When In RomeChapter 4 free porn video

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Day 23

Antia was on one shoulder and Tacita the other when I awoke. I was surprised to find that my morning fellatrix was Marilla and not Fausta. She sucked me off and swallowed my cum before crawling on top of me. “Thank you,” she whispered emotionally, “I will behave and be a good slave.”

“Ask Tacita what it’s like to be my slave,” I suggested. “You will find that your life is almost the same as the free women.”

Since her naked, nubile body was giving little Quintus ideas, I climbed out of bed, but had Marilla come with me. I was glad that I had bought another cart yesterday because I would need it today.

We grabbed bread and cheese to eat and found the men making saddle trees and saddles starting work, along with several new slaves that Celsus had purchased yesterday. The leather worker thanked me for the new tools and the leather.

One of the stable hands studied what I was doing intently while I saddled Boots. They had put on the bridle and reins before bringing him to me. I was glad that I didn’t have to “invent” those, too. The other stable hands helped Marilla hitch the mule to the cart. The six ceramic crocks that I bought yesterday were still in the cart, although they were nestled in straw this morning rather than cushioned by the leather I had used on the way back from Puteoli.

Brutus was with me again today and was again mounted since he figured I would ride Boots. A few minutes down the road, a lone bowman stepped out of the trees with an arrow nocked and drawn.

I suddenly discovered that Boots used to be a warhorse. Without any prompting, he charged the man, knocking him down. I held onto the reins and pulled him up so that he reared while I stood in the stirrups. When he landed, one hoof hit the bandit in the chest. When I checked, the bandit wasn’t dead yet, but wasn’t far from it.

He died before we reached the lake, where I left Marilla and the cart. I found the two men using Celsus’s fishing boat and explained what I wanted. I also requested that they release at least five live fish a day into Lake Avernus. If they found the fish floating the next day, they could stop. I wanted to see if we could introduce local freshwater fish into that lake.

Then I spoke with the other fishermen at the lake, asking them to save the entrails when they gutted their fish, dumping the entrails into the ceramic crock I left for them. I even promised each boat an “as” (a copper coin) for each filled crock.

Marilla had already unhitched and tethered the mules, so I tied the body across one of the mules and headed for Puteoli with Brutus.

“How did you do that with the horse?” Brutus asked.

“The horse charged the man all on his own. I just pulled him back so he would rear. That’s one of the many things stirrups are good for,” I replied.

“I’ll say. You were standing in them and not seated on the horse at all. If my horse did that, I’d fall off,” he laughed.

When we reached the forum, we found the Magister and explained that the man had tried to rob us. Since the Magister recognized both me and Brutus, who belonged to the highly respected Celsus, he accepted our word and registered the death and circumstances. He awarded me the man’s meager belongings--a knife, a bow, and six arrows.

The attempted robbery reminded me of something I had planned to do. Before leaving the forum, I located a man who sold tents and found one I wanted. It was more of a pavilion-style tent than a pup tent and was big enough for three men. I bought two throw rugs to cover the floor of the tent, ostensibly to keep down the dust, and then bought a strong box with a lock. I was glad that we had the mule with us to carry everything back.

Once we were back at the quarry, I took Janus and Marius aside. I told them about the tent I bought for them to use. I wanted them to build a wooden floor for the tent and beneath the floor, create space for the strongbox. The strongbox would fit inside the wooden frame and be covered by the wooden floor with the rugs on top of that. This gave them a place to lock up and hide the money.

They were now up to eight cranes and had a row of filled crates along both sides of the road where the carts pulled up to be loaded. Marius showed me the first form for the paving stones. I approved it and suggested making hundreds of the forms when they had time, along with making a covered work area near Lake Lucrino. They also needed to make forms to hold the concrete for the edge stones.

Leaving the pozzolana business in good hands, I gave Janus the bandit’s bow and headed for the lake. Once there, I was quickly up to my proverbial elbows in fish guts. The air bladders had been separated into one crock filled one-third-full of lake water. The rest of the guts were in the remaining crocks. By the time we arrived, we had almost two hundred air bladders from the fish. I had our fishermen row out into the lake where they dumped the crock that was a quarter full of fish entrails. I told the men to remember where they dumped it and to fish there tomorrow. I had them toss a bit of the entrails into Lake Avernus near the spot where they’d released the fish today.

I took the fish fillets and buried them between layers of wet straw. Half went to the men at the quarry; the rest went home with us. Some of what we took home were given to Celsus’ cook and the rest went to our kitchen.

I was surprised when Junia, one of the first cooks I had hired for the workmen, joined us in bed tonight. She was much older than the nineteen years of my current body, and probably near the thirty years of age I was in my previous life. Despite the age difference, she was enthusiastic and we both enjoyed the experience.

Day 24

After breakfast and setting my tomatoes outside in the sun again, I joined the slaves working on the bows. First, I showed them how to pound the dried sinew to separate it and break it into short strands of wool-like fibers.

Next, we started boiling the carved and shaved pieces of mouflon sheep horn. Yesterday, I had started boiling the fish air sacks in one iron pot and the balance of the entrails that weren’t dumped into the lake in another, larger pot. The two pots had been boiled over a low fire with people trading off stirring it for several hours until it had become a thick, yellow glue. Now the fun started. After reheating the solidified glue, I glued strands of sinew along the spine of the bow. Then I fitted the horn to the belly of the bow, making any necessary last-minute adjustments to the horn by shaving it with a knife to make it fit--all the while wishing I had a rasp.

When it fit perfectly, I glued it in place and then wrapped the entire bow with willow bark that was then glued on. The willow bark was from branches and had the inside scraped so it was even thinner. It would help to protect the bow during wet weather. Then I wound hemp twine around the whole thing to hold everything in place. When it was complete, I set the bow on its side, out of the sun, to dry. I now had my first bow made of laminated layers of sinew, sapwood, heartwood, and bone.

I supervised the slaves as each made their first bow, explaining the reason for each step and correcting any mistakes. By lunchtime, we were out of sinew, but had twenty-nine bows completed and drying. We switched to making arrow shafts, a process several of them were already familiar with. I had four of the men carving pieces of deer antler to make artificial cocks for the strap-ons.

I checked the leather workers and found Celsus’s slave in charge of training twenty new slaves to make saddles. They already had several saddles under construction and pieces of leather cut out for the next batch of saddles. I could see his nervousness turn to pride when I complimented him on the work the new slaves were doing.

I noticed that some of Celsus’s guards were taking turns using the first two saddles. The five men explained that they had thought the saddle was a frivolous toy and completely unnecessary until they tried it. Now they wondered how they ever rode without it. I suggested that they find some twenty pes lengths of wood that were as big around as their forearm and make long, sturdy lances. Using a spare piece of shorter wood, I showed them how to carry it on a horse to use against someone on foot, or even against someone else on a horse. I also reminded them that they would need longer swords than their usual gladius for use from horseback.

After lunch, Celsus and Theodocio were watching as the men practiced with the lances. The men had found some captured sabers that Celsus had. The sabers were longer than the standard gladius and they practiced with those, attacking posts set in a course they rode through.

“Our losses against Hannibal would have been much lighter, and the war won much sooner with saddles and those weapons,” Theodocio commented thoughtfully.

“It would have been over even sooner with the bows,” I said. “Imagine being able to rain thousands of arrows down on your enemy from more than a stadium and a half away. How many of their foot soldiers would have even reached your lines?”

“Is this bow a weapon from your time?” Theodocio asked.

“No, it is one being used even now in a place some four thousand milia passus east of here, but it will be hundreds of years before the people who use it reach Anatolia (Turkey),” I replied.

“With a weapon from my time, I could stand with a hundred men and annihilate a hundred thousand enemy troops in less time than it takes to eat breakfast. The problem is that everyone has those weapons, so they don’t give anyone an advantage.” I wasn’t even going to try explaining artillery, missiles, or bombs.

“Are you able to make those weapons?” Theodocio asked.

“No, they are far too complicated for me to make. I might be able to make the powder they first used and find a use for it, though,” I mused aloud.

“I’m returning to Rome in a few days and want to take a saddle with me,” Theodocio commented.

“That’s fine. We’ll have more ready by then,” I agreed.

I reminded the men, “Once the others try it, everyone will demand one. Celsus will need hundreds of men to make the saddles, as well as more men to make the bows and the arrows, although we’ll need many sources of sinew, horn, and feathers to be able to make so many bows and arrows.”

Turning to Celsus, I said, “The men you want to send with me as guards when we search for the mines will need to start training with me soon. The pozzolana mining is already at a point that I can let others run it for me.

“I’ll want the men accompanying me to train with the new bows and saddles. I’ll work with them and train them, but it will take at least a month before they’re ready,” I warned.

“I will send you someone who is knowledgeable about mining to evaluate the sites,” Theodocio said.

“I’ll have sixteen men report to you tomorrow morning to begin training,” Celsus promised.

“Boot camp again,” I chuckled to myself mentally, although I was in better shape right now than I had been when I finished boot camp. Once again, I wondered if my conditioning from the future had come with me into the new body. When I asked, Antia assured me that Quintus had not been in such good shape.

Finding Brutus, I borrowed Boots back from the guards, leaving them with two saddles, one that was ready to use yesterday and one that was ready to use today. I rode to the quarry to check how they were doing, my shadow riding without a saddle. Yet again, everything was running smoothly. Men had started construction of a covered work area by the lake. The pozzolana business was busy with men busy loading several carts, as well as building or filling empty crates.

I liked the way they had the filled crates lined up along both sides of the road to make loading carts for our customers go faster.

Marius waved me over excitedly. “Another ship docked a short time ago. They sent a messenger letting us know that they want forty crates tomorrow. We told them that we already had more than that ready,” he said proudly. “We already sold twenty-eight crates today, thirty-four once these are done,” he added, motioning to the carts they were loading.

“The man from Neapolis came back for twelve more crates. Six carts arrived from Pompeii and we even had ten carts from Capua. That man loved the idea. He heard about us and was able to leave most of his slaves working at home instead of making them walk here to fill the carts and then walk back. He says we saved the drivers two full days of travel and saved forty slaves three days of walking each way and a day to load the carts. He assigned them to prepare the ground for crops, instead,” Marius said proudly.

Marius motioned Janus over to join us in their new tent where he opened the strong box and gave me the proceeds. He had three leather bags and two pouches inside the box. One bag held the money for deposits on the crates. A second held money to pay the men each day and to buy supplies with. The two pouches held Janus and Marius’s shares, and the final bag held my profit.

Camila, one of the newly hired cooks joined the usual women in my bed tonight. When we finished, I noticed her daughter Tullia and two of the other new teenage girls were watching us intently.

Day 25

After my wake-up blowjob, I dressed and ate. Once I watered my tomato plants, I carried the bowl outside to sit in the sun, I noted that one more had sprouted, giving me twenty-four plants. The others were nearly two inches high already.

Celsus’s sixteen guards showed up minutes later, curious about what they would be doing. “You may have heard about the new bows we’re making,” I said, showing them a bow I finished yesterday, and then returning it to finish drying.

“With these new bows, once you learn to use them, you can hit a target from more than one and a half stadia,” I explained, watching the looks of disbelief on their faces. “To do that, you will need to strengthen your arms enough to be able to draw the bow. If you’ve ever used a bow before, you will find this one much more difficult to draw,” I warned.

We began with stretching, and then sets of push-ups, pull-ups, and tricep exercises. Next, we began lifting heavy stones tied to a rope. I had looped the ropes over a sturdy branch set at chest level. Each man had to brace himself with his left arm against the branch and the pull the rope tied to the stone with his right arm twenty-five times using the same motion he would use to draw a bow. Then he would turn around with his back against the branch and use his left arm to raise the stone by pushing the rope away from himself, like what he would he do as he drew a bow with his right hand. I had eight sets of rocks, each progressively larger. When they could lift the biggest one twenty-five times with each arm, they should be ready for the bows, which should be ready for them by the time they finished.

Celsus had provided eight more of the longer swords we would need to use on horseback, promising to acquire even more. The leather workers had two more saddles complete, so the men took turns using them and swinging the swords at straw-covered wooden posts meant to simulate enemy soldiers. They also practiced charging on the horse and driving the lances into a stack of dried grass that would eventually be used to feed livestock.

We finished our exercises by running to Lake Lucrino while wearing our armor and carrying a pack and our weapons. We ran around the lake in the sand, and then back to the estate. I was tired when we finished, but it was a good tired. The men had gamely kept up with me, even though the exercises were unfamiliar to them.

I ate lunch and checked on the slaves making arrows. I told them that I wanted a thousand arrows. The leather workers had two saddles that would be ready to use tomorrow and several more nearly finished.

Riding into Baiae with Brutus, I found Antia and asked her to find two more women to make the fish glue for me. They would boil down the air bladders from whatever the fishermen caught each day in one batch. After the fishermen chummed the water of the lake to create a good fishing spot for the next day, the women would boil down the rest of the fish offal. When it was a thick syrup, it would be used for the saddles or saddle trees. Any that was left would be poured out and allowed to harden. When we needed glue, we could reconstitute it much faster by reheating it than by making a new batch.

I also asked her to buy thirty clay pots or jugs and showed her the size I wanted, about the size of a modern two-liter soda bottle. I didn’t want anything fancy because these would have dirt and plants in them. They didn’t even have to be fired.

After kissing her and Tacita, I headed for the quarry. When the guards and I had run around the lake earlier, I noticed that they were busy. They were still busy when I arrived. The captain of the ship had arrived at first light for ten crates and was now back for ten more. In between, they had two builders show up wanting eleven crates between them, and one man who only wanted a small cart filled.

When I returned to the villa, I learned that Theodocio and Celsus were visiting the forums in cities from Cumae to Neapolis and would spend the night in Neapolis. Tomorrow, they would visit the forums farther south, from Herculaneum to Surrentum.

That evening, I filled the clay pots Antia bought for me with a mix of rich volcanic soil and compost, and transplanted half of the young tomato plants. If these survived, I’d transplant the rest in a couple of days.

When Tullia joined us in bed, I looked questioningly at both her mother and Antia, receiving nods of approval from each. “You know that you don’t have to do this,” I reminded her.

“I know,” she replied, blushing. “Watching you last night made me feel strange. I talked to my mother about it today and she explained that what I felt was a desire to do what she was doing with you last night. We talked more, and she said that I could do this if Antia agreed.”

“You definitely have me excited, too,” I replied as I took her hand and wrapped it around my erection. Her eyes bulged as she looked at what was in her hand.

She looked questioningly at her mother who moved closer. “It will fit,” she assured her daughter. “Just take it inside you slowly, allowing your body time to adjust,” she coached.

“This will help, too,” I said, quickly shifting her so she was sitting on my face. Her squeak of surprise quickly became a moan of approval as my tongue tasted and explored her virgin sex. She gasped each time it flicked across her clit. Her moans turned to a loud gasp and then to a quiet squeal when I caught her clit with my lips and lashed it with my tongue. She shivered and partially collapsed once her squeal reached a crescendo.

“I wondered what Mother meant,” she sighed in little more than a whisper. “She said that I would feel like my insides were drawing tighter and tighter like a bow being drawn and then it would release in a glorious feeling.”

“But you haven’t entered me yet,” she added questioningly a few seconds later.

“I was just making sure that you were ready for me. Feel how wet you are now,” I replied, directing her hand as she sat astride my hips. “Your body makes that moisture when you are excited about sex to make it easier for a man to enter you and makes it more enjoyable for you,” I explained as I moved her hand down to where the tip of my cock was lodged at the entrance to her sex.

I rocked my hips forward and her eyes widened in surprise when I ran into her hymen. “Take your time, and when you’re ready, push yourself down about this much,” I coached, showing her just the tip of my finger. “That should be enough to tear your hymen. Stop when it happens because it will probably hurt. Don’t do anything more until the pain stops.”

She tried, twice, to no avail, grimacing both times. “You do it,” she insisted, so I rolled us over until I was on top and then slotted the tip of my cock again. I leaned down and sucked a nipple into my mouth, nipping it gently as she gasped at the sensation, and then pinched and rolled her other nipple with my right hand. With my left hand, I reached between us and used my thumb to tease her clit.

“I’m feeling the tightness starting again,” she gasped as I continued. This time, as her quiet squeal peaked, I pressed forward, rending her barrier. She gasped from the pain, with tears forming in the corner of both eyes.

“That wasn’t bad,” she finally said. I held my position until she began to wiggle her hips, and then slowly worked my way deeper, stopping and then partially withdrawing repeatedly as I buried more of my cock in her young sex.

“It’s in me clear up to here,” she gasped, pointing to her sexy navel when I was fully inside her. “I like the way it feels inside me,” she said excitedly, eliciting a chuckle from several women, including her mother. Fausta was grinning knowingly and two other teenage girls were staring, mouths agape.

“Thank you, Mother,” she said emotionally as she caressed her mother’s cheek. “And thank you, Antia,” she said as she caressed her cheek, too. “Oh, yes,” she exclaimed excitedly when I began thrusting in and out of her. At first, she wasn’t sure what to do with her legs and her feet waved wildly in the air. Somehow, they ended up hooked behind my legs as she thrust her hips up to meet me.

Even though she’d seen the women do it the last two nights, her eyes widened in surprise when Antia leaned in and sucked her young nipple into her mouth. Tacita did the same from the other side and Marilla’s hand found its way to our joining where it began teasing Tullia’s clit. This time, Tullia’s squeal of release was nearly a scream and she collapsed bonelessly beneath me. I thrust into her a few last times before reaching my own release, filling her virgin pussy with cum.

When I finally pulled out, Fausta dove between Tullia’s legs to lick her clean while Antia licked me clean, pulling Camila down to help clean my cock of her daughter’s and my cum. When I was deemed clean, Camila rose and hugged me emotionally. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“It is I who thank you for allowing your beautiful daughter to join with me,” I replied, kissing her, which surprised her. Tacita and Marilla shared a look for a second before Marilla grinned and lay down beside Tullia, her legs spread expectantly. I could see from the copious lubrication that someone had already prepared her for me, so I moved atop her and slid inside.

Day 26

After teaching Tullia how to perform my morning blowjob and swallow my cum, Marilla drove the cart carrying the ceramic jugs we used for fish guts to the lake this morning. Brutus and I rode alongside her. She also carried the women who would boil the fish guts down to glue and the tools and fuel they’d need. After introducing them to the fishermen, I had the women begin setting everything up. They used a copper kettle for boiling down the air bladders. That glue would be used on the bows. The much larger iron kettle was used to boil down the rest of the fish entrails, including the heads and tails.

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[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] I awoke to the sounds of our next-door neighbors pulling their truck out of the driveway. Damn-it, I forgot about them. I wondered if I could help them out. Let’s find out. I jumped into the tunnel. If the time between sections were roughly two seconds, then that would be 30 sections per minute. 300 sections would be ten minutes. I started moving quickly, but still slow enough to count individual sections. I stopped somewhere after 500 sections. And tried to...

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At first glance, you might think that WHentai is just like any other hentai-image website out there, but there is a lot you probably do not know. Do not worry, because I am an expert when it comes to hentai and manga, and I will explain all the necessary shit you need to know when it comes to this place.Now the first thing I will mention is that whentai.com has created a game called Fap Titans, so check it out if you want, I could not have been bothered. The reason why I mentioned this first,...

Hentai Porn Sites
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When Jim caught Pam

When Jim caught Pam. By Trish. As a child I had three passions, art, reading, especially about history, and wishing I was a girl. I did not hide the first two, but growing up in a pit village I instinctively knew that I had to keep the third one to myself. As I got older and started to progress through primary school this gender confusion about who and what I was supposed to be got steadily worse and made it a struggle to fit in with the other boys. My interests, tastes and sense of...

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When In Roam

She turned to see a boi standing next to her near the bar. She was cute. Short, slightly curly blonde hair, a cocky grin on her lips. She felt herself smile back at her, a spark of something shooting through her. It had been some months since she had been in bed with anyone and the girl was looking pretty damn edible. She had always found herself drawn to more androgynous looking women, short hair and tall with lean strong bodies, girls that bucked the typical butch role to become kids or...

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When It Hits The Fan

When It Hits The Fan! By: Lorraine B. (c) 2003 All Rights Reserved I had just finished packing the Class A Motorhome that I was to take on my vacation. I decided on an extended vacation after being forced to do so by my partner that was also my sister in our business. Checking over the fishing gear, I planned on hitting the lake and eventually to drop the proverbial line into it. We, my sister and I, owned two ladies apparel shops and a clothing factory and it seemed that I was...

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When did Mom Start Wanting Me part 3

This part of the story is longer than the other parts before it and sorry that it is, but with all the interuptions I had, trying to write this part, I had trouble remebering what and how, I had planed on writing it but I do hope, you all enjoy it, for those of you that do read it.Shortly after I got into bed I heared mom in her bedroom across the hall from my bedroom, masterbating from the sounds she was making and the bed squeaking like it was.I took mom's wet pantys and licked the guset...

4 years ago
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When dressed

Properly start from down to above..When dressed I could never pass as a woman. I am clearly a sissy put into woman’s close. Love being sent out like that. Exposed. Knowing whoever sees me knows just what I am. I have only done that at adult bookstores and at adult theaters. When openly dressed there, either in nothing but lingerie and stockings and panties, or if I go in a skirt, stockings, blouse, bra and breast forms, it is not only clear what I am, but most men who enjoy sissies see it as an...

2 years ago
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When dressed

I could never pass as a woman. I am clearly a sissy put into woman’s close. Love being sent out like that. Exposed. Knowing whoever sees me knows just what I am. I have only done that at adult bookstores and at adult theaters. When openly dressed there, either in nothing but lingerie and stockings and panties, or if I go in a skirt, stockings, blouse, bra and breast forms, it is not only clear what I am, but most men who enjoy sissies see it as an open invitation to use me. When dressed like...

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When Innocence EndsbyCosmickinkiness©Sometimes your body and mind want something so bad that it defies logic and makes you do things you would have believed otherwise impossible. Things you never could have even imagined. It was very early on that Mitchell noticed that his daughter Fiora, or Fi, was developing a very playful and teasing side just like her mother who was a natural charmer. During her teenage years and high school, Fi and her father were always very close and their...

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When The Wifes Away

Creampie Corners - When The Wife's Away Marcie, a college girl of 19, sat and attentively listened to Judy Stubbletrap fill her in on her duties for the next two weeks. "While I'm gone, you'll take care of the house, fix meals for my husband, care for our pets, tend to the yard, household things like that. Now, you mentioned that you'd broken up with your boyfriend, is that correct?" Marcie's bare legs were nicely framed with a tasteful skirt that settled about mid thigh. She unconsciously...

4 years ago
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When Curiosity Fills

I sat in alone in my office at 11:00 p.m. on a Thursday night in April, preparing an important motion in a multi-million dollar malpractice suit. After editing the final draft I sat back and took a deep breath. I was exhausted, and, oddly enough, pretty horny. The wife was out of town and somehow I couldn't stand the thought of spending the night with just my hand. Shaking off the sordid thoughts that were roaming through my head, I stood up and began the walk down the empty hallway...

3 years ago
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When Doves Cry

When Doves Cry by Natalie Nessus Part 1 Dig if you will the picture This is the journal of Robert Amati. Although it sounds impressive, this so called journal is just a few pages scrounged from Julietta's study and will be, I fear, all that is left of me. Calmness has descended on me, filling me, and I am no longer constantly afraid. I am, I fear, now accepting of what I am and that means more of my memories are leaving like smoke from a...

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When in RomeChapter 2

Day 3 I left the house before dawn, arriving at the forum as the first merchants were setting up. Once there, I quickly learned something. However I came to be here, I could understand and speak the different languages I’d heard so far. I knew I had been speaking Latin, even though I thought in English. Without even knowing what language it was, I understood and conversed with someone who spoke a different language this morning, probably Greek. Unbelievably cool. By noon, I had the...

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When In Rome 03

Authors Notes Back to Callia&Cassius – although no one gets pregnant in this chapter, there IS mention of it. So, fair warning if thats not your thing. _____________________________ CHAPTER THREE: Scene 01: Callia – Sex? No. Scene 02: Cassius – Sex? Yes. Scene 03: Callia – Sex? Yes. _____________________________ CALLIA It was her third, and probably final, bath of the day. Callia could finally relax. Her day was supposed to be over, and it had been a good day. Every inch of her body had been...

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When a Wish Comes True

The following story is based on real-life experiences up to the point of my wish and prayer to become a girl. I did do that wish and prayer as I have every day of my life since. I thought this might be a way of considering how my life would have been different had that wish come true. I hope you enjoy the story. (Recently edited to provide a slightly better ending) -------- I sat near the front of the bus and kept my head tucked down to make myself less noticeable. It was near the...

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When The Time For Clowning Around Has Passed

Some losses are impossible to survive. I certainly felt that way when my wife of eight years was killed by a drunk driver. There were days when it weighed so heavily on me that I couldn't breathe. The only thing that got me through was the need to be strong for our two children.Our son was barely three years old at the time. He barely remembers a time when it wasn't just the three of us. Our daughter was six years old. Right from the start, she made it her mission in life to make sure her...

Love Stories
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When I Learn To Fly

ONERain is so much prettier in the summer.As we drove, fat drops splattered against the car windows. The sun shot through their glossy skins and threw coloured lights inside—like riding in a kaleidoscope. Good job it was this pretty, too; to tolerate another hour in the car with Mom, I needed the distraction."Danni?" Esme, my girlfriend, traced the seam along the inner leg of my jeans. "You're quiet. It's weird.""Just tired, baby." It wasn't weird. I'd been quiet with her a lot lately, but...

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When I Became A Woman Chap 4

Dear Diary, I have to remind you again that I’m not making any of this up!!! It happened just like I’m saying, and it was wonderful. I’m now a REAL WOMAN!!!!!!! You know when you come back to school in the fall and the English teacher makes you write “What I Did This Summer” essays? Well, Diary, I wish I could turn this one in ‘cause I am just thrilled to death and I just wish I could tell everybody! She always says “write what you know, write how you feel”, and I know I’d get an A+ on...

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When It Blows All Cats Are Grey

When It Blows, All Cats Are Gray By Brandy Dewinter Chris Stevenson looked up from the analysis he was working on to let his eyes rest on his roommate. She was certainly, as always, a sight for sore eyes. Karen Ashley was just about the prettiest girl on the Smithfield College campus, slender and graceful, with flowing golden blonde hair. For about the ten millionth time, Chris thought about how lucky he was, not only to share a house with this co-ed goddess, but even a...

2 years ago
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When Sally made Emma

When Sally Made Emma ? by: Trish Shaw EDDIE "I'm in here." Sally's voice echoed out of the kitchen as I closed the door behind me. Following the delicious scent of cooking food and the sound of Sally singing along to the radio I ambled in to the kitchen undoing my damp sweaty cycling gear as I went. "Bugger me!" I whispered as she came into view wearing nothing but a white lacy apron and some of her more entertaining underwear. "If you want!" Sally giggled, "and I'll take it...

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When Social Misfits Find What Fits Part 1

I think we all know that one strange nerdy girl that's a little twisted, maybe even a little too insecure and bordering on scary-desperate. Like Michelle, the flute playing, band camp character from American Pie, or maybe more like Osgood, the scarf wearing, inhaler sucking character from Doctor Who. She typically mumbles sarcastic comments under her breath, dresses like she doesn't much care, almost always looks a little unhappy, and occasionally blurts out an inappropriate comment that lets...

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When Sally met Myn SallyMyn 1

She walked in and my world stopped. I stared like a hormonal teenager, but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She wasn't the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, she wasn't the fittest, nor was she particularly well dressed. I can't pin down what it was that captured me, but I was hooked.Part of it was her walk! She strode with a confidence I had seen in very few people. Not an arrogant walk, but a walk that said, 'Here I am, regardless of what you think.' There were no apologies in her...

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When I was a busboy

This happened many years ago. I got a job working as a busboy.This was a very classy restaurant and I was almost getting used to talking to customers. Some customers were kind of snippy, but some were also very nice. This story is about what happened on a week night. The place was kind of busy but not slammed like it would be on a Friday or Saturday.I had just watered the tables (poured water into empty or mostly empty glasses). I had had left, after watering a table with an older couple...

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When the Dam Breaks

My name is Janice and I met my husband Mike right after college and we hit it off right from the beginning. Before I knew it we were dating, then we were a couple, then we were engaged. Sounds like a fairy tale right? Well yes and no. You see Mike was suave, handsome and intelligent and he got a great job that paid really well right out of college. He's tall about 5'9" with a pretty average build short brown hair and hazel eyes. I'm not bad looking either or so I'm told. I'm 5'2" and I...

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When I Was a Teen

I was basically an average boy starting puberty. I had been jerking off for years, and although I couldn’t yet produce any sperm, I had started to grow a little hair. If there’s anything unusual about me it was my 6” cock. One day, a neighbor kid stole a condom from his parents. 4 of us took turns trying it on. To everyone’s surprise, my hard cock was quite a bit bigger than the other kids. At 12 years old, my cock was already at its full size, don’t ask me why. Anyway, I spent that...

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When worlds collide the training of John

Arrival John came to he felt fuzzy, he remembered fragments from the night before, a white light, falling, just some terrible dream. His head felt like it was swelling like bad popcorn and cracking out of this skull. "Hay you,hay you", John heard a man's voice. This wasn't his bed he realised. "Huh?" "What's your name?" "John, John Evans" "My name is Richard Shuttleworth. Look we haven't got much time. I know it sounds strange but you've fallen through a rift in space time...

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When your Girlfriend discovers she is dating a cro

Part 1Meeting Sally.Arriving back from overseas and having had the amazing experience with Lars and Anna with them helping me to truly accept my other being, Samantha, it was time to get back into life here in South Africa.The experience of embracing my feminine side and accepting my cross-dressing was unfortunately going to have to take a back seat as I moved back in with my parents upon my return. For the next 3 months while I lived at home and found a job while finding my feet I was limited...

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When your Girlfriend discovers she is dating a CD

Part 1Meeting Sally.Arriving back from overseas and having had the amazing experience with Lars and Anna with them helping me to truly accept my other being, Samantha, it was time to get back into life here in South Africa.The experience of embracing my feminine side and accepting my cross-dressing was unfortunately going to have to take a back seat as I moved back in with my parents upon my return. For the next 3 months while I lived at home and found a job while finding my feet I was limited...

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When in RomeChapter 3

Day 8 I took Antia aside in the morning to tell her about the dream. “I know, I saw it, too,” she replied emotionally. “I will make you the happiest husband in all of Rome,” she promised. “I’m already very happy,” I replied, kissing her. The kiss turned heated and we ended up back in bed, but just for a quickie. “Make Tacita pregnant, too,” she insisted when I was close to coming. Since Tacita was having her pussy licked by Antia, she was well lubricated when I pushed into her. Barely a...

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When the Mind Finally Takes Command Edited

Part of my motivation was of course my young daughter who just turned 16. Any father out there knows, the wonderful body changes that take place as a young girl begins to grow up. My daughter Bella was no exception, but taking after her mother, her breasts were still somewhat small, although they were almost perfect in shape. I have to admit, I had looked at them in the flesh, especially during the summer months, (having to wait until after she was asleep at night to do my viewing). If you...

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When Hosties Wore Stokings

When Hosties Wore Stockingsby Michele NylonsCopyright© 2009 by Michele NylonsAuthor's note: As you can see by the copyright this story was written in 2009 before Continental Airlines merged with UnitedBy the time Mike Harris boarded his Continental Airlines flight out of Houston bound for New York he was shagged. The cheery "welcome aboard" issued with a smile by the cabin staff at the door of the aircraft was about as insincere as the offer he had turned down at the business meeting he had...

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When Morals Blur

An Original Story by Starrynight Chapter 1 Life was good, or so Liam thought as he relaxed on his father's new 50-foot yacht. It was a warm sunny day and Liam had a cold beer in his hand while he let the warm sun caress him with his eyes closed. His father, Henry, was at the helm, while his two older sisters, Beatrice and Amelia, sat at the stern chatting, each with an umbrella toped cocktail in her hand. Their mother had decided to skip today's sailing, after joining her husband the...

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When My Dreams Came True Chapter 3

When My Dreams Came True. Written and posted by hard93 Chapter 3. Learning to be the Couple we always wanted to be: There is more story than sex if that not what youre look for, sorry but try a another writer. In the previous chapter Andy found out he won the lottery. Rachel his longtime crush, the girl Andy dreamed of as long as hes known her also had a crush on him. From their second kiss on their crush become love and Rachel insisted all she really cared about was Andys love. Andy is not...

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When the Teacher is the Pet Part Two

Introduction: the Fun continues. I had a hard time sleeping that night. After my session with Shanda The night before I had slept so much because of how stressed I was. However, that sleep wasnt caused by the stress so much as an escape from it. Even sleep didnt give me a leave from the reality of my situation. When I did manage to sleep, my dreams were filled images of Shandas juicy little pussy and the spanking she had given me. Shanda had power over me. Eating out her young pussy was...

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When it Came

When it Came Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I heard what dad said, it was all I could do to keep myself calm. I was going to have the chance I always dreamed of, and believe me, I didn't hesitate to accept the half baked challenge he threw at me! My father was smirking, confident that he had created a set of conditions that I could never meet, but if he knew the truth, he would not have been so eager. After a moment to gather myself, I accepted his...

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When My Dreams Came True Chapter 4 and 5

In our last chapter, Andy and Rachel love grows and they quickly marry both no longer willing to be apart. They spend time together, as their fathers work on building their new home. They are determined to have children as quickly as possible. Slipping my shoes on, I stand and help Rachel to her feet. I pick up the blanket and shake it out as my back turns to Rachel she playfully jumps onto my back. Like a little kid she asked, "Give me a piggyback ride please hubby." Dad and...

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When the Teacher is the Pet Part Two

Shanda had power over me. Eating out her young pussy was amazing. Humiliating, but I had never cum with any girl or woman the way Shanda made me cum. I awoke one time that night after a dream I was with another woman. The woman I was with had no identity besides a romantic interest. Perhaps I drew parts of her from women I've known throughout the years. I'm no psychologist, though. Just before the dream ended, she began tying me down. I didn't want her to, but she did it anyway. I...

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When in Toronto Extended Version

“And that’s it! That’s it! It’s over!” the commentator babbled into their headset. “The match goes to Klutz! I can’t believe it!!”The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe.For seven years Ken had worked his ass off to get to where he was now. Where he belonged. He had finally achieved his life’s dream – sitting on a stage, hearing people chant his name. For...

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When did Mom Start Wanting Me

Back shortly after I was born dad was in a bad accident that killed him while on the job at work, which left my mom, sister, and me, to live without a husband and dad.Some years later mom met a guy and they got married and even thou he never really tryed to just step in and take dad's place in my life, which was a good thing at the time, he did treat me like a friend and not like a k** and he did the same with my sister too.The one thing I didn't really like the most about the guy was, he never...

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When Fictionmania Strikes

Summary: Larry didn't believe the nonsense about people being changed just by reading stories on Fictionmania, until an accident occurred that changed his life forever... Author's note: The people and events in the story below are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons or events is coincidental. The Fictionmania Department of Magic mentioned in the story does not exist -- or at least that's what they want you to believe. (g) Comments and constructive criticism are...

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When in Toronto

The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe. For seven years Ken had worked his ass off to get to where he was now. Where he belonged. He had finally achieved his life’s dream - sitting on a stage, hearing people chant his name. For one glowing moment in his life, however long it would last, he was the biggest name in eSports. Ken wasn’t thoroughly stupid....

2 years ago
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When I submitted detailed vs of my 3 1 2 years

-----------Meeting and greeting with my mouth.-------------------One time when I was 22 years old. I got online and went to a Gay Bear personal ad site. I saw this 56 yo chubby polar bear about 40 mi away from me. He was hot. I sent him a message, would you like to talk? He said he would like to do more than talk. He said I could come on up. Right now. What am I waiting for?This was 7:00 p.m. on a Friday night. I don't have to work till Monday.I was in the car quickly and got there pretty...

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