Beauty–Remastered Ch. 04 free porn video

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My dear readers, I’m SO sorry I haven’t updated in…oh goodness, 2 months! Lots of happenings in my life, good and bad, but that’s hardly an excuse. I’m working on chapter 5 of Beauty Remastered as hard as I possibly can, while attempting and reattempting to start Piper, which is Joey and Danny’s story =) Wish me luck, my loves. I promise, Chapter 5 will be super exciting and wonderful and out soon! Cross my heart. For everybody who commented and voted on the earlier chapters, you are the best ever, and I adore all of you! And thank you for the encouragement, because it’s what keeps me going at times. I’d love to hear what you think of Chapter 4…hint hint. <,3



Scarlet awoke alone in a cold, dark, unfamiliar room. She reached down to pull the covers up from where they had been shoved down by her feet and realized that her hands were no longer bound. Donovan must have released her before he left the room. Memories raced toward her.

She glanced around, blushing. The heavy curtains were drawn, so the room was still too dark to really study, but she could just make out shadows of furniture in the gloom beyond the bed. There were no lights or candles, and any illumination would have to come from the fireplace once it was lit. What was it with her husband and darkness? She knew he lived in it, but that didn’t mean she had to!

At the thought of her absent husband, she shuddered and drew the blanket up to her chin. Last night, the bastard had…she didn’t want to think about what he’d done. But the thoughts came anyway.

Thoughts about how, hours after that one time, she’d finally drifted into a fitful, erotically dream-filled sleep — dreams laced with touches and mouths, tongues and panting breaths — only to have him wake her with his teeth and tongue teasing her breasts, while his fingers massaged her mound. Again, he’d brought her to the brink, this time let her teeter forever at the absolute edge before stopping to take care of his own needs. The third time, she had sobbed when he at last took his pleasure-giving hands and mouth away. By the time he came at her a fourth time, she was exhausted and too worked up to do more than lie there and accept him. He didn’t even let her get close before he stopped and went back to his side of the bed. Perhaps he knew she wouldn’t last long.

Scarlet’s eyes filled at the memory of how the third time, she’d begged him incoherently through the gag, the promises she’d made to be good. To obey. To do anything and everything he wanted, if he would just let her come. He’d ignored her completely, silently working her up and up, knowing exactly when to stop.

Her tired, aroused body ached from all the memories. He’d been undeniably gentle with her, hadn’t even penetrated her with a single long, tapered finger, but all the aches he left unfulfilled had expanded and meshed together and she *needed* to sate it.

Her blush intensified as her hand slid below the covers to hover above her warm, deprived core. She’d only done this once before, in all her eighteen years. And it hadn’t been with a set, illicit agenda, she had simply explored, years ago. Now, though, she was going to actually *do* something.

For a moment, she faltered, but her entire body throbbed, as if insisting she continue. Scarlet slowly lowered her hand to slide along her lips. They were slick with her arousal. Her shaking index finger penetrated the damp folds and bumped across her clitoris. She yelped at the burst of pleasure that speared through her belly to join the other stored tendrils he had ignited the night before.

She remembered him focusing his long, agile tongue there for ages, it seemed, the third time. She touched herself there again, biting her lip at the sensations. Her inexperienced touch was less earth shattering than Donovan’s, but she could still bring herself to that release. She rubbed that small button gently, and then harder and faster when that wasn’t enough. Her hips moved unconsciously, humping against her hand.

Without even thinking about it, she raised her free hand to her bare breasts and pinched her tight nipples gently. A low moan slipped out as the dual feelings took her higher, closer to that release.

And for one glorious moment, she just barely reached it.

‘Having fun?’ A deep voice from the side of the bed asked suddenly.

Scarlet shrieked and pulled her hands away guiltily. ‘I-I didn’t hear you come in.’

He smirked, his teeth bright in the shadows. ‘I’m not surprised. You were otherwise occupied.’

Her anger came back at his soft, sarcastic tone. She pulled the covers around her and scooted to the far side of the bed. God, he was so unfair! So frustrating. Why wouldn’t he just let her finish? The sick sadistic ass.

‘I just came to let you know that I’ve hired a seamstress to make you a new wardrobe, seeing as how most of your clothes were unfit. She will be here in two hours.’

‘I can’t go into town to buy some? I’m sure it will be less expensive.’

He turned and sauntered to the door. ‘No, I think not. Money is no object, Annabelle.’

That confirmed her suspicion that he was keeping her here. Fear made her pulse race. She was likely to never see anybody other than her husband and the butler again! This wasn’t her home, it was a prison.

Her arousal had cooled to a painful almost nothing. She still needed that damn release, but after his interruption, there was no chance in hell she’d try again. For all she knew, Donovan was probably lurking in the hallway outside, just waiting for her to begin again. Was this a part of his ‘punishment’? Not letting her come unless he wanted her to? Did the arrogant bastard honestly think he could control her body like that?

Unfortunately, Scarlet held back a sob and rolled to bury her face in the pillow, he *could*.


Dominic paced his room at the top of the house, raking his long fingers through his hair repeatedly. Thoughts of Annabelle whirled through his mind. The feel of her soft skin beneath his fingertips. The way her hair smelled — subtle and spicy, like nutmeg. The soft moans and cries when he licked a path up her stomach. The sweet taste of her skin as he teased at her breasts and down to…

‘Fuck!’ Donovan collapsed into an armchair in front of the unlit fireplace. Last night had been torture. He wanted so badly to let her go over that edge, to let her tumble with a scream. Maybe her voice would have gone hoarse while she screamed, like it did in the study. Maybe she would have even screamed his name. Just the thought of his name on her luscious bruised lips was enough to turn him to stone.

He palmed his hardening member, groaning with frustration. He’d already gotten himself off twice today — once when he woke up with Annabelle sleeping fitfully beside him, and not ten minutes ago after he’d accidentally interrupted her pleasuring himself. Added to the three times yesterday, he was well on his way to setting a week’s record. Before that, though, he might actually wear himself out. Even if he did, he knew he’d still want her.

He reached to the small table beside his chair and picked up a book. Opening it, his fingers danced across the Braille, effortlessly reading page after page, but he paid no attention to the words his sensitive hands found. His mind instead brought back the way his fingertips had read her body, and coaxed those damnable sounds from her.

Damn her. He hadn’t expected to be this attracted to his wife, even after all that time in the past. In all honesty, he hadn’t even expected to go as far with her as he did. Their marriage would have been just that, with no feelings or intimacy involved. But after that first kiss…all hell had broken loose.

His body tightened even more when he remembered her warm, frantic rubbing against his leg. He was harder now, after everything they’d done, than he had ever been in his life. He cursed himself fo
r not simply taking her in the study, when he had the chance — when his hard body was crushed between her dewy thighs, when he felt her wet heat surging against his. He decision not to take her against the wall seemed stupid now. And the promise he’d made would be almost impossible to keep.

Surging to his feet, he began pacing again, refusing to allow his hands anywhere near his pulsing erection. This was ridiculous! He, as a husband, had a right to her body. But now that she knew he couldn’t have it without her consent, that right was obsolete. A quiet knock on the closed door pulled him from his angry thoughts and he pulled it open quickly.

Abner studied his master. His dark, unseeing eyes were angry and pained, his mouth set in a familiar furious way. The long, lean body was taught with frustration. The poor boy.

‘What is it?’ Donovan demanded.

‘Your wife requested a walk in the grounds, sir.’


‘But, sir,’ Abner stepped forward. ‘It isn’t right to keep your wife a prisoner in this house.’

‘It makes no difference whether she’s in the house or out, Abner. She is my wife and when I say she stays inside, she stays inside.’ Donovan growled, flinging himself down into the chair again.

‘Sir, if I may –‘

‘You may not.’

Abner did anyway. ‘You’ll never win her if you insist on treating her this way, sir.’

‘I don’t have to ‘win’ her. You see, that’s the funny thing about marriage. She belongs to me.’

‘Her body, yes. But not her heart.’

Donovan scowled and turned away. Even her body wasn’t truly his, thanks to that damn promise. ‘And what would I do with her heart?’ Abner didn’t answer, and the door clicked shut quietly. Donovan slumped further into the chair, cursing angrily to himself. Abner knew too much. For a few brief moments, he sat still in the chair, and then he jumped to his feet and pulled open the door again. The hall was silent. ‘Stay with her out there.’

‘Very good, sir.’ Abner replied cheerily as the door slammed shut again.


‘Thank you, Abner,’ Scarlet gave him a small smile as they slowly circled the huge garden behind the house.

The sky was overcast and looked ready to let loose at any moment, but the sun cut through the clouds every so often and lit up the flowery wonderland that was her new home. She hadn’t seen any of the grounds in the short time she’d been here, and now she was almost thinking that maybe staying here — for the smallest amount of time possible — wouldn’t be so horrible if she got to go out to be in this wonderful space. She hardly even remembered her husband here.

‘It’s my pleasure, milady,’ Abner held out his arm like a gentleman and she took it with a soft giggle. His master was a lucky man, that he got this lovely young woman to ‘have and to hold.’ And from the looks of things last night, they’d be doing a *lot* of holding.

‘How long have you been with…him?’ She paused when it came time to say *his* name. A delicious warmth shuddered through her body at the mere thought of her horribly attractive husband. How could he affect her so easily, make her want him with everything in her, while she despised him at the same time?

‘Oh, I’ve been with Lord Alford’s family before he was born. I practically raised the boy.’ Alford proclaimed proudly, drawing Scarlet’s attention back to the present.

‘You could’ve done a better job!’ She thought to herself morosely, turning her face away. Her face had always been very readable, and she didn’t want him to see what she was thinking. She didn’t even want to know what she was thinking. ‘This is a lovely garden.’

‘Thank you, milady! I did most of it. Before the old Lord Alford passed, the lawns were a mess, the garden was overgrown with weeds and the like. When the new Lord Alford took over, he gave me free rein to do whatever I liked. And I liked roses.’

‘I do too,’ She leaned over to examine a particularly beautiful specimen. The many petals of the small buds were a pale cream color, and the tips seemed dipped in a deep, blood red paint. ‘This one is…’

‘That’s my favorite. Rosa Helena, my own little experiment. I named it after my wife, Helen.’ Reaching into the bush, he carefully plucked one flower. After vigilantly breaking off every single little thorn, he tucked it behind her ear. ‘You look like her, you know. Same pale skin and scarlet lips.’ Abner studied at his young new mistress. ‘Just like the day I met her.’

‘What happened to her?’

‘She died. Ten years ago.’ He resumed their walk. ‘Oh, don’t be so downcast about it. It was her time — she was sick for a long time. But we had our love story and lived it like it deserved. And when it came time to say goodbye, we couldn’t regret a single moment of it.’

‘Will you tell me about it sometime?’

‘Of course. You could learn a thing or two about love. The real, true kind. I’ll tell you this, milady, when you love someone, all that matters is the seconds you’re together. And you feel different — new, almost. Things you’ve never felt before race through your body like darts. And when it’s love at first sight –‘

‘I don’t believe in love at first sight.’ Scarlet interrupted. She was flustered by his words, as if he knew exactly what was going on inside her every time she saw her husband.

Abner’s eyes twinkled as he turned toward the house. ‘Yes, milady. I suppose we had better go in. I have to work on dinner.’

Scarlet stared sadly up at the house. She wasn’t ready to go back into that awful darkness. Her breath caught when she noticed a tall figure looming in one of the windows at the top of the house. She could almost feel that dark, searing gaze on her. Heat blossomed in her cheeks and she quickly followed Abner inside, out of *his* blind sight.


Scarlet had no choice but to eat with Donovan. He cornered her in the hall, emerging like a ghost from the shadows as she attempted to find her way back to her — their — room. When she refused to follow him, he lifted her over his broad shoulders and carried her, kicking and screaming, into the dining room. Their meal was quiet and tense while she fumed and he let her.

Scarlet shifted in her chair constantly, aware that her groom’s eyes were on her. He couldn’t see her, but she still felt that somber gaze. Her own eyes drifted around the room, studiously ignoring the man across the table. Like almost every single room in this big house, the room they were eating in was dark and shadowed. Twin candelabras on either sides of the long table provided only minute illumination, and she knew it was probably because of her. Abner didn’t serve them throughout the meal — he brought out their plates at the beginning and let them eat alone together.

‘Did you enjoy your walk today?’ Donovan spoke suddenly, making Scarlet jump.

‘Yes, thank you.’

He waited for her to continue, but she didn’t say another word. ‘I see Abner has given you one of his Helenas.’

Her head snapped up and around to his, her hand flying to the rose she had left tucked in her hair. How did he know? ‘I –‘

‘They have a very distinct scent. Like apples.’ *Apples and nutmeg — a tempting mix.* ‘Would you like more wine?’ He poured it before she could reply. She watched his fluid grace, shocked into silence, while he managed to fill her cup perfectly, without spilling a single drop. He smirked knowingly. ‘My senses are –‘

‘Better than most,’ she finished for him, scowling at the glass he offered. She took it, but didn’t drink any. ‘So I’ve heard.’

His smirk disappeared into that familiar frown. ‘What is your problem, Annabelle?’

‘Would you like me to bring out the whole long list or just the ones that pertain directly to you?’ She snapped back.

‘I know you have problems with being my wife. I don’t particularly like being your husband–‘

‘Oh, I’d say you have the husband part down just fine, if last night was anythi
ng to go by!’ Scarlet heard the words escaping her mouth, but she knew *she* wasn’t saying them! Her face paled and she groped blindly for her glass.

He was quiet for a moment, before he leaned toward her. ‘Not as well as I’d like. As you would like, I’m sure, Annabelle.’

His soft growl sent chills up and down her spine and her hand shook as she reached for her fork again. For several minutes, she stared sightlessly at her full plate. Her appetite had deserted her with his last comment. ‘I think I’d like to go to bed.’

‘How coincidental, I was thinking the same thing.’ His smirk made that heat that had been stewing in her belly since last night flare and she glanced down and away from him again.

She clarified quietly. ‘I’m tired.’

‘Not as tired as you could be.’


He stood and walked around the table. She shrank back in her chair when he leaned over her. His hand slid behind her head, tilting her face up. ‘Please what?’

‘I want you to make me come.’ She whispered, losing herself in his dark gaze.

The words felt dirty and foreign and…*right* as they slipped from her dry mouth. She was so aroused, so needy. She didn’t care what he did, as long as he let her come. His other hand pulled leisurely at the hem of her dress, sliding it up. Goosebumps erupted across her skin when his fingers lightly trailed across the freshly bared skin. Her thighs parted unconsciously as his burning touch neared her core.

‘Please let me come. Please.’

‘What was that?’ He asked. He sounded so far away.

Scarlet’s head jerked up, and she stared at the man sitting across the table. Her heart stopped. She was daydreaming? ‘W-what?’

‘You said ‘please.’ What do you want, Annabelle?’ His voice was missing that sexy rasp she had imagined. It didn’t matter, he was still arousing without it.

‘I’d like to go to sleep. I’m tired.’ What if she had said those words she was thinking? Would he take her up on them? Probably.

‘Of course.’ He stood and walked around to her chair. Scarlet couldn’t resist scooting away from him, like she had in her daydream. Even when he wasn’t trying to seduce her, he was sexy. ‘Let’s go.’

He offered her his arm and she stared at it for a moment, too long. He scowled and quickly left the room. Scarlet had to run to catch him before he went off along one of the many dark hallways.

Donovan didn’t speak to her once they entered their room, and Scarlet watched him pass through to a huge closet she’d discovered that morning. The large bed drew her gaze and she swallowed. After that sizzling daydream, she had no intention of spending another hopeless night in his bed.

Donovan entered the room again. He immediately knew that Scarlet had gone. With a sigh, he walked slowly to the door. He had memorized his room—his house, he knew where every single thing he owned was. Except his new wife.

He could smell her faint scent lingering in the air and he followed it. She smelled…warm. His mouth almost watered. He felt like an animal, stalking her by her unique smell. But it was the only way he could find her. The thought of it was almost arousing, even.

He passed many doors, he could feel them as he went by. Seven closed doors. The eighth was open, only slightly. He entered silently. The room was freezing. Why had she left his warm room for this one? ‘Are you ready for bed, Annabelle?’

Scarlet stared at him, embarrassed that she was almost completely naked, wearing only her underpants, but realized that he couldn’t see her. Still, she clasped her long nightgown to shield herself. How did he find her? She had gone quietly while he was changing.

She took in what he was wearing—not wearing: meaning his shirt. Black pants covered the lower part of his body, and the upper half was bare. She stared at his naked chest. It was broad and muscled and covered in curly, black hair. She wanted to touch him, caress his chest, to test the softness of the hair that spread over his chest and thinned and meandered down in a line to disappear into his pants. She blushed at her thoughts.

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This story is about a young girl named Riya. Riya was 9 years old when she lost her father in a flight crash. Since then, she was living with her mother in an apartment in Mumbai. Her father had left them enough savings for them to survive. Riya’s mother later started working at a beauty parlor after she completed a crash course. She was earning enough for them to survive. Growing up, Riya’s mother was very much protective of her. She would not let her go out alone and always be near her. As...

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Ana and four guys in the parking lot

That night Ana and I were out at a local bar with some friends. We had been dancing and drinking; until around midnight everyone decided to quit.Anita had been getting lot of attention from some local young guys. She was wearing a very tight dark green dress and her long shaped legs were looking great in her high stiletto shoes…As we were getting in the car, I realized I had better go back into the batroom before the drive home. Anita came back in with me. Some young guys quickly surrounded my...

3 years ago
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Tick Tock Ch 01

It was now three weeks to the day since the moving van left. Most of our stuff was now put away except for a few boxes of junk in the garage. The move across the country took a toll on us but it was finally over. My husband Michael, whom I adore more than anything, started his new job this morning. His promotion and transfer landed us here in small town Missouri. His new job was the CEO of a bank here in town. It was going to take a while for us to adjust to the more rural setting that we...

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I am From Hyderabad presently working in Pune. This is the story which happened 3 months back I am an Engineer 26years old 5″6′ Tall normal body,Once i was on the way to Hyderabad my home town from Pune on 5 days leave. I reached bus stop at 9:30 pm . I got a last second left side Window seat. Before Bus starting a Lady Came and sat beside of Me. Bus started moving… After 10mins she asked me for the window side seat. Its was first time that i was traveling in bus so i thought once not to give...

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Hippolyte and JaneChapter 23

Author’s note: [ and ] delineate mind-to-mind dialog. The next step was to make some fuses and test them for consistency in burning rate. I had no idea of a way to make a fuse that would set off the powder upon contact. The only way I could think of to make the hand grenade explode was to have a burning fuse, so my first choice was the fuse used with the firebombs. That fuse was reliable, and that was what the hand grenade needed—a reliable flame to set it off. I had my assistants make up...

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CEO Sex Slave

This story is fiction. I do not know of a company named DataTech. If such a company exists, I’m sorry. There is a little less sex in this story than usual. If you like this story, vote. Fives are appreciated. * * * * * The CEO of DataTech was a beautiful woman. She was also a bitch. I am Mike Smith, an investment banker and a hypnotist. My stage name is MasterHypnotist. Wilbur Kelly was a client of mine. He was also the husband of Suzanne Kelly, the CEO I just referred to. Wilbur was in my...

2 years ago
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The Pleasurable Weekend With MrSharma

Hello Readers I’m Priya, a cute, fair, sexy and attractive girl. I Live in Delhi and I normally like to express real life incidents with you all. Please be patient if the story is a little long but I like to be descriptive about and it sets the mood. I’m currently working in a MNC in Gurgaon and am 25 years of age. Let me tell you a little about myself, I’m horny most of the time and wild thoughts run through my mind at all times of the day. I have maintained my figure by working out and my...

2 years ago
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Die perfekte Situation

DIE PERFEKTE SITUATION DER MANN SCHL?FT EIN Seit zwei Jahren bin ich nun mit meiner Freundin zusammen und bis dahin lief alles wie in einem Bilderbuch. Wir lieben uns innig, k?nnen miteinander lachen und stehen in jeder Situation hintereinander. Gerade letztes Wochenende feierten wir das zweij?hrige Bestehen unserer Beziehung. Wir buchten eine Reise nach Paris, der Stadt der Liebe, wo wir uns vor etwas mehr als Jahren kennengelernt hatten. Die Reise zeigte uns, dass die Beziehung im...

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A Letter To Xandra 3

Dear Xandra, There were four of them this time. Every time they manifest themselves they appear in the guise of actresses that I’ve recently ‘pleasured’ myself to. Two in particular, the two entities that materialized the previous time to this one, seem different in appearance, but their essence seems familiar. It sounds crazy, but it’s true. Specifically they were, as Lindsay Lohan and Jennifer Love Hewitt. The two others showed themselves, as Salma Hayek and Jennifer Lopez. The events seem...

3 years ago
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Den of DebaucheryChapter 6

When I got up in the morning I felt fresh but both my naked beauties were fast asleep with their black friend, coated with their dried cum lying between them. Seeing their luscious bodies my cock raised its head and wanted to finish the job it had left incomplete the night before. 'First some hot tea and then chudai (fucking)' I thought. Without disturbing them I slid out of the bed and made my way to the kitchen. I brewed three cups of hot tea and returned with them to the bedroom. 'Rise...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 240 True Confessions

Saturday night, we had another campfire. Many of the gis had been replaced with bikinis or board shorts. I noted that the bikinis weren't the skimpiest ones I'd seen all summer, and most girls wore a wrap around their waists. Apparently, while I was flying around with John, Mama Bea had a talk with Cassie, Mary, and Rose. She was such a quiet and unassuming woman, but a force to be reckoned with when needed. After all, when John first tore up our agreement, it was Bea who negotiated having...

5 years ago
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GayChapter 44

News of my being awake must have filtered through to the hospital catering staff because I was woken at what felt like an ungodly hour by an orderly asking what I wanted for the day’s meals, starting with breakfast. At some time during the night there must have been a shift change because Gayle was back on duty. “I’ll have the full English breakfast,” I said after perusing the menu, mildly surprised that the hospital would provide such fare. “Make that the child-sized version,” interceded...

4 years ago
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The Lost FlightChapter 10

The six all settled back into their pallets. A moment passed and Pat was crouched next to Nancy. She said, "Please, may we sleep next to you and John. We would feel better" Nancy felt John pat her encouragingly. She said, "Yes, come on over." In no time, both girls and their things were curled up next to Nancy for the remainder of the night. Everyone went to sleep quickly. The next morning, Bill said to John, "I guess the young ladies are doing well." He looked over to see the girls...

2 years ago
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First Wives Club Part 2

First Wives Club ? Part 2 By Alexis Demoire Chapter 6 ? Conversation with my mother My parents are the most important people in my world, and I love them to death, however, working for them can be difficult sometimes. Mostly because they still think of me as their little girl. After a year of proving myself, I finally got a big break. My parents have finally assigned me a team to handle my own projects. The first project that I got was to work with this young developer named Jack...

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Episode 3 A Walk in the Park

"A Walk in the Park"The Dungeon Master has decided to take action after the First Shield Maiden indulged herself with sub matthew one too many times. It is not her that is to be punsihed however, and after dinner the DM has attached matthew's leash to lead him off by his collar for his punishment...You follow to watch, a sultry smile on your face, but the Dungeon Master stops you. His plan not to have you witness the punishment, but to know that you have brought it about by your slutty...

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The Sisters of Depravity

"Now you will attend the wedding and give our gift to Shirley", the woman said as the call to board came through the loud speaker. "Alice I will go to the wedding and I will give the gift to Shirley, if I can't give it to her personally I will put it with the other gifts. There will be a table or such like for them", her husband replied. With that she presented her boarding pass, gave a wave and disappeared down the corridor. With a shrug of his shoulders he walked towards the exit and the...

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What an aunt

My marriage wasn't much of one. It felt more like a partnership than a marriage. I was on the road a lot to make ends meet and my wife was working part time, being homemaker and raising our daughter. Needless to say, we both were pretty miserable without being able to spend much time together. Then the unthinkable happened. While traveling through Kansas toward a South Carolina destination, I got a call from my sister that no sister should have to make. My wife and daughter perished in a car...

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Exhibitionist wife Room service tease

We had decided to take a little break and booked ourselves into a large South coast hotel for a couple of nights. The hotel was only about a quarter full and we'd spent the first night sitting at the bar with Mrs O flirting with the young barman who seemed only too happy to join in, exchanging the odd suggestive comment and peeping down the front of her dress while i egged her on. The next evening we went out to a bar in the town returning about 9.00pm for a dirty early night. On the way back...

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Date Night

My wife and I have a wonderful relationship, but not a lot of extra money to spend. So, when we do go out, it’s usually only to McDonald’s for dinner, followed by a movie at the cheap movie theater in our small town, not the big mega-plex in the next city. One evening, we decided we had the extra cash, and the movie showing was one I wanted to see, so we decided to make a night of it. We showered together, soaping each other and rubbing our hands over each other's body. As we often did,...

Quickie Sex
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Angels Story Chapter 73

I'm still straddling the bike when the first few people walk past, and I'm getting a few odd looks. I awkwardly slip off, so I'm standing beside it, unavoidalbly showing my stocking tops as I do so. The elderly gentleman walking past as I do so gasps and blushes slightly, as do I, damn I thought I'd be discreet. Standing next to the bike in my 6" heels is fairly comfortable, and I realise that these are pretty much my normal everyday shoes now... which makes me giggle at the thought....

1 year ago
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I sold my virginity to daddy

100% fiction! Hi, I am Shaina, I am 18 years old and here is my story. I was alone in my house with my daddy and he walked into my room when I was fingering myself. To my own surprise I did not stop it when he walked in and my hand remained inside my panties from under my skirt. I saw hunger in his eyes. I could actually see his gigantic penis standing erect under his pants. He told me he would give me 25 bucks if I did not tell anyone about this and let me be his whore for a day. I agreed. I...

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Alexander and the Pensioners

Like I told my friend Hank, I moved to Florida after teaching for two years in North Carolina. Hank and I had been close friends. I guess it would be more accurate to say we were lovers for a year before he enrolled at a culinary school in Paris. Soon after he returned, Hank hooked up with his high school sweetheart and married her. I had moved on too.Hank and I had some great times together. We both loved sex and made the most of our many hours in bed. He was wealthy and I imagined being his...

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A New Style of Education Part 23

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 23 Since we both slept with our PDA's beside us, I jumped on my bed and dialled my darlings PDA. "Are you okay?" I asked. What a stupid question, of course things weren't okay, but I couldn't think of anything better to ask. Helen had gained a little control and was trying to talk like Christopher. "I heard you crying and it set me off. I feel so guilty." "Why?" I asked puzzled "Because you made me so happy and now we are...

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Crossdressing at the truck stop

Hello this is my first story I really hope you enjoy it I am a crossdressing truck driver and with my job I have a lot of time to enjoy dressing up in my truck. One night I was all dressed up in one of my sexy outfits watching some porn and thinking about trying to find a nice hard cock to suck. So I put an ad on Craigslist and got a few but none of them wanted to come to me then I got a message from a guy, he said that he was a driver and was at the truck stop. I ask him what he wanted to do...

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Real Funs Of My Life

Hello friends, Mera nam AJ ha main pakistan ka rehnay wala ho aj main ap ko apni life ki stories batanay ja raha ho place or name real nahi hoon gay baki har lafz real hoga to ayain main story ki traf chalta ho ya story q k real life pay hay to story kafi lambi or kafi parts main hogi to guzarish ha k like or comment zaroor dain.main apnay baray main thora bata do main bachpan say hi kafi fit raha ho matlab masculars wagaira qudarti toor pay he kafi achay thay diknay main b main thik tha or...

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Bondage and spanking anal sex and attempted rape

I stood outside the cabin and watched a trio of Canadian Geese ducking for grubs or whatever it is that Canadian geese duck for. They foraged in the scrub grass right at the edge of the woods, keeping a watchful eye on their watcher. One of them honked and I honked back, feeling not the least bit foolish. The sunlight was brilliant, with not a cloud in the blue sky, and there was nothing but the fresh mountain air and the scent of pine. No pollution or the people who cause it. We were...

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The Island Chapter One

Chapter One - Lucky Charm Robert Bingham sat in the cargo hold of the C-47 clinging onto the webbing that kept him strapped in his seat as the aircraft was buffeted around the sky. The old aircraft was being ferried all the way from Hickham AFB in Hawaii to Ashiya Air Base in Japan to support the Korean war effort. The old war horse had gassed up at Midway Atoll where reports of foul weather over the North Pacific Ocean had not deterred the young and enthusiastic pilots from...

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Animal UrgeChapter 2

The next day dawned cool and misty but Diane found herself humming a little tune and smiling, almost in spite of herself, as she moved slowly from pen to pen of the kennel in the early morning dampness, feeding the hungry German Shepherds and cleaning out their living quarters. Just as always, after Bill had left on a business trip, she felt her innate resentment toward the big, thoroughbred dogs fading away in the face of their obvious delight in her presence around them. "It's not your...

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Oleander DreamsChapter 3

I jerk awake at the sound of my doorbell. Nobody visits me, and it takes me a moment to push the noise into my version of reality. I get to my feet and rub my back, sore from sleeping curled up in a ball around my government-approved hypoallergenic pillow. After dressing in a worn t-shirt and shorts, I trudge to the door, wishing there was a peephole so I could decide whether to answer it. Peepholes are a useless bit of hardware when there isn’t any crime to speak of. Why bother to steal...

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Surprising the Visitor

Surprising the Visitor I had the entire day to myself and intended to take full advantage of it. I called the local massage parlor in the area and requested an outcall that included role-play scenarios. I explained I was looking for someone that was a little dominant and who enjoyed cross-dressing. I was offered two names. I decided on Lynn. She was described as a younger woman, blonde hair (long in length), tall and very busty. I made the appointment for three hours from...

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New Years Raping

Mike asked me concerned. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm a big girl Mikey! I'll just call my mum and she will come and take me home."I replied reassuringly. "Okay.. if your sure.. Happy New Years Princess!" "Happy New Years Mike." My friends all piled into the car and drove off into the night as I blew a kiss at their departing backs. Standing alone on the golden sand at the beach party at Kaiteriteri, I dialed my home number to reach only the aggravating beep of the engaged signal....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 107 Chloe in the Parking Lot

Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Julia got everyone's attention, then, "Sorry that took so long. Laila dug herself into a hole then tried to get out by digging it deeper. She's going to be fired as Liaison unless she finds her way out by Tuesday night." There were expressions of shock from all around the table (well not from Robert or Donna, but you get the idea). Laila didn't look shocked, being too busy looking unhappy. #3:

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Cry for Help

Cry for Help He was shocked by her abrupt appearance in the church day-care. Bright eyes, dripping wet and nearly falling through the door, he was forced to drop the half assembled shelving unit and spring to her aid. "I am so sorry I'm late! My kids pitched such a fit over being dropped off during a thunderstorm, I forgot my umbrella, then I couldn't even find you until I heard your drill, what are yo-" she suddenly cut off her ramble, finally looking up to meet his gaze as she had been...

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My Place in Life

The lift had been broken again, that was how it had all started, many years ago, when I was just nineteen My Place in Life 01The lift had broken, that was how it all started again, many years ago, when I was just nineteen. My first job had been with a builder?s merchant, shifting bags of cement, packs of bricks and timber, nothing that could be purchased there was lightweight it seemed. At nineteen I was a wimp, no doubt about it, skinny, almost to the point of emaciation, by twenty-one I...

2 years ago
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extra work out

I had just finished my two hour work out and decided to have a sauna, before I went home. I quickly went to the changing room and got out of my sweaty gym gear and wrapped a large towel around myself and headed for the sauna.I opened the door and was hit by the steam and heat of it. I had a quick look around and saw there were only two women in there, sat on a bench together talking. They both were sat with their towels on their knees, covering their intimate parts.I said hello and went and sat...

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