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Introduction: Noc 8 is the ending. There will be a special short, Noc 7.5, though. Carly and Megans father raced from his breakfast cereal, running up the upstairs hallway, catching movement from the corner of his eye in Aarons room. Replying to his beeper, he was no less relieved to find Carly in Aarons room than to find Aaron in trouble. Carly stood tense, holding the panic button in the small hand before her, staring at her father.
Aaron and Megan both still laid asleep on their mattresses in the almost overly girly room. After seeing that she could never fulfill Aaron, Megan began almost resenting her older sister and began phasing out their social relations. Carly feeling guilty, but not wanting to hurt either her sister or Aaron, fell asleep with Aaron every night and later moved through the middle of the dark to wake up with Megan. Not wanting to gloat or upset Megan further, she hadnt tried anything since the first night with Aaron.
Several days later, she and her sister began growing suspicious of their father and Aaron as they began spending more and more time together and always leaving to do different things together alone almost every afternoon. Carlys curiosity peaked though almost three weeks after it all began, when the night before, she caught Aaron hiding something in his dresser before relocating to Megans room.
Carlys father was not happy that the hospital had postponed the surgery, but was satisfied enough that they were less restrictive on Aaron in site of his bodys good behavior. That made it much easier in that he and Aaron had only to show up at the hospital once every other day. He thought though that if he had left him at the hospital, Aaron would have held priority and his surgery would be done and over with. But the surgery was now only three days away, which didnt help on the stress, but did provide hope and light at the end of the very dark tunnel.
Carlys father stared at her speechless. He waited hoping that she would guess a wrong story as to what the button was. She just stared, the sun coming through the window reflecting from the glaze of tears over her eyes.
Not wanting to ask but knowing that there was still a remote possibility in its purpose, properly responding to the call, her father choked up, Is Aaron alright?
Carly broke down realizing her worst fear and lost the strength in her legs, falling to the ground. Her father rushed to her, catching her in his arms and held her close to comfort her.
Aaron walked from Megans room toward the bathroom. He thought it strange to see a hand sticking from the parents room waving him in as a dark face peaked out, but decided to follow it. He walked in and his cousins father locked the door behind him. He began filling him in on the situation.
Carly had ran off to a friends house because she couldnt bare being with them knowing that they had lied to her so badly. Megan was still in the dark but they had to tell her before Carly had the chance.
Aaron couldnt wait until it would all be over in a couple days with the intervention of his surgery.
Megan woke up seeing her father and Aaron sitting on the side of her bed. They knew it wouldnt be a fun time to learn about what was going on, but they didnt know when Carly would be back.
Aaron liked the way Megan was taking it, her father though knew that her way of taking it would only come back with a vengeance. Megan decided that things couldnt be that bad and played the denial game. When her father began forcing her to accept it, she threw her head into her pillow and began screaming to block out his voice.
I think I can reach her, Aaron interrupted her father, just give me some time alone with her. Her father wholeheartedly agreed replying that he would be downstairs if he needed anything.
Aaron walked to the door, hearing Megans father walking down the stairs, closed and then quietly locked it. He walked back to Megan, who was then silently face down in her pillow, and put his hand on her back. He moved his hand and rubbed it down the side of her face, pushing the wet skin to face him.
I told you before, if there was something wrong with me, your father would protect me, Aaron started, and hes doing everything I said he would. Im already scheduled for surgery and after that, Ill be good as new. Megan knew that Aaron was going to have a special checkup to be fixed soon, but they had never told her about brain surgery.
Whyd you hide it from us? Megan whimpered.
I wanted to tell you, but I knew it would hurt you, and you already dont like me anymore, Aaron answered.
I like you, she pouted a little.
Then why dont you want to be around me? he asked.
Because you dont like me, you only like Carly, she said, releasing a few tears from her eyelids to the pillow.
Carly is the most amazing person I know and I love her for that&hellip, but you are the most intriguing person I know, and for that, I will always love you, Aaron said hoping to comfort her after a short silence. I love you in a different way than Carly, but still in a way that will never die. I would do anything for you.
Would you cum in me? she asked nervously.
Anytime in any place, Aaron said consolingly.
Really, Megan replied a little surprised, last time you let Carly pull me off you when you cummed and you held me away from you so you could only cum in her, because you love her now. Aaron wrapped the palm of his hand and fingers down between Megans legs over her light blue cotton night pants.
I love you too, he said as he began massaging her vagina through the layers of fabric.
Megans big childish eyes stared into Aarons as he caressed her baby making lips. She turned her body over and stretched her arms down to push her pants and tiny underwear down to her bending knees. She kicked her legs around trying to get her bottoms the rest of the way off while Aaron squeezed his hand between her tightly closed and kicking legs, feeling her tiny bald mound quiver. She moaned as his warm fingers pressed against her reproductive organ and were mashed between her small wiggling naked legs. She finally shook her pants and underwear off and dropped her legs down into a wide angle.
Can you cum inside of me twice right now? she pleaded.
Thats asking a lot, he gasped.
You said you would do anything to make me happy, she said with a big innocent childish smile, tears still drying around her eyes.
Youll have to do most of the work on the second time, he gave in.
Thats ok, I want to have to try a little to make you feel really good twice, she almost ecstatically said.
Aaron thought she was getting the wrong idea about sex and love, but he too was still confused about everything that was happening to him recently. He thought about it a lot in his free time and was way too scared to ask any adults. He had learned about sex in school but with everything going on in his life, he remembered little. Carly had calmed his fears of pregnancy when she explained to him about some pill and frankly, it all felt too good to give up.
Are you taking a pill too, Aaron asked Megan a little nervously, so you dont get pregnant?
Yeah, Megan assured him, Carly gave me her last two, she said she didnt need them anyways. Aaron looked into Megans eyes with a little fear. Dont worry, shes really smart, Im sure she knows what shes doing.
Feeling a bit more reassured, Aaron straddled Megans knees. Before him laid his younger cousin in her light blue cotton night shirt, and under him laid her naked slender legs and vagina. His eyes tugged at the meeting of her bare waist and the light blue cotton night shirt. He slowly scanned up her thin body, shrouded in the mystery of the shirt. At the same time of wanting to rip the shirt from her, he also knew the mystery behind it was what drove his passion of wanting to take her. His eyes met at her face where she stared into his passion with an exhilarating smile.
Can you pretend that Im Carly while you have sex with me? Megan cautiously asked, just this one time. I want to feel what its like to be loved like you love her.
Ill try, Aaron replied, feeling the raw emotion radiate from her little body. He could only imagine that she wanted to think of this as her last time before she gave him away to her sister.
Not wanting to take her immediately, he began. He kneeled back, moving his head down between her outstretched legs.
Remember, think only about Carly when you touch and make love with me, she begged, tugging on his boxers.
Aaron, still in his night clothes, responded, pulling his boxers off and drawing his t-shirt over his head. He slowly closed his eyes and thought deeply about Carly. He didnt know if it was from the drugs he was on or if he was slipping into a dream, but as his hands rubbed down the sides of Megans legs, he vividly pictured Carly in his mind. It wasnt so much of the image of Carly, mainly as his eyes shut, the overwhelming emotion of being with Carly right than overtook him. With the feeling her little sisters body in his grip, he began to accurately act out everything he wanted to do to Carly to pleasure her in apology to not telling her the truth.
Aaron removed the tongue from his mouth and planted it on Megans vaginal lips. Megan shivered a bit as she felt his warm wet tongue lather her small vagina. Her entire body stiffened in shock as she felt his tongue enter her body in one long steady advancement. She moved her childish hands over his scalp and began gently driving him in more as she shifted from breathing through her nose to through her mouth in effort to collect more air.
Circling the circumference of her tube with his tongue as his lips made out with her slit, Aaron laid, gently caressing her belly with his hands. Megans mouth stretched open as wide as it could attempting to take in as much oxygen as possible. She could feel her climax coming, and fast. She wanted him to stop, she didnt want to look so weak in front of Aaron and have an orgasm so quickly, but she had no breath to spare for words. Instead all that escaped her mouth were tiny girlish moans of pleasure as she began erupting into an orgasm. Her hips, just starting to buck, were forced down by Aarons arms. Megan almost screamed feeling her orgasm shatter her body as her bare ass was being forced into her soft mattress. Her waist dipping below her chest and knees as every reachable area between her legs was sucked, licked, and fondled by Aarons mouth while she squirt her orgasm, nearly drove her into insanity.
While still just barely recovering from the orgasm she was having, her body again convulsed slightly as another wave of bliss shot throughout her inexperienced body. She wanted to cry in shame as she was receiving such abundant pleasure without giving any back. The sensations between her legs stung with such incredible intensity, she knew she would explode screaming from insane pleasure if Aaron didnt stop. With the little muscle control she had left in her weak arms, she shifted her hands and began pushing the top of Aarons head away from her vagina.
Aaron didnt stop. He wanted to drive her into unconsciousness from the experience and have her wake up to him squeezing her body and comforting her with a million kisses before he drove her insane with more pleasure. His eyes closed and believing everything he was doing was to Carly, he pressed on as if they were the only two people on the planet.
Megans moans became almost screams as the tongue inside her vagina pressing against her newly found nub and drove her into a third orgasm. She didnt think this much pleasure was possible. Her bodys reaction tried gyrating her hips into Aarons mouth but his forceful hands were still holding her firm in place. She could barely collect enough air to stay conscious as the orgasms ripped through her young body.
Finally, Aaron stopped fondling her crevice. Slowly, he grazed his head over her torso and under her nightshirt. He inhaled the prepubescent sweat over her stomach and chest as he set his chest over her thighs.
Megan, coming from her orgasmic high could now feel as Carly would, feeling Aarons face on her chest as he held her waist in his hands. Her chest lit up in fiery paradise as the touch of his tongue and lips sucked over her little nipple.
Megan grabbed at the rim of her nightshirt and pulled it over her head, feeling confident that if her father didnt come upstairs yet, he wouldnt come at all. He had doubtlessly figured the loud noises were a temper tantrum and avoided it at all costs. She dropped the shirt onto the floor and tugged at Aarons head, still wiggling her hips a bit coming down from the orgasms.
Aaron moved from her nipple and slowly kissed his way up the rest of her torso over her small neck and up to her mouth where he began sucking her lips open. Megan relieved her mouth, taking in his tongue, and stared into his closed eyes. She could feel the passion he was putting into her. But it was killing her psychologically knowing that she was empty, that she didnt have his cum inside her. She thought it was the greatest feeling in the world for some reason, knowing that Aaron could leave something so incredible inside of her like that. She wanted his affection, but she was dying to be filled first.
Please put your penis inside me, she pleaded, keep what youre doing but I just need you inside me too.
Aaron drove his fingers up her long blonde hair resting his body on hers. He then picked himself up and prepared to obey her every command. His hardened pipe hung below him. Blindly he guided it between her legs. The mushroomed tip bumped her tiny lips a few times before he felt the seeping slit. Slowly, he squeezed his shaft down her tight long neglected tunnel.
Megan inhaled deeply as she felt the tube inside her hips stretch and push her other organs away to accommodate the guest.
Aaron lifted himself over the young girl, straightening his elbows, and slowly thrust his appendage into her body.
Megan, staring up into Aarons face, felt more shame than she ever thought possible. Seeing his eyes closed, knowing that he was doing everything he was doing for the sole reason of making her happy, and imagining that all what he was doing was in effort for forgiveness from her sister. Megan knew that she was now just toying with the already fragile relationship the three of them had. Feeling the effort and emotion Aaron put into her now showed her how intensely Aaron really felt for her sister.
Slowly, Megans body moved up and down with Aarons thrusts. The two naked bodies steadily humped each other, both almost unwillingly.
Aaron collapsed on his elbows and wrapped his arms under Megans arms. Megans thoughts were mixing with the incredibly intense feeling driving into her vagina. The same time she thought about how she was using Aaron, she could feel the little organs inside of her body stretch and grind each other as his penis ripped through her small body. She moaned ascetically in happiness and regret as her nimble frame squeezed between her childrens bed and Aarons naked body.
Her mouth shot open and she began inhaling and exhaling wildly. She could feel the slow build up of her orgasm coming. She reached up and touched Aaron. A smile of contentment crossed over his face. She realized that she had been neglecting him again, making him give her all the pleasure. She grabbed at him and tried pushing him over.
Aarons body gave, falling to the side. Without pulling Aaron from her vagina, she climbed on top of him. Wanting to at least finish what she started, she started riding him. She rode his penis a few strokes bouncing her butt cheeks off his legs before Aaron drug her face to him. Megans building orgasm reached its limit. She held it for as long as possible wanting to release it with Aarons orgasm but she couldnt hold back any longer. She felt it begin to leak out and in a last effort she pounded her body onto Aarons while exploding her orgasm onto his penis.
Aarons cock flared at the sudden detonation of heaven on itself. The tiny, almost vibrating, hot muscles clenching his shaft from all sides as the wet bare skin of the young vagina pounding into legs pushed him to no return.
Megan, unable to think at all, caught the sight of Aarons face reaching his climax. She pounded one last time onto his body burying his penis as deep as she could into her body. Her muscles spasmed and sucked at its guest. Small amounts of saliva dripped from Megans lips as she fought for breath, unable to swallow at the time. She released the volume of her lungs as she felt the hot semen spray inside her body. At the feeling, her hips shivered in pleasure as her girl juices poured over Aarons waist from her vagina. Megan laid, locked into place on top of Aarons penis as his shot cum into her body. Every time she felt the hot liquid splash against the end of her reproductive organ, her body involuntarily ground itself into Aarons hips from the incredible feeling. Feeling the penis fill her body so much, stretching her internal tubes to the max, she fantasized what it would be like to never have it leave.
Megan dropped her body the few inches down to Aarons abs and panted for breath on his chest, still feeling the great sensations of being occupied. She then almost choked when she thought she heard Aaron whisper under his breath her sisters name. Never wanting to leave her vagina empty, she reluctantly pulled herself up off of Aarons penis so she could meet his face.
Open your eyes, she asked quietly.
Aaron obeyed to meet Megans eyes. He looked over to the side shamefully.
Megan had never felt the emotions between them just then. Feeling the devotion Aaron bestowed upon her, increased the sex she just had beyond any imaginable level. She could now see why Carly was so protective of him and how she was able to be with him without wanting sex all the time. She herself could barely stand what happened from how Aaron treated her, how he touched her, everything he did was different then he had done to her from before. She wanted it to last forever but at the same time, she thought that it would drive her crazy to feel what she felt for much longer.
Her body began shivering as the room temperature began evaporating her sweat while she thought about living with the passion Aaron had towards her sister. Her mind couldnt begin to comprehend what it must feel like to love something so much.
Knowing that everything Aaron did to her was meant for her sister, her guilt began coming back.
Im sorry, she whispered, you dont have to ever do that again if you dont want.
Megan knew she was definitely not the person to handle Aaron right then. She couldnt imagine all the things that must be going through his mind. She wished Carly was there to fix what she did. Carly always helped Aaron when he needed help. She could never handle it, she just wanted the fun, not the pain, but now she was the reason for the pain and the only one there.
She pushed his face back up to meet hers.
Im me, she said, its Megan, touch me like Im Megan.
She could only figure one thing to take his mind off of Carly.
Lets go take a shower and Ill make sure youll never think Im my sister again, she poked out hoping it wouldnt make things worse.
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Even though she and Yvette had shared a dozen very intense orgasms during their brief orgy, Laura's appetite for Trina was undiminshed. She arrived at Trina's apartment at nine o'clock. Shawna had only gone to bed fifteen minutes earlier, and they resisted the urge to surrender themselves to completely wanton fucking until they could be sure she was asleep. "She usually go out like a light," Trina smiled as they both peeped in on her to check. Shawna was sleeping deeply. Trina closed...
50yo Girls Gone Wild Just about everyone has heard of “Girls Gone Wild” where young attractive girls willing show the camera their boobs, butts, or pussies and sometimes all three. They are usually drunk, drinking, or just get caught up in the moment by their friends. No matter what…they are very sexy DVDs to watch. My favorite is “Girls Gone Wild - On Campus.” It is an old DVD and apparently its out of print (I checked their web site). Anyway there are hundreds of girls flashing. A...
Richard was grinning ear to ear as he stood next to Sandra and Emily in the green room. The audience had been larger than any of them had expected, and so was the crowd that lined up to greet them. Many Wexford students had come, including the violinist Jeff, for whom Sandra would be conducting in the fall. As promised, beside him was a mischievous looking friend who asked her to conduct for his recital as well. Sandra politely declined, eliciting a victorious fist from Jeff. Richard grinned...
My daughter had been dating Tom for about four weeks. It seems Tom had recently suggested that the two of them do what most of the others in the district were doing and have a weekend away in a motel or resort either alone or with another couple. Jan liked him enough to agree to his suggestion but was concerned as she is a seventeen-year-old virgin and Tom is a few years older.Tom, she informed me, has had sex with at least two other girls she is aware of. She wanted to go and was prepared to...
MILFKevin und Sibel waren entschlossen, ihren Urlaub in Algerien zu genießen. Kevin hatte gehofft, dass die Reise Sibels Gedanken vom Thema Kinder machen abringen würde, da sie in letzter Zeit mehr und mehr erwähnt hatte, dass es gut wäre Kinder zu haben zu gründen, von der sie gesprochen hatten. Kevin fühlte sich jedoch nicht bereit dafür, weil ein Baby ihren unbeschwerten Lebensstil stören könnte. Im Hinterkopf dachte Kevin auch, dass seine Fantasie Sibel mit einem anderen Mann ficken zu sehen,...
I had been depressed from the age of eight. Ever since my mum was murdered my mind was crushed. I had been so close to my mother, we had a mother and daughter bond that I thought and wished to never be broken. But it was taken away so quick I didn’t know what hit me. I didn’t want to know about life anymore. Even though the killer was found- a desperate lowlife mug, I felt that justice was still unfulfilled. When her killer was sentenced to life and the feeling of more revenge remained in my...
Introduction: A young boy loves his family, sometimes too much! I walked outside with my suitcase and hurried to the car under a sheet of rain. My sisters Megan and Cristine were already waiting in the car with my mom. I hurried in and took a seat, staring out the window as the rain trinkled down the side of the car. My family and I were going on small weekend vacation in the city, and I was very excited to finally get away from my boring town. We finally got to the city a few hours later, and...
Hii everyone, how are you all keeping up. Ready for my blast from the past? Rather hope all of you are getting wet now that the pandemic restrictions are somewhat relaxed. Your very own Rohit is here with yet another real-life (s)experience. God, I love this site because of the responses I receive from my lady readers after my stories are published. Do keep sending your love and more of – well, you know what I mean. If you are a new reader, please read here. So straight to my story. This is...
I know what you're thinking. How could I have not seen this coming? But, it caught me totally off guard. My wife has always been a big sports fan, much more than I am. I never really got into sports, but she was interested in a big way. Basketball, baseball, football, you name it, she was into it. She was constantly talking about the stars of the games, comparing me to them and making sure that I knew where I didn't exactly measure up. I just never thought she would ever let things go...
"Get a message to Bob Zaglinder. Tell him it's time to feed the ducks. Noon today ... he'll understand," Presidential Chief of Staff Barnes called out to his secretary in her outer office. "Right away, Chief. You've got that missile defense contract group coming in at 12:15. Do I cancel, or reschedule?" "Tell them to go ... oh, never mind. Reschedule. Tell them to make it dinner, a free evening next week, on their dime. A really big dime or it isn't worth wasting my time." "You...
One evening the family went out for the night and I was left at home with my babysitter Lauren. I had often fantasized about her, I found her very alluring. She was quite chubby and through her clothes seemed to have amazing set of boobs and a chubby arse on her, she had just got back from work when she had to come right to our house so that she could watch over me that night. She began to have a shower and I had been in my room playing with myself to a playboy magazine, when I decided since...
This is the first night in a long time that I lay my eyes upon my lover. I have heard him several nights in a row, calling my name and wandering restlessly through the deep forest. My instincts tell me that I should approach him cautiously. Let him see just a hint of me before retreating again. Make him desire and follow me. Cultivate his lust like a farmer grows his crops. Play his own feelings against him until he can think of nothing but me. I curse my flesh and try to organize my own...
SupernaturalPart VI - Whispers and Shouts Sharon was up early Monday, and so by the time Jocelyn came out, dressed and ready to go, there was a light, healthy breakfast waiting for her. Two places were set, each with half a cantaloupe, a glass of juice, a cup of coffee and whole wheat toast. The New York Times was at Jocelyn's place as well as the Wall Street Journal. "Nothing in the Times and nothing new in the Journal," Sharon said. "Too soon," Jocelyn said. "The Journal will await...
Sometimes life throws you curves and sometimes a slow pitch. You can hit a home run. I was online in a yahoo chat room and was just lurking, some guys were talking about a love potion; one had bought it and he claimed it worked! When he gave the web address I was like damn and copied it down. I have a problem, my sister is gay, but that is not my problem, my problem is the burning lust in my heart for sis. Shannon is a lipstick lesbian and hotter than shit, she is 5'9", slim, blonde and very...
Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter twenty-nine When Matt got home, Mary met him at the door and they shared a long, passionate kiss. ‘What will we do all weekend?’ she asked after the kiss ended. Matt grinned at her. ‘Silly question,’ he said. He grabbed her bottom and pulled her against him. When Mary felt the young man’s swollen member pressing against her, she went a little weak inside. The weekend was going to be wonderful. ‘Maybe we could go over to my place tomorrow...
The Wife’s Trip I hate when my husband is having business guests. Even though I am sure he is not doing anything with the women he works with – and he easily could – I do feel like he uses them to make money. Am I married to a pimp? I’m not sure I like that idea. What I am enjoying is our new youthfulness, our fitness and, of course, the fantastic sex. Being experienced, with an experienced man, but horny as a college freshman has lots of advantages. I love what it has done for my body. I am...
"... and still the fighting goes on." Dan gave the camera his best somber stare until the red light blinked off. Then, as had become his habit recently, he quickly rolled his chair back a few feet. It looked, he hoped, like just a little relaxation between segments. It was, however, really a chance to get a better look at Connie's lovely legs, unfortunately hidden from his view at the anchor desk. It still rankled a little that the bosses had forced a co-anchor on him, and he didn't think...
“Well,” the ranger said, “the original owner was a movie mogul who had it built some fifty years ago. The last owner had it donated to the Forestry Service upon his death. I was lucky enough to be assigned to it a few years back.” “You’re really lucky!” Frank replied. “This place looks like the Ponderosa!” “The what?” the ranger asked. “Oh, I think I know what you mean.” He shook his head. He didn’t have a clue what the female’s companion meant, but he was just a thrall. He didn’t...
My wife Joan and I moved to the Colorado Springs area eight years ago, when I was fifty years old and she was forty-seven. I was transferred there by my high-tech company from the Minneapolis area, and soon became an avid outdoor enthusiast. We had beautiful lakes in Minnesota , but the mountains have a beauty all their own and I started doing a little hiking in the foothills.Because Joan had no interest in outdoor activities, I always went alone. Those were always day hikes and I never...
BisexualThe sailors and fishermen weren’t the type of men to man a wall, but they should be fine as artillerymen. They were familiar with ropes and mechanisms, and they certainly knew the machines they had built. As each machine was completed we assigned a regular crew to it and they started practicing. The first catapult had some issues. We could fix some of them, but we were going to have to live with the rest of them. We didn’t know how long we had to prepare, so having one engine that worked...
Hi, Indian sex stories readers. This is a real story of how I got intimate with my cousin sister and ultimately banged her heads out. Let me tell you a little bit about me and my cousin sister. I am Rohan, 24 years old, 6″ average build boy with a good sense of humor and blessed with a 6-inch penis. My cousin sister is Pooja, also 24 years old, tall 5″5′ girl with a slim trim body, long sexy legs, and average boobs. I always had fantasies for small boobs but I never saw her in any sexy...
Incest[email protected] went through a period in my life that I went completely cock-crazy. I don’t know if it was a change in hormones or what but I just started acting like a slut! I tried a bunch of different things that I wouldn’t have even thought of before but the underlying thing was I wanted cock…I wanted fucked…I wanted to suck…I was acting like a damned slut!One of the things I started to do was dress and act differently (pretty gay), made myself able willing and available to almost...
Dani was stunned. She couldn’t believe what she’d just seen. She was sitting in front of her computer, her mouth gaping open. She’d just witnessed her mother sucking her brother’s cock, and then taking a monster facial! Watching what was happening in her brother’s room was nothing new to Dani. Being the techie that she was, her brother had come to her months ago, asking if she could help him set up a webcam on his computer. It wasn’t so much asking her to ‘help him’, but to flat out have her...
I woke naked, tied up at my hands and legs, horny as fuck, and woozy. The world got a bit clearer and a bit clearer, and I heard low feminine voices from somewhere. God, I needed someone to come and fuck me, suck me, or at least stroke my cock -- I needed to cum so bad I could scream! Unfortunately, someone had gagged me, and I couldn’t make a noise louder than “MMmmph!”. Whoever tied me had done a good job, because I wasn’t going anywhere until someone set me free. I looked at the head of my...
Beautiful Justice (Part 1 of 4) - [email protected] (lisacaitlingrey) Author's Note: Ok, here it is, ladies and second attempt at writing fiction. I don't feel that this story contains the same emotional depth of my previous story, but of course we are all our own worst critics, yes? It is significant to me as it is my first attempt at a completely original work. I guess I will rely on my readers to give me feed back on what they think. I don't plan to be a...