The Guardian free porn video

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Autumn reaches the town of Wayfair early, the trees intermittently turning shades of yellow and red, the air accompanied by a biting cold despite summer ending not five weeks ago. As Karina walks home from her shift at the local diner, she daydreams about the vacation to Florida she and her mother will take next month - a place where it never snows. She’ll be turning eighteen, and her mother promised they would celebrate by escaping to a beach. Having graduated early, Karina could move anywhere she wants, but chooses to stay close to her mom. Karina’s father died before her mother gave birth to her, and since they have no other living family, it has always been just the two of them. Consequently, they are best friends. Karina doesn’t know a soul on earth who has more wisdom than her mother, Elaria.

“Mom, I’m home!” Karina calls when she steps through the door, hanging her jacket. She wanders to the kitchen and opens the fridge, hoping her mother went grocery shopping since this morning. The same half-empty gallon of milk, condiments and vegetables await, unaccompanied by anything new.

“Mom?” Karina says, walking down the hall. Her mother’s car is in the driveway, she should be here. Finding it odd that she hasn’t answered yet, Karina goes to Elaria’s room and turns the doorknob. When she enters the master bedroom, she pauses. Then she screams.


-Four months later-


Karina sets the last box on the floor of her one bedroom apartment, staring at it. Piled around her is her mother’s life, packed away. Now that she’s gone, Karina can’t afford to pay the mortgage of the house alone. After what happened, she didn’t want to go back there anyway.

The afternoon passes dreadfully slow, Karina walking around her small apartment, skirting the taunting packages. Unfortunately procrastinating won’t make them disappear. She makes herself a mug of tea, takes a deep breath, and sits on the floor. Cutting open a box, she begins sorting. She pulls out clothes and scrapbooks, loose photos and knicknacks, tears streaming her face all the while. Half way through, she comes across the smallest box yet; a miniature banker’s box with a lid.

Sniffling, she opens it, revealing a book with some folded papers, and a necklace. She picks up the jewelry first, examining the blackening silver. She’s never seen it before - her mom’s never worn it. It is a simple circle on a chain, the ring adorned with vines and leaves, big enough to slip over her thumb. Setting it aside, she picks up the papers. There are two maps - one of some country in Europe, the other a place she's never seen with no indication of where it represents. When she gets to the book, she notices how old it is, the leather cover weeping and faded. She opens it, finding that the pages are written in another language.

Karina’s eyebrows pull together. She didn't know her mother knew another language. She can't even tell what this language is. Flipping back to the first page, Karina sees a short passage.


Arrive at the Point and light a flame.

Evantis alaris, yorven a ville.


“What the hell does that mean?” Karina mutters to herself. Heaving a sigh, she decides she’s done with today. Picking up the necklace, she fastens it around her neck, re-stacks the boxes and heads to bed.

Her dreams are vivid, though they have no semblance of sense. She’s cold, trudging through knee high snow, searching for something. She begins to get the feeling she isn’t alone, and when the panic of being watched becomes too much, she bolts upright in her bed.

Karina doesn’t know why, but she goes straight to the small box and scans the maps again. She knows her mother and father used to live in Norway. Now she’s curious if this box means something. Maybe she can find out why she died the way she did.

Karina’s green eyes roam the European map, stopping when she sees it: The word Point, handwritten on an empty spot of mountains. She pulls out the book and re-reads the passage from earlier, realizing the word Point is capitalized with importance. Certain they mean the same thing, Karina spends the rest of the night on her computer, booking accommodations. She’s always wanted to travel. Now suddenly seems like the best time.


Karina steps out of the airport wearing her warmest coat, her only bag packed light. She wasn’t sure how long she’ll be in Norway. She paid her landlord a month in advance, hoping that would be plenty of time. Her boss was glad to give her the time off, sure that the trip would do her some good. Little does he knowb it is more than just a change of scenery. Karina is hoping to find answers. The shock of finding her mother dead the way she was still hasn’t worn off. Local authorities couldn’t explain exactly happened. The circumstances were such a mystery, she didn’t tell any of her friends, certain they’d think she was crazy. Karina knows what she saw. Now she wants to know why.

Walking to the valet, she asks for a taxi in broken Norwegian. She practiced basic phrases the entire plane ride here, and it pays off when the man with the fur cap understands her. She is just as lucky with the cab driver, giving him the name of the inn she reserved a room at.

Karina has always been fortuitous. She tends to be optimistic, and things usually seem to work out for her. She isn’t even worried about backpacking a foreign country on her own at eighteen. She has faith in this journey. Besides, it’s better than sitting at home.

Karina reaches the inn, and with help from a friendly innkeep, she finds her way to her room. It is barely lunchtime, and she is eager to get back outside, partly because her room is the size of a large closet, but mostly because she’s too excited to sit still. She’s never left America before, and the change is giving her a high. Wearing all her warmest clothes, Karina wanders outside with a small bag on her back. Inside is her mother’s indecipherable book, maps, and some snacks with a bottle of water. She hasn’t taken off her mom’s necklace since she put it on.

Karina walks around the Baroque era buildings, deciding she should get her bearings in this unknown place. Reaching the edge of town and looking at the view, she pulls out the map. She doesn’t know what she’ll find at the Point, but the prospect of learning more about her mother makes her happy. Maybe solving this mystery will give her some closure.

Memorizing a route, Karina re-folds the map on the old creases, tucks it in her bag, and starts trekking toward the mountains.

A couple hours later, she begins wishing she’d brought a thermos of something warm; soup, coffee, tea, anything that would heat up her insides. The snow began at her ankles, and the longer she walks - occasionally checking her map and compass - the higher it gets. As optimistic as she is, she hates the snow.

Glancing around, Karina double checks her map, certain she must be close to her destination. Shivering her way past tall, dead trees, she can see the sunlight is starting to fade. She wants to turn around and go back to the inn, but she’s so close, she’d hate to start over tomorrow.

Deciding this must be the Point, Karina pulls a lighter from her bag, along with the book. Turning to the first page, she clears her throat. Feeling only slightly stupid, Karina does what the entry says, lifting the lighter in the air and striking it to life. She waits. When nothing happens, she checks the book again.

“Evantis alaris… Yorven a ville,” she says, not even sure she’s saying it right. She isn’t sure what to expect, but she expects something.

Hand shaking with the cold, still holding the lighter, she waits a moment longer.

“Ugh,” she groans to herself, knowing how idiotic this is. Repacking her things, Karina can’t stand the cold any longer. Right when she’s about to turn around, something catches her eye: A person, walking through the trees ahead of her. She pauses, wondering who would be this deep in the icy woods, aside from herself. Emerging past a crystallized bush, a man comes toward her.

The first thing Karina notices is how white his hair is, the second is how… attractive he is.

“Hello,” he smiles at her, bright blue eyes curiously roaming her from head to toe.

“Hello,” she responds. He comes closer, close enough that Karina can see the texture of his thin, white coat, matching pants, boots as pale as the powder they’re standing in. His bone structure could rival an archangel’s.

“I was just heading back to town,” Karina says, suddenly uncomfortable with the way he’s looking at her. His head tilts.

“Town?” he repeats. She nods.

“Well… see ya.” She waves, taking a step back.

“What’s your name?” the beautiful man asks.

“… Karina.”

“Where have you come from, Karina?” She racks her brain on ways to answer such a peculiar question.

“I was just looking for the Point, “ she says innocuously. When she does, he pauses, blue eyes holding her where she stands. He smiles at her, and she instantly knows she’s in trouble.

“Well, you made it.”

“Really?” she asks, working to sound interested, subtly taking another step back.

“Were you trying to leave?” he says softly, and her hearts speeds up. She could start running, but she’s not sure she could outrun him. Still, it’s either that or move forward, and she's too afraid to do that. They stare at each other for a few moments before Karina’s fight or flight instinct takes over. She chooses flight. Turning away from him, she dashes a few feet before he catches her. His icy-cold hand touches her bare neck, and it stings so bad she starts screaming.

Karina puts her gloved hand on her burning neck, trying to scrape away the painful sensation, falling to her knees. Right before she loses consciousness, she sees a black figure ascending on her, and with it, a large flame.


Karina wakes up surrounded by warmth. The memory of the handsome stranger enters her mind, and she jolts beneath heavy, fur blankets. Breathing hard, she looks around. The room she’s in is dark and toasty, all the furniture made of wood, decorations of homemade pelts hanging on the walls. The only window shows nothing but snow covered trees outside. It appears she’s in a small cabin. On the other side of the room, a fire is burning, and beside it, a person. On the floor is a large dog, so huge it could be a wolf, its black eyes staring at her.

The man by the fireplace slowly looks over his shoulder. Karina doesn’t move.

“So you’re alive,” he says, his deep voice matching the dark beard on his face. He turns back to the crackling flames. “Wasn’t sure you’d make it.”

“You saved me?” Karina finds her voice. He scoffs quietly.

“If that’s what you want to call it.” Her hand goes to her neck, remembering the pain. She wants to ask how he did it, but the huge dog beside him gets to its feet and lets out a short whine.

“Quiet, Aniyah,” he says. The wolf-like creature lopes toward Karina, her eyes widening at its sheer size. When it reaches its head forward and licks her hand, Karina smiles.

The man watches the whole thing.

“Who are you?” he asks.

“I should be asking you that,” Karina says. She has no idea who he is and she’s in his bed, albeit her clothes are still on, right down to her boots. He ponders a moment.

“Ronan,” he introduces himself curtly. “Now, who are you?” Ronan turns on his chair to face her, his broad shoulders adding to his rugged appearance.


“And where did you come from?” Why do people keep asking her that?

“I’m just traveling. I was looking for a place called the Point.” His eyes narrow.

“Why?” Karina looks down.

“It was in my mother’s book. I found it with this necklace.” She pulls out the faded silver piece around her neck, and now Ronan’s eyes widen.

“Who was your mother?” he demands.

“… Her name was Elaria.” It is quiet for one long moment, then Ronan is on his feet.

“Get out,” he says.

“What? Why?”

“Out.” He grabs her bag and pulls her from the soft, makeshift bed.

“Wh- Did you know her?” Karina asks as he urges her toward the door, his wolf-dog Aniyah quietly whimpering. “Please, I’ve come a long way. Did I make it to the Point?” she asks as he hands her the drawstring bag, ushering her outside. “Ronan!” she begs as he shuts the door on her face.

Karina sighs aloud, her breath exiting her in a cloud. Ronan’s small house blends in with the snowy scenery, covered in powder aside from the brown wood door, a thin trail of smoke churning out of the tiny chimney. It is dark outside, but not pitch, the cloudy sky backlit a grayish blue.

Unsure where to go, Karina slings her bag on her back and begins walking. The snow crunches under her feet as she contemplates what just happened. Why would this stranger act so strangely at hearing her mother’s name? She can’t imagine her mom would have known someone like Ronan. He apparently lives in the middle of nowhere, how could anyone know him?

Confused and cold, Karina pulls a pack of crackers from her bag and chews them as she walks. She’s doesn’t know where she is, or how to get back to the inn, but sitting around won’t help. Her compass must be broken, as the needle just keeps spinning. She tries to stay positive, and after a while, comes upon something interesting. The hill to her right has a large crack in it. A crevice in the icy stone, she sees a blue light emanating from inside. Karina walks toward it, and when she’s close enough, she sees a pool.

Stepping inside the opening, the nature-made spring is inviting, steaming with warmth. The glowing blue water reflects on the walls, making the inside of the grotto tranquil and beguiling. Karina immediately wants to swim. She didn’t shower at the inn after traveling, and her feet hurt from hiking through the snow all day.

It’s warmer in the cave, and as she strips off her layers, she begins humming to herself. Before she knows it, she’s not wearing any clothes, pulling the ties from her braided blonde hair. She steps into the hot water and sighs with relief. The water is softer than anything she’s ever felt, caressing her naked body, relaxing her. Leaning against the rocky edge, Karina hums to herself - a song she’s never heard before, yet is stuck in her head. When she sees a small splash on the other side of the pool, she turns her head to it. She should feel worried, but can only conjure curiousness. Something splashes again, and Karina sits forward.

Rising from the other side of the spring, a woman’s face stares back at her. Hair white, eyes as blue as the water, she smiles at Karina. And Karina smiles back. The woman is beyond beautiful, all piercing eyes and full lips. She glides toward Karina, and when she’s at arms reach, Karina realizes she’s naked - just like her. Karina’s eyelids get heavy, her breathing more measured. Between her legs is wet, and not from the water. She’s horny, undeniably aroused, and when the gorgeous creature leans in, Karina does the same, their mouths moving together.

She’s never kissed anyone so appealing before. She’s never even been interested in girls before, but she is right now. The woman’s hands roam Karina’s body, and she loves it. When her delicate, perfect fingers slip between Karina’s legs, she moans. Their breasts press together, mouths breathing into one another, and when the white-haired beauty reaches her fingers inside Karina, she instantly cums. Writhing at the hands of her unknown lover, Karina has the best orgasm of her life. She’s fooled around with boys before, but it’s never been anything like this.

When that orgasms stops, another starts, Karina’s knees spreading as far as they’ll go. When their mouths touch again, they dip underwater. Karina’s body is alight with delicious feeling, but behind that, she senses her lungs burning. When she realizes she’s beginning to drown, the woman presses on her g-spot and makes her cum harder. Karina can’t get to the surface, and part of her doesn’t want to. Nails on her ice hard skin, Karina’s subconscious starts fighting. This would be one hell of a way to die, but she doesn’t want to die yet.

Orgams pulsing through her veins, Karina barely realizes when her deadly lover isn’t touching her anymore. She sees something bright under the water. It looks like fire, but that doesn’t make any sense. Water rushing around her, Karina is abruptly pulled to the surface, gasping for air. Someone pulls her out, and when she’s on her feet, she realizes it’s Ronan. Looking him up and down - he’s wearing nothing but soaking wet pants - the sight of his muscular, hairy chest makes her aroused all over again.

He shakes his head in disappointment, leaning down to pick up a pile of dark fabric and tossing it to her. She immediately wraps it around her naked body, noticing his wolf-dog behind him, tail wagging.

“That’s twice in one day. Let’s not make this a habit, Miss Heron.” That makes her blink.

“How do you know my name?”

“Lucky guess,” he mumbles, then whistles at Aniyah, who turns and runs outside.

“What was that?” she asks, turning back to the still lit pool.

“A Siren.”

“… A Siren?” she repeats with disbelief.

“Musical nymph that will kill you with sex,” he explains dully. She blinks again, watching Aniyah bring back a few large sticks in her mouth, dropping them into Ronan’s hand. He sets them down and creates a small fire to dry himself, stripping off his pants and wringing them out. Karina turns around, blushing.

“Where are we, Ronan?” is her next question.

“You made it through the Point without knowing where you were going?” he asks as she dresses in her own clothes. The Point is a place you go through?

“My mom’s book didn’t explain very much…”

“You’re in Evantis, Miss Heron.” She pauses. Buttoning her pants, she reaches for her bag and pulls out the book. Evantis alaris, yorven a ville, she reads again. Karina stands up and turns to face Ronan.

“What is this place?” she asks quietly. Ronan’s eyes meet hers.

“The magical realm.”


“Here,” Ronan says, handing Karina a silver dagger, the handle encrusted with emeralds.

“What’s this for?” Karina asks as they march through the snow, Aniyah cheerily sniffing trees as they go.


“… Why didn’t the Siren seduce you?” she asks, sliding the dagger into her boot.

“Because I know all their tricks.”

Karina is still trying to comprehend Ronan’s explanation of the difference between Evantis and the ‘mortal realm’. She doesn’t want to believe it, but not one thing has been normal since she went to the Point. Apparently the Point is ‘the point between two worlds’, as Ronan put it. Now that she’s paying attention, the forest does seem antithetic; ice crystals consuming everything, snow glittering despite lack of sunshine.

“How did you know my mother?”

“I didn’t.”

“But you know of her,” she insists. He doesn’t reply. “Why did you come back for me?”

“This will go a lot faster if you stop asking questions.” Karina glances at Ronan, noticing his eyes are green like hers. His black hair is short, matching his dark beard. He’s a lot larger than she thought, easily a foot taller than her. He’s so intimidating, she’s certain her attraction to him earlier was residual emotions from the Siren.

“Who was the guy you saved me from when I got here?” Ronan glares at her.

“An Icelander.”

“What do they do?”

“If they touch your skin, you turn to ice.” Karina stops dead in her tracks. Ronan stops too, turning to look at her. They’re both quiet as she stares into the sparkling snow. Aniyah breaks her from her trance by licking her hand, and Karina pets her head in return, swallowing hard.

“What?” Ronan finally asks.

“Nothing.” They both know she’s lying, but he doesn’t press further, and they begin walking again. “Can I ask one more?” Karina says, earning another glare from him. “How do you kill them?” Intrigue seeps into Ronan’s eyes. That’s an inquiry he can appreciate.

“With a flaming blade through the heart.” All Karina’s doubts disappear, and she knows she’s in the right place, determined to get her answers wherever it is they’re going - since Ronan isn’t very good at sharing.

Aniyah is Karina’s favorite part of the journey, offering more in the way of company than Ronan. Back in the grotto when she asked what Aniyah is, he called her a Vanguard. Standing on all fours, her back is as high as Karina’s torso, her coat various shades of gray. She’s exceedingly intuitive, the smartest animal Karina’s ever met. Every now and then Aniyah will catch scent of something, stopping in front of Ronan in a protective gesture to let him know. Karina stops with them when this happens, hoping they don’t run into any more Icelanders.

When the sky begins to darken again, Karina wonders if the day’s almost over. It’s never fully daylight here, or completely nighttime, the blue-gray clouds either glowing more gray or more blue.

“We’re here,” Ronan says, breaking the long silence. Karina looks around for sign of something different. All she sees are snow-covered trees. After another twenty feet, she sees a tiny cottage like Ronan’s up ahead.

“Keep a look out,” Ronan whispers to Aniyah, and her ears perk up, circling the house as she eyes the forest. Walking to the entrance, Ronan knocks once. The thick wooden door creaks open, though there’s no one there. Following him, Karina steps inside. It’s warm and smells of pine trees, and she’s grateful for the heat. When Karina steps around Ronan’s large body, she sees someone. A small woman hunched over a cast iron stove, the inside providing a house-warming fire, the outside cooking her meal.

“Hello Ronan,” she says in her soft, aged voice.

“Zelda,” he answers.

“Who have you brought with you?”

“I was hoping you could tell me.” Karina is curious by this exchange. Zelda turns around, and when she sees Karina, she smiles, accentuating the creases in her withered face.

“Well, it’s about time.” Karina waits, wondering what she means by that. “I bet you have a lot of questions.” She finally smiles in return. “Sit.” Ronan and Karina do as they’re told.

“So, it’s finally happened,” Zelda says with a sad face. “Elaria,” she answers Karina’s unspoken question. Sadness touches her too, and she nods solemnly.

“You knew it would?” Zelda sighs.

“The Winter Queen has her ways.”

“Winter Queen?”

“You didn’t tell her?”

“Why do you think I brought her to you?” Ronan says in his low voice. Zelda turns back to Karina, and tells her the story.

Evantis used to be a thriving place, an island of endless summer and peace, once ruled by a gentle king and queen. Descendants of the realm’s creators are Guardians who work alongside royalty to help maintain harmony. Evantis is populated by many magical things, but only Guardians are able to travel between realms. The symbol of the Guardian is a circle - encompassing the kingdom with their protection. The skill they possess is subtle, yet powerful: They wield the forces of nature into shaping reality. If their will is strong enough, what they want will come to be - though they can’t force another’s will, or alter physical matter. They even have companions. The Vanguards have been faithful to Guardians since the realm was established. Independent, yet loyal animals with true wisdom, the wolf-like creatures are no mere pets. Their purity runs so deep, not even an Icelander’s touch can affect them.

One fateful day the king and queen received word that a frost was starting in the western forest. Upon investigation, they found countless Icelanders, spreading through the land and freezing everything they touched. In tow, the self anointed Winter Queen came, and with her minions, she invaded the realm and took over the castle in Middle Kingdom, killing anyone who stood in her way while bringing about an endless winter. The king and queen were murdered, and she sent every last Icelander after every last Guardian. But one lived: Elaria Heron. She escaped the realm, and was never seen again.

Karina is silent for a long time, listening to the heartbreaking story in Zelda’s soothing voice. Her mother was a Guardian? The last Guardian?

“That makes you a Guardian,” Zelda says, as if answering her thoughts. She doesn’t know what to say. Hearing this information fills all the holes in Karina’s life: Her father died in the invasion, her pregnant mother fleeing Evantis and moving across the world to keep her safe. The book and the necklace own more meaning than she believed up to this point. Karina does have a knack for being positive, and whenever she is, things have a tendency of going her way. Could she really be a Guardian? Why did her mother never tell her? It still doesn’t explain how she died. If Guardians are the only magical beings who can sift between the realms, how did the Winter Queen get to her?

“You’ll have to ask her that yourself,” Zelda says, answering her thoughts again. “They call me the Seer. I have foretold prophecies of this realm for the last hundred years.”

“… And what does your prophecy say now?” Karina asks in a shaking voice. She understands all that Zelda’s told her. Now she wants to know exactly what it means for her. Zelda glances at Ronan.

“When the descendants come together, it will create a spark. If they fan the flame, it will grow.” Karina and Ronan glance at each other, and when they look back to Zelda, she’s gone. Vanished from the room, it is only the two of them. Aniyah howls outside, and Ronan rises, stalking toward the door.

“Stay here,” he commands, leaving Karina standing in the drafty doorway. Heart pounding, she watches Ronan walk toward the treeline. In front of him are four Icelanders, each as handsome as the last, hair snow white. Beside him is Aniyah, baring her teeth. Ronan pulls a sword out of seemingly thin air, and when he scrapes it along the edge of his boot, it ignites with fire. Flames licking the steel, Ronan hisses once, and Aniyah lunges.

Karina stands shocked, watching the wolf attack their attackers. The Icelanders are strong, their bodies harder than stone. Ronan fights three of them, swinging his sword. Aniyah’s teeth rip at one, Ronan hitting the white-clad men, missing their hearts by inches.

In the heat of the moment, one of the Icelanders gets away from Ronan and comes toward her. Shaking with fear, Karina quickly remembers the blade in her boot. She pulls it out, backing toward the trees, the gorgeous, deadly man following.

“Karina!” Ronan shouts, and right when it reaches for her, she swings her dagger, finding that the blade is already aflame. The Icelander lands on top of her, and she struggles beneath him, trying not to let it touch her skin. Moments later, Ronan is pulling the ice man off of her. When he tosses him into the snow, they both see her blade sticking out of its chest, motionless. Ronan looks back at her.

“Good job Miss Heron,” he says, holding out his hand and pulling her to her feet. Karina stands, catching her breath, wondering how she did that. “We need to go.” Aniyah goes to Karina’s side, brushing her back under her hand, urging her forward.


They walk quickly this time, Karina jogging to keep up with Ronan’s long strides, Aniyah constantly looking back to make sure they’re following. Karina holds her dagger the whole time. After countless hours they reach the crest of a hill, a small village in the valley below them. No more than thirty cottages, amber light fills every window, chimneys billowing with smoke.

“Where are we?” Karina pants.



“A Guardian?” Lesimo says, his eyes widening at Karina.

“Shh,” Ronan hisses.

“You’re sure?”

“That’s what the Seer said… And Aniyah seems taken with her.”

Ronan took Karina to the largest of the log cabins in search of his friend Lesimo - a man nearly as large as him, though twice his age, someone who personally fought in the original invasion. When the Winter Queen took over, people retreated from Middle Kingdom into smaller groupings, staying to themselves to avoid the Icelanders.

They sit at a table in the tiny pub, Karina grasping her warm drink, trying to thaw her fingers.

“She came through the Point,” Ronan adds. Lesimo smiles.

“Do you think it’s time?” he whispers excitedly. Ronan looks at Karina. She stares back.

“It must be,” he says, turning back to his friend. “And frankly, I’m tired of the snow.”

“Who isn’t?”

“We need a plan.”

“And some man power,” Lesimo agrees. “There aren’t many here who would fight, but I can send a Vizhen to the other Dells.”

“Do it. We need to act quickly. A handful of Icelanders caught up with us near Vandell.” Lesimo turns his deep brown eyes on Karina.

“Thank you for coming to help. Many people have begun to lose faith.” Karina is silent. She’s always been an upbeat person. Her mother used to say her spirit was the brightest she’d ever seen. Now, with so much responsibility on her shoulders, she isn’t sure she’s capable of saving this realm. She only just learned about it, and while she would like to help get rid of the Winter Queen, she has no idea how.

“You’re stronger than you know,” Lesimo says, sensing her hesitance. “Don’t lose sight of yourself. The Winter Queen can get in your head. Don’t let her.” Lesimo turns back to Ronan, and they hammer out details on who they’re going to contact while Karina sits motionless, wondering what he meant by that. She doesn’t want this evil queen in her head. She recalls her brush with the Siren, how it invaded her mind, made her act against her will.

Lesimo offers them his cabin for the night, then leaves the pub to send his messages.

“Can I ask you something?” Karina says, walking beside Ronan as they slowly trek through the snow to Lesimo’s house, Aniyah trotting around them.

“I'd be surprised if you didn't,” he answers.

“How did you stop me from turning to ice?”

“I used Synth. It's a plant, very rare in this climate. Only works if you apply it before the ice spreads.”

“… Thank you.” Ronan glances at her.

“Don't worry about it.”

“What’s a Vizhen?” she continues, hoping he’s in a sharing mood.

“A bird. Loyal like the Vanguards.”

“And a Dell?”

“Other small settlements like this one. There's Hindell, Vandell, Rendell, and across the Vale River is Xondell.”

“… I still don’t understand what I’m supposed to do.” Ronan stops, so she does too, looking up at him, hands in her pockets.

“What happened to Elaria?” Karina’s jaw clenches at his question.

“… I found her dead, just before my eighteenth birthday.”


“Not just frozen. It was like she… turned to solid blue ice.” She shivers from the memory.

“And why did you come here?” Ronan’s authoritative voice asks.

“To find out why.”

“And now that you’re here, what do you want?” Karina gives his inquiry honest thought.

“I want to help.”

“Then you will. The only way to be a true Guardian is to believe that you are. That’s a Guardian’s strongest asset; their faith.” Aniyah nudges Karina's leg, tongue hanging out the side of her mouth as if she’s smiling. Karina grins back at her.

“Is that how the dagger lit on fire?” she asks. One side of Ronan’s mouth pulls up. It’s the first time Karina’s ever seen him smile.

“It’s all up here, Miss Heron,” he says, tapping the side of his head. “Come on, you should get some sleep.”

Entering Lesimo’s one room cabin, a single bed awaits in the corner, candle burning in the window. Ronan tells Karina to take it, that he’s going with Aniyah to hunt, and he won’t be far. Once alone, Karina removes her hat and scarf, sitting on the bed. She pulls out Elaria’s book again, and realizes it's probably in Evantian. She wishes she could read it, to learn about this mystical world from her mother's point of view. She misses her so much it hurts. Curious, she scans the unmarked map, suddenly understanding it's of Evantis, too. She doesn't know where she is on it, but the collection of trees in the middle must be Middle Kingdom. Head swirling with events of the last few days, she lays down, hand toying with the silver piece around her neck - the symbol of the Guardian. Exhaustion taking over, Karina falls asleep.

Her dreams are lifelike again. Walking through the snow, she rounds a giant fur tree, and on the other side is a castle. The sight of its grandness makes Karina gasp. She wants to go there, to walk the stone halls and see the view from the highest window. The closer she gets, the more aroused she becomes. In her dream, Karina starts stripping off her clothes, not caring about the cold. She likes it, the freezing temperature making her nipples taut, grazing the tender slit between her legs.

A wave of lust hits her and she drops in the icy powder, moaning with pleasure. She grabs her own chest, humping her own hand, and suddenly, it isn’t her hand. It’s someone else’s. She can’t see their face, but their hair is pure white. Fingers rub her clit, and she arches. A tongue tastes her nipples, and she moans. Coldness fills her, and she cums.

“Karina,” someone says, and her climax spikes. She feels something warm, and she likes it more than the cold. She wants that warmth around her, inside her, filling her deepest parts.

“Karina!” Ronan shouts, and she wakes up, naked on the bed, her body electrified with the remnants of her orgasm. She sees Ronan’s face and realizes the warmth was him. His large, hot hands are on her bare shoulders.

“What did you do?” he demands. Pulling the fur blanket over herself, she sits up, wondering what just happened. Behind him the door is open, Aniyah crouched in her attack pose, facing the snow outside.

“What?” Karina asks, flushed.

“Icelanders,” Ronan growls, walking out the door. Karina stumbles out of bed and dresses in a rush, following him. Outside, people are screaming, some of the cabins on fire. Evantians run past her, some trying to hide, some heading for the forest. Dagger in hand, Karina frantically searches for Ronan. She spots an Icelander in pursuit of a woman, and without thinking, runs toward it.

Stalking his prey, he doesn't see Karina behind him. Her fierce hatred for the ice demon fuels her, and when she spins the weapon in her hand, the short steel ignites. Karina drives her flaming dagger through the Icelander's back, and it shrieks, dropping to the snow.

The woman scrambles away, and when Karina turns, two more Icelanders are advancing toward her. Gritting her teeth, she stands her ground, the fire on her blade reflecting in their unnatural blue eyes.

Karina lunges for one of them, spinning away when she misses. Swinging her dagger again, one of them is suddenly taken to the ground. Aniyah is standing on it, ripping its icy skin with her teeth. Focused on the other one, Karina repeatedly tries and fails to strike him. Ronan appears at her side and pushes his fiery sword through its chest.

Without a minute to catch their breath, six more Icelanders circle them. Ronan and Karina fight back to back. Turning and twisting and swinging their weapons, adrenaline rushing, Karina feels like she was made for this. Her next movement lands right where she wants it, taking down another.

The Icelanders keep coming, as if they're done reeking havoc on the Dell and only want to kill them both. Karina tries to dodge one of them, and when Aniyah jumps at it to save her, a loud howl rips through the night. Sticking out of Aniyah ribcage is a broken, jagged tree branch.

“Aniyah!” Karina jumps up and thrusts her blade into the Icelander, coming to her side. Then Ronan sees what happened.

“NO!” he shouts. Determination renewed, he slices through the last three men, runs to his Vanguard, and drops to his knees. Aniyah whimpers, her rapid breathing creating constant gusts of visible air. Ronan’s face twists with a mixture of anger and pain, knowing he can't heal this wound. Burning houses crackle behind them, the ground littered with dead Icelanders as they kneel in the snow beside the injured wolf.

Tears streak down Karina's face. Neither of them speak as Aniyah's breath gradually slows. The beautiful gray animal is Ronan’s oldest friend. She's been with him since he was a boy, protecting him with her every breath, accompanying him on every journey. Her intelligent, solid black eyes look up at him, and a single tear rolls down his cheek.

“I'm sorry,” he whispers, and she blinks heavily, as if to say he shouldn't be.

Aniyah takes her last breath, and the whole world stops.

Seconds turn into minutes, and as they do, Ronan only gets angrier. Finally, he looks up at Karina, glaring.

“I told you not to let her inside your head,” he says through his teeth. “I saw them come, and when I went to you, what did I find? You getting mind fucked by the Winter Queen. Literally.” Karina is frozen, and not from the cold. “You led them here.” His accusation fills her with guilt. They stare at each other for a solid minute before Karina glances at the pile of fur that used to be Aniyah, then gets to her feet, backing away. Weighted with remorse, she turns and runs into the woods.


Karina cries for a long time. She aimlessly wanders through the trees alone, sobbing, full of too much self hatred to care for her safety. Aniyah wasn't her companion, but Karina already loved her. That animal saved her life more than once. Now, it's all her fault that she's gone. And all those people in Hindell. Some likely didn't escape the Icelanders, and she is the reason they came.

The solid cloud sky turns a dull blue, and Karina, riddled with sorrow, makes a decision she never thought she would. Pulling out the map of Evantis, she studies it as she walks, and after a long time, comes upon the fur tree from her dream. Stepping around it, she sees the castle.


As Karina approaches Middle Kingdom, she is empty of fear. She only has room for anger. She recalls Ronan's words about having faith in herself, and that's exactly what she focuses on. The thought of Ronan makes her heart hurt. Instead, she thinks of her mother. How she was once the protector of this realm, and now that responsibility is hers. Elaria left to save Karina's life. Now it's up to her to set things right.

Karina walks through the vast, deserted town that circles the castle. Large cabins that could be shops are empty, unreadable signs swinging in the breeze, fountains frozen over. As she reaches the towering gates, a handful of Icelanders impede her. She raises her hands in surrender.

“I'm here to see the queen,” she says.


It's not much warmer inside the stone walls. Decorated to match the outside, ice touches everything, hardening tapestries and wrapping around furniture. The Icelanders lead Karina into an enormous room, and sitting on an ice shocked throne at the other end is a woman. Her skin is finer than porcelain, long, wavy hair as white as milk. She's youthful, more beautiful than the Siren and the Icelanders put together. The Winter Queen.

She smiles at Karina.

“You must be Karina,” she says, voice so alluring Karina feels it in her body. The white woman rises to her feet and ambles down the steps, thin white gown flowing. As she does, Karina notices her eyes are brown, unlike every other winter creature in the realm.

“I’ve been hearing a lot about you lately. You're even more beautiful than your mother,” the Winter Queen says, Karina silently taken aback. “And why are you here, little dove?”

Intentionally slow, Karina reaches into her boot and retrieves the dagger.

“I've come for you,” she answers. Holding her weapon to the side, she drops it, steel clattering on stone in a show of abdication. Karina stares at her, eliciting seduction into her face. The queen likes it. She waves Karina forward.

“Come.” She does, following her deeper into the castle. Their destination is a huge boudoir, complete with a bed, view of the snowy kingdom, and a large table full of food. Where the queen got fresh fruit in a climate like this is a mystery. Entirely alone, the queen walks a slow circle around Karina.

“You enjoyed the dream?” she interrogates.

“Yes,” Karina answers.

“Show me.” Without waiting, Karina starts peeling off her concealing clothes.

Karina’s never been highly sexual. She's had more erotic encounters in the last few days than the last few months. A lot has changed about her since she went through the Point. But if she's being honest with herself, there's only one person she really wants.

With every article of clothing she drops, the cold is ready to greet her. At last, Karina’s naked body is on display, firm yet round in all the right places.

The queen was curious what Karina’s intentions were. Now, she doesn't care. She is a sexual creature, and with a god complex, she gets what she wants. And right now, she wants Karina.

The Winter Queen unfastens her barely-there dress, and she is just as supple. Their bodies match, breasts perfect handfuls above small waists, round hips that curve into perky behinds. The queen steps to her, and neither of them hesitate any longer.

Karina never knew she would enjoy being with a woman, but she's enjoying this. Mouths connected, hands grasping one another, they move to the bed. Rolling together, Karina does things that have never crossed her innocent mind. Tongues and teeth and fingers moving in, out, on each other. Their impassioned actions make her mad with lust, unyieldingly hungry for more. Karina begins to believe the Winter Queen is using her powers of seduction on her. She has a plan, determined to make it work, and though this is part of it, she’s far more into this than she intended. She moans as she rides the queen, her mouth licking places she hadn’t anticipated, humping and sucking, her mind a kaleidoscope.

When they’ve both climaxed too many times to count, they lay catching their breath. The queen looks at Karina and smiles.

“You’re much better than I expected.” Karina grins as the queen gets out of bed, pulls on a thin robe, and walks to the table of food. “Now, are you going to tell me why you’re really here?” Karina wraps a sheet around herself as she sits on the edge of the bed, unsurprised that the queen is suspicious.

“… I was going to ask you about my mom.”

“I assumed as much.”

“How did you do it?” Karina asks, rising to her bare feet. The queen bites an Evantian fruit Karina can’t identify, contemplating as she chews.

“I cursed her,” she confesses. “Set to affect her eighteen years from the moment she left the realm.” Karina is quiet, holding the sheet around herself. The queen turns back to the table, Karina livid with hate, training all her focus on what she’s about to do.

“I would apologize, but there’s far more to this story than you understand.” Not listening to another word the witch speaks, Karina concentrates on her goal, but before she can accomplish it, the door bursts open.

Ronan charges into the room, expertly spinning the sword in his hand, and everyone pauses. Ronan sees Karina wearing nothing but a sheet, her surprise matching his. His shock morphs to a look of betrayal. The queen laughs.

“Oh, this is just precious. I guess the Seer was right. The two descendants, come to defeat me.” Sarcasm.

“What are you talking about?” Ronan demands.

“You don't know?” She laughs harder. “Makes perfect sense.”

“You better start making sense before I shove this sword through your heart.” The queen grins, sauntering toward him.

“She erased your memory.”

“Who?” She looks at Karina.

“Her mom.” Ronan and Karina exchange a glance, equally confused.

“And why would she do that?”

“Because I killed your parents. In this very castle, actually. Eighteen years ago.” Ronan is paralyzed. Is what she’s saying true? “There's power in knowing who you are, Ronan. By taking your identity, Elaria made it much more difficult for me to find you. Obviously, or I'd have killed you already.” Karina is just as shocked as he is. Ronan is a descendant? The son of the rightful monarch?

“Why did you do it?” Karina demands. The queen groans.

“You sound just like the other Guardians. They never listened to me. I told them our abilities could be used for greater things. Look what I did with them.” Now Karina’s really confused. The Winter Queen is a Guardian? “I could have left the realm, but what good would that have done me? This world became what I willed it to be.”

“It isn’t yours,” Ronan says, muscles coiled, nothing but anger in his face.

“And who’s going to take it back? You and the baby Guardian?” As the queen finishes her sentence, Ronan lunges for her. She evades his sword by inches, turning and striking him with her bare hand. She’s much stronger than she looks. Ronan is thrown from the blow, landing on the stone floor, and Karina starts to panic.

“Don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got,” the queen says. As he gets back to his feet, he scrapes his sword along the stone, and it ignites. “I’m not made of ice, Ronan,” she taunts him, and he charges her again. Ronan swings his flaming weapon, and the queen dances away from it, smiling as if she enjoys the challenge.

The fight happens quickly, thought it feels like years to Karina as she watches. Wishing Aniyah were here to help, Karina summons her courage, unwilling to stand idly by. She doesn’t want to believe she’s a Guardian. She knows she is. With this knowledge, Karina shapes reality with the idea in her head, and the dagger she dropped earlier materializes in her hand.

The queen stops Ronan’s sword, hits him in the face, and takes him to the ground, standing above him.

“It’s a shame I have to kill you. I’d have liked you in my bed, just like your friend.”

Karina is more furious than she’s ever been. Compelled by the loss of her mother, the loss of Aniyah, the dagger bursts into flames and suddenly she is right behind the white woman. The queen underestimated her, focused on ending Ronan’s life, what she couldn’t accomplish so long ago. Without a moment’s hesitation, Karina drives the hot weapon into her back so far it comes out the other side.

On his back, Ronan pants as the queen looks down to the fresh wound in her heart, Karina twisting the blade. Unbreathing, the woman falls to her knees.

“How?” she rasps. Tumbling in a pale heap, the queen lays motionless, the light in her eyes dimming until it’s gone. Ronan looks up at Karina, and as he does, the ice around them begins to melt. Radiating from the dead queen, heat spreads throughout the room, filling the castle, and beyond that, the rest of Evantis. The ceiling of clouds outside dissipates and the sun comes through, shining for the first time in eighteen years. Ronan gets to his feet. He and Karina stare out the window, watching the snow melt away.


Word spread through the Dells that a Guardian had returned. In effect, Lesimo and Ronan rallied a rebellion, and together, they stormed the castle. When the winter ended, everyone in Evantis cheered. The truth about Ronan was revealed, and a coronation was immediately planned for the descendant of the true king and queen.

People migrate back to Middle Kingdom for the celebration. Inside the castle is bright, filled with smiles and food, the Evantians wearing colors instead of thick furs.

Ronan sits on the throne before hundreds of his people, his eyes finding Karina beside a stained glass window. She doesn’t notice, standing quietly by herself. Rising to his feet, he calls everyone’s attention.

“It was a long eighteen years,” he begins. “Eighteen years of winter and fear under the reign of a heartless woman. Lives were lost fighting her, the lives of brave people we will never forget.” The enormous crowd murmurs in assent. “In their name, we will move forward. We will not be dissuade from what is right.” A few people call out in agreement. “We will restore Evantis to what it was: A place of peace.” More people cheer. Karina watches him, and when his eyes meet hers, he waves her forward. She self-consciously walks to the center of the room.

“This is Karina Heron, the descendant of Elaria. She’s the Guardian who saved us.” People whisper excitedly. “We wouldn’t be standing here without her.” The room breaks into applause as she and Ronan stare at each other. She bows before him as music fills the air again, the party continuing. After shaking hands with countless people conveying their gratitude - including a smiling Lesimo and a friendly Zelda - Karina eventually slips away. The balcony she finds is empty. Leaning her elbows on the stone wall, she looks out at the sun setting on the now green hills, warm air full of midsummer perfumes; grass and wood and wild flowers. Evantis is beautiful, trees everywhere, the electric blue sky turning pink and orange with the sunset. She hears footsteps, but doesn’t turn.

“Miss Heron,” Ronan says, his deep voice directly behind her.

“Your highness.” He breathes a laugh at her address. Something tells him he’ll never get used to that.

“Let's stick with Ronan,” he says, coming to stand beside her. They both look out at the vast greenery. Karina is quiet, too afraid to speak first.

“I'm sorry,” he utters, and she sighs, hanging her head. “It wasn't your fault.” She still feels awful. His apology won’t bring Aniyah back.

“You have every right to be angry.”

“Yes. But not with you.” When she glances at Ronan, he's already looking at her, eyes intent.

“I should probably go,” she says.


“… Back through the Point.”

“And why would you do that?” Karina wasn't raised in this world, all she knows is how to be human. She has friends waiting for her to return, an apartment full of her things back home. And she still can't answer his question.

“This place needs you, you know,” he says. Karina swallows down a lump, finding the gall to ask her next question.

“And what about you? Now that you're here,” she says, gesturing to the castle they're in. “What do you want?” Ronan recalls asking her the same thing not long ago. He steps toward her, making her heart pound.

“I want a Guardian,” he answers. “Someone to help me protect this place.” Karina doesn’t know what to say. Ronan’s next step closes the distance between them.

“I want you to stay, Karina,” he says. Immobile from his words, Karina isn’t sure she’s hearing him right. When he leans down, she can feel his body heat, and her reaction to his proximity is like fire in her veins. When Ronan presses his lips to hers, she feels it throughout every nerve under her skin.


The night sky a deep blue, the moon shines through the castle windows onto the huge bed where Ronan takes Karina. His mouth is on her bare shoulder, her hands in his hair, their clothes being pulled off, piece by piece.

Karina recalls the many times Ronan saved her: Her first day in the realm, how she woke in his bed in the tiny cabin at the edge of Evantis. When he dove in the water at the grotto and pulled her out. Every time they fought beside each other. When Aniyah would follow them through the snowy forest, protecting them both.

Ronan is exactly the type of guy Karina always stayed away from. Men like him intimidate her. If the word ‘masculine’ took on a human form, it would be Ronan. Black bearded, tall and muscular, he is everything she never knew she wanted. His strong hand glide along her waist, down her thigh, up to her breast, and she sighs. His teeth nip her neck, his weight above her making her wild. She didn’t think someone like him would ever want someone like her, but to Ronan she is stronger than she thinks, and he likes that. She’s already the strongest Guardian who’s ever lived and she’s only just learning who she is. No one has ever been able to alter matter before, and when Karina summoned that dagger, that’s exactly what she did.

Finding Karina in the Winter Queen’s boudoir was the last thing Ronan expected. He hadn’t realized how much Karina had grown on him until that moment, when jealousy colored his vision. After Karina shoved the dagger he gave her through the evil queen’s heart, he understood. Karina went to the castle, seduced the queen, and tried to kill her - alone. Her bravery pleases him. Her kindness charms him. She is everything a Guardian should be.

Ronan’s mouth finds hers again, and when he starts pushing into her, she moans against his lips. He’s big. Bigger than she’s ever had. Slowly, back and forth, Ronan makes room inside her, and when he’s to the hilt, they both sigh.

Their pace is leisure, taking time with each other. Karina’s nails drag along his back as he fucks her into the soft bed, covered with posh blankets fit for the king that he is. Karina’s mind has dwindled to nothing but him, everything outside this room irrelevant, unimportant. All she can concentrate on is the feeling he’s creating between her legs, his hard length filling her over and over, the sensation making her more aroused than she’s ever been. Fucking the Winter Queen was an experience she won’t soon forget, but nothing compares to Ronan’s warmth.

He rolls onto his back and Karina rides him. His large hands fit almost entirely around her small waist as he holds her, helping her move above him. He breathes heavily, watching Karina’s eyes roll, her blonde hair falling around her perfect breasts, the way her white teeth bite her lip. He sits up to put one of her beautiful pink nipples in his mouth, and the new angle makes them both moan. Moving harder, their rhythm becomes unrelenting, Ronan forcing her onto him, impaling her, his dick touching places no one ever has. Unable to hold it back any longer, Karina cums, her womb flexing around him with her climax. She moans his name, and he likes it a little too much.

“Fuck,” he groans, and cums with her.

It isn’t enough. Ronan spends all night on Karina. They change into numerous positions, her on his lap, beneath him, above him, his head between her thighs bringing her to yet another orgasm. He bends her over, his hands caressing her backside while her tight hole sucks him. He even picks her up and fucks her while he stands. Karina, wanting nothing but to please him, climbs down and takes him into her mouth, tasting herself. It makes Ronan groan, and she loves it. She’s so captivated by him, her mental coercion affects him too, both of them ravenous.

After so many hours, they lay together on the bed, her head on his chest as his hand glides along her back. They’re quiet for a long time, no words needed. Eventually Karina pulls away from him.

“Where you are you going?” he demands.

“I want to see something.” An idea occurred to Karina as she lay in Ronan’s arms just now. Going to her bag, she pulls out her mother’s things. When she unfolds the map, it’s no longer blank. What was once a gray washed outline of Evantis is now a colorful picture, green and blue with noted landmarks; the Dells, the Vale River, Middle Kingdom. She smiles.

“What is it?” Ronan asks, a mountain of muscle under the sheet. Without answering, Karina opens the book. And it’s all in writing she can read. She explains, showing him the pages.

“It’s written in Evantian,” he says. Karina stares at the first passage: Arrive at the Point and light a flame. Evantis open, I wish to enter. Accepting her heritage changed more about her than she thought.

Karina spends hours reading it, and the next day when she finishes, she turns to Ronan. He’s been patiently waiting, and now that she’s done, he holds out his arms. She goes to him, sitting in his lap. There’s so many things she wants to tell him. That the Winter Queen’s name was Samira, how she worked aside her mother before turning against the kingdom. That her father was a Guardian, too. How happy they were together. Their parents got along well, and in another life Ronan and Karina may have grown up as friends. There’s only a few pages that her mother wrote after leaving Evantis, very heartbreaking pages, but the part she really wants to share is before that.

“Aniyah was my mother’s Vanguard.” Maybe Aniyah knew who Karina was the whole time. Ronan stares at her. “She helped you escape the castle. She wanted to take you with her… but you couldn’t pass through the Point. She took your memory and left Aniyah with you, hoping she would protect you…” Neither of them speak until Ronan puts a hand under Karina’s chin, turning her to face him.

“I’m sorry you lost her.”

“… She was my best friend,” Karina confides. Ronan kisses her gently on the lips.

“And I know she’d be proud of you.” His words make her want to smile and cry at the same time.


Karina and Ronan spend every day of the rest of their lives together. Not long after they took back Evantis, Ronan asked her to be his queen. He said he loved her, that refused to be without her, and she was more than happy to say yes. They ruled the kingdom together as his parents had eighteen years before; peaceful and just, and when they had children of their own, new Guardians were born into Evantis.



The end

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23 Legal Guardianship

Legal Guardianship 3:13 P.M., Thursday, July 23, 2015 Honolulu, HI This was it: the decision which would make Paul Macon and Paula Akron legal wards of Ted Michaels ... or send them back into the system. If the decision went against them Ted was prepared to appeal, but he wasn’t sure the kids would sit still long enough for that to play out. They had run away from that system once before, and he didn’t doubt that they would do it again. Patience is a virtue, but it isn’t one that...

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Apollos Guardians

Command module 'Sentinel' lifted out of the water under the body of the Sikorsky super lifter and Jack Swigert, Michael Partenza and Schtopaugh Strelnikov waited calmly until they felt the ship hit the deck of the U.S.S. Enterprise. (CVN-65) A hand thumped the portal on the main hatch and Michael gave the unseen figure the high sign. The hatch opened and a pair of hands lifted the sample cases out of the capsule first. The two pairs of hands reached in and helped Jack Swigert out of the...

4 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 51 Guardians

"Hot!" "How hot?" "Too damned hot!" "Can't argue with that!" "A cold beer would sure help." "Too bad we're flying" "Yep." "Ever tell you about my Grampa, who flew a crop duster?" "Can't remember if you did. Where was this?" "Apple country. Wenatchee, Yakima, Leavenworth ... north central Washington." "Nice country." "Yep. Anyway, when things were slow, he'd take passengers up for sight-seeing. It helped to keep the business going." "Good plan. How'd...

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Just Following Orders

“Yeoman Tamura, you stay here and prevent this young lady from immolating herself. Knock her down and sit on her if necessary. This is a killing situation. Do what you must to protect yourself.” Commander Spock’s orders echoed repeatedly in Kyoko Tamura’s thoughts as she stood guard at the diamond shaped door to their detention room with her captured disrupter. Only an inch over five feet, the one hundred pound Asian woman was hardly an imposing image to the woman she had been ordered to keep...

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Busted Wearing Panties Ch 01

panties – bisexual – strapon – submissive – stepdaughter – bi sex – caught – dom – crossdressing – nylonsI went through forty-five years of my life as a single man, no one to answer to but myself. I watched my friends marry, have c***dren, and get divorced. I kept hearing the same old stories, 'money problems', 'she wasn't the same in bed after the k**s came', 'we are too tired because of the k**s', and the best of all 'we fight too much over money and the k**s'. I would just listen and laugh...

3 years ago
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The Cherry PopperChapter 16

Cindy took a quick glance at the clock on the wall before she turned back to watch Mr. Brown as paced in front of the class. She'd lost track of what the lecture was about, and she suspected that the history teacher was working on automatic as he walked back and forth. The two of them had made plans for lunch, and from the shape of Mr. Brown's pants he was having trouble keeping his mind on the lecture instead of what the two of them would be doing in just over fifteen minutes. Mr. Brown...

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Two friends

It was several hours before madhavi’s 21st birthday bash. She couldn’t wait. She had been looking forward to this all week. “wow, I can’t wait” she said with a smile. Then she started thinking of who was gonna be there. Mostly her girlfriends, but she wondered would he be there. Rajesh, was a very handsome well built guy she had been eyeing for months now. He was tall about 6’3″ crew cut black hair. Very nice muscular chest. Very tight ass. He worked out a lot playing football here at college....

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Good Stories

This is a true story of four married women staying in the same building and enjoying their sexual life to the fullest. All of them are horny bitches who are always ready to devour men if they have good physique and good cock who can satisfy the women s heat.The women do not mind whether the men are salesmen, labourers or even servants working for them. Sometimes they have also fucked servants and drivers not working for them. They discuss the males as they discuss say their sarees or...

4 years ago
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Captain Gregory Slawson was making his way along the crowded streets of Della Norte, the capital city of planet Entara Prime. The planet was one of several earth like planets that had been discovered in the last few decades, this planet was circling the star known as Van Maanen's star, a white dwarf star located 14. 1 light years from the sun. His star-ship, the Alliance interstellar class cruiser "Invincible" was in orbit, and he was making a social call. A few days earlier, his ranking...

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Lori Becoming a HotWife

“Look, this is what you are going to wear, he really wants to see you in it, I mean you asked for it and he bought it for you, you have to.” Jim was sitting in the room as Lori was looking over the package that had come that afternoon. As soon as it arrived, Jim called Lori at her office and said that it had arrived and it was in a nice discreet black wrapping, not a cheap package that screamed out sex or anything like that Jim explained to her over the phone. It was here and it was in the...

First Time
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New friends in a new town

A few years ago Ben and I moved to Michigan. I got a job as a developer at a local company near Livonia. I was walking out of a meeting one day, when a gorgeous black woman waved me over. I had only been with the company a few weeks so I had no idea who she was. She was wearing a white pencil skirt with an all red button down, red heels to match."You're a computer person?" she asked. "I am""Can you help me with this thing?""Maybe", I smiled, "let me take a look". I put my hands on her desk, and...

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Me Jen and Jill

When I was at college I dated a girl called Jen, she was a hot petite brunette with a fit athletic body, small round white tits and at times really liked to go nuts and just let loose.Those times were my favourite, like the time she streaked through the building, or the time she mooned a police car on the other side of the motorway, or the time she stripped to her underwear on the bar to get a free drink, those were some great times with her, but the best was the time she scored us a...

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TenderfootChapter 8

It was a rough four days, but we finally pulled into San Antonio, tired, but relieved to arrive there at last. Man, was it hot! Even in the shade, it was just too damned hot for somebody who had gotten used to the weather in Deadwood. We were surprised to see people walking around as if they were not the least bit bothered by the temperature, and that was nearly enough for me to buy three train tickets to take us north. The problem was that we were stuck because there were no north-bound...

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The Promotion

"Thank you very much, Mr. Halston, you won't be disappointed," James joked as he had been rewarded with the promotion he had been seeking for over a year now."You deserve it, James," Mr. Halston replied, "You've already thanked me with all the hard work you've done over he past year, which is why I'm sending you to Ms. Ligouri's office, she's expecting you Monday morning and will teach you everything you need to know about the position"And with that, James hung up and phone and took a long sigh...

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SRU Dateless

It seems that almost everyone takes a shot at this, so here's mine. My apologies if it's not quite up to par, or if I've misused the genre. All of the usual warnings apply. Permission to archive on any public site granted. Spells R Us - Dateless By Andrea Walker I'd spent hours wandering the mall looking at girls, hoping to find a date for Saturday night, but even the food court was no good. The only ones there were the leftovers, the kind who always go to dances in...

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KellyChapter 35

They were going to fly to West Point early the following Monday. On Sunday, Camille came in and offered to wash Kelly’s hair. She washed it, styled it, and combed it out. Kelly loved the look the girl achieved. Then Selma came in and did her trick on the back of Kelly’s neck. The girl was asleep almost instantly. On Monday morning Kelly and Mike got up early to have breakfast. Returning to her room, Kelly found her white dress uniform laid out on the bed. Mike said it was the uniform of the...

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Lyn and Rons honeymoon

The story until now. Lyn and Ron had just got married. Julie and I had attended the wedding. Sue, my wife was supposed to be in Sydney at a skating competition. Just prior to the wedding, I had spoken to Marg who should have been minding our teenaged children but she told me that Sue had picked the kids up the previous afternoon. Sue had provided no information to Marg as to why she had come home from Sydney earlier than expected. I had tried calling Sue but her mobile was switched off and our...

Wife Lovers
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Becoming Sara Day Two

Day two. I woke up with a really bad headache. There is a weight on my chest and it was in addition to the fake breasts. I look over and see thick black long hair. Last night went hazy after the kiss. The person rolled over and I sighed as it was Jewel. I sighed in relief, but seeing as I only had my bra on. I wondered where the rest went. I eased out of bed and saw the items littered around the room. I took off the bra and jumped in the shower. I felt so good as I lathered...

4 years ago
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Swinging From the Family TreeChapter 7

School started and we talked to our advisor about ending our high school careers as soon as we could. Of course, why came up. I said, "Missus Calhoun, we are easily scoring perfect one hundred's on our tests and take advanced placement classes. What would the remainder of this year much less another complete year accomplish? Neither of us fits with high school kids though we don't have any problems with them. Our interests are not aligned with them. For me, I don't have much hope until...

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The Shortest TG Story

Idly meandering through some posts on a TV Forum recently I found a little gem of a posting from Aardvark on the topic of the shortest TG story. "I like The Anonymous Bastard's version of the shortest TG story ever written: 'He became she.'" Since my PhD research was into 'Short TG stories' I, naturally, spent some time discovering the life and writings of Anonymous Bastard, I hope, perhaps, that other readers may enjoy a brief sojourn whilst I explore the shortest of the short TG...

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My sexy hijabi student

My name is Jayson Reese and I recently got a teaching job in an Indonesian high school. Since Indonesia is primarily made up of Muslims the school was predominately made up of muslim students. Every day I would teach my class and the same student would watch my every movement and would smile at me all the time. Her name was Indah Rahmanisa, she wore a white hijab with the school uniform on. She had a huge pair of tits and her face was very beautiful. Her nails were always painted a different...

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Service Station Mechanics

*** This story is fictional any comments you may have I would love to hear them. My day planner read, Monday July 10th. (Job interview at 3:30 CellAir) I was feeling pretty confident and prepared. But felt I could use a new pair of loafers to go with my slacks. So I left my apartment around 10:30 and headed toward the Mall, giving me plenty of time to find the right shoes. The mid summer heat was already up to a balmy 87 degrees and climbing. After several miles on the freeway my car started...

Group Sex
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Male Sexual Defense

You've recently received word that your great-uncle Steve has passed. You never knew the man, but you recall your father telling you that he was a bit of a nut-case. For some reason, he left his fairly sizable estate to you. You have elected for all of his assets to be liquidated, and for the proceeds to be directly deposited into your bank account. All this will require one more week to accomplish. You currently live in a remarkably insecure home. Your front door doesn't lock, and all of your...

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Rogue Space

Your long red locks of fiery red hair flow behind you as you skip along the rooftops above the bustling streets below, the glow of neon, and roaring sounds of the crowds below mask your movements along the roofs. It's only a small distance to the ground where the people are gathered, taken in by the signs and sounds, the smells of the spiced foods. Yup, you love a good tourist trap like this, so many fat wallets loaded with the local currency. You'd be able to swap these out for nice clean...

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Marys DiscoveryChapter 7

The intelligence types were ecstatic over the capture of Hawk. There was no question about it, we were going to get all of the shit details from now on. By that, I meant that a job that was really tough was going to handed to us, and we would be expected to bring home the bacon. Oh, well, that was what made this job so interesting. Hawk gave up so much intel (intelligence) that the system was overloaded. Now the problem was not finding a job for us but was deciding which job would be the...

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I missed Jenny so much

Short Description of myself and my friends: Me: Names Tyler, I'm 6"2 foot and weigh 138, a senior almost. I have brown hair that goes to around my eyebrows, a little messy hairstyle, but I've been told it's sexy. I play Basketball for my school's Varsity team, starting point guard. In order to play Varsity, I had to work out a lot and put on some muscle, more then I had then I work out a lot in order to stay in shape. I've had many relationships most relatively short and unexciting....

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bubble ass

After the night she made me playing the girl she coudnt stop inviting me over at nightshe woud meet me in the backyard and walk me to her roomalways fresh out of a shower like she wantedass up in one of her panty on her lap getting lube and played with her hot vibrator i was now craving to have in memoaning like a girl for her and loving it too much always back the toy in the panty i wear proudly getting between her legs and licking her my ass dancing for her gigling on its own the buzzing...

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Cynthia MartinChapter 35

The next morning Cindy stretched and wriggled her body on the bed. It had been one of the most wonderful nights of her life with Dan. Now her quiet movement was all it took to awaken him. He leaned over and kissed her warmly and then with increasing passion. When they separated he asked, "And how would my bride-to-be like to make love this morning?" She reached for his cock and balls and found that he had his usual massive erection and his scrotum seemed to be full. She looked at him and...

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Model turns slut 11

It was almost midnight now as Randy parked the cab in a narrow alley off a deserted street next to what looked like a bar or pool hall. This area of the city wasn't the best, most people wouldn't be caught near it, much less a young white woman, especially at night. But Barbara wasn't afraid, this was what she wanted, what she craved. It was exciting, a strange place, strange men, and the unknown of what would lie in store for her in this building. It was a pool hall and bar patronized...

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Erotic Fantasy

My fantasy begins with me walking up to where you are sitting at one of the tables, nervously looking around and occasionally checking your watch. You’re wearing a black, almost billowy, button-down shirt, black belt with an understated and simple silver buckle, black trousers, black socks, and expensive black Italian leather shoes. You look so incredibly sexy that I have to catch my breath before continuing on. You look up and finally notice me walking toward you as I step into the...

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Vacation with Teens 12 The Meeting

This is the second part of chapter 1 after I split them up Someone was looking at her, she could feel the gaze on her back as she rhythmically slid her arms into the water. When she turned her head around, she saw Leah was indeed watching her. They exchanged smiles and Lily decided to get out of the water. “Need some help with your suntan?” she asked, seeing Leah hadn’t put on any yet. “Uh…” Leah didn’t dare saying Robert had just promised to help her, remembering how the girls had laughed...

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The Hitchhiker Part 1

"Can we ask you a favor?" It was the blond who spoke. She was obviously the leader of this little duo. I looked her up and down with a slight smile on my face. She was wearing a short skirt that came up mid-thigh and gave me a peek at two long sexy legs. I couldn't help myself but wonder what it would be like to rub my hand up those delicious thighs to find what she was hiding between. "How can I help you ladies," I said. My eyes shifted over to the tiny brunette next to her. She was...

1 year ago
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HerLimit Anita Blanche Small Ass Big Dick

If you are a fan of skinny and petite girls, today we have just the scene for you. Anita has such a small and tight ass that it’s very hard to put you dick into it without a bit of pressure but the effort is well worth it when her ass hole hugs and squeezes your dick which she will gladly clean it with her mouth. After a nice clean up she will beg to put that big dick back inside her until you start ejaculating into her mouth. After the dirty actions she did before, you can bet she will...

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Private Kristi Mary Frost Debuts In Anal Threesome

The stunning Kristi debuts for today in Private Specials, Two Girls, Double Pleasure, together with real life partner of Sam Frost, Mary Frost(Aka Hazel Dew), and in true Private style these beauties have come to enjoy the best sexual practice of them all… anal! There’s no better way to make your Private debut than with an anal threesome, and after sharing a nice blowjob to warm up, you can watch Mary’s sexy tattooed body and Kristi’s incredible figure in action as they get...

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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda First Half

Sometimes, egos are good things. You can ride high on the wave of a growing ego, but you better watch for the breakers at the shore! This is a long story of how I built my ego up, flaunted it around, and then crashed back to reality.=== Tammy:My wife met Michael at an infamous "Sue and Lyle" house party. He is a smaller dark-skinned man with a giant cock. At five-feet-six-inches, he was only a couple inches taller than my wife. His cock may, in fact, be longer than mine, but on his frame, it...

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It didn’t start in high school. It could have I suppose, but it didn’t. Melissa was in my class (class of 92 if you need to know), but we never dated. Friendly yes, but we moved in different social circles. My main squeeze from the tenth grade to graduation was Pauline French, but Paulie went back east to go to college and I stayed home and went to State and I didn’t see her again until our tenth class reunion. She was married and was pregnant with her fourth child. Melissa also went to State,...

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Virtual Slavery Ch 19

19 Lynn ‘Wear the Chinese necklace,’ he said. ‘Why?’ Sometimes I wore it, sometimes not. He had never specifically mentioned it again after Saint Louis. ‘Because I tell you to.’ So the jade and gold necklace hung from my neck as I eagerly disembarked from the Delta jet and hurried into the terminal, where I found only Jefferson, who greeted me atypically with a kiss on the mouth replete with wet tongue and hands roving over my ass that attracted attention from other disembarking...

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Postgame Show

I looked up from my book at the sound of whoops and cheers from the basement. Smiling, I picked up my iPhone and checked on the hockey game that my husband and his two buddies were watching. It was over and “our” team had won handily, five goals to two. That was my signal. Putting my book aside, I got up and slipped off my sweatpants and sweatshirt. Underneath, I wore a pink satin bra with some black lace trim. It uplifted but barely contained my ample assets. Down below, I wore matching...

Wife Lovers
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Charismatic Billy Belair

CHAPTER 1 Until leaving for college Billy Belair lived above a grain and feed store in a small town. Two older bothers had gone into the business with their father, leaving no room for Billy, not that he wanted to have hayseeds in his hair for the remainder of his life. His mother’s married sister arrived for Billy’s graduation after learning he’d been a top student and Julia wanted to reward Billy for taking after his mother instead of his father who had two sons similar to himself – yokels....

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The Dragoness

It was only a little while ago that you emerged from an obsidian shell and took your first real breaths. A few months, maybe. You stared with curiosity at your scaled siblings with leathery wings just as yours—some blue, some purple, some crimson red. You, on the other hand, inherited the same reddish-pink hue as your mother. Your father, an elder dragon of massive size and power, smiled at you. "This one will make another drake very happy some day," he said with a grin, examining your scales....

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Charity begins at home Part 2

Charity begins at home (Part 2)I composed myself and started to pace around the bedroom, the butt plug seemed to be drawn into my bottom as I walked, my “Dolly” was fully erect and with every stride it felt like an electric pulse went through it, the pleasure was intense.“Now ‘Sally’ I want you to sit, in front of the mirror of the dressing table, whilst I apply your make up and wig”, Auntie said.As I sat and marvelled at the transformation I couldn’t help thinking about what lay...

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hardcore afternoon at the crowder ave arcade par 2

this assualt has come so suddenly and aggressivily, that i have been shoved into the wall and forced down it to my knees. at the same time i can feel the hands roughly holding my head and pushing my face against the wall, as that happens i feel something pushing at my face and my lips, it's a hard cock, and as the gag is removed from my mouth i feel the hands pushing my head so that i have no choice but to let that hard cock thrust into my mouth and down my throat, and it has happened so fast...

1 year ago
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CumSwappingSis Macy Meadows Sera Ryder Swallow Cum To Grow Taller

Macy Meadows has decided she wants to be taller. She decides to try hanging on the pullup bar to see if that helps. Her friend Sera Ryder is there for moral support. When Macy isn’t immediately taller after a bit of hanging, she asks Sera to pull on her. Just as Sera accidentally pulls Macy’s pants down, Macy’s stepbrother Nathan Bronson walks in on them and asks what they’re doing. He tells them that people like short girls, then takes off. Later, Macy asks Nathan if...

3 years ago
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The Fitting

Introduction: Ali buys new underwear. Its been a three years since my wife Allison regained her sex drive. My erectile dysfunction from a prostate operation has meant my part in her sexual rebirth has been limited. We have discussed our situation and came to the agreement that as long as she was sensible sex with others was not a bad thing. She is satisfied and I get to share in her pleasure, which has been satisfying enough for me. Ali is adventurous and provides plenty of detail. I am glad to...

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Best Halloween Ever part 2

Best Halloween Ever - part 2 By strangefun A FAIR WARNING: The first part of this story was nice and sweet. What follows, is not. It's, actually, quiet nasty. Read at your own risk. WARNING: This story contains extremely graphical depictions of sex, sexual abuse and humiliation. It has already been a long and eventful night starting with being somewhat forcefully cross-dressed and locked into in the hot pink big- breasted sissy maid costume by my sexy co-workers, paraded...

2 years ago
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Pyar Mai Dokha Ka Badla

By : Sidi007 Hi to all ISS readers, I’m Sidhanth Sethi pyar se log mujhe Sid kehte hai. I’m from Punjab. Punjab mai Jalandhar se hu mai aaj jo mai story aapko sunane ja raha hu ise na he fully sex story kaha ja skta hai n na he fully love story, aap jo kahe ise mai maan lunga mai yeh nahi kahunga k I’m very hamdsome ya muscular body etc. kuki mai jaisa bhi hu acha hu meri age 21 hai BCA kr rha hu. tory par aate hai dosto. Jaisa k sad boys n girls n aaj kal toh bacche bhi jante hai k 18+ hone...

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