Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 107: Chloe In The Parking Lot free porn video

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Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued)

Julia got everyone's attention, then, "Sorry that took so long. Laila dug herself into a hole then tried to get out by digging it deeper. She's going to be fired as Liaison unless she finds her way out by Tuesday night." There were expressions of shock from all around the table (well not from Robert or Donna, but you get the idea). Laila didn't look shocked, being too busy looking unhappy.











Quite a few of the girls were struggling to accept the latest piece of Mark advertising. It was hard for them, as they were probably still dreaming of all the clothes they could buy with $15,000. So Julia repeated herself, "At the end of the next school year Mark will have done from 8th grade to 12th, plus four years of college, which totals nine years of education, in just three years - last year, this year, and next. Nine years in three. Have any of you ever heard of any one even close to being as intelligent as Mark?" None of them had.

-- "I imagine that smartest guy any of you have ever heard of, is Einstein. Right?" That they could agree with. Several nodded their heads.

-- "My dad's a bit of a buff on Einstein, so I've picked up a few things about him. Einstein's long dead, did you know that?" Most of them seemed surprised, judging by their body language.

-- "Yeah, I was surprised to learn that too. We hear Einstein's name so often, that we assume he's still alive. He died in 1955, 33 years before we were born. He's most famous for relativity. It's something to do with the speed of light and E equals MC squared, whatever that means. I don't understand why, but we all know that Einstein's work was very important. The relativity that he's famous for he published in 1905, exactly one hundred years ago. That's ANCIENT! I'm amazed that he's so famous all over the world a hundred years after he made his biggest discovery. The point I want to make is that Einstein is the most famous scientist the world has ever had, and Mark's IQ is almost THE SAME!"


Julia gave them a second to contemplate my intelligence, then she continued, "When you get a chance, go online and read up on Einstein's high-school and college years, and compare them to Mark's going from 8th grade through to finishing his bachelor's in three years. Mark is currently doing BETTER than Einstein. Look at Mark. You're looking at someone who could easily be more famous than Einstein. For many hundreds of years almost everyone on the planet might know who Mark Anderson is, and there could be hundreds of books written about him, and countless TV shows."

Julia waited, and the silence extended. The girls were gobsmacked (that's a highly technical term us world-famous geniuses use). There was a piece of pizza on a plate near Donna, and:

I felt like a snack.

The tension needed relieving.

I felt like a snack. (Hey, it's PIZZA!)

I said, "Donna, can you pass me that piece of pizza please? I'm too smart to let delicious pizza go to waste." My asking for another slice reminded them of the many earlier jokes about my appetite, and it broke the tension well. As the chuckles broke out, Julia smiled at me proudly. So I got her praise AND a slice of pizza. Life is good!

Julia said, "Mark's injected some humor well, but remember what I said. You all knew that Mark's a genius, but none of you understood how much of a genius he is. You're sitting in a casual restaurant sharing pizza with someone who could be talked about all over the world for hundreds of years. Isn't that amazing?"

I was about to make a joke, but Carol got in first. "I don't think you're correct, Julia. You said we're 'sharing pizza with Mark'. I didn't notice Mark sharing any pizza. He eats every piece he can get his hands on." There was much undeserved laughter (well, okay, it WAS deserved).

Julia said, "You should never forget what you've just learned about Mark. Try to understand how important it makes him. And now I'm going to tell you to temporarily forget it, while I change the topic away from Mark's intellectual to his physical aspect. The most obvious physical thing about Mark, that you've drooled over, is how good Mark looks in the clothes he wears these days. How any guy could look like him and be modest about it escapes me, but Mark is far more comfortable wearing those shapeless bags he called clothes. I think all the girls at school owe me some mighty big thank yous for my providing them with such wonderful eye candy." Julia was interrupted by some mighty big thank yous, and several lower-toned comments too.

-- "Laila, Lily, Pat and I are the only ones here who've seen Mark naked. In my opinion, Mark has the most awesome body that I've ever seen, and I'm including all the VERY hunky guys I've seen in glossy magazine ads, on billboards, in movies, and EVERYWHERE else. What do you think Laila, Lily and Pat?"

What they thought was embarrassing. Then it was graphic, detailed and even more embarrassing. They had no shame, but I sure did.

After far too long, Julia cut them off, "Haha. Okay, thanks. I think everyone's got the idea by now. By the way, after we finish here you're all invited back to my place. We'll just play some 8-ball, watch a movie, soak in the hot tub, relax and chat. Mark, Carol and I like the hot tub, so if you come to my place you'll see Mark, Carol and me when we're naked, although I'm sure you'll..."

Katelin was the first to react, "Mark will be NAKED?" A few of the other girls were interested in confirming that they'd heard that correctly too.

"Sure. We don't usually bother wearing anything when we use the hot tub. None of you have to get naked if you don't want to. Just do whatever you want. That's why it's called 'relaxing'."



#2, #4:

"When are we going back to your place Julia?" asked any one of the girls, the others listening avidly.

"When I've finished this discussion. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that I'd be naked. I had no idea that so many of you couldn't wait to see me naked."

Julia earned herself several chuckles, and an eager follow-up question from one of the girls, "Why can't we continue this discussion at your place? Around the hot tub."

Julia said, "Because some of you might not be free to come to my place. If only a few have to miss out, the rest can fill them in tomorrow, but I want most of you to hear what I'm saying. How many can come to my place for a couple of hours?"

Bedlam broke out. Broke back in, then broke out again, because it could make more noise that way. Most of the girls were immediately and joyously able to loudly inform Julia that they were absolutely able to come to her house, preferably right now, and could they have directions please. There were also several impassioned, "Can I get a lift? I REALLY need a lift. PLEASE!" A few of the other girls were saying things like, "Argh! I have to call Mom. I'll call her now. PLEASE don't go without me." All of these occurring at the same time.

Most of the girls were out of their seats, trying to get directions, giving directions, begging for rides, paying the bill, collecting money, etc. Bedlam in all directions. There's nothing quite like a couple of dozen overly excited schoolgirls for making bedlam. I got up to get ready to leave.

The Giant Vibrator Threesome approached me. Hannah started, "Baby and I have to go. Our friend is depending on us and we can't let her down. I think I'm too scared to stay around Julia anyway, after the way she ripped into Laila." Laila was looking decidedly unhappy. She had until Tuesday to pull out of her funk and attempt to save herself. Which gave her a LOT more time than Dakota got.

I rejected "Tough shit," as a possible answer, as the sister foursome would be damned hot! Instead I said, "Julia wasn't intense in the bowling alley. She is now because some thoughtless, self-centered girls didn't realize that I'm as important as Julia thinks I am. Regardless of whether you agree with Julia's opinion, you were inarguably ignoring both my and Julia's pleasure in pursuit of your own. You may live your own lives that way if you wish, but it goes directly against how we want our Liaisons to act. Our Liaisons are supposed to be acting FOR us, not USING us. You said Julia is scary. I'm surprised how GENTLE Julia was to Laila. I was with Dakota when Julia gave her the chop. Dakota didn't even get two seconds, let alone two days to think about it and come back with an email for a second chance. I was also with Ava when she screwed up, and again Julia was far more severe on Ava than she was with Laila. Julia didn't hand Laila's job over to Katelin on the spot not because of any reluctance, but because Julia must see sufficient merit in Laila to make it worth giving her a chance. If I was you, Laila, I'd rise to the occasion and do your best to provide Julia with what she wants."

Laila moaned, "But I don't know how! I know what we did wrong, and I agree with Julia that I was only thinking about my friends. I could EASILY write an email describing how wrong I was for doing that, but I can't think why I'd win Best Liaison of the Week."

"Don't ask me. Literally, as Julia told you not to. My advice is for you to decide whether or not you want to try. If you want to give up, go and tell Julia now that you resign, as that'd be the decent thing to do. If you DO want to try, then get started working out the answer. You could hang around to try to soak up more information, talk with the other Liaisons, and Julia specifically mentioned discussing it with Hannah. Julia must've had a reason for that. So I suggest you and Hannah get together to see if you can solve your problem. Or work out why Julia mentioned Hannah, as maybe there's a clue in that."

Hannah said, "Baby and I have to go help our friend, so I can't help Laila this afternoon."

I saw a good answer to that, so I shrugged, and said, "Your choice, your action, your consequences, your responsibility."

Hannah helpfully asked, "What do you mean?"

"I'll use you as my example, Hannah. It's your choice whether to help your friend or Laila. You can't do both, so you have to choose. Your choice leads to whatever action you take, obviously. Your action will have consequences. If you don't help your friend that will affect her, and your friendship with her. On the other hand, without your help Laila may not be able to produce a good email by Tuesday night and she'll lose her extra access to me. No one knows what the consequences will be, but you'll be partly responsible for them."

Hannah started repeating stuff about her obligation to her friend when I proximity sensed Julia walking up behind me and reaching for my left arm with her right hand.

I thought it might be interesting to do, so I moved my left arm out slightly to make it easier for Julia to grasp it, I moved my right hand across my front toward my left arm, and looked straight at Hannah while I said, "I'm just finishing, Julia." Julia's hands arrived on my arm, and my right hand folded over Julia's.

Hannah got my point, and also got that I wanted her to get it because I'd made a point of staring straight at her while I talked to Julia, which isn't a natural action. Hannah turned, obviously checking for mirrors or some other clue. There was no obvious explanation, so Hannah asked me, "How did you know Julia was coming up behind you?"

"Ask some other giant vibrator. I don't have the time or inclination to explain." Hannah didn't like that, so I did. I turned to Julia, "Sorry about that. Judging by everyone's getting up and walking out, I guess we're leaving?"

"Yes, we're ready to go. Only Chloe can't come to my place because her parents insist she comes home from here. She's not very happy with her parents. One of the others offered to send her some photographs of you, but I suggested that might not be acceptable to you."

If the natural order of the Universe had been adhered to, by which I mean the girls rather than me would be getting naked at Julia's, then the loss of Chloe would be a disaster of epic proportions, because that's how big her tits are. They should be officially made the Eighth and Ninth Natural Wonders of the World. Because Julia is a girl and therefore thinks weirdly, Chloe's departure just meant one less girl to perv at me, so I rather than weeping with anguish I just said, "You know me well. Let's go."

Laila beseeched, "What about us?"

Julia answered, "I invited everyone to my home, and you're part of everyone. You know where I live, and it's your choice whether you come or not."

We took another step, then Hannah blurted out a question, "Are you really as smart as Einstein?"

Julia started answering, but I wanted to so I patted her hand, saying, "Let me." Turning to Hannah I said, "Whether I will achieve more or less than Einstein is an unknowable future. I'm only fifteen so almost anything could happen. I will say that my last IQ test at school produced a score that compares well with Einstein's. Also, thank you for asking me whether my girlfriend is a liar. The three of you need to decide which way you're going to jump, before you push even more of your feet into your mouths. When you decide which way, try to jump as far as possible. Little jumps aren't going to cut it. See you later, or not, as you choose."

As I was turning to leave, I could proximity sense Hannah intending to grab my arm, but she quickly canceled her own intention. Moments later replacing it with walking after us, and then I was out of range. She never walked after us though. The poor girl was confused about what to do, which amused me.

When we were sufficient out of earshot from them, I said to Julia, "They're confused. They started off saying they were scared of you, but I think they're mostly just confused. I told them..."

Julia interrupted me, "No need to tell me. I heard enough to understand your attitude to them, which I'm VERY proud of you for. Very well done!"

"I can't have been that clever, because I couldn't make up my mind about what to do. I was fairly angry with them, but you treated them so much gentler than you did Dakota, so I didn't know what the best thing to do was."

Julia said, "You showed them that you didn't care about them, which was perfect. Pretty girls aren't used to being treated like that. They didn't think about your pleasure in their foursome because they're too used to assuming guys will do whatever they want. Now the table's turned and they're confused, which is wonderful."

"Confused is wonderful?"

Julia confirmed. "Oh yes. Confusion is the best possible thing for nearly all of your girls. When any of them are sufficiently confused, then Dear Aunt Julia will help them by explaining what they need to do - said the spider to the fly, haha. With the exception of Lily, who I don't understand, none of the others have got the right attitude, and will never get it until their world view is shaken up and rearranged to have you in the center, rather than them. Lots of confusion helps, as does fear, hope, greed and lust. Changing the subject, you need to work on your mixed metaphors."

"Huh? I do?"

"You told Laila and co. that they'd put their feet in their mouths, then you told them to jump. You should've said "hop". No wonder they're confused about what to do, haha."


We got outside and joined the big group of girls waiting for us. Carol attached herself to me, and we headed back to where our cars and bikes were. Chloe came near and said, "Mom says I HAVE to come home. We've got relatives coming and they want me there. I can see my stupid relatives any time, and it's not fair that I can't come with you. I'm the only one with parents that mean."

Julia cut in before Chloe could get her tantrum into top gear, "I'll make sure that I invite you to the next event, Chloe. Some of the others might not be invited, but you will be. Okay?"

I was relieved to hear that, because of the Natural Wonders. Big-titted girls have recently had a zero survival rate in their encounters with Julia, so this was a piece of good news. Chloe is quiet too, adding another good attribute, making three in total so far. Actually more like five, because her tits are twice the size of anyone else's.

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Daphnis and Chloe a Modern Reiteration

Chloe quickly closed the door shut behind her. Her heart was racing frantically, threatening to explode. She took quick, shallow breaths and cold sweat formed on her forehead. “What did I just see?” she asked herself. She was alone in her room. It was the same room she spent her whole childhood in, she was familiar with every inch of it. Still, after more than a decade away from home, living her own life, it somehow ended up as her sanctuary. “Calm down, Chloe, it was probably nothing...”...

3 years ago
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Chloe takes control of her Queen Bee boss

This is my first story so would appreciate any feedback from anyone!Tamara was sitting at her desk thinking how perfect her life was.  She was the Manager of a 25 million dollar a year company with 75 staff reporting to her, she had paid for her house in full, had a new BMW and a hot boyfriend.  And she was only 24.  There was just 1 thing - although she had plenty of money, she always wanted more.  She couldn't bring herself to be satisfied.  She used to work a second job at night to get extra...

1 year ago
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Chloe Grace Moretz Massage

I'd been running my own masseuse business for a while now, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine someone like her would walk in asking for a massage. Usually I'd turn away walk-ins as my sessions were usually for pre-booked appointments only.But when Chloe Grace Moretz of all people showed up just as I was about to close for the day, I found it impossible to resist attending to her needs. "Hi! I'm so sorry to drop in so late in the day, I just wondered if there's any chance I could...

2 years ago
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Coveting Chloe

Chloe perched on the edge of kitchen bench, her legs crossed at the knees. A silver heel dangled from one set of toes while the other lay on the tiles at her feet. A feeling of contentment washed over her. She tossed her black hair over one shoulder and glanced around the chaotic kitchen. There were empty glasses everywhere, half-finished plates of food, and someone's forgotten jacket draped over a dining chair. She drew in a breath, her chest lifting beneath her blue party dress. Chloe...

3 years ago
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Chloe Spanks

This story is inspired by the Betty spanks series and is written with the permission of the original copyright holder Peter242.   Betty & David’s Punishments continued   Chloe remained somewhat fascinated by the fact that David had developed an erection when Chloe had spanked Betty. Chloe decided that she would take things further and look to initiate contact between David and Betty but she needed to test out the waters so to speak. Chloe realised that...

2 years ago
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Pink Undies Chloe at Thanksgiving

Sunday afternoon, early October "Yes yes yes yes, oh god oh god don't stop don't stop!" I didn't. No way I was stopping. "Yeah yeah yeah!" In the next moment, though, I had Kathleen's legs back against her shoulders as I throbbed and spurted as deep inside her as I could get, and I had to stop then. "Oh, god." "You can say that again." She smiled up at me, her lips soft and a little puffy, her eyes dreamy. "Oh, god." "Hah hah hah." I softened and slipped out and moved...

4 years ago
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The Christmas party with Chloe

One of the problems we'd had in the months before Christmas was with testing data being sent to and returned from one of our third party suppliers. This meant that I'd had many a call with our supplier liaison team and particularly with Chloe who was always cheery and helpful despite of all the issues we were having. As we got to know each other we flirted a bit over the phone. Once when I hadn't called for a few days she'd said she'd missed our chats. After discussing the late return of...

2 years ago
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My Sister Chloe

It wasn’t until one day while exploring the site that we discovered the forums and the stories, and we loved them both. The only problem was that sometimes the forum discussions and the stories having to do with consensual incest would piss me off. I was amazed at what some people would say or write about a subject they obviously knew little about. I was left with the impression that perhaps these people had had a bad experience, or it wasn’t what they had expected, or they were misinformed,...

4 years ago
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Tuning Chloe

Tuning Chloe, Part 1 Story by All These Roadworks (2022). Author's Note: If you're enjoying Tuning Chloe, you can find lots more incest and hypno erotica - and support my work and the creation of new erotica - in the All These Roadworks store! (Click here to view the store.) Also - my kinks aren't my politics. Please support positive, enthusiastic consent, and check out my content policy for more on how I engage with gender-degradation kinks in ethical ways. (Click here to view.) For the...

4 years ago
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QuadrupletsChapter 7 Mother in law lessons Joining with Quads and Chloe

I called Chloe and asked her if everything was ready for tomorrow morning. She said that it was. I dropped the bombshell on her as I asked if she minded if we took the quads with us. I asked her because of the altercation, we didn’t have time to finish my 18th birthday and we think we can at “The Club”. They also want to spend some quality time with you as they know that we will be at “The Club” and partaking in the lifestyle. They have no problem with this and would like to join us from...

2 years ago
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Fucking Little Chloe part 1

  She wore tight, black skinny jeans, with few rips in the knees. She wore only a thin tank top, her small, perky breast, bra-less. She stood before a large silver elevator, staring at the numbers descending until they reached her floor. She pulled out a slip of paper folded carefully in her pocket. She whispered the floor and room aloud, third and twenty-seven. She took a deep breath and walked in the elevator. It was cold and soft music played dramatically as she waited. Finally the...

4 years ago
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Chloes 24 New Protocol Panties Down Spanking Ass Fucking

?24 Hrs?; Thoughts of a Remorseful Punished Chloe ?24 Hrs?; Thoughts of a Remorseful Punished Chloe. By Carolina Spanker The following story is a fictional representation and exists only in the imagination of the author.  Any resemblance to any literary work is strictly coincidental.   The story has a new humiliation device that a friend of mine just sent me from his recent trip to Japan. He tried this device and I thought I would introduce it in my story. Also some of the juicier...

1 year ago
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The train journey took two hours, and I sat staring out of the carriage window, oblivious to the countryside flashing by, oblivious to other passengers, oblivious to everything except thoughts of my daughter Chloe. It had begun when my wife was killed in a car crash when Chloe was s*******n. I was devastated – it had been a terrific marriage, not least for the fantastic sex, where nothing had been taboo. Chloe seemed to grow up overnight, taking charge and looking after everything. She was...

1 year ago
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The train journey took two hours, and I sat staring out of the carriage window, oblivious to the countryside flashing by, oblivious to other passengers, oblivious to everything except thoughts of my daughter Chloe.It had begun when my wife was killed in a car crash when Chloe was s*******n. I was devastated – it had been a terrific marriage, not least for the fantastic sex, where nothing had been taboo. Chloe seemed to grow up overnight, taking charge and looking after everything. She was...

4 years ago
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Watching Chloe

Chloe sat at her desk in her social studies classroom. It was the last class of her day, and although Chloe was trying to pay attention to what the teacher was saying, she was having trouble concentrating. This was unusual for Chloe, who was normally a good student. She was on the honor roll, and wasn't ashamed to admit her intelligence. Far from a quiet, nerdy type, Chloe, was 5'8" and 140 pounds with a slim, athletic build.She had long legs, curvy hips, and a fully womanly figure, with low-C...

4 years ago
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Erin Chloe

I was on my way home from work, I worked in the city so the drive home could take me nearly 3 hours, especially on a Friday, rush hour was horrendous.I phoned Chloe‘Hey babe, just on my way home, heavy traffic and a crash so stuck in gridlock, sat nav says I’ve got 3 hours until I’m home’‘Ok babe, Erin’s round tonight, we’re going to get take out, watch a movie or something’My heart pounded, Erin was going to be atmy home if I got back at a reasonable time. I hadn’t seen Erin since she sucked...

4 years ago
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Becoming Chloe Part 2

Becoming Chloe Part 2 She felt so guilty about the incident at the bar with Ricky and wanted to make sure I wasn't hurt and explained that the only reason things went that way was because of the heightened sexual tension that was happening between her and I that night. She explained that with their sexual foreplay, all the drinks she had, things just got away from her and when Ricky showed up she wanted to tease me even more. She did admit that she enjoyed her time with Ricky but...

3 years ago
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The New Girl in School Part 1 Chloe LAmour

"Ok, class can I have your attention please?" the teacher exclaimed as the class was still chatting away or getting to the seats. The start of the high school day tended to be like that, especially for a homeroom day. The teacher, Mr Lionel waited one moment more, then exclaimed harder, "Alright let's settle down please!" and that seemed to work as the class settled down from that point. Clearing his throat, the teacher spoke up: "Alright I know the fall semester is only a few weeks...

4 years ago
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Pleasing Chloe part 2

At the end of part one Chloe had finished sharing herself with Dan and company, and she headed home to Dave. After I, Peter, had finished relaying the story to Dave, he asked me if I wanted to know what happened when she got home. “Of course,” I replied, thinking he might have some excuse for why Chloe behaved like that, that maybe she was getting revenge for something he had done. I was wrong. “When she got to the car she called me on her cell,” he said. “She instructed me to go to the...

1 year ago
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Chloe and Zack A night that changed their lives

Her parents and my parents along with myself, Zach, were going on a trip together. It was only a 4 hour drive from where we live in Belen, New Mexico. We here heading up to Cortez, Colorado, well, just north of there, to go camping. "Because," her mother replied, "He is Carol and Mike's son, and he has every right to go along too." "Its bad enough that I have to go to school with him." she retorted. I was starting to get very uncomfortable. I am more of an outcast in high...

2 years ago
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Hotwife Chloes Slutty Night Out

Chloe got home from work over an hour later than usual. “Oh, I called in at the tattoo shop. Look.”she said, lifting up her red leather mini-skirt. “Max took out my old cunt rings and put in these bignew 6 gauge silver titanium rings. Don't they look so fucking slutty, Dave?”The four new rings through her labia, two on either side, were at least three times the size of her oldones. They were, indeed, incredibly slutty!“Max told me not to change the ring in my pierced clit hood because it would...

4 years ago
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Ian Chloe Reunited

Chloe had met Ian on a visit to the UK. They had shared a few passionate nights and a few wild days (stories about this to come later). They had continued communicating through email and had shared a few steamy fantasies. Their relationship was strictly sexual and both were fine with that. Chloe was muscular with curves in all the right places at 5'7" with wavy auburn hair slightly past her shoulders. She had piercing green eyes and a prominent jawline. Her lips full and luscious and when she...

Love Stories
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Chloe My Cumslut Cousin

It was the winter of 2003 the bell had just indicated the end of the school day and I now had to make the 20 minute walk to my aunties house as she would look after me until my mum had finished work. I was standing outside the school gates waiting for my cousin Chloe, she was in the year below me and every school day for the past 4 months we had been walking to her house together. Once she arrived we started the walk, snow had been on and off continually throughout the day and it was starting...

2 years ago
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Androids of Evergreen pt2 Two Weeks with Chloe

Tom couldn’t refuse her. He took hold of her shoulder with the hand he had been using to grope her. He put her on her stomach and climbed on top of her. The day before, Tom had fucked her missionary the entire time. Now, he wanted to see how good she was when being mounted like a bitch. The feeling of power he got from taking her from behind made his cock hard as a rock. When he made the first thrust into her already wetting pussy, he put his left hand on her hip, but he put his right hand on...

3 years ago
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Seduction of Chloe

My first wife and I met in college and by our junior year we were living together. Neither of us being virgins we had a splendid sex life. She was 5-4 and wanted to be taller. Her hair was auburn near to dark red that fell softly to her shoulder. She had sparkling green eyes that could turn into icy cold pieces of glass or soft, wet windows that shows the heat within her body. Her lips were wide and so soft and inviting that once kissed could become an obsession. Still, it was her body that...

3 years ago
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Becoming Chloe

It was about a year ago when Kate was putting my dry cleaning away when she noticed 'the box' and that's when the changes started. She found my secret stash of women's clothing and made me explain in detail why I would hide this from her. Since the box contained every feminine item you can think of in my size along with size-9 high heels, there was no escaping a truthful answer. With a heavy heart, I explained that I had been dressing in my sisters and moms things since I was very...

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Chloes Mum Takes It Up The Bum

I had been dating Chloe for 6 weeks when I got the invite to meet her parents. It wasn’t something I really wanted to do – I personally didn’t see a long term relationship with Chloe being on the cards, but at that moment I was enjoying having a 22 year old on my arm and in my bed most nights of the week, so it was a small price to pay. A date was agreed for me to drive down to her parents’ house in Surrey for a meal and overnight stay.The agreed Saturday arrived and I was a little nervous; I...

4 years ago
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Chloe goes to Rio and Eloa shows her what shes been missing Part 1

She met her guide Eloa, because being only 19 and in a strange country. She wanted to be sure, she didn’t get lost and end up in a dangerous area. Eloa was 24 and your classic Brazilian beauty. 5’6”, 125 lbs, curvy and she wore clothing that showed them well. Chloe was very conservative and had never thought of being with another woman. But, something about Eloa, made her stomach jump. She just brushed it off, to being in a strange land and around unfamiliar people. The first days were as...

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Chloe Bennet Chi Town Girl

The cold Chicago air was a jarring but welcome feeling for Chloe Bennet. Chloe had slept for almost the entire length of her four hour flight, LAX to ORD. Shooting on the ‘Agents of Shield’ set had wrapped the night before and she was completely exhausted. Her comfy-yet-cute black sweat suit she was wearing kept her warm enough in the near freezing weather. The rising star spent most of her days in the warm LA sun. She had moved out to California several years back to start her acting career,...

2 years ago
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Chloe Seduces Me

I was just under seventeen years old when the following events took place. I belong to the local Swimming Club, training twice each day, with sixth form at school sandwiched between. I counted myself as being single but regularly had sex with various friends of either sex, it was great to have that type of freedom. For weeks and weeks, Chloe at the Swimming Club had been flirting with me but the relationship had progressed no further than suggestive remarks. We were the same age and both...


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