Majgen Ch 008
- 4 years ago
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My sincere apologies for the delayed posting of this chapter. *
—-=(Sense, silence and a promise)=—-
In the following days Majgen truly learned to understand the burden of guilt, Baglian’s manipulations had convinced her, she had harmed Ukrial, and while the grane was in effect, Baglian made sure Majgen was not ripped out of that illusion. He monitored her mind thoroughly and regularly to see how well his plan worked, at all times he found she suffered appropriately from the draining emotion, yet he did not allow her much spare time to wallow fully in the guilt.
While Majgen’s empathic abilities were gone, Baglian forced her to focus on her schooling in non-empathic matters. Often he caught her reading with her eyes only, not allowing the words to reach her mind, while thinking of the child, Ukrial. When she did that, he sometimes slapped her, other times he slapped the table she was at, startling her.
‘Do you think that you are helping anyone right now, Student Majgen?’ he would ask.
‘No, Femaron Baglian,’ she would reply each time.
‘If you ever want to be able to help anyone as a mentarion, you must study harder,’ he often finished, before leaving her to her studies again, and every time, Majgen would focus harder again.
Majgen yearned for her empathic abilities to come back, not just to find out how much she had hurt Ukrial, but also to be able to train her mentarion skills. Majgen hoped that if she became a skilled mentarion, then one day she would be allowed to help Ukrial again.
In the middle of the night five days after the whipping, Majgen woke.
‘The effect of the grane is wearing off,’ she thought, while lying on her stomach to spare the bruises on her back.
Femaron Baglian was sleeping in his own bedroom. Since she couldn’t sense him through the walls no one was within her sensing range, still she easily recognised the sensation of her empathic senses turning on and off – uncontrollably. It never disturbed her to turn her senses off and on voluntarily. The uncontrolled switching, however, gave her a slight nausea. Unable to sleep further, she got up and went to the living-room to study.
Four hours later it was time for her to make breakfast for herself and her mentor. At that time her senses were back at full power. A few moments earlier than Baglian’s wake up alert, Majgen had the breakfast set and ready. Dutifully she returned to her studies while waiting for her mentor to arrive. He usually showered and groomed prior to breakfast.
When Baglian entered the living-room, Majgen rose from her studies to serve him his breakfast. That was their morning routine. Baglian would sit. Majgen would hand him any breakfast dishes he felt like. Before the whipping Baglian often had not needed to state his desires, from his emanations she had mostly known what he felt like eating. While Majgen had been affected by grane he had of course needed to speak his wishes.
Quietly, Majgen served her teacher, knowing Baglian didn’t enjoy conversation in the mornings. She gave him the dishes he wanted sooner than he asked for them, as they were both used to from the days prior to the whipping.
‘I see you have your empathic abilities back, Student Majgen,’ Baglian said, and started devouring his meal.
Majgen nodded and gathered food for herself. After choosing a hot beverage, she sat to eat. Not halfway through her meal she received Baglian’s memories of Ukrial. She froze spoon mid-air.
‘Ukrial is well.’ Relief shot through her as she perceived Baglian’s full analysis of the child. ‘Ukrial is healthy, she will be ok. I didn’t harm her.’
Majgen remembered the spoon, and ate more soup while going over Baglian’s memories of mind-scanning Ukrial. The bowl was half full by the time she started wondering why Baglian hadn’t told her.
‘He knew I thought I had harmed Ukrial,’ Majgen remembered.
Raising her face, Majgen studied Baglian across the table. Visually Baglian appeared to only be interested in his food, but she sensed he was paying an unusual amount of attention to her emotions.
‘He is guessing I just gained some of his knowledge regarding Ukrial,’ Majgen perceived.
A moment later Baglian entered the top of her mind to certify his assumption. Without talking, he left her mind again and continued his meal.
‘He intentionally kept the knowledge from me. He wanted me to believe I had hurt the child.’
That realisation made Majgen angry, but she said nothing either. Instead she sipped her breakfast beverage, trying to visually appear unaffected – like Baglian did. She knew her mentor would not punish her for how she felt about him, as long as she behaved appropriately.
A lump of anger and resentment formed in Majgen’s throat. Although it was troublesome to force food past that lump, she managed to finish her meal. Remaining seated, she waited for Baglian to finish, so she could clear the table. When done eating, Baglian turned his eyes to Majgen. She perceived the meaning of what he would say before he spoke it. But she still turned her eyes to him, in order to listen appropriately attentively.
‘I agreed to see Ukrial in two years, for a follow up session,’ Baglian said, ‘If you study hard and progress as a mentarion, and do your best to be obedient, then I will let you come with me.’
Majgen swallowed a few times. She sensed Baglian wanted a reply, but wanted to be sure her reply would not reflect her anger.
‘I will do my best, Femaron Baglian.’
Neither of them spoke further. Baglian left the table, to let his student clean up after their meal. Neither of them mentioned Ukrial again later.
While putting food and dishes in place, Majgen considered her teacher’s promise. She decided to do her best to honour her end of the bargain. Although she resented having to please Baglian to that end. Anger still boiled in her, Majgen was not accustomed to feeling anger. In her time at the Mentariata she had been too scared to be angry. Only two weeks had passed since she left that school.
—-=(Back to work)=—-
Upon receiving Majgen as a personal student, Baglian had taken a vacation from his other Femaron duties. By the time he resumed his regular work, Majgen had still been influenced by grane. Because he couldn’t educate her on mentarion therapy-forms while she was non-empathic he didn’t bring her with him, instead he kept her locked in the apartment while working.
The first day Majgen’s empathic abilities were back, he locked her in the apartment again, estimating the extra hours of solitude would aid his student in working out her anger issues. He calculated that a little privacy at this time would be an efficient tool for his student to clarify and strengthen her motivations to study.
The next day Baglian brought her with him to work. Thereafter, bringing her to work with him was steady routine.
Working as a therapist, Femaron Baglian received clients in an office at the nearest public hospital, only seven minutes travel from his apartment in Drom. The majority of his patients were assigned to him by the Empaticon and the Mentaricon, the two empath ruling structures. But he kept a third of his work hours free to treat patients whom he allowed the public hospital to appoint to him from their mental health departments, after their own choice and selection. Out of a population of two-hundred thousand, Baglian and Majgen were the only empaths known to currently reside in mining habitat Drom.
The majority of Baglian’s wealth didn’t come from this public work. Mentarions were highly paid for the work they performed for the Government and the empathic sub-societies, but the steady wage could not compare to the fortunes wealthy persons were willing to spend on mental health. Baglian only rarely accepted private patients, but when he did he treated them in his own time, at his own home, and charged immensely for it.
He had not done that since fetching Majgen at the Mentariata. Having more money than he needed he felt that lessons on the ethics and doings of private income, could wait till his student was closer to attaining graduation.
As with all prior students, Baglian provided strict instructions that Majgen remain quiet while he worked. In between patients he would not object to questions, but Majgen hardly ever had to ask, his emanations supplied her with more information than she could have thought up questions.
Even while performing procedures, Baglian allowed her to scan his patients’ minds. Majgen felt how ill Baglian’s patients were, how severely they suffered before his treatment, and how immense the improvement was after every session. Seeing the effects of Baglian’s work, she understood that an educated mentarion was an invaluable therapeutic tool. In the past Majgen had never been able to respect a Femaron simply for what the uniform represented. Now, however, after five years of living as a mentarion, Majgen began to think of Femarons as valuable.
Baglian relaxed between each patient. Having only Femaron-potential, he did not have the mental stamina for mind-scanning actively more than five hours a day. In order to do even that six days of the week, on a regular basis, he needed to rest his empathic senses often.
Mostly he spent his resting time in his office. Reading books or listening to music. Sometimes he spent the time drilling Majgen in her teachings. He knew very well, that she took at least parts of many of the right answers from his emanations, rather than from her own memories. Baglian didn’t mind though, that made him able to use the drillings to teach her things. When evaluating how much she remembered and understood unaided, he made her shut off her senses first.
Majgen didn’t talk much unless prompted to do so by inquiries or direct commands. After five friendless years in the Mentariata, she was out of the habit of having social conversations. Living with Baglian was not an encouragement for her to change that habit. His relationship to her was purely professional.
The resentment Majgen felt towards her teacher started wearing off as the respect she felt towards what he could accomplish as a mentarion grew. She didn’t like him, but, nonetheless, she began to respect him. Once the respect outgrew the resentment, she found it was easy to maintain a professional relationship to him.
If she had realised that her future well-being had been the largest of Baglian’s motives for making her lesson in guilt so cruel, then maybe she would have developed warmer feelings for him. But she had not perceived it. The promise he had made to her, without telling her, was no longer on top of Baglian’s mind when the effect of grane wore off. Because at that time he had no longer been worried, his plan had worked to perfection. Majgen had come to truly understand, she was not yet sufficiently educated to make therapeutic decisions on her own.
Majgen studied a blue picture, hanging on a wall in Baglian’s office. It was hand-made. Her mentor had once used one of his own memories of that picture to mind-sedate her. With his eyes it had looked different, the colour receptors in his eyes were of another phenotype than hers.
In the past, Baglian had studied the picture for many hours to gain a perception and interpretation of it strong enough to make the memory suitable for sedation. The Femaron was not planning to train her in these matters any time soon, but from his emanations Majgen had understood the basic concepts of sedation by images, and she was eager to learn.
A flickering of emotion in Baglian’s emanations, distracted Majgen from her studies of the picture, and she turned her attention to him. The Femaron was sitting in a comfortable chair reading a news article.
‘The article is annoying him,’ she perceived.
The content of the article was logic based and too complex to translate directly through emotions, hence Majgen couldn’t sense exactly what the subject was.
‘Whatever the subject, it carries many different associations for him,’ Majgen concluded, as she received many different memory sequences from him at once.
Majgen was not surprised to sense that he intended to finish the whole article in spite of how much it annoyed him and how ridiculous he considered it to be. It would be very unlike her mentor to let emotions deter him from a path once he had started on it. Even when the path was to read a ludicrous news article which had seemed valid and sensible until he started reading.
She turned her eyes to the painting again, and locked out the memories streaming from Baglian. She had begun to learn how to control how much she sensed from emanations. With Baglian’s ideas and not always gentle pushes she had begun to grasp how to increase her unique sensitivity at will. Baglian had not shown any interest in teaching her how to perceive less. But when Majgen began to grasp how she could increase her sensitivity, she also intuitively began to understand how she could decrease it. She had learned to lock out memories from Baglian’s emanations.
‘I have been his personal student for a bit more than a month now,’ Majgen realised, ‘Life has been peaceful lately. This morning in the shower I didn’t see a single bruise on my body.’
Baglian had allowed her to use healing ointments on her back, and the bruises from the whipping had long healed. Those bruises had kept her from sleeping on her back for over a week, but they could have been worse. If Baglian had used a neutral tool to inflict the same amount of pain during that whipping, the bruising would have been far more severe, but he had used a shock-cane at intermediate setting.
‘Even if he had used a neutral whip, those bruises would still be gone by now,’ Majgen thought, she had extensive personal experience in bruises and their rate of healing.
From her time at the Mentariata, Majgen was accustomed to using healing ointments on various bruises, on average she had smeared some part of her body with the sticky substance nearly every second night.
What had felt strange to her this morning was that she had no bruises at all. Anywhere on her body. She couldn’t remember having seen her own body completely unblemished by bruises any time in the previous five years. She was fairly sure there had been several occasions, where her body had been unmarked, but she also knew for a fact that she had never noticed it in the mirror.
Since a few months before she became fifteen, Majgen had avoided looking at her naked body in mirrors. Before her fifteenth birthday, she had assumed a habit of only using mirrors to adjust her looks when fully uniformed. Or if necessary also when applying ointment to places on her backside.
The full-wall mirror in Baglian’s bathroom had been a difficult adjustment for her.
For six full hours, every four days, Majgen hated her body. The other ninety hours of every four days she tried not to think too much about her body, to avoid thinking of those six hours which returned every four days.
That was how things had been since the last months before her fifteenth birthday. Or almost since then at least. It had taken a while before the interval was set to an unchanging four days apart. She clearly remembered the first time they had made her sign an application to personally apply for the treatment. And she clearly remembered the second time six months later too.
‘The first time, I was eager to sign, once they explained the benefits to me,’ Majgen remembered.
The second time, she had initially refused to sign again, when they gave her a new six months application.
‘The first time they informed me I had the right to refuse. They neglected that the second time round, but I remembered.’
The second time, only her and a single Femaron had been present. While offering her the application, he had tried to convin
ce her with the same arguments as last. But she had refused to sign.
‘I clearly sensed he had no intentions of breaking the law and order me to sign, yet I don’t know where I found the courage to stand my ground that day.’
After a while the Femaron had let her leave the office without signing. Majgen had gone straight to her room. Shaking from the face-off and she had been in dire need of some privacy to cry. While she cried her relief-mixed fear out on her bed, a personal message had arrived. The message had been simple:
–Tenth Ranked Student Majgen– –The offer remains available, you may call me anytime you want a new chance to sign the application.–
At that moment she had still been determined to never sign such an application again. The first six months had been six too many for her.
Majgen’s eyes kept scanning the blue picture in Baglian’s office, but her facial features tightened in response to her memories. It had been harder in the beginning, she had grown more used to the ‘treatment’ over the last three years, but it still bothered her.
The memory of how she had finally been convinced to sign the second time, bothered her too.
—-=(A freedom of choice)=—-
The morning after Majgen had refused to sign the second application, a Femaron came to her room five minutes prior to wake up call for students. Majgen was startled to be woken by a man’s voice rather than the usual alarm.
‘Wake up, Student Majgen.’
Majgen sat up so abruptly her eyes blackened to the extent she wasn’t sure she had remembered to open them. When her vision returned she was met with blood-red markings on the yellow of a Femaron uniform. Her eyes travelled up to see the face of the teacher who was her primary private tutor at this time.
‘I have come to give you some instructions regarding changes in your schedule, Student.’
Majgen was already too scared to sense clearly, yet she sensed he had come for more and other reasons than that.
‘Are you sufficiently awake to receive instructions, Student?’
‘Yes, Femaron Hollo,’ she replied, her voice rusty with sleep.
‘In one week a special class for the twelve Mentariatan rank 6 students who are above the age of seventeen will begin. Since they are so far behind those of equal age, we want to give them a better chance to improve the efficacy of their studies. We are planning to give them more intense training circumstances. So starting in ten days they will be joined in one class, which will be training unsupervised every four days, for as long as they have empathic stamina for.’
Majgen was confused by the long speech. She was rank 10, she didn’t understand how rank 6 student plans could affect her schedule.
‘You have youth-worker experience in serving mentarions. We have decided that you will serve them drink and food during their unsupervised exercises.’
‘Me serve?’ Majgen was not fully awake. ‘Why me? I’m never assigned to serving duties.’
Femaron Hollo took a short break from talking. He would prefer if Majgen caught every word, so he would not have to repeat himself several times.
‘Why do they suddenly want me to serve food and drink. They usually keep me off such duties, they still don’t think it’s safe.’
‘You will commence those duties in ten days,’ Femaron Hollo reiterated, ‘There is another matter though. You will need to pack your things, you are moving rooms today. We are moving you to rank 1 student sleeping quarters. Now that you are no longer interested in keeping your subconscious emanations under control, we cannot allow you to move around in areas where you might run into the youngest students.’
Majgen was sufficiently awake to consider that good news.
‘Rank 1 students are able to resist my emanations, as long as they remain wary of me.’
For a moment she thought the Mentariata had decided to adapt circumstances to her decision not to sign the application. Femaron Hollo’s next words ripped her out of that misunderstanding.
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Love and Legends)=—- ‘Morning greetings, Little Human,’ said Aejoa. ‘Morning greetings, Aejoa,’ returned Majgen, and yawned sleepily. ‘You just woke up?’ guessed Aejoa, studying her sleepy appearance on the viewer. ‘Ei,’ – yes, Majgen replied during a second yawn. ‘Inee told me you had called...
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! With this chapter begins book two. Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Alive)=—- Majgen woke with a start, heart pounding eyes flashing open. The brightness of the room hurt her eyes. ‘Bright?’ she wondered, ‘the interrogation room is dark.’ She struggled to orient herself. ‘Did I pass out? What happened?’ Blinking, she tried to...
—-=(Loke)=—- The water was soothing and warm as it ran down her hair and face. Majgen held her breath and enjoyed the massaging drumming of water droplets on her head. She often closed her eyes while showering in Baglian’s apartment, even when water was not running down her face. She was still uncomfortable about the full wall mirror. A few weeks earlier, Ottearon Weissme had let her return to Baglian. She and Baglian had easily slipped into their old routines. As Majgen had anticipated,...
Copyright of Nanna Marker (lit ID ellynei) —-=(Femaron Braygen)=—- Student Majgen Rahan sat at her desk, intently observing the teacher – Femaron Braygen, desperately trying to understand what he was saying. This was at the beginning of her second year at the Mentariata – she was fourteen. At this time she was following several rank eight student courses, even though she was only a rank ten student. Femaron Braygen’s course caused her immense worries. This was the third of his classes Majgen...
—-=(In the travelling suite, part 1)=—- Femaron Baglian was watching news broadcasts from the war-zone. Majgen lay unconscious on a couch close to his comfortable chair. Flight personnel had placed her there by Baglian’s instruction. A GED-officer had injected her with kask-neutralizing reagents moments before turning her over to the flight personnel and her mentor. The kask had initially made her comatose, now that it was wearing of she was gradually moving through different stages of...
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Lovers)=—- ‘Maybe this was a bad idea,’ interjected Majgen. ‘I can hold out till mornings, Aejoa. It really isn’t necessary for you to educate Joone on how to…’ She couldn’t bring herself to say – satisfy me. ‘I will resume my duties as a Winin tomorrow, Little Human. It would be wise to have a...
—-=(First stop 1)=—- Their chauffeur had waited next to the passenger door for longer than he liked. ‘Typical mentarion attitude, just leave the little guy hanging,’ he thought, ‘Why can’t they just tell me what they want like regular people?’ He considered himself to be as intrigued by mentarion ways as the next guy, but being around them personally was disconcerting. He preferred watching mentarions at a distance, preferably half a planet away. It was fascinating to watch entertainment...
Copyright of Nanna Marker. Warning: Work in progress, the full Majgen book-series is not yet completed (unless my bio states otherwise.) —-=(The meeting)=—- ‘Seven chairs on my right,’ she thought while entering the classroom from the students’ entrance, ‘seven chairs on my left.’ Summoned by teachers, Majgen focused on unimportant details. Through trial and painful error, she had found this to be the wisest approach. Adhering to proper etiquette for a low ranking student, she stood still...
For those who are fascinated by the world Majgen live in, I have submitted Majgen appendix 001 it contains some historical background and can be read on the side indepent of the storyline in the normal Majgen chapters. I hope it will be approved earlier than this chapter. * —-=(The spaceport)=—- After they were done in the tailor design shop, Baglian and Majgen went back to the cab. ‘Take us to the nearest suitable spaceport,’ Baglian ordered over the intercom. He did not elaborate, he...
—-=(Taxi Gate 7, Part 1)=—- Taxi gate 7 was a hallway which appeared pleasing to the eye in a neutral manner. Below average human shoulder height the walls were coloured in a calm, not too bright, shade of blue. At shoulder height and above, the walls were also decorated with intricate ornaments. Bronze, gold and a few streaks of black dominated the ornaments. Between ornaments the wall was coloured in the same blue shade as the lower part of the wall. Here, however, the blue was interrupted...
—-=(Rasta’s teachings)=—- During her time at the Mentariata, Majgen was assigned to a multitude of private teachers. Prior to the incident with Femaron Braygen, and his pet-memories, Ottearon Weissme put an effort into communicating with those who gave her private lessons, to see how the child was getting along and to ease her transition into the mentarion sub-society. Weissme was strongly motivated to this end by the guilt he felt for having covered the circumstances regarding her discovery. ...
—-=(A cosy room)=—- Majgen was alone. The room Ottearon Weissme had led her to was beautifully decorated, elaborate decorations were unusual in polymorphic passenger suites, but the designers hired by the Mentariata often strayed from what was usual. The combination of great amounts of money and requests for excellence often had such effects on designers at Majgen’s time. This setting had been named ‘Cosy Comfort in Mellow Shades of Pink and Red’ by its designer. It was a suitable name. ...
—-=(Empaths and politics)=—- Twelve centuries prior to Majgen’s birth, it was officially confirmed and publicly announced that a minority of humans possessed empathic abilities. Soon after the existence of human empaths became public knowledge, programs were made to track empaths and enslave them in governmental employ. By the time Majgen was born, human empaths had long since gone from being a feared and abused minority to being respected pillars of society, a position human empaths in...
This chapter is about Hawlun, and the war, a flashback to the past. It was never my intension to keep you all in suspense regarding Majgen’s past. There are just so many things to tell, I can’t do it all at once. * —-=(Resources)=—- The war between yijejos and humans begun 211 years prior to Majgen’s birth, basically the war was a conflict over a certain region of space. The area in question had originally been discovered by a crew of humans flying a small ship named Jade. This fact was not...
Warning: If you are not a steady Majgen-story reader this appendix most likely holds nothing of interest to you. My apologies for your inconvenience. Foreword: My self-editorial skills are not as developed as I would like them to be yet. Hence this section had to be presented as an appendix rather than as a part of a chapter. This section, ‘The Human Nation’ contains only historical background for the time and age of Majgen. Maybe interesting for the reader who wants to know more. The...
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I did not resemble a slave that day, no collar, no chain; Master requested professional attire. As I stood on the street corner in my black business suit, black bra and stockings underneath, along with my black stilettos, I felt anxious and very submissive. A new fantasy was about to come true; a visit to a sex shop was in order today, complete with a dungeon below. I watched as Master got out of His blue jeep; He was strikingly handsome as always in a dark blue shirt and black pants. The...
My Master is a big guy; at 6 foot 2 He towers over my insignificant 5 foot 4 frame. I love to wear flats around Him when I feel the need to be “overwhelmed.” He is well built with strikingly intense blue eyes that turn an icy blue and seem to spit fire when He feels I have disobeyed Him for one reason or the other. Despite this, He did not realize the enormous control and power He had over me until the day I surrendered to submissive sex with Him at the local porn theatre. As we drove there,...
Chapter 1 “Mom, now I know why my right foot was so wet walking through the slush yesterday,” Jennifer said going to Lisa. “Look.” She showed her the sole of her sneaker, the rubber split from instep to edge. “I guess you need a new pair of running shoes.” “Can we go shopping as a family and Daddy can wear his lounger pants and hoodie for us and let his cock and balls sneak out?” Dan and Hanna walked into the kitchen noticing Lisa holding a running shoe. “I need new shoes. Can we go...
If you spend all your workdays in a cubicle in the center of a hundred thousand square foot room filled with cubicles, you tend to lose your identity over a period of time. I started this job three years ago, thinking I was on my way to the top of a large conglomerate. A year after starting, something went wrong in their accounting department and the SEC began auditing and auditing and auditing. The stock fell and fell. Cubicles were continuously abandoned, with me thinking I would be next any...
Wow, all kinds of questions, Ok here is what happened on my trip here to Atlanta I left my house at 4 AM drove to the airport and flew out right at 6:30, got into Salt Lake right before 8 AM, we were to have a two hour lay over that turned out to be almost three. We were in the air right around 10:45 and didn't get into Atlanta until around 4:20PM, I picked up my rental and drove straight over to my brothers house. Now I was saying in my Blog how I had not decided to wear my special panties...
"You haven't told her?" "No." Caitlyn had arrived that afternoon and we'd just finished an early dinner at a Cuban restaurant on Calle Ocho with my fiancé. Then we'd driven Marisa to the airport. She was off to Tampa for a long planned trip to see her aunt. I'd scheduled it purposely that way. I'd also insisted that we do the 'artificial insemination' in Miami. And I'd picked a weekend that I knew my brother was due to attend a business convention that he couldn't miss. So it'd...
You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley relives the years between 2001 and 2007. Now a young father, he lives with his wives in San Francisco, and further masters his gifts until they approach the level of his mentor Tseng. Despite this improvement, he still achieves many of his...
My first experience with an older woman, oh my word. I hope that you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed her and her me. This happened a long time ago, at least 8 years ago, she was old enough to be my mother. So sit back and enjoy.I was working as a barman at a 40th birthday party I met this stunning lady, her name was Sandy. She had long black hair, she had curves in all the right places, the perfect perky C cup breasts and her eyes were the kind of eyes that once you look into them you...
Straight SexJune 7th 2015 a police station interrogation room in North Carolina 3 PM 30 year old Sergeant David Ripley a Green Beret stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina is sitting in a police interrogation room drinking a cup of black coffee and waiting for news after witnessing a bank robbery. An hour after he first sat down in the room a Police officer came into the room looked at David and he said to him "Sergeant Ripley, I called the FBI and one of their best agents will be here shortly to...
Jon was awakened a short time later with warm moist lips on his cock. Opening his eyes, to see Genja was the owner and she gave him a very nice smile. “She tastes good on you,” she commented as she continued to tongue all around his tool. Cleaning all the secretions that Gail had left combined with Jon’s cum that had left a sticky sheen to his skin. “How long have I been asleep?” He asked. “Only thirty minutes, it’s just after 6pm.” She responded, still enjoying the job she had taken...
“So, the ... eight of us, are to be a group ... Elisabeth, this does mean that you have to sign the contract like the rest of us and submit ultimately to my authority. It also means picking a spouse and at least one official paramour. There’s only one single man left here: Roger Stanfield. He has no blood ties to you. I suggest, nay I command, that you two get hitched. Then you can pick your first paramour, just as he already picked his, namely my wife Cassie. Roger, looks like you’re no...
I sat watching videos and imagined I was in them. The ones that really excited me involved me being used by a woman. I decided not to cheat on Reg with another man. Maybe he could watch but I wasn’t sure. I decided to go alone to the Adult Shop and see if Marge could help me. I wandered in on the pretext of buying more bondage things. I was looking at some when Marge came up. “So are you into this or is your husband” she asked. “Me” I replied “but having experienced it I was wondering what to...
My P.I. filled me in on Jack Nixon, 40, years old, occupation: tax lawyer, all around ladies man and trouble maker. Married and divorced three times. Accused of sexual harassment of clients. Purportedly responsible for three divorces (four if you count mine) and three unwanted pregnancies. He has been arrested twice for domestic violence and suspected of some unsolved rapes. I’ve been trying to call Melinda but she’s not answering. When after three days, she hadn’t called back, I called her...
It had been about a year since I had fucked Michael. Of course we never told mom! Max had remembered because he would always jump on me and whenever I got out of the shower he would try to lick my pussy. Sometimes he managed to reach it and it still felt so good, but I would stop him. I didn’t want mom to find out what I did to him. I’ve fucked a few guys during the last year. I thought Michael would’ve opened my pussy up a bit, but it’s still tight, but it doesn’t hurt anymore. I even got a...
CHAPTER 1 Early Monday the head female coach of Carlton Valley College held her arms up above her head and in obvious deep emotional pain shouted, ‘Fuck!’ The A-team she hoped to take through to the gold regional finals was faltering but still had a chance of making it playoffs if it could win its three final games in the qualifying round. The B-team had already qualified for the playoff in its division, being the bottom-placed in the final four but Coach Nelson had just been told the...
Homecoming I’d say I proved you wrong, Father. I’d say your expectations of me came up short. You said I could never survive without a man to define me, said I could never exist without his protection, his touch, the submission he would demand. But that was before the law brought me to task for my youthful indiscretions. Dragged from my husband by the conscription squad for service in the Public Regiments, I was condemned to distant frontiers until my debt was repaid. As I left our secluded...
Hi friends 1st my intro. Myself vijay.25 my age n 5’10 my height.meri yeh 2nd story hai.Mera story likhne ka main aim ye hai ki m searching a sex partner for sex.either she is a gal,bhabi,or aunty.m nt a play boy. actually m going to mari on dec is liye marg se pehle kuch acha experice lena chahta hun.if any aunty intrstd then pls contact me on. Chalo abi story btata hun.hmare pros mein ek ladke ki nyi shadi hui.ladke ka father nhi tha.uske ghar 3 member the.husban,wife,or ladke ki maa.shadi k...
Hi, I m Rahul 23m from Mumbai.I m 5’11 tall whitish fair with good built. People say that I look smart. Well, I have been reading the stories of ISS from the last few years but I didn’t know that I would submit my own experience with u people. Without wasting much time, coming to the point of my own experience which happened to me before few days with a hot and sexy, ravishing 32 yr old bhabhi from Mumbai. A month before I got a call on my cell. As soon as I lift the call n said ‘hello’ I heard...
All the way to the jail facility, which was twenty minutes from downtown, Officer Tucker kept apologizing for having to take me in. Normally I would have told him not to worry about it but I wasn't saying anything. Getting booked was not a new thing for me as I had a run in with the law when I was a teenager; however things had changed a little since then. After I was fingerprinted and they took my mug shots, I was led to a holding cell where I had to sit and wait for further processing....
what have you enjoyed doing the most with someoneelse with me in the room?****I 'd have to say sucking the black man's cock asyou fucked me. Or fucking with the loud blonde, rightin front of my face. Though if I could includeanytime---I'd say, being with Tiffany.what do you think is the sluttiest thing you've donewhile i was there?**I think, you would say the black man. I would say,having all the people smacking my ass and touching mytits.which of the things you've done do you look forwardto...
There is never a hard cock around when you need one. Miss Albert's Math class did nothing to sooth my fevered libido and when it let out school was over and everyone not engaged in some kind of extracurricular activity ran off to start their weekend like it was the last one they would ever have. I told Neeka not to wait for me and I went back of the Gym to wait for Polly and whatever diabolical scheme she had devised to torture me today. I tried not to think about it too much... all right,...
Dressed for a Trick, or Treat By Shawna Summers [email protected] "I can't believe we're doing this," I comment to my friend Jim as we walked into his house. We entered the front door of the large house, and I saw the Halloween decorations were all over the hallway. Jim's mom usually got into Halloween, I guess that's why she was cool with this. "Why? It's not a big deal," Jim commented casually. Maybe not for you, I thought, but didn't say. I was about to live...
The Suburban took us north at way beyond the speed limit, and I could just spot two more keeping pace, protecting us. We turned toward the Gulf, and pretty soon our driver pulled inside the garage of a three story, beachfront estate that looked like Frank Lloyd Wright could have designed it. A glance was all I got because as quickly as we pulled in, the door went down behind us. Catherine looked at us and said, "We found this home for sale, and bought it using funds that were ... let's...
It was too dark outside to see anything. All you could do was hear. The footsteps, the heavy breathing, the panic as the duo ran for their lives. Darkness was preferred – light meant flashlights, and that meant that the very people they were running from were catching up to them. They knew not where they were running to, just who and what they were running from.After too long a time spent making their lungs bleed and legs beg for death, the pair saw no flashlight and heard no voice. Without a...
Love StoriesIntroduction: This is the continuing tale of Jane, the little ignorant slut. It is a silly, whimsical tale about a young girl with a hyperactive sex drive. Previous Chapter – After her father had announced to everyone in the family that they were free to have sex with Jane - a petite, fourteen year old beauty with a peculiar overactive sex drive - Jane immediately sucked off her brother Jack. She was now anxious for someone else to help her with her 'special problem.’ This is a work of...
My brother Chris raised her to be respectful, straightforward, and honest. She brought her natural brilliance, vivaciousness and loveliness, making her a very attractive total package. And her hard-working intelligence and intensity brought her success in academia, a bachelors degree, a masters degree and an interest in sociology for which she was studying for her PhD. She had arranged to attend a full week intensive seminar in my town about 600 miles from the village she grew up in, where she...
Carla had the week off and her k** had school so she was free for several hours during the day. She called me this morning and asked me to stop by if I had a little time. So, I quickly showered, dressed and went to Carla's. She answered the door wearing a long t-shirt that went down to her knees, I figured she didn't have much else on and was hungry for some action.She suggested that we sit on the couch, but I suggested the bedroom. Carla smiled and I followed her to her bedroom. As soon as we...
“OH MY GOD WE’RE FINALLY HERE” Stacy screamed, as we stood infront of the college dorm rooms. “Yea I see that, no need to shout” I said while taking both our luggages out from the SUV trunk “Oh c’mon, you’re just as excited as I am. All those years of studying finally paid off and now we have freeeedommmm” “Freedom from what, exactly” Her dad grunted as he helped me unpack the luggage and closed the door. “Did I say freedom, I meant….oh noo, how will i ever survive away from my amazingly...
TranssexualSteve sat at the edge of the mattress when I returned to the bedroom, his right leg folded beneath him, his hands clasping his knee, worry furrowing his brow. "We need to talk, sweetie," he said. "I know," I replied tiredly. Rubbing my forehead, I closed the bedroom door and made sure it was locked. The girls were in bed, but they could just as easily be awake as asleep and I didn't want either barging in on our conversation. Sex I wasn't worried about; no way was I having sex...