Judy and Heather sexual adventures
- 5 years ago
- 37
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Devers was as stone-faced as Shakespeare’s bust on the shelf behind her, maybe more. Willie was wearing the clown nose and hat I’d left with her. It kinda gave him a rakish look, and was that a smile on his face? It felt like all that had happened a long, long time ago. Devers looked older, and tired. I heard she’d passed up promotion to principal because she didn’t want to lose contact with us students. I wondered if she was regretting that.
“Suppose you tell me what happened in that bathroom.”
I’d been thinking about it, a lot.
“I think I might’ve started it yesterday,” I admitted.
That brought her out of her funk, and I was the focus of her icy gray eyes. “How?”
“I let my mouth run without having my brain in gear.” I felt sick. Not because I was in trouble, but because Haddy’d paid for it.
“How so?”
I sighed. “Haddy and...”
“Hadiya. Sorry. Haddy is my nickname for her, I guess ‘cause it’s easier to say.
“Haddy and me -- we -- uh -- had a sleepover at my house Monday night. She ... wanted to know more about -- uh – sex so I – uh – showed her.”
Devers was no dummy. She knew I was talking about the girl-girl version.
“She was willing, I made sure of that before we did anything, and she learned fast.
“Anyway, yesterday we were both real horny, because of some stuff that went on out front, when we stripped. So first period we both wanted relief.”
“So what happened yesterday that you think set this whole thing off today?”
“The relief at start of first period -- it was real hot. We took turns. I did her and then she did me, and I hadn’t even asked her to. I even told her she didn’t need to, but she did it, and it was real good.”
Just thinking about it gave me a shiver, my pussy clenching.
“We were going to our seats when Schultz made some crack like ‘Gimme a chance, bitch, and I’ll show you what a real man can do.’ He was looking at Haddy when he said it, not me. I guess everyone knows I swing both ways.”
Devers nodded.
“I came back with something like maybe he’d get lucky when pigs like him could fly.”
Devers winced. I sighed again.
“The minute I said it I knew it was a mistake, and had a feeling it would come back to bite me in the butt. I guess it was Haddy’s butt got bit instead. I feel really bad about that.”
“Did Hadiya say anything at the time?”
“Oh. Yeah. She called him an asshole. I guess that’s my fault, too. She didn’t even know that word before she met me. I’ve been a bad influence.”
I caught the flicker of a smile when she gestured for me to go on.
So I told my story straight, how I heard the whistle, took off, went through the door and tackled Craigmyle. I was remembering details, like how hard I’d hit the door, the stink, Haddy’s dragon -- the stump of her arm -- in Schultz’s face, how Lestat took care of Schultz just before the big people got there.
Devers just nodded. “Thanks for coming to Hadiya’s rescue.”
I shrugged thanks. “What did the guys tell you?”
“I can’t tell you that. It’s part of a continuing investigation.”
That let the wind out of me. I tried another tack. “Have you talked with Haddy?”
I knew she must’ve. After all she’d been in the principal’s office with her, Andrews, two cops and...
“Same answer. For now the less said about this whole thing the better.”
“Yes’m.” I fiddled with my fingers. I knew I was pushing it.
“In the future, if you hear a whistle leave answering it to faculty and staff. If they don’t seem to have heard, tell them. You’re already on probation.”
Detention loomed. “But...”
I cut myself off before I dug my grave deeper.
“I know you have cheerleading this afternoon and you did save Hadiya, so I’m going to bend the rules. You have gym next. Tell Waldorf I want you benched.”
Devers had seen me play soccer. This wasn’t punishment. “Dee’s right. You do know everything.”
“I wish,” she snorted. “Or maybe not. Oh, and I meant what I said this morning. You did a good job with them – the CLODs. I know it may not seem like much, but it’s a start.
“While I’ve got you, did you pick up anything more during the cookie exchange?”
I shrugged. “Not a lot. I was walking on eggs. I only know what Matt told me when he first saw ‘em.”
“Matt Kelly? He’s that gymnast that was hoping to go to the Olympics.”
I nodded. “That’s him. He knows ‘em – the CLODs I mean. He said the same bunch or ones like ‘em, got The Program shut down out there in Iowa – the whole state.”
She made a note on the pad in front of her. “I’ll talk to him.”
“Yes’m. I’ll -- uh -- warn him what it’s about, if you want, so you don’t scare him.”
“Me? The Devil, scare him?” She actually smiled at me. “Sure, go ahead.”
Then she turned serious. “I can tell you this. So far it’s just a fight. We’d like to keep it that way. Anything more gets the police involved.”
“Yes’m. I understand.”
She pointed at the door. I went, glancing at the clock as I picked up my hall pass. From hearing Haddy’s whistle to the take down had probably taken less than five minutes. It had all happened that fast. The period wasn’t even over, so I got to the boys’ locker room early.
I paced, marinating in the stink of liniment, sweat, moldy jock straps and socks, waiting for someone to show up, rubbing my shoulder sore from slamming into that boys’ room door.
Swinging through the locker room door Matt gave my naked butt a swat. “Happy Hump day!”
“Is that a request?” I asked sourly.
He leered. “You want a request? I’ll give you a request. Would you like relief?”
“No thanks.”
He opened his locker. “You’re kinda grumpy!”
“It’s been a bad afternoon.” I tried not to take it out on him. He’s kinda dense about reading moods. “Have you seen Haddy since lunch?”
“No. Was I s’posed to? I thought she was fine, didn’t need an escort.”
“You didn’t hear her whistle?”
“What whistle?”
“Hadiya’s whistle! Beginning of last period! Her Program Whistle!”
“Hadiya whistled last period? Shit! Why? What happened?”
At least that explained why he hadn’t ridden to Haddy’s rescue with Lestat and me.
“Right at the start of the period. Three guys attacked her in the boys’ bathroom. That’s what happened!”
Okay, I minced words. Fat lot of good it’d do. The rumor was probably already flying anyway.
“What? Attacked her? Which boys’ bathroom?”
“The one near the library.”
“Crap. That’s about as far as you can get from Industrial Arts. Some bozo was beating sheet metal into the shape of a breadbox. At least that’s what he says it’ll be. No wonder I didn’t hear it. Oh man, is she okay?”
“Yeah, no thanks to you.”
“I said I was sorry!”
“I know. It’s not your fault. I’m just in a mood.” I looked around. The locker room was getting crowded by then. I was huddled up with him by his locker, me not having anything to change out of or into. “Anyway, it was just a fight. No one’s using the ‘R’ word.”
“‘R’ word? Oh, you mean r...”
I did the only thing I could think of, I cut him off with a kiss, complete with tongue. Hey, anything worth doing is worth doing well!
He grinned and blushed when I let him up for air. “What was that for?”
“To shut you up. Mrs. Devers is gonna want to talk with you later.”
“Am I in trouble? About not hearing the whistle?”
“No. I told her you’d know more about the CLODs than I do.”
“Whew! How’d they come up?”
“That was more about this morning. You ‘bout ready?”
During all this Matt had been changing for gym. Even after the kiss he’d tucked his package into his jock strap with no trouble at all. I guess the honeymoon was over. Just goes to show, over-exposure doesn’t pay.
At least I gave some of the other guys changing a hard-on.
We headed for the door, trailing everyone else.
“But Haddy’s okay.”
“She was holding ‘em off when we got there.”
“Who’s we?”
“Me and Lestat. We got there before Devers, Andrews and our rent-a-cop showed up. The nurse, too.”
“So where is she now?”
“She’s with Andrews, I think. Lestat and I spent most of the last period in the school office, waiting to tell Devers our side of the story. Haddy was with Andrews, in and out. The perps told theirs, too, of course.”
“So she caught the guys?”
“Not really. We did, Lestat and me and Haddy. By the time Devers got there I was sitting on Chuck Craigmyle and Lestat was about to take Schooner Schultz’s arm off at the shoulder. The first blast from Haddy’s whistle took down Tim Johnson.”
“It’s that loud?”
I waved my whistle at him. “You see me reach for this, cover your ears.”
“That bad, huh? Shit. Three sophs. It figures. Man they’re in deep shit! Attempted rape? They could go to jail.”
I looked around. Fortunately the class had pretty much spread out. Waldorf was trying to gather us together. “Don’t use that word! Sure as hell the guys who did it won’t. It was just a fight. C’mon, we’re late.”
I was hoping Haddy was already outside.
“So, was Dolph involved?”
“Nah. I haven’t seen him or Ashley all day.”
“Maybe they’ll be in math class.”
I hoped not. That relationship was so toxic it hurt to be in the same room with ‘em.
Out on the same field as yesterday we did soccer again. This time there were spectators, but no Haddy. Damn! Where was she? The spectators left. Without her the scrimmage wasn’t much fun.
Afterwards some of the guys politely asked me if they could help me shower and what could I say? It was a reasonable request, after all, and Matt didn’t disagree.
Of course it turned into a merry-go-round of cocks for me to play with. Our timing was pretty good. I got them squirting all over me at the same time I was coming from Matt’s fondling. Then of course they all had to use their hands to make sure that the shower washed the goo off me.
That left me feeling all loosey-goosey. A few good orgasms can cure all sorts of things.
Matt and I were on the way to math class and still no sign of Haddy, but Lestat showed up, which was a relief.
No, not THAT kind of relief!
He hadn’t seen her, but was told Ms. Andrews had taken her off somewhere for some “therapy.” That was all he knew and he wasn’t very happy. I told him not to worry, that Ms. Andrews had her own creative ways of dealing with PTSD and anger management.
Dolph and Ashley weren’t at math. Maybe their cheating had been caught.
Damn! I had a note in my pocket I wanted to slip to her, too. Maybe I could call her later.
One good thing I did learn, aside from some math itself, was that I’d done okay on the quiz, so I could stay in the class if I wanted. If I wanted? I’d been bored stiff in my other math class. This one was a challenge. Plus Matt and Hadiya being in it made it close to paradise, ‘specially if we could study together.
To help me get caught up, of course, if Lestat didn’t mind us taking up some of Haddy’s time. Or maybe we could even invite him, too. I bet he’s good at math. He’s more than just a wrestler!
Oooo! Maybe the four of us could have coed tag team study sessions. That sounded interesting.
Matt and me headed for cheerleading practice. Flying!
“So, how’s your ankle?”
“It’s fine.”
I didn’t see any reason to mention it still gave me twinges. I’d ice it tonight and it’d be fine.
“Ready to fly?” Matt asked.
“Oh yeah!”
In bed last night I’d used the same trick I’d used when I was learning gymnastics and diving. The coaches call it visualization, but it goes way beyond the visual. I imagine it, all of it. I feel it, sense it. I lie there in bed, my eyes closed, and sink into what I’d learned and feel with my whole body.
Since I didn’t know what I’d be doing I imagined some of my diving and gymnastics moves, thinking maybe that would help. “You think this thing with Haddy’s okay?”
“Tiger said she was with Andrews,” Matt reminded me. “You’re the one said that was good.”
“Well yeah, but ... Not what I meant. What went on in the office. I wish Lestat was here. I’d like to talk with him about it. When he came out of Devers’s office he gave me that zipped lip thing, like he wasn’t s’posed to say anything.”
The windows in Gregg Barnhart's office were open. A white oscillating fan whirred atop a filing cabinet. Papers strewn across the thirtysomething guidance counselor's desk lifted briefly, then fell back into place. Barnhart tugged at the collar of his button-down shirt. It was early August, two weeks before the start of a new school year. And it was hot. "Man, I really wish these cheapskates would shell out some money for air conditioning in here." The tall lanky man griped as he...
The Wife Next Door: Part IV – Judy is Jilted About a year after Pim and I had started our relationship a terrible accident happened. My parents were riding a boat owned by a friend of my Dad’s, a famous cardiothoracic surgeon and a cigarette boat ran into them and both my parents were killed. I was 24 years old and I was alone in the world. My parents relatives all lived far away and I had little contact with them growing up. With the help of my Dad’s law firm I was able to get a large...
The Wife Next Door: Part IV – Judy is Jilted About a year after Pim and I had started our relationship a terrible accident happened. My parents were riding a boat owned by a friend of my Dad’s, a famous cardiothoracic surgeon and a cigarette boat ran into them and both my parents were killed. I was 24 years old and I was alone in the world. My parents relatives all lived far away and I had little contact with them growing up. With the help of my Dad’s law firm I was able to get a large...
Straight SexI used to live in Dayton, OH, I grew up nearby, and recently I had to go back there for business. It had been 10 years and on the first night I went to one of my old hang out places. It was a place that I used to bartend at when I went to college. The name of the place was different, under a new ownership, but everything else was pretty much the same. I sat at the bar and reminisced about the all the fun that I had here and looked around to see if there might be anyone I knew. The crowd was...
Judy & Nancy--Warren's Women Warren met them at the Jazz Festival on the Fourth of July. They were both cute, and dressed alike in tank tops and short shorts. The taller, a brunette with a dynamite ass and legs, albeit small breasts; the shorter a busty blonde, well a bottle blonde anyway, and also possessing great legs. He spread his blanket out close to them, after asking if they'd mind. They didn't and giggled over his butt as soon as he turned away and went about setting up....
The windows in Gregg Barnhart's office were open. A white oscillating fan whirred atop a filing cabinet. Papers strewn across the thirtysomething guidance counselor's desk lifted briefly, then fell back into place. Barnhart tugged at the collar of his button-down shirt. It was early August, two weeks before the start of a new school year. And, it was hot. "Man, I really wish these cheapskates would shell out some money for air conditioning in here," the tall lanky man griped as he...
This is a continuation of the Judy series. It may be easier to understand if you read the previous chapters. This story contains very little sex (other than Jilling) but sets up cheating, extramarital affairs, cuckholding, multiple partners and other sexual topics for future chapters. If you don’t like these topics, please don’t continue to read this story. To the trolls who ignore this and then bash the story for what it is; you’re just showing your ignorance. I appreciate all true scores and...
In the week that had passed since I told Judy I wanted to be a father and that I wanted the mother of my child to live with us to raise it; Judy had been different around the house. She moped about and the only time she seemed happy was when we were in our bedroom and she could be the slut that we both enjoyed her being. We were still having sex every other day, but the one time I tried to make tender love to her, she had resisted and we ended up having a session of hard animal sex. I had...
I met Judy while a student at the University of Rochester. Judy was not a student she was a waitress at Angelo's Italian restaurant, which was a short distance from the campus. It was the end of mid term exams and a group of us decided to go to Angelo's to celebrate and it just happened that Judy was our waitress that night. She is tall, brunette and has beautiful dark eyes. I was taken with her beauty the first time I saw her. I didn't speak to her that night other than to give her my...
Continuation from my last story; Me and Judy My last story ended with me getting a morning blow job from my lesbian friend Judy. You can read about Judy in my last two stories’ (My Roommate Judy and Me and Judy.) Let me give you a quick recap on Judy. She is a 43 year old lesbian who is also my roommate and now a very good friend who had never had sex with a male until my last story when I got into her panties and we had a fucking sucking good time. She is very pretty, Five foot...
For those who have not read my Judy stories; I’ll give you a brief recap of events starting with my first Judy story. You can read about Judy and Aimee in my previous stories. My Roommate Judy, Me and Judy and me and Judy part 2. This is part 3 and will be my final Judy story. Judy is a 43 year beautiful lesbian who had never had sex with a man until I got into her panties and may have changed her into a bisexual. With each story Judy gets more sexually adventures with me and her best...
Judy, our retired school teacher was home alone, as usual while her husband was at work. She had done her routine household chores and now worked out on her treadmill. She looked at herself in the mirror on the wall as she worked out. She thought, “For a retired woman, I don’t look half bad. With workouts my body is getting better and my sexual world has opened up with a quickie in the woods with a stranger while hiking and I’ve even excited the local appliance repair man. Both have lit...
It is difficult for youngsters of today to believe or understand the strict mores that defined female lives in the past. When I was growing up in 1930's Scotland the preached doctrine was that sex was dirty and sinful, except when between husband and wife to procreate; Not for mutual pleasure and forbidden out-with the marriage bed. So entrenched were these ethics that pregnant girls often got thrown out of the family home for bringing shame on it. To compound this, wives had no rights. They...
LesbianPlease email me your comments or suggestions, as I appreciate hearing from readers who take the time to give feedback. This story is written for a dear friend who sent me her dreams and I hope she likes this version. Judy was a happily married woman with two teenage daughters. Like most girls, they were adventurous and never liked doing anything their parents wanted. Julie was 19 and into her second year of college while Jill was 18 and in her first semester of nursing. Both girls had...
JudyOlder and Younger, Flashing, Up Skirts, Cum & Cream Pie, Multiple's, Role Play, Taboo Incezt Judy and Lee sat in the dark at their 3 bedroom rental. The power had been shut off due to lack of payment. She had lost a minimum wage job and Lee remained working any “temp” job he could get. Judy had a past record of conspiracy d**g distribution and spent Lee's formative years behind bars. His father was unknown to him, although he had heard he was a “bad seed” who had met his end. Almost 2...
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My name is Steve, and I am a very lucky man. My wife, Judy, is a beautiful, intelligent and loving woman. She stands about 5'9 has beautiful chestnut colored hair, with eyes that match and full, soft lips. She is originally from Virginia and although has been out west for sometime she still has a touch of that Southern accent which drives me crazy. Although she has given birth to our five c***dren she has kept her figure and looks fantastic with a nice slim waste, curvy hips, and a nice set of...
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“Continuation From My Roommate Judy” My last story ended with Judy, Aimee and me in the shower after a threesome where Judy and I had sex with Aimee, the two girls had sex with each other and I got to watch and help. To a point, Judy is a lesbian, Aimee is bisexual and I’m a straight male named Justice. Judy is my roommate and Aimee is her bisexual friend. Judy and I became very good friends over the last few months while she is renting a room from me in my home. Although Judy is a...
This was Judy's second time of fooling around. This story started us on our story time trip. It happened three months after Judy slept with Kevin. In my last story Judy and I met at one of our neighborhood bars. The bar we were in this particular, Friday night was the other local bar. It had eight dart boards and that was all the activity, except for the drinking. The bar was a set down relax and talk to all your friends, type bar. There was a seat open next to me and one next to Judy. Judy and...
Cheating WifesThis story can be found online at the now-abandoned blog, “Shared Cindy”. As it's a true story and far too good to be allowed to disappear, I'm putting it on my blog here for everyone's pleasure. This is part five, and finally Judy is getting to enjoy Joe's thick cock. Enjoy! Going in The sexual tension in the room was palpable and no-one moved. Slowly and confidently, Joe reached under Judy's gorgeous, round ass and pulled her closer to him and the edge of the overstuffed arm of the couch. All...
They divorced when Don was forty-one, and Betty was thirty-nine. Their eighteen-year-old daughter, Judy, decided to stay with her father. She had no idea about her parents’ sexual proclivities, and they never spanked her as a child. One night, she came home after her curfew. After unlocking it, she opened the front door and heard her father’s voice in the living room. “Why are you late coming home?” “Daddy, I just lost track of time,” Judy replies, expecting to be grounded. “Judy, you know...
This story can be found online at the now-abandoned blog, “Shared Cindy”. As it's a true story and far too good to be allowed to disappear, I'm putting it on my blog here for everyone's pleasure. This is part two. Enjoy! Despite the pink sexual flush still on her face, she blushed warmly as she looked down shyly and weakly said, “Hi.”.“Wow, that looked incredibly sexy.”, I said softly. “I hope it felt as good as it looked.”“Ohhhh.”, she moaned in response, still swooning.“Damn, hun… you nearly...
To better understand this story; please refer to the first two chapters. It has been almost two weeks since Judy’s dalliance with AJ the stove repairman. Tim, her husband, almost caught them; but he didn’t seem any wiser to it. She had unleashed her inner slut and her husband Tim was unaware. The only problem was that she was horny and it didn’t seem like Tim was going to satisfy her wants; no her needs. She initiated sex two nights ago and fucked Tim in one of his two his usual positions....
To better understand this story; please refer to the first two chapters. This story contains cheating and creampies. If you don’t like them, please stop reading. Otherwise, enjoy and please let me know your thoughts by voting and giving feedback. It has been almost two weeks since Judy’s dalliance with AJ the stove repairman. Tim, her husband, almost caught them; but he didn’t seem any wiser to it. She had unleashed her inner slut and her husband Tim was unaware. The only problem was that she...
The girls: Nancy Artz and Judy Caporale Warren's buddy, Eppy: Epsolen Anderson noted jazz saxophone player Warren met them at the Jazz Festival on the Fourth of July. They were both cute, and dressed alike in tank tops and short shorts. The taller, a brunette with a dynamite ass and legs, albeit small breasts. The shorter a busty blonde, well a bottle blonde anyway, and also possessing great legs. He spread his blanket out close to them, after asking if they'd mind. They didn't and...
They all piled into Warren's car, and took off. After about two minutes or so, Judy turned to Eppy what sat beside her in the backseat. "He lives close by. We should be there soon." "You're right and you're wrong girl," he said in his deep voice. "See, Warren wants to take us for a ride first so you and I can get acquainted. Actually, he's taking us in a great big circle." "Acquainted, huh?" "Ummmmm, like this," and he lowered his head and kissed her gently on the...
The second honeymoon cruise that Judy and I had gone on to reconnect after the second slip in fidelity on her part and the consequences that came from it was twelve months in the past. The months following our return home had brought more changes into our family life that everyone seemed happy with. I had not been happy with the number of hours Judy had to spend managing the realty company so as owners; Gwen and I demoted Judy back to sales agent and promoted Joyce Hastings to manager. Judy...
Judy Has Sex With My Friend Gil.#2 Judy and I had been back from our honeymoon for five months when an old friend from high school contacted me. I had not heard from Gil for at least ten years. I will describe Gil to you. He is six foot two, about two hundred pounds, with a great build. He had a full beard, and looked very Italian. I really did enjoy seeing my wife with another man, as long as I had set it up. I had to have total control or it didn’t happen. Either the guy or my wife could...
It was a different Judy I held in my arms. She was not the loving, sweet, and cuddly Judy tonight. She had changed to a voracious female animal that demanded to be possessed. There was a wildness about her that I had never experienced.I had felt it as she walked in the door. She didn't close it, she slammed it shut. She did not wait for me to embrace her and welcome her back from her sightseeing tour, instead she crushed me to her, practically ripped my clothes off me. She wouldn't let me...
MatureJudy awoke from her dream. It had been weeks since her chance meeting with Jim that day as she hiked around the lake. She had dreamed about it again and had the same reaction. She felt flushed with excitement and aroused. It left her wanting more. It had almost been that long since her husband had tried to satisfy her. They still had occasional sex; but not the passion they once had or what Jim had ignited within her. She lay there alone. Her husband had left for work. In the old days, they...
The rest of the story…In later life, during our less and less frequent sex, Judy would sometimes make up stories about all the naughty things she had done when she went to Doctor Johnson’s house that day. The stories were always far-fetched enough for them not to be believable and she would always end our fantasy session telling me it was just that; a fantasy she was making up just for me to help make me cum.But at the back of my mind still remains that nagging, persistent doubt. By her own...
CuckoldAfter living together for almost two years Judy and I decided to get married. To describe Judy she was like a dream come true. Five foot two, one-hundred and ten pounds, blonde hair, green piercing eyes, that you never wanted to get angry at you. My favorite points were her double Ds. Her measurements were 34-24-35. When she walked all men stared. We started planning our wedding, both of us wanted a very simple wedding with a great honeymoon. We talked and decided to go to Niagara Falls, it was...
InterracialThere was a little interlude, and then his tounge went right into my mouth. I had been experimenting since I was thirteen about what "sexy" meant. I thought I had just found the answer. I thought: ' Okay, Miguel, you want to get a little bit of Sylvia? This is your lucky night, boyo.' I noticed that Judy and Pedro were kissing now, sitting on the sofa, watching us dance. Just kissing. I was kissing Miguel, doing this dance with him just as close as I could do it. I looked over again. Judy was...
This story can be found online at the now-abandoned blog, “Shared Cindy”. As it's a true story and far too good to be allowed to disappear, I'm putting it on my blog here for everyone's pleasure. Enjoy! Judy came into our “family” accidentally. I say “accidentally” because it was a slip of the tongue by Cindy that brought it about. Judy is a year or two older than us, a single mother, divorced for almost two years. She lived only a block away from us. Cindy had befriended her and they would go...
Judy, The Perfect Thirty Six. #6 Judy and I met when she was thirty six ( You might say the perfect thirty six). The apartment where I lived, there were two neighborhood bars where everybody knew everyone in the bar. One Friday night I walked into one of the bars. Leaning over the pool table was a true knockout, yes, it was lust at first sight! She took my breath away. I sat down at the bar and my friend Jake, the bartender, told me she was new to the area and her name was Judy. She had just...
Judy had mixed feelings when her husband announced that they were going to spend a week on a fishing trip on Lake Michigan. She loved the lake, and a week of rustic living would be nice, but she knew from past experience her husband Ted and their son, Ted Jr. would be spending their days out in a boat, leaving her alone for long stretches. It was an isolated rural area and there wasn’t much to do when you’re by yourself. So, when they arrived at their rented cottage and unpacked, she knew that...
Prologue After Judy, in her Itsy Bitsy Bikini, caught him spying on the numerous young bodies frolicking in their condo complex's pool area, bachelor Steve Craig was offered a dinner companion ... Judy herself. Steve had been reading a recently purchased book and with just about each turn of the page, slyly, or so he thought, searched out the best of the best and savored them in his imagination. Precocious girl that she was, Judy was just as actively searching for stud material as Steve was...
I guess you could call me an incest freak, having gotten into my cousin Faye’s pants I knew I had to find a way into my cousin Judy’s pants too. I’d gotten Faye drunk enough to drop her panties for me. It had been pretty easy because I think she had a thing for me anyway. We’d grown up about three blocks from each other and as kids had played together a lot. Judy on the other hand, lived about four miles away and had always talked to me like I was a little kid even thou...
We made sure the owner and customers saw us before we disappeared into the back room. This room had more light, more comfortable places to sit, and porn magazines and pictures to look at. There were some men there, flipping through the magazines. I guess they were the guys who we were going to blow, getting themselves hard.Judy was friendly and talking to them.After a while, the lights went dim, some bad jazz came on, and Judy snuggled up to me. We started making out. I was in my green and...
I always wanted to see how Stan would be with Judy if I wasn’t around. I guess I was curious as to how my prize student would do on his own and I had to admit, I just wanted to watch him fuck her without knowing that I was watching. I talked to Judy about it and, as horny as she stayed, she definitely was up for it. We developed a plan where I would tell Stan that I was going shopping and Judy would call him and say she thought there was a leak under her sink and would he come and take a look....
"Ted, you got it wrong. Sure I feel for Judy, but I am not in love with that lady. Love feels different." I think I have told him that at least three times, but he always came up with new arguments."I don't care what you call it, infatuation, affection, fondness, or whatever; I say you are in love with this lady. I speak from experience, my friend." I guess he does have some experience. Ted has been married three times.But I disagreed. "Look, Ted. That lady is twenty-four years older than me,"...
MatureWe had a few more afternoons with Miguel that summer. I liked to think of myself as quite the wild girl, along with Judy Chavez, my chunky friend from Panama. After my experience with butt sex with him, I decided that I had proven myself to be every bit the complete woman that Judy was, that it wasn't so necessary to have Miguel's giant penis inhabit my backside. Judy seemed to have a real appetite for having Manuel drive that big boy right up her behind, but for me, the memory of one afternoon...
Judy and her husband Bob were at a party at Bob's boss's house. About twenty couples were gossiping on the pool patio. Judy didn't want to be at this party, and neither did her husband. Bob was hoping to get promoted to the position of Sales Manager and they're attendance at this party was necessary. Bob had been with Green Enterprises for twenty-five years and felt that he deserved the position. In fact, John Green's father, who recently passed away, had told him that he was giving Bob...
I was in the right place at the right time. I had walked this route every morning for the last year. This morning was no different for me that every other morning, but a problem changed my life forever. The truck was careening down the hill quickly. The 8 year old was riding her bike in the street, unaware that there was a problem. But the mother saw it, but was frozen in fear, screaming. With no time to spare, without thought for myself, I ran into the street and grabbed the girl off her bike...
Judy Gives More Than Counseling. #8 This was Judy’s second time of fooling around. This story started us on our story time trip. It happened three months after Judy slept with Kevin. In my last story Judy and I met at one of our neighborhood bars. The bar we were in this particular, Friday night was the other local bar. It had eight dart boards and that was all the activity, except for the drinking. The bar was a set down relax and talk to all your friends, type bar. There was a seat open...
This happened when I was 18. I had a friend named Judy and she was totally Les, in fact got bothered when I would do a guy and then she would not talk to me for weeks. Well, anyway, I had not seen my grandmother for a few years. She was, at that time, 74 and I was surprised that she was coming to see us at all. Judy and I drove o the Atlanta airport to pick her up one afternoon and we saw a woman, obviously her, that, while she was old was not disabled or her shoulders humped over as so many...
Judy used to look at me without clothes and tell me how lovely my pussy was:"It's just like this seam at the bottom of your body. It's so perfect. Everything is tucked away. You are so small down there."' She gently touched the cleft of my pussy. If I wasn't liking girls already I would get that way staring at you. Those curls just make me want to bury my whole face in your pussy, Sylvia. You taste so fucking good and you make these noises when you ...... I have to look for your clittie...
She lived down the block. I'd known Judy since we were just k**s. Her mother and father were divorced (the first such family back then that I was aware had divorced). She'd always been a kind of the 'ugly duckling' sort of girl (which I know sounds terrible for me to say, but it was true), and the other boys in school looked at her askance. She was what you could call back then I suppose a 'Tom Boy.' However, she grew to be less of a Tom Boy over the intervening years (by middle school, she'd...
It was a Saturday morning. Judy and I had decided just to lay around and do absolutely nothing. Judy had on some sexy under panties and her robe. She said, “I am going to stay like this all day.” I agreed she looked great and I was Horny. At eleven am the telephone rang it was Gil. I forgot to tell Judy that Gil had called me at work, three weeks ago. He had ask me if I would go with him to get papers signed for his divorce. We had not seen or heard from Gil for about Two years. He told me...
Last night, after coming home very late and very smoked up, I ventured into Judy’s room and, imagining myself cloaked in invisibility, took advantage of her deep sleep by enjoying her body. She never woke up that I could tell, or she was pretending pretty good. This morning she was wearing a pair of red short shorts with yellow tank top, pixie-cut short brown hair and big brown eyes glommed onto the cereal box in front of her face. I sat in my baggy lacrosse shorts and a tee, eating reading the...
StanAfter the couple sessions we had with Judy, she became a bit obsessed with my Stan. I could understand because her hubby was still out at sea and would be for another six months. I loved Judy and since Stan had zero sexual contact before me, I wanted him to experience everything possible. Because she was my best and most trusted friend, I was absolutely willing to share. Besides all that, I was really turned on by watching him with her and at his age, there was plenty of Stan to go around....
After living together for almost two years Judy and I decided to get married. Judy had been married once before and I had been married and divorced three times by my twenty-ninth birthday. In my profession I was around ladies all day and my wives were really jealous. I was forty-three and Judy was forty-four. To describe Judy she was like a dream come true. Five foot two, one-hundred and ten pounds, blonde hair, green piercing eyes that you never wanted to get angry at you. My favorite points...