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{notice} ('Duplicity' is the third of a series of stories that began with 'Early Days' which in turn was followed by 'Moving On'. Copyright belongs to the author, S.A. Ninian. Neither this story nor any extract of it can be reproduced in anyway without the author's consent.)

Chapter One

It was the end of the second month and yet another Friday without him; Elinor Cranfield felt quite miserable. Tears welled in her eyes as she thought of the happiness she had experienced in the nine months of their torrid relationship. She had never conceived such happiness possible. And now it was over. Life would never be the same. Not without Simon.

She remembered how it had begun and how outraged she had been at the audacity, the sheer effrontery, of a 17-year-old student declaring his interest in her as a woman. She remembered the days of mental turmoil that followed, until that life-changing Friday when she had opened the door and admitted him, not as a student but as a lover.

Mrs Cranfield sipped her gin and rose from the couch to put another log on the fire. She felt cold. The thought amused her slightly as she remembered how he had teased her after that first session of passionate lovemaking in front of this very fire.

'Well, Mrs.Cranny Berg', he had asked as she lay spread-eagled before him, the swollen pink lips of her cunt glistening wet with her juices and his white semen oozing from it, 'how does it feel to be frigid?'

The nickname was one used by the girls at her school; the description was one she had told Simon her husband had frequently applied to her during the years of their hopeless, loveless marriage.

She smiled wanly through her tears as she thought of how inappropriate such an adjective had been to her at that moment and in the months since. Simon had melted all her ice that first time, here in front of this fire. And, in their subsequent lovemaking, her confidence in herself as a woman had grown.

She had always been clear about her intellectual prowess, her analytical mind, her ability to grasp the essential details of a problem and present a synthesis that was lucid and coherent. But she had never thought of herself as sexy. Never! Simon had changed that misperception. He himself, however, had been quite clear that he had not wrought any real metamorphosis.

'It was always there, Elinor', he had insisted, 'all I did was unlock the door behind which it was trapped. And', he had added, very solemnly, ' now the genie is out, there can be no going back. Cranny Berg is gone.'

'And now you have gone, Simon', she wailed inwardly. 'And what is to become of me now?'

She got up and switched on the television but soon tired of the mindless soap. All she could think of was how it had been on those Fridays - and Tuesdays and Wednesdays - when he had been with her. Fridays had been best though. Right from the first. On the other days they had concentrated so hard on work with only a brief time for lovemaking at the end but each Friday had been given over to love alone.

And there had been the times when they had spent whole nights together here in her flat, when his mother was away staying with friends or on holiday. Delicious nights of sex and fun. Kinky nights when they had pushed out the envelope of their individual fantasies and had discovered new depths and heights of pleasure.

In her mind's eye she saw him: so tall and beautiful. So young and full of delicious energy.

'Like a Greek god', she thought as she pictured the white athletic torso quite devoid of body hair except where it forested between his thighs and over his lower belly. And thrusting out of that bush of black hair, the great thick column of bone-hard flesh with its blue veins standing out like cords and the large bulbous head with its single slit eye.

Mrs. Cranfield felt a familiar heat spread through her groin and she pressed her legs together, as she became aroused at the thought of how that cock had so often found lodging in her thighs. She rose abruptly, went swiftly to her bedroom where she opened the needlework box on the top of her chest of drawers, and drew from it a large red-coloured vibrator. With a sense of urgency she removed her skirt and knickers and after turning the little milled wheel at the device's base she presented the buzzing penis-like instrument to her genitals.

'Oh, Simon! Simon!' she moaned, as with eyes closed and tears staining her cheeks, she pressed the dildo into her entrance.

Chapter Two

Just as disaster can fall upon one from a clear blue sky, so, occasionally, good things happen when least expected - and they come from the most unexpected quarter. Thus it was that a telephone call from her minister's wife brought an improvement in Elinor Cranfield's circumstances.

The call itself was wholly unexpected: Mrs. Cranfield's attendance at church had been infrequent since she and Simon had become lovers. Although she felt no unhappy sense of guilt, ordinarily, nevertheless, sitting in her pew on a Sunday after she and Simon had engaged in several hours of sexual abandonment on the previous Friday, she had found herself reliving what had taken place and had felt consequently uncomfortable.

'Hello, Mrs. Cranfield, I hope you don't mind me calling you at this hour.' Mrs. Shepherd always began a conversation with some kind of apology.

She glanced at the clock - it was 9:30 p.m. Perhaps clergymen and their wives were early bedders. She smiled at the thought of plump jolly Mrs. Shepherd in bed with her solemn husband.

'Not at all, Mrs. Shepherd', she replied, 'how can I help you?'

And then Mrs. Shepherd had told her how she had been up in Little Fendon to visit a Sudanese refugee family who had rented a house next to the Blacks. 'And I happened to meet Mrs. Black. We were in the garden and she invited us in for coffee and when Mrs. Waziri spoke of how her son Ibrahim needed help with his schoolwork, Mrs. Black told us of how much you had helped Simon.

'Now wasn't that strange that we should all meet like that? Don't you think it must have been meant?'

Mrs. Cranfield thought no such thing but Mrs. Black's next revelation took her breath away.

'And then Mrs. Black phoned Simon. Wasn't that good of her? And he was just on the point of leaving the house when he heard the phone. And he thinks it would be wonderful if you taught Ibrahim. Now let me see, what was it he said? Oh, yes. Simon said that he had looked forward to every lesson with you and that the whole experience had been wonderfully rewarding. Isn't that such a lovely thing for a pupil to say of his teacher? You must be thrilled, Elinor. Oh, may I call you Elinor?'

And before she could say a word, Mrs. Shepherd went on,

'And - Oh yes - Simon also said that he felt Ibrahim could benefit in the same way and have just as much enjoyment'.

Mrs. Shepherd took a deep breath and rabbited on:

'Provided - yes that was it, Simon emphasized this to his mother - provided Ibrahim stuck to your rules, worked his socks off and never let you down.

'Simon said that he hoped you would agree to take the boy on but that he felt he himself shouldn't get involved in trying to persuade you. So what do you think, Elinor? Will you help?'

There was a long pause. Mrs. Cranfield could hear her heart beating. What was Simon suggesting? Did he really think she would get involved with this sixteen-years-old Sudanese boy? Indeed he seemed to be hinting at just that. She took a deep breath but before she could speak, Mrs. Shepherd was off again:

'Mrs. Black asked me to speak to Simon on the phone myself and he asked me to make sure that when I spoke with you I was to give you a message. Just a minute I wrote it down because I wasn't sure as to what it meant and I felt I must say it just as he did.

'Here it is: 'Thank you, Mrs. Cranfield, for being such a wonderful teacher and such a friend. I shall never forget you. All boys should have a teacher like you. It has been difficult to settle here but I am determined to move on with my life. I'm glad that we were part of each other's history. But now we move on.'

Elinor Cranfield felt the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Afterwards, lying on top of her bed and feeling very confused, she couldn't recollect what she had said to the voluble Mrs. Shepherd but she knew she had agreed to meet with her and Mrs. Waziri and Ibrahim at the vicarage on Monday evening.

Ibrahim Waziri was not what Mrs. Cranfield had expected. For one thing his command of English was excellent; this she noticed, despite the young man's reserve - a reserve that bordered on the painfully shy. He had seemed afraid to meet her eyes as they were introduced but he took her hand in his and the grip was firm, albeit he let go of her hand almost as soon as he held it.

She was surprised at how tall he was and so incredibly thin. Slender was the word she felt more appropriate, and his features were so finely sculpted that he appeared almost feminine, particularly when one took into account those huge brown eyes and the curling eyelashes and the silky black hair that came over his ears. He looked a bit older than his 16 years, she thought.

And he was much less dark than she had anticipated: his skin colour was almost a dark honey colour and she was not surprised to learn later that his father was Greek. He, poor man, had been involved in a revolt in the Sudan and had died there. Ibrahim's mother had reverted to her maiden name at her family's insistence, they being afraid of the authorities taking action against her and Ibrahim. Hence their flight to England.

Mrs. Waziri was a small plump woman who, fifteen years ago, must have been quite beautiful, Elinor Cranfield thought. She was darker than Ibrahim but one could see where the boy's fine features came from. However Mrs. Waziri showed no signs of reserve. Without engaging in any overt criticism of the local school she made it clear that she felt that institution would not give her son the high standard of education he needed if he was to secure a University place at Cambridge itself or at Oxford.

'I also concerned he make wrong choices', Mrs. Waziri held up her hands in an attitude like that of a surrendering combatant, the gold and jeweled rings catching the light as she did so

'He will make friends with wrong people, he - how you say? - Learn bad things in bad company.'

Elinor Cranfield glanced across to where Ibrahim sat perched on the edge of a chair, hands clasped together resting on his knees, his eyes fixed on a spot an inch or so in front of his large feet.

Mrs. Shepherd made an attempt to protest the good record of the local school and the good behaviour of the young people there and in Little Fendon but Mrs. Waziri ignored her.

'I like Ibrahim concentrate on study and on his music. I like if he come to you for help in study, like Mrs. Black's son - next house here. She speaks well of your help. I can pay. I like if you do this for Ibrahim.'

There was a silence. Then Mrs. Cranfield spoke, 'And what of you, Ibrahim? Is that what you want, to concentrate on your studies and your music and to come to see me two or three times a week to work? Wouldn't you rather spend some time making friends?'

Mrs. Wazir, her face showing her extreme annoyance, made to answer but Mrs. Cranfield in fiercely schoolmarmish mode, silenced her. 'Mrs. Waziri, if I am to teach your son then I must be sure of two things: one, his willingness to do the work that I give him and secondly, and more importantly, his commitment, his whole-hearted commitment to work with me.'

She held up her hand as Mrs. Waziri again sought to speak. She turned to where Ibrahim sat and found him gazing at her with a kind of awe. She smiled her schoolteacher, tight-lipped smile but she also tried to convey in her look something of the concern she felt for this mother-dominated boy. Their eyes met and Elinor Cranfield thought that she detected a glimmer in those huge sad eyes.

'Well, Ibrahim. What do you say? Do you wish to come and work with me under those conditions?'

Again Mrs. Waziri attempted to speak but Mrs. Cranfield silenced her with an imperious gesture. Ibrahim looked down at his feet, then raised his head and looked Mrs. Cranfield in the eye.

'Yes', he said slowly and clearly, 'it will be a great honour to have you as my teacher. I shall work very hard. I shall do everything you tell me.'

Chapter Three

She wasn't sure when exactly she began to think about Ibrahim as more than a student. From the first she had found him physically attractive but she had not thought of him with any feelings of lust. She did not consider him as a replacement for Simon. He was too... too... well, passive. Too shy.

Nevertheless, from time to time she wondered about Simon's insistence that she take the boy on as a student, 'to have the same rewarding experience as me'.

Wasn't that what Simon had said? She knew he must have been suggesting that she form a relationship with the lad.

Quite often she looked at Ibrahim's face with its finely chiseled lines, she thought his mouth and those beautifully formed sensual lips but she did not imagine that mouth, those lips, upon her own. She observed the long slender fingers of his hands as they held his book or wrote in his exercise jotter but she never conceived of them touching her.

She had noted though, the small rounded hemispheres of his bottom, outlined by the thin material of his trousers when he bent to pick up a fallen pencil or to retrieve his shoes from her hallway. And she admitted now that she had deemed it the kind of bottom she liked to look upon.

But she had not thought of herself as desiring him. Not really. Or had she?

Later as she pieced together the jigsaw of events that led up to her decision to seduce Ibrahim, she saw no real pattern or trail. But she admitted that she had found herself more and more relaxed with him and, from time to time, musing about his possible interest in her. And then came the accident.

She had arrived home from school about fifteen minutes before 3:00 p.m. that Friday, a good two hours earlier than usual, having had a free double period last thing in the day and having got permission to go home, to be there for delivery of her new washing machine.

There was a message on her answer-phone requesting her to telephone Ibrahim's school as soon as possible. The message had been left at 2:32 p.m.

'He's had a nasty fall during the lunch break, Mrs. Cranfield'. The secretary's tone conveyed considerable concern, 'I'm sorry to trouble you but he got upset when we were going to phone his mother and he pleaded with us to phone you instead.

'I know he comes straight to you for lessons today so I thought it would be o.k. I'll wait till around 3:00 but then we will have to phone home. I don't think he's seriously hurt, he doesn't need hospital - but he won't let our auxiliary near him... '

The secretary prattled on a bit before Elinor managed to end the conversation and put the phone down.

It took her only ten minutes in the car to reach the Grammar School, having left the flat key with old Mrs. Gray next door and a note on her own door for the washing machine man.

Ibrahim lay facing the far wall on the narrow bed in the small sick bay, curled into a ball. He peered over his shoulder when she spoke his name. His dark eyes were full of pain, his olive-brown skin much paler than she'd ever seen it.

'Thank you for coming, Mrs. Cranfield. I am sorry to give you trouble. Can you take me to your house?'

The school's Deputy-Head was aware of Mrs. Cranfield's position as Ibrahim's tutor and, since the boy usually went to her house directly from school, the Deputy saw no problem in releasing him into her care.

Supporting him as he limped out to her car, Mrs. Cranfield questioned herself as to what she should do. When she suggested to him that she take him home right away he pleaded with her not to do so. It seemed that his mother was so over-protective that he feared she would not allow him to return to school and, he claimed he would be kept at home all the time in future.

To her surprise the washing machine had arrived and the man was busy making the connections. She helped Ibrahim to the settee and got him comfortable, then made a pot of tea.

The man was in a hurry and turned down the tea. By the time it was brewed he was leaving.

Mrs. Cranfield knelt by the settee and studied the boy. There were no signs of injury to his hands, face, or head, and he seemed a lot calmer once she had assured him that she was not going to contact his mother.

'You realize, Ibrahim that I could get into trouble if your mother finds out that I have kept this from her. You must promise me that you will not tell her.'

He looked at her solemnly, ' I do not speak to my mother of anything. Ever! I say only that you teach me well and that you are strict. Very! She likes that.'

It registered with Mrs. Cranfield that Simon had made such declaration of his trustworthiness and discretion and she tried to conceal the smile caused by Ibrahim's assurance, then found that it had been spotted and that the boy was smiling back at her.

'You are happy with what I say, I think. I have, how do you say it: a 'close mouth'.'

'That is good, Ibrahim', Mrs. Cranfield smiled her approval, 'But what about these injuries? I understand you would not let the school check them. I need to be sure that you are not seriously hurt or that you will not get infection. You seem to be in pain. What is hurt? If you will not let me attend to you then I have no choice but to inform your mother.'

Ibrahim hung his head. 'It is my side and my leg. They are very sore.'

Mrs. Cranfield adopted a stern tone. 'Then no more foolishness. Let's get this shirt off.'

She reached out and turned him by his shoulders to face her. To her surprise he made no resistance as she began to undo his buttons. He winced as she eased the shirt over his shoulders and down his arms but he did not resist.

'How beautiful he is', she thought as she gazed upon the slim light brown torso.

'Where does it hurt?' she inquired, running her hands over the lovely smooth skin.

The boy turned away from her slightly and touched his hand to an area at his side where Mrs.Cranfield detected bruising.

'Here' he said, 'And here. And here'. He pointed to his hip and to his upper thigh.

'You'll need to take your trousers off, 'she spoke firmly and matter-of-factly, although her pulse was quickening and her throat felt dry, 'I'll get some warm water and Dettol and some anti-inflammatory cream. I won't be long. Quick as you can now.'

She rose and without looking at the boy set off for the bathroom.

The light-blue boxers seemed to enhance the rich colour of his skin as the firelight flickered and danced shadow then light upon Ibrahim's body as he stood on the hearth side rug where she had left him.

Later she was to wonder if that was the point when lust, for the second time in her life, won victory over common sense.

He had his back to her as she stood in the doorway holding the basin and the tube of cream and she stood admiring him, feeling the warm glow in her loins and the dry tightness in her throat. He turned and saw her and smiled, breaking the spell.

She placed the basin of warm water at his feet and motioned him to move closer to the fire.

'I don't want you catching cold. Are you warm enough?' So saying she unbuttoned her cardigan and draped it over a chair.

With her back to Ibrahim she quickly unfastened the top two buttons of her white blouse. She could feel the hardened nipples of her unfettered breasts pushing against the flimsy silk, and before turning she pushed the blouse down beneath her tight skirt, causing her breasts to protrude full and firm against the stretched material.

She turned and began to walk slowly towards him. She could feel her breasts moving against the fabric of her blouse, full and round, her nipples prodding the silk. Ibrahim's stood wide-eyed gazing at her as she approached. She smiled at him then dropped to her knees at his feet. She could sense his eyes on her partially exposed breasts and she almost purred as excitement and anticipation welled up in her.

Now she focussed on the front of the baggy boxers, just where they bulged. She detected a movement in the material and smiled to herself. He was well aware that she was a woman.

'Can you show me where the problem is? She touched the back of his thigh with the palm of her hand just below the curve of his buttock. Her gave a little start.

'Don't worry. I'll be gentle' She gave his thigh a tiny squeeze. 'And don't be embarrassed. There's just the two of us. I won't tell anyone about this. I hope you won't either. I wouldn't want your pals to be talking about it. Nor your mother. Agreed?'

'Yy.ess'. Thank you.' His voice was husky and she saw that he had moved his hands so that they now covered the front of his boxers. She could see that they bulged out much more.

'Good' She said firmly. Now point to where the problem is.'

Slowly he moved one hand and pointed to just below his right hipbone. As his hand moved, she could see the way his boxers now tented out, half-hidden by the other hand as he sought to conceal his aroused state.

'Let's have a look then' she said and gently pulled the waistband down over his hipbone. He clutched on to his boxers to prevent them coming further down.

'I need to see, Ibrahim, ' she said firmly. 'Please don't be embarrassed.' She removed his right hand from the shorts and pulled them down to expose his hip and much of his buttock. She could feel him trembling.

At the top of his buttock some of the skin had been badly grazed and there was a large bruise on his buttock. 'Right then', she said. 'Let's see. I need to bathe that scrape with water and Dettol, Ibrahim, and then I'll rub some of this cream into the bruising. There's a lot of swelling there.'

'There certainly is swelling - and it's getting more swollen all the time!' She laughed inwardly at her unspoken observation.

'Now I know you don't want your mother to know about this so we need to avoid getting your boxers soaked with Dettol or smelling of this anti-inflammatory cream. It's only just after four o'clock and you're not due back till seven-thirty, so I can wash the cream off just before you go home. As long as we don't get it or the Dettol on your boxers, she'll never know. So you just slip your boxers off and put this bath-towel round you with the opening to this side and I'll soon have you sorted.' She handed him the bath-towel.

Ibrahim wrapped the towel round his waist and let its other end fall. Elinor could see his erection pushing it out as the boy tightened the towel round his waist. She smiled to herself as he hesitated, unsure of how to remove his boxers, now covered by the towel.

'Here, it's awkward, isn't it? Like changing at the beach. Come on, I'll help you.' She took hold of the towel at his hips and turned him round to face the fire so that she now knelt right behind him with his bottom almost touching her face. 'There now. Take them off. I won't peek. I promise.'

Slowly he bent down and raised the bottom of the towel then reached under to slide off his boxers. Elinor was tempted to let the towel go but resisted the urge. 'Slowly. Slowly catchee tiger', she said to herself.

She glanced across the room at the mirror strategically placed to allow a view of the hearth side rug. She remembered how she and Simon had put the mirrors in the room to give views of them, fucking.

Now it showed her kneeling, with Ibrahim in front of her, facing the fire, hands clasping the hem of the towel at his waist, while his erection pushed the towel well out from his body. It was plain to Mrs. Cranfield that her student was far from being under- developed.

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Mike Pompeo arrived in Beijing on a special kind of vacation reserved to the men of his status and connections, which needless to say were numerous and well maintained. The purpose of the trip to the capital of China was to see several women hang by the neck until dead, women sentenced to die on gallows for drug trafficking. Pompeo, being a man of spiritual, as well as physical exploration, took interest in Mainland hangings, for one of his friends , Peter Navarro, had already gone to China...

2 years ago
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My first time with John

This is the true story about my first time with a guy. It happened about 8 years ago.John and I had been friends since we were about 6 years old. We did just about everything together. We were, and still are, best friends. One evening we decided to go to the gym and work out. The place was just about empty. We had the place to ourselves for the most part. I wasn’t as into the work out as John was. I decided to call it quits and hit the showers. John decided to stay and lift some more.Since the...

3 years ago
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College Life

DisclaimerThis story is a work of pure fantasy. If you are underage and/or repelled by erotic fiction about non-consensual sex then do not read any further.I would like to stress that in this story quite a few rather stupid clich?s are used. Therefore I want to urge those of you who cannot distinguish truth from fiction to please don?t read any further.English is not my native tongue so I guess that some errors could not be avoided. I sincerely hope that they do not disturb your reading too m...

1 year ago
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POV Sheila Ortega Pure Venezuelan Gold

Sheila Ortega is a true carnal monument no matter how you look at her. This amazing woman is pure Venezuelan gold, a torrent of sexual richness that came to Spain directly from the Caribbean sea to give you a boner as huge as a palm tree. In this POV scene you’ll be able to enjoy her body as intensely as if you were right there having sex with her. Just lean back and relax, get a freezing cold pina colada and get ready to jerk off your cock like an animal while you watch this stunning...

2 years ago
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My Second Marriage and Suhagraat

Hi, I am Mrs.Madhumita Pal with nick name Reema,a 28 year old probashi bengali lady who is married to a lean built middleclass man of 34 year name Arindam. I run a beauty parlour of my own in Hyderabad where ladies from upper middleclass of both single,married and divorcee community pay visit.I am an orthodox patibrata woman without an issue till after couple of years of marriage.I look absolutely stunning with my envious 36C-28-36figure.I am medium built with 5’3”.I am issueless and look real...

1 year ago
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Deamology Tutor

I only realized what I had done when I was sitting down. Maybe the change in posture changed how my brain was ticking, or maybe the cold water I ordered helped. “Oh my god” I whispered. “Oh don't get all bent out of shape” Lyn murmured, her tail swishing as she sat on the stool, “Barkeep, one cider.” The 'barkeep' walked to her and pulled a bottle and a cup out from under the bar, pouring her a drink. I gaped, staring at the two of them. I had summoned Lyn a few days ago and she had latched...

3 years ago
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Femme de Mnage Part 1

Femme de M?nage Part 1 Belladonna Charles Cannon gave his housekeeper a smile as he walked by her while she continued her labors. Jane acknowledged the grin, but she did not waiver from her tasks. Charles had trouble tearing his eyes away from Jane for reasons he could not quite understand. There was nothing about Jane that struck him as particularly alluring. Jane was roughly the same age as him, but she looked a bit older than he was. Their hair was similarly speckled grey a...

3 years ago
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Sarahs Stallion Ch 04

I want to thank LadyFalcon for her assistance by making constructive comments and editing this story. * * * * * * Now that we’d had sex, I found myself thinking about Sarah during every waking moment. When she wasn’t with me, I felt like part of me was missing. God, I was in love with this woman! I’d savored being near Sarah before, but now I wanted to be with her all the time. It seemed I was a moth and she was attracting me to her flame. It was consuming me. She caused my hormones to...

4 years ago
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No Place Like Home

Asian Angel had recently heard a report that several women have been disappearing lately. What was strange about the report was that only Asian women had been the victim and several witnesses say they saw some women go into some old studio in an abandoned part of town. She knew she had to report the news to Lady freedom, but knew that Lady Freedom probably wouldn't send her on a mission that didn't have all the facts gathered. Luckily for her, Lady Freedom was not in town, for she had the...

2 years ago
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A Journey To My Mom8217s Ass 8211 Part I

Hii every1 this s kishan. This s my 1st story in ISS.. I’m working as an engineer in a reputed MNC…my age s 25 and I wanna share my real story how I seduced and fucked my mom 4 yrs back who looks like angel wid well maintained figure I have ever seen. It all happened when I was in eight class. One fine day one of my best friend came 2 my home in the evening and took me 2 internet cafe, I thought he may check some mails or he may browse some useful matter but suddenly he opened porn websites...

3 years ago
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Fun With My Sons Friends

I’m a sexy woman. Before that I was a sexy girl. I started developing when I was ten, my flat nipples started to swell, I knew immediately when I first noticed them changing that I was growing boobs. And I loved the idea. I would often stand in front of my floor-length mirror in my room, standing there naked, examining every facet of my evolving body. I started talking about sex with my girlfriends, picking up little shards of truth or fiction like most of us do, adding to my curiosity almost...

4 years ago
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Old Age 49 Years Aunty Ke Saath Sex

By: Khanlovesaunty Hi mera naam Khan Hai (name changed) I am from B’lore aur mein ek MNC company mein kamm kartha hun my age is 27 and height 5.7 and 8 inches dick mein recently B’lore ayaa hun aur mujhe indiansexstories itna pasand hai mein aaj appko meri ek real story submit karna chatha hun plz read it and let me know ur feedbacks at The story begains 1 year back I was in Hyd and working in a MNC company and mere parent were use to saty in Mumbai mein hyd mein naya tha aur mujhe ghar ki...

1 year ago
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Just because you’re watching porn for free doesn’t mean that you have to settle for low-resolution bullshit. Come on, why are you still stuck with that porn site from fucking 2002 that only offers content in 480p? You’re better than that. You fucks deserve high-quality porn without the sky-high price tag that you see from most premium sites. And there’s a way to get your hands on it without having to do anything sketchy or shady. I’m not talking about going full turbo-nerd and installing shit...

Free Porn Tube Sites
3 years ago
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Pizza Woman by loyalsock

 I was in a rut. Another Friday night alone. Just like last Friday and the onebefore that. Sitting here watching some stupid info-mercial aimed at inbredtrailer trash. My God- I was watching and thinking of buying the assinineproduct!!! I needed to do something...quick. Hell, I’ll just get a pizzaand take it from there. Yeah, a pizza with everything.With shaking hands and trembling fingers, I picked up the telephone andtriumphantly placed my order: "Three pizzas - the works, and a six pack...

4 years ago
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Ancient Abilities Part 1Chapter 5 The College Experience

During my senior year, my folks let me know that my college fund should cover my tuition, books, and living expenses for at least the first two years of college. The specific college and my course of study would determine how far my funds would stretch. Cathy's parents would pay for her education since her family was very well off financially. Neither Cathy nor I found out until later that Frank and Mary had plans to assist me financially, if it became necessary. Cathy and I discussed our...

2 years ago
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Ultimate Interface 10 Chapter 3

"I suppose it was too much to hope that I'd be your only girl hey son? How long have you two been at it?" I had forgetten that I had not instructed mother as to my intentions with the rest of the family, I suppose I should rectify that. "Why don't you both show each other some love" I smirked as mom walked over without question and pulled Jenny to her feet, kissing her deeply and wildly. Both girls cupping and caressing each other, my mothers hands all over Jennys ass, cupping and...

2 years ago
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Late Night Fucking With Brother In Law

My name is Lauren. I’m twenty five years old. I’m about 5’4”. I have long, wavy, dark brown hair. My eyes are hazel. My breasts are about a 36 C. I’m married to my husband John. John is in the military. He is stationed in Iraq. While he is away, I stay with his brother David and his daughter, Julie. One night, Julie was at a sleep over. David and I were in the den. We both had had a few glasses of red whine. We talked and laughed. David was very good looking. He was tall, his body muscular. He...

3 years ago
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The Wedding Night

The Wedding Night. My wife of ten hours and I were led down the hotel corridor to the hotel suite by a bell boy who carried our luggage in a trolley. We arrived at the door to the large honeymoon suite and the the Bell Boy opened the door with a flourish, throwing the wide doors open, before standing aside to let us enter. "Hold on a minute," I said. I grabbed hold of my wife and swept her up in my arms and she squealed with surprise. "What are you doing?" she asked, laughing...

1 year ago
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Ill Be Seeing You

June 5, 1944 Plymouth, England The rain made rivers down the window as thunder rumbled across the shore. From his vantage point, he could see the boats bobbing in the violent harbor waters. The muscles in his back were tight as he stared across the English Channel, imagining the Germans in their bunkers facing him as they hunkered down through the storm. As he took a long draw from his cigarette, he wondered if they had done everything right. Most of the Americans sleeping in tents on the...

2 years ago
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a restaraunt scene

I am in a restaurant with my Master beside me.we are with a group of vanilla friends and family but we only have eyes for each other.i am trying to concentrate on the conversation but Master is distracting me ...under the table......of course i started it by teasing his cock with my fingers as i chatted with the others like nothing was happening...enjoying the feel of his cock getting harder and harder then i glance over to him with an evil smile on my lips and now i am paying for it. ...

2 years ago
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pfiffi und icke

heute morgen war es mal wieder an der zeit es mir zu machen hatte mich beim Hamstern richtig geil gemacht … Außerdem ging ich wieder in mein Bett und Nahm meine Utensilien mit ein kleinen für den Po und den etwas größeren für meine Muschi …. und als ich so schön dabei war es lief schon aus allen Löchern … da hopste Pfiffi aufs Bett und war außer Rand und Band … erst schleckte er den Saft vom Lacken dabei wurde sein Stengel ganz hart …. er tat mir etwas Leid … und ich wollte ihn etwas behilflich...

4 years ago
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The Exchange StudentChapter 5

Ruth stared at her naked breasts. He realized he was holding his breath and let it out, only to take in another big lungful. "Oh damn," he whispered. He didn't have to look to see that a small stain had appeared on the front of his briefs. He'd felt himself leak. "Is not good?" She sounded heartbroken. "No, no, no, no, no," Ruth stuttered. "Is very good. Yes. Is perfect. I'm just surprised, that's all." "Why? Tiffany said she did it like this for her boyfriend. I thought it...

3 years ago
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Merry XXXmas

From the moment we were born, my sister and I, despite being identical twins, were total opposites for the most part. My 'older' sister, as I often retreat to calling her during arguments, came out head first, while I came out 'breech'. Doctors attributed my breech birth to complications from the twinning; my sister later claimed it was because we were 69ing at the time labor began! She's a pip. I'll give her that. Our childhood was a demonstration of the opposite of most twin...

2 years ago
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Undercover Ch 02

Why on earth had she accepted this assignment, Erin wondered for the billionth time while stuttering around on a muddy road in heals too high for comfort. The wind was blowing fast, swirling through her newly dyed curls and making her shiver in her thin city clothes. She stared with longing at the entry door as she was gradually closing in on it. But first she had to cross an area better designed for hiking boots than stilettos. How a company could be placed in the middle of nowhere, 10...

3 years ago
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Aisha A Very Sexy And Hot Nurse 8211 Part 1

Hello folks…This is desi dude “daivik” an cs engineering student in a reputed university of fbd currently residing in fbd. I’m a 21 yr old with 5’10” height and a decent face with a good body and wide shoulders and with a decent dick size and I enjoy chudai a lot with my little broda i.E my lund ;) and of course a very good satisfaction for my loving wild partners. This is my very first story so forgive me for any mistake and please send me your feedback which is very important for my next...

2 years ago
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The Wardens WhoreChapter 2

One day, Hannah was busy in the bathroom cleaning it with two other inmates. Suddenly as they worked, four other inmates came into the bathroom. One of them, a bigger girl with short black hair and a very tough appearance turned to one of the girls. “Get out,” she said plainly. The girl she directed the order to promptly left, not even looking back to see why. Hannah also began to leave, but one of the other girls stopped her. “Not you. You are new here, and I want you to see what happens...

1 year ago
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PornHub Cartoon

You know, I never understood those weird kids in high school that jerked off to Hanna Barbara porn. Getting a hard-on from seeing George Jetson shit in Betty Rubble’s mouth while Space Ghost jerks off onto her tits never did it for you, but then again, this kid I’m thinking about did wear a cape, so maybe there’s a correlation there. All I’m saying is when I had the chance to sneak a peek at some porno, I chose the real thing, not fantasy.Today’s cartoon porn is fucking realistic, and I can see...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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Tara And The Red Indians

It is 1874 and eighteen-year-old Tara is travelling west in a wagon train with her mother and father to start a new life for themselves in California. They have been travelling for many weeks now and are half way through the most dangerous part of their journey. The wagon train is deep inside Indian country and all the men are on the lookout for hostile Indians. All of a sudden, out of nowhere comes a band of one hundred plus red Indians. They soon kill all the brave and gallant men of the...

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Namibian Heat Pt 01

Ashley shifted to her right side. As she was lying on her sleeping mat in our tent, I admired the gorgeous look of her twenty-eight-year-old body, dressed in a beautiful knee-length nightgown, bra and panties, in the moonlight, which highlighted her lovely, strawberry blond hair.We had been married for three years since we graduated from college and started successful careers at medium-sized, local companies.It was the first night of the great camping trip, an annual tradition organized by...

1 year ago
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New wave in high school for the Rurual

This started because of a letter to the school conslor. She called wanting MY OPINION on it (she and I rapped in the libarary some times) and I have CONed her into reading some of my Milder porn-insest. She came from a home where Her sister was the object of a brothers SEXUAL attentions from 5th grade to jr. in collge. She was forced to lay 6 feet away from them, having intercource in the other twin bed in the 12x13 Girls''s room two nights a week until she herself moved into the basement stink...

3 years ago
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Continued 1

"Put it in your mouth."There was a war going on inside me in that moment. I mean, I wanted to, so badly. I was fighting the desire to start fingering myself right there between his legs, but I'd also never done anything, well, in front of people before. I glanced over at Tim and Michael, and they had that look, I mean, we all know that look. So much desire, but almost frozen by it. I looked up at Andre, that gentle, encouraging smile, those beautiful abs, and that glorious fucking cock right in...

1 year ago
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Most exciting night of my life Part 4

When I get back on the bed with the two glasses, she takes my cock in her hands and begins to stroke it as she moves her body to me. Her legs cross my thighs and her snatch touches my cock. She feels it jumping with excitement. As I hold the two glasses, she moves her hand pushing the skin on my cock back making my dick longer yet! The head of my cock is now directly against her cunt hole. With a easy thrust of her hips, she moves her body up further on my thighs and the head of my cock slides...

4 years ago
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Fated Ch 37

‘Um, there’s something different about you two…’ Eric and I had flown home for Christmas. We would only be home for a two full days before returning to our haven, primarily because I had taken on quite a few hours at the library during the Holiday Break. It was nice to get away from the university and fairly good to see our mother once again, but it was also a very odd situation, as this was the first time my big brother and I were in her presence since having officially become incestuous...

2 years ago
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Lucky Day Chapter 1

Despite the undesirable task at hand, Cal had left his house feeling good this morning. It was all about Anna: 19 years old, 5’4,’ with gorgeous strawberry blonde hair and a slim but just curvy enough tennis physique, she had been Cal and Sam’s (Cal’s wife) part-time nanny and housekeeper for about four months. He could swear that there was something more between them. There had been enough meaningful glances, too-long looks, and other awakward hard-on-generating moments that he could almost...

2 years ago
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Broken By The Smoldering Fire In His Soul

Homeless she thought, what do I do? Staying in an apartment with people she didn’t know, she felt uncomfortable when they had to feed her. Where do I go from here? In her short years she had lived a lifetime. One of the girls in the house invited her to a party across the way. It was some place to be so they went. The summer night was warm when they walked to the front door. The house was full but what she saw was men, big men in jeans and biker cut-offs sitting and standing around the front...

2 years ago
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The party

You might think "How can a man watch another man seduce his wife and not stop it?" I asked myself the same question, but could come up with no logical answer. Jenny is a beautiful girl and had never had another cock in her since our marriage fifteen years ago. At 34, her eyes still sparkle and she's a hellion in bed. Not to mention her figure which makes younger girls envious. We had a party one summer night and there were probably about fifty people there. One of my friends, Mark, came solo....

3 years ago
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I love you too

(ring, ring) "Hello," Kelsay said when she answered the phone. It was Tim and whether Tim knew it or not, Kelsay loved him, she definately had very deep affection for him. For Tim to call was nothing out of the ordinary, these two talked everyday and when they weren't talking they were together. But this call was special."Kelsay, I need to see you, there's something I have to tell you." Tim said."okay, I'll come over," Kelsay replied, then soon after hung up the phone and started to wonder....

1 year ago
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A Flirt Too Far

Copyright© 1997 Rajah Dodger It always comes back to the office. My wife and I had gone through some rough stretches during a dozen years of marriage. I'm not the easiest guy to live with and although I wasn't a virgin I didn't exactly revel in physical contact to the degree that my wife did, and needed me to. Meanwhile I was actively flirting with two or three women on the bulletin boards and goofing around with the office secretaries, at least to the degree that they invited and went...

2 years ago
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Padosan ki murad puri hui

Hi friends this is Aryan from new Delhi . Now let me first introduce myself. Age 20. I m fair in color. Dark brown hair. Height 5.9’and i m slim in look . My email address is baat aaj se 4 saal purani hai . Mere pados mein ek nayi nayi aunty aayi thi unka naam jasmeet tha. Vo bahut hi sunder thi . 36- 28-30 unka figure hoga. Vo bahut hi sexy thi . Vo jyadatar suit hi pahanti thi. Hamare gali ke sabhi ladke use chodna chahte the . Kahte hai na ki dane dane pe likha hai khane wale ka naam. Usi...

1 year ago
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I called you today but received no reply..... Had I frightened you off...I didn't think I had pushed the boundaries that far....or maybe I had.So anyway as I sat in my bedroom thoughts of you going through my head I decided that I should move on and find someone else to have fun with....it was your loss.I had a few acquaintances that would willing oblige me without hesitation and so I made a few phone calls, and then prepared myself to greet them in my usual demanding way...they liked me that...

4 years ago
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A Southern WarmingChapter 25

There is nothing quite as beautiful as a fresh snowfall. In a matter of a few hours, the fall landscape of barren trees and predominate browns, can been transformed into a breathtaking winter wonderland. Objects that you really don't want to see are hidden under the cover of the white winter blanket. Pine braches sag under the weight of the heavy snow. Tiny sparkles emanate from the gentle covering that softens the harshness of the dormant landscape. I had risen early to make some coffee...

3 years ago
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Heather strikes back

A few weeks after I had bound Heather and teased her unmercifully we were fooling around in bed and she said it was my turn. She put my ankles in the cuffs and then my wrists. But she also said she made a few additions. She put the blindfold on me, then a pair of sound cancelling earmuffs and a ball gag went in my mouth. I figured I was in for it. I had no idea. First she got me nice and hard with one of her patented blowjobs. She left me then came back and I felt a buzzing around my crotch. It...

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