Animal Man
- 4 years ago
- 35
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The next day dawned cool and misty but Diane found herself humming a little tune and smiling, almost in spite of herself, as she moved slowly from pen to pen of the kennel in the early morning dampness, feeding the hungry German Shepherds and cleaning out their living quarters. Just as always, after Bill had left on a business trip, she felt her innate resentment toward the big, thoroughbred dogs fading away in the face of their obvious delight in her presence around them.
"It's not your fault, Sissy," she murmured warmly to a large gold and white bitch who was devotedly licking her hand as she scooped out a generous ration of dog meal into one of the many long feed troughs. "You poor dumb animals don't even realize that you're coming between Bill and me. Oh, God, I sometimes wish you'd manage somehow to dig under the fence and just run away-- every last one of you beautiful brutes."
With a resigned sigh and a shrug, Diane rose to her feet again and picked up the heavy bag of meal, slipping out of the wire gate to the bitch's kennel and moving toward the one dog that was left to feed. Wolf, the son of one of the three finest German Shepherd champions in the country, lived in solitary comfort with the biggest shelter and the longest run of the yard to accommodate his sleek, powerful body's need for exercise. Except at mating time, he was seldom allowed to run with the other animals for fear that some mishap might mar the dog's perfect lines, lines that had proved to be worth almost as much in dog show prizes as in stud fees. Wolf was her husband's pride and joy. For that reason, she thought quizzically, Diane could never quite sort out her feelings about the monstrous black and tan beast.
Pulling her trench-coat more snugly around her against the sharp damp chill of the sunless morning, she stared inside the wire-fence enclosure for some sign of the magnificent brute. Like the true aristocrat he was, Wolf often slept later in the mornings than the other dogs, and Bill had frequently warned her not to step into the pen without first announcing her identity to the dog. It was dangerous to surprise him in his sleep because, as her husband had often warned her, his instincts were to attack a stranger, and besides, the dogs were always a little crazy when the bitches were in heat, such as some of them were now. It was several young bitches this time, ones that they had raised from puppies, so they would have to wait one more season before they could be mated. But the worried young dogs did not know that, and neither did the anxious males who had yelped and howled all last night against the fences that separated them from their breeding partners.
Wolf too must have worn himself out with his anguished cries of frustration last night, Diane decided as she reached his compound and saw no sign of him. Letting the heavy bag of dog food rest against her shapely sun-bronzed calf, she reached out and lightly shook the wire gate.
"Wolf. Wolf," she called timidly, preparing herself for the sudden explosion of growling and snapping that always came if he was awakened too quickly. "Wake up, boy. I've got your breakfast."
She could hear nothing over the noise of the other dogs yapping and rough-housing with each other and, half-fearful of the eruption of fierceness she expected at any moment, Diane pressed her young curvaceous body up tighter to the fence and summoned him more loudly:
"Wolf, come on out here, boy! Wolf!"
From the inside of his wooden kennel, she thought she heard a low whining, and suddenly fearful, she unlatched the gate and slipped inside, dragging the food bag along behind her before she closed it again. Deliberately walking heavily on the hard-packed earth beneath her shoes, she stepped inside the dog's shelter and gasped with dismay as she saw him curled up on the floor, his great hairy back toward her as he licked frantically at his lower mid-section.
"Wolf, what's the matter with you? Are you all right?" she gasped aloud, alarmed. She took another tentative step forward to see what was wrong with the valuable beast. At the slight movement and the sound of her fresh young voice, the massive creature became aware of her presence in his kennel for the first time and with a menacing growl, he sprang to his feet, whirling around to face her. The girl's breath caught sharply in her throat and she froze involuntarily on the spot as she suddenly saw the real reason for the dog's preoccupation with his lower body.
The mammoth dog's long scarlet penis was glistening wetly as it stood out in full view beneath the hairy curve of his belly, thrusting excitedly in and out of its thick furry sheath, the heavily tapered cock-tip dancing obscenely in the air. My God, she exclaimed inwardly, he had what looked like an almost full erection!
Wolf's bushy tail started to switch rapidly back and forth over his hindquarters, showing his undisguised delight as soon as he recognized the human intruder in his pen, but the expression of pure, unadulterated fear did not leave Diane's face even at his obvious change of attitude. Her sky-blue eyes were wide and round with shock and disbelief as she gazed helplessly at the almost obscene spectacle before her. In the months that she and Bill had owned the kennel, buying and selling and caring for the purebred dogs, the beautiful blonde young woman had sometimes seen such things, but it had always been from the safety of outside the fence--and always a smaller, less imposing animal had been involved. Now, not even four feet away from the sexually excited beast, she stood staring, transfixed, barely able to believe the shocking size of the dog's fully-aroused sex organ. On a man, perhaps its hefty thickness and length would seem normal, or even maybe a little larger than normal, but to see this long scarlet shaft on a dog, a savage hot-blooded animal who probably weighed more than she did, filled her with a quivering dread that she could barely control.
"Lie down, Wolf," she commanded shakily, trying to keep her mounting sense of fear out of her voice. She knew that dogs were able to detect fright in human beings and with a great effort of will, she forced herself to turn her back on the tense-muscled animal and walk slowly out into the center of his run. With trembling fingers, she tore open the top of the feed bag and bent down to hurriedly scoop out a large portion of the rich meal into his food tray. Steeling herself, she resisted the impulse to look back at the dog, and by the time she had filled the tray, she knew that Wolf had obeyed her and remained inside his shelter. Her feeling of apprehension gradually faded to relief as she realized that what she had seen was not really so extraordinary. After all, there were several young bitches in heat in nearby pens, and most of the other male dogs had been behaving a little strangely that morning anyway. No, she told herself, her fear had been completely unjustified, the same kind of selfish hysteria that Bill had often accused her of.
As she closed the feed bag again, she calmly resolved to take a firm hold of herself or she would never be able to make it through three more days alone with the dogs. Even so, before she mustered up enough courage to call Wolf out of his house for the bit of affection that was as much a part of the daily schedule at the Hartley Kennels as was the carefully-chosen food, she cautiously unlatched the gate for a hasty exit if necessary.
At the sound of her voice, the huge, beautifully-formed dog came bounding happily out the door of his shelter. In the split second before he jumped playfully up on her, pinning her with his weight against the wire fence, Diane saw thankfully that his huge penis had withdrawn and disappeared back inside the hairy sheath beneath his loins. She laughed openly and tousled his silky dark ruff as he licked joyfully at her face and long smooth neck. She was still a bit anxious around him but could not help but admire his raw animal magnificence. Standing up on his hind feet, he was strikingly large and feral, exciting. His chest was as broad as a young boy's, and she allowed her eyes to roam from its huskiness down along his fawn-colored belly to the ominous sheath aiming up between his powerful hindquarters. For some reason, the dog's flesh-encased sex organ reminded her of the sight of male penises, ones belonging to the boys she had dated before Bill in college. She remembered how they had jutted up under their trousers during seemingly innocent petting sessions in parked cars--and she also remembered that she had been mysteriously excited. The handsome German Shepherd's ensheathed maleness now had the same alarming fascination about it, like some mighty hidden masculine strength that was threatening and yet oddly thrilling as well.
Suddenly aware of what she was doing, she quickly raised her eyes and stood there in confusion for another long moment, wondering if the dog understood her thoughts. What if, somehow, he knew how intrigued she was by her view of his heavy, animal sperm-filled testicles swaying softly down between his back legs?
It was not until she escaped his playful caresses a few minutes later and slipped regretfully out of his run to carry the meal sack back to the store shed, that she felt something wet dribbling down over her ankle from the calf, something lukewarm in the chill, damp air. Unconcerned, she did not even look down to see what it was until she had placed the heavy bag in the storage building and was walking back across the yard toward the house. Glancing casually down at the drying moistness on the naked skin of her leg, she felt a cold shiver run through her and had to fight to suppress the surge of nausea building up in her stomach.
God, the dog had done something unspeakable during those last few minutes she had spent with him!
She crouched down immediately and plucked a handful of the dew-soaked grass that grew just outside the house, struggling against the revulsion rising in her as she scrubbed frantically at the long white streaks on her calf and ankle. She knew instinctively that the enormous champion dog had somehow managed to leave the stain of his animal lust on her human body and the thought sent strange tremors of sensation racing through her mind. To make matters worse, the bunch of wet grass did nothing more than spread the thick cream-like wetness over her soft skin more widely. With sudden tears of frustration running down her face, she tossed aside the useless grass and raced into the house, heading toward the bedroom where at last she threw herself down on the bed and shook with the half-angry, half-shameful sobs that wracked her whole body.
It was all Bill's fault, she raged to herself, her nerves smarting with indignation. After the carefully-sheltered life she had led, including expensive boarding schools and cultured society, how on earth could he expect her to be able to cope with these obscene animals of his? It was one thing to talk of raising puppies, as they had when they were still in college, but an entirely different thing when it came to enduring the disgusting experience she had suffered only a few minutes ago. Even imagining how the hulking animal's shining red penis must have silently slipped out of its sheath to rub against the unprotected flesh of her naked leg made her quake anew as uncontrollable waves of emotion rippled continuously through her curvaceous young body huddled on the still-unmade bed. The memory of Wolf's dark powerful flanks as they had appeared that morning when he had risen to greet her in his kennel, and the thick pointed rod of flesh that had jabbed lewdly into the air beneath his furry belly, was stamped _indelibly into her mind and she cringed into the sheets, trying to erase the appalling vision from her brain.
Then, as she struggled with her shock and hysteria, Diane unthinkingly placed her hand inside her coat to warmly cover her own full breast, a gesture that had often brought her comfort during the days when she was alone in boarding school, far from the security of her home and parents. It was a childish comfort left over from her life before she had met Bill and learned that there was more solace to be found in the touch of a man's hand than her own, but even now her agitated body's reaction to the innocent touch was anything but child-like. An insistent ache suddenly rose deep in her belly, and she was instantly aware of her own soft white limbs, her curved hips and taut buttocks pressing down into the mattress through the fabric of her light coat and cotton dress, her high proud breasts jutting out against the tight confinement of her lacy white brassiere. It took her another moment to wholly understand the fact that she was strangely aroused and the trembling in her body was of excitement and passion, not of shame and anger.
For a panicky moment, Diane scoured her brain for some justification of the unbelievable thing that was happening to her mentally-unprepared body, and she quickly remembered the unsatisfactory love-making session that she had shared with Bill the afternoon before. Of course, that was it, she mused with a breathless surge of relief. Her young husband had aroused her and had then left callously on his business trip while, by her own choice, she had still been locked up in their bedroom, fuming over his cruel sarcasm. It was no wonder that she was aroused this morning, she nervously rationalized to herself. Obviously it was all a result of that disastrous experience yesterday afternoon...
People who like to believe they are not afflicted with animalism in any degree nevertheless go out of their way to pay to see others engage in it. In some bordellos all over the world "shows" are put on for a price. Here men (and a growing number of women) pay impressive sums of money to see human beings indulge in sex acts with animals. There is a certain bordello in Mexico City that caters almost exclusively to American tourists who want to watch scenes of bestiality. The price is high...
The greatest problem a man or woman being sentenced to prison must face is... what to do with the sexual drive when there are no more normal outlets? To a large number of prisoners the answer usually is homosexuality. It has been judged that the majority of longtime prisoners eventually take up this form of sex when they cannot find normal sex relations. However, there is still another outlet that of prison farms being tended to by inmates growing all over the nation animalism has found a...
Sexual contact between men and animals is as old as history. Stone Age cave drawings depict a preoccupation with the creatures of that time and ancient Hindu temple paintings showing girls having intercourse with tigers, bulls and other animals make it clear that bestiality is not a modern perversion. The bible states that "he who lieth with a beast" has committed a grave sin and must be punished by being stoned to death. Not only is the man killed but the beast he had had sex relations...
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Hi friends ,this is jack again.I am going to narrate an incident which is still vivid in my memory ,this happened when I was writing my banking exam in my final year, by then I had not got placed in any company , and I had broken up with ma girl friend, and it was long since I had sex.I was very frustrated then , and pornography plus daru were my sole companions.The event I am narrating is between myself and my invigilator for the exam miss. Roopa. I had never met or seen roopa before, she...
I could feel the first guy, the one who was thrusting between my legs change his pace slightly, signalling the nearness of his orgasm. I turned slightly so I could see my Husband sitting in the stuffed armchair watching us intently. Just then the second guy who was sitting on the bed, pulled my head back so he could kiss me, his hand roughly mauled my size 'B' tits. This rough treatment only added to the juices between my legs and pushed me over the edge. The guy between my legs stimulated by...
Diane lay unmoving beneath him, her fear-clouded eyes fixed on the workings of his mouth as he blurted out the obscene filth to her, its lewdness penetrating and echoing throughout her dazed brain. "Now take it in your hand, honey and guide it into that hot little pussy of yours," he ordered, his sex-glazed eyes gleaming sadistically down at her. "No... no... I can't." "Put it in, you stuck-up little cunt," he snarled in furious impatience at her hesitation. "Do it now or I'll...
"Hey, sleepy-head! Are you going to sleep all day!" Stacy opened her eyes. She'd rolled over on her back, and Betty was looking down at her, smiling brightly. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, remembering the fantastic double-fuck, wondering how long she'd been asleep. She put the question to Betty. "Maybe a half an hour, honey. I woke you up because I didn't think you'd want to miss all the fun. Virginia and Jane admitted to fucking their horses, and they're getting ready to put on an...
The next day, Sunday, Stacy slept until almost noon. Her parents didn't appear until she'd been up for half an hour. She had brunch with them, trying with some success to put out of her mind thoughts and mental pictures of them naked and sexing it up with the various partners. She felt she'd seen and had enough sex to last a while. She'd really been pooped riding back from the lake just before dark the day before. She'd had a bite to eat and gone right to bed, immediately dropping off...
Hawkins felt the flood coming like a Bay of Bengal tidal wave... he made no attempt to hold it back; he'd waited long enough for this moment. He hoped it would come in quarts -- buckets full -- he hoped his lust-swollen balls would disgorge great sticky gobs of sperm, a hot, sticky river to flood her belly and break the young bitch in right. Yes sir, this little blonde had better get in step quick, 'cause she's got a hell of a career coming right up. He'd give her something to keep in...
Sarah slept through nearly all of the next day, or the same day really, as it was getting close to dawn when Hawkins and his friends, including the four-legged one, left the camper. They had finally been satisfied and had resumed to the silver-colored trailer for a few hours sleep before pulling up stakes and hitting the road for Line Creek, their first scheduled performance. When Sarah awoke, though she had nearly managed to pull herself out of her drugged hangover a few times while they...
Sarah scarcely remembered being helped from the camper and led along the dirt path that led to one of the show's biggest transfer vans, a huge blue one emblazoned with Henry Hawkins' advertising along its full length. It was dark, late it seemed as she walked gingerly, barefoot, along the trail. Someone was leading her. Was it Sammy? Sweet young Sammy? Or was it Henry? Or was it someone else she'd never seen before? Henry's advance men had done their work well, and the wives and kiddies...
As the days passed, the reverend's wife couldn't seem to get Mae Langford and her big collie out of her mind. As filthy and disgusting as the whole thing had been, Abby got all hot and itchy between her legs every time she thought about seeing Mae and her dog fucking. She knew dog-fucking was horrible, but the dog's big, red cock was always in the back of her thoughts. Filled with curiosity when Mae didn't show up for the Wednesday evening services, Abby slipped out of the church and...
After dinner that night, Reverend Walker kept watching his wife through the corner of his eye. There was a radiant glow in her smile that he hadn't seen for years, and he couldn't understand what had brought it on. The reverend had always known that his wife was attractive and had an extremely nice figure, but tonight she looked absolutely beautiful. As the evening dragged on, he felt a tingling in his cock whenever he looked at her. By the time they were ready for bed, Reverend Walker had...
"Welcome home, Denny," Loretta Day greeted the handsome dark-haired man. "When do I get to meet the lovely innocent you brought with you." "Soon enough, baby. Soon enough," he answered. Loretta was naked and lying on her huge round bed, her long white thighs spread wide in a wanton inviting pose, and her dog Buck looking longingly at her from the floor beside the bed. "Isn't Buck enough company for you these days, darling," he said to her, smiling wryly. "What naughty thoughts...
Cally was barefoot, walking down the dirt road toward the mailbox and the soft warm earth felt delightful beneath her feet. The sun was already warm though it was still early morning and Cally had a wonderful sense of well-being. She loved Denny so-and Loretta too! She was happier than she had ever been in her life. Why, she had even stopped torturing herself and Denny about marriage. It had seemed so important at first. If only he would marry her, then somehow everything would be all right....
"Wheeeewwwww... will you listen to them!" Martin Delany laughed as he pressed his ear to the wall of his apartment that was next to the Hutch's kitchen. "Sounds like the newly-weds are having a little spat." "Uuuuuuuuuuuu..." Niven Mandel moaned from their bedroom. If there was anything she hated, it was being awakened by the screaming of other people. God knows she had had enough of that when she had been living at the Half-Way house. Fucking little kids! They were always crying...
"And that's about what we do here... and what we'll be expecting of you, Mark my man." Mark listened with only half a mind to his boss, J.R. Williams. The middle-aged, nearly bald, slightly paunchy man had been droning on all day about this and that, fully expecting Mark to listen to every word. In the beginning, when Mark had first gotten to the office, he had made every attempt to be attentive. The fight he had had with his wife had bothered him all the way to work, and he knew that if...
Swede woke up with a hardon. Dawn was just coming. A luminous greyness filled the sky and in the east, some of the lowlying clouds reflected a dull rosy hue. Swede looked down at the naked form of Mary on the bed beside him. She was sleeping soundly for once, instead of always being awake and checking on him. One of her arms was thrown over her head. Flesh sagged down from her upper arm, and one of her fatty tits oozed all over the bed. Her sterile, childless belly flowed down over lumpy...
Author's notes: This is my second story series on this universe. I am trying to write this story direct in english, without translation, so expect some grammar issues. I am also not used to expressions in english, so the characters are quite formal to each other, even during sex. This story is planned to have four or five chapters. I already have almost three of them written. If you like the series, add a review and suggest some plot action. Maybe I can use this plot on my...
On the first story, Julie discovered that she was turning into a tigress hybrid and after some doubts, she decided to speed up the process and discovered that she was turning into a wild woman. Will she win the fight against her instincts? Thursday, 07h Robert woke up early and noticed that he was almost under Julie. She had a paw and a hind leg over him and her head was over his chest. When he moved, she woke up and looked at him. "Good morning, beautiful! Are you feeling ok...
On the last chapter, Robert learned how to live with his new wild wife. He took care of her and never gave up on bringing her back. He was successful bringing her memories back and promised her to help her go back into being human again. Her doctor, Carla, consulted her at home and was excited about developing a new treatment to help wild women when she saw how much Julie had progressed in just a few days. Monday, 06h Robert's alarm woke him up loudly that morning. He was sore...
On third chapter, after a year taking care of his wild wife and seeing her becoming less wild, all of Robert's efforts paid off when Julie's memories came back to her into full force. She also noticed some new changes arriving. Carla visited them every week and were more than a friend now. Her study on wild women gave her a Nobel Prize. She was grateful by Robert and Julie helping her that she gave them the money from the prize, acknowledging that she would have nothing if Robert gave up...
After being a tigress for over a year, Julie regains her human persona in the verge of new changes. As the changes are going to an end, Robert start to change in a hybrid woman too. Carla moves with them and wanted to be their little pet. Tuesday, 07h Robert awoke and kept his eyes closed. He wanted to check what happened to his body. He could tell that Julie was at his side just by her scent. He also knew that Carla was at their feet. He ran his hand through his body and felt...