The Amulets of Power V A New BeginningChapter 6
- 2 years ago
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My dear readers, I’m SO sorry I haven’t updated in…oh goodness, 2 months! Lots of happenings in my life, good and bad, but that’s hardly an excuse. I’m working on chapter 5 of Beauty Remastered as hard as I possibly can, while attempting and reattempting to start Piper, which is Joey and Danny’s story =) Wish me luck, my loves. I promise, Chapter 5 will be super exciting and wonderful and out soon! Cross my heart. For everybody who commented and voted on the earlier chapters, you are the best ever, and I adore all of you! And thank you for the encouragement, because it’s what keeps me going at times. I’d love to hear what you think of Chapter 4…hint hint. <,3
Scarlet awoke alone in a cold, dark, unfamiliar room. She reached down to pull the covers up from where they had been shoved down by her feet and realized that her hands were no longer bound. Donovan must have released her before he left the room. Memories raced toward her.
She glanced around, blushing. The heavy curtains were drawn, so the room was still too dark to really study, but she could just make out shadows of furniture in the gloom beyond the bed. There were no lights or candles, and any illumination would have to come from the fireplace once it was lit. What was it with her husband and darkness? She knew he lived in it, but that didn’t mean she had to!
At the thought of her absent husband, she shuddered and drew the blanket up to her chin. Last night, the bastard had…she didn’t want to think about what he’d done. But the thoughts came anyway.
Thoughts about how, hours after that one time, she’d finally drifted into a fitful, erotically dream-filled sleep — dreams laced with touches and mouths, tongues and panting breaths — only to have him wake her with his teeth and tongue teasing her breasts, while his fingers massaged her mound. Again, he’d brought her to the brink, this time let her teeter forever at the absolute edge before stopping to take care of his own needs. The third time, she had sobbed when he at last took his pleasure-giving hands and mouth away. By the time he came at her a fourth time, she was exhausted and too worked up to do more than lie there and accept him. He didn’t even let her get close before he stopped and went back to his side of the bed. Perhaps he knew she wouldn’t last long.
Scarlet’s eyes filled at the memory of how the third time, she’d begged him incoherently through the gag, the promises she’d made to be good. To obey. To do anything and everything he wanted, if he would just let her come. He’d ignored her completely, silently working her up and up, knowing exactly when to stop.
Her tired, aroused body ached from all the memories. He’d been undeniably gentle with her, hadn’t even penetrated her with a single long, tapered finger, but all the aches he left unfulfilled had expanded and meshed together and she *needed* to sate it.
Her blush intensified as her hand slid below the covers to hover above her warm, deprived core. She’d only done this once before, in all her eighteen years. And it hadn’t been with a set, illicit agenda, she had simply explored, years ago. Now, though, she was going to actually *do* something.
For a moment, she faltered, but her entire body throbbed, as if insisting she continue. Scarlet slowly lowered her hand to slide along her lips. They were slick with her arousal. Her shaking index finger penetrated the damp folds and bumped across her clitoris. She yelped at the burst of pleasure that speared through her belly to join the other stored tendrils he had ignited the night before.
She remembered him focusing his long, agile tongue there for ages, it seemed, the third time. She touched herself there again, biting her lip at the sensations. Her inexperienced touch was less earth shattering than Donovan’s, but she could still bring herself to that release. She rubbed that small button gently, and then harder and faster when that wasn’t enough. Her hips moved unconsciously, humping against her hand.
Without even thinking about it, she raised her free hand to her bare breasts and pinched her tight nipples gently. A low moan slipped out as the dual feelings took her higher, closer to that release.
And for one glorious moment, she just barely reached it.
‘Having fun?’ A deep voice from the side of the bed asked suddenly.
Scarlet shrieked and pulled her hands away guiltily. ‘I-I didn’t hear you come in.’
He smirked, his teeth bright in the shadows. ‘I’m not surprised. You were otherwise occupied.’
Her anger came back at his soft, sarcastic tone. She pulled the covers around her and scooted to the far side of the bed. God, he was so unfair! So frustrating. Why wouldn’t he just let her finish? The sick sadistic ass.
‘I just came to let you know that I’ve hired a seamstress to make you a new wardrobe, seeing as how most of your clothes were unfit. She will be here in two hours.’
‘I can’t go into town to buy some? I’m sure it will be less expensive.’
He turned and sauntered to the door. ‘No, I think not. Money is no object, Annabelle.’
That confirmed her suspicion that he was keeping her here. Fear made her pulse race. She was likely to never see anybody other than her husband and the butler again! This wasn’t her home, it was a prison.
Her arousal had cooled to a painful almost nothing. She still needed that damn release, but after his interruption, there was no chance in hell she’d try again. For all she knew, Donovan was probably lurking in the hallway outside, just waiting for her to begin again. Was this a part of his ‘punishment’? Not letting her come unless he wanted her to? Did the arrogant bastard honestly think he could control her body like that?
Unfortunately, Scarlet held back a sob and rolled to bury her face in the pillow, he *could*.
Dominic paced his room at the top of the house, raking his long fingers through his hair repeatedly. Thoughts of Annabelle whirled through his mind. The feel of her soft skin beneath his fingertips. The way her hair smelled — subtle and spicy, like nutmeg. The soft moans and cries when he licked a path up her stomach. The sweet taste of her skin as he teased at her breasts and down to…
‘Fuck!’ Donovan collapsed into an armchair in front of the unlit fireplace. Last night had been torture. He wanted so badly to let her go over that edge, to let her tumble with a scream. Maybe her voice would have gone hoarse while she screamed, like it did in the study. Maybe she would have even screamed his name. Just the thought of his name on her luscious bruised lips was enough to turn him to stone.
He palmed his hardening member, groaning with frustration. He’d already gotten himself off twice today — once when he woke up with Annabelle sleeping fitfully beside him, and not ten minutes ago after he’d accidentally interrupted her pleasuring himself. Added to the three times yesterday, he was well on his way to setting a week’s record. Before that, though, he might actually wear himself out. Even if he did, he knew he’d still want her.
He reached to the small table beside his chair and picked up a book. Opening it, his fingers danced across the Braille, effortlessly reading page after page, but he paid no attention to the words his sensitive hands found. His mind instead brought back the way his fingertips had read her body, and coaxed those damnable sounds from her.
Damn her. He hadn’t expected to be this attracted to his wife, even after all that time in the past. In all honesty, he hadn’t even expected to go as far with her as he did. Their marriage would have been just that, with no feelings or intimacy involved. But after that first kiss…all hell had broken loose.
His body tightened even more when he remembered her warm, frantic rubbing against his leg. He was harder now, after everything they’d done, than he had ever been in his life. He cursed himself fo
r not simply taking her in the study, when he had the chance — when his hard body was crushed between her dewy thighs, when he felt her wet heat surging against his. He decision not to take her against the wall seemed stupid now. And the promise he’d made would be almost impossible to keep.
Surging to his feet, he began pacing again, refusing to allow his hands anywhere near his pulsing erection. This was ridiculous! He, as a husband, had a right to her body. But now that she knew he couldn’t have it without her consent, that right was obsolete. A quiet knock on the closed door pulled him from his angry thoughts and he pulled it open quickly.
Abner studied his master. His dark, unseeing eyes were angry and pained, his mouth set in a familiar furious way. The long, lean body was taught with frustration. The poor boy.
‘What is it?’ Donovan demanded.
‘Your wife requested a walk in the grounds, sir.’
‘But, sir,’ Abner stepped forward. ‘It isn’t right to keep your wife a prisoner in this house.’
‘It makes no difference whether she’s in the house or out, Abner. She is my wife and when I say she stays inside, she stays inside.’ Donovan growled, flinging himself down into the chair again.
‘Sir, if I may –‘
‘You may not.’
Abner did anyway. ‘You’ll never win her if you insist on treating her this way, sir.’
‘I don’t have to ‘win’ her. You see, that’s the funny thing about marriage. She belongs to me.’
‘Her body, yes. But not her heart.’
Donovan scowled and turned away. Even her body wasn’t truly his, thanks to that damn promise. ‘And what would I do with her heart?’ Abner didn’t answer, and the door clicked shut quietly. Donovan slumped further into the chair, cursing angrily to himself. Abner knew too much. For a few brief moments, he sat still in the chair, and then he jumped to his feet and pulled open the door again. The hall was silent. ‘Stay with her out there.’
‘Very good, sir.’ Abner replied cheerily as the door slammed shut again.
‘Thank you, Abner,’ Scarlet gave him a small smile as they slowly circled the huge garden behind the house.
The sky was overcast and looked ready to let loose at any moment, but the sun cut through the clouds every so often and lit up the flowery wonderland that was her new home. She hadn’t seen any of the grounds in the short time she’d been here, and now she was almost thinking that maybe staying here — for the smallest amount of time possible — wouldn’t be so horrible if she got to go out to be in this wonderful space. She hardly even remembered her husband here.
‘It’s my pleasure, milady,’ Abner held out his arm like a gentleman and she took it with a soft giggle. His master was a lucky man, that he got this lovely young woman to ‘have and to hold.’ And from the looks of things last night, they’d be doing a *lot* of holding.
‘How long have you been with…him?’ She paused when it came time to say *his* name. A delicious warmth shuddered through her body at the mere thought of her horribly attractive husband. How could he affect her so easily, make her want him with everything in her, while she despised him at the same time?
‘Oh, I’ve been with Lord Alford’s family before he was born. I practically raised the boy.’ Alford proclaimed proudly, drawing Scarlet’s attention back to the present.
‘You could’ve done a better job!’ She thought to herself morosely, turning her face away. Her face had always been very readable, and she didn’t want him to see what she was thinking. She didn’t even want to know what she was thinking. ‘This is a lovely garden.’
‘Thank you, milady! I did most of it. Before the old Lord Alford passed, the lawns were a mess, the garden was overgrown with weeds and the like. When the new Lord Alford took over, he gave me free rein to do whatever I liked. And I liked roses.’
‘I do too,’ She leaned over to examine a particularly beautiful specimen. The many petals of the small buds were a pale cream color, and the tips seemed dipped in a deep, blood red paint. ‘This one is…’
‘That’s my favorite. Rosa Helena, my own little experiment. I named it after my wife, Helen.’ Reaching into the bush, he carefully plucked one flower. After vigilantly breaking off every single little thorn, he tucked it behind her ear. ‘You look like her, you know. Same pale skin and scarlet lips.’ Abner studied at his young new mistress. ‘Just like the day I met her.’
‘What happened to her?’
‘She died. Ten years ago.’ He resumed their walk. ‘Oh, don’t be so downcast about it. It was her time — she was sick for a long time. But we had our love story and lived it like it deserved. And when it came time to say goodbye, we couldn’t regret a single moment of it.’
‘Will you tell me about it sometime?’
‘Of course. You could learn a thing or two about love. The real, true kind. I’ll tell you this, milady, when you love someone, all that matters is the seconds you’re together. And you feel different — new, almost. Things you’ve never felt before race through your body like darts. And when it’s love at first sight –‘
‘I don’t believe in love at first sight.’ Scarlet interrupted. She was flustered by his words, as if he knew exactly what was going on inside her every time she saw her husband.
Abner’s eyes twinkled as he turned toward the house. ‘Yes, milady. I suppose we had better go in. I have to work on dinner.’
Scarlet stared sadly up at the house. She wasn’t ready to go back into that awful darkness. Her breath caught when she noticed a tall figure looming in one of the windows at the top of the house. She could almost feel that dark, searing gaze on her. Heat blossomed in her cheeks and she quickly followed Abner inside, out of *his* blind sight.
Scarlet had no choice but to eat with Donovan. He cornered her in the hall, emerging like a ghost from the shadows as she attempted to find her way back to her — their — room. When she refused to follow him, he lifted her over his broad shoulders and carried her, kicking and screaming, into the dining room. Their meal was quiet and tense while she fumed and he let her.
Scarlet shifted in her chair constantly, aware that her groom’s eyes were on her. He couldn’t see her, but she still felt that somber gaze. Her own eyes drifted around the room, studiously ignoring the man across the table. Like almost every single room in this big house, the room they were eating in was dark and shadowed. Twin candelabras on either sides of the long table provided only minute illumination, and she knew it was probably because of her. Abner didn’t serve them throughout the meal — he brought out their plates at the beginning and let them eat alone together.
‘Did you enjoy your walk today?’ Donovan spoke suddenly, making Scarlet jump.
‘Yes, thank you.’
He waited for her to continue, but she didn’t say another word. ‘I see Abner has given you one of his Helenas.’
Her head snapped up and around to his, her hand flying to the rose she had left tucked in her hair. How did he know? ‘I –‘
‘They have a very distinct scent. Like apples.’ *Apples and nutmeg — a tempting mix.* ‘Would you like more wine?’ He poured it before she could reply. She watched his fluid grace, shocked into silence, while he managed to fill her cup perfectly, without spilling a single drop. He smirked knowingly. ‘My senses are –‘
‘Better than most,’ she finished for him, scowling at the glass he offered. She took it, but didn’t drink any. ‘So I’ve heard.’
His smirk disappeared into that familiar frown. ‘What is your problem, Annabelle?’
‘Would you like me to bring out the whole long list or just the ones that pertain directly to you?’ She snapped back.
‘I know you have problems with being my wife. I don’t particularly like being your husband–‘
‘Oh, I’d say you have the husband part down just fine, if last night was anythi
ng to go by!’ Scarlet heard the words escaping her mouth, but she knew *she* wasn’t saying them! Her face paled and she groped blindly for her glass.
He was quiet for a moment, before he leaned toward her. ‘Not as well as I’d like. As you would like, I’m sure, Annabelle.’
His soft growl sent chills up and down her spine and her hand shook as she reached for her fork again. For several minutes, she stared sightlessly at her full plate. Her appetite had deserted her with his last comment. ‘I think I’d like to go to bed.’
‘How coincidental, I was thinking the same thing.’ His smirk made that heat that had been stewing in her belly since last night flare and she glanced down and away from him again.
She clarified quietly. ‘I’m tired.’
‘Not as tired as you could be.’
He stood and walked around the table. She shrank back in her chair when he leaned over her. His hand slid behind her head, tilting her face up. ‘Please what?’
‘I want you to make me come.’ She whispered, losing herself in his dark gaze.
The words felt dirty and foreign and…*right* as they slipped from her dry mouth. She was so aroused, so needy. She didn’t care what he did, as long as he let her come. His other hand pulled leisurely at the hem of her dress, sliding it up. Goosebumps erupted across her skin when his fingers lightly trailed across the freshly bared skin. Her thighs parted unconsciously as his burning touch neared her core.
‘Please let me come. Please.’
‘What was that?’ He asked. He sounded so far away.
Scarlet’s head jerked up, and she stared at the man sitting across the table. Her heart stopped. She was daydreaming? ‘W-what?’
‘You said ‘please.’ What do you want, Annabelle?’ His voice was missing that sexy rasp she had imagined. It didn’t matter, he was still arousing without it.
‘I’d like to go to sleep. I’m tired.’ What if she had said those words she was thinking? Would he take her up on them? Probably.
‘Of course.’ He stood and walked around to her chair. Scarlet couldn’t resist scooting away from him, like she had in her daydream. Even when he wasn’t trying to seduce her, he was sexy. ‘Let’s go.’
He offered her his arm and she stared at it for a moment, too long. He scowled and quickly left the room. Scarlet had to run to catch him before he went off along one of the many dark hallways.
Donovan didn’t speak to her once they entered their room, and Scarlet watched him pass through to a huge closet she’d discovered that morning. The large bed drew her gaze and she swallowed. After that sizzling daydream, she had no intention of spending another hopeless night in his bed.
Donovan entered the room again. He immediately knew that Scarlet had gone. With a sigh, he walked slowly to the door. He had memorized his room—his house, he knew where every single thing he owned was. Except his new wife.
He could smell her faint scent lingering in the air and he followed it. She smelled…warm. His mouth almost watered. He felt like an animal, stalking her by her unique smell. But it was the only way he could find her. The thought of it was almost arousing, even.
He passed many doors, he could feel them as he went by. Seven closed doors. The eighth was open, only slightly. He entered silently. The room was freezing. Why had she left his warm room for this one? ‘Are you ready for bed, Annabelle?’
Scarlet stared at him, embarrassed that she was almost completely naked, wearing only her underpants, but realized that he couldn’t see her. Still, she clasped her long nightgown to shield herself. How did he find her? She had gone quietly while he was changing.
She took in what he was wearing—not wearing: meaning his shirt. Black pants covered the lower part of his body, and the upper half was bare. She stared at his naked chest. It was broad and muscled and covered in curly, black hair. She wanted to touch him, caress his chest, to test the softness of the hair that spread over his chest and thinned and meandered down in a line to disappear into his pants. She blushed at her thoughts.
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Chapter 2b Across the charming and masonry-built town, Alberto had made it to Marino’s, a small general store, which also served as the local post office. Through an open window just above the store, the heavy moans of a woman flooded the stone laid street outside.“Ohh ohhh sii Arrigo, siii!”On the other side of the street, on a bench, two elderly men joyfully looked up at the window.“Sure brings back some memories, doesn’t it?” Like it was yesterday, Nino could see the euphoric smile of his...
InterracialWell, here it is, I hope you enjoy... As we sit on the couch in the early evening the movie we are watching has just ended and we are curled up together. I run my hand down through your hair, giving it a light pull when my fingers reach the end and whisper quietly, “I have a surprise for you tonight, one I am sure you will enjoy.” Then, as you look up at me, I can’t help but grin and pull your hair a little more, causing you to arch your head back so I can kiss you and, give...
While driving around doing her errands Dr. Connie Hatcher had a lot on her mind. She’d just gotten off the phone with her psychology partner from their office perhaps an hour earlier. Traffic was bad, but she was in good spirits. She wasn’t quite sure why? The day was fairly boring. She’d worked a bit on her research and writing for a book that she and Denise were coauthoring. She’d paid for another year of lawn services from her attractive contractor Tim. Perhaps that was it. Tim had a great...
Ray thought to him. Ray asked. Miahally answered, Ray added. the last one said. Ray thought to Miahally, Ray nodded as he began to push harder, changing his vibrations and energy he was finally through but the effort was exhausting, Ray managed to change the thinking of the military head to Ray being it's best friend and being ignored by others was normal. Barely just barely Ray managed to withdraw, looking at Miahally, Ray nodded yes, then wondered why he...
determined to have more fun on the next one and to go even further than I had before. My next flight was to be another long haul flight, this time all the way to Australia, plenty of time for fun. I walked into the staff area a couple of hours before boarding, hoping to check out any talent that would be working alongside me. Straight away I noticed a gorgeous young lady sitting on her own. I got a drink and wondered over to where she was sitting. I sat down beside her...
"Don't worry, precious, we'll go in our bedroom, it'll be better in there," Chan suggested and we all went to the master bedroom and Chan had her niece get down on our bed and spread open. She reached into the bed stand drawer and took out her smallest vibrator and a bottle of lube. Chan dribbled a few drops into Sarai's bellybutton and rubbed the tip down inside coating it, then she placed it on her niece's pussy lips and began slowly moving it along her crease. As she kept going, I...
I met Steve online and we hit it off. We chatted for a few weeks and I liked what I found out about him.He was six feet two,250 pounds and very hairy. His body had blond hairy all over it.The only thing trimmed was his eight inch, very thick penis.(from the pictures he sent me)We agreed that he was to come to my house on Friday. When the bell rang I answered it wearing a towel and my jaw dropped. Steve was gorgeous!!I took his body in as I swear I drooled a tad bit. I took his hand and pulled...
Alyce had not wanted to wait up for Eddie but she could not sleep and the sleeping pill she had taken the other night made her feel so groggy the next day that she did not want to go through that again. She tossed and turned and tossed so more, every few moments looking at the clock which seemed almost to have stopped, time was going so slowly. Finally at 5AM when she could see a little bit of daylight beginning to filter through the bedroom drapes, she heard him. She was too distraught for a...
Kate and I were friends for about 10 years before we got together, we like many couples had come from poor choice's in relationships. We had lived across the street from each other, she was single at the time and a big flirt! I told her once I used to jack off fantasizing about her, I made this comment on our first date and we have been together ever since!. She is 47,yrs old now 5' 7” tall, has shoulder length light brown hair with blond high lights and I would say she has an average...
Author’s Note: This story is complete fantasy. Any resemblance to people, living or dead, companies or inventions is purely accidental. The story will make more sense if chapters 1 to 3 are read first. ********** Chapter 4 – A compromise is proposed Jenny had fun dressing up for the dinner party in a white corduroy shirt with gold buttons, a grey tartan mini-skirt, thick red woollen stockings, black patent leather shoes and giant gold hoop earrings. She ought to have looked like a teenage...
I sat in my study reading The Times. The news from Europe was not good: Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich was threatening to engulf Europe in war once again, less than twenty years after the end of The Great War of 1914-1918. I felt that my recent retirement as Headmaster at a very exclusive girls’ boarding school was unlikely to be as quiet and restful as I had hoped if it was to be overshadowed by the horrors of war, of which I had had the most terrible personal experience in the Flanders trenches....
Spanking(Based on my last relationship, true story). I've been in a stable relationship for six months with a beautiful girl, called Sarah. I couldn't be happier, work was going well and the two of us had a great sex life. Until one evening when all was forever changed, and the relationship was thrown into a whole new realm. Usually, I get home first. That day, I came home from work as usual and to my surprise, found Sarah was home early. She smiled at me, but I could tell something was up; normally,...
FetishLinda sat alone in the interrogation room. The lights were weak, giving out pale coldness, pale mercilessness. She stood up, watching the traffic outside and the passersby wearing their Sunday best, enjoying the sunshine and warmth of a beautiful late afternoon. She rubbed her bare arms, trying to keep warm, fighting off the cold that came from the air conditioning. Wearing dresses always made Linda feel vulnerable. That was why she wore T-shirts and pants most of the time. 'They should turn...
I love all the readers input from my stories before but I would like to respond to your coments so please leave a way for me to contact you if you have read any of my stories and try to clarify who you are if you have left one before please as the usual all comments are accepted. October, 1982 Walking back down to the old field brought back all the memories, all the wonderful moments of high school. I’d had a better time of it than most kids these days, and I remembered those autumn...
Barbara’s pert naked body lay atop Dave’s supine form. They were still connected. She kissed him, “I love kissing you after you’ve been eating pussy, especially mine. I can taste all the different flavors. This is like running naked through a rainbow of taste sensations.” Dave smiled at her and kissed back. “It’s even better from this side. Has anybody told you that you make love divinely? I think I love anthropologists.” Barbara gave him a devilish look, “Want another one – a French...
When the nude trio landed in the downstairs private access hallway, Judy stopped in her tracks. Sam, second in line, bounced into Judy almost toppling both of them over. Steve seeing the collision, swerved to barely avoid smashing into the blockage ahead of him. Judy made an abrupt 'U' turn and went to the common access end of the hallway and opened the door. Peeking outside she saw that the lights were off and the pool was quiet. Turning to Steve and Sam she whispered, "Hey ... Look the...
When BEM was finally invited to return, he appeared to be immensely proud and pleased with himself to see his daughter accepted and happy. The banter between Jade and her new family was easy and familiar. Even Sampson and Delilah, though they continued to avoid him, had clearly acknowledged that Jade was family. BEM breathed in relief. There would be no pressure to bring the ugly, misshapen creature into his Nexus, and with luck, there would be something useful come of her. During the meal...
Warning: For some of you that have been following Daniel and Jill’s journey this chapter is going to blow your mind. It will certainly challenge certain societal views of what love and romance truly are. Please keep an open mind and heart for the rest of this amazing journey into true love, soul mates, and redemption. But hold onto your seats, folks, because things get really interesting from here. *** Jill nibbled on pretzels as the three women giggled and laughed. This it seemed was...
My downward spiral into a submissive bottom slut started late in life. I'm still very much in the closet and outwardly I appear as the perfect suburban husband, father, employee and neighbor. I love my wife and family but I recently found a new hobby that I crave with a passion; I can't get enough of my neighbor's big hard cock. It all started innocently enough. I'm an economics professor at UC Santa Cruz and my office is in one of the older buildings on campus. The basement of my building has...
Skylar Snow is a horny gang bang slut, and she’s so ready to get fucked in every hole she can barely contain herself. She’s doesn’t have her rent money again, so she takes care of it by giving up her squirting pussy, her tight ass for some deep anal, and her wet hungry throat to her roommate and his 4 friends! She goes all-in right away, eagerly choking down all the cocks, with spit running out her mouth and down her neck. They toss her around between them, each taking turns...
xmoviesforyouWelcome! Before we start, who should the story be focused on? Should it be one of the canon characters from the anime? Or maybe you want to create your custom witch to interact with the characters you know from the series? The main character of the story doesn't have to be the worshipper or tickler, she might as well be the one being worshipped or being tickled. The details of how or why the things get footy are also totally up to you... did Luna Nova came under a strange curse that makes...
FetishHi everyone, my penis salute and boobs sucks to all hot babies. Myself Pulkit from Bhiwani haryana. I m 22years old stud having good personality not much muscular not fatty. I love to have fun with slim and healthy girls of 25-30 years old age. Being a regular reader of ISS from last 3 years, today decided to share my first intercourse story with all of you fun loving guys. This story is purely true (except names). Any girl or bhabhi from haryana or ncr want to have secret relationship can mail...
I woke this morning from an amazing dream with cum filled briefs, the spent cum matting my pubic hair and using my seed i began to stoke my already rigid cock to the memory of the dream I had just had about MissRach and Le Petit Gateau. My dream had evolved from selling ice-cream from an ice-cream van to old ladies and sexy nurses, before getting arrested by a traffic warden for not being dressed appropriately. I was only wearing socks and shoes and now, the cuffs around my wrists as i was...
It was late in May 1985. Kelly and I got away for a long weekend and rented a tiny cabin in northern Wisconsin. Kelly and I were both twenty-five. Kelly was 5’2” and I was 6’4”. Kelly had big 34F boobs (that barely sagged at all) with nice sized pink areola and nipples. Her straight dishwater-blond hair hung to the back of her knees. She was all leg, with a short torso, a cute little bubble butt, and sexy feet. It was still spring, so she hadn’t shaved her bush for bikini season. While very...
ThreesomesYou watch him more actively now. Watch as he almost shamefully stares at you. You tease him by pulling on your shirt to expose more of your breast to the point your bra is almost fully exposed to all. His eyes fixated you make a motion when his eyes meet yours. With a coy smile you draw his attention to your skirt as you slowly push it up your leg. Exposing everything up to your hip you cautiously uncross your legs. Your thong clearly visible to the room and watch him from the corner of your...
My Life SucksI am 40 years old, trapped in a loveless marriage of 21 years, a daughter who hates me a wife who hates me more and in a dead end job, with younger employees being promoted. However, it started way before I married my parents both ignored me and gave me no affection at all. Fiona my wife and I married when she discovered she was pregnant, we had only had sex once and even that was not good. Therefore, at nineteen, I did the right thing and we married, three month later Mary Ann...
Angling for a big tip, sexy young server Melody Marks convinces Tony to order very expensive steak for lunch. She doesn’t realize that he’s rich and she’s on the menu too. When he offers her money to hang with him she thinks he’s joking, then he surprises her with a crazy big tip. Cash is definitely the fastest way to her cunt and in no time she’s in his bedroom sucking and fucking for all she’s worth. Tony drills the little slut deep and hard then sprays her...
xmoviesforyouTRUE STORY. I had got a hand written note through my door saying I looked great in my PVC mac. Shit! Id been rumbled, but how? I had never ventured out whilst all tarted up, so someone had spied me thru my window, and only my kitchen had net curtains, so it must be my male neighbour!! I decided to test my theory next time I dressed. I had my short red PVC chinese dress on, with fishnets, white patent thigh boots (5" heels), my curly blonde wig, and my over the top makeup made me feel so wanton!...
Knocked Out - The Next Day - My SONIA All stories available on: This is the continuation of the story Knocked Out - Ok that was written in 2007 so it has taken a while to carry this on but it is in a response to a request to say what happened the following day. If you have not read Knocked Out then read that first! Yesterday had been quite an amazing day. I had been out cross dressed but also enjoying a variation on my...
The Shop Owner's Dream The bell above the sign jingled lightly as the door was pressed open. Theshop was vacant save the owner, and now the new patron. She was breathtaking,the shortest skirt possible, which some would venture to say was just aboutthe size of a belt hugged her waist. No sign of underwear was visible asher elastic T-shirt showed the size and firm texture of large C cup breasts.Her blonde mane was layered in volume as it hung down at her ass. Sweet featuresembraced a sexy smile...
"I've got to cover for you for two weeks?" Mike was not happy. Kathy was the office slacker as it was. She was a cute, bubbly redhead who made you wait in anticipation for the hemlines of Spring. But she had a work ethic as minimal as the skirt she was wearing. "I need a vacation bad," she said. "Joel's taking you to some resort, eh? You think he's going to propose?" "That's the thing. I need two weeks away from him. Just to clear my head." "Cold feet?" "You know it."...
Training Rebecca I Rebecca prepared for the day as usual. Out of bed extra early, a workout inthe home gym, breakfast prepared to a tee as usual by the maid, a shower, andthen up to change. John had just come out of the shower. He still possessedthe hard lean body that had attracted her a dozen years before. As she donnedconservative, but expensive lingerie followed by a dress suit, he remindedher that his plane would be leaving in 2 hours, so they had to hurry. As she put on her make-up and...