- 3 years ago
- 41
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I met Judy while a student at the University of Rochester. Judy was not a student she was a waitress at Angelo's Italian restaurant, which was a short distance from the campus. It was the end of mid term exams and a group of us decided to go to Angelo's to celebrate and it just happened that Judy was our waitress that night. She is tall, brunette and has beautiful dark eyes. I was taken with her beauty the first time I saw her.
I didn't speak to her that night other than to give her my dinner order. The guys with me were all flirting with her when she came over to our table and then they made jokes about how much they would like to get into her pants when she left. Normally I would have joined right with the others making the jokes but somehow I didn't feel right talking about her that way.
I guess the other guys just saw her as a lowly waitress, certainly below them on the social ladder. To them her only good qualities was that she had a hot body and looked like she would be fun in bed. I saw something different. I didn't see a lowly waitress. I saw a lovely woman that I wanted to get to know. I would be lying if I said that the thought of having sex with her didn't excite me, but I had dreams of having something more with her than sex.
After that night I began to stop at Angelo's a few times a week even thought it was a bit expensive for my budget. Sometimes for dinner, sometimes for just a beer and a slice of pizza. Each time I went to Angelo's I managed to engage Judy in conversation. In time I was able to find out that she was single and that she didn't have a steady boyfriend. It took me two months before I was comfortable enough to ask her out on a date. Judy seemed very surprised when I asked but she said yes right away.
The night we were to go out Judy asked me to pick her up at her parents house and she gave me the directions. I had a little trouble finding the place at first. They lived in a part of the city I had never been in before and I wasn't to comfortable being there at all. Judy's parents lived in a rented house in a run down part of town.
Judy's fourteen year old brother answered the door when I knocked, or rather he pushed the door opened into my face as he charged out of the house while his mother yelled after him, "You little bastard, you bring that money back her right now."
When she saw me standing in the door, Judy's mother said, "Oh, you must be here for Jude. Come on in." Then she yelled as loud as she could, "Jude, your boy friend is here."
I heard Judy answer, "I'll be right down."
Judy's mother was a short fat woman with tri- color hair and two teeth missing in the front of her mouth. She didn't invite me sit, she just looked me up and down and said, "So, how'd Jude find you?"
I told her I met her at Angelo's and she didn't ask me any more questions. I looked around the filthy kitchen as I tried to think of something to say to this woman just to make conversation. I was just about to say something about the weather, the only thing that I could think of that would be a safe subject, when the door behind me opened. Before I could turn to see who was coming in I heard a man speak in a very slurred voice, obviously caused by intoxication; "Who the fuck is this?"
Judy's mother said, "This is Jude's new boy friend."
I turned to introduce myself to him but he just turned and headed for the refrigerator and got himself a beer and then walked past me and left the kitchen but I got a good look at him as he passed. He was about four inches shorted them me and maybe ten inches wider. He was bald on top of his head with long salt and pepper hair around the side and back of his head that looked as if it hadn't been washed in more than a month. The only thing worse than the way he looked was the way he smelled. He was a thoroughly disgusting individual.
As he left the room Judy's mother said, "That drunk fuck is Jude's father. Real winner ain't he?"
For the next five minutes I stood in silence waiting for Judy to come and rescue me. When she finally came downstairs she said, "Sorry I took so long. Glad to see you met the family. I'm ready when ever you are."
As we left the house no one said anything to us. No, 'have a good time, ' or 'it was nice to meet you.' We walked to the car in silence and I wondered if asking Judy to go out with me might have been a big mistake.
Neither of us spoke for a few minutes and then I tried to make conversation. "I noticed that your mother calls you Jude. Would you rather I call you Jude or Judy?"
She said, "They call me Jude, I would rather you call me Judy."
I said, "Okay, Judy it is." I wasn't sure if it was because I hadn't earned the right to call her Jude or if there was another reason, but if that was the way she wanted it I would call her Judy. I was already beginning to dread the evening ahead of me.
My plan for the evening was to take her to a nice restaurant for dinner and then go to a movie but I was beginning to want to just go for fast food, maybe a couple of drinks in a local bar and then drop her off at home and never see her again. I really couldn't see a future with anyone from that family. In the end I decided to be a gentleman and follow through on my original plans.
Once we were seated in the restaurant I was having trouble thinking of anything to talk about when Judy broke the silence.
"I guess it's a good sign that you didn't run screaming from the house when you met my family."
Still trying to be a gentleman I said, "Why would you say that?"
"You don't have to pretend that you didn't notice how disgusting they were. I'm just glad that they didn't scare you off."
I said, "My date was with you, not them."
"I am glad that you feel that way. I had you pick me up at their house so you would meet them. I wanted you to see where I came from and to meet my parents. I wanted to get through the trauma of meeting my parents now rather than have to deal that later. If you can't deal with them being my parents I would rather find that out right now. I want you to know that I am not like them."
I was relieved to hear her say that she was not like her parents but saying it doesn't make it so. The fact that she didn't want me to find out what her parents were like later indicated that see saw me as someone she might like to have a longer term relationship with than just one night. I liked that idea.
I said, "If you feel that way about your parents why don't you move out and get a place of your own?"
"I did, two years ago when I started working at Angelo's. Angelo helped me find an apartment near the restaurant and since then I go home about once a month just to check on my brother and make sure he is all right. I grew up in that house and now all I want to do is get as far away from it as possible Usually my visits there last less that an hour. My father is never around for very long, he is usually hanging out in his favorite bar, and my mother doesn't seem to care if I visit them or not. The only reason she likes to see me is so she can ask me for money, as if I owe it to her. I hope that meeting my parents will help you understand why I am the way I am..."
I said, "What way are you?"
"If you hang around long enough you'll find out."
I didn't know what to say about her parents. Even though Judy said they were disgusting I couldn't say that to her. I said, "I can see that you are different. I promise I won't judge you based on your parents but are they really that bad? "
Judy put her hand on mine and said, "I guess it's hard for you to understand, you probably had a normal childhood. You saw the house, I grew up in a dump. We had nothing and my parents made no attempt to do better. I never had anything new. Everything my mother gave me was from a thrift store, a garage sale or hand me downs from other family members. Clothes, toys, everything. The first new things I ever had were things I bought for myself with money I earned. So now when I get something I like I fight to keep it and when I see something I want I do what I have to get it. I don't ever want to settling for the things other people don't want anymore."
I looked closely at Judy to see if these memories would make her cry but she didn't shed a tear. I guess she was pretty tough.
Judy said, "Okay, your turn. Tell me about your childhood."
"Well, you were right, my childhood was pretty normal until my senior year of high school. That year my parents were killed in a car accident."
"Oh jeeze, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up any painful memories."
"It's okay. I've been through the pain and now I am doing the only thing I can to and that is going on with my life. My parents didn't have a lot of money but they left me enough to pay for college, so the rest is up to me."
After that we didn't talk about our parents anymore. We had a good meal and then she suggested that we rent a movie and go back to her apartment. She said, "I know students can't afford to spend their money on fancy dinners and movies."
Judy had a beautiful apartment. It was the second floor of an old house that had been converted into two apartments. Everything in the apartment looked new. The furniture, the carpets and the appliances and unlike her parents house, Judy's apartment was very clean. I was feeling better about my decision to follow through on my original plans. Judy was indeed very different from her parents.
I said, "This is a great apartment, how can you afford this on a waitress' income?"
"I work hard and Angelo gives me lots of extra work. I live close to the restaurant so he calls me anytime someone calls in sick or if they get unexpectedly busy."
I said, "Everything here looks so new."
Judy said, "Everything was new when I moved in two years ago. I just take good care of things to keep them looking that way."
We watched a movie and then I decided that I should leave. I didn't want to push things too fast. Judy walked me to the door and we kissed several times and I asked her out again and she accepted.
As I walked down to my car I knew that I was beginning to fall in love with her.
It was on our third date that I decided to see how far Judy was willing to go. We had gone out for pizza and beer and then back to her apartment. It became obvious to me from the first kiss that night that Judy wanted it as much as me.
As we sat on her sofa, exploring each other's mouths with our tongues I unbuttoned her blouse and began to massage her breasts. When I opened her bra Judy responded by guiding my mouth to her nipples. Judy had wonderful firm breasts and I loved kissing and sucking on them. What I liked even more was Judy's reaction to the attention I was giving her. As I sucked on her nipples, Judy made little noises of pleasure.
Judy made the next aggressive move by placing her hand in my crotch and squeezing my cock through my pants. I took this to mean that she wanted my pants opened so I opened them. Judy slid her hand inside my briefs and pulled my cock out and as we kissed she gently stroked my cock with her hand.
In a voice obviously affected by her sexual arousal, Judy asked me if she could kiss my cock? I certainly couldn't say no to her. Judy lowered her head into my lap and began kissing the head of my cock and eventually took more than half of my cock into her mouth. It wasn't long before I had to fight to keep from climaxing in her mouth. I finally had to tell her to stop and then I asked if I could taste her.
She said, "No. It's my time of month so I can't let you do that."
I was disappointed. I was extremely aroused and was looking forward to tasting her pussy. But then Judy surprised me by saying, "That doesn't mean we can't have sex."
I wanted to and said that I did so Judy took me into the bedroom and said she had to go to the bathroom and would be back in a minute. So I got undressed and waited on her bed. As I waited I wondered what it was going to be like to have sex with Judy during her period. I had never done anything like that before. I wondered if it would feel disgusting or if I enjoyed it would Judy?
When Judy returned she was wearing only her panties. She got into bed with me and immediately took her panties off. She pulled me on top of her and said, "Put it in me quick." I did as she told me and began to give her long slow strokes. When I entered her it felt warm and wet and it was not disgusting. As a matter of fact I found the whole thing very erotic. I felt like this was giving us a special bond. I was also happy to see that Judy was enjoying the sensations of menstrual sex and it wasn't long before she had a rather large orgasm followed shortly by my own climax.
Afterward we lay holding each other for a while. When my cock was completely flaccid I rolled off Judy and lay on my back next to her. Judy got up and holding one hand between her legs, I guessed to prevent dripping anything on the floor, she scurried into the bathroom.
While Judy was out of the room I looked at my cock. I could see the evidence of our love making. My cock was coated with a mixture of my semen, Judy's sexual juices and a smear of her blood. The blood bothered me a little. Even though I knew where it came from I still wondered if I might have hurt Judy.
Judy returned from the bathroom carrying a wash clothe which she used to clean the mess from my cock. As she did this I asked her if she had liked doing it during her period and she said, "Surprisingly yes. I never would have thought that I would allow a man inside me during my period, but I wanted you so much tonight I just didn't care and it felt wonderful. No regrets."
I told her that I was glad that she enjoyed it and that I had also had a wonderful time.
We laid in bed and talked for another hour and then I went back to my dorm. As I lay in my bed that night I thought about the sex I had just had with Judy. The sex was terrific, almost to good. I was bothered a little by how aggressive Judy had been. It showed that she was sexually experienced, probably much more than me. I was driving myself crazy thinking about it until I decided that what she did before we met was not important. The only thing that mattered was that she was with me now.
Although I didn't spend the night with her the first time we had sex, the next time I did and began spending many nights at her apartment. Sex with Judy was always exciting and she was always ready for me.
Once we started to have sex regularly I began to dislike her working at Angelo's. I often saw male customers flirting with her. She never flirted back or encouraged them but it bothered me. I don't know whether it was me feeling like I had to protect her from these men or if I was just being possessive. I also didn't like that Angelo was always calling and asking her if she was available to work because someone didn't show up. I didn't say anything to Judy about it but knew someday I would have to get her out of that job.
A year and a half later when I graduated I asked Judy to marry me. We had a small wedding and her parents only managed to embarrass us just a little.
We lived in Judy's apartment for the first several months. I had found a job at an entry level position working for a large company in the Rochester area. I had told Judy that when I got a job I wanted her to quit working at Angelo's. As a matter of fact I didn't want her to work at all. She went along with me saying; "I have been earning my own money since I was sixteen and it hasn't always been easy. I'll be glad to take a break from that."
Right after Judy quit her job she asked if we could start looking for a nicer apartment. A place we could stay for a couple of years until we could afford to buy a house. I told her we could and we decided that she would look for apartments during the day and if she found any she liked I would go back with her to look at them.
The search lasted less than two weeks. I got home from work one night to find that Judy had dinner waiting on the table. She said we have to eat quick because we had an appoint to see an apartment. As we ate Judy told me I was going to love this place but that is all she would tell me. When I asked her to describe the apartment she said, "You will just have to wait to see it.
It turned out that the apartment was a little farther from town that I would have expected and wasn't actually an apartment. It was a small house on the shore of Lake Ontario. The house had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a family room. The place was in excellent condition but the best feature was that the back of the house had large windows that looked out over the lake. Judy was right, I loved it.
The only problem was the rent. It wasn't as much as I would have expected for a house on the lake but at $850 a month it was more than I had wanted to pay for an apartment.
John Allen, the owner, lived in the house next door and had left us alone to look around. I could tell by the look on Judy's face that it would be very difficult to tell her we couldn't afford to rent the house. I knew her answer would be that she could get a job to help pay the rent but I didn't want her to work.
I was still trying to think of a way to let Judy down gently when John Allen came in. John said, "So, have you made a decision?"
I said, "It's a bit more than I had planned spending in rent. I'm just getting started in my career and can't handle $850 a month."
John said, "I understand. I have an idea that might help. Would you be willing to sign a two year lease agreeing to pay $800 a month for the first year and $900 a month the second year.
I had been planning on spending $750 a month so now we were within $50 and I expected that I would get enough of a raise the following year to be able to pay the higher rent in the second year and to get a place this nice with a lake view for less than $1000 a month was a real find, so I said we'll take it."
John took us next door to his house. He introduced us to his wife Suzy and then while John was telling Suzy that we were going to rent the apartment I was watching them. John was about thirty years old and I guessed that Suzy was about the same although she could pass for twenty five. They were fit and seemed to be a loving couple. I decided it would be nice to have them for neighbors.
We moved in two weeks later. Things were great. My job was going well, Judy and I were very happy together and we loved our new home. John and Suzy were good landlords and good neighbors.
I liked the life we had... I was the bread winner and Judy managed the finances. I would turn my paychecks over to Judy and she would do the banking and pay the bills. She also took care of the house. When I came home at night the house was always immaculate, dinner was cooking and Judy had a drink ready for me. We would sit and watch the sail boats on the lake as we enjoyed our cocktail and then later in the evening would watch the beautiful sun sets.
Everything was going fine until that October. It started with the engine in my car freezing up. It cost $1300 to get it fixed and a week later an uninsured driver totaled the car in a supermarket parking lot. I had just charged the repairs to my car on my visa card and a week later turn around and buy another car. Suddenly our monthly budget was shot to hell.
When the weather started to turn cold and our heating bills shot up it caught us by surprise. I had never consider the cost of heating in our budget. With the heating bill topping $200 and it was only October, we were in trouble.
One Saturday Suzy asked Judy to go to the mall with her to do some Christmas shopping and as they were leaving John asked me to come over and watch a football game with him.
John and I had knocked off several beers when for some reason I started telling him about our financial problems. He didn't say anything for a while and then ask, "What are you going to do? Are you going to have Judy get a job?"
I said, "I really don't want her to work. I like having her at home."
John said, "Well then what are you going to do?"
I laughed and said, "I was thinking of asking you to lower our rent for a while."
John had a very serious look on his face and said, "Oh I can't do that."
I said, "I know. I was just kidding."
John was quiet for a minute and then said, "I can't lower the rent but I might be persuaded to give you a way to earn a discount of say $100."
I said, "Really? What would I have to do?"
John had a smile on his face as he said, "Actually you wouldn't have to do anything, Judy would."
I suddenly felt the hair on the back of my neck bristling. I said, "What are you saying?"
"I think you know what I am saying. If Judy is willing do a little favor for me I will knock 100 bucks off your rent this month."
I was about ready to jump up and hit him when he said, "Listen, I know this is a hard proposal to listen to but think about it."
I didn't dare hit him because I was afraid that if I started I would not be able to stop, so I got up and left.
I stewed over what John had said for the next three hours until Judy came home. She noticed my mood as soon as she walked in the door.
"What's wrong."
"Don't say nothing. I know when something is bothering and you look particularly agitated tonight. So what's going on?"
I said, "I think we are going to have to move."
"Move? Why?"
"With all the bills we have we just can't afford to live here now."
Judy's face took on a sad expression.
"I don't want to move. I love it here. Let me get a job. I can make enough to so that we can stay. Maybe we can ask John to give us a break on the rent until we get caught up a little."
I guess I couldn't hide my anger when I said, "I already asked him."
"And he said no? Is that why you are so upset?"
"No. I am upset by what he suggested."
I don't know why I said that because it just made Judy want to know what John had suggested... Judy kept after me until I finally said, "John suggested that we could get $100 off this months rent if you would do him a favor."
"Do him a favor? Like What?"
I said, "What do you think?"
"You're joking. He didn't suggest that."
I said, "He didn't suggest anything specific and I didn't ask. I got up and left. So you see, we have to move."
"But we still have a year and a half left on our lease. How do we get out of that?"
"I don't think there would be a problem. Do you really think John would let me tell Suzy about his proposition?"
Judy said, "Let's not do anything rash. The two of you were drinking right?"
Judy said, "It is not as if John proposition me and I don't want to ruin their marriage over something that John said to you when you were both a little drunk. Don't you think it's possible that he was only kidding?"
"I don't know. Maybe, but I don't think so. You had to see the look on his face when he made the suggestion. The idea of doing something with you wasn't new to him. The only thing new was saying out loud to me."
Judy said, "Promise me you won't say anything to him or Suzy at least for a few days. Maybe everything will blow over and we can forget about all this."
I didn't like it but I promised. Two weeks went by and I didn't see or speak to John or Suzy.
It was on a Wednesday night near the end of October when I came home from work and found Judy sitting at her desk with the monthly bills spread out in front of her. She wasn't writing the checks or even looking at the bills. She was just staring out the window at the lake. When she heard me come into the room she turned and gave me a half hearted smile.
I said, "What's wrong?"
She started to cry and said, "We don't have enough money to cover our bills this month?"
I didn't challenge her on that point. I knew her book keeping would be correct. If she said we didn't have the money, we didn't have it.
"How far off are we?"
"Fifty dollars right now."
I said, "Can we underpay some of the bills just to get by?"
"Then it will just be worse next month. What are we going to do?"
"I don't know."
Judy came over to me and took my hands in hers and said, "How much John offer to knock off our rent?"
I said, "You can't be serious." Judy said, "We're in trouble now. Even if you would let me get a job now it wouldn't help us this month. I just think we need to keep all of our options opened and I don't see any other solutions, do you?"
I began to feel very sick. I tried to think of ways to get the money. I said, "Can't we take a cash advance on the credit card?"
"What good would that do? It would pay this months bills but we would owe more next month Remember our heating bill is already going to be higher next month."
I said, "What about your parents? Would they help?"
Judy said, "Absolutely not. They'd be more likely to ask for money than to give me any. Anyway I would much rather have to deal with John then to ask my parents for anything. How much did John offer?"
I didn't look at Judy as I said, "He offered $100."
"What do you think he wanted me to do?"
"I don't know, I guess have sex with him."
Judy said, "I hate to say this but I think you had better ask him?"
I said, "I don't think this is a good idea..."
"Jesus Bill. can't you see that we don't have a choice. This is the only way we can get through this months bills without adding to our debt."
I said, "What do you want me to do?"
"Talk to John. Find out if the offer he made you is still open then find out what I would have to do."
I said, "I don't think I can do that."
"You have to. Now just call him or go talk to him. The sooner we get this over with the better."
Judy let go of my hands and went into the bedroom and closed the door.
I began pacing around the house trying to swallow the bitter taste in my mouth and prepare myself to make the call to John.
I went into the kitchen and got out my bottle of Jack Daniel's and knocked down two quick shots, then waited as the warmth spread through my body and then I drank another shot. After the third drink I waited five minutes until I started to feel the effects of the alcohol and then I went to the phone.
John answered the phone on the second ring. I said, "John, it's Bill. Is the offer you made still good?"
"You mean the hundred dollars? Yes, the offer still stands."
"What would Judy have to do?"
"Is she going to do it?"
I said, "I don't know. She would have to know what you want first."
John said, "All I want is a blow job. She sucks me till I cum in her mouth I knock a hundred bucks of this months rent."
I really resented the way he talked to me but I didn't respond to that. I said, "I'll talk to Judy and let you know. If she agrees, when would you want to do it?"
"Suzy is going to be out tonight, we could do it tonight." "Let me talk to Judy."
I didn't say bye, I just hung up the phone and poured myself another shot of Jack.
I sat for another ten minutes before I went to the bedroom to talk to Judy, When I walked into the room Judy immediately asked, "Did you talk to John?"
I said, Yes, I just called him." "What did he say?"
"He said the offer still stands."
"What does he want me to do?"
I said, "He wants you to give him a blow job. He said you would have to let him cum in your mouth."
Judy was quiet for a long minute then said, "I suppose it could have been much worse. I guess I can handle that if your with me."
I said, "With you. You mean with you while you do that? I don't know if I could handle watching you do that with him..."
"You have to. I can't do this alone. I have to have you there so that I know that I have your support on this otherwise I don't think I could go through with it. Did he say when he wants me to do it?"
"He said he wants to do it tonight when Suzy is out of the house."
"Tonight is good. The sooner we get it over with the better. Tell John to come over here when Suzy leaves. Go call him now and then leave me alone until he comes. Just remember you have to stay with me when I do it."
I left the room and closed the door behind me. I went out to the kitchen and called John and when he answered the phone I just said, "When Suzy goes out come over here."
John said, "Okay," and hung up the phone.
About an hour passed before John knocked on the door. I let him in and we walked into the living room. John sat on the sofa and I said I would go get Judy.
John said, "Before you go I just wanted to say something. I value your friendship and hope that somehow after this is over we will be able to be friends again. I know this is difficult for you but I couldn't help myself. Judy is a beautiful sexy woman and I could not resist taking advantage of this opportunity."
I just gave him a look that I hoped would that would let him know how much he disgusted me.
I knocked on the bedroom door and asked Judy if she was ready. Judy came to the door dressed in jeans and a tee shirt. I noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra but I didn't see that it made a difference under the circumstances.
Judy "You cheapskate bastard!" Judy shouted,throwing a table lamp at John. The lamp gashedJohn's forehead before the lamp smashed on thefloor. John lost his cool and decked her with asingle punch. Then he went back to bed, lockingthe bedroom door behind him. Judy got to her feet and looked at her face. There was a visible contusion which would developinto a nice black eye. She went to the phone andcalled the police. Thirteen minutes later, when twocops arrived at the door, they...
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They were going to be late for the party. Danny fretted through the traffic on I-39, but some sort of accident up ahead had left only one lane open. While Danny kept drumming the steering wheel, Devlin kept running her hand down her leg. It was hot in the car, the early evening sun made it seem like being inside an oven and she could feel the sweat trickling down her back. She hoped it didn't stain the dress. It seemed like the whole afternoon things had been just a few minutes late....
Brenda spent the summer with her new bff, Riana who was three years older but not a whit wiser than 14 year old Miss Buttsmit. In September Riana would be a senior at Gottaget High, whilst her neophyte protégé would just be entering ninth grade. Nonetheless, during those weeks before Labour Day the pair were inseparable and mutually inspiring. Both girls were virgins in the technical sense that they had not been genitally penetrated by a boy's penis. Riana was shocked to find out her young...
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Nicole on her knees sucking my 7 inch cock , slurping and gulping giving me a wet and sloppy blow job, when Heather comes out her big hard round tips bouncing ever so slightly ad she walked and I gasped when I seen her wearing her 8 inch thick she cock.... Heathers cock (she didn't like it to be called a dildo) was vieny and thick with a big mushroom head...very life like, even felt like a real cock.. With a sey little walk and a command tone in her voice she ordered "let him show you how...
The room was still in darkness when I awoke. It took a few moments for me to realize where I was. There was one thing for sure, I hadn’t been dreaming.I was in a cage, so I must be at Master Dieter’s place. Minor cramping in my gut kept reminding me thatI needed to have a bowel movement.I hoped someone would be along soon. My mouth was dry and I was very thirsty. That Pilsen crap didn’t quench the thirst it only made it worse. I had not been permitted to brush my teeth so my mouth had a...
The young man looked out the window at the lunar surface. He knew it wasn’t real. He knew what he was looking at was nothing more than a projection of some spot recorded on the surface perhaps a hundred klicks or so above him. He knew with just a sub-vocal command he could have an image from any other planet in the Confederacy on his monitor. If he wanted, he could even see a recorded image of his home. Sure, it wouldn’t be real time – just a recording of some days, weeks or months before –...
Story: Bondage Bride (fsub spank bond)There were only a few friends at the wedding. Family just wouldnot have understood. The bride got all the attention. Not onlywas Shawna beautiful -- she had walked down the aisle with hergloved hands cuffed behind her. She was also deliriously happy. Her bridal veil covered her face, and her white wedding dress wasa touch on the modern side - low cut in front to show somecleavage, and the hem settled just above her knees. She hadmeticulously shaved her...
It’s funny, I’ve been on this scene for a few years now and have met some very nice people and made some very good close friends. I have had lovers and FBs but my preference is playing with couples, not that I’m bi it’s just for me it’s less complicated (but that’s another story).My job takes me all over the county staying for months on end and lodging in city centre hotels which is very convenient for making friends for regular meets.While all meets are lots of fun and very memorable, there is...
468 An explosive marriageThe night had been good, a success he had enjoyed spanking her, his hand unused to the striking of flesh had stung a bit, her arse had glowed, her voice had quavered towards the end but his dick had stiffened like never before and he had had her after on the living room carpet, in a way that said he understood a bit more now and he was like a youth again. They both knew they would walk this path again and more, and had gone to bed for a repeat performance, to sleep like...
This is a work of fiction. Hence not a real event, just for arousal purposes only. Hello Readers, here’s my first story for ISS. I’ve been reading stories here since a long time, specifically years I should say, years which I should kinda say inspired me to write this too. So not boring you much, I’ll just jump to the story. So here it is! So, here I was in my 19th year of life, just experiencing my ultimate fantasy. Well let me start from the beginning. I’m Rohan average built with wheatish...
His name was Albert Ritter but few called him Al and his mother was the only one that called him Albert. The world called him Tex. He was The NASA hot shot astronaut but Nasa was no longer flying which royally pissed him off. He had just finished his training when the space shuttles were confined to museums. He was assigned to Edwards AFB and did flight testing on new and improved aircraft. He was assigned ‘the over the hump’ test flights, the ones after all knew the thing would fly and not...
April and I have been married for 7 years and our sex life has always been adventurous, to say the least. One of the fantasies I have had for us is to see her pleased by a big black cock. I found the way for this to happen and here is how it played out. Although we had experienced sex with other couples and singles, they were all white, average people like ourselves. For several months I tried to convince her to play out the "black" fantasy to no success. I knew that if I ever wanted this to...
Ned lay in bed with his hands behind his head staring at the ceiling. He had, over the years, spent some time analysing the cracks in the ceiling, but had always been unable to work out whether they showed the outline of Australia or an unknown, perhaps treasure, island. He was being no more successful on this occasion and his mind wandered off on to other things. The previous evening, Friday, he had missed the school bus once again and had had to use the service bus. The usual crew had been...
Alicia awoke to find herself lying naked on a cement floor. For a moment, she struggled to recall what had happened the previous night but failed; finally deciding that someone must have slipped her one hell of a mickey. She rose smoothly to her knees and then stood, marveling at the fact that, despite her odd sleeping arrangements, all of the aches and pains that she had accumulated over her forty years did not trouble her in the slightest. Peering about curiously, she determined that she...
She gasped and then went limp, melting into the bed. It took me far too long to decide something was wrong. As I slowed to a stop, she took a shuddering breath, and her eyes popped open.There was surprise and delight in her eyes as she exclaimed, "Oh, don't stop!"Her hands slid to the small of my back and she started pushing with the tempo she wanted. My hips started thrusting again, and she moaned in pleasure. Her hands started to caress all over my back. She pulled my torso down closer and...
SupernaturalOne-day things started to move out of the ordinary. I went to Ms. Gladstone’s room like always to see if she needed anything. I knocked on her door and asked her if I could come in, but there was no answer. I knocked again and put my ear to the door to see if she was there or not. I heard groans and heavy breathing coming from her room. I got scared and thought she was in serious need of a doctor. So I opened the door ready to find her at the brink of death, instead I see her on her bed naked...
Duncan could hardly believe the morning. Not one day could he recall that had dawned so bright and cheerful, with so much promise. Looking at the beautiful woman walking beside him, her hand in his, he knew exactly why the day was so grand. Grinning wryly to himself he realized it could be the middle of a blizzard and he would feel the same. The fact the woman looking up to him with 'that look' in her eyes was as lovely a person as she was beautiful certainly didn't hurt. She was not only...
Sadie Blake is a horny rich girl that likes to fuck the help while her parents are away. Sadie teases her chauffeur from the backseat of the car, fingering and rubbing her pussy while spreading her legs in a short mini-skirt. When they pull into her garage, she sheds her top to expose her supple little titties and pulls her white cotton panties to the side as she rubs her snatch. Sadie convinces the chauffeur to pull out his cock and she quickly gets on her knees and starts servicing his giant...
xmoviesforyouby mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Seventeen: Doctors and Realtors Mary was looking quite fetching in her black, short skirt and blue blouse as we walked out of the house, through the ruined front door. Fucking FBI. Bad enough they had to raid my house, did they have to smash down the door? Desiree was tracking down a contractor that could get the door replaced today while I ordered five of the sluts to go get their pussy's waxed at the Heavenly Creature's Salon. Violet, Fiona,...
Intro to Sissies XI By latexslut "...now," Ms Orange announced, "your training begins." John Phillips stood still, and listened to his heart begin to beat faster. Sweat formed on his forehead and in his groin and butt, where the plug held in yesterdays come. He would obey, he would obey. In his entire life, he had never been whipped until yesterday and yesternight, and he had never even conceived of the pain it could bring. The first stroke hurt, and the second and the third....
I had moved here some months after my wife’s heart attack. It seemed like a good idea at the time to start again somewhere new and I was proved right one day last month. The house was one of three on a hill overlooking nine other houses in a small hamlet, with a lovely wide, green valley beyond. The view was improved even more by the family living in the house below me. Later on I would learn the couple were both 39 (Cynthia and Wayne) with a girl of 19 (Karen) and a son called Mark who was...
First TimeAfter we booked the snot nosed kids, I was thoroughly disgusted with humanity. I just wanted to go home. I had one thing I had to do first. I had to stop off at Mary Ann’s apartment. I needed my Baby Sparrow fix. I used my key to gain entry to Mary Anne’s apartment. Her car was missing from her assigned space in the lot. I went inside her place to snoop and to make sure Sparrow wasn’t there alone. I admit it was terrible thing to think, but it was a thing we had investigated before. Hell she...
Chapter 17: Jeanne's Wild Night - Jeanne Sucks Persia"All right, Jeanne," said Barocca. "You've had your turn at being in charge, and on top for bit. Now the tables are going to be turned. You're gonna suck us, and you're gonna be the one who gets fucked.""We're going to take it easy on you, because you haven't been on a diet of Dee Dee's pills," said Persia. "But only to a certain degree. What your body can't do in terms of accepting our oversized cocks, you'll have to make up for in...
One of the best days I ever had with my wife, sexually that is, is when she watched me suck a cock for the first time. At the time we were married about 15 years and from the beginning she had always said to me she would like to see me with another guy. Little did she know that I actually craved to have sex with a man. Earlier in my life, before being married, I had experimented with gay sex a few times as a teen.As it so happened, my wife and I were returning home from a movie, it was about...
My wife and I volunteered to work at a fundraiser recently. It was a nice event, so we had to dress accordingly. We got there about 5pm. I was wearing a black button up dress shirt, dark jeans, and black dress shoes. She was wearing black dress pants, an aqua sleeveless top, and tan open toe heels. Her toes were freshly painted pink. A little more about her. She's 5'0" and about 110lbs., petite and sexy. Light brown hair with green eyes. We did our work until about 10:00 p.m., and ran into...
Fetishwhen i arrived at the park i sent jaquon a text message letting him know that i was waiting.he replied with a message telling me to turn around.when i did turn and look behind me,i noticed a tall, dark skinned man waving at me.i could feel myself becoming nervous with every step i took toward him. finally we were face to face,and damn he looked good!we properly introduced ourselves,and then gave each other a friendly hug.i took a deep breath in and enjoyed his sent as we hugged,and he must...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Even though Danielle had no problems what-so-ever with her son dressing (and living) as a woman, she was growing quite tiresome of having her clothes borrowed. Hence, she had decided to take Jason shopping for his own wardrobe. However, her son had refused to go out in public any longer as a man. When the two went out, Jason put on the wig, shaved his face as closely as he could (using foundation to cover any remnants of facial hair) and stuffed a bra...
IncestThe Park Bench The day I met Arthur, I was taking a stroll on my way home from work, and the day was so warm I chose the longer park route over my normal direct one. I had stopped at the cafe for a guilty ice-cream and was leaning over a wall admiring the fountains and sunken gardens as I licked it. From behind me I heard his voice “That’s a sexy butt if ever I saw one”. I turned round wondering if it were someone I knew, and prepared to give an abusive riposte if it weren’t. But I was met...
I awoke in the middle of the night with Marlit sucking on my enlarging dick, and Gerona was munching on Marlit’s pussy. Gerona’s pussy was up by me so I reached over and started diddling her pussy and clit, but Pauloa started moaning. By now I could see a little bit by the light of the two digital clocks in the room, and Pauloa was the pussy I diddled and Gerona was closer to me than I thought. I looked over and Ambat and Nadira were alternating on sucking Barbara’s tits. One had the right...
By : Rakhiqewe Hi everybody. I am Rakhee Tiwari (changed name) from Lucknow. I am a newly married housewife. My husband is the owner of two five star hotels.I am 26 years old. My father owns a travel agency in Kanpur. I have a one year old son who still drinks my milk. I am still lactating. I had a happy life my husband has a beautiful younger sister Aarti who is 21 and is about to get married in my home there are also my husbands parents and two servants one is old driver Rajesh who used to...
Sharon was still dressed in the cut-offs and t-shirt she wore while packing. She needed a shower, and quickly. She found her nightgown and was just heading for the bathroom, when there was a knock on the door. Knock was too light a word for it. It was more of a pounding. Her heart leaped in her chest. Already? He was here already? She grabbed her wand and walked to the front door. She peered out the peephole, and saw Arcutus standing there, a ways back from the door, clothed in shadow. A...
I took a sip of my Appletini, dancing in my seat at the bar to blaring dance music, watching men and women, masked and half-naked, grinding erotically on the strobe-lit dance floor. My girlfriend Velia, the naughty little thing that'd talked me into attending this swinger's club with her and her husband, was in the already in the Red Room, probably getting the brains fucked out of her. I couldn't bring myself to go in there. Not without getting a few drinks in me first, anyway. I had...
MatureFANTASIA PART TWO - CHAPTER 1 After being asked many times to write a sequel for FANTASIA, here it is many years after the original. I hope I did it justice. CHAPTER 1 Sebastian woke up screaming. It had been the same for some time, he couldn't remember how long but since he returned from that world he had these constant nightmares. He lay in bed awake and stared at the ceiling. The ceiling was different to the one he had woken up and stared at for so long. Nice...
David and Moira duly presented themselves at the police station the following morning at ten and introduced themselves to the receptionist. "Ah yes," she smiled. "If you'd like to take a seat Constable Evans will be with you directly." "A Welsh PC in Perth? Whatever's the world coming to?" whispered David as they sat down. Moira grinned. "Behave yourself," she replied quietly. David did a spaniel. "I mean it," she said sternly but her sparkling eyes belied it. PC Evans...
"Hi, Mrs. Cameron," Jason said while entering the foyer of the Cameron house, "is Zoey home from college yet!?!" "She's up in her room with Sky," Julie Cameron replied, "she said to just send you up when you got here!!!" Thanks, Mrs. C," he replied while taking off up the stairs to her room on the second floor!!! "Knock first," Julie Cameron yelled after him, "I thought I could hear a lot of moaning and groaning coming from up there, "don't barge in on them, okay!?!" "Sure thing," he yelled...
Group SexLucy's husbands first time Part 1 "C'mon honey' time to wake up!" I heard my wife's voice ring out beside me. My head was groggy and I could feel a dull throb like a headache that was just beginning to subside. I felt as though I had a skin full last night, with a dry throat and a slightly queasy feeling in my stomach. "Hey, wake up... I need to talk to you baby!" I slowly opened my eyes, cringing at the sunlight streaming in through the open curtains of our bedroom window....
I wanted to do something special for you. A true romantic getaway. I show up at your door one Friday evening to whisk you away for the ultimate in romantic getaway. I can see the puzzlement on your face as we drive up to the mountains and pull into a tiny railroad station in a small town. Finally I tell you the plan. I have booked us a romantic two day train ride through the Appalachian mountains. We check in at the ticket counter and get our berth squared away. Once the train gets under way...
Hi this is Madhu again giving my 2nd story in ISS. I have lot of mails for my first story. Thank you for reading. And this is my 2nd story about sex life after my marriage.We have married 1 year back and this happened at the second month after my marriage. I have married to Prem who is having lots of relation in his home. My In – Laws and having one more sister – in – law in home waiting for marriage. As everybody know when newly married we have lots of expectations in SEX even would like to...
I’m Knot A Whore I saw this young lady staggering as she walked from the bar to her car. I knew that she should not be driving in her condition and called to her. When she turned around I had to smile her T-shirt read, “I’m knot a whore, I give it away.” I looked at her big saggy breasts with her nipples protruding and asked, “So you give it away.” She looked down, grabbed the lower edge of her T-shirt and threw her shoulders back saying, “I’m not a whore. I give it away.” I...
“Morning ” this was the word which made me to wokeup early morning in past couple of days. My mami is around 32 medium height, generally wears saree with right flesh at right part, round boobs, and small face, her eyes always use to glitter for me. But she lost herself in daily chores of work from past few years after marriage. The whole thing started in one fine rainy day…..It was around 6 in the evening in the month of august when dawn comes early and every thing becomes dark. Mami- “Come...
IncestRekha madam kept the glass of drink on the side table and said,"make him happy, I don't want any complaints from him. He is a big man, not only rich but powerful." She nodded her head and sat on the bed expecting to be butchered. Rekha went out closing the door. Raj came out making some noise by the mouth as if he is trying to remove something from between his teeth. He began to undress. "Remove your dress" He said. Pooja got up and removed her uniform and climbed on the bed. She sat...
77 Her mother’s gardener.I was just finishing my breakfast, sat mopping my plate of the last of the egg-yolk when my wife Margaret suggested that while we were out we ‘popped in’ to visit her mum. Not one of my favourite occupations visiting and I spluttered a bit but knew if she wanted to ‘pop in’ then pop in pop in is what we would be doing, my life would be less happy if we didn’t, all husbands know that ‘a suggestion by the wife’ is actually a plan set in concrete in most regular...
The room had begun to spin for Carol... and had yet to stop! In the center of the whirlpool she saw the abominable grinning mouth of Ed White opening and closing as it seemed to come closer and closer to her! "You fainted on me, kid," his gruff voice came down to her. She saw then that she was stretched out on the couch and that she was covered by her negligee now draped carelessly over her. The white-haired man was on his knees beside her, a glass in his hand, and she could taste the...
Life continued in much the same manner over the next two months. There were variations, for sure, and while the frequency and in-bed intensity didn't diminish much, the atmosphere changed dramatically. It went from frenzied lust to a more laid-back cuming-and-going, so to speak. Perhaps the novelty of a White woman's body had faded slightly and now it was more or less the normal male passion for cunt at every opportunity.Over those several months I had no way of keeping track of how much Black...
I am in a lift in the corner at the back, its the start of the day so its getting pretty full. A woman gets on she stands in front of me, she has dark shoulder length hair and a thin halter neck summer dress on. I can smell her perfume waking my desires. More people get on, she steps back touching me, her hair brushes my face making her scent stronger, I can feel the soft cheeks of her ass against me. My cock stiffens against her, she must feel it through her thin dress but she does not...
Straight SexEs war Samstag Nacht gegen halb3 als meine Mutter mit ihrem Freund nach Hause kam. Ich sollte schlafen lag aber was und ziemlich angetrunken im Bett. Ich hörte wie sie und er an meinen Zimmer vorbei ins Schlafzimmer liefen. Da hörte ich ihn stöhnen: Du geiles Weib! Du hast mich heute Abend so geil gemacht und jetzt will ich mit dir Ficken! Meine Mutter lacht: Oh ja! Ich gebe es dir immer und immer wieder. Er warf sie aufs Bett und zog sie und sich aus. Langsam drang er in sie ein und ein leises...
FetishHi, this is Arjun again, with his big dick and a nice experience to share with his readers to make them happy ;) For those who have not read my previous experiences, I am a 27-year-old investment banker, working in Bangalore. I hail from UP. This is my encounter with a horny mid-30s housewife, met at a grocery store. I am 6’2″tall , muscular, good looking guy. I recently rented a 1BHK and shifted there. I set out on a Friday evening to buy some groceries. There is TOTAL mall near my place and...
Hi guys. This is real story happened in 2012 and still continuing with my sexual partners. This is my first story and if you find any mistakes kindly pardon me. And send the feedback to my email id : Coming to the story, I was just 18 years at the time and our family is of father,mother,sister and me. Our aunty were in native place doing some business and she is widow, so she rented out the apartment in Chennai for few years before coming to Chennai -my hometown. After sometime I came to know...
IncestHello to every ISS reader, all ladies be ready to get your pussy wet. Now I’m going to start my story. It happened last year. As I mention this story is about me and my Mammi. Now let me tell you about my mami’s figure she is 5′ 4” with 36-32-38 banging figure to die for. I die to have her. Now let me get back to story. It was summer 2012 I was done with my college exam and I was planning for some vacation. So, I decided to go to my Mama’s home in Gaon near to Navsari as all my cousin were...
"Hello, Stan! This is Helen Randolph... I... What? Oh goddamned answering service! Tell Stan I need an extra appointment this week. Yes, tell him I'm coming today whether he likes it or not!" Helen slammed down the telephone and went to her mirror again. Her nervous fingers moved through her hair as she tried to cope with the facts of the night before. "This is it!" she said to herself. "I can't take any more. Something has to give!" "Yes, this will do fine!" Adam Randolph was...
I woke from a sound sleep to a hand lightly caressing my cock, and a voice whispering in my ear. "Nate ... Nate." That was my wife Sue. "Oh, Nate, you hot sexy guy. There's a cunt that needs your attention, a lovely smooth cunt, can't you feel it as you slide in?" She paused. "It's a HOT one, too." "Laura?" I asked. "Yes," said Sue. Laura had been sick, and she still had a fever. My cock rose rapidly, though the rest of me was still climbing out of a deep sleep. I sighed. I...
We'd been planning to meet for a long time, and the day had finally come. I was so excited, but at the same time unbelievably nervous. It was going to be my first time, and I was shaking the whole day. I made sure I looked perfect. I shaved my legs and my pussy. I wanted to be smooth for the upcoming event. I put my hair up, simple but cute. I sprayed myself with some strawberry scented body spray and told my mom I was ready to go. I told her that I was meeting a friend at the mall and from...
EroticAmy, Tracey and Barb moved in to the ground floor apartment a few floors below me. I met them as they were moving in, each was 19 and all three were damn good looking. Our apartments were in the back of the complex and it was always completely dark back there. So, I gave them the normal welcome speech about being careful, close the curtains, don’t list first names on the mail box, etc. All that stuff to be secure in a place with frequent police visits due to peeping toms and prowlers. I...
S2K: Your Heart's Desire By SueB Dan Talbot was once again cubby-holed in his den trying to take advantage of all the advertising he had seen to make this holiday season an "E-Season". Instead of getting in the car and driving from strip mall to strip mall, he and his wife Karen had decided that this holiday period, the Internet would do their shopping work for them. Dan had decided that his nephew, Tim, would really enjoy some books that had a Sci-Fi theme, which was his...
This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story. This is 4TH part of the series so requesting you to read the previous parts .Dealing with a rowdy party leads to a sexy game. The following day a sheepish Debbie called to apologize for the previous night. I assured her I had enjoyed myself and that I was glad she was feeling good now. Debbie went on to say that she was going away for the week to visit her husband while he was working away...
Bella loved sex. She had been with most men in her town from the high school football team to the 80 year old grandpa. She would spend hours in bed to just a quick fuck in the back of a car. Yesterday she fucked grandpa Joe for three hours in his back yard. He loved that she would deepthroat his cock as grandma would not even touch it. She even would have sex with a wife while the hubby watched. Men loved to see their wives lick and suck Bella's smooth pussy while they stroked their cock. Then...