Staring At The Ocean Ch 04
- 3 years ago
- 27
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September 10, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
Everyone slept in this morning, so we went to Granny Brown’s for brunch, where the food and conversation were good. Upon our return, we girls excused ourselves to our room. Shortly after we got there, Heather’s phone rang. She gave us a puzzled expression, then hunted down her phone.
“It’s Civia,” she exclaimed. “Hi, Civia!”
Heather put her phone on speaker, and we had a happy conversation with Civia about algebra. It seems that her dad had asked her the ... magic question: “Do you want to learn the basis of algebra?” [A Tall, Young Girl, chapter 4] We congratulated her and chatted about less-consequential stuff for a few minutes, until Civia begged off, as her family was going to a park.
I spent much of the day catching up on the diary, while Heather dove into her Calc text, and Rhee read for English. Once I’d caught up, I read for English. After dinner, Rhee and I moved into Gracey and Liya’s room to leave ours for Heather to host Dad tonight. Rhee and I spent some time after lights-out talking quietly and cuddling. We smiled at each other when we heard Heather orgasm.
September 11, 2017
Rhee and I grabbed the shower upon arising; Heather and Dad popped into it after we finished. We watched the two of them for a little bit. However, that was getting us turned on, so we decided to leave them to it. We stripped Gracey and Liya’s bed to prepare for construction this week. Just in case, we dressed before heading down to breakfast that the Moms nearly had complete when we got there; they were also dressed.
We got to learn in most classes today. Hooray! After homeroom, Heather headed to the university and I headed to study hall. Liya predicted it. An 11th-grade boy in the study hall chatted me up and, without directly asking, seemed to suggest that we spend some time together. Thanks to Liya and Dad, I was prepared with an explanation of soccer practice and trying to do well in classes. He wasn’t very happy with me, but I didn’t much care, as I was trying to get more of the book for English read.
At practice, Coach announced that she had made cuts, but had offered to allow both girls to continue practicing with the team. I inferred that Callie had declined in something of a huff. Emma Crewe had taken Coach up on her offer. Since she was only two people away, I quickly congratulated her on what I thought was a good decision. Coach announced that we would be spending much of this week on full-field scrimmages. Heather looked at me and grinned.
Coach said, “Today, since the weather forecast seems to have been a bit in error and it is not raining hard, we will be returning to a drill, the one that the premier team lovingly calls FOTPIG.”
Yes, the drill of our undoing last week. However, we were prepared for just this eventuality, having talked it over on the ride to school.
After a shortened rondo session, Coach began FOTPIG with some reasonably random allocations to the O and D, random enough that I got picked for D, being teamed with Jules Paxton (one of the Brit girls) and Susanna Jackson. Since Susanna is a defensive midfielder, we put her in the middle, while Jules took the right back slot. Unfortunately, we had to face Katie, Mila, Rhee, and Addiah Okoye, Addiah being an offensive midfielder with an interesting accent. We allowed them only three goals in eight minutes, which I thought was an accomplishment. Rhee did sucker us once, with both Susanna and me collapsing on her, whereupon Rhee squeaked a nice chip between us to Mila who slammed it home. Susanna has some good D skills, and she made one really good play on Katie, stripping the ball from her. Civia got selected twice, once each for D and O; Heather was on D once. An hour into the drill, Coach whistled us to a stop.
“Shameka, Kim, and Rachel on D. Beth, Rhee, Heather, and Civia on O. Hope in goal.”
There was much murmuring.
Heather had cornered Civia right when she arrived at the practice pitch and quickly and quietly explained a few plays that we had planned on the ride to school, so I was confident that we’d make a better showing than we had last week. We set up with Civia on left wing, Rhee left-middle, me right-middle, and Heather right wing.
Coach started us off by kicking the ball to Civia. Since we had expected that, we had designed one of the plays around it. Rhee immediately broke upfield and right, while Heather hauled left. Civia one-touched the ball to me and immediately headed upfield. I one-touched it on the ground to Heather, who had begun angling upfield at full speed, heading right for Shameka. As soon as the ball left my foot, I began moving hard to the left and upfield, while Rhee had turned around and come back to the center of the field curling around behind me. Shortly before Heather reached Shameka, she back-heeled it, then peeled hard to the right. From just inside the penalty box outside the longitude of the right post, Rhee curled the ball left-footed around Shameka as she was going the opposite direction and inside the left post. Less than ten seconds in and we had our first goal.
A bunch of the watching girls gave the hissing sound of someone being burned. Shameka yelled “Damn!” I smiled at her and she shook her finger at me. I looked over at Coach, who was slowly shaking her head. She also wagged her finger at me.
Last week, Coach had sent the ball in the first time to Civia, the second time to Heather. In the planning on the ride to school, we thought that Coach might try to throw us for a loop by sending the second ball in to Civia this time. We had a plan if she did. We also had a plan for her sending it to Rhee, but that’s all we thought we’d have the chance to explain to Civia in what we figured would be a short time prior to practice. If it came to Heather or me, we would just have to improvise.
When Coach kicked the ball to Civia, I stepped on my natural response to grin because we’d anticipated her, again. We did everything the same ... up to a point. Civia one-touched it to me and broke upfield, while Heather and Rhee ran the identical crossing pattern of the previous play. I one-touched it to Heather, who ran straight at Shameka. However, instead of hauling right and upfield, I went left and upfield to force Kim to deal with me. As Heather approached Shameka this time, she faked the back-heel, went right for two steps, then pulled off her patented 270-degree turn. She left-footed it between knee- and waist-high behind me toward Civia, who had stopped heading toward the goal a couple yards inside the penalty box. As in our first pick-up game with the boys, Civia wheeled on the ball volleying it toward the left side of the goal. Hope’s dive for the ball had her finger tips a couple feet short of the ball, which ballooned out the back of the net for our second goal in about a minute.
Coach blew her whistle and yelled, “Everyone, goal box on the double!”
Since no one was more than a few yards from it, we were all in an arc around her quickly.
“When did you plan those plays, Beth?
“On the ride to school. Heather briefed Civia as soon as she got here.”
“You knew I’d set this up today, didn’t you?”
“More correctly, we suspected that you would. Rhee, Heather, and I did not do our jobs on Thursday and we did not want to disappoint you again. We suspected that, with the team’s need to begin learning how to play together before our first game, we’d be spending a lot of time scrimmaging this week and figured that you’d test us on FOTPIG, today. So, we hashed out a few plays in the car this morning.”
“Did you have plays designed for all four possibilities of whom I’d send the ball to get things started?”
“No, Coach. We designed the first one for a start with Civia, figuring that you’d consider the possibility that we’d plan something and try to subvert it by sending it to Civia. We did get somewhat lucky in that both shots went in the goal. I was pretty sure that the first play would work out, as even from near the penalty-box line, Rhee’s pretty accurate, even with her left.”
“But then you had another play for a start with Civia.”
“Yes, Coach. Thursday, you sent the ball in the second time to Heather and we thought that you’d remember that and that you’d think that we’d remember that. We felt that you would most likely try to circumvent any play we had that started with Heather by kicking it to Civia, again. We had a backup plan in case we guessed wrong, but we didn’t guess wrong, and Civia did a great job on that volley.”
“Yes, she did. And you girls out-thought me. I congratulate you. Sorry about that Hope. I didn’t know that I was setting you up. Beth really is good at out-thinking people, including me, on occasion. I know that Rhee and Heather were also in the planning session, but these two plays have Beth’s name written all over them. I knew that they’d buckle down today, and suspected that they’d, somehow, have a planned play or two that they’d trot out. I promise that I was trying to trip them up.
“Let’s see what you four can do without a set play. Same teams, Mila in goal. Beth, take the ball out to the 30-yard line and start things off.”
She tossed a ball to my feet, and I turned and dribbled it back to between the two cones that delineated the 30-yard line. Without designed plays, we did not do quite as well, but we did get three more goals in the next ten minutes, with the last one being a doozy, with lots of crisp passing, some excellent reads within our team as to what others of us were going to do, and Heather being right where Rhee expected her to be; Heather nailed an outside-left shot off a short one-hop that beat Rose just inside the left post. That was Heather’s second goal, matching Civia’s two.
Coach whistled an end to the drill and had us all gather in the goal box again.
“Raise your hands, what was interesting about the distribution of goals for this offense?” When some hands went in the air, she said, “Crewe, what do you think?”
“Rhee and Beth kept pulling the D to them, then setting up the others.”
“Indeed. Why do you think they did that?”
“Um, because everyone knows that Rhee is the main goal scorer, including the D. I’d have done like they did and expect Rhee to shoot.”
“In fact, even though this back line, which is as good a back line as I’ve ever seen in girls’ soccer, fell into the trap. In fact, Crewe, why don’t you ask Rhee why she kept giving the ball up.”
“Me?” When Coach nodded at her, Emma Crewe tentatively asked, “Rhee, why did you keep giving the ball up?”
Rhee answered, “Because that was the plan that we made this morning for the time after we ran out of set plays. More than once on the premier team, we set opponents up by feeding the ball into me as often as possible to get the D used to collapsing on me. It was hard on me the first time, but I got to enjoy it after a while, and got a lot of assists out of it.”
Coach said, “Even though it may seem that this offense had their way with this defense, Shameka, Kim, and Rachel actually did a very good job. The O always has an advantage in this drill, so the metric of success is the time it takes to score goals, not the goals themselves. On the premier team, the starting offense could regularly get six to eight goals in ten to 15 minutes. As Shameka said on Thursday, the strategy of the D when outnumbered is to delay the offense, not necessarily to stop it. As I said earlier, Shameka’s back line did quite well. And if any three of you want to disagree with me about that, I’ll be happy to pit you against this foursome anytime you want.
“We’ll call it a day, now. We’ll be scrimmaging the rest of this week, 11 on 11, full field, as we need to get the team used to each other. It is highly possible that all practices will run long. If anyone has a conflict with that, please let Liya know as soon as I end practice today. On three of the four days, we will have the starting offense and midfield working against the starting back line and Hope, supported by the backup back line and one of the backup goalies. However, since I’m not positive what formation we’ll be using, I’ll be trying out two versions each of a 3-4-3 and a 4-3-3.
“The main reason that I’m not considering a more offense-oriented formation, that is, some version of a 3-3-4, is that we have the most depth in midfield, and I’m a firm believer in winning through control of the midfield. We have what is probably the best starting back line in the league, perhaps in the state, and I’m comfortable depending upon those three. However, I do want to see what we can do with a 4-3-3, so we’ll try that out on Thursday.
“Wednesday’s practice is up in the air for now. The forecast, which wasn’t correct for today, calls for rain on Wednesday, but it might start and end before practice starts. Unless it’s raining hard at the start of practice, we’ll do the typical stretching, warmups, and laps outside, but we will be skipping rondo. We’ll have a critique of Tuesday’s practice, then we’ll scrimmage, but this time with the starting offense being supported by the backup midfield and back line.
“To confirm the suspicions that most of you must have, unless things go off the rails, the tentative starters for our first game are Hope, Shameka, Kim, Rachel, Katie, Jules, Jess, Beth, Rhee, and Heather. Yes, I know that’s only ten, but since I don’t, yet, know which line will have a fourth member, I don’t, yet, know who the 11th starter will be. Actually, I have also been thinking about a 4-4-2, but that formation is a long shot. Once we get used to playing together and I’ve had more time to see how others work together, we may alter formation to match up better against particular opponents. Obviously, that last will require us to learn how those opponents play, how they score, and who scores for them.
“Tomorrow, we will start with Rhee, Beth, and Heather on the front line supported by Jess, Jules, Katie, and Gracey in a midfield diamond, Jess up front, Katie as the stopper, Jules on the right. I’ll be calling some of you individually before we hit the locker room today to give you individual parameters of your assignments. Liya will let you know when to join me. Hang out here until I whistle practice over.”
Coach walked up to the centerline, then waved at Liya, who sent Shameka to her first. I sidled over to Emma Crewe.
“You’re 14, right?” When she nodded, I asked, “Do you know why Coach offered to let you practice with the team?”
“I believe that she didn’t do it in case she could add me to the roster later. I think that the rosters are set from the beginning of the season. Do you know?”
“They are set. I think that Coach is annoyed that there aren’t enough girls playing to have JV teams. I’ll bet she sees that you’ve learned while you’ve been here and that you’ve gotten better. She’s giving you a better chance to make the team next year. Not only will you have a chance to improve during practice this year, but you’ll also know the team well before our season is over, so you might fit well next year. Coach believes in fit, and she’s at a big disadvantage this year because she doesn’t know most of us well enough, although she certainly seems to expect good things from Shameka, Kim, and Rachel.”
“Yeah, they’re amazing. I’ve never seen fullbacks as good as them. I see where you’re going. They’ll all be graduating. I didn’t quite see that there will be three back-line slots to fill next year, and I’m a fullback.”
“Yes. With hard work and obvious learning this year, you’ll have something of an inside shot on a slot next year. I’ve known Coach for three years, and she rewards hard work. When Gracey began working really hard last year to learn how to be a fullback, she rewarded her with the starting job this year. Most of the back-line backups this year will be 9th-graders, so you’ll have a reasonable chance to make the team next year. I suggest taking advantage of your ... advantage.”
She nodded and said, “I’ll try. Thanks.”
I found Jimena Soares and walked over to her. She’s a 10th-grade forward and I wanted to make sure that she wasn’t sore at me for beating her out for a starting position.
“Hey, Jimena. I’d like to get to know you and the other forwards better. I know Coach, and she’ll be mixing and matching girls in practice and in games to see which ones work well together. Rhee, Heather, and I have a big advantage as we’ve been working together for a while, now.”
“Yeah, it’s almost unfair, but I know I’m not as good as Rhee in any aspect. I hope to learn some things from her. You and Heather are also really good. Is there any chance that you can teach me something about your field awareness?”
“Probably. Some of it, anyway. Coach had me tested in my second year on the premier team, when I was 13. For whatever reason or reasons, apparently, I’m an oddball, with abnormally wide peripheral vision. I cannot teach that, but I can probably teach other aspects of field awareness. A lot of it is mental, keeping track of where everyone is...” Liya called my name, so I said, “Excuse me.”
I trotted to the centerline to see what Coach wanted.
“I know you’ve been thinking about this since we started, so I’d like to know what you think about our primary formation.”
“Exactly what you’re having us play tomorrow, a 3-4-3 with a midfield diamond. I guess that’s actually a 3-1-2-1-3. If Civia were a playing member, I’d argue strongly for a 3-3-1-3.”
Coach nodded for a few seconds, then said, “I know you have suggestions within that formation, so give ‘em up.”
“Again, I agree with you about the diamond and who is where. Jess is a good shot and handles the ball very well. I assume that she and I will run the offense, me as a false 9. I assume that you’ve seen this, but I’d give Jules and Rachel green lights to make offensive runs to widen the field. With Rachel going on offense, you need a left half that is good on defense, and that’s Gracey. She can backfill for Rachel if she gets caught far forward on a sideline run. Rhee and Heather are the goal scorers, sharing the striker duty.”
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“So, what did you think of the contract?” Allison and Cerys were sitting in the coffee shop where Cerys had first raised the idea of Allison drafting a contract for her and Gordon. Cerys pulled the document from her bag. “It’s exactly what I wanted. I’m so grateful. It’s really good.” “What does Gordon think of it?” Cerys laughed. “He felt a little uncertain, I think, when I first showed it to him. I guess the only thing worse than not having your fantasies fulfilled is having them...
My name is Alex, and I'm a small, girlish boy. I've always been short, feminine and kept to myself. I've had a girlfriend since high school, but just recently graduated college. We've been together about six years. Her name is Cassidy, and she's always been more outgoing than I. She's honestly a bit out of my league. She's a bombshell blonde with delicate curves. She's always been modest, however. She's liked guys like me, so I got really, really lucky. The world we live in has changed over the...
InterracialTim pulled the garage door shut, and slowly washed the grease from his fingers. Wheel bearings and axle seals were dirty work, but the hand cleaner did its job. “All done?” He smiled as he heard Mary’s voice echo down the hallway. “I sure am. Your mustang’s ready for another 100K.” “I think we’ll need a minivan before that long.” Tim laughed. They had talked about children. He supposed the moment was approaching. But not yet. “Let...
AnalHello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...
The king’s door, located behind and to the right of the throne from the King’s perspective, lead to a stairway. Down lead to a panic room, stocked with supplies. Stocking those supplies- replacing the rations when they began to moulder, making sure the mechanism to the locking portcullis was functional, and, of course, keeping everything free from dust fell under Colette’s direct purview, and it was the only duty that she always performed alone. However, take those stairs up, and they would...
Hi to all ISS readers. Hope you enjoyed my first story. This is my second story of my continuing three some incest experience with my brother and my sweet sister in law Vani. After the very first threesome encounter, I started to look for the next opportunity with lot of anticipation and excitement. The second day I was thinking how I should act for today night and recalling all the scenes which I had seen in blue films. I was preparing myself for an enjoyable night. In the evening I took a...
Incest[Undated entry] Aboard Black Weasel AMÉLIE STOOD BESIDE the helmsman, her breasts bared to the sun, the wind in her hair. She laughed out loud. Antoine turned from the helm. He laughed with her. “It is good, is it not, Amélie?” She leaned close to him and kissed his cheek. His blue-black skin had the barest hint of sunburn. “Yes, Antoine.” She recalled their escape from the town, the connection to Captain Beauchamp’s pirate crew. Well, not exactly pirates. What was certain is that...
————— Edited and polished by Bronzeage. Great job, thank you. ————— Thursday morning, Todd woke up at 7 o’clock and found himself spooning behind Andromeda, her warm body in full contact with his own. His free right arm was wrapped around her delicious frame with his hand gently cupping her breast. A back glance told him Samantha and Donna cuddled behind him in this order. All his lovers seemed still asleep. The thin bed linen they had covered their bodies with that night – it was still hot...
After returning to the main camp at Esquel, Argentina, Polk and Robinson met with the rest of the Win DX team to formulate a strategy. Then Bud and Grady turned in to one of the tents for some shut-eye. In the remaining daylight, Pat, Brian, and Ted would place the remote audio sensors and transmitters on the three peaks triangulating the villa where Handley stayed. In addition, two cameras far more sophisticated than your typical security cameras were focused on the front of the villa where...
Your name is John Doe. You are just an average 27-year old guy living the life in Hollywood. You work an average job at a law firm and live in a modest apartment building. But the one thing you enjoy about living in Hollywood is, obviously, the celebs. You wish that many sexy celebrities were your girlfriends, or hell, you've sometimes fantasized one night stands with them. But that will never happen. You are a nobody, and celebs don't date nobodies. You arrive home from work and collapse on...
Mind ControlListen to the Music Part 5 by Bonnie Lea After listening to the newest CD mix I got a wave of new feelings through me. I noticed that I was dressed in my male clothes, but they felt very odd. I was still enjoying my few dalliances getting dressed up very lady like and sitting around the apartment. I was still taking my "Vitamins" without think about them, but now I began to notice a few more changes. Some of my pants were getting tighter, as my hips and rear widened a little; my...
"Good Morning, Johnson, Jackson and Hayes. How may I direct your call?" The voice was pleasant and female. "I'm not sure. I'm looking at some old acquisition papers from about nineteen years ago. They're on your firm's letterhead. I need to talk to someone regarding what these papers involve. My name is all over them, and I was an infant when they were drawn up." "Okay, are there any signatures on the papers?" Of course there were. "Yes: Garret Setton and Ronald...
We ended staying over and left the next morning. I got an accounting of my share from what I had left in their custody last time. We had eleven conches profit that was mine. I didn’t understand all of what they had done to make that much but at their insistence I took it. The ride was uneventful after yesterday’s follies. James would ask questions about how Jasmine could be a warrior and when she had time to learn all of this as she looked so young. “In Cassandra terms I am twenty-eight...
This is a side story of The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure that takes place following the events of Book 4: The Vampiress. You can read the other books on Amazon, but this adventure will always be free and exclusive to! Rusty sunset light pours through the mullioned windows that line the great dining hall of the Crystal Sanctum. A feast is heaped upon the table in great abundance. Each tray of roasted meats – whole goose, sugared ham, ox brisket – is surrounded by...
FantasyOn the first day, it was easy enough, I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when Milady came in and sat on the toilet. ?I couldn?t wait any longer and I just have to pee,? she said as we shared the same space. We do not often share the bathroom. Sometimes she will come in while I am having a shower and then slip away before I even knew she was there. Nevertheless, usually whatever was done in the bathroom was well, private.That evening, I was getting ready to go to bed and Milady joined...
"Hey, boss," Lance interrupted as she watched her group mingling and celebrating. "Just wanted to say thanks, for all this." 'Boss' was how they all addressed her, even Lance, although she knew they referred to her as Gina behind her back. She didn’t like 'Ms. Thornton' because it irritated her, a constant reminder her of her failed marriage and the fact that she'd been alone these fifteen years since. She kept herself fit and she dressed well, but she'd never started socializing...
Group Sex"Well, I'm very sorry Mr Gillstrom. It's most unfortunate that you got caught up in this. Isn't it Commissioner?" The Mayor, seated behind the large desk in her office at City Hall, looked across at Brown with a furious scowl. The Commissioner looked uncomfortable. "Yes, of course mayor. I do hope, Mr Gillstrom, that you will accept the police department's apologies. And those of Jungle Jane as well." Jane was standing by with her arms folded looking every bit as uncomfortable as...
I had been going out with Lorena for nearly two months, and things were going perfectly well. However, as she was my student in a university class, we had to take precautions so that nobody could notice what was going on. This meant no signs of affection while we were on campus or hanging out together so much while we were there.A long weekend was coming soon, so I proposed Lorena to go on a trip together. The plan was to go to a small town near a natural reservoir and explore different...
College SexCHAPTER ICould Masturbation Really Be A Sin? Emma and I had known each other since we were kids. We met at Sunday School at St Paul’s Cathedral, our local church. We attended Confirmation Classes together and later joined the youth group, the Fellowship Of St George. In our early teens we were invited by the Dean, Father James McLean, to become Alter Servers, helping officiate during services. Emma was a pretty girl about five foot six with shoulder length brown hair, freckles and beautiful...
NovelsNow that you’ve read about my life so far, what do you think? That’s too fucking bad cause there are many more tales about money, power and let us not forget about sex. Oh, the sex! Carnal knowledge of another is so sweet, seductive, intoxicating and powerful. Mmmm! I can almost taste it. Can you? Back to the story of me: Diamond. Where was I? That’s right, my first strip club gig. What a shit hole! Remember that hot guy I told you about, the one I worked with? He thought I should try...
CHAPTER 3: ISLAND FUN – THE BOYS“Would you please help us?” I lowered my large sunglasses down my nose as if I hadn’t noticed him. I was reclined on one of the beach lounge chairs alongside the volleyball area. I had a paperback open and a floppy hat on my head. While I had the look of someone engrossed in reading, I had selected the location deliberately. Five guys were playing volleyball. Three on one side, which left two on the other. The two were magnificent specimens of maleness: roughly...
Last Wednesday I had to use the bus for the first time in about 10 years. it was cold and wet so I wasn't in a very good mood waiting around on the bus stop for nearly ten minutes.Still the bus eventually turned up and as I had imagined, it was very full, there were people standing and all of the windows were steamed up. I spotted a space at the back and headed for it. It was one of those seats that face the back and there were people opposite me as well as behind me. After about 20 minutes...
I once shared a house with a guy called Mike who was a salesman.One day it was Mike's birthday. A cause to celebrate and often such celebrations got a bit boisterous.So to celebrate his birthday Mike went out with some mates of his leaving me by myself in the house. Mike and one of the mates he'd gone out with returned in the small hours in high spirits with a couple of women (sluts as they called them) they had picked up. I heard Mike demand "Where's Emma" (me). I was still up sitting...
While Roger and Lucy Parker were fucking their nephews, one of their kids, who would love to fuck mom and dad, was on a date. While Sally Parker was with Jill Davis, Matt Parker, her brother and lover, was with Sarah Colvig. Now, Monday is not a good night for dates, we all know that. But Matt and Sarah had met last Saturday, had really liked each other, but could do nothing about it, thanks to the jealous Sally. When they talked again, Sunday, they decided to meet again, alone, as soon as...
My name is Jayson Reese and I recently got a teaching job in an Indonesian high school. Since Indonesia is primarily made up of Muslims the school was predominately made up of muslim students. Every day I would teach my class and the same student would watch my every movement and would smile at me all the time. Her name was Indah Rahmanisa, she wore a white hijab with the school uniform on. She had a huge pair of tits and her face was very beautiful. Her nails were always painted a different...
Chapter 2. Like mother like daughter, like father like son. JD left Kate’s room and ran down the stairs. His father Mike and Mrs. Sperling were still at the kitchen, chit-chatting and laughing about some trifles. They had been waiting for him and the guy had to conduct some excuse for his long absence. “What took you so long, JD-boy?” smiling, Clair asked. “I’m so awfully sorry that you had to wait for me so long, ma’am. Kate and I just got carried away and I absolutely forgot about the...
I’ve just been to meet a new customer for my garden and lawn care business, a pleasant chap called Nick and his wife Jane, she seemed nice too when she fetched us coffee. Prices were agreed and I was to start this week coming, one morning a week to see how I get on.The first morning arrived and I knocked on the back door just to let them know I was there. The house was an old barn converted a while back, single story but still impressive, set all by itself in the middle of farmland. The garden...
Hello aap sabhi ko mera namaskar mai smarty aap sabhi ko meri ek real story sunane ja raha hu meri 23 saal hai fit body aur lambe lund ka malik hu mai nagpur se hu to jyada time waist na karte hue apni story shuru karta hu Meri story padh ke mujhe ek lady ka mail aaya and usme likha tha. Nice story maine bhi reply me thanks kaha phir hamari mails per baate shuru hui wo raipur se thi. Uska name swati(name changed) tha. And uski age 34 thi. Usne bataya uska husband use jyada time nahi deta...
Freddy walked out of the airport the Californian sun hit his face. Ok so what to do now Freddy thought to him, how about a car. He made his way to the parking lot. In the parking lot Freddy saw a women who looked to be in her mid thirties getting out of a red BMW he watched her throw her keys in her suitcase and that is when Freddy jumped on this opportunity. He paused time and went through her suitcase and found the keys, Freddy thought about doing something to her but he did not want her to...