First Impressions free porn video

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I wasn’t really thrilled with the suit. I was more of a dress girl myself, but hey, ‘dress for the job you want.’ And I wanted the job. Living rent-free with my mom sounded great in theory, but the lack of freedom was… restricting. She cooked the meals for the two of us, which was definitely kind, but… I kind of missed having autonomy over my own meals. If I skipped a meal, like a good mom, she’d ask why. Then I’d tell her I had a fast food meal with my friends, and even though she likely didn’t care… some part of me just felt guilty.

Staying out late wasn’t something she forbade, but she was a light sleeper and I was kind of clumsy. I’m sure if I asked, I could bring a boyfriend or something over, but… yeah. If you know, you know. There was no way in hell I was doing that while I still lived with her.

I wanted my own place, living in the city by my own means. And she wanted me to make good use of my business degree. So, here I was, at Parallax Systems, with precisely zero previous work in the office industry, looking up at the several-stories-tall building, doing my best not to get cold feet.

Like all office buildings, the place was a maze, though luckily a helpful worker at the front of the building gave me the directions where to go. It was one of those buildings that had several corporations in it, so I had to go through several hallways and two elevators just to find my way.

At the end of the last hallway, I saw a window into another room with the blinds down. The window read, “Parallax Systems: The Optimal Solution.” God knows your business would fail if your tagline actually included what you sell. Giving a sharp exhale and clearing my throat, I opened the door to find a waiting room of sorts, with some kind of secretary typing away.

Like me, she was wearing a grey suit, but unlike me, it complimented her black skin beautifully. I was always a little embarrassed of my paleness – it seemed like no matter how hard I tried to tan, I’d either remain painfully white or get badly burned. She had a kind of stern face when she typed, but the rest of her was hidden behind her computer and desk. Upon seeing me, her stern face disappeared, revealing instead a dazzling smile that almost made me think she was in the wrong industry.

“Hello there! I assume you’re Rachel?”

I smiled. “Yes, I am!”

“Hi, I’m Jennifer. Welcome to Parallax! Mr. Laurent is just finishing up a meeting right now, but he’ll buzz me as soon as he’s done. Would you care to take a seat?”

“Oh,” was all I said in response. I could get flustered easily, and it was clear this poor woman had to do a lot of PR work given her professional voice. I walked over to the chairs on the other side of the room and sat down, playing with my thumbs.

I think I just wanted to be distracted by anything rather than thinking about the upcoming interview, but Jennifer was distractingly attractive. God knows I wasn’t thinking about it for any reason other than jealousy – I didn’t swing that way – but she was the type of person who was definitely a headturner.

I know everyone goes crazy for blue eyes, and call me a self-hater, but I wasn’t crazy about my own blue eyes. Blue eyes just didn’t do it for me. Jennifer’s were a beautiful light brown, the rare kind of eyes you only see once a year or something, the kind that make you stop in your tracks and say, “Woah.” My own blond hair was done up hastily in a kind of ponytail, but Jennifer had these natural braids going on that drove me wild with envy. They looked so good on her that I began to feel as though I should have spent more time on my hair, in case this was a thing Mr. Laurent liked in his employees or something.

I frowned and looked down. It probably was not helping my confidence to keep comparing myself to this woman, especially a woman already working for Mr. Laurent, and trying to look for differences. Something in the air was making me nervous. It was likely the impending doom of the interview coming up, but… if felt like there was something else going on.

Was it the temperature? No, it wasn’t too hot or anything. The place had that ‘corporate air conditioner’ vibe to it, where it was slightly colder than it probably should have been, but not cold enough to be bothersome. Well, if it wasn’t the temperature, what could it have bee-

“Oh, by the way, did you happen to bring a second copy of your resume with you?” Jennifer interrupted me out of nowhere.

I shifted in my seat. “Uh, no, should I have?”

“No, no, it’s okay. I was just thinking, perhaps to help you out, I could look over your resume before the interview began, just in case there’s something I know Mr. Laurent will point out or something.” She flashed me another smile. “Just looking out for you!”

“Oh, that’s s-sweet,” I replied. What was wrong with me? “Are y-you sure? I don’t want to distract you from your work.”

“Oh, don’t worry about me!” she replied, smiling warmly. “I’m, uh, actually nearly finished my workload for the day.”

I looked at the clock, then back at her. “It’s not even lunch yet!”

She chuckled and gave me another dazzling smile. “What can I say? My hands know how to get the job done.”

The way she said it wasn’t suggestive or anything, just said factually, but I could feel myself blushing. I could be a little crowd-shy at times, but I never got this flustered usually. What was I on?

I turned away to my tote bag, hoping to hide my face from her until my blushing went away, and retrieved my resume from my bag. “I just have the one, but if you want, we could go over it, if you want.”

She smiled at me, clearly used to flustered behavior from interviewees. “Sounds like a plan,” she laughed. “May I see it?”

I handed the paper to her, for some reason deciding to avoid looking her in the eye. I needed my iconic steely resolve that everyone totally knew me for, so I couldn’t spend it frivolously on anyone but my interviewer.

She smiled and raised her eyebrows at me as she took the paper, accidentally touching one of my fingers in the process. For whatever reason, I retracted my hand and went quickly to sit back down, leaving her to look over my resume while I sat, waited, and moved my thighs together in my seat.

After a few seconds, she lifted her head to where she thought I was, then confusedly looked over to where I was. A confused expression still painted on her face, she half-chuckled at me. “Don’t you want to go over this together?” she asked me, a melodic tone to her voice.

“Uh… oh,” I mumbled, getting up, squeezing my legs together subconsciously. “Yeah, of course.” I walked over to her, leaning against the desk and craning my neck so I could get a better view.

Of the resume. The resume. Don’t get me wrong, from my point of view, it would have been all too easy to get a look down her suit jacket if I wanted to, but this was a professional work environment, she might have been a future coworker, and plus, I wasn’t into girls. It just wasn’t me.

Jennifer started going over the resume with me, pointing out certain things on the paper and explaining to me which things I should emphasize and which things I should skip over, supplementing the advice wirth pointers about Mr. Laurent, the types of questions he sometimes asked, and what he’s looking for as answers. Eventually I had to put a hand down on the paper and stop her.

“Jennifer… if I can, uh, call you Jennifer…” I clumsily began. I was definitely blushing. I had no clue why though.

She laughed puzzledly. “Feel free! I mean, that is my name…”

“I really appreciate this, but… why are you helping me out like this? Do you help out all of the people that come here looking for a job?”

Jennifer looked down and bit her lip, smirking. I felt my suit jacket get tighter across my breasts. I shifted in place. “Okay, fine, you got me,” she half-laughed. “Truth is, Mr. Laurent has a bit of a… standard around here. A few basic expectations. And along the way, I’ve gotten to understand a lot of those expectations, and make a couple of my own. So, I help those who…” She looked back up at me. “…I want to get the job. You know, my favorites.”

My breath was caught in my throat. I squeezed my thighs together again. Was I getting… wet? No. This had to be some kind of coincidence or something. I gave a nervous chuckle and looked back at her. “And I’m… one of your favorites?”

She gave me that brilliant smile. The one I was weak for. “You’re certainly impressing so far. I’m just doing what I can to help someone out. Us girls sticking together.”

I looked from the paper slowly back to her face. She said nothing, but smiled at me and looked back down at my resume. Her scent was so strong it practically clouded my vision. I couldn’t describe her scent – some kind of combination of perfume, something deep and fruity, mixed with… something else deep. It’s like, a smell you’ve smelled before once, but only once, and it’s the best thing on the planet. You just want to keep inhaling it forever. Forever.

“Did you hear me?” Jennifer’s voice brought me back to life. “Your mind seems… elsewhere.”

I gave my head a shake. “Uh, sorry. Nerves. Could you repeat that?”

Jennifer stared at me for a few seconds and finally cleared her throat. “Is something going on, Rachel?” she asked me.

“No, nothing,” I lied. Of course something was wrong, I could feel a heat growing between my legs, burning brighter by the second, to the extent where I wasn’t going to be able to stand for much longer. “Just nerves!”

“Because it seems like something is wrong,” Jennifer continued, standing up. “And if something is bothering you, we can’t have you seeing Mr. Laurent like that.” She was maybe a few inches from my face. “And as his secretary, it’s my duty to make sure the interview goes as smoothly as it can,” she continued, speaking just above a whisper.

I couldn’t ignore it anymore. No, fuck it, I couldn’t take it anymore. My poor pussy was practically pulsing in my pants. I didn’t know what was going on today, or what came over me, but I needed this woman, badly. I didn’t care how, but I did care when – right now.

I don’t know who made the first move, me or her. I didn’t care. Within a second, our open mouths were attacking each other, our bodies practically sealed by the lips, with our well-dressed bodies mashing and grinding up against each other, all attempts at subtlety and politeness gone. I melted, bringing my arms around Jennifer, and in response, she grabbed my body, still kissing me passionately, and slammed me against the wall, making a worryingly loud noise. Her tongue invaded my mouth as she ground her hips against me with a purpose and passion I had never felt before for any man. All I could do was attempt to keep up and take her tongue and submit to her, which I eagerly did.

I have no clue how much time had passed before she finally retracted her mouth and loosened her grip on me. When she did, she smiled at me through mischievous, half-squinted eyes, like I was a conquest she had won or something. I had been with so many men that thought they came across like that, or that they were these alpha wolves that had me begging and subservient for them, but I never felt anything like what I felt for this woman right at this moment. Still looking at me, she made her way over to the front door, locking it, inspecting the blinds in front of the window afterwards. After she was satisfied that no one could peek in, she put a finger to her lips and picked up her phone, dialing one number and putting it to her ear.

“Hi, Mr. Laurent? …Yes, I’m with her now. …Actually, we were hoping to get a bit longer in the pre-interview… yes, that’s right, just a few things. You understand, right? …Wonderful! …Yes, we would, is it too much to ask the others to use the back entrance if they need to? …Fantastic, thank you so much.” She put down the phone and looked at me hungrily. “We have the room to ourselves.”

Even though I was wet and never wanted anyone more, the extremeness of the situation was starting to get to me. “C-can we know for sure that no one is going to just burst in on us? A-and the noise-”

Jennifer put her finger to my lips and donned her most innocent expression. “Good employees know how to say many things in few words,” she told me in a very serious, yet almost sickeningly sweet voice. “And as we all know, actions speak louder than words.”

With that, she launched on me again, pushing me back against the wall, aiming for my neck this time. All thoughts of nervousness and ‘what if’ left my brain as I could think about nothing but her hot lips on my neck, her hips pushing and grinding against mine, and the moans coming out of my mouth without my thinking, moans I had never even heard myself make before.

I ground my hips back against her and felt the very welcome intrusion of her teeth in my neck, biting down hard, but not too hard. Enough to make me whimper and squirm. While I was busy being enveloped by the pleasure of her kisses and bites on my neck, Jennifer was busy working my suit jacket off, and once I had come back to the land of the living enough to realize what she was doing, I helped her work my jacket off, rewarding her with a view of my white undershirt. It was clear from her hungering glance that she wanted to see me with the shirt off too, but she was preoccupied with her own suit jacket first.

I gasped when it came off. Even through her work shirt, it was clear that Jennifer wasn’t wearing a bra! She noticed where I was staring and gave a low laugh. “Surprised?” she asked seductively, her voice like butter, as she undid her buttons one by one. “Ever played with a woman’s boobs before?” she asked knowingly, nearly all of the buttons undone.

I shook my head dumbly, staring at her chest.

“Mm, I thought not. Good, I like converting straight girls. Now come here and see what you’ve been missing,” she ordered, releasing her shirt with perfect timing.

I was such a fool to think she had a perfect body with clothes on. Her boobs were absolutely perfect. They were the same shade of brown as the rest of her flawless skin, with the exception of course of her much darker nipples. She had such cute areolae, shaped with little polka-dots of blackness that came together, instead of my exact circles Jennifer would no doubt be seeing soon. Her nipples stood proud and erect, with her left one pierced; my pussy throbbed at the idea of sucking that one first. I came into this office thinking I wasn’t into girls, but now here I was, realizing her pierced nipple was one of my biggest fetishes ever.

It wasn’t long before we were on the floor of the office, my back against the shag carpeting of her secretary office with her dangling her perfect fat tits in my face, telling me to suck them. I couldn’t control myself and greedily took the pierced one, taking it into my mouth and sucking hungrily.

Jennifer winced and lightly pulled back at the sudden pain. “Easy, baby!” she laughed with pain in her voice. “I know they’re irresistible but you gotta go slow. Run your tongue over them. Tease me before you dive into it. Build up to the pleasure, don’t just rush into it.”

I eagerly obeyed every order she gave me like a little puppy, eager to please her and be pleased in return. I would have done anything for her. She smiled so confidently as she mashed her body into mine from above, making me her little bitch. I loved the feeling of her body on top of mine. I could get so very used to this. I wanted to get this job so badly, just so I could walk into work to be greeted with this every day.

She cooed as I got better at pleasing her and sucking on her beautiful wonderful boobs. She began to mash them into my face, getting more and more into it herself, her grinding on me becoming subconscious. She was losing control, and wanting it nearly as badly as I did.

She kept biting her bottom lip and smiling hungrily at me, knowing that she was corrupting me in every way she wanted to. I was becoming someone different than the woman who entered this building. I could practically feel my thoughts rewiring to only want her, to please her, to love her. And she was loving every second of it. Eventually, she began shuddering on top of me, and held up a hand to get my attention. “Alright, Rachel, that’s enough. You’ve done very well, and I think you deserve to know what it feels like yourself.”

I practically ripped my shirt off as soon as she got off of me, earning a soft chuckle from her. She helped me undo the last few buttons, smiling at me and stealing every kiss she could get from me along the way. Eventually, the shirt was off, but I, being a prude, still had to undo my bra. What was I thinking, bringing this silly thing with me here?

When my bra was off, Jennifer took some time to appreciate what was in front of her. She eyed me all over and, as always, bit her bottom lip in seduction. Her light brown eyes focused on mine. “You’re so beautiful, Rachel,” she told me in awe. Without another word, she inches forward, bringing her mouth to my chest, looking me in the eyes and nodding before continuing. I nodded back.

She extended her tongue forward, and began slowly, opting to trail upwards to my nipples from the middle of my chest instead. She arrived at my right nipple and began kissing instead of licking, barely making contact with my nipple even once. I groaned in sexual frustration, and she looked up at me and grinned through the kisses as she continued. For the next few minutes, or at least what felt like it, she would avoid my nipples, kissing all over, but never on the spots I wanted her to hit. At the moment when I opened my mouth to object, she flicked her tongue across my nipple for the first time, and, weak as I was for this woman, I almost had an orgasm right then and there. I was so stimulated and pent up by this beautiful secretary, and she had me lying down in her office, my pussy throbbing, all just from licking across my nipple once.

And she did much more than just that. Once the floodgates had been opened, Jennifer began kissing, sucking, licking, and even lightly biting my nipple, all while her hand played with my other. No one was even touching my pussy and yet I felt like I was in heaven. I squirmed and practically spasmed in place, feeling the heat of Jennifer on top of me, moaning and calling her name, all while she did way less than any of my previous boyfriends had done to me combined. So why was I feeling so much more for her than I did for any of them any time they tried to touch me?

I couldn’t wait any longer. “I w-want to eat you,” I could barely get out, while Jennifer still had her beautiful lips wrapped around my nipple. Once I said this, her eyebrows shot up and her mouth came off me with a light ‘pop.’ “Is that so?” she purred, standing up. “I admire your ambition.” Not waiting for me to stand up or even sit up, she began taking her pants off for me, not being shy in the slightest about being naked in her own office.

With the way this naughty minx thought about bras, I was almost expecting her not to wear any panties either, but when her pants came off (having to almost peel them off of her delicious wide hips), they revealed a pretty black pair of panties that looked a little skimpy to be wearing underneath a suit. She started to take them off, but apparently had a better idea.

She motioned for me to sit up, then ordered me, “On your knees.” I did as she told, and she smiled at me. “So, have you ever seen a woman’s pussy in person?” I shook my head no nervously. “Good girl. Well, you’re going to get acquainted with it soon, so do us both a favor. Get your head in nice and close. Take a deep breath.”

I gasped at her request, but readily did what I was told. I leaned my head in, past the point of no return, until my nose was against the fabric of her panties, and breathed in.

Then again. Then another one. Then a hungry lick. This was the smell. This is what I wanted so badly, without even knowing it, from the moment I entered. I was licking her like a dumb slut over and over, losing control over myself as I breathed her in. Jennifer laughed and ground her hips against my face. “Yeah, I thought you’d like that, you little whore,” she told me in a husky voice. After a few seconds, she pried my face away and removed her panties, letting me see my first pussy in person.

It looked absolutely mouth-watering. I don’t know what I was expecting, but from the moment I first saw it, I was for some reason so glad she didn’t shave. Her pussy was covered in hair and pussy with her arousal, with her clit visible even through the hair, just waiting for me to learn how to make her cum. I looked up at Jennifer with puppylike submissive obedient little eyes, silently pleading to get closer again so I could learn to eat it. Smirking, Jennifer gave me the okay and I dove in.

Much like with her boobs, I had no clue what I was doing at first, though I was much more aware this time, partially due to Jennifer’s demonstration, that less is more. I began by experimentally licking her folds, and paying light attention to the clit, though I was super gentle with hers knowing that mine was incredibly sensitive. The more I played with it, the more Jennifer’s moans (and she definitely was a moaner) let me know what I was doing right. The mental image of a professional secretary office, with the secretary standing naked in the middle of the room, her dumb bitch on her knees eating her out right there where she stood, was so sexy to me. I really wanted to open my pants and masturbate as I was pleasing her, but something stopped me. I think it was because this was clearly all about Jennifer’s pleasure. She was like… my Mistress, and how dare I think about my own pleasure when I needed to focus all of my time and energy on my Mistress’ pleasure? Hers was more important than mine.

God, I was down bad.

I kept licking and began using my fingers in tandem with my tongue, learning to use them together to achieve what one couldn’t have done on its own. Jennifer clearly appreciated my efforts, and moaned to the heavens while bringing both of her hands to the back of my head and making sure her good little girl kept licking and pleasing her. As if I would do anything other than that – my Mistress needed pleasing, and I don’t care how much I humiliated myself for her or who saw me, I lived and breathed for this woman and her pleasure. It was the most important thing in the world to me.

Between her moans, Jennifer kept giving me instructions on what she wanted me to do. God, it was so hot. Hearing her normally professional voice breaking down and giving in to her pleasure like I gave in to mine, and using such harsh language the closer she was to an orgasm. “Fuck yeah, fuck fuck fuck, you’re such a good little bitch, you’re my good little submissive whore, aren’t you? Fuck yeah you are…” Fuck yeah I was. I loved the way she degraded me as she fucked my mouth better than any man in my life did. No man ever earned the title of ‘Master’ for me. But Jennifer won me over almost embarrassingly quickly, and now, I would have eaten her out in public any time she asked me to. We could have been waiting for the bus, as girlfriend and girlfriend – I blushed at the thought, even as I was tongue-deep in her pussy – and she could snap her fingers and I’d be on my knees again for her in a second, sparing no thought for the other people around us as I humiliated myself, thrusting my face into her pussy like it was the best thing I ever tasted. Because it was.

Jennifer’s pitch got more and more high pitched and breathier as she approached her orgasm. She also got a lot rougher with me, pulling my hair and slamming her hips into my face, and letting me know who I was to her.

“You’re just a fucking little whore! A dormant slut, not knowing your purpose in life until you met me! And now that you’ve met me, what are you going to do, bitch?!”

I took my mouth off of her pussy long enough to answer. “I’m going to eat you out every day, mistress.”

“Fuck right you are. You’re just a dumb little sex toy. You exist for me, and my pleasure! You’re going to get so fucking good at eating me out, and you’re going to get addicted to it, if you aren’t already! Fuck, fuck, fuuuuuck!!”

Jennifer practically sprayed in my face, and I loved every second of it. She was a huge squirter, and it turned me on so much, having her juices splash across my face, or at least the juices I couldn’t drink down. She had given me her mark, claimed me, made me hers. ‘Mistress’ was almost an insult. ‘Goddess’ was more like it. I hoped to God I would get the job and get to see that face, and eat that pussy, every single day.

We remained like that for a bit until both of us, at the same time, remembered where we were. I would have liked to have had my pussy eaten, but there were more pressing matters at hand. I scrambled around, gathering my clothes and using a hand-mirror Jennifer kept in her desk to clean my face and organize my hair so it looked as presentable as possible, while Jennifer, still dressing, picked up the phone and pressed one number on the dial.

“Hello, Mr. Laurent! …Yes, she’s ready for you now. I… less time than usual? Well, she had a pretty impressive resume! Yes sir, I have a good feeling about her! …Wonderful, I’ll send her right in.” She put the phone down and stared at me, re-buttoning her shirt but remaining bottomless. I don’t know if it was just a weird out-of-order thing for her or if she was shirking the pants as a personal choice. She put her shirt jacket on quickly afterwards but just chucked the pants away under the desk, answering my question, then sexily sauntered over to me and kissed me deeply.

“I’ll pull as many strings as I can to make this happen,” she whispered sexily into my ear. “Go in there and wow him. And afterwards, be sure to see me on the way out.” She gave me another peck on the cheek and winked at me, sitting down at her desk and going back to typing away as if I never entered. I couldn’t help but giggle at the absurdity of the situation, then gathered my resume back together and exhaled briefly one last time, steeling me for the interview.

After going through the door, I walked through a small open corridor to find Mr. Laurent’s room at the end. I couldn’t help but wonder, if the secretary was like this, what in the hell was the boss going to be like? Was he going to answer the door naked or something? I knocked on the door and it was promptly opened, revealing who I assumed to be Mr. Laurent.

He was a good-looking tall middle-aged black man, in a dark blue suit that looked good on him. He had a very serious face, but upon seeing me, a warm smile broke out. “Welcome! I trust you’re Rachel? Please, come in, take a seat.” He closed the door behind me. “Jennifer talked to me about you. She said she had a good feeling about you, and she doesn’t say that about a lot of people!”

I took my seat and cleared my throat timidly. “I take it Jennifer is your secretary?”

Mr. Laurent took a seat at his desk in an overly casual way. “Ha! In a manner of speaking, I guess. See, that’s her title around here, but first and foremost, Jennifer is my daughter.”

I couldn’t help the look of alarm from spreading across my face as I realized only then just now what I was getting into. “Ah-ah-ah!” Mr. Laurent pre-emptively held up a finger to me. “I see that look, and I’ve gotten it before. But I assure you, Jennifer is one of the brightest, most qualified people I‘ve ever hired, if not the most. And she’s an amazing people person.” Yeah, you could say that again. “I assure you it’s not nepotism. And trust me, you’ll like her. If you get the position, you’ll likely be working with her just as much as I do on a daily basis. Anyway, are you ready to start the interview?”

I stared at him, mouth still slightly open, not sure how to answer.


Author's Note: Thank you for reading this story! I hope you all enjoyed it. It's not my usual style, so I hope I pulled off a more brief stroke story like this. I'll have an open ear for any feedback on this.

These stories were made possible in part by the generous donors at patreon, dot com, slash BashfulScribe. If you'd like to support my work, get some cool perks, and help these stories come out faster, please consider supporting my work. Once again, thank you all for reading! Votes and comments, in any direction, are enjoyed and appreciated.


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The Naked InheritanceChapter 2 First Impressions

The whole day had become a disaster. It started the moment she tried to log on to her computer at work. Rachel was locked out. Harold had used her computer to access a customer's records and used his administrator's over ride. Then he neglected to log back off. He shut down the computer instead. Of course, he tried to blame Rachel. She missed her lunch break because the trainee who was supposed to relieve her forgot, or so he said. The twenty year old had tried to date Rachel and she...

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myfirst experience

She is disable and lived in her room and cannot move. My aunt also live in same village but at some distance on the other side of the village.She has four daughter's and uncle was died when the her youngest daughter(sadia) was 3 years old.Since then she was taking care of them.Her daughter's name were summaya(1st),sidra(2nd),nuvera(3rd) & sadia.Nuvera lives with grandma and take care of her. She was 17(now 19) at that time and is the prettiest in her sisters with 5'4'' tall, long black...

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First BGG! It will come as no shock to my readers that I love fucking pussy. It's one of the few things that I enjoy more than masturbating. I know you guys can't empathize, but the feeling of a tight pussy sliding up and down on your cock is incredible. There's nothing like it. I only wish you could experience the joy I feel every day, just once.Better Than Pussy?But hold on one god damn minute. Believe it or not, there is something I love even more than fucking pussy: fucking two pussies at...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Dedicated to a lovely young lady that would have graduated in 1960 with a first initial of "J" First and most important, this is a totally true story. Because it is true, there is little sex and what there is, has not been embellished to the best of my knowledge. One almost always remembers their "Firsts." Their first kiss, first date, first love, first sex and first crush. This is a story of all the above and more. I have always been a shy person. All through my freshman and sophomore...

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"I need to find someone to take me camping," she said while standing in my cubicle. We'd just been talking about how much we enjoyed camping and the outdoors and I'd been showing her some of my nature photos. I can't even remember what brought it all up, but it was fun to open up with a coworker like that. I like to feel the intimacy that comes from opening up to others and having them accept me. It's even better when we have similar interests and I can feel that rapport growing almost...

4 years ago
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M. was just as surprised as me that W. had agreed to get together. Neither one of us thought it would actually happen since we started corresponding three months ago. But there we were at the local pub having drinks. The conversation flowed easily, much to my great relief. After an hour or so (and 3 drinks knocked back in quick succession) W. says, “Alright, let’s go.”The walk back to the house was quieter, as if we are all lost in our own thoughts. When we got inside and out of our coats...

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firsts time Im seen as cd crossdresser

From a young age I liked dressing up in womens lingerie and clothing.... as I got older I grew up over weight a little and more so the older I got..... by the time I was I was in my late teens I had nice size breasts....nice enough to fill a bra. So worked up the courage to buy some lingerie online and when I received it in the mail I was so excited. I couldn't wait to try everything on.... I had brought a white lace bra, matching panties and white suspenders and stockings.....I tried them...

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Firsts Ch 02

Ch. 02: Gabriel Author’s Note: Sorry this took so long! Hopefully the next chapter won’t be as long in coming. Thank you for all the wonderful feedback, I’m so glad you guys like my story. Check my profile page for updates. As always, all comments are welcome. All characters are 18+ at the time of any sexual acts. Huge thanks to coloryourworld, azraeyl, and alwaysup4u2004 for their essential editing help. This chapter was written from Gabriel’s POV, and repeats some of the previous chapter,...

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Firsts Ch 07

Author’s Note: So here we are, the last chapter. I’m sorry it took me more than a year to get this thing out, thanks for bearing with me. I’m planning on continuing the Ramirez family’s story, maybe even next, but I’ll wait until I’ve managed to write a fair amount before posting. Thanks to warrior_wolf and coloryourworld for editing for me, and another massive thanks to Tangledinyou for being there when I needed a friend. Also a huge thanks to everyone who’s read, reviewed and/or given...

2 years ago
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I could barely believe this was happening; Kara’s incredible, perfect, alabaster body pressed to mine, the perspiration of our lovemaking drying on our skin.She had come to the house with the intent of studying for an exam with my assistance. That had lasted for a couple of hours, but the effects of being so close to each other had finally overwhelmed us both and we had kissed. The kiss had grown passionate until both of us were trembling and panting.Her notes forgotten, I had lifted her into...

3 years ago
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First Boyfriend Left A Permanent Impression

First Boyfriend Left A Permanent ImpressionPicture a small southern Indiana community, during an idyllic time. Lots of nice conservative churches, lots of nice conservative, mostly white, families, during the early Sixties. A time that would be before any modern liberation movement for women...or men. Sex, chemicals, and rock N roll are supposed to be years into the future.A sixteen year old guy and girl leave their United Methodist Sunday church service and drive straight out to an unoccupied...

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First Boyfriend Left A Permanent Impression

Picture a small southern Indiana community, during an idyllic time. Lots of nice conservative churches, lots of nice conservative, mostly white families, during the early Sixties. A time that would be before any modern liberation movement for women... or men. Sex, chemicals, and rock 'n' roll are supposed to be years into the future.A sixteen year old guy and girl leave their United Methodist Sunday church service and drive straight out to an unoccupied family farm that is owned by the guy’s...

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first impression

After chatting to Julie on adating website for a week and during that time watched as her conversation turned a little naughty at times decided to take her up on her invite to meet for lunch. Though she was 2 hours drive away I had a feeling this Lunch could lead to much more enjoyable fun.All through the drive there I was wondering how she would look, in pictures she seemed quite conservative in her dress, though she did have a smile to die for and big blue eyes..... Finally arriving at the...

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Dress to Impress

The clock struck two o'clock in the morning when Jack Robbeson walked into the sports club. Most of the last patrons were heading out by the time he was heading in. Jack was a classical night owl and thus, the night was his element. This specific sports club was a 24/7 kind of affair, but the nights were usually a graveyard shift. Just the way Jack liked it. The first thing people noticed about Jack was his tall stature and large, muscular frame. He stretched up to two meters high,...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 17 Three Two One Leaving An Impression

“Take Lieutenant General Debuk Jin to the Medical Center. Is injuries are too severe...” General Logan instructed as his line of sight fixated on the horizon and the distant back of the departing figure. Eventually, he successfully reached an agreement with Zax. To avoid conflict, his Blessed Army paid one Star Scavenger for one dark attribute’s essence, which would be delivered fully equipped within a month. To compensate for the second dark attribute’s essence, General Logan offered again...

3 years ago
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Garrets First Impression

I must admit, I was never a popular child. Maybe it was my attitude, or my way of thinking. Though when this day took place, I felt rather lucky, rather popular. “Garret, hurry up; I don’t want you late for school!” Shouted Maureen, my “Mom” “Yeah, yeah. Shut up, bitch.” I mumbled as I brushed my hair in front of my eyes for that “Fuck off or I’ll devour your soul” type of look. I leaned down to pick up my Bag when I noticed Kate, my older sister, staring in at me. “Hey, Emo-fag.” She...

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DriveIn Seduction Chapter 3 Impression

The movie was a spy caper, with lots of fisticuffs and pretty women in short dresses, with guns everywhere. The plot centered around the hunt for a missing heiress, and the hero was getting beat up from all angles, it seemed. Sally was keeping up with the story, but was more caught up in all the trappings of being on a real date. She loved snuggling up to Lenny, whispering to each other in the darkened cab, savoring the way he gently massaged her back. As the movie progressed, she became aware...

First Time
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Happy EndingsChapter 8 First Impression

"Oh? That's great news. Yes. Sure I can make into town tomorrow, nine? Alright Rick, see you then." I hung up the phone puzzled. Larry looked up at me a silent question. "Was Rick." I said needlessly. "The loan has been approved. I'll have to go in tomorrow and sign the papers." Larry raised one brow. "I dunno either. Anyway, you were saying?" With Larry a conversation always tended to be a bit one sided. He pointed back to the paper a finger under the estimated cost, the...

2 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 29 Leaving an Impression

Charlie POV: Our whole Family, including my Dad and our neighbors, was now on this yacht that we ‘liberated’ from the mercenaries who’d hijacked it from Matt and Ralph’s Family. Were we too severe in the way we dealt with Rafael’s Nicaraguan Outpost? Every time I think we were, the memory of seeing how brutally nonchalant those mercs were about shooting Matt and Ralph tells me no. We could’ve, should’ve been worse. In some ways we were merciful. This was the first time Dad had been with...

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PalimpsestChapter 30 Conception and Impression

L's big evening began with Marianne and Mary sharing duties licking and sucking and stroking her pussy to several near peaks, Marianne revealing new techniques to her original instructor. Marta and Margie worked on Joe, similarly sucking him to the edge and easing off. Finally sending L over, her body shivered and convulsed as if electrocuted with blissful current. Climbing between L's stout little legs, Marianne holding his cock in position, Joe held up from pressing inside when L...

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Introduction: TRUE STORY OF MY FIRST & ONLY LOVE Foreword: This story was written by Laura953, and translated from Italian and edited by Empress Lainie. Copyright, 2012, Laura953. Published exclusively for XNXX. FIRST LOVE FOREWORD After I have had, for the first time, anal sex with my sister, I was hugging Marisa asleep naked on the couch next to me now satisfied and exhausted. It was Saturday, Feb. 18. As I watched my sisters naked body, lit by the dim light of the fire, my hand...

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first love2

Foreword: This story was written by Laura953, and translated from Italian and edited by Empress Lainie. Copyright, 2012, Laura953. Published exclusively for XNXX. FIRST LOVE FOREWORD After I have had, for the first time, anal sex with my sister, I was hugging Marisa asleep naked on the couch next to me now satisfied and exhausted. It was Saturday, Feb. 18. As I watched my sister's naked body, lit by the dim light of the fire, my hand stroking the between her legs and...

1 year ago
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First Saturdays edited and cleaned up

How it happened. This story is pretty much all real. Mouth-to-god, cross-my-heart, stick-a-needle-in-my-eye, all that shit. I know it’s real, because it is my story. FIRST CUM I was an innocent kid. I won’t lie and say I hadn’t ever kissed a girl. I was curious about kissing, and had talked my share of girls into stolen kisses in the garage, or in games of truth-or-dare. However, that is as far as it ever went. I remember one ‘girlfriend’ I had in fifth grade who had just kissed me...

2 years ago
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First Saturdays

This story is pretty much all real. Mouth-to-god, cross-my-heart, stick-a-needle-in-my-eye, all that shit. I know it’s real, because it is my story. FIRST CUM I was an innocent kid. I won’t lie and say I hadn’t ever kissed a girl. I was curious about kissing, and had talked my share of girls into stolen kisses in the garage, or in games of truth-or-dare. However, that is as far as it ever went. I remember one ‘girlfriend’ I had in fifth grade who had just kissed me and said, “I’m...

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Do remember your 'first time'?The first time that someone paid sexual attention to you. The first timethat someone looked at you with a look in his eyes that thrilled andterrified you at the same time. The first time that someone else's lookmade your penis harden and lengthen. The first time that you knew someonewanted to touch you... down there.Of course you do.Go back to that person, that place, that moment. Your cock is stiffeningalready.I admit I've always been fascinated by first time...

2 years ago
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First Love

This is the second published story in a series I'm writing, based on events taken from my own life. Chronologically, however the events described herein took place well before the episode described in my first story, "Laundromat Love." Like it, the following story is basically true. As always seems to be the case, "real life" stories are never quite as tidy and cohesive as their fictional counterparts, so I have exercised a certain amount of creative license here and modified some of...

2 years ago
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First Time

The First Time I have always fantasized about being involved with a dominant woman.For as long as I can remember, I have always been intrigued by powerfuland demanding women. Even as a c***d, my favorite times were when I wascaught and tied up in a game of Cowboys and Indians. Usually by Stephanie,the girl who lived just up the street from me. I always gave up much tooeasily. She knew it too, but she always seemed to get just as excited as Idid at the prospect of...

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First time with a man

I had been talking with a man for a couple of weeks now, but I was not 18 and he did not like that. The day after I turned 18 he texted me and told me "when do we meet?" I was currently in school so I had little time other than the weekend. I told him this and the first thing he said was "when do you have time?" I responded that on weekends. But then I remembered that my parents were leaving and my only sister was out of the country as well. I would be alone with my grandmother for a couple of...

1 year ago
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First Dates are Kissing Dates II

First Dates are Kissing Dates By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2016 The publishing rights to First Dates are Kissing Dates are reserved. It may be downloaded for personal use or sharing with a friend provided it is not done so for profit. Reproduction in any way or within any website where a charge is rendered is forbidden without the full written permission of the author. [email protected] 'First Dates are Kissing...

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First Meeting with a Sadist

SynopsisHe is going to break her quickly and efficiently.  His plans are well thought out.  His dominance over her will be 100% using deprivation techniques such as the military uses to break soldiers during basic training.Sensory Deprivation:  She will be blindfolded almost the entire time, but when allowed to see, she will not be allowed to look at him.  She will never see what he is going to do next, nor have a visual image of him.  She will have ear plugs much of the time, not allowed to...

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First Trumpet

I was excited about the coming senior year. I did my dues in high school band. I was first a freshman trumpet player who thought he was hot shit but compared to the older students I was simply shitty and over the next three years I greatly improved so that I was indeed hot shit. Nathan would graduate this year so next school year I would take over first chair trumpet. Oh, there would be tryouts to compete for first chair but I was the best. The younger players were where I was a few years ago....

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First time I Shared my Wife

I picked up my friend, Alec, at the Kodiak, Alaska International Airport. Well, it is an airport, and it’s on Kodiak Island. Not so sure the term ‘International’ is exactly accurate, though. The ocean is on one end of the runway and a mountain on the other, not a good place to run off the end of the runway, either direction.Alec had just completed his year-long tour of Coast Guard duty on Sitkinak Island, a tiny island in the Aleutian Chain, just off the southern tip of Kodiak Island.Alec and I...

Wife Lovers
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First Time I Got Fucked By Another Man And I Lov

I admit that I am an asswhore. An asswhore with very little anal sex experience - so far at least.I fucked one woman in the ass once. She was having her period and fucking her ass was her idea. This babe was a slut - not hot, but not unattractive either. If you like to fuck women you'd all almost definitely fuck her if you ever had the opportunity. Slim, petite, long brown curly hair, nice tits - medium plus a little more and perky, and a pretty nice ass too. She just wasn't my type and she...

1 year ago
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First My Wife Then Me

First my wife then me by Angela J. This story has sexual scenes involving a change of gender. If this type of story offends you, or if you are under age, or laws in your area prohibit reading this type of material, please do not read the story. If you have any comments or criticisms please e-mail me at [email protected] I do not want to remember my past self, but I have been ordered to write my story, so here it goes. I grew up in a mid size town in Texas. I had loving parents,...

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First Time and a Little More Part 4 Cum

Please read “My first time and a Little More, parts 1, 2, and 3 for background leading to this point in my true story. To recap part one, my friend Sean and I grew up together. One weekend, Sean was enticed to suck his cousin’s dick, but the cousin wouldn’t suck Sean in return. Sean asked me the next day, and we sucked each other for the first time. The relationship was naive and experimental. Although we were both immature, I was a little bigger than Sean, but Sean was aggressive and...

First Time
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First Time with Dad

This file is a work of fiction containing sexually explicit material which may include depictions of underage, nonconsensual and unprotected sex as well as incest and adultery. It is not intended to implicate any person or action by them or me, nor advocate such practices. The material is meant for "For Adults Only" and possession by a minor is strictly forbidden. If you are not legally empowered to be in possession of this material, do not read it and delete it immediately. ONLY...

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First Place Bride

First Place Bride By Lisa Elizabeth in conjunction with Donna Anne Any resemblance of characters or situations to actual people or events is purely coincidental. I would like to thank Janet Stickney for letting Jeff Grant make an appearance in the story. Thanks Janet! ***************************************************************************** This was it! I was the 'big gun' this year. I was going into third grade! Our schools are divided so that all kindergarten through third...

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First Times

Before we begin here. I wanted to personally take a moment and thank The Sandman for doing this for me. I'm no writer, but I thought it might be fun and interesting to relate some of my own "first-time" personal experiences. I've thought about doing this for some time now, going back as far as I can remember to those moments in time that I considered as the first time I did something or explored something. So again, thanks Sandman for helping me tell this story, and for your "poetic...

4 years ago
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First Time With My Cousin

MF oral inc cousin Summary: Well, his dad had just fucked me for the first time a couple of days before so why not the son? The only potential complication was that the dad was my uncle and his son was my cousin! Table of Contents: Chapter 1 i****t in My family Chapter 2 Seeking My Mom?s Advice Chapter 3 My Mom?s Puts Our Plan Into Action Chapter 4 Sucking My Cousin?s Dick Chapter 5 Paul Eats My Pussy Chapter 6 Paul Finally Fucks Me Chapter 7 My Mom Surprises Paul Chapter 8 Paul Fucks Me Again...

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first timeyou never forget

I had to walk almost a mile to catch the school bus and we usually met about half way since she lived closer. When I’d see her in the morning it excited me and an excited teenage boy gets a hard on in 2.3 seconds flat. I carried my books in front of me every time. She always greeted me with a smile and a wink and a ‘hi cutie’. That would make my day. I wasn’t very experienced. There had been some necking (or scrounging as we called it back then) Some back seat tries for second base and dreams...

2 years ago
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First overnighter in rubber bondage

I was already quite experienced, and prior to this session I had been having regular meetings with a dominant couple, all of us into rubber bondage, but those meetings had just ended due to their moving. Following on from my previous experiences I was desperate to do an overnight bondage session, which lead to me contacting this Mistress. I didn't know anything about her except that she lived in Manchester ( a 4 hour train journey from where I lived ), was very experienced, and equipped...

1 year ago
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First Wives Club Part 2

First Wives Club ? Part 2 By Alexis Demoire Chapter 6 ? Conversation with my mother My parents are the most important people in my world, and I love them to death, however, working for them can be difficult sometimes. Mostly because they still think of me as their little girl. After a year of proving myself, I finally got a big break. My parents have finally assigned me a team to handle my own projects. The first project that I got was to work with this young developer named Jack...

2 years ago
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First Slave

First Slave By captv8td [email protected] 1Angela saw the slight nod from the woman.  That was her cue.  She stepped forward as she had a dozen other times earlier this evening.  This was the last one so it would be her final chore for the evening.She stood behind the girl.  They were all so young tonight; beautiful but young.  The naked redheaded girl who was fastened to the short post with her wrists cuffed behind her trembled.  Angela wished that she could whisper something...

4 years ago
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First time at a Swingers Club

I pulled into the driveway of the hotel where Julie was staying and found her waiting outside. She was dressed in a little red dress and stiletto heels that show off her shapely legs. The dress hugged her hourglass figure and accentuated the shape of her beautiful 12DD breasts. She greeted me warmly with an affectionate hug and a very passionate kiss. As our tongues briefly meet, an electricity tingle raced through us. She hopped in the car as I held the door open for her, as any good...

1 year ago
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First Time a Slave

       I was in college, at a small, private, liberal-arts school in Ohio. It was my first time really being away from my home in a rural community, and I didn’t want to waste my time.        I had discovered an interest in BDSM while I was still in high school, illicitly sneaking looks at porn on the internet. First I had discovered bondage, with women being tied up, and I thought that was hot. I thought I wanted to be a Dominant, having control of these beautiful women who would do...

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First time hubby let his friends use me

First time Hubby let his friends have me. A true story by LadyM/Sue122 As I said it was my husbands birthday and we had gone out to dinner with four of his friends. It was a very nice dinner at a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which is my limit, after that I am totally drunk. All the wives accept for me where out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys. After dinner my husband invited his friends over for some pool and a few beers. All the guys gladly accepted the...

3 years ago
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First First Times

“Are we drunk enough to play Tooth or There?” spouted Caroline. Apparently SHE was. “I think we need one more frosty pitcher before I am. THEN I’m willing.” volunteered my always eager wife, Sue. All but Caroline and her new husband, Chuck, had been to our hedonistic gatherings. “But-choo aren’t drunk enough to slur yer werdz!” Sue teased, then as she rose from the thick carpeted floor, she flashed Chuck her panties. His eyes widened and he slyly checked his chubby wife to see if she caught...

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First Time and a Little More Part 5 Foursome

Please read “My first time and Little More, parts 1 – 4 (check my author profile) for background leading up to this point in the true story of my life of “firsts.” The titles were not consistent, so search on the following for parts 1 – 4. My First Time and a little More First Time and more: part 2 My first time and a little more: Part 3 First Time and a Litte More: Part 4 Cum A quick recap of the story up to now. I learned to suck dicks with my neighborhood friend Sean, and Michael joined us a...

First Time
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First time

Quit looking so grim, girl. You act like you've never been caned before.""I h-haven't, sir.""What? You mean your father never thrashed you?" The frightened girl shook her head. I gapped in astonishment. "Not even once? Not even at school?""No sir."This certainly explained Amy's unnatural terror. Her pretty face was pale and drawn, her normally vivacious personality gone quiet and forlorn. Her slender body, blossoming with the verge of womanhood, trembled nervously as she stood in the middle of...

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