Majgen Ch 008
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk!
Copyright of Nanna Marker
—-=(Love and Legends)=—-
‘Morning greetings, Little Human,’ said Aejoa.
‘Morning greetings, Aejoa,’ returned Majgen, and yawned sleepily.
‘You just woke up?’ guessed Aejoa, studying her sleepy appearance on the viewer.
‘Ei,’ – yes, Majgen replied during a second yawn. ‘Inee told me you had called while I was sleeping.’
‘I just wanted to tell you that I will be home before nightfall today. I promise.’
‘That sounds nice, Aejoa. What time?’
‘In two or three miui.’ – Forty to sixty human hours. ‘We have wrapped things up here now. Just more, and less, official courtesies left to be completed.’
‘I look forward to your return,’ said Majgen, with a smile that faded too quickly for the Winin’s liking. ‘Aejoa, when you get home there are things I want to talk through.’
‘Which things?’ Aejoa tried to be cheerful. He usually loved talking with Majgen, but for some reason he was reminded of the nightmare that had woken him this morning. It was a recurring nightmare. He had dreamt it many times in different versions since his rescue from the humans.
‘I would rather talk about it in person,’ said Majgen. ‘It would be easier to talk about it long range than face to face, but I don’t think it would be fair to him.’
‘She looks sad,’ thought Aejoa, wishing they were in the same room so he could sense her. ‘Give me some hints?’
‘Should I?’ wondered Majgen. ‘Maybe it will be easier for him too if he is not face to face with me? But, then, what should I tell him first?’
‘You don’t need to hesitate, Little Human. You can tell me anything, I am your friend.’
‘There are many things I want us to talk through.’
‘Well, start talking. I’m listening,’ offered Aejoa, getting his unease under control.
‘Sometimes you treat me like a pet. I want you to stop doing that.’
‘What? I don’t…’ Aejoa wasn’t sure what to say. Her statement had caught him by surprise.
‘You do,’ insisted Majgen. ‘You don’t mean to, and I should have told you much sooner. I’m sorry I didn’t.’
‘But, I really don’t treat you that way. You are my friend, Little…’ Aejoa changed his mind about calling her Little Human. ‘Maijien, I thought you liked my nickname for you.’ That was the first time Aejoa had ever called her Maijien like the others did.
‘I did, Aejoa, and maybe I still do. I’m not sure.’ Majgen went quiet, and so did Aejoa. He just looked at her.
‘Does he have to look so hurt?’ thought Majgen. ‘Of course he does. He is hurt.’ ‘I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you this sooner, Aejoa. I don’t blame you for it. I should have told you long ago, should have given you a chance to rectify the situation earlier.’
‘Rectify,’ repeated Aejoa. ‘After all this time, she tells me there is something to rectify.’ ‘What else, Maijien?’ He spoke in a cold tone which he had never used with Majgen before.
‘Let’s speak of it when you get home. These are not matters to talk of long range.’
‘Matters,’ noticed Aejoa. ‘Not matter. More than one problem and she never told me.’ ‘Tell me now,’ he demanded.
‘When you get home,’ promised Majgen.
‘Do you expect me to drop everything to get home earlier, Maijien? Or do you expect me to artificially smile my way through the next miui of diplomatic courtesies, while wondering what my house guest – my friend – has been keeping from me all this time?’ Anger shone through the cold tone.
‘I’m sorry. Please don’t be so angry with me. I didn’t mean to hurt you.’ Majgen fought to hold back tears. ‘I never wanted to hurt you, Aejoa. Never.’
‘No? What am I to you, Maijien? A necessary evil? Someone you have to adhere to in order to be protected?’ Aejoa spoke the words as a provocation. He knew she loved him.
‘You are my friend,’ said Majgen, ‘not a necessary evil.’
‘Then show me some respect and tell me what else you have kept from me.’
‘It hurts when…’ Majgen began, but stopped talking mid-sentence. ‘We shouldn’t do this long range.’
‘When what?’
‘His voice sounds so cold,’ thought Majgen, ‘so angry. Aejoa never talks to me that way.’ A tear escaped her eyes and started rolling down her cheek. Majgen wiped it off, but Aejoa had noticed and softened.
‘When what?’ repeated Aejoa, softer. ‘The way I exploded right now, maybe I shouldn’t be so harsh on her for not speaking of things sooner.’
‘It hurts when you treat me like I’m stupid, Aejoa.’
‘I don’t think of you as stupid.’
‘Actually, you do. You consider me unable to understand your work. Every time I ask about your day, you evade with a silly remark instead of replying. Whenever I have a different opinion than you, you think I am not sufficiently intelligent to understand your opinion.’
‘I am smarter than her, but that doesn’t mean I think she is stupid,’ thought Aejoa. ‘But, maybe I’ve let it affect me a bit too much, along the way.’ ‘I will try to treat you with more respect, Maijien. I never intended to make you feel stupid,’ decided and said Aejoa.
‘Thank you.’
‘What else bothers you?’ Aejoa’s voice was gentle again. He had forced his anger away.
‘Do we have to go over everything right now?’
‘Everything? How many things could it possibly be?’ wondered Aejoa. ‘I think we should try at least. Let me know the next thing.’
‘You are very possessive about me, Aejoa.’ Majgen paused a second before adding. ‘Jealous.’
‘I’m not jealous,’ laughed Aejoa. ‘Honestly, Little Human. You sound as if we were engaged. Sorry, I meant Maijien. I might take a while to learn to call you that, but I promise I’ll try. Why should I be jealous? We are friends, no more, no less. You are human, and I am yijejo, we could never mate.’
He studied her serious face on the viewer, and started talking serious again. ‘In the beginning, right after I was rescued, I had a very difficult time, Maijien. I might have been a little jealous back then, overprotective too. I often had nightmares back then. Holding you close always reminded me that I was safe, that I had been rescued.’
‘I know.’ Majgen studied Aejoa’s body-language.
‘You don’t have to believe.’ Uninvited, the words popped into Aejoa’s thoughts. Majgen almost always said that in his nightmares, the moment before she would get hurt. In this morning’s nightmare the Majgen in his dream had said, ‘Don’t be afraid. You don’t have to believe.’ To that the dream version of himself had said, ‘But I do believe.’ He almost always replied that when Majgen in his dreams said he didn’t have to. Right after saying that, in the nightmare, he had broken her neck and had woken with a scream.
‘I still have those nightmares sometimes,’ admitted Aejoa.
‘I know. I’ve seen them in your memories.’
‘I didn’t know.’ Learning she knew, made Aejoa uncomfortable.
Majgen read his discomfort from his body-language. ‘They are just dreams, Aejoa. You would never do such things to me.’
‘Why didn’t you tell me you knew?’
‘You never wanted to talk with me about those dreams, so I didn’t bring it up,’ explained Majgen. ‘Knowing that they bother you so much, maybe I should have. I know where the words come from. The ones I often say to you in the nightmares.’
‘You do?’ Aejoa had never thought so.
‘In the interrogation chamber on the human ship, when I convinced you to co-operate with me, those were the words behind my thought. I thought them in humana and transmitted the emotion to you.’
‘What did you think?’ asked Aejoa, to be sure they were talking of the same thing.
‘I thought, ‘You don’t have to believe,’ ‘ Majgen said in yijejoan. Aejoa’s breathing stopped. He felt like his heart had
stopped beating and his blood had stopped flowing. He stared at her. A part of him expected that she would drop dead. When instead she spoke on, his breathing resumed.
‘You weren’t ready to believe, and you needed to play along. Else they would realise I hadn’t killed you. So I tried to make you understand that you didn’t have to believe.’
‘I don’t remember,’ said Aejoa. ‘The time in that place is still a blur to me.’
‘You were heavily drugged, Aejoa. You were in a blur.’
‘I’ll always be thankful that you kept me safe till I was rescued.’
‘You rescued me too.’ Majgen smiled at him. The smile warmed Aejoa even a solar system away. He smiled back.
‘And almost lost you again.’ Aejoa’s smile dissipated as he spoke that sentence. ‘That might also be a reason I was so jealous at first. I was still afraid of losing you back then. But, Maijien, time has passed. Things are different now. Steady. I’m not jealous anymore.’
Trying to remember the last time she had sensed jealousy in Aejoa, Majgen started doubting her estimate of his jealous tendencies. She couldn’t remember exactly when she had last sensed it. ‘I thought it was recently, but maybe it was just a hunch not something I sensed.’
‘It is a relief to hear you say that,’ admitted Majgen, after convincing herself she had been wrong about his jealousy. ‘It has been silly of me not to talk this openly earlier.’
‘You should know you can talk to me about anything.’ Aejoa sounded hurt that she hadn’t. ‘We are friends, Maijien. Please tell me more of these things you have hidden. Let us get it out in the open. I don’t want secrets to keep us apart.’
‘There is something which I’ve kept from both you and me, Aejoa. Didn’t realise it until yesterday.’ Majgen was determined to be fully truthful with her friend.
‘What did you realise?’ asked Aejoa with a new smile.
‘I found out that I am in love.’
‘With a yijejo?’ asked Aejoa, his smile started to feel like a frozen mask of plastic, but it wouldn’t go away. On the viewer, however, it looked natural.
‘Who?’ Aejoa’s smile didn’t waver, even though his face no longer felt like a part of his body. ‘Why am I asking? It is me. It has to be me. It can’t be anyone else than me! She couldn’t possible be in love with…’
‘Joone,’ said Majgen. For half a second she smiled. Then, her smile faded as she noticed Aejoa’s face contorting around his smile.
Aejoa didn’t see her smile fade, he didn’t see anything his eyes told him. His vision had darkened, but he didn’t notice. All he noticed was a roaring pain somewhere deep within. It ripped him apart from the inside. He closed his eyes and screamed. At first he didn’t hear the scream. When he finally did — after emptying half of his lungs — he stopped screaming, opened his eyes, and turned off the communicator.
‘Aejoa?’ thought Majgen. ‘What have I done?’
Majgen called him again, but Aejoa didn’t answer. She kept trying, but it was to no avail. The Winin of Naonun had closed his communicators for all in-going calls. In desperation Majgen convinced Inee to contact the Eieie and have them send a servant to check on the Winin.
Some hours later they got a message back that the Winin did not wish to be disturbed.
In a worried frenzy Majgen tried to convince First Servant Inee to have them check on him again, or to make them tell more. But, faithful to the Winin, Inee refused, explaining that even a Winin had a right for privacy.
After that Majgen managed to stay quiet, for about a tenth of a miui (about two human hours). Then she tried to push Servant Mooje into doing something.
‘Maijien, no. The Winin has a right to be left alone when he so desires.’ Mooje was immovable.
‘Aren’t you the least bit worried?’ shrieked Majgen. ‘He could get hurt!’
‘No, I am not worried, Maijien. The Winin is not in danger.’
‘You didn’t see him. He is hurting,’ sobbed Majgen. ‘It was horrible. He screamed, Mooje. Screamed!’
‘I am very sad that the Winin is upset. I wish I could ease his pain. But, the only thing I can do for him is to respect his wishes.’
‘You don’t understand. He might hurt himself. Please do something.’
Mooje knelt and picked Majgen up to hug her tight for comfort.
‘He will not hurt himself, Maijien. No matter how hurt he is. He is the Winin of Naonun. Winins do not hurt themselves, no matter how sad they are.’
‘I don’t believe you.’ Majgen’s thought was evident. She shivered with anxiety on Aejoa’s behalf.
‘I believe me,’ stated Mooje. ‘Everything will be well, Maijien. He just needs time.’
‘It’s my fault. It’s all my fault,’ felt Majgen.
‘You can’t help how you feel. To fall in love cannot be forced. It either happens or it doesn’t. The Winin knows this too. I am sure he will not blame you for the pain he feels now.’
‘But I do love him,’ sobbed Majgen. ‘Just not the way I love Joone.’
‘I know,’ hummed Mooje. ‘I know, I know.’
Aejoa was alone, all alone. He needed the solitude to get his mind straight.
‘She is in love with Joone. I lost to an Apprentice Tailor. A simple apprentice. The pet-watcher. She was mine. The Little Human was mine, all mine, and then I hired him. Why did I hire him? I knew I shouldn’t hire him. I felt it.’ His reaching limbs rustled with his aggravation.
‘Why did I call her Little Human for so long? He was the first to ask her name. I should have done that. I have known her the longest. He was only meant to make her some clothes, and then he went right ahead and asked her name.’ ‘Her name was none of his business!’ Aejoa started pacing the room. ‘It hurts so bad. I thought she was mine, and then she tells me she is in love with HIM.’
‘I should beat him till he begs for mercy, the sneaky creep. Show him what you get when you mess with your employer on an Eveee contract.’ – Eveee had once meant old fashioned, now it was a standard term for traditional contracts between the Eieie and service employees. Aejoa had never taken the full liberties of an Eveee contract upon any of his employees.
Even though he knew it would be wrong of him to beat Joone, over Majgen’s love — even though he knew he wouldn’t do it — Aejoa revelled in fantasies of what it would be like. ‘He would scream and squeal. Wiggle and plead for mercy, in between cursing me and wishing death upon me.’
‘Yes, that would feel good, to see him degraded like that. He would act just like I did before Maijien…’ Aejoa went quiet and started weeping. ‘Just like I did before Maijien rescued me.’
‘I don’t even know how she pronounces her own name,’ whispered Aejoa. ‘All I know is that they call her Maijien, and that Maijien resembles her own name.’ ‘I should have done more to earn her love. WHY DIDN’T I DO MORE!’ ‘Should have tried harder to earn her love.’
‘I knew he was a threat. Deep down I knew it.’ ‘His eyes always trailed her as if he was a lovesick…’ ‘Lovesick. He loves her. He worships her.’ ‘He won’t deny her love. He will cherish it forever, the rest of her life. He won’t deny her. She won’t come running back to me with a broken love.’
‘He had all the nights with her, the whole night, every night. Gave her his full attention.’ ‘And what did I do? I forced her to play Jeeiouma.’ ‘She hates Jeeiouma!’ ‘It is not too late, a woman can have several mates. Maybe she will fall in love with me too.’
‘Maijien is a human. How many mates do human females take?’
‘Usually humans mate in pairs of two. Mostly one male and one female.’ Aejoa had trouble breathing after remembering the Doctor’s words. Merely one out of hundreds of titbits of information about humans. Just another seemingly unimportant detail, which the ship physician had told him of while he travelled home from the War Zone with his Little Human.
‘One chance, I only had one chance. And I wasted it. I…’ Aejoa took a rasping
breath, forced it into his lungs and screamed.
‘I thought she was mine,’ he whined after having had to breathe again.
For two yijejoan days Majgen and Aejoa’s servants heard nothing from Aejoa. When on the third day he finally gave word, it was just that – words. With a note the Winin of Naonun informed his household that he would be away from home for ten more days at least.
‘Eighty-three human days,’ calculated Majgen, after Servant Mooje read the note to her. Sometimes she still translated yijejo time measures to human, to get a proper feel for time frames. ‘Does he intend to stay out of touch for that long too?’ In the past two yijejoan days, she had adjusted to the fact that she couldn’t and shouldn’t try to save Aejoa from his heartache.
‘Love can be cruel,’ she thought. A part of her still wished she loved Aejoa the same way she loved Joone, so Aejoa wouldn’t have to go through this.
‘I too am sad the Winin is upset, Maijien,’ said Mooje. ‘Broken love is a hard part of life. Did you know my mate was not the first woman I fell in love with?’
‘Ei,’ – yes, replied Majgen, transmitting, ‘I’ve seen.’
‘For men broken love is a very regular part of life. Many of us never get a mate to rescue us from that returning agony. The Winin is a wise man. He will take the time he needs to recover from it. Afterwards, I am sure your friendship can continue.’
‘Thank you for the soothing words, Mooje.’ Majgen reached her arms up to him. ‘You are headed outside for gardening,’ she had perceived. ‘Let me keep you company while you work.’
‘I would like that,’ transmitted Mooje and picked her up.
Most of the gardening work on Aejoa’s property was performed by gardeners, not servants. Servant Mooje had experience and skill for tending to a certain breed of flowering plants, though, and liked that work too. Majgen had no particular fondness for gardening, but through Mooje’s enjoyment of the task, she enjoyed it too. Especially since her part in the work was merely to keep him company at safe distance from fertilisers, soils and plants — all of which were toxic to her.
Majgen learned more about gardening flowers in general — and Mooje’s favourite breed in particular — than she would ever need. The mundane topics of conversation were rather pleasant in the sunlight. After an hour, however, when Mooje had been quiet a few seconds, Majgen changed the subject.
‘I am ready to start taking a more active part in spreading the Path now, Mooje.’
‘Are you ready to lead us now?’ he asked.
‘No, I will not lead, but I do want to help.’
‘You should lead us.’ Mooje’s emotion was evident, even though he didn’t transmit it.
‘I want to help people. I don’t want to be a leader, never did.’
‘What would you prefer to do for the Path then, Maijien?’
‘Let me help some of those who yearn for the Path,’ said Majgen, and transmitted, ‘Those who search for it but have trouble finding it.’ ‘I have done it several times already, upon requests from you and the others.’ With ‘the others’ Majgen meant her other students – the other servants and Joone.
‘If you wish to continue with this, wherein lies the change?’ wondered Mooje.
‘I wish to help more regularly than before. One or two for each of my waking periods at least.’
‘Many of my relatives would like to meet you, Maijien. They know you are the Founder, have known since before we started keeping it secret.’
In the human fashion Majgen shook her head. ‘I would like to meet more of your family, Mooje. But the ones I speak of helping are the ones who yearn but cannot find, those who need my help.’
‘It is not the right time to reveal to everyone that you are the Founder, Maijien, not yet,’ objected Mooje. ‘Especially not with the Winin away. He should learn of it before any stranger.’
‘This secret has started spreading beyond those who have been told.’ Majgen’s words unsettled Mooje, even though he was aware of this fact.
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Home)=—- ‘Little Human, wake up.’ ‘What is it?’ mumbled Majgen, not at all in the mood to wake up. ‘I need to tell you something.’ Aejoa picked her half-sleeping body up. ‘I’m tired,’ protested Majgen, and snuggled against him, preparing to sneak into another nap against his chest. Aejoa...
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! With this chapter begins book two. Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Alive)=—- Majgen woke with a start, heart pounding eyes flashing open. The brightness of the room hurt her eyes. ‘Bright?’ she wondered, ‘the interrogation room is dark.’ She struggled to orient herself. ‘Did I pass out? What happened?’ Blinking, she tried to...
—-=(Loke)=—- The water was soothing and warm as it ran down her hair and face. Majgen held her breath and enjoyed the massaging drumming of water droplets on her head. She often closed her eyes while showering in Baglian’s apartment, even when water was not running down her face. She was still uncomfortable about the full wall mirror. A few weeks earlier, Ottearon Weissme had let her return to Baglian. She and Baglian had easily slipped into their old routines. As Majgen had anticipated,...
Copyright of Nanna Marker (lit ID ellynei) —-=(Femaron Braygen)=—- Student Majgen Rahan sat at her desk, intently observing the teacher – Femaron Braygen, desperately trying to understand what he was saying. This was at the beginning of her second year at the Mentariata – she was fourteen. At this time she was following several rank eight student courses, even though she was only a rank ten student. Femaron Braygen’s course caused her immense worries. This was the third of his classes Majgen...
—-=(In the travelling suite, part 1)=—- Femaron Baglian was watching news broadcasts from the war-zone. Majgen lay unconscious on a couch close to his comfortable chair. Flight personnel had placed her there by Baglian’s instruction. A GED-officer had injected her with kask-neutralizing reagents moments before turning her over to the flight personnel and her mentor. The kask had initially made her comatose, now that it was wearing of she was gradually moving through different stages of...
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Lovers)=—- ‘Maybe this was a bad idea,’ interjected Majgen. ‘I can hold out till mornings, Aejoa. It really isn’t necessary for you to educate Joone on how to…’ She couldn’t bring herself to say – satisfy me. ‘I will resume my duties as a Winin tomorrow, Little Human. It would be wise to have a...
—-=(First stop 1)=—- Their chauffeur had waited next to the passenger door for longer than he liked. ‘Typical mentarion attitude, just leave the little guy hanging,’ he thought, ‘Why can’t they just tell me what they want like regular people?’ He considered himself to be as intrigued by mentarion ways as the next guy, but being around them personally was disconcerting. He preferred watching mentarions at a distance, preferably half a planet away. It was fascinating to watch entertainment...
Copyright of Nanna Marker. Warning: Work in progress, the full Majgen book-series is not yet completed (unless my bio states otherwise.) —-=(The meeting)=—- ‘Seven chairs on my right,’ she thought while entering the classroom from the students’ entrance, ‘seven chairs on my left.’ Summoned by teachers, Majgen focused on unimportant details. Through trial and painful error, she had found this to be the wisest approach. Adhering to proper etiquette for a low ranking student, she stood still...
For those who are fascinated by the world Majgen live in, I have submitted Majgen appendix 001 it contains some historical background and can be read on the side indepent of the storyline in the normal Majgen chapters. I hope it will be approved earlier than this chapter. * —-=(The spaceport)=—- After they were done in the tailor design shop, Baglian and Majgen went back to the cab. ‘Take us to the nearest suitable spaceport,’ Baglian ordered over the intercom. He did not elaborate, he...
—-=(Taxi Gate 7, Part 1)=—- Taxi gate 7 was a hallway which appeared pleasing to the eye in a neutral manner. Below average human shoulder height the walls were coloured in a calm, not too bright, shade of blue. At shoulder height and above, the walls were also decorated with intricate ornaments. Bronze, gold and a few streaks of black dominated the ornaments. Between ornaments the wall was coloured in the same blue shade as the lower part of the wall. Here, however, the blue was interrupted...
—-=(Rasta’s teachings)=—- During her time at the Mentariata, Majgen was assigned to a multitude of private teachers. Prior to the incident with Femaron Braygen, and his pet-memories, Ottearon Weissme put an effort into communicating with those who gave her private lessons, to see how the child was getting along and to ease her transition into the mentarion sub-society. Weissme was strongly motivated to this end by the guilt he felt for having covered the circumstances regarding her discovery. ...
—-=(A cosy room)=—- Majgen was alone. The room Ottearon Weissme had led her to was beautifully decorated, elaborate decorations were unusual in polymorphic passenger suites, but the designers hired by the Mentariata often strayed from what was usual. The combination of great amounts of money and requests for excellence often had such effects on designers at Majgen’s time. This setting had been named ‘Cosy Comfort in Mellow Shades of Pink and Red’ by its designer. It was a suitable name. ...
—-=(Empaths and politics)=—- Twelve centuries prior to Majgen’s birth, it was officially confirmed and publicly announced that a minority of humans possessed empathic abilities. Soon after the existence of human empaths became public knowledge, programs were made to track empaths and enslave them in governmental employ. By the time Majgen was born, human empaths had long since gone from being a feared and abused minority to being respected pillars of society, a position human empaths in...
This chapter is about Hawlun, and the war, a flashback to the past. It was never my intension to keep you all in suspense regarding Majgen’s past. There are just so many things to tell, I can’t do it all at once. * —-=(Resources)=—- The war between yijejos and humans begun 211 years prior to Majgen’s birth, basically the war was a conflict over a certain region of space. The area in question had originally been discovered by a crew of humans flying a small ship named Jade. This fact was not...
Warning: If you are not a steady Majgen-story reader this appendix most likely holds nothing of interest to you. My apologies for your inconvenience. Foreword: My self-editorial skills are not as developed as I would like them to be yet. Hence this section had to be presented as an appendix rather than as a part of a chapter. This section, ‘The Human Nation’ contains only historical background for the time and age of Majgen. Maybe interesting for the reader who wants to know more. The...
Copyright of Nanna Marker 2010. * Kokata was searching. He had probably carried the idea longer, but in the end it was Lei who had spoken the suggestion. So here he was, searching the forest as swiftly as his legs would move him. He needed to find a healer. He wasn’t panicked. They didn’t need one yet. There was still plenty time to find one. Kokata’s body felt light. Happy as he was it was almost as if his legs needed nothing but air to keep him afloat. Lei had said she felt pregnant. It...
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Dear readers, check out these published on ISS during September, 2019. We are positive that you will find this top sex stories list useful and help you blow off some steam! By Groping my hot aunt’s sexy ass during a wedding, resulted in dirty sexting, leading to the beginning of a sexual relationship with my gorgeous mature aunt. “Arnav: Well, I almost did. But Sonakshi suddenly looked at me, and there was no way I could feel her mother’s ass when she was looking. Meghna: So what are you...
Hundreds of new Indian sex stories are added on ISS every month and finding the most erotic ones can be a difficult thing. So, let’s make your job easier! Here is the 10 latest and published in the month February, 2019. These hot tales are finely written by some of the best authors to give you that amazing horny feeling. By When my mom comes to know know about my dad’s affair, she throws him out. I slowly seduce and try to fuck my innocent mom and she starts to yield to my desire. “I used...
Looking for the latest and ? You have come to the right place! Check out these free top rated erotic literature in the month of January 2019 below. These are the stories from some of the best sex story tellers which is written so erotically to make you hot in no time! By The climax of the incest story that carries the sexual tension being shared and released by an Indian mom and her son together through ultimate hardcore sex. “She just licked my shaft up and down and gave a nice job on the...
This didn’t start with the Super Bowl. Charlotte and I have been in each other’s faces since we were hired together six years ago. It’s just that this football season seems to have brought things to a head. We are both section heads for Pearson Consulting, and our names are almost the same– she is Charlotte and I am Charlene– but other than that we don’t seem to have anything in common.I’m from the west coast, LA born and bred– well actually a northern suburb, but once you get out of...
FetishMy husband had made contact with a guy, I am never quite sure how he finds some of them, this male is apparently almost local to us, and at my age, it tends to make me a little jumpy that my neighbours or indeed family members might just find out how much of a slut I am. So, I don’t really like to source and fuck local cocks, but my husband has assured me this person will be okay, he just wants to fuck a mature woman, and as you will read, I do love to fuck and suck. My brothers would be very...
I am using this site to document my real naughty adventures, I am mainly a bottom in the Exeter area, clean, on Prep and always horny.Due to a change in workplace I have been able to stop off at a local forest, Haldon in Exeter which has a specific carpark used by guys only. There is another carpark that is used in the evenings for dogging, but being a cock slut, I don't want the competition of real pussy lolSo, before work I have started to stop off once a week for some fun. This week it has...
Saturday I went for coffee at a small mall on the east side. I like the washroom set up there. There are two outer doors so if one gets lucky with a chance encounter, you can hear the outer door open so you don’t get caught. Unless you are deaf, of course. There was a 30 year old guy standing at the left urinal, so I stood beside him at the right urinal. After unzipping and pulling out my cock, I glanced over at his cock. He wasn’t pissing. He was slowly stroking his semi hard erection. As I...
Testimonies of victims :"I was bought like catle ,those niggers were free to feel everywere before they bought me.Fingers entered me, wiggling their way inside ,my breasts were groped and squeezed, nipples pinched and yanked and twisted. I squealed and sobbed and moaned to the endless crowd of eager black men ,my body jerked to and fro as big black dicks slapped against my upraised buttocks.They all let me feel I was just fuckmeat�" Upon arrival in their brothel , without any ceremony, they...
Hi, this is Ankita. We live in XYZ colony, a little far from the main city but a beautiful place. This is a part of my experience in this year’s Happy Holi. Please ignore the grammar issues if you observe. I am the single child of my mom and dad. I am 19 years old, and this year I got college admission. I don’t have any friends from college over here, I mean near my residence. In the colony, I gave tuitions to kids from junior college in my free time. They all love me, and I, too, love them...
IncestMy name is Kelly and I’m eighteen. I was a cheerleader in middle school, but I didn’t make my high school cheerleading team. I live in a small town in Arkansas where everyone knows me. Therefore, I must be careful to maintain my nice girl’s reputation. Those who read my first story will recall that last year I was a virgin when I visited my aunt in California. However, I didn’t remain a virgin because I met two good looking recent college graduates and had a threesome; something I really...
Synopsizing: Oh goddess, I’m SO Sorry Honey! I didn’t mean it! Please don’t hurt me? If I wrote it, why can’t I explain it? I don’t control the spirit. These stories are created by spirit writing. I’m not the culprit! Out of control, my cramped one finger is constantly busy typing. Unless I submit, allow, permit, and accord access to the spirit writing? She is sincerely amused, to plan a great evil, she means to visit on me! “An emasculated creepy crawly, hopeless of reprieve! In blind...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Brother's Cherry Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Alex strode through the halls of The Institute of Apotheosis. For most technology companies, having a eighteen-year-old with no college degreewalking through it would be unusual. But the Institute wasn't most companies. They had a higher purpose than just making the newest device or killer app. They were in the business...
Hello no time to waste .i well started my story…Now bony & my wife straggly on the bed she increased her moaned he smash her both haunch..after 5mins he stopped for a moment & moved her Lags paused her knees in to band position & he slipped his hands under her buttocks, brought her mouth to her pussy..lick & suck deeply or..look her face ferst time she began to quiver cant.she he come quckly speared her thigh & put his cock on to her pussy & push it hardly .she...
Its the middle of the week, and like most days, sexy housewife Katy Rose is bored and horny at home while her husband is at work. Katys sitting on the couch pleasuring herself with her dildo when a trio of window cleaners appears in her backyard. She pulls the dildo out of her pussy and assumes a sexy position on the couch so that the workers can check her out. Immediately, the guys understand the hint and make their way over toward her. Minutes later, one worker is fucking her from behind,...
xmoviesforyouCindy Gets Huge BBC Cock at the Lake. Every year a large group of us go to place we have been goingto for years and years on end and camp as a whole family aka familyreunion thing. Cindy is actually my cousin Roy's oldest daughter. And at 27yrs old she's one fine family tribute to ourgene culture! She's 5'6" and weighs a mere maybe 105lbsand that's with a, soaking wet towel on. She has long blonde straight hair that hangs past her assnow which itself is a treasure,It's one of those you...
"Okay, I'll go with you," Matt said. Abby had asked him on Monday to accompany her to a charity fund raiser that coming weekend. "But my good suit will have to be enough; I'm not wearing a tux. And you'll owe me for making me get dressed up." She smiled, hugged me and gave me a kiss that left me breathing hard. "Consider that a down payment on my bill." Saturday evening at 7 we entered the ball room of The Four Seasons Hotel. The hotel sat one block from the Mississippi shore line,...
HERE KITTY KITTY by JackassTales After throwing a few bales of hay to the horses, I turned back into the barn. I nearly fell when a yellow cat scampered under my feet. Those damn kittens are going to break my neck yet! The six multicolored felines were just about old enough to be weaned. The sound of a car honking up at the house took my attention. I recognized the car. My sister June was stopping by to drop my niece off. I was chosen as a last minute babysitter. June had a date. I...
Dave woke early, very early; he realized he could not go to the range to practice so he rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. He couldn't sleep as his mind returned to thinking about his options, should he be suspended. Eventually he heard Colby wake up and climb off the top bunk. When Colby left for the bathroom, Dave got up and pulled on his robe. He brushed his teeth and was sitting in his chair when Colby returned. Dave got right to the point, "Colby, I'm sorry I was in such foul...
When Lester invited Maureen over to his apartment above the bakery for dinner, he had it all planned. The Veal Scaloppini was from the Purple Rose, a fine French Restaurant down in the Village, to be delivered at quarter to eight precisely, in fine china, that matched the table service and candle sticks that ‘Robare,’ aka, ex-Sergeant First Class Robert Swartz, the owner and chief of the Purple Rose, had loaned him, since they had both served in the same Fourth Infantry brigade, in different...
Hi Friends I am hemant back again with my new experience. Well I am back after a long time & this time with a new experience, which happened to me accidentally. One evening my friend came to me & asked me to give my bike & that he would return that by night. At 9’o clock I phoned him & he requested me to come to his house & take the bike, as he was busy with the household work. So, I went to his house in auto. It was about 9:45 when I reached his house. He then forced me to have dinner in his...
My name is Mary and I’m a bit of a MILF. There isn’t anything that I love better then looking at a man and just wanting to tear their clothes off. I just love sex and require a lot of it. My husband and I have sex about five times a week, but it’s still not enough. I’m always looking for extra-curricular activities on the side. My most favorite thing is to flirt with the young men that come and clean our pool. Every week they send over a hot, new, young man. I think I've had sex with all of...
MILFFinishing off his rum and Coke, the middle-aged man gathers himself to head inside. He hears the neighbor’s door close and is hopeful that tonight may be one of those nights. He’ll wait a few minutes to see if he hears anything that will compel him to stay out longer. It’s been over a year since he last enjoyed watching her. He stopped predicting when she would be in the mood, but warm evenings seemed to be the common variable on the two other occasions he watched his neighbor enjoy herself in...
ExhibitionismFeeling the familiar warmth and weight of Suzi lying on top of him, Joey didn’t move when he first awoke. But when he opened his eyes and found himself back in the royal bed chambers, he decided he needed to after all. “Suz,” he said gently, rubbing her naked back. “Wake up, Suz. The dream is back.” “Hmmm?” she said sleepily, then smiled and stretched as she pulled herself up to give him a kiss on the lips. “Morning to you too,” Joey said tenderly. “Is the Queen the Queen, or herself...
I'd forgotten him in the course of 7 years, but when we got together again, it was for keeps. I'd also newly discovered sex and the art and gentle strokes oral sex ushered, and I was in afterglow heaven. Peter taught me everything I know about sex, I taught him to have a grand sense of adventure. What a pair of .... we are. Those times were puntuated with the freak shows we'd given on an AmTrak train to see his mother, the ten minute doggy style bangfest in Trump Tower elevator,...
After a month of Chance moving in, their relationship has greatly improved. While they are siblings, neither really acknowledges that fact much. They have become more like a couple and both realize that Chance is technically Rory’s longest lasting boyfriend. Any that she has had before have never lasted more than a week. Now to celebrate such a fact, they went out to one of the fanciest restaurants in town. Chance was concerned about the cost of such a fancy affair, but Rory assured him that...
I get home from work to find you sat at the top of the stairs wearing a french maid outfit. Stockings and all. To my pleasure i see that you're not wearing panties and you are slowly rubbing what looks like an extremely wet pussy. I start to walk upstairs, cock bulging in my pants. I get within three stairs until you say "STAY THERE! I WANT YOU TO WATCH". I stop there with my body tingling with anticipation. I watch you as you use one hand to manipulate your clit and you slide two fingers from...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. There is a time in every lass’s life when she imagines what a big, hard cock-pounding would be like. There is also a time when she can’t get hold of a cock for love nor money. And what does she do, in such a situation? She buys a vibrator. Or a dildo. Or a banana. Or maybe, if she’s ambitious, a cucumber. I’m sure some lasses consider purchasing a marrow, too, but in my opinion, that’s stretching it...
The screech of car tires against the soaked wet tarmac filled the air as cars passed by at a slow but steady speed. The sky is painted with dull grey clouds filled with rain threatening to pour down. Drops of rain water dripped from windows, cars, tree leaves, and walls. A slightly cold breeze gushed around the street corners and not too many people stayed outside for too long before running into a shop or a house. The pavements were empty as shops began to close, people started to go...
Brad and Chris met at the gym. They both prefer to exercise in the evening, and they had both seen each other being prompted by health club staff to leave at closing time. After several such encounters they started working out together and became fast friends. They maintained there relationship as workout buddies for weeks until friendship blossomed. It sprung from the casual "You want to grab a drink after the gym?" and grew. Before long they were at bars driving women wild and making men...
Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...
Dear readers I am Prashant here, I am reader of ISS and also want to share my mom’s real hot story with u that I seen in her bed room my mom’s description is name -Ranjana age – 42 height – 5.5 mummae – 40 kamar – 38 gand – 42 Moti hai par bhaut sexy hai, uske andhar sex koot koot ke bhara hura hai, kapde bhi sexy pehnti hai…… ghar mein to kabhi kabhi lehnga, skirt nhi pehnti hai mere papa tour par gaye hue the, dopahar ka time that mein so raha thatabhi phone aya aur mom ne uthaya maine bhi...
Why I'm a Daddy's Girl----------All very young girls love their Daddies unconditionally, but of course, this may change, as they grow older. I have always been a 'Daddy's Girl' and cherish every moment with him. I quickly learned that even if Mom said 'No' with the right look and plea, her 'No' could become a 'Yes' from Daddy. If upset or crying, his touch seemed to sooth my troubles and he has a knack for making people smile. We are a close family, and we frequently played games together when...
John sat at the hotel bar sipping a drink after another long day at a finance conference. Most of the sessions he went through were fluff and seemed to drain more out of him due to the fact he simply was not interested. Time always seemed to drag more when you had no questions to ask and nothing to gain from listening to another puffed up ass who liked nothing more than listening to himself speak. ‘That’s okay, ‘ John thought to himself, ‘ a couple of good drinks would do just the trick to take...
We all slept together in the huge king sized bed that night, me and Mandy in the middle of the other two, several times during the night I awoke to find myself pressed up into a soft pair of naked breasts, hands gripped my penis and I felt hard pointed nipples in my back. It wasn't the most comfortable night I'd ever spent but it was certainly one of the most erotic! We ate breakfast, a good old English fry up of bacon, eggs, tomatoes and fried bread and then called a taxi to take us into...
Maya Woulfe is friends with Tommy Pistol and his wife, especially his wife. They love hanging out and spending time together, but today Maya comes over when she’s not there. She wants to have a little chat with Tommy about watching her from his window. Tommy tries to lie his way out of it, but Maya makes him an indecent proposal. Maya wants what Tommy gives to his wife, hot bondage sex. Tommy has no choice but to give this conniving slut what she came for. Tommy pushes her down on her knees and...
xmoviesforyouThe next morning I got up and went into the kitchen. Mom and Dad were just finishing their breakfast. I asked about my brother and Mom told me he had already left to go fishing. "Mom, you and Dad can go when you're ready, I'll cleanup the kitchen," I said. "Why thank you, Jen. That's very nice of you. What do you have planned for the day?" Mom said. "I don't know, I think I'll just stay by the pool and do some reading. Maybe I'll work on my tan too, my butt's getting white...