Nocturnal Legacy free porn video

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“Sorry, Ma'am.” I replied, putting another slice on the scale, my mind wandering again.

Handing the woman her package, I glanced back over at the bakery counter.

“He's looking at me again!” I squealed.

“Just go talk to him!” Judy urged in her graveled, low-pitched voice, “Life's too short to mess around.”

“I can't just go up and start talking to him!” I argued.

“Suit yourself... smoke break.” Judy announce, removing her apron and leaving the deli counter.

We exchanged glances several times over the next few minutes as I wiped counters, trying to work up the courage to talk to him.

“You two! Go talk to him already!” Judy urged.

“You really think I should?”

“Go!” she snapped.

I washed my hands and casually walked toward the bakery, pretending to look at the various breads and rolls on the shelves.

“Hi.” I greeted, finally braving a direct approach to the counter.

“Uh... hi.” he replied.

“I... I'm Emily.”

“I'm... uh, Jacob.”

“Hi, Jacob... did you just start here?” I asked, twisting my long auburn hair with my finger.

“Yeah, yesterday.”

“I didn't think I'd seen you before.”

“My uh... my uncle works at the store over on Palmer St. He got me on here as soon as I turned 18.” he said.

“Really? That's cool. I just turned 19.”

“I know, uh... Judy told me.”

I looked over and gave the smiling Judy a menacing glare.

We talked for as long as we could get away with, our conversation cut short by the supervisor taking one of his rare breaks from playing solitaire on his computer.

“Are we paying you to chit-chat?” he asked.

“Sorry, Mark.” I apologized, wondering if they paid him to play games.

Over the next few minutes, he gave me his cell number using hand signals. The rest of my shift was spent texting him in-between pesky customers.

We texted well in to the night, even after I went to bed in my one bedroom studio apartment. I eventually fell asleep while waiting for a reply from him. He had apparently fallen asleep as well.


Arriving nine minutes late, I punched the clock and headed to the deli counter. I looked for Jacob but didn't see him. He probably overslept also.

Several hours passed and he never showed up. Around noon, my supervisor called me in to his office.

“Emily, these men are detectives. They want to talk to you.” Mark said, making a motion with his hand toward two men in suits.

“Wha... what's going on?”

“Please have a seat, Ma'am.”

“I'm Detective Harrison, and this is Detective Paulson.” the taller one said, “We need to ask you a few questions about a 'Jacob Anderson'”.

“Jacob? What's... is... is something wrong?” I stammered.

“Ma'am, I'm sorry... Jacob is dead.” Detective Harrison informed me, without emotion.

“He's... no, there must be a mistake. I just texted him last night.”

“His parents found him this morning. He was apparently killed late last night.”

“It can't be him... we just... What happened?”

“It would better if you didn't know the details, Ma'am.” Detective Harrison replied, “But we need to ask you a few questions.”

“Not again...” I whispered, my hand to my mouth.

“'Again' Ma'am?” Detective Harrison asked.

Tears trailed down my cheek as I sat in stunned silence.

“Ma'am?” he repeated.

“Huh? I'm sorry...” I replied, snapping out of my trance.

“You said 'Not again'.”

“I... my... my mother. Right after I was born.”

“What happened to her, Ma'am?”

“They never figured it out. They found her... in... in the woods. She was... I can't! I can't do this right now!”

“Take your time, Ma'am.” Detective Paulson said.

I took several deep breaths and tried to pull myself together.

“They found my mother in the woods. She had just given birth to me. Her body... was... was... they said it might have been a bear.”

“I'm sorry, Ma'am.” Detective Harrison said.

“My aunt raised me.” I added.

The detectives remained silent.

“And... a... a boy I liked when I was sixteen.”

“What about him, Ma'am?”

“They found him... in his bed. he was... just like my mother.”

“Mutilated?” Detective Paulson asked.

“Yes!” I cried, putting my head in my hands.

“Ma'am, I need you to come down to the station with us.” Detective Harrison said, standing up and adjusting his suit.

“Are you... am I under arrest?”

“No, Ma'am.” he assured me, “We just need to take a statement from you. Please get your things. It should only take an hour or so.”

I walked back to the break room to get my purse and winter coat out my locker. Some of the girls were sitting around the table eating lunch.

“... said it was like a wild animal had... Emily! Are you...?”

“I'm OK, Diane.” I answered, “The detectives want me to give them a statement.”

The girls stared at me as I gathered my things.

“What happened?” Diane asked.

“I don't know.” I replied, “I... I gotta go.”

The detectives asked me a lot of questions and had me sign a form. They told me not to leave town without talking to them first. I couldn't help but feel as if I were under suspicion, but maybe it was just because I was nervous and had never been in a police station before.

The chill wind stung my face as I watched the bus make its way to me, stopping several times before finally pulling up. I found a seat near the back, away from other people, leaned my head against the window and watched the road scroll by as I held back the tears.


I had a strange dream last night. I felt as though I couldn't move; as if my blanket were being pulled tightly over me, toward the floor at all four corners. A small impish creature was sitting on my chest, his feet on either side of my head. He was a dirty yellow color, almost light brown. He looked to be about two feet tall, was hairless and had long, slightly pointed ears.

His arms and legs where thin, but the muscles were well-defined and it appeared that he could be quite powerful for his size. At the end of each finger was a sharp claw, maybe one inch long.

Because he was naked, I couldn't help but notice his erect penis only inches from my chin. It was large for his body; about the size of a frankfurter.

He looked down at me, slightly pointed teeth showing though a mischievous grin. He put his taloned index finger on my lips as if to shush me. I thought it odd that I was not frightened, but I somehow knew it was only a dream.

“Belong to us! No one else!” he whispered.

I tried to speak, but he pressed his finger harder against my lips.

“Soon!” he exclaimed, then stood up, slightly hunched over and still straddling me. The small creature seemed to tower over me, his stiff penis hovering above my face as my mind faded back to the dark oblivion of sleep.


I took a couple of days off work as Mark suggested, but was going crazy sitting around the house. It was too cold to go anywhere without a car so I decided to go back to work a day early.

I talked to Judy throughout the day, telling her about my mother and my first boyfriend. We discussed the similarities between them and what happened to Jacob. It seemed an implausible coincidence that four people in my life had been murdered and mutilated.

Judy suggested I might be cursed. She told me of other people she had heard about that were cursed. They were scary stories, but I took them as just that: stories.

She suggested I go see Ritha, her Haitian fortune teller friend and even offered to drive me there and pay for it. After initially laughing it off, I decided it couldn't hurt anything and agreed to go.

The bell over the door clanged as we walked in to Ritha's small shop in a seedy area of downtown. It was right out of a movie. Fake shrunken heads and voodoo dolls hung from strings along the counter. There were many shelves lined with dusty, old books, and a large snake slithered around in an aquarium behind the counter.

Ritha came out of the back room, the beads that served as the door rattled as her large frame pushed through them. Her garish clothing and huge earrings were exactly as I expected.

“Judy!” she greeted, in a heavy accent, “So nice to see ya! And who's your friend?”

“This is Emily.” Judy answered, “We think she might be cursed.”

“Ah!” Ritha exclaimed, “I be the judge o' that! Follow me!”

We followed her to another movie set room, complete with round table, a crystal ball covered with a colorful scarf, and several lit candles around the room.

“Judy, I think maybe...” I began, only to be interrupted buy Ritha.

“Shoosh, Girl, give me your hand!”

“That'll be $25, Judy.” Ritha said, as she took my hand.

Of course it was $25. I was feeling very silly for coming here. Judy dug through her purse, pulled out the money and handed it to Ritha.

Ritha studied my palm, and seemed to get more and more agitated.

“This cannot be!” she said, grabbing an old book off the shelf behind her.

After flipping through the pages, apparently finding what she was looking for and slamming the book shut, she put the $25 back on the table.

“I cannot help you!” she exclaimed excitedly.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Please just go!” she snapped, “You have been bargained! I cannot help you!”

“Bargained? What does that mean?”

“Take your money and GO!” she yelled, shooing us out of the back room.

“Please tell me what you mean!” I pleaded.

Ritha grabbed my arm, looked around as if to see if anyone was listening and lowered her voice to a whisper.

“You have been bargained! Do not resist!” she said, pushing us out the door.

“I... I don't understand!” I stammered, as the door slammed in our faces.

“Your 'friend' is a KOOK!” I growled.

“I... I've never seen her like that!” Judy replied, “She gave the money back... she was terrified!”

“She's a kook, Judy. Please take me home.”


The bare trees projected eerie shadows across my bedroom wall as the cold wind battered them about. The occasional slapping of the branches against the window prevented sleep from fully overtaking me.

Drifting through the realm that lies between dreams and consciousness, my mind conjures images, sounds and scents from my past, and from the deep, dark well of my imagination.

To the left stood my mother, her body stiff and unmoving, smiling as if posing for a photograph.

Between my legs sat an imp, his hands on my thighs, pushing them apart. He is bent over and deeply sniffing my vagina, eyes closed, a look of euphoria on his wrinkled face.

Another, smaller imp, sits at the foot of the bed picking his nose.

My mother looks at me, the joy on her face morphing into profound sadness.

“I'm sorry, Emily, I didn't know.” she whispers, a single tear trailing down her cheek.

I smell the Fourth of July.


I force myself out of bed with the morning light, feeling worse than if I had not tried to sleep. My naked body is sore, every muscle tender and weak. I do not recall removing my clothing. My throat is raw. I must be coming down with something.

Wrapped in several layers of clothes, I am still chilled to the bone as the bus comes to a stop in front of me. I exit the bus a few minutes later and walk the two blocks to Ritha's shop.

“I cannot help you, Girl!” Ritha snapped upon seeing me enter the shop.

“Please, Ritha... I need to talk to someone. I'm having strange dreams. Little creatures...”

“Tell me no more!” she interrupted, “Do not involve me, I beg ya... please go!”

“What's going on, Ritha! My mother...”

“I said, Go!” she snapped, putting something in my hand and pushing me out the door.

Standing in the biting cold, I looked down to find four cone-shaped incense in my hand.


I drifted off to sleep, the light, oddly metallic scent of the burning incense slightly irritating my nostrils.

Moaning softly at the warm sensations in my groin, I lifted my eyes and attempted to shake off the remnants of sleep. I tried to move, but my body was uncooperative.

I gradually became aware of a building fire in my vagina. Still unable to move my limbs, I lowered my gaze. The impish creature looked up at me, licked his lips with a long, purplish, forked tongue, then turned his attention back to my vagina. Instead of fear, I felt an intense annoyance, not unlike a girl whose younger brother incessantly prods her in the back seat of the family car.

My annoyance gave way to lust, as the creatures tongue explored and probed my feminine region. My paralyzed body trembled and my vagina ached for release from the building pressure.

A dark shape moving in the corner of the bedroom briefly caught my attention. I closed my eyes as my body involuntarily stiffened and convulsed with ecstasy. This was my first orgasm, if indeed this was an orgasm, and I never wanted it to end.

As the sensations faded, my body exhausted and drained, I again noticed the dark shape in the shadows as it appeared to move closer to me. I attempted to focus my bleary eyes on two yellowish spots in the darkness. An overwhelming sense of pure evil washed over me and I tried to scream, but was unable to produce any sound.

The spots blinked as I fell back in to the welcome darkness of slumber.


I awoke the next morning terrified, but somehow calm. I know now that I can't seek help; anyone I contact will end up like my mother, or Jacob. Whatever this is, I must face it alone.

I'm still unsure of the purpose of the incense, but I did seem to be more lucid last night than I had been on other nights. At least, I am now sure it really happened and wasn't just a dream.

I was lost; I had no idea what was visiting me, why they picked me, or how to fight them. Searching the Internet turned up mostly fantasy stories and religious web sites.

After giving up the search and lying back down on my bed, Ritha's words rang through my head: “You have been bargained!”. It all started coming together in my mind; the image of my mother the other night, her tearful apology and grizzly fate.

I now understood what I was facing and wept in despair, knowing there was no choice but to accept my fate.


The remaining three incense filled the room with a smoky haze; I wanted to be fully lucid. The window cracked open to allow fresh air to enter also lowered the temperature several degrees. I fought sleep until the wee hours of the morning and do not remember drifting off.

The blanket slid across my body, pulled by unseen hands to my right. My breath was visible as I panted rapidly, the anxiety building. My limbs were heavy, requiring great effort to move them even mere inches.

The imp creature climbed his way up the side of the bed, crawled between my legs and sniffed my vagina.

“Master! She is ready!” he squealed with delight, then scampered away, out of sight.

My breathing slowed and deepened as I tried to calm myself down. I have accepted my fate; I now only wish for it to be over.

A figure moved in the shadows, the dim light from the moon illuminated the large clouds of vapor emanating from its panting mouth. Its breathing was loud and rapid.

It took a step closer to me, the slanted beams of moonlight shining through the window revealing the lower half of its body. His skin had a dark red hue, massive thighs bulged with muscles. Yellow eyes peered lustfully at me from the shadows.

It took another step toward me and his penis emerged from the darkness. I recoiled in horror. It was fully erect and clearly too large for a human female. I kicked my legs weakly, trying to get away, to run for my life.

Clawed hands appeared from the sides of the bed. Imp creatures were everywhere, grabbing my ankles and pulling my legs apart. Two of them wrapped their thin hands around my wrists, pulled my arms outward and held them in their vise-like grips.

They cheered and laughed as another, larger imp jumped up on the bed, tore my nightgown off and held it over his head for all to see. He threw the nightgown on the floor and with one swift motion, tore my panties from my body. He put them up to his nose, sniffed deeply and jumped off the bed, cackling with glee.

I closed my eyes tightly and prayed the only prayer I knew; the one my aunt used to say with me as she put me to bed.

I felt the bed lurch to my left, then to my right as the weight of red creature pressed down upon it. I kept my eyes shut and turned my head. If I saw his face, I'm was not sure I could maintain my sanity.

I could feel his hot breath on my stomach. The room was dead silent except for his heavy, deep panting.

The warmth and size of his tongue startled me the first time he ran it up the lips of my vagina., lapping me over and over as I sobbed helplessly.

His weight again shifted the bed several times. Rough hands grabbed my hips on either side, raising me off the bed, arching my back as my wrists and ankles were still firmly held in place by the imps.

I tried to scream as he pierced my virginity. Pain shot through my body as if I were being split in two. Almost immediately the pain was replaced by a euphoria that I cannot explain; it was beyond orgasm. My head spun and my mind soared through clouds of passion. I kicked my legs free of the imps grasp and wrapped my legs around his massive hips, thrusting my body in sync with his.

The nearly-spiritual orgasm continued while he jammed his penis in to me repeatedly. It did not subside, even after I was exhausted and collapsed back on to the bed. He huffed and grunted, pumping my vagina furiously.

I cried with joy as my body writhed in endless ecstasy. I prayed in vain for the pleasure to stop. My eyes rolled back in my head and I wondered if it was possible to die from orgasm.

The windows rattled lightly at creatures deep, guttural roar. His hips jerked in sync with his grunts of pleasure. Hot semen filling my vagina.

Mercifully, the orgasm faded as his penis slid out of me.

I waited through many minutes of silence before I braved opening my eyes. The room was cold and empty.


Several weeks passed uneventfully. I awoke late on this cold, but bright Sunday morning and went directly to the bathroom to pee, carrying with me the bag from the drug store.

I sat on the edge of the bed watching the clock for several tense minutes.

After waiting the prescribed amount of time, I looked down at light blue plus sign, and wept.

- End -


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Lance Bauer had one thing that made his life worth living. He hated his job. He hated the apartment he lived in. He hated his next door neighbor. She was smoking hot with big tits and a huge ass. He especially hated her kid. An entitled high school brat that was probably going to be as gorgeous and hot as her mom and probably as big a bitch. Lance had a motorcycle. A Yamaha R6 that went fast and handled like a dream. This made all the bullshit in his life tolerable. Knowing...

3 years ago
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Willies Legacy

Chapter 1 I'd always looked up to Willie, but that was nothing unusual in itself. He was two years older than I, and he was my brother. He had just turned thirty two when he started having pains under both his arms and a tightness in his throat. Having never had a real illness before, Willie did his best to ignore things in the hope that the discomfort, whatever it was, would soon go away. Two months passed by, and still the pain under his arms remained, and the throat tightness got...

4 years ago
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Bewitching Legacy

I shook my head and chuckled as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The pirate's costume I was wearing was a little garish for my taste. That's what happens when you wait until the last minute to get a Halloween costume. You have to take what's left. I hadn't intended to go to my friend's costume party, but then he talked me into it at the last moment. After I arrived at his party I didn't feel so bad. Some of the costumes being worn were far more outlandish. I usually wasn't the...

2 years ago
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Uncle Harrys Legacy

I have this Uncle who when I was young was my sisters and my favourite, mostly due to the fact that every time he visited, he would bring a present for us and would perform the most wonder tricks. One birthday, it may be my 9th or 10th, I had invited some of my school friends over for a party when Uncle Harry arrived to do some tricks. What I remember most about that day was he hypnotised some of my quests including my younger sister Beth and made them perform all sorts of silly things; we all...

4 years ago
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Laran Legacy

I'd always been called Kendall. My mother had caught some sort of vicious infection before I was born. It marked and twisted me horribly. What marked me killed her. I was born on Aldrys 3, a farming planet. They couldn't cope with my deformities. I was sent off to one of the core worlds for genetic therapy but the ship I was on somehow was re-routed to Cottman 4, an old, cold planet under a dark red star. There I became a ward of the star base. I didn't speak much. At first I couldn't...

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Joes Legacy

It seemed to me like I'd known Joe all my life. His family lived next door but one to mine; looking back I'd say Joe and I spent all our spare time together as kids. We didn't actually go to school together because Joe was American and he was sent to the nearest American school, somewhere in town. Maybe that's why he never did lose his Yank accent although he spent nearly all his spare time with us Limeys, as he insisted on calling most of us, in jest of course. You know the sort of thing....

3 years ago
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A Charmed LifeChapter 3 The Legacy

The next day passed uneventfully but with Bess feeling much better than she had in years. The morning stiffness and body aches that usually greeted her were gone, a new vitality surged through her she had long forgotten. She met Kate again in front of the inn and like the night before they paid a visit to the blacksmith. They continued this routine another fortnight. Always finding him in the same condition, they slipped in, used him and slipped out. Kate monitored Bess’ progress and was...

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Earths CoreChapter 23 An Heir For A Legacy

“Hahaha!” Zax’s voice rolled as he laughed in jubilation. “Sooner than I anticipated. Good, good!” He was pleasantly surprised, since now he would able to spend a while longer in New Earth before leaving for Ercas Mir. “Let’s see how my Inner Panorama and soul have changed”. He entered his sea of consciousness to have a look. ‘Whoaa! It’s so abundance! So that is the sea of consciousness of a second realm soul!’ Before he even got to his Inner Panorama or soul, Zax was captivated by the...

4 years ago
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A New PastChapter 60 Alisonrsquos Legacy

“Chrissy, are you disappointed?” the interviewer asked. “Disappointed? At what? I’ll be in the first dozen people to set foot on Mars and my team will be the one to establish a permanent base on the Martian surface. Why should I be disappointed? It makes perfect sense from a mission perspective to have the first team conduct surface surveys while we remain in orbit performing analysis of the possible locations. Once we select a suitable site, we’ll land and start the construction phase.” I...

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Three Square MealsChapter 142 Ancient legacy

Tashana bounced up and down, her eyes alight with excitement. “Valada must have built a secret bunker under the palace!” “It certainly looks like it,” John agreed, squinting in the direction of the study. “The lift shaft starts from a room concealed within the wall cavity.” “Let’s go!” the Maliri archaeologist exclaimed, turning on her heel to rush to the study. John caught her hand and pulled her back. “Hold on a second. I know you’re excited but we need to be careful; Valada might have...

4 years ago
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Sexy Secretary Slave Search 1

PRELUDE - slender sexy blonde beauty lovely Lea, an awesome and amazing applicationMy naughty need for a sweet sexy and equally obedient secreary topping my page got eager applicantsMy secretary needs to be well read and eager to learn languages, in order to sort out all my poetryMy vacancies are a few. But first I need a wise woman slave to train younger secretaries on the jobSlender sexy sweet lovely looking Lea has been a very foxy friends for years. No surprise she'd likeShe sent a short...

4 years ago
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Andreas campsite cocksuck

Andrea's Campsite CocksuckIt's my first story folks, bin a while coming.I had been working away from home and had chosen to stay in a campsite rather than a stuffy Bed and Breakfast. I had left myself a couple of days at the end of the job for some 'fun' and relaxation.I love to wear knickers and tights under my boring boy clothes at work, but this is never enough for Andrea. So, after getting back to the campsite after work on the last day, I showered and shaved the bits that show and returned...

1 year ago
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Nephew Breeds His Windowed Aunt

As a twenty-year-old, after a year in college, I had become very disillusioned with my prospects. Not only was I failing my classes, but I felt like a little cog in a big machine,… As a twenty-year-old, after a year in college, I had become very disillusioned with my prospects. Not only was I failing my classes, but I felt like a little cog in a big machine, a machine designed to extract money from people like me. However, my parents had high expectations, and I didn't want to disappoint...

4 years ago
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Getting Nekkid With a Cheerleader

(episode 26) This follows "Two Girl Fuck Competition" I should have been happy and excited because I was officially dating Mary Beth. She was definitely a super hot, sexy girl and nearly every guy I knew would’ve been ecstatic to be with Mary Beth. But I wasn’t feeling happy. I was actually feeling quite depressed. Down deep I still ached for Jennifer, even though I was mad as hell at her. Jennifer had just announced to several of our friends that she was “exclusively dating Eric,” the guy I...

College Sex
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NuruMassage Brett Rossi Start My Engine

When Brett Rossi’s car breaks down, AAAA lets her know her membership is expired. But luckily, the gorgeous blonde isn’t stranded for long. She attracts the help of motorist Marco Ducati who offers to give her battery a boost. Brett’s already cleared her schedule so she can deal with her car. She wants to do something to thank him properly for extending a hand. Brett just started a career giving meditative massage and invites him for a treatment at her house. At first Marco...

2 years ago
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PolyFamilyLife Katie Kush Lana Mars AKGingersnaps Alaska Road Trip 8211 Episode 4

”Family’ is more than just a word to describe us.’ ‘Daddy’ Smassh, ‘Mommy’ AKGINGERSNAPS, and ‘Babygirl’ Lana Mars are a contemporary family on the journey of a lifetime. They are in a polyamorous relationship, meaning that all three of them are together through thick and thin. Being in such a relationship, while also doing a road trip across Alaska, has been wonderful but challenging. As they make their way through the wilderness, they...

1 year ago
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Her Body In Good Hands

“So, ehm, are you hungry? I’m not a great cook but I make some of the best cereals,” I said, looking at the cupboards to avoid the reflection of Miya’s tits in the oven door. She giggled from her chair. “Mom helped me eat before going but I’ll take a rain check on those amazing cereals. I bet you get the milk ratio just right.” “Damn right!” Miya’s mother had just left for an apparently well-deserved cruise and left her daughter in the care of an inept attendant clearly way over his head...

3 years ago
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Run of Luck Ch 02

I stared out between the bars, I think I had the best jail cell in the whole damn place because I could see a portion of the river over the nearby buildings. No point in trying to sleep, my piece of shit cellmate was snoring so loud there was no chance of that. I shook him just once to try and get him to stop, he got up and slapped me off the wall, so now I just kept quiet and took it. I just couldn’t get that damn phone recording out of my head, ‘disconnected and no new number’. It played in...

2 years ago
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Moth Ch 009

Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. The last remnants of sunset disappeared and the sky greyed over. Lei spread her new wings and glided down to her unused winter-hole. Flying with her new wings was indescribable. It was as if the air itself had become an extension of her body, and yet not. It was as if she had been a cripple her whole life and was now suddenly whole, and yet not. However wonderful her new wings were, she needed to dress before the spider returned. He was, after all, a man. She...

3 years ago
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Lucas has his own white slave wife and now wants her mother and sister to join in too

Linda was extremely disturbed when she learned her youngest daughter had married a black man of 21. She disapproved of mixed marriages and was very vocal about it. As a businesswoman of 40, she was financially secured supporting her two daughters and was doing extremely well till June married Lucas. She tried to avoid going over whenever she could. Later she found out her older daughter, Kathy was also going there on a regular basis and after she had a yelling contest with her found out that...

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Forsaken Ch 03

‘The scars indeed run deep, cursed are those who know, damned. The secrets we keep, the mysteries we seek, the tears we weep, the blood we have shed and blood we’ve spilled for crimes not committed. A terrible cycle of fear and resentment, lost within the pain we seek to hide. Learning too late the bitter consequences: our self-destructive demise. Locking away the memories, which hurt, then ourselves for being hurt. Realizing at last we are alone, though can’t remember why. Don’t know what went...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Surprise

Hello, everyone, I’m Varun and a fan of ISS for a very long time. After reading so my stories now I like to share my own experience. I’m a gay bottom living in Chennai. I always wanted to have a dirty sex and wanted a real adventure in it. I’ve had many experiences like seducing my friend, masturbating in the classroom, sucking in a lonely theatre, and my most favourite picked up in public restrooms etc.. To tell about myself I’m really a good looking smart guy, with a small belly and nice...

Gay Male
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 11

Mother said, "Daddy and I have to go out of town this weekend, we can't take you with us, even though we'd like to. We don't want you to be alone, so we thought, that it would be nice if your friend Pam came over, staying with you; for the company. She has a car, in case of emergency she can drive you to a doctor or hospital or she can call for help. Does that sound good to you?" I had to tell her yes, because if Mistress Pam found out I was alone and didn't tell her, I would be in big...

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Doctors Harem Ch 01 Nurse Deena

I am a little overweight, plus somehow not that tall, so I had no ambitions in being the stud doctor or womanizer media usually presents. Nevertheless, I was quite handsome, and as smart as Einstein. The institute, meanwhile, was just loaded with hot chicks and sexy females, including employees, nurses and service girls. One of the hugest seductions for me was nurse Deena. She was my surgery clinic nurse, she was brown-colored, curvaceous, hot as hell, divorced, BBW chick. She was in...

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LebenChapter 12

Angelika - Like an angel Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army Angelika arose from the other couch and walked over to Alan on unsteady legs. Varick, Truda, and Harman became concerned when her face twisted into a more worried look. “Are you alright sister,” Varick asked. “For now I am but I have to check Alan we almost lost him. I warned him not to expend as much energy as he did. Then there was the fact that he gave up as his energy was fading.” Tears...

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MalluNRI Mom Gets What She Deserves

This is a true indian sex story. Will update only next may/June because I’ll meet her that time only. My family is 5, dad, mom , elder brother ,me and younger sister. We were originally from UAE, then we got debts and dad had to leave UAE. Only my mom and sister reside there. Telling about my mom she’s really fair, medium thigh and ass, medium navel too. Her boobs 36c with great texture and brown nipples. She’s short so overall a great milf package. I and my brother are doing college in...

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A New Style of Education Part 15

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 15 "Yes, it's the Barnes's," said Stacy, who had a view of the entrance. "It is a good job that we're all sticking to speaking French. It should confuse them a bit." The Barnes's were seated near our table, so we were able to hear what they said. "Are you sure this is where she said they would be?" asked Mr Barnes. "She said to be at Annette's diner and they would be there." "There just appears to be a lot of French...

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Cindy goes to the movies

Cindy Goes To The MoviesBy Anon (address withheld)***A married couple go to a porn theater and act out, first together and then with strangers. Lots of fun. (MMF, wife-exh, husband-voy, mast, oral)***Cindy and I have been married for over 8 years and during those years our sex life has been good. Recently though, it has improved to very good, due to an unusual night we just experienced. That night was a Saturday about 3 months ago.I asked my wife if she would like to go out for an early dinner...

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Mi VidaChapter 3

Lita was snuggled against my back. A little shiver from her slight form provided an acceptable reason for her move. She didn't put her arm around me or wiggle or give any other indication that this was anything but a way to handle sleeping in an air-conditioned room after weeks of sleeping outdoors or in makeshift shelters. I surmised that the kid had already had enough trauma in her life without me making a big deal out of this so I went back to sleep, albeit rather fitfully. It's been a...

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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 06

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...

3 years ago
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Partying with my SisterChapter 2

Well, my life has changed unrecognizably. Participating in the orgies was something I've never even dreamed about. Making love to my beautiful sister who up till then has hardly ever spoken to me unless we were arguing or fighting was a long lived dream come true, and then finding the photos that showed our parents fucking different people... The awkwardness of facing our parents after seeing the photos was real bad, and we had to hide it somehow. We just stayed more in our rooms avoiding...

4 years ago
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my aunts panties

How i got started to love nylon panties. I went to school which was several blocks away from home. I would pass by my aunts house on the way to school. one day i had to use the bathroom and didn't think i could make it home in time, so i stopped by my aunts house. She lived alone and never married, because she said she never met the right man. I went into her bathroom and while in there i noticed two pair of panties hanging on the shower rod. I was sitting on the...

3 years ago
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The Gay Gym part 3

After a hot shower. I sat my desk naked to get some work done before I head back onto the floor. Some one knocked my door. I didn't have to get dressed before a guy walk through the door and. I told him to have a seat. He was wearing a cut off t-shirt exposed his midriff and tight gym that showed off his small package. He said it was good to have a place to workout and not half to act straight and be judged. I told him more straight than bi so I have seen what was happening to the gay community...

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