Farm Chemistry free porn video

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Farm Chemistry by Brat Edit by Umgestalten Day One The four young people walked under the heat of the July sun in the direction of the farm that they saw in the distance between the fields. They were tired and thirsty after their long march. The two boys carried the two backpacks and tried to keep up their spirit by making jokes about the cows that where grazing in the fields around them. "Tom, are you sure that we are going in the right direction?" asked Marie, the youngest member of the four scouts. She turned sixteen years old only two days before the start of their camp with a youth movement in the north of France. "No problem, Marie. According to my calculations, we can't be far away from our camp. If you're too tired we can ask at that farm if they would give us a lift to our camp." The truth was, however, that Tom didn't knew where they were but he couldn't say that to his friends, because they where all exhausted from the hours of marching without any rest. He was hoping that they could get some help at that farm. Why should he worry the three others if everything would be all right with some help from the occupants of the farm? "I can only think of a large glass of water," said Caroline tiredly. Their field bottles had been empty for a considerable time and every one of the group was starving for water. "Perhaps we can get a good glass beer there, Boys. How would that taste?" answered Marc. "For the moment I can only dream of water," replied Marie. While saying this she looked at a black and white spotted cow behind the fence that was quietly drinking from a tank full of clear water. 'How lucky that cow is that she can have a drink at this moment,' thought Marie. The cow raised its muzzle up to Marie and looked at her with a strange gaze followed by a loud lowing "mooooohhh." It looked as if that the cow wanted to make something clear to Marie. She found it spooky and felt a chill run up on her spine. She continued rapidly her way in the direction of the farm and away from this strange cow. There was nobody else on the small road that the scouts were walking for last two miles and each of their steps caused a small cloud of dust. The road was bordered on both sides by fences, and so far as they could see there were only woods and pastures with dozens of milk cows. "Forget that beer Marc," joked Tom. "I think we're only going to get milk." At last they arrived at a large gate to the farm. They entered through the gate and came out in a big yard. In front was an old farmhouse near a huge barn and on both sides of the yard where stables. Chickens and geese walked around the manure pile in the middle of the yard. There was no one around and the only sound came from some cattle out in the stables. "Hello!" called Tom. "Is there anybody home?" A loud barking was the only answer to his call. "Shit! A dog!" shouted Caroline. She was afraid of dogs and quickly hid behind Marc. A German Sheppard suddenly stood in the middle of the doorway to the farmhouse. Behind the dog stood a middle-aged woman who shouted at the dog to be quiet. She ordered her dog to stay in the house and then came towards the group. The woman was clearly a country woman and she was dressed in an old-fashioned dress decorated with flowers. The skin of her face and her arms had a deep brown colour from working in the fields, and her face was covered with wrinkles. "Hello, what can I do for you?" she asked friendly. Tom spoke first, "Bonjour Madame, we are scouts and are doing a march on compass. I think we lost our way. Could you tell us where exactly where we are now and how far we are away from the city of Sedan?" "Sedan? My dear, you are at least 14 miles away from there," answered the woman. "Oh no!" sighed Caroline." I'm so tired that I wouldn't be able to walk another mile." "Relax my child. My husband and I will help you. When he comes back to the farm, I will ask him to drive you to town. So, there isn't problem anymore." "Thanks a lot, Madame," replied Marie. "But where is my hospitality? I suppose that you must be thirsty with this warm weather?" They nodded all four with their head and Caroline said, "I'm so thirsty that I could probably drink the water of an entire swimming pool." "Follow me kids, and don't be afraid of the dog. Rufus is a gentle dog and he likes to have visitors." The coolness of the house felt very pleasant to the exhausted scouts and they were welcomed by Rufus with getting licks to their hands. Only Caroline wasn't pleased with the attention of the dog. "Stop that, Rufus!" laughed the woman. "I'll prepare a good fresh drink for all of you. I suppose you all like lemonade? Why don't you make yourself at home in the dining room? I'll join you in a minute." The woman went to the kitchen and the guests where satisfied to be able to sit down near the large farmer table. "I think I'm going to undo my shoes," said Caroline." "Good idea," replied Marie. "I'll to the same." A minute later, all four kids were giving a massage to their painful feet. Five minutes later the woman came in with a tray with four glasses and a carafe filled with lemonade. She gave each of them a large glass filled with cold lemonade. The glasses were immediately emptied and filled up again by their hostess. After four glasses they stopped drinking. "Goodness! I thought you would never stop with drinking. All of you can drink as much as one of my cows!" joked the woman. "By the way, my name is Charlotte and what are your names?" "Excuse our manners, Madame," said Tom. "But we were dying of thirst. My name is Tom and that is Caroline, Marie and Marc. We are from Paris, and we are camping for ten days in a village near Sedan." "Welcome on my farm, and you don't have to apologize. I'm glad that I can help you with a few drinks," said the friendly woman. "I can fix a dinner now if that is good for you?" "Thanks a lot Madame, we really appreciate your hospitality." answered Caroline "Madame, can I use your toilet please?'' "Of course, I will show you the way. Tom, Marie and Marc, you can use the couch if you want to rest a little bit. My husband will be back in an hour and dinner will be ready then. So make yourself comfortable, and you can take as many drinks as you want. I'll bring another carafe in a minute. Come Caroline, just follow me." Marc and Tom sat themselves directly in the large seat but Marie waited on her chair for the return of Caroline. She was petting Rufus and felt safe and secure in the farmhouse. When Caroline came back Marie asked her where the toilet was. With that information, she passed down a corridor and saw Charlotte speaking on the telephone in a room to her left. She could hear her saying, "Come here as soon as possible with four doses. Yes Louis, four doses. I will pay you later. They are healthy and strong and their ages are perfect to make four fine heifers of them. I'll expect you to be here soon." Marie hurried herself to the toilet at the end of the corridor because she didn't want Charlotte to know that she had listened at the door. On the toilet she was reflecting of the strange conversation she had heard but she couldn't make any sense of it. For this reason she just let it go. She felt so tired and she just wanted to rest on the coach. Ten minutes later the four kids where all sleeping on the large couch in the living room. Charlotte came back to look after them and laughed satisfied. The sleep powder had done its work well. She gave each of them a pinch in the cheeks of to make sure that they slept soundly enough. They did. At that moment her husband, Jerome, arrived at the farmhouse. Charlotte explained the situation to him. She told him how they were unexpectedly going to gain four new animals. He asked her if she had contacted Louis and she confirmed that she had and said, "I expect him to be here in twenty minutes" Jerome carried the four scouts, one by one, to one of the stables. With the aid of his wife, their uniforms and underwear were removed and Charlotte collected all their clothes and bags in a large basket. The four young people were left lying naked on the straw in the empty stable. Jerome looked with pleasure at the attractive bodies of Marie and Caroline but he knew that he had to continue with the preparations, besides his wife would be watching him. In the meantime, Charlotte, made a fire outside in an old oil barrel and soon the flames where leaping up from the barrel. In one movement, Charlotte threw all the contents of the basket into the fire. Then the unconscious scouts where put in separate stalls by Jerome. He tied ropes to their wrists and their ankles and then the ropes were attached to metal rings on the wall of the stalls. The scouts were left lying on their backs with their limbs bound with the ropes. The way they had been tied up they could only lie down or sit on their butts. Soon, Jerome and Charlotte heard the sound of a car on their front yard. "That must be Louis," Charlotte said. Rufus ran out of the stable to welcome the owner of the car and follow him back to the stables. "Hello Charlotte, Jerome. I see that you've been busy," The man said as he pointed in the direction of the unconscious scouts in the stalls. "Hello Louis," replied Charlotte "You can see that I didn't exaggerate on the phone. They are just perfect for our purpose." Louis stepped forward to take a good look at the four scouts. He stood a little bit longer in front of the open stall where Marie was lying. 'What a shame,' he thought. 'to make an animal of such a lovely young lady.' But what the heck, he was going to make some good money. He put his case on the ground and opened it. Charlotte brought a small table from across the stable and placed it against the wall in front of the open stalls. Soon the table was covered up with medical equipment and four IV's. The IV's were filled with a yellow liquid. Louis took one IV and some cotton and went into the stall of Marc. The boy was still sleeping as Louis rubbed Marc's left arm with decontamination alcohol. Jerome stood behind Louis and held the bag in the air. A minute later the needle was in a vein and Louis opened the valve on the catheter to allow the yellow liquid to flow into Marc's vein. The needle was attached to Marc's arm with tape and Louis hung up the I.V. on a hook on the side of the stall. The same was done to the other three and after ten minutes the work was done. Louis cleaned up his equipment while Jerome and Charlotte were putting ball gags, into the mouths of the four scouts. "They will be empty in about five hours. Can you remove them by yourself?" Louis asked Jerome. "No problem. I haven't forgotten the instructions you gave me the last time." "Then I think it's time to go back home. I come back in two weeks with their labels and I'll tell you then the exactly what you owe me for the work. And don't forget to give me some fresh beef next time you come to town. See you later," Louis said with a chuckle as he was going out the door of the stable with Rufus close on his heels. "So, I think we're ready," Charlotte said. "They'll have a big surprise when they wake up. I always love to see the expressions on their faces when I tell them what is happening to them. I find that very arousing." "Well maybe I can help you with that feeling," Jerome answered, slapping his wife with his hand on her bottom as they both left the stable. He closed the door and locked it before they went to the farmhouse. Marie was the first to wake up. She thought at first that she was sleeping in her bed but she didn't remember her bed being this prickly. That woke her up very fast and she noticed she was lying naked on straw and had something very disturbing in her mouth. She tried to spit it out, but she couldn't get it out of her mouth. With her tongue, she could feel that it was hard and in the shape of a ball and it was firmly stuck between her teeth. She opened her eyes and had to acclimate to the evening light that came through two small, dirty windows. After a few seconds, she could see a ceiling above her and walls on both sides of her reaching halfway to the ceiling. On the ceiling, she also noticed several metal rings and a rail with a pulley. Marie felt sick and had the feeling that her head would split from the terrible headache she was struggling with. Her left arm felt painful and she tried to bring her hands up to her face to get the gag out. That was when she noticed that she couldn't move her arms at all. That was when she began to panic and started breathing fast through her nose. When she tried to get up she felt the ropes on her ankles. She managed to sit up and tried to let out a scream to call for help but her gag made it impossible. She could only succeed in making strange little sounds and screams. She wondered what was happening to her. She wanted to wake up from this terrible nightmare but, at the same time, she realized that she was not dreaming. That was when she first saw the I.V hanging from the wall on her left. She looked at the bag with the yellow liquid and noticed the catheter that was in her left arm. With all her force, she tried to move her left arm, but it was all in vain! She started to weep and was crying for her mother. In the other stalls, her friends also began to wake up and soon Marie could hear them screaming and crying. The evening was falling and it began to get very dark in the stable. Suddenly, Marie could hear the noise of a key turning followed by the sound of a door opening. A second later, she felt something fur between her thighs and Marie let out a high scream despite of the gag in her mouth. Marie was suddenly dazed by the bright light that came from three lamps on the ceiling. "Stay here Rufus," she heard Charlotte saying. She could see Charlotte and a man who stood behind her. "Hello, kids! I know you can all hear me so listen very carefully if you want to know what is going on," Charlotte said in a loud voice. "May I present to you, Jerome, my husband and a farmer on this farm." Marie could see the man smiling at her. "Hello. I hope you enjoy the facilities of my farm." After his words Marie could clearly hear angry sounds. "Spare your energy, Tom!" Charlotte' said. "There is nothing you can do and there is no way back once those chemicals are in your body. You have no other choice than to accept your fate. I assume that you must be curious about what his happening to you and your friends. Well it's quite simple. All of you will become part of our cattle herd. You may not believe it now but I can guarantee that in less than twenty-five days, all of you will be fine, healthy heifers. It's not the first time that we have done a transformation from human to bovine. Next spring you will all bear your first calf. Oh yes, Marc, Tom, both of you will not only lose your human body but also your gender. I'm looking forward to seeing both of you mating with our bull, Charles." Marie couldn't believe her ears and she heard screams of fear from her friends. She looked up at the bag and noticed that is was nearly empty. Jerome suddenly came into her stall and opened a little more the clamp on the catheter to let the last drops flow in her vein. A minute later he removed the bandage from her forearm and pulled the needle out of her vein. He quickly covered the wound with a sterile bandage. He didn't look once at her face during his activities but all the time she felt him looking at her naked body. It made her feel more vulnerable than she already was! Marie saw him leave her stall just as Charlotte came in and gave her a cold smile. She began to speak again to the kids again, "The first days will be the most painful part in the process of your transformation. First of all your organs will be changing and your bones will be slowly changing and enlarging your skeleton into that of a cow about two years old. The transformation will cause a lot of pain in every bone of your body, and will give you cramps, particularly in the area of your abdomen. I'll give you some medication over the next few days to help you make it through the first week. The next few days you will still be able to have some normal human food but after your four stomachs are completely formed, we will have to switch you over to grass, hay, grains and other vegetation." "Oh. I didn't mention yet that, of course, your reproductive organs will also be changing during the next few days. Isn't that grand news Marc, Tom? In less than three days you will have all a nice new cow vagina. They will be very sensitive because you will be in estrus when the transformation is completed. I'm sure that Charles, our bull, will appreciate your new form. Also, part of the new equipment you'll have between your legs will be an udder. It will slowly form just above your groin. Of course ladies, this process will cost you your pretty perky breasts but, you will gain in their place, probably the largest natural mammaries of all the girls of France." Marie got very angry at the words of Charlotte and she began to scream. Charlotte noticed her reaction and she came very close to her and knelt down. She gently touched Marie's left breast of with her hand. "Oh, yes Marie," she said sarcastically. "Instead of those magnificent globes, decorated with two perky strawberries, you going to have four large teats hanging down from a gigantic bag. I promise, Marie, to give you the pleasures of being hand milked once you have had your first calf and your milk comes in." She pinched one nipple with her fingers and then left Marie alone with all the dreadful thoughts about her future. When Marie looked up again she could see Jerome was obviously starring at her body. Charlotte saw this and gave him an angry look. "Don't you have things to do? I will go see to the other 'cattle'," he said with a grin while leaving the stall. "Let see, where were we with our little story?" Charlotte asked her helpless victims. "Your udders will be growing each day until they reach full size just in time to feed your calves. And kids, don't be worried about getting cold tonight. The transformation of your body will raise your body temperature and make sure that you will be quite warm all the time. About day five your body will take on more and more the shape of a cow. You will lose all your body hair and new hairs will come in their place. Hair will be growing all over your body. Your arms and legs will be changing into forelegs and hind legs. From that moment on, we will stand you on all fours and that position will be permanent for the rest of your lives. Your tail will have grown to full size by the end of this week and, let me think...Oh, yes. Your digestion will also be that of a cow. This means that for sure, you will vomit your meals from that day on and will have to chew on it like all ruminants. For that purpose your head will be slowly taking the shape of a cows head and your muzzle will be growing each day starting tomorrow. You will loose all your human teeth during the next few days and they will be replaced with the huge molars of a cow. Your tongue will take up more space in your mouth and your neck will become broad and muscular to support your large head." Marie listened stunned to the ludicrous words of Charlotte. She wanted to put her fingers in her ears to keep from listening but she wasn't in a position to do anything about it. She heard Caroline softly weeping and she wanted to have the opportunity to give her some comfort in spite of her own precarious situation. When so looked up again she saw the face of that dreadful woman and she gave Charlotte a look filled with hate. Charlotte just smiled at her and continued with her monologue, "The gags in your mouths will stay there until you lose your voice. That will be in a few days. We can't take the risk that an unexpected visitor to the farm would hear you're screaming. I'm sorry for the discomfort. The only time that I will take them out is to give you food, water, and medication. Anyone who will take advantage of those moments will be punished. Is that clear?" Charlotte asked. "The next sixteen days are mainly for the finishing touches," she continued. "Your body will gain a lot of fat and muscle structure during that period and, at the same time, your skeleton will achieve his final form. From that time on you will be ready to start with your new life. You must try to see your new future in a positive way. You will live a much simpler life with no responsibilities and with nothing to think or to worry about. Most of your time will be spent out in a pasture living with nature and, last but not least, you'll never have to search for a partner. I can guarantee you that, each year, you will have sex with an experienced lover who is in possession of a very large member. What more could you wish for ladies? Oh, and ladies to be?" Charlotte said smiling at her own little joke. She looked around at the four former scouts and then continued, "I will leave all of you alone now to let everything sink in and for you think about your future on our farm. By the way, you mustn't be afraid to relieve yourself during the night. This will soon be a natural act for you when you are out grazing in the pasture or here, standing in the stable. That and all of the other instincts natural to a cow will become normal for you. Those instincts will be strong but you will never forget who you really are. The transformation will not affect your memories but each day you will probably become more and more of a cow in your actions and habits because of the life you are going to lead, the life of a common dairy cow. At first you will most likely refuse to acknowledge the change in your body but eventually you will begin to think and feel like a cow. You will have all of her natural emotions and in time you will become comfortable in your new body. Have pleasant dreams." Marie could see Charlotte leaving the stable. Suddenly the light in the stable was turned off and the door was closed and locked. She couldn't see anything in the darkness of the stable as she lay on her back in the straw. She pulled with all her strength on the ropes but they were too strong and tied too tight on her wrists. The only result of her effort was that she scraped off skin at her wrists. She was forced to give up. She could hear her friends crying and sounds from their bodies moving on the straw. She was upset about everything she had just heard and started to think of her future. Her body began to feel very warm and she felt tingles and arches all over it. Marie had the felt like she could feel the chemicals flowing through her veins. It was not painful but rather like when one's foot falls a sleep and begins to awaken. She noticed that she started to salivate a lot and she had to sit up to let it drop from her mouth. It was a very uncomfortable situation with the gag in her mouth. After twenty minutes things seem to become normal again, not counting the unnaturally high temperature of her body. Marie felt very tired and she wanted to sleep so that she could forget her situation for a while. Then suddenly she felt that she had to pee. She tried for several minutes to ignore the pressure that came from her bladder, but it was too strong. She was very embarrassed when her body let out a stream of urine that flowed between her legs and thighs and was quickly absorbed by the straw. After that dreadful experience, Marie started to weep and cried herself softly to sleep. Day Two The next morning Marie was awakened from her sleep by the feeling of something wet on her face. She opened her eyes and saw Rufus standing near her head giving her licks on the face. She had a terrible headache and her body felt painful in every fibre. She rose up with some difficulty to a sitting position and let out a painful scream. Her stomach was itching and she had to endure several painful cramps in her belly. She tried to get the dreadful pain under control by breathing a few times very deep. After a while the pain increased and she looked down at her body. The first thing she noticed was the strange appearance of her skin; it was perspiring and was white, almost translucent. She saw the blue of her veins clearly lying beneath the translucent skin. Her legs and abdomen dripped with sweat and she felt it flowing down from her face to her neck and torso. It felt like her abdomen was swollen and she had an irritated feeling in her groin. She wanted to scratch that area with her hand, to do something, anything, about that itching but it was impossible. A simple act, but not for her, not with her hands bound. Then she heard the sound of footsteps in straw and was surprised to see Charlotte very close. She tried to get away from her but she only hurt herself while making her panicked movements. Charlotte had a glass with water in her hand and a large white pill. "Good morning, Marie. I am going to start with you. I want to give you some water and pain medication. Did you sleep well?" she asked as she started to remove the gag from Marie's mouth. With the gag off, Marie inhaled deeply a few times through her unobstructed mouth. Charlotte put her left hand behind Marie's head so she could drink some water through a straw to wet her dry mouth and throat. "Don't drink too much at once. Your stomach won't be able to handle it," she told her. "Here takes this pill for the pain." While saying this she put the large pill in Marie's mouth. Marie swallowed it with some water and looked straight into the eyes of Charlotte. "I know that you are mad at me, Marie, but you must understand that I have to make a living from what my farm produces. You will help me with the production by giving me thirty to forty gallons of milk a day and many new calves. In addition, when you are too old for breeding or milking, I will get good money selling you by the pound for your meat. So, the arrival of you and your friends yesterday was an occasion that I could not let pass away. Did I mention that there was a lot of commotion in the media about the disappearance of four young scouts in this region? I don't think they will come to my farm to look for you and your friends so you can just forget the idea of being saved by the police. Believe me Marie, once the process of transformation is started there is no way back. Your destination is, like it or not, to become a milk cow on this farm." "You're an evil woman!" shouted Marie. "Don't think that I will ever show you gratitude. I hope you burn in hell for what you're doing!" "Stop that talking Marie or have to punish you!" Charlotte said severely. "Behave yourself or I leave and go to your friends. So, do you want some more water or not?" Marie nodded her head and Charlotte gave her the rest of the water. "Good girl. I will bring you some soup this evening. For the moment your stomach is changing too much to handle solid food." She put the gag back in the Marie's mouth and went to the next stall. Marie first heard Charlotte talking to someone and then suddenly she heard the voice of Caroline who was begging loudly for help. Marie heard the sound of a hard slap followed by heavy crying from Caroline. After a few seconds, she could hear Caroline drinking the water and the voice of Charlotte who was giving some comfort to the girl. 'That bitch!' thought Marie when she heard the friendly words of Charlotte. Five minutes later she could hear Tom's voice insulting Charlotte. that was followed by a cruel laugh from Charlotte and the sound of a voice that was suddenly obstructed by a gag. "So Tom, this means no water for you." Soon, Marie heard Charlotte say, "And what will your choice be, Marc?" After a few seconds she could clearly hear the sound of someone drinking greedily. A little later, Charlotte walked past Marie's stall and she heard the sound of the door to the stable being closed and locked with a key. The pain in her stomach started to decrease, probably from the medication. She had the feeling that all her organs were moving around in her body and that her abdomen was swelling. 'It is really happening to me!' Marie thought. 'I'm turning into a cow!' Marie fell down on the straw and started to cry softly. While she was crying, she became aware of every bone in her skeleton. It's felt as if her bones were on fire and were growing larger and broader. She moaned from the pain coming from her bones and pleaded to God to stop this unbearable pain. The changing in her body took a lot out of her and Marie soon fell into a half sleep. She woke up several hours later and, to her relief, the pain in her bones was less severe. The heaviest pain now came from her stomach and her skin was tingling all over her body. She sat up and looked down at her body. Her skin was still unnaturally pale and she saw with horror that she was now in possession of a large swollen abdomen, just like a man with a huge beer belly. Marie froze in disbelief looking at her changed body. She was so busy with herself that she didn't hear the suffocated crying and screaming from the other stalls. She was in shock for minutes, her head rocking back and forth while constantly saying the word, "No, no, no, no..." Her thoughts raged in her head like a swirling river and she started to hyperventilate. After a while, she felt pain from her jaw and she had the strange feeling that her lips and nose were puffing up. Her lips felt extremely wet and she could see that her nose had become larger bit by bit. Saliva was drooling from the corners of her mouth and she had difficulty breathing through her changing nose. After an hour she had a face that was a sort of mix between a face and a muzzle. The rubber band of the gag stretched gradually with the changes to her face and she noticed that, with the changes to her face, her tongue began to gradually swell and take up more space in her mouth. To her further shock, Marie felt that she was able to move most of her teeth a little bit with her tongue. While doing this, she could taste blood in her mouth. At that moment the stable was suddenly bathed in a bright light. Marie was dazzled by the brightness of the light but she could clearly feel that there was someone beside her. "Well, Marie. It appears that you are already nicely on you way to becoming 'Bessie'! I personally prefer your appearance of yesterday," she heard Jerome saying. When she raised her head she saw him standing near her with a smile on his face. She was too tired and afraid to react to his insulting comment. He took the gag away and put a pill in her mouth. Marie quickly swallowed it with the water that he offered. When the glass was empty, she saw Jerome going in the direction of the little table that stood near the wall in front of her stall. Charlotte was busy at the table pouring soup from a kettle into four soup bowls. Marie could smell the hot soup and realized that she was very hungry, despite her painful stomach. She was fully aware of her new muzzle. It partially blocked her vision and it seemed to her like she had a mask on with a large mouth, but she knew this wasn't the case! Marie was astonished how far she could get her tongue out of her mouth, and started to explore the outside of her mouth and nose with her new tongue. Her upper lip seemed to have become one piece with her nose and her nostrils were very large and felt wet inside. The skin of her 'muzzle' felt rough and strange and she could feel some large prickly hairs around her enlarged nose and lips. Rufus came close to her head and gave her some friendly licks on her face. This made her stop the exploration of her face and reminded Marie of the pressure she felt in her bowels and bladder. She tried to say something to Charlotte and Jerome but there was only a gargling sound that came from her throat instead of words. She tried it again and she succeeded in pronouncing some words, "Please, can I go to the toilet? Please?" Jerome looked at her and walked over to a corner of the stable. He returned with a small bucket in his hands. "Don't you try and do anything stupid!" he warned her and started to undo the ropes from her ankles and from her right hand. After that, he put the bucket down in front of her belly. Marie managed to squat above it to do her business but without receiving any privacy from Jerome. When she was finished, to her relief, Jerome gave her some toilet paper. He took the bucket away and immediately tied her ankles and hands with the ropes. In the meantime Charlotte was busy giving soup to Caroline. She could here the voice of Charlotte and some words from Caroline. Jerome came back to Marie with a bowl and a spoon. She quickly ate the hot soup, which was fed to her spoonful by spoonful. After the meal, Jerome placed the gag back in her mouth. Ten minutes later, all the kids were fed and had been given the opportunity to use the bucket. While Charlotte was cleaning up the table Jerome came back with a bale of straw in a wheelbarrow and on top of it laid a shovel and a brush. He took the bundle of straw out of the wheelbarrow and cleaned up the dirty straw between her legs and under her bottom. Then he replaced it with some fresh straw. He did the same work in the other stalls and then left. Charlotte followed him a minute later with the kettle. She gave Marie a smile before leaving the stable and turning out the light. Darkness surrounded her again and she could again hear movements on straw from the other stalls. The four scouts were alone again in the stable for a second long night. Marie found it difficult to fall asleep. Her brain was bouncing full of thoughts that she tried to ignore and the painful sensations that assailed her from all over her body. Her chest felt like there was a ton of bricks on top of it. She had an irritated feeling coming from her spine. It felt like there was a bump on her back at the base of her spine that felt like a part of her body. This situation forced Marie to sleep on her side. The medication finally began to work and Marie fell into a restless sleep. Day Three Marie felt exhausted when she woke up the next morning. It felt like she didn't sleep at all and had gone through a rough party the night before. When she looked down at her body again, Marie received a great shock. Her torso was now twice the size as yesterday and her breasts had gotten smaller. Her skin was again covered in beads of sweat. It also looked to her like her skin was now different in texture and even a little bit thicker. In truth, the appearance of her skin looked more like hide then human skin. She couldn't believe what she saw and tried to get up into a sitting position. Initially Marie didn't succeed but with the aid of her hands, she managed to push herself up. The effort made her lungs hurt and forced her to rest. Marie bowed her head down as far as possible, given her swollen torso, and looked with wide eyes at her swollen abdomen. To her horror, she saw a mound of flesh at the base of her belly. It was clearly visible because of its pink colour. Four little bumps were popping out on her budding udder. Her hips must have widened dramatically, because there was now obviously more space between her legs. Beyond her new udder she noticed a big slit surrounded by two thick lips. There was no longer any trace of her former vagina nor her pubic hair. She found it very difficult to face the dreadful reality of her situation and it caused her to let out a scream. She heard footsteps outside followed by the sound of a key turning. The door opened and she saw Jerome and Charlotte walking into the stable. To her embarrassment Rufus came in also and with great interest, was sniffing between her legs. "Come here Rufus!" laughed Charlotte. " at least let Marie have some time to get used to her new equipment. Well Tom, Marc, how do you find your new sex? Welcome to the other side of the fence, both of you. I hope you will get some pleasure in the future from your new equipment." Marie could hear a lot of commotion coming from the stalls of Tom and Marc. Charlotte didn't pay any attention to the reaction of the former 'boys' and continued to pour water from a carafe into glasses. This time she started to give water to Marc first. After a minute, Marie could hear subdued screams from pain coming from Marc. Charlotte was loudly saying, "Just make sure that he can't move his head, Jerome!" 'What was going on over there? What are they doing to Marc?' Marie thought. She could do nothing other than to listen to Marc's screaming and she became very scared for her own situation. She had already endured so much pain during the last two days that she couldn't bear the idea of more pain on top of it all. The same thing seemed to happen with Tom. Marie could hear Caroline weeping in panic in the stall next to her. Then, five minutes later it was Caroline's turn. Marie tried to ignore Caroline's screaming but it was in vain. Then it came her turn. Marie could see the two of them standing in front of her! She didn't want to get up but Jerome pulled her up by her shoulders. He put her in a sitting position and was holding her head from behind with both hands. Marie could see Charlotte approach with a pair of pliers in her hand. Her ball gag was removed and before she could close her mouth, a piece of wood was placed between her front teeth. "I'm so sorry for you Marie, but we have to this for your own sake. We must avoid any chance that you might choke on your teeth. Besides, by removing them now, we will give space for the arrival of your new molars and incisors," Charlotte said. Marie tried to pull and twist her head away. She noticed a bucket on the ground near Charlotte. In it, she saw several teeth lying in a bloody pool of saliva. Charlotte started to work with the pliers and took out all Marie's loose teeth. Marie was helpless. She had to endure this painful attack on her body. Charlotte suddenly withdrew the piece of wood and Jerome released his grip on her head. Marie could stand the pain no longer and tried to scream but found out that her vocal cords wouldn't respond. Her mouth was filled with blood and she had to spit it out. She could feel with her tongue that she at lost all her molars and even a few front teeth. She was no longer thinking clearly and was moaning from the pain in her mouth. "You better rinse you mouth out with some water, Marie," she heard Charlotte saying. Marie took some water in her pain-filled mouth and spit it out into the bucket that Charlotte held just under her chin. She did this twice before she greedily swallowed some of the fresh water. "I think you could use some medication for the pain," Charlotte said in a friendly tone. Marie opened her mouth and willingly swallowed the medication. She quickly found herself overcome by a tiredness she hadn't felt before and she had no choice but to give in to it and go to sleep. That evening they were again given some soup and more medication. The hot soup felt as a balm in her mouth to Marie and she was able to forget the pain for a few minutes. She was surprised to see that her muzzle had grown considerably during the day. Her body was still in pain and she could see that her torso was bulking up. She saw, from out of the corner of her eye, a giant ribcage sticking forwards down under her chin and there was no trace of her former breasts, nor her nipples. Her udder had continued growing and there were now four teats clearly visible on the mound of flesh. Marie could see veins, thick as a finger, lying on the surface of her forming udder. Between her legs there a three inch long tailbone now nestled with some hair at the end of it. To her horror she noticed that she was able to move her tail. 'Now I really have crossed the border from human being to animal,' thought Marie. She knew that having a tail was only for animals. The night and a deep sleep without dreams brought some forgetfulness for the exhausted girl. Day Six Marie, and her partners in distress had to face the next few days with the painful and enormous changes to their bodies. They were still in pain but with the support of the strong medication, they were able to endure their transformation into cows. Their days went according to a certain schedule and they received their food and water at fixed times of the day. Marie had mentally given up any hope for escape from her terrible destiny, that of becoming a milk cow for the rest of her life on this farm. She no longer resembled the beautiful girl she used to be. She now resembled, more and more, an animal. Her torso and belly were huge now and had taken on the shape of an elongated paunch. Her udder and tail seemed to be growing more each hour while her mouth and nose looked more and more like a cow's muzzle. The most difficult thing for Marie to face was the dramatic changes to her head. It felt so heavy and seemed to be changing, minute by minute, into the shape of a cows head. She was certain that she could feel her ears changing during the last twelve hours. They were higher up and she could move them. She had also noticed that her vision was changing. She was able to see more to either side than she could before. Since yesterday, when she lost all of her teeth with a little help from Charlotte, she noticed eight new teeth were forming on her lower jaw. She also had a strange feeling of pressure and irritation located at two points on the top of her head. It was as if something wanted to break out through her skin. Marie knew for sure that this pressure meant horns were beginning to form. It felt like her body was absorbing her once elegant neck. In its place was now a large firm neck with some loose flesh in front of her throat. Her new neck was clearly a few inches longer then before. The new muscles on her neck were necessary for her to be able to support the much heavier load of her head. In the last few hours, Marie's shoulders had blended with her sides and her thighs had lost all their female form. They looked more like the thighs of a body builder who had exaggerated muscles from taking hormones. Since yesterday Marie had seen an increase in the small hairs all over her body. During the day, the hair on her naked body became coarser. As her hair grew, it changed colour to black and white and formed a pattern over her entire body. Marie looked with disbelief at her new coat of hair. She gently touched it with her fingers and when she pulled at some of the hairs, it hurt. To her shame, she seemed to have lost control of her bowels and bladder. The smell of urine and manure in her stall was noticeably strong to Marie. She could also feel wetness in the area between her legs and on her tail. Marie moaned when she realized the impact of this discovery. Day Seven and Eight: Marie was awakened by the sounds of footsteps walking in the yard outside the stable. She could hear the voices of Jerome and Charlotte and was aware of many other sounds coming from the farm. It seemed to her as if her hearing had improved and she was now able to move and twist her new and larger ears in the direction from which the sound came. Her eyes had now moved much further to the side of her head and Marie had to get used to her new line of vision. She now saw the outlines of her new muzzle in front of her all the time. She saw her 'owners' as they were entering the stable. Jerome came to her and said, "Hello, my beauty. But what a naughty girl you are! It looks you were busy last night with just shitting and pissing all over. This is certainly not very good behaviour for a girl your age! You deserve a slap on your rump for this but when I look at it since all of this I think it is a task at which I can't succeed. I'm so sorry Marie, but your butt is too large for my hands. Besides, it would make my hands dirty with your shit if I were to slap you on your rump!" laughed Jerome. "Stop teasing her, Jerome! Let's just do our business." scolded Charlotte. They were giving Marie her water and medication but this time they didn't put the gag back in when they were finished with her. "Oh yes Marie, we can leave you without a gag because by now you have totally lost your human voice and ability to speak! Why don't you try it out?" Charlotte said with a grin. Marie was too shocked to react immediately to this horrible news from Charlotte. She tried a little later to say some words but found out that her vocal cords wouldn't respond. In the place or her voice came a sound from deep in her throat and to her horror it sounded very similar the lowing of a cow! "Congratulations, Marie!" Charlotte said. "How do you like your new voice? It sounds to me like you will soon be able to join the rest of my cattle." Then Jerome did something unusual. He loosened the ropes from the metal rings on the wall and attached them, with the aid of a ladder, to some metal rings in the ceiling. This left Marie with her arms and legs pointing in the direction of the ceiling. In this position Marie couldn't sit up. That day Marie spent most of the time thinking about her future and the terrible changes which had already happened to her. She couldn't believe she had lost her voice and tried several times to speak some words but all her efforts were in vain. The only response to her attempts was the lowing sounds of a cow. When she opened her wide mouth and made deep lowing sounds she could hear the other 'cows' who were lowing from their stalls. During the evening she felt some new changes happening to her body. Marie first became aware of a slight discomfort in her hands and feet but it didn't last for long as the discomfort soon changed into a searing, burning pain. The more time that passed the more the pain grew until Marie felt like her hands and feet were actually on fire. Then the pain suddenly changed. It was no longer just a burning feeling. The feeling of her bones being crushed had joined the burning. Marie had to fight all night against the terrible pain coming from her limbs. She didn't sleep much that night. The pain in her arms and legs was still there the next day. She was exhausted and couldn't eat much during that day. To her relief the medication Charlotte gave her that evening started to work and she at last succeeded in falling into a deep sleep. Day Nine Marie was starring at her 'hands and feet' that no longer had any resemblance with their previous delicate form. She saw in their place, hard hooves attached to arms and legs that resembled the fore and hind legs of a cow. Her new limbs were straight up in the air and she felt helpless but at least the pain in her limbs had disappeared almost entirely. An hour later, Charlotte and Jerome arrived at the stable. "It looks like you're ready to be placed in a more normal position for a cow," she heard Charlotte saying. Marie felt the ropes being removed. Charlotte and Jerome slowly rolled her to her side on the straw. She was partially lifted up by the couple and a broad band was pushed under her ribcage and one just above her udder. The bands were tied above her with two strong ropes that were attached to a pulley placed on the ceiling. She felt herself being lifted up into the air and then twisted so that her legs hung down towards the ground. Marie let out a loud lowing sound as a sign of protest to Charlotte and Jerome. Marie was gently lowered back down again to the ground but now she found herself supported by her four strong fore and hind legs and her four new hooves. Marie knew that she had to get used to this new position of her body. She was aware of her udder between her legs and the tail that was gently swaying back and forth on her buttocks. Marie felt how a rope was tightened around her neck and saw how she was tied to metal ring on the wall. She saw a large trough suitable for feeding cattle. In a corner on her left was a red metal drink tank closed with a flap which was automatically filled with water when a cow pushed her muzzle against it. She was placed in a position with her rear to the open gate of her stall and she understood that she was not able to turn around in her stall. The rope around her neck also prevented her from getting out from her stall. The only freedom allowed by the rope was for her to lie down on the straw. She was mentally aware that she stood now on four hooves and that this position would be hers for the rest of her life. She felt Jerome's hands slide down her abdomen and over her buttocks and sometimes grip her flesh. To her surprise, she also felt him inspect her private parts and her udder. Marie felt him softly grip with two fingers each of her teats. She heard his satisfied mumble and then felt, with relief, the inspection of her body being stopped. "Charlotte, this one is going to become a first-rate heifer. I think it will only take a few days before she is complete. There'll be no problem making her a productive milk cow," Marie heard Jerome saying as he drew the pulley over the rail to Caroline's stall. Charlotte and Jerome did the same in the three other stalls and during those long twenty minutes Marie heard several lowing sounds coming from the other stalls in the stable. Marie saw Jerome come up beside her with a full basket in his hands. He threw the contents of the basket into the trough in front of her and she could see that it was beets cut into pieces. Marie's nostrils caught the smell of the food and she felt her mouth was filling with saliva. She still tried to mentally resist but had to finally admit to the natural urges of her new body and bowed her head down into the trough. With her tongue, Marie picked up the pieces of beet and started to crush them with her jaws using her large new molars. She swallowed the beet without thoroughly chewing on it. Soon she was finished and Marie pushed her muzzle to the flap of the drink tank and started to drink the fresh water greedily. She felt how the food and the water had met the primal needs of her cow body. She felt satisfied, and for the first time since the transformation had started, Marie sensed no physical problems or pains from her body. All of sudden she felt how her tail was standing up and, a second later, she felt a rushing flow of urine leave her body and splash down on the straw of her stall. Marie had no control over her bodily functions and she felt deeply ashamed about what had just happened to her. This act, relieving herself as any ordinary cow, was hard for Marie to accept. The fact that she now stood on four legs, in a stable, with a body which was almost completely that of a cow, made her realized that her life as 'Marie' was gone once and for all. A while after she had finished her meal, Marie was dismayed to find herself bringing the food back up from her constantly churning stomach into her mouth. She realized then that cattle had to regurgitate their food to chew it again. She had learned that during lessons in biology at school. That life now seemed so far away from her. She could now be the material for a lesson in life about ruminants with her four stomachs. Instinct took over and Marie began to chew, with her jaws and teeth, grinding on the vomited food. The rest of the day was dull and boring with nothing to do. She could only stand in her stall and try to flick with her tail to shoo away the flies that kept biting her. The most annoying were the flies that settled around her now 'enlarged' eyes. The only thing she could do was close her eyes regularly to chase off the flies for a few seconds. When Jerome came back with a basket with food that afternoon she noticed something strange. She saw no more colours! Jerome's clothes and the 'red' drink tank were now only various grey tones. Everything she could see was now bathing in a shade of grey. "Hello my beautiful Marie. I can see that your bladder is working well. I hope you will enjoy the luxury of being served by me. I will be the one who will be cleaning up were you shit and piss and also the one who will be giving you your food every day so you can continue to mess your stable," Jerome said as he smiled at Marie. At that moment, Marie's body gave her some support by shooting a stream of loose shit that splattered against Jerome's trousers and down her own butt. Marie heard Charlotte laughing and Jerome shouting insults at her. 'That will teach him a lesson,' thought Marie. When the night fell, Marie tried to lie down. At first, she didn't know how to do it with her new heifer's body. She decided to leave it to her new instincts and when she did she just dropped down on her forelegs that folded under her body and then her hind legs followed by doing the same thing. In less than three seconds, Marie was down on the ground on her belly. She started to chew on her food like any normal heifer would. That night Marie had a good sleep, despite of the events of the last day. Day Fourteen Marie started to lose all concept of time. Each day seemed the same for her and she could do nothing other than stand, or eat and chew on the food in her stall. She was being given food three times a day by Jerome and Marie felt her body growing after each meal. At least her body didn't give her pain anymore and she started to get used to standing on four legs. The day progressed steadily through the afternoon. Later that day Marie heard the sound of a car in the yard. She could hear the voice of Louis who was welcomed by Charlotte and Jerome, "Did you bring the ear labels with you, Louis?" Charlotte asked. "No problem, my dear. They're registered ear labels for your cattle, and no one will be able to find out where they originally came from." "All right Louis. You are the most efficient livestock doctor in all of France! What else can I say?" "Wait, give me compliments after I hand you the bill, Charlotte," he replied. The door of the stable was opened and Marie heard Rufus run in on the straw of her stall. Then she felt a hand slide on her buttocks and abdomen. She felt Louis inspecting her udder and then felt him grip her sensitive teats. He then stood next to her head and she could see him with her left eye as he put his right hand on her muzzle and suddenly opened her mouth with his other hand by pushing her lower jaw down while he gripped her nostrils with a couple of fingers. She was too astonished to be able to react to the brutal way she was treated by the doctor. "Everything looks fine," she heard him saying. "She is well on her way to becoming a healthy heifer. Her teeth are already full grown and she only needs to gain another day's muscle and fat mass. I brought some special high-strength fodder with me. You can feed it to them twice a day, Charlotte," "That's good news, Louis. When will she be ready to breed?" Charlotte asked Louis as Marie listened in shock." "Well let me look. I just have to get the gloves from my car," he replied. A minute later she heard the rustling sound of latex and then she felt a latex covered hand touching her vagina. She felt the hand push her lips open and slide in. Marie was lowing loudly as a sign of protest but Louis just continued on. To Marie's shame she felt that her vagina was wet inside and she began to feel some pleasure when Louis pushed his arm deeper into her body. It hurt a bit when he palpated her cervix with its fingers. He suddenly withdrew his arm while saying, "She certainly will be ready within ten days. She's already partially in estrus. You can see that her vagina is already a bit swollen. Let's check the others first before I put their ear tags on." Marie could still feel Louis' arm in her body ever though he was giving examinations to her friends. She felt totally helpless and knew that she could do nothing to change her situation. She did not want to think any more about what she had just heard. The idea that she was to be bred with a bull within a few days haunted her continuously in her head. After about ten minutes, Louis and Charlotte came back into her stall. She could see Louis on her left and Charlotte on her right. Her head was held firm by Charlotte and she saw the hand of Louis holding a tool and two ear labels with numbers on them. Marie felt him handle her left ear and then she suddenly felt a quick violent stab of pain as if her ear was punched with a needle. Twenty seconds later both of Marie's ears were decorated with two yellow cattle tags. "Congratulations, Marie. From now one you are officially a heifer and part of my herd." Charlotte said with a grin. Marie could hear them working in the other stalls with her sore ears. All the time their work was accompanied by the sound of howling cows. "Are you staying for dinner, Louis? I've got some fine steaks on the menu." "All right Charlotte. I will definitely accept your offer. I'm hungry as a horse. By the way, where is Jerome at the moment?" "Oh, he is out working in the field near the river. I think he will be back in less than a half hour." They both left the stable but Charlotte now left the door open. Marie could hear their voices for a while but then their steps faded away out in the yard. Day Twenty-One The past seven days had been miserable for Marie. The days crawled by slowly and Marie was forced to stay in her stall with nothing to do other than eat, chew and sleep. The only peaks for her were the moments that she was fed. That happened four times a day now and she clearly felt her body becoming larger and heavier with every meal. Marie tried to communicate with the others but she couldn't make any sense from the lowing sounds of Caroline, Tom and Marc. She only made the lowing sound of a cow too so her lowing probably had no meaning for them either. That afternoon, while Jerome and Charlotte were cleaning up the straw in the stable, Marie heard the sound of a car driving in the yard. The engine was turned off and she could hear a man calling out asking if there was anyone home. Charlotte went to the door of the stable and replied to the man's call, "Hello. We are here in the stable," between the barking of Rufus, Marie could hear the footsteps of two persons coming closer to the stable. "Come here Rufus. What can I do for you officers?" Charlotte asked in a friendly way. "Good afternoon Ma'am. Please excuse us for disturbing you while you're working, but as you have probably already heard, four young people have disappeared without a trace just three weeks ago. We are now visiting all the houses in this region in the hope of finding some traces of them. Here are some pictures of them. Their names are Marie, Caroline, Marc and Tom. Perhaps you saw them passing by your farm three weeks ago?" the officer explained. They were all suddenly startled by the loud lowing of the four former scouts but Charlotte said, "Pay no attention to them. They are probably a little bit scared of your voice. They are not used to hearing or seeing people other then me and my husband or maybe two of them have recognized their names. The names of two of the heifers are, by coincidence, Marie and Caroline. As for your question, no, to my regret I can't help you. Neither can my husband. It's terrible to think that four young people can disappear just like that. In what kind of a miserable world do we live now that this can happen? God knows what happened to them. I hope that the kids will be found in a healthy condition very soon." "We hope so too, Ma'am. Thanks for your time and have a pleasant day." The four heifers heard the officers leaving the area in spite of their desperate lowing to draw their attention. "Stop making so much noise girls! They've already left the farm so stop it! Don't you think that they would be astonished if they knew that they had found you without even noticing it? Your disguise is however very misleading, even for experienced officers. Your disappearance will always remain a mystery, I suppose. By the way, Tom and Marc, I have chosen new names for both of you. From now on, Marc, your name will be Marcella and for you, Tom, it will be Therese. I have to changes your names because of your change of gender. It would be ridiculous to say Tom and Marc to a couple of female animals. When I look at you I see animals with huge slits and big udders between the legs. So it will be from now on Marcella and Therese. Have a pleasant night Marie, Caroline, Therese and Marcella. See you tomorrow." Marie had a bad night, and she wept inside when she thought about the nightmare that her parents must be experiencing now because of her disappearance. Marie would gladly return to her house to embrace her parents but she knew that life was gone once and for all for her. Day Twenty-Five The four young people were now full-grown and had the bodies of two-year- old 'Holstein' heifers. For some days Marie had felt no physical inconveniences. Although she could feel that her vagina was now very sensitive and swollen. To Marie's surprise, Jerome detached the rope from the metal ring that morning. He started to push at her chest with the intention that Marie would leave her stall backwards. When Marie didn't react immediately to his pushing, he became impatient. Jerome struck Marie on her chest with the cattle prod. "Alee Marie, move back!" Marie started to carefully step backwards on her four legs. It was the first time that she walked on her new cow legs and hooves but she felt that her body did the necessary movements in a natural way. Jerome followed her and with one hand held the rope that was still attached around her head. When Marie was out of her stall she could see on her left the huge back of a spotted cow.' That must be Caroline' thought Marie. Marie didn't get much time to look because Jerome jerked on the rope and made her move in the direction of the stable door. Marie clearly heard the sound of her hooves stepping on the stones of the floor. Suddenly she stood in the huge yard of the farm and saw Charlotte standing in front of her. "Hello Marie, it's time to make a real cow out of you," she heard her saying. Jerome drew her past Charlotte to the wall of a stable. There he tied Marie up to a ring on the wall. She could only see on both sides of her and saw Jerome and Charlotte entering the stable door. Marie started to become nervous because she felt that something was going on. After a few minutes she could hear a sound coming from the stable door. She first saw Jerome walking backwards out of the door with a rope and a cattle prod in his hands. He was followed by a huge bull and then by Charlotte who was also holding a cattle prod in her hand. "Easy Charles. You can have her in a minute," she heard Charlotte saying to the excited bull. The sounds of the footsteps of the bull in the yard sent shivers of terror through Marie's mind. She stared in fright at the sight of the bull that approached her. Marie shifted her eyes to Charles unsheathed cock and was terrified at the thought of having that large cock inside of her. She could smell the bull and Marie's body betrayed her by turning her vagina moist and releasing arousing chemicals in the air. Jerome held Charles behind her back and Marie all of a sudden felt her tail raise up and let a flow a stream of urine. The urine was splashed loudly on the ground of the yard. Marie did not know that this behaviour was normal for a cow in heat and meant to give a sign to the bull that she was ready to go. Charles could smell the strong odour of the urine coming from a cow in heat and he became very excited. Charles brutishly mounted Marie and she mooed in protest as Charles' massive cock separated her vaginal opening. Her vagina quickly accepted his large member and Charles began to thrust into her forcefully. With each thrust he seemed to penetrate her deeper and deeper. Her udder was swaying between her legs with each trust of the bull and waves of orgasmic pleasure, that Marie didn't want to accept at first, were building up in her mind. After a minute Charles began to thrust with more intensity and Marie could feel him preparing to release his massive load of bull seed inside of her. Then she felt him spout wha

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Farm Helper Part One Turning Her Life Around

Lara sighed heavily as she closed the door, leaning her back against it. She let her purse fall on the floor as she slowly pulled her coat off. Yet another day in the job she hated, working with people who drove her up the wall and for a boss who should’ve never been promoted to the position where he now was.She walked to her bedroom, unbuttoning her shirt and letting it fall on the floor. She looked around the room. It looked so empty now that she lived there alone. It felt weird, but she...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Farm Fun

Let me tell you about a former classmate of mine. His name was Cameron and we went through school together, right from grade one to grade twelve.  I was a town kid and he was a  farm kid. He got bussed to school every day. While we were classmates and friends, we were not buddies. No opportunities presented themselves for us to hang out together after school and become close. The Thursday before Good Friday, he approached me just as we were dismissed for lunch about working with him and his dad...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Farm Training

Matilda, she much preferred “Matty”, was a solid, no nonsense farm widow. Her husband had been killed in a tractor accident about three years ago. The life insurance paid off the mortgage and she sold the farm equipment to settle other debts. There was some income from renting their land but she needed more. Keeping small animals like chickens and rabbits and pigs she could handle. It gave her a purpose and brought money at the Farmer’s Market. If course it fed her too. Matty was about 5’4”...

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Farm Family Adventures

Farm Family Adventures----------I was taken quite by surprised seeing Kelly again. She had spent the day here during the Farms open membership event a few weeks ago, and I convinced her that she would be a perfect model for the Prestige Farm Brochure that featured the custom saddles and bridles. Her body is that of an athletic swimmer, pear shaped, with wide shoulders, 36DD chest, trim waist and shapely hips. Her piercing green eyes glowing like emeralds under blondish hair bundled in a green,...

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Farm Girl

Allan Fitzgerald’s front yard was unusually shallow for a parcel that had once been a working farm. A mere sixty feet separated his front porch from the curb of NY 231. Behind his humble little ranch, his spread extended a quarter mile further eastward, and was almost as wide as it was deep. The previous owner had once operated a moderately successful corn farm there, as had the owner before him, but the viability of so small-scale a farm had come to an end when the massive machines of...

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Farm Girl Soil Tests

Allan trotted along beside the tractor as Kate steered it toward the barn. He pulled the sliding door open and stood aside as she brought the tractor smoothly to rest in its accustomed place. She killed the engine, jumped down from the driver’s seat, and writhed to stretch the kinks out of her lower back. ‘We got a lot done,’ he said as he reached for her hand. She smiled tiredly, slid the barn door closed, and took his hand. They headed up the slight incline toward the house. ‘Kate?’ ...

3 years ago
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Farm Boys know how to make you feel like an al

This past Friday after work a few friends of mine asked me out to dinner with them so I agreed we went to LongHorn Steakhouse and we chatted a bit then had some drinks till our meal came after we ate Sue and I were checking out some of the guys at the bar plus we were alittle buzzed and Sue bet me we could get the numbers from the cute guys so not thinking clearly I agreed and she and I went up to the bar one ate a time sue went first she sat down at one of the vacant chairs and started talking...

1 year ago
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Farm Family Chapter 4

Chapter Four*******​It was just as Jimmy had predicted, his old neighbour came calling and told him the time had come; he wanted to sell up and retire from farming. The old guy normally kept to himself so it was a surprise to see him in their house but he said that he appreciated having Jimmy as his neighbour, "jus' like your daddy before ya", and that he wanted to make sure that Jimmy was interested in buying the place before he made the announcement to the rest of the world. Jimmy was touched...

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Farm Camp

You have been working on this farm for the last 6 summers, the first one as a guest and from then on as a counselor. You've enjoyed being a farm camp counselor: especially when you're surrounded by college girls who are the other counselors. Now that you are 20 and have completed one year of college, you are eligible to stay at the farmhouse over the summer. You currently work with 7 girls at the camp. The hottest one is named Barbara a 6'6" all natural supermodel with raven black hair, tits...

3 years ago
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Farm Cousins

When my father died suddenly, my mother and I were left almost destitute. With few options she moved us to her grandmother's farm in North Central Arkansas. Living there was wonderful for a young boy. There was the farm work. We had a tiny 18 head dairy herd and a 1 auto milker operation. The house was barely livable. The wiring for electricity was on the outside of the walls as it had been added years after the house had been built. To take a bath in the...

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Farm Antics

Farm Antics----------It was a sweltering day. All the grass was turning brown, desperately needing rain and none in the forecast for at least a week. Running a horse-boarding farm with the heat of the days, there were few riders in the afternoon, until school lets out. The morning riders were the mature mothers of the schoolgirls who made up most of the clientele and they arrived very early when it was at least cooler. You would expect a barn full of a****ls would be like an oven, but above the...

2 years ago
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Farm Call

Farm Call By Jill Bird This was the best job in the world. No long weary hours spent in the officeany more, apart from picking up her leads any way. These days Jill was an outdoorgirl. As animal feed sales rep for the South Midlands division of a large agrichemicalfirm she was free to drive out in the countryside every day. And today wasa truly glorious summers day. Today she had a morning call to a farm in the middle of the Cotswolds. Althoughshe had not visited it before, she knew it was...

4 years ago
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Farm Girl Raped By The Goat

Farm Girl: Raped By The Goat By Blackdawn This is the story of a young farm girl that was raped by a goat. The alarm screams at me and I'm quick to roll over and slap my hand across the Snooze button making it stop then move my hand over pulling a small lever which turns the alarm off. Repositioning under the thin sheets, I toss them to the side, jump to my feet and drudge across my carpet flooring in nothing but a pair of tight pink panties and an over sized Twilight night...

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Farm Girl Virgin

Mike was his employee on the farm for the past five years. He was a hard worker and Cindy’s father never had a complaint about his work. Mike was married and he had two young daughters. He often described to Cindy how his wife was a like a stick in the mud and she didn’t find him attractive. Since the age of 14, Cindy has found him very good looking. Mike was in his mid-thirties. He was about 6’2” and had a very muscular build. He had dirty blond hair and green eyes. Mike gave...

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Farm Adventures Begin at the Auction

Farm Adventures Begin At The AuctionBy Wonder_Dad - Story #10I was amazed, never having been at a horse auction before, at the sheer number of horses being auctioned off. I was a fish out of water, not able to tell a good horse from a bad one, but I was determined to make a new life for my family. I sat and watched the auction, hoping to glean an idea for future auctions, where I would actually bid on a few horses, and hopefully, get the first few steeds for the Farm."You are new here, I have...

3 years ago
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Farm Bathroom Glory Hole

Farm Bathroom Glory Hole----------It had been a busy day but I managed to make time for a break and headed up to the loft to my little hide where I often went to write in my dairy and watch the goings on in the barn below me. As I started to slip between the hay bales, I heard laughing coming from my spot. Taking care to make no noise, I climbed up atop the bales behind the hide, and there was my brother Steve and one of his friends. As I peeked over the bales, I could easily see his large...

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Farm Charm

Farm Charm By Gingerfred Man It was a dark and stormy night. The kind in which travelling salesmen's cars break down outside remote farm houses. Which was exactly what travelling salesman Fuller Brushman was thinking as he stood in the incessant rain that miserable evening, trying in vain to start his car's engine. Such breakdowns were an occupational hazard for the travelling salesman. And most unpleasant. Though, in Fuller's experience, they inevitably occurred outside a...

2 years ago
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Farm House Humiliation

I am continuing the story of Rani and Sita the sisters in the farm house who loved to get me naked for them. For new readers, read the past happening in the Naked on the River Bed ( part 1 ) and Farm house Naked ( Part 2). Rani and Sita were both waiting for every opportunity to force me get naked. To their luck their parents left for the neighbouring village and we 3 were alone. I was in the room upstairs. No sooner did they said good bye to their parents, they came in locked the house door...

1 year ago
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Farm Call

This was the best job in the world. No long weary hours spent in the office any more, apart from picking up her leads any way. These days Jill was an outdoor girl. As animal feed sales rep for the South Midlands division of a large agrichemical firm she was free to drive out in the countryside every day. And today was a truly glorious summers day. Today she had a morning call to a farm in the middle of the Cotswolds. Although she had not visited it before, she knew it was in a lovely part of...

4 years ago
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Farm HelpChapter 2

"Of course not," I said turning and doing a sorry excuse of a belly flop into the water as quickly as I could. When I surfaced Helen was laughing, in response I splashed her. She splashed back, and then the next half hour was spent horsing around in the stream. "We better get going, or your mother will wonder where we got to." "No she won't, besides we've still got a long way to go." "Well, despite how fun this has been we better get a move on. Remember a journey of a thousand...

4 years ago
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Farm LifeChapter 2

I almost swallowed my tongue as Becky came strolling off the tarmac towards the terminal. She was wearing a white halter top, which supported much larger boobs than she had last year, a blue micro mini skirt, and white go-go boots. It was hard to believe this was the same girl we dropped off here 9 months ago. She came up and gave me a huge hug mashing her chest against mine. I could feel her nipples becoming erect to match my dick. She whispered in my ear “So what do you think?” “I think...

3 years ago
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Orgasmic Chemistry

It started as one of those days where nothing went right. From the moment my alarm clock jarred me awake at 6:00am (damn that broken snooze button), to narrowly missing the train to campus, I knew I should have just skipped classes. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given a choice as it was the first day of spring semester. If I was going to be out, I needed a damn good reason. Since I didn’t have one, well off to class I went. At about 10am, I battle the wave of academic humanity to attend my Organic...

2 years ago
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Acteon Chemistry

A tale based in Alyssa S' Acteon world. Much thanks to her for creating it. Acteon Chemistry Calob Ng rolled his shoulders, still trying to come to grips with the densely packed musculature of his newly acquired body. Sir Wilfred's borrowed body. He felt big, powerful, intimidating. It was a new sense of self. Acteon males were not the same as the homogenised confederation citizens - generations of isolation and selective breeding made the two societies quite different in genetic...

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Simple Chemistry

"YES!" The chemistry student pumped her fist, a blue concoction bubbling in a suspended beaker on the lab table below her. She smiled, her red, curly hair matted against her face, and set down her clipboard with a relaxed sigh. "Finally, I got it," she muttered in disbelief. "Everything else was easy, why did this one have to be so hard." She sighed again, then filled a vial with her creation and walked it to a locked cabinet nearby. Despite the fact that she wore a mask and goggles, as she put...

Mind Control
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School DazeChapter 8 Mrs Donvan Chemistry

I teach Chemistry at the local high school. And while that's normally not associated with a great sex life, things are a little different here than at most schools. Our Assistant Principal came up with a plan to keep our students from skipping class. Her idea was very different from most. She explained her plan to us at a meeting held at her house. The next school day, I arrived for class dressed like I was trying to get laid rather than trying to teach a class full of teenagers. I was...

2 years ago
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The Book of DavidChapter 4 Chemistry

PRE-COLLEGE (September 1999) "Damn. You are just obsessed with my tits, aren't you?" "Would you rather I wasn't?" I grunted and kept thrusting. It's amazing what a person can do when properly motivated. In High School, while she'd never been FAT, E-Beth had certainly been carrying around a lot of excess weight. She wasn't naturally heavyset. In fact, both her parents were in pretty good shape for their age. It was just that she didn't care before. What did it matter? It's not...

3 years ago
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Farm Hands

It was hard to wake up in the morning. Beyond the fact that she wasn't a morning person and didn't drink coffee, there was a silence to her surroundings that she wasn't used to. It had been years since she had worked the family farm and the physical stress was taking its toll. Yet, there it was, the alarm clock announcing to anyone in ear shot that it was time to get up and start the day.Sadly, she was the only one within earshot. The point was driven home even more poignantly after she...

Group Sex
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Farm Maid Fucked On River Side

Hi to everyone reading this story is how I had my sexual intercourse with farm maid. I am Rajkumar from Coimbatore, finished my graduation and working in MNC which is full of hot chick going around me. I like young girl’s boobs to suck like a mango and grab ass as football toward my penis. More than young girls I like mature women who have big boobs and ass. I am really mad about fucking mature women. Since from childhood I used to watch the boobs of them who comes to my house and masturbate...

2 years ago
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Farm Girl 220 Year Class Reunion

Following the summer of  '83 Eddie went away to college and I remained home on the farm and attended a local college taking up business. Throughout Eddie's four years of college we remained in contact and went out together on various holidays when he came home and also during the summer months. Regardless of what the future held, Eddie and I were glued for life.  During those years I also met Tom and though we were not under any commitment to each other we went out together a lot and became...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Farm Life So Corrective

Another story sent for editing and amendments. A naughty teen is punished for summer My name is Megan Carson and when I was 18 I visited my uncle’s farm – no, I was made to visit. I was in trouble a lot back then and my parents thought something like that would settle me down. Boys, boy and more boys then older men including the college principal, a lovely old chap of 69 who bought me some nice undies, some minor shoplifting and stealing from Mum’s purse got me grounded, allowance halved, my...

2 years ago
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Farm HelpChapter 3

"Yes it does, doesn't it," she replied softly snuggling into the covers and pillow. "Good night." "Good night, sleep tight,..." "Don't let the bed bugs bite," she finished while grinning at me. "Good night Charlie." "Good night Pam," I said snuggling into my own share of covers and pillow. I still wanted to go upstairs and see my little nymphs but I couldn't see any way to do it, have a shower and then get back into bed with Pam and not have her notice that I was gone. So I...

1 year ago
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Farm Boy Buddy Experience a Real Story

I grow up in the country on a small family farm. The closest neighborhood kids were about a mile away through the woods. There was this one boy that I became friends with he was 14 and I was 16, his mom and dad both worked and he was left home with his two older brothers often. His brothers were wild and never stayed home they used to wander all over town, he was left to defend for himself. I guess I was wild also. Anyhow one day at the beginning of the spring vacation from school I was hanging...

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Farmed Out For Stud Service

Farmed Out For Stud Service My parents had divorced when I was just ten years old. When I turned fifteen years old my mother bought me subscriptions to Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler magazines. She also gave me four boxes of stuff that my father had left behind when he departed. The boxes were full of older magazines of all kinds, paperback books, and even XXX-rated VCR tapes. It was the fucking mother load to a horny kid like me. Instantly I had a lifetime supply of material to jerk...

3 years ago
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Farm Boy Abraham

Growing up, my family purchased dozens of animals. My father being a farmer I guess they need to do that. We had animals like horses, pigs, cows, bulls, chickens, sheep, dogs, and even an ostrich we called Phillip. As a young child on the farm I found all the animals amazing, and quickly grew a liking to them. You can even call it a big friendship. My parents always left for work early in the morning everyday during the summer and always left me a note on the refrigerator of what to do...

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Farm House Voyuer

As a young teenage girl, it was fun to have new people around the farm to talk to even though many of them could barely speak a lick of English. Although everyone in my family could speak Spanish fluently, I could never really grasp speaking the language but could usually understand what they said. I would try to talk to the immigrant workers my father had hired to learn about their families, where they had come from, and how longed they would be staying at the farm but sometimes we just...

2 years ago
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Farm GirlPart 1

I grew up on a farm in Maryland. I had three brothers all older then me. We lived rural but bussed into the city for school. The rural kids weren’t as popular as the city kids. I was up early each morning and had two hours work done before showering, having breakfast then off to school. In school I had some friends but never really fit into any of the cliques. The girls are the ones who were mean to me. They nicknamed me ‘Farm Girl’. Some of the jocks would talk or flirt with me but if their...

4 years ago
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Farm Boy Abraham

Introduction: Please dont read this unless you like the genres Ever since I was five years old, Ive always loved and thought of dogs as fellow friends, family, and even a person you can talk to. Growing up lonley in the lone country side of Iowa can make a you feel and think that way quite easily. Hell, I even thought dogs were better then my own species. Growing up, my family purchased dozens of animals. My father being a farmer I guess they need to do that. We had animals like horses, pigs,...

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Farm Life

Farm LifeIt was a typical day … it turned to shit the minute I got up. The wife was in a crappy mood, saying she was leaving, “What’s new you’ve said that every day for the past six months”. Life was not good at home, and every day this winter was wet cold and miserable, and now we were into the spring. cows to milk. The cows were coming on heat, the bull was stroppy, even the bosses daughter was on edge. At the cow shed all was up the creek. The boss and his wife were away on holiday. I...

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Farm Girl Enjoys Being Topless Outdoors

[Story] Farmer's Daughter Enjoys Being Topless Outdoors While Doing ChoresMother says to daughter, "Jenny, I know that you like to walk around the farm half naked when the weather is warm, but you are twenty years old now and shouldn't do that anymore. Your brother Jason turned eighteen recently and most likely interested in girls, so you are unnecessarily teasing him. I want you to start wearing a shirt beginning today."Jenny replies, "He's definitely interested in girls."Mother says, "How do...

4 years ago
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farm girl saved or is she

What mum and dad didnt know was that it was also when I played with Sam our sheepdog. When I mean play it just started as play a year ago. I would lay on a hay bale and let him lick me. I had never felt anything so nice, especially when he made me orgasm. This went on for a few months then one day he jumped up on me and before I realised it he had mounted me. I panicked a bit in case anyone caught me. Then I really started to get worried when he locked inside me. I didnt realise at first...

2 years ago
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Farm Wifes PetsChapter 2

Sissy was hot and curious, so she leaned forward to watch the dog lick her furry cunt. She opened her legs real wide to let him lap hungrily at her juicy pussy. Her breathing quickened. She hiked her dress up higher and set her feet wide apart, exposing all of her furry young cunt. She stared hotly as Rex's tongue licked and lapped and lashed wildly. The tickle in her belly erupted into an urge to cum. "Oh!" she gasped. "Oh-h-hhhh, Rex. Wait. Ohhh, come here." She dashed to a chair,...

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Farm Wifes PetsChapter 10

Sissy fucked Jed and Cal for as long as she could. After the day in the loft, she fucked Cal in a haystack in the field. She sucked Jed off as he worked under the porch. Every day for two whole weeks she gave the two men her mouth, ass and cunt. But then their work around the farm was finished. That didn't end Sissy's fucking. It just ended her fucking Jed and Cal. They left on a Saturday evening. That night, Hollis gave Sissy his ritual fucking. His prick seemed awfully small to her, and...

1 year ago
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Farm Girl

I was born and raised on a farm until I was eighteen and went away to college. My parents were border line religious fanatics and I had never been kissed by a male or female, was never on a date and all through school I came home and did my chores. I worked every summer on the farm and the only time I saw other kids was at church on Sunday when we went for most of the day. Just about all the farmers in the area and most of the townspeople belonged to this church, so Sunday was a day for...

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Farm LifeChapter 10

“Tom and I are having a new house built that will straddle the property of the two farms. Unbeknownst to Tom, I have talked with my sisters (Tammy, Pam, and Suzie) about the building of this house and have their agreement. We want to be sister wives to Tom, if he will have us.” “I wasn’t expecting all of the revelations that occurred here today, but I would be more than thrilled to have my sisters as my wives, if they will have me.” All four of my sisters stood by my side, in various stages...

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Farm Girl part 11

Riding had always seemed to me to be a very erotic experience. The repeated thumping of the hard saddle against my crotch stimulated my clit and my imagination. With my legs spread wide apart across the thick body of Max, my stallion, I could close my eyes and imagine the hips of a gorgeous blonde adonis crashing into me. I had a small, but really well developed body, which made grown men look twice and get that look on their face, the one that meant `Boy I'd like to Fuck her!' I was...

3 years ago
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Farm Girl Part 1 ReWritten

================== Riding had always seemed to be a very erotic experience to me. The repetitive thumping of the hard saddle against my crotch stimulated my clit and, my vast imagination. With my legs spread wide apart across the thick body of Max, my stallion, I could close my eyes and imagine the hips of a gorgeous blonde male gliding backwards, and forwards, hitting my thighs and stimulating my cunt. I had a small, but really well developed body, which made grown men look twice and...

2 years ago
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Farm Girl 220 Year Class Reunion

Following the summer of  ’83 Eddie went away to college and I remained home on the farm and attended a local college taking up business. Throughout Eddie’s four years of college we remained in contact and went out together on various holidays when he came home and also during the summer months. Regardless of what the future held, Eddie and I were glued for life.  During those years I also met Tom and though we were not under any commitment to each other we went out together a lot and became...

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