Eleanor Ch. 13 free porn video

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Sibbe watched as the two remaining hired guards returned from the woods, their footsteps slow and their faces wore a grim mask. She knew they had failed in their task of capturing Anika and Varin. She scrutinized every movement as they passed glances to one another before stopping at the steps as their two satchels landed at their feet with a resounding crack against the stone work.

‘There is your food for the day and night. You are being paid a vast fortune for your work and I expect to get what I want for the trouble of paying you!’ Sibbe paused, the hired guards bending to retrieve their packs before the yard dogs ran off with them. ‘Get back into the woods, search everywhere, it is only a child and a whelp of a boy!! Mayhap I should be paying them as hired guards, they have killed more than one of you, yet you seem unable to locate the bastards!’ She spat, keeping her voice low so the waking villagers could not hear her. To them, she was just their Mistress’ helpful, overweight stepsister. They knew nothing, and she would keep it that way. With a dismissive wave, she sent the two remaining guards back off in their search and re entered her new home.

‘Have they been found yet Mama?’ Inga asked, already deeply engrossed in her morning cider and oatmeal, while lathering a mountain of bread with honey even while she still chewed.

‘No. They cannot have just vanished into thin air though. How did they do it Inga? She is barely eight, and he is a boy of fifteen, although he is a strong lad, I will grant him that. He would have made a good match for you Inga, if he had stayed out of all this.’

‘NO Mama,’ Inga spat, crumbs of crusty bread escaping from her mouth in her outrage, ‘…do not go marrying me off with mere guards! I am a lady of this house now, I demand a good marriage!’

Standing from the dais, a portion of lamb in her closed fist falling to the floor in her anger, Sibbe glared at her daughter.

‘Inga, I doubt I could sell you to a vagrant!! You should be thankful for a mere guard!’ Sibbe shouted before storming to Matilda’s chambers.

Entering the plush room, Sibbe felt no guilt, Matilda had experienced this luxury all her years, had a brave husband, and had lived in comfort. The tapestry that covered the walls was beautiful work, and the giant bed that Erick had made for her when they married, made the room decadent and warm. How she hated everything her sister had now, that had fallen from Sibbe’s grasp, married off to a man she cared nothing for, the gentle fool died then and left her to support herself. She knew she had frittered away the fortune, she knew it, but how else was she going to keep up with her step sister? She was the older one, she should have had all this.

‘And now I do.’

Falling backwards onto the bed, she heard the wood protest her weight, but did not care. This was all hers now. By now Matilda would be lying dead at Vera’s doorstep, she would find the hidden room eventually, the one that held her sister’s fortune, hidden coins and prized possessions, and she would live out her days in the comfort she was meant to. She just needed her guards to rid her of Anika and Varin. Then she could breathe.


‘We cannot get round the point Matilda,’ Erick began, straining with the small sail as the hefty breeze took their small boat dangerously close to the rocks. ‘We will have to dock here till it dies down, and then hopefully be on our way again before nightfall.’

‘Erick, we cannot waste an entire day here!! Each day we lose is another day Anika and Varin are in danger from her!!’ Matilda stood, attempting to tower over her sitting husband, her hands on her hips and her stance steadfast and determined, the only betrayal of her turmoil being the single tear that escaped from her glistening dark eyes. ‘Please,’ she pleaded, ‘we must try.’

‘Matilda, we cannot.’ Her tears flowed freely as he dragged her down against his chest with his free arm, controlling the sail with the other. ‘We are no good to them in pieces along with our boat. Do not be fearful, Varin would give his last breath for our girl, as well you know it. He has looked upon her as a blessed little sister since the day she was born, and has protected her as such since then. Cannot have been easy being the youngest of such a family of males, no wonder he wished for a sister to protect.’

Erick smiled, picturing the many times young Varin had protected Anika from all manner of disasters. She was a calamity of a child, forever falling and climbing, often resulting in a rescue although she was ever oblivious as to why she was being saved. The memories ran through Matilda’s weary mind too, bringing a small smile to her lips.

‘She is in safe hands.’ Matilda finally agreed, gazing forlornly at the point as they moved into the cove, blocking it from her view. Matilda felt the boat rock as Erick jumped into the knee high tide, the splash sounding so loud in the early morning, even as the breeze echoed in her ears. Docking the boat, Matilda grabbed at Erick’s arm before he could move away.

‘Don’t go, please. Just stay with me a bit longer.’ Her voice barely a whisper, Erick climbed back in beside her, settling his broad back against the wooden seat as he pulled his tired wife against him, cradling her in his arms as he rested his head against hers, breathing in that scent of cinnamon soap she used on her hair, its dark waves a startling contrast to her pale skin.

‘I have missed you.’ Matilda breathed against her husband’s chest, and had to bite her lip to stop her from weeping. ‘It’s been so long, two years Erick since anyone has seen you. I didn’t know if you were dead or alive, or if you were ever coming home. Then Anika got the letter from Cal that you may be back in a few weeks, and –and I…’ She was crying now, her sobs tore through her, even as Erick’s hands smoothed over her back, soothing her ragged breaths.

‘I have been unable to come back before now Matilda. The threat to home was immense. It was only recently that our men were no longer needed and we were being sent back to Bergen through Denmark. Matilda, it was then I heard of the plot to kill you. I would have never have made it home in time. I befriended the man, who did not question me when I told him I was interested in the job, and we planned to kill you. It was on the day that you docked that he told me the identity of the schemer, and the reasons behind it. I am sorry I was away from you for so long, not laughing with you, or kissing you.’ Erick kissed away his wife’s tears, bringing the blanket over her against the morning’s chill as he cradled her close.

He would not let her step sister win. Sibbe did not deserve anything he and Matilda had worked so hard to ensure for their entire village. They would need help, Erick decided, their army were still traveling home, too far away. Auden.

Erick’s eyes snapped open at that thought. The Auden had plenty of men, they had also been fighting in the Gaul lands with him, but some remained to protect Astrid and even as far as the Haur lands too, from the northern in-fighting. They would go and speak with Astrid, ask her for her men’s help, before they went home to confront Sibbe. Knowing her she would have hired help. And not the honorable kind.

‘Matilda. We should go to Astrid,’ Erick paused as Matilda sat up hope gleaming in her eyes, ‘we can leave now, I have coins for horses, and go straight there and…’ ‘…and come back with Astrid’s army!’ Matilda finished for him, jumping to embrace him closer. ‘We can leave now?’ Matilda prompted, the feeling of sheer giddiness dancing through her, making Erick smile at the sight of his wife’s improved mood. ‘We can leave now.’


Varin carefully stepped down from the shelter of the plateau onto the small shore to wash, the sun was a couple of hours from its midpoint, the cliffs warming considerably despite the wint
ry wind, as he brought the water up to wash dried sweat and blood from his body. He had spent a fretful day and night at the entrance to the small cave, watching and waiting for discovery, after he heard the Gaul guard’s footsteps pass over the top of the cliff face repeatedly in the day since they escaped. His eyes had met poor Anika’s the first time he heard them, the sadness he caught in the dim glow of the cave, not frightened, merely resigned. And that broke his heart. She was a child, she should never have to witness such horrors. He had allowed her to see blood shed, he had fallen and failed her, left her to their attacker’s devices. He repeated his prayer of thanks to both Odin and Freya that the little Loki had the sheer determination of her brother Ragnar. For that was the only thing that saved her.

‘Varin, can I come out now?’ Anika called quietly from the entrance of the cave. Pulling his clean tunic over his head, Varin sent another prayer to the heavens in thanks for Ragnar’s preparation skills. There were clothes here for his mother, sister and male clothing too, just in case they should ever be needed, he had created a save haven.

‘Yes Anika, come down.’ Varin replied, holding his hands out to help her down without making too much noise on the rocks. ‘I brought clothes for you, wash and get changed, I will see to food.’ Varin climbed up the boulders onto the plateau to collect dried foods Ragnar had left for emergencies. It had been a while since they had both eaten normally, they had survived these past weeks on scraps he could steal and share with Anika late at night. Last night, although famished, neither had the stomach for food, so today was a treat for the eyes.

Cooked and dried fish, flat breads, even cider were in the tightly sealed wooden box. As Varin laid some of the food out, he fought is tiredness, he had watched over Anika while she slept, did not want anyone to find them, he did not want to fail her again. Even as his lids grew heavy, he had caught brief moments of sleep and then forced himself back to the land of the living. He knew though, he would be no use if he did not give into his exhaustion at some point.

‘Varin, you left me a dress.’ Anika called up quietly, as Varin went to the edge of the plateau to respond.

‘Aye, you are a girl!’ he laughed.

‘Varin, can I have boy’s garments please? The cave is not warm, and it would be more comfortable. Plus I do not want it to hinder an escape. The guard grabbed my dress, I wish to avoid that.’

‘It will not happen again, I promise. But I will get you something, we may need to cut them, I do not think your brother provided for his little sister to wear boy’s clothes.’ Varin shivered as he walked back into the cave, and not from the cold. She was not thinking like a little girl, she was thinking rationally. It took a moment to convince himself that she had always been very forthright. Convince himself he had not turned her older than she should be. He sighed, and went about looking for smaller male garments. She always was rational, nothing has changed. I hope.

‘Anika, these are the smallest, put them on and we will cut the legs to your height.’ Varin said, as he passed down the brown trousers and tunic. He passed down her own wool stockings to her, knowing the knitted socks the men wore would dwarf her. ‘Come up when you are changed, there is fish and flat bread.’

Turning around, Varin nearly fell from the plateau before a hand grabbed for him to steady him.

‘Esme, what are you doing here?’

‘Shh Varin, I’ve come to give you food, I can’t stay long.’ Esme spoke, hushed, and looked around her as though she was hunted.

‘How did you know we would be here? Did they see you?’ Varin asked, panicked.

‘Nay, they didn’t see me, but they are asking questions of the villagers, as to where you might have gone, do we know of anyone who is harboring you. I knew you would be here, Ragnar told me of this place, and asked me to look after who ever was forced here.’ Esme said, showing Varin the basket of warm bread, honey and fresh fish she had hidden. ‘Who are you talking to? Anika asked as she pulled herself up to the plateau. ‘Esme!!! Oh it’s so good to see you!!’

‘Good morning Anika, I brought you both some food. Take it inside Anika and eat,’ Esme paused, allowing the girl to take the basket from her and run into the cave. ‘I need to leave before anyone realizes I am gone. No one else but me knows of this place, so something may be said innocently.’ Esme continued, pulling Varin away from the cave entrance. ‘Varin, please keep her safe, she is such a kind child.’

‘I will, you had better get back Esme and thank you.’ Varin said, turning from the girl before she pulled him back to her and kissed him gently on his cheek. Before he could move away in shock, Esme straightened herself, and moved to walk back round the steep cliff.

‘Take care of yourself too Varin.’ She smiled, before she disappeared from sight.

Varin stood completely shocked, the faint tingle still lingered on his cheek, and he truly did not know what to say. He had never thought of women, been too busy training to fight, protecting Anika and the Lady Matilda. He knew he was different from his brothers, nigh all of them had tupped the first chambermaid they could find once they had an idea how to do it, and before they had gone off to war, and died, they had teased him mercilessly about his lack of interest. He wondered whether he should be feeling anything now, other than profoundly dumbstruck.

When Varin pulled himself back to reality, he had decided he was not sure this kissing thing was anything worth fussing over, he was just shocked that the girl had done it. Smiling after her, Varin shook his head at the situation, before turning back to the cave for food that his stomach was protesting intensely for, finding Anika digging in with fervor to the warm bread and honey, with a smile of pure glee on her face. This was the Anika he knew.


‘Come, we must move quickly.’ Kailara’s hand held Eleanor’s so tight she watched it grow paler as they ran from the walls and into the woods, the morning chill being driven hard from the ground with the sun’s appearance, a fine mist rising from the soil.

‘Kailara, wait, please.’ Eleanor implored, dragging her heels as the tall walls disappeared from view. ‘Please, I need to go back, I need to find Bruni!’

Eleanor halted in her tracks, pulling the short woman to an abrupt stop and immediately felt like she had brought the wrath of Loki down upon her shoulders when the tiny female leveled a cold expression at the hesitation.

‘Kailara plea…’ Eleanor’s words dried in her mouth when she heard a broad sword unsheathing, the act was quiet, deliberate, as though the attacker wished to ambush. Raising a finger to her lips as Kailara drew breath to question her, Eleanor silenced her and brought her own hand across her ripped tunic to the dagger she had there.

She wanted the Gaul to attack, she wanted him to think he had the upper hand. She wanted to kill him, and she felt sick at the thought. Hearing the rustle of the leaves behind her, Eleanor heard the whoosh of the blade rather than saw it through the mist, before she ducked under the attack, embedding the short dagger through the man’s heart.

Watching the shock and pain create a glaze over the man’s brown eyes as he slowly sank to the ground at her knees, his blood covered her hands as he took his last unsteady breath, Eleanor could not help but retch, her stomach churning in its painful emptiness, she fell to her knees and sobbed. ‘Wait here.’ Kailara spoke, softly before heading through the tall grass and into the mist. ‘I will not be long.’

Eleanor nodded, and felt her chest constrict. She needed him, she needed Bruni, she wanted him to appear from the mists and cradle her against his chest like he had in the boat. Needed him to tell her it would be fine, that it w
ould be over, and that they would all be safe. Needed him to kiss her. Eleanor gulped slightly at her memory of his lips softly brushing over her own, the fleeting movement so gentle she could not put entire faith in the thought that it was a kiss. She felt her resolve come to her, quick and readying and her tears stopped, her breathing calmed at that thought.

Being able to live in safety, somewhere that she could live without the stigma of being a child borne from a mute mother, somewhere to live without the threat of violence. To live somewhere where she could be with Bruni, to be his? Eleanor ran a trembling hand over her damp brow and pondered that. She cared about him, her heart was hammering within her chest, her body trying to calm itself enough to head back and ensure his safety, but did she love him? Eleanor felt her heart thump in response, as if the organ could answer the question and was impatient within her chest to impart its knowledge. How would Bruni feel about her, would he care in that way for her at all?

Eleanor stood up, pulling the sides of her ripped tunic closed, the nip of the cold air biting at her skin when she heard light footfalls coming back through the grass. Raising the dagger and the sword, Eleanor felt the protest of her shoulder at the weight of the weapon, but had no time to switch arms now as a silhouette exited from the grass, a small figure, its short hair as dark and as beautiful as the rest of her, even as her eyes held the ghosts of tears and around her neck lay the embroidered and bound leather of Alexander’s necklace, faded and stained by the months of rain and sun. Eleanor could not take her eyes from it as it rested around Kailara’s small throat, fighting tears of her own.

‘Come, we go now and find your Viking.’


Nikolai stood firm at the bow, directing the rowers quietly through the morning tide, rounding the bay to a little further north, it would confuse the Gauls but Bruni would know exactly where they would be. He was raging inside, the contract was to be fulfilled. He had never wanted the contract to be fulfilled, they had lived in peace with the Haur for over twenty years now, albeit because there was a contract between the two sides of Norway. Leaning back against the head of the boat, Nikolai felt like sulking. As if he were nothing more than a child, he felt like indulging in that trait, he did not want a wife.

All women were good for tupping, he agreed with that whole heartedly, but he had never wanted a wife. Never wanted to be responsible for another person in that manner, was the main reason he never finished within a woman, he had no intention of being responsible for something so helpless.

Taking a swing of the warm cider Nikolai cursed. He cursed their father for entering the contract, he cursed Eirik for signing the damn thing. And he cursed Bruni for finding the wench. Throwing the cup out into the still waters, Nikolai contemplated escaping from the boat now, forever in exile from his homeland. Granted he was rarely home, it had been at least 6 months since he had last seen his next-mother Astrid, probably longer before that too. Would he be home with a wife? Would his life change?

Eyeing the clear skies, Nikolai sent a prayer skyward to Loki, a god he had always felt an affinity for, and begged for rescue. The last thing he wanted, hell, the things he had been avoiding all his life, would be here soon. And, as Bruni had said, the contract was to be fulfilled.

‘I bet she is a hag.’ He whispered in secret to the sea.


His heart was pounding so hard, he thought it was preparing to exit his body. Bruni stalked from the door in the wall out into the open, desperately scanning for any sign of her. There were so many foot prints in the frigid soil, he could not discern if any were her size, the place looked empty of life, as though everything in sight had realized the futility of fighting them and ran for the hills.

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Outside, the thistle is coated in dew, whist summer's winds whisper a warm breeze through Jeanie’s open window, The morn cries in the weep of the willow as Jeanie selects a pair of slinky sheer summer suntan support comfort waistband flat seam ten denier reinforced toe cotton gusset glamorous, shiny yet sheer one size fits most pantyhose. Heterosexual males will ooze at the loin at the thought of that which lies beneath those slinky sheer summer suntan support comfort waistband...

1 year ago
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Anita at the nudist beach

Anita at the nudist beach.My sweet wife Ana and I had booked an early summer holiday in the Canary Islands to catch some sun. She liked to sunbathe and swim naked and soon found one of the many nudist beaches. On the sixth day of our holiday we were on the beach at the end of the afternoon and gradually everyone else left until we were alone. We were both stretched out on the sand when a voice suddenly disturbed the quietness. "Good afternoon, I haven't seen you here before." Opening my eyes I...

2 years ago
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The SparkChapter 11

Ding, dong, the bell chimed. The six members of my family; Brodie, Shelly, Sheri, our mother Sue, Francis and myself were looking around at the number of cars parked out front of the Reynolds's home. When Faith invited us over to join her family for Thanksgiving we had agreed as she stated that the dinner would be a small family get together. Since my mother had never been big on fixing dinner, we agreed. Standing on the porch looking at all the cars parked everywhere including down the...

1 year ago
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Our Love of Basketball turned into our love for each other

I don’t know when it changed between me and Emily. I’m Ashley, the star 5’1 point guard for the UConn Huskies. I was a part of the 2021 freshman class that was expected to take the temporary tumble the Huskies program was undergoing and turning it back into a college basketball power.Emily, our 5’9 center had been there for 3 years, and this year was her senior and final year. Normally, the Uconn Ladies were like the men’s Kentucky Wildcats, sending prospect after prospect to the first round of...

3 years ago
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Toms parallel world 5

Please read this chapter after reading the previous chapters. I am happy to receive comments and PMs. I welcome constructive criticism. -------------------- It excited Tom at long last to be out and about exploring this new world at long last. Although he had promised Kitty to help at the pub with her human guests tonight. He was right about the pub’s location, as they arrived at the large thatched roof house overlooking the beach and low wall running around a small front lawn. A small...

1 year ago
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She was gang banged in bus

Hi friends this is Pabby again with another story… I am a very friendly and loving man of 30+ now, married, living in Chandigarh. This story was told by my net friend from Tamil Nadu. I am going to tell it to you in her words… I was then about 18 and moving from school to college in Delhi. Had a long summer break and went down to my grandparents in rural Tamil Nadu. I was a star attraction and curiosity as most of the people had not seen anyone walking around in skirts and short tops. I was...

2 years ago
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Pakistani House Wife Fucked By Repair Man

My name is Lubna and I’m a Pakistani housewife with my sex stories here. This incidental sex changed my life entirely from a bore Pakistani housewife to a real hot Pakistani wife. I wanted to tell you about a truly memorable day that has started a new hobby for me and finding things around the house that needed fixing when I’ve been desperate I’ve even broken a few things just so they could be fixed. Let me tell you why this is so much fun for a pure Pakistani housewife needing sex when her...

3 years ago
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Goldilocks the sexy version

It was a crisp winter's day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Night Entries Chapter 3

Night Entries, Chapter 3. Well, we are back home. Mom somehow found us, and told us to come home. We did, lacking anywhere else to go. I hope things are going to be alright. I feel so helpless. ***** Its kinda funny around here now. Its like we all made this unspoken agreement to not mention what happened, but to go on as though life was perfectly normal. My step-dad actually seems a little wary of my brother, so maybe that's what we've needed to do all along - kick his butt, and...

2 years ago
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A Friend In Need

An old friend of mine from high school, Denise who lived in another state and I had connected through FaceBook. She was going through some very difficult times. We chatted on FaceBook quite a bit. She was 58 and I am 52. We both have had quite a bad time regarding our families and that was one of the things that we had in a common and related to one another with. Her mother had already passed away. Recently, her father had had a stroke and was partially paralyzed causing him to be bed ridden. ...

4 years ago
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3 in 24 hours

straight>, multiple partners Three guys and me, in me. One day, wonderful day.Unplanned and never repeated, I had sex with three different guyswithin a 24-hour period. At the time I did not think it slutty, but themorning after the last one I felt a tinge of guilt and embarrassment.Could not bring myself to share such behavior with any of my friends fora long long time because it was so slutty of me! I only shared theincident with a few close friends until now./It started innocently with a...

4 years ago
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Kijiji seller

At first i tought he was jokinghe welcomed me in his place around 23h saying he was working late and coudnt meet beforebut i doubt it was only because it would be dark and easy for him to set it upi needed a new iphone, sent him a message talk over the phone and was on his porch at 23h30he was in swimsuit going for a dip in the pool and spa It was a hot dayi had the cash in hand but he brought me a blueue swimsuita small pale bleue speedotold me i could have the phone half price if i stayed a...

2 years ago
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Theyre at It Again

They're at it again. They're like rabbits. Fucking away like crazy. Every afternoon. My seventeen-year old brother and his girlfriend. In the next room to mine. Boy is she a screamer. Not just loud, she's pretty slutty when she gets laid. "Fuck me, Justin, fuck me, harder," I hear through the wall. "Cum in me, Justin, I want your cum," she yells. "Suck my pussy, Justin, harder, harder," it echos. I live in a porn flick every afternoon. Justin and his girlfriend, Kayla, are already...

3 years ago
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My Hermaphrodite Girl Friend Part 1 of 2

Please be patient dear reader with this long story - I'll get you there before the end!The bay was a kilometre long curve of white sand fringed by low dunes. The access track from the nearby town passed along the back of the four cottages s**ttered behind the dunes, one cottage where the track reached the bay, two roughly in the middle, and the one we’d had rented at the far end of the track. Our cottage was the most isolated of the four, which suited us fine. It was the late spring and we...

1 year ago
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Degrees of FreedomChapter 6

Zoe "Between us there can be no secrets." I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Well, of course, total honesty is what everybody, or at least everybody who isn't a crook, wants. I don't think I'm a crook, liar or cheater, at least I very much hope I'm not, so I'm no exception to this rule. But total honesty requires total trust. It also requires to be comfortable enough with one's own feelings to talk openly about them. As for being able to talk and be open about my own feelings and...

2 years ago
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Her Son Dingdon

Hi friends, my name is dingdon and this is my another new story of a lonely mon and a son, hope you will like it but please don’t forget to comment on the story or u can mail me at girls and aunties from Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh r most welcome so enjoy the story here it goes. My name is Dhivangi some months back, I started my Saturday morning like I start any other normal Saturday. I showered, made coffee and began my usual chores. I’d gathered the dirty clothes from my room to put in...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Hime Marie Masquerade

Hime Marie is rocking a sexy masquerade outfit, complete with all-black lingerie and a mask to hide her identity. The flirty outfit is an instant turn on for Chad Alva, who doesn’t know what’s about to hit him as he returns home from a long day at work. When Hime makes herself known, he can’t believe his eyes at her getup. Letting his hands wander to Hime’s ass, Chad sneaks a squeeze. Then he pulls her bra down as Hime’s hands roam his broad chest, ducking his head...

2 years ago
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The Kinky Auditor

It was going to be a tough week. The NGO where I work was going through its annual audit by an external finance company. Nothing out of the ordinary, but it is always a bunch of work that comes at the most inopportune moment for my job. I breezed in and the auditors were already at their laptops in the conference room. Last year’s lead followed me to my office already asking for reports and documents, and I really wanted a cup of coffee, to check my email, and start MY day. Of course, she...

4 years ago
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Cyber Junkie Tea 2

“What about Natalie?” The cyber junkie repeated Lauren’s question with blatant cynicism, as he raised an eyebrow. He directed his attention to the unrequested action playing out on his computer monitor, and he watched Lauren slowly remove the hand-blown glass dildo from her tunnel. He felt an awakening in his cum-soaked tool as he observed one long rope of her cum drippings form between her labia folds and the translucent toy. With no intention of answering Lauren’s question, the cyber junkie...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Mina Luxx My Wife8217s Best Friend

When Chuck found out his wife’s best friend had been sleeping in her car since she moved to LA, he couldn’t let that happen and gave her a great deal on a unit in his building. Mina Lux is super grateful, and as Chuck shows her around the place and they catch up, she starts reflecting on what might have happened if she’d dated him first… and starts taking off her dress! Her bestie is away all the time, so Mina thinks she and Chuck should fuck, and she gets everything...

2 years ago
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Mystery Woman SnoopyChapter 2

This is a work of fiction based on the television movie series called, Mystery Woman. Book store owner carried out her fantasy of spy filled and intriguing adventures. I do not own Mystery Woman, its characters or make any money from the writing or posting of this story. Snoopy From Online To Undercover Schoolgirl It had all started with an online lie, well actually an omission. Samantha had already proven she could be quite the Snoopy. The nickname Chief Connor had tagged the pretty lass...

3 years ago
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moms panties

the story unfolded around about 1997 ,I was 17 .My dad well he left me and mom many years back we had to defend for our own so that put in me in a certain position where I had to be my mother little boy and the man in the house . We lived in a small semidetached in an average town . Mom at work the whole day and me well at school.my mom, well she was a real hot looker if you asked me , tall red hair girl with 38 dd well-formed tittles (which I was lucky enough some time to get a gimps of and...

3 years ago
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Im Mommys Little Girl

And I’m conflicted, I’m a man and I have the urges a man has but I haven’t acted on them; I can’t; you see that isn’t how I was raised. It’s my first vacation; I haven’t been home in a year. I’m in the air now, flying from New York to Columbus, Ohio to spend time with my mother and Aunt Kitty. Aunt Kitty’s several years older than my mother and she’s not really my aunt. She’s my mother’s partner and the two of them raised me. I know how it will go when I get home. Aunt Kitty will...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 142

The only bright spot for the busy weekend was that I spent two very enjoyable nights with Jenny in each other's arms, after spending 14 hours each day looking at numbers with the rest of my loves. We were still sexually worn out from all the activity Friday night. It was good just to hold her. We boarded the jet for Charlotte at 5; we wanted to make sure we were there early. During the flight we had a meeting to review the credit reports we had purchased for Brady Smith personally and his...

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I pull my body close to yours and bury my face into your silver moonlight kissed hair. I inhale the scent of your skin; its spicy scent lingers in my nose and all I smell is you. I kiss your neck and shoulders tasting the sweet saltiness of you skin on my lips. I slowly pull the sheets down your body and your beautiful full breasts are exposed. Your nipples stand up from the chill of the night air and I lightly rub them with my fingertips. Your head rolls to the side and a sigh escapes your...

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Long RelieverChapter 7

After Toronto, the Orioles moved on for a brief series in Tampa Bay before returning home for seven games in eight days against the Twins, Yankees, and Rays. Baltimore was experiencing early May, the short stretch of beautiful weather that comes before the long, hot summer. The crowds at Camden Yards were plentiful for the Twins and Rays, and overflowing when the hated Yanks were in town, which they were for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday games wedged between the Minnesota and Tampa Bay...

4 years ago
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My wife and me Fucked by four men

It started quite innocently enough. Me and my wife met a friend Dave for drinks.My wife is a sexy beautiful BBW and oozes sexiness.On drink lead to another, (and another). and my wife was openly flirting with Dave ( I knew that she fancied him)The pub was closing, so my mate asked if we would like to go to his hotel room, for more drinks. We were far enough gone by now and it seemed like a good idea.We arrived at his room in the hotel and he poured our drinks, put on some music and started to...

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Laura Roft Piss Raider In The Beginning Chapter Three

The woman beyond the undergrowth that shielded her from sight was possibly the most attractive person that Laura had ever seen. She was an inhabitant of the jungle, of that there was to be no doubt. Her clothing was of rough-cut animal skins; a mix-mash of different beasts crudely sewn together.Despite the primitiveness of her attire, the woman still radiated beauty. Her skin was a luscious dark brown, like molten chocolate, her equally dark brown eyes glowing like jewels, her gaze flitting...

2 years ago
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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela Part 8211 4

Hello dosto. Asha hai aap log majje me he aur lund hila rahe hai. Jaise ki aap log jaante hai mera naam kartik hai aur meri mummy ka naam leela hai. Jinhone pehle parts nahi pade,wo pehale wo padle to aapko kahani ka aur mazaa aayega. Aur aapko pata chalega ki meri mummy kitni badi chudasi aurat hai aur jisse lund ki pyaas rahti hai. Ye jo stories me aapko bata raha hu ye ekdam real stories hai.Meri mallu mummy leela ne aajtak jin jin logo la lund chusa hai.Ye kahaniya uske baare me hai. Pichli...

2 years ago
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Mike and MalokChapter 5 Acquainted and Accustomed

When I woke up in the morning, I was between two lovely bodies. My morning wood was throbbing more so than usual. I guess Malok was indisposed or could read my thoughts and did not attempt to talk to me. I kissed Lyna awake and then I began to fondle her. "It is light outside," she complained between kisses. "I don't care about such things. I want you. Do you want me?" After a blushing pause, she quietly said "Yes." I proceeded to drift my head southwardly, kissing her body as I...

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Barrat Park

Anyway, we were going to Barret Park. I was walking along with Nicole, arm in arm. Jamie and Amy were holding hands. Justin had my iPod and was in his own little world playing Empire State of Mind by Jay Z; and Holly and Jack were walking behind everyone, talking. Gemma was on her own in the middle. We got to Barret Park around 8:30PM. I had to go in at 9, and since I lived far away it would take me around 15 minutes to walk home. I was feeling kinda giddy with my legend status and was going...

1 year ago
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The Bad Girl

“Well now, my submissive lover, my slave, you have been a very bad girl. I saw you flirt with those handsome young men and women at the club last night when I had to step out to attend to business. Not only were you flirting, but you failed to tell me what you had done when you had the chance.I know your attraction to beautiful people, the lust you feel in your belly, your need to take them and fuck them. Oh, and I would have let you, had you only asked my permission. You gave yourself freely...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 43 If You Canrsquot Dazzle lsquoEm

STILL on GREG’S ISLAND, on a planet 350,000 Light years from Earth Bob’s POV: Okay, okay, OKAY ... Greg just crapped his drawers. Linda was frantically flashing, “Spinner Bear, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FLIPPING MIND?” And Ed was just gathering flies with his open mouth. But, in my defense, they’d all MISSED one critical thing. While these guys are obviously more advanced, technology-wise than we were, I was probing and they have NO psychokinetic powers whatsoever. They DO have some kind of...

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The Other Side Of Desire

Half awake, desire slowly infuses my soul, the realisation of your warm nakedness nestled into me drives the urge. My cock, stirring feels the heat of your ass, the smoothness of your skin, as I slowly harden and awaken. Desire turns to need as the realisation of you fills me. I draw closer as I start the slow seduction of your desire.I kiss the back of your neck, softly, almost invisibly and your breathing alters, I watch in the dark as your body arouses slowly. More kisses to your neck,...

Straight Sex
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The Sperm Donor

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. I would like to thank Dv8foto for allowing me to use the photos for the “Wife” character in this fictional story. Their profile can be found on Xhamster if you copy and paste their username. Thanks and enjoy! CHAPTER 1: Fertility She could have told me that...

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