Cursed free porn video

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Cursed! by Eddie Glover part 1 Tommy Thompson frowned as he ran home from football practice. He wanted to go out tonight with his girlfriend Megan but this was the night of the full moon. Unlike the rest of his family who only changed form upon their strange curses, he changed into a gorgeous red-headed woman whenever he uttered a profanity....or under the full moon. Needless to say this curtailed his social life on those nights. He walked in the front door of his house and saw his sister Rachel sitting on the couch watching television. "Rachel?", he asked while looking at the clock, "What are you doing here?". The sixteen-year old girl turned and frowned, "I yelled at Rachel this morning Tom. You know what that did to me.". Tommy Thompson barely withheld a smirk, "Mom? So how did you like being sixteen again?". Gina Thompson frowned, "I prefer being thirty-five.". Curtis walked in at that moment and saw his brother and sister talking. But Rachel seemed to be wearing his mother's clothes. "Hi mom!", he called while hugging her from behind. She kissed his cheek and laughed, "Hello Curtis! I see you went to school today!". "Sure did. And I've got a date for the dance! Melissa Hawkins wants to go out with me!", he said with a wide grin. Tommy smiled as he walked upstairs, he knew Melissa's older sister Janet and Melissa was a younger version of the buxom cheerleader. Curtis was a lucky guy. Rachel Thompson kissed her boyfriend Paul on the lips and smirked, "Pick me up tonight? I've got a suprise for you at midnight.". Paul Hernandez smiled, "I love suprises. I'll be by to get you at eight.". Rachel kissed him again and then walked into her house smiling. She wanted to see Paul's face when she turned into a woman like those in Playboy at midnight! A few hours later Harvey Thompson drove up to his house. He was relieved to be home, where just a stray thought about a beautiful woman wouldn't change him into a woman himself. His curse had been set up by his wife Gina, and in the last week he'd been able to keep his mind off fantasies. "Mr. Thompson!", a girl yelled to him from his neighbor home, the Hallberg's. He knew Tim Hallberg pretty well from their weekly golf outing and he knew the man's children as well as his own.....but this girl wasn't one he knew. Worse for him, she was wearing only a white t-shirt and shorts. Her large breasts were straining the material of the shirt and her nipples were easily visible. He could almost imagine how this beauty would look naked. As soon as that thought went through his head he began to change. His short brown hair turned blonde and grew to his shoulders even as he started to run for the house. But before he even got out of the driveway his hips popped wider, causing him to fall to his knees. His ass swelled but the rest of his body shrank into a slim young woman. He saw the gorgeous teenaged girl run to him, her breasts bouncing wildly as she ran. "My God!", she gasped, "Is that really you Mr. Thompson!?". "Afraid so.", Harvey said in a woman's voice, "I can explain all of this.", he said as she helped him up. The girl grinned, "No need! You aren't the only one who used to be a guy. I'm Mark Hallberg.", she said with a chuckle. Harvey's eyes widened, his son Tommy was best friends with Mark....had been since they were toddlers. Now this sultry teenaged bombshell was telling him she was Mark! "I wouldn't believe you, but given the changes in myself and my family I must say I can't discount it.", Harvey said. "Your family? What happened to them?", Mark asked. "They're all cursed like me. Different things trigger the change, all except for Tommy who becomes a woman under the full moon as well.", he said while trying to stand on his own. "I'll have to visit tonight! I've been kind of lonely since my change. Listen! My dad.....well he's been holed up in the house since we got zapped into women. Would you go talk to him?", Mark asked. "Let me change back first. I'll be over after I eat dinner.", he said as Mark smiled and ran back to her house. "Mark!", he snapped in his female voice. The girl stopped, "Yeah?". "But a bra! With a body like yours you won't be lonely for long with your boobs showing.", he said with a smirk. Mark laughed and ran back into his own home. Harvey walked into his home, his suit almost enveloping his slim female form. "Harvey!", his daughter Rachel snapped as she saw him female, "You slime! You were thinking about screwing around on me!". Harvey took off his jacket and sighed at his small breasts pushing against his dress shirt, "I couldn't help it Gina. I saw this very buxom girl next door wearing a t-shirt and no bra. I just wondered what she'd look like naked....and that caused me to change.". Gina frowned, "Marsha Hallberg? She's only fifteen!". Harvey chuckled, "This was Mark Hallberg. Somehow he became a sexy girl. is coming over to see Tommy tonight.". Gina's eyes shot wide, "This is a full moon Harvey!", she growled, "Tommy is going to be a woman!". "So is Mark.", Harvey said while opening the bathroom door, "And apparently so is Tim. I'm going over to see her later.". Gina staggered briefly as her breasts swelled and she grew taller. She sighed in relief, "I'm glad that is over.". "Damn!", Harvey snapped from the other side of the bathroom door. "What?", Gina asked. "I forgot to sit down to pee!", Harvey growled, "This is disgusting. I pissed all over myself! I'll be out after I take a shower.". Tommy Thompson was in his room when the moon came up. He felt the beginnings of the change and stripped naked to watch. He watched in fascination as his chest softened, the muscles of a football player slowly melting into the beginnings of breasts. He felt his nose shrink slightly even as his lips fattened. He felt his ass growing rounder and plumper and reached back to grab his butt. As he touched the smooth round bottom his penis grew hard. He then looked down as his nipples grew larger even as the flesh beneath them ballooned into full, firm female breasts. He was so overcome with the feelings of the swelling of them that he came. Just after that his groin felt as if it had been ripped open. When he wiped away the red-hair from his eyes he saw his reflection in the mirror. A very sexy red-headed woman stood naked before him. She was in a word awesome he decided as he felt his smooth body. Tommy put a finger into his vagina and gasped at the feeling. She continued to stimulate herself with one hand while rubbing her breasts with the other. She moaned in pleasure, maybe this wouldn't be so bad since it was only temporary. Suddenly the door to his room opened and a beautiful girl with boobs even bigger than Tommy's new set stood there grinning at him. "Who the hell are you!?", Tommy shrieked while pulling his finger out of his pussy and trying to cover himself. "Relax buddy!", the girl laughed, "I'm Mark Hallberg.". "Babe, I don't know who you are, but I've known Mark for years. He doesn't have DD-cup breasts!", Tommy laughed in his own female voice. "When you were seven we went to Wrigley Field with my dad.", the girl said with her hands on her wide hips, "You could have caught a foul ball but you got scared and ran away from it even though you were wearing my glove.". Tommy's jaw dropped open, "Mark?", he said. "Don't drool buddy. You're almost as sexy as me!", she snorted. "But did you get like that!?", Tommy said in wonder. Mark sat down, "I went to the park in Chicago with Marsha and my dad. Some fifty-foot tall woman came out of the lake and then all the men in the area got zapped into babes. If you think I'm a babe you should see my dad! He's only a few years older than me now and with a body that a porno star might envy!". "Your dad is a woman? Is it a curse like mine?", Tommy asked while sitting. The cold wood felt weird as he sat on his much wider ass. He had forgotten that he was naked! Mark saw her reaction and chuckled, "Don't sweat it Tommy! I'm a girl myself now!". "So.....what have you been doing?", Tommy asked, "Coach wanted to know what happened to you. Your sister said you were sick.". "I'm in your school dope! I'm on the girls basketball team now, although with my boobs that slows me down a lot. But I know how to be a point guard, and that was what they needed. I'm going by the name Halle Marcus now, dad has some friends in the government who created new identities for us.", Mark said. Tommy mused, "Halle? Hmm.....I seem to remember that name in the sports section. Yeah, now I remember! You set a new record for assists the other night.....twenty I think.". Mark smiled, "Yeah. I was hot that night. Even nailed four three-pointers!". She spotted a basketball in the corner, "You still play?", she asked Tommy. Tommy grinned, "Damn straight! I'm the best fucking.....oh shit!", she gasped as her breasts swelled until they were even larger than Mark's. Mark frowned, "That's a mean curse! Anytime you curse while female you seem to get sexier. I bet any guy who saw you right now might just cream his jeans!". Tommy grabbed the basketball, "Well, even looking like Dolly Parton I can still beat you!". They walked outside, ignoring the wide eyes of Curtis. The teenaged boy dropped his glass of soda as they walked past. His eyes were glued to their tits until they passed him, then on their asses as they walked outside. "Curtis!", his mother snapped. Watching his mother transform from teenaged girl to a small grey cat broke Curtis' ogling. He scooped up the cat that looked like his now deceased Blink and stroked her fur. Gina Thompson had been horrified to become an animal but as her son stroked her fur she purred in pleasure and curled up on his lap. She'd panic later, this felt too damn pleasant. "I'm sorry I made your curse to turn into a cat when you yelled at me mom.", Curtis sighed. "Me too.", Harvey said while walking into the kitchen, "Not a lot of fun to be married to a kitty.", he said with a grin as he looked at his altered wife. Gina hissed at him then sulked on her son's lap, her tail twitching as she watched her husband walk out the front door. Harvey knocked on the door to the Hallberg's and waited. Mark had said she would tell Tim that he was coming over to see her. A statuesque blonde answered the door with a weak smile. She was the most sexually attractive woman he'd ever seen! Her breasts were very large, but not so enormous that they were sloppy. Her hips were marvelous and her waist the thinnest he'd ever seen. Harvey felt the changes sweep over him as her grew erect staring at this sexpot....until his erection, and his penis, were gone. Timothy Hallberg had frowned when she'd seen the bulge in her best friend's pants. But her thoughts turned to surprise as two bulges on Harvey's chest replaced the shrinking one in his pants. In seconds a small-breasted but sexy young woman smiled at her from where Harvey had been. "Well Tim, guess now we can play from the lady's tees!", Harvey said with a grin. "Harvey!?", Tim gasped, "How did this happen to you!?". Harvey shook out her blonde hair and smiled, "I got blasted by some psychos who turned me into a woman. But I got lucky and a sorceress managed to make it a curse instead. Now I only change when any thoughts about making love to another woman roll through my head.". Tim frowned, "You changed looking at me!?". Harvey coughed, "Well buddy, you do look like a stripper.". The two old friends laughed and sat down to watch television, trying hard to keep their eyes off each other. Rachel Thompson looked at her watch as Paul kissed her neck. It was only a few minutes to midnight and she wanted Paul to be as suprised as possible. She'd snuck out while her little brother was talking to her mom. She grinned at seeing her older brother Tommy and her neighbor Mark earlier, both looked like she would in just a few minutes. Paul Inez grinned as his hand wandered to Rachel's breast. While she wasn't too well-endowed he knew she had a nice body. He wondered what this suprise she had for him was, maybe she was finally going to let him get into her pants. Rachel felt her breasts start to swell just as midnight struck and she kissed Paul in joy. Paul was stunned when the nicely sized breast under his hand seemed to grow, and grow, and grow! Even as he started to look up Rachel kissed him hard. He squeezed her breast, now knowing that it wasn't an illusion....her tits had just grown to at least D-cup range! Rachel moaned in pleasure as her body matured into that of a big-breasted adult woman. Then she noticed Paul's erection shrinking....what was wrong with this guy!? Here his girl turns into a supermodel and he's NOT getting an erection!? She opened her eyes when their lips parted and for a moment just stared at.....herself. A very sexy woman, the very reflection she now cast was grinning at her. "Who the heck are you!? What happened to Rachel!? Hey my voice sounds weird!", Paul said while grabbing his throat. Then he looked down to see his shirt bulging with a very large pair of female breasts. Stunned he touched them and gasped at the realization that these wondeful boobs....were HIS!!!! "Ahhhhhh!", he screamed in shock, "Please let me have my dick!", he moaned while reaching into his pants. But his hand found only the outer lips of a vagina.....apparently HIS vagina! The mystery woman that he knew had to somehow be Rachel grabbed him. "Paul! Listen to me, I'm so sorry! I had no idea this would happen! I just wanted you to see me during my changed form.", Rachel soothed. Paul laughed, about all he could do to keep from going insane, "Well.....I guess I'll see lots of it now.". Part 2 Rachel opened the door to her house with more than a little fear. She half expected her mother to be waiting for her. "Wouldn't it be better to just tell your mom and dad about this?", Paul Inez asked from behind her. Rachel turned to face the over-endowed adult form that was her own as well. "Right! Tell my mom that I took off after my curfew to have sex with my boyfriend! And then tell her that I somehow changed you into a woman....into me!", Rachel growled. Paul cupped his large breasts, "Well I can't go home looking like this! And I'm sure your mom and dad will be more than a little upset to find me staying here.". "I'm hoping you change back to normal when I do in the morning. I'll just have to find some way to get you out of the house then.", Rachel sighed. Paul frowned while looking at his female body, "And if I don't change back?". Rachel ignored the question and walked up the steps, followed by her new twin. Morning---- Paul Inez woke the next morning staring at a pink ceiling covered with posters of guys. He frowned for a moment, wondering why he wasn't in his own room. The memories of the previous night then brought him to the realization of where he Rachel's bed. He sat up with a start as he realized that he was a guy again, and that a very normal Rachel was curled up against him. He heard a knock at the door and gulped as Rachel's mother called into the room. "Rachel. Wake up honey, it's time for school.", the woman's voice said through the door. Rachel stirred and rolled over, her hand landing on Paul's groin...and more precisely on his penis. The girl's eyes opened as she squeezed the familiar shape. Then she rolled over to see a very stunned Paul sitting up naked in bed with her. The door opened then and Rachel's mother Gina walked in. She gasped at seeing her daughter naked and in bed with a naked boy! "Rachel!", she screamed. Paul started to say something only to have the words die on his lips when he saw the adult woman before him beginning to shrink and change. Gina Thompson sighed as she finished changing into the image of her sixteen year-old daughter. From the look on Rachel's boyfriend's face this wasn't the first change he'd seen in the Thompson family. "'re her....I mean Rachel!?", Paul said in wonder, "Is she contagious or something!?". Gina frowned at that, "Contagious?". Paul just stared at the image of his girlfriend for a moment then spoke, "Yeah....I mean I changed into her last night....well.....a lot more adult version.". "Mom, did you see my gym shoes?", Tommy asked while coming into the room. He stopped in shock for a moment upon seeing his sister in bed with Paul Inez, a guy he knew from school. "Holy shit!", he gasped in spite of himself. When his shirt began to stretch outwards under the pressure of swelling female breasts he sighed, he'd forgotten his curse about cussing. Paul's jaw fell open as Tom Thompson changed before his eyes into a very buxom red-headed woman. "Tommy!? You too!?", he gasped at the new woman before him. "NO!", Tommy snapped while cupping his large breasts, "I can't go to school like this! And I've got a test today!". Gina sighed, "There is no way you're going like that Thomas. Aside from the more obvious problems you won't like how men treat a woman like yourself.". Paul pulled the sheet over himself, feeling pretty self-conscious about being naked before three women. Suddenly there was a knock at the front door, leaving all four people to look at each other. "I can't answer it.", Gina sighed, "Not in my nightgown.". Tommy frowned, "Me being the only one dressed I guess that makes me the choice. I just hope it's nobody I know!", he/she groaned while walking out of the room. "This is sooo weird.", Paul groaned while reaching for his pants. Gina frowned as she caught herself watching the boy's ass, apparently being a twin to her sixteen-year old daughter made her somewhat affected by Rachel's desires. She sighed and turned towards her own bedroom, hopefully Harvey wasn't awake yet. When the front door opened Tommy was stunned to see a gorgeous blonde woman standing there with a similarly beautiful girl that Tommy now knew to be his neighbor Mark. "Mark? Er....what's going on?", she asked the blonde girl. Mark smiled, "I was going to ask you that! I mean you don't plan on going to school as a girl do you?". The woman with her, not much older than Mark herself, extended a hand. "Hello Tommy. Mark told me about your curse.", she said while smiling wide. "Mr. Hallberg? I mean.....sorry if I acted like an idiot when I saw's just...", Tommy was searching for words. Tim Hallberg grinned, "Don't worry about it Tommy. Now is your dad ready? We're going golfing today.". "Right here Tim.", the slim woman that Harvey Thompson became on occasion said while coming down the stairs. Tommy nearly burst out laughing at seeing his dad wearing his mother's clothing, then he remembered that he at the moment was even more feminine than his dad. Mark turned to her father, "Dad? Can I stay home today? I thought Tommy and me could have some fun talking about old times.". Tim sighed, "Why not? But only today.". Harvey Thompson dragged his golf bag to the car, frowning at how heavy the damned thing seemed while he was in female form. Tim smiled as they drove towards the golf course, "Harvey? I thought you had to see a woman other than your wife to change?". Harvey blushed slightly, "I do have a subscription to Playboy.". Thompson home------ Gina Thompson dressed in her normal suit, waiting for the change to her normal form. She had called work to tell them she was running late, that one of her kids was sick. "You look nice Mrs. Thompson.", Mark said as she played on the Playstation that Tommy owned. Gina smiled at the buxom girl before her. She still couldn't believe that this beauty with breasts she could only dream of having was the boy she'd known since he was five. She remembered taking care of Mark when he was a kid for God's sake! " two Mark.", she said while trying not to notice the girl's extremely large breasts. Tommy turned from playing Final Fantasy for a moment, "Bet you never thought you'd see us like this, did you mom?", he laughed. Gina smiled, "You could say that Tom.". As Gina watched the two girls....well, age-wise they were girls even if their bodies were adult. She watched the girls and frowned, in less than two hours Tommy would be a young man again. She wondered if leaving him alone with a bombshell like Mark was a good idea, given what Mark looked like and Tommy's sex drive they might be tempted. "Are you two going to be all right here alone?", she finally asked. Tommy turned around with a frown on her face, "What do you mean?". Gina groaned, "It's just that....well'll be a man again pretty soon...and Mark is a gorgeous young just don't....", she tried not to say it. Mark grimaced, "You think we're going to have sex!? I may look like a woman Mrs. Thompson but I don't want to have sex with a man!". Tommy chuckled, "Yeah mom. I mean sure Mark looks like Pamela Lee but she's still......Mark.". Gina swelled back to her normal fortyish form and sighed, "Sorry. I'm just paranoid I guess. I'll see you two later.". They watched her leave and then both girls grinned at the other. Mark stripped off her shirt and bra, exposing her big breasts. She proceeded to take off the rest of her clothes and sit naked beside a clearly impressed Tommy. Tommy also stripped and began massaging Mark's breasts even as the other girl did the same to her. "Oh man!", Tommy moaned in pleasure, "That feels sooo good!". Mark carressed the other girl's nude body and grinned, "I told your mom I didn't want to have sex with a man, at present you surely aren't male!". Tommy thrust a finger into her friend's pussy and smiled, "Just us girls right?". The two girls proceeded to pleasure each other many times in the two hours they had until Tommy changed back. Viewmont Country Club---- Tim Hallberg stood on the first tee at her country club. She'd never played this course since her change into a woman, nor had she been in public enough to deal with the looks she was receiving from the men present. She watched Harvey hit her tee shot with a smirk. They had played this course for years....but never from the ladies tees. Tim hit her shot right down the middle, although only about half as far as she'd hit it as a man. She frowned bent over to get her tee from the ground. That was when she heard the man whistle at her ass. She spun in rage, wanting to smack her golf club upside his head. But Harvey grabbed her and whispered to her. "Calm down Tim. We're going to get treated a lot different.", she sighed. Two men drove up in a cart and grinned at them. "Hey ladies! Want to play in a foursome?", a burly blonde man, named Ralph they both knew, asked. They ignored the men and got into their cart. Trying to play their round in as much peace as possible. "This sucks.", Harvey frowned as they finished their round later that day, "We both shot at least ten shots worse than usual!". Tim sipped her beer and grinned, "We've never had breasts before either Harvey!". "Want to play another round?", Harvey asked while looking at the bright noon sun overhead. Tim adjusted her bra and smiled, "Sure! What else have I got to do!". Later that day, Thompson home----- Gina Thompson walked into the living room of her home wanting only to sit down until Harvey and the kids got home. But then she saw Mark and Tommy lying on the floor together naked.....and Tommy was a man again. "Thomas!", she howled in rage. But as soon as she yelled at him she regressed in age until she was only five years old. She stomped over to them and shook Tommy awake. The boy's eyes opened and he stared at the little girl wearing adult clothes. "Who....who are you?", the boy groaned. Gina frowned, "I know I yelled at you but you've seen me like this Thomas. I can't believe you two had sex!". "Thomas? What are you.....", the boy stopped speaking when he looked down to see himself male. Then Mark sat up screaming while seemingly feeling her body. "Mark!?", Mark's body gasped at Tommy's body. "Tommy!?", Gina and Mark both gasped at Mark's body. part 3 Tom Thompson frowned as his male body, with Mark Hallberg now within it, sat across from him. He was now trapped in the gorgeous blonde bombshell body that Mark had possessed as well. "How did this happen?", Tom's mother Gina asked while sitting down between them. Tom frowned, "I don't know! We were just playing around while we were both women....then when I started to back something happened. When I woke up I was in Mark's body.". "I.....I never thought I'd ever be a guy again.", Mark said in Tommy's voice. Gina frowned at that, "Mark, you are willing to reverse this aren't you?". Mark nodded, "Yes. I can't condemn Tommy to being a woman all the time. But how can we reverse this!?". Tommy groaned, "I hate to say this.....but I think we need sex.". "What!?", Gina gleeped in shock. Mark smirked, "Like before? Fucking great!", he laughed. Mark felt Tommy's body shift even as he'd spoken the profanity. Breasts swelled outwards even as his nipples doubled in size. When the change was done he felt more....normal. He'd been a sexy woman for weeks now and being one again didn't bother him too much. "I can't watch this.", Gina groaned while walking upstairs, "Try to keep it down.". Tommy stripped naked as did Mark and within moments they were having sex on the floor. Viewmont Country Club------- Tim Hallberg was lining up her putt on the seventeenth hole when a ball landed on the green beside her. She jumped back in shock at almost being hit even as Harvey fingered the men responsible. "Jerks!", Harvey snorted while kicking the golf ball into the sand trap. Two balding men with beer bellys came driving up moments later in their cart. "Get off the green you bimbos! Golf is a man's game!", a red-haired man that Harvey knew as Deke Halson growled. "Show me one and I'll let him play through!", Harvey snapped, "You almost hit us you moron!". "Want me to kiss you and make it better?", the second man, Jack Walley, chortled in glee. Suddenly Harvey began to feel himself changing back. But even as she staggered Jack grabbed her and planted a kiss on her lips. Harvey felt a shock of power race between them as neither could pull free of the kiss. When it was done Harvey was his normal male self, albeit in his wife's clothes, while Jack Walley had become a luscious brunette woman with breasts as large as Tim's. "What the fuck!?", Deke screamed as he saw Jack's change. Finally whatever power had connected Harvey and Jack allowed them to part. Their lips finally stopping the kiss that had lasted a minute. Harvey quickly pictured Tim's female body naked and changed back quickly into a woman. "AHHHHH!!!", Jack Walley screamed in horror as he cupped his newly grown breasts, "What the hell is going on here!?". "This is insane!", Deke said while backing up, "You turned Jack into a woman!". Harvey put an arm around Jack to stop her screaming, "Jack! Calm down! I'm a woman too! You might remember me as Harvey Thompson.". Jack's eyes widened, "What is this, an epidemic!?". Tim snorted, "Besides it's your fault! If you hadn't kissed Harvey you wouldn't have changed!". Deke seemed to be checking himself, "Er....I'm not gonna grow boobs too am I?". Tim frowned, "Unfortunetly no. Listen let's go back to my house. You can't go home like you are now Jack.". Jack seemed to nod then limply followed the two women back to their car, leaving a very confused Deke Halson standing on the seventeenth green. Later, home of Gina and Harvey Thompson----- Gina walked in the door and sighed in relief that she wasn't hearing the sounds of sex. "Tommy?", she called out while putting down her purse. Her son walked down the stairs back in his normal form, a wide grin on his face. "What are you smiling about?", she asked crossly. Tommy chuckled, "I got laid twice on one day! Why wouldn't I be happy!?". Gina started to yell at him but stopped. She didn't want to become a little girl for a few hours. Instead she sighed, "Where is your new girlfriend anyway?". "Mark? She went back home.", Tommy said while stretching. At that moment Rachel walked in. "Hello Rachel.", Gina said icily. "Er....hi mom.", Rachel Thompson said, "You're not still mad at me are you?". "Why would I be mad? Justb because I found you in bed with a naked boy this morning?", Gina said while trying to keep her voice even. "I suppose it did look bad. But we didn't do anything! Paul was a girl last night when we came back here.", Rachel said in defense. "After you snuck out past your curfew.", Gina said firmly, "You're grounded for the rest of the weekend.". Rachel frowned and walked upstairs, not even looking at a smirking Tommy. "Ah! Young love!", Tommy joked. Gina turned back to him, "Don't you start Romeo.". The phone rang then and Gina grabbed it, wanting some release from the insanity that her life was now. "Hello?", she managed to say without snapping. "Gina!", a woman said in return, "I'm next door, you need to get over here!". "Harvey?", Gina asked, "Is that you?". "Yes! Now come over!", Harvey said before hanging up. Gina sighed and walked out the door trailed by a curious Tommy. Home of Tim Hallberg------ Marsha Hallberg sat on the couch with her head in her hands. She'd gotten used, as much as anyone could, to seeing her brother and father both now gorgeous females. She was coping with that. But now she saw her next door neighbor Mr. Thompson as a woman and some buxom lady that her dad said had been a man as well. Mark Hallberg sat next to her sister, trying to get Marsha to stop groaning. "Sis, come on. It can't get any weirder!", Mark soothed. At that moment Mrs. Thompson walked in with her son Tommy. Although Tommy was older than her Marsha had a crush on him and seeing him calmed her a little. "Harvey!", Gina gasped at the naked woman between Tim and Harvey. Instantly Gina felt herself change. Her breasts swelled larger, much larger in fact. Her hips widened even as her ass swelled rounder. Her hair turned blonde and grew longer even as her face changed. Marsha just stared at Marilyn Monroe standing before her in the clothes of Gina Thompson. "Son of a bitch!", Tommy said without thinking as he stared at the naked woman that had triggered his mother's reaction. Marsha was horrified as Tommy Thompson, the boy she wanted more than any on the planet, began to change into....a woman! She saw a sexy red-headed woman in Tommy's clothes now. A woman with breasts almost as large as her brother Mark now possessed. "Oh no, not you too Tommy!", she sobbed. Jack Walley had been stunned to see two people walk in on him as he stood naked and female. He'd been dressing in the garments Tim had provided, when a teenage boy and a woman walked in. Now Marilyn Monroe and a red-head with a body straight out of Playboy stood where those two had been. "Is everyone in this house cursed!?", she gasped to Tim. Tim chuckled, "More or less.". Home of Paul Inez----- Later that night Paul Inez was sitting up by himself watching television. He grinned at the events of the night before when he'd somehow become a buxom adult woman. It had been wild to have breasts and a female body but he was glad it hadn't been permanent! He felt something rubbing on the back of his neck and reached to scratch it....only to see long brown hair in his hand. "Oh no.", he said in shock as breasts swelled out of his chest. A gorgeous adult woman with breasts like a supermodel now sat where Paul Inez had been. She turned to look at the clock. "Midnight! Just when Rachel changes! I've got her curse!", Paul gasped. She grabbed her car keys and walked to her car, already hating the swing of her breasts. She stopped at a red light, not even noticing the van that had pulled up behind her. Suddenly a man grabbed her and pulled her out of the car....well sort of a man. This man had enormous female breasts! "Witch! I know of thee! I can sense the stink of magic upon you!", the strange man howled. Paul frowned, "Listen mister I'm not a...mmmmfff!", she was gagged by a man from behind at that moment. "I thought you would deny your powers witch!", the man snorted, "We of the DD Order have tasted your spells!". Paul struggled against the man holding her and struck a bulging breast. The man groaned in pain while releasing her. "Stop her!", another female-breasted man snapped. Unlike the others he also had wide womanly hips and long blonde hair. "Don't fear Brother Konrad. We will follow the witch to her coven. Then we can force then to lift the curse that is slowly changing us into women!", the leader of the men grinned. Part 4 Home of Harvey and Gina Thompson---- Paul Inez got out of his car, hating the sway of his boobs as he ran to the door. He still couldn't believe that he looked like a centerfold babe! And worse, he'd remain one until morning! He knocked on the door and was horrified to not hear anyone stirring inside. He knocked louder as the van that had chased her earlier pulled up. Rachel Thompson walked downstairs to answer the door. She grinned slightly at how stretched her nightgown was by her body. As usual at midnight she'd turned into a buxom, gorgeous adult woman. The pounding on the door increased as she reached for the knob, "Hold your water!", she snarled. When the door opened her exact twin stood there in male clothing. "Paul!?", she gasped at the woman before her. She saw Paul turn and noticed the ten men in black racing up the sidewalk. " those guys have boobs!?", she gasped. Paul pushed her inside and slammed the door. He locked it and turned back to her even as the first of the men started pounding on the door. "What is going on!?", Rachel asked in shock, "How did you turn back into me!?". Paul shrugged, setting his braless chest to bouncing about, "How should I know!? I just changed! Maybe I've got your curse for good!". "Come out witches!", a man snarled at them from beyond the door. "This just gets better.", Paul sighed. Next door---at the home of Timothy Hallberg Tommy Thompson was the first to hear the voices next door. He walked to the window, himself now a very buxom red-head, and looked at ten men in black on their front porch. Unless he was losing it it also seemed that those men had....well....tits! "", he said while looking at the slim woman that his father had become through his own curse. Harvey Thompson walked to the window and frowned, "Someone is trying to break into our house!". At that moment a blast of energy leaped at them from one of the men. Tommy giggled and turned around, "Oh wow! I feel soooo horny!". "Tommy?", Mark Hallberg gasped at her friend. Harvey Wallberg, noticeably more buxom than before, started rubbing her sex, "I need a man so baaad!", she moaned. "This would be normal around here?", Jack Walley groaned, himself now a sexy woman as was everyone else in the room! "No.", Tim frowned, "That flash did something to them.". Gina Thompson frowned and raced towards the door when Mark yelled at her from the window. "You are NOT going to believe this!", she groaned. Gina looked out as another vehicle, this one a pick-up truck, pulled up and dislodged ten men dressed in jeans and t-shirts. "It's them DD boys Andy!", one of them said with a heavy Southern accent. "Yeehaa! Let's fire up the centerfolds boys! Time fer the League of Redneck Centerfold Collectors ta rise again!", Andy yelled. "Brother Baxter!", one of the black-clad DD Order men yelled. Baxter turned and sneered at the Rednecks, "Our old enemies, come to take advantage of us in our weakened condition! Use your devices men, change them all into our kind of women!". Tim Hallberg watched in fascination, "Looks like a turf war.". Washington, D.C.----- Sanator Crowley walked into the office of his government run magical department. He'd only recently been able to change back into himself after being trapped as a centaur Marilyn Monroe for some time. James smiled at him while throwing the paper to him. "Been a wild week hasn't it.", he laughed. Crowley smirked, had he not known James so well he'd be attracted to the enormous bosomed blonde before him. "Indeed. After all that name calling magic and whatever was happening at the Captitol I dare say I'm ready for a rest.", Crowley sighed. "Well don't be.", Gina said from James' side, "Ronnie just reported in on a magical battle happening in Chicago, involving the Redneck Centerfold Collectors and some bozos called the DD order.". "Does it ever end?", Crowley groaned. James mused, "How about sending Ronnie and Tim there.". Crowley nodded, "Ronnie's PC genie powers and Tim's magic remote should make them capable to stopping this. But send Bogie as well. He can watch and report to us if something goes wrong.". As if on cue the magical godfather levitated into view looking like a minature Humphrey Bogart. "You called?", he asked while looking down James' shirt at her breasts. "Eyes off!", James snorted while pointing. Bogie's eyes were covered by a blindfold in a second. "All right! I get da meaning!", he snorted, "See ya!". "All of this stuff seems to be happening at the same time Crowley.", James mused. Crowley seemed preoccupied for a moment then pointed and created a portal. "Come one you two we're needed somewhere else.", he said while entering the portal. James punched the intercom, "Lucas. Call everyone in in case Ronnie or Tim calls. I'm going to be.....out for a few days.". He entered the portal with his wife Gina a moment later. Back in Chicago----home of Harvey and Gina Thompson Paul stared out the window at the magical battle going on. Both sides were attempting to blast each other but ended up hitting innocent bystanders. He frowned at the two blonde women having sex on a police car. Moments before those two had been male cops! Then they'd been struck by a stray blast of one of the DD order guys. Across the street Martin Foster, an eighty-five year old veteran of World War 2, grabbed his shotgun as he saw what was happening at the Thompson house. His wife Betty frowned, "Martin just get back from that window before something.....", she was blinded momentarily as a beam of light hit her husband. When the light lifted a naked woman stood where her husband had been. She gasped at the woman's smooth skin and round buttocks. "Mar....Martin?", she asked in wonder. The woman turned and Betty could only gape at a beautful brunette woman who looked no older than twenty holding Martin's shotgun. "Betty?", the young woman managed to say before she passed out in shock. Betty Foster rose and walked to help her husband, female or not now he was still her husband. But as she passed the window a swimsuit flew onto her body. The bikini hit her and she passed out alongside her altered husband a moment later. Tim Hallberg watched all of this from her own home. She'd already seen a paperboy turned into a little girl, a dog turned into a large cow, and various other people changed into women out of centerfolds. "We've got to do something!", Gina Thompson snapped. At that moment two people appeared before them. One was a man in his twenties alongside a gorgeous blonde woman that Mark recognized instantly. "Vanessa Angel!?", she said in wonder. Ronnie Turner grinned, she got that a lot since being struck by lightning in her dorm room. She'd been changed into the character from the show she'd been watching....Lisa...a PC genie. "Not quite. We're here to help. Do you have any idea what is going on?", Ronnie asked. Tim frowned at a Redneck about to throw a bra at him. He raised his remote control and hit AGE. A two year old boy dropped the bra a moment later, stunned by his age-regression. "Wow!", Mark gasped, "You must have gotten powers like the ones that changed us!". "Not quite.", Tim said while aiming the control again, "If we live through this without becoming bimbos I'll explain it all.". part 5 Thompson home----- Tim Hallberg was having a hard time believing what she was seeing. Her own female condition was something she'd gotten used to. But seeing her best friend Harvey as a buxom woman fighting to get free of the makeshift rope they'd tied her in was strange. But that seemed normal when compared to why Harvey was a nymphomaniac at present. It was all because of some insane fight going on between some men with Southern Accents called the League Of Centerfold Collecters and their opponents the so-called DD Order, who were men...mostly...who seemed to be slowly changing into their own fantasy females. Already a dozen people had been turned into everything from centerfolds to a talking lawnmower, and it was only getting worse! And then there were the two people helping them, one was the image of an actress who seemed to have magical powers and the other was a man with a remote control who could use it to alter people and things. "Dad! Look out!", his son...maybe daughter was a better desciption...yelled as she pushed Tim down. A burst of pink energy flew over them and hit one of the Rednecks. They heard a ripping sound and turned to see a red-headed woman with truly mammoth breasts screaming in rage. "Ya damn idjets!", the woman howled while grabbing a bra and throwing it at the DD Order man who'd zapped her. The man leaped aside and the bra struck another Redneck, turning him into a gorgeous woman who looked like she'd stepped out of a Victoria's Secret catalog. "Morrie! Ya stoopid jerk!", the other new woman snapped while clutching her new bosom, "Hit the other guys!". Ronnie Turner threw a bolt of magic at another DD goon and the man turned into an inflatable punching bag. She pulled the air plug and watched the man deflate with a grin. Meanwhile Tim Mathews was using his magical remote to best effect. He'd already age-regressed a few of the combatants into infants, then he'd switched to swapping their forms to confuse both sides. Gina Thompson watched all this in wonder until she saw Tim get hit with a burst of golden energy from one of the Centerfold guys. Tim was gone in a second, only his remote falling to the ground to provide evidence he'd ever been there. Gina screamed in horror, "They killed him!". Ronnie frowned as she appeared in a flash of magic, "No. He got sucked into that centerfold.", she said while pointing at a fleeing man. "Well zap him!", she growled. Ronnie threw a spell but a DD Order man fell into the path of it and was turned into a cumcumber. "Rednecks, let's get!", the fleeing Centerfold wielder yelled while starting the truck they'd arrived in. Three little kids, four buxom women, and a dog answered his call along with two unchanged men. The DD Order had been reduced to only three unaltered members, other than the cumcumber and the inflatable punching bag they had three newly female members and a mannikin. Ronnie threw a bolt at them and was relieved to see them turn and flee in their van. She wasn't sure if she had enough juice left to stop so many of them. "But they've got your friend!", Gina yelled. Mark Hallberg came running up, and given that he/she was a very well-endowed woman the sight of her abundant breasts bouncing about caught Ronnie's eye. "Stare at your own!", Mark snapped while noticing the woman's gaze. "Sorry, I was a man though.", Ronnie sighed while shrugging. Mark frowned, "So was I! Most everybody here was as well!". Jack Walley turned and pointed to the ropes sitting on the ground, "Did any of you see Harvey or Tommy!?", she yelled. Gina's frown deepened, "No...why?". Jack groaned, "They got away! One of those DD Order guys came in and used some device to make me become a giggling idiot. Then he grabbed both of them and carried them off!". "Harvey! And Tommy too!", Gina sobbed, "This can't be happening!". Suddenly a pair of screams tore their attention from the crisis. Everyone turned to see the two naked blonde women that had been policemen screaming at their bodies. "What....what the fuck happened to us Ike!", the taller of the two moaned while touching her bulging breasts in horror. "Like I know Reggie!?", Ike growled while covering her breasts with her arm, "I remember seeing a pink light and then when I came to myself I was on the squad car screwing you!". "Whoa! More dames! I've gone ta heaven!", a small male voice chuckled from above them. Reggie looked up and saw a minature Humphrey Bogart floating over her head on fairy wings! "I've lost my mind!", Reggie laughed, although it came out as a giggle, "First I turn into a babe then I see little flying guys!". Ronnie teleported to their side, making both women jump in shock. "Listen guys! I can help you until we find the DD Order, then maybe we'll be able to get you changed back.", Ronnie said in trying to soothe the two. "Help!? How can you help us!?", Ike snarled. Ronnie pointed and both women were now wearing jeans and shirts, along with bras and panties underneath, " you won't make such a scene.". Mark walked up, "I wouldn't worry about it! Look around!". Ronnie groaned at the dozens of people within sight that had been changed. This was going to take more help than just herself. She created a television monitor and saw her brother Trent looking shocked. "Sorry to break into your late night movie bro, but I'm gonna need so major help down here in Chicago! Tim was kidnapped by those damned Redneck Centerfold Collecters and two other ladies were taken by some outfit calling itself the Brotherhood of the DD Order or something like that.", she sighed. Mark frowned at the woman on the television, "That is your brother? He....she looks like Wonder Woman!". Ronnie smirked, "She IS Wonder Woman now. At first she just had the bod, but another magical mix-up gave Trent Wonder Babe's powers!". "I'll get everyone I can find.", Trent said while reaching for the phone. "No time bro.", Ronnie said while sending a blast of magic through the television. Mark yelped in shock when a six foot plus amazon appeared beside her dressed in only a bra and panty outfit. "Ronnie!", Trent snarled, "I could have gotten dressed!". Inside the Thompson home----- Paul Inez was watching all of this from the window. He was still stuck looking like his girlfriend Rachel, or at least what she looked like when she was cursed. Rachel walked in with a pair of Cokes and sat down, "So what happened?". Paul sat down with her, still hating the adundant posterior she now had. "It seems to be over, I see some babes out there with your mom.", Paul said while fondeling his breasts for a moment. Rachel slapped her twin's hand, "Stop that! That is my body you're wearing!". Paul smirked, "Not really! It's still mine...ohhh man does this feel nice!". "Rachel!", Gina Thomspon gasped in relief while racing into the room trailed by a bevy of ladies. Gina hugged who she assumed to be her daughter and then smelled male deodorant. "Mom, I'm over here.", Rachel sighed, "You're hugging Paul.". Gina backpedaled and blushed, "Sorry! Wait....Paul how....I thought you were free of the curse!". Paul grumped, "So did I.". Rachel looked around for a moment, " I recognize Mark from seeing her over her with Tommy....but who are the rest of these women?". "Friends.", Gina sighed, "Rachel I need you to stay home with Curtis. I'll leave Jack here with you. Stay inside and wait until you hear from me.". Rachel started to look scared now, "Mom, what's happening? Where is Dad and Tommy!?". Mark spoke up, "Those DD Order goons took them. We're going with Ronnie and Trent here to save them.". Paul frowned, "Jack? Ronnie? Trent? Is there anybody around here who still IS a guy!?". Ronnie turned and frowned, "Tomorrow is the full moon, we'll have a lot of help then. Until then it's just us though.". Gina frowned, "Why will we have more help on a full moon?". Trent grinned slightly, "It's the meeting time of Gender Benders Anonymous. Crowley never misses a meeting and we'll need his help.". As they started to leave Mark frowned, "Who is Crowley?". Foster home----across the street Betty Foster woke up in bed. She smiled in relief that the previous night must have been some crazy dream. Then she raised her arms and stopped in shock. The smooth skin of a young woman met her gaze as she stared at her hand. She looked down and nearly screamed at the huge breasts filling out a bikini! She touched her smooth, youthened face and then turned to look for Martin. "Martin?", she asked while seeing nobody in bed with her. A gorgeous young woman walked into the room wearing one of Betty's old robes. She sat down next to a clearly befundled Betty and frowned. "I've changed just a little Betty.", she said dryly. "Martin! Oh God! Then it all really happened!?", Betty gasped while looking at her transformed husband. "Yep. I woke up and kind of went nuts for a little while. I mean just look at me! I look like one of our grandkids! Anyway, then I pulled you off the floor and into bed. I was as shocked by your change as my own Betty! But then I decided crying won't help none. Besides, this is the first time I've been free of pain for a long time!", Martin laughed. Betty touched the other woman's cheek and smiled, "We're young again. Maybe it's a second chance at life...but you're a woman.". Martin kissed his stunned wife, "I still love you. Listen, the press is already crowding the block since the police aren't here yet. Care to do something we haven't done in awhile? It'll pass the time better until the police can question us.". Betty smiled, "I....I suppose. But Martin, what about the kids!? What will they think of us!?". Martin kissed her again and grinned, "We'll worry about it later my dear. Just like I'll worry about my arthritis in about fifty years!". It was at that moment that the lights clicked on and a fifty year old man stood there looking shocked. "Who are you ladies!? Where is my mother and father!?", he snarled. Martin growled, "Mickey, you always did have the worst timing of all my kids.". "Mick.....who the Hell are you!?", Mickey Fosted snapped, "How do you know me!?". Martin frowned, "I know you because I raised you! I'm your dad!". Betty spoke up, "Surely you must have heard about this on the radio son.". Mickey's eyes widened, "Ye....yeah. They said a lot of people got transformed by some kind of phenomenon...that's why I came, to make sure you two were all right!". Martin clapped the man on the back, "You always were a good boy Mick.". Mickey dropped his face in his hands, "Dad!? Tell me that isn't you...please tell me I've lost my mind.". Betty took her son's face in her hands, "She is your dad. We got transformed during that craziness, but we are young now...maybe it was God's will.". Mickey's eyes darted to the vast cleavage before his eyes. He tore his gaze away and tried real hard to remember that the girl in the small bikini before him was really his mother. "I'll get the Tylenol.", Martin said while walking away, "You're gonna need it son.". next time-----the search for Tim, Tommy, and Harvey.....and it's a media frenzy for the transformed citizens...and the latest meeting of the GBA!

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My first time with a girl

I still rate it as one of the best times I've had sex, I think of it occasionally if I'm bored and want to play with myself. It's all happened when me and my boyfriend had started going to the gym together, which I loved seeing him pumped up from doing weights and knowing that when I bent over my yoga pants would go see through and see guys look at my ass while I did really added to the gym experience and made me feel really good. The gym we went to was a local leisure centre where my...

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Janes Story

Jane Brooke Smithers was, for all intensive purposes, a happily married woman. She was born and raised in Seattle and now taught school there, as a grade 3 teacher. At 5'7" with a very athletic body, she was considered gorgeous and the sexiest teacher in the school. Jane had brown eyes and light brown hair that got lighter during the summer. She had a small nose, perky ears that stood out a little and slightly pouty lips, which drove men crazy because they made her appear wanton and very...

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Momentum by T:M in 2005 Kennen Sie diese besondere Situation? Oh nat?rlich, wie dumm von mir! Wie k?nnen sie wissen wovon ich rede, wenn ich es ihnen nicht erkl?rt habe? Ich meine diese Art von Moment, die sich ereignet, wenn einem etwas pl?tzlich in den Sinn schie?t. Etwas, dass man eigentlich schon vor Stunden h?tte tun oder denken sollen. Mir pers?nlich ist das in der Schule sehr oft passiert. Da hat man irgendwo in der Pause einen schmutzigen, durch und durch unsittlichen Witz aufg...

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What happens in Denver

I'd only ever had contact with another man once in my life. Not even a man: he was the older brother of a friend of mine. I guess he was 17. I had just started in junior high. I'd gone to their house one afternoon and everyone else was out. He answered the door in just a towel. I'd got him out of the shower. I was in awe of this much older boy and he was always nice to me. He asked me in, even though my friend wasn't going to be home for a while and I followed him up to his room.He told me he'd...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 214

Say thanks to J Adams for this one: A man and woman who had never met before, but who were both married to other people, found themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a trans-continental train. Although initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly, he in the upper berth and she in the lower. At 1:00 AM, the man leaned down and gently woke the woman saying, Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to...

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Katie stripped n fucked by Greek police outdoors

Out for a drive, stripping, photos and fuckingBritish wife, this pic of me won Xhamster Whore of the Month last March, Harry's getting a real boner as I strip offI hear a noise, but think its just some locals and maybe we can have some fun, so we carry onThis is the point I realise that it is the police and the camera stops, caught cunt and tits out- only going to go one way, oh well......Literally caught with my panties around my knees, tits out of my basque, a cut off denim jacket, high boots...

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The Problem With Visiting Brothels

THE PROBLEM WITH VISITING BROTHELS Arabian Nights World Story 3 I'm another unfortunate friend of Asam, being his friend is clearly quite a dangerous occupation. My name once was Paul, not anymore I'm afraid. Like John I also took up Asam's offer of a visit to the Arabian world and like him I went on a tour of the brothels and the slave markets of that fascinating place. My tastes however where cheaper than John's and I found I preferred to frequent the more seedy establishments...

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The Phone Call0

It all began innocently enough… I received an e-mail from a young lady who wanted to compliment me on my stories and my writing style. It seems she found the eroticism particularly appealing to her tastes. Of course, I wrote her back and thanked her for her kind words, and thus began an exchange of e-mails that turned into a pen pal relationship. She told me that she had recently ended a long term relationship with her fiance`, and was “exploring” her own thoughts, and stumbled onto the...

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Biker Bar

‘All we’re gonna do is go in, use the phone to call my dad and then leave. It’ll be fine,’ Becky whispered to Leslie as they walked through the door. Looking around the bar Leslie now knew why her father had warned her against the place. There were more then twenty fully-grown men all sitting around tables drinking. None of them looked like they had showered for a week. As Leslie and Becky walked across the room, there was a sudden hush in the room and all the men’s eyes were on...

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GeniusChapter 10 Revelations

With Clancy's word still echoing I stepped back into 'The Meeting Place' to find a tented village had sprung up, the people were the men that I had left recovering following the spell when Gerald and the wizard had attacked. A voice spoke to me, "Oh John, I tried to follow you but couldn't, that blasted portal wouldn't let me pass!" It was Margaret which explained why she wasn't with me while I was home. A man dressed in a white uniform spoke up, "It's a failsafe part of the...

4 years ago
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Maine couple ke sath chudai ki

Ye baat aajse karib 2 month pahale ki he mere pados me ek couple rahane aaye the uska nam amit tha aur bhabhi ka nam neha tha bhabhi bahut hi khubsurat thi maine use pahale bar dekha to meto dekhta hi rah gaya usne yellow colour ka sliveless blouse pahana tha jisme se uske bade bade boobs saf dikh rahe the uske boobs bade aur ekdum gol gol the usne apni sadi bhi navel ke niche pahani thi uski navel bahut gahari thi mera lund to usko dekh kar hi tight ho gaya. Vo transport me se apna saman utar...

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Isekai Futanari Monster Girls

t was 7:30 pm at the university. You and others were working on a particular project know the Metal suit although you can easily and quickly build it by yourself and make it ten times better than this piece of junk. But it was a team effort, and they pour their heart and soul into it. You can't just ruin the team effort. You were only assistance and pretended to be new at this kind of things but your not. You can build far better and more advanced suit than this when you were 14 years old. But...

2 years ago
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Wrong Time for a Trip to the Bathroom

Strong hands pulled mine behind me, and I felt and heard the unmistakable sensations of a nylon tie-wrap locking my wrists securely behind me. A deep brown voice whispered into my ear, "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Looks like I got myself a little piece of white meat to play with".A very large black hand clasped tightly over my mouth prevented me from responding, protesting, or finding out what the fuck was going on, the voice continued: "I tell you what Whitey, we're going to try a...

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The Fuck Fest Of My Family 8211 Part 1

It all happened when I was in vacation in my home. I am the only guy who was in hostel. My brother and sisters were day scholars. When my exams finished, I want to give a surprise to my home mates. So I didn’t tell anybody about my visit. When I went to home, the door was opened. I entered. I was hearing some noises from my dad and mom’s bedroom. I tried to open the door, but it was locked from inside. So, I went to back of the house. I peeped through a window. Oh my god, I can’t believe what I...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 101

I saw Oliver standing alone at the serving table. He cut off a piece of steak and with it on the point of his knife, put it in his mouth - just as he looked my way. With him watching, I stood and waved, then walked around the tables to where he waited. “Mr. Oliver, that was a super-delicious steak you cooked, and so tender.” “Thank you, Josey. You can thank Helen and Jessica for the tenderness and for the superb taste. They came up with that recipe, and they love sharing it.” “Helen told...

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Transgendered Fairy Tales Cinderellas Slippers

Transgendered Fairy Tales: Cinderella's Slippers By Dee Dee Perri CHAPTER 1 437 A.D. A cold, heavy mist hung over the castle and the surrounding village as the earth waited for the arrival of the sun. It would be dawn in a few minutes and still the old woman had been unable to discover the secret of the glass slippers. The first hint of light already was evident in the East. Time was running out and she knew it. "Maybe Cinderella's step-sisters were wrong!" Muttered the...

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Asha and Oliver

Introduction: Highschoolers Asha and Oliver decide to hook up one school night….see what happens when he sneaks her into his house while his family is sleeping! This is just a quick intro. More to come of these adventures. What kind of music do you like? Who is your favourite author? Remember that time when me and Ariel sang that acoustic set at the monk? Whats the first thing you think about in the morning? We had known eachother for several months. After a school acting retreat, we had...

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GirlsWay Jenna J Ross Bree Daniels Dream Pairings Bree Jenna Part One

On her way home from Church, pious Christian Jenna J Ross is surprised to find her estranged lesbian step sister Bree Daniels loafing on the steps of their family home. The girls exchange greetings, and Bree tells Jenna she was kicked out of conversion therapy, for the same reason their parents kicked her out of the house. She can’t seem to pray the gay away. Jenna tells Bree to come inside the house, their parents are away at prayer camp. Bree takes a bath and Jenna wanders into the...

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A Tapestry Of Stars

A Tapestry of Stars The first thing that drew my attention when I came into my local Pride center for the first time was a large tapestry with gold stars covering it. Above the tapestry was the the words "We remember" in large glowing letters. I went over to one of the staff and said, "Wow. That represents all the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people who have lost their lives?" "Actually, that's just for the Trans people. We need a book for the others." I went over to the...

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SeeHimFuck Braylin Bailey This Scene Got HIM A Contract

Well-hung 22-year-old Apollo Banks makes his hardcore industry debut today on See H?️M Fuck and we paired HIM up with another newcomer, the lovely Braylin Bailey ❤️ for this week’s update. After our wonderful director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about HIM, Apollo stands and starts to strip for Braylin, but when she sees that big dick, she can’t help but to toot on it a little bit. Braylin lubes ? HIM up front and back, making sure Apollo’s prick is nice and...

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flashing the mother in law 3

I had never thought about my mother-in-law in a sexual way during the three years I have been married to her daughter, Linda, even when circumstances caused us to move in with my wife's parents. But since the time she peeked into my bedroom as I was undressing everything changed. I had never felt so sexually excited. Later that day, when Stella left her bedroom door open allowing me to watch her undress I started seeing my mother-in-law in a different way. Seeing Stella naked made me aware of...

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Bimbo Genie

Trixi wasn't the smartest of genies. Over the course of her career, she has been trapped into more lamps, and given untold power to more wiley tyrants than any other genie. She had also ended up a sex slave more times than she could count. Although counting wasn't really her strong suit either. Being several centuries old doesn't help much when you have the brain of a goldfish. She has had many masters over the years. Pick one of her stories.

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The Neighborhood Chapter Three I Cant Dance and thats a Good Thing

The weekend after Lucy’s first visit Josh and I went downtown hoo-hah hunting. Dance clubs were not my thing, and bars weren’t Josh’s. We probably should have sorted that shit out before we left the house. My elderly two-door Ford Focus was just not going to cut it. Neither of us was a gymnast, and nobody else could possibly fuck in the back seat. We took Josh’s slightly less geriatric Ford Fusion. It had four doors, at least. We first tried a dance club. Josh hit the dance floor showing off...

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It was a great evening

When I got home I had the house to myself, so I thought..... Why not take advantage of it. Laying back on the cool sheets with nothing but a smile. Hand gently caressing myself until I was about half way hard. I notice the tip flopping around as I started to softly stroke on it. Finally the ridge was as hard as ever, and the skin stretched tightly over ever inch.   Slowing the stroke, and with some squeezing I managed to produce a few drops from the tip. Which I quickly used to slickin up my...

Straight Sex
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PornHub Facials

I wanna get personal with you, dumbass; when you are fucking a filthy and hot babe, which I highly doubt, and in mere seconds your cock wants to gush a king-size portion of sticky love sauce, where the fuck do you aim with your ugly meat? Do you just shoot your jeez to wherever it lands? No moron! Let me give you a better hint of a fucking better target you can aim your eager dick. Having a partner who has not only attractive booty and tits but also a stunning face is what any pervert would...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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holiday black and fiancee

We always had great sex and i could please her at most things. I was out of work and found myself with plenty of time on my hands so began watching alot of porn on the internet.I found interracial to be my favourite style and realy turned on watching how those big muscular black men would destroy white girls.I had always heard heard of black men being huge in the troauser department and it certainly seemed true in these clips. I began realy enjoying it and when my girlfriend(not engaged at...

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BlackCocksMatter Lauren Phillips Zoey Monroe Scoring Big On Black Friday

Zoey Monroe sure knew how to piss off Lauren Phillips when she squirted all over her to make sure she got that hot Black Friday deal! Isiah can not believe what Zoey did when Lauren confronts her at home and is soaked from Zoey’s squirt! There is only one way to solve this feud; Isiah whips out that large black cock of his to see who will be triumphant and make him cum first! Lauren wastes no time taking the lead sucking down that hard black cock and Zoey takes every inch deep in her wet...

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My first time going out while dressed went to an

I had been dressing as a girl to get off for some time now. For some reason there is nothing that turns me on more than a tight little cotton thong stretched across the bud of my asshole, holding my tiny little boy toy down where it should be. Over the years I’ve slipped into my mom and sister’s underwear drawers while they were out and stolen the sexiest piece of clothing I cold find, most likely leaving them wondering where all their stuff went. This practice has gradually become a longer and...

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hunger part 2

~Cum is dribbling down my face as I lay there restrained and gasping for breath. Your cock twitches a few inches from my mouth and even after taking your huge load, I’m still eager for more. I watch you walk out of the room and return with a bottle of expensive champagne in a bucket of ice. Placing it on the nightstand, you take an ice cube in your hand and drag it across my lips. My tongue darts out for a lick and you watch my mouth intensely as I slip it inside and suck on it. It melts in no...

3 years ago
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Sex with an escort

I did it. Finally I'd picked up the courage and booked an escort.Her name was Jane she was 27 and was due to call at 2pm. I'd booked her for 2 hours and hoped it would be money well spent.I'd seen a picture of her online and just hoped she was as good looking in the flesh."Ding Dong"... that was her. Already i was shaking.I answered the door and beckoned her in. Wow...the picture didn't do her justice. She was a stunning Blonde and was dressed in casual clothes that hugged her very curvy...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 13 Weekend With New Friends

Friday afternoon, Alex, Kristy, Beth, Danny, and I all piled into Alex and Kristy’s cars after school and headed off to Lake Pleasant up north for the weekend. Beth was alone with Alex, I think she was starting to like him a little. Danny and I were with Kristy and Danny let me get shotgun. The drive up there was pretty short, only 45 minutes and that was longer than usual due to traffic. The cabin looked small, but there were 3 bedrooms all with king sized beds and a bathroom ensuite. The...

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