Lustful Family And Friends 8211 Part 1 First Impressions
- 3 years ago
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Sophia looked down at the round platform in front of her with a strange mixture of hope and trepidation.
It didn’t look like much. It was perhaps a quarter meter in height and maybe 3 meters in diameter. Lit a soft white by some light source within it, its upper edge was lined with a light green light. Sophia had seen the ring change to red as it was transporting others up.
It was probably large enough for three to five people to fit upon it with little problem, but while Calix had been changing, the eight women had decided to use the pad in pairs. Well, seven of the eight had agreed. Alicia had just worn a scowl the entire time. As the eight began pairing up, Sophia had immediately grabbed Whiskey’s hand. Sophia wasn’t sure if it was the girl’s youth – she’d just turned fourteen a few weeks earlier – or because Whiskey just hadn’t bonded as closely to Calix as she and Brianna had, but the younger girl was noticeably nervous. She returned the girl’s grateful smile as their hands entwined.
Sophia pulled the younger girl along as she mounted the platform. She could feel the girl’s grip tighten as Whiskey worked to fight her nerves. Her eyes turned just as Whiskey’s eyes closed so she completely missed the transition from Earth to the Moon. Only a light tingle along her skin and a slight popping in her ears made her look up from the younger girl’s face. The change in light had her befuddled for a moment but then she gasped and her eyes grew wide.
She hadn’t known what to expect but it wasn’t this. This was almost – mundane. They were in a rather large circular room. The pad they were standing on sat somewhat off-center with another, somewhat larger pad a short distance away. Glass extended away from her on both sides, clear panes displaying a panorama of stark gray sand and some mountains of various shades of gray off in the distance. Above those peaks, the sky through that glass was blacker than anything she’d ever seen, but it was also nearly aglow with pinpoints of light of various sizes.
Above and below the glass was shiny metal, its color tinged slightly red, providing an accent to the stark, almost black and white landscape it displayed. It was as if someone had decided the dearth of color required an accent to prove eyes could still recognize the difference. Above the top metallic strip was an off-white wall providing a counterpoint to the depth of the inky blackness shown in the long window. Below the bottom strip was a seemingly incongruous panel of stark, shining wood.
Sophia shivered a bit. The air here was slightly cooler than where she’d left ... and then, it hit her. She’d left. She was no longer on the Earth. If she had any doubt, the large blue orb, speckled with greens and browns and swirls of white hanging in the middle of all the darkness cast it away. She was on the moon, looking down – up – AT her world far away.
Her dreams, and so much more than her dreams, were being fulfilled. Or would begin being fulfilled when the man she’d fallen in love with finally took her back to bed. She was still a little irked at him. He’d made her wait until he seduced Brianna and Whiskey into becoming his as well.
A man. Yes, Calix was a man. Even if he was eight years younger than her. Even if he wasn’t yet eighteen years old. Even if he would never graduate from high school. Calix was a planner. A thinker.
A doer.
Calix was a leader of men with the mind of a genius and the body of a god. She couldn’t help being thankful he was her man.
Her man. He was that, too – sort of. She’d never be his one and only – her dreams had failed miserably there – but then, such had never been a firm requirement. How could it be? She’d been used and abused by her mother and father since she was a toddler. Her family – her parents, her aunts and uncles, even her cousins and who knew who else – had molested her as long back as she could remember. They’d never bothered to keep themselves to one partner, no matter whom they married.
So she’d lost faith in the one-man, one-woman myth. For a while, she’d reveled in showing it to be the falsehood it was. She couldn’t remember the number of men she’d slept with. She’d gone through most of the entire Cholos crew and even some of their friends.
Then, she’d met Calix and despite herself she’d done the one thing she never wanted to do. She fell in love.
She lamented it. She didn’t want to love anyone. Love brought pain – she’d seen it in the death-spiral of her family’s lives. She tried to work through it, to get rid of it. She looked for flaws in Calix, looked for the similarities to her family she knew had to be there.
Except, they weren’t. Her father was greedy and self-absorbed. He didn’t care about anyone but himself – and where he was going to plant his dick next. Calix was kind and gentle and – despite everything she tried – perfect. About the only thing he shared with her father was a certain handsomeness – but even then, Calix was never more than lightly tanned and sported short, sandy brown hair while her father wore his dark, almost black hair long and in a ponytail.
A white boy. She’d fallen in love with a gringo. She wondered what her family would say to that. There weren’t many white boys in her past. She knew what Maria, her surrogate sister, would say. Simpatico, she’d say, you should be with someone who is simpatico. You should be with someone who shares what and who you are.
Calix was simpatico.
Whiskey was nervous.
She could at least admit that to herself. Being nervous wasn’t a new thing. There were fairly lengthy periods of time – generally, whenever she had to spend over-long periods of time near her father – where she was pretty constantly nervous.
This was different. Her father was nowhere near. Instead, she was caught up in a host of girls who had dedicated themselves to a single guy. To add to her discomfort, she had no clothes on and she found she didn’t have enough hands to hide all of her hidden treasures, miniscule as they might be. She felt exposed and terrified and nervous and a whole host of other feelings she couldn’t even begin to classify.
She wasn’t even quite sure why she’d done it. She wasn’t sure why she’d agreed to travel to the stars with Calix. She’d really wanted to stay behind. She wanted to stay with her mother and to stay with the familiar life she’d already been living.
Her mother, however, had almost demanded this. Her mother had convinced her if Calix were to ask, she should go. If Calix agreed to take her away from Earth’s impending doom, she should go and not look back – and never lament leaving her mother behind. She’d obeyed her mother, naturally ... and now the die was cast.
She let herself be led up on the platform, certain she was going to heave up her last meal in nervous agony on its pretty, glowing surface. As she stood there, her hand clammy inside Sophia’s, she’d closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, doing everything she could to hold her food down.
She’d felt ... something. A difference. A change. A shift inside of herself that seemed both mundane and profound at the same time. She heard Sophia gasp beside her and, despite her growing discomfort, opened her eyes.
And then opened them even wider.
The room she was in was beautiful. Stark, severe but alive with rounded edges and swirling strokes. The first thing her eyes took in was the panoramic view of light glittering off a grayish sand which seemed to shift and move in front of her. Further off, stark peaks of darkness and light were set against a backdrop of deepest black. In the center of the darkness, almost directly in front of her, a rounded blue orb alive with greens and browns and tans and yellows, with a swirling, chaotic vortex of clouds providing dramatic counterpoint to the pitch black carpet flecked with dots of light hanging behind it.
She turned a circle, temporarily releasing Sophia’s hand but then clutching desperately at it again as she came back around. The window shone in almost a complete circle around her, the sand and mountains and flecks of light changing as she moved. The scale of the beauty took her breath from her.
Above and below the glass, a shiny mirror-like metal with a rose hue set off the stark landscape. It was a mirrored surface, reflecting a transcendent awe of gaping faces and flashing lights. It was a reminder of the insignificance of the people staring transfixed at the vista presented to them. Below rosy metal lay the glossy sheen of wood, counterpoint of the lifelessness in the landscape itself. Above it, an off-gray wall incompletely mimicked the bright gray of the moon’s sandy soil.
She was still mesmerized by the artistic beauty in front of her as she let herself be led by the hand off the platform and down onto soft, velveteen carpet. For a moment, caught in the beauty of the lunar base, she’d forgotten she was nude but the feel of the carpet on her naked feet reminded her. She suddenly pulled her hand from Sophia’s as she tried desperately to huddle and hide, even as she tried to follow the older woman.
Yes, she still followed Sophia even as she broke her hand free – but then she’d been doing it a lot lately. Following Sophia. Listening to her. Taking the woman’s advice. Even more so than Brianna, Sophia had been her friend. Of the two, she trusted Sophia more.
She considered the thought, realizing it was true. She wondered when it had happened. She couldn’t quite determine the exact moment when Sophia had become more trustworthy than Brianna. She’d known Brianna longer – they’d gone to school together since the third grade – but Sophia had just naturally taken over. It was a mystery.
Except, it wasn’t. Sophia was her friend without strings. Brianna, she recognized, had ulterior motives. She’d often glanced at the diminutive redhead when the girl didn’t know she was looking. She’d seen the looks and recognized them – from boys, and a few other girls. Her father. Brianna lusted after her – and she couldn’t trust someone who lusted after her.
Except Calix. But, then, Calix had never ogled her. She’d never seen the speculative look in his eye or the anticipating smirk on his face. Oh, he’d made it clear he cared for her and she could tell he loved her, though he was a bit wary of her. She also wasn’t foolish enough to think he didn’t want her body – there’d been enough clues and blushes but the older boy had never done anything more than hug or kiss her.
He worried for her. He was worried about her. It was a good thing. It was something she’d never thought she’d ever see in a man’s eyes or face. He was genuine with her – and genuinely cared about her. She found it a strange sensation – and one she wasn’t prepared for. She had no defenses against it – which scared her.
All Calix had offered her, since she’d met him, was protection. Comfort. Space. He’d been her guard and her savior ever since – that weekend.
She never thought she’d survive that weekend. Each moment brought something new, some new pain. They’d raped her – Tomas and Torino, the new leaders of the Cholos once Rico was dead – they’d raped her over and over and over. Sometimes together, sometimes separately. They’d tied her to the bed and spent the entire weekend with their dirty, stinking cocks in one of her holes. They’d cut her and ripped her and made her bleed – and they didn’t care. ‘Blood in,’ they’d said as she watched the blood streaming from her torn and violated cunt.
She’d tried to scream but Tomas just filled her mouth with his cock. She’s bitten down – but he’d seen her jaw tightening and punched her in the stomach, making her open her mouth in pain. Then, he’d pulled his dick out and put a gun to her head.
She’d stopped fighting after that. Mostly. They’d rammed their cocks down her throat. They’d rammed their cocks in her pussy. In her ass. Sometimes they did both at once. Torino couldn’t get enough of her ass but Tomas was more practical – he took whatever hole he was nearest to. Sometimes it’d hurt so bad, Torino in her ass and Tomas in her cunt – or Tomas in her mouth and Torino in her ass – or Torino in her mouth and Tomas in her cunt – or ... there were endless varieties and she’d lived them all over and over and over.
She wiped the tears from her eyes quickly. She still had nightmares of that weekend. She still relived it in her head sometimes. It was why she’d not tried harder to get into Calix’s bed ... into anyone’s bed. If that was sex, she didn’t ever want to experience it again. She couldn’t experience it again. She’d rather die than experience it again.
Calix had never pushed her. He was – he’d shielded her. He’d cared for her. He’d taken her to the doctor – things he didn’t have to do.
And he’d killed for her. Oh, she knew he had his own reasons – but she knew he had done it, at least in part, for her. He’d found the men who hurt her and – just like Sophia had related about Calix and Sophia’s abusive family – he’d made them pay. Permanently.
Sadly, it didn’t make the pain go away like she thought it would. Knowing Tomas and Torino were dead - knowing she’d been avenged – it didn’t make everything better. Sometimes, it seemed to make things worse. She had the nightmares more often now instead of less often. She wondered if they’d ever truly go away.
Calix. Her mind always thought back to Calix. She was going to have to fuck Calix. She knew it – she knew she loved him, felt love for him, but she just didn’t know how she’d be able to screw him and survive.
Brianna and Tamara watched Sophia grab Whiskey’s hand, and without thought and at about the same time, reached for each other’s hand. They fumbled blindly for a moment, their eyes watching the two women in front of them suddenly vanish and then – again at virtually the same time – turned to clasp hands firmly. Their eyes rose from their joined hands, and though for different reasons, the two young women started giggling uncontrollably. Brianna was laughing in relief at finally joining her parents in the stars while Tamara was laughing at the absurdity of the whole situation.
“Sometime today,” intoned the Marine at the two young women but it just started them giggling even harder.
Still, they turned, and though their giggles became more nervous, stepped up on the platform. Each of them took a deep breath, and braced for whatever came next.
Brianna’s eyes were wide when the transition came. She was slightly disappointed when the dark, muted colors of the restaurant just sort of lost focus as the brighter room of the moon base seemed to solidify around her. She’d expected something more monumental, and the subdued change was anti-climactic.
In stark contrast, the room itself was incredible. She saw wonder and majesty in everything around her. She’d had little time to dream recently and even less time to read, but when she was younger she was an avid science fiction and fantasy fan. She’d grown up on the wondrous tales by Heinlein and Azimov and Zelazny and Brooks and Eddings and Asprin and Anthony and Rowling and Breaker. Her father had spent hours tucking her into bed, reading to her until her eyes would close and she’d be whisked off to dreams of other worlds, of other realities, of science and magic.
Now, here, all around her was the culmination of all of those hopes and dreams and flights of fancy. She was out there, out amongst the stars. Just a small step for now but it would lead to bigger steps and bigger things and further adventures. Her recent life had been one of hardship and sacrifice, because while the Confederacy had paid off her parents’ house so she and her sisters could live there and had even given the young girls a stipend, Detroit had taxed the money – they called it the Confederacy tax – until there was nothing left. So, she’d had to struggle and work so her and her sisters could survive.
She’d never complained. She’d never even thought of complaining. She was more than willing to sacrifice everything she had and everything she was so her sisters could live without pain or worry. It was her duty to them. It was her duty to her family.
It didn’t escape her that her family had become so much bigger no more than a few hours ago. At least, it was how she’d chosen to look at it. Her family had gotten bigger. Not a conventional family by any stretch of the imagination but then she’d never been quite a conventional girl. She looked over to Sophia and Whiskey, and moved towards them as she stepped off the brightly lit pad.
She couldn’t help the hunger she felt, the anticipation that washed over her face. Sex wasn’t a small thing to Brianna. It didn’t consume her or anything, but she’d been free to sample deeply of her libido since her parents had been picked up. She’d found a power within her, a power to control others. It was – difficult for her to resist.
She was small. Tiny. She’d been laughed at and overlooked for most of her life. So, when her tits had grown and her figure molded, she found the ability to control all of these bigger people – these people who had discarded her earlier in her life – a heady enticement. She’d reveled in it for a long time.
And then realized it was empty. The sex was awesome and a pleasant diversion but going through boys and girls – and even some men and women – wasn’t fulfilling her. The people she’d slept with ultimately didn’t care about her. She’d just traded one form of being discarded for another.
It wasn’t easy to put the genie back in the bottle – and she’d found she had an incredibly over-active libido - but she’d stopped. She put away the hyper-sexed part of her. She wanted the brass ring. She wanted to be with a man or woman who was going to treat her as an equal. She wanted someone who would sleep with her and still care about her afterwards. It was clichéd but someone who would make love to her and still respect her in the morning.
She’d found everything she could want in Calix. She’d not slept with him – not yet – but she found she didn’t need to. He respected her already. He treated her as an equal from the start. His presence had assaulted her from the beginning of their sophomore year of high school and she found herself unable to form words around him. Every time he was near – in the classroom, in the hallways – she found herself tongue-tied, unable to form a complete sentence around him.
And he’d been similarly enamored of her, she’d found later. Neither could voice what they wanted around the other. It was a vicious cycle. It was a terrible circle.
Which made this room, this circular room, absolutely perfect. A good omen. A sign of the journey she’d begun with the man she’d wanted almost from the first moment she’d met him.
Eyeing Sophia and Whiskey again, she couldn’t help but smile. And there were fringe benefits. Sophia. Whiskey. Heather. Others. She doubted she’d ever feel the ache again. She would never again feel the need in her loins she’d spent so much time ignoring and leaving unfulfilled. She’d ignored the sexual part of herself for so long, thanks to prejudice and rumor, the world had started to become a very bleak, dark place.
Now, though, the world was brighter. She was free. She was free to live her life the way she wanted. She was free to share her joys and happiness with her sisters – and the rest of her suddenly huge family. She was free to be the only thing she’d ever truly wanted. She was free to be a mother and wife and mate – mate to quite a few very attractive women as well as one very manly man.
She giggled a joyous sound, as she thought back to the tall, amazingly wide young man with short blonde hair. It wasn’t exactly as she’d dreamed. Life had thrown her a curve ball or two. Instead of being a solitary mate to a solitary man, she was just one of many.
Yet, it didn’t matter. It was actually better than she could have possibly imagined. It didn’t matter because the man whom fate had placed in her path had a heart large enough to love a great many. He was everything she’d dreamed of in those long-ago days when she was listening to Corwin walk shadow or Belgarion falling in love with Ce’nedra or Stile finally saying “thee, thee, thee” to the Lady Blue. He was a hero made of flesh and blood. He was her own glistening white knight taking her to the heavens.
In truth, being one of many was going to be a magnificent benefit rather than a troublesome burden. She’d played with her sisters in those long-ago days, their dolls lying around them taking the place of the children they each hoped to have. The three girls had always played with their dolls together even though she was eldest by three years and they’d always spoke of raising their children together, of being in the same household. Only now, when she was older, did she realize what it would mean – and she shivered in delight there might be a way for it to become a reality.
Brianna shook herself from her musings, the smile still brightening her face, and took careful inventory of her surroundings. The room she found herself in was rounded – maybe circular or possibly ovoid. While magical in the sense of her final freedom, she found it was – functional was the only word which came to mind. It seemed not too different than her grandfather’s office in Belfast she’d visited two summers before but she found it a benefit rather than a detriment. She’d loved her grandfather’s office, and the similarities between the two places added warm feelings to this place. Her grandfather’s corner office had windows on two sides similar to the long window which seemed to wrap around the room.
Of course, her grandfather’s office’s windows were composed of separate panes while this one appeared to be one long, unbroken pane but it wasn’t really so different. The office windows even had the same kind of steel casing above and below, though the ones around this room were wider and more decorative.
The wood paneling under the windows was different. Her grandfather’s office was more of a no-frills version of this room – it had only white walls above and below the windows. She could also sit on the small bay area beneath her grandfather’s windows. It had a small, shallow area where the buildings heat came up through small slits in the bay. The window here was fairly flush with the wall itself. To make the comparison complete, there were several grouped seating areas scattered around the room similar to the waiting area in her grandfather’s offices.
Tamara was struck by how new and ordered the room was. Not necessarily the occupants who were largely scattered around the room, some laughing and some arguing and some doing who knew what, but the room itself was ordered and organized. She could tell great thought had been given to every single detail, from the view which greeted her to the placing of the platforms, and even the almost haphazard way the seating areas were scattered around the room. The seating areas were so obviously random they were actually ordered, almost equidistant from each other.
It reminded her, oddly enough, of the many sides of Calix himself.
She’d not really known Calix long and she wasn’t even sure she could claim she knew him now, but she’d listened at the awe and pride in Rico’s voice when he’d often talked of his step-cousin. She knew of Calix from the conversations Rico had with his parents and with her sister. She knew of him from the way he talked to Rico and Alicia. She knew of him from the way he’d handled Alicia in the recent months and she knew of him from the way he played with little Amelia.
She had studied him lately. If she were forced to be completely truthful, she had studied him for as long as she’d known him. There was always a rather one-sided attraction between them – she mooned for him and he remained clueless. As she studied him, she became puzzled at his economy of motion.
When Alicia walked it was expansive, her arms wide and always moving. When Rico walked, it had been like a general, his motions furtive and cautious. When Calix moved, there was no superfluous motion. He kind of glided, his arms making a minimum of motion, his stride purposeful and no-nonsense.
The room was like Calix. It had a purpose and it would perform its purpose no matter what. Calix had a purpose – whatever that purpose was, and Tamara was aware it changed from time to time – but like the room, he’d fulfill it no matter what. Capable of amazing feats of savagery but also amazing acts of gentleness, Calix was a living, breathing mass of conflicting points.
And Tamara could tell the room had a duality to it as well. It was meant to awe with its vistas of the moon and the sight of the Earth hanging in the distance. It was also meant to welcome people into their future.
Sadly, duality described Tamara’s sister as well and the thought brought a knot to the pit of her stomach – a knot which just wouldn’t go away. She knew she was here on borrowed time. She knew Alicia had browbeaten Calix into bringing her along. Sure, Rico had often spoken of taking her with them to the stars, but she knew his promise had died with him. She’d not expected Calix to take up his mantle. She’d not even considered it until Alicia had proclaimed it a done deal.
She loved her sister. She loved her with every fiber of her being, but she didn’t like her very much. Alicia was temperamental, self-centered, and conniving and her fantasy world didn’t often coincide with reality. It was all the more impressive that she got away with as much as she did. Tamara’s older sister didn’t seem to care for anyone but herself. Yes, the older girl made allowances for her younger sister but Tamara was convinced it was merely so she didn’t look bad to others.
Tamara looked around but only peripherally. She wasn’t sure how this was going to work. She knew Alicia was going to mess it up, so she didn’t want to get too comfortable. She hoped Calix would at least have them take her back to Earth where she could live a few years before the Sa’arm came - but she wasn’t holding her breath. Calix was honorable, and he’d do what he could but there was only so much the older boy could do. In the end, neither choice would make a difference. Dead was dead, after all.
Her thoughts brought the latest image of Calix to her mind, the sight of him dressed in that form-fitting black Navy uniform. Black was definitely Calix’s color. He had looked so strong in that suit, so – controlled.
When he looked at her, there had been such a look of compassion on his face. He’d looked so concerned, and it warmed her to know he was worried about her. She knew it wouldn’t last, though. She couldn’t count on her sister for much but she could certainly count on Alicia to ruin this chance at happiness. Calix had called her pretty and taken her with him – but Tamara knew it was only a matter of time before Alicia destroyed any concern the boy had left.
Tamara knew his sense of honor would force him to do whatever he could to help her. It was just she knew the one thing she wanted – the one thing she needed – he couldn’t do. Not once Alicia fucked it up ... and Alicia would fuck it up. It was what Alicia did.
Still, it was her birthday and tradition stated she got a birthday wish. She knew what her birthday wish was – and what she hoped her future would be, too.
Alicia watched furiously as the tiny redhead and her traitorous sister disappeared. She grit her teeth impatiently, waiting for the platform ring to turn from red to green again. As she waited, she wondered yet again when she’d lost control of this whole situation.
She’d been so sure she could eventually wrap Calix around her finger. She’d thought the addition of Francesco and Bob had been masterful. She’d planned to use them as bargaining chips, arguing for their inclusion but eventually compromising and dropping Bob while keeping Francesco for herself. It would quickly establish her dominance as they moved forward and certainly Calix wouldn’t ever think she’d let him crawl between her thighs. She shivered in disgust at the thought.
Alicia was also fairly certain Tamara wouldn’t be treated too badly. Calix kept himself rather clean, and she was half convinced he was probably gay or at least bi so Tamara wouldn’t have to put out for him very often. The way Rico talked about him, Alicia was fairly sure the two of them had been lovers.
It wasn’t like she minded. As long as Rico came back to her every night he could fuck whomever he wanted – male or female. She knew how marriages worked. She’d seen it with her own parents, her father fucking everything that moved and her mother remaining faithful.
So how had she lost control? The Calix at the pick-up had not been the one she’d dealt with for the past few months. The Calix of the past few months had put up a good show of fighting her but he’d always folded like a cheap shirt. She had been certain she’d get her way. Heck, she was half convinced she wouldn’t even have to compromise about Francesco or Bob.
So where had this Calix come from? Had he been hiding the entire time? Had he been playing her??
Alicia’s eyes narrowed shrewdly. That was impossible. No one played her. She was the puppeteer, never the puppet. She’d led Rico around by the nose for the past few years; she was certain she could do the same with his cousin. It would just take some work. Probably he’d been showing off for the Marines at the pickup.
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The whole day had become a disaster. It started the moment she tried to log on to her computer at work. Rachel was locked out. Harold had used her computer to access a customer's records and used his administrator's over ride. Then he neglected to log back off. He shut down the computer instead. Of course, he tried to blame Rachel. She missed her lunch break because the trainee who was supposed to relieve her forgot, or so he said. The twenty year old had tried to date Rachel and she...
She could feel the awkwardness creeping between them. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Something wrong?" He asked. The wind blew her hair as the car drove on. "Everything's fine." she smiled at him. They'd met only moments before but they had spoken for weeks. They knew each other well enough. She tried to start a conversation but what else was there to talk about then the weather. “It’s a beautiful day.” This was starting to make her head spin. “Sure is,” he replied and that’s...
Straight SexNight of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...
I invite all my fine female dear readers to respond to this sweet sexy survey of their number #1 erotic experience. I invite you to write me the best possible sex you dream to have in the future, or maybe it better stays only fantasy?I invite you to tell us as much as you like about the ideal circumstances needed and the sexy scenario you long for.I invite you to share your feelings about your favourite fantasy. Why is it so special? A secret? A taboo? A fetish?I invite you all to check as well...
Night of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...
BDSM“Okay, listen up,” the man from the dome had followed them down. Calix looked around, but the area basically resembled a larger version of his high school cafeteria – except there didn’t appear to be any serving lines and the ceiling for the area was about a hundred kilometers too high. The cafeteria walls were about two and a half meters high and were done in a strange gray which made his eyes hurt. He tried to figure out what it was about the color that bothered him but looking at it too...
Calix woke, his mind calm. He felt – peaceful. He felt better than he had for a long time. His mind seemed quiet and organized. He felt - ready. It had taken him quite some time yesterday to open and deal with the boxes in his head. Much longer than he expected. Too much time. Maybe Octavia was right. He’d never thought about it before. He’d never considered that maybe taking the time once a day to deal with all of the crap would be enough. He’d have to start trying it – maybe before he went...
I have been crossdressing in private since I was young. Now in my late forties and after three failed marriages, I had decided to step outside as Jessica.So after a lot of planning over several months, the day had finally come.I stepped in the bath as JD and shaved any hairs on my body that should not be there. It did not take long as I had been preparing my body for weeks to be smooth. I stepped out of the bath as Jessica and dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around myself just like any...
CrossdressingA Day of Firsts by Kathy Nelson [email protected] (c):Kathryn Nelson, 1998 It was one of those hectic work periods where I was putting in 70 to 80 hours a week. You know, when there's no time for anything else in your life except the job. But, thank god the rush was over and it looked like things were going to calm down. Friday night had come around and I was going home at a decent hour. I even had the whole weekend off and I was ready to celebrate. Well, more like...
The bar was crowded for the big football game. Standing room only. I was alone but hoped to find another regular to watch the game with. I ordered a beer and resigned myself to a disappointing spectacle. A good game was much more enhanced when watching with a familiar face or two. Halfway through my beer, I see Jim walk in. Jim was a guy a frequently chatted with and we really hit it off. He was the perfect guy to watch the game with. I flagged him over, shook hands and told him "Looks like...
SeductionMy 4th Bi experience happened that night of my 3rd experience. I'll never forget it was on a Saturday,Sept 24 1983. I was 16. It was 7:16 pm when I looked at the clock for what seemed like the millionth time. My parents were down the street at another neighbors house. I was sitting in my bedroom wondering what time I should go over to Charles house the anticipation was killing me. Earlier that day he asked if I wanted to come over tonight but what time should I go? I had occasionally looked out...
Eric watched with unblinking eyes as the tiny panties revealed a small but erect cock hidden underneath, and that was another first for him. The stunning woman before him had just pulled her panties down and revealed a cock and he was not repulsed. Tonya's head was bowed in shame with this act. To her, it was like showing off a birth defect. Eric responded by placing his fist under her chin and gently raised it up and looked her in the eyes. He gave her a warm smile and then removed his boxer...
Trans“Hermes, what are his vitals?” Octavia Capstan didn’t even realize she’d started calling the Earth-at AI by Calix’s anthropomorphized name. All she was really aware was how worried she was. She wouldn’t admit it to herself, but she had a vested interest in the young man lying in front of her. He was more than just another recruit. She couldn’t bear to concede it to herself, but this was personal. Her connection to him went beyond the Navy. It went beyond the Confederacy. It was...
The young man looked out the window at the lunar surface. He knew it wasn’t real. He knew what he was looking at was nothing more than a projection of some spot recorded on the surface perhaps a hundred klicks or so above him. He knew with just a sub-vocal command he could have an image from any other planet in the Confederacy on his monitor. If he wanted, he could even see a recorded image of his home. Sure, it wouldn’t be real time – just a recording of some days, weeks or months before –...
Calix’s eyes opened slowly. His arms were wrapped around a warm bundle. Sophia. Her breath was deep and even, a slight, near-silent snore escaping her lips. For a moment, he reveled in her closeness. It was familiar. He always seemed to feel a bit better when waking next to Sophia. He kept his breathing even as his mind made the familiar transition from sleep to wakefulness. He frowned. He didn’t know the time and it bothered him. He was used to being in control. Too often lately, such had...
Calix stood for a moment outside his door trying to figure out what had just happened. Octavia had kissed him. Octavia, the impossible Lieutenant who seemed to spend every moment of her existence delighting in his torment, kissed him. Three times. And he would’ve loved to have a fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh... Part of him felt guilty. Was he cheating on the others? Could he cheat on the others? He already had seven women – eight if you counted Alicia, which he didn’t – so what was he...
“I’m not complaining – far from it – but why’d you remove the scars?” Sophia asked as they walked along, their time at the med-tubes done. She was fingering the collar around her neck absently. She’d been surprised to be wearing it when she came out of the med-tubes but the medic had explained it was standard. It allowed her to communicate with the AI, among other things. Evidently, Calix hadn’t known about it – because he’d never mentioned it. Truthfully, she probably should have figured it...
I hope you enjoy it. Please PM me or comment below and let me know what you thought. Of course I also encourage voting. If you go into the Forum section of the site you will see the Sex Stories Section. The CAW10 entries are there... I strongly suggest reading them as they are wonderful and written by very talented people. Enjoy! A Confession – A Night of Firsts I am a bit worried as I write this. Mostly because of what I have done and what I know, with absolute certainty, I...
Introduction: A teen girl meets the guy she wants to make her a woman. Hello! Thank you to everyone who has been encouraging me to keep writing. This story is not intended to be part of a series, but I hope it is well received. I hope you enjoy it. Please PM me or comment below and let me know what you thought. Of course I also encourage voting. If you go into the Forum section of the site you will see the Sex Stories Section. The CAW10 entries are there… I strongly suggest reading them as...
Dedicated to a lovely young lady that would have graduated in 1960 with a first initial of "J" First and most important, this is a totally true story. Because it is true, there is little sex and what there is, has not been embellished to the best of my knowledge. One almost always remembers their "Firsts." Their first kiss, first date, first love, first sex and first crush. This is a story of all the above and more. I have always been a shy person. All through my freshman and sophomore...
Anita lay naked on the bed, her body trembling with anticipation. Her small breasts heaved against her chest as she looked at him. Her eyes focused on his finger tips as they reached into the waistband of his black boxer briefs. A fairly significant bulge stuck out. She knew it was going to hurt. But she didn't care. She wanted to feel a cock inside her for the very first time. It was Alicia who suggested Bobby.Bobby and Anita had known each other for about a year, they met through Alicia. She...
It’s funny how simple things trigger memories in a person. Sights, sounds, smells and even feelings of pain or pleasure can spark a flashback. That pain I was now feeling as my cock strained against denim made me recall how all this began. 15 Months Earlier It was Friday night, not long after leaving work, where I found myself in my favorite place. My home away from home, at least from the time just prior to my divorce until now, where I could relax before heading home or in this case to...
January 1981, Milford, Ohio On Monday morning at school, Tracey Jones pulled me aside and told me she had a question she needed to ask me. She and I were on different lunches, so I asked if I could call her, but she wanted to talk face-to-face. I suggested that I’d drop by her house after I saw Doctor Mercer that evening if she wanted, and she was fine with that. When I walked into Miss Barkhurst’s class, where I was the teaching assistant, I sighed. Dona Bingham was in this class. She...
A Night of many firsts. July 11, 2019 As I entered my White Porsche Cayenne with my wife, Sylvia - I felt intense. Past few months have been the best of my life - Particularly with my new role as an Orgasm Donor, which I discovered 3 days after my wedding night with Sylvia. She was a virgin until then - but a real slut when it comes to getting her share of extreme orgasms. Its true what some people say - there is more pleasure in giving than in receiving. She was feeling week at her knees...
"You are mine tonight. To do with as I please. Be good and obey and you'll enjoy it. I promise you an orgasm that you'll feel for days. Fight me, and you will regret it severely," you coo in my ear. "Understand?" Your words are playful and soft, but I can sense the stern tone behind them. "Yes." "Yes, what?" you ask. "Yes....mistress," I reply hesitantly. "Good boy." I barely have time to fathom what might be in store for me later before I feel something warm and...
"You are mine tonight. To do with as I please. Be good and obey and you'll enjoy it. I promise you an orgasm that you'll feel for days. Fight me, and you will regret it severely," you coo in my ear. "Understand?" Your words are playful and soft, but I can sense the stern tone behind them. "Yes." "Yes, what?" you ask. "Yes....mistress," I reply hesitantly. "Good boy." I barely have time to fathom what might be in store for me later before I feel something warm and...
A quick recap… My life had really changed over night. I used to live in the suburbs with my father, step mother and step siblings. I had my own room, my own stuff, and privacy. I went to school, where I was one of the popular crowd, and I mean truly popular, not slutty popular like some of those used up by 21 chicks I knew. I respect for myself and the respect from the people around me. I even had a boy friend, who despite not getting anything, was still a great guy, as far as I could...
I was nervous when he told me that his parents were gone for the day but I knew that I wanted to do this. I was scared and unsure of exactly what was going to go down but I knew that whatever it was it would be good. I told my parents that I was going to go over to his house for the day. Little did they know that it was just going to be me and him. When he pulled up in front of my house I started to shake a little at what we were going to do. But I didn’t let it show and I walked out of...
When I was around the age of 13 I began watching porno’s, I couldn’t get enough of them, id wake up watch a porno and wank, id wank at a porno hours later, and again and again and once more before I went to sleep, I absolutely loved porn. But as time progressed it became harder and harder to for me to ejaculate quickly at normal porn, and I would end up racking off for almost an hour and only a drop of semen would exit my penis, I didn’t know what to do until a friend of mine sent me a link...
My name is David; I grew up in a pretty stable home with my sister Mary. My parents weren’t rich but they tried to give my sister and me many of the things the other kids had. When I was thirteen my parents went out of town for the night, to work on their marriage it turns out. They got a babysitter who was a senior in high school and a family friend to watch my sister and keep me from destroying the house. Her name was Heather and she was very beautiful; five foot eight, 120 pounds, dark...
-------------------- Drifting in and out of some seamless euphoria, i stop and think. to ponder on my thoughts. something i haven't done in a very long time. I've done things every normal person has done, but no one wants to hear about that. you want the dirty stuff, the stuff that makes me sick even mentioning it, yet i thought it up in my own dirty mind. to better understand my actions later on in the story, why don't we start at the end of the beginning. i was younger, i was...
She is disable and lived in her room and cannot move. My aunt also live in same village but at some distance on the other side of the village.She has four daughter's and uncle was died when the her youngest daughter(sadia) was 3 years old.Since then she was taking care of them.Her daughter's name were summaya(1st),sidra(2nd),nuvera(3rd) & sadia.Nuvera lives with grandma and take care of her. She was 17(now 19) at that time and is the prettiest in her sisters with 5'4'' tall, long black...
Literally the day before I had to pay up I was walking down the street on the way to see my girlfriend when I saw a huge black guy standing by an open van. He was obviously a builder or something because his van was full of tools. As I walked past he looked me up and down. It felt weird, this poof looking at me like that. In a sudden outburst of insanity (I still don’t know what made me say this - at this point in time I thought I was as straight as straight could be.) I said… “You willing...
he tried to kill everyone
My wife Karen and I have been married for 9 years, and have three k**s. Karen is a short 5'1; slim, has an attractive face, short brunette hair, and smallish tits with magnificent large, puffy nipples. She’s fairly reserved, especially about sex. It’s not that Karen doesn’t enjoy it, she does, she’s just not comfortable talking about it. She claims to have no sexual fantasies, and outside of breathing heavily, makes little sound while we’re having sex, which is maybe once or twice a month since...
Later on that day I was watching a porn Video I had found in my parents room, I was on the sofa with my skirt hitched up around my waist playing with my cunt when I heard the front door was my brother with a couple of his friends...told you she was a horny slut I heard my brother laugh. I jumped up a bit startled that he had brought his friends over so soon.Don’t stop playing with your sweet cunt Brian said, I want you nice and wet when I take that cherry of yours. I sat back down and...
I was 13 and very aware of my sexuality, my brother was 17 and I knew that he liked to look at me when I was getting undressed. I used to leave my door open just a little when I came home from school and was getting changed. I would slowly take of my tie then unbutton my shirt revealing my very large tits. Even at 13 I was a D cup...running my hands over my tits I pull the shirt of...I unzip my skirt and let it drop to the floor, bending over to step out of it...I glance in my mirror and see my...
We've been married to my wife Ann for 52 years, although l've known her since we were 12 when a group of about 8 girls and a similar number of boys hung around together, the boys got a "stinky finger" from most of the girls, we all got one from Ann, when we reached the age of 15 the group began to drift apart as we started work and made other friends, l didn't see Ann again until we were 18, but that another story, we married when l was 20 and she had just turned 21, she was still enjoying a...
First BGG! It will come as no shock to my readers that I love fucking pussy. It's one of the few things that I enjoy more than masturbating. I know you guys can't empathize, but the feeling of a tight pussy sliding up and down on your cock is incredible. There's nothing like it. I only wish you could experience the joy I feel every day, just once.Better Than Pussy?But hold on one god damn minute. Believe it or not, there is something I love even more than fucking pussy: fucking two pussies at...
Premium Gangbang Porn SitesI was never a big hit with the girls in High School and I was a virgin by the time I graduated. Now with living at home and just working I didn't have a real chance to date. It was the 80's and I didn't have a computer yet and when I hit at the age of 18 I was able to go to the Adult bookstores and I was a k** in the candy store. Well I would gather up some masturbating supplies and race home to jerk off, some of the items I would get were the local swingers magazine. I figured that I wanted to...
I was a horny but shy guy in school and I never had the guts to ask girls out. After getting out of high school I finally had to shed my virginity. I was a regular at the local adult bookstore and I decided to get a swingers magazine. I still lived at home so I had to try to find someone to host After sending several letters out I got a reply back from Joe and Patty, they were in their mid 40’s. Patty was a tiny blond with a nice body. Joe was a taller guy 6’3” about 250 with a slight beer gut....
I was a horny but shy guy in school and I never had the guts to ask girls out. After getting out of high school I finally had to shed my virginity. I was a regular at the local adult bookstore and I decided to get a swingers magazine. I still lived at home so I had to try to find someone to host After sending several letters out I got a reply back from Joe and Patty, they were in their mid 40’s. Patty was a tiny blond with a nice body. Joe was a taller guy 6’3” about 250 with a slight beer gut....
I was never a big hit with the girls in High School and I was a virgin by the time I graduated. Now with living at home and just working I didn't have a real chance to date. It was the 80's and I didn't have a computer yet and when I hit at the age of 18 I was able to go to the Adult bookstores and I was a k** in the candy store. Well I would gather up some masturbating supplies and race home to jerk off, some of the items I would get were the local swingers magazine. I figured that I wanted to...
Night of Many firsts (Part Two)Don Abdul ©He leads her to a particular spot and then seals his lips over hers, it feels as though they are both going to explode with lust after their lips touch. He draws her even closer into the whirlwind of their passionate kiss. Then she feels his hands reach into the neckline of her top, suspecting that he wants to feel her unclad bosom. To her surprise though what she experiences next is not the feel of his hands on her tits, but the ripping sound of her...
I opened the door to the club and walked inside. From the outside, the older brick building looked sort of run down, but once inside I found myself in a club with large bar on one side, polished brass railings, mirrors, subdued lighting, tasteful seats at the bar, hardwood floors, tables, a few booths further away and at the very end of the club a large stage with karaoke being sung. This was no seedy dive bar, thank goodness.The lights, the music (karaoke music is always so loud as if...
CrossdressingThis was the summer of firsts. I was having so much fun knowing how much control I had over my neighbor. With a flick of my tongue I could send a wave of pure pleasure making his body convulse and cum involuntarily. The power and control was intoxicating. In the few weeks to follow we fooled around practically every day after school. He was slowly but surely becoming more and more comfortable with the idea that I was his slutty little cum dumpster. With some great joy and lots of practice, he...
First TimeNight of Many firsts (Part Two)Don Abdul ©He leads her to a particular spot and then seals his lips over hers, it feels as though they are both going to explode with lust after their lips touch. He draws her even closer into the whirlwind of their passionate kiss. Then she feels his hands reach into the neckline of her top, suspecting that he wants to feel her unclad bosom. To her surprise though what she experiences next is not the feel of his hands on her tits, but the ripping sound of her...
BisexualA Night of Firsts By Sexy Laura This story is property of me, and may not be resubmitted without my consent. [email protected] ************************* "Tommy.. Can you give me a hand for a second?? Please???" I hated when my sister Shelley asked me for a favor when she had clients over. I always feel uncomfortable. Especially since my sister has a clientele that is slightly different then most people would imagine. She is a professional dominatrix. Complete with the...
Night of Many firsts (Part One)Don Abdul ©She was engaged to be married, but a couple of weeks to the wedding, her whole world came crashing down around her, when she received an anonymous tip that took her to a motel on the edge of town. At the motel, she caught her man, and her would-be maid of honor, stepping out from a raunchy fuck fest…..The trauma of that incident and the heartbreak it caused her would have put some other person in a sanatorium. Dawn however is a sister with attitude, so,...
Night of Many firsts (Part One)Don Abdul ©She was engaged to be married, but a couple of weeks to the wedding, her whole world came crashing down around her, when she received an anonymous tip that took her to a motel on the edge of town. At the motel, she caught her man, and her would-be maid of honor, stepping out from a raunchy fuck fest.....The trauma of that incident and the heartbreak it caused her would have put some other person in a sanatorium. Dawn however is a sister with attitude,...
BisexualIt was late by the time Calix and his family made it back to their quarters. Amelia and Dylan were both already sleeping. They’d slept in the med-tubes, of course, but upon exiting they’d only remained awake long enough to find someone to carry them to comfortable beds. Amelia simply held out her tired arms to Calix and Dylan had practically climbed up Heather. As Calix was carrying Amelia to the personal lift, he felt someone tugging on his shirtsleeve. He turned to find one of Yolanda’s...