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It was about three-thirty the afternoon of December
twenty-forth and as was common this time of year in New
England, a light snow had begun to fall. But most
everyone was undeterred as they flittered about filled
with holiday cheer. Even the downtown office towers
were filled with smiling men and women running about
trying to get ready for the big day, that is everyone
except maybe the tense and frightened Lorie Hatchet.
Lorie was making her final examination of the closing
documents she had prepared for the properties that Mrs.
Carole had finally unloaded from her portfolio. Its
completion would definitely make Christine very happy,
but she knew the happiness would most likely end there.
Lorie also knew that Mrs. Carole would most likely
explode in violent anger when she asked her for the day
following Christmas off as well. Unfortunately with
Christmas falling on Thursday she would have no one to
care for her daughter, little Noel, come Friday
After a gentle knock on the office door and the normal
harsh response for her to enter, as she entered she
heard, “Are there no city, state or federal medical
agencies, dont our taxes take care of our wretched
folks,” she heard Christine bellow!
“In fact arent we robbed enough by taxation for the so
called poor on a daily basis? Go away and leave me be,”
She heard her continue before slamming down the phone.
Lorie knew immediately that was the local businessmens
group that she had put through on the switchboard a few
minutes earlier, calling about the childrens Christmas
Upon entering Christine Caroles plush twentieth floor,
corner office suite, meekly laid all the finished
documents before Mrs. Carole for her approval. She
remained quiet as Christine examined the format of the
documents and watched as Christine began to speed read
the packet of closure forms
As Christine completed perusing the last of the
documents Lorie nervously cleared her throat and began
to explain her plight. She tried desperately to make
Mrs. Carole understand that she had no choice because
of Noels handicaps, but Christines perpetual case of
foul moods just exploded.
“Bah Humbug, she began, its like this every year, this
stupid holiday just closes down the worlds commerce,
it strips hard working people like me of our just
rewards. As you know you are a salaried employee, and
that means you and this stupidity are taking two days
of wages right out of my pocket without a second of
work. Its unfair and should be illegal.”
“Im, Im so, so sorry Mrs. Carole, but I have no
choice; I have to take care of Noel. Please dont be
angry, Ill make it up to you in extra hours whenever I
“Bah Humbug, be off with you and your miserable
holiday, go ahead take advantage of my soft heart and
kindness. Just be off and take your excuse for
extortion with you. Go ahead you and the rest of my
unappreciative staff can abuse my generosity,”
Christine Carole bellowed in what she projected as the
poor pathetic voice of a hapless victim.
Seeing a clear escape before her, Lorie thanked her
employer and was gone in a flash.
Chapter I
As Lorie sat on the subway heading to the suburban lot
where she parked her car and then eventually on to the
specialty day care center that cared for Noel, Lories
mind began to wander. Back to the better days, days
when her husband Harry and her sat on one of these very
trains heading downtown to do Christmas shopping for
the impending blessed event, the coming birth of their
first child. Ah yes, it was such a wonderful time. She
and Harry sat holding hands, their faces glowing with
parental pride of her first pregnancy, not to mention
the smiles of true love that they always wore anyway.
It was only two months later and one month after the
birth, that all the reports were final, Noel had been
born with a rare birth defect. At best, they might see
her live only until early teens, ooh of course, there
was some possibility of a cure but no insurance company
covered the super expensive somewhat experimental
Besides it was without question well beyond their
present or future financial capabilities for that
matter. This misfortune of birth was the beginning of
another misfortune, the inevitable demise of their
marriage. Now with Noel going to be nine tomorrow it
made about five years since Harry had been seen or
heard from.
Lorie closed her eyes fighting back the tears as her
mind continued to wander. As she remembered another
Christmas two years before Noels birth; she was a
student at a local university and enjoying a Christmas
party at her friend Lees house where she had just been
introduced to a tall handsome man. Lorie had just begun
to be comfortable talking with him when out of nowhere
Lee began dancing around them holding a fist full of
mistletoe above their heads.
Now it all became apparent to her, this was a setup and
the culprit was now making a scene for all those in
earshot to join in. Eventually with all the prodding
and jeers, they had little choice but to give in and
kiss so that everyone would let them alone. But not
five minutes later the instigator was back again with
her mistletoe making them kiss again, then again and
again over the next hour or so. Although she was
slightly miffed about being setup to meet this man, in
her heart she knew that later she would have to thank
The trip down memory lane brought her forward to
another night, a night in late March or early April of
that New Year. Harry and her had decided to take a long
weekend and drive from Boston the fifteen hours to his
parents home in Ohio. As they drove through upper
state New York they met up with an unexpected freak
snowstorm that made driving any further an extremely
dangerous venture, so they decided to take a room and
wait out the storm.
Lorie was still a virgin at the time, but as they
watched TV on one of the single beds and spooned, Harry
began lovingly kissing and nibbling at the nape of her
sensitive neck. Lorie felt chills running down her
spine. The semi-erotic love story they were watching
was punctuating the unending array of tender nibbles
and kisses that Harry was covering her exposed flesh
As he continuously bathe her neck and shoulders with
loving kisses he reached around and opened a few
buttons of her blouse baring even more of her shoulders
and back to him. Moving her hair out of the way he
began once again to kiss, nibble and lick all of the
newly exposed bare flesh that his lips and tongue could
now reach.
Back and forth his lips, teeth and tongue traveled
across her bare flesh, from shoulder to shoulder.
Occasionally as Lorie relaxed, succumbing even more and
more to the erotic sensations he undid even more
buttons allowing his mouth to travel lower onto her
spine making those beautiful tingles grow stronger. The
sensations were so wonderful that Lorie began having
trouble keeping her eyes open and on the TV movie.
Well, its not so bad she thought, even though her
blouse was suddenly opened to the waist, he is only
kissing my back, she thought, how bad could that be, so
she laid still and enjoying his ministrations, as her
succumbed even more.
When Harrys massaging fingertips found there way
around front to Lories exposed flesh her reasoning
ability began to deteriorate and even as he pulled her
blouse free of her skirt waist she made no protest.
Even when he began gently fondling her breasts through
her thin bra Lorie continued to succumb, as she lay
totally motionless. Besides she reasoned, his eyes and
lips are on my back, whats so wrong with that, he’s
felt my breasts before anyway, so whats the big deal?
A short time later Harry had rolled her onto her back
and moved his shirtless body between her splayed
thighs, and with no words spoken he gently pushed one
breast free of its protective cup and took the exposed
nipple into his lips. With the warm wet tip of his
tongue Harry began to rub the captured nub in circles,
causing it to grow and harden.
Because her conscious ability to reason had long ago
begun to wane it was now becoming desperate as it
became even further degraded. But worse yet, her own
sensory organs had begun to work against what little
ability for her to reason remained. Ooh God, she
thought, this feels so marvelous and the sensations are
so gently and loving how can I stop him now.
All Lorie knew and all she could think about at that
moment in time was being loved and the erotic feelings
that were taking over her body. In fact Lorie never
noticed that her skirt had been pushed up above the
waistband of her panties, nor did she feel it being
held in place on her belly by his.
Her mind was only filled with his gentle kisses as his
lips met hers and his thumb as it caressed her ever-
enlarging nipple. So the distant sound of a zipper
being opened passed by her ears never registering in
her brain. The hot wet tongue and lips that were
tenderly nibbling at her ear lobe apparently must have
blocked all sound or the ability for it to register in
her brain. Even when the gusset of her panties was
moved aside she heard and felt nothing. In fact
Lorie only felt and heard the gentle loving caress of
her darlings lips and fingertips
She suddenly missed the partially calloused tips of his
fingers as they left her inner thighs and grazed over
the panties that covered her pubic mound. Now that they
were gone it only left her filled with the sensation of
how gentle and loving he could be. In her mind it was
obvious that he cared for her so very, very much and he
just wanted her to feel wonderful.
So when her panties were moved aside and the bare tip
of a heated, soft yet rigid even larger finger suddenly
returned and began to separate her labia she only felt
its warmth. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew
he was seeking entry to her vagina and into her very
sole, but it felt so soft, so warm and ooh, ooh God it
felt so very, very right.
As his cock spread the lips of her virgin pussy, it
passed easily through her soaking wet point of entry
because it was saturated with the nectar that flowed
out of her like a flood. His cock met with what would
prove to be only a token resistance until it
encountered her hymen. Once it forcefully struck that
barrier, her brain awoke and her ability to reason
slowly began to understand and react upon its
“OOH MY GOD NOOOO,” Lorie cried out as she thrust her
hips upwards in a belated attempt to dislodge this
rigid phallic invader. Her efforts were utterly useless
and only resulted in an antithetical effect. As her
hips moved forward and upwards, inadvertently they were
met with his downward thrust. Their combined movements
resulted in the obvious and most likely occurrence; the
bulbous head of her lovers cock tore her virgin
barrier asunder impaling her fully on the first and
only man’s cock to ever enter her body.
“Oh yes my love I’m in you, please dont move we are
finally one, please dont fight it, please let me make
love to you. Ooh yes it’s so good, it’s so right and I
love you so much.”
Lorie gasped remaining rigid, unmoving and virtually
soundless. She lay there as if she were skewered on a
spit frozen in place with her hips still slightly
thrust up and forward as Harrys engorged cock moved
even deeper yet into the very core of her no longer
virgin vagina.
Lorie continued to remain stoic as her body and brain
tried to process all the sensory and factual
ramifications of this sudden unexpected invasion of her
body. But while Lorie remained both wordless and
motionless Harry jump-started the assault upon the
highly charged nerve endings inside her pussy.
Utilizing the slow in and out thrusts of his bloated
cock, and the tender caring caresses he had used on her
breasts and nipples had begun to once again win over
her bodys sensory organs.
Lories body had once again begun to work against her
and as she felt sensations that made her tremble and
want for more, she succumbed once again. As Lories
began to show renewed signs of heating up, Harry wisely
held his hips still, leaving his cock buried deep
within her without thrusting, allowing her body to
accept the feeling and redeveloped its previous sexual
Within a few minutes she had begun to breath
irregularly, her nipples throbbed and the natural need
in her pussy caused her lubrication to flow freely onto
his cock. Feeling the renewed throbbing of the inner
walls and the damp heat of her excretions Harry
restarted the in and out motions of intercourse.
He pulled back an inch or so then fed that inch and a
little more back into her each time. First it was an
inch and a half, then two inches and as soon as she
began to secrete her feminine nectar in an abundant
flow, he reset the tempo and began full-length thrusts.
Harry proudly smiled to himself, it happened, they were
finally were fucking, really fucking.
Lorie had totally surrendered and was without realizing
it greeting each and every one of his thrusts with one
of her own. Their tempo had begun to slowly increase in
speed and ferocity. Lorie not only welcomed this change
she also actively participated in its evolution. This,
their first act of love was an act that without their
knowledge was exactly as God had created, it was an act
of love and procreation.
Suddenly Lorie gasped aloud as her hips drove violently
upward her pubic mound crashing violently against his.
Then Lorie exploded in her first cock-induced orgasm.
As Lorie reached her utopia Harry was unexpectedly
captivated by his lovers gasps of orgasmic pleasure,
not to mention the amazing heat encapsulated his groin
as it was expelled from her very sole. Harry
immediately fell victim to this erotic display as he
joined her in orgasm.
Harry let his balls explode releasing a torrent of
sperm his body had dreamed of delivering into hers for
months. He filled her belly with the volumes of sperm
until they were sated and fell into each others grasp
and remaining almost motionless until they awoke,
nearly six hours later.
Unbeknownst to them as they slept Harrys sperm had
done their job. Harry and Lorie were now the parents of
the coming Christmass first child.
Chapter II
Christine Carole watched Lories cute ass cheeks sway
and jiggle like Christmas bells as an obviously excited
Lorie vacated her office. When she closed the door
behind her she left this crotchety old and lonely woman
to her own kind of Christmas.
Christine reclined as she pushed her chair back and
away from her desk, staring up toward the ceiling and
into nothingness. That is quite explanatory for
Christines life; it was all nothingness for her over
the past ten years ever since that drunken son of a
bitch, that no good bastard ran over her poor wonderful
It was Christmas Eve, ten years ago, when Marley, the
love of her life, had just left the Jewelry store. He
had just picked up that cursed diamond pendant he
ordered her for Christmas present. As he excitedly
stepped out the door he never had a chance, the clod
lost control of his pick-up swerved around the corner
and snuffed out the life of the finest man she had ever
Marley Carole had started, “Carole Associates”, and
hired her as its first employee. A company that
eventually became one of the Northeasts foremost
Realty Management and sales Firms. Between them, they
lived for the business and through their combined
efforts directed its expediential growth. True at first
she was merely his secretary, and then became his right
arm, finally an integral part of its daily operations
and success.
Then there was that hotel deal; they had just closed
it, closed it together. It was Bostons deal of the
decade, possibly two decades, and she was equally
responsible for its success. Christine was now more,
much more than a secretary.
Afterward in the privacy of their then modest office,
they celebrated with champagne. Their business future
as well as their lives were determined in a mere
instant as they glanced deeply into each others eyes.
All at once that emotional fire that had been building
between them for ages was suddenly unleashed. Better
part of a magnum of expensive champagne was sloshing
around in their unfed bellies and the alcohol stoked
their mutual flames even more.
Something was about to happen, but who was going to
take that first step? Then the silence was broken as
Marley stepped forward looked into her eyes and almost
cried out, “Christine you may hate me later, but right
now I dont give a fuck. I have wanted you forever, so
right now I intend to take you.”
As she sat back in her overstuffed executive chair
remembering it all, Christine could not help the
enormous smile that crossed her usually sullen face. In
her mind eye she could still see Marley as she watched
him step toward her. His controlling arrogance showed
in his eyes but so did the passion he was feeling at
that moment. But what really made her laugh was the
obvious large protrusion jutting in the front of his
In her reverie she could still see that big lance
bobbing, and aimed directly at her crotch as he walked
toward her. Without any ceremony or act of delicacy
Marley roughly took her shoulders in his strong hands,
laid her back on his desk and pushed her skirt above
her waist.
As Marley began to speak again, Christine looked into
his eyes and moaned, “just shut up and fuck me you
bastard, Ive waited long enough for you to be a man
and take me.”
Their first mating was animalistic almost brutal, but
ooh so fulfilling.
With one arm he swept the desk clean dumping everything
onto the floor and settled her body in the middle with
her ass at its edge. He pushed Christines form fitting
business skirt up at her waist, and in his inpatients
Marley just tore away the gusset of her white silk
panties, leaving them mere shards. But more importantly
to him, it left her feminine core hopelessly undefended
and available for him to assault and violate.
In what seemed to be a single motion Marley sucked in
his breath, letting his pants belt and boxers fall to
his ankles and impaled her pussy on the shaft of his
throbbing cock.
When Christine felt the head of his spear pass her
outer lips she wrapped her legs around his waist and
let loose with a gusher of her own lubricating nectar
that she had stored-up in her many fantasies in hopes
of him taking her like he was at that very moment.
The release of her abundant fluid eased the path for
his cocks entry and welcomed its arrival. They fucked
like savage primates in the wild. It was as though they
fucked in fear, like primates wanting to finish mating
before an even bigger, more dangerous carnivore
happened upon them locked helplessly together. They
thrust violently at one another until in mere moments
their long overdue passion exploded violently as they
fell to the floor like melting snowmen, sated but still
dripping their fluids onto the rug.
They remained locked in a lovers embrace for at least
twenty minutes, before they fucked again and again. In
fact they fucked on, in or under every piece of
furniture in the office and some more than once.
Eventually awaking late Christmas morning on the office
couch, where with their animal passion finally sated,
made slow tender love as they swore their undying love
for one another.
The following day they deposited the net proceeds of
the hotel deal into a new joint account and departed
from Logan Airport for Vegas and a waiting wedding
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There can be little doubt that people who live in rural areas have much more of an opportunity to engage in animalism than do their urbane neighbors. Down on the farm children are exposed to sex between animals from the time they are able to walk, see and question while city children must learn sex through what they hear and read. For many farm children watching horses, sheep and other animals rut is their first glimpse into the world that awaits them. Studies have shown that people who have...
Let’s keep it simple, boys and girls. Let’s rewind the clock a good 40 years or so, back to when we used to jerk off to images of naked babes exclusively. I know that videos have been around for a lot longer, but let’s be honest. Most of our first faps were to magazines. Videos were seriously premium shit. Today, we’re kind of spoiled, so for this review, I’d like to tickle your nostalgia bone and take you back to a simpler time. Don’t worry; I’m not taking you back to the era of hairy pussies...
Latina Porn SitesPeople who like to believe they are not afflicted with animalism in any degree nevertheless go out of their way to pay to see others engage in it. In some bordellos all over the world "shows" are put on for a price. Here men (and a growing number of women) pay impressive sums of money to see human beings indulge in sex acts with animals. There is a certain bordello in Mexico City that caters almost exclusively to American tourists who want to watch scenes of bestiality. The price is high...
The greatest problem a man or woman being sentenced to prison must face is... what to do with the sexual drive when there are no more normal outlets? To a large number of prisoners the answer usually is homosexuality. It has been judged that the majority of longtime prisoners eventually take up this form of sex when they cannot find normal sex relations. However, there is still another outlet that of prison farms being tended to by inmates growing all over the nation animalism has found a...
Sexual contact between men and animals is as old as history. Stone Age cave drawings depict a preoccupation with the creatures of that time and ancient Hindu temple paintings showing girls having intercourse with tigers, bulls and other animals make it clear that bestiality is not a modern perversion. The bible states that "he who lieth with a beast" has committed a grave sin and must be punished by being stoned to death. Not only is the man killed but the beast he had had sex relations...
What's up Fuckers?! If you watch as much porn as I do, you might love a good money shot, cumshot, splash to the dome, whatever you want to call it. Many websites show facial videos, but let's talk about a site with facial photos. You'll be getting my opinion on the facials section of PornPics. I'll tell you what I love about this website, give some critiques, and then say what the creators should do to make it even better for the fellas and lady fellas. In the end, I'll give it a score of flop...
Facial Cumshot Porn SitesBarn WhoreAs your slave, I never know what will be coming next. It?s part of the fear and excitement that makes me belong to you not just in practice, but in my soul. One night, as I sleep in my cage after a long day of cleaning houses naked except for stiletto heels, leather cuffs and collar, and clothespins, you wake me up by pouring a bucket of cold water on me. Since I?m gagged - as usual - I can?t actually protest, and there?s no escape, the cage is designed so I can only fit in it...
was eleven years old and her shoulder length brown hair fanned out on her pillow. She yawned and as she turned over in the double bed her outstretched arm brushed against another body. At first she assumed that it was her twin sister Rachel but as the last of the sleepiness left her brain she remembered that her school friend Susan had stayed over. As the full memories of last night flooded back to her she felt her little cunt tingle and she sniffed at her fingers. Helen and Susan had...
The following morning, Abby Walker slept in late which was very rare. The reverend was an early riser who always ate a hearty breakfast, and Abby was ordinarily up preparing it for him shortly after sunrise. On this day, however, her husband had left early to drive over to Hanksville where he had a breakfast appointment with another minister. Feeling lazy, and with nothing urgent to be done, she was lounging around in bed with her thoughts on Mae Langford's big collie dog. She hadn't been...
Women need to get off too. I know It’s hard for you betas to believe that girls go online and fuck themselves to porn just like you do, but it’s true. Only, it’s a lot hotter when a kinky babe rubs her clit to sensual videos of women getting eaten by a dude who actually knows what he’s doing than when you death grip your micro-cock while getting off for the fifth time that morning to your favorite anal gape videos. I’m not saying chicks aren’t into fucked up shit. They just know when a horny...
Porn for Women SitesJust after my father's death, before the wanker Porndude adopted me and dumped me in his mother's basement, I always wondered, why in hell was my mother fucking different men on the same day? Wasn't she getting satisfied by one guy? Bro, from plumbers and delivery guys to any caliber of man that comes her way. Dude, I couldn't concentrate whatsoever until the Porndude came to my rescue.It's until I got laid once by one of the Porndude's hoes after the dude blacked out after taking shots of...
Gangbang Porn SitesBill was due home today! Diane glowed. It seemed like years now since he had left and she hummed a tune along with the radio as she dusted and polished the interior of the house in preparation for his arrival. She knew that he would question why she was in such a happy mood when he arrived home. Usually when he left on one of his important business trips, she spent the days building up resentments and frustrations until she could barely keep from exploding the minute he walked in the door....
Sex clubs have become very popular in the last few years. In them people can indulge in whatever vice they desire. Married couples get together and swap mates, homosexuals have a place to meet and, if you are so inclined, you can be beaten with leather whips. Weekly newspapers carry ads for these sex clubs and are worded so as to make their intent clear. For example: Young couple seeks other young couple for lessons in French and Greek arts. A box number is given and interested couples...
The next day dawned cool and misty but Diane found herself humming a little tune and smiling, almost in spite of herself, as she moved slowly from pen to pen of the kennel in the early morning dampness, feeding the hungry German Shepherds and cleaning out their living quarters. Just as always, after Bill had left on a business trip, she felt her innate resentment toward the big, thoroughbred dogs fading away in the face of their obvious delight in her presence around them. "It's not your...
WPORN: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, you are listing to radio WPORN for all your alternative porn news. Tonight we have as our guest a lovely mature photo model who we will be calling Soo, who has come to tell us about her day modelling for amateur cameramen. Welcome Soo!Soo: Hello, its nice to be here, thanks for inviting me.WPORN: Not at all, its our pleasure. Now Soo, maybe you could tell us about your day – was it a fairly typical one?Soo: Yes, pretty much so, a bit quiet as I had some...
It’s hard to beat the classics. Those hot pornstars of old had a unique technique the studios just can’t capture these days. And, hell, porn shot on film just has a whole different feel to it. And to be precise, I’m not referring to the early 2000s porn featuring scene bitches and dudes wearing parachute pants. That shit isn’t proper vintage. I’m talking about that good stuff from the 80s and back when just having a porn shoot of a mixed-race couple was a goddamn sensation. I want sluts with...
Vintage Porn SitesI Awakening Upon awakening, my first sensation was of nausea. The difference, from the prior three occasions, only manifest in degree. Yet I did not have to open my eyes to know that, as before, I lay naked and covered in blood – hardly any my own – that was largely dried, especially around my face; eyes crusted shut, mouth tasting of blood, vomit, and I-dared-not-think what else. Not to mention the other vile bodily excretions in which I lay. Despite my being largely unconscious of how...
Introduction, Hello, and welcome to my story, normally this would be where the story would start, but I would rather introduce my plans for this story. This story is set in a timeline where more or less furries are real, and have been for many years. The animal races known as Animal kin have worked with Humans but kept their races separate , until about forty years prior (the year 2000 for records sake). As Human, and Animal kin ideals advanced and opened up, the two races began to merge, in...
From that night on, Kirk was finger-fucking his little sister two or three times a day while she was sucking him off. "Kirk," Marci whispered to him one afternoon when she was up on his bed with him. "You've fucked lots of girls, haven't you?" "I've had a few." "Is fucking fun?" "Of course it is." "Would I be fun to fuck?" "Shit, yes," he said, grinning. "Then will you fuck me?" she excitedly asked, her eyes glowing with lust. "I wish I could," he sighed. "But...
This story is all about me getting invited to spend a weekend at my boss's ranch.I have always had a special love for farm animals.I just love the whole idea of waking up in the mornings and head out to do the daily task of feeding and making sure all is well with the animals.I grew up having a reasonable amount of exposure to farm animals.I once had a dog named Tim.I also did some Agriculture with my grandad as well. I work only on weekdays and during the weekends I would spend a lot...
Animal Rights Part One By Razor7826 (Copyright 2008) "Why do you hate animals?" "I love animals, Bill, which is why I've slaved away tirelessly for their freedom," responded Eliza Dogood. She stared directly into the camera with the same manufactured smile that she used in every public appearance. It had worked wonders in her campaign, and she had little doubt it would continue to service her in the future. "I hope you realize that you're the most...
Reverend Walker's wife, Abby, was an exceptionally attractive brunette in her late thirties, but she was a complete opposite to her husband. While the preacher had been into the pants of most of the desirable women in the parish, Abby was very straight-laced and proper. On the rare occasions when she had sex with her husband, it had to be under the covers and with the lights out. She considered it very improper for him to see her nude body. Because of her wishes, sex was only performed in...
Mary and Joe had been home from their Vegas vacation now for almost 6 months. It had truly been a great experience and had brought them even closer together. Their love for each other still grew every time they saw each other, and the experience opened their minds to new ideas and role playing in the bedroom. They often fantasized and role played about Marvin and his basketball players at the Red Rooster. Mary and Joe loved the added sensual experiences. Things could not be any better between...
There were very few books in the house. Five not counting Mary's dirty books to be exact. They were: The Bible; The Farmer's Almanac; The Independent Farmer, published by the Department of Agriculture in a fit of Jeffersonianism; Great Figures in American History; and Greek and Roman Myths. Nobody knew where the last two had come from. Greek and Roman Myths was old and dogeared, pages were missing and the back cover was torn off. Nevertheless, Connie one day had sat down to read it. It...
"I say we get on with it, dammit! We've waited long enough, Henry. Shit, she might have gotten over that dose of Spanish Fly you gave her and gone to sleep by now!" Al Badger was pacing the floor of his trailer like one of the caged animals, waving his arms, gesturing, walking back and forth until he had both his companions as nervous and high-strung as he. "Oh, all right, Al," said Hawkins finally, getting out of his well-worn chair. "I can't take much more of your pacing anyhow. She...
I launched Porn Dude Casting recently, but I’ve been holding off on reviewing it for ThePornDude. It’s kind of hard to be an impartial smut reviewer when you’re the one banging the babes, filming the action and uploading it to the web. I didn’t want to seem like too much of a big-dicked braggart, but then again, I ain’t a stranger to tooting my own horn, typically after dipping my hairy palms into this bucket of lube I keep here in the masturbation chamber.I usually spend these reviews talking...
Premium Amateur Porn SitesI am the prototypical teenage genius and mad scientist. I’m sure I’d be described as a sociopath and pedophile by those who want to impose a plain vanilla life of near despair upon everyone but the richest 0.01%. I am not a sadist. I do not want to hurt anyone. I know what I like, and I just want to be left alone to enjoy exceptional girls who develop and mature far ahead of the average. To me, the maximum enjoyment comes from a girl offering herself to me willingly and then giving each other...
The next day, Reverend Walker had to drive out to Marci's farm to pick up a list that she had prepared for the picnic, and he took Abby with him for the drive. While her husband and the girl were going over some of the details, Abby decided to take a walk out by the barn. The woman had just walked around the corner of the building when she saw Marci's big brother, Kirk. His pants and shorts were down around his ankles and he was trying to insert his hard cock into a nanny goat's cunt....
"Honey, I'm home," Denny called, entering his home. Cally jumped up from her chair, Prince following at her heels, as she threw his arms around his neck and kissed him in greeting. "How's Loretta?" she asked, somewhat jealous of this woman she had heard about but never seen. "Now, now... I told you she's just a friend... no strings... and she really wants to meet you, baby." "Well," said Cally pouting, "I don't know if I want to meet her." "Jealous?" "No," she said,...
IWantPorn! Do you need a site that features all kinds of websites with hot and sexy porn that will always get you off? Of course, you do, and you are probably pretty satisfied browsing new sites, games, blogs, etc., on ThePornDude!But my porn site is not the only game in town. And while my reviews are the goddamn cream up the crop like an elbow drop from the fucking top rope, sometimes all you need is a link to a new porn website. In that case, a porn bookmarking site that shows you sexy porn...
Free Porn Tube SitesChapter 7Al handed me one last green drink, “For the road,” before my escort of big black men walked me out to a cab awaiting us.I climbed in after Levant, before Al, and behind Geo. I slurred my words a bit but managed to ask, “Arer you taking me homemm? I, ah, need tu guo home now.”Al said as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close, “Yes, the party’s over and we’re taking you right home now,” just as Keith climbed in behind the wheel.Al said, “Geo, make the call.” I remember that, I...
Chapter 7Al handed me one last green drink, “For the road,” before my escort of big black men walked me out to a cab awaiting us.I climbed in after Levant, before Al, and behind Geo. I slurred my words a bit but managed to ask, “Arer you taking me homemm? I, ah, need tu guo home now.”Al said as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close, “Yes, the party’s over and we’re taking you right home now,” just as Keith climbed in behind the wheel.Al said, “Geo, make the call.” I remember that, I...
Chapter 6Al had a cab waiting for us, as we left my house. We got in the back together. He held the door. It was a long drive, about 30 minutes, through the lights of the big city.We arrived at a huge building with a door man. He let us in with a tip of his hat. I thought it was a nice touch of class. I didn’t expect all this. I hoped my food was up to par.We took an elevator to near the top floor, and got out on a hall that ran through the middle of the building, apartments on left and right....
Have you ever found yourself browsing around ThePornDude and thinking to yourself, ‘gee, there are lots of sites to beat off to, but what I really want to watch is a werewolf bukkake’? If so, it’s your lucky day! I have just the tube site that you can visit where you can find exactly that kind of content! It’s over on Porn, and you will find a substantial number of videos that are just waiting for you to cum to!If horror porn is your thing, know that Porn...
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