- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986]
The next thing we knew, the front door was opening, and my mom was home.
Fortunately, she spent a little time putting groceries away in the kitchen and pantry. Kim and I had time to get our shirts buttoned up again. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, smashing the volume button and hoping it wouldn’t be deafening when it came on.
It wasn’t, and I flipped through the channels until I came to MTV and slowly increased the volume. One video was just finishing, and ‘Money for Nothing’ started playing with their soft intro. I had to work the sound back down fairly quickly as it gained in volume, and the drum lead-in started. Mom stuck her head in the doorway and said, “Oh, Hi Kim. I didn’t realize you were here.” She smiled. “Having a good day?”
“Great so far,” I said. “We were just discussing where we wanted to go to dinner tonight, have any ideas? We did Chinese last time.”
She said, “You’re welcome to stay here and join us. We’re doing pork chops.”
I said, “Thanks, Mom, but we were kind of looking for some time just the two of us tonight. However, I do have a favor to ask.”
She told me to go for it, and I said, “I invited Kim and another friend over for dinner Friday night, I hope that’s alright.”
Mom said, “Of course it is. What were you thinking about for dinner?”
I said, “I was hoping we could do lasagna. If you give me a recipe and some pointers, I can get most of the cooking done during the day.”
She said, “No, I can make spaghetti tomorrow night and just make extra sauce to use in the lasagna. They are always better if they get put together and sit overnight first anyway. You’ll just have to throw it in the oven a little before I get home if you want to eat at 6:00.”
She continued, “I’ll have to do some more shopping, though. I don’t think I have everything here for it.” I told her to get me a list, and I’d handle the shopping while I was out tonight.
She argued, “You don’t want to do that on a date night.”
Kim said, “It’s no trouble, we’d be happy to do it. We aren’t planning a big fancy night or anything. We just want to spend it together. We can do that while shopping too.” I nodded agreement, and Mom gave in. She got out a memo pad and put things on the list. I told her to “add anything else we are low on, like all the bacon and eggs I used this morning.”
Mom went through the pantry and fridge to make a more thorough list. Kim and I headed out soon after that. When we were in the car, I told her, “I appreciate how flexible you are with our plans. I feel just like you said earlier. So long as we’re doing it together, I’m happy about it.”
She smiled and rested her hand on my leg as we made our way to the store. There was a place called Michael’s that we usually went to for groceries, and it only took us about five minutes to get there.
Kim and I had some fun goofing around in the isles as we got everything on the list. I added a can of Folgers and a Mr. Coffee machine to the cart, along with a set of 4 coffee mugs that looked more my size. Mom’s were a little smaller than I liked. I also added some Kosher salt and a pepper mill that looked decent. Freshly ground is so much better than the pre-ground stuff.
We took everything home and unloaded it all. Mom thanked us for doing it, and we headed back out again pretty quickly. When we got back in the car, I suggested, “How about we go back to Friendly’s? They have a lot more than ice cream on the menu. And I have more things to share with you. We can make it a tradition.”
Kim said, “That works. You certainly have a lot of secrets, John.”
I said, “Yep, and you can’t distract me with claims of not wearing underwear this time, I know better already.”
She said, “Well, you know there is a bra anyway. You’re making assumptions about facts not in evidence yet. That can get you into trouble, you know.”
I laughed and said, “I’ll go one better and wager that not only are you wearing panties but that they match the bra. That was an awful fancy article of clothing I was admiring earlier, and I bet it had a matching piece to go with it.”
She said, “You sir, are far too clever for your own good. You might have just ruined your chances of finding out.”
I told her, “Well, I can’t imagine my chances of that getting any better by pretending to be less intelligent. I’ll just have to try to persevere through the adversity.” Then I stage-whispered, “Maybe big words will help me.”
She whispered back, “Good Luck.”
We held hands again once we got on the highway. While we drove, Kim was telling me about how much she enjoyed the day so far, and how happy she was to be part of the business. We pulled into the restaurant parking lot and made our way inside. I asked for a semi-private booth if they had one available, and we got an excellent corner booth well away from other patrons.
When we settled into our seats, we both took a minute to look at the menu. I was in the mood for some Fish & Chips, and Kim got a Chicken Bacon Ranch salad. We gave our order to the waitress when she brought our drinks.
I told Kim, “Okay, ready for the next big reveal?”
Kim raised an eyebrow and said, “Go for it.”
I said, “Well, I have a couple of related secrets to reveal. It is all based on something quite hard to believe. Since you are now a partner in this business, and our ability to succeed is based upon it, you need to be aware of my secret. Before I can share it, I need to have your word that you will not reveal it to anyone. Ever. I want you to avoid talking to Sam or me about it directly even later unless we take adequate precautions first.”
Kim said, “Okay, you certainly have my attention. You also have my word. I will not tell your secret to anyone, and will be discreet when talking about it in the future.”
I told her, “I’d like to ask you to suspend any strong reactions until I finish and have a chance to prove what I’m about to say. Okay?”
She agreed, and I said, “Since I became a young teenager, I have had an unusual ability. I think it’s fair to call it a form of limited pre-cognition. Some would say clairvoyance or that it is some kind of psychic ability. The way it works is that if I focus on something, I can usually get what I call flashes about it.”
“Flashes, in this case, are images of what that something will look like at a point in the future. I don’t get what I would call “Visions of the future” like ‘go build an ark’ stuff. I have to focus on the future of a specific subject.”
“For instance, and I used this example with Sam when I explained it, the first time it happened to me, I watched a guy work a crowd playing Three Card Monty. I could see where the Queen, in that example, was going to be. I was right every time, but I didn’t tell anybody for a bunch of reasons.”
“You and Sam are the first people I’ve ever told about this, and I have to say I am not interested in expanding that group any further if I can avoid it. How are you doing over there?”
Kim said, “I’m doing alright. It’s not an easy thing to believe, but I promised to keep an open mind and let you prove what you are saying. I’ve got to tell you. It’s going to be hard to prove it to me.”
I said, “Fair enough, how about I start with examples I’ve already done. I realize they are mostly hearsay, but they will go toward a background. Then I can think up a few ways to prove it, which should convince you. But I’ll also open it up for you to come up with your own tests too. Does that sound good?”
She said, “That sounds fair to me. Go ahead”
I said, “Alright, let’s see. Sam can confirm these with you. Before the first race we watched, I told Sam the three dogs that were going to win the trifecta for it, plus I told him that a specific dog was going to poop while walking in front of the stands. Both of those came true. Plus, later that night, I picked another trifecta, it’s the source of all the money for the shopping we did this morning.”
She replied, “All of those could have been coincidences, though it’s a stretch when you consider you were able to do the trifecta again last time we were there. Plus that first #8 dog coming in second.”
I said, “The #8 dog really was a coincidence, I didn’t use my powers for that at all. I picked him because he had no business doing as well as he did.” I continued with, “Then there is the 5 out of 6 lottery ticket that you and I went to cash in at the HQ. I used my powers for that too.”
Kim said, “Wait, if you did that, why didn’t you just buy a winning ticket?”
I smiled and said, “Who said I didn’t? It’s sitting in the car’s glove box right now if you want to see it.”
Kim stared at me for a while.
I gave her another full minute before I asked, “Are you alright, Kim?”
Kim said, “You have a winning lottery ticket sitting in the glove box of your car? We’ve been driving around with it all day, and you didn’t tell me?”
I thought about a lot of possible answers to that question, looking her right in the eye as they all went through my mind, then I said, “Yup.”
Kim squinted her eyes at me and told me, “You’re in trouble, Buster.”
I squinted my eyes right back and said, “I doubt it’s too bad. I do have a winning lottery ticket after all.”
Kim said, “Well, you have a point there.”
Our food came at that point, and Kim and I dug into our meals. Between bites, Kim asked, “So why didn’t you cash in the winning ticket?”
I told her, “Well, at first, I was thinking about trying to cash it anonymously. I may still try to do that, but then I thought I might have a better idea. I tried to give it to Sam, but he wouldn’t take it.”
Kim choked on her salad for a few seconds, then said, “You What?!?”
I had spent quite a bit of time thinking about what I told Sam earlier, related to the Charity. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. This time around, I wanted my life to have more meaning than my last one had. I had access to this incredible and unique ability, and I could do damn near anything I wanted to do. Maybe by helping my fellow man, I will get back something my life was missing before.
I explained the scene with Sam to her. Then I continued to expand on it, bringing her up to speed on all my plans. I told her everything: Including how much I like the girl sitting across from me, how I planned to follow her to college in a few months, how I wanted to start a real Charity to help people down on their luck, and how the business was going to be tied in with it somehow, how it’s what I saw myself spending this life doing—all while having as much fun as I could along the way.
Our plates had long since been cleared away when I got done, and we were both on our second cup of coffee. Kim said, “Wow, that is quite a story.”
I said, “Well, it’s my plan. Do you want to see my ability at work?” Kim nodded. I asked her if she had a pen in her purse I could borrow. She did and gave it to me.
I grabbed a napkin and wrote 12345 while blocking it from her view. Then I flipped it over and slid them both over to Kim.
I said, “Okay, now it’s your turn. I want you to write down any five-digit number you want on the top of this napkin. Don’t turn it over until you finish.” I waited while she wrote 87341 on it.
I jumped back in the tunnel and went to the scene where she handed me the pen then jumped back into it.
I grabbed a napkin and wrote 87341 while blocking it from her view. Then I flipped it over and slid them both over to Kim.
I said, “I want you to write down a random five-digit number on the top of this napkin, please.”
Kim thought for a couple of seconds and then wrote 27645.
I raised an eyebrow as Kim flipped over the napkin and nodded to herself. Kim said, “Yeah, that’s the first number that came to mind. I decided to go with another choice to see what would happen.”
I shook my head and said, “Smart girls will be the death of me. Yes, things I see can be changed. That’s why I try to stick with short term things because it gets even worse with more time involved.” I pointed to the napkin and said, “We have to be careful. Anything we say or do could potentially change the outcome.”
“In this case, your foreknowledge about what I was probably doing, plus your curious nature, allowed you to choose to change it. That was a poor example of how it works. I should have had you write it down then hide it from me. Want to try another test?”
Kim nodded. I said, “Let me think for a minute.”
After a few seconds of thought, I asked Kim if she might have coins in her purse. She assured me she did. I told her, “I want you to keep it under the table while you grab as many of whatever kinds of coins as you want. Try to grab some bunches if you can, so even you won’t know what you have.”
When she finished, I handed her a napkin and asked her to bundle them up in it and set it on the table, and she did so.
I said, “Okay, is there any way I could know how much the coins amount to right now?” Kim said, “I can’t see how. I have no idea right now.”
I grabbed a new napkin and paused for about 5 seconds before I secretly wrote down $2.22, then flipped the napkin down, put the pen on top of it, and slid it over by the napkin holder. I told her, “Please count the coins out in the open now.” She did, and the total came to $1.93.
I moved back to when I was poised over the napkin and jumped back to my body.
I wrote down $1.93, flipped it over, put the pen on top, slid it over to the napkin holder, and asked her to count. She did, and it came out to $1.93 as expected. Kim flipped over the napkin, looked at what I had written, and shook her head, saying, “There is no way you could have known that.”
I shrugged.
I asked her, “Do you have an idea for tests you want to try?”
She gave it some thought and then asked me to write down how much the bill would be. I picked up the pen and thought for about a minute, then wrote down $18.94 and handed it to Kim. She called the waitress back when she saw her and let her know that we were ready for the check.
Kim and I focused on finishing our coffee and enjoyed a comfortable silence. When it came, Kim looked, and it was $19.72. I looked at Kim and shrugged, then jumped into the tunnel.
Man, that’s getting hard to do. Not physically, emotionally. I hope there won’t be a lot more like this. I moved back to where I was holding the pen and thinking, then jumped back into my body.
I wrote down $19.72 and handed it to Kim. She called the waitress back when she saw her and let her know that we were ready for the check.
Kim seemed fine to wait patiently. I was feeling uncomfortable about the way the last jump happened. I know that I can’t do anything about the timelines I leave, but its starting to eat at me a bit. In general, jumping around was fine, but this disappointing her and jumping away made me feel like shit.
If I had to do something like that again, I would spend a little more time before leaving. It’s probably just a sop to my conscience, but if it makes it more palatable somehow, it will be worth it to me.
When the check came, Kim verified the total and showed me $19.72 while she smiled. “That is pretty impressive,” she said. I nodded and replied, “If you’re ready, let’s head out.”
When we got in the car, I said, “It’s in the book in the glove box.” Kim giggled as she dug in and quickly found it and the info sheet showing the numbers.
Kim looked from one paper to the other many times. When she had examined them on all sides, she put them away back in the book, and then all of it went into the glove box again. Kim said, “it is so unreal to be that close to millions of dollars.”
I started the car and headed back towards her house. Kim asked me to explain why giving Sam the money would have been better.
I told her more about my plan for doing the lottery anonymously, and how I didn’t think it would work. I said, “The idea of giving it to Sam was before I considered the Charity idea. My thinking was that in return for giving him the ticket, he might fund a scholarship for me. That’s all I wanted out of it. I thought I could get what I wanted and avoid attention I don’t want, plus Sam would get a better life out of it.”
Kim said, “Sam’s turning down that ticket is impressive, but I think you are better off overall. I don’t think he would have been a good choice to manage the money either for himself or for this Charity if you could have convinced him to do that.”
I must have looked surprised because she said, “Yeah, I can see you were thinking about going that route. I told you you’re not as clever as you think you are.” She smiled to take the sting out of it.
“It should be in your hands. You could be a powerful force for turning that seed of money into something that will make a huge difference in a lot more lives. With your ability, I’m certain you can ensure it is a success.” I nodded in agreement, as I had come to the same conclusion.
“What you need is someone with experience dealing with money and the spotlight who would be willing to be the frontman for your organization. I think you should tell my dad about this. I would be willing to bet he knows somebody that would fit the bill for you.”
I said, “I feel like this ticket should be another business asset, and I’d like to include Sam in this conversation as the third partner. However, I think I know him well enough to know that he would not want a say in it, as it isn’t his. I think he’d want me to just go ahead with my gut feeling on the subject. That feeling is telling me that I should trust your opinion, so let’s go ahead and do that.”
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Gay MaleGasping Basil Gasping Basil 1986 ?But it isn?t fair.? Basil begged his twin sister, Berly, while Enid, the severe younger sister with the punk-rock hairdo smirked. ?I can bathe myself now, no matter what we do in private, Beryl!? Beryl winked at Enid, and Basil wondered if Enid knew that Beryl had tied Basil down and run Vaseline over his cock with her red nails for two hours earlier that afternoon. It had been quite enthralling, though he had been so ashamed to have her remove his...
Move house they said, get one with a pool they said. The fresh air out of the city, enjoy a different pace of life. You'll love it they said. Join a country club, play golf, play tennis, enjoy your retirement. I'm 35, you can't retire me, you fuckers. I'm stewing here in this place. Sure, the house is nice, there's no crime, the people are beautiful, the country club is fun. For a week or two. Now, though, I have to live in this house, with neighbours who definitely don't think I should...
MILFAnch was worried. When she had got back to her household the night before, Natalya had gone. One of the doenyes had told her that Natalya had borrowed a chanoosh and slipped out just before dusk. Then there had been all sorts of a fuss later on when the Overseer had discovered that a pistol was missing from the hunting cabinet. Now it was morning again and there was still no sign of Natalya. When she got to the office Henry was already there, giving her a smile as she came in. She returned...
Teaching college is sort of a weird business. The faculty gets older over a 30+ year career, but the students are always 18-22. The faces change, but their age does not. So like many of my male colleagues, as I got to middle age, I began being attracted not only to the gorgeous students, but also their moms. Many of the moms returned the attention, if only to relive a little of their flirtatious selves from their past college days. I met Brooke and her mom Jody during freshman...
po469 My husband is a pantywaist, a momma's boy, a woos. We were married when I was a 20-year-old virgin. He made love to me very gently, kissing and treating me like I was precious and fragile. He gently put his little five-inch pecker in me in the missionary position and slowly slid in and out for about three minutes till he came in me, all the time telling me how wonderful I was and how much he loved me. Then he would pull out, go wash up, cuddle up and go to sleep. I thought that this...
She woke up in a cool, dark room. The worst appeared to be over now, all that was left to do was sit and wait. She heard the sound of feet as they walked down the corridor and then a door creak as someone entered the cell. Judging from the size of the silhouette towering above her, she could tell this must be a man. Could it be the one she was supposed to be waiting for? "You there, stand up female and come over here," His voice had a gentle, but commanding tone. She stood up and...
I came harder and longer than I had ever before. But then, this was the first time I'd been in the position I found myself in. My hands were over my head and fastened to a ring in the wall and my legs spread wide. I was totally at her mercy and I loved it. I wanted to do it again. She had me so hot and desperate to cum. She controlled my ability to explode and when I did, it was absolutely the best I had ever had. After she sucked my cock and massaged my stinging balls until I became limp in...
BDSMThe smell of funeral pyres was well neigh overpowering through the evening air. Over half of the nomads who had attacked us had been killed; their bodies were now being burned, as was the usual practice for someone who had died honorably in battle. I really hated that so many brave men had to die to prove our point, but I had no other choice. Hopefully, at least, they would now pay attention when we tried to tell them something. On the morrow, I would visit the nomad camp to see if they were...
Forward: This story is a tribute to Tomboy Han. She is a real girl and has her pictures post on various websites all over the Internet. I do not post too detailed description of her, as this story is meant for her primarily, and she knows what she looks like. This is a fantasy I wrote about her and the ways I would wish to dominate her. It is playful and fantasy, but that is what we are all here for. Enjoy.?The Domination of Han?The meeting was arranged. The road has been traveled. And the trap...
Let me start by explaining that all of this was the result of chance, none of this was planned. This morning had started out like any other. I awoke well before dawn, and decided to head outside to our screened-in back porch for a smoke, before falling back to sleep. I opened the door to the back porch to have a cigarette before it got light out. Since it was still dark, I was wearing nothing but my underwear. My wife had already left for work and I figured I was the only one up, but as I...
It was about ten years ago when my husband Greg and I were lying in bed after making love one night when out of the blue, he asked me what my wildest sexual fantasy was.“What?”“You heard me. If you could do anything sexually, without recourse, what would it be?”Now, understand that while we weren’t wild and crazy, we were not exactly prudes that made love once a week and only in the missionary position. My mind immediately went to he is bored with me and either wants someone else or has been...
SwingersI groaned as my patient’s pussy rippled about my cock. Her moans were so sweet as she spasmed on the hospital bed, her thighs locked about my hips. The pain was wholly gone from her face. Her arm twitched in her sling, the bones healing as my futa-cum spurted into her depths. I shuddered, my large, ebony tits heaving before me as the pleasure rushed through my body. My own pussy convulsed, juices flooding down my dark thighs as my girl-jizz pumped and over into her pussy. Her pale face was...
Everything Against Her Will Part oneAfter losing the services of their pain subs, two expatriate Americans decide to find a woman to abuse involuntarily. They settle on one they do not like and proceed to abuse her physically, mentally and emotionally. Part OneFord and I were sitting at the pub, nursing a couple of beers and lamenting our plight. The two favorite little pieces of meat that we generally tormented had both gotten pregnant within weeks of each other, which left us with an itch...
Hey all, this is the story about how I made my way to a woman’s desires through my massaging skills. To give a short intro about myself, I am from Bangalore, I am 32 and married, well handsome too. As I had mentioned in my previous story, I won’t exaggerate, but I have a decent sized tool to satisfy a woman and apart from my tool I have a pretty good tongue and flexible hands to squeeze the pleasure out of a woman. Well about the lady in my story, she is a colleague of mine, married and has an...
Simple, easy to follow instructions, that works for me. So I hasten to do just that, my clothes got left on the chair I'd just been sitting on, and I knelt between her open legs on the bed. I enter her and thrust away. She's obviously enjoying it, the usual moaning and writhing, I'm enjoying it as well, obviously. I start slow, I want to make it last, it’s probably not going to last that long, it’s the first fuck of the day, I'm always a bit eager, but I'm trying. That's when she opens...
Hannah whimpered as I peeled the tape from her. When enough was off that it no longer supported her, she leaned forward and wobbled on unsteady legs. I held her lest she fall. "Tyballa, where did you go? It's been so bad without you." "I know, sweetie. I was with Mr. Woodhouse, and I couldn't get away. But a lot happened, and I'll tell you everything later. First, let's get you to your room." She shook her legs as her blood began to flow again. She could walk, but they'd beaten...
You and Ally had been married for about a year. It all happened so fast for you. Being used to the hum-drum bore of the rural lifestyle, it took you by surprise when you landed your first good paying job in the city. Not only did you get an office with a great view, but you had a personal assistant and more free time than when you were in school. After a probationary month, your contract was set in stone and you had decided to celebrate. Of all the places to pick, you decided to go to what...
Exotic, slender Russian MILF Kris the Fox loves her hubby, Oliver Stone, very much. She doesn’t mind cooking and cleaning for him every day. But what she likes the most is servicing his bacon bazooka whenever he wants! Today we get to watch them having a nice romantic fuck at home as Oliver gets her warmed up by sucking on her titties and twat like the loverboy he is. Kris takes time out from doing the laundry to grease his flesh wand with her lips. After giving her a nice, gentle pussy...
xmoviesforyouHi Im Kyle , i am 6 ft 2, slim-athletic build , dark brown hair ,blue/green eyesi am 19 years old and have a huge cock for my age ,(9.5) when erect.My Auntie is called Liz , she is about 5 ft8 , quite chubby , brown hair , huge drooping tits, fair skinned My auntie liz owns a static caravan down in wales and usually stays there for a few weeks each year if the weathers nice.A few weeks ago Liz phoned my mum and invited us all to stay for a few nights just to catch upon things and see them. But...
Dave stripped down to his boxers, then looked at Jennifer's smiling face and dropped them to the floor as well. He climbed into bed and was very happy when Jennifer spooned her back to him. He put his arm around her, trying to avoid her breasts, as he held her tight against his excited body. He could feel his hardening pole nestled against Jennifer's firm ass. He wanted to make love to her -- but instead just kissed her neck and whispered, "I love you. Goodnight" He woke during the night...
Rebecca - Starting to Heal School resumed, and I soon discovered that rumors of the Fosters and their sex slavery trade were all over campus. Since Monique and I lived just across from their house, we got asked question from the girls and had more than a few boys accost us, hoping perhaps that we would become their playthings. Monique had been like any other girl the previous year and thought nothing of wearing low riding jeans with a thong, but we both quickly learned that the boys would...
After a great workout in the ring, this fit couple head to the shower room. They sit next to each other on a bench and he begins to finger her through her shorts. He stands up so that she can get access to his big hard cock, which she kisses and sucks. He gets her shorts off and gets his fingers inside her pussy, then he turns her over so that he fuck her from behind. She grinds her hips against him as she rides his large dick in reserve cowgirl. She moves till they are in missionary, and he...
xmoviesforyouThe wife and I got tickets to see Hinder in concert. She wore a very short low cut dress with nothing underneath. During the opening band we found an empty area in the upper balcony. I sat in the middle of the section and she went down on her knees and started sucking me. Shortly after she started a stranger sat down next to me and just watched at first. After about a minute he took his cock out and started masturbating.The wife seeing this, reached over and offered a helping hand. After...
When I woke up the next morning I found both myself and the bed pleasantly dry. Nevertheless, I wasn't taking any chances. I headed straight for the bathroom, then straight for the shower, then straight for the drain hole. Draining myself of excess semen took less than twenty seconds and after than, pissing was a breeze. When I left the bathroom, I found Mom standing naked in the hallway. "Adam, there you are," she said. "We have crepes and blintzes in the kitchen. Get 'em before they...
Hi All. This is Vikas from Delhi. I am a regular visitor of ISS and I like may stories of it. Today I want to share my first real sex incident with a girl came from village to Delhi. This story is around 10 year old when I came to Delhi for higher studies after 10+2. I am 6 feet long and have semi muscular body with long 6 inch tool. Now I am narrating my story and If you like it then please share your comments on Jab maine 12th paas ki to mere father ne mujhe college ki padhai ke liye Delhi...
NOTE: This story was written during Hurricane Sandy. Comments and insights wanted, however, don’t be harsh! Sex is toward the end for you impatient readers... As I took a wobbly step onto the school bus, the sky was washed with variant hues of yellow, red, and violet. Through the trees, it seemed as if the road was being led into a portal that was gurgling fire. It was 6:43 AM exactly. My dark brown eyes were blurred as darkness still remained in the west. When I did a little jog up the bus...
First TimeGod I hated Cole… He was a hothead jerk on my swim team. He was so arrogant, rude, a total wanna be loser… But he was so hot! He had black hair, gorgeous brown eyes and cute little freckles, the best part of all… He had a six pack. I would always get so wet in my suit whenever I saw him… but that would always change when he said something rude or out of line. One day our coach told us that we had to swim with kick boards for 30 min. with a partner. I got excited wanting for my best friend Erin...
Contradictions! The air, the room and the people in its warmth were surrounded by them. The room was quiet, the stillness belying the chaos that had been wrought by its inhabitants during the night. The sun struggled to peek through the early morning fog, the chill wrapping around the figure that except for a slight tightening of her arms crossed over her chest stood still and silent by the window. ‘How am I supposed to deal with this? I can’t let this take me this way. How can something...
Carl Bradshaw was pacing the lobby when Phil emerged from the elevator. “About time,” he said. “OK, Suit Boy, here’s the deal. I thought we could messenger over the proposal but the CEO wants a face-to-face. I don’t have time to change so you and Nikki will have to represent us. For God’s sake let her do the talking. There is a lot riding on this.” “Seriously?” Phil asked before he could stop himself. “You’re sending someone with a seventh-grade vocabulary to meet with the CEO of a company?...