Keeping Guard
- 2 years ago
- 26
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The next morning I awoke before my alarm, destroying my plan of starting the day a half hour later for a little extra sleep. Despite the early hour and the late night I felt rested, if a little apprehensive.
I lay in bed, letting my eyes adjust to the soft orange glow of the streetlamp outside my window, and tried to get my thoughts in order. It was going to be a long day.
I clicked the alarm off before it had the chance to disrupt what was still a peaceful morning. Getting up well before dawn had always been a high price to pay, but there was still something soothing about starting my day while the rest of the world was still tucked up in bed. After taking a quick shower I pulled on my usual work clothes, brushed my hair into a ponytail and set out.
Rounding the final corner I could see John faithfully waiting outside the back door of the bakery, his coat zipped up against the morning chill. The early warning signs of winter had been around for days and it wouldn’t be long before I’d have to shovel snow from the walkway out front.
‘Good morning,’ he said between chattering teeth, and I immediately felt bad for making him wait.
‘If you’re going to get here before me every day maybe I should give you a key.’ I reluctantly took my hands from my warm pockets to unlock the door for us.
As soon as we were inside I started flipping switches to get everything ready for our abbreviated work day. John took my coat and hung it up in the back with his, then joined me in the kitchen to await his instructions.
‘Is there a bulb out?’ I glanced up to see John with a puzzled expression on his face. He was looking toward the front of the store, which even before the sun was up should have been lighter than it now looked. When we went to investigate we found the windows were covered over from the outside.
Without stopping to get my coat I unlocked the front door and went outside to take a look. I had no idea what was going on but I had a feeling I wouldn’t like it.
I was right.
Every square inch of my front windows was covered with campaign posters. Jerry’s team must have come over during the night to decorate, and they had left no space untouched by Charles’ gleaming smile or catchy slogans.
John joined me on the sidewalk, his eyebrows shooting up once he got there. He made a move to put his arm around my shoulders but caught himself and returned his arm to his side. Jerry’s warnings about staying away from each other had clearly gone unheeded but there was no reason to push our luck.
After a few moments of silence I said, ‘Come on, let’s see if I can find the spare key.’ We went back into the bakery and didn’t mention the posters again.
‘This holds a lot of responsibility: it means I could call you in the middle of the night when I lock myself out.’ It took a fair amount of digging through my cluttered desk but I had finally unearthed a spare set of keys on an ancient key ring.
He stared at them, and then at me. ‘Why would you be here in the middle of the night?’
‘That’s when I do some of my best thinking,’ I replied, placing them in his hand and closing his fingers around them. ‘And also when I tend to lose my keys.’ I held his hand for a few moments longer than strictly necessary before turning on my heel to get the donuts onto their trays.
Despite getting a late start we were still prepared when we opened for business, and I greeted a few police officers taking a break from their early shift at the station across the street by assuring them their usual order was already waiting for them.
‘You’re a life saver,’ one of them replied. ‘We’re trying to get a recruiting class together, it’ll be a lot easier once they find out this place is right across the street.’
The posters made people hesitate outside the doors, but after reassuring several customers that we were in fact open the stream of patrons seemed to keep its usual steady pace throughout the morning. Before long I was in the back grabbing a few more batches of croissants to finish out the breakfast crowd and John was being his usual charming self at the register.
After the morning rush came the mid-morning lull, so I sent John to the back to take a break and manned the cash register myself. As I was wiping up the drips around the coffee pot I was surprised to see Carrie walk through the doors. Her bright hair brought some much-needed color to the dim interior, and she greeted me with a broad smile and a hug across the counter.
She nodded toward the front of the store. ‘It’s not usually like that, is it?’ The expression on her face told me she disapproved of the posters, possibly politics in general, and I was quick to assure her that by tomorrow they would be gone forever.
‘John’s in the back, want me to grab him?’
‘Actually I’m here to see you,’ she answered. ‘Thought I’d get the lay of the land and report back to my photographer.’
I had half expected her suggestion of photographing my shop to be an offhand remark so I was delighted that she was genuinely interested. I watched as she scanned the display cases, unusually sparse for this time of day. ‘Anything in particular you’re looking for?’
She frowned. ‘Actually yeah, he was hoping for cakes.’
‘Cupcakes are about all I can manage on a daily basis,’ I replied.
She politely took a look at what was on display but I could tell it wasn’t what she wanted. ‘Hm, not sure how much he’ll be able to do with those.’
‘Tell you what: give me some warning and I’ll whip something up just for you,’ I said, and she bobbed her magenta head in approval.
As we started talking specifics we heard a voice call out. ‘Hey Megan, the oven just made a noise but I’m not really sure what it means,’ came John’s voice from the kitchen. Carrie and I rolled our eyes at each other and shared a grin.
‘At least he knows which one is the oven,’ I said with a sigh.
She giggled. ‘Well, it’s just nice to see him happy.’
I meant to follow up on her comment but John called again to say the oven had made a different noise so I excused myself instead. Once I was in the back I sent John back out front, and felt a rush of excitement when he gave me an illicit peck on the cheek on his way.
The rest of the morning passed smoothly, but all too soon it was time to close for the day. The notice I’d posted on the door about the early closing discouraged some customers from even coming in at all, but there were still enough to clear the display cases of their contents. By the time Jerry ambled in the stragglers of the lunch crowd were gone, we had already cleared all the food away and were just finishing cleaning up.
Jerry brought with him a team of smartly dressed professionals who were sizing up the space and jotting down notes, pointing at various spots and conferring in clipped tones.
He turned to John with a sneer. ‘Why don’t you slink out the back, hmm? We’re busy.’ He seemed annoyed, though not particularly surprised, that my assistant had shown up to work that morning.
John started to say something but I put my hand on his arm. If experience had taught me anything it’s that there’s no use getting into an argument with a campaign manager. I walked John to the back and grabbed his coat, and as I handed it over he held my gaze.
‘Are you sure about all this?’ His eyes were searching my face and I could see the hesitation in leaving me alone.
I put on a brave face and reassured him that I would be fine, that soon all of this would be over and I could go back to living my own life. He didn’t seem entirely convinced but at least pulled on his coat. After confirming that we’d be open the usual time the next day he gave my shoulder a squeeze and left out the back door, leaving me alone with Jerry and his crew.
Not wanting to get involved in the temporary renovations going on in the front I stayed in the kitchen, making sure e
verything was put away and wouldn’t risk getting set aside somewhere I’d never find it again. I took my trusty clipboard off the wall and checked my supplies, making a note of the orders I’d need to place soon.
‘You’ll really just be in the way if you hang around here, so why don’t you be a good little girl and go home.’ Jerry’s voice was uncomfortably close to my ear, and I couldn’t help shuddering at the proximity. Without a word I put on my own coat and left.
Back at my apartment I took a long shower, letting the hot water work at the tension in my shoulders. My imagination was running away thinking about what was going on at the bakery at that moment, and how the rest of the evening would go. After successfully steaming up the entire bathroom I got out, dressed in the Jerry-approved ensemble and headed out.
Even before I got to the bakery I could tell the party had started. The sidewalks were crowded with people all headed the same direction, and uniformed valets were taking expensive cars to some unseen parking lot. I hesitated at the door: time to get this over with.
The inside of the bakery had undergone a complete transformation since I had left, and I spent a few moments staring around in disbelief. Enormous lamps had been placed in the usually dark corners and were bathing the entire store in bright light. The front counter had been completely removed, a feat I never imagined possible and one that must have involved the services of a fast-working carpenter. High tables draped in colorful swathes of fabric dotted the open space, and the room felt like it had doubled in size.
Despite the increase in space there was hardly room to stand. The entire shop was packed with well-dressed people holding champagne flutes and tiny plates of food. Waiters in crisp white shirts mingled among the guests with trays of unrecognizable (but undoubtedly expensive) hors d’oeuvres.
Some of the guests I recognized from their work on the campaign, and I even got a smile from a few of the eager interns excited they got to join in on the fun. However, the majority of the crowd was made up of campaign donors who were much less enthusiastic toward me.
I made my way through the throng of people, feeling painfully under-dressed in the clothes Jerry had instructed me to wear. My jeans had been replaced with a pair of dress pants and my usual long-sleeve tee was now a button-down shirt, but even the waiters were better dressed.
After scanning the room twice over the crowd parted and I got my first glimpse of Charles. He was wearing the crisp suit and tie I was used to but tonight he seemed even more polished. His hair had been carefully styled and looked immaculate, his graying temples a stalwart reassurance of his experience and wisdom. His face looked slightly tanned and his smile was freshly whitened. No doubt he had spent the majority of his day being pampered and primped since he had little need for last-minute campaigning.
I tried to catch his eye but he was obviously busy. Each person he greeted got a hearty two-handed handshake, the one I had only ever seen performed by politicians. He listened intently to each person and perfectly matched his facial expression to what they were saying, so much that I could follow the conversation just by watching his reactions.
It was as though his transformation from eager assistant district attorney to career politician was finally complete. During the early days of his first campaign we had mocked the seasoned politicos, their shallow emotions and empty chatter.
When I’d suggested he could one day turn into one of those people he’d laughed and sworn it would never happen. He promised he was different, that he would never let the politics go to his head. It was just one in a long string of promises he would eventually break.
People avoided my gaze as I made my way through the crowd toward the kitchen to escape the teeming mass of humanity. No one seemed to think I was worth paying attention to and that was just fine by me. When I got to the back I found Jerry berating one of the caterers about some trivial matter and he hardly noticed when I stood beside him.
‘Well I’m here,’ I told him. ‘What do you want me to do?’
Jerry excused the caterer with a wave of his hand before looking me up and down. ‘There’s been a slight change of plan. I think we have things under control for now,’ he said, ‘so just sit tight.’
He wandered back out to the party and left me in the kitchen where the food was being served up on gleaming platters. There were more people crammed into my modest kitchen than should have fit, but I felt much more comfortable among the staff than I had with the guests.
After standing around until my feet were sore I spotted a chair backed against a wall and took a seat. Before long someone took pity on me and brought a plate of food over so I passed the time munching on a meal that probably cost as much as my rent. Every so often I would catch snatches of conversation from the next room, and updates in poll numbers were announced with increasing regularity.
Out of the corner of my eye I noticed my office door was closed. In the bustle of the kitchen I hadn’t noticed anyone go in there and I wondered if anything important might be carelessly left on my desk. Before I had made up my mind whether to investigate or not the door opened and a woman stepped out.
She was wearing an elegant dress that perfectly complemented her figure, and even a few of the busy kitchen staff turned when she walked by. She looked vaguely familiar but I couldn’t quite place her. Had she worked on the campaign?
She had closed the office door behind her and I decided I would be even more out of the way if I was closed off in my office. I even had some work I could do while I was in there so the evening wouldn’t be a total waste of time. I was halfway across the room when the door opened again and Charles appeared.
His hair was still perfectly in place but his tie was ever so slightly askew. Before stepping out into the kitchen he checked the zipper on his pants, a maneuver that told me everything I needed to know about what had just happened between Charles and the beautiful woman in my office.
I knew I didn’t have a moral leg to stand on, that I was already moving on with my romantic life so there’s no reason he shouldn’t too. But as his eyes darted around the kitchen and he spotted me a look of overwhelming guilt passed, however briefly, over his face.
He recovered in an instant and went back out to the party without even speaking to me, but that look was unmistakable. And the only reason he’d feel guilty was if this wasn’t the first time.
Suddenly the kitchen was too warm, the voices of the catering staff too loud, and my feet were heading straight for the back door. The brisk air stung my face and made me take a sharp breath but I couldn’t stand to be in there a second longer.
Jerry’s extra agitation now seemed warranted. If I was seen traipsing around with another man people might start to wonder if Charles was spending time with another woman. Some enterprising journalist might put the pieces together and discover the golden boy senator was just like so many others before him and Charles would have to start making apology press conferences.
I sat down on the cold concrete, letting my legs dangle over the edge of the loading dock. Around the side of the building I could hear journalists talking on their phones, photographers adjusting their cameras. Not one of them seemed to notice me, or if they did they didn’t care. As far as they were concerned I was yesterday’s news and not worth an inch of newsprint. It was exactly how I felt about myself at that moment.
Inside the party raged on as the polls closed and the votes were counted. The sound rose to a crescendo as I assumed the final decision was announced. It died down to silence, broken only by the sound of one muffled voice. Charles, as everyo
ne knew he would, had won.
By this time the cold had seeped so thoroughly into my bones that I didn’t feel it anymore. At one point Jerry came out to say the party was over, that he’d keep up his end of the bargain and I’d never hear from him again.
He also asked for my engagement ring back, a final slap in the face on an evening full of blows to my ego. I didn’t even think before sliding it off my finger and dropping it in his upturned palm. I didn’t want it, didn’t even want to sell it, I just wanted this to be over.
When it felt like I would be rooted to that spot forever and never be able to move again I got my first indication that the night really was coming to a close.
‘Ma’am? We’re all done in here,’ came a timid voice. I looked back to see the face of one of the interns. I hadn’t seen him at the party and his clothes suggested he was part of the cleanup crew and nothing more. Still, he seemed happy just to be involved.
Looking at this eager young man made my heart sink just a little. He was barely out of college and already pledging himself to a life of politics, whether he ever made it onto a ballot or not. He reminded me of Charles back when we first met, before the weight of reality settled on both our shoulders and we realized the true price of the life he had chosen.
I wanted to warn him, to tell this intern that it was not too late to quit and do something else with his life. But even standing at the edge of a loading dock in the middle of the night after doing the grunt work of the campaign he had a gleam in his eye that said this was exactly where he wanted to be, and I knew my plea would fall on deaf ears. Instead I just nodded, thanked him for letting me know, and commanded my stiff limbs to get me to my feet and take me back inside.
I stared around the kitchen, not recognizing it from a few hours earlier. The stacks of platters and cocktail glasses had all been cleared away, and the whole room smelled faintly of disinfectant. Any indication that a celebration had taken place here was long gone.
Out in the front my counter was right back where it always had been, and the campaign posters had been stripped from the windows. There was no trace of what must have been hundreds of people, just empty silence. Wandering back to the kitchen, I grudgingly had to hand it to Jerry: his team was very good at what they did.
I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and reveled in the silence. I was over. Finally, after all this time, I was done.
The sterile smell of the cleaner seemed out of place in the normally sweet-smelling room, and I wondered what type of chemicals they had used. Just to be on the safe side I grabbed my own cleaning supplies and wiped down all the counters, scrubbing away the unfamiliar odors.
I stood in the empty room once more, staring around me at the tools I so rarely got to use. Though I did my best to rotate the menu, the majority of the items I had for sale never changed. The intricate decorating techniques it had taken me years to learn were rarely seen in favor of the simpler designs that were easier to produce.
An entire cabinet in the kitchen was devoted to piping bags and tips for making different decorations, but it had not even seen the light of day for months. My cake leveler hung nearly forgotten in a corner, just waiting for the day when I would need a cake to be perfectly cut in half to be filled.
The clock on the wall told me exactly how late it was, and how few hours before the bakery was set to open. I had toyed with the idea of taking the day off, but was at a complete loss as to how I would spend the day. Despite the hour I decided to at least get started on my usual prep work so I’d be ready when it was time to open. I grabbed my apron and switched on the oven.
As I went through my routine of getting everything ready for a new day my mind was free to wander. I thought about all the time I had spent in this room, and my dreams from an early age of becoming a baker. I remembered wanting to go to culinary school but my mom insisting I should study how to run a business instead. I had begrudgingly thanked her within a month of taking over the bakery, but I had always wondered what would have happened if I had taken a different path.
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Gay MaleHelloo! How are you all? I want to thanks to the makers of ISS. This site is amazing. We can totally write what we feels on this site. I am very big fan of this site. I am regular reader and the stories written here makes me horny. So I am also sharing my experience with you all. Hope you will like it. This is my first story so please forgive me for my mistakes. Your suggestions are welcomed. You can contact me at Now coming to the story, this is a true incident which occurred in my life about...
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This is my second story. I think it's better then my first try out. My story involves a lot of transformations of more kinds this time. I hope you like it. I Hope you let me know what you think of it. You can e-mail me at [email protected] The Temple of the Guards By J.C. Arby After many days of traveling through the desert the three of us finally got to the mountains where the secret Temple of the Guards should be found. We parked our car and unloaded our gear. All set for the...
I work as a cashier at a grocery store. We have different security guardswho work different days of the week. Well, on Thursdays, there is theabsolutely gorgeous black man who works from 4pm to midnight, the same shiftI work. I will describe him: he is about 6 feet tall, very muscular, andhe has a very tight uniform to where his muscles are bulging at the seams.And he has a huge bulge between his legs, and has a really tight butt. Now,on with the story..One night when I was getting off of...
Legal Guardianship 3:13 P.M., Thursday, July 23, 2015 Honolulu, HI This was it: the decision which would make Paul Macon and Paula Akron legal wards of Ted Michaels ... or send them back into the system. If the decision went against them Ted was prepared to appeal, but he wasn’t sure the kids would sit still long enough for that to play out. They had run away from that system once before, and he didn’t doubt that they would do it again. Patience is a virtue, but it isn’t one that...
This sex story involves my favorite and the greatest and most beautiful pornstar in the entire world, Madison Ivy. Okay. Now, in this sex story. Madison Ivy looks and sounds exactly the same. The only difference is that she has a huge, long, veiny, and hairless cock. I am in this sex story, as usual. In this sex story, I am medium built muscular. I have a pretty great size for a cock, and the most sexiest, hairless, cutest ass that nobody can resist. And, as usual. I love and crave getting...
My wife Beth at 45 was still a very attractive woman but at that age and having had two kids, her mid section was a bit heavier than she would have liked. Our anniversary was due and I asked her what she would like as a present. I was startled by her reply. She wanted a tummy tuck and some liposuction. I assured her she was lovely just as she was, in fact I liked her extra meatiness. But she was adamant; she said it would make her feel better about herself. What could I say to that! Within a...
My wife Beth at 45 was still a very attractive woman but at that age and having had two k**s, her mid section was a bit heavier than she would have liked. Our anniversary was due and I asked her what she would like as a present. I was startled by her reply. She wanted a tummy tuck and some liposuction. I assured her she was lovely just as she was, in fact I liked her extra meatiness. But she was adamant; she said it would make her feel better about herself. What could I say to that! Within a...
my wife Beth at 45 was still a very attractive woman but at that age and having had two k**s, her mid section was a bit heavier than she would have liked. Our anniversary was due and I asked her what she would like as a present. I was startled by her reply. She wanted a tummy tuck and some liposuction. I assured her she was lovely just as she was, in fact I liked her extra meatiness. But she was adamant; she said it would make her feel better about herself. What could I say to that! Within a...
Bodyguard Copyright 2021 reserved by author. A bodyguard is in disgrace - Unfairly found guilty of interfering with a minor. Facing prison, he is offered a chance to redeem himself by taking on a job that nobody else wants. 1. The Shame "James Robertson McKenzie, you have been found guilty of insidiously exploiting and interfering with Maria Helen Carruthers - A minor in your care. This offence is against a girl of only thirteen years old, who relied on you for her care and...
Her hand instictively went up to fix her bun. She always did that when she was nervous. But she really needed this security guard gig. She needed to show her parents that she was capable of standing on her own two feet. A high school diploma and two semesters at community college didn’t exactly send the human resource department on fire. ‘I’m sure I’ll be able to deal with any situation that presents itself,’ she stammered. ‘We’ll be in touch,’ Mr Snyder said. Two months later this five foot...
You heave a sigh. When you first signed up as a Royal Guardsman, this wasn't exactly what you had in mind. Sure you knew you'd be standing around for hours on end. But you had no idea how excruciating it'd be to stand outside in the scorching summer heat in chainmail. What on earth were you even protecting here in the courtyard? The flowers? 'Could be worse,' you think to yourself. 'I could be that poor sod'. You sneak a peek over to the guardsman on the opposite end of the courtyard. There...
TeenIf I'm on my day off from work I often used to go cursing for cock mainly around the cottages, I drove a white un-descript van I had carpeted the back out so stuff wouldn't slide around but that also acted as a comfortable area when I got men in the back. On this particular occasion I was cruising a cottage on a major dual carriageway at the edge of the city, it was frequented by every type of man but mainly HGV drivers. On this occasion I pulled into the car park it wasn't that busy with only...
CHAPTER 10: GUARDSylvia’s assignment of me to work with her on the charity side of her life proved enlightening. The Contreras Foundation was much more than I had been led to understand initially. I had heard mentioned that the Contreras’ provided a fund to the Venezuelan Special Forces and to the Caracas Special Crimes Unit, both of which were encouraged to use the funds for necessary equipment and manpower. The Special Forces was a branch of the military that Adrian had once commanded an...
My wife & I have always enjoyed a vibrant sex life, we’ve always had an open relationship, we love ass fucking and piss play especially. Often I would arrive home to find my wife with her face buried between her best friend Kelly’s legs, eating out her hairy cunt (Kelly is very hairy, just like my wife). Or they’d be out by the pool drinking each other’ urine from a champagne flute (I would occasionally join in, but that’s another story).However, unlike my wife’s long term attraction to the...
Her hand instictively went up to fix her bun. She always did that when she was nervous. But she really needed this security guard gig. She needed to show her parents that she was capable of standing on her own two feet. A high school diploma and two semesters at community college didn't exactly send the human resource department on fire. "I'm sure I'll be able to deal with any situation that presents itself," she stammered."We'll be in touch," Mr Snyder said.Two months later this five foot 7,...
Group SexSensational Swimwear: Changing of the Guard By Paul G Jutras An eerie wind howled across the sky and rattled a loose shudder against the old house. The house itself had seen better days as a thick layer of dust covered the display mannequins and merchandise. Cobwebs were everywhere. When the walls themselves seemed to cry out with moans of pleasure, a full body mannequin in a hot pink bikini stretched her arms above her head as she came to life. Her eye sockets seemed to cry out...
CHANGING OF THE GUARD By Bea I walked around the apartment, nervously surveying everything. Denise wasn't due for about another five hours or so, but this was the first time I'd ever cooked for her. I had dusted and vacuumed. Polished the brass figurines. Washed the windows and the kitchen floor. Had five nice CD discs (romantic) on the player - just waiting to be switched "on". But I continued to feel a strange sense of unease. Had the feeling that I should be doing...
Sorry for the delay of this chapter. I have received numerous requests to continue this saga. I hope you enjoy it as much as the previous ones. For those of you who have not read the other chapters a number of things that happen here are explained in the previous 6 during her training. Early Morning "As I lay here in the early morning, holding my angels body close to mine, my thoughts going over the events of the previous night. This is one of my favorite times of the day as she is all mine...
IncestWhen Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly, They Are Paddled. Part 1, ?On Guard?Disclaimer: Warner Brothers and their studio partners own the show and characters depicted in the show. All similarities to persons living or dead are pure coincidence. .This story is a parody and the story begins with girls behaving badly. Rory is accosted and pulled into an in prop meeting, coup held in preparation to remove Paris as editor of the school paper. Her demands and constant re-writes have caused a mutiny...
It has been a long day; a visit to London after so many years…everything looked different around Euston Station, you nearly got lost more than once as you headed for your publishers’ in St James’ .Thinking you had plenty of time you thought a walk through Soho would be a treat on this nice autumn day , big mistake ! In the end a taxi took you round the houses to your destination !. Since your new career had taken off everything had been done by email or courier but now one of the partners had...
Few mums, I am sure, have gone through being put in their places as readily as I did. Fewer still must have liked it. If you ask me, my daughter has done me the greatest favour by subjugating me; for with that, I have realized the true purpose of a mother's being, and that is to ensure that her daughter always get the best man available. If that means her husband... so be it. I suppose I should start at the beginning. My name is Heather, but nowadays, I go by the name that my daughter...
“Ambassador, you must get up, we have much to do.” Dennis sat up, rubbing his eyes. It must be morning, though it was impossible to tell because of the lack of windows. It played havoc with his internal clock. “Yes, I’m on my way Xhe, give me a moment...” He hopped out of bed, the familiar pressure of the harsh gravity clamping down on him. Just pulling on his pants was a workout. His suits might be bland compared to local fashions, but damn it, they were his. He couldn’t represent Earth...
Princess Lauryn came from an old noble family. While they had been turned out of power in their small Eastern European country after World War 2, they still had a vast fortune and political influence.The Princess was the only c***d in the family, coming late in life to her aging father who had unsuccessfully tried with 3 other wives before finally siring the beautiful blonde.Unfortunately for the young Princess her loving father passed away just before she turned 13.Sent away to boarding school...
Background: Maeve was kidnapped from her home so a rival Lord Camlin could force her to marry his son, Weylin, so Camlin can claim her father's lands. Although it was a forced marriage, Weylin and Maeve fell in love. But despite Camlin's threats, she is not able to conceive the child that will gain him the lands he wants, and she and Weylin unsuccessfully tried to escape. Camlin snaps, throwing his son in prison and taking out his insatiable rage on defenseless Maeve.......
Introduction: Maeve is kidnapped and forced to marry, but her new husbands father is angry that she has not born a child, so he punishes her… This scene was originally part of a book I am writing, but I ended up changing the storyline to allow them to escape in order to save her sister from fate worse than death. Also, for where I was publishing it online this scene was too erotic. ,) But it was too good not to share, so enjoy! If you want to read the whole story, even though this scene is no...
Autumn reaches the town of Wayfair early, the trees intermittently turning shades of yellow and red, the air accompanied by a biting cold despite summer ending not five weeks ago. As Karina walks home from her shift at the local diner, she daydreams about the vacation to Florida she and her mother will take next month - a place where it never snows. She’ll be turning eighteen, and her mother promised they would celebrate by escaping to a beach. Having graduated early, Karina could move anywhere...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAutumn reaches the town of Wayfair early, the trees intermittently turning shades of yellow and red, the air accompanied by a biting cold despite summer ending not five weeks ago. As Karina walks home from her shift at the local diner, she daydreams about the vacation to Florida she and her mother will take next month - a place where it never snows. She’ll be turning eighteen, and her mother promised they would celebrate by escaping to a beach. Having graduated early, Karina could move anywhere...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAuthors note: This story was written before Sweet Temptation and is really meant to be read before reading the other. Lacey(from Sweet Temptation) makes an appearance in this story. The Bodyguard was originally broken into four parts, but I've decided to only make it two parts. I've come to love the characters in these two stories and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.Brad turned and looked at Kevin Bishop. The request wasn't an easy one, but damn, the money was more than he would have...
Straight SexOne of my first jobs was a teacher. As such I had the summers mostly off, except for teaching summer sch00l. The apartment complex I lived in had a pool which I had basically to myself during the hot summer days. Once Summer sch00l started I was done at noon and I would go after stopping at my apartment and getting changed. Merry was a fuck buddy female friend that looked great in a bikini and she would come with me. When I was by myself the guards basically would be pleasant but really not...
My name is Amber Thompson, I'm a pop singer that loves to play concerts and party. I started singing when I was eight and now I'm 28 and famous. A couple years ago, I had a problem with some really obsessed fans. They kidnapped me, and I was scared. I wasn't hurt, but it only lasted a few hours. So I hired a bodyguard to help me through concert halls and to make sure I'm safe. His name is John Smith, I wondered if that was his real name when I met him. He demonstrated how good he was his first...
Straight Sex“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...