Lacie Ch. 03 free porn video

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Chapter 3: Lacie Owned

Lacie stepped through the metal door, closing her eyes and tilting her head back, basking in the burgeoning feeling that she felt growing in her chest. She felt a new sensation of warmth in the growing feeling of hope that her life might just end up being a happy one. Lacie slowly exhaled, opening her eyes to greet the new life before her. When she did, Lacie beheld… another door. Giggling, Heather and Claire swept past her.

‘This is the loading dock, cutie.’ The rocker chick winked as she passed. ‘The house is up ahead. Come on.’

Blushing slightly at her slip up, Lacie grinned and forged ahead, following the two other women. Pushing through the door at the other end, Lacie saw a short hallway with several more doors. The floors were polished hardwood, and the walls were made of dark colored chestnut, carved and fluted, the expensive building material was tastefully decorated and kept very clean. An old grandfather clock sat at one end of the hallway, it’s coppery pendulum slowly swinging as it ticked off the passing seconds. Small busts and marble statues sat in alcoves along the walls, paintings hanging along the walls between some of the doors.

‘Ok, girls, does anyone know where Master is?’ Bridget spoke, ‘We want to stay out of his way today. Lacie, we’ll all be helping you settle in, I just want to make sure nothing gets forgotten.’

‘I know where is Master.’ Tatiana answered, looking slightly surly. ‘He are to kicking me out of kitchens today. Wanted of making something ‘special’ for new girl.’

The other girls murmured at each other, delighted expectation lighting up their faces.

‘It’s ok, Ana,’ Lacie responded, trying to soothe the foreign girl’s obviously ruffled feathers. ‘I’d rather have you help show me around today.’

Ana grinned back at her.

‘Besides,’ Heather chimed in, ‘Master is just as good a cook, and he hasn’t been able to find time lately. If he wants to do something special, I say we let him do what he wants.’

‘Well, that’s settled then. We avoid the kitchens, but we can help her settle in a bit. First things first though. Lets get you some actual clothing. Those robes are nice, but I hardly want you wandering the mansion in that all day.’

Callie leaped forward with Lindsey, and the two girls started giggling as they grabbed Lacie and began dragging her through the mansion, passing hallway after hallway, twisting and turning through doors and up staircases. Lacie was thoroughly lost in less than a minute. The other girls managed to keep up though, laughing and talking to each other excitedly. Lacie was beginning to feel like a spectacle at a fair, making her a little uncomfortable. She looked over at Lindsey and saw the happy look of expectation on her face. Lacie realized that the girls probably didn’t get a lot of excitement in the mansion. It would definitely be a horrible, not to mention dangerous, idea for any of the women (being as attractive as they were) to leave. Which meant that, despite the obvious number of freedoms that Master (Lacie had yet to hear his actual name) allowed his girls, they were still trapped on the grounds of his home. So, because of that, new and exciting things had to be brought to the girls, instead of the girls going anywhere.

Given everything that the girls seemed so giddy about, and all that they had already done for her, Lacie understood that, despite her discomfort, this whole situation was a rare treat for the other girls. Lacie decided to simply enjoy it. A grin spread across her face, and soon Lacie found her expectation was matching her escort’s excitement. Looking around her as she was rushed through the house, Lacie was astounded by the tasteful wealth she saw displayed everywhere. She passed room after room, but most of the doors were closed, mysteries for Lacie to solve later. Finally, the group of women reached the fourth floor corridor. Over a dozen doors adorned the carved wooden walls, and a thick, fluffy red carpet tickled Lacie’s feet. One door, larger than the rest, sat at the end of the hallway. The first four rooms had nothing on the doors, but each door after that had a name gilded onto dark, beautifully decorated wooden ovals that hung at eye level, each name written in beautiful calligraphy.

‘We all chose rooms for ourselves, mostly picking ones as close to the Master’s bedroom as possible. That’s his on the end. Now, we don’t have many rules here, but Master’s few rules are inviolate. The first rule is, never enter his bedroom without permission. Emergencies are the only exception, like a fire or if someone is hurt. We’ve broken some of his rules a few times each. The punishments are… severe.’ Bridget spoke sternly. As she mentioned breaking rules, a pall seemed to settle over the women, and each of them seemed to shrink into herself. Somehow, all of the women seemed slightly diminished. ‘He won’t hurt you physically, ever.’ Bridget choked out, a look of pure, infinite sadness on her face. ‘What he does do though, hurts more than anything your body could survive. The horrible thing is, when he punishes us, he doesn’t ever want to. He just knows he has to. He protects us. We take care of him. When we fail… just… don’t ever fail him, Lacie. You don’t want to know how terrible you’ll feel.’

Lacie could feel the waves of pained emotion coming off the assembled women, making her heart ache for the friendly group of women.

‘Thanks, Buzzkill.’ Claire exclaimed, rolling her eyes. The joking tone broke the sudden dark mood that had fallen over the group. Grabbing Lacie’s arm, Claire dragged the younger girl to her door. Pushing it open before Lacie, Claire revealed the insides of her room. Dirty clothes littered the floor and posters of old heavy metal bands were haphazardly tacked to the walls. A dresser stood to one side, a few of it’s drawers hanging open. A walk-in closet sat just beyond a large four post bed, the sheets and comforter rumpled and tossed to the side. Lacie blushed when she noticed a pair of fuzzy black handcuffs dangling from the bed frame. A big bay window dominated one wall and the glass panes had been opened just a crack, allowing fresh air to flow into the room. The bench under the three angled windows was bare, save for a small easel with a half finished painting and a collection of paints and brushes. Ignoring the rest of her room, Claire dragged Lacie towards the closet. The rest of the girls shuffled in, Tara making exclamations of disgust when she saw the disarray and dirty clothes.

Dragging Lacie over to the hangars at the back, Claire began pulling shirt after shirt off the rack, holding them up before Lacie before either handing them to her, or tossing them back on the racks. Lacie wasn’t surprised to see that the majority of Claire’s clothing was either black or incorporated a little leather. Finally, Lacie’s arms were full of over a dozen different shirts, and Claire grinned as she turned Lacie around, pointing her at several racks of shoes. Every kind of shoe imaginable decorated the shelves. Black sexy pumps, white tennis shoes, fuzzy animal slippers, sandals, thigh high pleather zip ups, buckled knee length platforms, leather cowboy boots, (one pair even had built in spurs) and more.

‘Grab a few pairs of shoes. Most of them should fit you.’

Lacie looked for a few minutes before settling on a pair of strappy sandals, some work sandals and a pair of black and silver sneakers.

‘Nice. You’ll look good in those, cutie.’ The bisexual goth girl winked at Lacie, her casual flirtation prompting a smile from the teen. ‘Now, across the hall. Lindsey can lend you a few bras. Speaking of which…’ Claire leaned down, snagging a black satin corset off the ground. The corset was obviously designed for a bust much larger than Claire’s A-cup chest. ‘this one ain’t mine.’

Sauntering back out into her room, Claire tossed the corset to it’s owner. ‘You forgot this here Heth.’ Claire teased.

‘Hey! I’ve
been looking for that!’ Heather exclaimed.

Lacie’s jaw dropped. She had thought that the corset belonged to Lindsey, since it had looked like Lindsey and Claire were together.

Laughing at Lacie’s confused expression, Lindsey came to her rescue. ‘It’s ok, Lace. Can we call you Lace?’ Seeing Lacie’s absent nod, Lindsey continued. ‘We all share. We kind of have to. There are enough of us that sometimes we want to… play, and Master is a pretty busy person. So sometimes that means we have to try… new people. It’s not like we have a lot of nice guys running around asking to take us to the movies.’

‘Just the one.’ Heather smiled, interrupting.

‘So, sometimes we share each other. We don’t own each other, Master owns us. Which means we have to get along as best we can. We’re not always friends, but we try not to make enemies. So, sharing is sometimes one part of that. Now, come on, lets get you a few more clothes.’

Still unsure how she felt about the girl’s casual attitudes concerning ‘sharing’. Lacie followed the submissive girl across the hall into her room. Lacie recognized the same layout in Lindsey’s room as she had in Claire’s room, only flipped end for end. Lacie wondered if all the girl’s rooms were designed with the same floor plan. Lindsey’s room was much cleaner, but hints of Claire’s style had crept into her decorations. A lot of black decorated the walls, but Lindsey’s bed was smaller than Claire’s, cleaner as well. The room had splashes of pink everywhere, mixed with white and black. It was a dizzying mix of colors, but it fit with Lindsey’s personality well. The seat under her window was festooned with pillows, and a small bookshelf sat at arms length from the nest of cushions, leaving no doubt as to the use that Lindsey put her window. There were a few children’s toys strewn across the room, and a couple of black-light posters were taped to the ceiling. Lindsey opened a drawer in her dresser, and began pulling out bras.

Passing Lacie bra after bra, Lindsey would pull out a few, pick one and put the rest back, occasionally asking for Lacie’s opinion or preference. Soon Lacie had a stack of half a dozen bras, from utilitarian white cotton, to black and lacy, even one that was a silky sapphire blue satin. Turning around, Lindsey giggled as she pushed Lacie back out of her room, just before Marie opened the door to her own room and beckoned for Lacie to follow.

Marie’s room was radically different from Claire and Lindsey’s rooms. The layout was the same, but one wall was dominated by a large mirrored dresser that sat next to a large book shelf that was completely stuffed full of multicolored candles. A blue vinyl topped massage table sat in the center of the room and a black, velvet covered bed was pushed into one corner. Her window space was full of flower pots and small patches of dirt in various odd objects. Lacie saw a beaten up, laceless leather boot, a cracked porcelain cup, and an old upturned Frisbee, all with small plants, flowers or vines growing from them.

‘I love things that grow.’ Marie said quietly as Lacie stopped in her doorway. ‘Master is letting me take online courses in aromatherapy and massage too.’

Lacie closed her eyes and inhaled deeply though her nose, letting the various aromas of Marie’s room suffuse her. Lacie was able to pick out the scent of thyme, lilac, freesia, lime, oranges, lilies, roses, peppers, cherry blossoms and apples. Other subtle scents from the unlit candles suffused the room, and Lacie felt adrift in a sea of aromas, calming and soothing her as she simply stood and breathed.

‘They’re wonderful.’ Lacie said gently, referring to the candles and plants that festooned the room.

‘I know. I always feel so calm whenever I come back here.’ Marie smiled, a peaceful look on her tan face. ‘But, we’re not here to smell the flowers. We’re here to find something that can cover those long, pretty legs of yours.

Familiar with the routine by now, Lacie followed Marie into her closet while the Hispanic girl dove through dozens of pairs of pants. Marie tossed a few pairs of short shorts over her own shoulder, while sorting through even more skirts and jeans. Finally, she handed Lacie six or seven pairs of pants, and two skirts, one short, one long.

‘Most of these are a bit too small for me to wear anymore. They should fit you pretty well. I have plenty more, so you can keep those. Tara should be able to take them in for you if they’re a bit loose.’

‘Thanks! Really? I can keep them?’ Lacie asked

‘Sure. The jeans are too small for my butt now anyway, and the skirts never looked that good on me, but they’ll look amazing on you.’

Lacie set the pile of clothes down, and jumped up to hug the taller latina girl. Marie smiled and hugged her back, whispering a soft ‘Welcome home’ in her ear as she did. That gesture alone almost made Lacie cry again. Wiping the moisture from her eyes with her hands, Lacie swept the pile of clothes off the floor before turning around and heading back out into the hall. Looking around, she saw most of the other girls standing outside Callie’s open door, talking quietly to each other.

Lacie walked up and they shifted aside, letting her pass through. Callie’s room almost made Lacie laugh outright, but the beautiful brunette had the good sense to stifle her laughter. Callie stood in the center of her room, picking up a few discarded odds and ends. Her bed was tiny, obviously built for only one person to sleep on, but that left the rest of the room with more space than the other girls had. Callie’s walls were completely covered with posters, some of them looking like they’d been tacked on top of other layers of posters. The posters themselves were an incredibly odd mix of cartoon ponies dancing around rainbows with fairytale creatures, and several different types of cars and race tracks. Big posters of luxury SUVs were pasted over by pink ponies with little symbols on the horses flanks, and in other places horses were partially obscured by grand prix racetracks complete with speeding cars.

The soft carpet was short, allowing Callie to have a massive toy racetrack set up in the center of her room. Several stacks of multicolored panties were draped on one edge of Callie’s bed, the blond girl having obviously set them out while Lacie was occupied in the other rooms. Various little pieces of what Lacie could only image were engine parts cluttered every available surface, and some were even set atop model cars and plastic ponies.

Turning to Lacie, Callie swept her arms out wide, forgetting her hands were full, while grinning at the new girl, exclaiming excitedly,

‘What do you think? Ooop, oh, shit. Dropped my stuff. Hold on.’

Unable to contain her giggles any more, Lacie burst out laughing at the quirky mechanic girl’s antics. Grinning up at her, Callie shrugged.

‘I know, weird isn’t it? None of the other girls got it either. Sometimes I’m not sure that I get it.’ Tossing her hair, Callie waved it off. ‘It’s okay though. They just don’t understand my genius.’ Callie winked at Lacie then, letting the new girl know she was kidding. ‘I set out some clothes for you to look at. See what you like, and we can try some, and see what fits you. Tara’s room has a few full length mirrors, so we might be able to use her room for fittings.’

Tara peeked her head in around the frame.

‘Kinda figured you’d need my room. Gimme two minutes.’ Lacie heard the small asian girl dash off down the hall.

‘Got everything you need Lacie?’ Bridget asked, stepping into Callie’s room.

‘Almost. I don’t have any earrings or accessories though.’

At that, a chorus of squeals and exclamations erupted from the gathered women, all of them dashing off to different rooms to grab their cutest accessories. Bridget looked tempted as well, but stayed behind, gently taking Lacie’s shoulder and pulling her aside.

‘Look, Lacie, you’re being a great sport about this all so far. Please don’t
lose patience with us. These girls don’t get a lot of new excitement these days, and the urge to show off, now that they have an opportunity, is pretty strong with some of them. We’ve all seen everything here a thousand times, so having someone new to dazzle is a rare treat for them. They all want to make you happy and comfortable, but don’t feel put out if they start getting a bit competitive. It’s just their nature.’

‘It’s fine, actually, I wouldn’t mind if someone else wanted the spotlight for a while. It’s a little disconcerting going from no one truly important to a celebrity in the limelight.’ Lacie responded, honestly not caring about the attention.

‘Well, Master gave us all a rare day off in celebration of your arrival, so I fully expect them all to get fancied up tonight. Especially due to the fact that Master is cooking. He never cooks ‘casual’ meals. So please don’t be upset if they all get a bit dressy.’

Lacie held up the first two fingers of her right hand, pointing them at the ceiling.

‘Scout’s honor.’ Lacie giggled.

Bridget smiled in response, tilting her head towards the door in an invitation.

‘Shall we go and see what those look like on you?’

‘Lead the way.’

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Introduction: True story of one day after work at my ex house and her chesty friend True story of a day that will live on as a good example of taking chances. The day started like any other work day. I slept nude most of the time, so I slipped on my navy blue shorts with silver strides on the sides and made some breakfast. Watched alittle tv after, then I grabbed my ipod and headed to my gym room. I loved working out to music. My skin is a light brown like warm sand at a beach, or cinnamon,...

3 years ago
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Little Time Thief Ch 02

In the Stygian night the growing sound of a whirring tick, like a struggling clock hand, fell on deaf ears. Presley and her handmaiden Gloria, were asleep in the small, Victorian house and a plain wooden clock on the mantle in the living room read almost one in the morning, that magical hour when the world seems most still. On the untouched table in that same living room, where hours earlier guests had laid down gifts and trinkets respectfully for the Duke family, where now a blue satin pouch...

2 years ago
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Keep it in the family1

Know what started it? We were all at home for once in the evening, me and my sister, my cousin and her mother, my mother’s sister and my parents. My mother was lying on one of our two three seater sofas with her feet across my father’s lap and I was sitting in the middle of the other sofa with my sister Kath on one side and my cousin Kate on the other. Aunty Barbara was sitting rather primly in the armchair. Mum’s back was more or less presented to us three and Dad was more or less hidden...

3 years ago
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The Landlady

"Coming!" I rushed to the door.When the door opened a charming smile and beaming brown eyes greeted me."Oh! Ms. Marigold!" I smiled as a rush of excitement came over me. "How are you? I didn't know you were coming over! Did Andre know you were coming?""No, actually!" She brushed a lock of wavy dark hair behind her ear. "I was hoping I could talk to you both about the rent?""Oh no, he isn't here. But come in!" I stepped aside to let her in."Thank you." She said as she slipped...

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Danni TylerChapter 6

Danielle could hardly wait to tell Robin what she'd seen in Upper and Lower. She got to school early on Monday morning, and was surprised to recognize a girl she'd seen in Upper—she was one of the two teenage couples she'd seen—using a locker just two down from her. She wasn't sure what to say, or how. 'I saw you naked' seemed a little crude. The girl solved it for her. "Are you Jessica Anderson's daughter?" the girl asked. "I saw you with her this weekend." "You ......

1 year ago
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Boss gets his way with wife

My husband I have been married for three years and we recently decided to have a baby. While I was getting off of the pill and starting my pre-natal vitamin regime my husband was trying to earn some additional money to help with all of the new expenses by working a second job. Ironically, just after we decided we wanted to start a family we stopped having sex. Jim was just too tired when he got home. We were planning a special get away weekend and we planned to consummate our decision then....

1 year ago
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The Naked Heroine

Stepping through the door to her studio apartment, she sighed in relief. Between her culinary arts courses at the local university and her job as a housekeeper, she was just happy to be home. At nineteen years old, she had left home first thing to pursue her dream of becoming a professional chef. It was a bit scary being away from her mom, dad, and three younger siblings for the first time but she found a cheap place to live. It was tiny, but it had all the amenities she needed, like Internet...

2 years ago
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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 4

Hello ISS readers. I am back with a new series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is another fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. I grabbed my coat and we left to go to the park. We reached the park before Elena. Amy was like the beauty of the park. There’s a resting place in the park. It is the shape of a circle, with benches around. There’s a small circular garden...

3 years ago
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Padhai Karte Hui Nisha Ki Chudai

Hello all the people and hot ladies! Mai ankur hun aur meri age 20 h, mai delhi-ncr mein rehta hun. Koi bhi girl/bhabhi sex ke liye mujhe contact kare. Mera e-mail: Ye meri pehli story h, so agar koi bhi galti ho jaaye to sorry. Ye story ek fiction h aur main abhi tak virgin hun. Ab story start karta hun. Ye baat tab ki h jab mai 18 years ka tha. Mere ghar k saamne vale ghar mein nisha naam ki ek ladki rehti thi. Mai aap sabko uske baare mein bata dun, nisha boht beautiful thi aur uska...

3 years ago
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Mom My Lover

So there we were, Mom and I, sitting on the edge of my bed. We were talking away, as we usually did, but this time I had a hand inside her soft pink robe, fondling one of her lovely big tits, squeezing its smooth, spongy ripeness and gently pinching the hard nipple, and she was acting as if she didn't even notice. I doubted that she was wearing any panties, and I was determined that I would soon find out. Wait a minute! Maybe we had better go back and see just how this story started. A son...

2 years ago
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I am not a virgin anymore. I lost my virginity to my boy friend 3 years ago. When I fell in love with him, I knew that he was the one and I asked him to make love to me. Ever since then my lust has grown gradually but I make sure that anything else entering me beside his cock is just a toy. But this morning that determination also failed.I was walking back home from school late at night. Although I was supposed to remain in school the whole night and work on a project, it got done by midnight...

2 years ago
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A Modern Bards TaleChapter 5

When I came out of the bedroom, Maeve was still in the shower. I opened the apartment door and saw Marianne and Bethany fencing over by the hot tub. "I have a job for you two." I said. They came over right away, still holding their swords. "What's up?" asked Bethany. "I did some serious miscalculations when I laid this place out. I want a section downstairs converted to a kitchen big enough to prepare food for two score people. Then I'll need a table big enough to serve that many....

2 years ago
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School Van Driver 8211 Part 2

Hello friends puja kaur again . jinhone last story nhi padhi wo please pehle last story padhe . school van driver ne gand mari Ghar aate hi mujhe langda kar chalta dekh mummy ne puch kya hua . kisi se ladkar to nhi aya na . mene kaha na mummy sip hokar gir gaya tha . mummy ne dantte hue kaha , dekh kar to chala nhi jata chal roti laga rhi hu kha le , Mene kaha didi kaha hai , to mummy boli padi hai maharani kamre me . to m sidha room ki tarf chala gaya , mera or didi ka ek hi room tha , us waqt...

1 year ago
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TrueAnal Aaliyah Hadid Luna Star Getting Nasty With Luna And Aaliyah

Luna Star is definitely shining bright. With an insatiable sex-drive and an ass that makes traffic stop, it’s hard not to want a piece of this Cuban sweetheart. She became an instant hit after joining the industry in 2012, yet the more time goes by, the more the camera seems to love her. Luna on her first scene: “Afterwards, I realized I should have done this earlier. Now, if I have sex and someone’s not there to record it, it’s a waste of my talents. I want everybody to see...

2 years ago
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Women put to good use

D&B Caroline Dumont was a 25 y/o pretty blond housewife. Her 5 feet and a half were more than enough to display a body many models would kill for. Rich but not overdone in the upper department and generous but firm and well shaped at the rear she would qualify for a pocket-Venus title. She had married Jeff, deep in love, two years ago. They had been dating for more than three years then and the more they were together the more they liked to be together. They just waited for him to get his...

4 years ago
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Same Old Love

Lizzie was well and truly over Tom Keen. She had the proof now of his infidelity spread across the twin bed in her motel room. The confirmation of his lies had stung, but it was his wasteful use of her feelings that really made her see red. Had anything about their life been real? She doubted that she would ever know now. When she had approached him with her suspicions, Tom had walked out the door without a glance, leaving Hudson stranded on the porch. Why had it taken her so long...

2 years ago
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exbf forced me but i feel sexy

it was a pleasant evening when i decided to meet up with my ex-bf for dinner. He fetch me from my office and we couldn't find a parking space when we arrive to the restaurant. So he suggested that we brought it back to his home for dinner. I was a little naive to agreed upon his request. When i arrive to his house, we spent our time in his home-office where he show some of his travel photo to me. Thing are working out fine for us, we chat, we laugh and we share some updates on our life after...

3 years ago
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Frank watched her from his window every day. Herapartment was a floor above and across the alleyway, sohe was looking up at her when she worked in her kitchen.She often had on shorts or a little skirt and sometimesjust panties. He dreamed of tying her up with rope. Shewould be so helpless and vulnerable and beautiful. Hecould do whatever he wanted to her.One night he looked up and she was getting spankedright there in her kitchen as she washed dishes. A largeman yanked her light pink panties up...

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Neuro Submission TransmitterChapter 4

"Maybe you've got the right idea, Elaine." I overhear mom's friend, Mary say to her. "Men are way over rated. If you're going to end up getting yourself off anyway, why not just stay home with your vibrator in the first place?" She laughs. "I guess last night didn't go so well, huh?" Mom asks, as I peek through the screen door to watch Mom and Mary sunbathing on the back deck. With some of the money we got from dad, we added a swimming pool to our backyard. Mom and Mary are...

1 year ago
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TouchdownChapter 15 Flux in the World of Concrete

Warwick. Thursday, 8 days after Jennifer reappears A New Business Opportunity? At Joe's office there have been rumours over the last few weeks. Unexpected comings and goings. Regular meetings cancelled and rearranged. Now, there's been an email announcing a staff meeting for everyone in the restaurant at 10 o'clock. Joe has been given compassionate leave to help him look after his wife, Jennifer, after her unexpected reappearance but yesterday, he took a call from Chris Parker, his...

2 years ago
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Blog 5

Blog 5: If there is one thing that casts a shadow across the happy playtime that is my amorous dalliance with Stephen, then it is his mother. To be fair, I can appreciate her concern; if you look at our relative ages than I am closer in years to her than I am to her son, but you would think she would give me some credit for all the time and effort I am taking in trying to turn her boy into a man.Although we’ve never met, she seems to have plenty to say on the subject of “that woman” to sweet,...

Straight Sex
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Aggybook 2Chapter 15

"Navy Harbour" this is "Gorgon", I am powered up, request clearance for the outer marker, I have onward clearance; information golf; over. "Gorgon", you are cleared for the outer marker via the inner marker and the departure channel. Be advised "Vance" and "Washton" have just entered the approach channel but you will be clear at the inner marker; call control at the outer 4315 over. "Cleared for the outer marker. 4315 at the outer. Moving now "Gorgon" clear." "Navy control,...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 239 Karen in The Lead

I guess they feel I would be more comfortable with someone close to my age as a chaperone, even my chaperone was a girl? “Hey. My name is Karen. I’m your chaperone for today and tonight,” she said sweetly, as she hooked her arm through mine. “Before you ask, I already got an email from someone that said I wanted to be your chaperone for any number of reasons, the least of them being that I’m only two months older than you. While our campus is one of the safest in the state, the campus police...

1 year ago
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Janes story

I turned 18 a few months back and am doing temp jobs between school and university. My new job in an insurance company started a few weeks back and it was a real eye opener for me. I had just entered the front door when I bumped into a boy I knew from school. He was very fit and it was clear that he wanted to me as much as I wanted him. We quickly found an empty room and I removed my dress and thongs. I was already wet so I skipped foreplay and fucked him hard; we both came and fixed up our...

3 years ago
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I RememberChapter 5

I grinned at him and danced over to Mr. Chuck and knelt before him. He said. “I’ve already fucked your face what should I do with you next?” I took his comment as a question that he was asking me for suggestions as to how to use me. I suggested. “Mr. Chuck Sir. Would you like to see how long I can hold your fantastic cock in my throat without me breathing?” Mr. Chuck smiled and said. “Sure slut.” That was the second time someone had called me slut today. I wasn’t sure how I felt about...

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The Loyalty GeneChapter 4

Jason’s mom asked, “What were you and Stephanie up to last night?” Surprised, Jason glanced up from his bowl of cereal and caught Mom and Dad sharing odd grins. Best to play dumb. “Mmm? What?” “While you were in the shower, I put a load of your clothes in the washing machine. The clothes you wore yesterday looked like you rolled around in the grass. If Stephanie looked the same, she might have some explaining to do.” Dad chuckled. “I teased her, and she chased me. We wrestled a little....

2 years ago
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Return of Reno

CHAPTER 1 When Ash’s (Ashley) partner of three years had chased after his brother, destroying Carl’s marriage, Ash he thought good riddance and god what a predatory bitch. He reminded himself she’d been on the loose when he scored with her that first memorable night and therefore he wasn’t guilty of wooing her off some other luckless dude. But he was shocked to find how their so-called friends virtually dumped him when word got around that Sharon had left him and his pals told him he was...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 146

Jerry, the FedEx driver followed Dorothy (Dot) in her UPS truck. When they circled around to the back of the Retreat, he stopped to let Dot back her truck toward the steps, then he backed alongside her. Driving up the mountain is a slow process, though the scenery is awesome, he thought, and the driveway is downright terrifying, but reaching the Matthews' home always makes the trip worth it. Somehow these people have learned our full names and even our birthdays. I was here three days...

2 years ago
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Little Chain Gang BangsChapter 2

Mindy and I didn’t have to ask each other. We would help Huso find the other escaped boys. The question was, how? I put it to the scrawny boy. “Were they the ones who helped you escape?” “Don’t know.” He picked his nose and ate the booger. “But find them easy!” Huso stepped away from the car and went to an edge of the swamp that he chose after surveying the haunting trees. He cupped a hand to his ear and listened. He looked ridiculous with my pants dangling from his upper arm. Mindy and I...

3 years ago
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Fucked Sankalpa My HR In Office For The Sake Of Her Husband

Well its indeed great pleasure to thank Indian Sex Stories for providing such a large Collection of sex fantasies and erotic stories and thanks for the inspiration from ISS and special thanks to lady from Venus who introduced me to ISS and which made me write this story based on the events of my life . OK, here we go well this story happens in the back drops of a cosmopolitan city Bangalore now a day’s know as bengaluru.This set of events revolves around two people Usually they say that men are...

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New Beginnings The Maid Part 2

"So..." she breathed, "you don't have any problems I could help out with at all?" John didn't dare move. He felt like his cock might explode if he did. Here he was, in a hotel room, with a sexy young blonde with her hand around his hard cock. He'd never been in a sexier situation. "Fuck!" he cried out. "You and your ex-wife, any chance of you patching things up?" "N-no. Definitely not." Natalia's pussy flooded her panties at that. "Good," she said, throwing the blankets off of him. His cock was...

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