BethChapter 61 free porn video

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September 10, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

Everyone slept in this morning, so we went to Granny Brown’s for brunch, where the food and conversation were good. Upon our return, we girls excused ourselves to our room. Shortly after we got there, Heather’s phone rang. She gave us a puzzled expression, then hunted down her phone.

“It’s Civia,” she exclaimed. “Hi, Civia!”

Heather put her phone on speaker, and we had a happy conversation with Civia about algebra. It seems that her dad had asked her the ... magic question: “Do you want to learn the basis of algebra?” [A Tall, Young Girl, chapter 4] We congratulated her and chatted about less-consequential stuff for a few minutes, until Civia begged off, as her family was going to a park.

I spent much of the day catching up on the diary, while Heather dove into her Calc text, and Rhee read for English. Once I’d caught up, I read for English. After dinner, Rhee and I moved into Gracey and Liya’s room to leave ours for Heather to host Dad tonight. Rhee and I spent some time after lights-out talking quietly and cuddling. We smiled at each other when we heard Heather orgasm.

September 11, 2017

Rhee and I grabbed the shower upon arising; Heather and Dad popped into it after we finished. We watched the two of them for a little bit. However, that was getting us turned on, so we decided to leave them to it. We stripped Gracey and Liya’s bed to prepare for construction this week. Just in case, we dressed before heading down to breakfast that the Moms nearly had complete when we got there; they were also dressed.

We got to learn in most classes today. Hooray! After homeroom, Heather headed to the university and I headed to study hall. Liya predicted it. An 11th-grade boy in the study hall chatted me up and, without directly asking, seemed to suggest that we spend some time together. Thanks to Liya and Dad, I was prepared with an explanation of soccer practice and trying to do well in classes. He wasn’t very happy with me, but I didn’t much care, as I was trying to get more of the book for English read.

At practice, Coach announced that she had made cuts, but had offered to allow both girls to continue practicing with the team. I inferred that Callie had declined in something of a huff. Emma Crewe had taken Coach up on her offer. Since she was only two people away, I quickly congratulated her on what I thought was a good decision. Coach announced that we would be spending much of this week on full-field scrimmages. Heather looked at me and grinned.

Coach said, “Today, since the weather forecast seems to have been a bit in error and it is not raining hard, we will be returning to a drill, the one that the premier team lovingly calls FOTPIG.”

Yes, the drill of our undoing last week. However, we were prepared for just this eventuality, having talked it over on the ride to school.

After a shortened rondo session, Coach began FOTPIG with some reasonably random allocations to the O and D, random enough that I got picked for D, being teamed with Jules Paxton (one of the Brit girls) and Susanna Jackson. Since Susanna is a defensive midfielder, we put her in the middle, while Jules took the right back slot. Unfortunately, we had to face Katie, Mila, Rhee, and Addiah Okoye, Addiah being an offensive midfielder with an interesting accent. We allowed them only three goals in eight minutes, which I thought was an accomplishment. Rhee did sucker us once, with both Susanna and me collapsing on her, whereupon Rhee squeaked a nice chip between us to Mila who slammed it home. Susanna has some good D skills, and she made one really good play on Katie, stripping the ball from her. Civia got selected twice, once each for D and O; Heather was on D once. An hour into the drill, Coach whistled us to a stop.

“Shameka, Kim, and Rachel on D. Beth, Rhee, Heather, and Civia on O. Hope in goal.”

There was much murmuring.

Heather had cornered Civia right when she arrived at the practice pitch and quickly and quietly explained a few plays that we had planned on the ride to school, so I was confident that we’d make a better showing than we had last week. We set up with Civia on left wing, Rhee left-middle, me right-middle, and Heather right wing.

Coach started us off by kicking the ball to Civia. Since we had expected that, we had designed one of the plays around it. Rhee immediately broke upfield and right, while Heather hauled left. Civia one-touched the ball to me and immediately headed upfield. I one-touched it on the ground to Heather, who had begun angling upfield at full speed, heading right for Shameka. As soon as the ball left my foot, I began moving hard to the left and upfield, while Rhee had turned around and come back to the center of the field curling around behind me. Shortly before Heather reached Shameka, she back-heeled it, then peeled hard to the right. From just inside the penalty box outside the longitude of the right post, Rhee curled the ball left-footed around Shameka as she was going the opposite direction and inside the left post. Less than ten seconds in and we had our first goal.

A bunch of the watching girls gave the hissing sound of someone being burned. Shameka yelled “Damn!” I smiled at her and she shook her finger at me. I looked over at Coach, who was slowly shaking her head. She also wagged her finger at me.

Last week, Coach had sent the ball in the first time to Civia, the second time to Heather. In the planning on the ride to school, we thought that Coach might try to throw us for a loop by sending the second ball in to Civia this time. We had a plan if she did. We also had a plan for her sending it to Rhee, but that’s all we thought we’d have the chance to explain to Civia in what we figured would be a short time prior to practice. If it came to Heather or me, we would just have to improvise.

When Coach kicked the ball to Civia, I stepped on my natural response to grin because we’d anticipated her, again. We did everything the same ... up to a point. Civia one-touched it to me and broke upfield, while Heather and Rhee ran the identical crossing pattern of the previous play. I one-touched it to Heather, who ran straight at Shameka. However, instead of hauling right and upfield, I went left and upfield to force Kim to deal with me. As Heather approached Shameka this time, she faked the back-heel, went right for two steps, then pulled off her patented 270-degree turn. She left-footed it between knee- and waist-high behind me toward Civia, who had stopped heading toward the goal a couple yards inside the penalty box. As in our first pick-up game with the boys, Civia wheeled on the ball volleying it toward the left side of the goal. Hope’s dive for the ball had her finger tips a couple feet short of the ball, which ballooned out the back of the net for our second goal in about a minute.

Coach blew her whistle and yelled, “Everyone, goal box on the double!”

Since no one was more than a few yards from it, we were all in an arc around her quickly.

“When did you plan those plays, Beth?

“On the ride to school. Heather briefed Civia as soon as she got here.”

“You knew I’d set this up today, didn’t you?”

“More correctly, we suspected that you would. Rhee, Heather, and I did not do our jobs on Thursday and we did not want to disappoint you again. We suspected that, with the team’s need to begin learning how to play together before our first game, we’d be spending a lot of time scrimmaging this week and figured that you’d test us on FOTPIG, today. So, we hashed out a few plays in the car this morning.”

“Did you have plays designed for all four possibilities of whom I’d send the ball to get things started?”

“No, Coach. We designed the first one for a start with Civia, figuring that you’d consider the possibility that we’d plan something and try to subvert it by sending it to Civia. We did get somewhat lucky in that both shots went in the goal. I was pretty sure that the first play would work out, as even from near the penalty-box line, Rhee’s pretty accurate, even with her left.”

“But then you had another play for a start with Civia.”

“Yes, Coach. Thursday, you sent the ball in the second time to Heather and we thought that you’d remember that and that you’d think that we’d remember that. We felt that you would most likely try to circumvent any play we had that started with Heather by kicking it to Civia, again. We had a backup plan in case we guessed wrong, but we didn’t guess wrong, and Civia did a great job on that volley.”

“Yes, she did. And you girls out-thought me. I congratulate you. Sorry about that Hope. I didn’t know that I was setting you up. Beth really is good at out-thinking people, including me, on occasion. I know that Rhee and Heather were also in the planning session, but these two plays have Beth’s name written all over them. I knew that they’d buckle down today, and suspected that they’d, somehow, have a planned play or two that they’d trot out. I promise that I was trying to trip them up.

“Let’s see what you four can do without a set play. Same teams, Mila in goal. Beth, take the ball out to the 30-yard line and start things off.”

She tossed a ball to my feet, and I turned and dribbled it back to between the two cones that delineated the 30-yard line. Without designed plays, we did not do quite as well, but we did get three more goals in the next ten minutes, with the last one being a doozy, with lots of crisp passing, some excellent reads within our team as to what others of us were going to do, and Heather being right where Rhee expected her to be; Heather nailed an outside-left shot off a short one-hop that beat Rose just inside the left post. That was Heather’s second goal, matching Civia’s two.

Coach whistled an end to the drill and had us all gather in the goal box again.

“Raise your hands, what was interesting about the distribution of goals for this offense?” When some hands went in the air, she said, “Crewe, what do you think?”

“Rhee and Beth kept pulling the D to them, then setting up the others.”

“Indeed. Why do you think they did that?”

“Um, because everyone knows that Rhee is the main goal scorer, including the D. I’d have done like they did and expect Rhee to shoot.”

“In fact, even though this back line, which is as good a back line as I’ve ever seen in girls’ soccer, fell into the trap. In fact, Crewe, why don’t you ask Rhee why she kept giving the ball up.”

“Me?” When Coach nodded at her, Emma Crewe tentatively asked, “Rhee, why did you keep giving the ball up?”

Rhee answered, “Because that was the plan that we made this morning for the time after we ran out of set plays. More than once on the premier team, we set opponents up by feeding the ball into me as often as possible to get the D used to collapsing on me. It was hard on me the first time, but I got to enjoy it after a while, and got a lot of assists out of it.”

Coach said, “Even though it may seem that this offense had their way with this defense, Shameka, Kim, and Rachel actually did a very good job. The O always has an advantage in this drill, so the metric of success is the time it takes to score goals, not the goals themselves. On the premier team, the starting offense could regularly get six to eight goals in ten to 15 minutes. As Shameka said on Thursday, the strategy of the D when outnumbered is to delay the offense, not necessarily to stop it. As I said earlier, Shameka’s back line did quite well. And if any three of you want to disagree with me about that, I’ll be happy to pit you against this foursome anytime you want.

“We’ll call it a day, now. We’ll be scrimmaging the rest of this week, 11 on 11, full field, as we need to get the team used to each other. It is highly possible that all practices will run long. If anyone has a conflict with that, please let Liya know as soon as I end practice today. On three of the four days, we will have the starting offense and midfield working against the starting back line and Hope, supported by the backup back line and one of the backup goalies. However, since I’m not positive what formation we’ll be using, I’ll be trying out two versions each of a 3-4-3 and a 4-3-3.

“The main reason that I’m not considering a more offense-oriented formation, that is, some version of a 3-3-4, is that we have the most depth in midfield, and I’m a firm believer in winning through control of the midfield. We have what is probably the best starting back line in the league, perhaps in the state, and I’m comfortable depending upon those three. However, I do want to see what we can do with a 4-3-3, so we’ll try that out on Thursday.

“Wednesday’s practice is up in the air for now. The forecast, which wasn’t correct for today, calls for rain on Wednesday, but it might start and end before practice starts. Unless it’s raining hard at the start of practice, we’ll do the typical stretching, warmups, and laps outside, but we will be skipping rondo. We’ll have a critique of Tuesday’s practice, then we’ll scrimmage, but this time with the starting offense being supported by the backup midfield and back line.

“To confirm the suspicions that most of you must have, unless things go off the rails, the tentative starters for our first game are Hope, Shameka, Kim, Rachel, Katie, Jules, Jess, Beth, Rhee, and Heather. Yes, I know that’s only ten, but since I don’t, yet, know which line will have a fourth member, I don’t, yet, know who the 11th starter will be. Actually, I have also been thinking about a 4-4-2, but that formation is a long shot. Once we get used to playing together and I’ve had more time to see how others work together, we may alter formation to match up better against particular opponents. Obviously, that last will require us to learn how those opponents play, how they score, and who scores for them.

“Tomorrow, we will start with Rhee, Beth, and Heather on the front line supported by Jess, Jules, Katie, and Gracey in a midfield diamond, Jess up front, Katie as the stopper, Jules on the right. I’ll be calling some of you individually before we hit the locker room today to give you individual parameters of your assignments. Liya will let you know when to join me. Hang out here until I whistle practice over.”

Coach walked up to the centerline, then waved at Liya, who sent Shameka to her first. I sidled over to Emma Crewe.

“You’re 14, right?” When she nodded, I asked, “Do you know why Coach offered to let you practice with the team?”

“I believe that she didn’t do it in case she could add me to the roster later. I think that the rosters are set from the beginning of the season. Do you know?”

“They are set. I think that Coach is annoyed that there aren’t enough girls playing to have JV teams. I’ll bet she sees that you’ve learned while you’ve been here and that you’ve gotten better. She’s giving you a better chance to make the team next year. Not only will you have a chance to improve during practice this year, but you’ll also know the team well before our season is over, so you might fit well next year. Coach believes in fit, and she’s at a big disadvantage this year because she doesn’t know most of us well enough, although she certainly seems to expect good things from Shameka, Kim, and Rachel.”

“Yeah, they’re amazing. I’ve never seen fullbacks as good as them. I see where you’re going. They’ll all be graduating. I didn’t quite see that there will be three back-line slots to fill next year, and I’m a fullback.”

“Yes. With hard work and obvious learning this year, you’ll have something of an inside shot on a slot next year. I’ve known Coach for three years, and she rewards hard work. When Gracey began working really hard last year to learn how to be a fullback, she rewarded her with the starting job this year. Most of the back-line backups this year will be 9th-graders, so you’ll have a reasonable chance to make the team next year. I suggest taking advantage of your ... advantage.”

She nodded and said, “I’ll try. Thanks.”

I found Jimena Soares and walked over to her. She’s a 10th-grade forward and I wanted to make sure that she wasn’t sore at me for beating her out for a starting position.

“Hey, Jimena. I’d like to get to know you and the other forwards better. I know Coach, and she’ll be mixing and matching girls in practice and in games to see which ones work well together. Rhee, Heather, and I have a big advantage as we’ve been working together for a while, now.”

“Yeah, it’s almost unfair, but I know I’m not as good as Rhee in any aspect. I hope to learn some things from her. You and Heather are also really good. Is there any chance that you can teach me something about your field awareness?”

“Probably. Some of it, anyway. Coach had me tested in my second year on the premier team, when I was 13. For whatever reason or reasons, apparently, I’m an oddball, with abnormally wide peripheral vision. I cannot teach that, but I can probably teach other aspects of field awareness. A lot of it is mental, keeping track of where everyone is...” Liya called my name, so I said, “Excuse me.”

I trotted to the centerline to see what Coach wanted.

“I know you’ve been thinking about this since we started, so I’d like to know what you think about our primary formation.”

“Exactly what you’re having us play tomorrow, a 3-4-3 with a midfield diamond. I guess that’s actually a 3-1-2-1-3. If Civia were a playing member, I’d argue strongly for a 3-3-1-3.”

Coach nodded for a few seconds, then said, “I know you have suggestions within that formation, so give ‘em up.”

“Again, I agree with you about the diamond and who is where. Jess is a good shot and handles the ball very well. I assume that she and I will run the offense, me as a false 9. I assume that you’ve seen this, but I’d give Jules and Rachel green lights to make offensive runs to widen the field. With Rachel going on offense, you need a left half that is good on defense, and that’s Gracey. She can backfill for Rachel if she gets caught far forward on a sideline run. Rhee and Heather are the goal scorers, sharing the striker duty.”

Same as Beth
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Welcome Home

As is says in the good book, there is a time for all seasons, on earth as in heaven. It was now time for winter to evolve from what had been a wonderful, midwest fall. Not more than two weeks ago, the dark brown, dead leaves that were now strewn about the frosty ground had been a rainbow of colors against a blue sky. Now dark gray clouds hung over the chilly air and a cold wind blew from the north like an omen of the approaching hour. Jim Baker was born with Spinal Bifida, a crippling disease...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 15 The Beginning of the End

A few days after Annabel's visit Pippa received notice that her thesis had been approved and that she would be awarded a Doctorate of Philosophy in Social Anthropology. She organised a night out to celebrate with her university friends and work colleagues, I was invited to join them but had declined. "This is for you Academics to celebrate; I would stick out like a sore thumb amongst you. Go and enjoy it with those who've helped you with all the research and such, anyway I'm on duty that...

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The Houseguest

I was lying on the bed, rubbing my pussy as I felt the wetness between my legs. My ass was still stinging from the spanking he gave me. God, I wanted him so badly and he was in my house, just a few feet away. I could have rubbed myself to orgasm, but I wanted him to do it. I needed him to make me cum. Ok, let me explain what led up to my insatiable horniness. Detective Liu Chang took me down to the police station last week and called my parents to pick me up. When my parents arrived, he told...

1 year ago
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Mommy I dont want to grow up

Mommy I don't want to grow up! by Princess Panty boy My life was pretty normal until I turned eleven years old. It was just my mom and I and of course my big sister who was away at college somewhere back east. My dad ran away with his girlfriend and they took all the money about three years ago. Everything is going good now though because my mom was able to get a really good attorney. I heard mom and the attorney say there were going to take everything from my dad, even his balls...

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Sex and the Extended Family Kissing Cousins Part 1

Hi, my name is Caroline but everyone calls me Carol. I'm Seventeen years old but most people take me for being in my twenties. Like most country girls, I matured early for my age. When I was thirteen I could easily pass for eighteen or nineteen. I have the kind of face and figure that most girls would kill for but I still couldn't get laid. The simple truth is that until I attended my cousin Becky's birthday party last Saturday night, I wouldn't have had any sex life at if it hadn't been for...

1 year ago
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Worlds Best Mother In Law

100% fiction! This "mother in law fantasy" ex mother in law actually is more an ex son in law fantasy and differs from most you'll read in two ways. One it's coming from the Mother in Law, two, it's actually true. First, quick background. I was a fairly young mom and my ex son in law was a few years older than my daughter so the age diff is only 15, I am now 58 he is 43. She left him for another and nothing other than some flirting ever happened when they were together. I always thought he was...

4 years ago
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Tampon wearing 2

I returned in with the teas on a silver tray and place it on the table next to a ash tray which was rather full,I poured the milk into the cups, then picked up the tea pot and poured the tea.I asked Celia if she took sugar two please she said, do you like being a school girl her eyes looking me up and down from my face down to my white socks as she puffed on her cigarette , yes I replied as I passed her the cup of tea.Pass me the ash tray she demanded , I held it in front of her she tapped the...

3 years ago
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Tear It UpChapter 11

Lisa had to take the phone into the kitchen once the conversation got a bit more intense, so I watched the movie with the kids for a good while, as did the rest of us, not that it stopped the ladies from flirting rather brazenly with me ... and David, for that matter. This lasted a good half-hour and the kids asked me why she was in the kitchen, but I simply told them that she was talking to Grandpa and Grandma Tucker, which she was. She counted on her parents getting Amber's to co-operate...

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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 13

Megan and I lay there for a while, just cuddling, kissing, and stroking each other. We were both just so overwhelmed by the turn of events that we just enjoyed the closeness for a while, enjoying each other. Megan had loved me since we first met, had me for a while, and then lost me again. She had wanted me for so long. I was amazed when I learned that. I wasn't sure I deserved such a wonderful woman; I was not complaining, mind you, but I was amazed, stunned, shocked at my good fortune. On...

2 years ago
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The Slut Wife Chapter 8

As I drove to the see Gary, I thought about last night. I tried on some new lingerie for my husband and he was so excited. “Baby, that gym is really working for you!” and I got close to him and told him “the men at the gym, some of them look at me, like…like they want me for sex.” I could feel my husbands cock stiffen beneath his underwear and I continued. “I think about some of those big men and think about them having big cocks and…using me. It turns me on baby. Maybe one day you’d like...

2 years ago
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I love my cousin sister

Have been a frequent reader and decided to post up an experience, one I had when I was 14.The summer following 9th grade, my parents decided I was old enough to travel internationally on my own. So two weeks after the last day of school, I hopped on a plane to visit my relatives over in India for two months. I was excited as hell to travel on my own, and I was looking forward to meet everyone after so long, having last visited the summer after 4th grade. I landed in India at 1 AM,...

1 year ago
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The LibrarianChapter 26 Expanding Horizons

The beginning of the Christmas Holidays lightened everyone's mood a little. The successful execution of the plan to have Sasha and Millie picked up after Marvin's extraction helped boost everyone's confidence that the bigger project had a chance of success. The one depressing item was Admiral Grayson's refusal to even consider leaving Earth. Toby, Jake and Janet had gone ahead with the original plan and submitted applications for graduate study to the Dean of Admissions at MIT. They were...

1 year ago
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Working late

It had been a long hard day at the office, and Zoe still had paperwork to catch up on. At least with everyone else long gone she would have no interruptions. In fact it took even less time than she had expected. Sitting back in her chair she took a deep sigh of relief and let her mind wander to her plans for later that evening. She was going out for dinner with Adam, a guy she had know from her local gym for a while now, and she was hoping that it might develop into something more. As she...

2 years ago
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The Wizards of Nowy WarsawChapter 19

Felek watched as Elven troops came over the Southern Harbor wall, Polish soldiers fleeing before them. Raising their bows, archers already in position fired, the pointy-eared creatures falling swiftly. Another squad was rushing to fill the gap on the wall, officers trying to regroup those retreating. As elsewhere, the Polish defenses would hold. Felek looked away. This had not gone well. Too many problems had been uncovered. Too many things to fix before others sought to invade the Polish...

2 years ago
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My bio non fiction Chapter 6

The strip club was getting old to me. Same old shit night after night. The only good thing was the money. I gave up on the Russia dude. Something about him I didn't like. He seemed to controlling. Maybe I need to take a trip to the Vegas strip and see what's up there. It's got to be better then the place I was at. All the bikers and tobacco chewing rednecks is starting to be to much. I got to the club around noonish I guess. Picked up my money I had in my locker and set at the bar to count it....

4 years ago
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Harry Goes to Heaven

The elevator doors opened and Harry stepped back to make room before looking up. Coming into the elevator were two angels, positive angels! Harry was stunned as one of them smiled at her and the other smirked at her reaction. The angels were both in white, wearing very thin white robes over some of the sexiest lingerie she had ever seen. The tall brunette was in a teddy, the sheer white robe did nothing to cover that fact. She pulled it tight around herself, which just emphasized her amazing...

4 years ago
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Male on top

Faith let out a soft sigh and let her head fall back, her eyes closing as she relaxed atop her padded stool, elbows on the metal rail at the edge of the bartop, a slender glass stem held delicately in one hand, the other clutching the strap of her bag. She hadn’t really been sure what to expect when a few friends from work had asked her to come out and join them for drinks, there was quite the age gap after all, between her and the teaching assistants who had been so insistent she comes...

2 years ago
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Kip the Elfs Christmas Mistletoe

Kip the Elf's Christmas Mistletoe A Timber Grove Story by TGTrinity ////// 1 ////// "Kip Forgets" Not many people like to think about it, but Christmas Elves love to fuck. They do it as often as they can, and are well known to do if for hours at a time. Rumors even suggest that some Elves are capable of fucking for the whole of January, but there is no hard evidence to suggest this occurs on a regular basis. Even the great Elf philosopher Tingle Jingle suggested that male...

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Spanked Teen

Well I’d finished my school year ready to go to university, but had really let things slip a little before my A levels and had ended up with insufficient grades to get into my university of choice. I needed an A and 2 Bs, and while I had achieved my A in History, the English and French Grades were Ds. I could still have got to a lesser college, but I had my heart set on my school of choice. When the results came out I was in floods of tears knowing that I had blown it. However on...

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Affair With Bangalore Housewife Part 4 Phone Pe Sex

Hi everyone. Thanks for your kind feedback on the earlier parts of the story. It’s a great motivation for me. Everyone requested to post the part-4 asap, but I got so busy in my personal life that I could not write it earlier. Now wife has gone to her “Maayeka” along with our baby, so I finally got time to write it. Sorry for keeping you waiting for long time. Those who haven’t read the earlier parts yet, please do so now to enjoy the whole story. Any ladies who would like to have sex chat or...

3 years ago
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A Mothers Helping Hand Ch 3

"Don't take all the romance out of it, Mum." Mrs Jackson smiled inwardly at her son's unexpected wit. "I think we just ought to get on with it," she said as she turned to go out to the airing cupboard. She regretted her matter-of-fact tone, but it wasn't easy to strike the right note for what was about happen. She could hardly say, "Right, my lovely rutty boy... Mummy's going to give you a jolly good wank, so you must be good and shoot all your warm creamy spunk for her," could...

2 years ago
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Kate took a sip of coffee, the mug was almost empty, she could taste the grains of coffee that sunk to the bottom. Kate turned her head to look at her phone, it displayed a text from Gwen which read, “Sorry, had to visit my doctor and it took forever, on my way.” Kate knew Gwen for years and this was nothing like her. First of all, Kate was never late, the girl was a living, breathing, atomic clock. Secondly, the doctor? She was as healthy as a mere as far as Kate knew. Kate signaled the waiter...

1 year ago
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Cole Gets a Surprise

Cole Givens heaved himself up and down with great, ragged, moist, sweaty breaths as the young girl's body below him made appropriately cushioned wet noises but the feeling had left him. A minute or two ago he was okay. A moment ago he was…he was there, right there, but now something had intervened. The movement was good but something was just not right. Eighteen she said back at the Shell Key Bar. Cole thought as he squeezed her breasts and teased her nipples. That had turned into...

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Live cam sites are always an amazing venue for all people who are looking for something fresh outside of the regular porn videos that we see every day. I would know, I’ve seen so much porn that I can’t stress enough how much real-time connections make the experience better. Then again, I’ve been with so many bitches in real life that even that is getting stale. But this review ain’t about that! Today, we’re talking about the free live sex cam site Streamate.comLive sex cam girls numbered in the...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Married Blonde MILF and Hot Indian Man Ultimate

The spring of 2011 had its moments in New Jersey (USA). It used to rain over the weekends and sometimes too hot and sometimes too cold. When I started this contract work in JNJ New Brunswick, I was sick. It was the change of weather and pollen content too high outside. It was April and the leaves were just sprouting on the trees. I drove my black BMW 550i on Route 27, hitting through the traffic and made a left on the train station entrance. The parking garage was few meters away from the...

1 year ago
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Slave to the EmpireChapter 4

Moonlight shone bright upon the balcony, illuminated the sole occupant. Kieron stared at the moon, his arms wrapped around himself as the cool wind blew across his nude form. A pair of arms encircled his body, and he leaned back into the embrace of his Mistress. A month had passed since that night with her, and he welcomed the changes in him. He felt more at peace with himself and the world at large, and yet, there was something wrong. She was keeping something from him, something that...

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I hate the wind. I hate the the cold. I probably shouldn't have moved to Tuktoyaktuk. But they'd built a new road. One that connected this town on a peninsula sticking out into the Arctic Ocean with the rest of Canada. And somehow it seemed to me that this road would make things easier. Would turn Tuktoyaktuk into a nice adventure for a guy in his 30's with nothing to go home to. Roads, let me tell you, do not hold back wind. They do not stave off cold. I should have stayed in...

2 years ago
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Being Masters slave

Waiting for someone to discover All of those things that she needs Until she tenatively whispers to him And a plan of sorts is agreed{I can see that she's nervous She's not sure how much she should say Yet when she utters thoughts on her mind I can see her eyes light up, joy on display}Slowly but surely, giving herself to him For she needs to serve and obey Training becoming a little more intense With each and every passing day{I can see it in her face, she's overwhelmed Knowing that this is...

1 year ago
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Work together and becoming lovers Part 23 4

The next day was Friday and when I picked her up she was waiting for me on her porch. She got into the car and I asked what's up? She told me she that her period had arrived and that we would have to wait. I told her I didn't care we should enjoy each other regardless. But, she won't hear of it. So the weekend came and we played cards at her house. She teased me all night! She had on a blouse that was laced at the top like a pair of shoes and opened enough to drive me crazy. She would bend into...

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In His Car

This guy i had been seeing ever since high school has been gettin on my last damn nerves! you would have never guessed this guy wasnt a virgin the way he sweated me for some of my pussy. Every time i spoke to him on the phone somehow the conversation would lead to 'when i was gonna sit on it.'After months had led to years, i finally decided to play into his lil 'game'. So when he asked me again i gave an answer, 'Shit, i'll give u some...' i text him. Not even two minutes when by and he rushed...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 22 Fight Fire With Fire

July 9, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, there’s a Detective Sergeant Atkins on the phone for you,” Keri said over the intercom. “Put him through, please.” “Hello, Detective,” I said when the call was put through. “Mr. Adams? I’m just calling to let you know that we’re closing the investigation. I’m sorry for any trouble that might have been caused. It turns out that we had false information.” “Thank you, Detective. I appreciate the call.” “You’re welcome.” I hung up and started...

2 years ago
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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 06

They were lead through the gleaming marble halls, past guards, servants, columns veneered with lapis lazuli, bubbling fountains and rare exotic birds on ivory perches. Eventually they stopped before two massive doors guarded by fierce looking men with scimitars. One of the Favorites nodded her head and each of the guards took hold of an enormous bronze ring and pulled the doors open. There they were welcomed into the women’s quarters … the harem. The sights they had seen during their brief...

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Spring afternoon dlight

It was a beautiful spring afternoon. I had just finished a project, and thought I would leave work early to begin the weekend. I arrived home shortly afternoon and let myself into the townhouse I shared with my wife. We had been married for a couple of years and we were doing well. I walked through the downstairs and there were no signs of my wife. Suddenly I heard her voice and started up the stairs. Walking slowly I heard her again this time a low moan. I paused and listened. ...

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