Heather and Candace PART ONE
- 1 year ago
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Judy and Heather were assigned out on a fringe dig for
three straight days, well away from everyone else. They worked
side by side. Heather noticed Judy sneaking glances at her
body, and the second day began to wear very tight jeans,
especially in the crotch. Her cunt was nicely outlined and the
seam creased the pussy lips nicely. A bonus was the thrill it
gave her when she walked around. Her tops always seemed to
become more unbuttoned after they reached the dig, and she made
sure Judy had a couple of sneak looks at her chest during the
next two days.
Judy turned out to be very nice and they chatted about all
sorts of things during the day as they worked. Slim, with firm,
grapefruit sized boobs that needed no bra, she used every
opportunity to have her tight butt in front of Heather. The
conversations were light, but it always came around to sex in
the end. They shared some stories, but the were sort of neutral
in terms of the genders involved.
“I always just enjoy it. I love to cum. But rarely meet
anyone who will go slow and let it build up until, you know, you
just loose your breath and your brain explodes!”
“Some people have all sorts of special, well, skills.”
“Well, I haven’t had any surprises lately.”
Judy was quiet. “Well, you never know when you can have
something unique happen to you, or by who.”
“I guess you’re right. Girls seem to know how to go slow
and enjoy things, though, generally speaking.”
Judy was staring at a beautiful breast, nipple in full view
against the light fabric of the blouse. God, she got hot,
blushed and put her head down, trying to get her breath. She
had to have this woman.
That night was movie night and Heather and Judy picked a
spot to the rear of the group, in a place that was dark even
when the movie was playing.
After the movie was playing for a while, Judy moved her
stool very close to Heather’s and slightly to the rear. Sitting
back down, she was now close enough to be only an inch from
Heather’s freshly washed hair.
She placed a hand lightly on Heather’s lower back and
hooked a finger under the waistband of her shorts. The movie
continued. Judy leaned forward and moved Heather’s hair away
from her ear and leaned near enough for Heather to feel her
breath on the back of the ear.
She felt a thrill go down Heather’s back and moved her lips
up and nibbled gently on the edge of her ear. The tip of her
tongue appeared and she traced the edge of the ear, slowly
working her way around and around.
Heather felt another thrill and wished Judy would be
careful. She gave an involuntary gasp as the hot tongue slipped
deep inside her ear and squirmed around. It withdrew.
Judy’s whisper came, faint, breathless. “Surprise. You
hot, beautiful, luscious, horny bitch, I’m going to make you
cum in your pants. Then, I’m going to fuck you until you cum
on my face. I want your beautiful boobs in my hands and in my
mouth and you will eat me till I cum a bucket of cum and you
drink it all.” The tongue returned, teasing, penetrating,
retreating, teeth pulling on the ear. Tongue up and down her
Heather’s body reacted to this tender assault by going into
overdrive. Her nipples rose and her crack was instantly wet.
She tried to see if anyone was paying attention to them, but her
head was swimming with confusion as the lust clouded her mind.
Everyone else was deep into the movie by now.
Judy kept it up, moved to the other side, even more in the
dark, and tongued the other eager ear, while a finger played and
slid in and out of the other one.
Heather’s breath was ragged and she needed to moan, but
suppressed it.
“Please, you’ve got to stop. I can’t stand this. I need
to move.”
“Turn toward me.” She did and firm hands popped the top
button of her jeans, fingers exploring as they worked down.
“Slide out your left leg.”
The pressure on her mons increased and she twisted left and
slid her pants down enough to get a leg out and pulled them back
up. Anyone looking back would only see cloth.
Her wetness gleamed in the starlight. Judy pushed a small
kerchief into Heather’s mouth.
“Mustn’t make noise.” She was instructed. This was crazy.
They had to stop. She went to get up out of her chair, but Judy
had moved around and knelt, pushing the slim thigh to the right.
Then, hot breath preceding her wet mouth, her head was between
Heather’s spread legs. As she kept her head and upper body
turned to the screen, her lower legs began to shake as Judy’s
tongue found her pussy and began to lick the flowing juice.
Heather’s hot, copious flow made Judy even hotter and she sank
her tongue into the tight but eager pussy. And now, Heather
found out what made Judy special. Her tongue, freed of it’s
normal restraint by a simple operation, flowed out of her mouth
until of it was deeper inside Heather than she could believe.
And, again, in an instant, it was withdrawn and other parts were
sucked, licked, teased and stroked. Heather, trembled and shook
and gave a very muted and astonished gasp of surprise as the
penetration continued, each renewed attack taking her a little
higher, and finally, built to beyond belief. It wiggled and
retreated, only to repeat the attack, sometimes deep, sometimes
only at the edge. And she still built.
And the movie ended and Judy stood up and stood close by
Heather to cover her naked leg. Her head was resting on Judy’s
shoulder. As people passed, they smiled and Judy said, “Went to
sleep twenty minutes ago. I’ll get her back to the tent as soon
as I can get her butt moving.”
Actually, Heather was only slowly coming back down from her
blissful passion.
They just got Heather’s pants back on after five minutes
and Judy continued to hold Heather.
“God, I need to cum.”
“Let’s go to your tent.”
“Tish will be up.”
“I doubt it, she never came to the movie.”
They walked quietly to her tent and, pausing slightly, went
in alone. Tish was sleeping on her back, breathing deeply.
Heather reached back out, motioned, and Judy walked in behind
her. Judy motioned for her to peel her pants and top and lay on
her cot, legs hanging clear of the end from her pussy on.
A pillow over her head to muffle any sounds, and Judy
returned to between her legs, first removing her own shorts.
Now, she returned to this sweet pussy, with its dense black hair
matted with cum, the wet, glistening in the light, revealing
the swollen lips, open to her mouth. Her tongue traced the
inner thigh and slowly worked toward the honey pot. And then it
found Heather’s wanton hole and began the ever so slow advance
and retreat again, only this time, so slow that Heather couldn’t
believe how hot she had become.
Quite on their own, as her lust would rise, her legs would
rise until they were straight up, then lower until they framed
Judy’s head, heels resting lightly on her back. She was
trembling, and, making small noises and groaning into the
Could this last forever? She wanted this pleasure to go on
and on and on. And Judy filled her wish. With a care and
gentle consideration, she never let Heather build in a great
rush, just a gentle slope, then retreat as the pressure built in
this luscious pussy, so wet, so tight, so sweet.
Tish slowly awakened and, as her head cleared, realized
that Heather was making quiet, passionate noises again, enough
to awaken her. God, this k*d could sure get her hot. She
wondered if she dared to talk to her about how seeing her naked,
or how hearing her get off affected her. After all, it was a
big surprise to her too.
But now, in the dim light, she began to realize that
someone was with Heather, eating her pussy as Heather, buried in
a pillow, moaned and groaned. Turning her head slightly, she
lay there, watching the live porn show in the next cot. And her
own ardor rose quickly. Almost unconsciously, a hand slide
down, under the band of her panties, and a finger tip began to
Heather was only aware now of the snake of a tongue, on
occasion reaching further inside than humanly possible. Her
lust was in complete control as her pussy, spasmodically
gripping the probing tongue, triggered wave after wave of
pleasure. Her back tensed and released as Judy continued. Judy
knew she had to give Heather release soon.
Her own fingers were busy, pulling on her nipples, then
spreading her own wet cunt and diving into the third knuckle,
her passion rising with Heather’s. The sucking sounds filled
the tent.
Tish, focused with great intensity on the action, could
make out the generous swell of breasts and turgid nipples on the
person ravishing Heather and knew it was another girl. The
revelation both shocked and excited her. The pace of her own
rubbing increased.
Heather was starting to shake all over. As her legs rose,
Judy felt her own passion rising to take her and began to probe
Heather as deeply as her tongue would go. Heather groaned and
thrust over and over against this snake-like muscle of pleasure.
And at long last, the orgasm took her in a massive explosion of
nerves, her breath caught and she tossed and turned. Judy,
timing it nicely, plunged a third finger into her own ready hole
and released as well. Her cries muffled in Heather’s cunt, she
shook and cried out with pleasure.
Neither of them were in any condition to hear the muted
series of grunts from Tish as her breath was driven out of her
in her own intense orgasm.
It was quite some time before Judy was able to rise.
Standing over Heather, she smiled and kissed her on the cheek
and covered her up. She slid her own clothes back on, and
looking over at Tish, lying quiet in her bunk, pushed the flap
back and retreated to her own bunk for a few hours of needed
The next day, two new graduate students joined the group, a
guy and a girl. The girl was very nice looking, long, blond
hair, small, pointy tits and thin waist, swelling hips. The
next day after that was Heather’s day off and normally would
have had the camp to herself to rest, relax, sleep, read, or
Today, though, the new girl, Linda stayed behind and as the
morning wore on, they began to get to know each other.
“Actually, I’m studying the changing sexual habits of
students on campus.”
“How do you do that, watch?”
Linda laughed. “No, just give surveys and study the
statistics. Masters and Johnson I’m not.”
“What kind of questions do you ask?”
“The usual stuff. Are you a virgin, how often do you have
sex. What is your sexual preference. Types of sex.”
“You must hear some interesting answers.”
“From time to time. I’m always surprised by who gives the
more fringe answers, though. I’ve learned you can’t always
judge the package by the cover.” She looked Heather up and down
Heather asked. “And what does my cover tell you?”
Linda paused. “Well, its a VERY nice cover. I’d say,
since you dress conservatively, you tend to be pretty straight
in most respects.”
“Can I take the survey?”
“Sure, I’ll get one from my tent. It takes about an hour.”
They went over to Heather’s tent and sat in the shade.
Linda was right, the questions were pretty straightforward, but
soon they began to hit snags.
“Have you every been to a sex club?”
Heather’s answer brought her up short. “For men or women?”
“Women? You mean women only?”
“Women only.”
“I’ve never heard of such a thing. Have you been to one?”
“I thought you were asking the questions here.”
Linda blushed and they both laughed.
“Yes, I have.”
Now Linda was really curious. “Well, I am sworn not to
every tell any details about who goes and where it is, but,
let’s just say that I know a friend’s Aunt with unconventional
needs and she’s a member. She’s always made sure I got to
experience some of the better things in life and wanted to be
sure I got to know about this too. I was eighteen, a freshman,
and she asked me and her niece to go with her.”
“Well, it was a night to remember, I can tell you that.”
“Did you like it?” The very thought of such a place got
Linda aroused.
“To be honest, I loved it. They pamper you and do
everything they can think of to get you hot and bothered and
keep you that way all night. You have a partner, a woman, for
the evening, and she attends to your every need. And I mean
every need, if you know what I mean, even ones you never thought
you had before you let them get their hands, and other things,
on you.
“And what were your needs?”
“I needed to get off in a major way within fifteen minutes
of walking in. And did they ever get me to cum. Hell, once I
came in my shorts just walking down the hall to go back to the
porn movie.”
The very memory of the night had Heather aroused as well,
her nipples extending and pushing her top up in two points.
They both spotted each others obvious signs of arousal and
grinned at each other.
“Um, let’s get back to the survey.”
“OK, we definitely want to get finished.”
“Do you masturbate?”
“Do you use any mechanical or passive aids?”
“Yes, and electronic, too.”
“Electronic?” Linda paused again.
“Well, it would take to long to explain, and I don’t have
any of that stuff out here, but there are some unbelievable
products out there, if you know who to contact.”
“Describe the aids you use.”
“We could be here all day. Why don’t I just show you and
you can make notes?”
“I don’t normally ask to see….”
“That’s OK, I have them right here.”
With that, she pulled a medium size bag out from under the
cot and began to lay out the many devices she had with her.
Linda was stunned and very aroused to see the variety of
fucking gear Heather owned. And apparently used quite
frequently. She had occasionally rubbed herself with objects in
the room around her, but nothing even remotely close to this.
“I see you like my toys.” Linda’s nipples were rock hard
under her tight t-shirt, standing on top of her cone-shaped
boobs, the were up and proud.
“God, yes. I’ve never seen anything like this stuff.” Her
hand reached out, shaking slightly, then hesitated. “Can I
touch it?”
Each piece was handled and Heather explained its use. When
they came to the enormous double dildo, Linda picked up its
considerable weight and whispered, “God, this monster would rip
you open.”
“No, in spite of what you see, it actually… Well, beside
size, this honey has more surprises in it than you can imagine.
To get it in, you squeeze it down to be narrow on one end and
then let it expand inside for a nice tight, well, expanding fit.
Then your partner does the same thing. The fluid goes to the
other end and then the fun really begins. The fluid inside has
all sorts of other special properties. The heat inside also
makes it swell up some more. It then fits real tight, every
nook and cranny, if you know what I mean, and the feelings and
movement inside each partner are transmitted to the other.”
Linda found herself hot as she continued to fondle the
device. She was imagining what it would feel like. Squeezing
one end, she felt the other end instantly swell in response.
She could imagine what this must feel like inside. She felt her
pussy go wet and she looked down and her nipples were still
hard. She finally looked over at Heather.
She had been watching her reaction to the dong and her
description of how it was used. Heather licked her lips and
decided to take a chance. She reached over and took the tool
from Linda and began to rub it up Linda’s arm. Linda trembled,
but did nothing to stop Heather as their eyes locked.
“The only way to really understand what I mean is to try
The black head moved over the tight nipple and down, and over to
the other tit, the tingles shooting to Linda’s pussy, already
very, very damp. Linda had never made it with a woman, but had
often wondered how it would be.
Heather moved close and kissed her. Placing the tool on
the cot, she moved back to Linda and took off her top. Freeing
her own swollen rack, she put her hands around Linda’s waist and
drew her to her. Linda’s hard points pressed into Heather’s and
then the breasts flattened into each other, pressing back firmly
onto each rib cage. The pressure was delightful.
Tongues merged and soon Linda was breathless. With the
sensuous kiss, all her reservations fled and she gave herself to
this lusty woman.
Heather took the lead and peeled Linda’s slacks and bikini
underwear, then her own. They merged back together, pussies
grinding on each other. Linda was groaning at the contact of
her erect clit on the thick mat of hair.
Heather led Linda to the cot and removed a blanket, then
arranged Linda on her back on one end the blanket on the floor.
Spreading her legs, she picked up the tool and made one end very
slim. Linda closed her eyes as Heather, working very slowly and
gradually, inserted the now slim head inside, and, with slight
in and out movements, worked six inches inside. Linda’s fingers
traced the thick tool as she took it, moaning slightly as her
pussy expanded to take the invader. This was more than Linda
had ever experienced and her hips were bucking on the tool.
“Now me. We lay apart with our legs inside each other, and
the tool joining us. Our pussies do all the work.”
Heather squeezed very gently on the tool and Linda
instantly felt the swelling fullness stretch her cunt even more.
Deep inside, the bulbous head began to regain its size and Linda
groaned a deep groan as her belly rippled with passion,
stretched with every nerve on fire.
Heather moved into position, and the her head of the tool
popped inside her slick cunt. Her hand shaking as she lay down,
and very gradually inched down until their pussies were still
six inches apart, with the swollen member now joining them.
Linda felt the pulses of Heather as her stretched cunt
spasmed and clenched the swelling dong. Her own pussy reacted
and the pattern established itself. Linda felt her passion rise
and rise, with the swelling dong stretching and teasing her,
every nerve in her cunt now protesting and exploding. As the
minutes went by, both girls moved deep in the heat of this fuck,
hips twitching and their pussies, full and wet, becoming more
and more spasmodic. And they twitched on as the dong worked in
deeper and deeper, the six inches becoming five, then four,
gradually disappearing. Now the pussy lips, slick with cum,
pressed against each other and added their sensations to the
accelerating pace. Moans and cries of pleasure filled the tent.
Their fingers intertwined and they pulled on each other to
Linda could take no more and her babbling increased. “Oh,
God. It is sooooooo good. Good. God. Good. Oh, fuck. Fuck
me. Yes. Yes. I need to cum. I. cum. cum. cum. YES!
YES!. Ungh! UNGH! ” She came in a wave of spasms that drove
the breath from her. Her pussy clenched the tool with a tight
spasm and the shock hit Heather’s stretched and lust filled cunt
and her orgasm took her as well in a loud groan that joined in
with Linda’s shouts.
As the passion receded, Heather kept Linda, exhausted from
the intensity of her orgasm, in position. Stretched and full,
they lay there, trembling. After several minutes, Heather’s
pussy spasmed again in ripples of intense passion and gripped
the dong. Linda’s tortured cunt, to her surprise, answered with
a sharp squeeze of its own. Five minutes later, they began to
build up the pattern and the moaning began again. It was over
an hour later when, sweaty and exhausted, they slowly uncoupled
and embraced. The rest of the time of Linda’s stay in the camp,
she would stop by and borrow various items for her research,
including, from time to time, Heather herself. She left camp an
expert in her field.
Being bisexual is truly awsome! The best of both worlds, I have a great man (Matt) who knows just how to make me feelfantastic like only a man can do. Heather on the other had was the perfect woman, sexy red head open minded bisexual who knew how to keep both men and women extremely happy. After we had out 3rd three some with Matt, Heather decided to finally introduce me to her Girlfriend "Nicole" whom she ducked twice a week. We had gay night twice a week, where we would spend time...
Judy had mixed feelings when her husband announced that they were going to spend a week on a fishing trip on Lake Michigan. She loved the lake, and a week of rustic living would be nice, but she knew from past experience her husband Ted and their son, Ted Jr. would be spending their days out in a boat, leaving her alone for long stretches. It was an isolated rural area and there wasn’t much to do when you’re by yourself. So, when they arrived at their rented cottage and unpacked, she knew that...
I had been out of town for almost an entire week, on a very boring business trip. Now I was waiting for my flight home at the airport hall, when I heard a sweet voice calling my name from my back…I turned around and saw there was Judy; my old mate Bob’s wife. She was a very sexy woman in her mid forties and I had dreamed always to fuck her; but she was deeply in love with her husband and I did not know if she would consider even playing around.Judy sat with me and we made small talk while...
Ever since Matt came into our lives, his big cock has been busy fucking Heather one night.and me the next, but it took a couple weeks and all three of us were full fucking hard.... Matt and I arrived home and planned on sucking each others dicks and fucking till we fell asleep, but Heather had other plans...She was sitting on the couch in the basement wearing nothing but a smile....As we entered and looked at her she spread her muscular legs flexing her thigh muscles and running her hands...
The windows in Gregg Barnhart's office were open. A white oscillating fan whirred atop a filing cabinet. Papers strewn across the thirtysomething guidance counselor's desk lifted briefly, then fell back into place. Barnhart tugged at the collar of his button-down shirt. It was early August, two weeks before the start of a new school year. And it was hot. "Man, I really wish these cheapskates would shell out some money for air conditioning in here." The tall lanky man griped as he...
This is a continuation of the Judy series. It may be easier to understand if you read the previous chapters. This story contains very little sex (other than Jilling) but sets up cheating, extramarital affairs, cuckholding, multiple partners and other sexual topics for future chapters. If you don’t like these topics, please don’t continue to read this story. To the trolls who ignore this and then bash the story for what it is; you’re just showing your ignorance. I appreciate all true scores and...
The windows in Gregg Barnhart's office were open. A white oscillating fan whirred atop a filing cabinet. Papers strewn across the thirtysomething guidance counselor's desk lifted briefly, then fell back into place. Barnhart tugged at the collar of his button-down shirt. It was early August, two weeks before the start of a new school year. And, it was hot. "Man, I really wish these cheapskates would shell out some money for air conditioning in here," the tall lanky man griped as he...
I met Judy while a student at the University of Rochester. Judy was not a student she was a waitress at Angelo's Italian restaurant, which was a short distance from the campus. It was the end of mid term exams and a group of us decided to go to Angelo's to celebrate and it just happened that Judy was our waitress that night. She is tall, brunette and has beautiful dark eyes. I was taken with her beauty the first time I saw her. I didn't speak to her that night other than to give her my...
Judy, our retired school teacher was home alone, as usual while her husband was at work. She had done her routine household chores and now worked out on her treadmill. She looked at herself in the mirror on the wall as she worked out. She thought, “For a retired woman, I don’t look half bad. With workouts my body is getting better and my sexual world has opened up with a quickie in the woods with a stranger while hiking and I’ve even excited the local appliance repair man. Both have lit...
Please email me your comments or suggestions, as I appreciate hearing from readers who take the time to give feedback. This story is written for a dear friend who sent me her dreams and I hope she likes this version. Judy was a happily married woman with two teenage daughters. Like most girls, they were adventurous and never liked doing anything their parents wanted. Julie was 19 and into her second year of college while Jill was 18 and in her first semester of nursing. Both girls had...
JudyOlder and Younger, Flashing, Up Skirts, Cum & Cream Pie, Multiple's, Role Play, Taboo Incezt Judy and Lee sat in the dark at their 3 bedroom rental. The power had been shut off due to lack of payment. She had lost a minimum wage job and Lee remained working any “temp” job he could get. Judy had a past record of conspiracy d**g distribution and spent Lee's formative years behind bars. His father was unknown to him, although he had heard he was a “bad seed” who had met his end. Almost 2...
They divorced when Don was forty-one, and Betty was thirty-nine. Their eighteen-year-old daughter, Judy, decided to stay with her father. She had no idea about her parents’ sexual proclivities, and they never spanked her as a child. One night, she came home after her curfew. After unlocking it, she opened the front door and heard her father’s voice in the living room. “Why are you late coming home?” “Daddy, I just lost track of time,” Judy replies, expecting to be grounded. “Judy, you know...
To better understand this story; please refer to the first two chapters. This story contains cheating and creampies. If you don’t like them, please stop reading. Otherwise, enjoy and please let me know your thoughts by voting and giving feedback. It has been almost two weeks since Judy’s dalliance with AJ the stove repairman. Tim, her husband, almost caught them; but he didn’t seem any wiser to it. She had unleashed her inner slut and her husband Tim was unaware. The only problem was that she...
. Note: In the last post, I introduced Sylvia's friend Judy Chavez, a bi-sexual teen from Panama. Judy becomes her lover and she acts as the dom in their relationship. Judy got Sylvia to have sex with more than one boy or girl at a time. Sylvia loves this more than she ever thought she would` She loves being a "sub" even better. I practiced using everything I had to make the bj thing hotter and more interesting for both of us. I used my lips, especially my tongue, out there where he could see,...
Prologue After Judy, in her Itsy Bitsy Bikini, caught him spying on the numerous young bodies frolicking in their condo complex's pool area, bachelor Steve Craig was offered a dinner companion ... Judy herself. Steve had been reading a recently purchased book and with just about each turn of the page, slyly, or so he thought, searched out the best of the best and savored them in his imagination. Precocious girl that she was, Judy was just as actively searching for stud material as Steve was...
To better understand this story; please refer to the first two chapters. It has been almost two weeks since Judy’s dalliance with AJ the stove repairman. Tim, her husband, almost caught them; but he didn’t seem any wiser to it. She had unleashed her inner slut and her husband Tim was unaware. The only problem was that she was horny and it didn’t seem like Tim was going to satisfy her wants; no her needs. She initiated sex two nights ago and fucked Tim in one of his two his usual positions....
Nicole on her knees sucking my 7 inch cock , slurping and gulping giving me a wet and sloppy blow job, when Heather comes out her big hard round tips bouncing ever so slightly ad she walked and I gasped when I seen her wearing her 8 inch thick she cock.... Heathers cock (she didn't like it to be called a dildo) was vieny and thick with a big mushroom head...very life like, even felt like a real cock.. With a sey little walk and a command tone in her voice she ordered "let him show you how...
Judy Has Sex With My Friend Gil.#2 Judy and I had been back from our honeymoon for five months when an old friend from high school contacted me. I had not heard from Gil for at least ten years. I will describe Gil to you. He is six foot two, about two hundred pounds, with a great build. He had a full beard, and looked very Italian. I really did enjoy seeing my wife with another man, as long as I had set it up. I had to have total control or it didn’t happen. Either the guy or my wife could...
It was a different Judy I held in my arms. She was not the loving, sweet, and cuddly Judy tonight. She had changed to a voracious female animal that demanded to be possessed. There was a wildness about her that I had never experienced.I had felt it as she walked in the door. She didn't close it, she slammed it shut. She did not wait for me to embrace her and welcome her back from her sightseeing tour, instead she crushed me to her, practically ripped my clothes off me. She wouldn't let me...
MatureAfter living together for almost two years Judy and I decided to get married. To describe Judy she was like a dream come true. Five foot two, one-hundred and ten pounds, blonde hair, green piercing eyes, that you never wanted to get angry at you. My favorite points were her double Ds. Her measurements were 34-24-35. When she walked all men stared. We started planning our wedding, both of us wanted a very simple wedding with a great honeymoon. We talked and decided to go to Niagara Falls, it was...
InterracialJudy awoke from her dream. It had been weeks since her chance meeting with Jim that day as she hiked around the lake. She had dreamed about it again and had the same reaction. She felt flushed with excitement and aroused. It left her wanting more. It had almost been that long since her husband had tried to satisfy her. They still had occasional sex; but not the passion they once had or what Jim had ignited within her. She lay there alone. Her husband had left for work. In the old days, they...
Judy, The Perfect Thirty Six. #6 Judy and I met when she was thirty six ( You might say the perfect thirty six). The apartment where I lived, there were two neighborhood bars where everybody knew everyone in the bar. One Friday night I walked into one of the bars. Leaning over the pool table was a true knockout, yes, it was lust at first sight! She took my breath away. I sat down at the bar and my friend Jake, the bartender, told me she was new to the area and her name was Judy. She had just...
This was Judy's second time of fooling around. This story started us on our story time trip. It happened three months after Judy slept with Kevin. In my last story Judy and I met at one of our neighborhood bars. The bar we were in this particular, Friday night was the other local bar. It had eight dart boards and that was all the activity, except for the drinking. The bar was a set down relax and talk to all your friends, type bar. There was a seat open next to me and one next to Judy. Judy and...
Cheating WifesJudy and her husband Bob were at a party at Bob's boss's house. About twenty couples were gossiping on the pool patio. Judy didn't want to be at this party, and neither did her husband. Bob was hoping to get promoted to the position of Sales Manager and they're attendance at this party was necessary. Bob had been with Green Enterprises for twenty-five years and felt that he deserved the position. In fact, John Green's father, who recently passed away, had told him that he was giving Bob...
I was in the right place at the right time. I had walked this route every morning for the last year. This morning was no different for me that every other morning, but a problem changed my life forever. The truck was careening down the hill quickly. The 8 year old was riding her bike in the street, unaware that there was a problem. But the mother saw it, but was frozen in fear, screaming. With no time to spare, without thought for myself, I ran into the street and grabbed the girl off her bike...
Judy Gives More Than Counseling. #8 This was Judy’s second time of fooling around. This story started us on our story time trip. It happened three months after Judy slept with Kevin. In my last story Judy and I met at one of our neighborhood bars. The bar we were in this particular, Friday night was the other local bar. It had eight dart boards and that was all the activity, except for the drinking. The bar was a set down relax and talk to all your friends, type bar. There was a seat open...
She lived down the block. I'd known Judy since we were just k**s. Her mother and father were divorced (the first such family back then that I was aware had divorced). She'd always been a kind of the 'ugly duckling' sort of girl (which I know sounds terrible for me to say, but it was true), and the other boys in school looked at her askance. She was what you could call back then I suppose a 'Tom Boy.' However, she grew to be less of a Tom Boy over the intervening years (by middle school, she'd...
It was a Saturday morning. Judy and I had decided just to lay around and do absolutely nothing. Judy had on some sexy under panties and her robe. She said, “I am going to stay like this all day.” I agreed she looked great and I was Horny. At eleven am the telephone rang it was Gil. I forgot to tell Judy that Gil had called me at work, three weeks ago. He had ask me if I would go with him to get papers signed for his divorce. We had not seen or heard from Gil for about Two years. He told me...
Last night, after coming home very late and very smoked up, I ventured into Judy’s room and, imagining myself cloaked in invisibility, took advantage of her deep sleep by enjoying her body. She never woke up that I could tell, or she was pretending pretty good. This morning she was wearing a pair of red short shorts with yellow tank top, pixie-cut short brown hair and big brown eyes glommed onto the cereal box in front of her face. I sat in my baggy lacrosse shorts and a tee, eating reading the...
After living together for almost two years Judy and I decided to get married. Judy had been married once before and I had been married and divorced three times by my twenty-ninth birthday. In my profession I was around ladies all day and my wives were really jealous. I was forty-three and Judy was forty-four. To describe Judy she was like a dream come true. Five foot two, one-hundred and ten pounds, blonde hair, green piercing eyes that you never wanted to get angry at you. My favorite points...
InterracialJudy Martinelli looked happily at the note on the kitchen table: her mother wouldn't be home until after 7PM, so she has the house to herself for three hours, until her brother Ken and sister Gwynne get home after 5:30. Three hours! She can do anything she wanted! First, chase the two dogs, Mutt and Jeff, outside in the backyard with Cody, then she can have some fun. Three minutes later, all three dogs are inside and she's not strong enough to get Mutt or Cody out; the only one she can get...
After living together for almost two years Judy and I decided to get married. To describe Judy she was like a dream come true. Five foot two, one-hundred and ten pounds, blonde hair, green piercing eyes, that you never wanted to get angry at you. My favorite points were her double Ds. Her measurements were 34-24-35. When she walked passed all men stared. We started planning our wedding, both of us wanted a very simple wedding with a great honeymoon. We talked and decided to go to Niagara...
I hope that you enjoyed the first part of this particular adventure. When last I wrote Judy and I were alone in bed and it was the morning after our threesome with Mike.Around 11:30 I awoke and turned toward my wife and looked around in the morning’s light. All of the bed covers were everywhere and the sheets were covered in wet spots and dried stains. All men are different, but for me visuals are most important and then comes scent and then finally touch. Our bedroom was filled with the sweet...
Judy Marks had just returned home from work. She had removed her dress and was removing the rest of her business clothing. A nice hot shower and a restful, but lonely night were ahead of her. Her husband, Steve was on one of his many business trips. He wouldn't be home for at least another week. Judy had lost count on how many business trips he has taken during their three years of marriage. She knew when she married him that he would be on the road often but she didn't realize how lonely it...
“He sounds fascinating and the just the type of second man I enjoy pleasuring me while you watch,” she told me. “Judy told me me we can have our way with him as long as I tell her all about it on the phone next day. Next day when Kerri phoned Judy to tell her about our time with Jean Pierre, Judy told her what he recounted to her, “When I walked into their condo both of them turned me on immediately. “They were both wearing knee length silk dressing gowns without belts. “And they were wide...
“He sounds fascinating and the just the type of second man I enjoy pleasuring me while you watch,” she told me. “Judy told me me we can have our way with him as long as I tell her all about it on the phone next day. Next day when Kerri phoned Judy to tell her about our time with Jean Pierre, Judy told her what he recounted to her, “When I walked into their condo both of them turned me on immediately. “They were both wearing knee length silk dressing gowns without belts. “And they were wide...
I have a very unique job in that I am a property inspector for a large insurance company. My job takes me all over the country. I get to meet a lot of very interesting people. A rather large insurance company recently contracted with me to inspect a large amount of their insured properties. My inspection process is simple. The business owner or their designated contact is contacted and he or she sets up an appointment for time to gain access to the property. I have inspected everything from...
Office SexAfter our weekend fun everything got back to normal except one day at work Judy was in my office. We were going over some reports and she was sitting across from me at my desk. For the longest time she kept everything just business. It was getting close to lunch time and I asked if she wanted to take a break and get something too eat. She said sure and I asked where she wanted to go for lunch, she just sat there a minute then said why don't we just order sandwiches and have them delivered here....
Some years ago, when I was a young man, I had a small group of friends with whom I generally associated. We had the usual fun that most young people of that era had: TV, bowling, movies, et al. One of the group was Judy.Judy was a fairly typical girl, though exceptionally attractive - by any standards. Judy was slender, well-proportioned though slightly small breasted. She had yellow blonde hair, with the consistency of corn silk. A nicely-chisled jaw line led to sumptiously smooth, creamy...
Judy and I met when she was thirty six ( You might say the perfect thirty six). The apartment where I lived, there were two neighborhood bars where everybody knew everyone in the bar. One Friday night I walked into one of the bars. Leaning over the pool table was a true knockout, yes, it was lust at first sight! She took my breath away. I sat down at the bar and my friend Jake, the bartender, told me she was new to the area and her name was Judy. She had just moved into the same apartment...
Judy from Gold's Gym (Part 1) Hi all, My name is Jake. I am 25 years old, and have never had any interest in women that are "Grannies". They just never turned me on. I actually engrossed myself in my work in materials management for a manufacturing company, and never really had time for a long term relationship. However, I met Judy while working out at my local Gold'sGym, and she changed my thoughts on older women. This story is about the relationship I had with her while I worked that...
Judy Got Married By Susan Day This is a story of an interview between Penelope Primrose, usually known as 'Auntie', and a prospective submissive, Judy. An advert in a contact magazine leads a transvestite to a meeting with a dominant lesbian mistress and her slave. They lead him into a new life as a woman, but not until he marries the mistress so she can claim an inheritance. He starts to join in their lesbian...
After Sam left the apartment, Judy took Steve's hand and had him stand up. She grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt, stripped it off him and then moved on to his shorts and underwear. Then she did the same to herself and pushed Steve back onto the chair. "I love being naked with you," she told him. "Me too. I love being naked with you," was his reply. As Judy settled onto Steve, straddling his legs and hugging him, she told him that they had to get a few things straight between them....
JUDYMy friend Tammy told me about this guy she and Mark had met. They went up to his cottage a couple of weeks ago and it sounded like fun. She was a little coy when she talked about the hot tub, so I kind of wondered if they went nude. Last weekend she was going again and asked me if I wanted to go. I figured it would be nice to get out of the city and sit by the water, and just chill, so I said yes.I have a car, so I drove Tammy and Mark up. Their friend John met us with his boat. He was a...
BisexualJudy "You cheapskate bastard!" Judy shouted,throwing a table lamp at John. The lamp gashedJohn's forehead before the lamp smashed on thefloor. John lost his cool and decked her with asingle punch. Then he went back to bed, lockingthe bedroom door behind him. Judy got to her feet and looked at her face. There was a visible contusion which would developinto a nice black eye. She went to the phone andcalled the police. Thirteen minutes later, when twocops arrived at the door, they...
As a change of pace, Judy suggested, "Lets play Marco ... Polo." The rules, Judy explained, were just a little different from the regular Marco-Polo water-sport game. "When the person who's it says, 'Marco', you have to at least have something in the water; a foot, a hand, a finger. Something. Anything. Anyone who's out of the pool at that second is automatically it. "But," she continued, "The person who is 'Marco' has to count out loud to 15 before they can say it again. You...
After Judy in her Itsy Bitsy Bikini caught him spying the nubile bodies frolicking in the their condo complexes pool area, bachelor Steve Roberts was offered a dinner companion. Judy. Steve had been reading a recently purchased book and with just about each turn of the page he slyly searched out the best of the best, savoring them in his imagination. Or so he thought. Young, precocious girl that she was, Judy was just as actively searching for stud material as much as Steve was searching...
"Jeezz, I'm rattling on aren't I," and without a pause, Judy continued, "Anyway, back to Sam. Except for me popping her cherry and my fingers being inside of her as we played 'Lezzies', which I am sure neither of us are because we both drool and drip over boys." That last bit she giggled over and gave Steve a sly look at the slip. Then she continued. With a short laugh, "Yeah, I even have gotten my share of 'wet' watching you go Ga-Ga over me and the others in the pool just hoping...
Clouds began to gather in their usual late afternoon fashion, blocking out the tanning rays of the sun. My wife Heather looked over at me, “ ...looks like pool time is over” she sighed with obvious disappointment in her voice. I began to pick up our pool gear and put it in our bag, folding the towels and tossing in our portable speaker. Heather put the last of our cocktails back into the cooler and closed the lid. She then slipped a pair of tiny velour shorts over her white cheeky bikini...
Wife LoversWhether it was the sunlight shining through the window that woke me, or the sound of the clicking at the keyboard, I don’t know. Either way, I propped myself up on my elbow and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. The girl that I had spent the night with was sitting on her desk chair across the room with her back facing me. She was wearing the same black Nirvana t-shirt that she had worn the day before. I could see by the two sexy globes pressing against the seat that she had nothing else on...
Heather made her way home through the afternoon rush hour traffic. As usual, her thoughts turned to her son, Chris, and their plans for the evening. As a single mother she’d had these thoughts countless times on a countless number of drives home through the years. Did Chris have ball practice, and was it her turn to drive? What would they have for dinner? Had he finished his homework, and did he have clean clothes for school tomorrow? Of course, Chris was in high school now and many...
Chapter 1Tom Johnson stands in the door of the bedroom he shares with his wife Heather. He knows this will be he last time in at least 4 years he will see her. The driver will be here is less than an hour. Tom and his wife had gone broke and lost everything. Heather had found the ad for Slaves Incorporated on line. The corporation offered to pay the 33 year attractive woman 10 million dollars for her to work that their resort for a minimum of 4 years, longer if she was well liked by the...
When the nude trio landed in the downstairs private access hallway, Judy stopped in her tracks. Sam, second in line, bounced into Judy almost toppling both of them over. Steve seeing the collision, swerved to barely avoid smashing into the blockage ahead of him. Judy made an abrupt 'U' turn and went to the common access end of the hallway and opened the door. Peeking outside she saw that the lights were off and the pool was quiet. Turning to Steve and Sam she whispered, "Hey ... Look the...
As Sam was counting, Steve did his underwater swim trick down to the other end of the pool. While he was swimming, he felt a cannonball vibrate through the pool and heard the muffled report. Just as he surfaced, Sam said "Marco!" He answered "Polo!" and heard Judy reply "Polo" a half-second behind him. Sam and Judy were down at the other end of the pool but he was sure that someone else was just surfacing at his end. Strange, he thought to himself. But, wanting to confuse the girls,...
Steve had relaxed when he feigned a snore and that gave the girls just the edge they needed. They jumped up and pounced right on him. Sam landed straddling his chest and Judy astride his knees. As Steve lifted his arms up, Sam grabbed his wrists and pushed them over Steve's head with all of her might. Now, Sam was no match for Steve in an arm wrestling match, her being a tiny thing and him being, well, a guy. But as he playfully struggled with Sam and her efforts, Judy broke his...
Heather and I had issues in our marriage, primarily due to our own insecurities and the new challenges of being parents. We did not handle it well. I let myself go and didn't care for her emotionally or physically. Heather, on the other hand, sought to reclaim and keep up her amazing body after the kids were born.She had come to realize that she could no longer live without attention, whether it was from her husband or someone else. Some soul searching caused Heather to recognize that she...
Wife LoversMy bride Heather and I were staying at an ocean-front resort on the island of St John's, relaxing on an idyllic, crescent-shaped beach during the first day of our honeymoon. The sand was a fine white powder, palm trees bowed toward the horizon and the sun sparkled like diamonds on the light-blue waters. Adding to the scenery were many scantily clad bodies laying on towels or walking the beach. Going topless was optional, and although several of the female tourists partook in the local custom,...
Heather ? Capd'Any Heather -Cap desetmana 1 Heather 2 El Cotxe 4 La Festa 5 Dissabte 8 N?ria obeeix 9 Dinar 9 Proves A 10 HabilitatArt?stica 1 10 Bellesa iSeducci? 11 Forma F?sica 1 13 Sopar 15 Nit Dissabte 16 Proves B 17 HabilitatArt?stica 2 17 Compenetraci? ambla parella 18 Forma f?sica 2 20 Proves C 23 HabilitatArt?stica 3 23 Dolor 25 Capacitat Sexual27 Sopar i Premis 31 L'ad?u. Va alPalau 33 31 de Desembre de2000 19:00 Heather La Heather t? 23anys i ?s una bona concertista de piano i intel...