he had to fire himself up to face the day and endure the day’s proceedings. He had so much to learn, and so many people, a whole nation, who depended on his being able to hold court, and make fair and far reaching decisions that affected the wellbeing and happiness of all the people he ruled in the Kingdom. It was a big responsibility and it was important to continually project confidence and a positive attitude in public. Despite his misery, any cutting himself off from his family, advisers, subjects and appellants was simply not possible.
The only relief to his constant misery came unexpectedly last night when his only new other cousin, Princess Loquaria, to whom he had been betrothed for over three years, threw herself into his arms, overcome with happiness and joy at his decision on her future, declaring Prince Arrik had made her the happiest girl in the land. Her actions surprised him, but they had the welcome effect of lifting his sprits.
Today there were no lessons, no hours of court sitting, no queues of advisers clamouring to press upon him their points of view. The day was his to do with what he wanted. His mother the Queen was his teacher in matters of state now and, immediately after forecasting the first lowland snow of the winter last night, she had given him the day off.
“Right, Connie,” he said out aloud and decisively as he dressed himself once more, preparing to leave his modest lofty chamber, “you better have the bacon cooking on the griddle!”
He laughed now, determined to pretend to the world that he was merry and cheerful, as he gathered his skis, delivered from his old home only a week earlier. He remembered the last time that it snowed as thickly as this, his last time on the slopes. In the mountains it was, at the hunting lodge that had been his refuge and home since he was five years old. He had left his mountain home just two months ago where the winter season comes early. How much had changed in a matter of weeks.
Two months ago.
It was cold and the young Prince Arrik had his face pressed so close to the tiny thick glass window that his breath instantly froze on the surface and he had to use the sleeve of his night shirt to see out through the slightly greenish, imperfectly bubbly, glass.
“It’s the first snow of the winter!” he declared, more to himself than anyone else.
A groan from the second single bed in the chamber meant that someone else was disturbed by his excitement. Prince Arrik had shared a room with his cousin Thad for most of the last fifteen years, excepting two years away, with Thad learning to be a knight. Now, he was returned as the captain of Arrik’s guard, so the two fast friends naturally fell into sharing their old room once again. Tough knight of the realm, Sir Thad may be, but Arrik remembered those nights as boys when Thad helped him with his nightmares about losing his father, King Bygord, when he was only five, while Arrik comforted his older cousin over the loss of his mother, the King’s sister just weeks before the King died in a chariot accident.
The Queen was forbidden to see her son as it was deemed unsafe by the Regent, Arrik’s uncle, for both to be in the same place at the same time. Arrik had immediately been taken to the isolated hunting lodge, high in the mountains and difficult to get to. All the horses and carriages used by the ever changing guard were kept stabled far below in the nearest village.
“What are you up so early for Rik?” the second voice, deep and gruff with sleep, said, “it’s barely light and there’s no school for you today. Your lucky tutor has gone to warmer climes for the winter.”
“That makes it even better, Thad!” the prince cried as he jumped onto his friend’s bed, “come on lazy bones, get up, wash, shave and dress, it’s been snowing all night!”
“Let me sleep, you monster, I hate the snow, I hate the cold, I hate it here in the mountains most of all!”
“Ha! Look, there are fresh footprints in the snow up the track from the village, I bet the butcher’s here and Connie’s cooking our breakfast, because I can smell bacon!”
“You can always smell bacon. I don’t know where you put it all. You eat like a king but you are as thin as a beggar! It’s not fair. I only need to smell bacon and I start bloating up like a pig.”
“Fiddlesticks! You are as fit as any knight of the realm that I know.”
“And just how many knights do you know, O mighty Prince Arrik, to be crowned king of this fair land in the spring, upon his 21st birthday, whilst still so wet behind his ears?” his friend mocked.
“Only you, cousin,” Arrik admitted, running a hand through his long thick tousled blond hair, “but you are bigger than all the guards and half a hand taller than me.”
“Well, I’m five years older. You’re still growing, and you’ll fill out more too, if any of that bacon ever sticks to your ribs. Damn it, Rik, now I can smell bacon, too!”
“Well, first one in the kitchen gets the leaner, crisper rashers!”
Prince Arrik first heard about the chocolate rose from Connie the cook, when he sat down in the kitchen at the mountain chalet. This wooden building was no palace but an extended if still relatively cramped royal hunting lodge, which had been his only home since shortly after his father the King died fifteen years earlier, when Arrik was a mere boy only five summers old.
He had begun to gulp down his breakfast, of fresh-baked bread, crispy bacon and soft-boiled eggs, as quickly as he could, keen to get out and enjoy the fresh fall of thick white snow. The snows had come early this year. Even in the mountains it was considered much sooner and rather heavier than usual for a first fall. Perhaps it foretold the coming of a harsh winter. While the kingdom’s subjects feared a long hard hungry winter, the young prince had other thoughts on his mind.
Arrik was eager to don his skis and set out into the thin but fresh air and onto the slopes while the virgin snow was still crisp and fresh. The cold never worried Arrik, he was used to it. He loved the clean rarified air, while his cousin, having spent recent years in much warmer climes, had barely readjusted to the conditions.
Connie the cook was in conversation with the butcher, who was warming himself in the kitchen after delivering fresh bacon for breakfast and a joint of meat for the evening meal. He’d had to carry it up from the nearby village, as it was far too steep a climb for horses. The butcher brought fresh news and Connie was all ears. The latest subject of all conversation in the village, in fact throughout the entire kingdom, was of nothing else but the miraculous chocolate rose.
In this isolated mountain hunting lodge, Arrik was kept here “for his safety”. Even his mother the Queen was forbidden to visit him. Count Condran, Prince Arrik’s uncle and Thad’s father, had ruled the kingdom as Regent for fifteen years. Condran’s youngest child, Princess Loquaria, Thad’s sister, was now nearly 16 but had been promised to the Prince as his bride-to-be and future queen since she was twelve and would become his bride upon her 16th birthday, just weeks prior to his scheduled enthronement, once he reached the full age of one and twenty. The Princess had lived at the Palace on the Lake with the Queen ever since since her mother died. The marriage was not an event that the Prince looked forward to with any relish. He had only met his betrothed cousin once, brought to him at the time of the summer betrothal three-and-a-half years earlier. Arrik kept his low opinion of the shy, nervous maiden to himself.
His ears pricked up, though, at the conversation he heard between Connie and the butcher. The conversation mentioned the word chocolate.
Even crown princes rarely had the treat of chocolate in those difficult times, with the Crown waiting on the prince’s maturity. The Count continually warned that the borders were under threat from the other four kingdoms, hence the difficulty of importing goods, particularly luxuries like chocolate.
“What is this talk of a chocolate rose, Connie?” the Prince asked of the cook.
“It is so curious, Your Highness,” Connie the cook replied, always conscious to address the prince correctly while in mixed company. The butcher would not be allowed to witness how free and easy this demi-Royal household addressed its cherished members. “It’s been the only subject of gossip down in the village for nigh on two weeks now, he tells me. A chocolate rose flowered down in Newmarket town and it is said to be not just petals flavoured like chocolate, but really rich dark crunchy, melt-in-the-mouth chocolate.”
“No!” Arrik laughed, “that’s impossible Connie, even at the Castle on the Lake, which is the warmest spot in the kingdom, all the roses have withered and died but two months ago. I remember Mother wrote at the time about how sorry her garden looked bereft of the scent and colour of her roses. And besides, chocolate doesn’t grown on rose bushes, you know!”
“Well, everyone believes in this ‘ere choc’late rose, Sire,” piped up the butcher, bowing slightly, as he prepared to take his leave, always nervous in the presence of the future king. “I mus’ be off, it looks like more snow’ll fall afore long, I’ll be bound.”
“I suppose everyone wants to believe in some magical rose, especially one made of chocolate.” Arrik said quietly, as if only to himself. “I wonder what truths herein lies behind this strange tale?”
“What are you thinking, Rik?” whispered Thad, who overheard his friend’s whispered words.
Arrik replied quietly to his cousin. “I’d like to find out more about this phenomenon, Thad. How could anyone confuse a real flower with some fakery fashioned from chocolate?”
“It must be some kind of hoax, I grant you Rik. I will ask father if you can be permitted to investigate. I believe it is about time you stretched your royal wings and saw something of your kingdom other than this chilly corner.” He grinned, “And I for one would gladly follow you to warmer climes!”
“That would be great if you could persuade my uncle, Thad, but first things first, we must get our skis, we can’t let all this wonderful snow go to waste!”
The cousins were relaxed in each other’s company, as they were with all the hunting lodge domestic staff, after all they had known them, and loved them, since they were both small and frightened boys. Thad knew how curious Arrik was about everything. Thad couldn’t read well, as befits a knight and minor prince, but Arrik had learned early from the tutors provided for eight months of the year and he read everything that the lodge’s tiny library had, plus any books that Thad was able to smuggle in from the dusty Palace library near Newmarket town or the Castle in the Lake when he visited his sister and aunt, the Queen.
The Count’s express orders regarding Arrik’s education were that he was not to be taught to ride, how to wear armour, or to handle a sword. He was never allowed to put himself in harm’s way, like his late father had. He was to spend his school time in book learning, the arts and sciences, gentle pursuits in readiness for the throne. And Thad knew how good Arrik was at book learning. Arrik was strong, too, being his father’s son.
Although he had not been taught how to ride, wield a sword or draw a bow, Arrik could ski better than anyone in the area, climb mountains as well as any goat and was a deadly game hunter, extremely accurate with a slingshot. Thad laughed at the thought. His father, the Count, had said nothing about the Prince using such toys, even if it was only to discourage birds from raiding the kitchen garden, or regularly supplementing Connie’s flavoursome stockpot.
“Where do you two think you are going then, masters Thad and Rik?” Connie called out sharply, tapping her foot on the stone flags, as Thad and Arrik headed for the kitchen door and the tempting ski slopes, “when there are goblets and bacon and egg pans to clean and put away where they belong?”
Connie had always made sure that the Prince learned that his extra treats and the privilege of being allowed to eat in the warm kitchen, rather than the draughty dining hall, was a benefit he had to pay for, by doing a few simple chores. She smiled, as Arrik readily responded with his handsome if sheepish grin before walking swiftly to the sink to wash up. Connie loved him even more for being the wonderful young man and worthy king that he was growing into becoming. In the absence of both the boys’ parents she had mothered the pair of them all these years as if they were her own dear brood.
“I must see to the setting of the guard,” Thad said hastily, by way of excuse, hovering by the door, and ran out of the kitchen, slamming the door behind him, before Connie could react.
‘Mmm,’ Connie thought to herself, ‘I’ll let it ride this once, but Thad won’t get away with that little trick again.’
She turned to see Arrik juggling the huge heavy cast iron pan and a copper pot in the air under the vaulted kitchen ceiling, as if they were feathers, shaking water drips everywhere on the kitchen flagstones.
“Dent any of those pots, Master Prince, an’ I’ll tan your young hide, so I will!” Connie threatened, waggling a finger and trying hard to suppress a smile.
“Don’t worry, Connie, this is the best and most fun way of drying pots that I know!”
Connie shook her head and chased the prince out of the door with her broom. Once the door shut out the winter cold once more, Connie warmed herself by the fire, thinking about vegetables to peel and chop for dinner. She couldn’t help that her thoughts wrapped themselves around the butcher’s tall tale of the chocolate rose.
‘Oh my,’ she thought as her blood quickened, ‘the cakes and desserts I could make if only we still had ... Chocolate.’
Arrik skied alone on the slopes, as Thad had to trudge down to the village to send off a message to his father. Arrik had grinned, his friend had developed a taste for the warmer South and had not yet acquired the acclimatisation to the thinner air in their lofty mountain home. Thad wasn’t sleeping well since he had returned during the late summer and was breathless half the time.
Arrik had time to think as he climbed to the top of his favourite slope, which was well above the tree line, even as it turned out, above the thick grey cloud into brilliant sunshine. An hour climb for ten minutes’ ski, but it was worth it, he thought, he climbed four times before setting back to the lodge before twilight. That was at least four hours of thinking time. His thoughts should have been on running through the various routes down the slope as there were a number of lines of various challenges he could take.
But his head was full of this Chocolate Rose. Someone must have had made it, although there would hardly be anyone in the beleaguered realm with those skills any more. It must have been smuggled across the border. How much would such a thing cost? Not that Arrik had any experience using silver or gold, but he knew the value of such things.
He valued too, the importance of the role he would soon have to perform for the rest of his life, and relished the opportunity to make his first start. He would be a strong king, secure the borders, protect his people, develop trade that encouraged exchanges of raw materials for local craftsmen to make better livings for themselves. He would have to settle for Princess Loquaria as his bride, raise a family, as securing the succession was a priority. Thad’s messenger would no doubt return with one of her polite, stilted letters, to which he would reply in kind, in duty.
More importantly would be the four or five lively, loving letters from his mother to look forward to. He laughed as he reached the top of the slope, for one long lingering look around in the brilliant sunshine above the cloud, as he tried to guess what her opinion of the Chocolate Rose was likely to be.
The whole country was talking about the Chocolate Rose, grown in a garden in Newmarket Town, not two hours’ ride from the Regent’s Castle. By the time the talk reached the Count, nobody could talk about anything else. The Count controlled everything, he closed the borders to trade as well as invasion, his soldiers patrolled the roads, garrisoned every town, the Town Criers restricted their news to official Regency bulletins. There was never any word spoken against the Count’s, never, since he got rid of all the witches. But talk of this Rose, made of Chocolate, a commodity he had effectively banned by closing the borders fifteen years earlier? It was insufferable and had to stop.
The gardener, who was rumoured to have grown the Chocolate Rose, had been arrested, a week before Arrik heard the rumour, and thrown into a cold dark dungeon, deep below the Palace. He had been locked in chains, denied food and drink and beaten by the guard, to soften him up for interrogation.
He was questioned by Count Condran himself, who stood, dressed in his finery, lording it over this sorry looking wretch.
“Did you grow this reported Chocolate Rose?” he snarled.
“How can such a rose exist?” the gardener replied calmly and evenly, though strapped and unable to move on the infernal rack.
The gardener looked the Count defiantly in the eye, almost as if he wanted to be locked in this dungeon. Suddenly, it was the Count who looked less in control of his emotions.
“The kingdom is awash with this ridiculous tale of you growing a flowering rose in mid-winter, and it not only tasted of ... chocolate, but had the exact feel and texture of chocolate. Why is everyone obsessed with thinking and talking about this Chocolate Rose?”
“How do I know why they are talking about it? How is it possible for anyone to know how the people think?”
“But everyone is wondering, when there’s not enough chocolate to be found in the Kingdom to make a petal, how did you fashion or grow such a Rose?”
“But isn’t it impossible to have any kind of rose flowering at this time of year, chocolate or otherwise, when it is fast approaching mid-winter?”
“Of course it is!”
“And surely only a very rich man could afford to pay a chocolatier to import and fashion a rose from chocolate, an expenditure surely beyond any humble gardener?”
“Ah hah! So, you admit you were in collusion with a former chocolatier, huh? Which one?”
“Why would a skilled chocolatier make a chocolate rose for a simple gardener as some kind of joke, and not use such an exquisite object to advertise his skill in order to import and sell more chocolate?”
“I don’t know why. If you did not make it, then tell me where this rose came from!” The Count demanded.
“What rose?”
“The chocolate rose that is said to have been grown in your garden!”
The Count was starting to lose his temper, and he was never on the longest of fuses at the best of times.
“Who told you that I grew a chocolate rose?”
“Everyone, for the past week and in every corner of the kingdom, is talking about this confounded chocolate rose.”
“Including the Prince?”
“What do you know of the Prince!?” Count Condran snapped.
Thad had managed to pick up the basics of reading and writing, at least enough to cope with the official to and from messages with his father, without the need of putting up a scribe at the lodge. Of course Arrik was an accomplished reader and writer, the tutors had all agreed on that point, but Thad knew without asking, that and of the Prince’s requests contained in the regular reports on Arrik’s progress would be looked upon unfavourably by the Count.
This morning’s messenger was immediately despatched through the snow to the royal palace, informing his father that the Prince was curious about this chocolate rose that everyone was talking about and had expressed a keen interest in investigating the incident personally. Would the Count permit Arrik to travel to Newmarket town and question the gardener and any other witnesses to the appearance of this chocolate rose? He added that he was prepared to escort him incognito, with the bare minimum guard, so as not to risk attracting any undue attention to the Prince.
Thad had long been of the opinion that the Prince had never personably been under threat, either from his people or from without, and should have been allowed to live in the Palace with the Queen, as they always had done under the old king.
Thad remembered his aunt, the Queen, as a confident, vivacious and loving woman, not the timid fearful recluse that his father always made her out to be. He had only occasionally seen her in the last few years, visiting his sister and a lady in waiting that he was particularly attracted to, and the Queen appeared to him to be unchanged, as loving an aunt as she ever was.
Upon receipt of Thad’s letter, the Count considered Thad’s request regarding Arrik’s interest. The chocolate rose was complete nonsense of course, he thought, a stupid hoax. He had personally supervised the questioning of the simpleton gardener. He simply couldn’t understand the high levels of public interest in what was fast becoming a rumour of legendary proportions. Even the Grand Council, full of the oldest, most soft-minded barons he could possibly appoint to its ineffectual cadre, were full of idle questions about the subject.
Why not permit Arrik to waste his time and energies on this tomfoolery? What harm could it do? It also, the Count thought, it presented an opportunity that he had long been waiting for.
“Very well,” he dictated to his clerk in writing to his son Thad, “let the boy loose on the subject if you must. The idiot gardener is still unwilling to answer any questions on the subject, however, so it is pointless that he be seen by Arrik as we have retained him in the Palace dungeons until he relents. The fool’s daughter is still at large as we have no proof she knows anything, so she is of little consequence. Allow him to examine the garden where the Rose was supposed to have sprung forth from and speak to the fool’s daughter. Arrik must be accompanied by you at all times and, as you suggest, he must travel completely incognito. It is imperative for the safety of the kingdom that while he is abroad no one discovers his identity.”
He dismissed the fool clerk to write out the missive in his best handwriting. Then he turned to the Captain of the Palace Guard.
“Dargo, I have a discrete little job for you. Gather three of your best men, ones who know how to keep their mouths shut. Once you have left the castle, change into clothing of the sort that desperate hooded highway robbers might wear. Oh, and make sure one of your men is the best archer we have.”
So, it came to pass that the two friends set out early morning on the full day ride from the mountains down to Newmarket town, which itself was less than a two-hour ride from the Count’s abode at the Royal Palace. The Prince and Thad travelled by a four-horse-drawn coach, as Arrik was never allowed to ride on horseback, accompanied by two simply liveried coachmen. They stayed in a Newmarket town inn overnight and called on the gardener’s daughter early the next morning.
Maid Elvira
The rose garden had already been dug up and everything bagged and sent by carts to the Palace for expert examination. So Arrik was unable to gather any information, despite checking over the barren ground for any clues. No chocolate-smelling roots were apparent from his search.
When Arrik was introduced to the daughter of the gardener by Thad, he was described as an eminent foreign scientist, interested in investigating the phenomenon of the mysterious chocolate rose. Arrik was instantly struck by her stunning looks.
The maiden, about his own age, was tall, only an inch or two shorter than he, and slender, with long braided black hair and the darkest brown eyes he had ever seen. Like liquid pools of chocolate, he mused. She was quite the most beautiful creature he had ever had the pleasure to meet, not that he had ever had much opportunity to meet young maids.
At home in the thinly populated mountains, the daughters of the village tradesmen often persuaded their fathers to take them up to where the handsome young prince lived. While some were pretty, admittedly, none of them affected him half as strongly as this fair maiden did.
“I am Doctor ... er Rik” he stumbled, trying to remember that he was supposed to hide his true identity from all, including this beautiful young woman, “And you are Maid... ?
“Err-r-rick?” she asked in imitation of his clumsy introduction, clearly with a disarmingly amused smile playing on her face.
“No, just Rik,” (‘oh dear’, he thought, ‘this isn’t going well’), “and you are?”
“I am El, Doctor Rik,” she answered, “just El.”
“A very short name, Maid El, for one so tall,” he smiled at the raven-haired creature, mesmerised by her eyes, which sparkled with lively intelligence, comfortably maintaining eye contact with him. She was erect, proud, confident and smart, unlike the shy unsophisticated village maids he was more used to addressing, “may I be permitted to know your full name, Maid El?”
“Maid Elvira-Coral Shacklefurthbury. I know, it is an awful mouthful of a name, which is why all my friends call me El.”
“Then you are just the person I need to speak to, about the chocolate rose—”
“Oh, no,” she cut him off, “I am saying no more about the chocolate rose, I’ve been questioned up hill and down dale on that particular subject. I am heartily sick of it and I am adamant that I have nothing more to add. Please ask my father, who is being asked questions on that subject even now, by the Count’s authority.”
“I can’t,” Arrik admitted, “He is still in the Count’s dungeon.”
“And you clearly have no access to him, Professor, even though you are here supposedly officially as a foreign expert in such matters?”
“I am here in ... an unofficial capacity,” Prince Arrik admitted.
“Are you here merely to satisfy your own curiosity ... Doctor?”
“Something like that,” he admitted.
“Yes, I thought there was something rather strange about you. For a foreign professor, you speak my language extraordinarily well, a little too well, even I think, sort of ... upper class plummy, if you ask me.”
“Well, my mother was originally from around these parts, or perhaps a little more to the south, and you should realise that foreigners practising an acquired tongue always try to speak it rather more precisely than a native.”
“So, as a native of your own distant land, how would you say, ‘Good morning, El’, in your native tongue?”
“Er, ‘croresny patchek, El, payn’.”
“Mmm, why the ‘payn’ at the end?”
The Prince-cum-Doctor smiled and cheerfully lied for his amusement, “It is a mark of respect, specifically reserved for maidens of school age or similarly immature.”
“Really? Well, not only have I left school, I am a teacher at the local elementary school, so I am not sure that ‘payn’ is still an appropriate term to use.”
“Then, El, if I may be allowed to call you as your friends do, I will refrain from the offending epithet.” Arrik added, “Is it usual for the daughter of a gardener to be a school teacher?”
“My father is not just a gardener,” El replied testily, “but the Mayor of Newmarket town, I suppose the Count found it much easier to throw a gardener into his dungeon than the mayor of the most important town in the kingdom!”
“I wasn’t aware of that,” admitted a thoughtful prince.
Arrik turned to Thad, “We must speak to this gardener, or rather the Mayor, Thad.”
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He walked into the room… an air about him struck her immediately. He was unlike any of the other Masters ~ quiet, observing all that was going on in the room. She whispered to one of her sisters ‘who is that handsome Master that just entered?’ Her friend whispered that he was an occasional visitor there… every time, he did the same thing ~ sits on a chair, looks around the room, keeps his comments to himself, almost expecting to find something that sparks his interest, and if nothing does, he...
© Feb 2003 Write a story about chocolate he said - 'Gee thanks Ray!' I looked at the email he'd written and thought again to myself 'Jeez - I don't do chocolate - how the blazes do I write a story about it? Hell! I know we writers are supposed to have dirty minds and all that jazz but chocolate - c'mon fella!' And I put it to the back of my mind. Except it wouldn't go away. I kept thinking back to 'The Experiment'. That was chocolate. That was sex. Boy was that sex - oh yes...
Chocolate, I thought as I headed home on my bicycle. I was craving chocolate, something that wasn’t uncommon. Usually, it was the only thing I was craving, but there was something else now too. An orgasm.I was a virgin, but I’d learned the pleasures of masturbation long ago. With my eighteen years, I’ve had experience with orgasms for.. two years. That would be about right. At times I pleased myself daily, or multiple times a day. Other times it was once a week.Now? It was definitely a day of...
MasturbationNaomi had only been working at the restaurant for a few weeks, but she had already felt like it might not work out. At twenty years old and a student at the local university, she only found the job to help finance her last year of school as an international business major. It’s not as if Naomi didn’t like her job; the customers were nice and tipped well and she received good shifts to work. Also, the staff and her co-workers were friendly to work with as well, maybe except one. Chef and owner...
InterracialFifteen minutes. My bedside clock counts down faster than I want it to. Was it too late to cancel? Probably. You want this, I tell myself. No, you need this. I pull up my black stocking tights. I clip my ruby red hair behind my head, and look in the mirror. My eye catches on the photo from last summer. Seth and I smile at the camera, my head trying to duck out, camera-shy. Strange to believe it was only a year ago. Was this too soon? My heart gave a lurch. I lingered over the choice between my...
ReluctanceWe have a date set at a bar to meet but the bartender hands me a note. "Meet me at the hotel room 217." Here I am a little bummed that I didn't get to watch you walk into the bar but still excited about finally seeing you. I pay the tab and when I get to the car there is a note under the wind shield wiper. "Do what the fuck you are told. Nothing more and nothing less."The drive was pretty short and I walk up to the door which is slightly ajar. Another note taped to the door reads "You sure have...
My little sister Gina is addicted to chocolate. She isn't fat or anything. In fact, she's skinny and really athletic for a nine year old. But she loves chocolate. Me, I'm addicted to something else: pussy. I can't remember a time when I wasn't playing with mine, or trying to get other girls to let me play with theirs. I love the smell and the taste. Gina has never let me play with hers -- ever. Not that I haven't tried. I play with my own pussy at least once a day. Gina sees me, I mean,...
Her name was Meshawn. She was about the cutest thing I'd ever seen at my old job, and lusted after her for quite some time. Every guy there did, understandably. 5' 3" with medium-brown skin, shoulder-length curly hair, nicely padded figure, beaming smile and very amiable and pleasant to talk to. I'd seen some honeys in High School, at College, working different jobs afterwards of the African-American persuasion. Not like this one, she was sweet as could be and had a "casual" attitude that made...
Hello guys… My name is Kunal and I am from Mumbai. Basically I m working in corporate sector but I m an expert at giving hot oil, chocolate, fruit, ice cream and nuru massage. So if any lady wants my service can message me at Com Now coming back to story, I have posted my ad on different social networking sites and I waited for sometimes. There I found one lady who told she is looking for massage but she is very shy and fearful. So initially we had long chat on what’s app. She is 38 years old...
Hi mera naam Luvesh hai main Gujarat k eek naami shehar main rehta hu (main city nahi batanna chahta ) meri umar 23 saal hai naya naya graduate hua hu. Filhaal jobless hu mere father aur mere chacha sath main ek business main hai meri bua ke ladke ki dusri marriage ki liye jo spain main rehta hai,mere cousin bhaiya Ramesh jinki age 36 years hai unki first biwi ko koi bimari nai thi leking achanak ek din unki death ho gayi. Aur uske liye meri bua ne papa aur chacha ko rishte ke liye kaha tha...
Charlie and the Chocolate Shoppe Author's Note: I started with an idea that would have been a sequel to Companion but decided I liked that story ending the way it did and that people could decide how that story went on for themselves. But I had decided I liked the title I came up with, so with a twist to my original idea, here is a new story. Angela was carefully placing more chocolate covered strawberries in the display case, making sure they all looked perfect to any customer...
Glyn was blond, blue-eyed, handsome, well-built, and the perfect bottom. In any club or bar Glyn always got who Glyn wanted and once he had made his pick, all the other queens could squabble for the leftovers. At the age of twenty-three, he was in the prime of his life. Fortunately, he wasn’t too arrogant; a trait that would have made his already good looks totally intolerable. Glyn, nevertheless, loved having the upper hand. Remarkably, that was to change one evening when Glyn became totally...
Gay MaleI got home from work that evening completely bushed. It had been one of those days – nothing goes right for you and you just feel like hitting the nearest person to you (know the feeling?). I stripped off my work clothes and put on a comfortable pair of shorts and went into the kitchen to cook something for dinner. I had a nice salad and watched some TV. As it happens, nothing was really on, so I ended up watching some of that film, 9 1/2 weeks with Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger...
Jeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." This statement, uttered in bed, generally indicated some sort of feminine hygiene emergency, and the one who 'needs to go to the store' is generally me. It is a law of nature that the gender which does not use or need a product, or is most likely embarrassed by its purchase (I am long over that, at least), is the gender which must buy it. "What do you need?" It wouldn't embarrass me. I'd get her to be specific; plugs or pads, regular...
Hi guys!! This is shankar again from Chennai. Thanks for your comments. Guys please don’t ask for girls details. They are just sharing their feelings. I won’t share anyone’s personal details. Don’t mistake me!!Thanks for iss viewers for giving 5 star rating to the previous story. This is a continuous of the previous story. Post your comments on If you wanna know how to start such a relationship with your family members. Mail me I will help you to open the love door between you and your...
IncestMarvella James owns and operates a cupcake bakery/shop in Tampa called Cupcake Cravings. There, she makes cupcakes in several different flavors. Not only that, she also caters for parties and social gatherings too. She recently made cupcakes for a breast cancer awareness benefit last October, which was a success. As she started baking cupcakes at the shop, Marvella got a call from Mrs. Tiffany Gaston, president of the Tampa Junior League. Mrs. Gaston was planning a social gathering to benefit...
I suppose it really started two years ago when I was working for a small community newspaper in Colorado. It was the holiday season and, as in a lot of places, when the holiday season arrived the offices take on a gay, festive air. Banners and posters appear, Christmas cards get pinned up on cork memo boards and desks suddenly sprout scented candles and candy dishes. It was a candy dish that did it, a candy dish and Dove dark chocolate individually wrapped squares. +++++ I love the ladies....
Warm and wet greetings to all of you. This is my first story. For privacy reasons, all the female names are fictional. This is the story about me and my two fuck buddies who are also bisexual. I met them at the fitness center I go to workout. The yoga hall was one floor below the gym and one day, I saw them making love in a vacant room near the hall. They offered me money to keep it a secret but I had other intentions. It will be a trueful boast if I say the women who have been rammed by my...
I suppose it really started two years ago when I was working for a small community newspaper in Colorado. It was the holiday season and, as in a lot of places, when the holiday season arrived the offices take on a gay, festive air. Banners and posters appear, Christmas cards get pinned up on cork memo boards and desks suddenly sprout scented candles and candy dishes. It was a candy dish that did it; a candy dish and Dove dark chocolate individually wrapped squares. I love the ladies. Can't...
There was this girl. She was young. She was pretty. She worked at the chocolate shop. I am not a scrooge, honest. I have come to not so much as hate Christmas as to just be annoyed with the whole holiday build up. The shopping especially annoys me. Because of classes, I really haven't opportunity to shop at that time of year and haven't the organizational skills to do it through the rest of the year. I usually do all right, but only barely all right, by getting gifts for my parents and...
Brenda was frantic; she had just received news that the institution that housed her daughter for the last twelve years was closing. The reasons given were either 'financial' or 'the institutions were a violation of the rights of the inhabitants'. It would be more in their interests to be with their families, so the 'good doers' of society said. "Families", Brenda screamed. "The family had almost been destroyed when Belinda was home. From the age of ten she had totally gone off the...
Hi, I am Ankit (name changed) studying in yet another engineering college of your country. But, one thing that defines me in short is my fantasies. From my early years I use to have loads of fantasies about how I would fuck a girl and set her up on fire. This has made me sexually active. I just had my fantasies turned to reality when I moved to Mumbai. Please read the story with patience as it is lil bit long. But I am sure you ll enjoy it. I was really excited to have my internship in Bombay....
Four young teens remained in the apartment with one very lucky young man. Jason sat in the middle of the sofa that was quickly becoming his favorite. He patted one knee and Amira quickly seated herself and gave him a quick kiss. Jason patted the other knee and Barika slinked over, leaned in to kiss him, sat, and wiggled her butt. Jason put his arms around the pair and squeezed. He looked to Calypso and Neli and teased, “So after your showers, what are the plans for the evening?” He snickered...
I don’t know for certain how old I was when I first became aware of the special perception that women have of males’ reactions to themselves. Call it a type of radar if you will. I’m not saying all women have it. But a woman who is deficient in this awareness is simply not worth knowing. If I am walking down the street and notice a woman with a beautiful ass ahead of me– even twenty yards ahead – and begin to admire her, she will be aware that someone behind her is looking appreciative at her....
I rose up and peeked at the door. "I think she might be getting into the bathtub now, and I know our parents aren't home."I slowly got up off the bed and strolled to my door. "And there is the water. Her naked black body is getting into some hot water right now. I haven't actually seen it since that day, but maybe I'll convince her to let me see it again," I explained before I paused for a moment. "Royce, you've set temptation into place," I mentioned before I lay back down on my bed. "How can...
InterracialVanilla and Chocolate Swirl.So here I am pushing my grocery basket doing my weekly grocery shopping. This is my routine that I do every Thursday for I don’t know how many years. I am a 59 year old white male who has never been married. Not that I can’t get a woman I just decided a long time ago I like being to myself and having my freedom. Financially I am doing good which does open the doors to a lot of dating opportunities. Just never found the right woman who will make me give up my single...
My name is Rahul! I’m 22 year old! I’m an athlete, with 6′ long dick!It all started in my 12 standard holidays when my cousin sister Roopa (name changed) came to my house for holidays; we used to be like best friends share each and every thing of our lives. Forgot to tell you guys about her; she was 22 at that time with curvy body that any boy would easily get turned on just looking at her with clothes on!As I told you Roopa would share everything with me. One day she started telling me about...
Everyone experiments in sex. I think that's one thing we can all say we've done, because even just trying something for the first time is experimenting. And it's all going to have a different take on people, and it may be different with other people you do an act with. For instance I normally can't stand someone going down on me, but there are two people I absolutely love it from. And I don't know why it is that it's only two people I like it from. The first time I experimented was when I was...
One of the real joys of the holiday season is how the kink community comes together to celebrate Charlie and the Chocolate Factory One of the real joys of the holiday season is how the kink community comes together to celebrate.? It seems that everyone is allowed to let their hair down that much more, to party like pagans, and to lose him or herself to pure hedonistic pleasure.? This holiday season, the Houston kink community was coming together not only to celebrate in grand style, to...
I slowly got up off the bed and strolled to my door. "And there is the water. Her naked black body is getting into some hot water right now. I haven't actually seen it since that day, but maybe I'll convince her to let me see it again," I explained before I paused for a moment. "Royce, you've set temptation into place," I mentioned before I lay back down on my bed. "How can you really expect me to resist?" I stuck my right hand right into my panties and the memory of our odd sexual...
Everyone knows the French Quarter is the best place to party in New Orleans. Every night, that entire neighborhood turns into one massive rave, fueled by happy people, live music, and a ‘let’s get fucked up’ attitude. According to most, the hottest spot in the French Quarter is Bourbon Street.Bourbon Street is a crazy place, but it’s not the hottest spot. The hottest spot in the French Quarter isn’t even on Bourbon Street; it’s one street over. Those looking for some sexy fun, hot music, and a...
InterracialMy name is Scott, twenty-one years old, living in South Australia. I live with my dad and step mum and attend college three times a week. It was the summertime so college was over for the next six weeks.I awoke one morning with the birds singing in the treetops. "Hey, Scott," Dad's voice rose up from the bottom of the stairs."Yeah," I replied, half asleep. "We're just off out, there's a pie in the fridge if you're hungry. We'll be back later on tonight.""Okay!" I shouted down.There...
TabooEver since our weekend at the cabin where we started to have sex, my mom's youngest sister Sandy and I have been getting together for some afternoon delight, or a weeked now and again to "saw our horns off". In other words get rid of being horny. We texxt each other and sext each other and share pics. None of the family knows the real reason I'm not dating. I'm too busy fucking my Aunt Sandy.Sandy and I do not use rubber or anything. We have toys that have only been used by us and we are...
It took several months, but eventually, I had an audience member who was both gay and black. I’d had an idea floating around since my first flirtation with bondage and leather. I had noticed Ezekiel at a couple of shows, the first being early December. It was easy to notice one black man in a room full of white men. He also made it to the Christmas and New Year's shows. It was after the New Year's show that I cornered him. I followed him to the bathroom at one point. When he came out, I...
Gay MaleJeanine said, "One of us needs to go to the store." I was puzzled. Even through my post-orgasmic fog I recognized that statement as the verbal shorthand that signaled the commencement of foreplay. Not just any foreplay, mind you, but a foray into the brave new world of light consensual bondage. What confused me was the fact that I was lying spread-eagle in bed, my arms and legs fastened to the head and foot posts, and blindfolded to boot. I cleared my throat. "You want to start over?" I...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
She looked toward several overdue bills laid out in front of the table of her dining room, this was the cause of all of her grief and stress. Her husband, Troy Vachite, had gamble away the sizable inheritance her parents had left her. Now Rose own money that she did not have, to people she did not know. Troy had run away with what little money was left, leaving Rose to fend for both herself and their teen daughter. “Fuck the day I ever laid eyes on that bastard.” Rose said as she poured...
To the readers: There is no sex in this story. It’s a story about a man and a woman and how they met and lived. It’s a story written for Valentine’s Day. The story is told by their eldest daughter. A special ‘Thank You’ to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. Chapter 1 This story is about my Mom and Dad. They both had passed away a few months apart. Mom went first at age eighty-one and Dad at age eighty-four. They had been married sixty-two years. This story...
Chapter 3 — October, 1941 Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2011 With thanks to Doug, Elliot and Pepper for editing and support and for Jimmy B. * Although the blue tail-rudder blended well with the sea below, the plane’s chrome-yellow wings and fuselage screamed ‘Here I am!’ to anyone looking for it. Reaching its ceiling, the plane abruptly flipped over upside-down and headed toward the water almost two miles below. He could feel the wind vibrating the wire rigging between...
Introduction: Marlie and Dylan have an interesting morning after stopping for some hot chocolate. This is a mostly true story and my first story. I welcome all constructive criticism. Some parts have been embellished to make the story more exciting, Ill let you decide which parts they are. Names have also been changed. This may become the first chapter in a series, depends on if people like it or not. Copyright 2012 PoutyLips81 Cheating and Hot Chocolate I was up before my alarm went off...
New Orleans conjured many fond memories for Jennifer. Her first time partying in the French Quarter ended with her riding the biggest chocolate cock she’d ever seen. Never before had she cum so many times with such force: she squirted everywhere, soaking her enormous lover. Alas, her time in heaven ended the next morning when she returned to Nashville.In Nashville, she was a third-year student at Southern Grace University. Her father was the school’s Minister, so she was expected to be the...
InterracialI was at home. All alone. I had really been looking forward to some me time for a while. My boyfriend had gone on a stag doo with some friends so I planned to make myself a hot drink and have a nice hot bath for the evening. I walked in to the kitchen and looked down onto the kitchen counter at my hot chocolate. Steaming hot, creamy, delicious. I just couldn't wait to taste it. I picked up my hot mug and took it into the bathroom and placed it on a corner off the bath whilst I turned the taps...
MasturbationHi. This is my first ever story on Indian sex story. I have been reading is from past 4 years. Today narrating my first fictional story. I am Naveen (name changed). I am from Belgaum. I am ‘5” and a 5’ tool. Let me introduce to my neighbor aunt. She is Sangeeta (name changed). She is tall about, 5’6” slim and size 30,28,32. She doesn’t have big boobs, she is a bit dark in color which is the most attractive thing in her. She looks beautiful. She lost her husband a few years back. She has a son...
Like a lot of women, I love sex and can’t get enough of it. There is nothing better than to have my tits and pussy sucked and to be filled with a hot, pumping cock, in my mouth, cunt or ass. I love it all. But good sex is always hard to find and lately there had been a drought of men that tried and failed to satisfy me in the bedroom.Then I met Ken, my first black guy. I had always fantasized about having a black cock deep in my throat or fucking my ass and pussy till I could take no more. So...
You're sitting on a hot, lonely beach somewhere, with a new man. You don't know him all that well, but you know you want him. You have a basket of goodies with you, and you take out a small plastic container of strawberries, half coated with milk chocolate. You open the container, and hold it out to the man to take one. He reaches his hand out, and then withdraws it, looking into your face. "Umm... Listen, that would be great, but could I suggest something?" Your eyes lower a little,...
I’ve always been curious about black chicks. Recently, I’ve been looking at a lot of black porn online and been seeing some SEXY ass chocolate beauties. They’re so fine, black girls, with their sophisticated faces, their big bouncy tits. But the best is their juicy asses, all protruding and begging to be fucked from behind, slapped silly. As a lover of doggystyle, WOULD I EVER like to pound an ebony ass from the back... Fuck, not only black porn, but I’ve been jerking off a lot to famous...
I was a fairly normal girl in a fairly normal town. I lived in a small apartment with my older brother Nathan. Our parents had died when we were young, leaving us alone to fend for ourselves. We were both heartbroken, but Nate was strong and helped me cope and move on. We worked odd jobs every once in a while and I had a paper route that made me a little money. Unfortunately, the rent on our tiny apartment was being raised and it didn't look like we'd have enough money by the end of the...
I looked through my small collection of clothing and picked out a light green blouse and a black skirt. It wasn't very fancy, but it was the best I had. I undressed and looked at myself in a mirror. I'm a fairly good-looking girl with a great body and average-sized breasts that look big on my exceptionally short frame. I quickly put on the blouse and skirt, then showed my brother. "You look beautiful," he said as he looked up and down my body, causing my face to turn a deep pink as I...
‘You’re sure that these chocolates will make anybody who eats them fall madly in love with me?’ Lisa asked starting at the red and pink heart shaped box. It housed a bakers dozen innocent looking pieces of chocolate. ‘Yes deary, yes. Anybody who eats them will love you. Man. Woman. Makes no difference.’ The silver haired salesman explained. The man’s accent was so thick that Lisa could barely make out his words. ‘Remember girl, love do what love want. Not what you want. Understand?’ Lisa...