Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One
- 3 years ago
- 141
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gay first time – blow job – tied up – gay husband – bisexual male – bicurious male
‘They’re doing cookery classes down at the local college. I think I might give them a go,’ Trish said, looking up from reading the Evening Gazette, our local paper.
‘The last thing you need is cookery classes,’ I replied with some feeling. Trish is the best cook I’ve ever met, that’s one of the many reasons I married her.
‘I don’t need to learn how to boil an egg but they’re offering an advanced course on Mediterranean cooking. It will be fun to learn something new.’
‘I’m certainly not going to stop you going if that’s what you want. I may even have to f***e myself into helping test the results from time to time. It’s good, but is it fine dining?’ I said, mimicking Michel Roux Jnr. from Masterchef, a program she’s keen on.
‘The course is on Wednesday nights, seven ’till nine, so on those nights you’ll have to fend for yourself for a while.’
‘The things I have to put up with!’ I joshed. ‘I suppose I’ll have to suffer.’ But, in truth, I’m completely capable of cooking my own evening meal, even if I’m nowhere near as good as her.
Enrolling on college courses is Trish all over. She’s a go-getter, always trying something new. I’m more of a stay at home and watch the match on the TV type of guy but, between us, we make a good pair and, after five years of marriage, we couldn’t be happier. It’s not just cookery courses where she’s the go-getter, it applies to most other parts of our lives and, when it comes to sex, she’s always been the more adventurous. She’s the one that bought the handcuffs and, following some of her other suggestions, we’ve tried a number of light role play games, nothing too serious but not that vanilla, either. That’s not to say she hasn’t got her limits and, to my slight frustration, try as I might, I can’t persuade her to try anal sex. When I pushed her on it she explained that one of her previous boyfriends tried it during a d***ken fumble and it had hurt her so much she had vowed never to do it again. I could kill the bastard!
Five weeks later the course started and, immediately, I noticed the difference in our evening meals. A sudden infusion of peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, olive oil, seafood, pastas and paellas enlivened our already varied diet. Although there were one or two disasters and I’m never going to be the biggest fan of eating octopus tentacles, in general I enjoyed the new range of delicacies she introduced to us.
And then, one day, Trish announces that she’s invited a ‘David’ over for dinner. ‘Who’s David?’ I asked and she explained that he was one of the other students on the course. Apparently they got on so well that, when the instructor had asked them to work in pairs, she and David had decided to work together.
‘Oh, yeah? Is there something you’re not telling me?’ I asked, but we both knew I was joking. I’m not the jealous type and I trust Trish completely.
‘Wait ’till you meet him,’ Trish replied with a grin. ‘I think you’ll find he’s more interested in you than me.’
Two days later he turns up on the doorstep and, immediately, I knew what Trish had meant. There was absolutely no reason to be jealous, David was obviously and openly gay. I don’t mean that he was a screaming queen or anything, just that he was gay, comfortable with being gay and had no problem with anyone and everyone knowing he was gay. He and Trish disappeared into the kitchen where I was obviously surplus to requirements so I retired to the lounge and, as I watched the match on the telly, I could hear in the background cooking together and having a great time.
The meal was fabulous. David had brought a bottle of wine and I dug out another to help it down with the end result that, after we’d finished and cleared away, we were all quite tipsy. But it wasn’t just the wine. The more I got to know David the more I appreciated what it was that Trish saw in him. He’s really a great guy. I found him really easy to talk to and we all got on like a house on fire.
With the meal over and cleared away, Trish brewed up some coffees and we all went back to the lounge. We carried on the chat from the dinner table and, as the night went on, I opened another bottle of wine and then another, so we were getting more and more relaxed in each other’s company.
And then, in the way that all d***ken conversations seem to go, we started talking about sex and, in particular, about David being gay. I guess I was being a little personal but I was too d***k to care very much and he didn’t seem to mind. I was asking him about preferring boys over girls when he came out with:
‘It’s not quite a clear cut as that. People aren’t just gay or straight with nothing in between, it’s a spectrum. I mean, if you draw a line with gay at one end and straight at the other then we’re all somewhere in the middle. No one is completely one way. There’s a little bit of straight in the gayest gay and a little bit of gay in the straightest straight. I mean, you’re straight, aren’t you?’
‘Yes, happily married man and all that.’
‘But I’ll bet you’ve thought about gay sex, wondered what it would be like with another guy.’
‘But that’s…. that’s just normal curiosity,’ I protested. Trish, who had been pretty silent through all this had perked up and had started taking an interest.
‘OK, let’s try this one. I’ll bet you’re always pestering Trish to have a go at anal.’
I didn’t need to answer. A combination of my blushes and Trish’s laughter was all the confirmation he needed.
‘But that doesn’t make me gay,’ I protested. ‘After all, Trish’s a woman.’
‘And a very sexy one at that. Even so, you still want to make love to her in a gay way,’ he responded. ‘OK, so there’s a lot more to gay sex than anal but I’ll take another stab in the dark, if you’ll pardon the expression. I’ll take a pretty good guess that you’ve fantasised about it the other way around. You’ve thought about taking anal just as much as you’ve thought about giving anal. I bet a part of you wonders what it would feel like, to have another man’s prick up your bottom. Go on, admit it.’
‘Have you?’ Trish cut in. She was now on the edge of her seat and, quite evidently, as interested in the answer as David was.
‘Hasn’t everyone?’ I blustered.
‘And that’s my point,’ David said a bit smugly. ‘Every guy has, even you. There you are, Mr Happily Married Straight Guy, and even you wonder what it would be like. How about blow jobs? Is that part of your ‘normal curiosity’? What would happen if I offered you a blow job right now, or, for that matter, if I asked you for one?’
‘I’m not sure I’m pissed enough for that,’ I tried to joke. By now I was getting quite a way outside my comfort zone and Trish, treasure that she is, could see my discomfort and came to my rescue.
‘What about you?’ she asked David. ‘You’ve got Andy to confess to his secret homosexual fantasies. Does this mean you have secret heterosexual ones?’
‘Of course,’ David replied. ‘I’m pretty far over to the gay side of the spectrum but even I have wondered. The difference is that it was easier for me to find out.’
‘And have you? What happened?’
‘It was a disaster. I had to get pretty d***k to get up the nerve which didn’t help and, when we got there, I could barely get it up. I tried blaming it on the drink but I think she saw through me and she was pretty upset. Maybe I should have told her I was gay but experimenting.’
‘May you should have done. It would have been more honest,’ Trish answered and, with that, the conversation moved on to other topics.
It wasn’t much later that the evening broke up. We were all tired and d***k so, as soon as David’s taxi had left, Trish and I agreed to leave tidying up until the next day and, together, we made our way to bed.
‘Are you OK?’ Trish asked as we snuggled under the covers.
‘I’m fine,’ I replied, not so sure that I was.
‘It’s just that I could tell that David got to you a bit. All those questions made you a little uncomfortable.’
‘No, it’s OK. I mean, he’s a nice guy and he’s obviously had to think all this through. It was quite an interesting take on things, really. But what about you? Does it bother you that I might have gay thoughts sometimes?’
‘On the contrary, I find it quite exciting,’ Trish replied as she snuggled up to me. ‘I quite fancy the idea of you with another man.’ She proceeded to show me just how exciting she had found it and, while we were too d***k to do much about it but, before we drifted off to sl**p, she had put all my concerns to rest.
And that was it for a week or so. David popped by a from time to time to do some project work with Trish but nothing was ever said about what we had talked about. In fact we soon became pretty good friends and, even when he wasn’t doing project work with Trish, he was welcome just to come and hang out.
However, he had planted some seeds and, every time I saw him I couldn’t help but wonder. What would it be like? Not that I was ever going to do anything. I mean, the last thing I was going to do was to cheat on Trish, or hurt her in any way. She’s precious to me, I love her dearly and she’s the person I’m sharing the rest of my life with. However, that doesn’t stop me wondering what it would be like with another man. He’d asked how I would feel if he were to give me a blow job. Would it be that different from having Trish do it? I had a sudden vision of David and Trish on their knees in front of me taking turns at sucking my prick while I judged them on technique and couldn’t believe how hard just thinking about it made me.
Far darker were all the other massive questions about what it would feel the other way around. What would it be like if I were to give him a blow job? What would it be like to have another guy’s prick in my mouth? Or darker still, was David right in suggesting that my desire for anal sex meant that I also wanted to feel what it would be like to have a man’s prick up my backside. On one of Trish’s college nights I even went up to the bedroom and got out her vibrators but when I looked at them I hadn’t got the nerve to do anything. Even that felt a bit too close to cheating on Trish, a thing I would never do.
In the end it turned out that I wasn’t the only one wondering. It was maybe a couple of months later and we were lying in bed together when she put down her book, rolled towards me and I felt her hand reaching for my prick. I know this ploy well. Sometimes it ends up with her confessing to a new little dent on the car, sometimes she’s spent a little more on shoes than she thinks I’ll be happy with and sometimes she’s just as horny as hell and won’t rest until I’ve given her a damn good seeing to. Whichever, I’m always keen to oblige. She waited until I was good and hard before she spoke, a sign that this is something she’s nervous about.
‘Hun,’ she said softly, ‘I’ve been thinking…’
‘What have you been thinking?’ I asked carefully.
‘Do you remember when David was over and we all got d***k?’
‘Well, we’ve done that more than once,’ I replied.
‘I mean the first time, the time he talked about how straight guys have homosexual urges.’
‘Yeah, I remember that,’ I said with a chuckle.
‘Do you remember when he asked how you would feel if he asked you for a blow job?’
‘That’s not a discussion I’m likely to forget in a hurry.’
‘Well, what if…. Hang on a second….’ She let go of my prick, pushed back the covers and knelt up so she was straddling me. Then, with one hand holding herself open and the other holding my prick so as to guide it between her thighs, she lowered herself down until I was buried to the hilt. Judging by the way I slid inside her without any resistance she was hot to trot and ready to go.
‘There, ooh, yes, that’s better, now, as I was saying,’ she continued as she put her hands on my shoulders and rocked back and forth, easing me in and out of her. ‘Anyway, David’s discussion got me thinking and, well, you know how kinky I can be.’
‘I know full well just how kinky you can be,’ I replied. ‘It’s one of the things I love about you.’
‘Well, I got wondering, wondering if…,’ her movements against me were getting stronger and I could see that she was already approaching her orgasm. Whatever it was that she was thinking about was really getting to her.
‘Please, Andy, please don’t be too shocked, it’s just a thought, just a fantasy but….’
‘But what?’
‘Supposing, just supposing…. Supposing I had you handcuffed and then….’
She closed her eyes and rhythmically pumped herself up and down as she concentrated on what she was thinking of. Having me handcuffed was not enough, I knew there had to be something more.
‘And then what?’ I asked, impatient to find out what was turning her on so much. ‘Once you’ve got me handcuffed, what then? What’s on that deliciously kinky mind of yours?’
‘If you were handcuffed then I could… I could… I could watch as… watch as… watch as you were f***ed to… f***ed to… f***ed to give David a blow job!’
And, with that, she came, or rather we both did. Her pussy muscles clenched as she slammed herself up and down on my prick and that was enough to tip me over the edge. In a frenzy passion we climaxed together, our bodies conjoined in ecstasy.
‘Oh god, that was good, so good, so good,’ Trish panted as, completely sated, she collapsed forward so that, with me still inside her, she was lying on top of me and we were kissing and cuddling as we enjoyed the post orgasmic glow. I love that, I love feeling myself inside her as and it all dies down and I become soft again. We were still like that when I felt the time had come to face the elephant in the room.
‘This fantasy of yours, are you serious about it or is it just a fantasy? I can see how much it turns you on.’
‘At the moment it’s just a fantasy. Just thinking about it makes me hot. Well, you saw that.’
‘Yeah, I did. But, would you want to do it for real?’
‘I’m not sure. I mean, I’d never f***e anything on you that we hadn’t agreed first. I don’t want to do anything you’re not happy with. I love you, I love you so, so much and I’d never want to hurt you.’
‘But, if I were to be OK with it, then you might like to take this further. Is that it?’ I asked with a chuckle. ‘What about David? Have you asked him how he feels about all this?’
‘Of course not! I wouldn’t dream of asking him unless I had cleared it with you. If we are going to do this it has to be both of us.’
‘And if you ask him what makes you think he will agree?’
‘I don’t know. Women’s intuition, I guess. Anyway, there’s only one way to find out but I’m not asking until we’re both sure. So, what about it? How do you feel about it?’
Talk about the sixty four thousand dollar question! How did I feel? If Trish had asked me at practically any other time my answer would have been a straight ‘no’ but, in the relaxed bliss of the afterglow I was a little more pliable. There were two big things that made me uneasy. The first, and probably the biggest, was the thought of adding another person to our lovemaking. I liked David, I really liked David but, as the old saying goes, three into two won’t go. The second was all the things about the fact that David was a guy. It’s one thing to have the occasional homosexual thought, it’s something else to actually do something about it.
On the other hand, I had once admitted to Trish that one of my fantasies was a threesome, albeit that I had imagined the third party being another woman. Although this had stayed a fantasy and we had never done anything about making it real there had been an unspoken acceptance that, should the right circumstances arise, we might consider it. As such, if I could expect Trish to share our bed with another woman then it was only reasonable that she could expect me to be OK sharing it with another man.
And then there was the whole ‘handcuffed’ thing. Trish had bought a pair once as a bit of a joke but, after we had fooled around with them for a bit, we discovered that they can be a lot of fun. She’d play at being the evil dominatrix and I was her victim, bound and powerless. However we’d soon found the limitations. Neither of us is into the pain thing so, beyond a certain amount of teasing, there wasn’t that much we could do. However, as Trish had climaxed she’d said something about me being ‘f***ed’ to give David a blow job. This was definitely a new twist to the game. I tried to imagine it. Naked and handcuffed, David with his prick out and Trish ordering me to suck it…. How did I feel? Half of me was intrigued and excited, the other half scared shitless. The question was whether the intrigued and excited half was enough to win out over scared shitless?
‘You’re very quiet,’ Trish said after a while.
‘I’m still trying to work out how I feel about this,’ I replied. ‘That’s not a ‘no’, but I’m not sure it’s a ‘yes’ either.’
She snuggled a little closer.
‘I’ll do you a deal. Play your cards right on this one and maybe I’ll reconsider my ban on anal sex. Can’t say fairer than that, can I?’
‘Is that a promise?’
‘Let’s just say that if you’re prepared to indulge my fantasies then it’s only fair that I indulge yours. Ooh, look, are you getting hard again? I think someone is quite as reticent as they thought. Do I gather you don’t find my little fantasy a complete turn off?’
She knelt back up so that, this time, she was straddling my thighs and, yes, a combination of her fantasy and the possibility of anal sex had got to me and the results were there for her to see. She reached down and, for the second time that evening, her hand was wrapped around my prick.
‘Of course, if you were properly handcuffed, there are all sorts of gay things I could make you do, aren’t there?’
‘Yes,’ I replied rather breathlessly. With the handcuff game in mind I reached up and gripped the bars of our brass bedstead as if my wrists were fastened there.
‘Yes, what?’
‘Yes, Miss,’ I replied slipping deeper into the handcuff game.
‘Shall we see if he’ll fit back inside?’
‘Oooh, yes, please, Miss.’
And that is what she did.
It was a couple of Fridays later when, as had become the norm, we had invited David over for dinner and, naturally, the wine was flowing. By the end of the meal we’d d***k maybe a bottle and a half between the three of us so we were tipsy but far from out of it. We left the washing up for later and retired to the lounge but, on the way there, Trish excused herself and disappeared upstairs. When she returned she was wearing the black satin dressing gown that I had got her for Christmas and I immediately wondered what she was, or was not, wearing underneath. The fact that the bits I could see were sheer black stockings and high heeled shoes gave clues that the rest of her attire was equally enticing.
‘Wow! Look at Miss Sexy! If I weren’t gay…,’ David quipped as Trish sat herself on the arm of my armchair. She leaned into me and d****d her arm over my shoulder which had the added bonus of giving me a glimpse down her cleavage, a sight I will never get bored of seeing. She made herself comfortable and the satin gown slipped to one side exposing her legs all the way up to mid thigh. She looked gorgeous.
‘But the thing is, you are gay,’ Trish said to David once she had got comfortable. ‘And, being gay, my womanly charms, such as they are, hold little allure for you.’ She paused as she reached into the pocket of her gown and brought out a pair of interlocked leather cuffs which I’d never seen before. She dangled them in front of her. ‘On the other hand, Andy might be more to your tastes and I have decided that, if suitably restrained, he could be made available. Can I offer you his services for a blow job, for example?’
For a moment there was a pause. All three of us knew this was some sort of defining moment.
‘And how does Andy feel about this?’ David asked eventually, looking straight at me. I guessed from his lack of surprise that Trish must have laid some of the groundwork and this hadn’t come as a complete bolt out of the blue. Even so he was checking to make sure. If I was going to back out this would be the time to do it. There was a brief but intense battle between my curiosity and my nervousness, curiosity won.
‘If Miss Trish orders it to be so,’ I replied, my heart going nineteen to the dozen.
‘So it’s ‘Miss Trish’ now, is it?’ David asked.
‘Once she gets the cuffs out, it is.’ I said with a weak laugh.
‘Well, if that’s the way it is around here,’ he turned back to Trish, ‘how could I possibly refuse such a generous proposition. Thank you, I would be delighted to take you up on your offer of a blow job from Andy.’
‘You’re more than welcome,’ Trish replied. ‘And there’s no time like the present. David, I feel that you’re a wee bit overdressed. Come along now.’
This was it, this was the moment it all got real. My heart was pounding and a million butterflies were doing the Macarena in my stomach. If I didn’t back out now then I was committing myself to… to…. I glanced up at Trish who smiled back at me. She had a glint in her eyes. I could see how excited this was making her.
‘The safe word is ‘strawberry’,’ I said quietly.
‘That’s right,’ Trish confirmed, nodding gently. ‘Strawberry, now stand up and get undressed.’
I don’t think I could have done it if Trish hadn’t ‘ordered’ me to do so but, with her dangling the wrist cuffs in front of me, we were straight into the role play and I ‘had no choice’. I guess this was the get out that I needed. My dithering and indecisiveness was now moot, Trish had made the decision and my job was to ‘obey’. Still shaking I stood up and unbuttoned my shirt with both Trish and David watching intently.
Once my shirt was off Trish held out her hand so I passed it over and she folded it and put it on the table in front of her Then I reached down and slipped off my shoes and socks. She held out her hand for those as well which reinf***ed the feeling that I was some sort of naughty c***d who was undressing to order. I handed them over and fumbled with the button at the waistband of my trousers. I was all fingers and thumbs so it seemed to take forever. Finally I managed it and I undid my fly and pushed my trousers and boxers to the floor. I stepped out of them, picked them up, passed them to Trish and finally stood there naked.
David who had been silent the whole time, looked me up and down which just made me feel more exposed. He smiled at me as if he appreciated what he was looking at.
Trish shook out my trousers, folded them and put them on the pile with the rest of my clothes. Then she stood up and came up behind me, taking my arms and positioning them behind my back. As she fastened the cuffs I began to appreciate how they were superior to handcuffs. There were no sharp edges to dig in and they could be done up quite tightly without any discomfort. She checked that the cuffs were secure and I felt that frisson that comes with the loss of liberty. She guided me across the room to stand in front of David. With my hands behind my back there was nothing I could do to protect my modesty and my prick was very much on display. Already I could feel it starting to grow.
‘Stand up straight, Andy, let David see what he’s getting. That’s better. Now do a twirl so David can get a good look.’ I did as I was told and, as I was getting into the mood of the game, I tried to make myself look sexy. When I had turned all the way around Trish stopped me and held me facing David. ‘How about this?’ she asked as she reached down and took my prick in her hand. I was now being wanked in front of another man which added to the frisson and, after a couple of strokes, she had me standing tall and proud. ‘Do you like what you see? How does his prick compare with the other boys?’ Trish asked.
‘He is quite nicely built, not bad at all. May I have a go?’ David sat up and reached out towards me.
‘Be my guest,’ Trish replied, nudging me forward and, for the first time, another man touched my prick.
If Trish wanking me had been thrilling then this was doubly so. I mean, all he was doing was stroking it gently up and down but it felt like the best wank ever and I just wanted him to go harder and faster. I couldn’t help but push my hips towards him.
‘Careful, you don’t want to over excite him,’ Trish said, spotting how worked up I was getting.
‘He does seem to be enjoying it a little too much,’ David replied, slowing down but not stopping. ‘It just goes to prove my point, however straight they are on the outside, every man is a little bit gay.’
‘More than a little bit by the looks of things,’ she laughed before turning to me. ‘Well, boy, do you like having another man stroke your prick?’
‘Yes. Yes, Miss,’ I said softly.
‘And what about blow jobs? Would you like to suck David’s prick for him?’
‘Yes, please, Miss,’ I replied. In role this was the only possible reply. The ‘real me’ was a little less sure of things.
‘On your knees, then,’ Trish ordered.
David let go of my prick and I got down on my knees in front of him.
‘Right here?’ David asked Trish.
‘Why not?’ Trish replied. She perched on the arm of the chair next to him so as to be able to watch.
David undid his trousers and, with a bit of shuffling around in the armchair, pushed them down to the top of his thighs. It turned out I wasn’t the only one with a hard prick and I could see that, without being enormous, David was pretty well endowed. For a moment my nerve failed me and I just knelt and stared.
‘Go on,’ Trish urged, ‘you know you want to.’
All my nerves, all my reservations, came to the fore. Was I really going to do this? Was I really going to take another man’s prick in my mouth? I had no practical objections, after all, Trish would quite happily give me blow jobs, how was this so different? However, whatever the logic might say, emotionally this was a whole new ball game. Could I really, I mean, really…?
And then I did. I leant forward and gently kissed the top of his glans. Oh, god! I’m actually doing it, I really am sucking another man’s prick, well, kissing it really, but it comes to the same thing. It tasted weird, not bad but weird. I stuck out my tongue and licked it, trying to get more of the taste. Any revulsion I might have felt was gone, replaced by a fascination and, whisper it quietly, sexual excitement. I was really doing this, it was no longer a day dream, this was the real thing. Oh, I wasn’t going to come or anything but the whole scenario was a massive turn on and my erection was as strong as ever.
But all this kissing and licking was just a way of putting off what I was really there for. I knew what worked best for me so it made sense to do it to him. Leaning further forward I opened my mouth and, for the first time, took another man’s prick deep inside my mouth. I couldn’t take too much. I was at the wrong angle to deep throat or anything like that, and I’m not sure I could if I wanted to, but I took maybe the top two inches and, bobbing my head back and forth, ran my lips up and down his shaft.
But that wasn’t enough. Now that I had crossed the Rubicon I wanted more, much more. Each time I bobbed down I tried to go a little further. I wanted to feel every inch, I wanted every bit of his big fat prick filling my mouth. Maybe it was because of the role play, maybe it was because my arms were cuffed behind my back, but I was revelling in my submissive side and I wanted to be used by him.
‘God! He’s really getting off on it!’ Trish exclaimed. ‘How’s he doing? Is he any good?’
‘Not bad, not bad for a beginner,’ David replied. ‘But I may have to take control a bit.’
‘Whatever you want,’ Trish replied. ‘He’s there to please you, not the other way around.’
David placed one hand either side of my head and started to thrust with his hips, pushing his prick into my mouth. Now he had taken over, he was in command and I really was just a vessel to be used. And this, for me, just added to the thrill. I had no say in things, no control. Trish had offered my services without my say so and David was now making use of it as he wished. And using it he was. This was no longer a blow job, he was fucking my mouth and I loved it. His thrusts were harder, sharper, faster, banging against the back of my throat.
‘Does he… does he… does he swallow?’ David asked, rather breathlessly.
‘Oh, yes. He swallows. Every drop,’ Trish replied and, from the tone of her voice, I could tell she was loving every minute of this.
And that implicit permission was all that David needed. His thrusting came to a climax and so did he. Even though I knew what was coming it was still a bit of a shock as, suddenly, my mouth was full of his come and, like the depraved slut I had become, I swallowed it all down. I’m not normally some sort of submissive wimp, nor do I wish to become one, but right there, right then, deep into the role, I loved being used in this way. I loved the feel of him shooting his jizm into the back of my throat and the taste as the thick liquid filled my mouth. I didn’t need to be told to swallow, in role I had no other choice. Finally, completely spent, David slumped back exhausted. He might have been finished but I wasn’t. I kept his prick in my mouth, enjoying his erection, using my tongue to gently play with it as the passion subsided.
There was a pause, a silence, as the three of us took in what had just happened.
‘Well, after all that, I don’t know about you but I could do with another glass of wine,’ Trish said after a while.
‘Er, yes, thank you,’ David replied.
As I still had my mouth full I said nothing. Trish slipped off the arm of the chair, picked up the bottle, poured out three glasses, one of which she passed on to David, leaving the other two on the table.
‘Andy, stop nuzzling David’s prick and come over here next to me,’ she said as she sat down in the armchair. I started to stand up but she shook her head so I stayed on my knees as I shuffled over and knelt next to her feet. She reached for one of the glasses of wine and let me have a big slurp. Then she put the glass back on the table and sat back, her fingers messing with my hair as she cuddled my head against her thighs.
‘I do hope you found Andy completely satisfactory,’ Trish asked David as if I were some sort of kitchen appliance that she had loaned him and, I guess, in a way, this was what made this scene work. As long as ordering me to give David a blow job had no more emotional involvement than lending him the food mixer then no one got hurt.
‘Oh, yes. More enthusiasm than finesse but most enjoyable,’ David replied, putting away his prick and pulling up his trousers.
‘Well, he certainly seemed to enjoy it. Look at him! Even now he’s still got a bit of a stiffy. Who’d have thought that he get off so much on sucking another man’s prick. It makes you wonder what else he’s secretly into.’
‘Judging by the way you’re keeping him bound and naked it looks a lot like that’s something you want to find out,’ David laughed. ‘What is this? Did Andy lose some kind of bet or something?’
‘Hey, you started it!’ Trish protested. ‘You’re the one who insisted that Andy had gay fantasies. All we’re doing is finding out just how deep those fantasies go.’
‘And how far do they go?’
‘We don’t know — yet,’ Trish replied.
‘And what about you? What do you get out of it?’
‘Oh, I get to watch,’ Trish said, grinning from ear to ear.
‘So this is all about your voyeuristic tendencies,’ David asked.
‘That’s part of it,’ Trish admitted.
‘Well, seeing as everyone is getting off on it, where’s the harm. So, ‘Miss’, you seem to be in control. What do you want to watch next?’
‘What do I want to watch? I’ll tell you what I want. I want to watch you fuck him. I want to watch you fuck his arse. I want to watch you push your big hard prick right the way up his bum hole!’ The naked lust was clear in her voice.
‘Wow! And that turns you on?’ David queried.
‘Oh yes!’ Trish replied. ‘Do you think you can manage it so soon after coming in his mouth.’
‘With Andy’s virgin arse on offer, I don’t think I’ll have too many problems,’ David boasted but, as he did so he was looking at me and, in particular, at the way my prick was still quite hard. There was just a flicker of an ‘OK?’ across his lips and, in return, I gave him a slight nod.
‘There’s just one thing, though,’ David continued, ‘We could do it right here but I think this might be easier if we were to relocate to the bedroom.’
‘I’ve got no problems with that,’ Trish replied getting to her feet. ‘Why don’t you follow me upstairs? Come along, Andy.’
With a sway of her hips she led the way upstairs to the bedroom.
When we got there Trish unfastened the cuffs, refastened them with my hands in front of me and ordered me to lie down on the bed with my arms over my head.
‘How do you want him, face up or face down?’ Trish asked.
‘Hmm… If you want to watch then face up might be best,’ David replied.
Somewhat to my surprise Trish had obviously been getting organised before hand. She opened her bedside drawer and fetched out a short length of chain with a padlock at each end. She locked one end to the link between the wrist cuffs, the other she looped around one of the vertical bars in our brass bedstead before it too was locked off. Then she arranged me with my legs apart and, for good measure, gave my prick a couple of strokes to bring me back to full hardness.
‘There, doesn’t he look pretty,’ she joked. ‘All chained up and ready for you.’
‘Very pretty, I don’t suppose he’s ever done anal before, has he?’ David asked.
‘No, this is a first,’ Trish replied.
‘Then I can’t just go barging in. We need to open him up a bit. Prepare his anus for fucking. Do you have anything in the way of vibrators?’
Trish went back to her bedside drawer and fetched out her collection of three. There was a one in the ‘rabbit’ style, one a smooth chrome and plastic bullet and one pretty much the same shape and size of my own prick, well, maybe a little larger.
‘That one will do nicely,’ he said picking the prick shaped one. ‘What about lube?’
‘Guess what I picked up, just in case,’ Trish replied. She put the other two vibrators back to the drawer and took out a tube of lubricant and handed it to David.
‘Perfect! You are well prepared. You must have been a girl guide,’ he joked. ‘The only thing we need now is a couple of towels. Well, that’s unless you fancy washing all your bedding afterwards.’
‘Gotcha,’ Trish said as she disappeared off in the direction of the bathroom.
While she was gone David sat on the edge of the bed, looked me straight in the eye and reached for my prick.
‘And how are we doing?’ he asked as his stroking caused my prick to just get harder and harder. ‘Are you ready to have your cherry plucked? Feeling nervous?’
I didn’t say a word but looked back at him and smiled uneasily. Of course I was nervous but that was just part of the mix of emotions roiling within me. I mean, if you’re chained to the bed stark naked with another man wanking you off prior to fucking you up the arse you’re bound to be nervous, aren’t you. On the other hand, for all my nerves, it was the thought that another man was about to fuck me up the arse that was helping to make my prick so hard and the feeling of his wanking me was something rather special. So special that I couldn’t suppress a groan and, at that moment, Trish returned with a couple of towels.
‘Don’t get him too worked up,’ she said. ‘He only gets to come as a reward if he’s a good boy, not before.’
‘Yeah, but the more turned on he is the more relaxed he’ll be and the easier it will be for everyone. Hey, why don’t you take over while I get busy with the lube?’
Trish handed David the towels and went round and sat on the other side of the bed. While she took over from David at stroking my prick he got off the bed and went round to get on again at the bottom. He positioned my legs with my feet still apart and my knees bent so, importantly, he could get at my backside. He folded up one of the towels and slipped it under my buttocks. Then he took the lube and squeezed out a generous portion just below my balls. I could feel it dripping down the crack between my arse cheeks until he reached in with a finger, scooped it up and spread it around my bum hole. The tip of his finger was pushing, pushing harder, right on the edge of breaking through. And then, suddenly, he wasn’t outside any more, his finger was inside me, getting me as slippery in there as I was outside.
‘Oh my god, you’re sticking your finger up his bum!’ Trish, who had been watching closely, exclaimed. ‘Go on, shove it right in.’
‘One moment, I need more lube,’ David said. He removed his finger and squeezed out another dollop of lube along it. Then he returned to my bum hole and slipped it back in, all the way in. He pushed and rotated his finger, spreading the lube around inside me.
‘That’s about as much as I can do with my finger,’ David commented as he withdrew. ‘Let’s see how well he does with the vibrator.’
David reached for the prick shaped vibrator. He smothered it with lube before lining it up and I could feel him using the end of it to play with my bum hole. Unlike his finger this wasn’t going to just slip straight in. I could feel myself starting to panic. David must have sensed this.
‘OK, Andy, I’ll go nice and slowly. Try to relax. The more you relax the easier this will be. Are you ready?’ he said gently. I glanced at Trish who, eyes bright with amazement, was transfixed by what was going on between my thighs. I couldn’t say no, I really couldn’t so, nervously I nodded assent.
And then he started pushing, pushing and twisting. The tip of the vibrator found my entrance and started to open it up. He’d told me to relax but how could I? Whether I wanted to or not, I could feel myself tensing, trying to lock him out. His finger had been easy but this, this was far bigger, far wider, far fatter, far…. Oh my god! It was inside me, stretching me open, and I couldn’t help myself but give out a massive groan. I knew he was being gentle but it felt like nothing on earth. I gripped the bars of the bedstead, trying to come to terms with the invader. How did it feel? I really didn’t know the answer to that. There were so many conflicting emotions. It felt enormous, it felt impossible, it felt incredible.
And then it was gone again. David had taken it out and was, once again, smothering it with lube. This time, when it came to putting it back in me, there was less hesitation, this time it just seemed to slide straight back in, this time he started fucking me with it, easing it back and forth but with each push, he was going deeper.
But by now it wasn’t just him pushing that was driving the vibrator further inside me. As much as he was pushing, I was also pushing back. Now that the worst was over, now that it was actually inside me, I wanted to feel it all, I wanted to see how much I could take. This, of course, was not lost on Trish.
‘Look at the randy little sod, he’s loving this, isn’t he?’
‘I told you, every man has a bit of gay inside him.’
‘What he’s got inside him is my vibrator, quite a lot of my vibrator,’ Trish replied. ‘I can’t wait to see you inside him. I want to see your prick, not a vibrator, shoved up his jacksie.’
‘And so you shall, my dear, and so you shall. He’s pretty much ready anyway. Hold the vibrator for me, will you? I need to get undressed, I don’t want lube all over my clothes.’
Trish reached down and took hold of the end of the vibrator and continued to move it back and forth inside me. Meanwhile David got up off the bed, wiped his hands on the spare towel and started to take his clothes off. I watched intently. I didn’t believe I could find the sight of another man sexy but he is good looking and, with Trish still sliding the vibrator in and out of my bum hole, I’ll admit that he did look good. He spotted me watching and gave me a bit of a show. He was already pretty hard and he stroked himself in front of me. But then, with him now naked, it was time to get down to business. He got back on the bed and knelt between my knees. Then he took my ankles and lifted them up so that my legs formed a vertical ‘V’.
‘You want to be involved, don’t you?’ David asked Trish
‘Yes, please!’
‘In which case why don’t you guide me in?’
‘Oh, wow! Really!’ Trish let the vibrator slip from my bum hole leaving me feeling somehow empty. Then she reached down and took hold of David’s prick, giving it a couple of strokes for good measure. He shuffled forward and I felt Trish holding my bum cheeks open as she guided him into my well lubed hole. I guess the vibrator had done its job and left me open because, with only the minimum of resistance, I felt the tip push against my bum hole and suddenly he was inside.
This was so, so different. The vibrator had been cold, hard, impersonal. There was nothing impersonal about this, it was another man’s prick attached to another man’s body and he was pushing it deeper and deeper inside me. Trish looked on, completely mesmerised.
‘God, it looks tight. Is he tight? Is he very tight?’ she asked.
‘He is a bit, but I like it like that.’
‘I bet you do. Go on, go deeper,’ she urged. ‘You’re not all the way in, yet. Shove it all in, go on, right to the hilt.’
‘I’m getting there, I’m getting there,’ he replied. And he was. He was being gentle but each push was going a little deeper and I could already feel his thighs nudging against my buttocks. And then, with one big push, he was all the way in, every inch of him was inside me and I was being well and truly fucked. And, now that he had plumbed the depths, he pulled back only to push back in and plumb again. Back and forth, I could feel every bit of his prick sliding with great long slow strokes into my well lubricated hole.
But, each time he plumbed my depths, for all that I was on the edge of what I could take, I found I wanted more. Sure, I felt stretched and full but I wanted to feel more stretched, to feel fuller. Much as I had appreciated his gentle approach on the way in now that he was there I wanted, no make that needed, to be fucked and fucked hard.
‘Please…,’ I said in little more than a whimper.
‘What’s up?’ they both asked, almost in unison, a note of concern in their voices. David stopped, mid stroke.
‘Please, David, don’t stop, please, go harder, please fuck me harder,’ I said shamefacedly for, having got this far, I now needed to go all the way. There was a sense of abandon that was gloriously addictive. I needed to feel used, taken, fucked. I wanted to feel every inch of him and, above all, I wanted to feel him come.
‘Like this,’ David said, slamming himself against me.
‘Oh, yes, like that! Please, like that!’
David withdrew and, once again, slammed into me.
‘Ooh, Andy, who’d have thought it,’ Trish said as she lay down next to me. ‘Who’d have thought you liked being fucked up the arse so much. You love it, you really love it, don’t you?’
‘Yes,’ I panted.
‘Yes, what?’
‘Yes, Miss, I love being fucked up the arse.’
‘Oh, don’t you just,’ she said as she reached down and wrapped her hand around my prick, gripping it hard. She must have picked up some of the lube when she had guided David into me because, as David was slamming into my arse, so now my prick was sliding back and forth into Trish’s fist. Together we found a rhythm, David pushing into me, me pushing back and, all the time, my prick sliding in and out of Trish’s fist.
Of course, it couldn’t last long. David upped the tempo and then, with a massive groan, pushed himself down onto me, pinning me to the bed as, with hard thrusts of his hips, he pumped his seed into my bum hole. Three, maybe four times he thrust again until, completely exhausted, he lowered my ankles back to the bed and, as he did so, slid out of me. He rolled off me and lay next to me on the bed, panting. For a while the three of us just waited, not sure what to do next.
‘Wow, that was something else,’ David said finally breaking the silence.
‘It was, wasn’t it?’ Trish replied.
‘And what about you, Andy, Are you OK?’
‘I don’t think my arse will ever be the same again,’ I said, not wishing to commit myself. I wasn’t going to admit how much it had affected me, how intense it had felt. Not that I was about to turn gay or anything, just that now I knew what it felt like I didn’t want this to be the only occasion. But that, of course, raised all sorts of other questions. Suddenly this all felt a little awkward.
‘And does he get to come now?’ David asked Trish.
‘I don’t see why not.’
‘Then I’m going to return the favour,’ David said firmly. He slid down the bed, lay between my outstretched legs and took my prick in his mouth. He was obviously no novice and I was right on the edge anyway so it didn’t take long before I could feel myself on the starting to come. Trish is not a big fan of swallowing and I assumed David would feel the same way.
‘I’m… I’m going to… I’m going to come,’ I said, holding back a trifle.
This just spurred David on. He didn’t stop, far from and I had no choice, not that I wanted otherwise, and I all but exploded in his mouth.
And then it was all over. David came back up the bed and, once again, the three of us lay there, recovering. Of course Trish hadn’t come. She was still basically dressed, but I was sure she had something planned.
‘Look, Trish, I hate to kiss and run but I need an early night,’ David said after a while. ‘First I rather need a shower. Can I impose?’
‘Of course,’ Trish replied. ‘You know where the bathroom is. You’ll find a clean towel on the rack.’
‘Thanks.’ David picked up his clothes and padded off to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Trish stayed stretched out on the bed next to me.
‘Watching his prick go up your bum hole was so hot,’ she said. ‘I’m as horny as hell and I’m going to fuck you ’till your brains fall out.’
‘You’ll have no objections from my side,’ I replied. ‘If David can come twice then I’m sure I can.’
‘We’ll have to see, wont we.’ She reached for my prick while, at the same time, rubbing herself against my leg.
When David got back from the bathroom he was fully dressed except for his shoes which he soon slipped on.
‘That’s great. Now I really must be going,’ he said. ‘Do you mind if I call for a taxi?’
‘No, certainly,’ Trish replied. ‘I’ll come down with you.’ She got off the bed and, leaving me still chained to the bed, she went downstairs. David came over and bent over me.
‘Goodnight, Andy, you’ve got a great arse. I hope that was as good for you as it was for me,’ he said quietly before kissing me lightly on the cheek and following Trish downstairs. Five minutes later I heard the taxi arrive and, shortly afterwards, Trish reappeared.
‘Now, where were we,’ she said, slipping off her dressing gown to reveal the sexy lingerie underneath. ‘Oh yes, I remember, I need to fuck you and I need to fuck you now!’
She got up on the bed so she could straddle me and, as she did so, I was already getting hard again. A few strokes with her hand got me ready and, as soon as I was hard enough she shuffled forward until she was back in her favourite position, kneeling over me, riding my prick.
‘Do you know how hot it was watching you sucking his prick. And then, when he put his prick up your bum hole… oh my god!’ she said as she moved up and down.
She started to ride me harder, faster. As she slid back and forth up and down my prick she didn’t hold back as she told me in detail just how she had felt as she had watched, how turned on she had been by the sight of David’s prick inside me.
‘And then, when you asked him to fuck you harder! You’re a randy little thing on the quiet, aren’t you?’ she said. ‘You loved every minute of it, didn’t you?’
‘Yes, yes, I did’
‘What did you love?’
‘Being fucked!’
‘I loved being fucked up the arse!’
And, with that, she came to her own screaming ecstatic orgasm, an orgasm as powerful as any I have ever seen her have. Sated at last she collapsed forward on top of me and, for a while, we both just lay there.
And then, when she had got her breath back, she undid the wrist cuffs and we just cuddled together. The game was over and we were husband and wife again.
‘So, are you OK?’ she asked after a certain amount of kissing. ‘How’s the bum hole? How did it feel to be the one being fucked for a change? Did you really like having a prick up your backside? You certainly seemed to.’
‘Well, I’m not turning gay anytime soon,’ I replied.
‘I’m certainly glad to hear that.’
‘And I’m not sure I want to make a habit of threesomes, well not for a while anyway.’
‘I can hear a ‘but’ in there,’ Trish said. ‘I know you too well. What’s on your mind?’
‘But the thing is…. Well, you know you said that if I did anal then you’d agree to do anal?’
‘Yes,’ Trish replied but I could hear she was torn between her desire to keep her promise and her reluctance to actually do the deed.
‘Well, I’ve got an idea about that.’
‘Oh, yes,’ she was still unsure.
‘Whenever we’ve talked about anal we’ve always assumed that it would be me fucking you. What about the other way around? What about if you were to wear a strap-on, how would you feel about anal then…’
She didn’t need to answer, her smile said it all.
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IncestThere was a knock at the door and I had just slipped out of the shower and had put my stockings and suspender onready for my first appointment. I looked at my watch and wondered who could it be as my first client wasnt due for20 minutes. I quickly put a towell around me and opened the door. It was the postman. Mrs M I have a recorded deliveryfor you can you sign here. I leant forward to sign and my towell slipped revealling my stocking clad body and my large 36Ebreats. "Oh I am sorry" I...
Naci and I had been here almost the whole time after our narrow escape. I had finally started trying to strengthen Naci though it was slow going. She had power there was no doubt about that. It was just that her defenses were so weak. Plus there was the fact that she was so untrained in most defensive tactics. I sighed as I had Naci again try to stop a bolt I sent at her. Shaking my head I saw that she held it great at first. Then she seemed to lose her resolve a few minutes later. A...
I am Priyansh, a 19-year-old boy with a 5.5-inch uncut black dick. This story happened in my college time when I and my friends were there for a sleepover at my place. Now coming to the friends, we had Manav, the sexy hunk gym enthusiast, and hot guy. Then Shivam, horny fun and skinny guy. Then Ujjaval, not as a hunk as Manav but fair looking and a handsome face and chiseled body. Finally, there was Harshil, a typical single blackish guy with naughtiness stuffed in him. Now, coming to the...
Gay MaleI went to an adult bookstore to get a couple of movies for my buddy's stag party. I had never been to any before, but I had seen this one it from the road several times while driving by. I glanced at the big black muscled dude at the counter, he asked me to show my ID, you're 18? You look more like 16, he said and waved me in. I and started to check out the rows of adult rentals. I must have blushed a little when the first set I saw was all homo stuff. And all of them big black guys doing sexy...
INTRODUCTION:This is a detailed description of a scene from Remy Lacroix (Elegant Angel, 2012 – directed by Mason). For me, it is one of the great scenes I ahve witnessed in porn.The best performances in porn are those where there is true chemistry and passion between the participants. Passion trumps most things, even physical beauty. A beautiful woman who does not enjoy acting in porn is a hollow shell.Manuel Ferrara has an ability to connect with more of the women he fucks on screen than any...
Intorduction:This is a detailed description of a scene from Remy Lacroix (Elegant Angel, 2012 – directed by Mason). For me, it is one of the great scenes I ahve witnessed in porn. The best performances in porn are those where there is true chemistry and passion between the participants. Passion trumps most things, even physical beauty. A beautiful woman who does not enjoy acting in porn is a hollow shell.Manuel Ferrara has an ability to connect with more of the women he fucks on screen than any...
Tommy was totally enjoying sucking on her sweet breasts. Each time he lightly bit down on her nipple she would tighten her grip on his hair. He could feel her heart beating so hard that he thought it would jump out of her chest. Since Amanda hadn’t had a shower since they went swimming Tommy could taste the chlorine on her skin. He didn’t care though because right now that was one of the best tastes that Tommy had ever had in his mouth. But he knew that something better was just a...
Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally we exited the portal landing a lot softer than we had in all the previous landings. Smiling at Naci when we landed she kissed me then went to set up the camp. Waving a hand a chair appeared before me as I stretched out my hands projecting the bubble to hide...
I stared at the mage with an opened mouth though I wasn't about to drop my defense, no I knew better. I had done that with the only friend I'd had in school when he tried to take what he could from me. This of course seriously pissed me off. The end results being that he was dead I was alive and the entire council was now after me and Pops. I looked hard at the mage before me, I could actually feel his power damn how in the hell was I keeping him at bay. Shit this one had serious...
Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton __________________________ Morganna's sobs were almost the only sound in the clearing next to Mordaf's village. How could this be possible? Merlin was far more powerful than any other mage she'd ever seen. The only exception was Toman, though...
“WHAT?!!! I thought it was a trick!” I said as the apparition of my mother stared at me... “I’m sorry Toman in almost all cases it is true that ghosts cannot exist on this plain. In certain cases when a death is so horrific and quick the essence of a person can latch on to another. In this case it was father. I thank you father for holding us as long as you have. I know it has taken a supreme effort on your part.” “We?” I almost shouted. “What in the hell do you mean we?” Even as I watched...
I heard Pops in my head. Pops told me. I was almost shouting at him in my mind. Just then I heard more movement down the trail. Moving back I soon saw several younger males moving toward the village. One in particular drew my attention, Malak with his one arm in a sling. Moving past only a few gave me a heated look, though Malak's could have melted metal. Stopping before me he growled, "You will regret not killing me outsider! Your days here are numbered I shall make...
Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton __________________________ I was pissed as hell. Other than my mother Drenna and Morganna I could remember nothing else. Hell, they told me that I had lived in this village before though I still had no memory of it. It had taken almost a week for...
I had just started to make enchanted motions in the air as several glyphs appeared. Nodding I tried to push more power into them as the glyphs grew brighter. Panting I was crawling as fast as I could toward the opening, just a little more and then they would be safe again! “Toman!” Damn if that didn’t sound like Naci. Good she’d follow me. Again I pushed as hard as I could, but suddenly feeling a sticky wetness on my leg. Looking down I smiled; I was bleeding again, at least I knew I was...
"Before I go Pops I thought I might do something to help these people." I told all of them. Concentrating I stretched out feeling the bubble then I felt it as it started to expand toward the village. Within moments I felt it start to spread over the entire village then beyond to the other side. Pops shook his head as he felt that the bubble was as strong as before. "Well done Toman! This should help to hide all four of us." Merlin was nodding also, "remember Toman the third...
"You wondering how they are going to justify sending a hunter?" I heard pops breaking my train of thought. "Yeah pops that had occurred to me. We are going to have to leave Pops; I can't endanger the rest of the tribe like this." I told him a little afraid that the hunter would kill everyone just to get to me. Shaking his head Pops started to chuckle a moment. "Really Pops I fail to see what is so damn funny!" I yelled at him. "Toman you have far more control than your...
Naci and I emerged from the Teepee that Pops and I had shared. Making our way out of the village towards the bubble, we entered seeing Pops, Merlin, Mordaf (aka Tall Bear) and my mother. “Before I go Pops I thought I might do something to help these people.” I told all of them. Concentrating I stretched out feeling the bubble then I felt it as it started to expand toward the village. Within moments I felt it start to spread over the entire village then beyond to the other side. Pops shook...
It was then that Naci told me about what she had done, herself. I had been very deeply unconscious, when her want for me overshadowed rational thought. She had taken her clothes off, impaling herself upon me. Here I had thought all this time it had just been a strange dream. Naci shook her head no. "I had wanted you so badly up to that point. My desire for you was growing larger each day. It got to the point that day that I knew I wouldn't make it past the end of the day. You were so...
Sitting there a few more moments I started to get out of bed when the room started to slightly spin. Catching the wall I slowly sank to the ground with a groan. A moment later Atohi's head popped in the opening of the teepee. "I thought it would be far longer before you would be up." Atohi said as he came and sat beside me. "I was going to wait 'til you were awake, feeling better. Malak's father cut you pretty bad." I nodded as it appeared that Atohi was a little nervous...
Read the previous story to get the full flow. Feedbacks to I received the call late night from Divya that day. She had just returned from her office duty, which included satisfying her company’s rich bosses and much needed customers. Me: Exhausted Divya? Divya: Damn those bastards. Three grim old men fucked me throughout the day Me: Any chance for me tonight? Divya: You brat, not today. You are ready for Manya? I had a busy day and I almost forgot about the proposal Divya told me in the...
Tuesday Morning: Emanuel Emanuel woke up to his blaring alarm clock, slowly opening his eyes. He turned to the large clock on the wall, and wondered why it said six. Then he remembered, he had a rank test today before class. He quickly stepped into the shower, stripping as he walked. He sighed, banishing all thoughts from his head except for his lessons. He turned the water on, reciting his oath as he did. Having finished that, he started to meditate as he cleaned himself. I am my own...
Later that night... A very exhausted and a very satisfied Manya lay in bed as her son went to sleep with his head on her boobs and one finger in her ass. The experience with Prem was more than satisfying, and she was certain Deen was watching the entire scene. Her saree was wet when she wore it and she couldn't help but suck his sperm out of it. It tasted wonderful, sweet even. She couldn't wait to read what he would write in his diary tonight. The events of the day bothered her less and...
Monday Afternoon/Evening Allison Allison had somehow made it through AP History without falling asleep. Was it because she was feeling really horny but had no way of getting relief? Her thoughts had gone to Emanuel part way through class – thoughts of his perfect body, his smile, his caring touch. A small voice in the back of head told her, You’re falling for him. She blushed just even remembering this. As she made her way towards the cafeteria, she saw three boys waiting near some...
I am one of the reader of ISS since many years & fan to ISS. Thank you ISS for giving us a platform to share our real time experiences. Please share your feedback or discussion or anything you want to talk email me at: My name is Rahul. I’m from Hyderabad. As usual a graduate. I’m 23 years old. This incident happened last year summer when my 10th class batch has arranged for a reunion 7 years after schooling. We booked a resort and invited all the faculty that taught us during the...
Wednesday Evening Emanuel “Mainly, there are two important things to know about meeting Sensei for the first time. First, when you step through the curtain separating the outer area of the dojo and the inner, put your hands together near the upper middle of your chest and wait there until he acknowledges your presence. Secondly, shoes, socks and other belongings go in the cubbies before the curtain. Besides that, the obvious things: when addressing him, speak in a polite tone of voice and...
The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya’s body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure child, his breath carrying the odor of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...
The young girl lay on the bed, mashing her boobs as if they were grapes. For a girl of 18, she was very well built; was the envy of all her classmates and most of her teachers. The fact that this was an all girls college did not stop her from experiencing the joys of sex with boys. In fact, she was well known in the campus as a girl who would let just about anyone fuck her. This reputation was bolstered by the knowledge that just a few months ago she had given birth to a healthy bouncy baby...
Thursday Morning Emanuel Emanuel heard a shrieking noise suddenly start. I guess it’s morning. Good morning Manny. Emanuel sat up and glanced at the alarm clock. Good morning precious. You’re up early. I know. For some reason, I couldn’t wait to start the day. Emanuel smiled and started towards the bathroom. That tends to happen when life starts going well for people. That makes sense. Would you mind if I ask a stupid question? Why would I? Go ahead, I’ll do my best to...
Slowly ever so slowly I felt consciousness begin to flow into my mind. I suddenly sat up with a start; we were back in the time of the people I had left! Again I struggled as I tried to get off the bed falling to the floor with a thud. I heard a female voice scream as I tried again and again to rise off the floor. Damn it! I had to leave I couldn’t endanger these people! I had just started to make enchanted motions in the air as several glyphs appeared. Nodding I tried to push more power...
Friday Morning: Part 1 Emanuel looked around the empty, all white room. Someone went through a lot of trouble to keep this space as clean as possible. But what use is an all white room with nothing but a window you can’t see out of, and a door that doesn’t open? Suddenly, a deep, male voice echoed in his head. Look out the window. Once you have your answer, the way forward will open. Emanuel walked to the window, the sky now visible. In the distance was a bright and shining city filled...
Hi mera naam Preeti hain. Meri shaadi ko kareeb 5 saal ho gaye hain. Mera rang gora aur figure 36-32-38 hai. Mere pati refinari mein kaam karte hain. Mere pati ki shift duty hain aur woh kai baar night shift mein jaate hai. Main akele ghar par bore hoti rehti hun. Baat kareeb ek saal pehle ki hai jab bhi mere pati night shift mein jaate the. To main akele bore hone ki wajah se net per timepass karti rehti thi. Kabhi porn dekh kar apna man shaant kar leti thi. Ek baar aise hi net par surfing...
It did not take long for Tiger to recover, and his keen nose picked up the arousal of two bitches in the room. More than that, he picked up a delicious smell two feet from his nose on the floor where Manya had just been fucked just a short while ago. He reached over and start licking the ground to clean up any residual deposit and followed the smell to its source. Sana and Manya both stopped talking at this point and watched Tiger with their utmost attention and Sana, to her credit dropped...