When In Rome – 03 free porn video

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Authors Notes
Back to Callia&Cassius – although no one gets pregnant in this chapter, there IS mention of it. So, fair warning if thats not your thing.

Scene 01: Callia – Sex? No.
Scene 02: Cassius – Sex? Yes.
Scene 03: Callia – Sex? Yes.


It was her third, and probably final, bath of the day.
Callia could finally relax. Her day was supposed to be over, and it had been a good day. Every inch of her body had been used, and physically, she was exhausted. But her mind would not stop.
Shed slept in a bed. That had never happened before, at least not in the part of her life that she could remember. Shed woken up with Cassius wrapped tightly around her body. He was kissing her neck while he slept. He confused her beyond her wildest imaginings. Sometimes he did things that were so strange to her, so foreign that she couldnt wrap her head around it.
First, his kisses. No man had ever kissed her before, but that didnt confuse her that much. Men liked to have their mouths on her body, and they liked for her to have her mouth on their bodies. So it made logical sense that he could be aroused by their mouths touching. After all, Cassius was aroused by strange things. She accepted that as part of who he was.
Second, the fact that he would be angry about other men touching her. Thats what whores were for after all, but it made sense to some part of her that if men had to get his permission that meant he owned her. Men liked to own beautiful things. Everyone told her she was beautiful. Thus, it made sense that he wanted to own her.
Third on the list of Confusing Things About Cassius that she was composing in her head was that hed wanted her to sleep in his bed. This is where things started to hurt her head. She understood that hed wanted to use her body when he arrived home, but he could have chained her to his bedpost. He could have told her to sleep on the floor like she was supposed to. It had occurred to her that maybe he had wanted someone to catch her disobeying her fathers rules so that she would be punished, but Cassius wouldnt have been home to watch her be punished, so what would he gain from that?
Fourth. He hadnt used her when he came home. He hadnt even woken her. He must have picked her up and put her in his bed, because she was positive shed fallen asleep on the floor. She woke up in his bad with his arms around her, and he wasnt inside her. He hadnt been inside her – she would have felt it. She would have still felt it in the morning. This is what was really prying at her mind. It seemed strange to her. She couldnt imagine that being huddled over someone elses body could have been a comfortable way for him to sleep, or why he would want to share that exquisitely soft bed with anyone. He could have stretched out with all of the warm blankets all to himself, but instead he was rolled half on top of her.
Thats when she realized that she must have done something wrong. She must have moved in her sleep, gotten in his way. Maybe he had placed her somewhere else and shed moved, and then she interrupted his sleep.. Except he hadnt been angry in the morning. At least, not at her. Hed been preoccupied, but hed kept her in bed and fed her from his own plate before sending her to Father.
She sank down under the water as she realized she was wasting her time. Trying to understand her oldest brother was an exercise in futility. The other four were easy to understand. So was father. She knew exactly what it was they wanted from her, and shed been trained on how to give it to them. She also knew that her life meant nothing to them. Atticus liked to tease her about it while he fucked her, remind her that any day could be the day that one of them killed her. That no one would miss her. When she was younger, that used to make her cry. Hed enjoyed that. But now she was old enough to accept it as a fact of life.
/Do you think Id let that happen?/
Would Cassius miss her when she was gone? Whenever she remembered his words from that day, her belly did something funny. It felt like, birds and butterflies dancing inside her. It made her smile. She didnt have a name for that feeling.
Fear was when you thought someone might kill you, or hurt you worse than you could handle. Happiness was the feeling of having a cock inside you. Sadness was when the other slaves in the cells cried themselves to sleep. Pain was when you were being beaten. Sympathy was when you saw someone else hurt or cry.
Those were the only emotions she knew.
She didnt have a name for what thinking of Cassius made her feel. And there was no one she could ask.
She stood to ask someone to dry her body, but before she could ring the bell, the door swung open. Galla, the old woman in charge of cleaning and prepping the whores for clients looked grim faced.
Sweetheart. She paused, and Callia was puzzled at the sympathy apparent in her eyes. Im sorry. Cassius has asked for you again. Come.
The birds and butterflies in her stomach dive bombed, and she turned away from Galla to hide her smile.
Whatever this feeling was, she enjoyed it.


Dont bother chaining her, Cassius instructed as he slipped back into his bath. I dont want to have to get up again.
The tub had already had to be rinsed free of blood once. It wasnt his blood. It had just been that kind of night.
Callia was clean and naked. When her hair was dry it was closer to blonde, but now it was dripping wet and looked far redder in the firelight. It felt down nearly to her tiny little waist, just where he liked to hold when he was fucking her from behind. He could see that she was cold, her slight little body trembled as she knelt by his bed. Her pink nipples were hard and pebbled. She kept her eyes on the floor like a good little girl.
His cock was throbbing, painfully hard under the hot water as he studied her, took inventory of the damage hed done to her perfect skin. His little sister was far too beautiful to be at the mercy of his cruel hands. He was supposed to look after her. Protect her. He was her fucking brother. Instead he violated her, abused her, fucked her in a way that he knew was a aberration. But when she smiled at him, looked up at him with those big fucking blue-green eyes so full of trust when he spilled inside her.. Being with her felt like the only clean, pure thing hed ever done.
She was fourteen years younger than he was, though she was old enough (by law) to marry, most good families would keep a girl her age home for a few more years before sending her off to her husband. At least until they were certain she could safely bear a child. The thought crossed his mind, unbidden, and he could feel the jolt of heat in his cock – just from the mere thought of her little tits swelling, her belly growing round with his son. It was something hed never dreamed of. Something he never knew he wanted.
Something he knew he couldnt have.
Come, Callia. Sit by me.
She kept her eyes lowered as she did, perched on the side of the tub, close enough for him to touch her. He stroked her thigh lazily and she stared into the water. He wondered what she thought when she was quiet, how her mind worked when she waited for him to speak.
Are you hurt? She whispered. Her voice was so low he almost didnt hear her. She shivered as his fingers trailed the inside of his thigh, and he closed his eyes at the her soft little gasp as his fingers brushed her pretty little cunt.
No, Callie. He kissed to outside of her thigh. It wasnt my blood.
Her shoulders relaxed. Good.
Would it bother you if I was hurt? He rested his face against her hip, chin on her thigh as he traced light circles on her slit with his finger tips. He could smell her skin, her soap, the lotions his slaves had rubbed on her body. He could smell her sweet little cunt.. His face was so close. Close enough to reach out his tongue and taste her, if that was something he desired. It was something hed never done. Something he thought submissive. Distasteful. But more than once hed found himself alone in his bed, fist around the length of his cock imagining what his sisters cunt would taste like as she came.
It would bother me very much. Her voice was thick, and when he looked up at her, her eyes were wet and she was biting her lip. Confusion was apparent on her face, though he had no idea what part of that exchange had confused her. But then, Callia was almost as strange as he was.
She was quiet tonight. Well, she was always quiet. Tonight she was quieter than usual. She stared at him as she bathed him and washed his hair. Her hands slid gracefully over his entire body.. Everywhere except his cock. When she reached for it, he slapped her hand away.
Not yet.
When he was done and dried, he pointed to his bed. Bend over the foot board, Callia.
She ducked her head and obeyed, positioning her body so that her legs were spread just enough that he could see her tiny, pink cunt. She stood on his tiptoes, her ass presented perfectly. She looked.. Perfect. But not for what he had in mind.
Feet flat on the floor. Grip the rail so you dont fall.
When he had her like her wanted her, tense, unsure, afraid.. He stroked her ass. Softly. He wanted her off guard. When she finally relaxed against his hand and moaned softly at the gentle touch, it was time.
He didnt hesitate. He heard the sharp crack of flesh against flesh before he felt the hot, stinging pain in his hand. She cried out, in pain as much as surprise, as she sagged against the bed. She whimpered, and his cock jerked when the whimper was followed by a sniffle. He didnt give her time to catch her breath. The next slap was harder, it just barely overlapped the last. His stomach tightened as he studied her ass, so perfectly round and tight. Her smooth, soft skin was still marred from the bruises hed left with his cane, and now the left side of her ass was beautifully, painfully red from his hands.
He hit her again. And again. And again. Each time watching the red area get larger. He lost himself in his aching palm, it would probably be bruised tomorrow. He was hitting her too hard, and he knew it but.. Her cries stoked him higher, and when he crouched beside her to see the tears on her cheeks and the pain in her eyes, the part of the world he tried to anchor himself in started to slip away. He was losing his head.
He struck her again. He couldnt stop. Every single inch of her round little ass was swollen and red. So were her thighs, her hips. In places the red was tinged with purple. He struck her again. This time his hand hit his baby sisters sweet little cunt and the last modicum of control hed managed to hold on to fell away when his palm came away wet. He shoved two fingers deep inside her pussy, his eyes open but unseeing when he realized that she was soaked. So fucking wet, for him, after everything hed done to her. He gripped her waist in his hands, pulled her ass against his hips. He didnt fuck her. He just pressed himself against her, hearing her breathless cries as his body ground against the raw, swollen welts on her ass.
He could feel the heat pouring off her skin, and he was losing it. He couldnt see her, didnt know what he-
Cal. I need.. Oh Gods, I need to hurt you Callie. You need to go. His words were frantic against her throat. He knew this feeling, this sick, uncontrollable lust to hurt, to break, to destroy. When I let go of you, little sister, you run.
He let go.
And she was gone.
He heard the click of the door, but the way his head was pounding it sounded so quiet.
When he opened his eyes, he realized that it hadnt been the door at all. It had been his trunk. Callia was on her hands and knees, crawling back toward him. Caught between her lips was his whip. She raised up on her knees in front of him, offering him his favorite toy.. The one he knew she hated the most. Something inside him broke when he looked into her eyes. Pain and fear.. But trust shined through both – along with another emotion he refused to even let himself name in his dreams.
And it was over. The hazy cloud of killing rage, of blood lust, didnt leave. It never did. But she, Callia, had pushed it back down to manageable. He wrapped his fingers around the handle of the whip and studied it as Cal released it from her teeth. He looked down at her, his Callia.. His girl.
He tossed it across the room behind him.
And then his arms were under hers and she was in the air, and in one more second she was spread out on his bed.
He took her feet in his hands, spreading her legs wider before he laid on top of her body. His mouth hit hers and he could taste the salt on her lips from her tears. He kissed her mouth, her sweet little button of a nose and then her neck. He bit at her collarbone until he felt her hips rock up to meet him.
Then he moved lower. He tasted every inch of his little sisters body, her tight little nipples, the bottoms of her breasts. He trailed his tongue along the curve of her waist and dragged his teeth along her hipbones. His fingers slid between the lips of her little cunt and found her burning hot and soaking wet. He would taste her tonight. He would hold her little hips against him as he made her cum against his mouth.
He worked his fingers deeper into her hole, looking up past her breasts to see her watching him. She looked unnerved, completely unsure of how to respond and he fucking loved it. He kept his eyes locked on hers as he brought his fingers to his lips.
Her lips parted, and then her mouth dropped open as she watched him slowly lick her juices off his fingers. Her hips rocked off the bed, up towards him, but his eyes closed as his lips wrapped around the tip of his finger.
He jerked her legs open, as wide as he could get them, and stared down at her wet little pussy. He kissed the insides of her thighs, his cock pounding at the giggle she sounded when his cheek grazed her thigh.
Tickles. She whimpered and he smiled at her. His cheek was rough, he hadnt shaved. He rubbed his face against her thigh just to feel her body tremble under his. He kissed her round, tiny little clit. It was wet against his lips and he licked them before he trailed his tongue up her slit. He could feel his own hands shaking against her thighs, and he pressed his thumb against her hole as his lips circled her little button. Her hips arched up to meet his face and he let them, savoring the taste of her teenage cunt against his mouth.
She writhed against him, but he held her in place. Pulled her legs over his shoulders and laced his fingers together over her belly, pinning her against the bad and against his mouth as his tongue worked inside her hot little cunt. She grinded against him, the same way she did when he was fucking her and when he heard that strangled cry – the one hed come to crave, he knew.
He did not taste her gently. He sucked and he bit, slapped the hell out of her sensitive little clit while he fucked her with his tongue. He kissed her tiny little nub with more force than he had ever kissed her mouth while he forced his fingers in her wet, willing hole. And when he heard that cry.. he felt and he tasted his little sister cum, screaming, with his teeth on her clit and his tongue in her cunt. It was better than hed ever imagined. His cock throbbed painfully, heavy and aching between her legs, and he didnt -couldnt- give her the second she needed to recover.
He was deep inside her in one hard, forceful stoke and he couldnt stop. He gripped her shoulders, pulling her down to meet him as he drove inside her. He could barely see the blue of her eyes. She was begging like she knew how to speak only four words.
Please fuck me, Cassius. Over and over, louder. Crying for him, screaming for him as his body pounded hers. He ached for her. Her fingers nails dug into his back and he hoped that he would have marks on his body like she had on hers, reminders of this night. This night, he had almost lost control. He still felt like he was losing control.
And then his teeth were against her ear, and he hated the words threatening to spill from his lips. Callie, I-
Dont. Shut your fucking mouth. He wanted.. Her.
He gritted his teeth as he pulled away, leaving her sprawled on the mattress, her red-blonde hair wild around her face, her eyes half closed but focused only on him.
My&hellip, m-my mouth, Cassius. Cum in my mouth.
He shook his head as he watched his cock pounding inside her raw, pink little pussy. No.
No, tonight he would spill inside his sisters cunt. Never mind the fact that he knew nothing could come from it. The tea his father gave the whores every morning would prevent conception. But tonight he would cum inside her imagining a day when she was free and he was too. He hadnt realized it yet, but sometime tonight between the men hed killed and the sister he loved hed made a decision. She would not die here. And neither would he. Someday.. They would leave this place. Together.
He wrapped his hand around her throat, but softly, and sank on top of her body with his cock still inside her.
His words were quiet and soft against her ear, his balls heavy against her ass. Would you give me a son, Callia?
She froze underneath him and stared up at him with wild eyes. You know – Father gives us –
His cock jerked inside her. He was so fucking close. No. I know. Not tonight.
He kissed the side of her cheek as he barely whispered words that would have them both killed. If I could get us out of here.. Would you go with me? Would you leave this place with me, me mine? Love me, Callia, bear my children? Would you have me?
He felt her answer in her body, saw it in her eyes before she even spoke. She pushed her hips against his and her lips brushed his so gently he might have missed it if he werent so focused. He saw something flash in her eyes, a determined awareness. Enlightenment.
There was fire in her gaze when she nodded. Yes.
A tension he hadnt known was there lifted and he dug his fingers into her little hips and felt her body tremble with his next stroke. She would cum for him again, this time as he filled her body with his seed.



It had never felt like this.
She felt like every single part of her body was on fire as he filled her. Every nerve felt raw, and there were tears building in her eyes as she got ready to cum again. The first time had been against his mouth, with his tongue inside her, something no one had done to her since she was a child. Cassius had done it better. And now his cock filled her, rough strokes that ripped her body apart, but made her feel so fucking alive.
His lips covered hers and caught her scream as her body exploded around him. So intense, so intense that she felt herself crying against his cheek. He licked away her tears as his cum spilled inside her cunt. She felt it, felt him jerk inside her. She knew the sound he made, and the way his body tensed and she found herself shivering around him, thinking about the day when he would be hers as much as she was his.
He collapsed on top of her, and she tried to move out from underneath him so he could lay comfortably. His arms snaked around her and pulled her back against his chest. One of his hands snaked down to her still shaking, overly sensitive cunt. He slapped her pussy hard as he kissed her neck, her shoulders, her face.
I wish you could sleep here.
She tensed. She should ask what shed done wrong last time. So shed never do it again.
C- She whimpered against his ongoing assault of her clit. Cassius?
Hmm? He sounded sleepy, she grinned. A silly grin that she couldnt exactly explain. She turned to face him, and just stared, smiling as she traced her finger down the bridge of his nose. She shouldnt have done it. He should have slapped her hand away. But he didnt. He just watched her through tired eyes. He looked.. Relaxed. It made the butterflies in her belly do funny things.
When I slept in here, I didnt mean to crowd you. I didnt even know I moved.
He frowned. You didnt move, Callie. You slept like a little rock.
But.. She scrunched her nose. You slept on top of me. I thought..
When I left, I intended to come home and fuck you until you couldnt stand up. But it was a long night. When I got home.. I just wanted to touch you while I slept. He sat up and pulled her close to him, his face so, so serious. Listen to me Callie.
She tensed, trepidation building as she watched him.
Nothing we said tonight can leave this room. You act like everything is normal. You be a good girl, like always. His fingers brushed over her breasts and he leaned down to suck her nipple into his mouth. When he pulled away he took her face in her hands. When they want your cunt, you give it to them. You fuck them, you take whatever cock is stuck in your face. Youre the perfect little whore Cal. Do whatever they tell you to do. And I will find a way to get us out of here.
She nodded, trembling as he pressed his lips to her belly.. She felt her cunt tighten when she replayed his words in her head. Someday, her flat little belly with would be full and swollen with his child. Her tits would be tight and round and he would still fuck her, still fill her cunt with his cock, and everyone who knew them.. Everyone who saw them would know that it was his baby she was carrying. Perhaps they wouldnt know she was his sister… but that didnt matter. Not her.

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A Slavegirl of Rome

And then she heard her name called, and two brawny handlers, slaves themselves, lumbering hulks of muscle and bone, dwarfing her between them, hauled her up on the platform, holding her by her arms. They had seen everything in the world, and done most that was bad in it .They had been the ones that had pulled her up from the dungeon she had spent the night in solitary confinement, groping her roughly in the dark passages, but careful not to touch her pussy, a virgin so seldom offered for sale...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 53 The Fall of Rome

Introduction: Chase plans the downfall of her parents and their Theocracy. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Fifty-Three: The Fall of Rome Visit my blog at www.mypenname3000.com. My name is Chasity Alberta Glassner, the Tyrants daughter. I write these words down so my motivations will not be lost to time, and so there will be no confusion, speculation, or misunderstanding about my actions. Excerpt from The Tyrants Daughter: An Autobiography by...

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Rome by The idea of this story was taken froma Paper back " those who are about to die salute you " in which the storywas told, authenticated by recorded roman text, of the Roman circus. I have taken it one step further and toldthe story in its own right Yes, a woman citizen was put to death,first having been raped in the arena by a jackass and earlier a blond teenagerhad been raped by a bull just as described, all for votes. What I have done is take a senators wifeand upgrade the...

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Nozzer in Rome

“Oi Nozzer, what you at mate?” Mark Anthony shouted above the clamour of a busy Rome morning. “Off down the Colloseum Tone,” Nostradamous replied, “They got some new Gaulish Mead and a new batch of Angle slaves.” “Sounds good, I’ll tell Julie,” Mark Anthony replied. “Call me Julie again and your head will join those of the Huns on the spikes above the city gates,” Julius Ceasar chipped in. “All right keep your crown on,” Mark Anthony replied, “Do you reckon they got any virgins...

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Apex from Rome

(Every character in this story is 18+) It has been almost 3 months since he woke up in some kind of laboratory. He found out where he was after seeing the small grey-black creatures that were moving around, while not looking like anything on Earth, yet he knew what they were. G-Gnomes. Even while he is still in some kind of huge Glass Pod, it clicked where he was somehow in the DC universe. In his reflections, he could see that he had red eyes gloving his power and blue hair that is to his...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 15 When in Rome

September 26, 1994, Munich, Germany “«Guten Morgen. Mein Name ist Steve Adams. Ich bin von NIKA Consulting. Ich habe einen Termin mit Herrn Schultz.»” “«Guten Morgen, Herr Adams. “Er erwartet Sie. Bitte gehen Sie durch diese Tür. Das erste Zimmer auf der rechten Seite»” She indicated a door and I walked through it, then walked into the main conference room. My German was just good enough to get past the receptionist, but I wasn’t going to be able to carry on a full conversation. I decided...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 36 The Carnival at Rome

When Franz recovered his senses, he saw Albert drinking a glass of water, of which, to judge from his pallor, he stood in great need; and the count, who was assuming his masquerade costume. He glanced mechanically towards the square--the scene was wholly changed; scaffold, executioners, victims, all had disappeared; only the people remained, full of noise and excitement. The bell of Monte Citorio, which only sounds on the pope's decease and the opening of the Carnival, was ringing a joyous...

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THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ROMEROby theduck1930IntroductionRomero was a very plain looking young man of 33 years old, though he had a body that would make even Mr. America jealous to look at it. Abs that looked like a rippled sidewalk. His hips were small and his chest large giving him a near V shaped torso, green eyes and blond hair and a full on tan without tan lines. His legs were muscled and bulged in all the right places. In all respects he was an Adonis if it were not for his face.Romero had...

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Meeting in Rome

Author’s Note: Recently my wife shared a fantasy of hers involving a seductive meeting with a supposed stranger in Italy. Both of us decided to write our own version, this one is hers. Mine is posted in the ‘Anal’ section under the title ‘In Italia.’ While mine is playful and sexual, hers is heartfelt and romantic. Hopefully one will appeal to you, if not both. Enjoy! ————— As I walk through the ripe fall air, I take a moment to enjoy the breathtaking scenery: the hazy twinkle of street...

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A Slave In Ancient Rome

You wake up scared and naked, shouting fills the air as a crowd of customers surround the lifted stage. Voices hoarse from yelling all day, yet they continue as if in a feeding frenzy. They begin shouting numbers and coins again and again as each new product steps onto stage. You watch as a large ox of a man steps onto stage. His ebony black skin glistens with sweat in the hot Roman sun. Yet, the sweat only draws attention to the many scars the man bears from the whip. He seems indifferent,...

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School Vacation in Rome

Steven Lampard High School was having their annual week-long summer vacation for the students just before they left. Since it was usually expensive, not many people went on these trips, but this year, nine students managed to afford the holiday, some got the parents to pay, and some worked but they were not preparing to leave. Characters: Xander Evans: Short brown hair, a sweet, friendly, nice guy. Best friends with Danny and Marco. He is also the ex-boyfriend of Lily, however they broke up on...

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The Devils PactChapter 53 The Fall of Rome

My name is Chasity Alberta Glassner, the Tyrants' daughter. I write these words down so my motivations will not be lost to time, and so there will be no confusion, speculation, or misunderstanding about my actions. –Excerpt from 'The Tyrants' Daughter: An Autobiography' by Saint Chasity Alberta Glassner Mark Glassner – May 9th, 2053 "I'm ready, Grandpa," little Liza smiled at me. Well, she wasn't really that little at fifteen. She was my youngest grandchild, daughter of Marcelo and...

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Fap Fodder Meet Jerome

"Sam, I'd like you to meet Jerome. "Jerome, this is Sam. We've known each other like forever." Jerome looked the two young men over as he shook Sam's hand. Sam and Sean were cut from the same cloth. Mid 20s, thin, in gym shape, neatly put together. Typical young urban gay men. Sean had latched onto Jerome at the gym, where he seemed to be fixated on Jerome's thick muscles and angular frame. Jerome found Sean's attention amusing, and did not discourage him. Soon Sean was timing...

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OOohhh Jerome

I'm 35, a mom of 3 girls, married to a wonderful man, Tom. I teach Math at a local high school and is known in the State as a Football Factory and of course teaching Sr. High School math most of the football players come thru my class. Both Tom, myself, and our girls go to all the games and are involved in all the sports activities. The girls, Sue is 13, Tatum is 10, and Alexis is 3.I hate talking about myself, Tom and I met when we were in High School. We got married at 20, and I was a mom at...

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Watching a black bitch fucked by Jerome

That afternoon I enjoyed a warm shower and I lay on my bed completely naked. I had decided to take a rest before meeting my Black Master, since my loving hubby had gone out of town in a business trip.I spread my legs wide open and touched my freshly shaved smooth pussy; pulling my lips apart I felt my clit that had become slightly swollen.Then I sighed softly and rubbed my clit very gently, as my mind was being consumed with what would be happening later in Jerome’s arms…It always happened each...

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Jerome againalways Jerome

Jerome called me at my office that early afternoon. He warned me he was in town and willing about fucking my sexy wife in front of me. I told him he was a fucking nigger bastard; but he just laughed on the phone and hung up.Jerome was my wife’s Black Master. Ana had been hypnotized by this well hung black man and she would do anything for having his hard thick cock in any of her sweet holes. When I came home at evening and entered the living room; I could hear our marital bed squeaking from the...

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On my six-weekly visits to Cape Town, I mostly stayed at a beautiful, old-worldly hotel in Sea Point, on a beautiful promenade. Let me explain the word, ‘mostly.’ Please bear in mind that Cape Town is in the southern hemisphere and therefore, the global seasons are the opposite of the north.With the summer season approaching after September, the hotel got very busy, attracting mostly a Germanic clientele. Understandably, most of the management and reception staff were proficient in German....

Gay Male
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Oh Romeo Romeo

It was now Spring once again in the small town of Ridgemont, and Ridgemont High was having its annual and much anticipated high school play. This time it would be Shakesphere's Romeo and Juliet. There had been a considerable amount of discussion and disagreement among the members of the committee in charge of play about the choice of the actors. Jill Hickson had originally been choosen to play the part of Juliet and Miles Johnson for her Romeo, but as fate would have it Jill contracted a virus...

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Black Prison Thug Jerome

During the early summer on a saturday morning I got a response to an ad I had on a local site seeking hot black men. Black stud here 35 6 ft 175 dark complected straight guy here with a 9 in dick needs working on respond back it said......So it got my attention and I replied back to his e -mail .....Sounds hot any pic ? I asked and after some time he replied back with a pic of his cock,It was really nice looking with a nice low hanging set of balls....Sweet looking cock I said back when you...

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My dildos and Jerome

My dildos and Jerome My loving Victor had fucked me early morning, before leaving to his office.Then I stayed there on my bed; feeling still so fucking horny. I called Jerome and begged him to come and fuck me, to make me his whore, to possess me like a bitch…He smiled on the phone and said: “Get your ass ready for my black dick at midday”Two hours later I was still lying in our marital bed; my legs bent at the knees and pulled up to my breasts as one twelve inch black cock slowly stroked my...

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Anita and a different afternoon with Jerome

Anita and a different afternoon with JeromeFriday late evening Anita came back home after a hard sex session with Jerome, her favorite black lover and found me relaxing on our deck, enjoying the warm weather. She kissed me and said she was thinking about letting Jerome fist her the next time they were together. Ana said he had been asking her to let him put his fist in her cunt for some weeks. I asked her if that were something she would enjoy and she replied that she would love the feeling of...

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Ms Romero

My english teacher is mexican, she has black hair light brown skin,is about 25 and is kind of a BBW, still hot and not overweight by much.Her name is Ms.Romero.she sometimes walks around class barefoot with her perfect feet.Sometimes she used to sit on a chair in front of class teaching or lecturing and sometimes during summer she would wear skirts then sat on her chair that was pretty high off the ground.So she would wear her skirts and sit on the chair unknowingly showing her beautiful BBW...

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Watching Anita giving up her ass to Jerome

Watching Anita giving up her ass to Jerome Sunday morning after we were up all night fucking, I was really horny and in the mood to see Ana fuck a black guy. I told her my wishes and then she called her old black lover Jerome, who was in town for a few days and was delighted to taste my wife´s pussy again… He arrived in less than half an hour and Anita was not quite ready, so he and me sat on the living room and enjoyed a nice glass of bourbon. When Ana was ready she came out in a sexy...

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A new meeting with my old friend Jerome

A new meeting with old friend JeromeI was alone in New York on a business trip, while my loving Victor was flying to Chicago. On the second day I got really bored out of my two coworkers I travelled with and then decided to hit up my old friend lover Jerome, the most handsome nigger I had fucked in my whole life…He was also in town and of course delighted to hear I was horny and looking for a dick. I asked him to meet me at the hotel where we could have a couple of drinks and eat at the...

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Watching Anita giving up her ass to Jerome

Watching Anita giving up her ass to JeromeSunday morning after we were up all night fucking, I was really horny and in the mood to see Ana fuck a black guy. I told her my wishes and then she called her old black lover Jerome, who was in town for a few days and was delighted to taste my wife´s pussy again…He arrived in less than half an hour and Anita was not quite ready, so he and me sat on the living room and enjoyed a nice glass of bourbon.When Ana was ready she came out in a sexy black...

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Another hard round with Romeo

I got down on all fours and although I was a little sore from the hard fucking that Pedro had given me, I prepared myself to take Romeo`s huge dick again in my stretched cunt.I raised my ass showing the nice dog I was ready for him. He sniffed me and licked my wet pussy. I must have still been giving off a scent that said I was in heat because he soon hopped up on my back thrusting and searching out my very wet entrance. We knew each other very well and it didn't take long for him to hit the...

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Alright, honestly? I feel stupid that I even have to talk about Google Chrome with you guys. Unfortunately, though, there are many people who are still using fucking Internet Explorer. I mean I don’t know what to say about those people except the fact that they’re a completely lost cause. Alright, perhaps not completely. This review is actually meant for people like that. So, if you think that you found yourself in that previous sentence and you haven’t switched over the Google Chrome yet, then...

Useful Software
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Another wild encounter with Romeo

The next day my mind and body were both in the middle of a fog. I had let three different cocks fuck me last night. Worst of all, the biggest one had fucked me in my asshole. I had not much rest during the night and I was sore all over especially in my burning anus…That Rottweiler’s knot had been huge and it would be a long while before I could let something that big try to get inside my asshole again. After my loving husband left for his office, I was about to lay down for a mid morning nap...

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Megan and Jerome

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYYGGGGOOOOSSSSHHHHH!!!" she screamed out. "Don't stop please, keep fucking that tight pussy harder!" I sped up inside her wet dripping goldmine. I loved fucking her from behind. "You like that fat black dick in your pussy?" I yelled as I smacked her ass. "Yes!! Yes! I love it! Please f*ck this tight asian pussy!" I loved the sound of that. It made me want to ram her into the wall. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. "Ughhhh, so good!" she yelled. I twisted...

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A wild encounter with Romeo

Tonight all things were going from bad to worse for me…Now I was lying on my knees and elbows on the grass, at a dark garden.A huge Rottweiler was sniffing my wet cunt and he was ready to fuck me.I felt his cold wet nose touching my outer labia. Soon an electrical impulse ran across my whole body and another intense orgasm made me shiver in pleasure.Romeo also noticed my orgasm. He suddenly started to growl and shoved his hard tongie through my vaginal lips. He licked my clitoris in a wild way,...

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The warm glow that had illuminated our bonding event slowly faded as nightfall enclosed us with its cool breeze. The critters slowly wandered around aimlessly, and nestled into contented repose, as I placed some dry firewood in the fire pit I’d used to fry the hamburgers. Once lit, it provided a warming afterglow to the day’s activities. I snuggled next to my Ann, her delightful body trembling with anticipation and her warm ever inviting lips warmly receptive to my overtures. Harvey was...

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Warmer than I remembered, the brilliant sun reflected off a handful of tall crystal spires creating prisms of light on the carpet of virgin forests below. The small glass bubble I was surrounded with floated lazily on the thermals as several Sea Terns circled blissfully overhead. As I turned to face the sun, a calm silvery sea stretched endlessly to the horizon, dotted with several small volcanic islands covered with lush tropical foliage. A gentle warm sensation was stirring my loins, and...

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The phone jangled unceremoniously as dawn’s glow enveloped the flickering remains of the star studded heavens. It was Uncle Harvey, and he needed someone to watch over his remote acreage while he was in the hospital. Harvey was older than history, refusing to succumb to the trials of life and the advancements of modern technology, spending the greater part of his day wandering through his heavily wooded property to feed a flock of chickens and a few head of cattle that free ranged there. ...

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Michael Stromen

Introduction: A teen from Philly finds himself amongst hot girls in NYC. Read and enjoy the rest. NOTE: Michael Stromen and every other character in this story are made-up and fictitious. Their experiences, beliefs, and any other characteristics are imaginary. This is simply a small work of fiction created for the sole purpose of entertaining, and/or pleasuring. Also, I am not Michael Stromen, and those that I encounter every day are also NOT Michael Stromen, or any other character within this...

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Science Vessel Promethius

Your name is Takashi Najiin, Tank for short. You are a marine aboard the Science frigate Prometheus. When you got the news that you were going to be posted on a science vessel you could hardly believe it. You posted top scores in both physical and mental military testing and were in the top five percent of graduates in the Academy back on Earth. You assumed you were far to promising a prospect to be posted on such a mundane assignment. Your disappointment of quickly gave way to excitement as...

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Tired. Stone-tired, bone-weary, a long week behind me and what I hope will be a relaxing weekend ahead, I lock the car; draping my worn garment bag over my shoulder I leave the carport area. Crossing the yard, skirting the pool and the rows of chaise lounges lined up neatly on the pool deck as I head to our condo, I can’t help but appreciate the special beauty of the night despite my exhaustion. Peaceful. Cool and mild, the full moon huge above lighting everything like mid-day. I'm alone in...

Straight Sex
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My Encounters In Planetromeo

Well, it was almost 2’o clock in the afternoon. My Parents and Grandparents were going to a wedding function at our ancestral home 1 hour drive away from where I live. Well the question erupting in your head is who am I? Well I am Neel (Name changed) and I am a bit plumpy, people say I have beautiful teeth. So once my parents left, I logged on to Planet Romeo and was looking for gay boys. Since I live in a small town, every one is either some I despised, or people who had blocked me, or people...

Gay Male

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