Keira Y La Tienda De La Esquina free porn video

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Keira y la tienda de la esquina

Es de noche hay partido en la tele y no hay nadie en la calle, antes de volver a casa decido entrar en la tienda de la esquina a comprar cuatro cosas, queda poco para cerrar.
Al entrar veo que solo está la hija de la dueña, sé que se llama Keira, debe tener unos veintitantos años, morena de pelo corto con un precioso flequillo que casi tapa uno de sus grandes ojos negros, ella es muy delgada, pechos casi planos, culo casi plano, destaca sobre todas las cosas una preciosa y enorme boca en la que se marcan unos dientes grandes que aparecen a nada que Keira esboza una sonrisa, adoro esos dientes, he fantaseado con ellos mientras me masturbaba muchas noches antes de dormir.
Al entrar no nos decimos nada, ella esta apoyada en el mostrador junto a la caja, lee una revista mientras masca un chicle, al pasa me sonríe un poco, veo esos dientes mientras mascan el chicle, al pasar veo que lleva unos pantalones vaqueros cortos muy marcados, veo que lleva una camiseta blanca, un escote deja ver el inicio de sus pequeña tetas, Keira nota que le he mirado es escote, sonríe más, la comisura de sus labios se marcan más.
Me adentro en los pasillos de la tienda, comienzo a buscar cuatro cosas entre las estanterías cuando de repente veo que Keira se acerca a la puerta de la tienda, mira entre las persianas venecianas a la calle, al momento echa el cierre a la puerta, se gira mira hacia donde estoy yo, yo agacho la mirada, ella sonríe. Sigo haciendo que busco cosas en las estanterías, de reojo veo como Keira coge una cesta y comienza a andar entre los pasillos de la tienda y comienza a coger cosas.
Llego a un armario refrigerado con la puerta de cristal, a la ir a abrirlo para coger una bebida Keira aparece con la cesta en un brazo y posa su mano libre en la puerta de cristal impidiendo que yo pueda abrirla. La miro si decir nada, ella tampoco dice nada, abre un poco su boca, saca su lengua y la pasa por su labio superior. Mi respiración se acelera, sonrió, miro su camiseta blanca en la que se marcan sus pechos planos, miro sus pantalones vaqueros cortos, veo que va descalza.
Keira apoya un hombro en la puerta de cristal, veo como mastica su chicle, veo como de golpe lo escupe hacia mí, me sobresalto mientras noto el chicle húmedo recorrer mi cuello hasta caer al suelo, no digo nada, veo como con su mano libre Keira coge un plátano de la cesta, se lo acerca a la boca mientras me sigue mirando, abre su boca, aparecen sus grandes dientes que de un mordisco arrancan la parte superior del plátano, Keira escupe el rabo del plátano hacia mí, me sobresalto otra vez mientras siento como la pieza rebota en mi pecho. Keira comienza a pelar el plátano, el fruto aparece ante la boca de Keira, su lengua recorre el plátano medio pelado, de repente da un mordisco a la punta del plátano, veo sus dientes partir el plátano y comenzar a masticar, puedo ver su saliva mezclarse con el plátano, al momento Keira tira el plátano casi entero a un lado.
Keira vuelve a meter su mano en la cesta que lleva en el brazo, saca una raja de sandía ya cortada, le quita el plástico protector, me mira mientras comienza a meter su boca en la pieza de fruta, abre su boca mucho y la carne roja de la sandía comienza llenar su boca, me mira mientras agita su cabeza y se regodea en devorar la raja de sandía, Keira se sacia, se separa de la pieza de futa, veo su boca, su barbilla brillando, la pulpa de la sandía resbala de su cara, Keira se relame, veo como saca mucho su larga lengua, veo como tira a un lado lo que queda de la sandía, veo como pasa su mano por sus labios y se limpia, veo como Keira escupe hacia mí las pepitas, yo no digo nada.
Keira deja su cesta en el suelo, se acerca a mi y de golpe me da una bofetada en la cara, yo no me quejo, Keira me mira con sus preciosos ojos negros, me coge una de mis manos y se la acerca a la cara, se la acerca a su boca, mis dedos comienzan a acariciar su boca todavía mojada por la sandía, acaricio sus dientes, noto su saliva, veo lo blancos que son, Keira aprieta la muñeca de mi mano y me la empuja más dentro de su boca, mis dedos se meten más, noto su legua, noto como Keira se queja y sonríe, mi mano esta casi completa dentro de su boca, noto su cuerpo agitarrse como si se ahogara, mi polla comienza a crecer en mis pantalones.
De repente Keira, con mi mano en su boca, laza una mano a mi entrepierna y me agarra mi paquete, su mano nota mi polla dura, Keira aparta la mano, se echa hacia atrás y mi mano sale de su boca, Keira toma aire mientras comienza a reírse.
-¡ja, ja, ja! ¿se te ha puesto dura mientras hacia que me ahogaba con tu mano, eh?-rie Keira
La miro serio
-no cariño, me la pone dura tu boca ¡jodeer!-grito en mitad de la tienda mientras yo también rio
Los dos reimos mientras nos miramos, Keira se acerca, acerca sus manos al cuello de mi camiseta, de golpe Keira tira y me rompe en dos la camiseta, mi torso aparece ante Keira, sus ojos se abren, se vuelve a relamer, yo no me quejo por la prenda rota.
Keira se acerca más, de repente me agarra y gira mi cuerpo contra la puerta de cristal del armario refrigerado, noto como Keira me aplasta contra él, mi mejilla se aplasta contra el cristal frio, noto como Keira acerca desde atrás una mano al botón de mi pantalón, me lo desabrocha, de golpe me los baja, noto como Keira se incorpora, noto como comienza a morderme el cuello mientras con una mano me acaricia la tela de mi Boxers, acaricia las nalgas por encima de la tela.
-¿así que te gusta me boca?-gime en mi oído
Noto como Keira me acaricia mi culo, sube y me acaricia mi espalda. De repente Keira se aparta, noto como se agacha acariciando mi cuerpo, noto como de golpe me baja mis Boxers, veo por el reflejo el cristal como Keira se pone de rodillas y al instante se lanza a dar un fuerte mordisco a una de mis nalgas, lanzo un grito de gusto mientras Keira me aplasta más hacia el armario, mi polla dura se aplasta contra el cristal
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?-ríe Keira detrás de mí mientras se lanza a morder mi otra nalga
Yo no hablo, solo gimo de gusto mientras Keira me muerde el culo una y otra vez, de repente noto que Keira se aparta y me da un azote fuerte
No hablo, solo gimo mientras Keira me vuelve a dar un fuerte azote en una de mis nalgas, mientras froto mi polla contra el cristal frio
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?-ríe Keira mientras me agarra por la cintura y de forma brusca gira mi cuerpo hacia ella
Mi polla dura se agita delante de la cara de Keira que continua de rodillas tras morderme y azotarme el culo
De repente Keira se lanza a mamarme mi polla, veo su preciosa boca abrirse para mi polla, veo sus preciosos dientes blancos, miro como devora mi polla de forma violenta, agarro su cabeza mientras noto mi culo aplastado contra el cristal de la nevera. Ella no me mira, se concentra en mi polla, yo comienzo a agitar mi cintura, comienzo a metérsela y sacársela mientras noto sus ansias, noto como comienza a acariciar mi pecho con una mano y con la otra acaricia mi cintura mientras sigue mamándomela, de repente se aparta y me mira hacia arriba.
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?-jadea cansada Keira mientras poco a poco me muerde la punta del pellejo de mi polla sin circuncidar, tira de la piel de mi polla mientras me mira, mientras la miro, miro sus dientes morder mi pellejo, miro como lo suelta de golpe, los dos reímos
Keira se levanta, comienza a quitarse su camiseta, sus dos preciosas tetitas casi planas son preciosas. Keira comienza a quitarse sus pantalones cortos, un precioso coño depilado aparece ante mí mientras yo me quito mis zapatos. Los dos desnudos el uno frente al otro, sonreímos, ella me acaricia mi pecho, me agarra de los hombros, me empuja hacia abajo, me invita a que me tienda en el suelo, obedezco, me dejo caer apoyando mi espalda en el cristal de armario refrigerado, Keira se abre de piernas sobre mí, se agacha, agarra mi polla y se la coloca en su coño, poco a poco ella baja sobre mí, cuando ha terminado de metérsela se para, yo acaricio su cuerpo delgado mientras ella se inclina un poco hacia un lado y coge un brick de leche de la cesta que está en el suelo, abre el tapón y comienza a verter la leche en su cabeza, en su cara.
Veo la leche del brick caer en su cara, recorrer su delgado cuerpo, sus tetitas se vuelven más blancas. Keira tira la caja a un lado y comienza a cabalgarme
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?-grita Keira mientras me cabalga con furia, mientras su cuerpo cubierto de leche brilla y me salpica, me folla con violencia.
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?¡¡¡ostias putaaaas!!!-grita como una loca mientras me monta, mientras inclina su cabeza hacia atrás, cierra los ojos, saca su lengua y la mueve de lado a lado con vicio.
-¿así que te gusta mi boca? ¡¡¡cabrooooooón!!!-grita mientras acaricio su cuerpecito, sus pequeñas tetitas, grita mientras agarro con una mano su culo pequeño y plano, mientras acaricio la raja de su culo, mientras comienzo a meter mi otra mano en su gran boca
-¡aghhh!-gime Keira mientras lleno su boca con mi mano otra vez, mientras acaricio sus dientes, mientras agarro su lengua
-¡aghhhh, siiii!-gime Keira mientras le cuesta respira solo por la nariz, mientras sigue con los ojos cerrados y la cabeza hacia atrás, mientras me lanza una bofetada en la cara, yo no me quejo.
Keira me cabalga mientras hace que se ahoga, mientras me da bofetadas en la cara una y otra vez, noto mi mano mojada dentro de su boca, noto su respiración, sus ansias, está en celo, me siento hombre.
De repente Keira para de cabalgar sobre mi polla, se incorpora hacia mí, saco mi mano de su boca, ella me mira, se abalanza sobre mí y comienza a besarme, noto su boca, su lengua jugar con mi lengua, mi lengua juega con sus dientes, me agarra con sus manos por mi mandíbula, me besa con pasión, yo la agarro por el cuello, la acaricio, nos besamos como si fuéramos novios mientras Keira sigue montada en mi polla. Keira se separa, hilillos de saliva cuelgan entre nosotros, Keira se levanta, los hilillos se rompen, mi polla sale de su coño.
De pie delante de mí, se agacha un poco a un lado y de la cesta saca una radio, la enciende, suena música, comienza a bailar para mí, veo su precioso cuerpo agitarse, veo como se acaricia su pelo corto, veo su flequillo cubrir uno de sus ojos, veo su cuerpo brillar, salpicarme por la leche que todavía cubre su cuerpo, veo a una preciosa mujer llena de vida.
Me pongo de pie, agarro por la cintura a Keira mientras ella me mira y comienza a masturbarme
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?-me susurra mientras baila y comienzo a correrme en su mano
Gimo mientras cierro los ojos, mientras mi semen cubre su mano
Abro los ojos y veo como Keira sigue bailando y pasa su mano cubierta de mi semen por su boca, por sus dientes.
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?-susurra Keira mientras veo mi semen en sus preciosos dientes, en sus precioso labios, en su preciosa cara.
Pongo mis manos en sus hombros mientras Keira sigue bailando a ritmo de la música de la radio.
-¡si, me gusta tu boca!-suspiro mientras me lanzo a abrazarla, Keira para de bailar y también me abraza …..

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Hello friends, This is Mayank presenting you my first Sex experience of my life. This is my story on Indian sex stories and please forgive me if you find anything silly however for feedback you may contact me on my email id as : So friends, coming back to me I have just completed my graduation from Delhi where I stay at. I am 22 years old and a bit healthy with my body and the size of my penis is around 7″ in length and around 3 ” round. But seriously saying I always admire aunties for a...

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Ek Tharki Shemale 8211 Part 1 8211 Akansha

Ye story meri last story k baad ki hai..Uss autowale k jaane k baad meri life bhot badal gyi maine firse ek job pakdli or meri boring life fir shuru ho gyi lekin ab main bhot zyda tharki ho gya main ladki jaisa behave krne lga apne body ko sawarne lga or ladkiyo ki dresses khrid ne lga mujhe bhot sex chadta tha poore time main ghr pr nanga rehta tha main apne flat mein roz2 tadap rha tha mera koi friend bhi nai tha jisse mein ye sab share kr skta tha…Aise he din nikalte rhe.. Ek din ki baat hai...

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PenthouseGold Alyssa Reece Melissa Jacobs Melissa Jacobs Plays With Alyssa Reece

Penthouse Pet Melissa Jacobs and hot lesbian playmate Alyssa Reece are horny cheerleaders that never seem to get time to practice their cheers because they’re too busy munching on each other’s muffs as they do in today’s steamy girl-girl video. The two brunette beauties go at each other’s pussies with gusto licking and fingering, and play with their titties relentlessly. When they’re ready to turn things up a notch out come the sex toys, and they cum wildly pussy...

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Swapping Fathers 3

(You really should read them first) And just as Mike and I were settling in on our fifth cup of coffee for the morning, we both discovered this was not the best week for a new baby. ”Jim, I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this week. I've got a mandatory meeting early Tuesday morning in Destin. There's no way I can get out of it. That means I have to leave sometime tomorrow. Kim’s mother is no longer with us so there’s no help there. Do you think there is any chance Ashley could spend...

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Deception Uncovered

My wife and I have a normal kind of relationship. We both work hard during the week and spend time with each other whenever we can. Sex is good, varied and we both get a huge kick from it. I wouldn’t say we talk about sex that much, or our fantasies, but at least, unlike other couples, we don’t have any secrets from each other.  Well, I guess we have fantasies, but like I said, we don’t tend to discuss sex all that much.The wife and I have our routine. Monday is late night working for me while...

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Train Flash at a Very Young Teen

I never took a train ride in my life but here I was heading to South Carolina to meet my cousin for an early summer vacation and the cheapest and easiest way for me to get there was train. I boarded the train at 5:45 AM. My eyes were barely open when I got on and trudged my way through to a car that was almost empty and sat myself against the window. I had worked the night shift that evening and with the exception of stopping at home to shower, change clothes and grab my bags I had been on my...

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Making Love To A Beautiful Stranger

Sirens were ringing and people started rushing to get out. This could turn into a stampede, I thought as I reached the basement and went to open my car. Jeez! I’d left my keys in my jacket at the Westend store. The whole day had been going well. I was shopping at the new mall for my girlfriend’s birthday the next day. The gifts were a surprise for her. All was well up until the curfew was announced. People still wouldn’t take the announcements seriously, so the mall’s management had started...

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Today I wrote a check that I miss could not cash, but I’m glad I did.Last week I made a bet with Jimmy, the captain of the football team, they were playing the #1 team in the league and that team was undefeated, our local team had lost 3 games already and only won two. The bet was that our local team would lose at least by 14 points and if they were to win I would do whatever he wanted.Mind you, I’m 5’4” one of the sexiest and prettiest girl in the school. I have a nice bubbly ass with 36c...

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Sanuras Tale Part 8 A MORFS Universe Story

MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 8 By Britney McMaster The next few days were pretty much the same old routine other than basketball practice after school. The time passed quickly and soon the school week was over. Looking back I still find it amazing how normal life seemed now that I'd got used to all this girl stuff I have to do. I was really looking forward to Saturday. I was going to be going on my first official date with Amy. I had a hard time going to sleep Friday night and was...

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Sucking Black Trucker Cocks

My wife Sue and I moved to the Denver area in the early 1990s for me to take a new job as a salesman with a medical supply company. I traveled all over the states of Colorado and Utah and often found myself in my company car in the mountains on I-70 in the winter. At the time of this story I was 45 years old. It was the middle of January and I had spent a long day in my office in Denver, and was scheduled to be in Grand Junction first thing the following morning. My plan was to drive thru the...

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Caning SuzyJayne Part 3

Following my visit to Suzy-Jayne’s house, the thought of the two hours I’d spent in her company were never far from my mind. Despite having led an active sex-life since my teens, I had always enjoyed, perhaps even preferred, the unrestrained pleasure afforded by masturbation. Even, during the two years I’d lived with Rosalind and where we shared intimacy at least once on most days, I had still relished the opportunity of being alone in the flat to pleasure myself to the thoughts of the things...

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How to train your dragon sex with toothless part

Something was wrong with Astrid, and Hiccup had no idea what it could be. Ever since last wash day she has been far friskier then ever before. Hiccup couldn't turn around without Astrid barreling down on him, ripping his clothes off and doing every dirty thing under Sol's sun. She would show up at the forge and basically pounce him; or the one time in the mead hall while everyone was eating supper, she stealthily slipped under their bench and gave him the most amazing blow job ever. Hiccup...

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Sisters Loving PetsChapter 9

Bill was gone much longer than the girls expected him to be, but they didn't waste time waiting for him to get back. Cindy got on top of Ellen's curvaceous body in a beautiful sixty-nine position, her cute ass writhing as Ellen sucked her pussy. Samson got in on the act by lashing his long red tongue all over her asshole and cunt and Ellen's mouth. Hot moments later, Cindy lifted her wet mouth from Ellen's churning pussy and called Samson. She watched hotly the big dog licked Ellen's...

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Cuckolding The Married ManChapter 4 The night before the verdict

Well, that was both sides. We were told it was late and that we would recess till 10:00 the next morning. Bob looked at me and said, "We did good. Lets just hope the jury agrees with us. I believe Mary won it for us." I looked back at my family, just about all in tears. Marie came up to me and said, "No matter what happens, daddy, I know you did the right thing. I love you. We all love you. As you can see we are all sticking together as a family. We all need you, daddy. Mom needs you...

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After the Pantomime Part 9

After the Pantomime By Susannah Donim Chapter 9 - After the Birth Is Nick's future, Daisy? Or is Daisy's future, Nick? Our weekend began with my weekly appointment at Transformations. This was one of the long ones, so Ruth dropped me off and went to the shops. As usual Vera removed all my prosthetics, waxed away the small amount of stubble I now had, and soothed the irritated skin with hormone-laced balm. Then she injected another few horrid ounces of fluid into my bump. As...

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Noahs Whore Part 5

The flaming affair between Nancy and Noah had been going full throttle for a little more than eight months when Nancy received a telephone call from an old friend. Tiffany Hanson was a woman she had met at her first job out of college. They had remained close through the years. Tiffany had gone through a divorce two years back and Nancy had spent many nights helping her friend adjust to being single. When the woman would get depressed, Nancy would have her come to her home so that they could...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 28 Should I Stay or Should I Go

November 20, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “No bacon or eggs? Seriously?” April asked on Saturday morning. “The general rule for fasting is no animal products of any kind.” “But you didn’t do that when we were dating?” “Because I wasn’t interested in debating it with you,” I replied. “That was probably a mistake on my part.” “So now what?” “I’ll eat what you’re making,” I said. “It falls under the ‘hospitality’ rule which says you should eat what you’re served. I’ll eat waffles, eggs, and...

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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 5

"Mrs. Travers?" asked Eric as the attractive young woman answered the door. "Yes, I'm Tammy Travers. You must be Eric Rochet. Please come in." As the self assured young man entered the small frame house he surreptitiously gave the young housewife the once over and turned on the small recorder which lay concealed in his pocket. Not bad, he thought, not bad at all. The honey blonde was even more beautiful than her high school picture. Her bright blue eyes were large and expressive, her...

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Rode her hot soaking wet body till she cried with

First time I had her, she was 18 years old. Long blond hair, blue eyes and body to drive me nuts. My friends shocked I would date a girl this young, most were jealous that I could enjoy such a treasure. The first time I could feel something I hit and shaft bend. I kept pushing with each stroke. To give her some pleasure the head and few inches were used. She had sex 3 times prior to me. A boy had taken her virginity, in a weekend he had sex with her two more times. She was not broken in when I...

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Billie And The Bordello

This is a grown up story for grown up people. If you are under 18 then please keep playing Quake - this one's not for you. If you don't like stories about transsexuals then please don't read on - it will only make you angry. Billie would not have been born without the inspiration, encouragement and patience of my best friend, mentor and shoulder to cry on, Elaine. So this story is dedicated to her. If you haven't already done so, please download and read her stories - they are...

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The Best of Friends

I'd been looking forward to a good night's sex with my boyfriend Sam, but when I got to his flat he'd smoked so much dope he was out of things. After a few minutes trying to wake up any part of him, I decided to cut my losses and go watch TV in the lounge. I wrapped myself in his robe and went through.In the lounge, Sam's flatmate Lee was sitting watching a video. I went and slumped down next to him and he instantly went to change channels, when I looked at the screen I saw why, he was watching...

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Anita Was The Housemaid

I did not like her food at all. the only thing was that i liked her. i had seen her around the house for a long time and i had gotten used to her. she woke me up in the morning and till i slept she was with me. she even appeared in my dreams. i will not lie about it that she was my crush. there was nothing unusually hot about her, just that she was slender and short and had a sexy waist. i had had the pleasure of holding her waist a lot of time. she stood on the stool to fetch somethings from...

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My New Coworker

It has been close to seven years since I'd last fooled around with another man. It wasn't often that I craved the company of a man, was something about Terrence that made me hungry for his dick.Terrence was hired as a developer in my department and sat in the cubicle behind mine. It was his second week and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I've been fantasizing about sucking his dick since the moment he stepped into the conference room for his interview.  Terrence was black, about 6'4, very...

Gay Male
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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 18 Monday

When everyone was wake the following morning, instead of Mike asking the angels they pulled him into the shower, when they had finished he said, 'if you beautiful angels keep this up I will be suffering withdrawal problems when this holiday ends, I won't be able to look at a shower the same again.' The four girls returned to the shower and called, 'is there anyone else interested in either helping us shower or wanting us to wash them?' The three guys raced into the shower laughing...

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Kims New Business

Kim Rich is a smart business woman, a mother of two daughters, a wife to a great man who provides well for his family. At 38yrs. and after her daughters she still has a knock body. Long black hair to the top of her ass. Kim and her partner Fran High have a growing business in the make-up market. Today Kim needs to go to an meeting at the home of a woman looking to invest in the business. Fran was going to go but got held up so it fell on Kim to make the meeting. Kim fixed her dress as she got...

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DetentionGirls Chanel Shortcake Kenzie Reeves Mackenzie Moss Girl Power

Kenzie Reeves, Mackenzie Moss, and Chanel Shortake are the three newest intakes for the detention girls facility run by Damon Dice. The girls don’t want to be there. They miss their promiscuous lives and getting it on with as many guys and girls as they can handle. Once Damon has given them their orientation, the girls dish about how they’d like to make him theirs. In the meantime, they realize they can meet their needs together in a lesbian threesome. Retreating to the bathroom,...

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Chachi Ke Sath Ek Anokha Khel

Hello indian sex stories dot net  dosto, me rishabh aaj aapke liye ek nayi story lekar aaya hu..Pehle me apne baare me bata deta hu,22 saal ka hu, dikhne me bhi acha hu,,. ()..Meri story ke baare me mujhe is email par batae…Or any girl ya lady indore ke paas relationship chahti he to mujhe contact kare… To ye kahani kuch 3 months pehle ki he, mere ghar me mere mom dad meri sister rehte he, or side me hi mere chacha ji ka ghar he jisme chacha or chachi rehte he chachi or mere beech me shuru se...

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Lusting for Mom

"I've left dinner for you in the microwave," Jen smiled as she leaned in to give her son a peck on his cheek."You know I can manage on my own Mom." Dan smiled. "I do the cooking at Uni and have survived just fine!""I know sweetie." Jen patted his face lightly. "It's just that a mother loves to look after her son. Now, I'll try not to be late. I hate having to go out like this but I need to update some figures for the marketing proposal tomorrow.""Ah! Don't bore me with your work Mom, I...

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Appavin Nanban Ennai Oothar

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en appavin nanban ennai eppadi oothar enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar vasantha vayathu 19 aagugirathu, naan thinamum kama kathaigal padipen, indru en kathaiyai inaiyathalathil pathivu seiven endru en kanavil kuda ninaithu parka villai. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalaam. Enaku intha vayathile iru mulaiyum perithaaga pazhuthu irukum, soothu gumunu irukum. En appa nanbar adikadi veetirku varuvaar, avar peyar Prabu, parka azhagaga irupaar. Naan avar varum...

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Pretty as a Picture

When the concert finally finished, she’d watched the group of old men on the stage raise their hands and salute the crowd. Their music still sounded as fresh as it had on her Dad’s old vinyl 12 inch LPs she had listened to when she was growing up. She’d always regretted that she was too young to have seen them live. In fact, she hadn’t even been born when they had split up but thankfully, twenty years later, they had reformed for their one-off 'See the World 2014' world tour. She was lucky...


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