Suddenly Part Three Life in Rome
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After the ambush in the pass, Antiochus retreated to the city of Belen to reorganize and allow his troops to recover. He didn’t leave there for three days. By then, he had troops atop every hill we could have used for an ambush and reached Alexandria late in the afternoon. However, we’d abandoned the city, not interested in trying to hold it. Our scouts noted that none of the elephant cavalry arrived with him, and that he had less than half the three thousand cataphract cavalry he started...
Day 73 Our three-day voyage finally found us docking in the small port town of Locri, located between two small rivers on the narrow coastal plain about twenty-five miles east of the toe of the Italian peninsula. Originally established as a Greek colony, Locri joined with Rome at the end of the Pyrrhic Wars. The city was prosperous, even minting their own coins. They were a bit nervous about nineteen mounted men arriving, seventeen of whom were heavily armed, but calmed down when we...
They stayed in Egypt for five years. The children grew. Penelope decided she had had enough when their Greek tutor for the children caught a fever and died. The man was brilliant and she was saddened by his death as were the children. Besides, she didn't like the hot climate of the country. She had aged ever so little and still practiced every day without complaint by her husband. She even taught the rudiments of the sword to her son since it was his desire to become a Tribune. Maximus...
I knew Mel was all talk when she said she could easily leave Edwin in Caroline’s care. But I didn’t blame her. I just sat on the couch, next to Peter Fox, in Caroline’s luxurious apartment on the corner of Hyde Park, just over the Aston Martin dealership. He lived there now, on a trial basis. “It’s a much shorter commute,” was all he said about that. I knew his home. The man liked marble statues, preferably with a penis or at least a six-pack. (No replicas of David, then.) He liked Persian...
"... Well I better be going now, thanks for listening, I don't think I have to mention to watch Liz for me; we may have a mother but as you know Lana, we don't REALLY have a mother. I trust DoubleD to try to care for her and the babies but she's going to need big sisters to guide her through many things to come," her pussy gave a gush and she threw it an annoyed look saying, "I said come not CUM you stupid hole, can't you think of anything else!" Looking back at the screen she said:...
Synopsis: Salidia's Little Lion, Lydia, sparks a fight with neighbors, and she picks up a bow to become Hell on Horseback to protect those she loves. Out of the fires of this conflict, they forge the place that became known as the Valley of the Amazons. Action story with Femdom leads. `165 pgs. Tales of Ancient Rome 3: Lions in the Valley By TG Chapter 1 ...
Maiden of Rome by ShannonQ A noble Roman Tribune is captured in a battle with the Germanic tribes. He is given to a witch and eventually turned into a woman. She is given the name of Penelope. She is sent back to Rome. What will her family do? What will her father say? What is her future in the greatest Empire on earth? Rated R ONE The rains intensified as the XVII...
Day 295 I gave the troops the day off today. We’d been going nonstop for four weeks, and they needed it. Despite having the day off, many continued searching through the city and palace, looking for more valuables. Since the troops received a cut of what we sent home, they were on a personal treasure hunt, looking not only for expensive goods, but also for less expensive things to take as gifts for their family, spouses, or prospective spouses. Day 296 Everything and everyone from Pella...
Joerg returned to his men and reported. They decided to wait until the next day, to see what the Duke had to say. The mood was subdued in the camp that night, as the men thought of their field captain, who had led them to two resounding victories. News spread rapidly on the next morning that Georg von Frundsberg had suffered from a stroke. He was being transported home already, and the Duke of Bourbon now held the command. From the Duke came the summons to the captains for another...
Synopsis: Using her lethal skills, a young, beautiful slave rises to power in ancient Rome. Tales 2 is a character study of a complex and murderous femdom. 109 pgs. Tales of Ancient Rome 2: Salidia and Lydia by TG Chapter 1 Laying in Supplies "Oh, this feels so good," Salidia...
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” ― Ronald Reagan The long, hard slog up the boot of the Italian countryside was hard on both men and equipment. Eventually, the allies found...
Maiden of Rome II By ShannonQ It is seven years after leaving Rome for Spain. Maximus, Penelope, and Attia are enjoying their sunset years as Tiberius dies and the new Emperor Caligula is reeking havoc on the people in the capitol of the Empire. Rated R In part one Druses Marcellus was a Tribune in the XVII Legion which was attacked by the Germans under Arminius the chief of the central tribes. This was the battle of the Teutoburg Forest when...
Spring came early that year. The soldiers laid down wooden planks to avoid the mud caused by the melting snows. Penelope, as promised, didn't overly do it with the man who replaced Gaius. His name was Marcus and he was very skilled. Because she held back, he often gained the upper hand on her but she always recovered and continued to fight back. She had a leather outfit made where the skirt fell to the length of her boots. It gave her freedom to move quicker than in a robe or a gown. People...
Tales of Ancient Rome by TGSynopsis: In ancient Rome, a noble woman develops a taste for torture. There’s a wee bit of ?tongue in cheek? humor toward the end of the story. 31 pgs.Story codes: F/M, BDSM, NC, Slavery............Oh, Hell?..Just know a lot of bad stuff happens to some guys, and they're very unhappy about it......But they're the only ones who feel that way. Chapter 1 Time to Go on...
"I hate this course," Jesse said. She closed her textbook with a snap. "Roman history is a confusing mess." "You mean it is not like current political history?" Kalliste Periakes said. She was standing at the stove in the back of the Women's Co-op, a graduate student in archaeology of indeterminate age. She had lustrous black hair, a pert, up-turned nose and a generous mouth. Today she was cooking a dish from her native Crete. "Current politics seems simple," Jesse replied. "I have...
Janie Ward sat on her suitcase and looked, almost dumbly at her phone, not even sure what to do next. It had been almost a life long fantasy, a hope, a dream, and here she was, sitting in the tatters of her great European Adventure, her longed for trip to Rome, and she was on the verge of tears. Thoughts raced across her mind, as she fought back the tears: ‘How could Marge do this?’ She’d scrimped and saved and had been scheduled to go on this dream fulfilling trip to Rome with her friend...
JULIA of ANCIENT ROME.I.The feast had been vast and stretched way into the night. It was now 6 o’clock and the serving slaves of the evening were thankfully joined by the early rising cleaning drudges. The majority of clearing up had been accomplished but some of these wretches had been constantly on the go for twenty hours. A banquet of this magnitude took much preparation; then there were the serving duties once the guests arrived. It had been 3 in the morning by the time the last guests had...
Day 8 I took Antia aside in the morning to tell her about the dream. “I know, I saw it, too,” she replied emotionally. “I will make you the happiest husband in all of Rome,” she promised. “I’m already very happy,” I replied, kissing her. The kiss turned heated and we ended up back in bed, but just for a quickie. “Make Tacita pregnant, too,” she insisted when I was close to coming. Since Tacita was having her pussy licked by Antia, she was well lubricated when I pushed into her. Barely a...
Aulus’s approach this time was so cautious that he just stood there and threatened me. “Are you going to use that knife or just wave it at me until your arm is so tired that you can’t even hold it anymore?” I taunted, drawing him in a step closer. “Do I have time to take a nap before you decide to do something? Maybe I could eat lunch while you walk around in circles showing everyone how good you are at waving a knife. Is that how your mother waved a knife at your father to keep him away...
Day 115 I was antsy all morning, wondering what Lucius would decide to do about my challenge. I wasn’t worried about the fight if it even came to that. I was pissed off at Lucius and his sniping at me as he tried to assuage his wounded ego. I needed to embarrass him so badly today that he’d either accept the challenge or he’d quit challenging me, worried that I’d embarrass him even worse than what he might hope to gain from any petty victory. I was also pissed off because playing childish...
The Roman guards were shocked to see a remarkably beautiful redheaded maiden ride out of the edge of the forest to cross the bridge into Roman territory all alone. She looked to be unharmed. She was taken to the new commander of the new Legions. His name was Germanicus. Brother of Tiberius and related to Augustus by marriage of his mother Livia to the Emperor. Germanicus was an intelligent general with a good heart. He patiently listened to Penelope as she wove her tale about being a captive...
They arrived in the middle of the night and were challenged by a few sentries. She told them that she was the wife of their commander and was there to see her husband. She showed the script in Augustus' handwriting permitting her to be there. She was escorted to within five hundred feet of his tent then dismissed the men. She walked the rest of the way and entered to see her husband in bed sleeping with a young girl at his side. He sensed something was amiss and opened his eyes to see his...
Less than a half year later, Augustus died. As he lay on his death bed, the Senate came to pay their last respects. "If you feel that I have done a good job, please applaud," he stated. Without exception everyone clapped their hands. He then died. After the Senators left, Tiberius hurried in having heard the news while hunting. "Is it true?" he asked his mother, staring at the Emperor's body. "You can see for yourself," Livia said. "The earth will shake," he stated, not knowing if...
Day 3 I left the house before dawn, arriving at the forum as the first merchants were setting up. Once there, I quickly learned something. However I came to be here, I could understand and speak the different languages I’d heard so far. I knew I had been speaking Latin, even though I thought in English. Without even knowing what language it was, I understood and conversed with someone who spoke a different language this morning, probably Greek. Unbelievably cool. By noon, I had the...
Roman time: Day 268/1st day back in modern time I awoke with a start in the middle of the night, momentarily disoriented until the brief dream I’d just finished replayed in my mind. Still, I sat upright and looked around me, feeling oddly out of place by being back in my quarters at the base in Afghanistan the day before the congressman would arrive. This was the day I had signed my re-enlistment papers. Today, I was again Staff Sergeant Steven Harris, acting Gunnery Sergeant in charge of...
1 year later Day 712 I’m amazed at what we have accomplished since our return from Macedon. Much of what we completed this year is because so many Macedonians now work for us. The sudden demise of Philip’s war machine led to a downturn in their economy that forced many of them to look for new jobs. We provided them jobs without humiliating them further. They helped with my construction projects in Macedon, including building the roads, fortifications, and draining the marsh. All the roads...
By the end of their second week in Rome, Thorben and Katherine, with fifty of their men, met with the emissaries of their prisoners' families outside the city walls and received the ransom payment. Shortly after, under strong protection, the prisoners were guided out of the city and into the care of their families. In spite of the hefty ransom, more than one of the released prisoners expressed their gratitude to their captors, for they were all released without hurt and the women and girls...
Rome, December 1944.An army truck carrying Iota platoon weaved its way through the back streets of the ancient city. Inside, fifteen men huddled against the cold. Sargeant O'Malley drove in a seemingly random direction, but lost he was not. Seated in the back the men shivered, for these were the dregs of the army, the soldiers who just didn't fit; they had been called up and sent to a war that they did not understand. These men, while not bad, were simply a hazard to themselves and those about...
UniformPreface: This fictional story takes place in Roman times (~ 400 BCE) when all emperors, senators and magistrates had to do in order to keep the masses in control was to offer them blood and entertainment in the colosseos. Aurelia is a Roman noblewoman who made enemies out of the wrong people. After her capture, she is sentenced to be executed in the arena for the pleasure of the common people, and in the process, making it a prolonged, degrading, and utterly humiliating and painful one....
It all happened in Rome. I was on a holiday of self-exploration, and it was the first time I had truly travelled alone. I had never been away from home and my family for so long. It gave me a sense of freedom I hadn’t experienced prior to this.I had spent a few days doing the typical tourist obligations; the museums, the long walks even a church or two. It took a week or so of being with myself with nobody watching me (as I usually and have always felt) to realise that I was my own person. I...
First TimeThe first time I saw the city of Rome I was chain to a cart as it was pulled through the streets. I couldn't believe how large the city was. The colors, smells, and sounds took my breath away. And so many people. All looking and pointing at us as we were taken to our fate. And what was to be our fate you may ask; to serve the city and it's people as slaves. I would not let them shame me, I thought. You may wonder how I can to be here chained and far from my land and home. I was born in...
I was a couple of years out of college, working a job that I had little enthusiasm for, when my dad called me up and asked me if I wanted to go with him on a business trip. It was no ordinary business trip, it was a week in Rome and, if I could come, he would book us in Rome for the weekends on both ends giving us extra time there. Well, I did have vacation time and jumped at the chance to go. My parents were divorced when I was in college, I knew a few of the details, it's hard to keep...
I awoke in the morning to Cassia sucking my cock. She grinned when I rolled her over and pressed into her. “Lucius never made me or any of the slave girls pregnant,” she whispered as she began thrusting up to meet my fuck strokes. “Celsus is trying and agreed that I could let you try, too.” The excitement shone in her eyes as we fucked. Antia rolled over and began kissing her, playing with her nipples before reaching between us to tease her clit. Cassia’s eyes opened wide in surprise at the...
Days 268-270 I started when I awoke, scaring poor Theodora. I apologized and kissed her, leading to her pulling me on top of her. After we each climaxed, I checked my gear and almost broke out in a song and dance when I found that everything had arrived safely. I rode between the two cities twice, making sure that my instructions were being carried out. In each city, I had Theodora talk to the single women to make sure that none of them had been abused aside from losing their virginity. I...
The door opened and a young beautiful woman with blonde hair, blue eyes and a trim shape answered. She wore a sky blue neck to toe dress with a leather belt at her waist. Drusus' mouth dropped. She had enormous nipples tenting out from her thin gown. "You must be the Roman," she said in perfect Latin. "I'm Dagmar." "I'm Drusus Marcellus." He looked at the lovely woman. He estimated her age to be no more than twenty-two, twenty-three at the most. "I was brought to you." "Yes, I...
Dagmar continued her intimacy with the Roman. She liked the man. He never complained about his captivity. However how many captives had such a beautiful woman for a jailer? She fed him well, gave him berry wine, was an intelligent conversationalist, and was a tigress in bed. Miraculously all the scars he had taken in his life as a soldier disappeared. The ointment she put on the side of his head cured him completely. He no longer felt the aches and pains that plagued him in his hard life as...
September 26, 1994, Munich, Germany “«Guten Morgen. Mein Name ist Steve Adams. Ich bin von NIKA Consulting. Ich habe einen Termin mit Herrn Schultz.»” “«Guten Morgen, Herr Adams. “Er erwartet Sie. Bitte gehen Sie durch diese Tür. Das erste Zimmer auf der rechten Seite»” She indicated a door and I walked through it, then walked into the main conference room. My German was just good enough to get past the receptionist, but I wasn’t going to be able to carry on a full conversation. I decided...
Authors Notes[b] When In Rome isnt exactly a series of erotic stories. When its completed, it will (hopefully) read more like a novel. Plot, subplots and all. There will be (on average) three separate scenes from three separate Point(s) of View (POV) per chapter. While every chapter will have sex in one form or another, every scene will not. If you want to skip through and only read the sexy bits, every chapter will be headed by listing which scene(s) in that chapter include sex. Chapter one...
As is well known, Rome is a major center for art, architecture and engineering. the last time we were there there was no exception to bring something. We visited a place with many sculptures. There was also a young group of Asians (which is a lot of everything in Europe). A girl was standing looking at a sculpture of two ancestors who were, quite enough, naked. She started talking to my boyfriend and she told her name Maiko, was 18 years a week ago and was on tour with uneversitete she went to...
Ian smiled at the waitress gratefully as he took a drink from the tray she was holding as she passed. For just a moment, he was left alone in the huge function room at the hotel where he was staying in Rome. It was the third and final day of a series of meetings he had been attending in an attempt to engineer the takeover of an Italian company by his own employers. The meetings had been successful, so this function was turning into a bit of a celebration.But Ian wasn't enjoying it a bit. All he...
To celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary my wife Susie and I decided to return to Italy which we had first visited ten years earlier. The twins were seventeen years old now and quite capable of looking after themselves, although we did impress on them that we expected the house to look spotless when we got back, and issued a stern warning about what would happen if they had raided my store of single malts. We also had a quiet word with my parents just to keep a discreet eye on things.We...
Group SexIntroduction: Chase plans the downfall of her parents and their Theocracy. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Fifty-Three: The Fall of Rome Visit my blog at My name is Chasity Alberta Glassner, the Tyrants daughter. I write these words down so my motivations will not be lost to time, and so there will be no confusion, speculation, or misunderstanding about my actions. Excerpt from The Tyrants Daughter: An Autobiography by...
The year is 51BC, Julius Caesar just finished conquering Gaul and Rome is being flooded with gold, slaves and other spoils of war. You are the son of a member of the lower nobility, although your father has a seat in the senate your family does not hold much influence in roman politics. It does however have a few businesses, mainly brothels, and with the large amount of slaves coming into the city, your father decides to open a new one in the city of Ostia the harbour city of Rome. Your father...
FantasyTRANS-ATLANTIC part 1 DEPARTURE FROM ROME Jack Masterson arrived at the cruise terminal in the port of Civitavecchia, near Rome, Italy. He was a travel writer who owned and operated a travel website that reviews luxury resorts, hotels, cruise ships and destinations. He'd been in Europe for a month; traveling and posting articles on his site about his adventures. Tonight he began his trip home to the United States, but he wasn't flying. A Trans-Atlantic cruise on the Holland...
Day 23 Antia was on one shoulder and Tacita the other when I awoke. I was surprised to find that my morning fellatrix was Marilla and not Fausta. She sucked me off and swallowed my cum before crawling on top of me. “Thank you,” she whispered emotionally, “I will behave and be a good slave.” “Ask Tacita what it’s like to be my slave,” I suggested. “You will find that your life is almost the same as the free women.” Since her naked, nubile body was giving little Quintus ideas, I climbed out...
Two months later, Julius was convinced that this was indeed his son turned into a very young and beautiful woman. She knew too many things about Drusus' life. Things that his son would never reveal to anyone else. The time when he was thirteen and was found sleeping with Vipsania. Both were naked and after an exhaustive interrigation, they were convinced that they did not have intercourse. Their mother examined her daughter's vagina to make sure nothing was done. He was punished again. His...
After a talk with her father and sister, Penelope married Maximus. He was of a noble lineage so Julius did not object. Augustus insisted that they be united in the Emperor's palace since Julius was such a good friend for years, an ally in the Senate, and fought at his side during the wars to bring stability to the Empire. Penelope felt reluctant due to Livia's dislike of her but she found the woman to be gracious to her on her wedding day. She even gave the bride a jeweled broach that took...
Germanicus was dead! His horse stumbled and fell crushing his leg against a sharp rock. Antonia and her children were at his side as he slipped away. He refused to have his leg removed and it turned gangrene. He developed a fever and it was fatal. One of the most promising generals in the Empire was gone. Tiberius made a mad rush north stopping only to change horses to get there before his brother died. He made it just moments before the end. What he said to Tiberius was incoherent and he...
As Jen kissed her ex-teacher passionately she pumped the large double-sided dildo connecting their twats rapidly; making Patty moan erotically and give a few sighs. As she kissed Patty, Jen filled each of her hands with one on Patty's beautiful orbs and rubbed Patty's nipples into hers. The fire that passed from one woman's boobs to the next was indescribable and they both gave screams of rapture into one another's mouths. They were both obviously very near cumming AGAIN, when suddenly...
When Franz recovered his senses, he saw Albert drinking a glass of water, of which, to judge from his pallor, he stood in great need; and the count, who was assuming his masquerade costume. He glanced mechanically towards the square--the scene was wholly changed; scaffold, executioners, victims, all had disappeared; only the people remained, full of noise and excitement. The bell of Monte Citorio, which only sounds on the pope's decease and the opening of the Carnival, was ringing a joyous...
Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...
Authors Notes Sorry Chapter 6 took so long – Ive had some pretty annoying computer issues and it took longer to fix than the computer guy estimated. Plus, this chapter is 8,000 words long, so it took a little longer and I couldnt find an acceptable way to split it. If youre a fan of this series, but rape isnt something you want to read – just skip scene one. The next two are perfectly consentual. (For now, this rape scene looks like just a random, gratuitious act of violence – but I assure it,...
Authors Notes Callia gets gang-banged. This chapter is not intended to be about Augustus Caesar. The man in this chapter is entirely fictional, and no disrespect to his name was intended. _____________________________ CHAPTER THREE: Scene 01: Callia – Sex? No, but shes prepping for sex. Still hot, IMO. Scene 02: Augustus – Sex? Yes. Scene 03: Callia – Sex? Yes. _____________________________ CALLIA She hadnt been fucked in days. Hadnt even been allowed around any man, and the female slaves who...
I woke up, and felt my hard cock rubbing against your ass as you snuggled against me. I couldn’t quite believe I was actually here, in Rome, lying in your bed. I had flown in from Canada the day before, and had arrived in time to share a wonderful dinner at your favourite restaurant. Then, we spent the evening wandering around the city, as you showed me some of the places you enjoyed. Finally, we made our way back to your apartment, where we got ready for bed. It was a little weird at first. We...
I woke up, and felt my hard cock rubbing against your ass as you snuggled against me. I couldn’t quite believe I was actually here, in Rome, lying in your bed. I had flown in from Canada the day before, and had arrived in time to share a wonderful dinner at your favourite restaurant. Then, we spent the evening wandering around the city, as you showed me some of the places you enjoyed. Finally, we made our way back to your apartment, where we got ready for bed. It was a little weird at first. We...
Straight SexAuthors Notes No romance in this one – its quite a bit hotter than the last (in my opinion). The murder that Ive tagged this with is only mentioned in the first scene, which is not erotic. So feel free to just skip down to Lykoss POV if you want. Always open to feedback, or suggestions for improvement :] _____________________________ CHAPTER TWO: Scene 01: Cassuis – Sex? NO. Scene 02: Lykos – Sex? Yes. Father/Daughter Scene 03: Callia – Sex? Yes. Daughter fucked by father + brother....
And then she heard her name called, and two brawny handlers, slaves themselves, lumbering hulks of muscle and bone, dwarfing her between them, hauled her up on the platform, holding her by her arms. They had seen everything in the world, and done most that was bad in it .They had been the ones that had pulled her up from the dungeon she had spent the night in solitary confinement, groping her roughly in the dark passages, but careful not to touch her pussy, a virgin so seldom offered for sale...
Authors Notes Im having difficulty doing dailies with all of the family stuff going on for the holidays. The story is far from over, and Im still writing. Im just having a hard time finding the time to write 6-8K words every day. Thanks for sticking with me :] _____________________________ CHAPTER SEVEN: Scene 01: Cassius – Sex? No. Scene 02: Callia – Sex? Yes. Scene 03: Cassius – Sex? Yes. _____________________________ CASSIUS He wasnt a man to use the word cute. But Callia, today, was the...