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Keira's Offer

By Silence

Please do not copy this story without telling me. I don't mind you postingit, just let me know first, ok?

Please do not allow minors to read this story. It would be very harmfuland I don't want that to happen. This is a piece of fiction and I'd like itto stay that way.

Please feel free to write to me concerning what you think of this story.I would love to hear feedback as things progress.

I couldn't help but wonder how I had allowed things to go this far. It hadbeen two years since my daughter Kiera had introduced me to one of the bestand worst times of my life. I was nearing forty and had been raising my girlalone for the last four years since the tragic death of my wife. In that timeI hadn't seen any other women, instead concentrating on bringing up my girland trying to do the job of both parents. My wife and I had enjoyed a healthysex life and despite her death and my refusal to see anybody new, I had keptremnants of that life around. I suppose, given the circumstances I should havetaken better care to keep such things hidden away. We had made a true investmentin our lifestyle with my dominant side more than willing to mesh with her submissiveside. For years the big black box remained hidden in my closet, nearly forgottenabout.

It wasn't until I returned home late one night and discovered that the boxlay open that I thought about how important it might have been to lock it.I quickly finished removing my tie from work and bent to inspect the inventory.Certainly things were missing and my mind whirled at the thought of who mighthave ransacked my toys. I crept down the hall to my fourteen-year-old daughter'sdoor. Why she hadn't come out to greet me made hadn't bothered me before, butnow I thought I knew why.

I knocked on her door and got no immediate response. "Kiera?" I called throughthe door before opening it. Inside what I saw would shock me and eventuallywould change my life. Sitting on her bed, dressed in a light tank top and shorts,both white and making her look far more innocent than her surroundings wasmy daughter. Around the bed and indeed even on the floor of the room were allmanner of items taken from my toy box. She was looking at me, shocked and seeminglyembarrassed, but not nearly with the shame and panic I expected. Instead, herblue eyes were filled with curiosity.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked with genuine shock. It was indecentfor my daughter to even see these things, much less be touching them and possiblyeven experimenting with them.

"I was just…. Looking" she said with innocence that seemed appropriate.But I noted in her voice something more. There was a curiosity that immediatelysignaled danger to me. My heart began to race as she lifted up a silver setof nipple clamps and held them out to me. "What are these?"

It was a shocking question and one for which I had no immediate answer.I sputtered and stammered and stalled. How to tell her? Should I tell her?Should I…. show her? My mind reeled with that thought. Before her laymany toys and books and even pictures, mostly of her own mother. She knew whatshe was asking, didn't she? My expression hardened a little and I looked downat her.

"You know exactly what those are, don't you?" I said with the voice of anoverbearing father. She nodded, silent with a small smile on her face. "Youknow that you're going to have to be punished for going through my things,right?" Again, she nodded. I could hardly contain my own nervousness as I askedher my next question. "And you know that I'm going to use some of this on youin order to teach you your lesson, right?" Another nod and another skip ofmy heart accompanied it.

"I want you to use all of it." Her voice was so soft and so sweet that Icould hardly believe the sinful offer that she placed before me. I didn't knowwhat had prompted her to offer herself to me so. Even so, I felt as thoughI could not refuse her desire to experiment.

I offered her my hand and she took it as I pulledher from the bed and let her to my room. Inside was my expansive bed. I ledher to it and wordlessly laid her upon it. I placed a finger over her lipsand bade her to be quiet as I arranged the evening's events. I knew I wantedthe silence so that I could think clearly and so my resolve would not shatterat the sound of her voice. I positioned her as I desired, arms high above herand legs parted wide below. As she lay like that I pulled from my box of toysthe restraints that would hold her as I desired.

Soft leather encircled her wrists and ankles inturn and braided nylon rope pulled each band toward the end of the bed it wasattached to. In minutes she was pulled taut on the bed, her flat stomach exposedby the cut of her tank top. Her small breasts strained her thin shirt and Iwas tempted to remove her clothing then and there, but I urged myself to startslow. I sat beside her and stroked a hand along her cheek as she tested thestrength and mobility of her bonds. "Is this what you wanted my darling?"

She looked at me for a brief moment and then closedher eyes, rubbing her cheek against my hand as I caressed her. "Oh yes… Ithink so… I want you to do to me all those things I saw you do to momin those pictures." I smiled down at her as she spoke those words. She hadalways wanted to be like my wife, even to the point of picking up on some ofher duties around the house after her death. Now, she wanted to do even more,but how much more I was sure she didn't fully understand. I patted her cheekand kissed her on the forehead.

"I know, my girl. I'll show you everything youwant to know, all in good time. Now, be a good girl and open up wide." I waitedfor her to do so before revealing my choice in gags to her. It was a dildo-stylegag that slid into her mouth deeply, more deeply than she expected by the lookin her eyes. It kept her tongue pressed down and her jaws wide open and asI strapped it around her head I watched her come to some understanding thatwhat I would eventually do to her, she wouldn't be able to resist.

I left her like that for a while with a kiss on her gagged lips as a goodbyepresent. I heard her protest quietly as I walked away, leaving her to adjustto her range of movement and helplessness. I took the time to return to herroom to look over the things she had taken to get a feel for what most interestedher. The pictures she had stolen were of my wife and I looked over them longingly,studying them to see what it was that attracted her to those photos. Once Igathered my ideas I picked up the toys she seemed to have preferred.

I returned to my room, looking her over. My arms were full of the toys shehad taken and I decided that on this night I would use only one on her. A smallleather flogger had been in her selection and I could think of nothing betterto punish her with. I set everything else aside and began to trail the tailsof the flogger up her open thighs and over her shorts. The look in her eyestold me that she knew I was going to use it on her, but the expression on herface when the sharp sting of the first blow fell on her right thigh was priceless.Her eyes widened and she squirmed under the repeated attention of the floggeras it turned her creamy white thighs into reddened and punished flesh. Hermuffled cries were musical to me. My heart fluttered with the sight and soundof her trying to avoid the flogger and yet being unable to. It was a beautifulsight and one that I enjoyed for nearly twenty minutes, applying the floggerto her thighs, stomach, arms and chest. Her clothing protected her most sensitiveparts, but the punishment got through to her on the level I wanted.

She was panting when I removed the gag from her mouth and unbound her. Inoticed the extreme excitement had soaked through her shorts and as she rolledonto her stomach I gave her a small swat on the rear. "Now, go to your roomand think about what you've done, and about what you want done tomorrow."


I awoke the next morning, glad that it was Saturday. For once on the weekendI was up early and I went about my routine uninterrupted by Keira. She seemedto be using the morning to sleep in and rest from what I am sure was a stressfulnight. I sat in the dinning room, looking out at our expansive back yard, pastthe pool and toward the high fence around it. I was sure that anything I mightchoose to do later would be safe from the view of my neighbors. However, whatI had planned for today would be mostly indoors.

When Keira awoke and came downstairs it was well after eleven in the morning.Part of that time I assumed was due to the long shower I had heard her takeand the apparent care she had taken in preparing herself for the day. She lookedstunning and far more like my future pet than my fourteen-year-old daughter,although she was both. She was wearing a short red sundress that I rememberedhaving purchased for her without ever having seen her wear it. It was amazingon her, low cut enough to provide even her modest breasts with some cleavageand short enough on her legs that I could see some of her tempting thighs.Her black hair was pulled back into a ponytail and well away from her neck.She wore a little make-up in the form of blush and lipstick that matched thedress almost perfectly. She stood in front of the window and the sunlight shonethrough the thin dress, outlining her youthful body as I watched. She approachedand took up a seat across the table from me.

"Good morning" I said to her with a soft smile, wondering if her preparationsindicated that she was eager to continue what had started the night before.

"Good morning daddy… " She said in a soft and nearly regretful way.I wondered about that as I spoke to her, asking her about what she thoughtabout the night's punishment and what she had planned for today. Our conversationwas long and varied. In it I learned that she loved what had happened to her,yet she wanted more. I quickly learned through the course of our talk thatshe had quite a number of ideas she wanted to try. There were things that soundedso deliciously wicked that I nearly forgot who I was speaking to.

More than an hour later a few things had been decided. Keira wanted to learnto be my pet, my slave of sorts. She desired the restraint that she had feltthe night before and because of that we determined that she would be boundin some form or another at all times. Her clothing, when allowed, would bechosen by me. She knew that our play would involve sexuality and she was nervousabout that, but adamant that I should be allowed to do as I pleased.

We began that day with me choosing her new outfit for the rest of the day.She knelt on the soft carpet of the living room and when I returned she wasnude, having only had her sundress on in the first place. I circled her andinspected her kneeling form. She was a childlike goddess in my eyes. She wascurvy without having lost all the indications of her youth. Her shaved sexlent both to her sensuality and young appearance. I was very pleased.

I crouched behind her and pulled her arms back, securing them in a longleather sleeve that I laced up past her elbows. The shiny black leather wrappedabout her shoulders and held her arms straight and close together, thrustingher small breast forward. I attached leather cuffs to her ankles, but leftthem free for the moment simply so I could lock her legs to something laterwith minimal effort. I slipped a thin metal collar about her neck and lockedit shut with a small brass padlock.

I used a thin chain as a delicate leash and liftedher to her feet. I led Keira to the basement and helped her down the stepsinto the cool air of the family room we had downstairs. Nearly finished, thebasement had carpet and paneling on the walls. What it lacked was a true ceiling,so I-beams still formed the overhead view. I hooked a rope to the end of mydaughter's arm-binder and looped it over a beam above us. After several tugsof the rope her arms were well in the air and she was bent far forward to preventtoo much strain on them. I noted with satisfaction how excited she seemed tobe and when I crouched to lock a long spreader bar to her ankles I allowedmy gaze to linger upon her perfect sex. I reached a finger up and stroked thelength of her slit, finding her wet and eager for my touch based on how herhips thrust back toward me.

I stood and marveled at how she looked, bent severelyforward and open to anything I might wish to do to her. I asked if she wasquite happy with her position and she nodded, saying nothing despite the lackof a gag. I lifted the flogger from the night before and stood before her.She lifted her eyes as much as she could to watch me, but due to her flexibilityshe was quite bent over and could not see more than my knees. She was surprisedby the first strike of the flogger on her back. She cried out, unmuffled bya gag and so I was able to hear each lovely sound as I painted red marks allalong her back, rear and thighs.

I circled her as she hung there, squirming andpanting after long minutes. I stood behind her and reached down, stroking herbetween her legs until she moaned loudly at the attention I was giving herby stroking her soft and silky pussy lips. When I sensed her enjoyment risingand heard her start to plead with me I stopped and without a pause struck herbetween the legs with the leather thongs of the flogger. Again and again Istruck and she writhed and wiggled, unable to escape it. My hand soon returnedand calmed her by stroking her again, slipping up and down her wet slit.

Time and time again I repeated this cycle. Soonshe was begging me for any release. I rewarded her with a long pinch to hertiny clit and a series of slaps to her rear to encourage her to move. Whenshe came it was to both the pleasure and the pain that I brought to her andthat was exactly what I wanted to encourage in her.

She slumped in her bonds, exhausted and I unboundher, taking her upstairs naked and curled against me. I held her on my lapas I sat in the living room, comforting her as she rested. Soon enough I wouldmake use of the control I exerted over her in order to meet my own needs.

After her nap I kissed her on the forehead andheld her close, unbound and undressed, just my little girl in her natural state.I wanted to speak to her now that she'd had a more serious experience.

"Keira, what did you think of what has happenedlast night and today? I tied you up, I punished and hurt you, and I strippedyou naked and made you feel humiliated and helpless. Is that what you want?" Ilooked at her as I saw her young face mull these questions. They were big issuesand I didn't really expect her to fully comprehend all that had happened.

"I… I really did like it." She spoke softly,leaving me with the impression that she wanted to say more. I waited patientlyand stroked her hair, allowing her all the time to think that she wanted. "Iliked everything… especially being tied up." She giggled at me, pressingher cheek to my chest. "I liked how you touched me and even how you punishedme. I liked not being able to decide if I felt good or not. It was very exciting."

I listened to her, pleased that she liked whathad happened. She hadn't gone very far yet, but she had done very well. "Keira,I'm going to want to do a lot more to you. I'm going to want to keep you tiedup for a long time, to watch you while you feel pleasure and pain. I'm goingto want to make you my pet, my little slave girl. Does that scare you?"

She smiled to me, her arms wrapping around my neck.She shook her head and spoke softly but very clearly to me. "No.. it doesn'treally scare me. I liked what you did and I want to try being your pet.. ifthat's ok."

It took a lot of self-control for me not to abusethe permission she had just given me. I wanted to demand so much of her, butI knew that things had to progress at a certain pace. I stroked her hair andkissed her cheek. "Well, Keira, I think we should get you ready for bed."

She smiled to me and I carried her upstairs whereshe slept bound and nude in my bed where I resisted any sexual touch of heras I slept.

Part 3

Keira and I slept well that night. We awoke earlyand we both prepared for the day to come. I did so by letting her go to showerand shave as she was expected to from now on. I dressed for a day out and pickedher outfit for the day. By the time I was ready to dress her she emerged fromthe shower, dried and wrapped in her towel.

I reached for her hand and led her to her bed.I unwrapped her towel and inspected the job she had done cleaning and groomingherself. She was hairless from the neck down as I had wanted and I kissed hercheek to reward her for doing such a good job. Her outfit was before her andI applied the many layers of it to her young body. Small leather straps closedaround her body and were tightened, forming a harness that encircled her breastsand ran a strap through the lips of her young sex. Each strap met in the backand was locked into place, holding her in a sinful hug.

I led her outside by the pool and placed her onone of the long flat chairs where I would often find her tanning. Since itwas the beginning of summer she had not yet attained a tan so the tan linesI had planned for her would be a special way to mark her as mine. I bound herankle and wrist to the chair, spread out under the sun. I spread suntan lotionover her unprotected parts and told her I would return to turn her over. Shesmiled to me and closed her eyes, relaxing in the sun.

I spent the time indoors, watching her throughthe back door and sipping a cool glass of water, planning out what to do withher. I thought that today would be a good day to introduce her to some of thethings she would do for me and to allow her to practice. I went to her timeto time and turned her over so her tan would be even on all sides. Paying closeattention to her condition to avoid a burn, I made sure she was comfortableand gave her plenty of water to drink. I brought her inside after nearly afull morning of sunning and removed her harness. Her tan was forming nicelyand the lines of the leather straps were clearly pale white marks on her skin.I was very happy to see her reaction to the way I had decided to mark her andthe way she posed for me to show off her new coloration.

I smiled to her and allowed her some time to relaxin the air conditioning as I gathered together the toys to use for our nextgame. I outfitted her with white leather cuffs on her wrists and a matchingwhite collar. I pulled her arms behind her and locked them in place then rana delicate chain from her collar to the wrists cuffs pulling her wrists upto mid-back and keeping her very restrained. I positioned her before my bed,kneeling and facing the mattress. I undressed behind her and came to sit onthe bed before her.

I reached down and stroked her cheeks. "Keira,something that you will have to do as my little slave girl is please me andsee to my needs. I want you to take your time, but use your mouth to make yourdaddy cum."

She spent a little time just looking at me, studyingmy cock and its proximity to her. She inched forward, her hands locked behindher left her only one way to explore me as I sat and watched her. She reachedout with her tongue and gently licked my shaft, the sudden touch making ittwitch and making Keira giggle with the reaction. I smiled to her and watched,not pressuring her to do anything else. She began to lick the length of mycock and once she seemed comfortable with that she opened her mouth and beganto wrap her little lips around me, slowly experimenting with what it felt liketo have me in her mouth. She only took the head of my cock at first but thenmoved lower and eventually took a couple of inches. She removed her head andsmiled up at me, biting her bottom lip and blushing just a little.

"How do I get you to….to cum?" She lookedso sweet and innocent and sinful asking me that question, her head next tomy cock and her arms locked behind her. I told her to put me in her mouth andto just bob her head up and down on it until I told her to stop. She respondedwith enthusiastic but unskilled actions. Her head began to move up and down,her mouth sucking gently upon me.

I was enthralled as I watched and felt her obeyme so. It took a long time before I felt my orgasm approach, but she was eagerto please and did not pause the entire time. I became a little overwhelmedand reached down, taking her hair in my hands and pulling her close. When Iwas on the very edge I pulled her away and without pause came directly on herface and chest. She took the messy initiation in star fashion as my cum drippedfrom her cheek and down to her tan-lined breasts.

I helped her rise to her feet and took her to thebathroom to clean her off while praising her for her good behavior. I was veryhappy with her eagerness to please and her ability to deal with the resultsof her action when I made a mess of her face and chest.

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"Shit, Whitney," I whined, getting off Morgan. "What are you doing back here already?""The girls canceled, and I texted both of you if you'd like to meet up, but neither of you answered. Now I see why. So, that's what this was all about; you recruited my daughter for that, are you serious?""Yes, but please don't be upset; we were still just having step-mother/daughter time," I sobbed, taking her hands in mine. "Please don't break us up.""I wasn't going to, Spencer, don't be such a drama queen,"...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 53 The Offer

Stacy’s advice literally added a zero to Wally Walters’ offer to assume control of the Peachy Keen world. Happy Walls would pay me $64 million for the publishing rights to all my existing books. Each new book would earn me another $500 K, to be placed in my brand new Caribbean offshore account. The kicker was that there were also movie and TV rights to a Peachy Keen series being acquired. His offer, which I accepted in about 2.5 seconds: $1.4 billion American. Paid in one lump sum, from one...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 33 Another Job Offer

Mr. May greets us with a handshake. I comment, “Mr. May your home brings back fond memories of Rick helping me with math.” “Thank you Z for sharing fond memories but please call me Will. My given name is Wilbur. Please simply call me Will. “Dinner will be ready in 10 to 15 minutes. I have a favor to ask of you.” “I’m listening.” “When we leave in three weeks I would like you to take charge of this house. You will be paid for your efforts. After Rick leaves for Chicago, my firm would like...

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The Offering

A gentle mist lay in the valley as the sun rose between the hills that looked down over the village. As it crept steadily higher on that September morning, its rays struck the Big Stone that stood upright at the woodland edge of the Top Field, making it seem to glow as it absorbed the new day’s light. Down in the village, the same first light awakened Alice as she lay dreaming. Usually, she slept until the rays of the sun were high enough to strike the wall opposite her bed, but she had slept...

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Futa Naked in School 11 Futa Bullys Naughty WeekChapter 2 Shelenarsquos Naughty Offer

Shelena Lowell’s Week, Tuesday I couldn’t believe I was crying. Me! I leaned against the wall in the second-floor corridor, Guanting Chan’s futa-cum leaking out of my pussy. Tears spilled down my cheeks as I struggled to get my emotions under control. Anger boiled through me at the mocking laughter that had surrounded me in the cafeteria. All my life, I had been in charge. The tallest and fastest futa on the team. The one with the biggest cock. Girls were all sluts for my dick even when...

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XSFGCChapter 19 Blood Offerings

Phillip dragged his weary body into the Danger Room and was met by silence as there was only one occupant in the cavernous room. Walking up to his instructor, who was again sitting Indian style, he greeted him with a question. "How come every time you are in here there is no one else around?" Wolverine's response was to smile an open mouth smile with his enlarged canines showing while keeping his eyes shut. Phillip shook his head and joined his instructor on the floor Indian style as...

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Randy Made Me An Offer

It had been about a month since the night that Randy had forced his way into my life. Since his office was upstairs from my business we saw a lot of each other, but he never mentioned that night until today.Unbeknownst to him, I had thought of that night fairly regularly even though Al and I were still going at it pretty often. He was after all well hung and quite good at manipulating his tool.I was closing up for the evening and he wandered in to say goodnight like we were friends. Friends we...

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Lenas Love Lessons 1 Offers

Lena looks lovely, an innocent ingenue and still a virgin when she follows her big bro Bert to study in Amsterdam. Finally she is free from the all-seeing eyes of her overprotective mom. So she can start to find out things about love and sex. Back at home sex was a taboo subject. Hence she had hardly any occasion to ask her beloved Bert about those things, in which he had gathered some experience with his first steady girlfriend, as she correctly guessed.Lena is glad Bert drops by on her first...

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Professor Greensteins Offer

My cheeks burned and my knees were like rubber when I walked barefooted up the few steps to Professor Greenstein’s house in one of the better suburbs of the town. I felt displaced among the well-kept hedges and lawns, the straight lines of fences and the neat, freshly painted houses. I knocked and waited with bated breath. It took almost a minute, but then I heard the faint sound of measured steps approaching the door. A human shape became visible through the pane of frosted glass and the door...

2 years ago
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Aunty Gave An Unbelievable Job Offer

I had quit my job due to certain issues and was jobless during that time. I was at home for a certain period, helping my mom for household works like most of the jobless guys do. One fine day my neighbor Manoj saw me. We met for the first time as they were new to the colony, but they were well friendly with my family.He enquired about my job. I informed him what had happened. He then asked me for my CV and I gave him a print of it later that day. He said that he will refer and will inform me in...

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Neighbor Aunty Gave An Unbelievable Job Offer

Hi ISS readers this is Rahul here again with a hot story which happened half a year ago. I am basically from Mysore now working in Hassan. This incident happened during Jan 2018. I had quit my job due to certain issues and was jobless during that time. I was at home for a certain period, helping my mom for household works like most of the jobless guys do. One fine day my neighbor Manoj saw me. We met for the first time as they were new to the colony, but they were well friendly with my...

5 years ago
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Taras Nude Offer

TARA'S NUDE OFFER (M+/f, F/f, NC, BD, Gang, Blackmail, College) CHAPTER 1 Tara sat there, nervously tugging at the hem of her skirt, damning herselffor wearing a short skirt today of all days. When she stood it came to herknee but when she sat it rode up too far for her tastes. A modest girl, sheusually only wore skirts that came below her knee or to her ankle but tonightwas wash night and she only had this one available. Normally the length of her skirt meant nothing as she sat in her...

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“Very tempting, very,” I told her aroused at the thought. A week later Ada phoned me to follow up. “We need to take some photographs of you if you want to take up my offer.” “Do you want me naked, or semi-naked? “Male or female photographer?” “What is your preference Sylvia?” “Are you going to watch Ada?” Two days later I am in my element as Ada watches me posing for Jim, a much younger professional, male photographer. For the first few shots I was fully clothed in an above the knee,...

4 years ago
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“Very tempting, very,” I told her aroused at the thought. A week later Ada phoned me to follow up. “We need to take some photographs of you if you want to take up my offer.” “Do you want me naked, or semi-naked? “Male or female photographer?” “What is your preference Sylvia?” “Are you going to watch Ada?” Two days later I am in my element as Ada watches me posing for Jim, a much younger professional, male photographer. For the first few shots I was fully clothed in an above the knee,...

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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 21 Offer

It was the Commercial Attaché at the U.S. Embassy who arranged a meeting with Ghada Baroud for a visiting businessman. As the Attaché explained to the Emir's advisor, the man represented a global company who wished to set up a branch or several branches of their business in Kobekistan. He was tactful enough not to mention the line of business concerned. "What kind of business?" asked Ghada Baroud, "I am probably the wrong person to talk to; I only advise on diplomatic...

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A Good ManChapter 36 Another Offer

Clarissa’s guests started to drift off home after about an hour in the conservatory—it was a school night after all. And even though Clarissa wanted me to stay the night with her now that we had her mother’s permission, I didn’t have a change of clothes with me for the next morning. Or any pyjamas to sleep in (mind you, Clarissa said I wouldn’t need them). Or my toothbrush. I did, however, agree to stay another couple of hours and leave at around half eleven so I could get to bed for...

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Fairly CAPableChapter 12 An Offer

The young man looked out the window at the lunar surface. He knew it wasn’t real. He knew what he was looking at was nothing more than a projection of some spot recorded on the surface perhaps a hundred klicks or so above him. He knew with just a sub-vocal command he could have an image from any other planet in the Confederacy on his monitor. If he wanted, he could even see a recorded image of his home. Sure, it wouldn’t be real time – just a recording of some days, weeks or months before –...

3 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 14 Jareds Kind Offer

Jared propped himself up on the little camp stretcher he was sleeping on and sighed one massive sigh of relief. He looked at his watch again then quietly made his way down to the bathroom to get ready for his day. It was Monday morning and Jared was about to head off to Blanke Schande College for a week of teaching as a substitute tutor in the Science and Mathematics Department of the campus. As Jared turned into the bathroom he quickly looked back at the two doors just opposite him. One...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 92 A Daughters Offer

Despite Greg's ambiguous "I'll think about it" answer to Brit's question about whether they could swim naked again, the girls just assumed that they were to go nude at the pool. Allison's "no swimwear" rule, originally meant as a joke, became the standard in the backyard. With the girls spending so much time at the pool without their swimsuits, it was only a matter of time before nudity became the norm around the house. Rachael of course was the first to stop wearing clothes...

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The Offering

The janitor was far from surprised to see light streaming from beneath the door bearing the placard Cameron Baxter, Curator Antiquities, despite the late hour. With a smile and a shake of his head, he continued down the hall, planning to return at the end of his shift – as usual. Inside, Cameron tucked an errant lock of curly, walnut brown hair back behind her ear and sighed. Though she’d expected the result, the email confirming her suspicions about the small collection of late period Egyptian...

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The Offering

The janitor was far from surprised to see light streaming from beneath the door bearing the placard Cameron Baxter, Curator Antiquities, despite the late hour. With a smile and a shake of his head, he continued down the hall, planning to return at the end of his shift — as usual. Inside, Cameron tucked an errant lock of curly, walnut brown hair back behind her ear and sighed. Though she'd expected the result, the email confirming her suspicions about the small collection of late period...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 48 Developments and Offers

April 1, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Sensei, I need both Will and Therese, today, please.” “For?” “One of them to spar with Marcia, because if I were to do it, I’d have my butt handed to me by a blue belt!” Sensei Jim laughed, “Personally, I’d be more worried about a certain six-year-old yellow belt.” “Well, yeah, but you know what I mean. Whoever isn’t sparring with Marcia will work with Dyani.” “Sounds good. Welcome to life as Master of a dojo! Shall we see to our charges?” I bowed and...

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The Offer

Harry Potter was tired. Being an Auror had been his sort-of goal at school, but after fighting a guerilla war against the Voldemort regime going around and picking up drunken louts in Knockturn Alley just wouldn't compare to the thrill of chasing down horcruxes. And the paperwork... nobody had warned him about the paperwork.He apparated to his house at Grimauld Place, and handed his robe to his loyal House-Elf Kreacher.“Master has visitors he has,” Kreacher informed him.“Oh?” Harry stretched,...

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Nancy Agrees To My Massage Offer

This is Rahul, I used to frequent a shop that was run by a lady and a man, and both seemed to be in their late 30’s. Since I was a regular and also their neighbor, they stayed in the same building as mine,I would stay back and chat with them. Later I came to know that the woman, Nancy was a widow and the man was her brother. Nancy used to be in jeans, sometimes in skirts, she had a nice body, good set of breasts, and a mischievous smile. Months went by, one day I went there and Nancy was alone...

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The Preacher ManChapter 24 Neck Offering

Time: Judgment 3, 8237 3:50 PM I was sitting in a chair by Shephatiah's bed. There was a small reading lamp on by my side, and a thick notebook in my lap that I wasn't paying much attention to. I was quietly waiting for my new wife to wake up. I was surprised she was still asleep, and I was starting to be concerned. Over the last twenty minutes, her body had jerked several times, as if in distress, and then would settle back down into peaceful sleep, her breathing deep and slow. I closed...

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“I love a good big ass on a woman. And I love having my nipples sucked.” “Some of my clients have sexual fetishes beyond imagination. Are you comfortable with that?” “Sounds fun, and I do like stretching the boundaries.” “Are you fine with a male and a female at the same time?” “Yes.” “Two women?” “Definitely yes.” “How about intercourse with a male?” “Sorry no.” “Or a blow job from a male?” “Yes, as long if there is a female watching.” “How long can you last? Can you get it up...

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“I love a good big ass on a woman. And I love having my nipples sucked.” “Some of my clients have sexual fetishes beyond imagination. Are you comfortable with that?” “Sounds fun, and I do like stretching the boundaries.” “Are you fine with a male and a female at the same time?” “Yes.” “Two women?” “Definitely yes.” “How about intercourse with a male?” “Sorry no.” “Or a blow job from a male?” “Yes, as long if there is a female watching.” “How long can you last? Can you get it up...

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Making Mom an Offer

Subject: Got pics Hey, Betty, got your pics. What pretty tits. Oh, man, do I want to suck those babys. How about a nice look at what you're sitting on, a little pussy shot. Spread it open and take a pic for me. Here's some more of my cock. It wants you bad, honey. I'm ready. Freddie To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Here they are I've never done this before, but here are three pics of my pussy. Two are with me wide open. Hope you like them. Your pics are...

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Mick and KeriChapter 4 Keri Makes Mick An Offer

Skimming or floating. I was just a few feet above the ground. Scanning the area of the city I was gliding through, I saw a spot and softly settled onto the ground and woke up. The awakening was soft and slow. There was no sudden sunlight in the eyes. There was no blaring alarm. I had just slept until I woke up. The clock said 9:18 AM I walked into the bathroom and relieved myself and then stepped into the shower. The warm water was soothing and as my brain woke up I began to think about the...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 50 An Offer

February 16, 1985, Greater Cincinnati, Ohio “Good morning, Subdeacon,” Father Stephen said when Elizaveta and I walked into the main lobby of The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati. The hospital was on Mt. Auburn, one of the highest points in the city, and offered a nice view of the city below. Father Stephen was clad in his ryasa. “Father, bless!” I said, holding my cupped hands for his blessing. “Bless you, Subdeacon,” he said, making the sign of the cross over my upturned palms. I kissed...

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Two womens vaginas and anuses and the pleasure they offer

Yes, I was proud. Joanie was my “Little Princess,” I’d nurtured her, raised her and took immense pride in her accomplishments. I’d loved my wife, in fact, I still do…posthumously…she’d died eighteen years ago; in the hospital where Joanie was born. My baby daughter was nursing at her mother’s breast, there in the hospital bed, when Marcie, my wife, suffered a fatal brain aneurysm and I was left a widower and the sole caretaker of a new born infant. I sound like I’m looking for sympathy,...

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A curious girl submits to the pleasures that her dog has to offer

Epic walked into her room, it had been a long day and she was ready to take a shower and use her favorite vibrator to work off the stress. She set down her backpack and stripped out of her clothes, setting them in a pile on the floor. She turned around and headed for the bathroom. She reached down and patted Joey as he leisurely walked into her room. She turned around and watched as he sniffed her clothes and then walked over to her bed and curled up at the end to take a quick nap. She smiled...

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Professor Greensteins Offer

My cheeks burned and my knees were like rubber when I walked barefooted up the few steps to Professor Greenstein’s house in one of the better suburbs of the town. I felt displaced among the well-kept hedges and lawns, the straight lines of fences and the neat, freshly painted houses. I knocked and waited with bated breath. It took almost a minute, but then I heard the faint sound of measured steps approaching the door. A human shape became visible through the pane of frosted glass and the door...

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The Irresistable Offer

Part I    My name is Mark, and I was divorced for 5 years and 43 years old when I first met Karen, the woman who was later to become my second wife. From that new relationship a temptation and obsession unlike any I have ever had presented itself to me.  That took the form of her daughter from her first marriage, Rebecca, who was fifteen years old when I first laid eyes on her.  Rebecca was heart-stoppingly beautiful:  being bi-racial (her father was black), she had a glowing, clear dark tan...

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Young Actress and sex for part offer

Some would hang their heads in shame and publicly call it artistic merit, the shame being they allowed it, prostituted themselves, like I did, only the shame came when my body body joined-in and had an orgasm.How could I scream the 'R' word, when I thrilled at being taken like this, a time when my mind said one thing, and my body danced with them, one deep inside me, and the other directing him, as we danced and ground out our primeval copulation in front of his lens, proof that I had no case...

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