Majgen Ch. 013 free porn video

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The water was soothing and warm as it ran down her hair and face. Majgen held her breath and enjoyed the massaging drumming of water droplets on her head. She often closed her eyes while showering in Baglian’s apartment, even when water was not running down her face. She was still uncomfortable about the full wall mirror.

A few weeks earlier, Ottearon Weissme had let her return to Baglian.

She and Baglian had easily slipped into their old routines. As Majgen had anticipated, Baglian had recovered from his feelings of guilt regarding drugging her with grane and handing her over to Ottearon Weissme.

‘Femaron Baglian is so easy to be with,’ Majgen thought as she stepped away from the streams of water to smear soap on her body. ‘Though I suppose not many of his previous students would agree with that.

‘For me, he is the best teacher I ever met, and also the only mentarion who seems capable of tolerating the daily loss of privacy.’

Baglian was also a very demanding mentor, who required his students to strive for excellence in every aspect of their training, but Majgen did not mind. She wanted to learn as swiftly and as thoroughly as possible. She longed to gain the skills needed to work therapeutically as a mentarion.

‘Femaron Baglian has five hours of intense empathic activity in him per day, my empathic stamina is strong enough for me to be empathically active indefinitely,’ Majgen thought. This was a trait possessed by all mentarions with potential of Syvaron and above.

‘I am Niaron potential, or above. Even if I will never be allowed to graduate, my potential can be utilised, if I learn how to use it.’ Having tested her power against Ottearon Weissme, who was placed in the high end of Ottearon potential, she knew that Femaron Baglian’s estimate of her potential had been right.

‘After all, that was the reason they originally chose to assign me to Femaron Baglian. They thought that because he was arrogant, he would automatically take credit for all my work, without even being told to do so. I guess I was lucky they didn’t know him better than that.’ Majgen smiled bleakly at the irony of someone believing Femaron Baglian would even consider taking the credit for someone else’s work. ‘He considers his own skills to be supreme. Femaron Baglian would think that if any other person’s doings was credited to him, he would appear less skilled than he is.’ She stepped back under the water to wash the soap off.

‘Not that he is entirely wrong: he is extremely skilled, and his self-discipline is nearly inhuman.’

Majgen and Baglian’s relationship had not developed into any degree of friendship, neither of them wanted it to.

Majgen respected her personal teacher professionally. She appreciated how his skills enabled him to help people. She was thankful that Baglian didn’t suffer under the loss of mental privacy, which was inevitable if she was to be trained by him. After more than half a year of sensing Ottearon Weissme’s personal conflicts, it was a relief to live with someone who had no conscious conflicts with himself. At least not on an everyday basis.

‘I was right that coming back to Femaron Baglian would make my training progress faster. It is far harder to follow Femaron Baglian’s training programs than it was Ottearon Weissme’s, but the hard work pays off. During these first two weeks back with Femaron Baglian, I’ve learned more than I did in my the last two months with Ottearon Weissme.’

The soap was rinsed off, but Majgen stayed under the running water, relaxing. Baglian wasn’t home, and she had no pressing duties to attend to, Baglian had decreased his demands on her education in non-empathic areas. Now, they both knew she would be allowed to perform mentarion work while still a rank 10 student, so neither had a strong motive towards her gaining the full knowledge expected to be held by a graduated mentarion. The prime priority for both was to raise her empathic skills to a level that would allow her to perform mentarion tasks.

Majgen didn’t hear the shower door open, but she sensed the presence of another empath as soon as one stepped in. She spun round to face the intruder. Blood rushed to her face when she saw a man dressed in Firearon uniform looking back at her.

‘Hi there,’ he said, as if talking to naked showering strangers was the most natural thing in the world, ‘Where is Hiro hiding?’

‘Femaron Baglian is not home,’ Majgen replied and raised her arms to cover her breasts.

‘Oh,’ the Firearon ran his eyes over her body. Majgen raised her mind shield.

‘How did he get in here?’ she wondered, ‘Baglian never keeps the apartment unlocked.’

Majgen expected the stranger to leave the bathroom now that she had informed him Baglian was not to be found there, but instead of leaving the Firearon leaned his back on the wall next to the door.

‘This short black-haired beauty is an empath of mentarion strength.’ Loke had sensed her emanations a fraction of a second sooner than he had seen her with his eyes.

Empaths weren’t usually whimsical about nudity.

Most mentarion-strength empaths were discovered before reaching the age of seven, and in empathic sub-societies children were raised with a greater understanding of natural urges – not simply because adult empaths mostly understood those matters better than non-empaths, but also out of simple necessity. If empathic teenagers, in general, ran around with a strong confusion regarding their developing sexuality — as was so characteristic for non-empathic teens — direct chaos would ensue, caused by the effects such teens’ emanations would have on other empaths.

Non-empaths could neither feel nor be affected by emanations.

Empathic youngsters were protected from sexual abuse by law same as non-empathic ones, and adolescent empaths were as likely to experiment with each other, as the non-empathic teens. There was a marked difference, however, in their attitude to the restrictions placed on them by their elders. Young empathic teens understood that when sex was forbidden to them, it was not because sex was taboo. They knew it was because the natural development of a youth’s sexuality could be obstructed if engaging in an active sex-life too early in their sexual development.

When Firearon Loke met a naked female mentarion in Baglian’s bathroom, he saw no need to run out as if her naked body was shocking to him – which would have been the proper reaction had the naked woman not been an empath.

‘I see that the ever voracious Hiro, has opened his eyes to new hunting fields. Or should I say old.’ Firearon Loke gave Majgen a mischievous grin. ‘Haven’t seen him go after flesh as young as yours since his own was equally fresh.’

Loke ran his eyes over Majgen’s body again, with interested scrutiny.

‘I can see the attraction, though.’ Loke moved his eyes to hers. ‘If you appreciate Baglian’s moves, you should consider checking out those of his teacher. I may be ten years older, but I stay fit.’ He winked at her. Even though his words were playful, he was serious about the offer they implied.

‘Get OUT!’ Majgen yelled.

‘What’s wrong?’ Firearon Loke was genuinely puzzled.

‘Get out right now, or I swear I’ll blast you unconscious.’ Majgen was serious. Her anger was unmistakable in her emanations.

‘What’s her problem?’ Loke wondered to himself, even as he decided to do as she demanded, having obtained the entirely accurate impression that the young woman was preparing to mind shock him for all she was worth.

With the intruder out of the bathroom, Majgen turned off the water, dried herself, and dressed, as fast as she could, all the while keeping an eye on the bathroom door.

By the time Majgen got out of the bathroom, Loke had made himself comfortable in Baglian’s living-room, had settled in a couch where he watched the viewer while eating a bag of cookies from Bagl
ian’s kitchen.

When Majgen found him there she recognised him from Baglian’s memories.

‘He is Firearon Loke, the mentarion Baglian studied under as an Etaron.’ With this knowledge came understanding of how he had come into the apartment. Baglian had given his former mentor, and current friend, a key to his Drom apartment years earlier.

Loke studied the, now dressed and less agitated, young woman.

‘Why are you wearing a tenth ranked student uniform?’ he asked.

‘Because I am a Tenth Ranked Student, Firearon,’ Majgen replied formally.

‘And why are you a Tenth Ranked Student at your age?’ he inquired.

‘May I offer you a hot beverage, Firearon?’

‘You just ignored a direct question from someone of higher rank.’ Firearon Loke stuffed a cookie into his mouth and started chewing before speaking on with a full mouth, ‘that’s not very mentarion-like.’

‘Mentarions who are not very mentarion-like, sometimes choose not to rise so high within the mentarion rank system,’ Majgen countered, walking to the drink cabinet to make Loke a hot drink. She had figured out which drink he would like to have with his cookies, even though he himself was not aware he felt like one at all.

‘True. But staying at student rank 10 is a bit exaggerated.’

‘Some consider student rank 10 quite appropriate for someone as troublesome as me, Firearon.’ Majgen, who had her back to Loke, knew very well that he would be able to sense a discrepancy in her emanations regarding those words.

‘Are you troublesome?’

‘I can be, Firearon,’ Majgen said enigmatically, weaving her words carefully, adapting to the unusual circumstances. She was not afraid of being punished by Firearon Loke for avoiding his questions. Femaron Baglian, her personal teacher, was one rank higher than Loke, so Loke couldn’t legally harm her.

She had no intention to share politically sensitive information with the Firearon. He had no means to punish her, so she was not afraid of dancing around his questions — which she did, like a pea would dance around a plate if someone tried to fork it rather than scooping it up.

Majgen started brewing a hot, cold, sweet, combination dessert drink, with her back to the Firearon.

‘What are you doing in Hiro’s apartment?’ he asked.

‘I am the personal student of Femaron Baglian, Firearon.’ This question she did not need to avoid.

‘So you and Baglian aren’t banging hips?’ The Firearon’s words woke a rather graphic image in Majgen’s head.

‘No, Firearon, me and Baglian do not engage in sexual activities with each other, Firearon Loke,’ she said, and concentrated on the beverage she was preparing, trying to force the last remnant of the unpleasant image out of her head.

‘She knows my name,’ Loke noticed.

‘Wanna bang hips with me then?’

Majgen nearly dropped a full bowl of sugar into the brew, she was not accustomed to anyone making advances to her, especially not in such a direct manner.

Loke perceived her answer long before she gathered sufficient composure to reply.

‘No, Firearon, I do not.’

‘Not that I blame you,’ Loke said honestly, ‘I probably got kids older than you.’

‘Probably?’ Majgen asked, wanting to turn the conversation away from herself.

‘Yeah, you know, mentarion duty, keep the empath gene pool out there. I sperm-banked when I was a late teen. I probably got around a thousand kids by now.’ Loke digged deep in the cookie bag to find a hazelnut cookie while talking. ‘Heck, maybe you are my kid.’

The viewer caught Firearon Loke’s full attention for a while, as one of his favourite comedians took the stage. This gave Majgen the opportunity to prepare his beverage without further distractions. It took her about ten more minutes to complete the complex layered beverage known as ‘Eleven Layers of Heaven’. In first class restaurants it was expensive, in lower class restaurants it was not available. Majgen had learned to make it during her time as a caterer’s youth worker.

She placed a table in front of Firearon Loke, who was too absorbed in the stand up show to pay attention to her. She placed the drink in front of him and went to make herself an ordinary fruit tea.

With tea in hand Majgen seated herself in a couch next to the one Loke sat in. Loke’s favourite comedian was closing his act.

By the time the comedian waved his hands and walked off stage, the Firearon was cracking with laughter. Majgen was not used to seeing such unrestrained behaviour in a graduated mentarion, but she enjoyed his uninhibited laughter. Eventually it dampened to the level of giggles, and he noticed the beverage in front of him. His eyes went wide with surprise.

‘Like a little child,’ Majgen mused to herself. She had caught many of Baglian’s memories of Firearon Loke. Apart from him walking in during her shower, and his later referrals to hip-banging, Majgen was happy to have been given this chance to meet the unusual Firearon.

‘Eleven Layers of Heaven! Where did you get this?’

‘I made it,’ Majgen replied honestly. Loke eyed her with wonder as his empathic senses verified the truth of her words. He pulled the table closer and attacked the drink. An expression of pure pleasure spread over his face, as he tasted how expertly his favourite delicacy had been prepared.

Majgen smiled to herself while sipping her cup of tea.

‘I still got the knack for it,’ she thought.

‘It’s a shame you aren’t interested in sexual intimacy with me,’ Loke said, startling Majgen back into embarrassment. ‘After giving me a drink like this, you would have earned at least twenty minutes of oral action.’

Loke analysed the change in Majgen’s emanations closely.

‘You really are quite a prude aren’t you?’ he asked.

‘By Femaron Baglian’s standard I am, Firearon Loke.’ Majgen couldn’t think of another way to answer his question.

That reply caused Loke to laugh again.

‘By Hiro Baglian’s standards I am a prude,’ Loke explained, ‘I remember once, when Hiro was a Trearon, and was stationed close to where I was, he called me long range audio-visual and I could see these three gorgeous identical triplets standing around him. Hiro seems to be able to reel any female in once he sets his mind to it. Well anyhow, he had brought these three triplets home and he asked me to…’ Loke stopped there, realising that the full story about Hiro and the identical triplets wouldn’t be appreciated by present company.

Loke didn’t know Majgen had perceived his memory of the incident as soon as he had started talking about it. Her cheeks weren’t just burning because Loke had been about to tell her a dirty story, she was embarrassed because she knew what he had been about to say next.

‘Well, point is,’ Loke said, ‘Hiro asked me to do something and I said no, so he called me a prude.’

Loke turned his attention back to his delicious drink, while waiting for the young woman to regain her composure. After a few minutes of watching the viewer and drinking in silence, the unusually shy mentarion seemed to have recovered from the story Loke had almost told, so Loke talked again.

‘Where is Hiro anyway?’

‘Femaron Baglian is…’ Majgen took a moment to find the proper phrasing. ‘…out for the evening, being voracious, Firearon Loke.’

Loke rewarded her use of his wording — for Hiro Baglian — with genuine laughter, but didn’t lead the conversation further into that topic.

‘You were discovered late, weren’t you?’ he asked instead.

‘He came to that conclusion, because he considers me sexually inhibited – for an empath.’

‘Yes, Firearon Loke.’

‘How late?’

‘I was thirteen, Firearon.’

Loke had expected her to be an unusually late discovery for a mentarion, but thirteen was far later than he could have imagined.

‘It must have been hard to join the empathic world at such a late age.’ Suspecti
ng that the topic might be sensitive, Loke was careful not to phrase his words as a question. Her emotional response to his words proved his suspicion right.

Majgen nodded.

‘Well, now I understand why you are a Tenth Ranked Student.’

Majgen looked at him with surprise.

‘Well… I mean… I know it’s a sensitive topic to you… But since you are mentarion strength, and in tenth ranked uniform as an adult… and uhm… considering how shy you are about… ah… talking about intimate matters.’ Loke paused to find a less awkward way to get around the topic without embarrassing the young woman too much.

‘I just mean, with all this added up, it is obvious you were placed on anti-empathic drugs for a couple of years, while your sexuality settled.’

‘So you like stand up comedians?’ Majgen abruptly changed the subject, not only because she wanted Loke to hang on to his false assumption of why she was still a Tenth Ranked Student, she was genuinely uncomfortable about conversations relating to sexual matters, especially when the topic of such a conversation was herself. Loke acceded to her obvious desire to change the direction of their talk, and began to converse the young lady on matters of comedians and humour.

Within the mentarion minority a rebel at heart like Firearon Loke was extremely unusual. His hair was a mess. His uniform was untidy and wrinkled – even torn in several places.

‘Femaron Baglian always suspected that Firearon Loke’s bad hair days were not accidental,’ Majgen thought to herself, ‘but he never knew for sure.’ She giggled as she acquired images from Loke’s emanations of the methods he used to keep his hair in such extreme disarray.

Her secret entertainment was well hidden by the amusement Loke knowingly inspired in her with his jokes and funny accounts of the world of comedy. Loke was quite a comedian himself, his play with words caused Majgen to forget her earlier discomfort. Soon he had the young woman falling into fits of laughter, like a little girl. Within half an hour Majgen’s stomach was hurting from the unaccustomed strain of laughing heavily. But this gave her no regrets: she was happy, overjoyed, and most importantly: not lonely.

From comedians the conversation moved to movies and then, as Firearon Loke praised the beverage she had made for him, to drinks and delicacies. Firearon Loke began recounting experiences of buying hand-mixed drinks: vividly painting detailed pictures of his experiences.

Alongside his words, Majgen also followed his actual memories of the events he described, they came to her through his emanations.

‘What’s so funny? I didn’t get to the punch-line yet?’ Firearon Loke asked when, for the fifth time in a row, Majgen’s sense of humour started bubbling too early in one of his tales.

Majgen didn’t know how to reply without revealing how much she could sense from his emanations, but one of Loke’s own assumptions came to her rescue.

‘You knew of this incident from Hiro before I came?’

To this Majgen could honestly nod yes. She had absorbed Baglian’s memory of that particular story too. She had also, however, gained Loke’s memory of it now, and it was his memory that had caused her giggles. Had Loke paid heed to her premature laughter when telling a story she hadn’t perceived from Baglian, she would not have been able to explain it inconspicuously.

From that point in the conversation Majgen blocked Loke’s emanations out of her mind – as she had learned in her time with Baglian. Her purpose: to not inadvertently reveal her special perceptive abilities.

Loke had noticed a discrepancy in Majgen’s emanations when she nodded. He could sense she was not directly lying, but he could also tell something was amiss.

‘There is something odd about her,’ he thought, as he continued to other tales from the world of beverages, cafés and restaurants. ‘She is a warm and immediate person, though. Not your typical mentarion. She seems to suffer even more under the limitations of the mentarion ways, than I do.’ Loke had the distinct impression that Majgen was not used to laughing freely, as she did with him.

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Every Saturday afternoon the neighbors would see Carl, the neighborhood old man, walking along the sidewalk at a steady pace clutching a bundle of flowers. They all knew how he gave his wife flowers each week and had been doing that for probably all the sixty years of their married life. They were the oldest residents in age and term on the block. It was thought they had built the first home on this block over fifty years before. But today wasn't Saturday. It was Thursday and instead of...

1 year ago
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Making It WorkApril 20 2013

I woke with a shout. Jules jumped out of the chair where she was sleeping next to the hospital bed I was in. "It's just a bad dream." She touched my hair and tried to smile as she looked down at me. "You're safe." I struggled to leave the bloody dream behind. "I need to pee again." "Come on, I'll help you get up." I still had an IV, so she helped me untangle the line and step down on the cold tile floor. I found myself stepping as gingerly as an old woman while she held...

4 years ago
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Making It WorkMay 10 2013

It's been three weeks since that awful night at the Hickory Hammer. The first week of rest nearly drove me insane. Between the horrible dreams, the boredom, and being muddle headed from the drugs, I was not much fun to be around. Jules didn't let me do anything strenuous, which became a constant source of irritation. When I was ugly to her, she treated me as harshly as I deserved. I'm sad to say I snapped at one point and said some very hurtful things. Being a true friend, she ignored...

4 years ago
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Vanessas Island Chapter One

For five years I had lived on the island totally without human companionship. I saw no men but the old guy who ran the supply ship, and no women at all. And I was happy. An artist needs his solitude. In the hurley-burley that we choose to call society, the deeper voice of the soul cannot be heard. Man alone with nature, that’s the way it should be. Like Thoreau at Walden Pond, Hemingway battling it out with the marlin in the Gulf of Mexico, Amundsen eating his own huskeys to stay alive at the...

4 years ago
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College life spring semester 3

*******************After we screamed `Happy Birthday', Corey had the oddest look on his face."There's one little problem. My birthday was yesterday.""Oh well... who cares?" Kris shouted.I walked up to him and threw my arms around Corey's neck. "Corey, I won'tlie to you but I forgot..." Tears flooded my eyes."It's okay, Matt.""I still feel awful and hope this will make up for it," I said."It sure looks like it will," Corey stated and wiped the tears streamingdown my face. We shared a long kiss...

2 years ago
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Sex inside Hospital

I am going to narrate an incident, which happened in the hospital when my mama was hospitalized. As the charge of special room was very high, we preferred to take a semi special room there is a partition in between the room and also curtains but the door is same. So that relative of the patient staying in night can stay in the other part of the room. If you put on the curtains you can stay privately. Uncle was admitted for having some problem with his k**ney and has to operate it. He was around...

4 years ago
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Making Mom HappyChapter 7

“That was fabulous mom,” I said, feeling exhausted now, but also exhilarated. “Good” she replied, beaming a wide smile at me. “Well-done son” said dad, reassuringly, “You’re no longer a virgin now, and what a way to become initiated to the ways of sex”, he added. “Now, we don’t want to tire you out completely,” said mom, looking at me slightly concerned. “We’ve done a lot tonight. Go to bed, as we want you to recharge yourself and rest for tomorrow, when we’ll have some more fun.” I got...

3 years ago
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Introduction to Sex Ch 08

Ava Gardenia was quick to give Ellie the next few days off after she handed her the $2500 that was her part of the fee for the previous night’s work. ‘You were right,’ Ellie told her, ‘he was an animal. I’m sore all over.’ ‘Oh, you poor thing,’ Ava sighed and gave Ellie $500 back, saying, ‘You deserve a little more for putting up with him. I’ve lost a girl because of him and his perversities.’ Wisely, Ellie accepted the money without a word, and shortly thereafter, made an excuse and left...

1 year ago
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Me and My ZapperChapter 6

I ventured into the garden long enough to retrieve my shorts and T-Shirts; I could not find my underwear and assumed that some wife had taken them as a trophy, and left the fucking to find Number 8. Rebecca answered the door the moment my clammy fingers touched the doorbell and she looked at me with concerned eyes. "What's going on?" She asked, her blue eyes piercing into my flushed expression. "Two car loads of guys went to your sister's house and..." "Can I come in?" I interrupted....

3 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 15

Arriving home after school I was still ticking like a bomb, images of Liz, bent over her desk with her skirt around her waist kept flashing through my mind. I'd had an erection all afternoon even though I'd had a wank after we'd finished. I'd had another one between lessons and it still hadn't helped. I dumped my bag next to my desk and stripped off my clothes, I needed to get ready for this evening so I was going to have a shower. Naked I slumped down on my bed, my hard dick waving...

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Pathways Part 6

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

2 years ago
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My wife, Jan, and I had been married for over five years before I got up enough courage to tell her my wildest sexual fantasy. While making love one night, I told her that I wanted to see her having sex with another man. Jan's response was very clear, "No way!" she said. Over the next several months I begged, pleaded and reasoned with her, hoping to change her mind. My wife's argument was that she was virgin when we met and it would be wrong to be intimate with another man, especially...

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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 20

A wave of astonished disbelief swept through the big, well-proportioned frame of Deputy Sheriff Mark Blakely as he stood in the hallway of his small home staring beyond the partially opened door into his bedroom! The pair of naked, curvaceous young women lying obscenely curled together on the rumpled bed were totally unaware of his presence. An expression of utter incredulity distorted his handsome, chiseled features, his appalled grey eyes riveted on the wanton spectacle his voluptuous...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Brandi Love Kenzie Reeves Halloween Special With A Threesome

Juan walks over to his girlfriend’s house ready to go trick & treating. Brandi Love answers the door and lets Juan in for some milk and cookies as Kenzie gets ready. She walks him into the kitchen and takes his shyness into her own hands. She pulls up her dress and shows him her sexy lingerie. She goes down on him before she has him in a leg lock to get her pussy licked. She starts riding him on reverse cowgirl as Kenzie walks in on them. Brandi talks Kenzie into joining them and now we get...

1 year ago
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Best Party

100% fiction! Hi! I"m Steph, 18 this year. Am a well-built ordinary teenage guys you can find. This story happened two weeks ago, at my aunt"s house who lived at Malaysia. My aunt, Lea, stays in a HUGE condominium at the top of the tall building and invited everyone to her house for a party. I was hesitant to go at first, because of a football game with my friends. But my mum pulled me along, and finally i agreed to it, hoping something good would happen. When we reached, I finally realized how...

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How I Fucked My Cousin Divya 8211 Part 2 Bedroom Sex

Hi readers, this is the second part of the story of how I fucked my cousin Divya. If you haven’t yet read the first part, go and read it out, and then come to this part. So, after a long kiss and hug, we both parted ways and went to the party. I was just thinking about the romance I just had with my cousin and I had already ejaculated. After dinner, I was supposed to go home and not rest at my grandparent’s home. But as it was dark everywhere, I decided to wait there only without any further...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 139

"You really going to do it," Phil asked when I explain what Jim wanted. "Consider it my sacrifice for art," I said. There was no need to tell Phil and Jeff what all I had done for a lot worse reasons. My proclivity for sexual deviancy was admitted by me to me and me only. Phil and Jeff didn't need to know that I was more than just willing. To me the idea of it all was a huge turn on. "Since there was no time agreed to, stay around your place. If you go out anywhere, carry your cell...

2 years ago
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Case of the Paper Trail Ch 04

The chronological order of my stories is now at the end of the chapter. This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above. Feedback and...

2 years ago
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Slowly Moving On Chapter 6

Driving home my mind was racing.  What the hell was going on?  Why was all this happening to me all at once?  Why the hell did I leave her there in the office? Chapter 6:  An Exhibitionist Tale In the time it took me from when I put my phone down in Amanda's office to the time it took to get home, my phone had blown up.  Texts from Justine, a couple of calls and a voicemail from an unknown number.  I read the multiple texts first that were spaced over the course of an hour or so:Are U standing...

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Billys Club

Chapter 1: Billy Meets the New Sitter "Billy, could you come down here please." Billy put down the comic book he had been pretending to read. He bounded down the stairs with a grin on his face. Meeting a new sitter was like getting a birthday present. It didn't matter whether it was wrapped in fancy, shiny paper, or cut up grocery bags; he was sure he would like what was inside. His mom had told him that this one was seventeen, and had lots of babysitting experience. Well, he smiled to...

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Truly Perverted Mommy Ch 04

Tracey Golden watched as her daughters and mother romped on the couch. They were in the heat of lesbian lust, oblivious to their surroundings. Having her mother here had been a blessing, she had helped Tracey out with housework and other such necessary chores, plus her kinky, whorish mother had helped keep the little nymphos sexually satisfied when Tracey grabbed much-needed sleep. Teagan was wearing her newest sex toy and fucking her grandmother’s pussy with it. Lara’s shaved cunt was...

1 year ago
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Liams Ravaging

Liam was one of the most desirable guys around and was considered the best fuck in town. Many gay men liked him and poured their hearts into seducing him. He was 18 had blonde hair and a toned body, yet was also a little boyish and had a crazy. Yes, Liam was hot and he certainly knew it. He loved it that all over, men did everything they could to lead him to bed but it was very rare for him to go home with a guy. He had the reputation however, that once you did get him home, he was all yours....

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Learning My Lesson

Rain poured down on me as I hiked my backpack on my shoulder as I raced across the green. I checked my watch again, 6:30pm, I only have two and half hours till I have to meet Blake at the dorm. I started dating him in a chat room as a friendly flirt but life changed after we met. Blake took our dating seriously. He was always a very quiet person in chat but for some reason everyone seem to respect and not annoy him. I watched for months while other girls had flirted with him off and on. So...

2 years ago
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I Moved Into a New Apartment

Jase moved into his new apartment and was standing on the small entrance balcony when he saw someone coming up the stairs. His eyes opened wide when he saw the tall, slender, and very attractive woman and thought, things are looking up! She got to the top of the stairs and spotted him, but then she looked down.He held out his hand, “Hi, I’m Jase, I guess we are neighbors.”She looked at his hand, “Look, I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but once the other people start talking about me, I’m the last...

4 years ago
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Sucked And Worshiped

Hello everyone, I would like to write my story. It is happened 4 times in my life when people, boy sucked my dick. If you read you will come to know how much true it is.When I was in 12th class to mere dost sunil ne mujhe kaha kee school ki chhuti k baad mere ghar chalna. M us k sath us k ghar chala gaya. Wahan us k ghar m koi nahi tha. Un ne mujhe kaha kee us k pass kuch hai. Us ne mujhe nude photos dikhaye. Mene phele aisa kuch nahi dekha tha. M dhayan se photo dekhne laga. Wo mere saamne...

Gay Male
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Murphy 5Chapter 11

We drove straight to Zales so Bobby and I both could add to our collection of gifts we had started. Rico and Luis had one more gift to buy also. As the boys looked through all the earrings, bracelets and anklets, I knew they were way over priced for their budget. I saw another ring set that perfectly matched the first three I had. They had two more there beside it. I asked if I’d get a discount if I bought all three. She looked at me funny and told me yes. I never even asked how much, I...

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mrs fielding sees the snake

mrs fielding nearly fainted when she pulled down my jeans.she didnt believe me when i told her that i was huge.her face was a picture.all the emotions in a couple of seconds.suprise,delight,panic,bewilderment,amusement, one point i really thought she would faint.when she recovered her composure she began to stroke the length and girth with both hands. now lets get one thing clear from the start—having a huge cock isnt all its cracked up to be.firstly women think its great to have a...

4 years ago
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By Moni My days as an et another true story

My life as a shared wife was about to get more interesting. I had been at this job for a few years now. This was in the mid eighties I was 27 and my boss and I had been intimate at work for 6 months already, with hubby’s approval of course. Dave, my boss was a man in his late 40’s handsome confident and a damn good fuck. He owned the company it was a an architectural firm as this was my focus on my new career. We had many international clients that he would deal with. We were talking about a...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Skylar Snow Find My iBone

Skylar Snow likes to party hard. The only problem is when she starts to have too much fun, she sometimes gets a little irresponsible. This time, she left her phone at a party she went to the night before. Luckily, our stud was the host, and he is more than willing to help a hot, thick redhead like Skylar look for it. He even finds the phone for her, and she could not be happier. To thank him, she does a little dance on the stripper pole he has in his living room. He becomes enraptured, and...

2 years ago
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Money greed

Hi this a true story and hope you enjoy it. I got my very first pussy at home and I pay for it, I enjoy paying for pussy, not because I can't get pussy for free but because I enjoy looking at the girls face when I am paying them, many of them don't want to take the money, at least that's what they insinuate but I insist and they finally take it, some pretend to get offended but still take the money, and some enjoy to get paid for their service, the reason I enjoy paying them is what is in my...

1 year ago
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Rescue MissionChapter 4

"Commander." "Ma'am." "These are my concubines," said the Captain indicating a young man and a slightly older looking woman. "Ma'am?" replied Bert. "You wanted two people to watch your back." "That's right, Ma'am," said Bert. "These are they," said Alice, favouring Bert with a smile. "I'd be most appreciative if you could bring them back when you've finished with them." Bert nodded, "I'll do that, Ma'am." "David, Yvonne, this is Commander Murray. You'll be...

1 year ago
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Jans quest

The night was young. Jan left the cubicle after a long hot shower, beads of water dripped from her skin to the floor, wetting the towel mat and the cool tiles. She took a towel from the rail but did not wipe her glistening skin with it, but draped it over her shoulders. She opened the bathroom door, looked left and right down the corridor, then boldly walked slowly down to her bedroom. It was early evening and she could have run into a member of her family. Jan half-wanted that to happen but...

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Dave started dating Taylor after their sexual encounter and I didn't get to see him as much. Anna would not return my calls so I guess she was not all that into me. I hung out at the pool and stared at all the mom tits. Teri was still being standoffish so no action was coming my way from that direction. Then a week or so after the sex fest in the woods, I got a call from Christa, "Come over today at 4:00PM, my parents will be out." She hung up before I could say anything else and I was...

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Basils Castle

BASIL?S CASTLE BASIL?S CASTLE Basil was so depressed?and he was humiliating himself, touching his hard penis while sniffing his wife?s scent in the highball that she?d put down. He?d snaked the glass off the table at the Tunstall?s party while Lindy was talking to that ass Saul Echerman, and then Basil had spirited the drink out to the far end of the Tunstall?s yard. Then, Basil opened his zipper and began touching and pulling his hard dick as he sniffed the scent of Lucinda?s perfume...

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