Orgasmic Chemistry
- 4 years ago
- 28
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This is the first chapter in my first series (and hopefully not my last!) so I would really appreciate any comments or tips you might have for me. I promise it will get steamier as the chapters go on. This chapter is fairly short because I mainly just wanted to introduce the characters.
The following story is a work of fiction and intended for ADULTS ONLY. If you are not an adult or offended by descriptions of explicit sex, please read no further.
This is a copyrighted work. ©Copyright 2014 by EgyptOasis. Reposting or any other use of this work is strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of the copyright holder.
DISCLAIMER:All characters are fictitious. Any resemblance to anyone either alive or dead is purely coincidental.
All characters in this story are 18 years or older.
Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome.
Enjoy! -EgyptOasis
You know how in all the books life has its twists and turns, but the low points are never really that bad and the world is suddenly bright and perfect at the end?
Yeah. That’s not the way the world works. Certainly not the way my world works.
In the books, the girl’s life is always normal until she meets the one guy who turns her world upside down at first sight. She instantly falls in love and then something dramatic happens, such as a misunderstanding or miscommunication, which causes her to go into an over exaggerated depression. Then after a few days the extremely attractive guy shows up, confesses his love, and the universe is suddenly set straight again.
I guess you could call me a cynic, or even a hypocrite, because I have an addiction to these stories even though I know for a fact they’re complete bullshit.
Maybe it’s because I’ve never been in love. Maybe it’s because my life has never exactly been love story worthy. But most likely it’s because I’ve learned enough in my 18 years to know that this kind of thing, it just never happens. No matter how much you need it too.
I’ve always been a private school kid. My class had a grand total of 63 students, which happened to make us the biggest class the school had in seven years. All of us grew up together and we knew everything about everyone.
When they say that small schools have less problems, it’s generally true… less sex, less drugs, and fewer wild parties. Everything’s better except for the gossip. That shit spreads like wild fire.
When someone said Tina and Jim had sex, the whole school knew in seven hours. When they actually DID do the deed, everyone knew it after three. Then there’s all the rumors about who’s cheating on whom, who’s been smoking pot on the weekends, and who’s getting some from the slutty public school girls.
Yep. Apparently, nothing is sacred anymore. Not even your privacy.
Thankfully, I’ve always managed to avoid having any gossip spread about me. Not for their lack of trying, I just don’t give those vultures anything exciting to spread. However, if they knew about that time at my uncle’s house when I got drunk and hooked up with my cousin’s best friend, I would be in deep shit.
So when I read books about the guys with miles of girls lining up to sleep with them, even when there is an equally long line of previous one night stands going down the opposite side, I know it is a complete fantasy. This stuff just doesn’t happen in real life. No guy actually acts like that especially in high school. No one in my class, and I mean no one, maybe even my entire school, has ever slept with more than three people. And that’s stretching it. Plus, has anyone else noticed that every guy in a book is presented as a modern day Adonis? They sure as hell don’t look like that either.
Yet, it’s one of these books that I fall asleep reading while I’m ‘packing’ my shit for moving day next week.
‘Holy shit!’ I mumbled out a much longer string of swear words while I hopped around after nailing my last two toes on the corner of the kitchen island.
‘You all right, Hun?’
I’m surprised that mom even bothers to ask. She sure as hell didn’t ask me if I was ok with the move, but she would have moved us anyways so it’s not like it really matters. At least she waited to drop the moving bomb until after my birthday. The big 1-8 wouldn’t have been too great if I knew it was the last great party I would have with my friends.
Mom finally looked up from her phone and laid into me about my fashionably late arrival downstairs.
‘Vienna! You’re going to be late for your first day!’
‘Mom, they’re a week into the second semester. I don’t really think they are going to notice if I don’t show up today.’
‘Nonsense. You will go today and that’s that. Now get your shit and drive your ass to school.’
That’s one thing I love about my mom. She has absolutely no problem using swear words to get her point across. She says they ‘add emphasis’.
So here I was sprinting out to my Jeep in the driveway because mom gets the garage to herself. I jumped into the driver’s seat, and nearly floored it to get to school on time.
The only school in this God forsaken place is the public school about 15 minutes away. When we moved here we bought a ranch/farm house a little out side of town so I had some time for kick ass music to put me in a good mood before I got to the school.
They don’t have a private school anywhere reasonably close by so mom enrolled me in the local public school. I don’t know if I should be scared, excited, or just down right pissed at the world for sending me here. I’m just going to go with indifferent.
After listening to a fantastic mix of Hinder, My Darkest Days, Three Days Grace, and Breaking Benjamin, I pulled up into the school and parked in the first spot I found.
The school office was right at the front of the building side so I made it right before the bell rang. The secretary was nice to me. and She gave me my schedule and pointed me in the direction of my first class.
Everything went as expected. Teachers noticed I was there but didn’t make me introduce myself (thank God), and most kids graciously ignored me.
Some girl in biology had decided to make herself my newest best friend and invited me to sit with her once she found out we had the same lunch. So there I am walking into the cafeteria trying to find this girl. She said her name was Cree, I think, or maybe was it Bree… Anyways, while I was looking for her, some dick stopped in front of me and I collided with him. I guess it was my fault because he didn’t actually stop. He was walking the in my direction, and I smashed into him. Fantastic.
I tilted my head up to look up at him and had to tilt it back a little more. He was freaking tall. We’re talking over six feet level tall. I opened my mouth to say something when he glared at me, turned on his heals, and left my graceful ass on the floor before I could get a good look at him.
‘Thanks for the help up!’ I hollered after him, because I’m a smart ass by nature and couldn’t help it. ‘Jack ass,’ I managed to mutter under my breath rather than holler that too.
A hand swung in front of my face and its owner helped pull me up. The biology girl looked at me with a mix of shock, admiration, and frustration. She shook her head and told me to follow her. So I walked behind her to a table, because honestly, where else was I going to go. As I sat down, she introduced me to her friends. Mai, Hunter (who happened to be bio girl’s brother), Gavin, and his girlfriend Trisha.
‘Mom said that we have to be home by four today. Hey, Cree, you listening?’ Hunter asked her. I guess I was right, . her Her name really is Cree.
‘Yeah, Hunt. I heard you,’ Cree huffed. She sat down across from her brother with Mai on her left and patted the empty seat to her right. I sighed and took that as my queue t
o sit. I quickly learned that Hunter and Gavin were best friends, that Trisha and Gavin were one of THOSE couples that were all cutesy and touchy, and that Mai was only there with the hopes of getting into Hunter’s pants. I couldn’t really blame her though. With his blonde hair that was long enough to run your fingers through but still short enough to look classy, height, tan skin, and light brown eyes, he could probably get any girl he wanted. It was obvious that him and Cree were siblings. They had all the same looks.
‘So Vienna, what classes do you have after lunch? Hopefully we have at least one more together,’ Cree asked me.
‘I have chemistry next, then English, and history last,’ I told her. ‘Most of my harder classes were this morning, I think. Economics, art, calculus, and then biology right before lunch.’
‘Awesome! I missed first block today, but we’ll have Economics together and English too. You better know I’m SO volunteering to be your biology lab partner!’ And just like that, my run in with the tall jack-ass was forgotten as I started to get more into the conversation.
‘Nice of you to join us Miss Blair,’ scolded the teacher as I walked into the chemistry lab late. Like it’s my fault I couldn’t find it, . it’s It’s not like anyone gave me a fucking map.
‘Sorry. I got a little lost,’ I admitted.
‘Take a seat,’ he told me. He turned to face the rest of the class room and said, ‘Alright, so now that we’ve gone over the basics of lab safety, we can talk lab partners and begin with the fun stuff. The person I assigned you to a table with will be your partner for the rest of the semester. Now, I’ve written your assignment for today up on the board, . you You may consult with your partner and begin.’
I scoped out the lab, and my eyes landed on the only empty seat available which I’m guessing was meant for me. I quickly slid into the seat as the teacher finished talking about lab partners. I turned to see who I would be sitting next to for the rest of the semester and found myself looking into the darkest pair of green eyes I’d ever seen. I felt hypnotized, and then he spoke.
‘Look. I’m busy. You do this assignment, and I’ll get the next one. Good?’ And then he turned away before I could even close my mouth that had dropped open. I tried to ignore the jolt that his deep voice sent straight through me.
I cleared my throat and reached over him to pick his pencil out of his hand. ‘You’re one arrogant jack-ass, you know that? You might be busy, but unless you want to fail you are going to do this shit too.’
‘What. Are you going to tell the teacher on me? It’s your first day and already you’re going to bitch me out?’ Well, he’s definitely a dick.
‘No. I’m not. You’re going to help because I don’t have any idea what the fuck we’re supposed to do. , And and based on the fact that he put you with the new girl, I’m guessing that you do.’
‘I have a history assignment that I need to get done. Figure it out yourself.’
By this point, it had become nearly impossible to appreciate his good looks since I couldn’t get past his attitude. And trust me, they were some pretty nice looks. Those deep green eyes were off set by shaggy black hair, and he had on a tight black t-shirt that showed off the hard body I had run into.
‘Fine. Just remember that if I fail, you fail.’ So I turned away and began to work my way through the gibberish on the board. I’ll admit, I might have just copied the table of geeks in front of me. By the time the bell rang, I had just finished with two minutes to spare. I spent those last two minutes watching my lab partner out of the corner of my eye. I learned that he knows nothing about history. Nothing.
He stood up, and I got a really nice view of his ass in his destroyed jeans and lost my train of thought for a few seconds. What can I say, . I’m butt girl. When I finally got it back, I stood and passed him going to the door.
‘Fifteen is Charlemagne. Nice try though. I’m sure you could have figured it out yourself eventually,’ and walked out before he could say anything to me.
I spent the first twenty minutes of English daydreaming about my chemistry partner’s ass. I know. Have I no shame!? Eventually I noticed the note that Cree had passed me to me about ten minutes earlier, and we spent the rest of class passing notes back and forth.
Hunter and Gavin were in my last class of the day. I had learned during English that Cree and Hunter were twins and had an older sister named Shiloh. Hunter waved me over to them and so I sat by him. We talked sports as we waited for the teacher to start class. Him and Gavin were both on the baseball team where Hunter pitched and Gavin caught. They could read each other like a book.
I heard a loud burst of giggling behind us to the left, and we I turned around to see what it was. In the corner was my good ole buddy from chemistry surrounds surrounded by a harem of the school’s best looking girls. He was obviously flirting with two of them, and they had their hands all over him.
‘That’s Danny Blake. Douche bag extrordinare. He frowns on sports, clubs, happiness, and puppies. Yet for some reason all of the girls want him,’ Hunter said, turning around.
‘That’s because they all think they can change him,’ Gavin said.
As I started to turn around, Danny looked up and our eyes locked. I saw the girl clinging on to one of his arms trying to get his attention back, but it was solely focused on me. Our conversation from chemistry ran through my head, and I reminded myself that this guy was a grade A jerk. I glared at him before turning around in my seat as the teacher walked in.
The teacher went on and on, and I let myself zone out because I already knew all of this stuff anyways. When class ended, I started to walk out with Hunter and Gavin when a strong hand grabbed mine and sent a warm feeling all through me.
‘Hang up a sec,’ said the deep voice that I knew would be in my dreams that night. Just maybe belonging to a nicer person.
Hunter and Gavin looked at me, and I nodded for them to go ahead. Danny waited for everyone to pass us before he spoke.
‘How did you know that answer? The Charlemagne one.’
‘My dad,’ I answered. That was always the answer I gave. Short, sweet, and too the point. I learned early on that it discouraged people from asking more about the topic I had declared was taboo.
He looked down the hallway like he was thinking about something, nodded once, and then looked back at me. ‘You suck at chemistry, . I suck at history. I say we help each other out. You tudor me in history in exchange for me helping you in chemistry,’ he suggested.
‘What’s the catch?’ I asked, because, of course, I have to be skeptical.
‘No one knows. And this does not make us friends or anything else.’
‘I don’t want to be anything with you so we’re good there.’
‘Why do you think I chose you? I have dozens of girls , and guys, who would gladly do everything for me. But they would only want something extra from me in the end or think that there’s more to it than there is. I have a feeling that you never will. Don’t prove me wrong.’ Then he walked past me and stalked down the hallway.
‘You didn’t even let me answer!’
He stopped and looked over his shoulder to say, ‘That’s because I know you’ll say yes.’
I stood there and watched him walk down the hallway and out the door wondering what the hell I was I going to getting myself into.
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Jane was wearing a dark long flowing dress, spaghetti straps, open from the neck line all the way down to the small of her back, six white buttons down the front. She wore black Steve Madden Deja Vu platform shoes, red lipstick and a splash of smokey grey eye shadow.She was quickly walking down the street, as if she was late for an appointment. She was clenching her small purse in one hand and a ticket in the other. She walked down the stairs into the subway station. She could feel the warm air...
Gillian clutched the cold tabletop and lay there, sobbing. Her ass ached, and her body throbbed with the pain of the abuses she'd suffered. Desperately, she raised her head and tried to see if there was some way out of the room, but there was only the one door and she knew that it would be locked. The door opened and Dean and Rose came back in. Rose carried the whip, and grinned as she strolled over to Gillian. "Bit rough with old Marty, right?" she said brightly. "Well, don't worry,...
I opened my eyes to find myself covered up warm in a bed that wasn’t mine. I roll over and see him, and suddenly the memories of what had happened the previous night started rolling back. Just thinking about it made my whole body quiver with excitement. It all started when I came over to his house after his girlfriend left because they had had an argument. We were all alone sitting on the couch watching a movie. I had always thought he was attractive, but since he had a girlfriend, we were just...
Erotic“Dad, can we talk for a minute?” Ali asked as I settled into a lounger on the sunny deck of the Lumiere, a luxurious yacht I had chartered for at least the first part of our summer vacation. The fifty-meter floating palace had comfortable accommodations for twelve, though we were only counting on having eight to ten guests aboard, since at least one stateroom would be reserved for a security team traveling with us. I had planned on spending at least three weeks aboard in the Mediterranean,...
By the time my brother turned my vision on the 'party' was well under way. Anne and Meredith were naked and being gang-fucked by six guys while Armstrong was sitting in a lounge with the beautiful, and naked, Erin Macintosh sitting on his lap." 'Actually she IS hot little brother, and I have to admit that whoever the surgeon was who did that job on her breasts he is right out of the top drawer.' I heard him laugh. 'It makes me almost want to renege on what I said before.' I was about...
Introduction: Noc 8 is the ending. There will be a special short, Noc 7.5, though. Carly and Megans father raced from his breakfast cereal, running up the upstairs hallway, catching movement from the corner of his eye in Aarons room. Replying to his beeper, he was no less relieved to find Carly in Aarons room than to find Aaron in trouble. Carly stood tense, holding the panic button in the small hand before her, staring at her father. Aaron and Megan both still laid asleep on their mattresses...
It was day two of the trial and Roger was ready to produce testimony about the DNA identification of Gilbert Kinneson's remains. He had contacted Senior Technician Fred Simms, the lab supervisor, and hastily explained what he needed. Simms said it would be no problem. Schwartz tried to be as clear about things as possible. "Now I know that there were a lot of tests done on the DNA from the body," said Roger. "That's not germane to the issue in this trial. All I need is an overview of...
Before we begin the story, there are a few things that I, the owner, must share. These stories will be somewhat based on the games created by and Meet n' Fuck games, even though the title seems to be only about the games related to Fuck Town. The content of the stories that I will create will be mostly on the free games provided by and Meet n' Fuck. You can choose to create your own story based on the other parts that I have not used yet. I hope you'll enjoy...
Friday, December 22, Morning Dave found himself alone in Jennifer's bed the next morning. Olivia and Jennifer had been in the bed when he'd fallen asleep. Out of necessity, he had sent Emily into the master bath to take a shower after their fun and then sent her back to her own bedroom to avoid unnecessary and possibly dangerous questions from Emily's cousins, Molly and Megan. Dave lay there looking out the window thinking about the past few days and about events yet to come. Christmas...
I got up from the bed and went into the bathroom and washed myself and came out. He too washed his hands and came out and we landed on the bed in the same position. I was getting ready to return the favour he had done to me and was ready to touch his penis when he suddenly got down to my penis and took it in his hands. He just pulled my shorts off and I was naked in front of him. My cock was feeling very weak after its first encounter and he was busy trying to get it up. He started slowly...
Gay MaleWaking up the second time, and this time in his own body, but in a similar hospital bed, proved to be an even more difficult an experience than the first time. One thing he noticed right away was that everything was hurting. Hey, it had been nice to be Alex, then, right? No pain that time. C’mon, is that the only thing you can think of? You know it’s not, and don’t you dare do the thinking for me. I’m your brain, remember? Then I’d rather be brain dead. “Hey, hey, Mr. Malis, look who...
Aaron was up early, before even the false dawn, and well before anyone else. He eased out of his bedroll without waking up either Dana or Karith. The fire had died down to glowing embers so he added several pieces of wood and coached the fire back up. Large enough to drive back the chill in the autumn air, but small enough that dousing it later would not be an issue. He was on his way back from the edge of Karith's wards, where he had taken care of his morning call of nature, when he...
I was shopping and saw this set of Purple Valentino Lingerie! I didn't have enough $$$ to buy (over $100!) but I had to have them! I stuffed the set in my panties, and was just about out the door, when a hand on my arm stopped me! It was a woman from the Lingerie Department! She said, "COME WITH ME!" and took me back to the Bra fitting room! She stuck her hand in my pants and pulled out this set! She stuck her hand back into my panties and grasped my cock! "What do we have here? Seems...
Day Six I was awake before the alarm, spooned between two lovely ladies. Outside, the rain seemed to fall heavily on the trees, and there was a strong wind blowing. Lauren moved against me and opened her eyes. She kissed me gently when she saw my eyes were open, and I kissed her back. A hand on my cock told me Suzanne might be awake. I turned my head and found her looking into my eyes. “Kiss me,” I said quietly. She moved closer and kissed me as Lauren’s hand joined Suzanne’s. “He seems...
“I do know that the slickest way to lie is to tell the right amount of truth—then shut up.” —Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land THURSDAY MORNING, Beca and I had passes from Mr. Gieseke to give to each of our teachers explaining our absence the next day. Friday morning, Sophie dropped us at the airport with just an overnight bag each. And my guitar. I’d learned to always carry a guitar when I travel. There is a spot in the hanging clothes bin at the front of the aircraft where...
They came up for air almost at the same time. The girls were laughing but Hunter came up with a great loud 'GASP' before he too started laughing like an eight-year-old. For the next ten minutes, the three played like otters; wrestling with each other, swimming and diving together in a complex game of 'cat's cradle', totally unconscious of the fact that their naked bodies were in frequent and intimate contact (or, perhaps, was it rather that they finally accepted that physical contact was...
After listening to her story so far which was also totally new for me, i was extremely sexcited. I just could not control myself and made love to Kalyani for the whole night. She was aslo aroused and we had a hot passionate night. The next day (or should i say night) kalyani told me the remaining part of her adventure. Lets hear it in her words: After that incidence I never saw rahul Sir again. I had no contact with him either. Right or wrong, the experience with will always be cherished in my...
Mila Monet is loving being back on camera and can’t wait to show off her tan body in her pure white lingerie and stockings. She loves how her cute little bush peeks through the sheer material of her panties; but don’t worry… soon those panties will be flying off! Kimora Quin joins Mila and has one of her dildos she can not wait to get deep in Milas wet pussy. It is so tight and pink! Kimora loves tasting her as she buries her face in that snatch making Mila shake...
xmoviesforyouIts been 2 months since I meet Tyrone at the casino and he has changed my life forever. He has turned me into a total nympho for BBC. I cant get enough BBC cock. One is not enough anymore I have to have 3 or more to satisfy me. He has been setting me up with bachelor parties with 6 to 10 guys usually black and I dance for them and strip and then the fun begins. I get fucked for 6 to 8 hours then go home and get fucked by my next door neighbor and his 3 friends. I call them when Im on my way...
My fun with momChapter 1As Mom and I walked back to the car after dropping dad off at the airport, she put her arm around me and pulled me close. She had been doing this whenever we were together and alone. She giggled as I placed my arm around her shoulders pulling her toward me. I was a little taller than Mom so I kissed the top of her head as we walked. Why I did, I couldn't tell you, except I loved my Mom and at that moment felt a little sorry for her because Dad would be gone for the next...
Lila awoke startled; the aroma of freshly made coffee on her nose, yet, Manu was lying beside her, still asleep. She rolled off the bed, the heavy rings on her breasts swinging painfully, and walked to the kitchen area. She found Aisha there, preparing breakfast for them. "The sheik sent me to help you out," the chubby girl said. "I see," Lila answered suspicious of anything the sheik did. Aisha knelt in front of Lila, "I am to remain with you and Master Manu, and to assist you...
4:43, my alarm clock read. It was still hours before I would normally get up, but here I was, unable to sleep because I couldn’t keep my eyes off the boy next to me. I didn’t want to bother him, telling myself that I should just let him sleep peacefully, but my libido had other ideas. It didn’t help that his lips were already parted too, almost inviting me to kiss him. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, leaning gently into him and kissing his lips, just enough to make contact. My...