Harmless Little Lie Chapter 2 free porn video

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Nick being upset at his father made him like the most common reason a man quit wearing his favorite blazer; he was a little torn. The young man with mixed emotions knew his dad would never do anything to hurt him, but it was just wrong to say Nick was something he was not. Yes, his dad thought it was a harmless little lie which would never hurt his son, but it did. The loving father's intent of doing whatever he could to better himself did not outweigh the unintended results of the lie. Once again, the boy who did not want to his gender to be in question had to put up with more jokes. Those jokes made him a little paranoid also. Nick swore when he saw a group of people quickly look away from him, it was from them hoping not to be caught talking about him. He tried to play it off as being worried about nothing. He was wrong in doing so, for they were talking about him. The joke had become a game of Telephone and by that afternoon, some people were saying things like Nick was caught wearing Cindy Gibbons' denim skirt. Of course, the stories had the telltale signs of not being true, like the person who saw it was a friend of a friend or the person who said the rumor was the truth had to protect the privacy of who said it. The story being as flimsy as a milk soaked cookie did not matter. It was as tasty as one, so most of the students at Nick's school ate it up. That school day had the same effect on Nick's feeling about being mad at his dad as a tailor did on that men's blazer; it mended it. Nick knew that his anger at how his dad was inconsiderate about how he got ahead was justified. The biggest saving grace was that soon Amy's opa was going to get the record straight and then she can clear it all up. ********** Adam Bagdasarian loved going to work everyday. He was a natural at being able to work the workplace culture. He knew that 80% of being good at a job was just showing up. The other 20% was what the person made of it. Most people got ahead by filling that 20% with being great at their job. Adam knew better. He made the other 20% by looking great at his job. Adam would get into group projects and organize them and make sure that the hard work went to those who wanted to move up or would not complain. Then the optimum opportunist made sure he got the credit for the success while having a great cover if it failed, correcting the rumors of who did the work and giving credit to those who did come through as expected. The man who always looked forward to swiping that badge to get into his cubicle knew today was going to be different. There would be no more partition for him which barely went above his head when he was sitting. Adam was going to have his own office. Today was his first official day as Vice President of Human Resources at Solsken Power. Yesterday was orientation with the outgoing Vice President of Human Resources. The biggest thing Adam got out of it was that he was going to have to find someone on his staff to take over that job duty of giving high level management their orientation. Jeff Truman, Adam's personal assistant, greeted his new boss and told him to look at his emails as he Adam walked into his new office. Being told what to do by his subordinate added a new task to Adam's to-do list, making sure Jeff knew who was in charge. Jeff would have gotten the lesson from Adam right away if his boss did not have better things to do; admiring his new office. After marvelling at the view from his window, Adam sat down to call Jeff in for a talkdown. First, the new VP was going to see what exactly Jeff thought was so important that he had the right to tell the man who had grabbed the brass ring what to do. Adam wanted ammo for his barrage of verbal bullets he was going to fire at Jeff. Opening the email from Jeff jammed Adam's gun. Jeff's email not only had a couple of last minutes changes in Adam's schedule, but also a little bio of all the other VPs at Solsken Power. Today's meeting was moved up to an half hour from now and these bios were a godsend. The information they had in them was priceless. It covered the likes and dislikes of all his fellow VPs, what topics to bring up and what to stay away from. The best part of the info about the stay away topics was it covered why. Now Adam's gun was filled with ammo to help him stay entrenched in his job. After reading the bios quickly, the man who learned of his most valuable asset left his office and made sure to thank Jeff. On his way to the meeting, the new VP did wonder if his new PA was just trying to suck up to keep his job. That email was not about moving up. Jeff was in his mid 50s and just a high paid secretary. He had reached the pinnacle of the office pool, plus a man that age only being a PA did not have the motivation to be on the move. Then thinking about the detail in the bio Adam believed there was more to his PA than Jeff let on. All Adam really knew was that Jeff did that email for more than just a good first impression. The meeting was not all that Adam hoped it would be. It was boring and just filled with status reports on projects which he had no idea what they were about, plus, he had nothing to add. He needed to be caught up on his department projects. At least he could look like he was making good notes. He still was able to accomplish his 20% of doing a good job by acting like he was. Then the end of the meeting came, the time where Kevin Gustavsson introduced a new VP to the group. It was saved for the last part so the member of upper management did not have to gloss over the introduction. Adam was so happy to be standing as the CEO debuted him to the company's brain trust. "Ladies and gentlemen, here is our new VP of Human Resources, Adam Bagdasarian. He will be great at this job for Adam understands the importance of having diversity in the workplace. He has a transgender daughter." Adam's movement into the spotlight quickly got a dimmer on it with that harmless little lie being mentioned. The man all eyes were on wondered why his boss did not respect the privacy of his fake daughter. The CEO was just doing a quick sell on his choice as Adam's CEO. That harmless little lie was the quickest strength of the new VP to bring up. Adam also knew he had to sell the harmless little lie to his audience. It was Adam's turn to give his elevator speech on how he was the right fit to help bring diversity to the workplace."Yes, my daughter-to-be is so proud of her old man getting this job. She knows I can make a difference for all here, that I will make sure Solsken Power is a place where everyone can thrive on their ability and not who they are. " The meeting took a little longer than normal to disperse, with all the other VPs wanting to meet Adam. John Irvin waited until the end. This man did not want to be rushed in welcoming the newest VP into their club. It was not for he was happy for the newest member of upper management. John wanted to get as much information as possible out of him to see how Adam can help John. The best tidbit was that Adam's transgender daughter went to the same school as his son. Figuring out how that would help the opportunist would have to wait. John had more important schemes to hash out while at work today. Adam spent the afternoon prioritizing all the major projects his department was working on after getting an update report from his PA, Jeff. Adam's right hand man kept on pestering him to talk about the progress on Joe Marchibroda's unemployment claim. Marchibroda was in middle management, so to Adam it was no big deal if the company lost the hearing and had to pay him. Also in Pennsylvania, other than for t a blatant reason to be let go, former employees almost always won the unemployment hearing. Adam was getting sick of his subordinate trying to run the meeting. "Jeff, you are going to have to learn to take my lead if you want to stay my PA. If I say we will talk about it later, we will. Marty McPeak does not run this department anymore, so do not put his emphasis on what is important or not." "Mr Bagdasarian, I am not putting his emphasis on what is important or not. I am putting Mr Gustavsson's emphasis. Mr Marchibroda was let go for lying during his interview to get his promotion and your boss hates that. In any case where the employee was fired for lying, Mr Gustavsson wants Human Resources to use willful misconduct to deny them benefits." Hearing why Jeff kept on bringing up the Marchibroda file made Adam mentally utter "shit" to himself. He knew if the CEO ever found out his son was not transgender, his goose was as done as a turkey left in the oven overnight. There was no way that harmless little lie which he told to get the job was going to get him fired. He looked at his computer to give himself time to think. It was simple, just let that harmless little lie die on it own. He was already planning on doing that. Then after a year or two, if Kevin brings up if his son started to transition yet, just say it was a phase and Nick was really only a crossdresser. The momentarily discombobulated man rejoined his composure when he regained control of the harmless little lie. "Thank you, Jeff. I was looking up the file. Send Phoebe Cox down to the hearing to represent us and also have her write up a letter stating our case. I will sign it and hopefully will be able to get Mr Marchibroda to sign it also." After averting the catastrophes of losing what was rightfully his and not listening to the man who knew how to keep the department running smoothly, the meeting went quickly. Adam was even more impressed with Jeff when they were finished. The new VP knew he had to figure out why his PA was only a PA. *********** Cindy Gibbons was trying to find the most decent manner to bring up the rumors about Nick Badasarian to her room mate, Amy Salerno. First, Cindy was not the type to gossip. To her, gossip was just the polite way to say one was talking about another behind their back. Even if Amy's friend thought better about gossip, the subject of Nick being a transgender woman would still be difficult to bring up. It was touchier than a 14 year old boy on his first ever date because Amy's mom was also a transgender lady. Amy had a real close connection to her mom and Cindy wanted see how her friend was handling those rumors. When Amy's mom, Heidi, married Amy's stepdad, Ken; Amy changed her last name also. It was to show family unity. The close connection and unity was why Cindy wanted to talk about the rumors. She wanted to make sure her friend was fine how their fellow students were talking down about people like her mom. To Cindy, it was just cruel and inconsiderate for people to take a serious subject matter and make it a flippant joke. As they were eating lunch with Rachel Carson, Amy could tell Cindy had something on her mind. Her friend was as antsy as a lady waiting to meet her future mother-in-law for the first time. Even Rachel, who could be a little ditzy, knew Cindy had something on her mind. Wanting to help her friend, Rachel asked Cindy to share what was bothering her. Cindy fell back on her gripe about the school uniform policy. Monday through Thursday, all the students had to wear the uniforms and Friday was casual. Cindy did not like it was only pleated skirts for the girls. It was not the skirts themselves which were the issue. It was how short they were. They made the heavy girls like Cindy feel self conscious. She hated the fat on her legs was on display for all to see. Even the scatterbrained Rachel was picking up what Cindy was laying down. The length of the skirts was not something new. The three girls all agreed that part of the dress code was sexist policy from a bygone era that the school administration defended by saying it was a tradition. Rachel also knew that Cindy only became antsy when she was worried about how others were feeling. The skirt issue would have her friend's agitation manifest itself more in anger. Amy did pick up the part of leave it alone which Cindy laid down, but Rachel did not. She pressed the subject more. Cindy felt the pressure to tell her friend. "Rach, it is just I hate the rumor mill of this school, how sometimes a stupid joke said in jest can grow into people believing it. People knowing it is a joke start to see the person in the light the joke puts them in." Once again Amy picked up what Cindy was laying down while Rachel did not right away. The murmurs about Nick did reach Rachel but she did not retain them. It was not until Amy gave her response of "Cindy, do not worry about it. Small minded people talk about those type of things." that helped their flighty friend find what Cindy was talking about. Rachel added, " Most people don't know about Amy's mom, so they mean no harm in their immature jokes. That does not make it right. plus she has us there for her if it bothers her." Cindy's feeling of antsiness left as soon as she knew that Amy was fine and that those three had each other if any of them were not fine. She was able to return to the regular schedule, light banter the three enjoyed while eating lunch. The relaxed lady said "You are both right. Now, onto more pressing issues, I still say we should get season passes for Sandcastle this summer. It will be nice to go down to their wave pool as often as possible." ************* John Irvin was cast out of the same mold as his fellow VP, Adam Bagdasarian. Adam's fellow opportunist knew somehow the news of the VP's son being actually a transgender woman was a chance to move up in the company. John was going to figure out a way to carpetbag Adam's son being like the CEO's daughter. John knew what's his name went to Fayette Academy along with his son Dave. They were friends, good Nick who John only saw as a potential asset was able to be used by him. Oh yes, that Bagdasarian boy schooled his son on the basketball court. John could not help but laugh that some boy who thought he was a girl owned his son on the court. Remembering the friendship between his son and the whatever made it easy for the self-described go-getter to come up with a plan; inform his son about his friend being a transgender woman and tell him to become his best friend, to be there for that confused boy. John knew Kevin Gustavson would see his son's actions as a reflection of him. Figuring out a way to take advantage of the situation made John as pleased with himself as a toddler was with its wall art. ************ One great benefit of Nick's room mate, Daryl Oates, being from the same town as their prep school was he got the room to himself most of the nights. It was mandatory for all students to live on campus. The school itself did not care if they actually did; the cost of room and board was a way to keep the undesirables from attending the school. The administration defended this policy with being a boarding school was its tradition. As Nick was enjoying the sounds of his old friend, a knock drove the silence out of his dorm room. He got up to see who was there. Seeing Dave was on the other side made the boy who did not want to hear anything from anyone want to close the door. Dave, with concern in his voice, asked Nick if he wanted to hang out for a while and talk. Nick, who would much rather have been forced to watch a how-to video on watching paint dry, said no. Nick, bracing himself for the stupid joke Dave came over to say, heard this. "Nick, I understand. I went too far with my joking around with you lately. That is the real reason I came over. I just want to let you know I am sorry and if you need me I am here for you." Nick had anger and knew it was from this joke growing out of control and was wise enough to know it was not Dave's fault. He laid the blame on his father. The boy who felt used by his dad did not want to waste any of his anger on people who did not cause this joke. "Dude, thanks. I still would much rather be alone right now. " "Yeah I understand, you need to sort your emotions out about this. Like I said, I am here for you. Also, I am done acting childish and will not beat that stupid joke to death anymore." Nick thanked his friend and closed the door. Dave was happy with how the conversation went. The jokester knew that Nick would not want to talk with him. Women were too emotional and that he saw Nick now as a woman. All the boy who was getting real feeling for Nick hoped was that he did not quit too late and still had a chance at Nick when she admitted she was really Nikki. Walking back to his dormitory, Dave thought about how lucky he was. His dad had called and confirmed what he thought was crazy talk from one of the members of the Two Ton Posse, Amy Salerno. Hearing her say that Nick was a transgender woman did make Dave think more about the fantasy he had, the one where he found what he saw as the perfect woman; , a man who made the decision to be one. To Dave, transgender women were the pinnacle of femininity. Now, not only was Dave learning what he thought was just a curiosity, being with a transgender woman, was more of an desire. He has a cover to explore it. being with a transgender woman. His dad urged him to be there for that freak. The boy who was more into a person's gender than their biological sex wanted to correct his dad on calling someone who was being true to themselves a freak, but knew better. Right then was not the time to fight that battle. Just use helping his dad as cover to get to know the true Nick better. Nick being transgender was also part of his luck. Dave would never admit to it, but he would imagine if his friends were transgender. Nick had the perfect legs for it. Just thinking of Nick in one of those short pleated plaid school skirts drove him crazy. Plus Nick was so cool, if that boy was Dave's girl they would also be best friends. Dave not only wanted a lover, he wanted that lover to be his best friend. Until lately, he would not have allowed himself to dwell on it too much. Dwelling on it too much was why he joked about it. Laughing about what he could not admit hoping was true was a coping mechanism. For Now, all Dave could do was dream about the future and be there for Nick. From now on, Dave was going to treat his friend like a lady should be, with respect and honor. Yes, it was going to be different than how he treated one of the boys, but it was not for Dave thought that women were not their equals; it was for he knew women and men were different. The boy who had the crush knew the best way to be there for Nick was to be a gentleman around him. ********** Cindy had too much self-respect to let what she just heard go in one ear and out the other s . She was saving herself for marriage, so there was no way she would be in that situation. No boy in that school was going to be alone with her in a bedroom, trying on her skirts as part of foreplay. She found nothing wrong with a guy dressing like a woman; there was just no way she was going to be performing that or any kink with a boy. She was not so desperate to be with someone to be that sexually open. Cindy was also never in love, so she never even considered being that sexually open for the pleasure of others . Once she was in love, she would consider kinks and be very open to them. Cindy went up to Marla Hall and Susan Lambru and asked them, "What did you just say?" The two girls were a little embarrassed that the topic of their conversation overheard them. Instead of owning up to being wrong with their action of talking about someone behind her back, Marla said, "Didn't your parents teach you it is rude to eavesdrop?" Cindy was not going to let them change the subject. "I asked you what you said?" Susan joined in. "It is none of your business what we said." Cindy fired right back. "It is my business when you are talking about me. I want to make sure I heard you two right." Marla saw a way out of this unpleasant conversation "You misheard us and sorry about that. It will not happen again." Cindy was going to play along with the lie. The girl who was standing up for herself had made her point. Then Susan had to open her mouth. She could not take a member of the Two Ton Posse trying to order them around. "Yeah, you misheard us. It must have been from the rumbling of your tummy. Now go eat something, and leave us alone." Marla did not have the time to smooth this over and Cindy said, "So, Susan, you just did not say I was in a bedroom making out with Nick Bagdasarian while he was wearing my skirt." Susan said, "Yes, I did." It was the second mistake she made. Susan was wise in owning up to what she said, but foolish in not being sorry about spreading that falsehood." "Susan, listen here. I would not be caught in a bedroom alone with any man making out. Unlike you, I have pride in myself and do not need to stoop to having sex just to be with anyone." Marla never hung out with Cindy but respected and liked the feisty lady. Even if she did not feel that way towards the girl who was defending her honor, Marla would still try to defuse the situation. Her friend was wrong in saying what she said. "Cindy, we are sorry. It was stupid of us to even think what we heard was true. You will not hear that again from me." As Cindy left, she thanked Marla. As soon as the lady who put the two stada baba, gossipers, Susan could not resist getting the last word on the gossip out. She said "You are right, it is unbelievable that lady could get a man in a bedroom. We should not even have been talking about it." Marla just shook her head in disappointment. ************** Nick did not see Amy again until Friday. The murmuring of him being transgender was staying steady and he needed that girl to find out the truth. The only good thing was that his friend Dave kept his word about not joking about it. In fact, Dave was doing him a solid and correcting people about how stupid the joke was. That boy was showing he was also mature by pointing out how much making light of a serious topic demeans people. Finally Nick and Amy were able to talk. They went into an empty classroom again. "Amy, I thought you said you were going to talk to your Opa to clear this up." "I did talk to him and he said said he was sure that your father said it." "When did you do so?" "Tuesday night." "Oh, can you please talk to him again? This is important." "I will, Nick, but there is no shame in being transgender." "I am not different. I am a man, not a woman." Amy raised her voice when she said, "There is nothing different with being transgender. My mom is a transgender lady, and do not say she is not a woman." Even with being concerned with Amy knowing Nick was all man, he now better understood why Amy was being even sweeter than her normal self. "Amy, I did not mean different in a bad way or that a transgender woman is not a woman. I just do not want people to think I am something I am not." Seeing that cute girl with a heart of gold as shaken up as a dropped can of pop made Nick want to hug her. He did not care if other people thought he was a transgender lady or if a new rumor of him liking Amy sprung up. He knew he had to do whatever he could to make Amy feel better. The boy who was becoming his own man wrapped his arms around the wounded girl to hug her. The hug had a nice calming effect on both of them. Nick never felt so good lifting someone's spirits. He also never felt so special doing so. Amy only felt such concern about her well-being from a hug by a person with a male body once before. It was when her mom used to hug her before she transitioned. "Listen here, Amy, if you need someone to talk with about your mom or anything, find me." Amy gave an OK. Nick might have been all man, but he knew enough that the girl's response did not have her heart in it. She believed he was just trying to sound nice instead of being nice. He wanted this girl to know she can count on him. After the hug, the man letting his actions back up his actions, pulled out his phone and asked Amy for her phone number. He called her and told her to let it go to voicemail. Nick said "Hey, Amy, this is Nick. Call me anytime you want, or need, someone to talk to." The silliness of how Nick showed he would be there put a smile on Amy's face. That smile confirmed to the boy, standing in front of the girl he did not know he liked, that he did the right thing. Nick excused himself so neither of them were late for their next class. Even with knowing that the rumors about him would not die down until next week, the rest of the day was good for Nick. Making Amy feel better became a teflon coating to his soul, and what his fellow students thought just rolled off of him. Plus, he was going home tonight. It was going to be great to see some of his friends from the neighborhood. He missed seeing those guys all the time. Yes, he was getting a great education at Fayette Academy, but other than helping him to make a connection with his local representative in Congress, it was nothing special. The only reason that made going to the prep school worth it was the recommendation letter to West Point from that connection. Nick wanted to serve his country. As the family was around the dinner table talking about their week, Nick wanted to bring up what he saw as important to him as autotune was to Chris Brown's career. "Hey, Dad, did you clear up me with your boss?" Adam did not want to talk about the harmless little lie and added another one to sweep it under the rug. This harmless little lie was one of omission. Adam did clear it up, but not how his son wanted him to. "It was done on Tuesday." "With your boss?" Adam did not like his son questioning him. "Yes, with my boss." "No, you did not, Dad, I talked with Amy and her opa still thinks I am transgender." Micah said, "How could you, Adam?" Adam had to defend the harmless little lie. "Oh, both of you are blowing this so out of proportion. It is nothing, and will blow over in a couple of months. Just stick it out, Nick." "That is easy for you to say, Dad, people do not believe you want to be a woman." "Don't talk back to me in that manner, young man." "Adam, if you want your son to show you respect, you should have cleared this up." "I got that promotion which should have been mine by saying that. I should not have had to say it, but I did. I am not going to lose my job just because my kids cannot take the normal rumor mill which is high school." His family did not understand why Adam became so adamant about defending his actions. They did not know that if the truth was found out at Solsken, he would be fired as surely as the Santa Clause Float ends the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Adam was the only one who knew they were all in on this harmless little lie. "You are the one who started the rumor. That is not normal, Dad." "Just play along with it, Son." Nick said, "I will" as he left the table. Just how he said it was a little unsettling to his mom and dad. Adam went to call his son back but the look Micah gave him told him it would be prudent to do otherwise.

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Hallie the Slut - I Had a DreamSince she'd had a couple drinks that evening, both Hallie and Mark suggested that Jessica spend the night with them. She could drive back home the next day. Jessica admitted that was a good idea. On the way home, Mark told the two girls that he had errands to run the next day in a city a couple hundred miles away. He told them he would be getting up and leaving early and wouldn't be home until very late in the evening. So when they got home Mark excused...

5 years ago
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Harmless Wishes Between Friends

Harmless wishes between friends by Fidget "What's this amazing thing you wanted to show me? Also, why aren't you dressed yet?" Katie asked as she burst through the front door of Blake's dorm room. The pair of twenty year-olds had just started their junior year in college and had become somewhat close over the past two years, though Katie still saw Blake as nothing more than a friend. "Katie, it's the craziest thing! I dreamed that I could make wishes about other people to change them...

2 years ago
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Everything For Tilliebyhoneydew©Tillie Smith is 18, and her and her Dad has been living in a big city for the last 12 years. After Tillie was attack, they moved to a small town of only 300 people, thinking that it would be safer than the big city. The house they got was an old two bedroom Farm house. Tillie took upon herself to redo the house, by the time she was done it was a three bedroom home. Her Dad Tony commuted to work 20 miles everyday. There were alot of men willing to help her around...

3 years ago
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At The Pool Kim Copies Kaylie

I was standing next to the pool, naked, with a hard cock sticky from cum, pussy juice, and the blood of Kaylie’s torn hymen. Kaylie was laying back on the chaise that she been on when she’d asked me to take her virginity; a painful experience for her that my daughter Kim not only helped set up, but watched. Kim was also standing there, eyeing my erection while she and Kaylie freely discussed the fact that my cock was apparently longer than any Kim had ever taken.Kaylie was in the process of...

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Carlie Came Through

The dusty wood shelf in the town grocery store always bothered me. Staring at it, I couldn't help but wonder when the last time someone might have cleaned it, if ever.I blinked and awoke from my daze, having no clear idea how long I'd been standing in the aisle, staring at bags of flour on that dull, unchanging shelf.Every Friday, I walked into town to get things my Mother needed for the coming week. I guess I didn't mind too much, since it gave me a break from being in the field, picking...

2 years ago
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Little Orphan Sallie

The big city was a lot different in the daylight than at night. Sallie Shadow liked it better at night because she could slide around everywhere and remain mostly hidden in the darkened corners away from the streetlamps at her own volition. Hardly anyone knew Sallie's last name was Shadow because she never used it unless she was caught in a situation that demanded she repeat her full name. Usually, that was in places like some silly soup kitchen or even a Police Station when she got scooped...

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Taylors Girlsquad III Tay Karlie

“Okay, that's the one, I think.”, Taylor Swift called toward the driver of her limousine. Once the car stopped she leaned back and forth to get a good look up and down the night-time street through the tinted windows, making sure there were no paparazzi camping out before the upper-class hotel a little bit outside of the city. Once she had made sure the streets were clear Taylor popped the wide lapels of her long coat, put on her sun-glasses and got out. For a moment she hesitated and leaned...

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Sweet Young Hallie

I still can’t believe what just happened. The young woman is sound asleep, facing me, her arm over my waist. My left hand is traveling up and down her smooth, naked skin, from the auburn hair to mid-thigh. Never have I loved a person more, and I figured that out, just before engaging in the most fantastic fuck session I ever had. …………… I had known Hallie for about six years, since she was sixteen. My wife, and I, met her in a local, small town grocery/general store. She was a...

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Emilie and Isabella

The London flat lay almost empty, containing just: stacks of books and papers in one corner, a violin case, a dresser with a suitcase on top of it stuffed with ratty clothing, a small kitchen, and a computer lying half hazardly on the floor, a statue of the Laughing Buddha on the counter in the kitchen with empty liquor bottles around it. The walls were lavishly decorated by skilled painting hands, and reds, purples and browns leapt out brilliantly, and in the centre of the room, a bed. Pillows...

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Princess Lien

Chapter I - Princess Lien's Breakfast treat Princess Lien yawned and thought is she bored or still waking up. She lay in her four poster bed, on a mattress made from duck feathers, covered with black silk sheets, with matching pillows. From each corner of the top of the bed were hung black drapes tied to the bed posts with black rope She looked out the window to try and judge what time of day it was. Soon breakfast would be arriving. She sat up in bed, stretched and revealed she was wearing a...

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Solomons Daughters Risas and Kylies Chapter

This is the ninth chapter in the Solomon's Daughters series. These are not stand alone stories so if you are starting anywhere but at the first chapter then you may not understand some of the references and won't have descriptions for most of the character. Risa's and Kylie's Chapter Anthony took the bus to the corner near his house and disembarked. He went inside and showered and then went to the kitchen and...

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Taylors Girlsquad II Karlie Kloss and Vict

Taylor's Girlsquad II - Karlie Kloss and Victoria JusticeVictoria Justice blinked rapidly a few times, her long, brown eyelashes caressing her cheek, and lifted a hand to her lips, painted in a subtle, pink lipstick, to yawn. She fanned air to her face and headed over to the coffee machine, her steps fairly uneasy, with a small grunt escaping her lips and her hand moving to her stomach to stroke it soothingly. She waited until the dark, steaming liquid had poured out of the nozzle and into her...

4 years ago
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Finding Mollies Lover When I Home Home Early

The screensaver activated on the phone sitting on our kitchen bench as I walked past it, and I saw Mollie posing with her boobs out on display, wearing the smallest triangle for knickers and a big smile. And a bow around her neck. I hadn’t seen this picture before. Whose fucking phone was it?“Hey Mollie, where are you? I’m home” I called out as I poured myself a glass of Australian red and spun the phone around so I could see the image more clearly. It needed a password to access the phone...

2 years ago
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Kylies Song Part 2

"Ughhh…" Kylie realized she was upside down before she'd even opened her eyes. The air felt cold, dry. She was in a basement of some kind. She was also completely naked. A chill raced down her body. Goose bumps rippled across her chest as she opened her eyes to see Brayden's muscled figure. He was wearing a dark skin-tight mask with openings only around the eyes and mouth, but she could tell it was him. "Good morning little cunt. You and your friend have been asleep, imposing on my...

2 years ago
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Kaylie Rides a Horse

It had all sounded so exciting when her mom told her that she had purchased a package deal at the nearby riding stables for her to have a beginner's riding class and actually ride a horse in the paddock and even out on the small trail behind Mister McArthur's farm. This was the big day! She put on the riding outfit her mother had bought her and looked in the mirror. She looked like a regular horse-riding girl from the country. Kaylie didn't quite know what to do with the tiny riding crop...

3 years ago
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HaremChapter 5 Hallie

While on a trip to Georgia I stopped at a small gas station and found a beautiful 19-year-old black girl with very short black hair dark brown eyes, and what I would guess to be a firm 38D-32-36 body standing 5'9" and weighing maybe 140 pounds. She was doing her college English behind the counter. The nametag on her shirt said Hallie I guessed her age from her looks and the fact that she was taking college freshman English. As I paid for my gas and snacks I commented on her class and joked...

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Rough Night With Mollie Chapter 1

“Hey, love!”  “Hey, babe!” Mollie replied, her eyes not moving from the TV. “Whatcha watching?” I said, hanging up my jacket.  “Shhhh,” she replied quickly, her eyes still glued to the TV. I sighed, knowing she was already too far into the show to be distracted. “Two to one she is watching Island of Love,” I thought to myself, although Love in the Tropics was the other contender. Either way I think she would throw me out the window if I changed the channel. I took off my shoes and sat down on...

4 years ago
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Sylvia meets Al and Rosalie Lombardi

I was singing in a club, a kind of folk music club the summer I was s*******n. I sang for tips and to practice getting my voice out in front of people. When I sang on stage, or in a productioon, with costumes and make-up and all that, I had a lot of problems with stage fright. I don't know why, but it wasn't getting better, in fact, it seemed to be getting worse. I was doing my best to try to not pat attention to how upset I was about it. WheLn I was at the Balloon Grove, a little hoie in the...

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The TreehouseChapter 4 Amelie

It took me almost until Noon Saturday to finish the Taylor's yard work. When I knocked on the back door Mrs. Taylor opened it and invited me in. She looked very pretty in a short skirt that stopped well above her knees. She also wore a loose and somewhat low cut peasant blouse. Though not certain, I thought that she wore no bra either. As usual she offered me a glass of lemonade. I sat at the kitchen table drinking the lemonade while she retrieved $15 from her purse to pay me. "Where are...

4 years ago
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Kylies Song

Would Brayden really do this for her? She had her share of doubts. 'He'll hate me after this for sure,' she thought. 'He'll think I'm disgusting.' Of course right now the 23-year-old looked anything but disgusting. Kylie's alluring beauty practically taunted her in the mirror. She wore only a deep magenta bra and matching panties. The deep purplish-pink set off her dusky skin tone perfectly. The push-up bra barely contained the swell of her breasts. She twisted side to side,...

3 years ago
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Lien the Fifth

A prologue of sorts. Firstly it's an adult story written by and for adult types. Secondly believeit or not it's fiction and so is the cast of characters. Any similarities toreal folk living or dead are just coincidental, honest. The only similaritybetwixt Lien Venrihet and Lord Vetinari is due to the resemblance of variousforeign phonetics. Mr. Pratchett's character obviously has too much characterto appear in this story and is much cleverer than Lien in any event. Pleasebe aware this story is...

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Amelie part 8

When she got home on Friday, she gotten a hand-written note in her mail-box at home. There was an address and the word “Tonight, 21.00…Be there on time…”… Amelie thought “NO WAY” and began to prepare her dinner. And after dinner, she showered and drank a single glass of red wine, still sure that she was NOT going to go. She had had enough adventure in the last few days for many, many months. And, as she poured a smaller, second glass, she knew that she would have to go, after all. The decision...

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Amelie part 8

When she got home on Friday, she gotten a hand-written note in her mail-box at home. There was an address and the word “Tonight, 21.00...Be there on time...”…Amelie thought “NO WAY” and began to prepare her dinner. And after dinner, she showered and drank a single glass of red wine, still sure that she was NOT going to go. She had had enough adventure in the last few days for many, many months. And, as she poured a smaller, second glass, she knew that she would have to go, after all. The...

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CarlieChapter 7

7 Bob’s turn: First step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. I admitted it to myself before, reinforced it after this past weekend. I like having Carlie around. Check that. I LOVE having Carlie around. To the point that a week ago, BEFORE we found out about her financial situation, I turned down a six-month overseas contract. I told myself that it was because most of the overseas venues, now in sub-Saharan Africa, were less and less secure with each passing day. The real...

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Amelies Power Play

I was on a plane back home. It had been a long time since I had been home, and I wondered what it would be like. I was especially curious to see if anything would change between me and my sister, Amelie. My parents were sports freaks, and had named both of us after athletes: me for the great Terrapin, Tahj Holden, and s*s for the tennis player Amelie Mauresmo. It only took in her case, though. Growing up, even though I was 2 years older, she had always been bigger and stronger than me. She was...

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CarlieChapter 2

Still Bob’s turn: So I’m sitting across the table from a sad young girl who doesn’t have a lot of options and her eyes are starting to get moist. Those eyes bored into me. “What do I do, Bob?” “You get people to help you who know things, who intend to HELP you, not exploit your situation.” “Where do I find those people?” “You’re sitting across from one. Those people you met across my fence are a couple more.” “Why would you do that?” “Why wouldn’t I? I can. You need it. Seems like the...

4 years ago
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Nellie and the Diamond Gala

In this adventure, Nellie needs a date for a gala so she doesn't have to go with the one her father arranged for her. Desperate, she turns to the only person she thinks can help, but he wants something in return. This story follows the events of Nellie & The Professor.**"You've brought an appropriate outfit?""Yes, Dad.""Appropriate, Nellie."Sighing, I dropped my suitcase to the floor and unzipped it, removing the dress I'd packed haphazardly on top of my clothing."You approved this one last...

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Amelie part 9

She was one or two minutes early. The door was locked. As she turned to get up on the pavement, an old lady was passing by and mumbled “whore” under her breath and spat that way only old ladies do, more sound than spit. Amelie got back up onto the pavement and almost wished that she was smoking, a cigarette smouldering between her fingers would have made the picture complete. She walked a few meters in one direction, before going back again. Considered waiting there, with on foot resting on the...

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Amelie part 9

She was one or two minutes early. The door was locked. As she turned to get up on the pavement, an old lady was passing by and mumbled “whore” under her breath and spat that way only old ladies do; more sound than spit. Amelie got back up onto the pavement and almost wished that she was smoking; a cigarette smouldering between her fingers would have made the picture complete. She walked a few meters in one direction, before going back again. Considered waiting there, with on foot resting on the...

3 years ago
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Alexandra and Paulie

Introduction: A tale of an over-protective brother who only wants to make his sister feel better. Tell me why I cant go out with him, Alexandra said. Because I said so, Paulie replied, matter-of-factly. Thats not a reason, you jerk. Alexandra shot back. Alexandra was mad. She was tired of dealing with her over protective brother. After growing up with Paulie for all of her 16 years, she had learned there was no way of winning when it came to any of the fights the two of them had. He was only...

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P90SEX Allies squash tournament

“Ouch!” Allie yelped. “That really hurt." Allie began frantically rubbing her ass after receiving the full velocity of a squash ball right on her butt cheek. Dave rushed over to apologize and to assist her in any way he could. “I’m so sorry. I hope you’re OK," he said apologetically. “This is going to leave a mark on my ass for sure. I did not realize that the competition was so fierce in this squash tournament," Allie said with a smile as she continued to rub her ass to relieve the sting....

Group Sex
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Alexandra and Paulie

Alexandra was mad. She was tired of dealing with her over protective brother. After growing up with Paulie for all of her 16 years, she had learned there was no way of winning when it came to any of the fights the two of them had. He was only a year older, but he acted as if he were the wisest person on earth when it came to the welfare of his sister. Maybe that was true, though. Maybe Paulie really did know best when it came to the welfare of Alexandra. “It doesn’t matter if it‘s a...

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Nathalies Adventures 1 The Garage

This is the first story about Nathalie, a beautiful sissy who gets herself into all sorts of sc****s.Nathalie is shopping for clothes. In the changing room she tries on a very sexy mini dress and she shows off her fantastic tits as she tries it on. The tits cost a small fortune but were worth every penny. She looks at herself in the mirror. Her boyfriend will love this dress. She changed back into her skirt and blouse and took the dress to the till. "It fits perfectly" she said and the pretty...

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CarlieChapter 10

Carlie’s turn: I’m winging this, you know ... Never had The Talk, not the official one, from Grandma, nor Mom. And here I am lying in my bed on the last night that I’ll be a virgin, a single girl. I know a few things. I listen, even read a little. I know anatomy, and heaven knows, I’ve explored my own enough. The unknown is my partner’s parts. I do know something, though. Kinda pushed up the intimacy the last few days, just to get a handle (oh, is that oblique enough?) on arousal of the...

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On Being Juliette

On Being Juliette By Elaine copyright 1999. This story is the long delayed follow up to the Importance of Being Juliette. If you haven't read the first story it is recommended that you do that first. Now this story involves the feminisation of a teenage boy and if you are under age or likely to be influenced by such stories please do not go past this sentence. My email is [email protected] and any comments are welcome. This story is dedicated to Kim, a wee man with a big heart in...

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On Being Juliette Part II

On Being Juliette, Part II By Elaine copyright 2000 This second part is dedicated to many readers who emailed me to say how much they enjoyed the first 8 chapters. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I hope it was worth the wait. You will let me know if it was, wont you? Copyright 2000, by Elaine email is [email protected]. This section is dedicated to some friends. Crystal the site owner who will have exclusive rights over this story. Joan who helped encourage me with some...

5 years ago
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Bente the Collier

Lotta, the daughter of Rune the Smith, looked up from her needle work when she heard hoof beat in front of her father's smithy. She sighed and stood up. She knew her father was busy this morning, harvesting the bloom from the renn furnace, and he had told her that Bente would come to deliver more charcoal. She stepped outside and there he was, all sooty, grimy, six feet five fingers and fifteen stone of him, his healthy teeth white in his smiling, blackened face. "Hello, Maid Lotta," he...

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The Secret Life of Rosalie Wren

“What..” famed race car driver Rosalie Wren began, but whatever she was going to say was cut off by a savage mouth. Rumbles reverberating through the pits drowned her protest. Even if logic hadn’t told her who it was, that kiss would have. There was no taste to it, only wetness and strength, and a hungry, agile tongue that slid around hers like a snake. It was Juan Pablo, whom she had twice thrashed already and would defeat again today unless, of course, she allowed herself to be distracted...

4 years ago
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Charlie Goes To College Charlies Adventures 5

Introduction: This has to be my favorite chapter yet, I hope you all enjoy. Please rate and review! And most of all, I hope I make you all as horny as I was when writing this. Enjoy ,) Thats the last one, Michael says as he stretches, putting the last of my and Alis boxes in our new on-campus apartment. Ali claps happily, wrapping her arm around her dad and then me, pulling us into a group hug. My heart stammers at my closeness to Michael, my ex-lover. I dont think you can really call him my...

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"Hey, Mike! Can you come over and babysit Kaylie for a couple of hours?" My buddy Dennis had just called. He and his girlfriend Jenny had just had a baby a couple of months earlier. I easily said yes. Not only is the baby cute as a button, I could engage in one of favorite activities. You see, I'm a combination transgender adult baby. So, not only could I indulge in the simplicity of baby things, I could also rifle the drawers of the bedroom. A few hours later, I found myself back...

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CarlieChapter 4

Bob’s turn: Trophy-grade kid there up the hall. Not a lay-about. When she IS laying around, there’s usually a book, either a paperback or on her iPad, involved. She helps around the house and in the yard. She keeps bringing home papers with great grades on them, often has herself somewhere with textbooks open, working over a homework assignment. It’s been three weeks now. She’s gone out a few times, a Friday, a Saturday, once on a Wednesday. We talked about curfew, she doesn’t push...

4 years ago
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Charlies Wild Weekend

Introduction: charlie, joe and leonard decide to experiment over the weekend This is the story of Charlie (14) penis size 5 and Joe(14) penis size 6 And their gay weekend together. Charlies parents were going away for the weekend so charlie asked if his best friend and secret crush Joe colud stay round. His mum allowed it. Joe arrived at 6pm 10minutes after charlies parents left. They were in for a dirty weekend. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Charlie and Joe were playing on...

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A Perfect Game Juliette Chapter 2

Dear reader, Who doesn't love games? Of course it's different if you are the player or the played. Well anyway, the mandatory gender transformation has occurred and all is not well with our protagonist. But then if it were, we wouldn't have much of a story, would we? Juliette (used to be Jules) remains in the hospital awaiting the arrival of the government officials who oversee the destruction of sexbot technology, which, Juliette has deduced, has something to do with her...

5 years ago
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kylies journal

kylie's Journal 16 Mar 2005 Since Mistress Kyren caught me dressed in girl's clothes last Wednesday she has kept this sissy in a bra and panties at all times only letting this sissy go out dressed as a girl. Yes, Mistress Kyren let this sissy go out, mostly to go to classes. Formerly this sissy was Kyle, a 19- year-old sophomore in college. Mistress Kyren said that this sissy could leave the apartment but only to attend classes and only completely dressed as a girl. Included in...

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Willies Legacy

Chapter 1 I'd always looked up to Willie, but that was nothing unusual in itself. He was two years older than I, and he was my brother. He had just turned thirty two when he started having pains under both his arms and a tightness in his throat. Having never had a real illness before, Willie did his best to ignore things in the hope that the discomfort, whatever it was, would soon go away. Two months passed by, and still the pain under his arms remained, and the throat tightness got...

2 years ago
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CarlieChapter 5

Carlie’s turn: Kind of brave of me, I think. I’m talking about taking Bob out of the normal surroundings, his house, his comfortable relationship with neighbors, Mister Art and Mizz Bekka, Jessica’s Dad and Mom; that’s Mister Chris and Mizz Jamie. Bob’s just nice to people, even when it’s somebody he’s probably not going to have to mess with again. I find it especially telling when we go out to eat, something we do quite a bit. “I get tired of my own cooking, okay?” he told me. “Well,...

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