Eleanor Ch. 01-02 free porn video

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1016, North Bay of Durness, Scotland.

Village of Lean, North Coast.

Eleanor had been finding it more and more difficult to drift to sleep these past few weeks, the lack of rest leaving her almost completely mentally and physically drained. Indeed, the hour now was just past gloaming, yet with the night breathing with its beautiful sway, at one with the waves below where she lay back on the cool grass gazing up at the starry sky, Eleanor finally relaxed. Only here, lain amongst the dew soaked marrum grass, could she find any level of peace for her tired soul. And she could only retreat to her peaceful practice when the entire village was abed. They already thought her strange enough, considering her past, or rather, her mother’s past, or lack of one.

‘Oh Mhamhi’ Eleanor sighed. Her mother had dies six years past, and still she felt the burn of her loss acutely in her chest. Her mother, Criostiona, had been looked upon as a poor soul, and had turned up in the village of Lean early one morning, beaten and bleeding. She had also been heavily pregnant with Eleanor at the time. Criostiona had not uttered a single word to anyone for the remainder of her life, and had been considered an oddity, an outcast, not included in the community. Neither was Eleanor. They lived in the tigh furthest from the village, close to the cliff edge. It suited both of them in reality, Criostiona for her solitude, and Eleanor for her quiet nature. But now, six years on from her mother’s death, Eleanor needed more than the polite conversation and prejudices for her differences. The women in the village in particular had looked upon her with barely concealed scorn and envy for her pale skin, and even paler hair. They even felt obliged to tell her that a tall woman was not a true Scot. She must be a bastard child of ‘one ‘o em’. Heathen. Outcast.

She would die old an alone if she stayed here.

Stomping her hands on the dewy ground with resolve, Eleanor rose to her feet, brushing the offending mud and grass from her tunic, and turned to move back to her tigh. It was the silvery flash that caught her attention first. Thinking a shooting star had reflected itself upon the waters. Turning fully to view the sea, she focused, squinted and focused again.

And then she dropped to the ground.

Eleanor’s heart thumped solidly in her chest as she crawled as close to the cliff edge as her courage would allow her, and fought the urge to scream to high heavens to warn the village. It had not been a shooting star. It was shield after shield after shield, all polished to a high sheen, reflecting the silver glow of the moon, casting an eerie light over the dragon heads of their boats.

Backing slowly away from the edge, she knew well that they would see her movements in the moon light if she did not move with care, Eleanor crept back into her tigh, gathering her meager belongings into one small sack.

Two tunics, two shifts, a brush and a necklace.

Yes Eleanor, you are an outcast. Pulling the rope closed, she dropped it by the door, grabbing her woolen shawl and her small blade, knocking over the table as she reached. Cursing her clumsiness, she prayed the noise had not carried to the boats.

Hearing the subtle scrap of sand against the wooden bows was enough to hurry her. She needed to be far enough away that they could not track her. Rushing out the door, she took one last look at the village, a glance of hatred to the Laird residing in his stone keep, with any luck these would recant their honor and actually kill someone. Preferably that Laird MacLean! Eleanor turned on her heel and fled west, she had made it over the first bay when the screams began.


Bruni watched in silence as his men followed their orders. There was to be no rape, nor breaking of their honor, the Norse men knew this with no doubt. They would not risk the wrath of Freya, goddess of fertility and beauty, by leaving their seed in a female so unworthy of such a gift. His orders were explicit.

No Killing, no rape, and this time, no raiding.

Subdue the enemy. Bring that bastard Laird to Bruni’s feet. Any man who fights back should be brought down. Bruni smiled sardonically as the Laird was dragged from the keep, his rich colours flapping in the wind. He was incredibly fat, he was hardly a leader fit for the role of guarding and governing a village. But what Laird MacLean lacked in warrior stance, he made up for with sheer cruelty. Bruni’s scowl returned, as the full force of the reason behind this somber raid returned to him.

Word had arrived in Bergen last month of his younger brother’s horrific death at the hands of Laird MacLean and his men in the Eastern Bay. His brother Oleif had fallen for a pale haired beauty the last time Bruni and his men had ventured out this way 8 months ago. Within weeks he had married her, Bruni had left, heading home to Bergen, and the smitten Oleif had chosen to stay a little longer before bringing Ann back to Norway with him. He had been awaiting the boat arriving, could probably see it faintly on the horizon, when the Laird had found them. His men held Oleif as he raped his heavily pregnant wife, and then had her tied to the mooring post and burned. All the while, his stricken brother was made to watch. Iarund, Bruni’s captain of the long boat had told him they just could not get to them fast enough. Sails had been full out, crew of eight sweat soaked rowers, as they added to the speed, each one of her screams sticking with them all. The bastard MacLean had waited till the boat’s crew were close enough to see him slit Oleif’s throat, knowing it was still too far for them to attack. The cowards had then made their escape, leaving Iarund’s men with nothing they could do, but sooth a dying Oleif, and bring the bodies’ home.

Swallowing his anger and hurt, he turned cold as ice as the bastard cowered at his feet. The man was chattering so much in his bloody language that Bruni backhanded him just to shut him up.

‘Ragnar, tell me what the bastard is saying’

With a nod, Ragnar moved forward to his Leader’s ear and translated.

‘He says there is nothing here for you to raid, you break the contract by being here in this manner, and they are just poor and simple people. They have done nothing wrong.’

Bruni backhanded the Laird harder, causing the man to tumble backwards into the mud and sand. Pressing his leather booted foot over his throat, Bruni asked of Ragnar’s services again.

Ragnar addressed the Laird, ‘He said that you killed his younger brother and his wife last month in cold blood and unprecedented savagery, you broke the contract Laird MacLean, not us.’ Ragnar paused at the audible gasp that ran through the captive audience.

Interesting, he thought, the villagers really did not know of this. Casting a glance to Bruni let him know that his leader had not missed the reaction – nor its meaning. Turning his attention back to the piece of excrement beneath Bruni’s boot, he continued.

‘You and your villagers will pay for your deeds’ Ragnar finished, hearing the begging of the village that they had nothing to do with the terrible crime. Ragnar moved away as all the warriors unsheathed their swords, the combined sound enough to have most of the village weeping quietly once more, as they realised their fate.

‘Wait!!’ the Laird exclaimed. The drenched man grasping for some hold in the mud so he may stand.

‘I offer you a bargain – take the blonde female in the tigh on the cliff as repayment for my deeds and spare me’ His bargain drowned out by the shouts pf outrage from the village as they finally saw their Laird for the cowardly bastard he really was. ‘Rumor has it,’ He shouted above the din, ‘that she is one of your lot anyway.’ He sneered as his last comment had the Leader’s black haired comrade turn around, and begin his translation for Bruni.

Bruni shook his head. ‘He must be lying, saving his o
wn skin’. Seeing the Viking’s shake of the head, MacLean pushed for more. He knew happy Vikings would do anything for a blonde female, take them home as wives, away from Scotland. But these bastards were hell bent on revenge, he may as well use any bargaining chips that he had. Starting with Criostiona’s daughter. That mother of hers had left him half un-manned after he had visited her tigh one night, intent on sating his lust with the loon. Bitch. Yes, he would bargain her daughter.

‘She has a silver necklace, silver dragon or something.’ He said, putting as much confidence into his bargain as possible, as much as he could accurately remember.

Bruni turned his shocked gaze to Ragnar as his friend translated. ‘He lies!! Bjorn died over 22 years ago, ask him how old this female is.’

Following his friend’s command, Ragnar asked, and translated the answer.

‘She is 22. Bruni? It is possible.’

Bruni nodded, and saw the bastard Laird relax his pose. The man even had the audacity to allow the traces of his smirk to appear on his face. Raising his sword to the Laird’s neck, Bruni ordered Ragnar to take a woman to the tigh and bring this girl down. His initial sweeping gaze had not revealed and pale hair surrounding him apart from that of his own men.

As Ragnar moved to the top of the cliffs, the old woman in toe, Bruni motioned to the Laird and then to the Large tree before the dunes.

The panic that spread across the bloated Laird’s face was almost comical, as he was grabbed by the golden hair warriors and dragged kicking and screaming to the tree and bound with rope. Glancing to Ragnor, Bruni saw the shake of his head, and shoved the flaming torch amongst the protesting man’s robes.

Instead of screams of terror from the village as he had expected, he was met with resolved silence as they watched their Laird burn, his screams filling the dark night sky. They knew this was justice. He knew they were innocent of the bastard’s crimes, he had no intention of hurting them. His men had dealt with the Laird’s guards, dispatching them before the Laird had drawn his first breath awake.

Ragnar reached the beach once more, reaching his hand behind him to help the old woman down the rocks and took her back to her family. Bruni nodded at him, and he turned and made his announcement.

‘You are free of our revenge, go back to your homes. Break the contract yourselves, and we will come back with 1000 boats rather than a mere twenty.’

Sharing shocked looks between one another, the villagers backed away and then finally ran from the invaders, from the flare of the fire. And from the stench of burning flesh.


Sitting on the rocks, his back to the boats, his leader looked about as ready to combust as the flames in front of him, as he walked to him.

‘Was he lying about the girl Ragnar? What did the old woman say?’ Bruni asked, still unable to draw his eyes away from the crackle of the dead Laird’s body.

‘She does exist. The woman said she has just turned 22, she has hair of pale blonde, and she is tall, said she would probably reach my shoulder. She didn’t know what the necklace looked like, but knew it was something her mother had given her, something of her father’s. Oh and this is spooky Bruni.’ Ragnar paused.

‘What is?’

‘Her name is Eleanor’

Bruni looked at his friend in utter disbelief.



‘Then she must be Bjorn’s.’ he paused, silently adding to himself, she wore Bjorn’s mother’s name.

Bruni needed to find this female. Bjorn Haur’s female child was betrothed to his family. Since Bjorn had been killed, the contract between Haur and Auden could not be sealed. Not without a child. If she held Bjorn’s necklace, By Freya, she was his brother Nikolas’s bride.

And his duty to bring home.

Loki truly hated him to toy with him with such mischief.


Chapter 2.

The sight of thick black smoke cloaking the stars behind her was enough to quicken her pace. The now eerie silence was deafening to her ears as she strained to hear the invading men, above her own heart beat. A variable drum, rapid beneath her breast, and the desperate breath to her lungs, sounding as loud as their war cries as she ran through the woodland. Using the moon to light her path, Eleanor reached the cool rush of the forest river, pulling a spare shift from her sack she immersed it in the rapids, using it to wash away the uncomfortable sheen of perspiration from her neck and face, breathing a sigh of sheer pleasure as rivulets of ice cold ran a chilling path under her tunic, following the smooth arch of her back, and the valley between her breasts. It was heaven, hidden in cool water.

Taming her windswept hair back into her leather strip, she blew an exasperated breath up at the escaped tendrils that seemed determined to remain uncaptured, as she repacked her meager belongings.

Eleanor smoothed her fingers over the blade against her hip. Safely hidden from view by her woolen shawl, it was in easy reach should she need it. At least that was the manner Seamus had told her to wear it, considering he was meant to be a man of God, Eleanor had found it amusing the day he had shown her how to hide a small dirk, and how to use it. She had not understood then. She understood now. As she waded carefully through the river, reveling in the thigh high water, she remembered him, the minister of the Kirk. Seamus had cared for her mother, Criostiona, after she had wandered into the village. He was the only person her mother had spoken to. That first night in his care, as he had tended her wounds, eased her pains, Criostiona had confided information to him. And then she spoke no more. Not even to Eleanor. A living husk, Criostiona had hardly been able to look at her. For the 16 years before she died, Eleanor believed truly, that she knew nothing of her mother. Perfect strangers in close confines, living day by day next to each other, and no wisdom dispensed. She had learnt to read and write in Seamus’ care, had learnt English and some of the heathen Norse he had insisted upon.

Dear God, no wonder I am an outcast. Sixteen Years of nothing, sixteen years of abandonment from society. Just a simple existence, and learning from a man she cared more for than her own mother.

When Seamus had sat her down after her mother’s funeral, he had told her Criostiona’s secret. And Eleanor had near called him a liar.

‘You are a daughter of one of them Eleanor. You bear one of their names. One day, it will happen. Those men will see you and they will know you are one of their own.’ Eleanor had stared at him, horrified. ‘They are not bad men Eleanor. They are adventurers if you will. They have a contract with us, honor bound not to harm, lest harm has befallen them.’

‘Why would they want me Seamus? I’m only just sixteen, and I dig peat!!’

God she still remembered the conversation almost verbatim. Her mother had loved him dearly, her Bjorn. The necklace she had in the bag was his. That was why the village had placed them at the outreach of their community. They had viewed poor Criostiona as the whore of the heathen as she wore his Norse necklace, too frightened to banish here lest the warriors invaded from spite, and too disgusted to treat her with kindness.

Easing from the river on the other side, Eleanor was glad for the sound of the rushing waterfall at the cliff edge, a welcome distraction from the silence, and from her thoughts.

‘Viking men’, Seamus had told her, ‘Have a shortage of women. Fair haired lasses like yourself, are bargaining chips that Lairds like MacLean can use as retribution for breaking the contract, anything to save their own hide. But you Eleanor. You are one of them. And they have the right to take you home.’

Eleanor stifled a sob at the thought. It was something she had been dreading for six years, and shameless
ly, something she had caught herself considering too. Wondering what her life would be like with the heathens. Could not really be much worse than in Lean.

Berating herself for her foolish notions, Eleanor shook her head and continued through the heavy woodland towards Loch Carnach with a quickened pace, and determined to keep her errant imagination in check, before she romanticized Seamus’ tale any more. Cresting the hill, she saw the village illuminated under the falling moon. She only hoped Kate was still here, the wandering girl and her brothers had a habit of venturing away from north Scotland often, sometimes venturing right out of Scotland itself. Stepping from the trees with relief, Eleanor moved from the cover of the canopy, and darted down the grassy hill, passing between the stonework of the village tighs.

A pair of black eyes, watching her all the way.


Where was the girl going?

Ragnar was convinced, now after seeing the pale creature up close, that she was a daughter of the Haur. She even looked like Bjorn’s mother, her namesake. Tall, elegant, with her errant waves of pale blonde, and skin to rival even the finest porcelain. By Odin she was fast on her feet, most women would have collapsed with exhaustion after making one mile if lucky, this lithe woman had ran, and moved quickly through the dense woodland, and had covered near 5 miles in under 3 hours, hell half of the men under Bruni’s command would be exhausted after such an undertaking, but this sprightly creature even had the strength to smile as she ran like a giddy child down the swell of the hill towards the moon bathed village. Fingering the lock of hair in his hands, Ragnar stepped back into the trees, making his way back to Bruni. She had not even stopped as her long hair had become tangled in a low branch, she had simply tugged and ripped free, leaving a wave of pale gold behind. Keeping a few seconds behind her, Ragnar untangled it from the tree stayed close behind her, every footfall of hers, masking every one of his, a ghost she would never know was there. He had smiled at her child like joy of the cool water, her sigh of relief. He could imagine the decadent heat of her body flushed with exertion of a different kind. He shook the image from his head as he walked slowly and carefully back through the trees, focusing on the silken braid that was forming in his hands. Resting against a fallen pine, Ragnar cut a section of the corded plant in front of him, and tied the edges with the strong flora.

There, he thought. A token for his friend. Something to stir the blood.

Ragnar smiled at the thought. He was technically being traitorous to Nikolas and the contract between Haur and Auden, but Nikolas had no interest in marriage, he was a man of the world, immersed in his expeditions North and East. Bruni was more important to him than fulfilling the agreement, and by the end of this excursion, he would see his friend happy. Contract be damned.

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A Penny for Your Thoughts Ch 04

It was like directing a play, or in a strange sense perhaps…like manipulating puppets, or marionettes. I held the string. It was a tiny flicker of flame, just barely there, but more than enough however. A mere twinkle of thought, and they both seemed to act upon it as though it were their own ideas in doing so. There was no ‘statueism’ as I’d termed my made up phrase. They responded to one another easily, without qualm, without shyness…and certainly no inhibitions when doing so. So alike in...

1 year ago
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My football nightmare

Tricked at Football PartyI meet a nice looking black guy named Jocko, during the New Year’s Eve swingers’ party. Since me and my girlfriend were too drunk to drive home, he drove us back to his place to sleep it off. I was too tired from enjoying lots of guys and just instantly crashed but Sandy had fun with Jocko. The next day, he asked if we would like to go to a football party on the 1/18. Sandy couldn’t make it because other obligations. I asked what type of party was it. He laughed and...

4 years ago
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I got Detention and my erection got me extra credi

School was almost over for the year and everyone seemed be acting a little roudy in the classroom, especially today as we had a substitute teacher. Finally she had put up with as much as she could take and sent several people to see the principal. There were several rude comments made about her being too harsh, we were just having some fun. She responded by giving myself and another student detention after class. We settled down and finished our studies till the bell rang. The two of us that...

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Picture This

You’re sitting on your usual spot in your favorite bar. This time no one came along. It’s just you, you and the variety of familiar faces in this little oasis of relaxation. You know all these people, well… actually just their names. And they know you, at least they know your name as well – that’s it for the social part. Your eyes slowly scan the whole crowd from the corner you’re sitting in, tired from your hard week. There’s her at the bar. You’ve never seen her, and you’ve come here every...

3 years ago
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Brutal Brothers 8211 Part 6

This is the next part of the brutal Brothers series after I was fucked by Manish and his 4 friends and the driver and same happened with Anjali. We reached our hotel at night. I got dressed and went in the hotel Anjali and my brothers were already there, Anjali was looking divested her hair were all curled and she her face was very red I realized that my brothers had taken her very hard. Manish was booking rooms at the counter and I was standing next to him the hotel was not a very decent place...

1 year ago
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If I Open My Eyes Will You Disappear

I fall asleep waiting for you, wearing nothing but white stockings, an anal plug and nipple clamps. It feels as though I've been waiting for you forever, but its probably not been very long. My body and mind, so aroused and tense, have given out and I've dozed off. I don't hear you enter the room, or even sense your presence, until I feel a gentle tug on my nipples. The pleasureful pain shoots through my body and forces me to thrust my breasts forward and arch my back, gasping unevenly. You...

4 years ago
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MY COUSIN part 1

Hi! My name is Kevin, an 18 yr. old gay and this is my story...I had a cousin named MIKE. We were so close during our c***dhood years. We were just about the same height that time with the same blue eyes and pink lips yet he had his nice curly brown hair and I've got my shiny straight black hair. When we were about to go to highschool, his family went to live a thousand miles away from us since he's got to go to school there.After our highschool years, Mike's mom called in and talked to my dad...

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Seducing Svetlana

Seducing Swetlana I always had the hots for Swetlana, my wife's sister. To start with, she was always great to talk to, we could go on and on, on any subject. Not sure when it started but I also started to like her as a woman. Once when she was at our house, I accidentally bumped into her, with my hand rubbing off on her right boob. I always remembered how soft she felt. Soon I started to fantasize about making love to her. I love to eat pussy and I would get the greatest orgasms thinking about...

2 years ago
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Neighbors Night Out

Neighbor's Night Out By Mellissa Lynn "Come on, honey, we'll be late!" my wife Jenny called down the stairs to me as I walked in the door. I grinned, knowing both that it was my birthday and that it was Neighbors' Night Out, a little get-together we had about once a month with four of our neighbors. We lived in a little cul-de- sac, just the five houses in a circle, with the next nearest house after that a good half-mile away. Neighbors' Night Out was originally just a...

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Altered Fates The Weekend

AF: The Weekend By Bashful John and Mary Marsh had been married for more than 5 years when John felt the trouble began. John and his partner Ken Lincoln owned a Computer software business. It wasn't Microsoft but it was growing. They both were involved in the development of their products. John handled marketing and sales and Ken was the bean counter. It was a struggle. John should have hired a sales team long ago but he had a problem trusting others with something as...

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My 1st Big Black Cocks

The first time my parents went on a vacation and allowed me to stay home I took full advantage of it. I was 13 years old and decided to walk to McDonald's to get my dinner. It began raining really hard and I noticed a red camaro pulled to the curb and lowered his window, "jump inside here, get out of the rain."Once inside the camaro this older black guy (Robert) handed me a towel to dry myself. He told me he was having a poker party then asked me if I would wanna be his guest, with a big smile...

3 years ago
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Athlete Gets What She Wants

I coached high school track and field while finishing my undergraduate studies because I enjoyed running. In the fall, I largely worked with the boys’ team, while in the spring I worked with a smaller group of both boys’ and girls’.   It was during my first year, at age 21, that I had one of the hottest sexual experiences of my life.   It was that year that I met and got to know one of the most stunningly beautiful women I’ve ever known.   Julie was 18, 5’6” tall, and probably...

Straight Sex
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brother InLaws Whore pt2

Christie tried to get up. But tom only slapped her across the ass and told her not to move. Nora pulled the chair directly behind Christie. Then Christie felt slim, gentle fingers begin to stroke her cheeks. Tom held his hand in the small of her back as Nora pried her cheeks apart. "No Tom! Please?" When she felt the woman's tongue slid down her ass crack, Christie stiffened and tried to squeeze her cheeks tight. Nora laughed and taking her middle finger pushed hard between the mounds of soft...

4 years ago
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Out with Dad and Friends 2

Frank came in the next morning to our cabin. He swatted my ass and said it was time to get up and fish. I moved to the bathroom and heard him ask Ronny if his blowjob was satisfying. Ronny laughed and said he tried to drown me with his cum. Frank smiled. I put on some utility shorts and a shirt and slid into my flip flops and headed to the boat. Frank said I would be with Dad and Ronny in his boat. Frank, Bubba, and Roy would be in Roy's boat. We headed out and started fishing. By...

1 year ago
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Ribbon 2 All Knotted Up

Ribbon 2: All Knotted Up By Morpheus Whateley Academy, Wednesday afternoon, Nov 21st, 2007 "Not bad," I said as I stood back with my arms crossed in front of me. My hands were dirty from working on my new engine, but I didn't care about getting my clothes dirty. There was a reason I was wearing my usual shop jumpsuit. "Not bad at all." I looked over my project car, which I'd been working on for the last couple weeks. It was an old-school Volkswagen Beetle, which hadn't worked...

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Iam Not Gay All Girl School PT2 Lesbian

The week after talking to Professor Keller was a blur. I went to class but felt like a zombie. I walked passed women talking or holding hands and just looked straight head avoiding all contact. I barely talked to anyone at all. That weekend Heather and I stayed home again with Tammy dodging any invitations to parties or dates. Even with them I felt disconnected and strange.On Monday morning two more girls on our floor were openly gay. One of them was on the tennis team and she hooked up with a...

2 years ago
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To Snare A Tiger

“Well,” my English teacher replied, “I normally only fuck tigers, but I think I can make an exception for a beautiful young girl.” He did not remove his hand from my thigh.“That’s odd,” I replied, startled. “For I’ve titled my story, To Snare a Tiger, but that’s not what I asked. I asked, ‘Are you in the practice of luring students into one-on-one tutoring sessions so that you can more easily seduce them?’” “Ah!” he exclaimed. “I see that you are learning what I am trying to teach you about...

First Time
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Whatever I Can Do What I Want

"Whatever! I can do what I want!" "I'm not trying to tell you what to fucking do!" "Fuck it, you stupid bitches, let's do this!" It was a busy night in the bar, and I was tossing bottles and making weird ass drinks for a crowd of college assholes. I'm a bartender. Some of these people are fine. I get that. But, Jesus, some of them are just so full of shit I want to take a bottle and smash it upside their head. You know? Ah, well. It's a living. The "conversation" that was filling the air right...

Group Sex
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Lauren Adams Ch 01

Let me get one thing out of the way — I’m not good at storytelling. But, I guess I feel like this story has to be told, and I’m the only one that can tell it, so here it goes. Christina was maybe a half-inch over five feet tall. Well, she probably still is. I always admired her for her, well, unique outlook on life. She had worked all her adolescent life to get her Medical Degree. I don’t remember the school, but I’ll bet it’s pretty prestigious, given the way she tells everyone that gives her...

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Mrs Kotis

(Names changed for confidentiality purposes.) Dictated. Not read. -The Management. * * * It was July 3rd. We were in high school living up summer as best as we could. One of the newer girls in our school was putting on a party and mostly all the cool kids were invited. I walked up to the door and was instantly (and eagerly) invited in by Tasha's mother. Consciously or subconsciously, I let my eyes politely wander. Mrs. Kotis had rolled up jeans on, a blouse shirt that more or...

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One summer I flew out to see a lover of mine who was a married swinger

One summer I flew out to see a lover of mine who was a married swinger. She picked me up from the airport. She was wearing a sun dress with no bra. As we got onto the highway I kept looking over at her great legs. I finally couldn't resist myself and I leaned over to her. I slowly slipped a strap of her dress off of her shoulder and exposed her nipple on her right breast. I teased her by gently caressing her nipple and making circles around the tip. I began kissing her neck, nibbling her ear,...

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Sister Cuck

Fast forward a few years, she had turned 21. I spend the last three years about fantasizing about her. I used to fantasize her getting fucked by a group of men. I wanted to be a cuckold to my sister. Watch her gangbanged then fuck her myself. One day a friend of mine, told me about this illegal aphrodisiac for women, he said it was so strong it would force any woman to have sex. Now my sister had a few boyfriends, i believed she must have had sex with them. Though i later find out i was...

4 years ago
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A surprise for My Wife

Introduction: My wif and I have played kinky sex games all through out our married life and this was one A Surprise for My Wife! Being young and in love is wonderful thing, and having a partner that is every bit as interested in sex as you, along with placing her in sexually compromising situations, can lead to some very satisfying and incredible sex, and its not just the sex! it is the means by which one gets to the end! If you know what I mean! As a service rep traveling around the country,...

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Beautiful Girl in Caribbean Cruise Ship

This is when I first met my beautiful girlfriend, Samantha. This had happen on October, 31st, 2018, I was recovering from a recent relationship that was...let's just say it didn't work out well for both of us, so we just ended up breaking up and I told myself that I'll never make the same mistake twice, well it never did until 2018 I've received a message on my iPhone from my best friend Jennifer she had won a cruise to the Caribbean and it is suppose to leave in two days and, she said that...

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Patrolling the Mage Mall

I was a couple of years on the force before I got a new assignment. They said I had the knack for knowing when something was going down or finding people or evidence. I carried my duty bag through the stone arch and into what almost looked like an alley. I could feel something and knew that was not what it was. One moment I had been looking at a dirty alley and another moment I stared at colorful displays. Strange animals were everywhere and things floated in the air and I shook myself as I...

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Little Pig Pt 2

This time of year seasonal cheer was in full swing, you also have those who aren't so happy. Case in point, the two white guys everyone refers to as Grumpy #1 and Grumpy #2. Both guys are in there 50's. They spend most of their time playing cribbage. Well with everyone, for the most part, going outside for yard time, Lil' Pig decided he was going to shower. When he got there Grumpy #1 was showering, with soap in Grumpy's face & his eyes closed it was the perfect time to take a peek. A...

2 years ago
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SaralindaChapter 35 Jake

Man, I suck at gaming. I don't know why I even bother to go up against Sid – he always creams me, no matter what title we're playing. And it's a pretty useless way to waste an evening. Buckets of beer and lots of annoying sound effects. Plus lots of Sid's annoying sound effects – farting, bad jokes, and tasteless comments. And Ingrid's just as good as Sid. And just as bad. God, she has a foul mouth! About the only thing I can beat Sid at is some Wii stuff – there's a ninja game that...

1 year ago
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Reality Jump Chapter 8

Charles made it 30 feet before he felt a presence behind him. He spun around pulling out his handgun and aimed the sights down onto a frightened Beth standing in the path. As soon as she saw the large handgun pointed at her Beth lost control and pissed herself. “Sorry.” Charles said putting away his gun. Snow had began to fall around them giving the forest a white layer. “I want to come with you.” Beth said looking at Charles as he turned his back to her and started to walk...

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Love Potion No 8

The following story is fiction, plain and simple fiction. It is relatively tame, but it deals with arguably adult themes, so no one under age should read it. And, it should be pointed out that none of the characters herein resemble anyone living, dead, or undead, at least as far as I know. Constructive criticism, directed to [email protected], is welcome; flames will earn you a personal spot on the seventh level of hell. This story may NOT be posted to any pay site under...

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My Toy Boy Experience

My Sex Life is Restored.I decided to use the services of a toy boy to reintroduce myself to a sex life again, whilst at a golf tournament a couple of years ago following the death of my husband. I realised what I had enjoyed with him had not died with him, and I needed my sex drive to be rekindled. I had attended a massage clinic to prepare myself for the experience and Lucy the masseuse arranged for me to meet a man that would provide me with the services I desired.The sun finally set and I...

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At the Door Your feet feel heavy as you slowly make your way up the narrow stair case. Your heart races and your palms sweat as you prepare yourself for what may very well be one of the most important nights of your life. After months and months of gathering up courage, you've finally asked out Katherine, the most beautiful girl at work. It wasn't easy; Katherine was someone who could only be described as complete knock out of a beauty. She immediately caught your attention on your first day on...

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Stand Your Ground

The sirens and flashing lights jolted Clara Mangum from her slumber. She reached for her glasses on the nightstand. The digital clock read 12:09. Shocked by the uncommon activity outside, she shook her husband. “Lesley,” she said. “Wake up!”“Huh,” grunted the 78 year-old, light-skinned man.“Wake up,” she admonished him. “Something’s going on outside.”“Hang on,” he sat up slowly.Lesley put his feet on the floor and felt around for his fleece-lined, suede slippers. He eased them on and affixed...

4 years ago
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Pados Ki Hot Ladki Ki Hot Chudai

Hi all its sahil again. Aapne mere pichli 4 stories padhi aur bht pyare feedbacks diye aur do auntiyo aur ek bhabhi ne apni chut bhi di. Naam disclose nai kr sakta qki unhone unke bare likhne se mana kiya hai. Aaj jo story laya hu wo mere pados k ladki ki hai. Aaj khud k bare batana to zaruri nai hai. Aaplog jante hi ho aur nai bhi jante to kya tension mere baare janne to baithe nai ho. Ab story pe aata hu. Mere bagal wale flat me ek ladki rehti hai naam nai likhunga. Wo mujhe shuru se pasand...

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