Keira Y La Tienda De La Esquina free porn video

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Keira y la tienda de la esquina

Es de noche hay partido en la tele y no hay nadie en la calle, antes de volver a casa decido entrar en la tienda de la esquina a comprar cuatro cosas, queda poco para cerrar.
Al entrar veo que solo está la hija de la dueña, sé que se llama Keira, debe tener unos veintitantos años, morena de pelo corto con un precioso flequillo que casi tapa uno de sus grandes ojos negros, ella es muy delgada, pechos casi planos, culo casi plano, destaca sobre todas las cosas una preciosa y enorme boca en la que se marcan unos dientes grandes que aparecen a nada que Keira esboza una sonrisa, adoro esos dientes, he fantaseado con ellos mientras me masturbaba muchas noches antes de dormir.
Al entrar no nos decimos nada, ella esta apoyada en el mostrador junto a la caja, lee una revista mientras masca un chicle, al pasa me sonríe un poco, veo esos dientes mientras mascan el chicle, al pasar veo que lleva unos pantalones vaqueros cortos muy marcados, veo que lleva una camiseta blanca, un escote deja ver el inicio de sus pequeña tetas, Keira nota que le he mirado es escote, sonríe más, la comisura de sus labios se marcan más.
Me adentro en los pasillos de la tienda, comienzo a buscar cuatro cosas entre las estanterías cuando de repente veo que Keira se acerca a la puerta de la tienda, mira entre las persianas venecianas a la calle, al momento echa el cierre a la puerta, se gira mira hacia donde estoy yo, yo agacho la mirada, ella sonríe. Sigo haciendo que busco cosas en las estanterías, de reojo veo como Keira coge una cesta y comienza a andar entre los pasillos de la tienda y comienza a coger cosas.
Llego a un armario refrigerado con la puerta de cristal, a la ir a abrirlo para coger una bebida Keira aparece con la cesta en un brazo y posa su mano libre en la puerta de cristal impidiendo que yo pueda abrirla. La miro si decir nada, ella tampoco dice nada, abre un poco su boca, saca su lengua y la pasa por su labio superior. Mi respiración se acelera, sonrió, miro su camiseta blanca en la que se marcan sus pechos planos, miro sus pantalones vaqueros cortos, veo que va descalza.
Keira apoya un hombro en la puerta de cristal, veo como mastica su chicle, veo como de golpe lo escupe hacia mí, me sobresalto mientras noto el chicle húmedo recorrer mi cuello hasta caer al suelo, no digo nada, veo como con su mano libre Keira coge un plátano de la cesta, se lo acerca a la boca mientras me sigue mirando, abre su boca, aparecen sus grandes dientes que de un mordisco arrancan la parte superior del plátano, Keira escupe el rabo del plátano hacia mí, me sobresalto otra vez mientras siento como la pieza rebota en mi pecho. Keira comienza a pelar el plátano, el fruto aparece ante la boca de Keira, su lengua recorre el plátano medio pelado, de repente da un mordisco a la punta del plátano, veo sus dientes partir el plátano y comenzar a masticar, puedo ver su saliva mezclarse con el plátano, al momento Keira tira el plátano casi entero a un lado.
Keira vuelve a meter su mano en la cesta que lleva en el brazo, saca una raja de sandía ya cortada, le quita el plástico protector, me mira mientras comienza a meter su boca en la pieza de fruta, abre su boca mucho y la carne roja de la sandía comienza llenar su boca, me mira mientras agita su cabeza y se regodea en devorar la raja de sandía, Keira se sacia, se separa de la pieza de futa, veo su boca, su barbilla brillando, la pulpa de la sandía resbala de su cara, Keira se relame, veo como saca mucho su larga lengua, veo como tira a un lado lo que queda de la sandía, veo como pasa su mano por sus labios y se limpia, veo como Keira escupe hacia mí las pepitas, yo no digo nada.
Keira deja su cesta en el suelo, se acerca a mi y de golpe me da una bofetada en la cara, yo no me quejo, Keira me mira con sus preciosos ojos negros, me coge una de mis manos y se la acerca a la cara, se la acerca a su boca, mis dedos comienzan a acariciar su boca todavía mojada por la sandía, acaricio sus dientes, noto su saliva, veo lo blancos que son, Keira aprieta la muñeca de mi mano y me la empuja más dentro de su boca, mis dedos se meten más, noto su legua, noto como Keira se queja y sonríe, mi mano esta casi completa dentro de su boca, noto su cuerpo agitarrse como si se ahogara, mi polla comienza a crecer en mis pantalones.
De repente Keira, con mi mano en su boca, laza una mano a mi entrepierna y me agarra mi paquete, su mano nota mi polla dura, Keira aparta la mano, se echa hacia atrás y mi mano sale de su boca, Keira toma aire mientras comienza a reírse.
-¡ja, ja, ja! ¿se te ha puesto dura mientras hacia que me ahogaba con tu mano, eh?-rie Keira
La miro serio
-no cariño, me la pone dura tu boca ¡jodeer!-grito en mitad de la tienda mientras yo también rio
Los dos reimos mientras nos miramos, Keira se acerca, acerca sus manos al cuello de mi camiseta, de golpe Keira tira y me rompe en dos la camiseta, mi torso aparece ante Keira, sus ojos se abren, se vuelve a relamer, yo no me quejo por la prenda rota.
Keira se acerca más, de repente me agarra y gira mi cuerpo contra la puerta de cristal del armario refrigerado, noto como Keira me aplasta contra él, mi mejilla se aplasta contra el cristal frio, noto como Keira acerca desde atrás una mano al botón de mi pantalón, me lo desabrocha, de golpe me los baja, noto como Keira se incorpora, noto como comienza a morderme el cuello mientras con una mano me acaricia la tela de mi Boxers, acaricia las nalgas por encima de la tela.
-¿así que te gusta me boca?-gime en mi oído
Noto como Keira me acaricia mi culo, sube y me acaricia mi espalda. De repente Keira se aparta, noto como se agacha acariciando mi cuerpo, noto como de golpe me baja mis Boxers, veo por el reflejo el cristal como Keira se pone de rodillas y al instante se lanza a dar un fuerte mordisco a una de mis nalgas, lanzo un grito de gusto mientras Keira me aplasta más hacia el armario, mi polla dura se aplasta contra el cristal
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?-ríe Keira detrás de mí mientras se lanza a morder mi otra nalga
Yo no hablo, solo gimo de gusto mientras Keira me muerde el culo una y otra vez, de repente noto que Keira se aparta y me da un azote fuerte
No hablo, solo gimo mientras Keira me vuelve a dar un fuerte azote en una de mis nalgas, mientras froto mi polla contra el cristal frio
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?-ríe Keira mientras me agarra por la cintura y de forma brusca gira mi cuerpo hacia ella
Mi polla dura se agita delante de la cara de Keira que continua de rodillas tras morderme y azotarme el culo
De repente Keira se lanza a mamarme mi polla, veo su preciosa boca abrirse para mi polla, veo sus preciosos dientes blancos, miro como devora mi polla de forma violenta, agarro su cabeza mientras noto mi culo aplastado contra el cristal de la nevera. Ella no me mira, se concentra en mi polla, yo comienzo a agitar mi cintura, comienzo a metérsela y sacársela mientras noto sus ansias, noto como comienza a acariciar mi pecho con una mano y con la otra acaricia mi cintura mientras sigue mamándomela, de repente se aparta y me mira hacia arriba.
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?-jadea cansada Keira mientras poco a poco me muerde la punta del pellejo de mi polla sin circuncidar, tira de la piel de mi polla mientras me mira, mientras la miro, miro sus dientes morder mi pellejo, miro como lo suelta de golpe, los dos reímos
Keira se levanta, comienza a quitarse su camiseta, sus dos preciosas tetitas casi planas son preciosas. Keira comienza a quitarse sus pantalones cortos, un precioso coño depilado aparece ante mí mientras yo me quito mis zapatos. Los dos desnudos el uno frente al otro, sonreímos, ella me acaricia mi pecho, me agarra de los hombros, me empuja hacia abajo, me invita a que me tienda en el suelo, obedezco, me dejo caer apoyando mi espalda en el cristal de armario refrigerado, Keira se abre de piernas sobre mí, se agacha, agarra mi polla y se la coloca en su coño, poco a poco ella baja sobre mí, cuando ha terminado de metérsela se para, yo acaricio su cuerpo delgado mientras ella se inclina un poco hacia un lado y coge un brick de leche de la cesta que está en el suelo, abre el tapón y comienza a verter la leche en su cabeza, en su cara.
Veo la leche del brick caer en su cara, recorrer su delgado cuerpo, sus tetitas se vuelven más blancas. Keira tira la caja a un lado y comienza a cabalgarme
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?-grita Keira mientras me cabalga con furia, mientras su cuerpo cubierto de leche brilla y me salpica, me folla con violencia.
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?¡¡¡ostias putaaaas!!!-grita como una loca mientras me monta, mientras inclina su cabeza hacia atrás, cierra los ojos, saca su lengua y la mueve de lado a lado con vicio.
-¿así que te gusta mi boca? ¡¡¡cabrooooooón!!!-grita mientras acaricio su cuerpecito, sus pequeñas tetitas, grita mientras agarro con una mano su culo pequeño y plano, mientras acaricio la raja de su culo, mientras comienzo a meter mi otra mano en su gran boca
-¡aghhh!-gime Keira mientras lleno su boca con mi mano otra vez, mientras acaricio sus dientes, mientras agarro su lengua
-¡aghhhh, siiii!-gime Keira mientras le cuesta respira solo por la nariz, mientras sigue con los ojos cerrados y la cabeza hacia atrás, mientras me lanza una bofetada en la cara, yo no me quejo.
Keira me cabalga mientras hace que se ahoga, mientras me da bofetadas en la cara una y otra vez, noto mi mano mojada dentro de su boca, noto su respiración, sus ansias, está en celo, me siento hombre.
De repente Keira para de cabalgar sobre mi polla, se incorpora hacia mí, saco mi mano de su boca, ella me mira, se abalanza sobre mí y comienza a besarme, noto su boca, su lengua jugar con mi lengua, mi lengua juega con sus dientes, me agarra con sus manos por mi mandíbula, me besa con pasión, yo la agarro por el cuello, la acaricio, nos besamos como si fuéramos novios mientras Keira sigue montada en mi polla. Keira se separa, hilillos de saliva cuelgan entre nosotros, Keira se levanta, los hilillos se rompen, mi polla sale de su coño.
De pie delante de mí, se agacha un poco a un lado y de la cesta saca una radio, la enciende, suena música, comienza a bailar para mí, veo su precioso cuerpo agitarse, veo como se acaricia su pelo corto, veo su flequillo cubrir uno de sus ojos, veo su cuerpo brillar, salpicarme por la leche que todavía cubre su cuerpo, veo a una preciosa mujer llena de vida.
Me pongo de pie, agarro por la cintura a Keira mientras ella me mira y comienza a masturbarme
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?-me susurra mientras baila y comienzo a correrme en su mano
Gimo mientras cierro los ojos, mientras mi semen cubre su mano
Abro los ojos y veo como Keira sigue bailando y pasa su mano cubierta de mi semen por su boca, por sus dientes.
-¿así que te gusta mi boca?-susurra Keira mientras veo mi semen en sus preciosos dientes, en sus precioso labios, en su preciosa cara.
Pongo mis manos en sus hombros mientras Keira sigue bailando a ritmo de la música de la radio.
-¡si, me gusta tu boca!-suspiro mientras me lanzo a abrazarla, Keira para de bailar y también me abraza …..

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The boss took Lara by the hand, and moved to the door. "I feel the need for young pussy tonight. Sleep well, all." Lara waved her hand generally towards Paula and myself, and seemed quite unperturbed. In fact, her large nipples had sharpened to firm jutting points. After the boss had left, Sid took control. He turned to me. "There's a pack of cards behind the bar. Go get it, shuffle well, and deal one to each". So there I was left to deal cards to a bunch of men, to select who would...

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A Different Plane of Existence Part 11

A Different Plane of Existence By Karen Page Part Eleven Two weeks after the surgery, the swelling had gradually faded and all that was left was a slight scar where Charlotte's Adam's Apple used to be. She looked at her diary and with a sigh, noticed that the date of her second period was rapidly approaching. "Are you worrying about your next period?" Kelly asked Charlotte as she walked into the kitchen to have breakfast. "A little," said Charlotte with a touch of...

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Pucker Up 9

Pucker Up By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 9 - The Conclusion Story dedicated for my friend Paula. "Roberto, let me help her." Bridget grabbed the bag from him. "We were about to use the ladies room anyway, before my mom's little issue." Bridget quickly ushered him into the ladies room and inside the handicap stall. When she locked the door and spun around, she hugged him and they held each other so tightly, as for just a moment this was their sanctuary from all...

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Cumfilled Surprise

OK, I like cum. Well, I love cum. All right, all right, I crave cum. I cannot get enough of the creamy white stuff. I love the slimy feel and hot taste as I coax it from the source. This one time, but wait, let me tell you how my fixation started. First, my name is Vanessa. I am now twenty-five and am getting married next month. My fiancé (just LOVE saying that) David and I have not had ‘sex’ yet. Though he had enjoyed my oral talents many times. I have never confessed my obsession for cum to...

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Teacher Honay Faida Othaya

Hi friends mera name Aman hai or this is my first ever experience to write any story. Meri height 5.11 age 26 complexion fair he. Yeh story 1 year pehly ki hai jab main ek institute mian teacher tha summer vacation start hoi thi or new classes bhi muhjy jis class ko teaching k liye kaha gya. Waha aik larki name saba tha age 18 figure 34 or height 5.2 thi or she use to do veil or nakab me bhi main usy dekhta rehgya ku k she was prettiest girl Kuch days hovy thy class start kiye hove saba or uski...

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Wedding Night

MY WEDDING NIGHT I LOVE YOU! My husbands, of 9 hours, slurred, as he proceeded to drunkenly slide down the hotel sofa, and fall asleep. My wedding day had been everything that I had ever wished for, it was my 19th birthday, the weather was warm and dry, my dress made me feel like a princess, and the flowers in the church looked absolutely wonderful. Petes dad, Roger, said, Well take him to bed, for you. Keith, grab an arm! he shouted to his brother. They then dragged my husband through the...

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The Sheriff of Spiny Cactus CountyEpisode 3 SCARECROW

The rattle of the engine caught the girl’s attention. When the power steering squealed, and brakes screeched, Cathy Lyman peeked through the blinds. She saw the Sheriff’s clunker pickup sitting in their circle drive. Her daddy got out of the passenger door, walking with a quick ginger step, when on his left foot. Earl Lyman leaned against the Sheriff for support. His left leg didn’t appear to enjoy supporting his body. Cathy took a deep breath, ‘Is Daddy hurt?‘ she ran to the door, flung it...

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Tori and Amy

It had been several weeks since I fucked my cute 18 year old neighbor, Tori, in my jacuzzi tub.   This particular afternoon, I was on the patio relaxing in the tub with my eyes closed while mentally reliving the wonderful experience of burying my hard cock deep into that tight teenage cunt when I heard “Hi, Mr. Mac!”.   Startled, I sat up straight and turned my head to see little Tori standing there along with a tall, cute blonde who was smiling shyly and cupping her hands.   Tori said “Mr....

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Aria Lee Crystal Rush A More Dominant Daughter

Crystal Rush is relaxing in her bedroom when her stepdaughter Aria Lee shuffles in. Crystal starts to cheerfully greet Aria until she sees that Aria is upset. She frowns and asks what’s the matter while inviting Aria to sit on the bed with her. Aria resists a bit but pouts and joins Crystal, though is a little hesitant to say anything. Crystal is worried, asking her if something’s wrong at college? Aria says, no — she’s loving college, even if she’s glad for this...

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The Pussy Ride

Jessica Noakes and Bridget Fowler were the best of friends since high school and they were now in college having all the freedom in the world to do what they want and when they want without having to authorise it with their parents. Jessica was tall, blonde, and blue- green eyes, with a terrific slender tanned figure whereas her Bridget was petite with flame red hair, blue eyed, with not much bust. Bridget was envious of Jessica because she seemed to attract more attention of men than she did...

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Hes Just Such a Hunk

Chapter 1 Carolyn and I have been friends for over seven years now, we first met when I went to work in the same office and we quickly hit it off. She's a single mom, mother of Joe, who I've watched grow up. He's now sixteen and, well, this may sound rather awful, but I was finding myself more and more attracted to him. Now, it's not that I don't have any male friends, I do. I'm thirty-five, ash blond shoulder-length hair, nice figure; well, if you must know, I'm 36B, very firm with small but...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Student Teacher BluesChapter 6

Bob was weeding a bed of Hydrangeas, which wasn't going well because he kept thinking of Cecelia and wasn't paying attention to what were weeds and what were Hydrangeas. It disgusted him a bit that he couldn't control himself. She was just a woman, after all, like any other woman, right? And, while he hadn't exactly sworn off women, like she seemed to have sworn off men... That distracted him. It was almost criminal that she had sworn off men. That no man got to bask in her beauty ......

1 year ago
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AEBN Celebrities

AEBN offers a selection of celebrity porno that I’m a little embarrassed to admit I just found out about. Can you blame me, though? When you’ve got that many dirty movies, studios and pornstars in one big-ass site, it ain’t too difficult for some of it to get lost in the shuffle from time to time. I guess I was just too distracted shaking my dick at the kind of professional humpers I meet at PornDudeCasting to notice they also have videos of the more “traditional” celebs. Frankly, I’m a sucker...

Premium Nude Celebrities
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Nikkis Photo Shoot

My girlfriend Nikki and I had just moved in together, and apparently it was important to have professional photos of us on our walls. She brought it up often, and to be honest, I wasn’t very excited to have it done. I had heard about Chris through a friend at work. He told me that Chris was one of the best photographers around, and would give us a great bargain for going in as a couple. Nikki lit up when I told her. We got to Chris’ house on Saturday afternoon, Nikki in a loose top and...

3 years ago
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Go Ask Alice

The house is finally quiet when I return from dropping Cynthia off at school.  Six hours of peace and quiet, thank god.  I hang the keys by the front door and head into the kitchen for a cup of coffee.  I pour a fresh cup into my Don’t speak to me until empty cup and head toward the kitchen table.I’m wearing one of my husband’s dress shirts with my nearly sheer black leggings. I am not wearing a bra, and only have a black thong on that matches the leggings.  This is week four of him being in...

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without you

its almost 4 hours since you had to leave and i cant tear myself from my bed.the sheets are stained with our productive afternoon.unfortunately you had to leave to return to that usless husband of yours.the plans we make evertime come to nothing.i seem to be wasting my life and always say the time isnt right and we must you return to him and i am left alone.the pillow has your smell on it.i hold it close to me as if it were you in person.i inhale that dior perfume and my cock...

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I Get Myself In A Lot Of Trouble

I was in the stationery cupboard getting some paper when the bulb blew. I opened the door a crack to let in some light and picked up a new bulb. I was reaching for the light to replace it when I heard noise like a gasp. I turned and poked my head out the door. Imagine my surprise when I saw Mr. Connor, my boss, in a tight embrace with Rose his secretary. I drew back into the shadows of the cupboard and watched. After a passionate kiss they drew apart. Mr. Connor looked like he was panting. "Go...

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The Pool

The Pool - by: Jayne Willard The first time was when I was a young boy of five or six years old. I think I had started school, but I don?t think I was in grade school yet. I was the youngest in the family and I had two older sisters, Mary and Stephanie. They were about 12 and 14 at the time, so they were developing young women. They had a number of girl friends that came over to the house and they were always doing something. I was alone. From time to time I would play with...

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No Ordinary LoveChapter 8 Back to Normal

For the rest of the semester I concentrated on my studies and spent my spare time around home or working with the prospective councillor's staff. Civic elections were held on the last Monday in October and the frantic pace of trying to get our candidate's message out was ramped up to the max. There were times when I was spending more time on the campaign than on my studies but fortunately I wasn't yet falling behind. I would be happy when this was over with however despite the welcome...

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Amar Chhatrir Ma

Ami ei site er notun purono pathok valo bangla golper ovab dekhe niji dilam akta, apnara pore janaben kamon holo. Sir ajke onko korbo na, please sir Toma’r korun akuti, tomalika amar notun chatri, Sobe class eight e pore, ekhon thekei fajiler churanto. Aj kalkar chele meyera bodhoy erokomi. Amar age konodino tuition oviggota hoy ni. Nichok jhoker mathay eta shuru kori. Ajke ek mash purno hobe. Masher dui tarikh maine paoar somoy tao hoye geche. Jiboner prothom nijer uparjon. Ghotonata tahole...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Athena Rayne Case No 1122187

January 16, 4:38 PM. Case #1122187 – Suspect is a blonde, adolescent female. She has been caught stealing small, low priced items from the storefront. As the value of stolen merchandise does not exceed twenty dollars, standard catch and release protocol is followed. However, while in custody, the suspect attempts to steal the Loss Prevention Officers wallet. An extensive strip search is conducted, and the items are recovered using advanced retrieval methods. Evidence logged on January 16, 2019.

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True slut fantasy

I had taken some time off work to handle some personal things, including getting some exercise. I was almost home from the gym when the car stops working just a block or so from my driveway. I call for roadside assistance and walk home to wait for help to arrive. 30 minutes later my doorbell rings and the emergency guy is there, he is a 6-3 black man built like a football player. He looks at me and asks in a deep voice, “are you the lady that called for the car being that broke down?” I stare...

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Going Nova ch 7 Sex and Secrets

Hazle chuckled sleepily and her voice rasped out, “Honey, it can’t be Elsie, she stayed over last night, remember?” Warrick suddenly remembered and his cheeks went flush. He remembered, very vividly, deflowering his daughter’s best friend while his wife was upstairs, in fact. He rolled away from Hazel as the phone continued to ring. “Anyway, it’s yours. Answer it.” Hazel grabbed it off the nightstand. “Oh, it’s Ivy!” Warrick turned slightly with some interest. Ivy was a friend of theirs,...

2 years ago
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How to Become a Nymphomaniac

How to Become a NymphomaniacMay 14, 2016_______________________________________________It's a beautiful Sunday morning and here I am sitting with an ice pack between my legs. It's the beginning to what could be a potentially great day and here I am sitting in the house bored with no hopes of going out and continuing a weekend of debauchery. I answered my phone. "Hi Carole! It's Kelli.""Hey Girl, what's going on?" I asked."Nothing much, I couldn't sleep so I thought I would bug you. I am...

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the church lady came by

I lived in an apartment when I was 49 . I have been an exhibitionist since I was 11 and have loved doing it. any how one day I ran onto the woman across the hallway form me in the parking lot. We talked for a while touching on many things one being tanning ,she had seen me at the pool in my throng .she wasn’t shy telling me how she had owned a tanning booth at her last house and friends would come by to tan and most tanned nude. I admitted I was the same I liked tanning nude always had and when...

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COVID Transition

A COVID Transition I was working on grading papers when the phone rang. I answered it seeing that it was my wife calling. Following my simple "hello," she let the conversation. "Hello Tricia, how did your class lectures go today? Did you wear the outfit I set out for you today? Did you look good on camera while you were lecturing?" "Yes Ann, I wore the outfit. I was a bit nervous about the black knit top and bralette. The crew neckline concealed the lacy bralette just fine and I could...

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Note: This story takes place during the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode ‘Bring on The Night’, while Buffy and Rupert are out patrolling and she runs into the Ubervamp. So, what is happening with the three slayers in training back at the Summer’s home while she’s gone? The Cast:Annabelle - A proper slayer in training from England.Dawn - Buffy’s little sister.Kennedy - Outspoken lesbian slayer in training.Molly - Talkative cockney slayer in training.Willow - Recovering magic addict whose powers...

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My wife confessed me how she cheated me First tim

This is a true story, based on all the details my wife confessed me about when she cheated on me.She confessed me that she cheated me many times with her work colleague when I was traveling for work, but now I write about the details of the first time she cheated me.When I returned from my trip and she confessed me her infidelity, I confessed her that turn me on to know more. My wife was surprised, and began to tell me everything from the beginning. I wanted to know also how she was dressed....

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Are you a Yiffer? It’s an interesting question because the chances go way up if you even know what the word means. Most folks haven’t delved into the furry culture at all, but then again, most people didn’t have their sexual awakening while watching Disney cartoons. But, hey, I’m not going to shame you for it. In fact, I know just the place to find some fap material that will suit your oddly specific masturbatory calls themselves “The internet’s best collection of quality furry...

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