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—-=(Taxi Gate 7, Part 1)=—-

Taxi gate 7 was a hallway which appeared pleasing to the eye in a neutral manner. Below average human shoulder height the walls were coloured in a calm, not too bright, shade of blue. At shoulder height and above, the walls were also decorated with intricate ornaments. Bronze, gold and a few streaks of black dominated the ornaments.

Between ornaments the wall was coloured in the same blue shade as the lower part of the wall. Here, however, the blue was interrupted by smaller streaks of different red or yellow shades, cleverly placed to accentuate certain shapes of the ornaments.

Majgen could have stood on her own shoulders twice, without her head bumping into the ceiling.

The wall-ornaments did not reach into the ceiling, ornamented ceilings were unusual at Majgen’s time because they tended to make ceilings appear closer than they were.

In super-cities free space between head and ceiling was not just a sign of wealth and status. It was also a well-known factor contributing to general well-being. To this end the wall ornaments, closest to the ceiling, had been cleverly designed with up-reaching flame-like shapes, giving the eye a feeling of freedom above. Also the transition between wall and ceiling was curved, to give an illusion of even more extra space.

The ceiling had a lighter blue shade. The gradual transition from the not too bright blue of the lower walls, to the light blue of the ceiling, began near the flame tips of the upper ornaments.

Light sources were evenly spread across the ceiling. The designer had managed to give them an asymmetrical placement, that appeared random, while still giving an even pleasant lighting through the hallway. At one end the hallway ended at an elevator, which could take people arriving to different parts of the Mentariata. At the other end the hallway ended at a cab parking lot.

The hallway was as wide as it was high. The elevators doors, at one end of the hall, were as wide as the hallway. They were not ornamented like the walls, but they were colored in the same manner as the walls, apart from colors marking their sides, meant to make it obvious they were not mere walls.

The gates to the cab parking lot were see-through. Small ornaments, crafted in a similar style as the larger wall ornaments, were build into the see-through gate. Mostly to ensure that the inattentive would not hurt themselves by walking into the closed gate. The elevator doors in the other end of the hall would open automatically whenever an elevator arrived to let people get off or on. The see-through gates to the parking lot only opened by touching the artistically designed ‘touch to open’ signs, which were placed at several strategic positions on these gates.

Majgen was standing at the wall, near the see-through gate. She had been in the hallway for nearly an hour. A first class cab was parked on the other side of the gate, it had arrived a few minutes earlier. Two black standard long distance containers stood next to Majgen. They were packed with two almost full sets of traditional rank 10 student uniforms and the corresponding amount of underwear.

Femaron Baglian had not needed to specify to her, that she should only pack standard clothing. Standard clothing was the only clothing she possessed. She did own more than two sets of each, but she had made sure only to pack two of each as she had been ordered. She had five different kinds of standard rank ten uniforms, so she had packed ten uniforms total.

The first three uniform types, she had packed, were different versions of the standard uniform, visually almost identical, but designed thermally to be worn at different environment temperature settings.

The fourth uniform type version, she had brought, was designed for optional thermal coating, so it could be used at different temperatures depending on what coating she put on it.

The fifth uniform type, in her containers, was ceremonial wear, meant for festive or special official occasions.

Baglian had ordered her to bring two full sets, she had complied with that order as fully as she could. However, she did not own any of the sixth uniform type, Pompous Ceremonial wear. In all her time at the Mentariata she had never been invited, nor ordered, to attend to a gathering requiring Pompous Ceremonial wear.

Since shortly after her enroll to the mentarion school, Majgen’s access to her own money had been blocked. For this reason Majgen was, unlike most mentarion students, unable to make any purchases without permission from her so called student counsellors.

Four years back, she had asked if she should acquire a Pompous Ceremonial uniform, back then she had been told, to wait till a situation arose that would require such an attire. She had been fourteen years old at that time, her student counsellor saw no reason for her to waste large amounts of cash on clothing she would most likely outgrow sooner than getting an opportunity to use it.

Majgen had stopped growing at age sixteen, but she had not brought up the topic of Pompous wear again. By that time it seemed unlikely that she – Majgen the troublemaker – would be asked to attend such solemn or ceremonious events. Now at age eighteen, after five years in the Mentariata, she still had never been asked to such an event.

Student Majgen suffered from more than a slight level of anxiety for the reason of not having been able to fully comply with Femaron Baglian’s orders. She had not thought about Pompous Ceremonial wear for years. It had not occurred to her that she did not own two full sets of traditional clothing. At least not when she received the order to pack exactly that, almost three hours ago.

She severely regretted her failure to remember the incompletion of her wardrobe back then.

‘I should have informed him immediately,’ Majgen berated herself silently, ‘I am sure he would not choose to punish me for not being able to comply fully with his instructions, if only I had told him at once when he gave the order.’ Majgen now feared it was too late to rectify her negligence.

On top of this worry, Majgen was also nervous about this new change in her life.

Becoming the personal student of a higher ranking mentarion was not a normal occurrence for tenth ranked students. Majgen had never before heard of tenth ranked students entering personal study programs. She had heard of a few powerful second and first ranked students temporarily being assigned to private study with Femarons or Firearons. However, she knew that the personal study program was primarily meant for the freshly graduated mentarions, the Etarons.

Majgen was somewhat familiar with the basic rules and mechanics of the personal student system, when an Etaron was assigned as a personal student, but she did not know what rights, if any, an ungraduated mentarion had when living as a personal student.

—-=(Majgen’s Status)=—-

An Etaron would have been presented with a contract, which would specify the terms of a particular student/mentor relationship. An etaron would get the choice to sign the contract and hence become a personal student, or not sign and thus not study under that mentor. She had not been offered a contract. She was an ungraduated mentarion, therefore she had not legally come of age, she was not legally adult in matters of personal freedom.

If Majgen had not been a mentarion she would have legally come of age at her seventeenth birthday. By mentarion special law a mentarion was not legally adult until graduation, no matter what age they would reach prior to that time. Legally she was a minor, and legally the Mentariata was her guardian.

Before she was discovered to be empathic, she had daydreamed of her seventeenth birthday, she had fantasized about what she could do with such freedom.

In her early years at the Mentariata, where the age seventeen was no longer the mark of freedom, Majge
n had many times thought about her future graduation, how her life would change once she became Etaron. She had tried to quell an often devastating feeling of despair at her situation with thoughts of how it would end one day. She had managed to keep the dream of graduation alive for nearly four years.

At bedtime on the evening of her seventeenth birthday, the old daydream would not come to her. This was the first time her fantasy had failed her when going to bed.

In the non-empathic world, the normal world, Majgen would have been adult that evening, but in the mentarion world she was still the lowest possible student rank. She had become seventeen, a fully grown woman, but in reality she was the legal equivalent of a ten year old.

That evening, instead of her usual daydream before sleep, Majgen had had a grim realization.

‘They will probably never let me graduate. I will be lucky to ever be allowed to rise to a higher student rank.’

She had not let herself cry for at least half a year before that night, red eyes could cause attention. That night, however, she had not tried to stop the tears, she would not have been able to stop them either. She had cried and she had screamed into her pillow, while she had pressed her face against the soft fabric trying to muffle the noise of her anguish.

Loud sounds in her room, would have caused an alert to be sounded at security, which would have prompted security personnel to inspect the visual from her room on their monitors.

Majgen had cried for hours on end, until her body had gotten so exhausted it had fallen into a restless form of nightmare filled sleep.

The next day she had been given some special leeway by her teachers, it was very unusual for Majgen to be given any leeway. She had however, been too dazed and sleep deprived to notice that her unusual extra leisure time that day was not just a coincidence. Mentarion training was in many ways very insensitive and cold, but not even her supervisors had been blind to the emotional pressure of reaching age seventeen and still wearing a rank 10 uniform.

—-=(Taxi Gate 7, Part 2)=—-

Before the cab arrived Majgen had switched between pacing the hallway and studying the beautiful wall ornaments, to calm her nerves. She had several times reached out to touch them, straining to make herself feel delight in the artwork. Thinking of trivia was a good method to calm herself, but she didn’t think of trivia at that time, she wanted to keep her head clear. She had to try to understand her new situation before Femaron Baglian arrived. While she was alone she could truly contemplate freely, without fear of infuriating others by her inappropriate manner of thinking.

When the cab arrived she had immediately ceased her restless behaviour. While being alone with the Mentariata security cameras, acting as if she was unseen was not improper. However, when she was in within view of another human, especially a non-empathic one, she had to uphold dignified mentarion appearance. That duty applied to even the lowest ranking mentarions.

As soon as she had eyed the cab, Majgen had pulled her hood up and placed herself next to her luggage. She had assumed her most used pose, her humble awaiting pose. She took the cab’s arrival as a sign that Femaron Baglian would soon show himself. In preparation for the arrival of a higher ranked mentarion Majgen began thinking of trivia, once again slowly burying her personality and intellect behind a wall of boring inessential thoughts.

‘The human government is divided into six divisions, the first five each assigned control of specific tasks, the sixth has only one task which is to ensure proper law-abiding functioning in the others, as well as cooperation between the other five. The governmental sections are named according to their primary tasks.’ Majgen proceeded to list each section to herself.

‘Governmental Resource Division, GRD.

Governmental living Habitat planning Division, GHD.

Governmental Tax Division, GTD.

Governmental Legislative Division, GLD.

Governmental law Enforcing Division, GED.

Governmental Cooperation Division, GCD…’ Majgen did not need pauses to memorize the exact wording from her childhoods schoolbooks on the subject of governmental organization.

Back when she had been eleven and was first learning about governmental structure in school, most children in the class had trouble staying awake each time this part was recited. In spite of the class clowns usually making a racket when the teacher reached the really dry parts. She had made an effort to stay attentive though, she wanted to do well in school back then. She had already started making half clear plans for her future when she was nine years old.

Majgen did on occasion feel a yearning to change position to be able to look at a clock, but her extensive training in self-control made it easy for her to resist those urges. Clocks were cleverly built into the wall ornaments at many places. Inconspicuous placement of multiple clocks was a very common feature in areas specifically designed for mentarions.

One of the tricks mentarions used to uphold a dignified appearance was to not fidget about time, at least not in visible manners. A non-empathic would hardly ever be able to catch a graduated mentarion looking at a clock to check the time, unless of course they had directly asked one what time it was. If Majgen had chosen a neutral, rather than a humble, pose. She could have easily checked the time from clocks on the opposing wall, in an imperceptible manner.

The only movements she made while standing next to her luggage, was shifting her weight on her feet about once a minute to make sure her feet and legs would not tire from standing unnaturally still.

Baglian arrived a bit more than twenty minutes after the cab parked outside the gate.

When the elevator arrived it’s doors opened by sliding completely into the walls. The elevator doors were as wide as the hallway itself, but the elevators interior space luxuriously reached even wider to the sides.

All the way from the exit gate where she stood, Majgen could feel that the person stepping out of the elevator was Femaron Baglian and that he was alone. She pulled her hood down and turned to face in his direction, however, she kept her head bowed still. When he was only a few meters from her she bowed in the mentarion fashion.

After the bow, she raised her head fully to look directly at him, by then he was already right in front of her.

Emotionally Femaron Baglian was still as dispassionate as she remembered him. Majgen would have expected the face of someone who seemed so unusually dispassionate to reflect a lack of exercise, to somehow appear slack, like an arm that never lifted any weight. However, there was nothing lazy about Femaron Baglian’s facial features, his face looked as stern and solemn as the faces of most higher ranking mentarions did, when they were not actively displaying lighter emotions.

The Femaron raised both hands and placed his palms on her ears. A scanning position.

Majgen’s heart started beating faster, sooner than she could consciously feel even a hint of fear.

‘Mind scan in a hallway,’ Majgen thought as her mouth suddenly felt dry. The young woman had many bad memories regarding hallway scans. Many incidents starting with hallway scans had ended with very unpleasant outcomes for her.

Baglian sedated her mind mildly using an image of the color blue from his own memories. Majgen accepted the sedation gratefully, in a sedated state she was far less likely to think up new inappropriate thoughts.

Femaron Baglian did not rush his scan of Majgen, a first class cab would not leave without its passengers. Especially not since its meter had started running from the moment Femaron Baglian had pre-ordered it to arrive.

At first he investigated certain aspects of her mind, which Ottearon Weis
sme had described to him verbally.

Baglian was sufficiently arrogant to consider himself equal to an Ottearon in many ways. However, his choice to certify the Ottearon’s words were not based on a lack of trust in the estimates of the far higher ranked mentarion. Rather his motivation arose with knowledge of how limited words were for describing ways of the mind.

By using his empathic senses, he could understand more and see more clearly, than words could ever describe in a single audiovisual long range communication. Even words phrased with the verbal skills of Ottearon Weissme.

—-=(Baglian’s Arrogance)=—-

Baglian was a very arrogant man, but even he had not been too presumptuous to be impressed by a private call from an Ottearon. Especially one who occupied such an important post in the mentarion society.

Ottearon Weissme was leader of the Mentariata, the most prestigious of the three mentarion schools.

The rank Ottearon was the second highest mentarion rank, seven ranks higher than a freshly graduated mentarion. Femaron rank was a well respected rank amongst mentarions, but compared to Ottearon rank it was quite inferior.

The rank system for graduated mentarions was named after the numbers one to nine as spoken in a long dead language. When the empathic minority had been freed from slavery and the mentarion rank system had initially been established, the founders of the mentarion ways had simply taken the numbers one to nine in from that dead language and had added -aron to the end, to create suitable rank titles.

Etaron, was the lowest graduate rank, anyone with empathic potential strong enough to be called mentarion also had potential to reach at least one rank above this to become Toaron. The next ranks in line were Trearon, Firearon, Femaron, Seksaron, Syvaron, Ottearon and Niaron.

Not every generation contained an empath strong enough to be achieve Niaron rank, at Majgen’s time there was only one living mentarion carrying the Niaron rank.

Weissme had called Femaron Baglian, to urge the Femaron to accept the Mentariata’s summon.

During the call the superior mentarion had treated Baglian with genuine courtesy and respect, as he would have an equal in rank. He had insisted that the Femaron should make himself comfortable, while clearly stating that the call was an informal call between colleagues. However, Ottearon Weissme had made sure not to request cessation of titulation by rank, he wanted Femaron Baglian to remain awed to be contacted personally by an Ottearon.

Ottearon Weissme was counted amongst the ten most powerful mentarions who were alive at that time, a master in the ways of the mind.

Most Ottearons had been absorbed so much by the ways of the mind that they had trouble with long distance communication, empathic senses could not be transmitted by mechanical means like voice and sound could. Most mentarions above Syvaron rank had even forgotten how to properly read a full context from tone, wording and body language alone.

Weissme ,however, had not let his verbal skills fade with time while increasing his mastery of the mentarion ways. On the contrary, he had learned to use his knowledge of how words and expressions wake emotions to increase his skill at spoken communication.

At his current age of sixty-five Weissme could often manipulate people more easily by words and expression, than if he had attempted direct mind control to gain same means person to person.

During the long range call, Ottearon Weissme had played on Baglian’s arrogance as if it was a musical instrument. He wanted Baglian to accept Majgen as a personal student, and he wanted the Femaron to feel good about it.

Weissme had heard of Baglian’s personality from another high ranked mentarion. That mentarion, a Syvaron, (only one mentarion-rank below Ottearon,) had also shown him memories of looking into Femaron Baglians mind.

Normally the very high-ranked mentarions considered extreme arrogance a nuisance, a too arrogant mind-set would obstruct a mentarion from interpreting his surroundings as clearly as his empathic abilities could allow.

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After giving Suzie a goodbye kiss, Sean stepped out of the car holding a huge bag containing his new school clothes. He watched the car pull out of the driveway. Tired, he headed to the front door thinking that he would take a nice long nap. Stepping in the house, he found Lily, his father, and Mr. Emery watching baseball on television. Pasting a smile on his face, he said, “Hello, everyone.” “Hello, Sean,” Lily said with a smile. His father said, “Hi, Son. I heard there was a little...

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Wife used for revenge

For my birthday in august, we went to Las Vegas. After about 2 days of partying were were walking around pretty smashed. My wife and I had talked about trying to hook up with another girl and have a threesome. We went to a club and my wife met a girl and started fucking with her but when I got close, my wife broke it up and said never mind. I got really fucking mad but held it in cause I didn't want to ruin our time because we were with friends. When wegot back to the hotel my wife was so...

2 years ago
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The Ranch

Even though things had been a little strange the past 3 days, nothing had prepared me for the sight before me as Neil led me through the thick steel door and into a room I had no idea existed below the ranch the house he and Carrie called home. But before me was his wife Carrie, naked and stretched as far as her limbs would go on what appeared to be a table—but Carrie was standing and the look on her face as I entered the room was priceless. She tried to speak or even yell her objections, but...

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Orb and Prophecy Prophecy Part 11 of about 13

(Asterisks around a section indicate the character's thoughts.) I was on my way back to the city, alone again to reduce the danger of attracting attention, yet aware of a guard following discreetly behind. It was just a few days after I had been told the Prophecy. The intervening time had been filled with more strategizing. I had sat in with the group, out of both courtesy and curiosity, on one of their prayer sessions, and I had been touched by their faith and sincerity. Now it was...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Lana Sharapova Daphne Dare Daughter Cum And Tax Refunds

After Daphne Dare and Lana Sharapovas dads get their tax refunds, they are rolling in the dough. But for some reason, they do not want to share it with their adoring daughters. Sorry hun, you should have gotten a job, they tell the girls. But Daphne and Lana will not take no for an answer. They decide that instead of letting their dads hire hookers, they should just seduce each others pops and earn some cash that way! So, they swap dads and work their tight young bodies to perfection. Daphne...

3 years ago
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Cock CandyChapter 12

Luke slides into his desk and leans over to whisper to Candace once her lesson is over. “Have you heard anything about anything?” he asks. “With Brandy gone I’ve got no new information,” she explains. “I haven’t heard from Randy since that night. Brandy left me all the money, so I assume she went back.” “No call or anything?” he asks. “Nothing,” she says. “With the exception of going back, I don’t know how to contact her. And most likely, my tribe has moved on to someplace safer.” “How...

1 year ago
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Welcome to college episode 1

I had heard all through high school just how wild things were at UGA. Soon I would get quite an introduction and learn just how naive I really was. My best friend, Billy and I, had just unpacked our things into our new dorm room and set everything up that afternoon, our very first day at college. Up to that time I had only had sex with two girls in my life. My high school girlfriend had been Mandy, a high school cheerleader and life long friend. We had given our virginity to each other and had...

College Sex
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Family Affairs Ch 28

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter twenty-eight Dianna walked around in a daze most of the day, going from class to class, going through the motions, but really out of touch. Matt commented on how out of it she seemed it at lunchtime. ‘You OK, Dianna?’ he asked. ‘You seem, I don’t know, kinda far away.’ ‘It…it’s just this has been a pretty confusing week for me,’ Dianna told him. Was it ever! ‘Hey, look, if there’s anything I can do to help,’ Matt said, ‘just let me...

2 years ago
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Well Go To The Ball

We?ll Go To The Ball As I lie here alone, just thinking of you Wishing you could be here, by my side I dream of the things that we say and do Together, as husband and bride To be closer to you, I?ve thought of a way Of having you near to my arms I have with me some things, of yours I may say That lend me the touch of your charms A nightdress of yours, all soft, silky lace I slip into at night, when I dream of your face It soothes yet excites me and helps me feel coy For a time...

4 years ago
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Ann Goes to Harpers Ferry

My hot little redhead, Ann, and I have fucked in some of the most unusual places.   The woman is generally insatiable when it comes to her sexual appetite and she certainly doesn’t get it sated at home.   Her executive husband never has time to take care of his wife’s needs but she also figures that he’s fucking his secretary anyway.   He certainly has made life convenient and “satisfying” for me.   The sight of those perky, firm little tits, those overly sensitive hard nipples and that...

2 years ago
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My Vacation 04

My Vacation 04 By Mia It was like a dream when I finally awoke Monday morning. I was really opening up and letting my female side out. I slipped my robe over me since I only had on my teddy, and went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. After some toast, I headed to the tub. I lit several candles, and some incense. Then filled the tub with a flowery bubble bath. I also took care of any stubble that had begun to show. I relaxed in the tub, until the water was just too cold to...

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Tiffany Is A Mean Stuck Up Bitch

One of teacher of the student council was speaking on the phone with the principle. The teacher name was “Donald Smith” “Well there you go. I am confessing. I slept with my college student Tiffany and the little bitch now black mailing me. She been doing it for years Ms Henderson” Donald said talking on the phone “mmmmf” Ms Henderson said on the other end “What!!?” “Sorry unless you mmmm have any proof of that said pictures came from her, mmmmm you ooooo have to drop it. So far we only have...

2 years ago
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Dost Ke Wife Neelam Part 8211 2

Thanks for yours respond on mails for my first story, thanks for people who contact me and gives good feedback, So guys hope you enjoy my last story dost ke wife neelam part 1, If anyone wants naught chat can add me I am also waiting fro feedback. Pls mail me so I will write more. Tho ab neelam and main poore khul chuke the and jo bhi mauka milata tha hum masti kiya karte the. Ab hum daily raat ko sex chat kiya karte the and enjoy karte the, I asked her have you even tried ass fucking, she...

4 years ago
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The World Of Eros Into The Woods

I slowly rode my horse through the forest enjoying the cool breeze. I was farther in the kingswood then I had ever been as I traveled along the trail heading back towards the small town known as huntersrest. Though I had been living in the city for a month now I still felt more at home out here in the wilderness. City life was growing on me a little each day. It was nice to have everything one could need only a few blocks away instead of having to ride miles to the next town to buy something....

2 years ago
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House PerksChapter 5

“Good evening, this is Timely Report. I’m Gavin Worth. Tonight’s guests are Republican Congressman Philip Sundermann of Pennsylvania, conservative pundit and writer Alfred Newton, actress/director/model Deirdre Watkins, and House Minority Leader Kara Peters, Democrat of Oklahoma. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Timely Report. Now, the latest news is the proposed immigration reform package proposed by President Brian Kincaid and Vice President Donald Hume, one which would grant ‘guest worker’...

4 years ago
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Please Uncle George Adventures in the PhilippinesChapter 3

Time flies when you are having fun. Suddenly Sherry and Brandy were two years old, and we were discussing whether my girls wanted to nurse for another year. The girls decided that it was too difficult for the girls to understand not to use teeth on mommy’s tender nipples, so we began weaning them. May dropped by and oohed and ahhed over Sherry and Brandy like an Auntie or a Grandma. She said, “You know you just married me because I liked to fuck and you couldn’t find the pretty, skinny girl...

3 years ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 46

I RETRACTED the GEAR! Me! I did it ... such a feeling of accomplishment! The compass said WEST NORTHWEST. In just a few minutes we flew over a town... Junior pointed down, “Renfrew. We change course to dead west. East is 90 degrees. South is?” I can navigate, “One eighty ... west is 270.” “Very good, Surprise.” Then she said, “Follow me along on the Yoke ... lightly!” I found that the Goose flew the direction that the yoke told it to go. I found that the foot pedals made a difference...

2 years ago
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The Cock ClockChapter 8

Once again all seemed right in the world. Maggie was my wife again, acting like she had before I began these sexual time excursions. But I had changed. The experiment my pretend daughter Sissy had conducted between me and her friend Joy, had changed me forever. That experiment had taken Joy and me extremely close to intercourse. Then Sissy stepped in, completely naked, to revel the true purpose of the experiment. My own daughter wanted to fuck me! Even though I wanted to fuck someone, anyone,...

4 years ago
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The neighbours party corrected

"Come on, their not that loud" "Oh please, Alexis they so are, they always have them in their yard instead of the patio, and the music echos all through the valley" I copied my mother and let out a sigh, she was right. The neighbors had a lot of parties which was annoying at first but then I learnt to just put my earphones in and turn my music up to block out theirs and I didn't care anymore. What I did care about was my mum and dad complaining about it all the time. "Why do you and dad...

1 year ago
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FamiliesTied Lacy Lennon Penny Pax Bad Habits

Lacy Lennon is a perfect princess, with sex appeal for days, and a complete lack of discipline or work ethic. She stomps and wails and throws her lithe body around her cluttered apartment while arguing with her busty red headed step-mother Penny Pax. Lacy claims her art practice meets the terms of her trust fund. Penny tries to be strict, but allows her manipulative little monster to talk her into one more chance at cleaning up her act. Lacy calls in the help of a life coach that specializes in...

3 years ago
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I Vampire Ch 8

Catches Her Attention…Over the centuries I have seen many things; turn of one century, a depression, two world wars, many other wars, rights activists, freedoms won, new technologies daily and the turn of another century. Yet during all of these times I have found that I have grown lonely and instead I had filled my time learning about all the world had to give me. During the many years I have traveled around the world and came across many other vampires with so very many different abilities,...

2 years ago
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My Sister gets me to Show Her Pt07

by Vanessa Evans Part 7 One of the things that Alice and I have confessed to Imogen is that the hypnotism is all a con. When we first told her she couldn’t stop laughing for ages but then she started to see some potential for her to have some fun as well. The first real opportunity was the apartment’s end of semester / Christmas party. In the days before it Alice and Imogen talked for ages about it then told me their plan. Firstly I had to let slip that I had hypnotised Imogen as well...

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Aarifa And Me Kashmiri Ki Kali

Hi aunties, bhabhis and all the sexy fans of my hot stories on indian sex stories dot net, this is Vikram from Kashmir once again with a new story. this is one more incident happended to me few months back, I got a call from a girl, the voice was very nice and soft, usne mujhe kaha kya aap vikram bol rahe ho, maine aapki story padhi iss mai, mujhe bohot pasand aayi. Main uski baatein sun raha tha, phone per uski awaaz aisi lag rahi thi jaise who koi 20 ya 22 sall ki kamseen ladki hogi. Us din...

3 years ago
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Preludes Ch 06 Good Chemistry

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

2 years ago
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Gujarati Dharabhabhi Ni Sex Bhookh

HELLO ALL, HU MRS DHARA AAPNI seva fari ek war ala gujarati boys atla badha chulya , and chodkaniya hoy chhe mane nati khabar , mane geeta and sapna em 2 girls na pan mail malya chhe Sala badha , e mari story wakhani chhe e e story na hati mari hakikat hati , ok have tamne bor karya wagar lo tyare , boys gel ni tube laine muthya marva ready thai jav and girls tame DILDO lai ne chut ni bhookh santosva ni koshis karo, prastut chhe PART_2 hu , kayam lodo leva tat-par rehti , maro pari lagan...

2 years ago
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The Rask RebellionChapter 3 Steel Rain

The garage was a bustle of activity, the sounds of power tools, and the revving of engine checks echoing through the space. Everywhere Ben looked, engineers were rushing back and forth, inspecting the rows of vehicles as the deployment window neared. The tanks were stacked practically bumper to bumper, six long and five deep, leaving just enough room for the scurrying personnel to get between them so that they could be serviced. They were all anchored to yellow trolleys, which were sitting on...

3 years ago
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Mrs Hema

Mrs. Hema Kiran is a coworker of mine. His appearance could be best described as that of a young, wears little bowties, glasses, and is generally nerdy. He is in his mid-thirties and quiet but very intelligent…sort of a milquetoast. Over the past year he and I have become friends. However, I had no idea how highly Kiran regarded me until very recently. One day at work, Kiran was getting ready to go to lunch. In walked one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. She looked to be in her...

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Mother on Holiday True part 1

Recently my mother and I went away for a week, Just for a Break. We Booked a Cravan at a Holiday Park in Essex UK. We drove down on the Saturday Morning and caught the usual holiday Traffic. We were on a busy Road when all the traffic came to a halt. We Found out later there had been an accident. We had been sat Stationary for about Thirty Minuets, When Mother became Restless and was moving about on her seat. When I asked what was wrong she Said "I wish i hadn't had those two cups of Coffee...

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Bound Stacey slid the loop of the leather strap around his left wrist and followed the other end of it to the bedpost where she pulled it taut before tying it fast to the post. She could feel his eyes on her as she turned around to walk to the other side of the bed. She was dressed only in lingerie and heels. Her bra was black lace over royal purple. Her matching panties were actually a combination panty-garter and boned cincher with sheer sides and a thong back. Attached...

1 year ago
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Mom In Goa Part I

Hi friends I am back with my one of my stories again as you have read in my previous stories about my mom Shreya, I would describe her again for the ones who are reading this for the first time. She is 42 years old. She is extremely gorgeous and hot. Her figure is 34 29 36. She has perfect pair of boobs, nice, round and firm. She usually keeps her hands and legs clean. She has long hair and half of it has curls. However she keeps changing her hairstyles. She has a superb arse. I have noticed...

2 years ago
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Sex with a SBBW

It was the last semester of college for me. I had done lots of fun sexual exploration during my years but there was one that eluded me......scoring with a super big beautiful woman. I don't know why, but I have always preferred sex with bigger ladies. I never had problems talking to them. The women were usually more direct and blunt...... usually telling me off if they didn't like what I was saying. Oddly, they were far more comfortable in their own skin that the few skinny gals I had dated in...

1 year ago
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KatieChapter 8 Construction

The past month was great now that Keith was sharing the load by dumping his loads in the pussies of the six girls and two women. The eight females were well satisfied by the two of us. Nicole turned fifteen, but I was the one who felt like I received a birthday present. She had big tits and she read or heard about titfucking so that was what I did on a Friday night. A little lube on my cock and I slid in her cleavage as she pressed her tits together. I jizzed all over her neck. We fucked...

3 years ago
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Colette the 10 whore

This story is fiction, and not to be read by anyone for whom erotic fiction would be illegal or unap- preciated, particularly the underage. Please feel free to quote this story in its entirety, or in part, at your whim, as long as you provide some sort of warning… Being a married man for some time now, I have found myself gradually more and more unhappy with my sex life. When dating, my now wife and I would fuck like rabbits. The first day I met her, we dry humped on the hood of...

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