Fireflies free porn video

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I sipped at my iced tea, watching my mother as she stood at the kitchen counter, deftly chopping vegetables. God, it felt good to be home. I'd just finished a brutal year of college, and looked forward to a relaxing summer with Mom.

You might have heard of my mother, actually, except that I can't tell you her name. She's a fairly successful author of historical novels. She ditched my loser of a dad when I was ten, and has been content to live on her own ever since, raising me along the way. She's still beautiful, and could easily have found another husband, but chose not to. I thought she simply wasn't interested in finding a new love -- but as you will soon see, there were a few things I didn't know about my mother.

Anyhow, I'd just finished my tea and put the glass in the sink when she said, "Would you get my glasses, honey? They're on top of the short bookshelf in the study."

I walked along the wide hallway over the deep pile carpet that we'd had since before I was born, absently looking for shapes and faces in the curlicues that adorned the wallpaper -- something I'd enjoyed doing as a little girl. It always made me feel at home.

Mom's study was also the house's library, a room crammed to the ceiling with books filled with wondrous things. I'd read many of them growing up, and those thousands of pages I'd thumbed through had left me with a real thirst for the written word. I was very much my mother's daughter in that respect.

Picking up her glasses, I wandered happily through the room, breathing deeply of that scent I loved so well -- of paper, bound up in volumes of many hues and shades. Each one waited patiently, eager to be picked from its shelf and browsed; pages turned, ideas absorbed.

I seated myself behind Mom's desk, allowing myself a leisurely carousel spin in her chair. As my last turn came to a slow stop, I spied a thin manuscript lying upside down on the desk with a bookmark I'd given my mother on my last visit -- a laminated strip of Belgian postage stamps -- inserted about halfway into it. Curious, I turned it over.

The title showing through the clear plastic cover startled me -- My Daughter, My Lover, my mother's name typed neatly underneath. I stared at the words, puzzled.

I began to flip though the pages, reading occasional passages, my eyes widening as I took in the story. My God, Mom had written a story about incest -- lesbian incest, no less!

My body began to throb as I found myself quickly engrossed in this tale of a mother who takes her own daughter to bed and makes passionate love to her. My arousal only grew stronger as I pored through the part where the daughter returns the favor, licking her way down her mother's body and eating her wet pussy.

Since the beginning of my freshman year of college I'd experienced lesbian sex many times and loved it, so to discover that Mom was writing stories like this was equally as exciting as it was shocking. And I could have been mistaken, I suppose, but ... the character of the daughter seemed a lot like me.

I quickly turned back to the story's beginning, skimming through the first few pages until I found a description of the girl. My heart thumped so loudly that it echoed in my ears as I took in my mother's words.

Finally, I closed the thin binder and leaned back in the chair, staring at the story's title. Could it be... ? I wondered, head reeling in a mixture of excitement, confusion and fear. Does Mom want to make love to me?

"Marcie?" My mother's voice called from the kitchen. I quickly dropped the manuscript onto the desk as if it were on fire, and hurried toward the hallway -- remembering at the last second that I'd forgotten Mom's glasses, dashing back to snatch them up before racing from the room.

"Here." I handed the glasses to her, trying not to betray the storm of emotions that raged through me right then. "I'm going to sit on the back porch for a bit ... looks like there's a nice breeze." I placed a gentle kiss on my mother's cheek before leaving the room.

I stared out into the June evening, hands resting on the oaken rail that enclosed the porch. The soft glimmering of fireflies could now be seen, and the buzzing of crickets filled the air as I stood there quietly, scuffing the floor with the toe of my sandal. All my thoughts were of that strange manuscript, done up on my mother's manual typewriter and annotated here and there in red ink, her scrawly handwriting as familiar to me as my own.

Julie, the young woman in the story, was my age, with short coppery hair like mine, a college student who was visiting home. Too close for coincidence. The longer I thought about it, the more convinced I was that the character had to be a barely disguised version of me. The page Mom had bookmarked was especially exciting -- that first scene of intimacy between mother and daughter.

"Glorious weather," she said softly, suddenly standing next to me.

"Mmmm, yes ... it is," I replied inanely, my mind filled with images of sapphic love, brought to life by my mother's words.

Mom gave me a sweet smile that had my knees trembling. I could see the shape of her body through the summery dress she wore. She still looked luscious at thirty-eight, I had to admit. It occurred to me then there were no lines visible through her clothes -- was she naked underneath?

The thought made me quiver inside ... and it was at that very moment that I knew I wanted her. My own mother.

"Beautiful," she smiled, gazing at me; then gesturing toward the garden, still visible in the fading light. "The flowers."

I knew what she really meant -- and it wasn't the flowers. God, she was flirting with me!

I leaned forward slightly, my upper arms squeezing my chest, leaving the cleavage more pronounced. "Am I one of your flowers, Mom?"

Her eyes dipped for a moment to take in my partially revealed breasts. "You are, angel ... a lovely flower, ready to be plucked by an adoring hand." She blew me a small kiss and returned indoors, giving me one last sidelong glance before vanishing.

I stared after her, my mind already wandering into some very forbidden places. "Damn," I whispered.

I was tempted to slip a hand into my panties and touch myself -- right there, right then. I struggled. I resisted. Finally, I went back inside, looking for her. She was in the kitchen.

"Need any help?" I asked, then leaned against the back of a chair by the kitchen table. I watched Mom's bare legs extending from beneath her skirt, a flowery number that ended a few inches above the knees. My eyes roamed upwards, taking in her shapely hips. I realized for the first time that the women I most desired as lovers had bodies very much like that of my mother, full and curvy. How could I not have seen that before? I wondered.

I imagined the soft, warm delights hidden under Mom's skirt ... and knew that I craved them. Desperately.


I glanced up, startled from my reverie. "Y-yes?" I asked.

"I said yes, I would like some help, thanks very much. You can set the table."

"Ah. Okay." I shook my head, in a futile attempt to clear it.

I pulled the silverware drawer open. She was standing nearby, close enough to touch. Instead, I inhaled deeply, registering the scent she wore. She glanced at me. "Mmm, you smell so nice," I cooed. "I'd even go so far as to say ... intoxicating."

She looked at me again and smiled. "That's very sweet." Her eyes held mine for a moment longer, then she turned back to the sink.

I picked out knives and forks. "Spoons?" She nodded and I took out two, closed the drawer and leaned in to gently kiss her neck ... every atom of me alive with excitement.

"I was just thinking about how good it is to have you home," she said softly.

She turned and faced me, a hand resting casually on her hip. Her eyes were inviting, her lipsticked mouth even more so. I'd stood in the same place thousands of times growing up, and never had I felt the way I did right then. Mom's fresh breath caressed my cheek. Her lips were inches from mine and ripe for tasting. I closed the distance and let mine brush hers, taking her in my arms. Jesus, she felt good.

"I've been thinking the same thing, Mom. It's always nice to be home with you, but this time there's something extra special." I knew what it was, too, but I wasn't telling. I felt warmed from her, tingling from head to toe with desire. I kissed her again, this time letting it linger.

"That was nice," she cooed as I gently broke away. "You're a very good kisser, honey." She reached out to touch my cheek. "Your lips are so warm ... and sensual. But then, I think that women's mouths are far sexier than men's could ever be."

I was surprised at my mother's candor, even as and a rush of naked lust flowed though me. She'd given me an opening big enough to drive a truck through, and there was no way I'd pass it up.

I took a deep breath, released it. Steady, girl. "Mom ... have you ever made love to a woman?"

She nodded slightly. "Yes ... yes, I have," she murmured, then gazed thoughtfully at me. "What about you, honey? Have you ever... ?"

I reached for her hand. "Yes. Many times."

She smiled. "What was your first time like?"

"It was wonderful. I was a little drunk, but that wasn't why it happened." I stopped and watched her eyes brighten slightly. "Anyhow, I loved the experience. Her kisses were different, better, and the way she went down on me was ... well, you know, right?"

She smiled and nodded. "I do."

"Tell me about when you first did it," I purred.

She ran her fingers through her dark auburn hair. "There was an older student in my Advanced Writing class named Sophie. She stopped by my office one day after my last class and handed me a binder. 'My stories, ' she said. I promised to read them. Then she said, 'Don't show these to anyone else ... I wrote them for you.' She walked away without saying anything else. So I read one. It was about a girl in love with an older woman." She shook her head. "Strange. I'd never given that kind of thing much thought, really, but as the story progressed, I found myself so -- so incredibly turned on. I ... I fingered myself right there at my desk, until I came. I'd never done anything like that before."

"What about the other stories?"

"I hurried home and read them all ... every one had a lesbian theme." She shook her head, an awed light in her eyes. "I couldn't stop touching myself while I was reading. It shocked me. I'd never known that I ... could be that way." She laughed, blushing slightly. "I lost track of how many times I came that night -- five, maybe more. It was so satisfying that I began to wonder if I should, well, try it for myself."

"Being with a woman?" I asked. Mom shyly nodded.

Watching my mother reveal this new side of her sexuality excited me as much as the story she was telling. My legs parted slightly, my skirt riding up far enough to reveal bare thighs.

Mom moved closer, casually placing a warm hand on my hip. It felt wonderful.

"So what happened next? With your student?" I reminded her, eager to hear the rest of the story.

"A few days later, Sophie returned to my office. 'Did you like the stories?' she asked. I told her that I did, very much ... and she closed the door behind her." She paused. "I was afraid, but curious to know more. Sophie sat on the corner of my desk with her skirt hiked far too high. She wore nothing underneath ... things were exposed. 'You're a beautiful woman, ' she said to me, 'and I want to go to bed with you.'"

"God!" I exclaimed. "That's -- that's like something out of a porno flick!"

"I'll take your word for that," she replied dryly, then resumed. "I knew I could lose my job, but I couldn't resist ... I had to give her what she wanted. We went to Sophie's place and made love -- for hours, actually." She sighed happily, lost for a moment in the memory, then blushed. "I ... I've only been with women since then. I suppose that, well, I'm a lesbian now."

I gazed deep into her eyes. "Those stories of hers. All women with other women, you said. Were any of them about ... incest?"

Mom was quiet for a moment, her fingers brushing my side. "Yes," she hesitantly said, "one of them was." She was trembling, ever so slightly.

"Did that story turn you on, too?"

Her eyes were dark pools as she stared at me, finally nodding almost imperceptibly. "Yes, it did ... very much," she whispered. "Why d-do you ask?"

I said nothing in reply, only leaned in to kiss her again. Her lips were soft and sweet ... and I teased them with the tip of my tongue. She jerked back, gaping at me. "Oh, God." Her voice quivered with uncertainty, but she was excited, I knew that much. I closed the distance she'd created and kissed her again, this time with more passion. Her hand curled around my neck as if to hold us together. Her mouth accepted my tongue. I kissed my mother like a lover, feeling more alive than I could ever remember.

She again withdrew, staring at me. "H-honey," she breathed.

"I want to tell you something now," I murmured, stroking her face. "Linda, this one girlfriend of mine ... she told me about the times she shared with her mother -- intimate times. They've been lovers for years."

Mom's eyes burned with immediate curiosity. "Tell me about them," she pleaded.

I allowed my hand to drift slowly down my mother's back, finally resting on her ass. She said nothing, but a tiny smile told me that she enjoyed my touch. "Linda told me that she was only fourteen when she and her mom first made love." I began to gently fondle her bottom, pausing to squeeze a firm cheek.

She gasped in response, as much to the lewd story I was telling as my roaming hand. "Only f-fourteen ... oh, my."

I continued. "They were cuddled up on the sofa one night, watching a movie. They started sort of play kissing ... you know, teasing each other. Linda said that it was totally innocent, mother and daughter getting giggly and having a good time together." My fingers pressed into the cleft between Mom's buttocks, and a tiny whimper escaped her throat. "Only suddenly, and Linda says she still doesn't know how it happened ... she and her mother were kissing for real. Tongues and everything." I leaned in to lick a path up the soft pillar of her neck.

"Oh, God," she whispered. "Oh, baby..."

"She said that they kissed for a long time ... half an hour, maybe more. Then I guess her mom worked up the nerve to touch her -- and it excited Linda so much that she started touching her mother back." I reached for Mom's hand, placing it upon my breast. Her eyes widened with wonder as she began to explore its heft, its softness. "Then Linda's mother asked her if she wanted to know about how two women can love one another ... and Linda said yes." Mom teased my nipple with a fingertip, and I moaned as it stiffened to her touch. "Then they got up from the sofa and climbed the stairs, hand in hand."

Mom dipped her head to kiss my throat, then whispered, "Go on ... tell me the rest."

My head spun. "Well ... there's not much more to tell. They went into the bedroom, I can't remember whose ... they undressed each other, then slipped into bed naked -- and then they made love."

"Did they do -- everything?" gasped Mom as I slipped a hand between our bodies, cupping her vulva through that thin skirt.

"Everything," I breathed, my finger trailing up and down the crease of Mom's cunt. "Her mother knew all about lesbian sex, and she taught Linda very well." I smiled. "I can vouch for that ... she's a real tigress in bed." My mother was fondling both my breasts now, and my cunt was so wet I could feel it drip. "They went down on each other -- her mom showed her what to do -- and then she got Linda up on all fours and licked her asshole."

"Oh," Mom moaned. "Oh, yes."

"After that night," I continued, "they were regular lovers. Linda practically moved into her mother's bedroom, and they fucked almost every night." I paused to kiss Mom's mouth, and her tongue darted between my lips for a lovely instant. "In fact," I purred, "Linda's mom took her virginity not long after that, with a strap-on cock. Her seventeenth birthday present."

"Oh, Marcie ... how did that story make you feel, when Linda told it? Did it -- did it make you hot?"

I wrapped my arms around my mother, crushing our bodies together. "It did, Mom. I couldn't get Linda naked fast enough." My pelvis pressed into hers, grinding our mounds together. "Later, she showed me stories she'd collected from the internet ... all about mothers and daughters being sexual together. It turned me on, Mom. All of it."

"It ... it turns me on, too."

I ceased the motion of my hips, gazing deep into my mother's eyes. "Mom..." I whispered, "I love you."

"Oh, my sweet angel..."

I cut her off by placing a finger over her lips. "I saw the story on your desk ... and I read it. Enough of it, anyhow."

Her eyes widened. "Oh my God ... I can't believe I left that out." It was so sweet -- she was actually blushing.

"I'm glad you did, Mom," was my reply.

Biting her lower lip, she gave me a shy glance. "So ... what did you think?"

I allowed my fingers to caress her face, and she turned her head to kiss them. "I won't tell you how excited it made me ... but I'll bet you can guess." I trailed my hand down my mother's body until it covered her breast. Her heart was racing like sixty, and I could feel a nipple stiffening beneath my palm.

I nuzzled Mom's ear, then trailed my tongue around its edge. "I want to ask you something, Mom ... am I in your story?" I bit lightly at her earlobe. "Hmmmm? Is Julie meant to be me?"

"Oh, oh-h ... oh b-baby, yes," she stammered. "You inspired me ... I -- I've wanted you..."

"Mom ... would you come to bed with me?" I fondled her breasts, scissoring the erect nipples.

Suddenly my mother turned to me and pressed her mouth to mine, kissing me hungrily. I moaned into the kiss, my tongue engaging hers. Then, as quickly as it had begun, it was over ... and Mom was staring at me with beseeching eyes.

"Yes, honey," she gasped. "Yes, my precious daughter ... make love to me, please. Take me, have me -- make me yours."

Closing my eyes, I moved in to claim Mom's mouth, Frenching her as ardently as I've ever kissed a woman. She instantly matched my ardor, her lips sliding moistly against mine. I felt her hand move beneath my skirt, finding the front of my panties before slipping inside them. I tore my mouth from Mom's, crying out as her fingers found my wetness.

"Mmmm ... you're dripping, little lady," she cooed. "I can't wait to taste you."

My own hand darted beneath Mom's skirt, covering her panty-clad cunt. I could feel her own wet heat through the filmy material. Clearly, she was ready for more.

"Come on, honey," she murmured, placing a hand atop mine. "Let's go upstairs."

Hand in hand, we climbed the stairs, grinning like giddy children. Mom led me into her bedroom, switching on a small lamp on the nightstand.

Her soft arms twined round my waist, mine round hers. We gazed at one another for a long moment, both of us suddenly shy, unsure of what to do next.

"I love you, Mom," I whispered.

"Oh ... I adore you, my sweet, sweet child," she replied, her eyes misty ... and then, just like that, our mouths met in an angel-soft kiss. I felt the tip of her tongue graze my lover lip, fanning my lust into a roaring flame. My own tongue came to life, seeking hers as our kiss grew increasingly hungry.

I slid my hands down Mom's back to cradle her ass through her skirt. She moaned into my mouth, then suddenly pulled away. "Let me," she gasped, fumbling at the buttons on her blouse. "I ... oh, God, I need to be naked for you."

I stopped her. "No, Mom. You're a gift, the nicest I've ever had ... and I want to unwrap you myself."

Calming herself, Mom gazed at me dreamily. "Such lovely things you say to me, baby." She placed a soft kiss upon my mouth, then stood silently before me, waiting to be undressed.

I took up where my mother had left off, unfastening her top one button at a time. Sliding the blouse from her ivory shoulders, I reached around her back to undo the catch of her bra. She shrugged it off, baring her breasts for me. I dipped my head to lick at a nipple -- she shivered with delight -- then resumed my work.

Flicking open the clasp of her skirt, I let the navy blue garment fall carelessly to the floor, leaving my mother in French cut panties. My eyes widened in surprise; I'd not known Mom's taste ran to such sexy underthings.

Kneeling at her feet, I pressed my face into Mom's belly, breathing in the sweet scent of her skin, deliciously tinged with a hint of wet pussy. Seeking its source, I nuzzled my way down to the dampened front of her panties, kissing her vaginal cleft through the gauzy material.

"My God," she moaned, "I can't b-believe this is really happening. I -- I've wanted you, dreamed of being with you f-for so long... !"

Grasping the waistband of my mother's panties, I tugged them down to her ankles with a single fluid motion, baring the curly triangle of her pubes. She stepped from the filmy knickers, then stood before me, posing for a moment. Then she laid down on her bed, naked and open, one hand tucked beneath her head.

"Well, honey?" she murmured, shyly enough to send my lust soaring even higher. "Do you like what you see?"

"I do, Mom," I crooned. "You are a beautiful blossom, and I'm going to love you like you've never been loved before."

I quickly undid my dress, letting it fall to the floor, then pulled my panties down and off. Now nude, I crawled onto the bed with her, straddling my mother on all fours, then bent to touch her left nipple with my lips before taking it into my mouth. She moaned as my tongue flicked at the stiffening tip. Her hand brushed my hair from my forehead. "I adore you," she whispered.

I let my hand wander over her body until it rested between Mom's thighs, my finger tracing the opening to her cunt. She welcomed my intrusion, parting her legs even wider for me. She smiled dreamily. "Oh, my ... you're good at this, honey."

I pressed a fingertip inside her. "Oooohhh," she mewed as I went deeper, then began to slide in and out ... and just like that, I was fucking my mother!

My thumb began to press against her clit, and Mom's eyes widened in awe. "Oh Christ, Marcie--"

"Shhh," I pressed my fingers to her lips. "Don't say anything. Just let me please you." I manipulated her clitoris for a bit longer, then leaned down and took it between my lips, flicking the inflamed nubbin with the tip of my tongue.

Surprised, she thrust her hips against my face, the bed shifting beneath us. I buried my face in my mother's soft chestnut curls, lips pressing into the moist, tangy flesh of her cunt in a lover's kiss. The taste was intoxicating. Her thighs framed my face as I penetrated my mother with an exploring tongue.

My head spun at the enormity of what we were doing. An hour ago, Mom and I were innocently passing the time of day, chatting and fixing dinner ... now, I was naked and so was she, and I was fucking her with my mouth, her essence coating my lips and chin. It was forbidden, it was crossing a dangerous line, it was probably even illegal -- and at that moment, it felt like destiny. Believe it or not, what surprised me most of all was that we'd never made love before.

I wanted all of her, hungered and thirsted for this incomparable woman who had given me life. She had always been there for me -- now it was my turn to bestow a precious gift upon her. The gift of sexual ecstasy, freely given out of love.

My hand covered a breast, the other fondled her opening, my lips nursed her clit, and they all made love to my mother; loved her body and soul until she cried out; bucking wildly in the throes of orgasm.

Even after Mom's ecstasy had peaked and waned, I continued to lightly kiss her vulva, keeping her pleasure simmering while she recovered. She enjoyed it, too ... crooning contentedly as I nuzzled her now matted pubes, savoring the thick, luscious taste and aroma of cunt.

Finally she touched my shoulder. "Come here, sweetheart," she gasped. "I ... I need a kiss."

Lifting my head from between her thighs, I rose to my knees, gazing down in awe at my nude mother. Her hair was delightfully askew, her face flushed, body glistening with a fine sheen of perspiration ... yet, somehow, she was even more lovely than ever. Grasping her extended hand, I allowed Mom to draw me down into her arms.

I lay atop my mother's luscious body, between her thighs, loving the warmth and softness of this woman from whose vagina I had emerged so very long ago. Our mouths met, and I moaned out loud when Mom's tongue emerged to trace a circle around my sticky lips, sampling her own sex.

We kissed for a long, lovely while, then Mom gently broke away. "I want to taste you now, baby," she whispered. "Let me lick your pussy."

Giving her a smile and a light kiss on the tip of her nose, I extricated myself from my mother's embrace and rose to my knees, then moved to straddle her face. Her expression was one of wonder as she studied my cunt up close for the first time since my infancy. "So beautiful," she sighed, brushing my sex with her fingertips. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep, luxurious breath, placing her hands on my hips. "Mmmm ... you smell divine, darling -- a libation to the gods."

I was practically shivering with desire and my need for release ... but the college student in me had to ask. "Um ... isn't a libation a drink, Mom?"

My mother looked at me with twinkling eyes. "Yes," she murmured. "Yes, it is." And she drew my cunt down to her waiting mouth, penetrating me with a sharp thrust of the tongue.

A strangled cry broke from my throat as my mother feasted on me, her mouth making wet sounds as she greedily drank deep of my womanly essence. I swayed back and forth atop Mom's face, hugging myself, my body throbbing with the pleasure that only lesbian sweethearts can know.

I basked in the moment, nearly sobbing in joy as my mother's tongue circled the opening of my cunt, her lips buried in the moist, warm flesh. Oh, she had a wicked, wicked mouth, and knew how to use it to drive me wild. But as I lurched headlong toward the blessed oblivion of orgasm, she suddenly drew away to nuzzle my inner thighs.

I moaned, cheated of the release I craved. Damn. ... Mom was teasing me! I felt the warmth of her breath caress my pubis as she slowly licked her way back to my sexual center; then once again, the rollercoaster began its slow ascent.

Mom pleasured me every which way for the longest while -- taking me to within a millimeter of release, then shifting her attention just enough to deny the climax I craved. There are many ways to love a woman's sex with your mouth, and my mother had clearly learned more than a few of these from her previous bedmates.

She pressed open-mouthed kisses into my cunt, occasionally punctuated by quick darting flashes of tongue ... bathed the surface of my vulva with long, slow licks that always ended with a brief flick at the clitoris ... nibbled playfully at my labia, tugging at the sensitive flesh.

Then, just when I was on the verge of frustrated tears, Mom's lips enveloped my clit, sucking delicately at the inflamed tip ... and my entire body arched up from the bed as an enormous orgasm hit me like a fist, cartoon stars cascading behind my eyes.

I'd never come so explosively. Rivulets of fire seemed to course through every inch of me as I bucked and rocked in a mad frenzy, tightly clutching my breasts. I wanted to scream, but was incapable of sound.

To this day, I wonder: was my pleasure so intense because of Mom's skill as a lover? Or was it because the forbidden aspect of our fucking added to my excitement? Actually, I like to think of a third possibility ... that the blood bond between my mother and I meant that she knew my body as well as her own, sensing instinctively what her baby girl needed.

I found myself curled upon my side, not quite knowing how I'd gotten there. Dazed, utterly spent, I felt the heat of Mom's body against mine ... and my eyes slowly opened, then focused on her smiling face.

"Oh, Marcie," she sighed, "that was -- incredible. I've imagined b-being with you for a long time, you know ... but my fantasies didn't come close to the real thing." She brushed my damp forehead with her lips. "That wasn't sex, honey -- it was poetry."

I rolled my eyes. "Mom, please ... shut up and kiss me."

With a giggle, she closed the gap between us to do just that.

We lay together in blissful silence for a long while, our mouths playing sweet, childish games together. The lustful urgency that had claimed us earlier had waned, replaced by a warm, contented glow. Our tongues entwined languidly as Mom and I explored just about every possible way that two women could kiss.

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Chapter 1 By John Morrison Mitch Goodman is lying in bed asleep, the room is dark. The sheets are hanging halfway off the bed, and he is snoring loudly. His alarm clock buzzes loudly, he aimlessly slaps at the nightstand. “Shit,” Mitch mumbles, as he knocks the alarm on the floor. The noise is distorted, but still remains. “Motherfuckinshitass,” He growls as he nearly falls out of bed whacking the top of the alarm finally silencing it. He looks at the time, 8:30. He sighs loudly, lying...

2 years ago
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One Night StandChapter 3

Kevin hugged his son and then watched as he disappeared into his classroom at the day care. The vacation had turned out to be a real good thing. Kevin made it home from the dealership the day before in time to go to the zoo with his mom and son. It gave him a real good chance to reconnect with his son after losing touch with him with all the work he had been doing. It was hard leaving him at school for the day, but he had other plans that were also important. Kevin got in his Lexus and ran a...

4 years ago
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Ticket To Anna

Sis opened the door to her room and she looked frightened and beautiful. She was wearing a white blouse unbuttoned and held together with a ribbon under her breasts and no bra. Her skin in the gap of the blouse was tanned and healthy and cleavage showed, my eye's dropped to her white cotton panties and her mound outlined. "Remember I keep my panties on" she whispered in a low voice, both excited and frightened. It all started with the ticket's I won from the local radio station for that...

1 year ago
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Total Recall 500000

Total Recall: 500,000 By: Jacquie Windsor Five hundred thousand credits in my favour, yet I still find myself plunging downwards into the murky depths of Lake Superior, encumbered by a heavy pack and weighted boots that were supposed to have kept me from bouncing too high on the Martian landscape. An ill-fated excursion on a small boat across the unpredictable lake towards the launchpad outside Flint, Michigan had turned into an extraordinary exercise in survival against a...

1 year ago
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Cousin Cuisine

Thad had always loved his parents' little lake house. It gave him such a pleasant change of pace from the city life he had to endure. (That's where his father worked because that's where the money was!) The post war couple that his parents were, coupled with the above median income level they enjoyed, gave Thad a little edge over other not-so-well-off city kids. Near a secluded lake in upstate New York, Thad's parents bought into a small development along with relatives on his mother's...

2 years ago
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My Laotian Neighbors Daughter

I have been diagnosed with, among other things, major depression and PTSD. Occasionally my family checks on me. I was not having the best week that ended in me going to the hospital. Typically this is a seventy-two hour stay, however, I stayed a little longer. When I finally came home, my Laotian neighbors asked me about the police and ambulance. After reassuring them that I’m fine, we parted ways. Hours later I heard chanting and someone hitting a gong coming from their house. That night the...

First Time
4 years ago
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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 14 The Garden in Mother

Holding hands we skipped down the hall. Ship suggested we see what sort of setup Mother had before we decided on how we got clean. "You'll be surprised." was all she would say, as her right hand scratched under her left perfectly cloned boobs. So did Simone ... same hand, same breast ... together. I was sure it wasn't preplanned. As for our reeking clothes, she suggested we use the 'refresher'. The refresher is some kind of ionizing cleaner that clothes are hung in, the door shut,...

3 years ago
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HaremChapter 9 Acceptance

We can work together and make things very nice for all of us or we can do things the hard way and all being miserable. The next time I visited each girl had come to the realization that the world had listed them as dead. Oh there might be one or two who would continue to hope for their return but the reality was they were here to stay and live or die! It was very erotic and satisfying every time I was with one of the girls, and they seemed to be moving more toward enjoying the time with...

2 years ago
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brother inlaw and I

I have always since as early as I can remember, loved the way sex make me feel. The sheer pleasure of being touched, desired, and loved, makes not only your body feel bliss. It touches your heart in a way that can’t be explained. Now I know that sex does not equal love. I have 2 lovers right now. Do I care about them? So I love them? Maybe care about in a since of love, but was not in love with. The man I am going to tell you about I am truly and utterly in love with. But know that we will and...

3 years ago
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random sexy questions to ask yourself

-if you could have any piece of medical equiptment what would it be? who would you use it on? and what would you do to them?-what part of the body (other than penis vagina breasts etc) turns you on most when touched?-what part of the body (including penis vagina breasts etc) turns you on most when touched?-what object do you use (if any) to masturbate?-where is the weirdest place you have ever had sex?-how many times (be honest) have you had sex?-if straight have you ever had a homosexual...

3 years ago
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Brainwave of Horror Ch 3

The Brainwave of Horror Ch. 3: A Trilogy of Tales of Terror to Titillate and Traumatize A man watches his wife and daughter turned into whores, a woman watches her control crumble as those around her turn into … things, a young man watches his mother survive in a world where sex is not reviled, better watch YOURSELF on … Halloween. See No Evil: Contains sexually explicit and politically incorrect material. If you shouldn’t be reading this, or if it might offend you, simply stop now. ...

2 years ago
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Becoming my niece

It started off as a long reunion at a family gathering. I had just came back from visiting my home country in Asia, and I spotted her in a tight red dress that looked too short for her age. She was 15 and I was going into my 30's. I had a terrible office job, no girlfriend to give in to my sexual pleasures and I live alone in a small studio apartment somewhere. My brother was nice enough to invite me for family dinners every Sunday, and it was the only day I look forward to every week. I get to...

1 year ago
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Evas Long Run

Eva was a mother of two, happily married, and still in great shape. Then one day she went jogging in the park and everything changed.***Eva awoke at her normal hour for a weekday. It was 4 am and as she did every morning, Eva lightly kissed her husband, Mike, as she rolled out of bed to change into her running gear. She was proud of her body, at 36 and after 2 c***dren, running had helped her maintain her shape. She was tall, 5 feet, 10 inches, but only weighed 125 pounds. As she stood in front...

1 year ago
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PostBookstore Fun

Sarah and David returned home from a fruitful trip to the adult bookstore, both carrying bags of latex goodies, and wandered in to the living room. David took a seat upon the loveseat, allowing Sarah to spread out and open her packages. Included in the bag were a medium-sized buttplug, and a five-inch dildo. Stuffing the packaging back into the bag, she laid out a towel, then took a seat on the couch. David also took out the objects from his bag, discarding a box from a fresh set of condoms,...

4 years ago
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Teen DaysChapter 5

I was approaching the shop, having changed/modified my school uniform quickly at home on the way. I was the only one in, so changing was easy, and I had made sure of packing a bag with jeans etc in for going home later. As I got near to the shop my stomach was churning with butterflies and also my fanny was feeling decidedly damp. As I turned the corner I noticed that the shutters were already down on the windows, an unusual thing at only 4 in the afternoon. As I got nearer, Mr R came out...

2 years ago
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Angel of the Morning

Dedicated to the amazing angeloftemptation. Thank you for inspiring this story. ***** He recalls very little from the night before but if there is one thing can he remember, it was the vision of Her, standing across the room in a sea of people talking to a friend. He recalls meeting her later on and her telling him that her name is Angel – Makes sense. It suits her well. It’s 10:15 in the morning and he is leaning against the door frame starring at a work of art. He woke up expecting no one...

1 year ago
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Geek GoddessChapter 13 Amy

I felt sorry for Kevin last night. Dawn had passed out on the dance floor while she was dancing with him. Fortunately, Kevin was able to hold on to her and bring her back to the table. But by the time he came back to the table with Dawn, Kim has passed out too. Even though I had had a lot to drink, I was able to help Kevin walk the pair out to the car and buckle them in the back seat. I climbed in the front seat beside Kevin, and then leaned over the back of the seat to look at Kim and Dawn....

3 years ago
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The Milf Chronicles Holly

Holly Madison stopped pacing as she caught sight of herself in the large mirror in the living room. She was standing across the room, far enough away from the mirror to see a full view of herself. Her huge breast swaying with her movements. Holly’s eyes glittered. She saw how provocative she looked. She stood about five feet five inches tall with long, thick, flowing black hair, a small sculpted nose, full lips. She had a flat stomach and a narrow waist that flared out to womanly hips and...

2 years ago
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My First Contempary Shag

She was called Maxine, six months my junior. I first went on a date with her four weeks after my first fuck with Beth. Believe me my experiences with the older woman made me feel like a total Casanova with Maxine, though it wasn’t until our third date that I got to fuck her blonde teen pussy. Maxine was a plump blonde with gorgeous round tits and soft arse, she was thought to be something of a rebel because she always wore a black bra under her white school shirts, a fact that amongst the teen...

1 year ago
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The Feminization Of Daniel Revisted

As my mouth opened to swallow the head of Todd's cock a voice deep inside of me cried out, "God damn you Lily, what have you done to me? Her hand on the back of my head kept up a steady gentle downward pressure as she pushed me farther down on Todd's cock. She was crooning in my ear, "That's right baby, teach your husband a lesson. Suck his cock baby, suck his cock like I sucked Russ, like I suck my husband and like you used to suck yours." In my rapidly short circuiting brain I realized...

1 year ago
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Best Friends ForeverPart Four of Thirteen

CHAPTER 7“What! He just disappeared! What!” said Rodney.“Yes, I went into the back to get something. When I came back, he was gone. It was my fault I guess,” she said. She had a sheepish look about her.“Claire? Is there something else?” he said.“Maybe," she squeaked. "We- I, suggested that we needed to be careful about confusing the baby. I suggested that the baby call him by his name for the time being. Just for the time being, Rodney. I swear, I didn’t mean to hurt the guy. Honest,” she...

2 years ago
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Room Service

Room Service.I lived on an outback station tending cattle, doing a lot of riding, riding a cross country motorbike, and lots of other general farm work. My sister had been on the station until she got married and then moved into the nearest town where she and her husband bought a small motel – only 14 rooms but it gave them a living especially as many guests paid cash. They had been doing it for a couple of years when they asked me if I could possibly give them some relief from the 7 day work...

2 years ago
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Dont Judge A Book Part 2 Chapter 16

 Sunday 10th June 2018  She looked so damned beautiful, lying there next to me, her eyes briefly shut after her nighttime exertions with her new man. What kind of a fool was I to ever take a chance to lose a woman like this? A woman so loving, faithful and kind. So smart, sexy and warm. I felt an ache in my chest and a deep sense of sadness at the path things had taken. A sense of sadness mixed with the honest self-knowledge that we were unlikely to turn the clock back any time soon.Jill’s...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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My First Fuckbuddies Pt 2

I'm Jonah H.S. freshman, and I followed my P.E. classmate, Harry home from school after some intense locker room oral activities. I've just introduced rimming into his life, and I want him to introduce his dick to my ass."You want me to fuck you?" Harry seemed stunned. "I told you I was only interested in getting my dick sucked. Now you're licking my asshole like a demon, and begging to get fucked in the ass. This is some seriously gay shit you're dragging me into." Harry stood up, and rolled...

2 years ago
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Joey Becomes My Slave Part Five Final Chapter

Mark awoke to Joey on one side and me on the other side and we were kissing and licking his neck to wake him up. He stretched out and put one of his muscled arms around each of us and said, "Ok, I'm awake and just what do my gorgeous sluts have on those dirty minds?"I said, "We want to lick you from head to toe Master.""Ask me nice and I might allow it." Mark said.I put his hand on one of my tits and said, "Please Sir. We would very much like to put a smile on your face this morning....

1 year ago
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Adventures of a hotwife part 1

What kind of husband wants their wife to fuck someone else? I’m sure he just wants to find some young hot slut himself. Ugh! I wish we could just fuck with out him fantasizing I just came home from being with someone else! I should just do it, find someone fuck their brains out and tell him all about it; I bet he wouldn’t like it if it actually happened! All these thoughts and much more were racing through my head as I rode the stationary bike at the gym. As I started cooling and slowing down...

3 years ago
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Der Keller 3

Aus den Augenwinkeln sah ich das die Leute zu uns herschauten. Und - ich kannte diese Leute! Ich h?tte zwar nicht den Namen nennen k?nnen, aber die durften mich keinesfalls erkennen. Nur simulieren reichte nicht mehr, hier musste mehr passieren. Ich legte meinen Kopf etwas schr?g und begann Ben zu k?ssen. Ich merkte, wie er erstarrte. Das war gut, dann konnte er keinen Bl?dsinn machen. Ich gab mir alle M?he, dass Ben nicht aus seiner Starre aufwachte. Ich hatte noch nie eine Freundin geh...

3 years ago
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Visit To A Strip Club

"Sweet Loretta Modern thought she was a woman, but she was another man." -- The Beatles The loud music blasted from the surround sound system and pounded in my head, causing it to feel as if it would pop with the echo that was coming from the shrieking scream to the loud bass. I watched as the girls danced slowly on the stage under the color strobe lights, the light playfully danced across their bodies, highlighting their tits, cunts, and asses. Each of the bitches was slowly peeling her...

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Ex sister in law

Before we start this women loves to read the story's I write about us on here, she's 68 & loves cockI send a text to my ex sister in law asking if she was ok, she sent one back saying yes I'm fine when are you coming down I've miss our bit of fun, So I said what about in the morning, Yes she said can you come for about 7:30 I have to good out later, yes ok I will see you then, Well I'm out of bed gets ready breakfast etc & sets off, I get there a little after 7:30 I knocks on the door...

3 years ago
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A Professor Is Blackmailed

A PROFESSOR IS BLACKMAILED - CHAPTER ONE(FMM,nc,bkml,reluc,mc)By Dawn1958Please email me with your comments and suggestions. This is a repost of a story I wrote for a reader who sent me some fantasies. I hope this erotic tale does justice to her fantasy and that other readers enjoy the story.Email [email protected] IS BLACKMAILEDAt 28, Kerri was satisfied with her life and she valued the fact that she was single. Her job as a professor at the college was a reward for five years...

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Maer porpurush ke die chodon

Ha golpo ami amar ma k nie bolte chaichhi.. Kintu ami ekhane jegulo share korchhi segulo ami roj ja dekhchhi seguloi …. Tai hoyto oto ta erotic nao hote pare .. Karon real incident to saab samay golper moton hoyna tai na……amar ma r samporke boleni…. Ma r boyos 46….. Motamuti forsa bola chole…. R khub subder figure…..khub sunder mai achhe…. Saree pore peter navi r niche…. Bahari nitombo , tana boro boro chokh mota sunder thoth ek kathai bhison sexy bala jai make,,,, barite bra pore na….achol ta...

2 years ago
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Mumzie After Lunch

Mumzie 2 After his step sister and his friend left, he whimpered into the gooey penis gag that was stuffed into his aching mouth. His arms were numb up behind his back and he was dizzy with the bondage and rubber encasing his body. He whimpered again thinking how he was restrained. He was encased in a black latex body suit from head to toe. A wide leather posture collar held his head up high and back. Only his eyes and nose holes were visible as a wide leather head harness...

3 years ago
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Lost at Sea Book 2 Drifters Chapter 20 Part 1

“Bella!” A lilting woman’s voice called her name from the darkness. She jolted unexpectedly at the noise, then smoothed her skirts to sweep away the spike of worry. Her heart was suddenly pounding, which annoyed her. She sighed at her own foolishness. She was obviously still just jittery.“Yes?” she answered back.Jack’s tent was still lit from within and threw off enough light that Bella was able to recognize Doctor Kalfou’s form as she walked closer. The Doctor’s white clothing was fairly...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
8 months ago
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SheLovesBlack Monika Fox Making Her Squirt

The best thing about having a naughty girlfriend is the sex. You are quite lucky to have the busty blonde bombshell, Monika Fox, as your girl. The captivating hottie with fake tits and pierced nipples can easily turn a boring night into an exciting evening with her wild antics. For tonight’s bonding time, Monika decides to spice things up for you. She shoves a huge butt plug inside her ass before wearing sexy green lingerie. The sight of the beautiful hottie slowly approaching you is...

1 year ago
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Watching my Buddy and his date

Not too much exciting has happened recently so I decided to write down this story from last year. This story centers around my buddy Nick more so than me. To recap, my buddy Nick is 24 (23 at the time I think) and has an athletic build. He's 6 foot 2 and Italian so he's got the total package: tall, naturally tan skin, black hair, brown eyes and he's a good looking guy. Even though we're good friends, going out with him can suck at times because even though I'm a good looking guy myself,...

2 years ago
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Emmas first time

Introduction: Emma has a big surprise on her18th birthday. In Yorkshire. England. In the summer of 2014. Emmas first time. It was Emmas 18th Birthday. The sun shone in a clear blue sky. Birds sang. Not a breath of wind. The heat was stifling, especially as we dont usually get hot days here in Yorkshire.There was a big marquee on the manor lawn. The rock band were doing sound checks. I was in a foul mood. I bought the wrong parts for my car. I had to take them back. On my bicycle, 18 miles...

3 years ago
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GreeniesChapter 13b

The marines were right. The special forces teams were not suicidal and had no intention whatsoever of actually going head to head with an entire company supported by tanks and hovers at once. In fact, Lon and his squad were the only actual combat squad currently deployed on the western side of the Eden LZ and they were almost five kilometers away. They had their normal weapons and their normal assortment of anti-tank and anti-aircraft lasers, but their orders were not to engage unless they...

1 year ago
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End of the WorldChapter 3 Runs

After I woke up from my nap, I showered, got dressed and then went to my living-room. The email had said to dress for a party. I was wearing a pair of white dress slacks, a red satin short-sleeve shirt, red socks and black dress shoes. While I had been looking through my sock drawer, I found an old bottle of highly overpriced cologne I had bought when I was with Clara. After months of her nagging me, I gave in and spent the money. It was my bad luck to pick the day we broke up to get it. I...

1 year ago
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Kelly and I work together at one of those punk/rock clothing stores. We seemed to hit it off right from the start which was a bit of a surprise at first. Although I did pretty well at work I wasn’t exactly the type of person that wore the clothes we sold. I did my best to dress the part but always felt like a bit of a nerd faking it. Kelly on the other hand looked the part. I guess you could say she’s a bit of an emo. Slight build, tight little body, jet black hair that always seemed to fall in...

1 year ago
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My Sister Is My Wife

Sophie Dee: Sex: Female Age: 26 years Figure: Flawless, soft-contoured, buxom, hourglass type and perfectly feminine Complexion: White Voice: Musical and high pitched Face: Very pretty, rounding and innocent in looks Eyes: Heavy-lidded, large and blue Hair: Silken, soft, ample, brown and hangs down to ass Bust: 40DD, rounding, lopsided and firm Nipples: Pink and puffy Waist: 28 Hips: 40, wide-curved Ass: Soft and massive Thighs: Creamy-soft and fat Relation with Sunny: Elder Sister Sunny...

2 years ago
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Aunt Maggie

I doubt that most men start out their marriage wondering what it would be like to see their wives making love with other men. Most come to the realization that it would be great to observe her only after events and circumstances bring them to that point. I am an exception. I knew that I wanted to watch my wife with others even before I met her. The story I'm going to relate will be considered somewhat sick buy some, but real life has never been accused of being pretty and I learned a long time...

4 years ago
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A String of PearlsChapter 3

About a week after the incident I just described, Amy had to go out of town to a realtor’s convention of some kind. It was assumed Chas would stay with me. It wasn’t even discussed. My relationship with Chastity had been completely normal that week. She hadn’t gotten weird on me. She’d come to the range three days, and done whatever on the other days. It was summer and I assumed she got together with friends. The day her mother left was a day she worked at the range. It was a hot day and we...

2 years ago
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Saheli Ki Rangela Pati

Hello Friends Me Mansi ek baar phir apni ek neyi dastan leke app ke samne ayi hun.Ummid karti hun ki app logo ko pasand aye.Me jo batane ja rahi hun ye to kuch dino ki bat hay yani ki 15 din pehele ki hay. App logo ko pata hay ki Orissa me recently cyclone hui thi ye us time ki bat hay.Agar ye bhag app logo ko pasand ye to mujhe jarur mail kare.meri id hay . Ab me kahani pe ati hun App log to jante hay ki me pondi me reheti hun apni pati or soutan ke sath.dasahara keliye me Bhubaneswar ayi thi...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Scarlett Fall Fuck Me I8217ll Do What You Tell Me

My stepsister Scarlett Fall is such a trouble-maker, she’s supposed to be quarantined at home with the rest of us but can’t follow any basic rules. I find her at her boyfriend’s of course, and she begs me not to drag her back home. She gets on her knees and literally begs me. I try to be fair and compromise with my teen stepsister, so I put my big cock in her mouth for her to suck. Her boyfriend must not have a big dick ’cause she seemed overwhelmed with mine when I...

1 year ago
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The Dramatic Saga of Peter Q KleeshayChapter 9

Less than an hour after leaving the now unexplainably vandalized school, the entire group was seated in Pete's living room. They had freed Penny, Mindy, Wendy and Mia who were all famished, as was Pete so all other concerns were put on a temporary hold while Penny and Mia had whipped up a quick meal of tomato soup and bologna sandwiches. Once in the living room, Mia had taken what she considered her proper place at Pete's side, snuggling up to him in loving and subservient adoration. Mindy...

1 year ago
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Chronicles of Succubus High Chapter 1 Window Dressing

1:25. 4th period. Tom sat behind his desk in the corner as he waited for his next group of students to start filing in for their first class after lunch. They were never very focused this time of day, and on more than one occasion he'd caught a student nodding off during class.At least this group was his senior class. The freshmen he taught during the other four periods were a lot more rowdy. Such a weird mixture of childish pranks and teen drama to contend with, always some new issue he didn't...

1 year ago
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Affirmative Action Part 4

And there it was. The final piece of the puzzle. How could Michael have been so sloppy? Then again, Annie thought to herself, he'd let her escape. She supposed the power meant he thought he could rest easy, that he didn't need to cover his tracks or try to disguise what he was doing in the slightest. That his power could solve any problem that could arise. As she leafed through the musty old tome still chained the bookshelf to which it belonged, reading through the annotations he...

3 years ago
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bbPart 11 ndash Our Next Movebb

We continued to meet with Mike and Robin and with Johnnie and Bonnie for the next couple of months and had lots of fun with both coupled. Looking back we should have had a party with both couples but it never occurred to us.Around that time I was offered a new job in Dallas and accepted. It was middle of October. The timing was such that my future wife decided to stay in Houston and we would move during the Christmas break. That would give us time to make all of the arrangements. At this...

3 years ago
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She put the beast back to sleep

Sometime in the middle of the night I groggily wake up I dreamed I heard my name, or did I? Very soft steps on the carpet I hear,I feel someone crawl in bed. Still out of it, I feel the this person who I figured was a female since I felt two mounds come over me as she rolled to other side she settled down next to me and after afew moments I rolled over realizing she was clotheless except for the blanket as I was too. Still tired I go up against her I doze back off but aware of my...

2 years ago
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Helping My Sister In Law

How this all happened I will never fully understand, but I'm not going to gripe about it. I'm married to a wonderful woman, and into a great family. We have always gotten along with each other, we have out fall outs now and then, but what family doesn't? Having been married for 15 years, it's needless to say our sex life had died down tremendously. It isn't that we don't still love each other, but with the k**s in school and other activities we are all involved in, there just never seems to be...

1 year ago
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Wank Tube, the domain name actually gives everything away: this is a porn tube where you can find all the wank material you may need. And you will be able to watch as many porn videos as you can handle for absolutely free. Whether you are looking for female solo masturbation scenes, hardcore group fuck, sensual lesbian action, double penetration, hardcore anal, or whatever the fuck your porn reliant brain can conjure, you will find all of it here.First impressionIt doesn’t take a rocket...

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Sam 31

He was thankful that he could accommodate all of them. As he thought, the more they used it the better and stronger they became. Another look at those with him he could see that no matter what, his sister Thantas and Mellos were a force to reckon with. He knew that Drivas and Thellus weren't completely ready though they were a hell of a lot stronger than they looked. The last, here Sam shook his head, they weren't here in corporeal form, so he wasn't all that sure. Another look at the...

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