Distribution Ch. 11 free porn video

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Chapter 11: Paige’s Dilemma

We became so intrigued by the letter Mackey had written for Corporal Ramsey that we forgot to get ready to go to dinner. Paige watched me fold the letter Mackey had written to an imaginary girl and put it in my pocket. She didn’t say anything, but we both knew that I would share the letter with our friends if the occasion arose. It was too good to keep under wraps.

We found our little group in the bar, waiting for a table. Fred ordered drinks for us and a second round for the others, except Tilley, who was nursing her first gin and tonic. Nadine and Janice teased us about being late until they saw that Paige was wearing a bra. Her dress was black, buttoned to the neck, above the knees, putting her bare legs on display. I wore my only suit and the tie Paige had selected for me.

I sat next to Tilley and struck up a conversation, first thanking her for her help that day and then asking about her college studies. She confided that her dad wanted her to join him in his business, but that she would prefer to remain in school to pursue a Master of Science degree.

I got the impression that Nadine had told her about my being a widower. She seemed reluctant to inquire about my kids, but once she broached the subject, I told her some of the funny things that had happened, including Amanda finding the envelopes of cash in the roll top desk. I didn’t know the others were listening to me until we moved to the dining room.

Nadine arranged us in girl-boy-girl fashion at a round table. I was seated between Tilley and Janice with Paige directly across the table from me.

‘How much cash was there?’ Nadine asked.

‘We never counted it.’

This got the attention of everyone at the table and I had to explain how Peggy and I had paid off a mortgage in cash and how Amanda had discovered the envelopes we’d given Mr. Bennett in the desk. ‘We keep it locked in a safe in the basement and use it sparingly.’

‘How much is left?’ Janice asked.

‘I don’t know. It’s Amanda’s job to bring me cash when I need it. I used the cash in about half of the envelopes to pay for a fire suppression system we installed in the old building I own.’

‘That’s an awesome responsibility for a young girl,’ Nadine commented.

‘Amanda is a responsible young lady. She wouldn’t like it if she knew I was talking about our secret stash of cash,’ I said, becoming quiet when I pictured Amanda chewing me out for blabbing.

The server came to take our orders. The women wanted salad to start, followed by broiled codfish and a baked potato. Fred and Harold wanted steak. I considered the fisherman’s platter for about fifteen seconds before settling for the codfish. The pleased look on Paige’s face made me wonder if she had read my mind about the fisherman’s platter. Was she going to start controlling my diet? I hoped not. Fred and Harold begrudgingly added salad to their orders and I also succumbed to the pressure.

The server was filling the wine glasses when Paige explained the reason we’d arrived late. ‘Brian received a phone call from a soldier who knew Mackey,’ she said.

All eyes turned to peer at me. Even the server’s curiosity caused him to tip the wine bottle back and wait for me to respond, but I didn’t.

My attention was fixed on Paige. Had she mentioned the telephone call from Corporal Ramsey because she’d watched me fold the letter and put it in my pocket, knowing that I wanted to tell the others about it? This reminded me of the sort of things the mother of my children would have done. Had Paige taken on one of Peg’s traits? It took prodding from Janice and the realization that the server was waiting for me to speak before I broke eye contact with Paige. Her lips parted in a knowing grin when she saw me turn my attention to Janice, who was repeating her question.

‘Did the soldier know Mackey from that dreadful battle?’

I explained to the group how Miss Adams’ article had appeared in a Denver newspaper, how Corporal Ramsey’s granddaughter had recognized Mackey’s name and helped her grandfather place the call. I related what the Corporal had told me about being in the same hospital ward with Mackey and how Mackey had gone out of his way to help everyone.

‘It was funny to hear the Corporal say that he didn’t know that Mackey outranked him,’ I laughed, remembering how Corporal Ramsey’s voice had become somber as he recalled an incident from the distant past.

The salads arrived as I pulled the letter from my pocket and began reading it.


September, 1945

Dear Mary Jo,

I know it will be some time before you receive this letter because I don’t have your address. We haven’t met yet, but I feel like I already know you.

You’re soft. I mean that in a nice way. Don’t get me wrong. You’re not a softie. You don’t fall for lines that wise guys throw your way. You’re soft to the touch and you like soft things. You may not like me very well at first, but I hope that you’ll come to have a soft spot in your heart for me.

We’re going to get along great because we want the same things, like a nice place to live and lots of children.

I’m looking forward to our first meeting and getting to know you. Until then, don’t fall for those lines from other guys.


Corporal Ramsey


As I folded the piece of paper I noticed that no one had touched their salad and the wine glasses were still full. The server sort of tiptoed away from the table.

After a few solemn moments the topic of conversation changed to which dressing to try on our salad, what we had done that day, how the search for a new Red Sox shortstop was progressing, and naturally, how the weather was changing.

I was accustomed to speaking almost daily with Fred about the timing of stock sales, and I frequently stopped by to see how Harold was doing with a job, but both men avoided the subject of their work. It was the same with Nadine and Janice. This was a time for relaxation, a time to enjoy each other’s company.

There was some discussion about everyone’s plans for Thanksgiving. Janice commented that my children would be happy to see me, and Nadine joined in, telling me to drive carefully. I noticed a cloud pass over Paige’s face at the mention of me going home for the holiday.

We were well along with the main course when Tilley surprised me by imparting her knowledge of the battle for Iwo Jima. She spoke in a muffled voice, as if the subject would bore the others. She knew far more about the battle than I’d been able to find about it on the internet, or through Mackey’s letters. She said that she would like to read the letters. I warned her that they were mainly love letters, with very little about the actual battle, but that I’d be happy to share them with her.

Paige declined the offer of dessert, saying that she was full. I noted that her attention to the conversation had been detached since the mention of my being gone for a few days. I settled for just coffee, although I almost changed my mind when I saw the generous wedge of Boston cream pie being placed in front of Nadine.

I could see that Paige wanted to leave. She looked tired, making me wonder if she had worked long hours in order to get away for the weekend. We thanked Fred and Nadine, said goodnight to Harold and Janice, and I made sure that Tilley knew she was welcome to stop by the house the next morning before she was to leave for school.

Paige waited until we were entering the house before she broke the news.

‘I’ve been doing a lot of thinking this week,’ she began.

‘Aw Shit!’ I said under my breath.

‘This will be the last weekend I come here.’ Her voice was just above a whisper, and there was a ring of finality that told me she was serious.

‘What?’ I asked, incredulous.

‘You heard me,’ she said. I’d seen that look of determinatio
n in her eyes before. Her mind was made up, but I had to try to change it.

‘Can we talk about this?’

‘I told you that I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. We’re from two different worlds, Brian. This isn’t going anywhere. It can’t. You’ll be going home for Thanksgiving next week. We have to break it off sooner or later It will be better if it comes to an end now.’

‘I’ll be coming back. There’s the barn that…,’ I became quiet, knowing how lame I sounded. She was right. Work on the barn would not take long, and there would be no need for me to hang around after that.

‘We’ll conduct business by email. You know I’ll cast my votes to agree with your decisions. You’ll have my full support to settle the estate as you see fit.’ With that, she turned and was halfway up the stairs before I fully digested what she’d told me.

She had indeed done a lot of thinking. Everything she said sounded final, like there was no turning back. I turned out the lights and sat in the dark, letting my mind swirl, like tumbleweeds in one of those old western movies. When the wind stopped whirling, I considered the situation logically.

Paige was not an impulsive person. I’d never known her to be swayed or to change her mind once it was made up. Still, she was in the middle of her period. Perhaps there was hope that this would be the exception.

I thought of our times together. The Red Sox game and her coming to me in her parents’ dark living room were at the top of the list. We’d worked well together, had spirited discussions, but never a real argument. We’d had fun, too, laughed at things that happened and we’d shared events that took place when we were apart.

What had she meant by the statement, ‘This isn’t going anywhere?’ Had she been waiting for me to suggest a way that we could be together after our work on the estate was finished? Come to think about it, why had I left the subject of our future submerged, just below the surface? I knew the reason, Peg had always rejected my proposals of marriage until I’d stopped bringing it up. Paige had heard all my stories. She must have known that rejection was a sore spot with me?

Was it that I’d been reluctant to tell her that I loved her? What was wrong with me? I knew that being loved was something all women wanted to hear. I resolved to correct that fault if I got the chance.

Paige was on the far side of the bed. She’s tired, things will be different tomorrow I thought, as I made sure to keep a space between us.

The sound of my pickup starting awoke me. I got up to find fresh coffee made, and a note, ‘gone shopping.’ I don’t know what caused me to check the cookie jar where we kept the money we’d found throughout the house. It was empty. That meant she had taken the last eighty bucks.

Tilley arrived early, and we were reading Mackey’s letters to Elsie when Paige came in carrying two bags of groceries. I went out to the truck and brought the other two bags in. It addition to the essentials, bread, milk and eggs, it looked like Paige had enough packages of meat and chicken to feed an army.

I offered to make copies of the letters that had passages pertaining to the battle, and Tilley jumped at the chance to have them. When we came back downstairs, Paige was busy in the kitchen.

After Tilley left, I told Paige that I was going to call Miss Adams to see if she wanted to hear about the phone call from Corporal Ramsey and to read the letter Mackey had written to the future Mrs. Ramsey. Thinking that she needed an explanation, I told Paige that I thought she should be there to witness what was said between myself and Miss Adams. When she didn’t react one way or the other, I dialed Miss Adams’ number, casually adding that we would talk later.

Miss Adams’ visit was endless. She seemed reluctant to leave. She listened to what Corporal Ramsey and his granddaughter had told me, read the letter that Mackey had written, and then surprised me by wanting me to get the Corporal on the telephone so she could speak to him.

If Paige was listening to us, she didn’t show any interest in what we were talking about. She was busy in the kitchen, loading the oven with dishes of meat and the burners with pans of vegetables.

As Miss Adams spoke to the old man, she typed furiously, making notes on her laptop. I noted that she was incredibly thorough, asking Mary Jo to interpret what her grandfather had said, laughing at times and tearing up at other times. Eventually, she handed the receiver to me, saying that Mary Jo wanted to speak with me.

‘Please don’t call here any more, Mr. Driver. Recalling the events of that war has taken its toll on my grandfather. He’s completely worn out.’

‘I understand. Please thank him for speaking to Miss Adams. I do have one question before we hang up.’

‘What’s that?’

‘Do you mind if your grandfather’s story is made public?’

Hearing my question to Mary Jo, Miss Adams waved at me, mouthing, ‘its okay.’

Mary Jo confirmed that it was okay. ‘I’ve already told her that we don’t mind if she publishes the letter and tells the story as my grandfather described what took place so long as she doesn’t include his name. He doesn’t want publicity. Recalling the battle and those weeks in the hospital strains his emotions to the breaking point.’

I thanked her again and hung up.

‘I told her that I’ll feature Mackey Peoples and assured Mary Jo that I won’t name the Corporal for whom the letter was written.’

‘Good,’ I said. ‘It’s too bad he’s lost track of the other patients in the ward.’

Miss Adams agreed with me, thanked me for sharing the letter with her, said goodbye to Paige, and left.’

What followed were the most tense, disappointing thirty minutes of my life. I tried every way I knew to get Paige to supply reasons for terminating our relationship. She was busy washing the dishes and pots and pans she’d used to prepare my meals for what seemed like the next year. ‘It’s an impossible situation,’ is all that she would say. She did however, tell me that she’d labeled each meal that she’d put in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

I had an empty feeling as I drove her to the bus station, and I was almost certain that she felt the same. When she told me that I didn’t need to wait for her bus to leave, this got me pissed off and I stubbornly left without so much as a goodbye kiss.

The next week dragged by. I was in a funk, wondering how Paige could look adoringly at me across the table at dinner, and tell me it was over between us a couple of hours later. Was it something I said or did? I began to think it was something I didn’t say or didn’t do.

Our first communication was my email informing Paige that there would be no distribution that week. I felt it was necessary to explain the reason because distributions had been made each Friday for the last three weeks and her parents might be expecting the influx of new cash. I wrote that I was reserving funds for the refurbishment of the barn, which I expected to take place after Thanksgiving. This was Thursday evening.

Janice called, inviting us to their house for Saturday night dinner. I reluctantly informed her that Paige wasn’t coming for the weekend. I could tell that she was curious, but she didn’t come out and say it.

‘That doesn’t matter. You’re not as much fun as Paige, but you’ll be welcome anyway.’

I tried to hide the dejection in my voice as I told her that I would see how things went. She took that as a maybe and let me off easily. Not that Janice was a gossip, but playing it safe, I called Nadine on the pretense of alerting her to the fact that there would be no distribution this week. She said she understood my reasoning.

‘Paige isn’t coming this weekend so I’ll see you guys after Thanksgiving,’ I said, trying to make it sound like an afterthought.

Nadine lacked Janice’s more refined social graces.

‘Why?’ she asked, and
when I sidestepped that question, she got down and dirty, going so far as accusing me of causing a breakup by cheating on Paige. Eventually, she saw that her questions were in vain, and told me to have a good trip.

On Friday morning I received Paige’s very curt reply to my email, ‘I agree, you have my vote.’

On Friday afternoon, I delivered an updated financial statement to the judge in accordance with her stipulation that I keep her informed if there was a change in the estate’s financial picture. Nothing of significance had happened since my last report, but I made it look as if there had been. I attached a handwritten note to inform the judge why there would be no distributions until after the work on the barn was completed.

On the way back to the house I picked up a copy of the local newspaper. Miss Adams’ article began on the front page, with the letter Mackey had written, and continued on page seven with the story of how long it took the Corporal to meet Mary Jo, a sketch of their courtship, and a description of their life together. Miss Adams stayed true to her word, repeating what the Corporal had said about Mackey’s role in helping everyone in the ward. She included my wish that we could get the stories of others who had benefited from Mackey’s acts of kindness. She ended the article by thanking me for alerting her to the story, the letter, and for putting her in contact with the Corporal. ‘Mr. Driver is in the process of disposing of the Peoples’ personal and real property.’

The telephone began ringing about the time I finished reading the article. Most of the calls were from people inquiring about the items I was selling, but there were two calls from realtors, making me wish Miss Adams had skipped the part about me disposing of the real property. An interruption made me turn in alarm. A very angry librarian burst into the house.

For the next ten minutes, I ignored the ringing telephone and listened to Miss Nancy Dickens rant. It soon became apparent that she’d learned that there would be no distribution until after the work on the barn was completed, but she had other issues, too.

I was momentarily distracted by the telephone going silent, but she quickly got my attention.

‘Mr. McMahan and I are going to sue you for being incompetent.’

I was mildly curious. What was their basis for my incompetence, and where was Mr. McMahan? Why wasn’t he standing next to her? My bemused look clearly angered her. Miss Dickens’ nostrils were flared. Her fists were clenched. I wondered if she bit her nails.

‘Did you change your hair style, Miss Dickens? I like the way it’s combed back on the sides. Gives it…’

My compliments were interrupted by a deep growl. ‘You’ve let an opportunity for a killing slip through your fingers. What were you thinking by turning that letter over to that reporter? The story was the estate’s property. You gave a lucrative book away. We’re going to make you pay for our losses.’

She’d only patronizingly answered my question. ‘Where is Mr. McMahan?’

‘Don’t try to change the subject. He’s working for the city if you must know.’

‘He got a job? What’s he doing for the city?’

Ms Dickens had been standing with her feet firmly planted to the floor, about a foot apart. I pictured her on her back with Mr. McMahan between her legs. Was she a screamer, and was that Gordon’s mother in the background, urging him to finish so he could take her shopping? The ringing telephone broke my reverie.

‘He’s a flagman,’ she said, so softly that I had to verify what I’d heard. ‘A flagman?’

‘The city is doing repair work over on Beach Street,’ she said, begrudgingly.

‘Let’s drive over and watch him work,’ I suggested, adding, ‘I need to take a break from the phone.’

‘I shouldn’t have told you what he’s doing. Don’t harass him,’ she said, almost begging me not to drive over to Beach Street and make fun of her boyfriend. The vision of him between her legs returned. I couldn’t help it.

‘I’d like to hear how serious Mr. McMahan is about suing me. Have the two of you made your intentions known to Judge Lockwood?’

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Meri Prabha aunty

Main jab 9 class main padhta tha or main kiraye per rahte the hamare makan ke uper hi prabha aunty rahti thi unki do aur sahali thee rakhi(badla nam nagpur) preeti(badla nam Punjabi) or ye merath se the. Prabha bahut advance thi uska pati bhi bahut pdha likha tha. They always talk in english. Unka koi bacha nahi tha. Mujhe sabhi payar kerte the makan malik mere papa ke friend the main ek paying gaste hi tha. Prabha auntty bahut sunder thi unka figer to main aap ko bataoon bahut tarash hua tha...

2 years ago
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An Eventful Year

Chapter 1 I'm now thirty-three but the most eventful year of my life was my eighteenth. It was the year of my prom and that was when I lost my cherry to my boyfriend, Eric. Yes it was planned, carefully planned. I'd been on the pill for several months, I'd even talked with my mom about it, that I was going to have sex and she wisely whisked me right to the doctor the very next day. So, I knew I was going to have sex the night of the prom but Eric didn't; I hadn't told him I was on the...

4 years ago
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Caught and Transformed

As I sit her in my nice clothes I reflect on how all this began. I was a normal male in every sense save one. I liked to Cross Dress and my wife of 5 years was going to make sure that I could do it anytime I wanted to. The unfortunate thing for me is she wanted me to be female all the time. So here I sit writing this story at her request, no at her insistence.It was 4 years ago when my wife walked in the house after work and there I was all dressed up in some of her clothes. She just looked at...

2 years ago
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Bus Ride

Rita had just turned 18 so her parent let her start taking the metro bus to school alone. She was happy that her in senior year she would finally be independent. Even though Rita was thick she still looked younger than her 18 years. She had jet black hair, deep dark brown eyes and by her a natural dark tan you could tell she was Mexican. Rita was thick, by no means was she fat but she was not petite. No matter how big her shirts, sweaters, or jackets were, they could not hide her incredible...

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This is a true story

Three years ago I met two women at a local function, they were both in their 50's but looked to me younger. We were at a 200 club drawing with all the free drinks, food,etc. As the evening went on we became friendlier towards each sharing various thing in our lives including sex happenings. Some were funny and you laughed your ass off, others were so so. After the drawings(which none of us won the big prize) we decided to go to the local watering hole just a couple miles away. ...

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Brian read the sexy incest story over and over again. His cock throbbed in his hand, still after having come all over his stomach. He gasped for air and grabbed a tissue to clean himself off. He'd read the stories of a certain author named "Gigi Ramone" who wrote so many hot incest stories. Most were of brothers and sisters, something that really turned Brian on. Even though Brian did have a younger sister who was 21, reading these stories was all fantasy nothing else. He decided to write...

1 year ago
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Dressed To Kill Ch 05

Chapter 5 A little after three, Noella got a call from Mark saying that he had got the keys for the E500 Cabriolet and was asking if it was convenient for him to bring the car round at this time. Noella said it was fine and made busy touching up her makeup and replacing her jacket with a tight and revealing red top with a plunging neckline that framed her shapely breasts perfectly. Checking the mirror in the foyer of her townhouse, Noella was happy with her look. Looking good! Feeling great!...

3 years ago
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The Weaver And The WindChapter 18 Serenades and Love Songs

Our evening meal was a much quieter and laid back affair than the midday meal had been, with no demands on us to impress royalty. Lord Esterhal and his family had left for the Palace, where they would be dining with the Princess. We had all enjoyed early afternoon naps, as everyone made an effort to ensure they would be able to stay awake through the midnight hour for Thistle and Starlight's performance. Thistle and Starlight ate their dinner sequestered in Thistle's room. They had very...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 92

I laid down and fell asleep on the couch, but I bet I hadn't been sleeping for a half hour when my personal cell started ringing. I wasn't going to answer it, but something told me I should. I got it out of my vest and looked to see who was calling. It was Floyd from Florida, so I answered. "Harry, man I am glad I was able to get a hold of you. I think we have a problem on this end. Have you been out of Nevada in the last few days?" "Not hardly. I have been too busy here to leave to go...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Lea Lexis Lea8217s Oily Interracial Sodomy

Athletic, all-natural Lea Lexis wears stockings with green garters. The raven-haired MILF shares passionate kisses with black stud Mickey Mod and sloppily stuffs his ebony snake deep into her throat. Lea’s sweet cunt creams during a tempestuous pussy fuck. Mickey douses her derriere in oil, and his lengthy long-bone lunges deeply up her ass. The horny interracial fuckers spit on each other’s faces, sharing animalistic sodomy and extensive ass-to-mouth cocksucking. A creamy cum load...

3 years ago
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Just Good FriendsChapter 3b

Part 2 Sunday Alan stirred. The room was illuminated by the rays of the early morning sun. "Keep your eyes closed for a minute!" he heard Sarah say and he dutifully obeyed her command. "—Okay, you can open them now." Sarah was standing near the bed and she was wearing one of what Alan assumed was one of Ellen's winter nightdresses. It covered practically all of her body from her lower neck to her feet; including her arms down to her wrists. She did a little twirl and the material...

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Pregnant from my StepSon True Story Part 2

Part 1 concluded with the arrival at LHR (London Heathrow Airport). For a better understanding you should read the previous part first.We had rent a two bedroom flat, one bedroom for me, one bedroom for my stepson and a living room.The rooms of flats are really small in London.The “best” thing was the shower which was a tub and then covered with a curtain. It was a chamber-like room without a door. At least the WC was separated and ok.My strategy was to use the shower when my step-son would not...

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My Wife Denies Shes A Tease Chapter 2

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. Continued from Chapter 1, sandy had discovered who the black man was that watched her getting gang banged at the company party. I was a wild woman causing Bob to fuck me two more times. Bob was fucked out as he laid panting under me. I laid down on his chest as his cock was still buried in my pussy and I purred my contentment as we then...

3 years ago
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I had never really been anything special. The only thing that ever set me apart from other girls were the size of my breasts. About a 34 D. Personally, I'd always thought it to be a curse, passed down from my great aunts. Otherwise, I had boring brown hair that reached the middle of my shoulder blades, rather large, brown eyes, and naturally pale skin. My dark hair and eyes only added to the paleness of my skin. Everyone had always told me that I was pretty, but I could never really bring...

Love Stories
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Animal FarmChapter 5

Fishing a handkerchief out of his pocket, Phil withdrew his limp cock from Stacy's overflowing cunt, wiped, then pressed the handkerchief between her legs. He pulled his pants and shorts up, and then climbed over into the front behind the wheel. Clamping her legs together, Stacy quickly slipped her dress over her head and had it on, with a little help from Al, by the time Phil had gotten rid of the speaker and started the car. On the big screen, the good guy and the bad guy seemed to be...

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3rd Chromosome Golden Ticket

Hey everyone! Another request here. This one is for…someone who didn’t give me a name. Anyway, this is another futa story, containing, futa, large dicks, celebs, you know…what I write about. Note: This is a separate series of one shots, mostly fan requests. Comments and feedback are welcome, everyone is over 18 and celebs don’t act like this. Enjoy! *** Chloe had won the golden ticket. That’s what people would say. It didn’t come in a chocolate bar however, rather in a plain manila envelope...

4 years ago
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Subjugation Chapter 2

................................. Chapter 2 ................................. Located 50 miles from the outskirts of Cheston city, Mandan Powers Solar Plant had a capacity of around 18MW. It comprised 53K solar modules installed on 130 acres of land. However, it produced only 8MW, for which it could be considered highly inefficient. What the world did not know was power was not its actual business. It was merely a cover for a clandestine facility underneath, comprised of seventy...

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Roadside store

Writing sexy stories is such a turn-on for me, I don’t know why I haven’t posted one in such a long time. I was inspired to tell this tale after a someone inquired if I frequent adult stores. My hubby and I love to travel the backroads and explore the less well-traveled parts of the Southeast. During these road trips sometimes we’re the only ones in a diner or a gas station, which can be kinda eerie, but also very arousing for me because with fewer or no witnesses, I am free to do as I please....

1 year ago
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The Jaylynn Chronicles The Neighbors Naughty Secret

My father was the type of guy who loved having cookouts, and inviting the entire neighborhood. While the adults played dominoes and drank beer, us kids would swim in the pool. It was a nice neighborhood and there wasent any fear of being harmed there. Everyone was so nice, it was like we were all one big family. Our neighbor Mr. Eddison, was in his mid to late fifties. Wore glasses and was balding on top of his cherry colored head, which was from sitting out in the sun to long. He was a very...

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Not Passing Go Ch 02

I picked up a very beautiful young woman from her office. I was supposed to take her to the airport. Almost immediately she realised that the limo was the one that Yousif normally drives. Clearly disappointed to find a middle-aged guy like me in the driving seat, she asked tersely, ‘Where’s Yousif?’ I fed her a line, not much choice really. ‘Sorry, Madam,’ I apologised, ‘This is my first day with the courtesy car firm. Taking you to the airport’s only my second unsupervised job and I...

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with sarah

An Encounter With SarahThis is a rough sex fantasy scene for you...This will be an illusion of forced sex. You and I will know we both cravethe attack. The dramatic intensity which engulfs us will be the realitythat drives us to fulfill our fantasy.I walk into the room. You sit there on the edge of the bed fully dressedunaware of your seductiveness."Jenny", you breathe, your voice quivering.I decide that this is a show of your desire for me. You know what iscoming. Everything we have...

2 years ago
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First Time I had a Creampie

It's funny how sometimes things happen that don't hold great significance at the time, but which in retrospect mark a turning point, or a beginning of something important. I'm nearly 30, and I know now that the first time my curiosity about cum, about tasting and eating my own cum, was actually several years ago. Back then I was head over heels for my girlfriend Tanvi. We'd been dating nearly a year, were only 21 had the desperate, frantic, clawing kind of sex life that you associate more with...

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THE Harem Tales 2 Girls Just Wanna Have FunChapter 2 Reflections

Michael sat naked in a warm corner, a purring Naomi cuddled on his lap. As the days passed, it became clear, she of all the companions loved him most deeply and was his. The others loved him at various levels and were very affectionate, but their love and loyalty was spread to all the sponsor spouses. Naomi appreciated the others, loved them as sisters, but looked to Michael as her protector and her life’s love. She strove hard to please him, diligently studying and continuing on her earlier...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Lucia Fernandez Busty Slut Secretary Lucia Fernandez DPd by Two Stud Colleagues

It’s a regular Wednesday and Lucia Fernandez, a slutty secretary with big tits, is going about her daily tasks when one of her colleagues enters the room. After a bit of company gossip, another guy who’s new to the company walks in. Immediately, since she’s around two studs, Lucia’s pussy starts getting wet, and it doesn’t take long for her to act on her instincts. Once she’s placed both guys’ cocks in her mouth, the threesome devolves—or perhaps evolves—into a DP. When her holes are thoroughly...

3 years ago
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Across The Street And Two Doors Down

ACROSS THE STREET AND TWO DOORS DOWN by Spanky de Bautumn Jamie knew he was different. He didn't fit in with the other boys, but he didn't feel like he fit in with the girls either, he just knew he was different. He wasn't into dolls or balls. He was the smallest boy in his class and more than half the girls outweighed him. But the one thing he had going for him was that he was smart. He wasn't in the Mensa category smart, although he maintained a high GPA, he was more street...

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The Sleepover That Changed My Life

What am I doing? Why am I here? Why am I talking to myself? Again?! This is the reason I'm here now, why can't I just be normal AND STOP DRAWING ATTENTION TO MYSELF!!!! Ok, so you're nice and confused now. Great. I tend to have that effect on people, I can count the amount of people on one hand who actually understand what I'm talking about (most of the time), including my best friend Shari.... and the mad old lady next door who has arguments with her shoes, but I don't want to talk about that....

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Claudias ConditionChapter 41

“Hey, Chuck come here a minute!” “What the fuck do you want now, Arnie?” Chuck complained to his twin brother, swigging on his breakfast beer. “You’re not honestly going to watch all those New Year Day’s parades, are you?” “Yes I am, I like the colours that go into making them, especially the Rose Parade it’s so beautiful. Then we can watch all the Bowl games.” “So what do you want this time?” He crushed his empty can, and tossing it, hit the wastebasket dead center, “Two points!” “You’ll...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 43 Bishop ARKADY

January 21, 1983, McKinley, Ohio Light snow was falling as Angie and I left Doctor Blahnik’s house to walk back to the dorm. “That was fun,” Angie said. “Sorry about the minor indiscretion.” “It’s OK, Mike. Why would she assume otherwise? She knows we run together, pray together, and go to church together. Why do you think everyone calls me ‘Mrs. Loucks’?” “But still...” “She’s just very open and a lot of fun. I wish more professors were like her, even if she made me turn purple!” “I...

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Spizoo Bella Rolland Wake Up Sex With Hot Brunette

Beautiful, tall, brunette, Bella Rolland wants to go for a hike but her original plans don’t end up happening. She wakes you up and the only way to get you out of bed is to help with the morning wood. She sucks, fucks and dirty talks all the cum out of your balls. Watch her big juicy ass shake and her soft breasts bounce as she treats you the way only a girlfriend could. Watch this beautiful tall brunette wake up you with a great blowjob she sucking and licking your dick and balls and inserting...

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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 65

The poor little piggy was really in a quandary now. You see, all of her moving around to try and keep those big tits and those sexy nipples off of me had caused another problem to “Pop Up”, if you get my drift. All of which only served to add to her dilemma and doubled her feelings of anxiety as to just what might or might not offend her “Owner” and cause him to find her not acceptable to keep as his “Property” and from what I could tell, she desperately needed and wanted to be just that:...

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EvilAngel Kristy Black Kira Thorn Gaping Anal Threesome

Athletic cuties Kristy Black and Kira Thorn strip from matching pink outfits, shaking their booties and spreading their hungry holes. A kinky lesbian intro delivers lewd, girl-girl rimming and huge, sphincter-stretching toys. Kristy gives hung stud Angelo Godshack a sloppy blowjob and then hops on his massive meat for an intense anal romp. The wild threesome features vast rectal gaping and raunchy, ass-to-mouth fellatio. Angelo subjects both babes to rampant buttfucking, wrecking their rectums...

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Sales Training

Gary Michaels had been very successful in heating system sales during his first five years with his company, however the past two years had been very disappointing. So disappointing, in fact, that he had been called on the carpet and told to begin producing or else find another job. Gary really liked his job and felt he had really been working quite hard, but that his "luck" had just not been there. He did all the required prospecting to find out who was thinking about buying a new heating...

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Skin The machines where all hooked up and ready to go as Dr Lowe began to check all the dials and leads once again. Although Keith Pressman was only twenty-two and had taken this job of laboratory assistant as a way of getting him through college, he knew that what Dr Lowe was up to was not legal. Sure he had the chance to leave many times, but considering he was broke and had no money, the offer that the Doctor gave him was just too hard to refuse. However, he had also sworn to...

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My Previous Neighbor Acted As My Wife In My Lonely Time

Hello ISS friends, I am Aryan from Delhi East. I have been coming to ISS for last 3 years and love the stories written by the members. I read the stories and reckon that the world is full of jolly and loving people. I would like to post a story which happened with me in July in my old rented house. I am a happily married man and my bed life is also full of excitement. But you know that men will be men and need spice in life always. This story is about my previous neighbor bhabhi Ruchi (name...

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Convict Wench

Convict Wench The Arrest Three fashionably and well-dressed girls sat disconsolately on the hard woodenbench in the dock of the No 1 County Court in Chelmsford, England. It was 5 th April1797. The Industrial Revolution had just started and England was about to makeits mark in the world. Parliament had issued strict instructions through thejudiciary to deal severely with any miscreant whose acts would undermine thesuccessful development of a new world order. New industrial businesses...

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