Fairly CAPableChapter 12: An Offer free porn video

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The young man looked out the window at the lunar surface.

He knew it wasn’t real. He knew what he was looking at was nothing more than a projection of some spot recorded on the surface perhaps a hundred klicks or so above him. He knew with just a sub-vocal command he could have an image from any other planet in the Confederacy on his monitor. If he wanted, he could even see a recorded image of his home. Sure, it wouldn’t be real time – just a recording of some days, weeks or months before – but it could be done.

He liked looking at the lunar surface, though. Especially the image of the lunar surface with the Earth slowly spinning above the lunar ridgeline. It calmed him somehow.

With a sigh, he turned back to the desk. His desk. Only it wasn’t. Not really. It was just a desk in the office temporarily assigned to him by DECO. The Department of Evacuation and Colonial Operations was in charge of Artemis base. While the Navy had some influence over the warren assigned to them, penultimately space was assigned by DECO after a request from the Navy. More than likely those requests were rubber-stamped, but it was still the process.

Like most desks, this one was empty except for a small pad. For a moment, he wondered why they used desks at all. They weren’t needed.

Offices really weren’t needed either. With Confederacy technology, people could work literally anywhere. Proximity was necessary thanks to the physical laws of the universe – piddling things like Newton’s laws and Einstein’s relativity – but dedicated office space seemed like a waste.

Still, the human race was resistant to change. More than likely if he asked the AI it would cite some kind of psychological requirement. The truth was the human race simply liked things to remain stationary. The war with the Sa’arm was just so damned inconvenient.

He rubbed his eyes. He was tired.

No, not tired. Weary. World-weary. He’d never been weary before. It had always seemed like a game before – him against the Sa’arm. A deadly game but those were the best kind. He wasn’t some adrenaline junky, but he did enjoy besting the stupid fucking dickheads. Just like he enjoyed besting those stupid fucking Earth First morons.

He looked back down at the pad. Read the words yet again. The game was changing. The question was whether he could change with it. It was a good offer, all things considered, but the game wouldn’t be as adrenaline filled. It would be more chess than first person shooter.

In the end, he really knew he had no choice. Games were meant to be played. He’d play this one and, in the end, he’d win. He always won. He always would.

“Major, Lieutenant Capstan is waiting outside the office as ordered,” the station AI spoke through his implant.

“Let her in,” the man said, tossing the pad back onto the desk. Enough with the dreary numbers. He was looking forward to seeing his friend again. Maybe she could lift him from this melancholy.

Octavia walked in, coming to a stop just inside the door. The Major noticed the blond was dressed in her daily uniform: black tunic, trousers, boots and kepi and a gray shirt. Strangely, she’d braided her hair rather than keep it in her traditional ponytail.

He frowned. Humans were creatures of habit. A change signified something larger than just hair. Something had altered in the stability he’d always attributed to Octavia’s universe. He had some idea what it was but surely things hadn’t gone that far...

“Sir, Lieutenant Capstan reporting as ... Dervish?”

“It’s good to see you, Oh,” Dervish chuckled, reverting to a long-used pet name for his friend. She didn’t particularly like it – but that was its primary appeal.

He remembered to smile as the surprise covered her face. She hadn’t known he was coming, of course. He’d specifically told the AI to keep who she was meeting secret.

“What the hell are you doing here? I thought you’d been sent back to Borneo?”

“I was back at Borneo,” Dervish McTavish chuckled. It was a real chuckle, if somewhat forced. Dervish reflected wryly that as much as he wanted to think himself immune to such things, he was still a creature of habit himself. He was still resistant to change. It was a failing he’d have to watch out for. Not conforming to change could get you killed.

And eaten. And not in the good way.

“In typical bureaucratic inefficiency, I got there just in time for them to issue me new orders sending me back.”

“Isn’t that always the way?” Octavia laughed.

She walked over and took a seat across the desk from her friend. She leaned back, her legs moving forward. She was relaxed with Dervish. They’d been friends forever. She knew he wouldn’t stand on ceremony. She could just be herself.

“What did we used to say? Paperwork was just the Admiralty’s way of justifying their existence?”

“Something like that,” Dervish grinned.

He couldn’t help it. Octavia had a way of making the world seem better. He loved her – but like a sister. There was a time, way in the distant past, when he thought it might be more – but they’d both agreed it wasn’t. They worked – but not that way.

“It’s good to see you, though. Actually, I’m glad I caught you before you left the system.”

Octavia rolled her eyes. She was of two minds on the subject. On one hand, her interests here meant she was happy with the typical bureaucratic inefficiency which made things take so long – but on the other, she was ready to get back to work.

“I’m still waiting on my orders. I’m hoping they’ll send me home before they shuttle me off somewhere else. Believe it or not, I’m sort of missing my rugrats. Plus, I’m kind of hoping command will let me add one to the total before shipping me out again.”

“We might be able to arrange that,” Dervish replied thoughtfully, his eyes sparkling. He almost couldn’t hide the smirk. Octavia was smart. She’d figure it out in a second.

“We?” Octavia leaned forward, her eyes narrowed. She’d figured it out even faster than he’d thought. “Who or what is ‘we’? You know something, don’t you?”

Dervish shook his head and smiled. He wasn’t going to give anything away until he absolutely had to. This was a game, too. Another kind of game, less deadly and more fun, but a game nevertheless. “Maybe. First things first. How’s our boy?”

Octavia reclined back in her seat and let out a huge sigh.

“Honestly? I’m not sure. He seemed alright when he first got up here but...” Her voice trailed off as she looked out the viewport. She paused, taking her time. She wasn’t really certain how to explain things. She wasn’t really sure she could explain things.

“He’s having some issues adjusting,” she finished lamely.

“Like what?” Dervish asked. His eyes were narrowed in concern. Calix had been an easy call. The boy was incredibly intelligent with almost unlimited potential. He was confident, self-assured. He shouldn’t have had any problems at all fitting in.

“The AI could probably explain it better than I can,” Octavia replied. “You should ask it.”

“Artemis has already given me his report,” Dervish confirmed. He leaned back into his chair, his lips pursing. He just didn’t understand the report. It was as if the AI were talking about two different people – at the same time. “I’d like to get your take on it.”

Octavia leaned back, looking up towards the ceiling.

“I think Calix is having an identity crisis,” she replied finally. “Maybe more than that. I think – I think he might have – we might have broken him, Dervish.”

Dervish’s eyes narrowed even further. “Broken him? Broken him how?”

“I’m not sure,” she replied with some heat. “I just know the Calix I talked to earlier wasn’t the one we met on the planet. He seemed – unsure of himself.”

She chuckled mirthlessly. “Hell, you remember GlobalTech. You’ve read his CAP scores. He seemed – perfect. Inhuman.”

She paused, sighing, and then looked directly at Dervish. “What if it only works for him down there?”

Dervish took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “The AI has been monitoring him. Bio readings, conscious and subconscious. He thinks Cal may have suffered a nervous breakdown.”

“We pushed too hard,” Octavia said softly. “He got blown up looking in that building – and we kept pushing. He took on an entire street gang on his own – and we kept pushing. Hell, he almost got his ass blown up – he almost died – at the pickup and we kept pushing. We should have left him alone for a while.”

“It wasn’t our call,” Dervish muttered. He shook his head. “It was a goddamn clusterfuck. The AI – Hermes – kept close watch on him – vitals and so on – and said he’d recovered. It’s why they gave him an extra two months down there – there were some who wanted to extract him from the fucking hospital.”

“They should have given him more time!” Octavia exclaimed angrily.

“They didn’t want to risk it,” Dervish snarled. He took another deep breath and blew it out, getting ahold of himself. “I’m not supposed to tell you this but – his potential is off the charts. We’ve never seen someone with a genius level intellect who has the physical prowess – the strength, the control, the willpower.”

His hands were claws in front of him, shaking together to signify the young man’s presence. “It’s why they’re putting him in R&D instead of straight combat – they think the way he looks at things – seeing both sides of the issue – he’ll be a game changer for us.”

Dervish shrugged and sighed, leaning back in his chair. “So – they rushed him.”

“Great,” Octavia rolled her eyes. “Now, we have to put him back together again. I found him lying outside my door yesterday, curled in a ball and trembling. I thought he was having a seizure.”

Dervish nodded. “That’s about the same thing Artemis said. As expected, he was just really long-winded about it.”

Dervish’s eyes narrowed in thought. “You know him pretty well. How bad is it?”

Octavia paused to think for a moment. “On a scale of one to ten? I’d give it a twelve, easily. The stupid AI spilled the fact our implants can alter what we see, hear, taste – basically, it told Cal it could control his entire world.”

“I’ve watched the vid,” she went on. “How did it put it? Something like ‘in effect, I can partially control your reality’ – something like that.” Octavia paused. “It wasn’t the worst of it, though. I think it’s just the thing which broke him down. It was kind of the straw that broke the camel’s back. He was – he was bad before then. Dervish, he crawled into the bathroom.” Octavia shuddered. “Unfortunately, I think he was regaining control – and then when the AI told him about the implants, he completely lost it.”

“Didn’t Artemis explain the safeguards in place?” Dervish asked.

“I think it was trying but Cal didn’t give it a chance,” she sighed.

Octavia took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “I think Cal has always lived on the jagged edge of being out of control. Well, at least for the past few years. He maintains his edge by living in the moment. He seems to constantly be aware of everything around him. It’s kind of like the foundation that provides his ability to function. Heck, I think it just keeps him sane. I’ve seen something similar in combat veterans – hyper-vigilance. The shrinks claim it’s a form of PTSD – I’m not sure I agree but they know more than I do. I think he’s been this way for a long time. I’m not sure he ever got over his father’s death or his stepmother’s leaving with his stepsisters. It added up – but he was dealing with it because it was his reality. Then, in a single moment, the idiotic AI tore all of it out from under him.”

“Artemis probably under-estimated Calix’s ability to process what reality meant,” Dervish said softly. “Or maybe he over-estimated Cal’s ability to process the truth.”

“My gut tells me processing the truth is what led to all of this,” Octavia replied hotly. “Cal bases everything on ‘the truth’. I believe it’s why he’s so good at – at – everything! I think it’s why he can fight like he does and why he can take apart a thermal coupling and make a fusion reactor out of paper clips and chewing gum. My best guess is it’s his moral compass, the ground on which he walks. Getting extracted, pulled out of his ‘normal’ life, shook the whole thing to the core. Then, the stupid AI yanked ‘the truth’ out from under him and he had nowhere left to go. Like I said, I found him outside my door yesterday morning, passed out in the fetal position. The AI woke me up to let me know something had happened. We got him to a med-tube but – there was nothing physically wrong with him. He’s sedated now. DECO is going to have someone with a psychological background talk to him.”

Dervish paused for a moment, thinking things through. “Maybe we all over-estimated him.”

He brought his hands up to stave off Octavia’s angry retort. “Look, Oh. We all seem to forget that buried underneath the fighter, inventor and thief we all know and love is a fairly young teen. He acts older so we’ve treated him like he was older – but he isn’t. It’s a shell with him. It’s psychological armor. He’s been hurt by his father, his mother, his stepmother ... hell, he’s lost everyone he’s cared about. He keeps it all bottled up inside, deep inside, and never lets it see the light of day. It’s no wonder he’s having a crisis when he finds out the universe isn’t as simple as he thought it was.”

“It’s not that,” the blonde woman remarked defensively. She paused before continuing, letting out a long sigh. “Okay, maybe that’s part of it. It’s worse, though. We’ve taken away him. The extraction took him out of his world. Then, when the AI told him he couldn’t trust his own senses – which were the only things he felt he could completely trust – he was left with nothing. We’ve taken away his sense of self. We’ve ripped it out of him.”

“I agree,” he replied seriously. “We have. It was going to happen eventually, though. Even if we left him down there, eventually he was going to have to learn what he considers real isn’t. In a few years, the Sa’arm will hit Earth – it’s almost a certainty now. At least by then, he was going to have to re-define himself. All we’ve done is moved up the timetable.”

“We’ve done more than that,” Octavia shook her head dolefully. “We’ve done it suddenly. We’ve done it traumatically. We can’t know what’s going to come out of it. We can’t know if he’s going to be the same person when he makes it out the other side.”

“Yes, we do,” Dervish chuckled. “Now you’re under-estimating him. Even if he has had a mental breakdown, I can honestly say the boy is stronger and tougher mentally than anyone I’ve ever seen or heard of. Will he be the same person after all the dust settles? Hell, no. The person he was would never have made it out here anyway. Neither would the Dervish who first shipped out nor the Octavia who got picked up. Like us, he’ll evolve. He’ll change. It’ll be gradual and bumpy, but he’ll adapt. Hell, he’s already adapting. Did you see how he handled the extraction of – uh...” His voice trailed off as he picked up the pad from the disk. He tapped and swiped the screen until he found what he was looking for. “Dylan Cole’s extraction? Heather’s kid?”

“The pregnant brunette?” Octavia shrugged and shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. I haven’t looked up any of the extraction reports yet.”

“Well, you should,” he remarked, looking Octavia in the eye. “He used – get this – negotiation. That’s something I didn’t think I’d ever say about Calix. Heather’s husband had a gun and was refusing to release Dylan. Instead of going ballistic, Calix talked him down. You heard me right: Calix talked the guy into giving up his son. I had to watch the vid twice before I believed it.”

“So, you see,” he continued. “He’s already changing, Oh. Do you think the street kid we first saw at the GlobalTech extraction would ever talk someone down? Strike them down, maybe – but talk them down? I figured that wouldn’t come until sometime when he was in his twenties. Maybe thirties. Calix can be – unyielding is a good word. It sounds so much better than intractable.”

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As Ashley Mendes again sashayed for what she thought was a mundane day into the paralegal office known as Bagwell and Associates, she said to the secretary in front of her who was on the phone, “Good morning, Kathy,” in her most cordial voice.“Good morning, Ashley,” The older lady said. “Mr. Bagwell wants to see you,”“Yes, ma’am.”“You’re welcome,” The secretary named Kathy said. News (among other things) traveled fast around the firm. Kathy knew exactly what was going on. Kathy said nothing....

Office Sex
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A Loving Offer

"Shit, Whitney," I whined, getting off Morgan. "What are you doing back here already?""The girls canceled, and I texted both of you if you'd like to meet up, but neither of you answered. Now I see why. So, that's what this was all about; you recruited my daughter for that, are you serious?""Yes, but please don't be upset; we were still just having step-mother/daughter time," I sobbed, taking her hands in mine. "Please don't break us up.""I wasn't going to, Spencer, don't be such a drama queen,"...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 53 The Offer

Stacy’s advice literally added a zero to Wally Walters’ offer to assume control of the Peachy Keen world. Happy Walls would pay me $64 million for the publishing rights to all my existing books. Each new book would earn me another $500 K, to be placed in my brand new Caribbean offshore account. The kicker was that there were also movie and TV rights to a Peachy Keen series being acquired. His offer, which I accepted in about 2.5 seconds: $1.4 billion American. Paid in one lump sum, from one...

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Fairly CAPableChapter 10 The New Home

It was late by the time Calix and his family made it back to their quarters. Amelia and Dylan were both already sleeping. They’d slept in the med-tubes, of course, but upon exiting they’d only remained awake long enough to find someone to carry them to comfortable beds. Amelia simply held out her tired arms to Calix and Dylan had practically climbed up Heather. As Calix was carrying Amelia to the personal lift, he felt someone tugging on his shirtsleeve. He turned to find one of Yolanda’s...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 33 Another Job Offer

Mr. May greets us with a handshake. I comment, “Mr. May your home brings back fond memories of Rick helping me with math.” “Thank you Z for sharing fond memories but please call me Will. My given name is Wilbur. Please simply call me Will. “Dinner will be ready in 10 to 15 minutes. I have a favor to ask of you.” “I’m listening.” “When we leave in three weeks I would like you to take charge of this house. You will be paid for your efforts. After Rick leaves for Chicago, my firm would like...

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The Offering

A gentle mist lay in the valley as the sun rose between the hills that looked down over the village. As it crept steadily higher on that September morning, its rays struck the Big Stone that stood upright at the woodland edge of the Top Field, making it seem to glow as it absorbed the new day’s light. Down in the village, the same first light awakened Alice as she lay dreaming. Usually, she slept until the rays of the sun were high enough to strike the wall opposite her bed, but she had slept...

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Futa Naked in School 11 Futa Bullys Naughty WeekChapter 2 Shelenarsquos Naughty Offer

Shelena Lowell’s Week, Tuesday I couldn’t believe I was crying. Me! I leaned against the wall in the second-floor corridor, Guanting Chan’s futa-cum leaking out of my pussy. Tears spilled down my cheeks as I struggled to get my emotions under control. Anger boiled through me at the mocking laughter that had surrounded me in the cafeteria. All my life, I had been in charge. The tallest and fastest futa on the team. The one with the biggest cock. Girls were all sluts for my dick even when...

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XSFGCChapter 19 Blood Offerings

Phillip dragged his weary body into the Danger Room and was met by silence as there was only one occupant in the cavernous room. Walking up to his instructor, who was again sitting Indian style, he greeted him with a question. "How come every time you are in here there is no one else around?" Wolverine's response was to smile an open mouth smile with his enlarged canines showing while keeping his eyes shut. Phillip shook his head and joined his instructor on the floor Indian style as...

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Fairly CAPableChapter 9 Consequences

Leo didn’t walk so much as he seethed down the hallways towards his quarters. Not only had the little faggot sucker punched him but he’d gotten away with it. What kind of panty-assed operation was this? He was the fucking sponsor here, not her. She should have just spread ‘em like a good little bitch. So fat ass got to the redhead first. So what? It wasn’t fair the way he’d done it. Leo still believed the fucker should have had to put his women in the general pool. It would have been fair....

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Randy Made Me An Offer

It had been about a month since the night that Randy had forced his way into my life. Since his office was upstairs from my business we saw a lot of each other, but he never mentioned that night until today.Unbeknownst to him, I had thought of that night fairly regularly even though Al and I were still going at it pretty often. He was after all well hung and quite good at manipulating his tool.I was closing up for the evening and he wandered in to say goodnight like we were friends. Friends we...

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Lenas Love Lessons 1 Offers

Lena looks lovely, an innocent ingenue and still a virgin when she follows her big bro Bert to study in Amsterdam. Finally she is free from the all-seeing eyes of her overprotective mom. So she can start to find out things about love and sex. Back at home sex was a taboo subject. Hence she had hardly any occasion to ask her beloved Bert about those things, in which he had gathered some experience with his first steady girlfriend, as she correctly guessed.Lena is glad Bert drops by on her first...

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Professor Greensteins Offer

My cheeks burned and my knees were like rubber when I walked barefooted up the few steps to Professor Greenstein’s house in one of the better suburbs of the town. I felt displaced among the well-kept hedges and lawns, the straight lines of fences and the neat, freshly painted houses. I knocked and waited with bated breath. It took almost a minute, but then I heard the faint sound of measured steps approaching the door. A human shape became visible through the pane of frosted glass and the door...

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Aunty Gave An Unbelievable Job Offer

I had quit my job due to certain issues and was jobless during that time. I was at home for a certain period, helping my mom for household works like most of the jobless guys do. One fine day my neighbor Manoj saw me. We met for the first time as they were new to the colony, but they were well friendly with my family.He enquired about my job. I informed him what had happened. He then asked me for my CV and I gave him a print of it later that day. He said that he will refer and will inform me in...

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Neighbor Aunty Gave An Unbelievable Job Offer

Hi ISS readers this is Rahul here again with a hot story which happened half a year ago. I am basically from Mysore now working in Hassan. This incident happened during Jan 2018. I had quit my job due to certain issues and was jobless during that time. I was at home for a certain period, helping my mom for household works like most of the jobless guys do. One fine day my neighbor Manoj saw me. We met for the first time as they were new to the colony, but they were well friendly with my...

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Taras Nude Offer

TARA'S NUDE OFFER (M+/f, F/f, NC, BD, Gang, Blackmail, College) CHAPTER 1 Tara sat there, nervously tugging at the hem of her skirt, damning herselffor wearing a short skirt today of all days. When she stood it came to herknee but when she sat it rode up too far for her tastes. A modest girl, sheusually only wore skirts that came below her knee or to her ankle but tonightwas wash night and she only had this one available. Normally the length of her skirt meant nothing as she sat in her...

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“Very tempting, very,” I told her aroused at the thought. A week later Ada phoned me to follow up. “We need to take some photographs of you if you want to take up my offer.” “Do you want me naked, or semi-naked? “Male or female photographer?” “What is your preference Sylvia?” “Are you going to watch Ada?” Two days later I am in my element as Ada watches me posing for Jim, a much younger professional, male photographer. For the first few shots I was fully clothed in an above the knee,...

4 years ago
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“Very tempting, very,” I told her aroused at the thought. A week later Ada phoned me to follow up. “We need to take some photographs of you if you want to take up my offer.” “Do you want me naked, or semi-naked? “Male or female photographer?” “What is your preference Sylvia?” “Are you going to watch Ada?” Two days later I am in my element as Ada watches me posing for Jim, a much younger professional, male photographer. For the first few shots I was fully clothed in an above the knee,...

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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 21 Offer

It was the Commercial Attaché at the U.S. Embassy who arranged a meeting with Ghada Baroud for a visiting businessman. As the Attaché explained to the Emir's advisor, the man represented a global company who wished to set up a branch or several branches of their business in Kobekistan. He was tactful enough not to mention the line of business concerned. "What kind of business?" asked Ghada Baroud, "I am probably the wrong person to talk to; I only advise on diplomatic...

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A Good ManChapter 36 Another Offer

Clarissa’s guests started to drift off home after about an hour in the conservatory—it was a school night after all. And even though Clarissa wanted me to stay the night with her now that we had her mother’s permission, I didn’t have a change of clothes with me for the next morning. Or any pyjamas to sleep in (mind you, Clarissa said I wouldn’t need them). Or my toothbrush. I did, however, agree to stay another couple of hours and leave at around half eleven so I could get to bed for...

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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 14 Jareds Kind Offer

Jared propped himself up on the little camp stretcher he was sleeping on and sighed one massive sigh of relief. He looked at his watch again then quietly made his way down to the bathroom to get ready for his day. It was Monday morning and Jared was about to head off to Blanke Schande College for a week of teaching as a substitute tutor in the Science and Mathematics Department of the campus. As Jared turned into the bathroom he quickly looked back at the two doors just opposite him. One...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 92 A Daughters Offer

Despite Greg's ambiguous "I'll think about it" answer to Brit's question about whether they could swim naked again, the girls just assumed that they were to go nude at the pool. Allison's "no swimwear" rule, originally meant as a joke, became the standard in the backyard. With the girls spending so much time at the pool without their swimsuits, it was only a matter of time before nudity became the norm around the house. Rachael of course was the first to stop wearing clothes...

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Fairly CAPableChapter 4 Loyalty Earned

The Marine Sergeant stepped off the teleport pad slowly, his body tense and every sense stretched to its limit. He looked carefully left and right, almost casually noting the routes of egress as well as all of the shadows large enough to hide an enemy. The corridor was well lit, the troubling, off-gray walls stretching far down the line. There weren’t many shadows but he was leery of the few that existed. The shrinks called it hyper-awareness. He called it prudent. He was turning when his...

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Fairly CAPableChapter 5 Contingencies

All was not well in Leo Gunter’s world. He’d survived two tours in the fucking sandbox from hell only to come home and have his world completely re-arranged. The fucking ‘Average Joe’ show had ensured it. He’d been mustering out of the Army at Fort Benning in Georgia when the penultimate episode of ‘Average Joe’ had aired. Of course, he’d heard of the President’s speech by then, but he figured it was a hoax or some political maneuvering to get the asshole another four years. ‘Average Joe’,...

4 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 13 Malcontent

Leo Gunter woke slowly. His eyes opened to nothing. The room was pitch dark. For a few moments he tried to determine what had woken him. He listened – but he heard no sound. He waited, waited to hear something, sense something but there was – nothing. The bed seemed too soft. Unfamiliar. Strange. The sheets were rough. They weren’t the silk sheets he kept on his bed. Was he in someone else’s bed? Had he scored last night? He almost chuckled even as his arms reached out to feel the body he...

4 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 25 Sparring Session

The first few minutes of Calix’s Parkour run were nothing short of a disaster. He couldn’t hit a single mark and constantly leapt too far or not far enough. His timing was off, his strength was off – everything was off. He found himself fighting himself as much as the course. Things went downhill from there. The ability to trust one’s self and one’s abilities is paramount in Parkour. A traceur who was constantly second-guessing his abilities just didn’t survive. Calix couldn’t depend on...

3 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 28 Remorse

Tamara stretched as she woke. She hurt – her tummy was tight and moving caused some discomfort. Below, her coochie seemed raw and she reminisced for a moment about how it had managed to get to such a state. ‘My pussy,’ she thought to herself, giggling. ‘It had been a coochie but Calix and I made sure it became a pussy last night.’ It hadn’t lasted all night, like she’d hoped, but had lasted until well into the morning. She really had no idea what time she’d finally passed out, but she was...

4 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 32 Legal Matters

Location: 1 Div HQ, Briefing Room 2, Artemis Station Occasion: Conference and PLRB (look it up, MoFos) about several Gebel concubines Present: Lt Anderson CMC, Ens Gebel CN, Lt Capstan CN, Decurion Suarez CS ... while Anderson droned on about how far behind Private Leopold Gunter’s injuries were pushing his squad’s training schedule, Calix asked the base AI about the Lt’s history. “Any family members lost recently?” Calix sub-vocalized. “Both of the Lieutenant’s parents killed in an...

2 years ago
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The Offering

The janitor was far from surprised to see light streaming from beneath the door bearing the placard Cameron Baxter, Curator Antiquities, despite the late hour. With a smile and a shake of his head, he continued down the hall, planning to return at the end of his shift – as usual. Inside, Cameron tucked an errant lock of curly, walnut brown hair back behind her ear and sighed. Though she’d expected the result, the email confirming her suspicions about the small collection of late period Egyptian...

4 years ago
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Fairly Odd Parents in Rule Breaker

"This is so unfair." Yelled Timmy as he trashed his room. His anger blinding him to the fact that he was destroying all his things. "Sorry sport, but you know the rules." Said his pink haired Fairy, she waved her wand as he broke each item. Repairing it with a flash of magic. It had officially been the worst day of Timmy's life. He got up only to discover that his parents had left to go on vacation for the week, leaving Vickie to look after him for seven whole days. Literally permitting her to...

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Fairly Oddparents

Today is a normal day for Timmy. It is monday and he has to go to school in an hour. But now he is watching porn and he jerks off. In his mind he has a gigantic dick. Unfortunately it is only in his mind, because in real life he has an 1-inch babydick. After releasing himself, he goes to school. He has for the first time swimmingclass and would see the others dicks. He thought they were as small as he was. He entered the lockerroom when...

2 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 7 Unwanted Advances

Brianna was standing off to the side of the teleport pads, waiting for Calix’s and Heather’s return. The pads were in the center of a large hex-shaped area, separated from the rest of the base with three-meter-tall walls or dividers painted an unnerving shade of gray. She sighed as she looked up into the fading darkness of oblivion. She could see the walls of the cavern above her, but it faded into darkness before her eyes could make out the roof. She was a little disappointed at being made...

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