The Farm Girl free porn video

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With apologies to fans of ‘Portrait of Jennie’ A romantic fantasy, or a fantasy romance? I hope you enjoy. Jb7

Jack Jeffries pulled into the driveway of the somewhat dilapidated farmhouse. Although the house was in dire need of paint, at least all the windows he could see were still intact. He stepped out of his Jeep and approached the house, digging in his pocket for the key the realtor had given him at the closing that morning.

Walking up on the porch, he tested each step and board as he crossed the verandah to the door. At least the porch seemed sound. He inserted the key into the lock and turned it, feeling it work with satisfaction. He pushed lightly on the door, which, after an initial stickiness, gave way easily. Jack checked the doorjamb, only some slight scraping in the paint, nothing to worry about, unless it continued to happen.

As he wandered through the house, he saw traces where some animals had been busy tearing at the upholstered furniture which had been left in the house. He’d have to get a cleaning crew out to dispose of the pieces which couldn’t be resurrected.

He was pleased to see the remaining windows were also still intact. In the city, he knew, a house, empty like this, would have long ago been boarded up, the glass and copper destroyed or stolen.

The bedrooms on the second floor were large, and, something unusual for the age of the house, had closets. The only drawback to the house that he saw, on this, his first trip through it, was the absence of a second bathroom. The existing bathroom was certainly more than adequately spacious, while the claw foot tub, with its eight inch diameter shower head, was quaint, and would be fine.

He made his way down stairs to the kitchen. This room would have to be his first priority. There were no appliances, not even a stove, but, he saw, there was the availability of gas to cook with. He had been fearing he’d have to cook with wood or coal.

Movement on the back porch caught his eye. When he opened the door, he was surprised to find a young teenaged girl sitting on the steps, gazing out toward what had obviously been a garden area.

‘Figgered you’d come out here ‘ventually.’ she greeted him. ‘M’ name’s MaryKate, but everyone calls me Irish. It’s from m’ dad. Says m’ hair ‘minds him of Bushmill’s, whatever that is.’ All, seemingly in a single breath, around what had to be a gigantic wad of gum.

‘Well, hello, Miss MaryKate. My name is Jack Jeffries, Jack to you, unless your parents object. May I call you Irish? I can see why your father says what he does about your hair. That honey amber blonde hair does indeed look like Irish whiskey. But I’ll bet there’s more than that behind your name. Your fair complexion, with that smattering of freckles, and your eye color, that green hazel combination, are pure Irish, I’m betting either your mother, your father, or both, are of Irish stock.’

As she turned her body to look up at him, the tee shirt she was wearing drew taut against her budding breasts. She turned back and stood up. ‘You gonna look at the rest of your new farm, Jack? How come you bought this run down place anyway?’

‘Yeah, I am going to take a look around. You want to come along, or do you need to get home for supper? Are you old enough to stay out after supper on a school night?’ He looked at the young teen, beguiled by her innocent charm and beauty. Although he had to deal with troubled kids on a daily basis in his job as a mental health counselor, he often found himself at sea when dealing with normal teens. With Irish, he was completely at ease, enjoying her company.

‘Of course I’m old enough, I had my fourteenth birthday nearly three months ago, ‘n’ my mom knows where I am. If I’m late, she’ll save me a plate.’ As they walked around the outbuildings and field, she pointed out some features the showing agent’s video had neglected, including the presence of a pond, suitable for swimming, in the woods. She said she’d take him there the next time she saw him, but now, with twilight approaching, it was getting late for her to be out.

‘Where do you live? I could give you a lift home,’ he offered.

‘Thank you, but we’re just over there,’ she said, pointing with a nod of her head. Starting down the driveway, she looked back over her shoulder, sadness suddenly clouding her eyes, ‘See you around, Jack.’

The next weekend found Jack on the road to his new farm on Saturday morning. He had contracted with a cleaning service in the village, through the listing realtor, to haul away the furniture he thought beyond repair, and to generally give the house a thorough sweep out.

When he pulled into the driveway, he was both pleased and surprised to find Irish waiting on the verandah steps, a more mature Irish. She was taller, with a more womanly figure. In greeting her, he commented on the change in her.

‘I should hope so, I had my fifteenth birthday almost three months ago.’ Although puzzled, Jack accepted her statement thinking he must have mis-heard her last week. ‘The people came and cleaned out the junk. It took two truck loads to carry it all away. Come, see how much better it looks cleaned up. When are you going to start painting? I can help.’

Inside, it, indeed, looked much better. Not only had they swept, they had cleaned the windows and washed the walls. As the teenager and the 38-year old bachelor walked through the house, they discussed uses for the large rooms, and possible color schemes. He was impressed by her color sense, creativity, and maturity.

At lunch time, he invited her to stay. He had a cooler with provisions for lunch in his Jeep. She quickly suggested a picnic by his pond.

They assembled the sandwiches, rather she did, while he sat and watched. She insisted on doing it all since he had supplied the food. From somewhere in one of the cabinets, she produced a cloth tote bag in which she packed the sandwiches, snacks and soft drinks Jack had brought from the city. She also produced a blanket from somewhere to use as a table when they got to the pond.

Out past the barn, Irish showed him the path to the swimming hole. On the way. she pointed out wildflowers he needed to be careful of trodding on, weeds he should pull as soon as he got a chance, and some of the trails used by the small wildlife in his woods.

A quarter of a mile into the woods, the path veered to the left, through a thicket of pine trees, and opened into a small park-like area surrounding a pond about twenty-five yards in diameter. On the far side of the pond, the trees grew right to the edge of the water, but where they entered the area, it was a grassy meadow, about thirty feet between the trees and the pond. The grass, nearly up to Jack’s knees.

Irish looked at him with a flirty smile in her eyes. ‘Sometimes, when there’s no one else around, I sneak out here and go skinny dipping. It’s so nice to lay naked in the warm sun and let it dry you. I’ll bet you try it someday.’

Without considering the implication of his reply, Jack answered, ‘If you were a few years older, we could try it now.’

‘How much older, Jack?’ she asked, her eyes bright with the promise of womanhood. ‘How old are you, anyway?’

Realizing what he had said, Jack swallowed hard. ‘Nearly forty, and you would need to be at least six years older than you are.’ He put the tote bag down and fished out the blanket.

‘Nearly forty, huh? Wow, I guess I better hurry and grow up.’ She sat and unloaded the tote. As they ate, she asked Jack about his work and what it was like. He briefly described his job and told her about some of the cases he had, without mentioning names.

He asked her what she wanted to do when she grew up. She said she hadn’t decided, maybe a librarian, like her mom, or a nurse, or, she said with a smile, a glamorous actress.

‘D’you think I’m pretty enough?’ She pulled a stem of timothy grass and put it in her mouth.
She then unbuttoned the top button of the blouse she had tucked into the waist of her mid-thigh length shorts, and leaned back on her elbow, looking like a Hollywood publicity photo of a teen-aged starlet. As she looked at him, she rolled the grass from side to side with her tongue, that small muscle just grazing her lips.

Jack felt an uncomfortable surge in his pants, and stood up. ‘We better be getting back to the house. I’m supposed to meet some salespeople here this weekend about the kitchen appliances.’

Although they walked back in silence, Irish slipped her hand in his and held it tightly all the way to the house. ‘You don’t need to be afraid, Jack. I won’t bite,’ she said softly when they arrived there.

‘Irish, it’s not you I’m afraid of. I’m afraid I might bite.’

She smiled, her eyes bright, and stood up on tiptoe to give him a quick peck on his cheek. ‘I hope so,’ she whispered. Then she ran down the driveway. ‘See you around, Jack,’ she called back. ‘Tell the appliance people to check the gas connections. Some of the houses have had problems.’

The next weekend, Irish wasn’t waiting for him, and, in fact did not appear. However, his living room and dining room furniture arrived and was set up. Jack spent the weekend stripping paint from the gumwood cabinets in the kitchen. When he was done, he wiped them all down with tung oil.

On his way back to the city, he drove through the village. The only road there was the one Irish had pointed out, when indicating the direction to her house. On that road, between Jack’s farm and the village, was one old, burned out house and the village cemetery.

He stopped in at the only restaurant he saw. It was a quiet afternoon, and the waitress working the counter was willing to chat. When asked about Irish and her family, the woman looked puzzled.

‘Between school and marriage, I’ve lived in this place going on fifteen years. There aren’t but fifty kids in the high school, ‘n’ all of them are in here at one time or another during the week. I don’t ever recall hearing the names MaryKate or Irish.’ She turned to the kitchen pass through. ‘Hey, Carl, you ever hear of a girl named MaryKate, sometimes called Irish?’

A grizzled, toothless face appeared in the window. He looked at Jack, a pensive expression on his face. Slowly, he shook his head. ‘You buy the old Hoskins place? Ain’t been any family out that way in twenty years or so, not since the gas lines blew up and burned them six families to death one night.’

He rubbed a dirty towel across his face, wiping away the sweat. ‘You best have the gas company check them lines and fittings afore you move in. Rumor at the time was the valves and fittings was rotted so the gas leaked through them. Sump’n sparked in one of the houses and the blast ran through the pipes, blowin’ up one house after t’other. Gas company won’t check ’em, hire yourself summ’n. Better poor than dead.’

Back in the city, Jack took the cook’s advice and called the utility about the story he had heard. The customer service rep assured Jack that all the pipe and fittings the company was responsible for had been replaced. Jack then inquired about the pipe and fittings on his property. Who was responsible for them? Although they had been sold and installed by the gas company, they were the responsibility of the property owner. Yes, the company would inspect them, for a small fee, and they would take care of it for Jack at the earliest possible moment, after they received the fee. Jack gave them his credit card number over the phone, and asked the rep to expedite the inspection since he was scheduled to move in the first of the month, not quite two weeks away.

Jack arrived back at the farm the next Saturday, around noon. His plan was to finish the refinishing of the kitchen. Instead, on the dining room table he found a note from Irish saying that she would meet him at the pond. His heart in his throat, he found himself hurrying, nearly running, to the secluded setting. Without pausing or slowing, he broke through the pine thicket just as she was emerging from the pond, as bare as she had been when she was born. Well, not quite that bare.

She had significantly more hair, not just on her head. Jack was stunned by her beauty. And her maturity. Irish had apparently experienced a growth spurt, gaining at least an inch and a half in height, as well as around her hips and bust. She did not hurry to pick up her towel, nor to cover herself when she did pick it up, giving Jack ample time to absorb her image.

Finally, she spoke to him, ‘Hey, Jack. Would you give a girl a little privacy while she dresses?’

He shook his head, and finding his voice, replied, ‘Uh, hmm, oh yeah, sorry.’

Irish laughed. It was the first time he could recall hearing her laugh. If he had been entranced before, he was now enchanted. Her laughter was clear, bell-like, yet smokey and seductive, suggestive and innocent, all at the same time. As he stood there, suffering his embarrassment, she walked up behind him and turned him toward the pond.

‘You could probably use a swim about now. I’ll wait for you on the path.’ Then she reached up and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

After she disappeared into the pines, he quickly stripped and made his way into the water. He found it refreshingly cool, and surprisingly deep. He swam the diameter of the pond both ways, twice, cooling the heat of his excitement.

When he emerged from the pines, she was waiting there for him, amusement plain in her eyes, a smile playing around her lips. ‘You all right now, Jack?’

‘No thanks to you,’ he laughed. ‘My God, you’ve grown. You look fabulous.’

‘Well, I hope so. I had my eighteenth birthday a few months ago.’


‘So, Jack, what were your plans for this weekend?’ She interrupted as she wrapped her arms around his left arm and hugged it tight to her side as they walked along the path back to the house.

‘To finish up in the kitchen. I got the cabinets done last weekend, so I just have to paint the woodwork. The appliances will arrive next weekend. I thought, if there’s any time tomorrow, I might start stripping off some of the wall paper.’

‘Oh, no! It’s all in such good shape, and it really makes the house pretty and unique. Leave it, please? For me?’

Jack looked down at her face, her brow furrowed with the fear he would say no, her green eyes dark with worry. ‘Okay, but only if you’ll have dinner with me.’ His reward was the most dazzling smile he had seen in months.

Getting ready for the trip, he had hoped she would be there today, and had packed some cold chicken, potato salad, pickled beets, crescent rolls, and soft drinks. They sat down to eat in the dining room after they had finished the painting which needed to be done. Over dinner, she asked him about some of the cases he had told her about at the picnic by the pond.

After he answered, remembering that day, he asked her again if she had any plans for after high school. She smiled and answered, ‘I think I’ll try for the glamorous movie star. Some people’s reactions give me the idea I might be pretty enough to make it.’

Jack coughed and choked on his drink. ‘You may be right,’ he was able to sputter when he recovered.

Irish looked out the window and saw the sky getting dark with twilight. ‘Oh, dear,’ she sighed, ‘Getting time for me to go. Thank you, Jack, for the dinner, for keeping the wall paper, and for liking me.’ She had walked to his chair and was standing so close he couldn’t stand. She took his face in her hands and kissed him, just brushing his lips with her tongue. ‘See you around, Jack,’ she whispered.

The next weekend he arrived on Friday. When she was not at the house waiting, he jogged to the pond, only to be disappointed. He stripped and had a quick swim, then threw himself on the grass to dry in the warm summer sun. She had been right. It was wonderful.

The next day, she still did no
t appear. The workmen with his kitchen appliances, however, did. They installed the dishwasher, refrigerator and stove. When they were done, he asked the men about the gas line and shutoff valve in the basement. After a quick inspection, they assured him that, visually, everything seemed okay and that their gas sensors had not picked up any sniff of a leak.

He spent the rest of the weekend stocking the kitchen and arranging the furniture in his bedroom on the first floor. His plan was to move in over the Fourth of July, next weekend.

For the past year, Jack had been living in a small furnished apartment. Anything he had which would not fit into the small space, he had put into storage. His clothes, some books, his CD player and TV, some CDs and DVDs, a case of wine and his family pictures were all he had to move. It all fit into his Jeep Liberty easily, for a single trip. Then he could bring the stuff in storage as it was needed, or as it fit into his truck.

Because of the time it took to load up Friday, it was early evening before he pulled into the driveway, He grabbed his suitcases from the back and walked into the house. There, in the living room, on the sofa, was a vision of sophisticated loveliness. Irish was waiting, her face and hair done, dressed in a simple, attractive summer frock, looking for all the world like she was set for a night in the city. When he appeared, her smile lit up the room.

‘I was afraid you weren’t coming tonight.’

‘I had to pack up the Jeep with my stuff. It took longer than I anticipated.’ She stood to greet him as he walked to her. ‘Which birthday did I miss this week?’

‘Twenty-first,’ she whispered, and kissed him, slipping her tongue into his mouth to meet his. ‘Hmm, you’re all sweaty. Do you want to get a shower before we eat?’

Jack glanced out the window, at the dwindling daylight. ‘Do you have time?’

‘Mom knows where I am. She won’t worry. Unless I’m late for lunch.’

Jack’s heart somersaulted at the promise in those words. ‘Join me?’

Irish took his hand and led him up the stairs. In the bathroom, as she was removing their clothing, she kissed him again. ‘Jack, I know this may sound silly under the circumstances. I’m not sure I’m ready just yet to make love. But I do want to spend the night with you, holding you, and you holding me. Can we do that? Or would that be too hard for you?’ She giggled. ‘Oops, no pun intended.’

‘It will be hard as hell, pun intended,’ Jack groaned, standing in his well-tented jockeys. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly against him. ‘But, yes, we can do that. Just promise me that we will make love sometime soon.’

‘Yes, love, I can promise that. Soon, maybe in the morning, and then, we’ll have all eternity.’

Later that night, in Jack’s double bed, they laid knee to knee, chest to chest, with Jack’s staff tightly gripped between Irish’s thighs, his fingers playing lightly over the side of her breast. ‘Ooh, no. Please, love, don’t. Just hold me for now.’ And she turned over so Jack could spoon in behind her.

Rodney Dawes was a high school senior, filling in on the paper route for his younger brother, away at Boy Scout camp for the next two weeks. His brother had mentioned that someone was moving into the old Hoskins farm and might want to sign up for the morning paper. He saw the Liberty parked in the driveway and decided to stop, to try to sell the subscription. As he approached the house, he noticed the distinct odor of natural gas.

He pulled out his cell phone and called 911 while he ran up on the verandah. Before he got an answer, he tried the front door. In his excitement last night, Jack had forgotten to lock it. Rodney pushed it open then backed off the porch, not knowing if the signal and current in his phone would be enough to set off the gas. When the operator answered, Rodney gave the necessary information, the address, what had happened and what he had done.

Inside the house, in his double bed, Jack lay unconscious, near death. As his spirit was attempting to decide whether or not to leave his body, he had a vision of Irish approaching, kissing his lips with a tender, loving kiss and telling him to go back, it wasn’t his time yet. ‘Don’t worry, Jack. I’ll find you. We have all of eternity.’

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The Mountain Farm

I have seen the farm, from the distance, on one of my mountain hikes. I could have gone there, walking down on one side of the valley, crossing the brook at its bottom, climbing up the slope on the other side — the border is not guarded, it is hardly marked, I could have gone there and been back and still reached my destination long before dark, but what would have been the use? I took the the water bottle and a piece of bread out of my back pack, sat down on the trunk of a conveniently fallen...

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Down on the Farm

Chapter 1I use to think from time to time with fond memories of what brought me to this point in my life. I enjoy what I do; I’m a CPA for a medium sized accounting firm in Chicago. I’ve never married and I’m fine with that. I would have no problems finding a man if I wanted one. I’ve been told I’m attractive. I have brown hair that I keep neck length, good complexion, and my mother’s frame. She is pinup model quality. Large hips, thick thighs, narrow waist with a bit of belly. I thought that...

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Terminal Farm

Terminal Farmby slavegirl xDaddyThis is the way I like them best. Mindless, oblivious, walking sex. Of course, part of the charm is that they won't last long. If I had to live with someone like this for any length of time it would be exasperating. A week in her case, that's all the time she has left. Then she'll be finished. There's something incredibly sexy about turning boys into girls and girls into meat.From this distance, you'd be hard-pressed to recognize that she wasn't a natural born...

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More Than Cows Get Milked on This Farm Two College Hunks

Looking for a summer job Our semester had just finished up at college and both Chad and I wanted to get a part-time summer job but the only thing we could find is to be helping hands on a local farm. Chores on a farm for college guys is what we will be doing for the summer I guess Chad. The next day Chad and I went to Oakland County Farm in CA not far from where we both lived for our first day of work. Chad and I both showed up to the farm at 10 AM wearing old jeans and a t-shirt as it was...

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Trained to be a slut down on the farm

I’m Trudy and married to Dave there isn’t many thinks we haven’t dabbled in one way or another, so were looking for something new and exciting to try. We were going through one of the swing sites when we found an ad from a man in his 70s, he was looking to train a slut. We sent him an email telling the guy l was interested, a few days later we got a reply, he would like to meet and discuss training me, so we made a date the guy invited us to his house which turned out to be a small farm. When...

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The Farm

The scream broke the tranquillity of the warm, hazy afternoon. That the scream was cut off by a horrid, choking, gurgling noise terrified all who heard it. The afternoon had been calm, unhurried, as the farm workers went about their usual daily routine. Birds sang. A light breeze eased the heat of the sun. There was little humidity in the air. Tall maize, and sunflower, swayed to that slight breeze. It was from the sunflowers that they had come, inappropriate as that seemed. One moment there...

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Granny8217s farm

My Grandma, Hazel La Forge was a farm girl who grew up in New Madrid County, a small farming community in the southeast Missouri bootheel. The family farm was just over 2000 acres of prime fertile land bordering the banks of the Mississippi River. The property was flat and easy to plow. Each harvest was better than the previous. Great Grandpa La Forge had been offered over $1500 per acre back in the 1800s, but he wouldn’t sell one acre. It had been in the La Forge family since before Missouri...

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A Farm House Story Part 4 of 4 Bow Hunting Season

Karine told David about Mark giving her the okay to take up bow hunting. David told her that she could use his old recurve until she felt ready to get something on her own. They made plans to go to the farm a few more times before bow season for them to sharpen their skills and to work on the blinds. Three weeks after Labor Day they arranged to go to the farm to prepare for the upcoming bow season. Karine asked David if she could invite Mark and the kids to the farm. She was hoping that he...

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Business at the Farm

Business at the FarmDad was dumbfounded at his luck in acquiring the farm from his client. And at that moment, he decided it was time for a change in our lives. At the end of the school year, we moved from the big city to Prestige Farm. In the middle of nowhere, this 640 acre, Horse Hobby Farm became our new home.It was an immaculate place and completely furnished. A large A-frame main building was beautiful, consisted of three floors. The lower floor measured at least 30-feet wide and 60-feet...

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Trained to be a slut down on the farm

When the front door open my legs turned to jelly the guy had piecing blue eyes his voice made my heart skip a beat, he was what l would call drop dead gorgeous even for a 70yr old, if he had asked me there and then for a fuck l would have been on my back knicker-less with my legs spread within seconds. He introduced himself as Tom then invited us inside, Tom showed us into the kitchen, l found myself listening intently to his every word, l couldn’t believe he was 70, but my jaw dropped...

1 year ago
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Owning a People Farm Part 1

Once upon a time, there was a bratty girl who went to school and somehow managed to live alone. She was incredibly attractive with her blond hair, brown eyes and nice figure. The girl’s name was Vanessa Catherine and she was somehow a goddess due to some cosmic anomaly. Her favorite place to be so far, was an interesting planet she found called Earth. Vanessa’s favorite toy she created was an ant farm she contained in her ordinary bedroom. It was not a normal ant farm due to the fact that this...

4 years ago
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The Story of Ann Chapter 2 My Life on the Farm

Introduction: My life on the farm living with grandma. The Story of Ann Chapter 2: My Life on the Farm I had been shipped off to be raised by my grandmother Mary at the age of sixteen. My mother had disowned me due to me having sex with her live in boy friend that I called Uncle Bill. Grandma Mary was an understanding person and while she told me it was wrong what I had done. She also explained that Uncle Bill had just used me for his own pleasure. I moved in with her on her farm which was...

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The Farm The TreeHouse And The Sons

Standing there sweaty and naked, looking out over our farm, it seemed so big from up here in the tree-house.We owned a farm that was small in comparison to others in the county. I was okay with that. It was a lot of work to keep it up by ourselves. Thank God for our staff. I don’t know what we would do without them.From up here, I could see the whole place in all directions, almost. This was a good thing for me. Especially with the things I have been doing up here lately.I remembered the first...

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Bosnian Rape Farm

BOSNIAN RAPE FARM By Shabbadew2002 and JoeTex Contact us: [email protected]  or [email protected]  In 1992, Bosnia erupted into a cauldron of ethnic hatred, violence, rape and civil war. Tens of thousands of women were raped in Bosnia and the other parts of the former Yugoslavia between 1992 and 1994 during the rule of Radovan Karadzic.? Two Serbian teenagers join the local militia and discover the opportunity of a lifetime to abuse a neighboring Muslim family. Velimir and Tatjana While in...

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Davids Slave Farm Alyses Training Part 2

As soon as my eyes had drifted asleep, I was woken by a siren like alarm. Suddenly, all of the lights were turned on and the room was illuminated. I saw my surroundings for the first time. I was in a large barn, with about 30 other girls. All of the girls were on all fours, and had crawled to the front of their stalls. Some put their hands on the cage. I instinctively did the same. I looked again at some of the girls. They all seemed young, in their teens. They looked scared, but it seemed...

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Space Farm

By Homealone_447 Leila and Carol were saying goodbye to their mother as her small carrier gained altitude and headed to the closest bazaar to bring provisions. The three women were part of a small group of ranchers that settled in the seventh planet of the Dogada system. The local species of the planet were perfect to commercialize in the meat market. The young sisters were excited because now that Leila had turned eighteen, their mother trusted the maintenance of the ranch to them for...

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End of the Road Farm

End of the Road FarmBy Nickd1104Note:This is a horror/fantasy work of fiction and should be read 'tongue-in-cheek'. Any similarity to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.*As the mini-van bumped along a very rough track, Alex wondered what else could go wrong with his life. Although he had completely lost track of time he knew that two winters had come and gone since he last tasted any kind of freedom or even experienced a pain and humiliation-free day. Gloria and Nancy had given him...

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Fuck Farm Training

Fuck Farm Training - Chapter OneIt was now over 12 months since I had been first abducted while walking home from work late one night.  A large dark van had pulled up to the curb and two of the men in the van had grabbed me, shoved me inside the van then took me to a dungeon of sorts and for the next 12 or 14 hours these four men used me in the most depraved and disgusting ways imaginable.  Their goal I was informed was to turn me into their very own personal human toilet, a shit pig was what...

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Innocent Farm Life 1

All characters are +18, like for real, not cause I said so. Hi everyone, first of all, this is my first story so, even though I like a lot the end product, I'm not native English so there might be a lack of or some weird expressions. The buildup/plot is very long, you have three options: If you got the time or enjoy it, read it fully and tell me what you think of it, constructive criticism is very welcome. Read the plot TLDR if you are horny or couldn't be bothered. Skip the plot and go...

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I love farm life

Soon we were dating every weekend and sometimes during the week. He told me he worked for his father and sometimes got called on to work at a minutes notice after hours. Although I guess working of a farm doesn’t really have set hours like my job at the bank. One Wednesday night he had picked me up and we had just driven to a restaurant when he got a call to come back to the farm. He wanted to drop me off but I said I wanted to see the farm and see what he did there. We drove to the farm and...

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A Farm in TexasChapter 2

"I can't get this baseball bat inside me yet, I have tried but it's just too difficult in my home situation. If you let me come, I will do whatever training you want." I could imagine the smile on his face as he read that. I was expecting him to reply something on the lines of, "sorry darling I was really only kidding you, I live in a small flat in Chicago, there is no ranch in Texas." I gasped when, instead, he said that it didn't matter about my being able to take the baseball bat,...

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Down At The Farm

"There's a 'Help Wanted' sign outside the farm down the road Jenna! Why don't you apply there?" Jenna ran her hand through her platinum blonde hair while rolling her eyes at her Mother's lame idea. Like she really wanted to work on a farm. That just screamed dirty and smelly. But she did need a job to keep her busy. Jenna had just moved to a small town about two hours away from Dallas. She'd lived in the city all her life until her parents randomly decided they wanted to give the 'country life'...

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The family farm

Ralph was eighteen years old and still a virgin. So because of that he spent lots of time looking at porn on the Internet and jerking off late at night. He could jerk off three times a day thinking about fucking a sexy woman. Ralph lived alone with his mom, Brittany. She was a sexy chubby forty year old and divorced. She raised Ralph as a single mother for the past sixteen years. It was July and Brittany and Ralph went to their family farm at her grandparents farm thirty miles away....

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Down on the Farm Ch 06

It was January 26th and I remember looking up from my work to see Chuck drive up to the milk house. Chuck was the local milk inspector who would visit about every three weeks. Even though it was always unannounced all the local dairy farmers knew close to when he would appear on our doorsteps. He stepped out of his truck and I greeted him. Over the past few months I’d come to know him well. He carried his checklist on a clipboard and silently began his inspection. As we always received above...

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Sexy Work At Farm

Sexy work at farm By: sam Hi Iss reader another long story for my readers read this and write to me.i m 24 yrs old we had a big farm n there was no one to take care of it so my dad hire a farmer to farm the was my vacation so I was free.My My Dad asked me if I was interested in farming as I was free those day , I said that I was. He called that farmer, and the Farmer knowing my dad, hired me on the spot. That afternoon my Dad, Mom and I went to the farm. I was to buck hay bails on a...

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Debs Family Farm Training

by Jake Spear Chapter 1 Deb worked as she hummed, packing for her family's summer vacation. She had started a week ago but, with 4 children and a husband to pack for, it seemed like a never ending task. "Just one more load of wash and I'm finished," she thought to herself. Deb's husband Mike had spent the last two nights, after work, packing the mobile home with supplies for their trip. Tonight Mike would load the last of the clothes and supplies into the mobile home, and...

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A Farm House Story Part 2 of 4 Welcome and Unwelcome Guests

“Not a bit. I’m interested in finding out what’s going on too.” The weather forecaster said that it was a typical Fort Worth early September evening and sunset would be about 748. It was followed by the local news. The crackle of the radio continued, “This is our top local 630 news story. “Jacksboro prison officials report that some prisoners escaped from the state jail at Jacksboro today. Authorities believe they are on foot and are reminding motorists to not pick up any hitchhikers...

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So that what they do down on the farm

Life was going a bit badly for me for in the current economic depression, despite having a good degree I couldn’t get any work other than some zero hours stuff at a local bar. What is more I didn’t have a boyfriend or even the prospect of one.Not much could be done about the job prospects but I was determined not to spend all my time moping about my bed-sit. I decided to try on-line dating since I wasn’t meeting anyone remotely interesting in the flesh. Now I am not a bad looking girl, if no...

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Farm Life

The Carruthers, 30-year-old Jake, 52-year-old Allen and his mother, 51-year-old Allie sat at the kitchen table drinking Allie's ice cold lemonade. Outside shimmering waves of heat rose from the plowed fields. Even their old mule retired to the coolness of the barn after drinking from the water trough.Allen wore faded almost white Oshkosh blue jean bib overalls with no shirt. A forest of grey chest hair sprouted from the top and sides of the coveralls. A matching grey monk's cap of hair circled...

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Benson Farm 1

I was doomed from conception. My mother was the daughter of a Southern Baptist minister. She had been a fine upstanding girl until she went to college. While in college, she became addicted to Cocaine which led to heroin and meth. She dropped out of school after her second semester because she was on the verge of being kicked out. Because of her addictions, her father disowned her, leaving her homeless. Eventually, as so many other young female drug addicts, my mother took to the streets....

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The Orphan of Silverwood Farm

THE ORPHAN OF SILVERWOOD FARM by dkb PROLOGUE Charles Wetherby was orphaned twice before reaching adulthood. The first time was a tragedy, the second a liberation. When he was six years old Charles' mother contracted a severe pneumonia and, having a weak constitution, succumbed rapidly. A letter telling of his wife's illness to Charles' father, who was fighting the Great War in France, was returned unread. Lieutenant Wetherby had died in a mortar attack. Charles was therefore...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 2 My Life on the Farm

I had been shipped off to be raised by my grandmother Mary at the age of sixteen. My mother had disowned me due to me having sex with her live in boy friend that I called Uncle Bill. Grandma Mary was an understanding person and while she told me it was wrong what I had done. She also explained that Uncle Bill had just used me for his own pleasure. I moved in with her on her farm which was way out in the county. Come September of that year I would be starting at a new school where none of...

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Booty Farm

BootyFarm! Ever dream of fucking a bodacious blonde farmhand? Do you like simple, time passing games with a touch of porn in them? If you fit that bill, then you just might enjoy the game I have for you. Porn games come in all different varieties. You’ve got the more elite category of good shit like VR porn games, interactive adventures, and full-fledged fuck fests. Then there’s the middle of the road stuff in my opinion. Text-based games with tons of erotic storytelling, visual novels,...

Best Porn Games
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Travis (me) 25, single 6’, 175 lbs Jackie, 3rd cousin 42, 5’4, 100 lbs, blond, C cup breasts Allison (Alli) 21, 5’5 150 lbs, blond, C cup breasts Nicole (Nikki, my mom) 43, 5’6, dirty blond, 130 lbs C cup breasts Julie (my sister) 21, 5’5 110 lbs, dirty blond, C cup breasts As stated in the last story, I got out of the Navy after 6 years. I was a CB (Construction Battalion). When I got out, I came back home to Oklahoma, where jobs were scarce. One day, after a few weeks home, my...

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Farm Family Chapter 3

Chapter Three*******The pastor had recently come to the church from some Baptist community down South and his presence was like a breath of fresh air to the staid citizens of this small Kansas county. The ladies of the town viewed him with much interest and found his style of preaching to be most inspiring; the men, well, they were farmers and mostly took a less passionate interest and weren't too concerned about who it was spreading the good word just as long as they were being encouraged to...

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