Majgen Ch. 019 free porn video

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Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk!

Copyright of Nanna Marker


—-=(Love and Legends)=—-

‘Morning greetings, Little Human,’ said Aejoa.

‘Morning greetings, Aejoa,’ returned Majgen, and yawned sleepily.

‘You just woke up?’ guessed Aejoa, studying her sleepy appearance on the viewer.

‘Ei,’ – yes, Majgen replied during a second yawn. ‘Inee told me you had called while I was sleeping.’

‘I just wanted to tell you that I will be home before nightfall today. I promise.’

‘That sounds nice, Aejoa. What time?’

‘In two or three miui.’ – Forty to sixty human hours. ‘We have wrapped things up here now. Just more, and less, official courtesies left to be completed.’

‘I look forward to your return,’ said Majgen, with a smile that faded too quickly for the Winin’s liking. ‘Aejoa, when you get home there are things I want to talk through.’

‘Which things?’ Aejoa tried to be cheerful. He usually loved talking with Majgen, but for some reason he was reminded of the nightmare that had woken him this morning. It was a recurring nightmare. He had dreamt it many times in different versions since his rescue from the humans.

‘I would rather talk about it in person,’ said Majgen. ‘It would be easier to talk about it long range than face to face, but I don’t think it would be fair to him.’

‘She looks sad,’ thought Aejoa, wishing they were in the same room so he could sense her. ‘Give me some hints?’

‘Should I?’ wondered Majgen. ‘Maybe it will be easier for him too if he is not face to face with me? But, then, what should I tell him first?’

‘You don’t need to hesitate, Little Human. You can tell me anything, I am your friend.’

‘There are many things I want us to talk through.’

‘Well, start talking. I’m listening,’ offered Aejoa, getting his unease under control.

‘Sometimes you treat me like a pet. I want you to stop doing that.’

‘What? I don’t…’ Aejoa wasn’t sure what to say. Her statement had caught him by surprise.

‘You do,’ insisted Majgen. ‘You don’t mean to, and I should have told you much sooner. I’m sorry I didn’t.’

‘But, I really don’t treat you that way. You are my friend, Little…’ Aejoa changed his mind about calling her Little Human. ‘Maijien, I thought you liked my nickname for you.’ That was the first time Aejoa had ever called her Maijien like the others did.

‘I did, Aejoa, and maybe I still do. I’m not sure.’ Majgen went quiet, and so did Aejoa. He just looked at her.

‘Does he have to look so hurt?’ thought Majgen. ‘Of course he does. He is hurt.’ ‘I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you this sooner, Aejoa. I don’t blame you for it. I should have told you long ago, should have given you a chance to rectify the situation earlier.’

‘Rectify,’ repeated Aejoa. ‘After all this time, she tells me there is something to rectify.’ ‘What else, Maijien?’ He spoke in a cold tone which he had never used with Majgen before.

‘Let’s speak of it when you get home. These are not matters to talk of long range.’

‘Matters,’ noticed Aejoa. ‘Not matter. More than one problem and she never told me.’ ‘Tell me now,’ he demanded.

‘When you get home,’ promised Majgen.

‘Do you expect me to drop everything to get home earlier, Maijien? Or do you expect me to artificially smile my way through the next miui of diplomatic courtesies, while wondering what my house guest – my friend – has been keeping from me all this time?’ Anger shone through the cold tone.

‘I’m sorry. Please don’t be so angry with me. I didn’t mean to hurt you.’ Majgen fought to hold back tears. ‘I never wanted to hurt you, Aejoa. Never.’

‘No? What am I to you, Maijien? A necessary evil? Someone you have to adhere to in order to be protected?’ Aejoa spoke the words as a provocation. He knew she loved him.

‘You are my friend,’ said Majgen, ‘not a necessary evil.’

‘Then show me some respect and tell me what else you have kept from me.’

‘It hurts when…’ Majgen began, but stopped talking mid-sentence. ‘We shouldn’t do this long range.’

‘When what?’

‘His voice sounds so cold,’ thought Majgen, ‘so angry. Aejoa never talks to me that way.’ A tear escaped her eyes and started rolling down her cheek. Majgen wiped it off, but Aejoa had noticed and softened.

‘When what?’ repeated Aejoa, softer. ‘The way I exploded right now, maybe I shouldn’t be so harsh on her for not speaking of things sooner.’

‘It hurts when you treat me like I’m stupid, Aejoa.’

‘I don’t think of you as stupid.’

‘Actually, you do. You consider me unable to understand your work. Every time I ask about your day, you evade with a silly remark instead of replying. Whenever I have a different opinion than you, you think I am not sufficiently intelligent to understand your opinion.’

‘I am smarter than her, but that doesn’t mean I think she is stupid,’ thought Aejoa. ‘But, maybe I’ve let it affect me a bit too much, along the way.’ ‘I will try to treat you with more respect, Maijien. I never intended to make you feel stupid,’ decided and said Aejoa.

‘Thank you.’

‘What else bothers you?’ Aejoa’s voice was gentle again. He had forced his anger away.

‘Do we have to go over everything right now?’

‘Everything? How many things could it possibly be?’ wondered Aejoa. ‘I think we should try at least. Let me know the next thing.’

‘You are very possessive about me, Aejoa.’ Majgen paused a second before adding. ‘Jealous.’

‘I’m not jealous,’ laughed Aejoa. ‘Honestly, Little Human. You sound as if we were engaged. Sorry, I meant Maijien. I might take a while to learn to call you that, but I promise I’ll try. Why should I be jealous? We are friends, no more, no less. You are human, and I am yijejo, we could never mate.’

He studied her serious face on the viewer, and started talking serious again. ‘In the beginning, right after I was rescued, I had a very difficult time, Maijien. I might have been a little jealous back then, overprotective too. I often had nightmares back then. Holding you close always reminded me that I was safe, that I had been rescued.’

‘I know.’ Majgen studied Aejoa’s body-language.

‘You don’t have to believe.’ Uninvited, the words popped into Aejoa’s thoughts. Majgen almost always said that in his nightmares, the moment before she would get hurt. In this morning’s nightmare the Majgen in his dream had said, ‘Don’t be afraid. You don’t have to believe.’ To that the dream version of himself had said, ‘But I do believe.’ He almost always replied that when Majgen in his dreams said he didn’t have to. Right after saying that, in the nightmare, he had broken her neck and had woken with a scream.

‘I still have those nightmares sometimes,’ admitted Aejoa.

‘I know. I’ve seen them in your memories.’

‘I didn’t know.’ Learning she knew, made Aejoa uncomfortable.

Majgen read his discomfort from his body-language. ‘They are just dreams, Aejoa. You would never do such things to me.’

‘Why didn’t you tell me you knew?’

‘You never wanted to talk with me about those dreams, so I didn’t bring it up,’ explained Majgen. ‘Knowing that they bother you so much, maybe I should have. I know where the words come from. The ones I often say to you in the nightmares.’

‘You do?’ Aejoa had never thought so.

‘In the interrogation chamber on the human ship, when I convinced you to co-operate with me, those were the words behind my thought. I thought them in humana and transmitted the emotion to you.’

‘What did you think?’ asked Aejoa, to be sure they were talking of the same thing.

‘I thought, ‘You don’t have to believe,’ ‘ Majgen said in yijejoan. Aejoa’s breathing stopped. He felt like his heart had
stopped beating and his blood had stopped flowing. He stared at her. A part of him expected that she would drop dead. When instead she spoke on, his breathing resumed.

‘You weren’t ready to believe, and you needed to play along. Else they would realise I hadn’t killed you. So I tried to make you understand that you didn’t have to believe.’

‘I don’t remember,’ said Aejoa. ‘The time in that place is still a blur to me.’

‘You were heavily drugged, Aejoa. You were in a blur.’

‘I’ll always be thankful that you kept me safe till I was rescued.’

‘You rescued me too.’ Majgen smiled at him. The smile warmed Aejoa even a solar system away. He smiled back.

‘And almost lost you again.’ Aejoa’s smile dissipated as he spoke that sentence. ‘That might also be a reason I was so jealous at first. I was still afraid of losing you back then. But, Maijien, time has passed. Things are different now. Steady. I’m not jealous anymore.’

Trying to remember the last time she had sensed jealousy in Aejoa, Majgen started doubting her estimate of his jealous tendencies. She couldn’t remember exactly when she had last sensed it. ‘I thought it was recently, but maybe it was just a hunch not something I sensed.’

‘It is a relief to hear you say that,’ admitted Majgen, after convincing herself she had been wrong about his jealousy. ‘It has been silly of me not to talk this openly earlier.’

‘You should know you can talk to me about anything.’ Aejoa sounded hurt that she hadn’t. ‘We are friends, Maijien. Please tell me more of these things you have hidden. Let us get it out in the open. I don’t want secrets to keep us apart.’

‘There is something which I’ve kept from both you and me, Aejoa. Didn’t realise it until yesterday.’ Majgen was determined to be fully truthful with her friend.

‘What did you realise?’ asked Aejoa with a new smile.

‘I found out that I am in love.’

‘With a yijejo?’ asked Aejoa, his smile started to feel like a frozen mask of plastic, but it wouldn’t go away. On the viewer, however, it looked natural.


‘Who?’ Aejoa’s smile didn’t waver, even though his face no longer felt like a part of his body. ‘Why am I asking? It is me. It has to be me. It can’t be anyone else than me! She couldn’t possible be in love with…’

‘Joone,’ said Majgen. For half a second she smiled. Then, her smile faded as she noticed Aejoa’s face contorting around his smile.

Aejoa didn’t see her smile fade, he didn’t see anything his eyes told him. His vision had darkened, but he didn’t notice. All he noticed was a roaring pain somewhere deep within. It ripped him apart from the inside. He closed his eyes and screamed. At first he didn’t hear the scream. When he finally did — after emptying half of his lungs — he stopped screaming, opened his eyes, and turned off the communicator.

‘Aejoa?’ thought Majgen. ‘What have I done?’

Majgen called him again, but Aejoa didn’t answer. She kept trying, but it was to no avail. The Winin of Naonun had closed his communicators for all in-going calls. In desperation Majgen convinced Inee to contact the Eieie and have them send a servant to check on the Winin.

Some hours later they got a message back that the Winin did not wish to be disturbed.

In a worried frenzy Majgen tried to convince First Servant Inee to have them check on him again, or to make them tell more. But, faithful to the Winin, Inee refused, explaining that even a Winin had a right for privacy.

After that Majgen managed to stay quiet, for about a tenth of a miui (about two human hours). Then she tried to push Servant Mooje into doing something.

‘Maijien, no. The Winin has a right to be left alone when he so desires.’ Mooje was immovable.

‘Aren’t you the least bit worried?’ shrieked Majgen. ‘He could get hurt!’

‘No, I am not worried, Maijien. The Winin is not in danger.’

‘You didn’t see him. He is hurting,’ sobbed Majgen. ‘It was horrible. He screamed, Mooje. Screamed!’

‘I am very sad that the Winin is upset. I wish I could ease his pain. But, the only thing I can do for him is to respect his wishes.’

‘You don’t understand. He might hurt himself. Please do something.’

Mooje knelt and picked Majgen up to hug her tight for comfort.

‘He will not hurt himself, Maijien. No matter how hurt he is. He is the Winin of Naonun. Winins do not hurt themselves, no matter how sad they are.’

‘I don’t believe you.’ Majgen’s thought was evident. She shivered with anxiety on Aejoa’s behalf.

‘I believe me,’ stated Mooje. ‘Everything will be well, Maijien. He just needs time.’

‘It’s my fault. It’s all my fault,’ felt Majgen.

‘You can’t help how you feel. To fall in love cannot be forced. It either happens or it doesn’t. The Winin knows this too. I am sure he will not blame you for the pain he feels now.’

‘But I do love him,’ sobbed Majgen. ‘Just not the way I love Joone.’

‘I know,’ hummed Mooje. ‘I know, I know.’


Aejoa was alone, all alone. He needed the solitude to get his mind straight.

‘She is in love with Joone. I lost to an Apprentice Tailor. A simple apprentice. The pet-watcher. She was mine. The Little Human was mine, all mine, and then I hired him. Why did I hire him? I knew I shouldn’t hire him. I felt it.’ His reaching limbs rustled with his aggravation.

‘Why did I call her Little Human for so long? He was the first to ask her name. I should have done that. I have known her the longest. He was only meant to make her some clothes, and then he went right ahead and asked her name.’ ‘Her name was none of his business!’ Aejoa started pacing the room. ‘It hurts so bad. I thought she was mine, and then she tells me she is in love with HIM.’

‘I should beat him till he begs for mercy, the sneaky creep. Show him what you get when you mess with your employer on an Eveee contract.’ – Eveee had once meant old fashioned, now it was a standard term for traditional contracts between the Eieie and service employees. Aejoa had never taken the full liberties of an Eveee contract upon any of his employees.

Even though he knew it would be wrong of him to beat Joone, over Majgen’s love — even though he knew he wouldn’t do it — Aejoa revelled in fantasies of what it would be like. ‘He would scream and squeal. Wiggle and plead for mercy, in between cursing me and wishing death upon me.’

‘Yes, that would feel good, to see him degraded like that. He would act just like I did before Maijien…’ Aejoa went quiet and started weeping. ‘Just like I did before Maijien rescued me.’

‘I don’t even know how she pronounces her own name,’ whispered Aejoa. ‘All I know is that they call her Maijien, and that Maijien resembles her own name.’ ‘I should have done more to earn her love. WHY DIDN’T I DO MORE!’ ‘Should have tried harder to earn her love.’

‘I knew he was a threat. Deep down I knew it.’ ‘His eyes always trailed her as if he was a lovesick…’ ‘Lovesick. He loves her. He worships her.’ ‘He won’t deny her love. He will cherish it forever, the rest of her life. He won’t deny her. She won’t come running back to me with a broken love.’

‘He had all the nights with her, the whole night, every night. Gave her his full attention.’ ‘And what did I do? I forced her to play Jeeiouma.’ ‘She hates Jeeiouma!’ ‘It is not too late, a woman can have several mates. Maybe she will fall in love with me too.’

‘Maijien is a human. How many mates do human females take?’

‘Usually humans mate in pairs of two. Mostly one male and one female.’ Aejoa had trouble breathing after remembering the Doctor’s words. Merely one out of hundreds of titbits of information about humans. Just another seemingly unimportant detail, which the ship physician had told him of while he travelled home from the War Zone with his Little Human.

‘One chance, I only had one chance. And I wasted it. I…’ Aejoa took a rasping
breath, forced it into his lungs and screamed.

‘I thought she was mine,’ he whined after having had to breathe again.


For two yijejoan days Majgen and Aejoa’s servants heard nothing from Aejoa. When on the third day he finally gave word, it was just that – words. With a note the Winin of Naonun informed his household that he would be away from home for ten more days at least.

‘Eighty-three human days,’ calculated Majgen, after Servant Mooje read the note to her. Sometimes she still translated yijejo time measures to human, to get a proper feel for time frames. ‘Does he intend to stay out of touch for that long too?’ In the past two yijejoan days, she had adjusted to the fact that she couldn’t and shouldn’t try to save Aejoa from his heartache.

‘Love can be cruel,’ she thought. A part of her still wished she loved Aejoa the same way she loved Joone, so Aejoa wouldn’t have to go through this.

‘I too am sad the Winin is upset, Maijien,’ said Mooje. ‘Broken love is a hard part of life. Did you know my mate was not the first woman I fell in love with?’

‘Ei,’ – yes, replied Majgen, transmitting, ‘I’ve seen.’

‘For men broken love is a very regular part of life. Many of us never get a mate to rescue us from that returning agony. The Winin is a wise man. He will take the time he needs to recover from it. Afterwards, I am sure your friendship can continue.’

‘Thank you for the soothing words, Mooje.’ Majgen reached her arms up to him. ‘You are headed outside for gardening,’ she had perceived. ‘Let me keep you company while you work.’

‘I would like that,’ transmitted Mooje and picked her up.

Most of the gardening work on Aejoa’s property was performed by gardeners, not servants. Servant Mooje had experience and skill for tending to a certain breed of flowering plants, though, and liked that work too. Majgen had no particular fondness for gardening, but through Mooje’s enjoyment of the task, she enjoyed it too. Especially since her part in the work was merely to keep him company at safe distance from fertilisers, soils and plants — all of which were toxic to her.

Majgen learned more about gardening flowers in general — and Mooje’s favourite breed in particular — than she would ever need. The mundane topics of conversation were rather pleasant in the sunlight. After an hour, however, when Mooje had been quiet a few seconds, Majgen changed the subject.

‘I am ready to start taking a more active part in spreading the Path now, Mooje.’

‘Are you ready to lead us now?’ he asked.

‘No, I will not lead, but I do want to help.’

‘You should lead us.’ Mooje’s emotion was evident, even though he didn’t transmit it.

‘I want to help people. I don’t want to be a leader, never did.’

‘What would you prefer to do for the Path then, Maijien?’

‘Let me help some of those who yearn for the Path,’ said Majgen, and transmitted, ‘Those who search for it but have trouble finding it.’ ‘I have done it several times already, upon requests from you and the others.’ With ‘the others’ Majgen meant her other students – the other servants and Joone.

‘If you wish to continue with this, wherein lies the change?’ wondered Mooje.

‘I wish to help more regularly than before. One or two for each of my waking periods at least.’

‘Many of my relatives would like to meet you, Maijien. They know you are the Founder, have known since before we started keeping it secret.’

In the human fashion Majgen shook her head. ‘I would like to meet more of your family, Mooje. But the ones I speak of helping are the ones who yearn but cannot find, those who need my help.’

‘It is not the right time to reveal to everyone that you are the Founder, Maijien, not yet,’ objected Mooje. ‘Especially not with the Winin away. He should learn of it before any stranger.’

‘This secret has started spreading beyond those who have been told.’ Majgen’s words unsettled Mooje, even though he was aware of this fact.

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BACK IN PATTAYA JULY 2019After my adventures I went back to Pattaya, I always like it there, many gaybars and some nightlife. I had took the bus from the Ekemai bus station in Bangkok to North Pattaya, simple and not expensive. On the net I had find a hotel in South Pattaya, very good price 1100 Bath, The classroom hotel, a gay hotel in boys town, the room is ok all is there, need nothing more, maybe just some nice handsome guy LOL. I put all my things in the cupboard, took shower and went out....

3 years ago
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My dirty Week August long weekend 2019

My dirty week - this August long weekend 2019I am going to be alone for one week this August! My family is all away and I will be all alone.I can’t believe what an awesome opportunity this is going for me to indulge in all the behaviours that I spend hours dreaming about. But I have so many fantasies how do I fit them all into just one week over the long weekend. It is kind of like trying to fit my cock into these far too small panties I have just slipped on here at the office today. I stole...

2 years ago
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New Year Cuckold Fuck 2019

Today is New year 2019. We just exited from the temple after seeking our new year blessings. As we were on the way home; me driving; my wife called her BF. She told him that she wants to go out with him in the afternoon at his residence for a new year fuck. Mind you her BF is unaware that I know about their affair and that I support her and infact motivate her to do so. Going out on a New year’s day was also my idea which I planted in her head a day before. I told her that she should fuck him...

1 year ago
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Top 10 Indian Sex Stories Of September 2019

Dear readers, check out these published on ISS during September, 2019. We are positive that you will find this top sex stories list useful and help you blow off some steam! By Groping my hot aunt’s sexy ass during a wedding, resulted in dirty sexting, leading to the beginning of a sexual relationship with my gorgeous mature aunt. “Arnav: Well, I almost did. But Sonakshi suddenly looked at me, and there was no way I could feel her mother’s ass when she was looking. Meghna: So what are you...

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10 Best Sex Stories Of February 2019

Hundreds of new Indian sex stories are added on ISS every month and finding the most erotic ones can be a difficult thing. So, let’s make your job easier! Here is the 10 latest and published in the month February, 2019. These hot tales are finely written by some of the best authors to give you that amazing horny feeling. By When my mom comes to know know about my dad’s affair, she throws him out. I slowly seduce and try to fuck my innocent mom and she starts to yield to my desire. “I used...

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Top 10 Indian Sex Stories Of January 2019

Looking for the latest and ? You have come to the right place! Check out these free top rated erotic literature in the month of January 2019 below. These are the  stories from some of the best sex story tellers which is written so erotically to make you hot in no time! By The climax of the incest story that carries the sexual tension being shared and released by an Indian mom and her son together through ultimate hardcore sex. “She just licked my shaft up and down and gave a nice job on the...

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Losing the Super Bowl 2019

This didn’t start with the Super Bowl. Charlotte and I have been in each other’s faces since we were hired together six years ago. It’s just that this football season seems to have brought things to a head. We are both section heads for Pearson Consulting, and our names are almost the same– she is Charlotte and I am Charlene– but other than that we don’t seem to have anything in common.I’m from the west coast, LA born and bred– well actually a northern suburb, but once you get out of...

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Bred Fed at a Premier Inn ndash May 2019

My husband had made contact with a guy, I am never quite sure how he finds some of them, this male is apparently almost local to us, and at my age, it tends to make me a little jumpy that my neighbours or indeed family members might just find out how much of a slut I am. So, I don’t really like to source and fuck local cocks, but my husband has assured me this person will be okay, he just wants to fuck a mature woman, and as you will read, I do love to fuck and suck. My brothers would be very...

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Cruising Exeter Haldon 16072019

I am using this site to document my real naughty adventures, I am mainly a bottom in the Exeter area, clean, on Prep and always horny.Due to a change in workplace I have been able to stop off at a local forest, Haldon in Exeter which has a specific carpark used by guys only. There is another carpark that is used in the evenings for dogging, but being a cock slut, I don't want the competition of real pussy lolSo, before work I have started to stop off once a week for some fun. This week it has...

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THE 5th OF THE 5th 2019

Saturday I went for coffee at a small mall on the east side. I like the washroom set up there. There are two outer doors so if one gets lucky with a chance encounter, you can hear the outer door open so you don’t get caught. Unless you are deaf, of course. There was a 30 year old guy standing at the left urinal, so I stood beside him at the right urinal. After unzipping and pulling out my cock, I glanced over at his cock. He wasn’t pissing. He was slowly stroking his semi hard erection. As I...

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Testimonies of victims :"I was bought like catle ,those niggers were free to feel everywere before they bought me.Fingers entered me, wiggling their way inside ,my breasts were groped and squeezed, nipples pinched and yanked and twisted. I squealed and sobbed and moaned to the endless crowd of eager black men ,my body jerked to and fro as big black dicks slapped against my upraised buttocks.They all let me feel I was just fuckmeat�" Upon arrival in their brothel , without any ceremony, they...

2 years ago
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Happy Holi 2019

Hi, this is Ankita. We live in XYZ colony, a little far from the main city but a beautiful place. This is a part of my experience in this year’s Happy Holi. Please ignore the grammar issues if you observe. I am the single child of my mom and dad. I am 19 years old, and this year I got college admission. I don’t have any friends from college over here, I mean near my residence. In the colony, I gave tuitions to kids from junior college in my free time. They all love me, and I, too, love them...

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Wild Fun in Californiasummer 2019

My name is Kelly and I’m eighteen. I was a cheerleader in middle school, but I didn’t make my high school cheerleading team. I live in a small town in Arkansas where everyone knows me. Therefore, I must be careful to maintain my nice girl’s reputation. Those who read my first story will recall that last year I was a virgin when I visited my aunt in California. However, I didn’t remain a virgin because I met two good looking recent college graduates and had a threesome; something I really...

4 years ago
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Moan Poem for Halloween 2019

Synopsizing: Oh goddess, I’m SO Sorry Honey! I didn’t mean it! Please don’t hurt me? If I wrote it, why can’t I explain it? I don’t control the spirit. These stories are created by spirit writing. I’m not the culprit! Out of control, my cramped one finger is constantly busy typing. Unless I submit, allow, permit, and accord access to the spirit writing? She is sincerely amused, to plan a great evil, she means to visit on me! “An emasculated creepy crawly, hopeless of reprieve! In blind...

1 year ago
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Premartial Sex Experience And Bonus

Hey Hie to all….. I am Sameer & m new to ISS club…. I am herewith sharing my first Experience when i was 22 Yrs. These are the days when i was undergoing my PG Studies @ Xaviers. I had a small group of friends. Girls were equal to NO. But i was very much eager to be close with Sexy Girls. My groupmates would nit allow any girl introduction into our group. But we use to watch Porn Movies quite often, specially in Boring lectures by occupying last seats. Her name is Shireen. She used to...

3 years ago
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Never Again

The weeds were the first thing I noticed as I made my way along the paved path to Ben’s front door. My gaze followed the twisting lengths as they pushed through the cracks and strangled the roses once tended by me. It made my stomach drop to see how much he’d let it all go, as if the act of maintaining something that had meant so much to me was more than he could stand. Almost six months had passed since we’d spoken. A closing door and a couple of boxes filled with the belongings I’d left here...

Straight Sex
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Grandpa made a woman of his granddaughter

It was shortly after midnight. The New Year had just started few minutes ago and a lonely girl was laying in her comfortable bed, unable to fall asleep, thinking about her sexual life. To say the truth, there was none. She'd been still a virgin and there seemed to be no man who would be willing to make a woman of her in the closest future. She was desperate. She wanted someone to make love to her. Or rather to fuck her to unconsciousness. She'd longed for the great feeling of a big cock inside...

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Making Money With My Classmate

Hey, guys, I’m here with another fantasy. This story is about my classmate Priya and how I used her to make some money during college days. So coming to the story. Priya is 21 years old short girl with medium boobs and ass. She’s cute as fuck and has a lovely smile. We both used to be good friends. One day when I cracked a double meaning joke with my friend, I found that she understood the joke. After that, I started flirting with her more. Then one day we came to a decision to be friends with...

2 years ago
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Home Is where the Sex is

We both got naked and lay down on my bed. 'Now, just put your finger on your pussy' I said, and she copied my as I did. 'Now, try rubbing it up and down.' I said, and she gave a moan of pleasure as she did. Another knock on my door. I knew it couldn't be Milly so I said come in. My 16 year old son walked in. 'Oh' He said, 'since when is she, you know?' he said. 'Since right now. Don't worry sweetie. Jack, come back in a second, yeah?' I said. He left and I continued to help Milly....

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The Body Castaways Part Two The Fate Of the Castaways Erics Ending

The Body Castaways: Part Two -- The Fate Of the Castaways! ERIC'S ENDING! (Eric's conclusion to the story begun in... The Body Castaways Part One: Igor, Hollywood Starlet!) An all-new, alternative version of the classic body- swapping episode of Gilligan's Island! The Characters and original script are copyrighted to others. No claim is made to those concepts by us. All additional elements of the story not in the original TV script nor owned by others are copyrighted to...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 42 One Less Contender

“Save five hundred and let hundreds of millions die?” Zax’s hand trembled and he strived not to snap. “You don’t understand, Zax, and frankly neither do I”. Sheldon groaned. “These are rules of the Immortal world. Only the three Immortals of the Planetary Battalion, Holy Palace and Voltic Star can claim the lives of this planet. They, in a way, own it”. Zax dazedly listened to Sheldon. He did not know the rules of the Immortal world and this was a first for him to find out that he was...

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BadMilfs Ella Knox Mckayla Cox Family Love Triangle

Ella Knox pretends to be her stepmom Mckayla Cox and texts one of the local hunks to come over since she is all alone. When he arrives, he is surprised to see Ella there waiting for him. She explains that she had saw him getting a blowjob from Mckayla. She threatened that if he didn’t stop seeing her mom that she would tell her dad. The hunk actually said that her father was the one who organized the whole ordeal. This left Ella confused, but the hunk offered to make keeping it a secret worth...

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10 Soldiers part 3

Marina was coming back to her senses. feeling the soreness in her private area. she looked around and noticed the rest of the soldiers. most stroking themseves and leering greedily at her and her mom and sisters. she realized that their night here was far from over. PART 3 The soldiers had decided to take a break to eat. They allowed the women to put their torn and tattered dresses back on. The women were then forced to repair a meal for them all. Forced to listen to and endure the...

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Naughty Girl Gets Punished

She grasped my pulsating member tightly into her soft delicate hand. Slowly she fondled my balls with her left hand. She looks up at me and we lock eyes for only an instance. I could feel the electric energy between us. This sweet young eighteen year old wanted so badly to do one mischievous sexual act. For whatever reason she did not care, nor did she divulge. Her head moves closer to the tip of my penis, her lips part unhurriedly but so deliberately. Within a moment my quivering cock was...

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A Present for Santa

"You are going to get yourself arrested," his companion shrieked in a shrill-like voice. "You are just mad." Mike smiled at his friend and shrugged. "I am not mad. It's Christmas. Where's your Christmas spirit? She'll thank me. Well maybe she won't, but she would if she could and knew it was me." Rose shook her head and took her glass of wine from the table, looking up at her corybantic friend; even by his standards, his planned night-time delivery for the girl next door was simply...

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Crying shame

I was so upset when my granny passed away that I cried for nearly a week and even had to take a few days off work because of my grief. I still miss her today and would much rather she was still with us even though she was so generous to me in her will. It transpired that my grandparents were very astute and although they lived very modestly, they quietly built a substantial fortune amounting to nearly one million pounds sterling. My mother and uncle were the main beneficiaries but when...

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Unexpected encounters

Hi Friends! Im Raj again narrating my wifes exp when she was in college. You can mail your suggestions on , I’m Heena 29, married to Raj 30. Im 5’6”, wheatish complection, black hair, and a full figure like the actresses of 70’s. My stats are 36c-30-38. You can imagine how many stares from boys, men & even some women I have been subject to. Actually I loved the stares almost from the time I know about birds & bees. This is my true story when I was 18. I went to a reputed commerce...

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Daddys Girl

“Henry, I have to get these fucking presents wrapped, honey,” Hilda told her offspring and husband of over sixteen years as she sat on the floor, adorned in a red Christmas sweater that hugged her globular boobs like a glove, making them like the two bottom thirds of a snowman’s body stuffed beneath her garment. The sweater was decorated with a Santa Claus who grinned as he stood atop a chimney, but couldn’t crawl into it because of the crude naked erection that jutted out of his red elf pants....

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LindaThis mostly true story happened some years ago at a place of employment. Its something that happened but was not planned (at least on my part). Have you ever met someone for the first time, and after just a few minutes it was like they were your soul mate for a long time? This is one of those stories. I was a supervisor in charge of a small group and we assembled and tested engineering samples for a medium sized electronics company. There was myself, as group leader; another technician,...

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Trio Lust

My girlfriend at the time Cheryl and I had been on a two week vacation and were traveling through a mid-western state,it was early afternoon and we needed to refill our gas so we pulled into a large travel plaza just off the interstate.As I headed in to pay for the gas I spotted a pretty petite girl dressed in a tight fitting mini-skirt that hugged her petite shapely ass in an eye catching fashion and a light pink cotton blouse that displayed small but luscious breasts with no bra, she seemed...

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Three Can Keep a Secret if Two areSly

The rest of the day passed without drama of anything of note. I called Kim on my two remaining breaks. She reported nothing odd on her end, and that she and Rachel had walked down to the Safeway and bought a few things for dinner. We were having baked chicken and potatoes. She said I would be particularly pleased with dessert. She was a little short on details, but my imagination is good. The only thing of note to occur that afternoon was the completion of the two release forms...

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Fucking My Friend Sexy Aunty

Hello iss fans i want to tell my true story happened in last four months back my name is Aditya lives in Hyderabad and my frnds aunty name is Sudharani she looks like goddess angel to fuck by seeing we can attracted her without wasting time ok let’s start the story. When i was in b. tech fourth year to complete my project work i went to hyd we are the two frnds had planned to complete the project work. So sorry to tell u my frnds name is Rahul so we planned to stay in hostel to complete our...

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A night to remember

I was sleeping at my friends house for the the night and he had just bought a handle of vodka, It was his birthday day so he wanted to celebrate. We strated off with mixed drinks and a fresh cigar. After about two drinks we went back inside and the real celebration began. we both took 2 shots and he could aready feel the buzz as could I. We went to the basement and started playign cards with his borther and friend, they were completly sober. My friend and I won three staight rounds of pitch, so...

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Hot Gal

Hi friends, I like to share an awesome experience I had with one of my friends.. Names have been changed to protect the identity. I am Hari, and I work for a mnc in bangalore, I am engaged to a girl(Shreya) whom I met few years ago in my office.We have been having a great time, I m happy with Shreya in everything. She is sweet girl, loving, chaste, good cook, active, etc etc.. She is the one whom I ll live with my entire life. But she is bad in one thing that is, as you guessed it right in...

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My Annie

As a special surprise, after chatting on line, I took Annie out for a ‘night to remember’, just to see how far she would go and to test her claim of being a ‘slut’ who could take anything.She arrived at the nice hotel I’d booked, having done her part of the deal; wearing dark red nail varnish, black high heeled shoes and having (so she told me) totally shaved her pussy.Before the adventure began she undressed and entered the deep hot and fragrant bath that awaited he. After a relaxing bathe,...

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Reginalds ChildrenChapter 6

“Another appraisal job, Dad,” commented Frances. “I expect so,” he agreed. “Wait till I get these loose stones back in their bag, and we can have a look at the final shelf.” When Frances went to pull out the flat parcels, she found them very light, so she took out the first, and opened it out. It contained a drawing on very old paper; in fact the apparent paper seemed to her to be parchment: animal skin. It was a drawing of a man being martyred. She admired the penmanship, but didn’t fancy...

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The DrifterChapter 15

Oh, the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander And I was born the next of kin The next of kin to the wayward wind... It was almost sundown and we still had not seen any sign of Enrico. I was getting worried that maybe the girl he met was a young one and her folks didn’t want her to leave with a drifting vaquero. We came to a small lake with plenty of grass around it and I decided to spend the night here. We were setting up camp and making plans to ride in...

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Seasoned MeatChapter 3 Grandsonrsquos Story

On a Saturday soon after the married and pregnant Daughter/Girlfriend had been there, Grandson wanted to talk to his Grandpa. He brought some beer and pizza and they sat on the back porch. After some small talk, Grandpa reached over and put his hand on his grandson’s arm saying, “Something is really bothering you, isn’t it?” “Grandpa, like I told you a few days ago, I made a big mistake when I was ‘young, dumb, and full of cum’. I lost the best girl I was ever with. I still love her and wish...

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Newlywed Husband Learns the Truth

Newlywed Husband Learns the TruthLisa is a very large woman in her early twenties. She is about 5'6" and weighs about 380. She is definitely what you would call a SSBBW.John is a skinny, dorky white guy in his twenties.Pastor Lamont is in his late fifties, with gray hair and a gray goatee.John and Lisa had dated for almost two years before he proposed. They had a great relationship, but she told him she was going to wait until marriage to have sex with him. Lucky for John, she allowed him...

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