Neighbor Turns Me Gay free porn video

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My name is Steve and just turned 18. I was finally going to have some adventure in my life. This is my first time away from home, a small town in Kansas. I had been accepted at USC in journalism school. I was so excited about going to California and meeting new people. I had been popular in school but being only 5'7" and 140, didn't play much sports. I had let my blond hair grow longer hoping I looked more hip. I had very little body hair and had gotten a nice tan over the summer.

I had found a small apartment near campus and if you know USC area well you know its not the best areas. I was going to concentrate on studies anyway so the apartment will be alright. I had settled into a routine with school but hadn't met many friends yet. I had met one of my neighbors though. He looked about 40, was 6"2, 200+ pounds, had black hair he kept slicked back. I didn't know what he did, we only exchanged greetings when we happened to run into each other. His name was Mike.

"Ever been to the Padlock Steve?" he questions.

"No, I haven't even heard of it," I reply.

"Too bad, you would be very popular there," he says laughing lightly. "Maybe I should take you there next Saturday."

"I don't know Mike, you sure you want to spend time with a younger guy like me? I don't want to put you out."

"Be my pleasure Steve but it kind of a wild club.

"Sure thing boy, we on for Saturday night then?"
"I guess so Mike," I tell him.

"There will be no guessing Steve, I will knock on your door at 8:00, be a good boy and be ready," he says as his eyes never leave mine.

"Ok Mike," I reply.

"Don't you think 'Yes Sir' sounds better than 'OK' Steve, unless of course you don't think I deserve to be answered in that manner," he asks me, my arm still in his grip as he looks at me.

"No Sir, I mean Yes Sir," I can't keep from stammering, "I mean I think Yes Sir is the way I should answer.

"Good, I think so too," he tells me, "now get your little ass out of here and I will see you next Saturday night."

"Drink your beer boy," Mike says, "its time we had a talk."

As he turns toward the bar, I turn the same direction, putting elbows on the bar. "Steve, I'm going to turn you into my boy. This can happen a couple ways. One is you do as I say, when I say, and how I say. I will turn you into a good little fagboy and you will be safe under my care. The other way is I give you to these men tonight. You are fucked over and over and will drink so much cum you won't need food for a week. They will use you, abuse you and then throw your ass out of here. Then I will take you home and again you will become my little fagboy. Your only choice is really how you want to be turned into my boy. Do you understand Steve?"

"You can't do that, I will go to the police," I tell him not believing what he is telling me.

"Yes I can Steve and the pictures I will have of tonight will be sent to your parents, your brothers and the university," he says, "I'm sure they will be so proud of how you are handing yourself in the big city."

"Why are you doing this to me? I never did anything to you," I tell him, my voice pleading with him.

"Because I want a cute little boy to serve me and you are perfect for that, you just don't know it yet," he tells me.

"No I'm not, I'm not like you at all," I answer.

"No Steve you aren't," he tells me, "I'm a real man, a man who uses boys like you for their pleasure and you are just a helpless little faggot."

"I'm not a faggot," I tell him again.

He ignores my response. "So how's it going to happen Steve, the easy way or the hard way?"

I look at him and his eyes are cold and I know that further protestations are a waste of time. Oh god, what did I get into? Finally I answer in a quiet voice, "The easy way Sir."

"So if I ask you to slide off your stool and kneel between my legs and suck my cock, you won't have any trouble doing that Steve?" he asks me.

"Here? Now?" I say unbelievingly.

"If I ask you to Steve, yes right here and now," he answers, his voice so strong and commanding.

"Please, please, I don't know if I could do that," I plead.

"Maybe if you are a good boy and do as I ask, it won't come to that tonight, is that better?" he asks.

"Yes, thank you Mike," I answer.

"You will address me as Master or Sir, boy," only other men call me Mike. "Understand?"

"Yes Sir," I answer, feeling so out of control.

"Good boy, now follow me," he says as he gets up and I follow him into the men's room. "Take off your jeans boy."

I look around, we are alone in the restroom. I look at him and he stares at me. I reach down and unfasten them and pull them off. He takes them from me and as I watch he takes a pair of scissors and cuts the legs off very high. He puts them on the counter and looks at me in my jockeys.

"Take your shorts off and lean back against the counter facing out," he commands.

I hesitate then do as he says, so embarrassed as I do it, my cock shriveled up from mbarrassment. He comes over and pulls me from the sink and starts cutting off my tshirt right below my pecs. Then he pushes my ass back against the sink countertop.

"Jack off, I want to see your cock," he tells me.

I hesitate till he asks if I would rather do it out in the bar and believing he would make me do it, I start jacking off, till my cock stands erect at its 6" with my cockhead flared out.

"Not bad for a little boy," he says as a couple other men walk in and I turn to cover up. "Did I tell you to move boy, get back where you belong and stroke your cock. NOW!!"

I do as told and the men stop and watch.

"Ask them if they would like to stroke you boy," he commands.

My face turns so red but I ask them, "Would you like to stroke me?"

One of them comes over and pushes my hand away and takes my cock in his hand. It's the first time that another man has ever touched it and it starts to soften until he starts stroking. His finger moves to my cockhead and he rubs some of my precum over the cockhead. It feels so good that my cock gets hard again.

"Is he yours?" the man stroking me asks Mike.

"Yes, I just found him. I'm starting his training tonight," Mike tell them.

"He's gorgeous, if you tire of him, you know where to find me," he says as he continues stroking me.

"I will have to see how his training goes boys," he tell them. "Hope to have this bitch around for a while for myself."

"Can't blame you, is he a good cocksucker?" he asks Mike.

"Don't know yet, he was just going to ask to suck my cock when you guys came in, weren't you boy?" he asks as his cold stare hits me.

"Yes Master," I reply, so embarrassed but know if I don't do as I'm told, things will get worse.

"Tell them how you can't wait to suck your first cock boy," he tells me.

I look down humiliated but, "I really want to suck your cock Sir," I say quietly.

"Sorry boy, you haven't earned my cock yet, put your cutoffs back on," he tells me.

I pick up my jockeys but he stops me.

"Throw them away, my boys don't wear them, just put your cutoffs on boy," he commands.

I throw them away in the trash and pull on the cutoffs. They are very short, the bottom of my asscheeks even visible. Only a small piece of clothes holds my cock and balls out of sight and know that if my cock get soft and goes down, it will show below my cutoffs.

"Much better boy, lets go back to the bar. I look in a mirror on way out, seeing how short the cutoffs are and my tshirt shows my smooth stomach. My black boots and white socks look so strange with the short cutoffs I now wear. Realize how gay I look now.

As we leave the restroom, he puts his hand out. "Take my hand sweet boy."

Embarrassed, I do as he says. I feel like everyone is watching us as we go to the bar. I hear a couple men compliment Mike on his new boy and realize they all know what is happening. Wondering how many times Mike has done something like this before. As we get to the bar, Mike gets back on his barstool but when I go to get on mine, he stops me.

"No boy, you don't sit in my presence anymore, stand between my legs," he tells me as he spreads his legs apart.

I move between them facing him. "Can we go Sir, please?"

"I will tell you when we can go boy. Now take a drink," he says as he holds my beer up and makes me drink while he holds the bottle. He holds it up making me take a big drink. "Damn boy, you ought to see all the men looking at your cute little butt," he tells me but when I turn to look, he grabs my chin and stops me from turning my head. "Maybe you should take your cutoffs off and show them what they want to see boy."

"Please Sir, please don't do this to me," I plead.

"Turn around boy, let them see you," he commands.

I turn around and see that several men are looking at me. Can see some of them leaning over talking to each other, wondering if they are talking about me. Mike puts his hand around my waist and pulls me back against him. My cutoffs press against his crotch and I can feel his cock press against me. He pushes my long hair back from one ear and whispers to me.

"Can you feel it boy?" he asks.

His cock pressed right up against my ass crack. "Yes Sir," I tell him.

"You will learn to worship it boy," he tells me, "you will not be able to get it out of your mind."

"Sir, please don't do this to me, please," I beg.

His hand moves up my stomach, under my tshirt and he takes one of my nipples in his fingers and squeezes. "Tell me what you feel against your ass boy."

"Your cock," I tell him.

"Rub your ass against it boy, show the men what you are," he tells me.

As I look out at the men, see that several are still looking at me. Mike squeezes my nipple harder till I start rubbing my ass against his cock. See some of the men smile and lean over and talk to their friends and some laugh.

"Lean your head back on my shoulder boy," he tells me, "and tell me you want to be my fagboy."

I hesitate, can I really do this I think? His hand leaves my nipple and goes down to my zipper. Oh god, he wouldn't. I lean my head back on his shoulder, looking back I do as he says. "I want to be your fagboy Sir."

"Good boy, now lift yourself up and down on your toes, rub my cock against your cute little ass, show the men how much you want to feel my cock," he commands.

I do as he says. I know my face is beet red as I feel his hard cock against my ass. He feels so big. Then realize my own cock is hard and as I look down can see it outlined in my tight cutoffs. Know the men watching must think I'm enjoying what I'm doing.

"Look at them looking at you, wishing you belonged to them. Tell me who you belong to boy," he tells me.
Almost in tears, I answer, "I belong to you Sir."

"Its time to show them who you belong to boy, do not disappoint me," he says as he pushes my head off his shoulder and turns me around to face him. "On your knees now boy."

"Please Sir please don't make me do this," I plead.

"On your knees now boy," he commands.

I slowly drop to my knees, glad I don't have to be facing anyone at least. His crotch is eye level to me. I can see his cock outlined in his black leather pants.

"Unzip me," he orders.

My hands shaking, I unzip his pants. I can't believe he is doing this to me.

"Do u want to take it out boy?" he asks.

"Please Sir please don't make me do this here," I plead.

"Next wrong answer, you get a spanking right in front of all these men, now do you want to take it out?" he asks.

Tears in eyes, I nod my head yes.

"Why do you want to take it out boy," he asks.

I see the men on either side of him watching. Know what he expects me to say and don't want to make him mad so reluctantly I answer him. "So I can suck it Sir," I tell him.

"All the men here will know you are a cocksucker boy, is that what you want?" he asks.

I can see that he wants to humiliate me in front of his friends. I nod my head yes.

"Answer me boy, tell me what you want the men to know you are," he tells me in that cold voice.

Tears run down my cheeks as I answer, "I want them to know I'm a cocksucker Sir."

"A cocksucking faggot?" he asks.

"Yes Sir, a cocksucking faggot," I tell him, totally humiliated.

"Take it out faggot," he tells me.

I can't believe he is doing this to me. I am scared what he said about being used by all these guys if Mike leaves me alone. I can't chance it, can I? I lift my hand and reach inside his leather pants with my right hand. I find he isn't wearing underwear and I feel his cock at my fingertips. I stop, can I do this? What will happen if I don't I think, and I move my hand closing it around his cock. Its so warm, not rock hard, but firm and big. I pull it from his pants and it springs out in front of my face. I can't believe how thick it is, my hand doesn't come close to reaching around it. I find myself staring at it when I hear Mike's voice.

"Kiss it faggot," he tells me.

I am too humiliated to look up but know what I must do and I lean forward and kiss his cockhead lightly. It's so smooth and feels so strange. Realize I didn't find the taste to be offensive. I pull back looking at it.

"You want to kiss it again don't you?" he asks me, his voice smoothing but firm.

I look at it and without really thinking, I tell him quietly. "Yes."

"Yes what boy, tell me what you want right now," his voice the only thing I can hear. I can't really tell how many people might be watching.

I look at the cock, a drop of precum leaks to your piss slit. I see it there and find myself wondering what it might taste like. Its wrong, I know, but I have to tell him, don't I? "I want to kiss your cock again Sir, please," I ask him.

"Only faggots want to kiss cock, isn't that right boy?" he asks me.

"Yes Sir," I tell him, not liking where this is going.

"And you want to kiss my cock, isn't that also true boy," he asks in that strange voice.

"Yes Sir," I tell him lowering my head even more.

"So what would that make you Steve?" he asks in a voice that can not be ignored.

Totally humiliated, I do what I must. I tell him, "A faggot Sir."

"What boy? I can't hear you," he commands me to say it.

I break down, tears start pouring as I spew it out, "I'm a faggot Sir."

"Don't cry boy, you have earned my cock," he tells me in a calm voice. "Show my friends how much you need my cock in your mouth. Show them that your only concern is trying to please your Master. Now get on my cock with your faggot mouth boy. Show them or else," he says leaving no doubt the seriousness of his instructions.

I have to do it. He is making me do it. But why do I want to do it. Why do I want to lick up that drop on his cock. My mouth moves forward and my tongue reaches out and licks the precum from your piss slit. I bring my tongue back and taste it, it taste ok, I savor the taste. It tastes good. I lean forward and put my hand around your cock and stroke it, bring another drop of precum to his cockhead. I lick it up. MMMMMM

"You want it don't you boy?" he says, his voice the only sound I hear then realize that I'm kissing his cockhead. My tongue licks all over the head. It so smooth and alive.

"Now boy, show my friend what a cocksucker does," he says. "And boy, you will not stop until you have it all the way into your mouth. This is not open for debate and do not embarrass me in front of my friend. Now suck faggot," he commands.

I close my eyes as I listen to him and know what is expected of me. I imagine how it will feel to have a cock in my mouth. How will I ever take it all. As I think about it, I feel my mouth opening and sliding his cock into my mouth. I have to stretch my lips as his cock thickens. My mouth fills so full. Then I slowly slide it out of my mouth. My lips trying to hold it as I pull my mouth off it. Its so hard, its so soft, its so thick, mmmmmmmmmmmm.

Then back into my mouth, slowly I suck it in, my cheeks hollowing as I suck on it, pulling it into my mouth. It goes deeper this time and I feel like I'm going to gag, but I pull back a little and suppress the gag reflex. It fills my mouth. I imagine what I must look like as I feel you grab my long hair and slowly pull me off your cock. My mouth still open my tongue reaching for it as its pulled from my mouth.

"You want more boy?" he asks of me as he pulls my hair keeping my lips an inch from his cock.

"Yes please Sir, please?" I plead, I must get it back into my mouth.

"Only if you take it all for me this time can you do that faggot?" he asks.

I think about gagging last time and wondering if I can do it. If I can relax my throat and just do it, I'm sure I can, I want to suck his cock some more so I will do it. "I can do it Sir."

"Put your hands behind your back boy," he commands and when I do I feel metal handcuffs being snapped on my wrists. I feel his hand come to the sides of my head, wrapping around to the back of my head. "No boy, I don't think you can, but I know I can boy," he tells me in that cold piercing voice.

I take a breathe as I feel him start pulling my head onto his cock. It stretches my mouth and slowly slides in, very slowly, very steady, deeper and deeper. It fills my mouth and I feel it nearing my throat and I gag a little. He doesn't stop but forces it into my throat, holding my head tightly as I gag and strangle on his cock.

"Breathe through your nose faggot," he tells me.

I try to do it and realize that I can breathe. Thinking about that, I had forgot about my throat and realized that his cock was inside my throat. I could feel his hand rubbing his throat and passing over my cock. He would rub it like he was stroking me, it felt so strange, and he kept feeding my more of his cock. Realized that it was deep in my throat and that I could handle it. I feel his pubes against my lips and know that I have taken it all. I say flashes of light through my closed eyes. Realize pictures are being taken of me.

"I knew what a faggot cocksucker you were the first time I say you boy," he tells me with his cock buried in my throat. "I just needed to show you what you really are. That is a flaming fagboy. You know the type, the ones everyone turns and looks at after passing and thinking what a fucking queer. That is what you are my boy," his voice commanding.

He pulls his cock from my mouth, I start gasping for air, trying to get a breathe, as he continues.

"Soon everyone will know boy, the people in your classes, your professors," he lectures me. "Might even help, lot of faggot professors out there ready to give out grades for hot fag ass. Take it faggot," he commands as he starts feeding me his cock, slow but steady till it buried down my throat again. "Gets easier, doesn't it faggot. We just have to get you more practice," he tells me seriously. "Maybe we can send a picture to your family of us together, of course, you would be on your knees with my cock in your mouth, but that would be ok wouldn't it boy."

I struggle on his cock some as he holds my tightly on it and starts short stroking my throat.

"We won't have to send those pics to your family as long as you behave boy," he says as he pushes his cock as deep as he can get it. He has to hold me tightly to keep my from pulling myself off as I feel I can't get a breathe. Just as the panic is on me, he pulls his cock from my mouth.

I gasp for air as he pulls my face up so I have to look at him. "Now faggot," he tells me, "you fuck your face for me without my help. You will take it all each time, fuck yourself with it till you suck the cum from my cock. Do you understand cocksucker?" he asks me, his face so intense, it scares me.

"Yes Sir," I tell him quietlly.

SLAP!!! He slaps my face hard. "WHAT ARE YOU BOY?"

Before I can answer, he backhands my other cheek. Tears run from my eyes as I answer, "I'm a faggot Sir."


Tears flow down my cheeks when suddenly he slaps me again. SLAP!!! Opening crying now as I sob out loudly, "I'm a cocksucking faggot Sir."

"Turn around boy, tell my friends what you are," he commands.

I turn around and everyone is gathered around watching. Some are mastubating, I can see a couple younger looking boys sucking on a cock Realize they are all looking at me. "I'm a cocksucking faggot," I tell them lowering my head.

"Tell them what you are going to do for me now faggot," he commands.

Looking down, I tell them, "I'm going to suck his cock till I suck the cum from his cock."

"And when you feel me start to cum, you are to pull my cock from your mouth, and make me spray your face with my hot cum," he commands. "You haven't earned the right to drink my cum yet fagboy."

Lift your face and look at me boy," he commands. When I do, he slaps my cheek hard. It brings tears. "Beg for my cock boy."

Wishing I could rub my face, it really stings from all the slaps. "Please let me suck your cock Master, please," I beg of him. "I really want to suck it and make you cum Master."

"Lift your face, look at me boy," he commands and when I do he slaps my other cheek hard. "You understand how its going to be boy?" he asks. "Do you realize that I own you now and that you will do whatever I say?" he asks of me.

When I hesitate to answer, he slaps me again. I start crying hard in front of all the men.

"Lift your head and look at me boy," and when I do he slaps my other cheeks so hard. The tears flow. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW???"

"YES, I understand Master," I sob through the big sobs.

"Then get on my cock faggot and show me you understand," he commands.

I turn and take his cock in my mouth and shove my head down on it till my lips hit his pubes then I pull almost all the way out then shove my head down all the way again. Over and over, I take his cock hard into my throat, showing him I understand that I must serve in the extreme. I suck it like it's the most important thing in the world, to make him cum.

I feel his cock start to swell and his hands grip my head and pull it off his cock. His cock explodes all over my face. Stream after stream of hot cum, coat my face, can feel it on my cheeks, my lips, my chin, can feel some hitting my long hair.

"Keep your faggot mouth shut bitch," he tells me, "I will let you know when you have earned the right to eat my cum."

Feel him stroke his cock and milk the last few drops out, landing them on my forehead.

"Very good, faggot, turn and show my friends," he commands.

I turn and face them. See them looking at my face, streaked with strings of white cum, a couple drops dripping from my chin. I feel his foot on my handcuffs pushing them down to my legs, making me lean back, my head facing the ceiling. Shortly a man moves forward, I can see his cock in his hand. He moves up beside me and when I look see his cock aimed at my face. I hear his moan, then feel his cum shooting onto my face. I close my eyes as I see others start forward. One after another, they cover my face with cum. No one says a word. Through my closed eyes I can see the flashes go off as pictures of my degradation continue. My face now thick with cum.

I feel someone pulling my tshirt off and start wiping the cum off my face. Its so thick and sticky but someone cleans my face pretty well with it till I open my eyes and see a pretty girl standing there beside me in a bra and panties, her makeup so pretty. Then I see the cock between her legs as she smiles at me.

"Time to take you home boy. Thank Tammy for cleaning you up," he tells me, "I think a nice kiss would be appropriate."

I look at him then at her. She looks cute the way she is made up. Figure he is probably 20 or so but looks like about a 14 year old girl. She smiles at me and come forward and kisses me. Her lips are so soft and we kiss passionately.

"That's enough, faggot, time to take you home," he says as he grabs my hand, pulling me from her. "You still have a long night ahead of you boy," he says menacingly. We leave the bar and head back to our new life. Mike is thinking about the d**gs he put in your beer. One of his best deals, its amazing how it takes free will from the faggots.

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Neighbor kids part 1

Introduction: This is a fantasy about a 9 yo girl and boy. My first story so be kind! This is a fantasy only. First a little background. I love young barefoot girls. They just turn me on so much! I like the ages from about 9 to 14. I love them when they are petite, small breasted, nice tight little asses, nice legs and of course pretty bare feet! There is something about their freshness, innocence, and smiles that is captivating. I also like petite women for pretty much the same reasons minus...

4 years ago
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Neighbor Bhabhi8217s Love For Cricket

Let me introduce myself, I am Rahul, 27 years, average body, decent build. This is my first sex story, so excuse me for any grammar mistake.Also, the sex story is bit lengthy one. But let me assure, you ‘ll have an awesome orgasm after reading this. This happened when I moved to Mumbai two months back. I was searching for the flat and finally, I found one in Chembur and that’s where this all started. Just beside my flat, a beautiful couple lives. Both of them are working in MNC. Let me describe...

4 years ago
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Neighbor Sex With Married Women

Hi, I am Nikhil from Nashik with a real story here. I am 28 and I have married 1 year ago. Now, as all men do, I also thought that my neighbor’s wife is hotter than my wife. I always thought that both my neighbor’s wife are prettier and better looking. I have to maintain my friendship and decency with the neighbors. This is why I always avoided talking to both the bhabhis. I was strongly attracted to both the neighbors. I was sometimes fucking my wife but thinking about the neighbor’s wife. I...

3 years ago
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Neighbor is a stripper

                                   Discrete affair.  Thai Neighbor is a Stripper, "Friendly" , AND Cooks Too!               Ever dream of a "discrete affair" fantasy? I had one drop into my lap so easily, It's better than winning the Lottery!        My wife's job takes her  away two weekends a month. Normally that means getting off with "Internet help"  till my "fuck machine" returns.       Last July, I noticed a moving van bringing furniture into the home next door. Curious of...

Wife Lovers
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My GF turns me over to a GayMaker Gay

Sarah had met Stuart online and she said he had a very special talent. He was 42, Black 10 years older than us and hung. In the sixth months that we had been together, Sarah and I had enjoyed a MMF threesome with a mutual friend twice before, but it been a more conventional affair, both of us giving Sarah all of our attention, careful to avoid crossing swords. Sarah was dissatisfied with our love life and want to spice it up and I was willing to try something a little more kinky with a man who...

3 years ago
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GF turns me into a Black Cock Whore GAY

After that first night I was so sore and satisfied, we continued with our strapon play doing it in every possible position: standing up, doggy, missionary, and sideways. She was really into it and loved talking raunchy. Then she stopped using the strapon altogether and shortly after that we stopped having sex for a couple of weeks.I was getting nervous that she might be having second thoughts about the direction our sex life took. A few more days passed and I decided to bring up the subject....

3 years ago
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Cougar turns Me Gay

The first girlfriend I had after I finally got a place of my own was a cougar. It was her that picked ME up in a bar one night. She wanted a toy boy, she said. I was glad to oblige. Never mind that she was older, she was hot as hell and the glint in her eye told me she was very much into sex. She was the one who helped me realize how much I like to get fucked up the bum. I'd never given it any thought. Always considered my ass was just there and not anything to do with sex.That first night she...

3 years ago
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Cougar turns me Gay

The first girlfriend I had after I finally got a place of my own was a cougar. It was her that picked ME up in a bar one night. She wanted a toy boy, she said. I was glad to oblige. Never mind that she was older, she was hot as hell and the glint in her eye told me she was very much into sex. She was the one who helped me realize how much I like to get fucked up the bum. I'd never given it any thought. Always considered my ass was just there and not anything to do with sex.That first night she...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Girl Needs Help 3

The next morning as I get home from work, I see the neighbor lady that lives kitty corner from me. Miranda, I think her name is. She looks good for her age, mid 40s probably, wearing a simple red t-shift and light blue capris. I say hello on the way to my door, she smiles back and replies "Coffee Time!" and keeps on walking. As I get to my door I fumble for my keys, looking back to check her out as she walks to the coffee shop down the street, her tight pants showing off that ass, swaying the...

2 years ago
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Neighbor with benefits

Twice she had come to my place unexpectedly and we had ravaged each other. I saw her husband leave for work hours ago. I knew that if the day was sunny and warm, she loved to sunbathe in the nude. If i just could wait, there she comes. Sits her drink on the table, unties her robe, YES ! look at that body, I've seen it, I've had it, I've enjoyed it, But every time I see it, it is exciting all over again. Huge shapely tits, tight firm abs, to die for pussy, long toned legs, just looking I get...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Honeycake Viji Aunty

Hello everyone, I am Sumanth 26 year old 5.11 height handsome guy born and brought up in Bangalore Basaveshwaranagar I completed masters and working in top MNC company which located in whitefield. This is true story and writing this incident with her (viji) permission but slightly changing names due to security reason. We are staying in apartment which consist 8 flats i’m the only young guy staying in our apartment and in our neighbor four people are there raj kumar 44 year old businessman his...

2 years ago
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Husband Turned Gay

this is a story i've loved for a long time, from Vicki Tern, about a cheating husband, and how the wife has him find that he isn't really a womanizer after all, but a deep seated desire to prefer being a bottom for more manly men....i would wish that my wife would do this for me....and let me be open about my desire to be with men too... I suppose it was wicked of me, what I did to him. But he did so deserve it, and it was such fun setting him up, and I was sofurious that I didn't care about...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Caught me

My wife was gone for the week on a business trip, and I just dropped my k**s off at school.As I got back home I started the laundry, then moved on to the dishes, I looked out the window as I was drying the dishes and noticed our new neighbor behind our house was doing the same. She didn't notice me watching her through her window from ours. The fence behind our house is about 6 foot tall, but it was still fairly easy to see into each others houses from our windows.I noticed that she looked to...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Auntie Sex Tutior

Dear readers, I am Vicky from Bangalore. I want to share one of my sex experiences with you. Now i will share with you my experience with my neighbor when I am young. At that time I was living in a colony, where houses are of joined type. Here each unit consists of two houses attached with a common bathroom and toilet at backyard. I am the only son to my parents. We have neighbors, who stay in our next house for almost 10 years. We are also staying there for almost 9 years. My neighbor family...

4 years ago
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Every Man Is A Little Bit Gay

gay first time – blow job – tied up – gay husband – bisexual male – bicurious male ‘They’re doing cookery classes down at the local college. I think I might give them a go,’ Trish said, looking up from reading the Evening Gazette, our local paper. ‘The last thing you need is cookery classes,’ I replied with some feeling. Trish is the best cook I’ve ever met, that’s one of the many reasons I married her. ‘I don’t need to learn how to boil an egg but they’re offering an advanced course on...

2 years ago
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Every Man Is A Little Bit Gay

gay first time – blow job – tied up – gay husband – bisexual male – bicurious male"They're doing cookery classes down at the local college. I think I might give them a go," Trish said, looking up from reading the Evening Gazette, our local paper."The last thing you need is cookery classes," I replied with some feeling. Trish is the best cook I've ever met; that's one of the many reasons I married her."I don't need to learn how to boil an egg but they're offering an advanced course on...

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Little did I know or suspect when arriving in LA for the very first time ever a year ago last May, that within a few short weeks I would be changed from a totally straight skirt chaser into a cock craving faggot with a brand new developed appetite for what most people consider totally bizarre!It all started late one Wednesday afternoon just a few hours after checking into some temporary run down hotel just off the Hollywood strip! Yes my Consultant job transfer from Boston to Tincel town had...

4 years ago
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Are you gay

Are you gay?For the record, I’m not. If I was, I’m not sure that I would admit it, but I like to think I would.Who knows?The point is, I’m not, but I get accused of being gay all the time.Most of it is either just jealousy from weak-minded guys, or wishful thinking from gay dudes, but it does come up.The funniest example so far is this email I got the other day.What’s really funny to me is when guys say that they KNOW I’m gay.Now, I’ve met some gay dudes that were in the closet, and I actually...

3 years ago
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If We Were Gay

I live about forty miles from the East Coast prep school my sixteen-year-old nephew attends, and the school’s winter break coincided with our family reunion. I was happy to offer him a ride, thus saving him a long bus journey.My nephew Chad is a handsome, cheery lad. He has blond hair which he keeps cut short, a slender build and stands about five-eight. He has a girlfriend who is the same age and very pretty. When we are together, he’s always asking advice about how to get in her panties, and...

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My Hobby Turning Straight Men Gay

Matt, whose anal cherry I had just taken, said, "I can't believe we just did that. I thought I was straight.""I knew you weren't," I replied, as I returned from the washroom. The irony was crazy as he was a really loud-mouthed, in your face linebacker on the field, but now in my arms he was a tame, insecure man wanting to be cuddled and loved."What do you mean?" He asked, looking offended."I just knew," I shrugged."How?" He questioned, clearly worried others would know he was a cocksucker."How...

2 years ago
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Neighbor is a stripper

                                 Discrete affair.  Thai Neighbor is a Stripper, ‘Friendly’ , AND Cooks Too!               Ever dream of a ‘discrete affair’ fantasy? I had one drop into my lap so easily, It’s better than winning the Lottery!        My wife’s job takes her  away two weekends a month. Normally that means getting off with ‘Internet help’  till my ‘fuck machine’ returns.       Last July, I noticed a moving van bringing furniture into the home next door. Curious of course, I...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Girl

A soft moan escaped her lips as her body started to stretch, the ropes around her wrists pulling taut as a second rope, running between her wrists and up and around a rafter, lifted her onto her toes.? Her head fell back and her breath quickened as her joints stretched and her wrists chafed.? Her breasts flattened against her chest, her nipples hardening as she was lifted off her feet, a sublime ache permeating her young body. Her stomach hollowed, exaggerating the curves on her...

4 years ago
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How my girlfriend turned me gay

Hi all, I’m Mark, a 20 year old guy and I want to share my story of how a girlfriend turned me bi and probably gay.So it all started at the beginning of the summer break, four years ago. I was done with school, had no retakes and since a long time, free to do whatever I wanted.My parents left for France like they do every year, but for the first time they left me home. As I stated that I had nothing to do here, and preferred to stay home with my friends. Which, after long debates and a lot of...

1 year ago
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Kyle bets Nick can turn him Gay

"It's time to wake up now."With just those six words, I regained the ability to open my eyes. Regained? I guess that's not the right word. I'd only just dozed off—nothing more."Well, how do you feel?" The hypnotist grinned at me. I didn't see why he was grinning, though. He was a friend of mine. His name was Kyle and he liked to think he was a master when it came to hypnosis. I guess in a sense he was. I did get into a trance, after all—well, I did if that's what you call falling asleep from...

3 years ago
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Maybe you just are just a Little Gay

I was desperate and horny, and with my best friend Todd deciding to take the "straight road," I didn't see much hope of getting laid in the near future. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not dancing far outside of the closet myself. I haven't gotten around to having one of those wrenching "Hi mom, I'm gay" moments yet, and I'm not sure I will, but I am gay.Todd's gay too if he'd just lighten up about it, but he's always been more conservative, with his short dark hair and his fast track career. He...

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The Realisation That I Was Gay

For many years, the thought had crossed my mind about being gay. I had thought about it whilst playing with myself but could never get the courage up to try it. That added to the fact that I just didn’t find most men attractive. Very occasionally I would see a guy and think, maybe?I had dressed up in lingerie for a long time and had only once put some makeup on. The fear of being caught was just too much. I had also tried swallowing, but I hadn’t liked it and thought that I never would. For...

Gay Male
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Straight No More Youre a faggot Gay

I've read a lot of stories about a straight man turned gay. In most of them, it's obvious that the 'straight' guy was always gay in the first place. But that's not my story. Mine is about the fact that I was convinced I was straight. 100% straight. Until my friend intentionally turned me into a cocksucking faggot. Over the course of a few years. And he admitted to purposely orchestrating every step of this story.It all started when I was 25 years old. I was enjoying my youth. I fucked a lot of...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Girl Needs Help pt3

“I put the plug back in, maybe you can help me get it out again” she says, using her sexy-ass girly voice. I open the door and move aside, letting her walk in, and close the door behind me. As she turns to face me I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me, kissing her hard and deep. Her body goes limp as she returns the kiss, moaning in the process. I push her up against the back of the kitchen counter, shoving my pelvis into hers, making her feel my now rock hard cock through my pants....

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When I turned 18 my neighbor came over to my house with a birthday cake. My parents weren’t home, and I let my neighbor in. She put the cake on the kitchen counter. She was somewhere around 40 years old and divorced. She had on a thin white shirt. Her breasts sagged quite a bit, but were still sexy to me. I wondered how come I had never noticed before. My penis was getting had and I only had on a thin pair of blue shorts and no underwear. I knew my penis would be evident, so I went around to...

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Jim was eighteen and always had a thing for the sexy neighbor next door. She had huge tits and he dreamed about sucking them and her rubbing his cock. One day he was walking home and she pulled over and asked if he wanted a ride. He was eager to get in the car. She was wearing a tight low cut top and he could see her nipples as she wore no bra. She also had shorts on and she looked so hot. Jim was wearing jogging shorts and a tank top. As they drove she talked to him and he kept staring at her...

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Neighbor Becomes His Whore

It is a neighborhood of small homes on small lots so seeing what is happening in the neighbor’s house is easy. As a part time professional photographer I work at home quite often. I had some work to editing some photos on the computer when I saw the light go on in the bedroom next door and then neighbor lady and some man enter. My room was dark, to work on the pictures, and so they never noticed me and did not pull the shades. Well it seems she was having an affair and it got hot and heavy...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Aunt Caught Me Masturbating

Hey guys. I am Suraj, age 24, 5’7 tall with a 6’2 inch dick. I usually read stories n this website. So I decided to share an incident which happened to me very recently. So my incest sex with my aunt happened in the month of December. Actually, to be precise I had a quarrel with my mom on some random day. I ran out of the house and went upstairs heading towards the terrace because I feel it’s peaceful. So, I was bored. I was checking my phone if anyone was online in my chat list. Fortunately, I...

1 year ago
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Neighbor women emasculate and punish neighbor boy

Brandon is a 16yo boy growing up in a rural area. Him and the neighbor k**s like to hang out together. He especially likes hanging out at his friends houses that have hot moms. A few of the moms in the area have taken notice that when Brandon is over he'll stair at their ass whenever he gets the chance. One day three of them happen to be talking and one of them brings up how she has noticed Brandon is always staring at her ass, and the other 2 say he's done the same to them. They all agree that...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

2 years ago
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Neighbor becomes his whore

Written in a differnt tense and so there might be some mistakes. Please excuse the grammer but this wss done in hurry. I have a part two in my head and so ladies she does get even.Neighbor blackmailed into being his whore It is a neighborhood of small homes on small lots so seeing what is happening in the neighbor’s house is easy.I had some work to do at home and was at my desk editing some photos on the computer when I saw the light go on in the bedroom and then neighbor woman and some man...

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Iam Not Gay You Are Gay

The shame, the paranoia, the guilt, I'd experienced it all in high school. I'd watch the other guys in the shower out of the corner of my eye, terrified I'd get an erection and be betrayed. After that you'd think I'd grow up and come out of the closet, but I pretended to myself as much as anyone else that I wasn't gay. I dated, I had sex, I got my first apartment, and still I looked at other guys out of the corner of my eye.My friend Hunter wasn't gay. Slim, tall and attractive, women d****d...

3 years ago
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You're not fooling anyone: Right now you're pretending to be a straight "man" but you're not fooling anyone... all you're doing is pretending and most people you know arent mean enough to call you out on your gay-ness... If you come out of the closet you have a greater chance of looking like less of an idiot because at least people wont have to pretend not to know your a fudge packed, bent over cock lover! Right now you're just looking weak and stupid and again, everyone already knows anyway -...

1 year ago
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I was a CockSucker Now Gay

"Cum in my mouth. Yeah, shoot your load in my mouth. Let me swallow your cum" I repeated to myself as I jerked my cock rhythmically. The movie on the screen showed a guy sucking cock and swallowing cum. I had edged my 6" cock multiple times and was sitting at my computer table muttering to myself in bliss when I looked up. Jake, a guy from my office, was standing in the doorway of my bedroom with his phone held in front of him."You really like that gay blowjob shit, huh." Jake asked, nodding at...

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I Accepted the Challenge Im NOT GAY

I went to an adult bookstore to get a couple of movies for my buddy's stag party. I had never been to any before, but I had seen this one it from the road several times while driving by. I glanced at the big black muscled dude at the counter, he asked me to show my ID, you're 18? You look more like 16, he said and waved me in. I and started to check out the rows of adult rentals. I must have blushed a little when the first set I saw was all homo stuff. And all of them big black guys doing sexy...

4 years ago
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I am now 100 gay

I was determined. This weekend it would happen. I would loose my gay virginity and complete manhood. The hard way. Tonight would change everything.Until now I've never had sex with a man and I didn't consider myself as homosexual either. But I was always fascinated to anal sex. The thought of "Why would someone let herself/himself get fucked in the ass, when there's no actual pleasure of possibility to orgasm in it?" Also the thought of giving up your body for someone else's pleasure was...

3 years ago
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I Think I am Gay

I certainly didn't feel any different, I just did what gay guys do, suck cock. Of a random guy they solicited off Craigslist, chiding myself for the thought. But it was one of many stereotypes that I found I wanted to fulfill. These thoughts mixed with memories of all the nuances of that first encounter: the surprising fullness of his cock in my mouth, or how hard he felt when I had my hand wrapped around him, or where my tongue was when his cum started shooting out. I had been good enough to...

2 years ago
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Am I Gay

When I was young I used to hitchhike as I had no other mode of transportation. I came from a very poor background and hitching gave me the means to get to jobs and other places I needed to go. I was grateful for the lifts and always thanked my benefactors. When I grew older and had the means to buy a car, I made it a practice to pick up hitchhikers as a way of paying back for all the rides I received in my youth. One day I picked up a young hitcher on my way home. “Where are you heading,” I...

Gay Male
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My BF isnt Gay or Anything Gay

His eyes were wide with terror and now a new feeling was coming over him... a feeling of excitement. The man was now pulling the full length out of him. Moments ago, he had been stuffed and stretched and filled with so much cock he thought his insides would burst. But they didn't, and as the man held his massive cock in place, Jamie could feel his ass stretch to accommodate the intruder. Pain slowly turned to an odd pleasure.He yelped uncontrollably when the man made the first painful thrust....

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No seriously, I really did. I spent my whole life prior to college never once considering another guy. Oh sure I noticed how big a guy was or conversely how small, but that was it. I pursued and scored a few women in high school and well, while I'm not a lady killer by any stretch of the imagination, I did ok. But then came college, and then it all changed.OUR QUARTERBACK IS GAY???Bubba was on the couch, watching Family Feud while Adam Jones, our starting quarterback, sucked his cock.Bubba,...

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Owned By Black Daddy Gay

Eric: One more time, 18 year old guy here looking to have a conversation with a normal human being!!Two responses...Cock4Cox: I can be a totally normal human being while you fuck my face with your 18 year old cock!Eric: *Cock4Cox has been ignored*Patrick: That seems like a pretty tall order on the internet, lol.Eric: I'm beginning to understand that, holy crap!Patrick: This place can be quite interesting most of the time, and occasionally someone normal pops up with a message like yours. I bet...

2 years ago
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turning gay

I've always been straight. I have always been attracted to females, and never to guys. I have had many girlfriends over the years. however, I'm realizing that I'm slowly turning gay.I think my path to being gay started on the internet. I posted pics of my cock on newbienudes many years ago. I was only on there to see amateur women. the only responses I got on my pics were from gay guys who wanted to suck my cock. that's when I realized that I could also look at amateur guys there. I've always...

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