Amissum Codex The Book of LossChapter 2 Desideratus Regret
- 2 years ago
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I woke naked, tied up at my hands and legs, horny as fuck, and woozy. The world got a bit clearer and a bit clearer, and I heard low feminine voices from somewhere. God, I needed someone to come and fuck me, suck me, or at least stroke my cock -- I needed to cum so bad I could scream! Unfortunately, someone had gagged me, and I couldn’t make a noise louder than “MMmmph!”. Whoever tied me had done a good job, because I wasn’t going anywhere until someone set me free. I looked at the head of my cock, pointing directly at my face, and it looked at me. The haze in my thoughts finally burned off.
What was I doing here? Who had tied me? What was all this? A part of my mind reassured the other that all was well, everything was going to be fine soon. It would all make sense, and I was going to be happy. It was only my conscious mind that didn’t understand yet. The rest of me said, “Ssshhhh, just wait” and had a warm reassuring smile that I could feel. I had a feeling that there were a lot of things that had been kept secret from me, the conscious me, the part of me that called itself “I” and “me”. I had a feeling that there was an “us” that had plans I wasn’t privy to, that memories were being withheld from “me” by “us”. This, of course, worried me.
What had I been doing before I woke here? Linda had said something that astonished me ... Fuck! I remembered! She had told Deb that we wanted her to move in with us, that we loved and needed her. Why was that strange, I wondered. We’d been fucking as a family for weeks now, and we loved each other very much. It was obvious that Deb should move in, that we should all be together. The house felt wrong somehow when she was gone. And now that Ellie was coming home ... Ellie was coming home ... to be with the family ... Ellie would need us to help take care of the baby ... baby ... IVF? Needed to talk to Ellie about IVF, I think.
I heard a noise at the door, and saw a naked Deb holding something in her hand. She came toward the bed. God she was beautiful! Sexiest woman ever. Maybe next to Linda. Or Ellie.
“I’m glad you’re back with us, Dave, “ Deb said as she sat down at the end of the bed. “I’ve got something that will make everything go easier. I’ve talked with Ellie, Dave, and she is willing to carry the baby!”
I felt tears af joy come to my eyes.
“Don’t worry, she’ll tell you all about it herself. She’ll be here soon, so we need to get you taken care of, now, okay?”
I nodded emphatically. I really needed to cum. If I hadn’t been tied down, I would have been doing my best to get Deb on her back with her legs in the air, and, failing that, masturbating urgently.
Deb smiled, and said, “Okay, then, lift up for a second.”
I’m sure I must have looked confused.
“Lift up your hips, babe,” she clarified. With a degree of confusion, I did so. She reached under, and I felt something against my rectum.
“Mmm-mmm!” I said, shaking my head violently. My ass should have a sign tattooed on it saying “Exit only!” I am not a fan of ass play, at least not in my ass! I clenched as hard as I could to keep whatever it was out.
Whatever it was was rounded, tapered, and very slickly lubricated. My sphincter lost the fight. The next sensation made the fight worth it. It burned like fire, and I screamed behind my gag like I was being tortured to death, which muffled it far too well.
“Shh, baby, it will be fine in a minute, I know it hurts now, but that will go away very soon.”
I looked at her and asked, with my eyes, “What the fuck did you just do? What did you put in my ass?” Tears were flowing from my eyes for a completely different reason.
“It’s a special extract I’ve made from a number of herbs, the most potent of which is mandrake.”
My eyes widened in horror.
“In a minute or two, you are going to be a fucking machine, well, even more than you already are! You’re also going to enthusiastically accept everything that happens. You see, Ellie didn’t just want to be a surrogate, she wanted to have your baby. She loves you, and you love her. That hangup about her being your daughter is going to just dissolve away, and you are going to want and need to make her pregnant. Very probably again and again, but I’m not sure about that. Ellie wants to do that for you with all her heart. She wants to have your children, and I didn’t have to even suggest it. She and I have been having telephone conversations about it for weeks.”
The burning was fading, but I could feel it in my balls, and the sensations in my cock were getting stronger and stronger. Oh, God, if my daughter walked on right now I would fuck her, I knew it. My hips were pumping the air as it was, and precum was pulsing out with each thrust. I began to sense a change in reality, and it was scary. Mommy ... Deb, had been telling me stories about how things should be, how I felt, what I needed and needed to do, and it was all becoming clear, very clear. My world was reforming around me, and I was, I am, Daddy. Deb is Mommy, and she knows best for everyone. Linda is my sister, my daughter, and my wife, and family. Family loves to make love and fuck and touch and fondle and suck and play and do our chores and anything Mommy tells us to do. Our family members are close, and making each other feel good is very important. Ellie is my daughter, and Mommy’s daughter, and she is family, and beautiful, and sexy, and I was going to make her happy, and a mommy for the whole family, and that was important too.
I looked at Deb/Mommy, with pleading in my eyes. She smiled, and nodded, then turned and left the room. I gave out an anguished “MMMMMhhhhhhh!”
A moment later, she reappeared in the doorway, smiling. My cock felt four feet long and was throbbing with a wonderful thrumming vibration. I wanted her to climb on it and ride. Oh, please, Mommy, please! But she turned again, and I realized there were people behind her, Linda, and someone slender and young? Ellie! It was Ellie! My God she looked young! And my God! She had huge breasts! Lovely breasts! She’d always had them well-covered before, or Daddy would have been much more conflicted sooner. She was smiling at me! Mommy and Linda took each hand and helped her into the bed, kneeling over me, over my straining, over-pressured, hurting cock that was about to explode. It was too hard, much too hard!
Ellie looked me in the eye, and Mommy took off the gag. “Daddy? I want your baby. I want you to make me a mommy, and fuck a baby into my womb. I want you to fuck me and fuck me and fuck me some more. I need you, Daddy! Will you please fuck me pregnant?”
The world was surreal, holding its breath, like it all turned on what I said next. “Baby, I love you. I would do anything for you.”
Her smile was like a searchlight, it blinded me, or maybe it was just my tears. Linda grabbed my cock and pulled it vertical, and I almost screamed in pain. It was too hard to bend, to full of hot, pounding blood. Mommy guided Ellie’s hips down, and Linda slid me into Ellie’s pussy. Ellie slid down into it and cried out happily, “Ohhh, how I’ve wanted this! You are filling me Daddy!”
It was true that I was filling her, and quite completely. Her vaginal walls squeezed my cock hard, and there was a relief as the pressure of the blood inside it met a pressure that at least equaled the pressure outside it. It no longer felt like my cock would burst apart, it felt like it was being held together.
Mommy came up next to Ellie, and said, “Now you can suckle at my breast again, while you ride Daddy’s cock.” She put a nipple to Ellie’s mouth, and Ellie began to nurse. It was heartbreakingly beautiful, and unbelievably hot, and just as it should be. Ellie began to ride my cock, and I tried as hard as I could to be gentle, to make it last for her, and for me. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to slam it home until I came like the fourth of July all over America.
Mommy was whispering in Ellie’s ear, as she nursed, and Ellie’s eyes had glazed. She began to fuck in earnest, driving my cock so deep into her I would later be afraid we’d hurt her. At the time, there was only one way to respond: to meet her down thrusts with the strongest up thrusts I could manage. This was the entire world. My cock had felt huge before, now it seemed to be pulling me into it, all I could be aware of was every millimeter of the skin of my cock sliding along every millimeter of my daughter’s amazing pussy, each stroke taking minutes, the head of my cock passing through a narrowness deep inside her with an explosion of ecstacy, then being withdrawn with a sense of deep regret, like it was being exiled from its home, to repeat the cycle again and again. Words cannot describe how amazingly right and wonderful and pleasuring the repeated motions felt. Time seemed to be stuck in that loop. It may have gone on for years, it certainly felt like it, each second of each year filled with pleasure and happiness and love. It probably lasted a couple of minutes, really, but I felt so good, and I suspect I was on some seriously strong plant drugs. The feelings of pleasure flowed into one another, and it felt like Ellie and I flowed into one another, like souls or spirits or energy or some New Age or acid- head stuff. The connection between Ellie and I, womb and cock, was like the foundation of the Universe, the solid structure that the world was built on. We were together in a way that makes no sense to anyone who is rational or sober or sane. It was a something-integral-to-Reality.
We watched as a comet with a blazing tail approached from miles away, and it drew closer and brighter and faster, and I think I heard Ellie singing to it, calling it to us. I heard my voice yelling encouragement to it, and it seemed to respond to us, growing closer and brighter and faster and then it swallowed us, and we were in a sun of such pleasure and ecstacy that can’t be imagined, only experienced, and two became One.
And then Three.
I fell back into my body as blast after blast of cum shot into my daughter’s womb. It already had been, I knew. Judging from the pain my body felt, we had been going at it for weeks. Okay, actually maybe a couple of hours. I hurt in places I’d forgotten I’d had places. I was completely untied but Ellie was still astride me, still fucking me with that heartbeat of the Universe rhythm. I was still thrusting back, too, same rhythm, not missing a stroke by a nanosecond. Ellie’s eyes were gazing into mine, with so much love, and the knowledge that she was now pregnant, that we had conceived a child. She placed her hand to her womb as she rocked, smiling what would have been a secret smile had I not been in on it. I returned the smile. She stopped, and lay down on me, and kissed me deeply.
“I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you, too, Ellie, my beautiful, smart, loving daughter.”
My back hurt, my legs hurt, my stomach muscles hurt, but my cock was still going strong. It was still hard, still pulsing, and as Ellie dismounted, it stood back up and pulsed more ... cum? Precum? Who knew at this point. Ellie said, “Daddy I need to stop and lie down now, is that okay?”
“Absolutely okay, love! Can you call your Mommy for me, though? She’s created a problem she’s going to have to fix, now.”
Ellie looked at my twitching and throbbing cock and giggled. I’ll tell her, and Auntie Linda, too! She scampered off. I have no idea how she could do that, I could barely move. But watching her do that made me very happy.
Deb came in shortly afterwards, and smiled. “I hear Ellie is already expecting! I thought that might happen, the timing was right for her to be ovulating. How did she know it happened?”
“We both did. We felt it happen, well, at least I did. Probably part of whatever hallucinatory stuff you gave me, but I can say I’m certain I felt it. I don’t quite know how she knows, but I do know she is certain, too.”
Deb looked at my cock and the goopy mess it was pumping out. “I wish we could fuck, but you two were at it for a long time. You must be sore.”
“I can’t pump or thrust -- my back, legs and gut are killing me.”
“But your cock is fine?”
“It is, and I’m still horny as hell. It feels like I’ve got seven or eight gallons of cum left to go my balls are starting to hurt again with the need.”
She beamed and swung her leg over me, and slid me inside, “Oh, goody! Mommy will do all the work, and take away some of that painful cum from Daddy’s balls. Oh, my, you’ve gotten bigger again! No more horsewort for you! Ah, yes, fuck Mommy nice and deep and full! Oh, baby, that feels so good!”
Her breasts bounced as she slid up and down, and she grabbed her nipples and rolled them, and milk flew in streams from them. I came hard again, and moments later, so did she. “God that’s a lot of cum you just pumped in me! No wonder the bed is drenched!” She kept the rhythmic pace, the wet slapping sounds of her pussy clopping down on my cock was a loud ‘splocka splurg -- splocka splurg.’ “You’re splooging out a little bit with every stroke! You are going to be so dehydrated when we’re done, even with all the breastmilk!”
“So, the breastmilk...” I started, hinting to her that she should fill in the blanks.
“Yes, my breastmilk contains chemicals that induce a hypnogogic suggestible state, as well as increasing the receptivity of certain neurons involved with sexual stimulation and orgasm. I took a series of shots to induce lactation. It makes things easier for folks to accept what must be. Linda was actually pretty easy ... ooh, God, that’s nice! You are filling me completely! Oh, fuck yes! Mmmm! Oh yes! Yes! YES! AAiiieeeeeYES! Ah! Oooohh, nice! Mmmmmnn!”
We came together, and it was, again, fucking wonderful. She cuddled on me, still impaled on my pulsing and twitching cock that just seemed to not be able to get soft, and kissed me. She then sat up again, which felt really good, and continued our session but just using her pussy muscles. Almost as nice as the actual rocking fuck.
She continued her explanation, “Linda was basically on board with everything, wanted everything, although she was a little shy about girl-girl sex, but that concern was greatly diminished that first night, even before my milk came in. After that it was simple, I just pointed out that we were a family since you were going to make Ellie pregnant, and the sexiness of it sort of spread. It certainly did for me! Ellie wanted everything, too, she has actually desired you since before we were married, but of course, wouldn’t have dreamed of acting on it until she actually did dream of having your baby. The resistance to incest thing was in my head, but that faded quickly. She’s very bisexual, it turns out.”
Deb continued, “I had no idea I was, until all this started. I don’t think I was, but things changed for me, and in me, starting with that dream. Now, I’m obsessed with family, babies, nursing, our women, and you and your cock.”
“Speaking of family,” I said, “did you give something to Ellie to make her breasts get so large?”
“Mmm! I can feel how you like her boobs!” she said as there was a great deal of very pleasant pulsing and movement below. I do, in fact, like Ellie’s boobs quite a bit. “Nope, she’s had those since she was sixteen. They droop a bit less now. Something is making us all younger. Whatever it is, it doesn’t have anything to do with my herbs, or the shots I took, for that matter. I checked thoroughly. Maybe it has to do with the dream ... So you never noticed our daughter has big breasts ... huh! A part of me is happy about that. All of me is happy you’ve noticed them now! Well, she always hid herself under lots of loose fabric. That’s changed! You’ll see all of us all the time we’re home!”
Another orgasm was impending. Damn, Deb is good with her pussy muscles, and with all the boob talk, I’d been pretty focused on the ones above and in front of me. I found myself growling and thrusting, despite the pain, and again feeling that exquisite narrowing at the end of Deb’s channel, complete with the little pop and burst of pleasure at each thrust, and the disappointment as I pulled free and back out into her main channel. We both gave sharp yells and quick but long thrusts that increased in pace.
“Take it deep! Take it ... deep ... in ... you!” I gasped.
“Give ... it ... to ... Mommy ... Give ... it ... all ... to ... MEEEEeeee!”
The head of my cock was jammed deep in her, so deep I could feel the cum blasting out and back along the length of the shaft, and it bubbled out between her pussy lips and my cock. It had to be handfuls of the stuff, our mixed fluids dripping down already saturated thighs and crotches, onto already saturated and very slippery sheets, and soaking deep into a mattress that was going to need to be replaced.
Deb gasped, recovering, and said “That couldn’t ... have happened! ... What I felt ... it’s not possible! I don’t have a cervix anymore!“
I panted a moment. “Wait ... What? You ... hadda ... hysterectomy! Are you saying, you have ... a womb, now?”
“I felt the head of your penis go through my cervix -- which should have hurt like hell, but God! It sure didn’t! -- so something has changed inside. I need to see my gynecologist right away, I think!”
I looked at her. “Have her run a pregnancy test, too.” The look on her face made me regret my words instantly. The look of hope was ... humbling. Part of me was sure, but I prayed anyway that I wasn’t mistsken.
“I can’t explain it. Maybe it’s more of that stuff you shot up my ass, but I really feel it’s so, impossible as it is. A part of me has been wondering about Linda, too: we thought she’d ripped something during one of those all night pounding fuck sessions, but I think maybe it was a period. She should go back to her doctor and ask about her womb and cervix, too. I think it’s like the getting younger. You all have.”
“You have, too.”
“I have noticed some changes, but most of them seem to involve my genitals, and I think that has more to do with you spiking your breastmilk.”
“Well, some, yes.”
“What exactly did you do to me?” I asked
“You were a tough nut to crack -- you have a very strong will. We, Linda and I, wanted, needed, you to be willing to have sex with Ellie so she could have our baby. We needed you to see us all as a big, sexy family, and we needed you to want to have babies with us, even if Linda and I couldn’t. We’re sexually baby-obsessed, and we know it. The very idea of being mommies makes us so horny we can almost cum if we just think hard about it. I was amazed when I found out that Ellie felt and thought exactly the same way. So, I tried everything I could think of to get you to see things out way.”
She continued, “So we started with a threesome, and I thought of, well, fantasized really, about lactation, and how some drugs are secreted in breast milk -- that’s why there are drugs you can’t take if you’re a nursing mother. So I did some research, kind of obsessively, into what psychoactive herbs would do that and figured a way to use them. You, and Linda, would drink it and I’d make suggestions and they would sink in, sometimes with surprising results. One of the herbs I used does increase blood flow to the sex organs -- I think I overdid that one ... if you get any bigger we’re going to have problems, and that’s not good. Other herbs increased the sex drive. I can’t say I’m unhappy with the results, but it was more effective than I had planned.”
I asked, “And the burning ass goop?”
Deb hung her head and said, “I couldn’t resist playing with the mandrake. I made an extract from a blend of the herbs from the breastmilk, a few more I thought would be ... useful ... in production of semen and especially sperm. That’s why you are still, um, leaking. And stiff. The alcohol pulling the chemicals into your prostate is what burned. I was careful, but I think it may have been too much.”
Well, I’m not sure I would have had sex with Ellie without it.” Deb brightened. “It has certainly been an amazing, long, strange, sexual trip. But I would not recommend it to anyone. I’m feeling pretty terrible now that it’s wearing off.”
“I’m so sorry, babe,” she said, looking guilty and contrite.
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I didn't realize how much my life was changing until it was almost too late. The transition was slow as I moved from the life of a carefree twenty-something to being a more responsible, middle aged husband and father.As the years crept by, the youthful exuberance my wife and I once shared slowly gave way to the repetitive boredom of everyday life. Maybe that’s what they call getting old. Then again, maybe it’s just the ongoing process of growing up.The thing was, I wasn’t enjoying getting...
CheatingDamn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...
Looking through the sheer curtains of the cabana, I see about a dozen people looking at both of us. Some I just met tonight and others that I don’t recognize. Then Emily says to me, ‘Since you been a naughty cum slut again, I will have you service some of the VIP members tonight! Remember don’t talk to anyone and only whisper into my ear.’ Cuddling next to Emily, I think back to the start of the day, being caught by Emily dressed as Deedra. What a glorious day, having sex with my special...
As Steve entered the common spaces, he saw Theresa and Conseula cuddled up on the couch. They waved him over, and he settled down on a chair next to them. "How are you this morning? Well rested, I hope? Have you had breakfast yet?" asked Theresa. "Yes to both, thank you. And yourselves?" Steve replied. "We're both fine," Consuela said, "We got to bed early, and to sleep late, but we slept very, very well once we settled down." She smiled at her lover, and continued, "And we had a...
I was getting pretty horny that week; since my sweet wife had gone out of town to attend a conference.I talked about it with some of my office mates and one of them, Jimmy, said he had the perfect solution for me.He said he had a she male friend; a hot ass girl with a huge cock.I laughed, saying I was straight and did not want a cock in my ass.But Jimmy convinced me that the she male had an ass to die for.I finally accepted and I made some arrangements with this sexy she male, to meet at a...
ROBIN GIRL WONDER part 1 - BODY AND MIND This story is based loosely on drawings done by Fraylim. If you'd like some background on the characters in this story, please see their "biographies" at WikiPedia. This is a work of fan-fiction that includes characters owned by DC Comics. It is not intended to damage their copyright in any way. Tim Drake was in bed thinking about his plan; wondering if he could really carry it out. It was daybreak and the birds outside sang a...
Susan huddled in the doorway and shivered as the cold wet rain poured down around her. The weather was definitely bad for business. She had been on this corner for four hours and had turned only one trick - a grossly overweight, foul smelling man who had wanted a blow-job. She had gagged when her mouth touched his unwashed cock, but she had forced herself to go through with it. She had to make some money just to keep Toby from beating her. Toby was the pimp that John had turned her over to...
[Missy] March Missy should have felt frightened, or miserable, or something. Instead, she felt mostly numb. Truthfully, she felt a little bit of satisfaction, too. Melanie Farnsworth, her mother, actually looked like she had tears in her eyes! Of course, those could not be tears of sorrow for her daughter. They would be tears of frustration that her efforts to make something of the girl had taken a major setback. Missy's father, James Farnsworth, just looked grim. James Farnsworth looked...
True story, this happened about an hour ago. I was taking a walk by the canal this morning. It was chilly but pleasent. As normal I was feeling horny and as I do I started to play with my cock as I walked. now had this been summer I would have prbably been naked, as I am a naturist and a bit of an exhibitionist. after severl minutes I was really worked up, so I stopped to sit on a tree stump close to a bridge. I unbuttoned my trousers and they dropped to the ground, lowering my boxer shorts to...
The next week, they started the new routine -- Tuesday and Thursday, they would have an abbreviated practice in which Lou would participate, then he would go off with one of the girls, don a bra and panties and sneakers and a pink sweatsuit and return when the sports teams had cleared out and the team would do their competition practice with Lois present. It would have been nice to be able to do things only one way, but while virtually no one went to cheerleading competitions, the teams and...
Cheating Wife Series (mf, Mf, Mff, Mfmm, D/s, n/c?) Authored by: TheDoM Valerie and Bill had been married for 9 years, both finding one another after each going through their own failed marriages. Valerie is a very petite woman, standing 5’3”, 108 lbs, shoulder length auburn hair, fair skin, 32B-24-34, and 31 years of age. She’s a very attractive woman and very sensual. Bill is 35, 5’10”, 190lbs, short blonde hair, clean shaven. Between them, they have had a total of 6 children, 4 being carried...
FetishForty days later, our ship tied up at the dock in Rouen, although we had switched to a smaller ship in New Aragon for the last leg of the trip up the Seine River. Aside from keeping my wives and new concubines entertained, we had spent a lot of time teaching the new girls English and reviewing lists of projects that had previously been submitted for consideration. Looking over the sprawling city of Rouen as it came into view, I decided which project would be first. I had toyed with the idea...
Sofia Reyez and Natalie Brooks start today by pleasing each other as we see the thief sneaking around. He is in totaled shocked as he finds them moaning load. After they’re finish one of them walks to the fridge where the thief goes to grab her. These girl are sex freaks and he didn’t know what he was walking into. The girl didn’t freak out instead she was excited to grab his cock and go down on him. After a short secretly blowjob the girlfriend catches them and brings out a bat to confront...
xmoviesforyouThis is a true story of our first time getting horny together. We had just started dating but she had liked me for years. I was 18, she was 18, her parents were away on a mission trip out of the country. She invited me over to her house for dinner. She was a curvy Italian, and cooked meatballs, sausage and pasta.When she brought me my plate she had arranged the sausage to be between two big meatballs! So it looked like a dick and balls! Hint number one that she was horny! This made us talk...
We had spoken about it for a while and although we were not unhappy with our erotic adventures we had decided to expand a little. We put an advertisement on the Internet and waited to see. Every time we logged on we hoped to find the perfect reply to our ad. Our ad went something like this: “Happy couple, content with their own adventures would like to add a third person to share some special times and make some fantasies come true.” ...
BisexualMy wife and I have been married for almost three years. We live in the suburbs of a big city so we are not sheltered from the goings on of the clubs and night scenes. A thirty-minute drive will lead you to whatever excitement you are looking for. We met in college and fell in love right away. We got married right after graduation.Kelly had a few experiences with guys, but since we dated for almost two years, it was safe to say that I was pretty much the only guy she knew intimately. Kelly was...
The club was hopping tonight. The rhythmic beats from the high tech sound system could be felt outside. Jenny closed her eyes and leaned against the warm concrete wall. Tonight she would give her body wholly; not just on a casual level, but on every level. Tonight she would be his. Dressed exactly as her master instructed, her latex skirt was short enough that when she bent over, her entire ass made an appearance. Jenny’s breasts were encased in a leather bra that had no cups, leaving the heavy...
BDSMMy names Damian Walsh. I was a happy highschool kid until this morning, when my younger sister, Sarah, decided to blackmail me for a precious 50 bucks. Although, come to think of it, I am still a happy highschool kid. Only now, i've got my 50 bucks back, and am holding my friend's camcorder. My friend, John - Hes a good friend. And he just decided to go downstairs to get a drink, which is why I am holding this camcorder. Oh, right. That over there on the bed is what my...
Mellissa was a freshman and was taking the photography class because it was a requirement for her major. Her boyfriend was also in the class and I always saw them smooching in the hall before class and they always walked in with his hand on her ass. I was jealous of her boyfriend. I wanted Mellissa. Mellissa was a little plump but she was not fat. She was about 5’5”, and I would say about a 150 pounds. She had a beautiful round ass. She had long curly red hair, blue eyes, and few...
I fucked and ate my classmates all during lunch. Then it was time to go back to classes. Of course, I had to be naked all afternoon, which I don’t mind at all. I kind of enjoy having others see me. I never would have thought that, but since I became a whore, I like it. Nothing to get in the way when it is time to fuck. We went back to class and once again I was being used by another teacher. I got fucked in the ass in front of my class and then another teacher came in and I sucked his cock....
I wonder if any of my male cousins are going to get out of girls teasing them about having boners? Only Olive has on shorts that won’t give a good look at what the girls are covering. I will go referee in a little while. When it was just Tina and me in my room, I locked the doors. A push of energy into the glop gave it that little nudge to send Tina running for the toilet again. My helping it along short-changed her from getting the orgasm the other girls arrived. Her eyes went large when I...
I had been chatting to Peter recently, who I might add was getting more and more adventurous, and we came up with the idea of what you might call a bit of an orgy.He had over the last few months met other like minded gentlemen, who wanted to have their balls emptied, and knowing that I liked nothing more than sucking a nice big cock, and swallowing lots of hot sticky cum, had arranged for a meet at his.I left the planning to Peter, and as arranged pitched up at his last Wednesday night, 8...
It had been busy but things had finally slowed so Amanda and I decided to take a vacation. Keys was as beautiful as all the vids. We walked off the large rental boat and I grinned at my sister with her arm around the waist of a tanned man I recognized. Dragon and Cynthia were flying and chasing each other along the edge of the water. Amanda squeezed my hand before letting it go, “Hi.” I paused at the buzz of my comm and frowned before pulling it from the small pouch I was carrying,...
Two figures, dark cloaked and masked, diligently scanned their surroundings as they guided a boat toward the sandy strip of beach ahead. The tang of the sea hung heavily around them in the humid air, leaving the approaching boat shrouded in mists. The sea was calm and glassy in the faint light of the crescent moon, only the surge of the waves against the shore and the faint sloshes of water against the bow of the boat breaking the silence. The keel of the boat barely scrunched into the sand...
Love conquers all, but what if it comes up against love? Michael and Jean find a magical coin which allows them to experience other realities as they transform each other. After reading some wonderful, old Caterpillar Girl stories I have to thank her for the inspiration and the device. Callie x Michael wrapped up his shift at the gym as he did most nights, cashing up at the cafe register. Michael managed the gym, after years of working there as a trainer, then progressing...
Sins of the Father By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold (List of Characters is located at the end of the story) Chapter 1 "Yes, It is a fact...that bastard... waiting to be executed by California is a monster...he may have even been the one who got my mother pregnant...but he's not...
Slut: New to the scene. Part 1After 8 long weeks working on a construction site in the middle of the desert, I needed some time to relax and recharge my batteries. With four whole weeks to recuperate, I decided I would meet my wife in Tenerife as opposed to flying back to the UK. My rota would have me arrive in Tenerife on the Tuesday where as my wife would not arrive until the Saturday. Some of you will be aware that Tenerife is a haven for swingers from all over Europe, due to the year long...
We had a friend drop by the other day; I was at work as K has Fridays at home. K was dressed in a red wrap around dress and a G-string, when she answered the door. K has always like Martin tall good looking guy, married to a stunning girl, so she has not been too forward or tried to tempt him in anyway. K invited him in for a drink and he asked if we would like to join him and a few friends on a fishing trip. They had organized a 50ft charter boat for a weekend, and they needed two other...
Julie is a private school teacher and after school often helps to clean up.The janitor is a middle aged black man with the sunniest disposition of anyone I have ever met.He is tall and slender and him and Julie have known each other for a while.This evening a lot of work needed doing and Joel told Julie he needed to stay later than usual would she mind giving him ride because his car was out of commision. Julie was carrying a heavy box and Joel reached out and grabbed hold of it at the same...
InterracialLiving in upstate New York, working in the city, subways are a transportation necessity. As usual, it was packed like a sardine can. I had already given my seat to an older lady, so on my feet I stood. 9 th Street, the next stop, was always crowded. Those of us standing did the back step shuffle. She climbed in and I checked her out. Mature, not small but not fat, perfectly thick in all the right places. She wore a sleeveless summer dress, black with a floral print, heels and dark hose. With a...
InterracialCal stood at the door, watching his Dad's green, 1965 Jeep Two Door Station Wagon... (The one with the just finished and reinstalled Corvette, .30 over bore, small journal, 283 with four speed and four wheel drive... The one with the Brand New Gel Battery... The one with Brand New Pirelli P1 Tires on Brand New Kelsey Hayes 15 inch Wire knockoff hub wheels... The one with Formula One brakes, calipers and titanium brake lines... The one he'd paid 3500.00 to have reupholstered... The one...
Detroit ... nice town ... Henry was just getting started. Windsor, across the river, was a bedroom community for Edison Electric's white collar workers ... small, clean, upstanding ... it had the reputation as the baby capitol of America ... the upstanding had a lot to do with the birthrate. White collar workers learned about sex in college and didn't want to give it up. America, having never had slaves, didn't have race riots. The things I was finding out about the place certainly made...
It all started with a text. She asked if I wanted to go out to the bar with her. I replied that it would be fun. We went to a couple of bars, ending in the biggest bar in town. We started to get a little tipsy. It was almost bar close, and she had that devious look on her face. Her name is Tamera. She is 5’7”, 28B cup breasts, 26 waist and a nice bubble ass. Not too big, but tight and a good sized handful. I am 6’6”, slim, and moderately built. I am not a hardcore athlete, but I could...
A story from Robert: My girlfriend Jesse and I were sitting at the bar in the 40Watt Club. The band we had come to hear had just ended and the night was getting late. My name is Robert and I’ll assume that if you’re reading this story, you may have already read Jesse’s two other submissions. So I won’t go into detail on what she looks like or me, for that matter, since our photos are posted on our profile. Anyway, the 40Watt is a venue in our college town that hosts live music. And here we...
Group Sex[I wanted to write a quick erotic TG story about a summer vacation but I ended up falling in love with the characters and wrote a whole book. I hope you enjoy it.] A Tale of Summer (in the Mountains) By Rohmer Fan I briefly considered driving off of a cliff before Kayla asked me another question about Ben's feelings. As the highway began curling around the Appalachian Mountains the nagging had actually gotten worse, as if neuroses were somehow strengthened by elevation from the...