Lacie Ch. 03 free porn video

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Chapter 3: Lacie Owned

Lacie stepped through the metal door, closing her eyes and tilting her head back, basking in the burgeoning feeling that she felt growing in her chest. She felt a new sensation of warmth in the growing feeling of hope that her life might just end up being a happy one. Lacie slowly exhaled, opening her eyes to greet the new life before her. When she did, Lacie beheld… another door. Giggling, Heather and Claire swept past her.

‘This is the loading dock, cutie.’ The rocker chick winked as she passed. ‘The house is up ahead. Come on.’

Blushing slightly at her slip up, Lacie grinned and forged ahead, following the two other women. Pushing through the door at the other end, Lacie saw a short hallway with several more doors. The floors were polished hardwood, and the walls were made of dark colored chestnut, carved and fluted, the expensive building material was tastefully decorated and kept very clean. An old grandfather clock sat at one end of the hallway, it’s coppery pendulum slowly swinging as it ticked off the passing seconds. Small busts and marble statues sat in alcoves along the walls, paintings hanging along the walls between some of the doors.

‘Ok, girls, does anyone know where Master is?’ Bridget spoke, ‘We want to stay out of his way today. Lacie, we’ll all be helping you settle in, I just want to make sure nothing gets forgotten.’

‘I know where is Master.’ Tatiana answered, looking slightly surly. ‘He are to kicking me out of kitchens today. Wanted of making something ‘special’ for new girl.’

The other girls murmured at each other, delighted expectation lighting up their faces.

‘It’s ok, Ana,’ Lacie responded, trying to soothe the foreign girl’s obviously ruffled feathers. ‘I’d rather have you help show me around today.’

Ana grinned back at her.

‘Besides,’ Heather chimed in, ‘Master is just as good a cook, and he hasn’t been able to find time lately. If he wants to do something special, I say we let him do what he wants.’

‘Well, that’s settled then. We avoid the kitchens, but we can help her settle in a bit. First things first though. Lets get you some actual clothing. Those robes are nice, but I hardly want you wandering the mansion in that all day.’

Callie leaped forward with Lindsey, and the two girls started giggling as they grabbed Lacie and began dragging her through the mansion, passing hallway after hallway, twisting and turning through doors and up staircases. Lacie was thoroughly lost in less than a minute. The other girls managed to keep up though, laughing and talking to each other excitedly. Lacie was beginning to feel like a spectacle at a fair, making her a little uncomfortable. She looked over at Lindsey and saw the happy look of expectation on her face. Lacie realized that the girls probably didn’t get a lot of excitement in the mansion. It would definitely be a horrible, not to mention dangerous, idea for any of the women (being as attractive as they were) to leave. Which meant that, despite the obvious number of freedoms that Master (Lacie had yet to hear his actual name) allowed his girls, they were still trapped on the grounds of his home. So, because of that, new and exciting things had to be brought to the girls, instead of the girls going anywhere.

Given everything that the girls seemed so giddy about, and all that they had already done for her, Lacie understood that, despite her discomfort, this whole situation was a rare treat for the other girls. Lacie decided to simply enjoy it. A grin spread across her face, and soon Lacie found her expectation was matching her escort’s excitement. Looking around her as she was rushed through the house, Lacie was astounded by the tasteful wealth she saw displayed everywhere. She passed room after room, but most of the doors were closed, mysteries for Lacie to solve later. Finally, the group of women reached the fourth floor corridor. Over a dozen doors adorned the carved wooden walls, and a thick, fluffy red carpet tickled Lacie’s feet. One door, larger than the rest, sat at the end of the hallway. The first four rooms had nothing on the doors, but each door after that had a name gilded onto dark, beautifully decorated wooden ovals that hung at eye level, each name written in beautiful calligraphy.

‘We all chose rooms for ourselves, mostly picking ones as close to the Master’s bedroom as possible. That’s his on the end. Now, we don’t have many rules here, but Master’s few rules are inviolate. The first rule is, never enter his bedroom without permission. Emergencies are the only exception, like a fire or if someone is hurt. We’ve broken some of his rules a few times each. The punishments are… severe.’ Bridget spoke sternly. As she mentioned breaking rules, a pall seemed to settle over the women, and each of them seemed to shrink into herself. Somehow, all of the women seemed slightly diminished. ‘He won’t hurt you physically, ever.’ Bridget choked out, a look of pure, infinite sadness on her face. ‘What he does do though, hurts more than anything your body could survive. The horrible thing is, when he punishes us, he doesn’t ever want to. He just knows he has to. He protects us. We take care of him. When we fail… just… don’t ever fail him, Lacie. You don’t want to know how terrible you’ll feel.’

Lacie could feel the waves of pained emotion coming off the assembled women, making her heart ache for the friendly group of women.

‘Thanks, Buzzkill.’ Claire exclaimed, rolling her eyes. The joking tone broke the sudden dark mood that had fallen over the group. Grabbing Lacie’s arm, Claire dragged the younger girl to her door. Pushing it open before Lacie, Claire revealed the insides of her room. Dirty clothes littered the floor and posters of old heavy metal bands were haphazardly tacked to the walls. A dresser stood to one side, a few of it’s drawers hanging open. A walk-in closet sat just beyond a large four post bed, the sheets and comforter rumpled and tossed to the side. Lacie blushed when she noticed a pair of fuzzy black handcuffs dangling from the bed frame. A big bay window dominated one wall and the glass panes had been opened just a crack, allowing fresh air to flow into the room. The bench under the three angled windows was bare, save for a small easel with a half finished painting and a collection of paints and brushes. Ignoring the rest of her room, Claire dragged Lacie towards the closet. The rest of the girls shuffled in, Tara making exclamations of disgust when she saw the disarray and dirty clothes.

Dragging Lacie over to the hangars at the back, Claire began pulling shirt after shirt off the rack, holding them up before Lacie before either handing them to her, or tossing them back on the racks. Lacie wasn’t surprised to see that the majority of Claire’s clothing was either black or incorporated a little leather. Finally, Lacie’s arms were full of over a dozen different shirts, and Claire grinned as she turned Lacie around, pointing her at several racks of shoes. Every kind of shoe imaginable decorated the shelves. Black sexy pumps, white tennis shoes, fuzzy animal slippers, sandals, thigh high pleather zip ups, buckled knee length platforms, leather cowboy boots, (one pair even had built in spurs) and more.

‘Grab a few pairs of shoes. Most of them should fit you.’

Lacie looked for a few minutes before settling on a pair of strappy sandals, some work sandals and a pair of black and silver sneakers.

‘Nice. You’ll look good in those, cutie.’ The bisexual goth girl winked at Lacie, her casual flirtation prompting a smile from the teen. ‘Now, across the hall. Lindsey can lend you a few bras. Speaking of which…’ Claire leaned down, snagging a black satin corset off the ground. The corset was obviously designed for a bust much larger than Claire’s A-cup chest. ‘this one ain’t mine.’

Sauntering back out into her room, Claire tossed the corset to it’s owner. ‘You forgot this here Heth.’ Claire teased.

‘Hey! I’ve
been looking for that!’ Heather exclaimed.

Lacie’s jaw dropped. She had thought that the corset belonged to Lindsey, since it had looked like Lindsey and Claire were together.

Laughing at Lacie’s confused expression, Lindsey came to her rescue. ‘It’s ok, Lace. Can we call you Lace?’ Seeing Lacie’s absent nod, Lindsey continued. ‘We all share. We kind of have to. There are enough of us that sometimes we want to… play, and Master is a pretty busy person. So sometimes that means we have to try… new people. It’s not like we have a lot of nice guys running around asking to take us to the movies.’

‘Just the one.’ Heather smiled, interrupting.

‘So, sometimes we share each other. We don’t own each other, Master owns us. Which means we have to get along as best we can. We’re not always friends, but we try not to make enemies. So, sharing is sometimes one part of that. Now, come on, lets get you a few more clothes.’

Still unsure how she felt about the girl’s casual attitudes concerning ‘sharing’. Lacie followed the submissive girl across the hall into her room. Lacie recognized the same layout in Lindsey’s room as she had in Claire’s room, only flipped end for end. Lacie wondered if all the girl’s rooms were designed with the same floor plan. Lindsey’s room was much cleaner, but hints of Claire’s style had crept into her decorations. A lot of black decorated the walls, but Lindsey’s bed was smaller than Claire’s, cleaner as well. The room had splashes of pink everywhere, mixed with white and black. It was a dizzying mix of colors, but it fit with Lindsey’s personality well. The seat under her window was festooned with pillows, and a small bookshelf sat at arms length from the nest of cushions, leaving no doubt as to the use that Lindsey put her window. There were a few children’s toys strewn across the room, and a couple of black-light posters were taped to the ceiling. Lindsey opened a drawer in her dresser, and began pulling out bras.

Passing Lacie bra after bra, Lindsey would pull out a few, pick one and put the rest back, occasionally asking for Lacie’s opinion or preference. Soon Lacie had a stack of half a dozen bras, from utilitarian white cotton, to black and lacy, even one that was a silky sapphire blue satin. Turning around, Lindsey giggled as she pushed Lacie back out of her room, just before Marie opened the door to her own room and beckoned for Lacie to follow.

Marie’s room was radically different from Claire and Lindsey’s rooms. The layout was the same, but one wall was dominated by a large mirrored dresser that sat next to a large book shelf that was completely stuffed full of multicolored candles. A blue vinyl topped massage table sat in the center of the room and a black, velvet covered bed was pushed into one corner. Her window space was full of flower pots and small patches of dirt in various odd objects. Lacie saw a beaten up, laceless leather boot, a cracked porcelain cup, and an old upturned Frisbee, all with small plants, flowers or vines growing from them.

‘I love things that grow.’ Marie said quietly as Lacie stopped in her doorway. ‘Master is letting me take online courses in aromatherapy and massage too.’

Lacie closed her eyes and inhaled deeply though her nose, letting the various aromas of Marie’s room suffuse her. Lacie was able to pick out the scent of thyme, lilac, freesia, lime, oranges, lilies, roses, peppers, cherry blossoms and apples. Other subtle scents from the unlit candles suffused the room, and Lacie felt adrift in a sea of aromas, calming and soothing her as she simply stood and breathed.

‘They’re wonderful.’ Lacie said gently, referring to the candles and plants that festooned the room.

‘I know. I always feel so calm whenever I come back here.’ Marie smiled, a peaceful look on her tan face. ‘But, we’re not here to smell the flowers. We’re here to find something that can cover those long, pretty legs of yours.

Familiar with the routine by now, Lacie followed Marie into her closet while the Hispanic girl dove through dozens of pairs of pants. Marie tossed a few pairs of short shorts over her own shoulder, while sorting through even more skirts and jeans. Finally, she handed Lacie six or seven pairs of pants, and two skirts, one short, one long.

‘Most of these are a bit too small for me to wear anymore. They should fit you pretty well. I have plenty more, so you can keep those. Tara should be able to take them in for you if they’re a bit loose.’

‘Thanks! Really? I can keep them?’ Lacie asked

‘Sure. The jeans are too small for my butt now anyway, and the skirts never looked that good on me, but they’ll look amazing on you.’

Lacie set the pile of clothes down, and jumped up to hug the taller latina girl. Marie smiled and hugged her back, whispering a soft ‘Welcome home’ in her ear as she did. That gesture alone almost made Lacie cry again. Wiping the moisture from her eyes with her hands, Lacie swept the pile of clothes off the floor before turning around and heading back out into the hall. Looking around, she saw most of the other girls standing outside Callie’s open door, talking quietly to each other.

Lacie walked up and they shifted aside, letting her pass through. Callie’s room almost made Lacie laugh outright, but the beautiful brunette had the good sense to stifle her laughter. Callie stood in the center of her room, picking up a few discarded odds and ends. Her bed was tiny, obviously built for only one person to sleep on, but that left the rest of the room with more space than the other girls had. Callie’s walls were completely covered with posters, some of them looking like they’d been tacked on top of other layers of posters. The posters themselves were an incredibly odd mix of cartoon ponies dancing around rainbows with fairytale creatures, and several different types of cars and race tracks. Big posters of luxury SUVs were pasted over by pink ponies with little symbols on the horses flanks, and in other places horses were partially obscured by grand prix racetracks complete with speeding cars.

The soft carpet was short, allowing Callie to have a massive toy racetrack set up in the center of her room. Several stacks of multicolored panties were draped on one edge of Callie’s bed, the blond girl having obviously set them out while Lacie was occupied in the other rooms. Various little pieces of what Lacie could only image were engine parts cluttered every available surface, and some were even set atop model cars and plastic ponies.

Turning to Lacie, Callie swept her arms out wide, forgetting her hands were full, while grinning at the new girl, exclaiming excitedly,

‘What do you think? Ooop, oh, shit. Dropped my stuff. Hold on.’

Unable to contain her giggles any more, Lacie burst out laughing at the quirky mechanic girl’s antics. Grinning up at her, Callie shrugged.

‘I know, weird isn’t it? None of the other girls got it either. Sometimes I’m not sure that I get it.’ Tossing her hair, Callie waved it off. ‘It’s okay though. They just don’t understand my genius.’ Callie winked at Lacie then, letting the new girl know she was kidding. ‘I set out some clothes for you to look at. See what you like, and we can try some, and see what fits you. Tara’s room has a few full length mirrors, so we might be able to use her room for fittings.’

Tara peeked her head in around the frame.

‘Kinda figured you’d need my room. Gimme two minutes.’ Lacie heard the small asian girl dash off down the hall.

‘Got everything you need Lacie?’ Bridget asked, stepping into Callie’s room.

‘Almost. I don’t have any earrings or accessories though.’

At that, a chorus of squeals and exclamations erupted from the gathered women, all of them dashing off to different rooms to grab their cutest accessories. Bridget looked tempted as well, but stayed behind, gently taking Lacie’s shoulder and pulling her aside.

‘Look, Lacie, you’re being a great sport about this all so far. Please don’t
lose patience with us. These girls don’t get a lot of new excitement these days, and the urge to show off, now that they have an opportunity, is pretty strong with some of them. We’ve all seen everything here a thousand times, so having someone new to dazzle is a rare treat for them. They all want to make you happy and comfortable, but don’t feel put out if they start getting a bit competitive. It’s just their nature.’

‘It’s fine, actually, I wouldn’t mind if someone else wanted the spotlight for a while. It’s a little disconcerting going from no one truly important to a celebrity in the limelight.’ Lacie responded, honestly not caring about the attention.

‘Well, Master gave us all a rare day off in celebration of your arrival, so I fully expect them all to get fancied up tonight. Especially due to the fact that Master is cooking. He never cooks ‘casual’ meals. So please don’t be upset if they all get a bit dressy.’

Lacie held up the first two fingers of her right hand, pointing them at the ceiling.

‘Scout’s honor.’ Lacie giggled.

Bridget smiled in response, tilting her head towards the door in an invitation.

‘Shall we go and see what those look like on you?’

‘Lead the way.’

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Her desk was just outside his office door, which he frequently left open, and if he were working at his side table on a project she'd get an unobstructed view of him beneath it. Usually she'd be trying to get her work done, but would invariably end up thinking about crawling up underneath and taking down his pants for a delicious mouthful of his cock. If he'd given even a hint of an invitation she'd be all over him with her warm soft mouth ready to take everything he could slip down her...

5 years ago
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Mutual Attraction Part 4

This story continues on directly after my last story, Mutual Attraction Part 3. The following day, as expected, our parents returned from down the coast, and they told us that our dad had been put in charge of a couple of local projects, so he would be spending more time at home for a while. This was good news for us as a family, because we would be able to see more of him for a change, but it meant that Louise and I had to keep our hands off each other, because we had agreed that we could...

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Horny Neighbor Meera Aunty

My name is Subbu, I am an software programmer working with an organization here in New Jersey. I just celebrated my 26th birthday the day before I wrote this story. I am going to narrate an incident that I experienced a few months back with a woman here. (All the names are changed for privacy sakes) I was a virgin until then and the only sexual experience I ever got was masturbating to amateur porn on the Internet. I did not like the fake porn stars and something about the natural erotica of...

2 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 94

I was up early the next morning, and when I went to the kitchen, Rondo was making coffee. “Josey, what do you have on your schedule for today?” “I have nothing planned so far. I do have a meeting in Ashton later today, but that’s all. “The secretary at J Ruiz Chevrolet?” “Yeah - and her sister. We’re going to eat at the steakhouse over there.” “Will you make it home in time to catch that plane to Iowa?” He was laughing, and I had to laugh too. “Yeah, that one’s going to make us a lot of...

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Trans step sister

When I graduated high school my mom remarried. It took some adjusting when we moved in with them. John was my new step dad he was kind of a hippie guy. His daughter was transgender. Kate .She was a tiny thing very petite 5’3 pale skin and skinny. She would walk around in her bikini. She had little boobs and as much as I looked I never seen a dick in her bottom. She had long blonde hair and green eyes. Actually she’s very cute. We got along fine and I was her protection when she needed it. It...

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Another Step In My Path

My massages with Jim had continued about every two to three weeks. Sometimes the massage was the last thing on my mind, I just wanted him to use me and satisfy his needs sexually with my willing body. A few times I arrived and he had to work. I would get on my knees and while he would work on his computer, I swallowed his seed. I found my desire to be used by him had grown and I had started to refer to myself his slut. I told him I was his to use, and he could do whatever he wanted to do to me....

Gay Male
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 39 The MotherDaughter Threesome Part 3

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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A Divorce For Christmas

This story was written in collaboration with GabrielSweet, my husband, he wrote the group scene, I want to thank him for all his help. The divorce is final today, I just got the papers. Came Special Delivery, still can’t figure out what is so special about it. Bob called to see how I was doing, it was Friday night and I was home alone, again. I told him about getting the final divorce papers and he decided there was no way I was staying home tonight. It was four days before Christmas and it...

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How i use Deborah and her daughters

My first story so please be gentle on me. All pictures were given to me by Deborah. I was walking my d** one evening when I seen a sexy girl taking out the trash. I stopped and watched her as her young ass swayed in her little shorts. I told myself I need to walk this way more often. About that time I heard a female voice yell out hurry up sis mom wants us to help clean up for when dad gets home Monday. I thought mmmm 3 women alone all weekend. The one taking out the trash was now heading back...

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Horny jewel thief gang banged

The young beautiful lady we caught red handed stealing jewellery in our store turned her head over her shoulder and saw the wicked smile on my face. And then she saw Abdul at the desk empting her purse on the table. As he was looking through her wallet, he found her driver’s license. “Her name is Priyanka and married?" he said. “Your husband will have to come to bail you out, after we call the police.""No!" Priyanka pleaded. "Don't....Please don't do that."I grabbed her wrist and twisted it...

2 years ago
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The Maid

We hired a maid to clean our house three times a week. After the initial couple of weeks, she had the place pretty clean and was just performing maintenance cleaning. She started coming twice on the weeks she needed to do laundry and once in the alternating weeks.This went on for some time until one day, I found a pair of panties neatly folded in my underwear drawer. They weren't mine and they weren't my wife's (wrong size) and they weren't my daughter's either (she doesn't wear thongs).  I...

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Busted by sister part 3

The morning of the first day we had together, I rushed into his room and pulled him out of his bed. He was still trying to wake up. Me: take those panties off, put these on. ( I handed him a purple pair of panties with the word "princess" written in the butt.) Andrew: can I go to the bathroom first?! Me: you know Andrew, I was gonna be nice, however you just had to give me an attitude. Just know, your next task is bc of your actions. Ohh and to answer your question... no, you can...

3 years ago
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my boyfriend uses me again

It was wednesday evening, I was ready to head out, when John sent the room number for the Motel we meet at, with a ps, wear some thing really sexy tonight, so I grabbed my grey pleated mini, and a see tho silk top, and heels, that should turn him on I thought seeing myself in the mirror, As I drove in the motel carpark, I couldn't find a parking spot, it was unusally busy, there were guys standing around and the nearest spot was at the other end of the carpark, some 60 mts away from the...

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Moving House The Followup

Both Mum and I knew that deep down Roger didn’t really want to sell-up, so after a very long discussion it was agreed that the three of us would convert the house into 3 apartments, Roger could then stay put and rent out the other two in order to supplement his pension. For convenience Mum and I decided to stay at Roger’s place whilst the conversion took place, not that there was much to do, a few partition walls here and an extra kitchen and toilet in the part where Roger was going to live was...

1 year ago
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You Can Cum Anytime You Want Family

Chapter 1 - Mike My mother died when I was two and my sister was one. So neither of us remember her very well, and that's why we thought it was great when my father married again. You see, my father had to raise both my sister and I and we could see that he was lonely. Especially now, when I was seventeen and had a girlfriend and Laura, my sister, was starting to see a guy, Chad. After I started to have sex with my girlfriend, Cindy, I can't imagine anyone living without it. So I was glad when...

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Friday Afternoon Part 11

Part 11When they got to the top of the stairs Norma said, "Dear, I wantyou to go into my bathroom and wait for me there, OK? And take yourlittle surprise with you - we'll need it - eventually."If there had been any doubt in Bobby's mind about his mother'sintentions, it was erased when he saw the lascivious look on herface. So he headed down the hall as Norma opened a large hall closetand began rummaging around. Bobby went through his mother's bedroominto her bathroom and stood waiting there...

2 years ago
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My Summer Boss 10

“Why so gloomy panda bear?” my sister’s amused voice eased into my room. “Go away,” I mumbled, putting my arm over my face. I was in no mood for her garbage. The next thing I felt was her hand on my chest. “But don’t you have a date today?” she persisted. “It’s not a fucking date! And how the hell would you know?” I growled, annoyed with her near perfect ability to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. “A sister knows these things,” she said in a hurt voice,...

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DarkFyre Chapter Ten

Wordless, Silmaria burst into motion, springing forward to dash down to her burning home. Or tried to, at least. Before she’d gone two strides, Lord Rael’s hand shot out and grabbed her by the wrist in a grip like steel. He yanked her back toward him and growled softly into her ear, “Don’t be a fool. We don’t know what’s down there. Follow me and stay quiet! Keep low.” Though it galled her to be slow at all right then, Silmaria gave a reluctant nod and followed her Lord’s lead. Rael took...

4 years ago
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A Better World IIChapter 2 Graduation

What a winter! Cynthia and I made full use of the WEnet. We both took the aeronautics classes and got our pilot's licenses. We had three sunny days to try and solo. We both did! Analy High School had the honor of getting three surplus flight simulators from the old US Air force. It saved us waiting for good weather. Joe Smith, Nancy's squeeze, reprogrammed the simulator to emulate our Cessna Skyhawk SP that we had at the airport. He and a bunch of the kids in the aeromechanics class...

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BurrChapter 62 Passing up Dessert

I went for a run after talking to Cindy, partly because I needed some exercise but mainly because I needed to sort things out. We had been together most of Saturday but we hadn't talked. We had been in the company of others most of the day. And the rest of the time we didn't talk about anything more important than which position we wanted to try next. The one serious conversation we had was about the taking of Jeannie's virginity. Why had I agreed to be the one to take it? There were so...

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Flambeaux Staug Ch 11

Brian hummed happily as he tapped his hands on the steering wheel of his Buick LeSabre, careening down the road on his way home. He’d been away on a business trip for three days, and had just left the airport after arrival. He was very pleased that he was only a half hour away from his eight year old son Mark and Elizabeth, his wife of eight years. Brian was thirty two years of age, one year senior to his wife. He was an enigneer for Doldrum Plastics and had to go work on some stupid project...

3 years ago
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Gentling Sine

Sine Devi closed her almond shaped violet eyes; inhaled the heady aroma of her ranch and feels immediately at peace with her life. The sweet fragrance of freshly cut hay and the stronger scent of the horses always helped in creating the homey feeling Sine strived for. Her life had not always been as free as this. In the past, her life was a special kind of hell thanks to her father and she tried hard to forget all of tortures she was forced to live through. Sine loved this time of year, when...

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Carragh Sorruidh

Beneath the unending circle of the white harvest moon, a ring of highland sandstone sentinels stand guard over a platform of sacrifice. Crystal stars cut through the sky like a swath of iridescence that shines down upon the land with a cold, unearthly light. The chilled air of autumn whistles through the fields of grass, the sea sweeping across the dry land upon its wings. No sound, other than that of the wind and the distant sea, penetrates the circled stones. It is there, standing beside...

2 years ago
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Deep throat queen

Deep throat queen of the pornos Im 42 years old and have been the deep throat queen of the porno field for over fifteen years. I often reflect back as to how I got to this position. I am 57 tall and weigh 130lbs. My breasts are not overly big but are a nice size just between a C and a D cup. I exercise regularly and even at 42 they are firm and my own. This is my story. My mother died at my birth. She was only thirteen at the time I was told. I dont know who my dad was but I know he did not...

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SingularityChapter 12 The Last Straw

“Sorry for screwing up your funding.” Isaac waved his concern aside. “There wasn’t anything you could do. They had it in for you.” Eric leaned back, resting his head and staring at the ceiling of the limo. “I know. What did they expect me to do, allow myself to be killed?” Sarah grasped his shoulder. “It’s not that they didn’t think you’d defend yourself. It’s that, if you weren’t so moral, there’d be no stopping you.” “She’s right,” Robert said. “While you’re protecting your immaculate...

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Reginalds FamilyChapter 19

Getting through, he told the police Sergeant, “Her daughter is on her way to a neutral site, to make a call to the family home, to try and speak to her mother. The phone used will not be traceable to us, and Frances will start the call in case there are problems at the other end.” “You seem to be well organised, Reg. I have cleared my schedule for tomorrow morning, and I have a bright shiny and colourful police car allocated to me.” “Sergeant, we are willing to pay your petrol and other...

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Too Many SecretsChapter 9

The next morning it took Matti a few seconds to figure out what had woken him up. It was obviously early, and a quick check of his wristwatch showed him it was only 7:30. He soon decided that it was probably the smell of coffee brewing that had done it. For a further few seconds he couldn’t understand how that could be, but that confusion soon cleared when he remembered that Dawn had spent the night with him at the camp. He was dressed in no more than a minute, and another few seconds allowed...

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First Date

This story is a work of fiction and no characters in this story are real or based on anyone who is real. The story is intended for adults only and contains bondage, fetish and sex. If you don't like this type of story, are under age, or prohibited by your country, please do not read this story. The story is based on a fantasy I have had for quite a while. I hope you enjoy it. First Date By xyzpdq Bill met Kim at a friend's party. She was a natural beauty, 5 foot 10 inches tall...

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IT’S GOOD TO TALK, Part 1 ___________________________ Mummy calls out goodbye as she goes out to the supermarket. I listen to the black door slam and think ‘Yippee. I’m alone!’ I’m sitting in my favourite place on the stairs, with that shaft of sunlight that I think of as JUST MINE cos I can sit with my legs open and pull my panties to one side and let the sunbeam shine on Lucie (that’s my name I gave my pussy) I like to look down into her as I masturbate and make her wet, so the sunbeam joins...

2 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 42

Flashback – Ben – Back in the battle Most people realize that when your legs don't work right you are really inhibited from doing your job, like I was right now. Because my legs were still fucked up, I couldn't raise myself enough above the floor to see what the hell was going on. Thank God Jack yelled, "Duck, it's a grenade!" I guess my stubborn streak forced my tattered body up onto one very wobbly knee to look. Jack wasn't always right, but he was sure as hell right this time. Not...

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PornWorld Veronica Leal Almost Married Veronica Leal Cheats At The Alter Before Taking A DP Slamming

Gorgeous bride to be Veronica Leal is at the alter getting ready for her wedding ceremony and her groom, Vince can’t keep his hands off her! The ceremony begins but the registrar, Jay explains they can’t get married without a witness. Jay also happens to be Veronica’s ex boyfriend so while Vince heads off to find someone to witness their marriage, slutty Veronica comes onto Jay, stripping down to her white lingerie. She sits on the desk and he can’t resist her any longer...


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