Majgen Ch 008
- 4 years ago
- 23
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—-=(First stop 1)=—-
Their chauffeur had waited next to the passenger door for longer than he liked.
‘Typical mentarion attitude, just leave the little guy hanging,’ he thought, ‘Why can’t they just tell me what they want like regular people?’
He considered himself to be as intrigued by mentarion ways as the next guy, but being around them personally was disconcerting. He preferred watching mentarions at a distance, preferably half a planet away. It was fascinating to watch entertainment broadcasts based on stories about mentarions, whether bibliographical or fictional, or watching news involving mentarions. However, he did not enjoy being exposed to the mentarion ways himself, and he did not feel comfortable about being within a mentarion’s sensing range.
The arrogant Femaron Baglian stepped out of the cab and said:
‘Wait for us here.’
Baglian did not bother to look at the chauffeur, even though it was him the instructions were aimed for.
‘Certainly, Femaron Baglian,’ the Chauffeur replied.
The Chauffeur watched Baglian and Majgen walk away, being addressed in such a discarded manner had wounded his pride.
‘Having to eat shit like this is why my job gives me a six times higher wage than normal cab driving would,’ he reminded himself, when the mentarions were almost out of sight.
The tailor shop Baglian had chosen was part of a large merchant complex called, Zaxixi. The Zaxixi corporation had several ‘Zaxixi’ merchant complexes on each of the three human planets.
Baglian and Majgen had been transported as close to the tailor shop, as was possible by means of private vehicles. The cab had let them off in the one of the customer parking lots, in the Zaxixi merchant complex, which would give them the shortest possible trip on foot.
A graphical overlook of the merchant complex was placed next to the customer elevators, Baglian studied it a few moments to find and memorize the easiest path.
‘We need to get three city floors up,’ Baglian thought to himself. ‘We should take the GHD elevators from here, instead of Zaxixi’s own. The GHD ones stops at fewer floors, this one even stops in the mall, we are headed to.’
He used the graphical overlooks control panel to zoom in on the mall, where the tailor shop was located, and studied the possible routes within the mall itself.
‘So we get off the GHD city-floor elevator here, that means we need to walk…’ Baglian silently recited the route to himself with words, to memorize it more clearly. When entering the mall from the first elevator they would have an easy walk to an intra-building elevator. They would need to take that one six building floors up, after which they would need to walk again, to reach the tailor design merchant Baglian wanted.
From his mentarion education, Baglian knew why the merchant was placed so far from the parking lots. In spite of parking lots being the most likely means of arrival for its clientel.
The standard mentarion education did not only focus on empathic abilities and techniques. Mentarions were also thoroughly educated in matters of politics, history, commerce and social structure of the human society.
Baglian knew that the Zaxixi corporation had most likely intentionally placed this particular store inconveniently for the store’s costumers. The specific purpose of this would be, to have wealthy costumers walk through more average parts of their merchant complexes.
The Zaxixi corporation did not expect such wealthy costumers to get tempted to do extra shopping in the average parts of the mall. Such extra shopping would be so unlikely to occur that it would not make up for the loss in profit, caused by some wealthy people choosing even more expensive finery tailors to get easier access.
The actual profit, which the Zaxixi wished to gain, from forcing wealthy costumers to have such a long travel by foot, was to be seen in the expected effect on their more average costumers.
For the average costumer occasionally seeing far wealthier people minding their own shopping, mostly had the effect of making him more assured that the shopping area was up to his own standard. Even if he was primarily surrounded by costumers who could only afford the same price ranges as himself, or less. For this effect it did not matter much that the wealthy people were headed for other shops within the complex, intending to purchase items the average shopper could not afford.
By all who knew him, Baglian was considered an extremely arrogant man, but he was not a snob. He did not mind walking amongst people from different parts of society. To him, like to most other empaths, it seemed that the most distinct populace division was empath or non-empath, to most empaths other possible ways to classify humans as belonging to different groups in the population were unimportant.
The elevator Baglian wanted arrived shortly after he was done studying the overlook.
Majgen automatically began, to think of trivia when the elevator doors opened. She didn’t even notice what she was doing, when she started reciting trivial data in her mind:
‘The majority of humans are geographically spread out on three planets. A smaller but still significant percentage of the human population is spread out across human space in less dense clusters. Primarily in communities based on mining enterprises, energy-production enterprises and commerce. The current population consists of more than..’
Baglian noticed a subtle change in Majgen’s basic emotional emanations, as they entered the elevator. He suspected she was thinking of trivia. Without actively entering her mind, Baglian focused on sensing her basic emotions from her emanations. He wanted to learn to recognize every sign of trivial thinking in her, so he would later be able to act on it without a need to certify.
When they left the elevator, and entered one of the Zaxixi market squares Baglian still observed Majgen closely with both mind and ears. She stayed a bit to the side and behind him, as appropriate for a very low ranking student following a teacher, so he couldn’t observe her visually while walking.
The square, they entered, was circular. It was about one hundred meters in diameter. Streets lead from it in three different directions.
A playground for children filled most the center of the square, another little trick of commerce.
The playground was only accessible for costumers who had made a purchase in the Zaxixi-complex, within the last twenty-four hours, and, of course, the children of such costumers. The recreational area was covered by a see-through dome. The dome was decorated with creatures from fairy-tales, and popular broadcasts, which made the playground look even more appealing to youngsters.
However, the dome was not placed for it’s attractive effect, the primary purpose of the dome was sound control. The dome performed calculated sound emission.
When the sound level inside the dome was at tolerable levels, which would still make it possible for costumers to have normal conversations in the vicinity of the playground then, the dome allowed all sound to pass through. If the activities inside the dome got very noisy, the dome would lower the general volume emitted.
The dome was also designed to dampen excited play screams. Making such sounds, both a bit less high pitched, and of lower volume, before letting it pass through to the square.
On the square itself the ceiling was a bit more than ten building floors above. The walls bordering the square were see-through all the way up. Making it possible for customers on the other floors to look down at the square.
The streets leading off the square had high space overhead too, but on these the ceiling was only two building floors above the shoppers.
Baglian saw an add for a brand beverage preferred by children, and realized he was thirsty. He walked t
o the nearest vending machines to buy a soft drink, not the children’s beverage on the add though. He paid with a credit chip invisibly implanted under the skin of his right palm.
‘What are you thinking about,’ he said, as he withdrew the drink from the machine.
Majgen did not notice. She would have if she had not been deeply embedded in trivial thinking.
When his student didn’t respond, Femaron Baglian was certain she had sunk into her habit. Baglian moved to the nearest available drink table, with Majgen on his tail. There he placed his drink on the table while turning inconspicuously to face his student.
Baglian bashed Student Majgen’s right cheek with a strong fist blow.
Majgen was caught completely off guard, she staggered a step to her right. Her hip collided with a waste bin, and she fell to the floor.
She had been too surprised to even shriek.
The vendor-machine café area had been buzzing with conversation when Baglian and Majgen had arrived at the drink table.
This close to the Mentariata the appearance of mentarions, in itself, had not caused stunned silence. The Femaron’s violent use of his fist, and Majgen’s fall did however, have that effect.
Baglian lifted his drink and took another sip, while Majgen got back on her feet. He was looking into thin air, appearing to be more interested in his drink than in his student’s struggle to refind her balance once she got up.
When Majgen felt sure footed, she made sure her uniform was not in disorder, before moving back to Baglian. She realized she had been thinking of trivia, a direct disobedience.
When Majgen stood in front of him again Baglian said:
‘That was for not answering my question, Student Majgen.’
From Femaron Baglian, Majgen perceived the memory of how he had asked her a question, while buying his drink, to test if she had fallen into trivial thinking. She noticed how he had deliberately chosen not to follow it with her title. She could sense that he knew, she was well trained in paying attention to the words ‘Student Majgen’.
‘My apologies for that, Femaron Baglian,’ Majgen said.
‘Your apology for that is accepted, Student Majgen.’
‘I have also been disobedient, Femaron Baglian. I apologize for that too.’
‘I suspected that much, Student Majgen,’ Baglian said, upon which he threw a second punch, also on her right cheek.
Majgen was prepared for it, and didn’t fall. This punch landed almost exactly where the first had. The pain exploded in her cheekbone and started an instant severe headache.
She had held her breath when the blow came to avoid shrieking. She kept holding it through the first pain, while tears came to her eyes. Once the pain had stabilized she held her breath a little longer to try to avoid sobbing.
The silence at the open area vendor-machine café had spread beyond its boundaries as more shoppers noticed the silence from that area, or noticed other shoppers staring in that direction.
Majgen didn’t manage to get her sobs under control, sooner than she had to breathe. Her gasps for breath, through sobs, was clearly audible in the silence. Baglian returned to his drink. Appearing to ignore both his student and the growing amount of onlookers. When Majgen had enough air to cease gasping, he spoke again:
‘Do you need medical attention, Student?’
‘No, Femaron Baglian,’ Majgen replied, she was still sobbing.
‘Then stop whining and go buy yourself something to drink. We won’t stop for drinks until I get thirsty again.’ Baglian guessed that like most first time personal students, Majgen didn’t know the finer details of a student/mentor lifestyle.
Majgen didn’t move.
Baglian was puzzled at her inactivity, but still chose to appear as if he was ignoring her. Majgen took a few slow breaths to get her sobbing under control, before she spoke:
‘Femaron Baglian.’
‘Yes,’ Baglian responded, but kept looking into thin air.
‘I am not able to buy a soft drink, Femaron.’
Baglian turned his gaze to his student. He had never encountered an adult mentarion student, who had managed to squander their student pay to such an extent, that they were unable to buy a drink from a vendor-machine.
‘Why not, Student?’
‘I do not have access to my funds, Femaron Baglian,’ she replied.
Baglian frowned.
‘Has she forgotten to bring her wallet?’ he wondered. Majgen could sense his contemplation, not in words but in meaning.
‘The Mentariata has obviously forgotten to inform him on the topic of my cash,’ Majgen thought.
‘I have my wallet, Femaron Baglian. I just cannot use it for purchases, it has been blocked from my personal use.’
‘How did she manage to put herself in so deep debt, while studying, that her funds have been blocked?’ Baglian thought to himself.
Majgen perceived this misinterpretation on his part too.
‘Legally I am a minor, Femaron Baglian,’ she elaborated, ‘I have no debts. My legal guardian, the Mentariata, blocked my finances long ago. I can’t spend money without a representative from the Mentariata next to me to acknowledge the purchase.’
If Majgen had not still been in physical pain from Baglian’s administerings, she would have blushed at having to refer to herself as a minor. Baglian felt no need to inquire on why her finances had been blocked in front of a large amount of non-empathic spectators, so he let the matter rest.
He moved back to the vendor machines to purchase a second drink, this one for Majgen. His student followed him, as etiquette required.
Baglian handed Majgen her drink, before moving back to the table again.
By the time they were back at the drink table, Majgen’s senses had assured her that he had no intentions of beating her further. Not until such a time that she should commit a new offense.
After some sips of the her drink, Majgen managed to cease sobbing entirely.
‘He was right, it is much easier for me to handle a beating, when I know that I could have avoided committing the offense,’ Majgen thought.
She had perceived this opinion of his, back in the cab. At that time she had not understood the truth of it. Back then she had only been relieved to realize that he would only beat her for offenses which she would be able to avoid. She had expected her life would be a lot less painful that way.
Initially, after understanding when Baglian would and wouldn’t beat her, Majgen had hoped to be able to avoid corporal punishment all together. Now she was beginning to realize, it would take time and a lot of effort on her part, to live up to the standards Baglian required.
Majgen began planning ways for her to learn, not to inadvertently fall into trivial thinking. With her recently gained knowledge of Baglian’s opinions of her motives. She came to realize that she was beginning to be ashamed of the truth that, fear of corporal punishment was her only motivation to attempt to progress in her mentarion training.
‘At least real hope to avoid corporal punishment is a stronger motivator, than a diffuse unfounded feeling that maybe I could decrease the amount of physical pain in my life, by trying harder,’ Majgen thought, ‘Femaron Baglian thinks I am very likely to develop less selfish motives to learn. I hope he is right. It will be easier to face the despise from other mentarions, if I do not consider myself despicable.’
Majgen paused that line of thought for a moment. She had not thought about her own personality for years. In her estimate not since before the incident leading to the discovery of her empathic abilities.
‘So long ago,’ Majgen thought, ‘I had only been thirteen years old for a few weeks before that day. I was a mere child then. Now my body is adult, but what am I?’
Majgen looked at Baglian.
‘Who am I Baglian?’ she thought, ‘Do you know?’
She did not expect an answer.
Words themselves did not transmit empathically, not even between yijejos. A mentarion like Baglian, would have been able to sense she desired something of him, if paying close attention to her basic emanations. However, in a case like this he would have been unable to specify what she wanted just from emanations.
Majgen focused harder on sensing Baglian. With a naivety more commonly found in non-empaths she was hoping to see who she was, from finding out what he considered her to be.
To most of the onlookers, the public display of violence aimed at the younger mentarion had been shocking.
For a moment at least.
The anti-climactic aftermath reminded most of the onlookers that corporal punishment was an integrated part of the mentarion ways.
—-=(The mentarion minority)=—-
Mentarions were a very small minority in the human population. The count of known mentarions in the Governmental Resource Division (GRD) files was at that time around 45 000.
Multiple plans to increase the percentage of empaths in the population had been secretly implemented on trial basis, before the biology behind empathic abilities in humans began to unveil. However, because of the only indirectly genetic basis of empathic abilities in the human population, all such early attempts had failed.
Prior to the official discovery of empaths several human governments had for a long time been aware, that such a thing as human empaths existed. Historically the knowledge of empaths amongst humans had been hidden in top secret files of changing governments for thousands of years.
Also hidden in such files were case stories, older than the official discovery, of how single empaths had been discovered, recruited and used, for top secret matters of state. In most of those cases, however, the empath in question would have used words more similar to ‘caught and abused’.
—-=(First stop 2)=—-
After Baglian and Majgen had returned to the drink table, the onlookers quickly lost interest in the no longer spectacular scene. Sooner than Baglian finished his drink, all spectators had resumed their own errands or conversations.
Although the witnesses to the punishment acted naturally now, many of them had – after seeing a Femaron ranked mentarion slap a student around – added plans to their errands. Within hours most of the on-lookers would contact family, friends, and mere acquaintances to tell what they had seen.
Even this close to the Mentariata gossip about mentarions was considered juicy by most. Mentarions were a very small minority of the population, but the majority of the population considered empaths in general to be very interesting, especially the stronger empaths, the mentarions.
Majgen made sure to only drink half of her drink.
While Baglian was drinking she had intercepted more of his memories. From both his own time as a personal student and also some from periods where he had had personal students of his own. She had realized from those that thirst was not the only physical need for which pauses would only be made if Femaron Baglian had an inclination for it.
When Baglian had finished his drink he left the café to follow his planned route to the tailor.
Majgen followed.
In the meantime, she was still trying to find out what kind of person Femaron Baglian considered her to be. She was dissatisfied. All she perceived, regarding his opinions of her, was what she had already caught in the cab. And that had only been contemplations about matters which he considered to have direct or indirect relation to how he wanted her training to progress.
She found no aid in those contemplations, toward finding out who she had become, as a person.
Majgen had not yet realized that, apart from the fact that he was pleased she had no traits which he found directly appalling, Baglian simply didn’t care what her personality was, beyond the effect it would have on her training.
When they had walked a bit, Majgen temporarily gave up on finding clues to what kind of person she had become, but she kept listening to Baglian with all her senses.
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Home)=—- ‘Little Human, wake up.’ ‘What is it?’ mumbled Majgen, not at all in the mood to wake up. ‘I need to tell you something.’ Aejoa picked her half-sleeping body up. ‘I’m tired,’ protested Majgen, and snuggled against him, preparing to sneak into another nap against his chest. Aejoa...
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Love and Legends)=—- ‘Morning greetings, Little Human,’ said Aejoa. ‘Morning greetings, Aejoa,’ returned Majgen, and yawned sleepily. ‘You just woke up?’ guessed Aejoa, studying her sleepy appearance on the viewer. ‘Ei,’ – yes, Majgen replied during a second yawn. ‘Inee told me you had called...
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! With this chapter begins book two. Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Alive)=—- Majgen woke with a start, heart pounding eyes flashing open. The brightness of the room hurt her eyes. ‘Bright?’ she wondered, ‘the interrogation room is dark.’ She struggled to orient herself. ‘Did I pass out? What happened?’ Blinking, she tried to...
—-=(Loke)=—- The water was soothing and warm as it ran down her hair and face. Majgen held her breath and enjoyed the massaging drumming of water droplets on her head. She often closed her eyes while showering in Baglian’s apartment, even when water was not running down her face. She was still uncomfortable about the full wall mirror. A few weeks earlier, Ottearon Weissme had let her return to Baglian. She and Baglian had easily slipped into their old routines. As Majgen had anticipated,...
Copyright of Nanna Marker (lit ID ellynei) —-=(Femaron Braygen)=—- Student Majgen Rahan sat at her desk, intently observing the teacher – Femaron Braygen, desperately trying to understand what he was saying. This was at the beginning of her second year at the Mentariata – she was fourteen. At this time she was following several rank eight student courses, even though she was only a rank ten student. Femaron Braygen’s course caused her immense worries. This was the third of his classes Majgen...
—-=(In the travelling suite, part 1)=—- Femaron Baglian was watching news broadcasts from the war-zone. Majgen lay unconscious on a couch close to his comfortable chair. Flight personnel had placed her there by Baglian’s instruction. A GED-officer had injected her with kask-neutralizing reagents moments before turning her over to the flight personnel and her mentor. The kask had initially made her comatose, now that it was wearing of she was gradually moving through different stages of...
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Lovers)=—- ‘Maybe this was a bad idea,’ interjected Majgen. ‘I can hold out till mornings, Aejoa. It really isn’t necessary for you to educate Joone on how to…’ She couldn’t bring herself to say – satisfy me. ‘I will resume my duties as a Winin tomorrow, Little Human. It would be wise to have a...
Copyright of Nanna Marker. Warning: Work in progress, the full Majgen book-series is not yet completed (unless my bio states otherwise.) —-=(The meeting)=—- ‘Seven chairs on my right,’ she thought while entering the classroom from the students’ entrance, ‘seven chairs on my left.’ Summoned by teachers, Majgen focused on unimportant details. Through trial and painful error, she had found this to be the wisest approach. Adhering to proper etiquette for a low ranking student, she stood still...
For those who are fascinated by the world Majgen live in, I have submitted Majgen appendix 001 it contains some historical background and can be read on the side indepent of the storyline in the normal Majgen chapters. I hope it will be approved earlier than this chapter. * —-=(The spaceport)=—- After they were done in the tailor design shop, Baglian and Majgen went back to the cab. ‘Take us to the nearest suitable spaceport,’ Baglian ordered over the intercom. He did not elaborate, he...
—-=(Taxi Gate 7, Part 1)=—- Taxi gate 7 was a hallway which appeared pleasing to the eye in a neutral manner. Below average human shoulder height the walls were coloured in a calm, not too bright, shade of blue. At shoulder height and above, the walls were also decorated with intricate ornaments. Bronze, gold and a few streaks of black dominated the ornaments. Between ornaments the wall was coloured in the same blue shade as the lower part of the wall. Here, however, the blue was interrupted...
—-=(Rasta’s teachings)=—- During her time at the Mentariata, Majgen was assigned to a multitude of private teachers. Prior to the incident with Femaron Braygen, and his pet-memories, Ottearon Weissme put an effort into communicating with those who gave her private lessons, to see how the child was getting along and to ease her transition into the mentarion sub-society. Weissme was strongly motivated to this end by the guilt he felt for having covered the circumstances regarding her discovery. ...
—-=(A cosy room)=—- Majgen was alone. The room Ottearon Weissme had led her to was beautifully decorated, elaborate decorations were unusual in polymorphic passenger suites, but the designers hired by the Mentariata often strayed from what was usual. The combination of great amounts of money and requests for excellence often had such effects on designers at Majgen’s time. This setting had been named ‘Cosy Comfort in Mellow Shades of Pink and Red’ by its designer. It was a suitable name. ...
—-=(Empaths and politics)=—- Twelve centuries prior to Majgen’s birth, it was officially confirmed and publicly announced that a minority of humans possessed empathic abilities. Soon after the existence of human empaths became public knowledge, programs were made to track empaths and enslave them in governmental employ. By the time Majgen was born, human empaths had long since gone from being a feared and abused minority to being respected pillars of society, a position human empaths in...
This chapter is about Hawlun, and the war, a flashback to the past. It was never my intension to keep you all in suspense regarding Majgen’s past. There are just so many things to tell, I can’t do it all at once. * —-=(Resources)=—- The war between yijejos and humans begun 211 years prior to Majgen’s birth, basically the war was a conflict over a certain region of space. The area in question had originally been discovered by a crew of humans flying a small ship named Jade. This fact was not...
Warning: If you are not a steady Majgen-story reader this appendix most likely holds nothing of interest to you. My apologies for your inconvenience. Foreword: My self-editorial skills are not as developed as I would like them to be yet. Hence this section had to be presented as an appendix rather than as a part of a chapter. This section, ‘The Human Nation’ contains only historical background for the time and age of Majgen. Maybe interesting for the reader who wants to know more. The...
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Martinez went back and re-interviewed each of the rape victims. It turns out three of them had been regular students at the Happy Life Yoga Studio, and two others had attended free beginner classes there. That was a total of six victims that we could definitively link to Marcel Beaufils. It was enough to get the warrants we needed. We started planning how to execute the search warrants. In the meantime, one of our techs was able to start monitoring Marcel’s calls and text messages. Over the...
How’s that for a title? Curvy all-natural Jersey girl April Olsen has been doing anal scenes for a little while now, so the next logical step was for her to make her Hussie??️Pass debut and take the one and only Brickzilla ?➕☝? up the ass ? After the Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ?? April gets her asshole ready by fucking it with a purple rubber dong. Brickzilla steps in and gets April’s lovely breasts and luscious backside lubed up ? and ready to go. After April...
xmoviesforyouFirst of all i can remember back to when i was 8 or 9 years old and being overly interested in some of my school teachers bodies, in particular my french teacher who had the most amazing cleavage and HUGE erect nipples. I used to make sure i always had questions to ask so i could go up to the desk and get a cheeky look down her blouse. Her breasts were milky white and had the most amazing smooth looking skin, though of course i never actually got to sample them first hand as i was so young at...
I should probably open this chapter by relaying a summary of certain significant events that happened internationally right before the events in this chapter. The dictator of a certain low power, high profile Asian country had died not too long ago. His son officially took over, though apparently he was having trouble consolidating his authority, so he decided to manufacture a crisis. He did this by restarting his country's nuclear weapons programs and rattling his saber. Apparently he made...
The weather was nice yesterday, sunny with a little cloud, I was bred, since my surgery I have not been ablw to do much exept try not to be horny. I was laying on the deck naked taking in the sun, the phone rand it was Terry a girl friend of mine. She wanted to know if I wanted company and I did not hesitate to say yes. She got to my place an hour later and met me on the deck, went in and made herself a dring and came back out naked. She has a great figure a bit taller than me her breasts are a...
"Out of the Navy and into Panties!" My fetish about women's lingerie started innocently enough. When I was four years old, I entered the only bathroom in the house, and found my mother standing bent over the toilet pulling on a long-leg panty girdle, then hooking up nylons. That sight is burnt into my mind even today. This attraction remained latent until I discovered the habit of masturbation. I passed the laundry hamper in the basement and noticed a pair of my mother's panties...
It was the summer between my senior year of high school and freshman year of college. I was working nights as a busboy, smoking weed almost daily, although I’d been caught by my parents and threatened by my father that if I’d do it again, he’d kick me out into the street. That would have been a real disaster because I couldn’t possibly function on my own out in the real world. I had no confidence, was constantly being told by dad that I wasn’t measuring up, and had basically become a loner. I...
After months of phone calls (thank god for long distance bundles) and emails, I needed to see my lover again. I took vacation and booked a cheap flight to Seattle. I was going to see him again and just the thought was enough to send me looking for my vibrator. (I've even named the damn thing Norman!) I mean, what does a single girl do when her man is 1100 miles away! I was flying in November to spend American Thanksgiving with him. As a Canadian with American roots, I've celebrated...
Love StoriesHello friends mere Naam Puja Hai Aur Meri age16 year’s hai mera figer 32″ 28″34″ hai mera rang bhi gora hai mere ghar me mere alawa mera chota bhai aur mummy papa rehte hai mere mumy aur papa dono hi govt. job karte hai jo story m sunaane waali hun wo aaj se 1 saal pehle ki hai tab m 11th class me padti thi to mere mummy ki transfer dusre sher me ho gai hum bhi Mummy ke saath dusre ghar me sift kar gaye aur wahin per mene aur mere bhai ne addmission le liya hum ek saath hi school jaate the us...
Hello my name is John, I just want to tell about the best night of my life and also the most erotic, night any man could ever have. Which involved the greatest strip show I have any seen? But first a brief history, of myself. I’ve just turn 30, I’ve never married and to be honest I’m not to good with women. I live alone in a small street. I’m not skilled in anyway. I work as a cleaner in a local school. I have a small group of friends who I meet with on most Friday nights. We have the same...
Straight SexThis is a true story that I personally have experienced and wanted to share with like minded people. Thankyou. The evening drew closer after work which had been busy and made me rather stressed. I work as a graphic designer/illustrator in a well known and respected company. I left my studio in London and drove the twenty minute journey that I make, day in day out, to my flat which I share with my loving and devoted fiancée. Marie and I have been together for three years and have known each...
Ok Ok Ok I know my tits are big and I love to have them sucked ALOT. So what I would do is wear tight tops very tight so you can see my entire contour of my breast nipples and all. I love to see the actions of men when they see me. My ass is nice also but it's the breast that get me in trouble. It was a Thursday I wanted to get a massage and only Derrick knew how give great breast massages. I called Derrick he was at work it was 10 am and I was anticipating my massage that wouldn't happen...
My boyfriend Dave had been getting me into interracial sex for a while now. I must admit, at first I thought it was gross. But now, I find it as hot as he does. Those monster black cocks are so erotic, so a****listic. So taboo. I was beginning to have a true lust for a BBC experience, well it's what he wanted anyway, wasn't it? Soon, my bf had surprised me with a couple "lifelike and life size" black dildos for us to play with. We would watch hours and hours of filthy interracial porn and roll...
My wife and I have been married for ten years. We got married right out of high school at the age of nineteen. Our marriage is a happy one, almost flawless, except that she is not very experimental. She hates giving me blow jobs, and usually only wants to do it missionary. I have tried everything to get her to try new stuff, like watching porno's, looking at magazines, and the works. But she says she doesn't get the point of it. One day a friend of hers from high school called up and said she...
My fiancé’s father was one of the professors during my freshman year in college. I was a virgin and had a passionate love affair with him. Then ten years later, I reunited with him, as his son’s soon-to-be wife. The attraction was still there. After I met my future father- and mother-in-law, and realized our past relationship, the tension escalated as the wedding plans became more real and the details for which seemed tedious, endless, and nothing seemed to be going right. We all found...
I am sorry to write in French, but my English is too bad. J'ai ?t? tr?s agr?ablement surpris par les r?actions positives ? ma premi?re histoire (Pour H?l?ne). Merci ? tous! J'esp?re que ce nouveau r?cit vous plaira ?galement. J'appr?cierais de recevoir toutes vos critiques, positives ou n?gatives (add review). Elles me permettront de progresser. Si quelqu'un aime ce r?cit et souhaite le traduire pour que d'autres personnes en profitent: libre ? vous! Ma fille Manon. Je suis ...
The sound of a pick-up truck’s monster tires in the gravel driveway woke me up from a soothing nap in those late afternoon hours when even the crickets went silent because it was too hot for the effort of rubbing their legs together. Speaking of legs, I was covered with assorted legs of my still attractive aunt and her nympho daughter Veronica, my favorite hot-to-trot cousin. I was still on “sharing his last beer” terms with my New Jersey favorite uncle, but I sensed without any hesitation...
We meet at our favorite spot. The days are still long, but are now starting to get shorter. And the weather is still warm by day – even hot – but the evenings are getting cooler. We are both tired from our busy work days. But as we see each other approaching from afar, the tension and fatigue melt away, and our hearts beat just a little bit faster in anticipation. We meet, we touch, we smile. And then you take my hand and we turn together to head down the path leading to the shore....
Love Stories"It's so nice having lunch together, just the two of us again," my mother smiled at me. "Yeah," I smiled back. "I was gone too long, Mom. I'm sorry about that." We were downtown, in a nice little restaurant after doing some shopping together. It had been a long time since my mother and I had done this sort of thing, and we were both enjoying it. I was surprised that I felt no guilt over what I'd done with my dad the previous night and I wondered if he'd followed my instructions...
I was 22 young and virile man. I was finished my army stage and i looking for work. In summer of 1996 i working for a security firm. My hormones and young female in that summer - with very little clothes on their bodies. But always i was interesting in more mature female than my collegues girls on the same age. In the army ... an officer- female around 40 years ... good body almost take my virginity ... but later i found i was too hurry ... and she was scared little about me. Anyway. after...
The Rabbit at Midnight By Jennifer Hutchinson This is the incredible true story of my new life. It is so incredible, I am not sure I truly believe it myself. It all started on Friday night. My wife had gone to her mother's for the weekend. I had to work late Friday, so I told her to go on without me. I would stay at home this weekend and get some work done on the yard, which really needed it badly. This was just a cover. You see, I am a crossdresser. That was hard to admit, but I...
To borrow a phrase from Jeff Foxworthy, “I live in a Sea of Estrogen.” My story seems strange to me, even though I’m living it. The interesting thing is how I got here. It all started with my divorce.My name is Tau. Don’t ask, my parents were on a strange kick that I never did understand. The story kept changing over the years, so no laughing; it is my name. I’m just a little past forty and was married for just over twenty years. We simply drifted apart in many ways and once my younger daughter...
Group SexSluts surpriseSlut slaveI had arranged a special night for my gf. She was 5'6" with dd breast. She loves being fucked and she likes it nasty. We met up at a hotel room for the evening. She loves to drink so I figured she always Fuck better drunk so some drinks would work to my advantage. She dress up in black thigh high stockings, a shiny gold string bikini top, gold silk panties and a matching gold garter belt. She had on black 4" heels which made her ass look awsome. The dress she wore with...
See, I always like Aunt Gina. Not just because she was fun to be around and was hilarious. She also was the sexiest 25 year old you have ever seen. Her legs went on forever, her stomach flat, he boobs were like 40E, her butt succulent and juicy, and she has shoulder length brown hair that complimented her bright green eyes. Me on the other hand, had 32B boobs, a small but round ass, athletic shape, and had long blonde hair that ran down my back with blue eyes. I always lusted my Aunt. And...
The humidity of the mid-August day was high and uncomfortable. I kept unconsciously scratching my stomach and my chest where my shirt touched my skin as I sat in my car waiting and watching. The red welts I was raising with my nails were irritating me. This vacant lot was scoped out about three months ago and only during the past week had I returned to stake it out. I'm a hunter, at least that's what "they" call me. "They" are those two men who pay me for the prey that I bag for them....
The next time she had encountered the Baron, had been both the most humiliating and proudest moment of her life. She had kneeled and sucked him off before the United States Congress. "Ah, my queen, right on schedule," he laughed as she came down through the roof of the center of American government. The Queen landed in a crouch and stood up straight. She brushed dust off her arms and shoulders. "Seriously, Baron? You think you can get away with this just block from the Hall of...
I hope you like this short but sweet update to the story. I will try to update it again soon. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the support:)* ~Koco_Kyss~ * What was he going to do about his attraction to this woman? Tyler didn’t have a clue. Tyler wanted her more than anything, and he was going to have her. But at the same time how was he going to go about getting her and keeping her forever. Tyler still felt bad about how everything with her husband went down. He wished that he wouldn’t...
" let me see your cock " he said. his eyes darted side to side,looking to see if we were being watched.for this was a dangerous thing to be doing in broad daylight in a small public park. especially this park. in a small town, it is a well known hook up spot for sexual activities. known by young and old, men and women, and the local and state and park police too. even today, a bitingly cold wind blowing off the river didn't stop people from parking in the bright sunlight. i pulled...
Cute sex kitten Angel Youngs shows off her lush cleavage in a tight pink top. Director/dominant fucker Bryan Gozzling fondles her nipples and examines her nubile body. He wraps his fingers around her neck. Bryan gives her a sumptuous rim job, and when he fingers her pussy, Angel squirts girl cum! She gives him a drooling blowjob and then pops her pussy for Bryan to penetrate. Bryan stuffs his boner in her juicy twat and pounds her relentlessly. Angel’s body shakes through multiple orgasms...