She Swallowed The Spider To Swallow The Fly free porn video

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=== She Swallowed the Spider to Swallow the Fly === by Trismegistus Shandy A much shorter version of this story appeared under the title "Instructions" in Hutcho's mixed tape anthology "Funky Lady" in January 2015. This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. You may repost it on other sites, for instance, or write new stories based on it, as long as you give me credit and release your own stories under the same license. ----- "Excuse me, but do you have anything that will change me into a woman?" "Maybe I do. Say, weren't you in here just last week looking for a 'love potion'?" "Not just any woman. I need to be exactly the kind of woman that Todd Lane will be attracted to." "Look, I explained that I don't sell 'love potions.' Those are highly illegal. The stuff I sold you isn't guaranteed to do any more than make someone... *intrigued* with you, for a while. A few weeks, hopefully, and by that time maybe you can win them over with your personality and actions." "I know he likes them with dark hair, breasts around a large B or middling C cup, almost as tall as him but not quite -- he's five foot nine --" "It doesn't do anything but get your foot in the door, relationship- wise. And it sometimes wears off in less than a week, as I warned you, if the target is strong-willed or resistant to magic. So no refunds if it doesn't make that girl, what was her name --" "That's what his current girlfriend, Ashley Penn, looks like. And his last girlfriend, Stacia Harmon, fits the same pattern; but other than that, they're pretty different --" "Ashley Penn, that's right. If she didn't break up with this Todd guy right away, you must have flubbed the next step. But maybe you just need to give it more time. She should be watching you, giving you a chance to impress her and show her she's with the wrong guy." "So could you sell me something that will turn me into Todd Lane's perfect woman? Or if not that, at least the kind of woman I described, only hotter than Ashley Penn?" "Hmm. You seemed pretty hung up on this Ashley girl yourself, last week. Did you use that potion I sold you?" "Yes, but never mind that now. Ashley thinks she's hot stuff, but Todd won't look at her again once he sees the new me --" "Wait, let me get this straight before I sell you anything more. You got one of this Ashley's hairs and dissolved it in the potion from the green bottle?" "Oh, it's embarrassing to remember what a crush I had on Ashley... I mean, really! But... yeah, I guess so. I mean, I had my sister grab a hair from her hairbrush. She's Ashley's little sister's friend." "All right. Then you took one of your own hairs and dissolved it in the potion from the red bottle?" "Yes, yes, okay, but can we talk about how I'm going to get Todd to notice me?" "And you put the stuff from the green bottle in your drink, and the stuff from the red bottle in Ashley's drink?" "Yeah, sure... wait. Green in my drink and red in hers?" "Yes." "Oops." "Well, then. How close are this Todd and Ashley? Does he stay over at her place sometimes?" "I'm pretty sure." "And maybe use her hairbrush sometimes?" "Could be." "And do they have the same hair color?" "Pretty much." "And do they sometimes share sips from the same drink?" "I think so... what does that have to do with making me Todd's ideal woman, though? Oh, I see: I'll need to share my hairbrush and my drinks with him. That's the easy part, I could do that now if only he were into guys." "You are an idiot and I really shouldn't help you again... but your money's good, and my rent's due... all right, listen close." "I'm listening." "Unlike last time. Anyway: you'll need to get one of Todd's hairs this time, and you shouldn't delegate the job, or get it from some source that might or might not be pure Todd. Directly from his head would be best, if you can manage it." "I'll find a way. And?" "And dissolve it in this blue potion, and let it steep for one hour and thirteen minutes. Then drink it and go to bed, thinking about Todd. You'll wake up with the kind of body he's most attracted to. Better sleep in the nude, and have clothing in several sizes ready to put on the next morning, before you go shopping for stuff that fits." "That sounds simple enough. How much do I owe you?" I told him, and he paid without protest. Kids with more money than sense are pretty annoying, but they're useful at times. ----- "Good evening, may I help you?" "Yes! You sold me this potion a few days ago -- it was supposed to turn me into Todd Lane's ideal woman --" I looked at her carefully; she was easy to look at. I couldn't remember what she'd said about Todd's type, but it was easy to imagine her being *somebody's* ideal woman. "If you followed the instructions carefully, it should have. You kept your mind focused on this Todd fellow from the time you drank the potion until you fell asleep?" "I think so. Yeah, pretty much." -- Which meant she'd been distracted by something else, hopefully not for too long. "And you're sure the hair you dissolved in the potion was from Todd's head and nobody else's?" "Yes!" "So what's the problem?" "Two problems. I can tell he's attracted to me; he keeps looking at me, and Ashley keeps giving him the evil eye whenever he does, but he still hasn't broken up with her." "It sounds like the potion worked, then. Give it some more time, and keep flirting with him in the meanwhile." She blushed. "The other problem is -- I can't stand being a girl." I sighed. There's just no pleasing some people. "You wanted me to turn you into a girl, and I did. No refunds. I can sell you another one that will turn you back into your old self, if you still have any hair from your old body --" "No! Then Todd won't like me! The way he looks at me now," she blushed even deeper, "that's the only thing I like about being a girl. And he even complimented me on my gender change; he said he admired me for having the guts to try it out, that he'd thought about it once when he was between girlfriends but chickened out. But this body feels so weird and wrong, and it's creepy when other guys look at me, and..." her voice dropped to a whisper, "and I just started my period and I hate it!" She was a bit na?ve if she thought natural-born girls were pleased as punch about their periods. But it was obvious in retrospect what was wrong. "So... how was I supposed to know you were cisgender, the way you were so eager to be a girl?" "I wanted to be a girl because I'm in love with Todd. But I thought you'd sell me something that would make me like being a girl, too!" "You didn't ask for that. If you identify as male, why not buy something that would make Todd attracted to guys?" Her mouth fell open. "But he's perfect the way he is!" I sighed. That attraction potion had really done a number on her -- it had really been a "love potion," for her, because she believed in it. I said: "So, you want something that will make you happy being a girl?" "Yes." "I can make it. I don't keep it in stock, because there's not much call for the stuff that changes your gender identity without transforming you physically. Come back this time tomorrow and I'll have your order ready." ----- Given her list of complaints, I didn't just mix up the standard gender identity reversal potion. I added in some metaphorical sugar and spice (the exact composition of said sugar and spice is a trade secret) that ought to make her a good deal more feminine than he had been masculine, before. (Which wasn't all that much if I could mistake him for transgender.) I had it ready a couple of hours before she came in again. "Here you go, ma'am," I said. "Drink it an hour or two before bedtime. For best results, surround yourself with feminine things while you're taking the potion, and for the next hour or two -- maybe put on a nice dress with jewelry to wear while you're taking the potion and then change into a frilly nightgown, or watch a movie on the Hallmark channel, or something. Use your imagination." "All right... I'll need to change my tampon right before bed; that's pretty feminine, right?" "It might help," I allowed. I looked at the credit card she'd handed me. "Are you changing your name? You don't have to, you know, but..." "Yeah, I'm going by Bethany now, but the name change paperwork hasn't gone through yet, so I haven't had my cards changed. It should scan just fine." It did. ----- I didn't see her again for almost eleven months. By the way she walked, and the way she was dressed, I could tell my last potion had worked pretty well. "Good evening. No complaints, I trust?" "Not exactly. Not with the potion I bought from you, I mean. Only..." "Yes?" "I wonder if you might have something to help me persuade my boyfriend to get a little more serious?" "Hmm. How do you mean?" "I've been dating Todd since... a couple of weeks after I was in here last. Almost a year. But he hasn't asked me to marry him yet." "Could be he thinks he's too young to get married. He's about your age, right?" "Yes, just a couple of months older than me." "How serious are you two in other ways? Are you sleeping together?" She blushed prettily. "...Yes." "Living together?" "Not exactly. But I spend the night at his place more nights than we're alone... I keep about a third of my clothes over there." "Well, we could try an attraction potion like the one I sold you that first time. But it probably wouldn't work. He's already attracted to you -- you're his ideal woman, after all -- and that potion might make him spend more time with you, but probably won't make him want to get married, not if he's already sleeping with you." "Oh. What about... do you have something that can ensure I get pregnant?" "That depends. Are you already trying?" "*I* am; I went off the pill a month ago... but *he's* not." I sighed. This was probably a bad idea, but: "Has he had a vasectomy?" "No... not that I know of." "If he had, I could give you something to reverse it, but it would cost you. But something to make sure a condom breaks won't be as expensive." "And it will make sure I get pregnant?" "If the guy you're with is producing even a tiny amount of sperm, this will make sure one of them hits the target." "All right, how much...?" "You'd better make sure you're ready for this, whatever happens. If he *doesn't* ask you to marry him, if he pressures you to get an abortion and breaks up with you when you refuse, are you ready to be a single mother?" She hesitated a moment, and said: "Yes. He won't break up with me, I know he won't. And he doesn't believe in abortion." "But if he did?" "Yes... Actually, can you sell me another of those love potions too, that I can use right before I tell him I'm pregnant?" I sighed. "It's an attraction potion, not a love potion. And yes." ----- Ten months later, she walked in with a baby in her arms and tears in her eyes. "What's wrong, my dear? Is there anything I can help you with?" I was feeling motherly toward her; the person she was now was more than half my doing, after all, and it tore my heart to see her so sad. "I'm not sure... I hope so. The man who used to run this shop, he --" "I know, dear. That was me." "Oh." She smiled faintly. "Maybe you'll understand... Todd broke up with me. He said he wasn't ready to be a father and he wasn't sure I was ready to be a mother, and he thought we should give him up for adoption." "That 'we' sounds encouraging." "We didn't break up until later. I said I would think about it, but I didn't like the idea, and the further along I got the worse I liked it. And when I told Todd I wasn't going to give him up (I knew he was a boy by then), he said I could raise him by myself if I wanted, but if I didn't want his advice, I didn't need his help." "Oh, dear." That might be a consequence of her using that pregnancy-ensuring potion -- it strengthened the maternal instinct too, so the mother wouldn't consider aborting the baby or giving it up for adoption, no matter what her attitude had been before she took it, and for as long as it lasted -- three or four years in most cases -- it would make sure she was an attentive if not necessarily skillful mother. I could have tried to brew up a version of the potion without that side-effect, but I didn't have anybody to test it on and I thought, in truth, that with her anomalous history she might need a little extra help. "So can you help me get him back?" I pursed my lips. "I think so. It will be harder if he's already hooked up with some other girl -- has he?" "I don't know! I haven't seen him in months; he moved and his landlord won't tell me where he went. I emailed him pictures of little Todd, asking him to please come visit at least, but he ignored most of them -- he only replied once, saying he'd think about coming back if I gave him up for adoption, and I shouldn't have named him after him." I managed to navigate through the morass of pronouns and extract the salient facts. "He didn't offer child support?" "I didn't ask. I've got more money than he does, and I don't want his money, I want him." "Well... if you don't know where he is, this will be a lot harder." "I can hire a detective. Then I can give him another of those attraction potions --" "No, you've already used it on him once. It won't be very effective a second time -- not enough to get you past a quarrel this serious. But do see what the detective can find out. Meanwhile, I'll be working on something to turn his heart toward his son." Or possibly something to weaken her maternal instinct until she'd consider giving the baby up for adoption, but I didn't tell her that. "Thank you. I'll be back after my detective has found out something." ----- By the time she returned, I'd done some research on both of the possible potions I'd considered using to solve her problem. Through a forum for professional alchemists I found a guy in Phoenix who had a recipe that would, he claimed, make a man settle down and take responsibility for the babies he made. I was dubious about that claim -- it's rare that a potion can reliably make a person take a specific action -- and I pressed for specifics. (He was also asking a pretty high license fee, but it was justified if the stuff worked, and my customer had deep pockets, so I didn't quibble on that.) He responded saying that it worked by creating a bond with the baby whose hair was dissolved in it; it was really a maternal bond, more like the bond a mother normally formed with her newborn biological child than the bonds normal fathers formed with their children, or the bonds adoptive parents tended to form. Common side effects included male lactation, which nobody had actually complained about yet, and frustration at being unable to nurse, in those who *didn't* get the lactation (but for those he recommended a male-lactation potion which was available for a moderate license fee from the La Leche League; I was familiar with it). He suspected that a long-term effect might be undue favoritism by fathers for their first-born children, the ones the mothers had given them the potion for, but he didn't have enough longitudinal data yet; if so, he recommended another use of the potion for each subsequent baby. And he included some testimonials from a couple of satisfied customers. I had less success finding a potion that would weaken the maternal bond, and I was relieved. I hadn't really liked the idea, though I'd forced myself to check it out; I wouldn't have even considered it if the customer's strong maternal instinct hadn't been created by a potion (a couple of potions, probably) in the first place. When my customer returned with the information her detective had found, I told her about the potion, how to use it, and its possible side effects. "So I dissolve one of little Todd's hairs in it, and get big Todd to drink it?" "Right." "And it might... what, would it make him grow breasts?" "Probably not. But he might lactate without actually growing breasts, or at least not any larger than a young teen girl's breasts." "So... he could help nurse little Todd?" "He might take over one or two feedings a day. I don't know how much milk he could produce without woman-sized breasts; I could do some research... but I suspect it varies a lot from one man to another. And only about one in seven men who take this potion experience lactation." "Oh. Well, that's okay then." She left looking satisfied, on her way to pick up little Todd from the babysitter. ----- Some months later she returned; little Todd was asleep in a stroller, being pushed by a man whom she proudly introduced as her husband, Todd. "We've got a sort of problem we need you to solve," he said. Wonders never cease. "Do tell." "We've been talking about having another child, and I said I'd like to try it myself -- being the mother this time around, I mean. It's odd -- I'd never had any desire to be a woman or even to know what it's like to be one, but since I got back together with Bethany and I've been helping her take care of little Todd, the idea of being a *mother* has started to grow on me. I see her nursing little Todd, and I see the way he looks at her, and I feel a little jealous, you know?" "I know the feeling," I said, exaggerating a great deal. I suspected the mother-envy he felt was far greater than anything I'd ever felt, or any of the other men who'd taken the maternal-instinct potion, if it led him to contemplate a change of sex. I made a mental note to send the potion's inventor a note about this new side-effect. "Well, Bethany doesn't object to me being our next child's mother per se, but there are a couple of problems to solve..." He looked at her. "Either I'd have to be a man -- even if it's just for as long as it takes for Todd to get pregnant -- or we'd need to find a sperm donor. My cousin volunteered when he heard us talking about it, and he shares a lot of my genes, but... I really don't like either of those ideas. I mean, the idea of being a man really squicks me out, but I'd like the child to be *ours*, you know." "And the other problem is," Todd said, "I'm keen on the idea of being a mother, but there are some other aspects of being a woman that are kind of scary. I guess I could work through them with Bethany's help, but she said you had a potion that would help with that, something that helped her a lot when she first became a woman." "I could," I said, "but I think that potion is part of your problem, now -- ordinarily someone who's given both sexes a fair shake might have a preference for being of one sex rather than the other, but they won't be disgusted by the idea of changing temporarily, like someone who's never tried it. I think the stuff I brewed for Bethany that made her get used to being a woman faster than normal is making her too strongly attached to her gender identity, at a time when it's not appropriate. "So what I'd recommend in your case, Todd, is just the standard gender-switching potion. It should make you reasonably comfortable being a woman, but not so much so that you won't be willing to go back to being a man when you and Bethany decide it's time. If you find it's not quite enough, I can make something like what I made for Bethany, but then you may not want to ever change back... which may not be okay with Bethany." I looked at her. "No," she said, alarmed. "I mean, I guess I can stomach the idea of being a man for a little while, and letting Todd experience the joy of being a woman and a mother... but I'll want to change back as soon as I can, and I'd like Todd to change back after the new baby is weaned." "So," I said, "you don't want me to tinker with your gender identity again?" She bit her lip. "I'm not sure. Maybe just a little, to make it not so disgusting to be a man, but not so I'd want to stay that way." "I can work something up. Give me a few days... can you come back in on Tuesday?" ----- They returned on Tuesday, and I sold them two doses of the standard gender-switching potion, and one of the special stuff I'd brewed up that should make her more open to the idea of a temporary gender change. Bethany wanted three doses of the gender-switching potion, so she could switch back the moment Todd's pregnancy test turned up positive, but I reminded her that might take several months and the third dose of the gender-switching potion might expire by then; a lot of these potions have a short shelf life. "What about the stuff that makes sure you get pregnant?" she asked. "I can mix up some of that for Todd," I agreed, "but it may not be necessary. Do you want to wait and give yourselves a chance to conceive naturally?" She shook her head. "I don't want to be a man any longer than necessary. You told me that stuff will make sure you get pregnant the next time you have sex, right?" "The next time you have genital sex with a fertile man," I corrected, "even if he's wearing a condom or has a low sperm count or you're on birth control... basically, if a series of coincidences can cause you to get pregnant, the potion will work. But none of those things are likely obstacles in your case." Todd suddenly looked startled; he glanced sidelong at Bethany and back at me. "But we might have to try several times, several months in a row, even so. I want it." "All right. This time tomorrow?" ----- When they came back the next day, they'd already used the stuff I'd sold them the day before; Bethany was a man, not the man he'd been when he first walked into my shop a couple of years earlier, but a male version of Todd's ideal woman plus a layer of pregnancy-fat she hadn't worked off yet. He looked tense, on edge, though not as much I as I suspected he would have if it hadn't been for my potion. Todd was a woman, good-looking though not as beautiful as Bethany had been before her pregnancy; she looked nervous but excited. They were just in for a few moments, to pick up the pregnancy-ensuring potion, and gone again without pausing for conversation. Then, a couple of minutes later, Todd was back again. "I'd also like something to make me start lactating," she said. "So I can nurse little Todd for a while before my own baby comes along." "I have that in stock," I said, "I get some call for it from mothers who aren't producing quite enough milk naturally, and from adoptive mothers." "I also have a few questions about the pregnancy potion," she said, with a glance behind her. "...Yes?" "Did Bethany buy some of that from you about two years ago?" "You know the privacy laws," I said. "I can't tell you --" "Hypothetically, if a woman were dating a man who wasn't ready to settle down yet, and was taking reasonable precautions to avoid getting his girlfriend pregnant... and she wanted to give him a nudge... might she use that potion to get pregnant despite precautions?" "She might," I said, "but usually it's infertile couples -- not completely infertile, but couples who have some problem where they could theoretically get pregnant but it's really unlikely." "Uh huh. And hypothetically, if a man's girlfriend got pregnant and he broke up with her after she wouldn't give the baby up for adoption, might she use some potion on him to persuade him to settle down and help raise the baby?" "As I said, I can't talk about what potions I've sold to particular customers --" "But such a potion exists?" "Well -- yes." "And hypothetically, if an alchemist knew or strongly suspected that one of his customers was dosing other people without their consent, wouldn't he be obligated to report it?" "...Yes." "And hypothetically, if someone knew an alchemist had failed to do that, and did the alchemist a favor by not telling the authorities, wouldn't the alchemist owe that person a favor? Say, a free potion or a large discount on all future purchases?" I sighed. "What do you want?" She got to the point. "With this stuff you sold us, I'm going to get pregnant the next time I sleep with Bethany. And then she's going to want to change right back. And -- well, having sex with him as the man isn't something I want to give up so quickly. Apparently that stuff you gave him to make him at ease with being a man wasn't strong enough; I want something stronger." I was a little surprised, but not entirely. "You don't want me to give you something to reverse the effects of the potions that -- ah -- someone might have hypothetically used on you?" "No. I love being little Todd's daddy, and I'm looking forward to being his mommy for a while, and having another baby..." She smiled. "Figuring out I feel this way because of a potion doesn't automatically make me feel differently. But that also means that Bethany will still feel good about being a man even if she figures out I dosed her with something." "He probably will," I agreed. ----- Several of my books are available as ebooks from Smashwords in ePub format and from Amazon in Kindle format; some are also available from Barnes and Noble. Smashwords pays its authors higher royalties than other retailers do. The Bailiff and the Mermaid trismegistus-shandy/1122419525?ean=2940152061574 Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes When Wasps Make Honey A Notional Treason shandy/1118399590?ean=2940045604819 The Weight of Silence and Other Stories trismegistus-shandy/1119459843?ean=2940045924528

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Issue 13: Karmacoma I inhaled the funky smell of the dank and dirty warehouse gym. It had the rank lingering stench of body odour and the sharp abrasive bite of masking cleaning chemicals, chemicals that could never erase the decades old stink of stale sweat that permeated the leather gloves, the cracked punching bags, the warped wooden mu ren zhuang, the worn uneven dark oak floors, the fraying floor mats, the dirty stained plaster walls, the grimy seats and the well used speed balls....

2 years ago
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The Curse of Magic Mansion Part 2 The Lair of the Spider Queen

By BD Long When Tina had seen her little sister incapacitated, ice had filled her veins. Cold fire had covered her hands and bled from her eyes, and she had felt the urge to destroy. But her brother had urged her back. He had been right: she had just discovered magic, but didn’t know if she could control it, let alone fight an untold number of zombies. So they had fled, not up thirty flights of stairs, but just one. When they reached the top, they looked down and saw that the atrium now led...

4 years ago
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Thorvik Kabot SuccubusSlayer in The Golden Webs Of The SpiderGoddess

Illuminated by torchlight, Thorvik Kabot's strong Nordic physique was an impressive sight and a testament to the purity of his lineage and breeding as he had the strong, battle-scarred muscled body of a barbarian with the chiseled facial features of a nobleman with a strong brow, prominent nose and striking blue eyes and a head of curly blonde hair. Thorvik's manner of dress was simple. Leather boots, loincloth and his shoulder-scabbard, which held the legendary succubi-slaying holy...

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 5 Acceptance

Issue 5: Acceptance After the guards came and took Krystal away I crawled back to bed and pulled the covers over myself, mainly cause I felt like crap. Physically and mentally. I wanted to hide from this prison and from my thoughts. The nausea and aching was odd. With my spider powers I'd not really been prone to much illness. In fact I'd felt pretty invincible. I could shrug of injuries that would have killed normal people or taken them months to recover from. But I was not a...

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Spider Man

Spider Man By Missy Crystal I wasn't happy about being a research assistant. As a little girl, I dreamed of being a model. I would put on my pink and white taffeta party dress with the built in nylon net crinoline that puffed out the skirt and the big bow in back, well, actually it was my cousin Molly's hand me down dress which was two sizes too big for me, and my, well hers too, black patent leather mary janes, that didn't fit either, and sashay back and forth in my room. I asked...

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 1 Denial

Ultimate Spider Woman: Loss and Grief Foreword Jessica Drew AKA Spider Woman is a clone of Peter Parker, Ultimate Spider-Man (USM) of Earth 1610. If you can access them I recommend you check out the the Clone Saga (USM #97-#105) and Ultimatum (USM #129-# 133), Ultimate Doomsday Trilogy (mystery, enemy and doom). Maybe also Miles Morales Spider Man and the All New Ultimates. Ths story includes snippets from USM comics to keep continuity with references to relevant comics as...

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 2 Anger

Issue 2: Anger I awoke to stare down at the female contours displayed beneath my bed sheets. Jeez. The curves were still clearly girlish. Chest and hips noticeably so, limbs all around slimmer. Nothing changed there. I also had long soft hair. Of course. By touch I found my facial features drastically rearranged and, when I examined my reflection in the one way mirror, I found my face and body was... off. That wasn't me. Damn them. I was a guy! At this moment my appreciation of the...

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 7 Confrontation

Issue 7: Confrontation Swinging through the old neighbourhood of Forest Hills, the familiar streets and houses of Queens looked normal. Beguilingly so. I felt a strange pang of loss and had to blink away a sudden moistness in my eyes. I knew this wasn't normal now. This friendly neighbourhood would never be normal for me again. Not anymore. Spider-woman was an interloper here. I... had no home. Heh. No family. No friends. No old haunts. No school - damn. I was done with Mid Town High...

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 9 Starting over

Issue 9: Starting Over I didn't have a clear idea of where I was going when I headed away from Pete and my improvised warehouse squat. I just needed to get away from him. From the confusion that was us. From myself. But you can never get away from yourself... Were Pete and I the same person? Were we two parts of the same person? No I was me. A complete and separate individual. I didn't feel like the yin to his yang... I was a guy... but... as a girl I didn't hate my body. Actually,...

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 10 Skool Daze

Issue 10: Skool Daze "Jessica, have you finished the paperwork?" the lady at the school office asked. Long Island City High felt like a good school and I was keen to get to classes and regain some normalcy in my life. The school was built of reddish brown brick, stood six storeys high and they called it LIC. The campus looked a little tired and underfunded. The office looked like it was from the previous century. But it ran smoothly and the people seemed enthusiastic. "Uh, Yeah," I...

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 4 Depression

Issue 4: Depression I shivered awake, the remnants on the day I'd shared with Pete and Kitty still fresh in my mind. I grinned. That had been a great first date. Perhaps the best one ever. Peter Parker was a lucky guy. And Kitty Pryde... wow. I longed for my old life at that moment. Ached to be with Kitty. But it could never be. Because no matter how much I wanted it I wasn't Peter. Not anymore. I sighed. Maybe this had been a bad idea. I felt a bit like a stalker. A peeping Tom....

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 6 Escape

Issue 6: Escape I was in what Blain mockingly called my 'jewellery', manacled, headed to the gym and mulling over my pending identity death. Soon I would be just Jessica Drew, FBI agent and mindless slave to a corrupt government agency. I'd be dead and no one that mattered to me would ever know I ever existed. Yeah. It was a bleak prospect. I pulled weakly against my bonds then turned about and looked accusingly at Blain. We were in the unmonitored corridor. Fluorescent lighting...

4 years ago
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Author's Note: Hey, everyone! This is my first posting ever to Fictionmania (I've posted many many other stories to different sites but never to this one) This story was meant to be a satire on the bizarre transformations Spider-Man has undergone over, but really it ended up being a story about Spidey turning into a mannequin! I also noticed a severe lack of straight-up mannequin transformations on the site and hope to rectify that with this posting. Please enjoy and if you wish...

3 years ago
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Web of the Spider Queen

Act One: The Dark Mistress “Enter.” The iron door swung open, and a drow warrior strode halfway across the dimly-lit chamber before obediently dropping to a knee. “Priestess Varassa, your scouts have returned from their raid upon the surface.” Sighing in annoyance, Varassa set down her stylus and glared at her quivering supplicant. “Do you think me deaf, male? I heard the palisade gate open, and your men tromped through the camp like a band of ogres. Perhaps you should tell me something I...

2 years ago
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SpiderMan The Pink Symbiote

New York. The dead of night. Through the night air, a dark shape swung through the city. It hurled its arm forward, a rope of webbing flying from its wrist to the nearest building. Once secure, it swung down low before it threw its other arm forward, releasing another strand that allowed it to continue its journey. If anyone were to see the web-slinging silhouette, they'd most likely assume it was none other than the city's most famous resident. The menace of New York as the papers...

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 3 Bargaining

Issue 3: Bargaining On my second nights sleep I updated on Peter Parker's memories from the previous day. That was something of a head trip, no joke intended. The update wasn't the same as when I'm a passenger. Its hard to explain. They're... more like an annoying recap episode. You know, old footage summarising things for the viewer. Cause they're his memories. Memories aren't the same as living the event. They're jammed into my head all the same though, pushing my own limited...

4 years ago
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The Spider King

MARIA I Maria Laney waved her hand as the cab that devoured her friends sped off with a screech. The red tail lights streaked, much thanks to the alcohol in her blood, and grew dimmer and dimmer. She had insisted to them firmly that this was her last stop when they all rallied to continue barhopping. She didn’t even remember what words or twists of the face she used, just that they tried poking her pride playfully with heckling daggers. A younger form of herself would have struck back swiftly,...

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Spider Silk

Ute Trucking, Spider Silk By: Malissa Madison 6/22/2013 At twenty three the driver of the black truck looked more like a super hero type. Something on the same level with Laura Croft with her long black hair braided down her back, ending just below her belt line. Her figure sported flaring hips a tiny waist, and a pair of firm B cup breasts. This was the end of a month long haul she was making for her friend Robert, who was in turn taking care of her son while she...

2 years ago
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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 8 Resolution

Issue 8: Resolution "How did you do this, Octavious!? How are you not dead or in jail?" Pete interjects loudly. "Back up Parker," Fury warns. "Tell me!" Pete demands. "Back down," Fury growls. Octavius smiles as he twists the blade. "Tell you what, little boy? Tell you I was going to prison after you beat me up on television... but instead I made a deal with the federal government to work for them... to make a super soldier." The asshat was starting to monologue. I just...

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Spidergirls Rape

"Huh? Where am I?" thought May "Mayday" Parker. Just a moment ago, she had been web-swinging through the city as Spider-Girl after battling with the symbiote, Carnage. Then she felt as if she had been torn out of the world and had blacked out. Currently, she found herself in a large steel room with a marble floor. On one wall were a locked door and a single chair. She strode over to the door and tried tear it from its hinges with her superhuman strength, but the door didn't even budge....

3 years ago
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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 12 Spider Queen

Jason was aware of a faint clattering sound and then faintly heard Philippa protesting about something. He couldn’t move a muscle or open his eyes. He felt himself being carried and then recalled no more until he woke in utter blackness. He was lying on a very comfortable bed, but he knew he was not in the palace. The smell was completely different. He concentrated on his smell. There was a smell of the earth and the air was humid, but there was more. It smelled like his doctor’s surgery on...

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Spider Gwen has a bad night

It was late 18 year old college freshmen Gwen was tired her muscles responding just a bit slower reactions off just a tiny bit and in her head visions of a long hot bath. as she swung through the city her city. Spider-girl's patrol had just ended and in a few moments she would be done for the night it had been a slow evening and she had only interrupted a few minor crimes. The spider suit glistened with a light sheen of sweat as it hugged every single inch of her body leaving nothing to the...

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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

3 years ago
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Feels Like Naughty Spider Man

I watched the latest movie of Spiderman and fell in love with the Actor Andrew Garfield. This story is my pure imagination and fantasy. I hope you will enjoy.I am Jack a 19 year old boy very fair and lean like Robert Pattinson of Eclipse Twilight movie actor. I stay in countryside near New York City with my parents, we have a huge farm, stable with horses, cows etc. My parents were away on a vacation. I was alone on the farm. It was rainy and there were frequent power cuts after the day’s hard...

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The Cat And The Spider

Finally! After a week of Bruce's attention, Selina was starting to go stir-crazy. Sure, she was realizing that she was in love with the eccentric millionaire, but there was another part of her damaged mind that screamed that she should let no man possess her. Taking advantage of a lapse of caution during one of her lovemaking sessions with Bruce, she slipped into the bathroom to "clean herself up. She knew that she cared for him (love??? HAH!). She appreciated what he had done for her,...

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spider man part 2

Peter swung through upper queens. It was a bright and sun filled day. As Peter swung from web to web his spider sense began to tingle. Peter's cock also began to harden whatever was happening was also extremely sexy. Peter began to follow not only his spider-sense but his "cock sense" as his boner pointed him in the right direction. Peter swung over a dark alley to notice a gang surrounding a beautiful blonde. She was about 5'7'' with blonde her and green eyes that shown in...

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The Spider Club

The Spider Club started in the late 1960's as a combination drug den and strip club. It was known for years as the place to see and be seen. The club has also undergone several ownership changes, some voluntary some not. The current owner of the club is Jeremy Clinton. Jeremy is in his early thirties and comes from an old New York City crime family that has mostly gone legitimate. Mostly, being the key work to understand when talking about how legitimate Jeremy's family is currently. He bought...

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Spider and the Fly Part 2

How large must a web be to catch the fly, only the spider knows.Recap: Robert and Jean, two risk takers have had their first swinging experience, during which he got to watch his wife engaged in interracial sex. Since he tends to be a voyeur and she tends to be an exhibitionist they both got off on what had taken place. It was great sex but her black partner mentioned it would have been so much better if he didn’t have to use a condom. Since her husband had a vasectomy she hasn’t used any kind...

2 years ago
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spider man the beginning

Introduction: spidey fans should love m 1st story be gentle spider- man the beginning for ppl who always wondered about the sexual life of that web slinger i suggest some spiderman knowledge before reading thanks peter parker was bit by a radioactive spider&hellip, blaa blaa blaa peter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife mary jane. her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breath as her incredible 36 d tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter...

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The Seductive SpiderHarem

Forked from Ovyah Discovered, True Believers! In Marvel Universe-254616, Peter Parker had spent some fifteen years as the Amazing Spider-Man. But, despite hundreds of victories and lives saved, his life lay in ruins -- his photojournalistic career was in ruins after he faked a photograph to help a man accused of a crime he didn't commit. His academic and editorial career was in ruins after it turned out that his Doctoral thesis plagiarized the work of Otto Octavius -- hardly a surprise, since...

3 years ago
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Hyperborea Spider Man vs Conan Epic Battles about Hyperborea

Feel free to share your Ideas with me by Coments or Messages :) Writers would be welcome to Age of Conan Hyperborea World. The sun was burning in the sky as a lonely wanderer moved through the infinite sun. Days ago he had been left to die in the desert. As punishment for all his deeds. But killing him was anything but easy. The blood of the Cimmeria flowed in his veins! He was of the same people as King Conan. While he stomped angrily and resolutely through the endless desert, he swore eternal...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 13 Porquenta

Sheila hugged Jason tightly as he walked into his suite at the Palace on Porquenta. “Shiela, this is Valsam, my Azloc wife. I am her king. She is in the process of changing to a humanoid form and is most of the way along. She can change back very quickly. “Valsam, Sheila is one of my two biological AI wives. Porquenta built her,” Jason explained. “I am delighted to meet you Valsam.” Valsam smiled and nodded. Sheila turned back to Jason. “We have been worried about you, Jason. Porquenta...

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Spider and the Fly Part 1

Into the WebFirst of all a disclaimer, just in case. This is a work of total fiction. If any character appears to even remotely resemble a real person that is a pure accident. With that said hope you enjoy this bit of fiction.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++“My, my said the spider to the fly, jump right ahead into my web….”I often think of that line out of the song created so long ago. It’s a great illustration of how the past year has gone.First introductions; I’m Robert, 34 years...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 3 The Azloc

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” – Sun Tzu “Linda let us get back to your summary of the discussions you had with the allies, was there anything else of import that was discussed?” Philippa asked. Linda frowned while she looked down at the beautiful table in Brecht’s dining room. She interlinked her fingers, then looked up. “The Spider/Ant group are rampaging through their galaxy conquering planets. Cassius and Felix are receiving a flood of refugees. The refugees call...

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spider man the beginning

the beginning for ppl who always wondered about the sexual life of that web slinger i suggest some spiderman knowledge before reading thanks peter parker was bit by a radioactive spider… blaa blaa blaa peter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife mary jane. her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breath as her incredible 36 d tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter laid back and thought of having sex with his beautiful wife. His 8...

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SpidermanOwner of Stories

Peter Parker, also known as Spider-man, was sitting in the centre of his living room in the lotus position. He was using the mediation techniques suggested by Dr. Strange and Zatanna to harness the power of the mystical side of his powers. He was breathing in deeply, then exhaling, while focusing on the Web of Life and Destiny. Also known as the Web of Reality, it was this element which linked the universe which powered his spider sense. That or weird superpowers. 'But given my powers could...

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And Along Came A Spider

Meg was weeding the flower beds when she heard the truck pull into the drive. She glanced over her shoulder and waved to the two guys inside. William, her husband, had sent them over to help her out around the house; as today was Saturday and he was fishing. Meg dusted the dirt off her hands and walked over to them as they got out of the truck. “Hi Ben, Matt… thanks for coming out here and helping," said Meg. Ben had been out to the house before, helping out and Meg knew Matt from the team....

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

1 year ago
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Girl Swallowed! I don’t know about you bastards, but there is nothing that feels better than feeling my jizz get drank by a hot mouth! A satisfying blowjob is one thing. But knowing that part of me is inside of them makes that shit all the sexier!If you love watching beautiful women suck cock then drink the jizz and that is all you fucking want to watch, then I urge you to take a look at everything that is available on GirlSwallowed. Here, you will find a variety of amazing content that will...

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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

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College Pennai Toiletil Vaithu Veritheera Seithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...

3 years ago
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Kanavanuku Theriyamal Kala Kathal Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

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Theateril Auntyai Kaai Adithen

Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...

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The Spider and Her Fly

Part One- The TrapWell this certainly throws a wrench into things, Mark thought. He had just found out that his roommate was moving in with his girlfriend, leaving him all alone in a Brooklyn apartment that he could no longer afford. He had only just moved to the city two months ago, after his girlfriend of three years had left him, and he was finally starting to attract some clients as a freelance web developer. Despite being educated and working all through college, he barely had two dollars...

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Periya Suuthu Vaithu Irukum Thevidiyavai Oothen

Ippozhuthu naan kalluriyil iruthi aandu padithu varugiren, enathu peyar kamal vayathu 23. Naan niraiya vibachaarigalai panam koduthu oothu irukiren. Aanal en vaazhvile sexyaaga thevidiyaavai eppadi oothen enbathai intha il ungalidam solla aasai padugiren. Naan chennaiyil oru thaniyaar kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Vibachaara pathumaigal endraal enaku miga pidikum, athilum sexyaaga irukum pathumaigalai ooka manam kenjum. En veetil konjam pana vasathi irupathaal maathathirku 4 muraiyaavathu...

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