Willies New Bitch
- 2 years ago
- 32
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I'd always looked up to Willie, but that was nothing unusual in itself. He was two years older than I, and he was my brother.
He had just turned thirty two when he started having pains under both his arms and a tightness in his throat. Having never had a real illness before, Willie did his best to ignore things in the hope that the discomfort, whatever it was, would soon go away. Two months passed by, and still the pain under his arms remained, and the throat tightness got progressively worse, rather than better. In the end, it was Frannie, his wife, that finally convinced him to see the doctor and have it looked after.
On the small Island where we all lived, Willie was the catalyst that made everything happen. He'd gone abroad for five years, finishing a mainland education, before taking an additional year to tour the parts of the world that he'd always wondered about while growing up. It was during this year long Odyssey that he'd met and fell in love with Frannie.
Every Island woman and girl had been disappointed on the day that Willie returned with his beautiful Irish bride. It was remarked on many times that, over the next week, more Island girls lost their virginity's than in any previous year. They had pretty much all been saving themselves in the hopes that Willie would return and pick them to be his bride. It was also said that most of the boys and men, who were the recipients of these virgin gifts, had been forced to put up with torrents of tears and anguished wailing while they ravished these virgins for the very first time.
I myself, had been offered numerous opportunities to be the second choice of some of those girls, but I gently turned each offer down, not wanting to serve as a poor second choice, or a Willie substitute. I had hopes of someday finding someone who would want me as her first choice, not as some, lesser, consolation prize. Ten years later, and I was still looking.
The doctor was enough concerned about his earliest preliminary findings that he sent Willie away for further testing and consultations on the mainland. Willie spent two weeks at Johns Hopkins undergoing a full battery of diagnostic exams. In the end, all the physician's were in agreement about what Willie was afflicted with, and Willie was allowed to return to the Island to get his final affairs in order.
After my father had died, Willie had inherited the Island. He owned everything, lock, stock and barrel, fee simple, and unencumbered. My father had always told us that we, meaning our family, owned the Island and other things in an unofficial trust of sorts, a partnership that was implicit, rather than being either a legal obligation or somehow, binding on us. We were the caretaker's of the Island, and ownership was more a legal technicality, than an actual state of being.
When Willie returned to die, there were seven hundred and eleven souls living on the Island. Word quickly spread about Willie's condition, and soon the Island was in utter turmoil. Uncertainty usually produces fear, and this fear produces some high emotions and panic. When my father had died, everyone had known that Willie would be taking over, and there was only the sadness at my father's passing. With the news of Willie's rapidly approaching death, the Island residents were fearful of the change that might be coming. This was fueled by a rumor that Frannie was going to sell the Island and move back to Ireland with Seamus and Megen, Willie and Frannie's two young children.
I didn't see Willie for several days after he returned. I knew that he'd want to spend time alone with Frannie and his children. I walked the windward side of the Island, head down and chin tucked in, dealing in my own quiet way with the loss that I was already feeling. My parents had only been able to produce two children before my mother drowned in a sailing accident when I was two. My father never remarried, and we were raised by most of the Island's women. Willie and I were welcomed in every Island home and felt like we both belonged to a huge, extended, Island family. It never really occurred to me that we were the Island's Royal family until the week of my father's passing.
As I walked back and forth among the dunes and washed up flotsam, I couldn't help wondering what I'd do if Frannie did sell the place of my birth. I'd never left this Island because all I had ever wanted was right there for me already. I'd never applied myself in school because Willie was already taking care of that himself by undertaking a strict and comprehensive course of study. He was being groomed and prepared for the role he would one day have to undertake. As the younger son, I was allowed to indulge myself in whatever made me happy or caught my interest and fancy.
I was a decent sailor, able to make my way competently, in anything with sails that was under sixty feet in length. I could swim as well as anyone I knew, and I could dive beneath the waves and stay under for two minutes or more on a single breath. Climbing the palm and coconut trees was easy for me, and I had hunted the wild pigs with success from the age of nine. I knew everyone on the Island, and had never been in a fight or had to strike anyone in anger. Those were my skills and accomplishments, not much in the way of either foundation or preparation, with which to undertake a new career, in a strange place, where I'd be unknown to everyone.
I looked behind me as I walked, hearing a distant voice calling after me. It was Willie, and he strode after me with his long steps, that just seemed to glide above the sand. I never knew how he managed to do that, as I'd sink down to my ankles when I walked along the same sandy path as him. "Clark, hold up now. Don't force me to keep chasing after you." I stopped and waited for him to reach me. When he was close enough, he circled me into his arms, and the two of us shared a moment of closeness and sadness. We didn't discuss the health news, mostly because neither of us had anything to add or say about the medical reality. Willie loosened one arm from me, and with the other arm he pushed me forward in the direction I had been going before he approached me. "It's good to see you C.C., I was hoping to run into you before now. You got a new girl or something?"
"Willie, I figured I'd give you some time with Fran and the little nippers first. It's gotta be hard trying to explain things to everyone. Doc Mahler told me what the people over at Hopkins said. I don't understand why shit like this has to happen. First pop, and now you. It's like no one I give a rat's ass about ever makes it past forty five or so. How can you get cancer like that, throughout your whole system, in less than a year?"
"Well, the symptoms for a year maybe, but the cancer, who knows when it first started?" I looked at my brother then, waiting for him to tell me about how long he'd felt bad things happening inside him. I wanted to cry, and to go out and destroy something, all at the same time. It was so unfair. It wasn't just Willie and Frannie and the kids and me. It was the hopes and lifestyles of more than seven hundred people that were being affected by this cancer. It was killing Willie, but none of the rest of us were exactly going to escape untouched by it. "I've got two or three months C.C., that's what we need to worry about now. We need to make sure that everything can go on pretty much like before, after my time is done. It's going to be up to you, big guy, that's what Frannie and I decided."
I stopped and just stared at him. There was no way that he could even believe that I could fill in for him. I didn't want to, that was the first thing, but even if I did, I wasn't qualified to do it. I'd watched him preparing for years to do what he now did. I remembered the first year or two after dad died, the sixteen and eighteen hour days that Willie had to put in seven days a week. All the daily decisions that needed to be made, and how one thing always affected ten others.
Willie made mistakes too, plenty of them in the beginning, and that's where most of the time was spent, doing things to make the mistakes less costly and harmful to the Island. Our economy was a fragile thing, and not at all self sustaining. Food had to be shipped in and money that we made in mainland investments had to be used to keep everything balanced and working. I knew nothing about how things worked on the Island. I turned on the shower, but I didn't know what it took to keep all the pipes working and the water supply clean and safe. Those were Willie's responsibilities.
"Frannie needs to sell the Island then Willie. I can't do it." He just looked at me with those sad eyes that I'd seen all of my life. It always hurt me more to disappoint Willie than anyone else, even our father. He knew I wasn't trained for this. It wasn't fair for him to ask me either.
"We're not selling C.C. It isn't an option, so just forget that, okay? When I die, the Island goes to you. I don't control it, that's in the original charter. Frannie won't be leaving. Megen and Seamus, this Island is their birthright, so they aren't leaving either. You need to be the caretaker now. When Seamus gets older, if you've done a good job and gotten him trained right, maybe then you can turn it over to him and go back to sailing and fishing and hunting all day. Not before then though. Do a good enough job and you'll get to sit back when you're fifty five and start living your perfect life again."
"I can't do it. Nothing you can say is going to make me qualified to do it Willie. Maybe we can hire someone to come over and manage it for us?"
"I really feel bad for you Clark. If I could change places with you I would. I'm sure you think that my dying is a lot easier than your having to take care of things for a few years. To me though, I'd love the chance to stick around and do what I always planned on doing. You didn't ever plan for anything C.C. Don't you think it might have been a good idea to look in once in a while just to see how things ran? Didn't it ever occur to you that this day might come? You're thirty, and you've never done a day's work in your life. You need to grow up, and it better be fast, because in a month, when my strength starts to fail, and they're shooting me up with pain killers, you won't have anyone else to answer the questions that you need to be asking me now."
"You never asked me to learn anything Willie. Today's the first I've heard that I was your backup plan for the Island. Couldn't you have at least warned me, or dropped a few hints?" I was scared and, maybe, more than a little bit pissed at how he was treating me now. All of my life I checked with Willie about almost every decision I'd made. When dad died, I never did anything without Willie telling me that it was okay. He wasn't being fair now.
"I'm sorry C.C. You're right. I thought there was more time and that it wasn't necessary for you to learn. I'm sorry. I guess I just don't want everyone to suffer because I wasn't prudent enough to anticipate this possibility. I'm scared now more than I've ever been. Not just of dying, although that's no picnic either. I'm scared for Frannie and the kids, for you, and for the Island and all it's people. I've botched things up badly and I need you to step in and pull everyone out of the mess I've made. I'm a poor steward, and dad would be disappointed in how I'm leaving the responsibility he entrusted to me."
I hadn't seen Willie cry since my father's funeral, almost nine years before. Both of us were crying now. I couldn't do what he wanted me to do, but I couldn't let him die thinking that his whole life, and what he believed had been his sole purpose for existence, was ending in abject failure either.
"Willie, if you could learn it, how hard can it be? You think I can learn it all in a single day, or should I plan on it taking two or three?" He looked at me with the look I'd always wanted from him. We walked back to his office at the plantation. He started right in during the walk back, letting me know that Frannie would be a big help to me, and telling me who on the Island really understood how different things worked.
When we got to his office he started in by showing me where all the paperwork was kept, and how the various accounts were all interconnected with each other. We sold tea, tobacco leaf, sugar and fish to the mainland and bought almost everything else we needed from them. There was a complicated investment portfolio which had to generate sufficient income to pay for the difference between what we earned from sales and what we spent for supplies and for replacement parts for the worn out Island systems.
We had no phones, and our electricity came from three small diesel generators and some windmills hooked up to batteries. Our water system was a natural cistern and jerry rigged pipes that had been set up and added to in a haphazard manner over the past fifty years. It cost my family more than one hundred thousand dollars of our family's investment income every year to keep the Island economy afloat. In the eight plus years that Willie had charge of the Island, family income from Island activities had dropped to the point where we were dipping into investment principal every year for the past four years. This year, our annual shortfall was projected to be more than twenty thousand dollars.
Of the seven hundred residents on our Island, only sixty or so contributed to our economy in any direct manner. Until that day, I was one of the heavy majority that had contributed nothing.
We owned a store on the Island, but people just came by and took what they wanted or needed, and wrote down in a book the things that they'd like us to get for them. No one ever paid for anything. Willie told me that was how it had always been, and that was how our father told him to continue doing it.
I used that month he'd promised me, and a lot more besides. As Willie began taking more and more pain medicine, the time we spent together became more about two brothers saying goodbye, and less about the old guy breaking in the new guy to the workings of his job.
Willie began to slowly disconnect and drift away from all of us. Cancer can be all consuming, eating away at more than just the interior organs of it's victim. The day finally came when Frannie begged me to leave Willie alone with her and the children. She felt that seeing me made Willie feel his guilt at having somehow failed the Island more intensely. She wanted him to die surrounded by the successes of his short life, and not what he perceived as his failures.
Reluctantly, I said goodbye and told him that I loved him. As tradition demanded, the plantation bell was rung five times, telling the Island that Willie was finally at peace. I heard the bell as I walked not far from where Willie had caught me that day when he first told me that I was to be his successor. I dropped to my knees and finally let out my own anger and my own very real fear of failure.
With Willie now dead, some large part of me wanted to jump in one of the fishing boats and head off to the mainland. I knew I could easily lose myself in one of the cities on the coast and find a way to live out my life being only responsible for myself.
If I'd done what I wanted to do, this would be a far different story. It was dark out when I finally got my emotional things together and stood back up and walked home to my small shack. I got up in my hammock and rocked myself to sleep.
Life on the Island for me had always been so simple. I fished and hunted and walked all over watching to see what everyone else was doing. When I got hungry I went to someone's house and they fed me and gave me something to drink. In thirty years no one had ever turned me away. I would take my fish and bring them to houses and divide the catch up among the people who fed me. The same held true for any wild pig that I killed. I often helped people trap sea turtles and to harvest the delicious sea turtle eggs when they were laid and covered on the beach.
Coconuts, mangoes, pomegranates, bananas and other fruits could be picked from the trees while I was walking around. I knew who liked what, and would often drop things off as I walked by. Rock lobster was something I had to dive for, but I knew all the places where they could be found and was always ready to go for a quick dive.
When Willie died, my perfect Island lifestyle died with him. We buried him next to my father, and near the headstone we'd put up for my mother when she'd drowned and her body hadn't been found.
Tradition dictated that I needed to speak at every Island funeral now. Willie's funeral was my first official act as the new owner. I said some words and spoke of what Willie had meant to me, and about how he always wanted to do his best for the Island. I told the people that Willie had been the last of the traditionally trained owners, and that I would be flying without a compass or any training to speak of. I ended by telling them all that there would be big changes coming and that they better get prepared. After the funeral, I walked Frannie and the kids back to the plantation, and then I turned to head back to my shack.
"Where are you going Clark? Your place is here now. I've moved all of our things out of the big room. That's where you are to live now. I'm staying in Poppy's old room until the children and I decide what we'll be doing." After my mother had died, my father couldn't stand their huge bedroom suite anymore, and so he'd moved everything of his out to a big downstairs room on the leeward side of the great plantation house. His room had opened up to the veranda in the side yard and that was where he'd spent the remainder of his life. That room was right next to Willie's office, now mine, I had to keep reminding myself. I had planned to use Pop's old room myself on nights when the weather was bad and I didn't feel like walking back over to my shack.
When Willie and Frannie came back to the Island, my father had installed them in the main suite where he and my mother had spent their entire married life. No one had asked me or told me of their plans for me living there. I didn't think I'd be comfortable living up there in that room that was more than three times as big as my comfortable shack. I hadn't slept in a real bed for more years than I cared to remember.
I didn't think that it was a good day to upbraid Frannie for being presumptuous about dictating where I was to sleep. I knew that I could hang my hammock out on the upstairs balcony anyway. My parents had a hammock out there for many years, and my father had left it when he moved out of the room. It was gone now, but I could get another, or make a new one if I had to.
I went upstairs after telling the family good night, and found that someone had packed up most of my things in wooden boxes and carted them over from my shack. My old hammock was on top of one of the boxes and it only took me ten minutes to plait a braid that extended the hammock to fit the two large hooks that stretched across the veranda railing's six by six support beams. It was a little lower than I was used to, but it would serve unless a rain squall came in from the East. Luckily, that was very unlikely for another six months.
I slept out on the balcony, comfortable enough considering that it was the first time I'd been back sleeping in the plantation since I was twelve years old. My father hadn't believed in being too controlling of his children, especially with me. He pretty much let me make my own living and eating decisions as long as I reported in to either him or Willie at least a couple of times each week.
In the ten years before his death, I couldn't remember my father ever needing to come looking for me. I would see him almost everyday anyway, because the Island wasn't that large, and because I made it a point to see a lot of the Island every single day. I may not have done much that was productive, but I made sure that everyone knew that I was still around and willing to pitch in if needed.
I came downstairs at about seven the next morning and went into the owner's office. For the first time I sat down at Willie's desk and swiveled in his chair. I was four months from my thirty first birthday. I stood at about six one and weighed somewhere near one ninety. I could read and write and do sums to at least a tenth grade level.
There wasn't a single paper in the owner's office that I'd ever signed myself, not a contract or agreement that I'd ever approved or ratified, but by some process that I still didn't understand, and knew that I had never really agreed to, I found myself responsible for everything on the Island. My Island now, and my responsibility too.
I wasn't qualified by either skill or temperament for the job I found myself filling, but I'd do my best and hope that a combination of luck and willing knowledgeable advisers would see me through until Seamus was ready and able to take over for me. My goal was simple. I wanted to keep the Island afloat financially until then, and I'd try to see that everyone here could go about their normal lives able to live like we'd all lived for the past hundred years or so, on this beautiful serene Island of ours.
When I saw the double doors to my father's old room open sometime within that first hour that I was sitting in Willie's chair, I was caught up in the sight that Frannie gave me as she stood between me and the morning light wearing a thin white nightgown. With the strong sunlight behind her I could plainly see the outline of her body underneath her gown. She was a gorgeous woman, although caring for Willie in the last days of his illness had taken it's toll, her clear fair Irish complexion and her wonderfully muscled and toned body were on full display.
I'd always marveled at Willie for summoning the confidence to have ever approached this Irish Goddess, and never more so than when I saw her standing there in that light, posing for me, both of us knowing that this was a deliberate act on her part. It constituted an unequivocable offer, I was sure. It appeared that my beautiful sister in law had made a momentous decision about her own future, and about the futures of her children as well. I found myself wondering whether it had been her decision or something that Willie had pressed upon her.
I had never been with a woman. This was a decision that I had made on my own. Over the years I'd had many opportunities, but I'd never given in to my desires and cravings. I'd carried a vision of what I wanted in a woman. Frannie, silhouetted in that sunlight, surpassed that vision in almost every aspect.
I felt myself grow hard. At the same time, I was determined that I'd do nothing to dishonor either her memory of Willie, or the high regard I held both of them in. I stood up from my chair, knowing that my erection was plainly visible outlined against the pant leg of my thin white cotton trousers. I bowed slightly in her direction, acknowledging her even though I couldn't trust my voice to speak to her right then.
I walked outside and went looking for a morning meal. Surely Frannie knew that this was going to complicate my situation, at a time when I was already overwhelmed. I closed my eyes and traced mentally the shape that she had so casually allowed me to see. Willie had once told me that Frannie was unlike any woman he'd ever known. He hinted that he'd known his fair share, and more, while attending university. As I'd admitted to having had no experience with girls or women, Willie had not attempted to go into specifics with me. "She's the perfect balance and blend C.C., no inhibitions or hold backs. She has beauty, brains and an unlimited ability to enjoy life. I tried to get her to bring Fiona, her sister, here for you, but she absolutely refused to."
We'd never spoken of her like that again, but I remembered the look on his face as he described her. Willie had never seemed more enviable than at that moment in time.
While he lived, I'd coveted nothing of Willie's. Was I going to end up taking his place in every aspect of his life? Would I somehow lose myself, my own identity, and become Willie's surrogate, a father to his children, husband to his wife? Is that what I'd settle for? I could certainly have settled for far less.
I'd always looked up to Willie, but that was nothing unusual in itself. He was two years older than I, and he was my brother.
He had just turned thirty two when he started having pains under both his arms and a tightness in his throat. Having never had a real illness before, Willie did his best to ignore things in the hope that the discomfort, whatever it was, would soon go away. Two months passed by, and still the pain under his arms remained, and the throat tightness got progressively worse, rather than better. In the end, it was Frannie, his wife, that finally convinced him to see the doctor and have it looked after.
On the small Island where we all lived, Willie was the catalyst that made everything happen. He'd gone abroad for five years, finishing a mainland education, before taking an additional year to tour the parts of the world that he'd always wondered about while growing up. It was during this year long Odyssey that he'd met and fell in love with Frannie.
Every Island woman and girl had been disappointed on the day that Willie returned with his beautiful Irish bride. It was remarked on many times that, over the next week, more Island girls lost their virginity's than in any previous year. They had pretty much all been saving themselves in the hopes that Willie would return and pick them to be his bride. It was also said that most of the boys and men, who were the recipients of these virgin gifts, had been forced to put up with torrents of tears and anguished wailing while they ravished these virgins for the very first time.
I myself, had been offered numerous opportunities to be the second choice of some of those girls, but I gently turned each offer down, not wanting to serve as a poor second choice, or a Willie substitute. I had hopes of someday finding someone who would want me as her first choice, not as some, lesser, consolation prize. Ten years later, and I was still looking.
The doctor was enough concerned about his earliest preliminary findings that he sent Willie away for further testing and consultations on the mainland. Willie spent two weeks at Johns Hopkins undergoing a full battery of diagnostic exams. In the end, all the physician's were in agreement about what Willie was afflicted with, and Willie was allowed to return to the Island to get his final affairs in order.
After my father had died, Willie had inherited the Island. He owned everything, lock, stock and barrel, fee simple, and unencumbered. My father had always told us that we, meaning our family, owned the Island and other things in an unofficial trust of sorts, a partnership that was implicit, rather than being either a legal obligation or somehow, binding on us. We were the caretaker's of the Island, and ownership was more a legal technicality, than an actual state of being.
When Willie returned to die, there were seven hundred and eleven souls living on the Island. Word quickly spread about Willie's condition, and soon the Island was in utter turmoil. Uncertainty usually produces fear, and this fear produces some high emotions and panic. When my father had died, everyone had known that Willie would be taking over, and there was only the sadness at my father's passing. With the news of Willie's rapidly approaching death, the Island residents were fearful of the change that might be coming. This was fueled by a rumor that Frannie was going to sell the Island and move back to Ireland with Seamus and Megen, Willie and Frannie's two young children.
I didn't see Willie for several days after he returned. I knew that he'd want to spend time alone with Frannie and his children. I walked the windward side of the Island, head down and chin tucked in, dealing in my own quiet way with the loss that I was already feeling. My parents had only been able to produce two children before my mother drowned in a sailing accident when I was two. My father never remarried, and we were raised by most of the Island's women. Willie and I were welcomed in every Island home and felt like we both belonged to a huge, extended, Island family. It never really occurred to me that we were the Island's Royal family until the week of my father's passing.
As I walked back and forth among the dunes and washed up flotsam, I couldn't help wondering what I'd do if Frannie did sell the place of my birth. I'd never left this Island because all I had ever wanted was right there for me already. I'd never applied myself in school because Willie was already taking care of that himself by undertaking a strict and comprehensive course of study. He was being groomed and prepared for the role he would one day have to undertake. As the younger son, I was allowed to indulge myself in whatever made me happy or caught my interest and fancy.
I was a decent sailor, able to make my way competently, in anything with sails that was under sixty feet in length. I could swim as well as anyone I knew, and I could dive beneath the waves and stay under for two minutes or more on a single breath. Climbing the palm and coconut trees was easy for me, and I had hunted the wild pigs with success from the age of nine. I knew everyone on the Island, and had never been in a fight or had to strike anyone in anger. Those were my skills and accomplishments, not much in the way of either foundation or preparation, with which to undertake a new career, in a strange place, where I'd be unknown to everyone.
I looked behind me as I walked, hearing a distant voice calling after me. It was Willie, and he strode after me with his long steps, that just seemed to glide above the sand. I never knew how he managed to do that, as I'd sink down to my ankles when I walked along the same sandy path as him. "Clark, hold up now. Don't force me to keep chasing after you." I stopped and waited for him to reach me. When he was close enough, he circled me into his arms, and the two of us shared a moment of closeness and sadness. We didn't discuss the health news, mostly because neither of us had anything to add or say about the medical reality. Willie loosened one arm from me, and with the other arm he pushed me forward in the direction I had been going before he approached me. "It's good to see you C.C., I was hoping to run into you before now. You got a new girl or something?"
"Willie, I figured I'd give you some time with Fran and the little nippers first. It's gotta be hard trying to explain things to everyone. Doc Mahler told me what the people over at Hopkins said. I don't understand why shit like this has to happen. First pop, and now you. It's like no one I give a rat's ass about ever makes it past forty five or so. How can you get cancer like that, throughout your whole system, in less than a year?"
"Well, the symptoms for a year maybe, but the cancer, who knows when it first started?" I looked at my brother then, waiting for him to tell me about how long he'd felt bad things happening inside him. I wanted to cry, and to go out and destroy something, all at the same time. It was so unfair. It wasn't just Willie and Frannie and the kids and me. It was the hopes and lifestyles of more than seven hundred people that were being affected by this cancer. It was killing Willie, but none of the rest of us were exactly going to escape untouched by it. "I've got two or three months C.C., that's what we need to worry about now. We need to make sure that everything can go on pretty much like before, after my time is done. It's going to be up to you, big guy, that's what Frannie and I decided."
I stopped and just stared at him. There was no way that he could even believe that I could fill in for him. I didn't want to, that was the first thing, but even if I did, I wasn't qualified to do it. I'd watched him preparing for years to do what he now did. I remembered the first year or two after dad died, the sixteen and eighteen hour days that Willie had to put in seven days a week. All the daily decisions that needed to be made, and how one thing always affected ten others.
Willie made mistakes too, plenty of them in the beginning, and that's where most of the time was spent, doing things to make the mistakes less costly and harmful to the Island. Our economy was a fragile thing, and not at all self sustaining. Food had to be shipped in and money that we made in mainland investments had to be used to keep everything balanced and working. I knew nothing about how things worked on the Island. I turned on the shower, but I didn't know what it took to keep all the pipes working and the water supply clean and safe. Those were Willie's responsibilities.
"Frannie needs to sell the Island then Willie. I can't do it." He just looked at me with those sad eyes that I'd seen all of my life. It always hurt me more to disappoint Willie than anyone else, even our father. He knew I wasn't trained for this. It wasn't fair for him to ask me either.
"We're not selling C.C. It isn't an option, so just forget that, okay? When I die, the Island goes to you. I don't control it, that's in the original charter. Frannie won't be leaving. Megen and Seamus, this Island is their birthright, so they aren't leaving either. You need to be the caretaker now. When Seamus gets older, if you've done a good job and gotten him trained right, maybe then you can turn it over to him and go back to sailing and fishing and hunting all day. Not before then though. Do a good enough job and you'll get to sit back when you're fifty five and start living your perfect life again."
"I can't do it. Nothing you can say is going to make me qualified to do it Willie. Maybe we can hire someone to come over and manage it for us?"
"I really feel bad for you Clark. If I could change places with you I would. I'm sure you think that my dying is a lot easier than your having to take care of things for a few years. To me though, I'd love the chance to stick around and do what I always planned on doing. You didn't ever plan for anything C.C. Don't you think it might have been a good idea to look in once in a while just to see how things ran? Didn't it ever occur to you that this day might come? You're thirty, and you've never done a day's work in your life. You need to grow up, and it better be fast, because in a month, when my strength starts to fail, and they're shooting me up with pain killers, you won't have anyone else to answer the questions that you need to be asking me now."
"You never asked me to learn anything Willie. Today's the first I've heard that I was your backup plan for the Island. Couldn't you have at least warned me, or dropped a few hints?" I was scared and, maybe, more than a little bit pissed at how he was treating me now. All of my life I checked with Willie about almost every decision I'd made. When dad died, I never did anything without Willie telling me that it was okay. He wasn't being fair now.
"I'm sorry C.C. You're right. I thought there was more time and that it wasn't necessary for you to learn. I'm sorry. I guess I just don't want everyone to suffer because I wasn't prudent enough to anticipate this possibility. I'm scared now more than I've ever been. Not just of dying, although that's no picnic either. I'm scared for Frannie and the kids, for you, and for the Island and all it's people. I've botched things up badly and I need you to step in and pull everyone out of the mess I've made. I'm a poor steward, and dad would be disappointed in how I'm leaving the responsibility he entrusted to me."
I hadn't seen Willie cry since my father's funeral, almost nine years before. Both of us were crying now. I couldn't do what he wanted me to do, but I couldn't let him die thinking that his whole life, and what he believed had been his sole purpose for existence, was ending in abject failure either.
"Willie, if you could learn it, how hard can it be? You think I can learn it all in a single day, or should I plan on it taking two or three?" He looked at me with the look I'd always wanted from him. We walked back to his office at the plantation. He started right in during the walk back, letting me know that Frannie would be a big help to me, and telling me who on the Island really understood how different things worked.
When we got to his office he started in by showing me where all the paperwork was kept, and how the various accounts were all interconnected with each other. We sold tea, tobacco leaf, sugar and fish to the mainland and bought almost everything else we needed from them. There was a complicated investment portfolio which had to generate sufficient income to pay for the difference between what we earned from sales and what we spent for supplies and for replacement parts for the worn out Island systems.
We had no phones, and our electricity came from three small diesel generators and some windmills hooked up to batteries. Our water system was a natural cistern and jerry rigged pipes that had been set up and added to in a haphazard manner over the past fifty years. It cost my family more than one hundred thousand dollars of our family's investment income every year to keep the Island economy afloat. In the eight plus years that Willie had charge of the Island, family income from Island activities had dropped to the point where we were dipping into investment principal every year for the past four years. This year, our annual shortfall was projected to be more than twenty thousand dollars.
Of the seven hundred residents on our Island, only sixty or so contributed to our economy in any direct manner. Until that day, I was one of the heavy majority that had contributed nothing.
We owned a store on the Island, but people just came by and took what they wanted or needed, and wrote down in a book the things that they'd like us to get for them. No one ever paid for anything. Willie told me that was how it had always been, and that was how our father told him to continue doing it.
I used that month he'd promised me, and a lot more besides. As Willie began taking more and more pain medicine, the time we spent together became more about two brothers saying goodbye, and less about the old guy breaking in the new guy to the workings of his job.
Willie began to slowly disconnect and drift away from all of us. Cancer can be all consuming, eating away at more than just the interior organs of it's victim. The day finally came when Frannie begged me to leave Willie alone with her and the children. She felt that seeing me made Willie feel his guilt at having somehow failed the Island more intensely. She wanted him to die surrounded by the successes of his short life, and not what he perceived as his failures.
Reluctantly, I said goodbye and told him that I loved him. As tradition demanded, the plantation bell was rung five times, telling the Island that Willie was finally at peace. I heard the bell as I walked not far from where Willie had caught me that day when he first told me that I was to be his successor. I dropped to my knees and finally let out my own anger and my own very real fear of failure.
With Willie now dead, some large part of me wanted to jump in one of the fishing boats and head off to the mainland. I knew I could easily lose myself in one of the cities on the coast and find a way to live out my life being only responsible for myself.
If I'd done what I wanted to do, this would be a far different story. It was dark out when I finally got my emotional things together and stood back up and walked home to my small shack. I got up in my hammock and rocked myself to sleep.
Life on the Island for me had always been so simple. I fished and hunted and walked all over watching to see what everyone else was doing. When I got hungry I went to someone's house and they fed me and gave me something to drink. In thirty years no one had ever turned me away. I would take my fish and bring them to houses and divide the catch up among the people who fed me. The same held true for any wild pig that I killed. I often helped people trap sea turtles and to harvest the delicious sea turtle eggs when they were laid and covered on the beach.
Coconuts, mangoes, pomegranates, bananas and other fruits could be picked from the trees while I was walking around. I knew who liked what, and would often drop things off as I walked by. Rock lobster was something I had to dive for, but I knew all the places where they could be found and was always ready to go for a quick dive.
When Willie died, my perfect Island lifestyle died with him. We buried him next to my father, and near the headstone we'd put up for my mother when she'd drowned and her body hadn't been found.
Tradition dictated that I needed to speak at every Island funeral now. Willie's funeral was my first official act as the new owner. I said some words and spoke of what Willie had meant to me, and about how he always wanted to do his best for the Island. I told the people that Willie had been the last of the traditionally trained owners, and that I would be flying without a compass or any training to speak of. I ended by telling them all that there would be big changes coming and that they better get prepared. After the funeral, I walked Frannie and the kids back to the plantation, and then I turned to head back to my shack.
"Where are you going Clark? Your place is here now. I've moved all of our things out of the big room. That's where you are to live now. I'm staying in Poppy's old room until the children and I decide what we'll be doing." After my mother had died, my father couldn't stand their huge bedroom suite anymore, and so he'd moved everything of his out to a big downstairs room on the leeward side of the great plantation house. His room had opened up to the veranda in the side yard and that was where he'd spent the remainder of his life. That room was right next to Willie's office, now mine, I had to keep reminding myself. I had planned to use Pop's old room myself on nights when the weather was bad and I didn't feel like walking back over to my shack.
When Willie and Frannie came back to the Island, my father had installed them in the main suite where he and my mother had spent their entire married life. No one had asked me or told me of their plans for me living there. I didn't think I'd be comfortable living up there in that room that was more than three times as big as my comfortable shack. I hadn't slept in a real bed for more years than I cared to remember.
I didn't think that it was a good day to upbraid Frannie for being presumptuous about dictating where I was to sleep. I knew that I could hang my hammock out on the upstairs balcony anyway. My parents had a hammock out there for many years, and my father had left it when he moved out of the room. It was gone now, but I could get another, or make a new one if I had to.
I went upstairs after telling the family good night, and found that someone had packed up most of my things in wooden boxes and carted them over from my shack. My old hammock was on top of one of the boxes and it only took me ten minutes to plait a braid that extended the hammock to fit the two large hooks that stretched across the veranda railing's six by six support beams. It was a little lower than I was used to, but it would serve unless a rain squall came in from the East. Luckily, that was very unlikely for another six months.
I slept out on the balcony, comfortable enough considering that it was the first time I'd been back sleeping in the plantation since I was twelve years old. My father hadn't believed in being too controlling of his children, especially with me. He pretty much let me make my own living and eating decisions as long as I reported in to either him or Willie at least a couple of times each week.
In the ten years before his death, I couldn't remember my father ever needing to come looking for me. I would see him almost everyday anyway, because the Island wasn't that large, and because I made it a point to see a lot of the Island every single day. I may not have done much that was productive, but I made sure that everyone knew that I was still around and willing to pitch in if needed.
I came downstairs at about seven the next morning and went into the owner's office. For the first time I sat down at Willie's desk and swiveled in his chair. I was four months from my thirty first birthday. I stood at about six one and weighed somewhere near one ninety. I could read and write and do sums to at least a tenth grade level.
There wasn't a single paper in the owner's office that I'd ever signed myself, not a contract or agreement that I'd ever approved or ratified, but by some process that I still didn't understand, and knew that I had never really agreed to, I found myself responsible for everything on the Island. My Island now, and my responsibility too.
I wasn't qualified by either skill or temperament for the job I found myself filling, but I'd do my best and hope that a combination of luck and willing knowledgeable advisers would see me through until Seamus was ready and able to take over for me. My goal was simple. I wanted to keep the Island afloat financially until then, and I'd try to see that everyone here could go about their normal lives able to live like we'd all lived for the past hundred years or so, on this beautiful serene Island of ours.
When I saw the double doors to my father's old room open sometime within that first hour that I was sitting in Willie's chair, I was caught up in the sight that Frannie gave me as she stood between me and the morning light wearing a thin white nightgown. With the strong sunlight behind her I could plainly see the outline of her body underneath her gown. She was a gorgeous woman, although caring for Willie in the last days of his illness had taken it's toll, her clear fair Irish complexion and her wonderfully muscled and toned body were on full display.
I'd always marveled at Willie for summoning the confidence to have ever approached this Irish Goddess, and never more so than when I saw her standing there in that light, posing for me, both of us knowing that this was a deliberate act on her part. It constituted an unequivocable offer, I was sure. It appeared that my beautiful sister in law had made a momentous decision about her own future, and about the futures of her children as well. I found myself wondering whether it had been her decision or something that Willie had pressed upon her.
I had never been with a woman. This was a decision that I had made on my own. Over the years I'd had many opportunities, but I'd never given in to my desires and cravings. I'd carried a vision of what I wanted in a woman. Frannie, silhouetted in that sunlight, surpassed that vision in almost every aspect.
I felt myself grow hard. At the same time, I was determined that I'd do nothing to dishonor either her memory of Willie, or the high regard I held both of them in. I stood up from my chair, knowing that my erection was plainly visible outlined against the pant leg of my thin white cotton trousers. I bowed slightly in her direction, acknowledging her even though I couldn't trust my voice to speak to her right then.
I walked outside and went looking for a morning meal. Surely Frannie knew that this was going to complicate my situation, at a time when I was already overwhelmed. I closed my eyes and traced mentally the shape that she had so casually allowed me to see. Willie had once told me that Frannie was unlike any woman he'd ever known. He hinted that he'd known his fair share, and more, while attending university. As I'd admitted to having had no experience with girls or women, Willie had not attempted to go into specifics with me. "She's the perfect balance and blend C.C., no inhibitions or hold backs. She has beauty, brains and an unlimited ability to enjoy life. I tried to get her to bring Fiona, her sister, here for you, but she absolutely refused to."
We'd never spoken of her like that again, but I remembered the look on his face as he described her. Willie had never seemed more enviable than at that moment in time.
While he lived, I'd coveted nothing of Willie's. Was I going to end up taking his place in every aspect of his life? Would I somehow lose myself, my own identity, and become Willie's surrogate, a father to his children, husband to his wife? Is that what I'd settle for? I could certainly have settled for far less.
-->Author Note: On June 21st I lost a close friend. She was a pre-op transsexual working through several tough personal issues. One of these involved a desire to be dominated by a stern mistress. I originally wrote Jamie?s Mistress as a comment on what I thought was a certain pattern of self-destructive behavior involving this fantasy mistress. When I learned of her death, my first feeling was one of guilt because I thought I should have done more. I had the task of going through her...
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2002 "It was 1960, but I can remember as if it were yesterday." Phillimore puffed at his pipe, but it had gone out. Another match flared and he held it to the bowl, sucking and gurgling interminably until a satisfying billow of smoke finally rose fragrantly past the rows of rusty leather books to the yellowed ceiling. "1960. Arthur Saxby sent for me in his office. I was a junior in the Company then, and of course, all I could think was 'what have I done wrong this time?' But it seemed I...
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I'd always been called Kendall. My mother had caught some sort of vicious infection before I was born. It marked and twisted me horribly. What marked me killed her. I was born on Aldrys 3, a farming planet. They couldn't cope with my deformities. I was sent off to one of the core worlds for genetic therapy but the ship I was on somehow was re-routed to Cottman 4, an old, cold planet under a dark red star. There I became a ward of the star base. I didn't speak much. At first I couldn't...
It seemed to me like I'd known Joe all my life. His family lived next door but one to mine; looking back I'd say Joe and I spent all our spare time together as kids. We didn't actually go to school together because Joe was American and he was sent to the nearest American school, somewhere in town. Maybe that's why he never did lose his Yank accent although he spent nearly all his spare time with us Limeys, as he insisted on calling most of us, in jest of course. You know the sort of thing....
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“Chrissy, are you disappointed?” the interviewer asked. “Disappointed? At what? I’ll be in the first dozen people to set foot on Mars and my team will be the one to establish a permanent base on the Martian surface. Why should I be disappointed? It makes perfect sense from a mission perspective to have the first team conduct surface surveys while we remain in orbit performing analysis of the possible locations. Once we select a suitable site, we’ll land and start the construction phase.” I...
Tashana bounced up and down, her eyes alight with excitement. “Valada must have built a secret bunker under the palace!” “It certainly looks like it,” John agreed, squinting in the direction of the study. “The lift shaft starts from a room concealed within the wall cavity.” “Let’s go!” the Maliri archaeologist exclaimed, turning on her heel to rush to the study. John caught her hand and pulled her back. “Hold on a second. I know you’re excited but we need to be careful; Valada might have...
There were a lot of international students at Willy’s school from lots of different cultures. Girls had heard Dixie’s story and wanted some instruction of their own. “Some of them have never seen a guy’s thing, a lot of them are virgins and they want somebody safe to show them. Dixie has convinced them that you’re the guy. I’m thinking we can make some good money off this situation,” Willy said in my room a few weeks after Christmas. “What do you mean, make money?” I asked. “Look, Tim,...
If you like any of my stories you can get my full length novels at http://www.bondagebookshelf.com Enjoy! If you aren’t into early teen frolics, please check out other stories. Willy Mo was a street kid and he was as black as the ace of spades. He was from the wrong side of the tracks, didn’t know who his father was and was well entrenched at the poverty line, being a third generation welfare client. He’d only occasionally attended high school classes and his grades, for the...
If you like any of my stories you can get my full length novels Enjoy! If you aren’t into early teen frolics, please check out other stories. Willy Mo was a street kid and he was as black as the ace of spades. He was from the wrong side of the tracks, didn’t know who his father was and was well entrenched at the poverty line, being a third generation welfare client. He’d only occasionally attended high school classes and his grades, for the most part were piss poor. ...
Willie and the Brain By Rumple Foreskin Many hours later, as she faced questions from her sorority sisters, Tanya the Tri-Delt Tramp would remember, Willie, the frat boy she’d been screwing cowboy style that morning and his awesome orgasm that blew her off both his spurting cock and the bed. What she couldn’t understand and mentioned to no one was how, during lift off, she heard him scream, “Mid-terms!” ### "If only the good die young, those guys will live to a hundred.” This unflattering...
College Sexby Scarlett O'MaraAfter a ten-year friendship, and with intense interest in boys, Karen and Willie, two 18-year old high school girlfriends, surprisingly, drift into a torrid love affair, exploring and enjoying all the possibilities of fem love. Meanwhile, their interest in boys only intensifies, culminating in frequent foursomes with Tommy and Frankie, their occasional boyfriends. Readers will enjoy the author’s use of graphic images and the stimulating detail in which the story is told. The...
Willie and Jake are two guys that I knew from the hood, we often would play tag football or dodge ball together and sometimes a short game of basketball. Willie and Jake would often laugh at me cause I knew nothing about basketball. One spring evening Willie and Jake and I was hanging out at the bleachers, not the ones at the high school, but the ones at the stadium. Willie was jawing at me for not knowing any basketball players on major teams. Jake came to my defense saying '...leave David...
[ For Megan (and her mom)! ]As Willis showered he kept thinking about all the incredible sex he'd had with Megan, the young white female who was staying with her grandmother and who lived in the house next door to him. It had been, at first, like a dream come true. After all, Willis had never had sex with any white female (though he'd naturally, as a man with a healthy sex drive, had often wished he could); and Megan? Megan really was like some dream-image come to life! For Willis (and for many...
(This is my story I posted some years ago on another site. I thought Hamster readers might like it.) I cannot describe the sensation of having my cock pumped and my balls licked by my wife while watching another man’s arse pulsing up and down between her wide-spread legs, steadily fucking her eager cunt. But let me start at the beginning. We were still 200 kms from home, it was already late afternoon and likely to be dark by the time we arrived. As we drove on through another small town,...
(This is my story I posted some years ago on another site. I thought Hamster readers might like it.)I cannot describe the sensation of having my cock pumped and my balls licked by my wife while watching another man’s arse pulsing up and down between her wide-spread legs, steadily fucking her eager cunt.But let me start at the beginning.We were still 200 kms from home; it was already late afternoon and likely to be dark by the time we arrived.As we drove on through another small town, there was...
Willy stared at his nude mother who was still tied spread eagle on the bed. She had red welts from the tawse his grandfather had left him as a gift. She had stripes left by the split leather across the front of her thighs and more on her full breasts. There were several globs of Willy's cum cooling on his mother's stomach and breasts. He had shot an intense load of cream without ever having touched his cock. His cock now hung limp from his groin but it was beginning to rise again while he...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Oh, what a naughty thought! The final day at school, last day of A-levels, and the end of a crappy two hour exam of Religious Studies. What better way to go out than by masturbating on the desk of Mr. Williams, the R.E. teacher?Forced to take Religious Studies by her strict parents, as well as Maths, History and Geography (these subjects would apparently make her a better overseas missionary to...
MasturbationOne afternoon in late summer, a really scorching Thursday, I had showered and was laying on my bed in nothing but a towel. There was a little tap at my door and my sister Willy came in. Her real name is Wilhelmina after a grandfather, but she is only known as Willy. She’s a couple years younger than me, a sophomore, real smart and real pretty. She’s about five three, almost all legs and a hundred twenty, much of which is boobs and butt cheeks. We get along very well and have always looked out...
I heard some commotion down by the corner, so I thought I’d go check it out. I’m really glad I did. There was this girl. “Good evening, ma’am. Are you new around here?” “Kind of. First time at this dump, anyway.” “You have a name?” “Of course I do. We all do. My friends call me Willie. Wilhelmina Aurora Jackson.” “Well, Willie Jackson, what brings you out on a nice evening like this?” “Target practice.” She pulled her gun, aimed quickly and immediately fired twice. I watched two rats...
Most folks call me Willy but my real name is William Beaufort Lee after some Colonel that died in the great war. Don't worry about such things though as I live in a big old house off 40th and Pine that I used to share with my Ma 'till she up and died last year. Never knew my Pa; Ma just called him a Rollin' Stone, and my Brother LeRoy told me that he never did nothing good. LeRoy is in some hospital up north where they put him 'cause he got shot in the head and don't remember nothing no...
Willie and the Brain By Rumple Foreskin Many hours later, as she faced questions from her sorority sisters, Tanya the Tri-Delt Tramp would remember, Willie, the frat boy she’d been screwing cowboy style that morning and his awesome orgasm that blew her off both his spurting cock and the bed. What she couldn’t understand and mentioned to no one was how, during lift off, she heard him scream, “Mid-terms!” ### ‘If only the good die young, those guys will live to a hundred.” This unflattering...
I love my job, don't get me wrong. But I have had a hard life, I mean, my hair is a mess, my family are nuts, my neighbour is an asshole, and my master beats me. However, there is one good thing that has made my life complete is my best friend Patricia Pussy.I wouldn't have a bad word said about Patricia Pussy. She is sweet and enjoys making me cum. She is also very funny. Like one time her owner took her to a bridge, and threatened to piss off the bridge like men do.So the owner goes to...
Sometimes life hands you a kick in the ass and at other times it hands you a rose. I got my kick in the ass one Saturday morning at breakfast. Mavis sat across from me fiddling with her cup of coffee. "Wilbur, I want to tell you something." I looked up from my paper. I could see that my wife was serious, so I folded it and laid it beside my plate, giving her my full attention. She continued. "You know we have been married for twenty years next month. Mindy is almost nineteen and will be off...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. Oh, what a naughty thought! The final day at school, last day of A-levels, and the end of a crappy two hour exam of Religious Studies. What better way to go out than by masturbating on the desk of Mr. Williams, the R.E. teacher? Forced to take Religious Studies by her strict parents, as well as Maths, History and Geography (these subjects would apparently make her a better overseas missionary to...
Willy gets LaidTalk about the right place and the right time! I had waited so long to lose my virginity I had almost given up hope. I joined a dating site and went on a few dates but at 33 I guess my insecurity told and the dates went no further. I had always been so shy, too afraid to really talk to women or if I did I immediately adopted the ‘friend’ position. As such I have long been a shoulder to cry on and nothing more.I had met a woman online, she seemed really lovely and we had gone out...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. Thrashing against herself, her ass bobbed up and down in desperate need of relief, and suddenly, from the doorway, a voice boomed out against the wall of her near-orgasm. ‘Miss Rogers, you filthy little girl!’ Frozen in horror and on the brink of massive climax, ass high and breasts pressed against the slippery wooden desk, she peered round and stared into the face of Mr. Williams! He regarded her...
I Gained a Wife and Sextoy(Daughter)Part One"MOM, we got another bedroom.............SHIT""Oh god!" I knew what had happened, I was just in shock. I mean, it's not everyday you see something like this. Young, small, blond and completly nude, standing inside my room by the connecting door."Honey, that's not our room..........DAMN"I was just like that man on the news watching the plane slamming into the Trade Towers, so stunned he couldn't move. Now there were two naked females in my room.... and...
(You'll need to read "Part 1 - Jane's testimony", first. Honest!)2. Anna's TestimonyI'm so glad you were able to talk about this Jane, as I have a similar story to tell. I, too am ashamed but feel a kind of addiction to what I have done. Like you, I am a single mother, my husband died a couple of years ago. We had had a good sex life, quite adventurous and fun, he liked me to dress up in nice lingerie and so on. He had bought a number of sex encyclopedias and some pornographic stuff from shops...
Hours later, Sara sat in her father’s darkened office, nursing a cold cup of coffee. It was well past midnight but her father had insisted that she stay up while he “made preparations.” He had been on the phone for over an hour making dozens of calls -- about what, she couldn’t be quite sure. She had only been in the room for a few minutes and he was just wrapping up a call. After the ruckus at the restaurant, emergency vehicles of all types had swarmed the premises. Based on Sara and Chiu’s...
A Very Special Friend by SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!) Chapter 1 - Plans At last 5.00 arrived and I was able to shut down my computer and head for home for the weekend. My name is Jeff Wright, I am single and live alone in a top floor apartment in a small block of flats. On my floor there is only one other apartment and that is owned by Sue, a single girl about a few years younger than me. We have chatted many times if we meet on the...
My name's Chris and I'm 18 years old, I am a skinny guy, 6' tall, 135lbs. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I've had my share of girls tell me my cock was pretty big, 7.5 inches and pretty thick. Now, I love pussy and try to get it as much as possible but there's just something about a big cock that makes my mouth water. I've sucked a few and got fucked by just as many. I believe that this craving for a very, very well hung man, was due to the...
First off, I'm not a hairy person to begin with since I'm part American Indian. I've been shaving for years due to a girlfriends insistence, then my preference after realizing the joys. So I decided to go try Waxing and let my hair grow to about 1/2". We have a new Spa in town that advertised full body treatments, Japanese baths, nails, waxing and a few things like hot stones and facials, all quite upscale. I called and made an appointment for Wednesday. They had a time slot open at 7pm (they...
"Stop!" Kyle commanded and Melissa froze. "Come on in, Melissa! Close the door behind you." Horrified, the valedictorian did just that. She stood with her back to the door trying not to look at what Kyle's class was doing. Hillary, not knowing what to do, tried to bob her head along Kyle's shaft, though she had a hard time finding a rhythm. "W ... where is Ms. Moran?" Melissa asked. "Oh, I'm sure she's around here somewhere," Kyle said, stroking Hillary's hair. "Did you need...