Moth Ch 013
- 2 years ago
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Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010.
The last remnants of sunset disappeared and the sky greyed over.
Lei spread her new wings and glided down to her unused winter-hole. Flying with her new wings was indescribable. It was as if the air itself had become an extension of her body, and yet not. It was as if she had been a cripple her whole life and was now suddenly whole, and yet not.
However wonderful her new wings were, she needed to dress before the spider returned. He was, after all, a man.
She found one of last year’s thongs. That would still fit. Thongs always fit. If they didn’t, all you had to do was retie the knots. Last year’s breasthiders, however, were hopeless. Her breasts had filled and rounded very nicely in the cocoon.
Oli would have liked them. Of course, he would have liked them no matter how they had turned out.
Thinking of Oli made her sad. It always did. Whenever she saw something nice, whenever she felt like smiling, she’d wish he was there and her joy would fade. Maybe she was lucky that she hadn’t had much to smile for since he died.
Lei found the old lizard hide. She hadn’t yet used half of it. It had wintered well. Out of the hide she cut herself a breasthider. Then she peered out of her hole. Black was still nowhere to be seen. Still naked she snuck out of her hole and flew off to find some water and a rock. She had to clean the old thong and the new breasthider before she could wear them.
When she returned to Black’s tree, she found him hiding below some spring light-green leaves, on one of his usual branches.
‘Where have you been?’ she asked, practically floating. With her new wings, she could hang almost absolutely still in the air.
‘That’s none of your business,’ snarled Black.
‘You almost cost me my wings,’ snapped Lei. ‘You had me trapped inside your winter-hole.’ She hadn’t intended to bring it up. She had had no business being in his hole in the first place. ‘What were you thinking webbing me in?’ Now that she had begun, she couldn’t stop. ‘Do you have any clue how…’
Her tirade became a scream as the spider leapt at her and caught her mid-air. The incredible force of his momentum pushed both of them through the air with more speed than she could fly. It was nothing like flying. It was worse than falling. And Lei had her back to the direction they were headed.
They went straight into a web but kept moving, stretching the elasticity of the web till it refused to stretch further. During Lei’s short involuntary backwards flight, the wind had forced her wings forward to the point of hugging her assailant. When the web stopped the backward movement of her body, her wings continued it, till they too slammed into the net –spread wide as if she was in flight.
Having been stretched, the web had to recoil and swung back, overswung, returned, and again overswung. Lei, stuck to the web as she was, was swung back and forth with the oscillations. She kept screaming till the web’s movement had quieted to something akin to that of a waterlily leaf.
‘You,’ snarled Black, as soon as she went quiet. ‘You have no…’ He went quiet and slowly extended his legs, raising himself backward away from her into the free air behind him. ‘You are…’ His black face was contorted into a rage the like of which Lei had never seen. ‘You!’
Lei wanted to flee. But both her wings and her backside was fullsidedly stuck to the web.
Posted on with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei.
‘I…’ snarled Black, huffing for breath as if containing his rage long enough to speak took more physical effort than the assault had. ‘Ought… to…’ He didn’t finish the sentence.
Lei screamed again as Black with one four-legged movement grabbed both her wrists and both her ankles.
‘You don’t get to…’ began Black, and again didn’t finish. Instead he moved his tail over first each her ankles, then each her wrists, and webbed them all tightly to the web.
‘You have no right to…’ Black had let go of her bound limbs and was towering above her. His legs standing strong on his web on eight different sides of her.
‘I’m sorry,’ squealed Lei, too terrified to know whether she was or not. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘YOU SHOULD BE!’ yelled Black, straight into her face.
Again Lei screamed.
‘SHUT UP,’ yelled Black.
Lei went quiet. Her breaths were so fast and shallow that the air barely made it down her throat before it was pushed back out.
‘I ought to…’ began Black, again.
Lei shook her head the backside of which was stuck to the web. She didn’t want to know what he ought to do.
‘You’ll enjoy it, Lei,’ said Black, his voice suddenly even. ‘My poison will see to that.’ He bared his teeth at her, displaying two perfectly white rows. The top row was on each side cornered by a sharp fang.
Lei recognised the distance between the marks on the long dead lizard’s hide and whimpered.
‘Please,’ she whispered and shook her head. ‘Please don’t eat me, Black.’
Black caught her head between two legs and slowly forced it backwards, making her throat arch toward him. Equally slowly, he let himself sink toward her.
‘Please,’ whimpered Lei, feeling his breath on her throat. ‘Don’t kill me.’
For a second the spider remained absolutely still, his breath alternately warm and cold against the side of her bared throat. Then, with a jump that sent the web into fresh wild oscillations, he was gone.
In a crazed frenzy, Kokata jumped from branch to branch fleeing their tree and Lei’s helplessly immobile body. He had almost… He had almost… The strain of jumping far and fast wasn’t enough. Every part of him was aflame. His body refused to tire.
He had almost…
His feet slipped on an unexpectedly slick surface and for a moment he fell, his high shot to new levels at the near death experience, and when he landed safely on another branch he was even further gone from reason.
He could still do it! He could return and…
He forced himself to jump further away. He couldn’t allow himself to pause. If he stopped to think his desire would win. The voice of reason had been barely a whisper. He had almost…
The girl had thought he was going to eat her. Kokata laughed madly while soaring through the air in an insane far jump from a high branch to a lower one. Eat her. That thought had never even crossed his mind. Taste her, maybe. Couldn’t avoid a taste when biting. But sucking her dry had never been his intention. Her blood was not what he wanted.
He had almost…
At first he had just been furious. As far as he had meant to do anything at all, he had meant to scare her and take revenge for her cruel, selfish behaviour. But then he had felt the heat of her body and his fury had changed to something more.
He had almost…
A part of him, the biggest part of him, still wished he had. It would have been good, even for her. Once she had his poison in her she wouldn’t complain, not for a moment.
If he had bit, he wouldn’t have been able to stop. He still had no clue how he had managed to stop when he had.
She had had no right to yell at him. After everything she had put him through. All those months of caring for her, fearing for her, and then the first thing she had done was complain. He ought to turn back and do it. He had earned the right.
Submitted to by the author.
He wished for the voice of reason to grow louder. Yet it still remained the tiniest of whispers.
‘For you it was months, for her it was one long nap.’ The words were torn from his mouth even as he spoke them out loud. It didn’t help at all. It still sounded like a far off tiny whisper.
‘You can’t do something like that to a woman,’ said Kokata to himself.
He couldn’t hear his own words, for the wind against his jumps. They did
n’t make sense anyway. He could do something like that to a woman. All he had to do to do it was return to the web and the woman who was in it.
Kokata laughed again. It would be very easy to do it. He landed again, instead of jumping for a new branch he gasped for air. His legs were shaking below him. Yet every fiber in his body wanted him to jump again, only in the opposite direction.
‘You can’t do something like that to Lei.’ The forest was very quiet and his voice was very clear. Even if it did shake.
He sank his body down on the branch.
He had almost…
He had to return. He couldn’t leave her unguarded. Not the way he had webbed her. A spider-beast might come by.
He couldn’t return. The state he was in he might still… He had to get out of that state.
Kokata rolled to his back, softened the clingers on his legs, parted the plates covering the part that burned harder than any other, and did that thing which he had learned to do many years back. While he did it he thought of all the things he had almost done.
It didn’t take long.
Lei had spat her mouth dry, but her spit had absolutely no effect on the web. Her stomach was back to normal, none of the silk dissolving acid was left.
A tiny part of her kept insisting that Black had no intention of harming her, that he was just showing off. Lei figured it was the same part of her that had kept insisting Oli would make it.
Some part of her just always had to believe that everything would be right again. But life wasn’t fair. She had just been reborn and already she was on the verge of death.
She had seen Black kill things bigger and stronger than her with more ease than she could pick a berry. She should have known better than to treat him like a person. A spider with mind. He was Death incarnate.
Lei wept with fear, and again tugged her wrists against the silk.
From his hiding place, Kokata watched over the woman in his web. She was crying. He needed to go down there and cut her free, but he still hadn’t figured out what to say to her.
What if she just flew away?
He had waited too long for her to just leave.
While she had been cocooned, he had never realised that a web-tunnel would keep her trapped. His concern had been to keep things out.
For a brief moment he fantasised of shoving her into his lair and webbing her in. The fantasy shattered on its own accord. Lei was crying and he couldn’t stand it. It was like a sling inside his body tightening around his vocal cords and windpipe.
Kokata left his hiding place and hurried to his web. As soon as he stepped onto it, Lei spun her face to him and shrieked. A short startled shriek. Kokata grimaced and stopped in his tracks. He hadn’t meant to startle her further.
He opened his mouth to say something soothing.
‘Don’t piss yourself, Scrawny,’ snarled Kokata.
That was not what he had meant to say.
‘You’re too bloody stupid for your own good,’ said Kokata, again approaching Lei. This was how he talked to strangers who were so dumb to fly into his webs. This was not how he had intended to talk to Lei. ‘How did you get it into your mind to cocoon yourself in a spider’s lair?’
Kokata cut the silk around Lei’s wrists, first the one… ‘You crawl into a spider’s lair.’ then the other… ‘You take a five month nap.’ He moved to her feet. ‘Then you wake up, and…’ With a snap, Kokata cut the silk around her one ankle, ‘… complain about the web.’ He cut the silk around the other ankle.
Kokata pulled Lei’s legs off the web and cut a big hole in the web where they had been.
‘Just what did you expect to find around a spider’s lair?’ he snarled. ‘Clots of honey?’
Lei said nothing, but she had stopped crying.
‘Termite moss?’ suggested Kokata and released her legs to dangle in free air.
Kokata started cutting two out of every three strands connected to the web Lei’s wings were connected to. This web was nearly perfectly vertical. If he simply released her, she would fall into the lower half of the web and get stuck again.
‘I was raised by beetles,’ said Kokata. ‘How was I supposed to know what to do with a cocoon?’
‘You don’t do anything with a cocoon.’ Lei’s voice was low and only slightly shaky.
Kokata cut more strands.
‘You scared me,’ said Lei.
Kokata didn’t look at her face, but there was something tentative about the way she said it, as if it was a test. He had no clue what he needed to do to pass it.
‘At least you didn’t piss yourself,’ he snarled.
Lei made a strange snorting sound and Kokata turned his face to her. Her lips were tight together, her face moved in the strangest grimaces. Another snort escaped her nose before she covered her face with her hands. Her shoulders were shaking.
‘Crybaby,’ said Kokata. That absolutely wasn’t the word of comfort he had meant to offer.
Another snort escaped from behind Lei’s hands, and then came a series of sounds that couldn’t be mistaken for sobbing. She was laughing.
Kokata held on to Lei while cutting the last strands. With two legs he carried Lei, with two others he kept her wings from the web, and with four he crawled up till they were safely on a branch.
‘Keep your wing’s stretched,’ he instructed. ‘The web is still sticky.’
It took a while to cut every strand on Lei’s wings and back, and would take even longer to cover every sticky spot with dry silk. Maybe the remedy wasn’t absolutely necessary, but Kokata couldn’t bear the thought of his web causing the first tears in Lei’s new wings.
Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010.
Posted on with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * ‘Here we are,’ said the obnoxious butterfly-woman. ‘Thank you,’ said Valo. Five days of listening to the purple-winged butterfly’s chit-chat. Her voice in his ears had been worse than the sunlight in his eyes. ‘Now, let me have the picture,’ said the butterfly-woman, for what had to be more than the hundredth time. ‘I’ll hand it to her myself,’ said Valo, protectively holding a hand over the holster...
Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Posted on with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * Spring came to Altwar with a wealth of green leaves, and rain, and unbelievable amounts of hard work. Kokata couldn’t remember ever having been so exhausted in his life. Whenever he thought he had earned a good rest, Lei sent him into another back-breaking task. ‘For all we...
Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. ‘If you have to sleep unguarded, then find a predator’s nest and kill the inhabitant. If its likes are unaware of its death, you are likely not to be disturbed. The beast’s neighbours would take your delectable scent to simply be the aroma of the predator’s dinner.’ The old, scarred, bat-hunter had with a wide grin tapped the side of his nose as he delivered that statement. Lei missed him achingly as she missed so many others back home. She didn’t allow herself...
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Submitted to by the author. * Kokata jumped and landed on the ledge of his home. The termites were gone. It had almost been too easy. He pulled a termite arrow out of the ledge and stared at it. Young fools. Younger than him, some probably younger than Lei. He felt sick. He had done what he could not to kill. His new friend hadn’t. She had gone all the way. She must have not known that it was all just a horrible mistake. Kokata hadn’t tried to stop her. He was trying to...
Posted on with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * Kokata was indecisive. He didn’t want to leave his lair unguarded, but he also didn’t want his stomach-ache to get any worse. For the tenth time he inspected the web-tunnel he had build around the opening of his lair, securing it from curious unwelcome guests. Nothing but a spider-beast, or a spider, could traverse that tunnel. He had never met another spider, and no spider-beast had ever invaded his...
Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * ‘What’s wrong?’ asked Lei. ‘What?’ snarled Kokata. ‘Don’t give me that, Black. You’ve been acting strange for days,’ said Lei. ‘Ever since we traded with the termites, actually.’ ‘You traded with the termites,’ snarled Kokata. ‘I didn’t. I don’t trade things. I don’t need things.’ ‘Crankywort.’ Kokata wasn’t in a mood to joke...
Submitted to by the author. * Zoa glanced at the young man kneeling next to her on the high branch. He was sweating, his eyes were wide, and he was breathing way too fast. She reached out and took his hand. ‘You’ll be fine,’ she whispered, and he turned his fear-filled eyes to her. ‘Just stay next to me,’ continued Zoa, squeezing his hand harder. ‘I’ll guard you with my life. I promise. I’ll get you through this alive, Vumanesco.’ Around them other couriers were gathering on...
Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * ‘Wehiloooooo.’ ‘Oh my, oh my,’ said Kuruma and chuckled at herself. Her mouth was watering as if she were a little girl and not an old toothless crone. ‘What is it, grandma?’ asked Tobi, her favourite grandson. Kuruma was old enough to be allowed the privilege of having favourites. ‘Travelling termites,’ said Kuruma, her eyes...
Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * ‘When I first tell them about you, I will refer to you as my friend,’ said Lei. ‘I’m proud to be your lover, but we can’t afford to antagonise them too much from the very start. Once they get used to me, and the knowledge of you, I can let it slip. Most likely they will have guessed it before then anyhow.’ Lei hated the outlook to...
Written by Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * ‘We’re here,’ said Lei, released the rope, and let it fall to the ground. They had been there a while, but she had decided not to declare it until the forest’s edge was out of sight. ‘Altwar,’ she clarified. Exhausted she sank to her knees. ‘What now, Oli?’ There was no reply, only that horrible stench. She had lost count of how many nights had passed since he died. Lei curled into a tight ball and covered herself with her ragged wings. ...
Written by Nanna Marker, a citizen of Denmark, born in 1976. Submitted to by the author. * Lei woke. She had heard something. ‘Wehiloooo.’ Lei sat up straight barely believing her ears. ‘Wehiloooo.’ Her mouth watered as if she were a child carrying her first set of wings. ‘Wehiloa.’ For a larvae it would have been a far off sound, but for someone with wings it was not! Lei turned and scrambled through her belongings, till she found her collection of self-made arrowheads....
A physicist might have a hard time enjoying this story, seeing as the low surface tension of the water in this world might confuse him. Suffice to say, their world is not ours, their trees do not rely on capillary forces to drink. Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. In spring, three years after the seer had died, the moths and butterflies of Aribo forest –home of Lei...
‘Moth’ is a completed story and I will, until the end of it, be submitting one chapter a day to literotica. I hope they will appear on the site at about the same interval, and in the same order. Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * ‘Altwar forest,’ said the crone, ‘that is where your chance at great love awaits.’ ‘Altwar,’ whispered Lei, her eyes widening with...
Written by Nanna Marker, a citizen of Denmark, born in 1976. * Lei was fast asleep long before Kokata was satisfied that her wings would be safe. No longer having an excuse to be near her, he withdrew to his nearest hiding-place. He had never before told anyone about the beetles. It was a strange feeling: having talked about himself. He couldn’t remember ever before having talked as much in one night. He was glad he hadn’t gone into more detail, though. She didn’t need to know exactly what...
Posted on with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * Kokata usually liked winter, especially when there was snow. Cold had never harmed him. One night, years earlier, he had crawled up high and laid himself in the snow on the treetops. Kokata had expected the pale man to eventually come. He hadn’t. Instead the world had slowly sped up. Day had come far sooner than he had believed a night could pass. And the sun of day had moved so swiftly he had almost...
Submitted to by the author. * ‘You must be the young hero,’ said the librarian, but made no other move to greet her. ‘I am Zoa,’ said Zoa. ‘You can wash in there.’ The librarian pointed. ‘I have laid out white visitor’s robes and slippers for you.’ Zoa glanced in the direction the librarian pointed. The squarish building did look like a bath house. ‘I washed before I left the city,’ informed Zoa, turning her eyes back to the librarian. ‘Now, you will wash again,’ insisted...
Posted on with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * Valo came home just before dawn and found the place emptied of all but his mate. She had lighted, and was somberly staring at, a tiny, shielded, bright-glow. Next to it was a tiny bowl of sweets. Valo’s heart twisted at the sight. This was Lei’s birthnight. ‘I’ve got us a new juice-can,’ he said, placing the big ceramic can on the table, defiantly treating the table as a piece of furniture, not a...
Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * Kokata was searching. He had probably carried the idea longer, but in the end it was Lei who had spoken the suggestion. So here he was, searching the forest as swiftly as his legs would move him. He needed to find a healer. He wasn’t panicked. They didn’t need one yet. There was still plenty time to find one. Kokata’s body felt light. Happy as he was it was almost as if his legs needed nothing but air to keep him afloat. Lei had said she felt pregnant. It...
Posted on with permission of author: Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * ‘Hello,’ yelled a woman’s voice. ‘Who lives there?’ ‘Beggars at this time of day?’ moaned Brevila and tugged her blanket over her ears. ‘What are they thinking?’ Valo mumbled something which was unintelligible even to himself, laid his arm around his mate and went back to sleep. He had no trouble sleeping through the calls from outside. ‘Valo!’ His mate’s voice was quite another matter, though. ...
Submitted to by the author. * ‘Lei,’ screamed a loud, hoarse, voice, and Zoa could hear the sounds of hard body-plating ramming against metal bars. ‘Where is she?’ ‘How long has he been at it?’ asked Zoa. ‘A few hours, Officer Zoa,’ replied the guard. ‘He is getting stronger and faster every day.’ ‘So I can hear,’ commented Zoa. ‘The woman isn’t much better. But her we can tie down.’ ‘May I ask how the baby is, Officer Zoa?’ asked the guard hesitantly, she wasn’t supposed...
Submitted to by the author. * ‘Are you sure your new friend is fine?’ asked his Lei. Even though she hadn’t yet seen the spider-woman there was concern in her voice. ‘I didn’t expect her to be gone this long,’ said Kokata. The sun had set and the sky was greying over. ‘I can go look for her,’ offered his Lei. ‘No,’ snarled Kokata, holding a leg out between Lei and the open air next to the ledge. ‘If she is safe she is safe, if she isn’t she is dead.’ It wouldn’t be safe...
Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * Lei felt as if she had been flying a whole night and half a day. Since she had woken she had been reborn, had almost become a cripple, had discovered her new body, had been scared out of her wits, and had last of all laughed till her belly ached. She was exhausted. As soon as Black was done with her wings, she would go to bed. ...
Posted on with permission of author Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * Two years after the seer had died, Lei’s parents still, on a nearly nightly basis, commented that life was harder without a seer. Oli’s parents, who, as he, were butterflies, commented to the same end on a nearly daily basis. Lei and Oli had first met the day they had left their respective first cocoons — Oli at dawn, Lei at dusk — and since then they had been inseparable, at dusk and dawn. Twilight,...
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The FappeningHave you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...
Arab Porn SitesFuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...
Facial Cumshot Porn SitesPlease forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * On the last day of fall, Lei still lived in the spider’s tree and had reason to believe that, since the lizard, he had saved her from a couple more daytime predators. Her swiftly accumulated fat had rearranged itself, making it obvious that she was fall-chubby and not pregnant. She had pointed out her new appearance to ‘Black’,...
Submitted to by the author. * ‘The tracksters tell me it sustained a minor injury from the traps near Bellwin village,’ informed Officer Fol. ‘Hardly enough to slow it, but with some luck there will be some fresh blood for the courier on the scene to return to us. Our tracksters might see more with more connections.’ Zoa didn’t like the thought of a lone courier going near a spot where the monster had been. If ever the creature should change its pattern of fleeing triggered...
Submitted to by the author. * ‘Where do I deliver the dress and the jewellery afterward?’ asked Zoa, looking at the reflection of herself, and the tailor, and the ceremonial advisor. There was plenty room for all of them in the mirror. It filled nearly half a wall. ‘You don’t do that, darling,’ said the ceremonial advisor with a smile. ‘It’s yours. Call it an unofficial gift.’ Zoa wanted to smile gratefully at the woman, but she was still having trouble making that...
Submitted to by the author. * Keme saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Without turning his head, he moved his eyes to get a look. It was that kid again, the one that couldn’t tell nightmares from visions, Vumanesco. Keme moved his eyes back to the target and released his arrow. That annoying kid had been fluttering about since early dawn. He kept approaching him only to sneak away. At one point he had come close enough to speak, had said something completely pointless,...
Submitted to by the author. * Zoa let herself fall to her bunk. ‘I’m exhausted,’ she complained. ‘How did it go with the ropers?’ asked her room-mate and friend, who was now officially her temporarily assigned servant. Zoa turned her eyes to him, he was one of the veterans from the Altwar massacre. That’s what it had come to be called, the fight where the monster had slaughtered couriers. ‘They wasted hours pretending to be too stupid to carry out the exercises I told them...
Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * ‘It’s not time for a new report yet,’ said the worn man. ‘And we haven’t raised flag for a courier.’ ‘I’ve just come to say hi,’ said Keme, with a friendly smile plastered onto his face. ‘I’ve brought a flower.’ ‘What do you want from her?’ asked the worn man, obviously not fooled. ‘I want to see how she is doing,’ said Keme, widening his friendly smile. ‘It’s not her fault that you were too late. It’s your own. You left too soon.’ ‘Why would I blame...
Submitted to by the author. * ‘I’m sorry, Zoa,’ said Officer Fol. ‘But with three seers saying they think your plan will fail, we have to abort.’ ‘They didn’t say it will fail, Sir, they only said they think so.’ Zoa had to bite her tongue not to add derogatory comments about tracksters ‘thinking’. She and Fol weren’t alone. ‘Three think you will fail, the rest have no clue,’ repeated Officer Fol, calmly. ‘Not one claims, or even ‘thinks’, you will succeed.’ ‘I still think...
Submitted to by the author. * Couriers coming to the major city Dewgold were supposed to land in the courtyards of the courier centers. Zoa was perfectly aware of this, yet she led her twenty couriers to the main military center’s courtyard. This day she wore her medal outside her shirt for anyone to see. A wide leather strap over her shoulder carried a heavy glass box against her hip, proudly presenting a gold sheet. Against her other hip rested the top of her sheathed bow. ...
Submitted to by the author. * ‘I almost miss you jumping,’ said his Lei, her face sticking out of the blanket. ‘I miss jumping,’ said Kokata, running on the six legs that weren’t holding his woman and her meat. ‘But it’s not safe out here in the open.’ Two days had passed since they had left the forest. Trees were sparse and far apart. ‘How are you feeling?’ he asked. ‘Weak,’ admitted Lei. ‘But still no fever.’ ‘The no fever part is great. Do you think it’s the spring...
Submitted to by the author. * Kokata cut off the silk-bandage, inspected the crack in the leg-plate, and started cleaning it. ‘How is it?’ asked his Lei from right behind him. Kokata winced. ‘It’s healing,’ he snarled. ‘Let me look,’ insisted his Lei and reached out. She wasn’t wearing her gloves. ‘Don’t touch me,’ snarled Kokata, and moved himself and his leg out of her reach. His Lei turned away from him, and he pretended he couldn’t figure out that she was crying. She...
Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...
Fetish Porn Sites6Moments later, Timothy was being led through the corridors of the grand house.Gail was leading him by the arm as Susan followed behind. Timothy was tremblingwith embarrassment feeling utterly gauche and awkward as he was herded throughthe opulence of the ornately panelled corridors. His face was still suffusedin a blush of bright red. His skin felt goose-pimpled at the embarrassmentand indignity of his humiliating examination by Susan's mother. He could stillfeel the effect of her cool hands...
Timothy Ryan was about as Irish as they came, from the light brogue in his voice, to the sandy blonde hair on his head. He also had a major case of wanderlust. It started when he was still in school. The feeling that it would be great to see all the other worlds that were out there. He had not seen them all, yet. He had managed to visit eight of them. He was very comfortable lying in bed and did not want to get up yet, even though it was nearly noon. For some reason, he was not sure why, he...
Olivia walked to her friend Abigail's house when she noticed her best friend Madison behind a fence with smoke clouds rising around her. She walked over to her. “Hey Madison what are you doing?” Madison lifted a cigarette to her lips and takes a drag and smiles. “My sister got me to try smoking and I love it!” Madison said excitedly. “Madison that’s disgusting, you're like the biggest anti smoker I know - what’s happened to you?" Madison laughs “I guess I'm just getting older.” “I have to go...
Mind ControlThe terms lad, youth boy, etc are meant to be vague and do not denote any specific age. Smother High by mike_3121 [at] hotmail [dot] com Young Debbie Anderson lay on her bed. She was totally relaxed and, like most young girls, she didn't want to get out of her warm comfortable bed. With a slow sensual grinding of her hips she pressed down on her prone victim. She had him down in a 69 smother position with her legs spread wide apart. His young chest was pressed to her stomach and she could feel...
Erotic FictionStepmother's Love, part 2 By: Malissa and Gang Waking up slowly I felt the urge to pee again. This time it wasn't as urgent as the one in the middle of the night. Looking at the clock I saw it was almost seven am, I could hear my Mommy in the next room putting my brother down for his after feeding nap. I knew her next stop would be my room so I tried to lay there like a good girl and wait. Finally she came in and saw me watching the door. "Madison are you ok?" "Yes Mommy but...
Stepmother's Love, 3 By: Malissa and Gang My two friends followed me to my room in silence. To tell the truth I was more than just a little bit afraid of their possible reaction to what I was about to show them. Standing next to my bed I reached behind me, sliding the skirts zipper down after unfastening the button at the top. It fell to the floor, fanning out around my feet. Next I pushed my pantys down to my knees, my gaff barely visible against my cream colored skin. I bit...
I know it sounds kind of pathetic when I tell people I'm twenty-five years old and still living at home, but it really isn't my fault. After graduating high school I had drifted through a number of meaningless dead end jobs before finally deciding to go back to college part time. My life certainly wasn't what my dad hoped for, but he has always let me make my own choices. While my family has a lot of money my dad firmly believed in people standing on their own two feet, meaning once I...