Majgen Ch 008
- 4 years ago
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Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk!
With this chapter begins book two.
Copyright of Nanna Marker
Majgen woke with a start, heart pounding eyes flashing open. The brightness of the room hurt her eyes.
‘Bright?’ she wondered, ‘the interrogation room is dark.’
She struggled to orient herself.
‘Did I pass out? What happened?’ Blinking, she tried to adjust to the light. ‘Aejoa? where is Aejoa? I can’t sense him.’ Majgen focused on her empathic senses. ‘Aejoa is not here, but two strong empaths are.’
She turned her head in the direction of the empaths. Her vision came to focus, and she saw two yijejos.
‘Yijejos! Aejoa is safe,’ concluded Majgen. ‘But where is he?’ She moved her head, scanning the room for a visual sign of Aejoa’s rescue. Finding none, she turned her attention back to the yijejos.
The two yijejos were talking to each other in yijejoan. Majgen didn’t understand a word they were saying.
‘I don’t need to understand their words though,’ she thought, then said, ‘Aejoa?’
One of the yijejos turned and spoke to her, in yijejoan.
‘He said something like ‘good-morning’,’ perceived Majgen. ‘He was joking.’ She didn’t care, what the joke was.
‘Winin, is the Winin ok?’ she asked.
‘I can’t believe it,’ said the Interrogator.
‘Can’t believe what?’ asked his assistant.
‘It just asked if the Winin was well.’
Majgen couldn’t understand their words, but she followed the gist of the conversation in their emanations.
‘Stop thinking about why I ask, and start thinking about what I ask. Grief, I want to know how Aejoa is.’
‘Why would it do that?’ wondered the assistant, who did not understand humana.
‘I guess it is hoping the revered Winin is dead,’ the Interrogator erroneously concluded. ‘I’m thinking it won’t be happy to see him stepping in the door in a moment.’
‘He is alive!’ understood Majgen. ‘Alive and coming here.’ Relief washed through her. ‘We made it Aejoa, you are safe. We…’ She halted her line of thought. ‘I am alive. Why am I alive?’
She attempted to move.
‘I’m tied down, I’m… I’m…’ Panic began to rise in Majgen as she began to comprehend her own situation. ‘I’m alive, and I’m chained to a table.’ Her chest started heaving and instant sweat broke out. ‘No, no, no, this isn’t happening, this wasn’t meant to happen. They took me alive, why would they take me alive? What are they planning to do to me?’
The Interrogator’s muscles moved his facial expression into the yijejo equivalence of a grin. ‘I’m thinking it understood what I said.’
‘I’d say you are right,’ added the assistant, clearly sensing the human empath’s rising fear.
The interrogator approached the table the prisoner was strapped to.
‘Just for the record, Prisoner. Who are you? Name and rank.’
‘He is asking who I am,’ Majgen understood from his emanations. The syllables he spoke made no sense to her. She swallowed. ‘Control your fear, girl. They won’t make you suffer. The yijejos have laws against needless torture.’
‘I am Tenth Ranked Student Majgen Rahan,’ she replied, speaking full truth.
‘The humans use students for interrogations now?’ asked the Interrogator. Again Majgen understood his question from his emanations.
‘Not normally, no. This was an unusual case,’ she explained honestly.
‘Too bad for you, wasn’t it?’ mused the Interrogator.
‘Why am I still alive?’ asked Majgen.
‘Is it really that hard to guess, Prisoner?’
Majgen perceived images from the Interrogator’s memories. Images of him torturing humans on tables like the one she was on now.
‘No!’ Majgen exclaimed in humana, straining against her bonds. ‘You can’t do that. It’s illegal. It’s against your laws.’
‘Normally it is,’ the Interrogator admitted in his own language, ‘but there are exceptions, Prisoner.’ Hatred and righteousness was evident in his emanations.
‘Aejoa will have your hide if you torture me,’ threatened Majgen without contemplating her words.
‘Whoever Aejoa is, he can rest in his tomb,’ stated the Interrogator. ‘I will only be assisting the torture. The freed Winin himself is coming to take his revenge on you, Prisoner.’
‘Aejoa wants revenge on me?’ Majgen perceived that much. ‘Why would he want revenge on me? I helped him.’
The interrogator walked back to his assistant. In silence Majgen and the two yijejos waited for the Winin.
‘Aejoa will not torture me,’ thought Majgen. ‘Why am I scared?’
A short while later their wait was over, as the door opened and the Winin entered.
‘Aejoa, you look magnificent.’ Tears of pride came to Majgen’s eyes. ‘One truly good deed I managed to do in my life. Now I am ready to die, my beautiful enemy.’
From where she lay she could see him in full figure. Being of average size for an adult yijejo, Aejoa was a bit less than four metres tall when standing erect as now. Like humans, yijejos had two legs, a torso, a neck, a head with two eyes and a mouth. Yijejos had no hair, or fur. Pale yellowish skin covered their bodies. Rather than a nose in the midst of their faces they had two breathing holes, close-able nostrils. One on either side of the head. Normally yijejos breathed through the mouth, but while eating they used their nostrils, at least the well-mannered ones did.
Yijejos had a stockier build than humans, and sturdier. Like humans their peripheral limbs had a soft surface and a bone centre, but where many parts of a human torso were soft the yijejo torso was protected by a natural armour. A kind of exoskeleton just below the skin. Majgen could not see these parts of his body now, though, Aejoa was fully dressed.
His clothes were fitting for one of his status, they had been brought to the War-Zone, along with the extra forces who had come to rescue him – or his dead body.
‘That would have been his funeral wear if not for my intervention,’ realised Majgen. She felt prouder than a mother to see him wearing the clothes alive. The last remnants of fear vanished from her mind.
Yijejos had five sets of ‘arms’. Yijejos and humans usually referred to the yijejo arms as reaching limbs. Being limbs used for reaching and grabbing was the only real similarity between a yijejo reaching limb and a human arm. The reaching limbs were multi-jointed, more comparable to the tails of certain vertebrate mammals originating on earth than to the arms of humans. The two upper sets of a yijejos reaching limbs branched into two parts at the ends, but these branches did not truly compare to the human hands and fingers. The lower reaching limbs did not branch.
Aejoa moved towards her – slowly and dignified.
‘Why is it not afraid of me?’ he wondered. ‘Doesn’t it realise I have been given the power to torture or kill it?’
Majgen perceived the question – why not afraid – from his emanations.
‘Why should I fear you, Aejoa?’ asked Majgen. ‘You are a good person, and you have no reason to torture me.’ She smiled through tears. ‘Why am I smiling in the face of death?’ she wondered. ‘Yijejos don’t torture the way humans do, but they do kill their prisoners after interrogation.’
‘I’m not sure why I don’t fear death right now, Aejoa. Maybe I was just too afraid for too long to fear something as natural as death.’
‘What is it saying?’ wondered Aejoa. He felt troubled. He had come for proof that the little human had been playing with his mind – played a hypnotic trick on him with drugs. But the small creature’s feelings did not match what he had imagined.
‘Aejoa,’ said Majgen.
‘Did it just speak my name?’ he wondered.
‘Yes, I did,’ said Majgen, and then recalled the yijejo word for yes, ‘Ei.’<
‘Aejoa ei,’ she reiterated. Her pronunciation was off, but what she said was unmistakable to the Winin.
‘How do you know my name?’ he asked, but could not understand the answer.
Aejoa did not understand a single word of humana. Instead of asking for translation, he sedated Majgen by mind control and started scanning her mind, scanning her memories of him.
He couldn’t believe what he saw.
‘I had my mind shield up. It could not have gained my memories. Even if it did, humans do not sacrifice their lives for yijejo prisoners. They hate us.’ Beginning to doubt his own sanity, Aejoa thought, ‘Did they damage my mind irrevocably?’
‘Would one of you be so kind to fetch Ejue Yeenje?’ asked Aejoa. He was not ready to ask the Ejue to scan his own mind for traces of insanity, but there was another way to find certainty too.
While waiting for the Ejue, Aejoa kept the human sedated.
‘If it turns out I am insane I will ask them to keep me unconscious till I get home. I don’t want anyone less than another Winin to try to repair my mind,’ decided Aejoa.
‘You sent for me, Winin?’ asked Ejue Yeenje the moment he arrived, kneeling to the Winin while catching his breath.
‘I did, Ejue Yeenje,’ confirmed Aejoa. ‘I want you to see something.’
‘You honour me, Winin,’ said Ejue Yeenje.
Aejoa had every possible mind shield up. He doubted the Ejue would feel honoured after completing the task, and didn’t want the Ejue to catch on to that.
‘Scan this human, Ejue. Look at its memories of the time just before I was rescued. When you have done this I want you to tell me what you found.’
‘Certainly, Winin.’ Ejue Yeenje did not understand why he was told to perform the task, but was very willing to comply to any demand from the revered Winin.
‘Keep it sedated, Ejue,’ ordered Aejoa.
‘Certainly, Winin.’
Aejoa stepped aside and studied Ejue Yeenje as the lower ranked Eieie obeyed his orders. The Ejue had been puzzled when accepting the orders, but soon puzzlement changed to awed surprise. To notice these emotions in the Ejue gave Aejoa reason to hope that – maybe – he was not insane after all.
Ejue Yeenje raised his eyes to the Winin while still scanning Majgen’s mind.
‘I am truly honoured that you allowed me to see this, Winin. It is miraculous,’ said Ejue Yeenje.
‘Tell me what you see, Ejue. Speak it in words,’ commanded Aejoa.
‘This human, it sacrificed itself to save you, Winin.’
Aejoa blinked in affirmation.
‘I am not insane,’ thought Aejoa, only able to understand the truth after having it confirmed by another. ‘It was reality, not a trick. The little human really did care for me.’ Aejoa returned his thoughts to the present. ‘Does care, the little thing does care.’
‘Untie the prisoner,’ ordered Aejoa.
‘By interrogation safety procedure prisoners are kept tied down at all times, unless they are dead or unconscious by drugs. Would you like me to kill it or to drug it, Winin?’ asked the Interrogator, feeling very uncomfortable to partially contradict a Winin.
‘Untie the prisoner without drugging or harming it. Do it right now!’ demanded Aejoa.
The Interrogator obeyed.
‘Ejue Yeenje, you may lift the mind sedation and step back now,’ instructed Aejoa. The Ejue obeyed.
Majgen blinked, slowly returning to reality. Aejoa and the Ejue had used full mind sedation. She had been completely out.
‘Eeejow Juman,’ she heard. Someone was repeating it gently, slowly. ‘Aejoa is talking to me.’ She turned her head to look at him.
‘Little human,’ repeated Aejoa – in yijejoan – yet again, as he saw it turn its face to look at him.
‘Aejoa.’ She blinked again. ‘You are not confused anymore.’
‘I would like a translator so I can talk with it,’ said Aejoa, not taking his eyes of the human. He was aware any request of his would be obeyed like an order.
The Interrogator swiftly produced a portable translator. It was of a size convenient to hold and control with an upper reaching limb.
‘How do I use it?’ asked Aejoa, and the interrogator explained the simple controls.
In the meantime Majgen realised she was no longer tied. She sat up and covered her naked self as best she could, by hugging her legs with her arms.
‘This is a test,’ said Aejoa, in yijejoan, once he knew how to use the device.
‘This is a test,’ repeated the translator, in humana, with a mechanic human-like voice.
‘Is it working?’ asked Aejoa. The translator translated that too.
‘Yes,’ said Majgen, and smiled when the device translated that to ‘ei’.
‘Finally we can talk,’ said Aejoa, and awaited translation.
‘Yes,’ confirmed Majgen.
‘Thank you,’ said Aejoa.
Majgen understood from his emanations, but waited for the translation before replying.
‘You are welcome, Aejoa.’ She waited for the translator to finish before speaking again, ‘Is the official interrogation of me completed?’
‘Yes,’ replied Aejoa, feeling happy and relieved.
Majgen nodded and waited for the translator again.
‘I have a request, Aejoa.’ Looking at him, she hoped he would grant her wish.
‘Tell me about the request,’ Aejoa’s words translated.
‘I would like for you to stay with me, while they kill me,’ explained Majgen. Her heart was beating hard while she waited for the translation. ‘Please say yes, Aejoa, I don’t want to be alone when I die.’
‘No one is going to kill you.’
‘My life is forfeit, Aejoa. You can’t send me back. My own kind will torture me to death if you do. It’s ok, I knew what choice I made. I don’t regret that choice, Aejoa. You were worth it.’ Majgen’s speech took a while to deliver because of the pauses she made for the sake of the translating device.
‘You protected me, Little Human. Now I will protect you,’ explained Aejoa.
‘What kind of life, can I possibly have now?’ wondered Majgen, but did not ask. ‘He has not thought this through. Later he might come to realise there is no hope for me.’
Aejoa sensed her despondent emotional response to his words. ‘You had no power to protect me. You had to lie and deceive to save me. I have power. I am a Winin. You could not take me from the human interrogation chamber, but I can take you from this one.’
‘He believes he can.’ Majgen no longer knew how to feel. She had been so sure she would die, yet Aejoa was so sure he could protect her.
‘Trust me, Little Human,’ said Aejoa reaching to her mind to comfort her with his feelings of gratitude.
‘Aejoa.’ Her voice trembled.
Majgen ached.
‘I was so sure I would die now, and instead he rewards me with feelings of gratitude. The only one that ever felt so strong gratitude towards me was Fral, and he disappeared so fast.’ Majgen started crying, uncontrollably. She couldn’t deal with the years of built up loneliness on top of everything else.
‘All is well, Little Human. I am here,’ said Aejoa and reached to her with body and mind, pulling her into his hold, while showering her with warm emotions.
‘I’ve been so afraid and alone,’ wailed Majgen’s emotions.
‘You will never be alone again. I will protect you always,’ Aejoa promised silently. ‘I will take care of you.’
The Interrogator and his assistant stared after the Winin, as he left the interrogation room with the prisoner held to his chest.
‘Miraculous,’ stated Ejue Yeenje with awe, once the two were out of sight.
‘Are we meant to let the Winin walk away with the prisoner like that?’ asked the assistant, when he was sure the Winin was out of hearing range.
‘I don’t think so,’ replied the Interrogator.
‘After what that human did for him, I wouldn’t recommend you try to take the prisoner away from him again,’ commented Ejue Yeenje.
Aejoa carried Majgen through the hallways of the yijejo battle-cruiser to the
quarters he had been given. Hugging her tight he transmitted promises of protection and care to her. She pressed her cheek against his chest, feeling the heat from his body while her tears drenched the fine fabric of his clothes.
‘I love you, Aejoa,’ she felt. His care warmed her lonely heart.
Once in his quarters he took a sheet from his bed and covered Majgen’s nudity. He had perceived she was not comfortable being naked. She cuddled in his reaching limbs, like a toddler in the arms of a parent. She felt like a small child in the arms of a parent. Cared for. Protected. It made her happy and content. She had not felt cared for this way since she was five.
For a while they were both content simply sharing their warm feelings for each other. Majgen could have spent hours in his reaching limbs, snuggling in silence and feeling his care for her, but Aejoa wanted information.
‘How did you gain memories from me?’ he asked, while still in her mind. Majgen concentrated on how to answer, rather than answering. Being an empath herself, she knew that the question was asked to make it easier for him to find the answer, rather than for her to answer.
‘I’m not a normal human empath. Look into my memories to see how I see memories which you would think me unable to, Aejoa,’ she thought with closed eyes, wiggling a bit to snuggle even closer to his warmth.
The human’s trust and appreciation of him warmed Aejoa immensely. He felt special for having somehow earned the affection of the small creature, who had been an enemy of his kind. Her love for him strengthened his resolve to protect her.
‘Her perceptivity really is extraordinary,’ he saw, as he followed the paths his question had lighted in her mind.
‘Do you mind, Aejoa?’ Majgen got worried a moment. ‘Does it upset you that I invaded your privacy?’
‘I don’t mind,’ the emotion was clear in Aejoa. ‘You were willing to sacrifice yourself for me, I don’t mind sharing my mind with you.’
‘Most people mind,’ recalled Majgen, new tears came to her. ‘Hold me tighter,’ her emotions begged. It seemed all the hardships of her past life came to her now within the safety of his hold.
Aejoa did not ask more questions for a long time. For hours he sat with the little human in his arms, learning of her life through her memories, soothing her pain, promising to protect her, promising that she would never be lonely again, promising life-long friendship. In those hours it happened multiple times that ship staff requested entry to his quarters. Demanding privacy, he denied them access every time.
In the end their prolonged emotional intimacy was thoroughly interrupted by nature though. Majgen needed to pee.
Figuring out how a human should use a yijejo lavatory was difficult for the pair. After Aejoa had shown her the facilities and explained how they were used, Majgen demanded privacy for the errand. Aejoa looked from Majgen to the lavatory bowl and back again.
‘It’s taller than you are,’ he stated. ‘I’m scared you will slip and hurt yourself.’
‘I’m scared I won’t even be able to climb up there,’ thought Majgen, but kept telling him to leave.
‘How about I hold you and close my eyes?’ he offered.
‘I don’t know how yijejos do,’ replied Majgen. ‘But amongst humans, adults use the toilet alone.’
Their arguments were slowed by the constant waiting for the translator.
‘We do too, normally, but in special circumstances we can handle spectators. It’s really not such a big deal to us. If we are injured and need help we go with help. What do humans do in such cases?’ he asked.
‘We go with help too,’ admitted Majgen. ‘But I’m not injured!’ she added to avoid cornering herself.
‘How about I stay till you are in position, just to see if you have the situation under control, and then I leave before you do it?’ he suggested.
‘I can’t climb while holding this sheet around me,’ thought Majgen. ‘Don’t want to drop it while he is watching.’
‘I’ve seen your body already, what does it matter if I see it again?’ asked Aejoa.
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Home)=—- ‘Little Human, wake up.’ ‘What is it?’ mumbled Majgen, not at all in the mood to wake up. ‘I need to tell you something.’ Aejoa picked her half-sleeping body up. ‘I’m tired,’ protested Majgen, and snuggled against him, preparing to sneak into another nap against his chest. Aejoa...
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Love and Legends)=—- ‘Morning greetings, Little Human,’ said Aejoa. ‘Morning greetings, Aejoa,’ returned Majgen, and yawned sleepily. ‘You just woke up?’ guessed Aejoa, studying her sleepy appearance on the viewer. ‘Ei,’ – yes, Majgen replied during a second yawn. ‘Inee told me you had called...
—-=(Loke)=—- The water was soothing and warm as it ran down her hair and face. Majgen held her breath and enjoyed the massaging drumming of water droplets on her head. She often closed her eyes while showering in Baglian’s apartment, even when water was not running down her face. She was still uncomfortable about the full wall mirror. A few weeks earlier, Ottearon Weissme had let her return to Baglian. She and Baglian had easily slipped into their old routines. As Majgen had anticipated,...
Copyright of Nanna Marker (lit ID ellynei) —-=(Femaron Braygen)=—- Student Majgen Rahan sat at her desk, intently observing the teacher – Femaron Braygen, desperately trying to understand what he was saying. This was at the beginning of her second year at the Mentariata – she was fourteen. At this time she was following several rank eight student courses, even though she was only a rank ten student. Femaron Braygen’s course caused her immense worries. This was the third of his classes Majgen...
—-=(In the travelling suite, part 1)=—- Femaron Baglian was watching news broadcasts from the war-zone. Majgen lay unconscious on a couch close to his comfortable chair. Flight personnel had placed her there by Baglian’s instruction. A GED-officer had injected her with kask-neutralizing reagents moments before turning her over to the flight personnel and her mentor. The kask had initially made her comatose, now that it was wearing of she was gradually moving through different stages of...
Warning! Work in progress, the full book-series is not yet finished (unless my profile states otherwise). Agonising waits in between chapters is a very real risk! Copyright of Nanna Marker * —-=(Lovers)=—- ‘Maybe this was a bad idea,’ interjected Majgen. ‘I can hold out till mornings, Aejoa. It really isn’t necessary for you to educate Joone on how to…’ She couldn’t bring herself to say – satisfy me. ‘I will resume my duties as a Winin tomorrow, Little Human. It would be wise to have a...
—-=(First stop 1)=—- Their chauffeur had waited next to the passenger door for longer than he liked. ‘Typical mentarion attitude, just leave the little guy hanging,’ he thought, ‘Why can’t they just tell me what they want like regular people?’ He considered himself to be as intrigued by mentarion ways as the next guy, but being around them personally was disconcerting. He preferred watching mentarions at a distance, preferably half a planet away. It was fascinating to watch entertainment...
Copyright of Nanna Marker. Warning: Work in progress, the full Majgen book-series is not yet completed (unless my bio states otherwise.) —-=(The meeting)=—- ‘Seven chairs on my right,’ she thought while entering the classroom from the students’ entrance, ‘seven chairs on my left.’ Summoned by teachers, Majgen focused on unimportant details. Through trial and painful error, she had found this to be the wisest approach. Adhering to proper etiquette for a low ranking student, she stood still...
For those who are fascinated by the world Majgen live in, I have submitted Majgen appendix 001 it contains some historical background and can be read on the side indepent of the storyline in the normal Majgen chapters. I hope it will be approved earlier than this chapter. * —-=(The spaceport)=—- After they were done in the tailor design shop, Baglian and Majgen went back to the cab. ‘Take us to the nearest suitable spaceport,’ Baglian ordered over the intercom. He did not elaborate, he...
—-=(Taxi Gate 7, Part 1)=—- Taxi gate 7 was a hallway which appeared pleasing to the eye in a neutral manner. Below average human shoulder height the walls were coloured in a calm, not too bright, shade of blue. At shoulder height and above, the walls were also decorated with intricate ornaments. Bronze, gold and a few streaks of black dominated the ornaments. Between ornaments the wall was coloured in the same blue shade as the lower part of the wall. Here, however, the blue was interrupted...
—-=(Rasta’s teachings)=—- During her time at the Mentariata, Majgen was assigned to a multitude of private teachers. Prior to the incident with Femaron Braygen, and his pet-memories, Ottearon Weissme put an effort into communicating with those who gave her private lessons, to see how the child was getting along and to ease her transition into the mentarion sub-society. Weissme was strongly motivated to this end by the guilt he felt for having covered the circumstances regarding her discovery. ...
—-=(A cosy room)=—- Majgen was alone. The room Ottearon Weissme had led her to was beautifully decorated, elaborate decorations were unusual in polymorphic passenger suites, but the designers hired by the Mentariata often strayed from what was usual. The combination of great amounts of money and requests for excellence often had such effects on designers at Majgen’s time. This setting had been named ‘Cosy Comfort in Mellow Shades of Pink and Red’ by its designer. It was a suitable name. ...
—-=(Empaths and politics)=—- Twelve centuries prior to Majgen’s birth, it was officially confirmed and publicly announced that a minority of humans possessed empathic abilities. Soon after the existence of human empaths became public knowledge, programs were made to track empaths and enslave them in governmental employ. By the time Majgen was born, human empaths had long since gone from being a feared and abused minority to being respected pillars of society, a position human empaths in...
This chapter is about Hawlun, and the war, a flashback to the past. It was never my intension to keep you all in suspense regarding Majgen’s past. There are just so many things to tell, I can’t do it all at once. * —-=(Resources)=—- The war between yijejos and humans begun 211 years prior to Majgen’s birth, basically the war was a conflict over a certain region of space. The area in question had originally been discovered by a crew of humans flying a small ship named Jade. This fact was not...
Warning: If you are not a steady Majgen-story reader this appendix most likely holds nothing of interest to you. My apologies for your inconvenience. Foreword: My self-editorial skills are not as developed as I would like them to be yet. Hence this section had to be presented as an appendix rather than as a part of a chapter. This section, ‘The Human Nation’ contains only historical background for the time and age of Majgen. Maybe interesting for the reader who wants to know more. The...
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+++ I've been in a weird mood for the last couple days, again. I'm back in school now.... it always feels good to be back. It isn't that I don't love being home with my Mom... but I think I feel like a more independent person every day. I used to think I would be with my Dad forever... and now I sort of feel bad that I now only have my Mom to lean on, and I do, sometimes. It's complicated... but I know that when I'm on my own, and don't see her face every day, I'm not confronted...
I've been in a weird mood for the last couple days. I just finished writing the last chapter of Secret Love and I'm both sad to be done with Lindsey, Anna, and Veronica, but I'm also a little happy that their story has been told, and everything worked out so well for them. But I know I'm going to miss them, and the thought leaves me sad. Now I'm left pondering the next story, which one to write. So many inside my head. I reread a few of the early chapters, idly... so many typos still...
Not about Pedos in action but what happens to a convicted Pedo in an ordinary northern English town, where loads of immigrants have had sex with and even married underage girls. Bastards. They deserve to die. Horribly. I went looking for this clinic. The frontage looked pretty normal, 1950 “LackOf” style in concrete and glass. “Halliwell and Birstall private clinic,” it said, so I went in. “Hello,” I says and rang the bell. “You a fucking pedo?” some bored fucker with his...
Passegiatta I have no words — alas!– to tell, the loveliness of loving well! Poe, Tamerlane [Log entry of the SailingVessel Springer: 31 October, 0920 hrs local time. COG: at anchor, SOG: 0.0 kts, Temp: 41˚ f, Winds: NE at 12 knots, viz +3 NMI, Barometer 29.91 steady since 2300 hrs last night, GPS: 44°18’11.36’N by 9°12’35.24’E. Just anchored in the main harbor, Portofino. Am tired, have grabbed a mooring buoy and raised the Q flag — waiting for Customs now. Cold out, feels much...
I had been to this Amsterdam club before, but not on a ‘theme night.’ The theme this afternoon from 3pm-8pm was ‘shamelessly naked.’ Everyone had to be naked (except for shoes if you wanted). I was very much looking forward to it as they post the theme of their events on their website. I arrived about 3:30pm and there was only one other guy there. After entering, you undress and give your bag of clothes back to the host who keeps it in a safe room, so nothing gets stolen. It was warm at the...
Christina Schneider saß am Frühstückstisch und las die Online Ausgabe der „Düsseldorfer Morgenpost“. Griechenlandkrise oder die Flüchtlingsfrage interessierten sie heute weniger denn je. Ihr komplettes Interesse galt einem Banküberfall, welcher sich vor zwei Tagen in Essen ereignet hatte und über den immer mehr Details an die Öffentlichkeit gelangten. Banküberfälle an sich waren leider nichts Besonderes, aber dieser war anders verlaufen als üblich. Die Täter, man sprach von drei Osteuropäern,...
(Author's note: this is not a re-write but something closer to a sequel to my original story Make-Up for the Models. While it's not necessary to read it if you want to give it a crack feel free. I will still be adding threads to it. Disclaimer: all names, characters, etc in this story are fictional.) You stepped out on the balcony of the hotel and for a moment just paused to breath it all in. A beautiful view of the sun as it started to rise signalling the start of the day. The smell of the sea...
My vacation week was here, but it didn't start the way I had hoped. After a decent Saturday evening at our local swinger’s party, we went out for dinner on Sunday. I must have eaten something bad, since the next three days I was either at the doctors or in bed with a fever and various assortments of ailments. Finally by Wednesday morning, I woke up still not up to 100%, but actually I felt much better. I asked my man if I could get away until Friday to continue my recuperation. He agreed that a...
CheatingSilkie Greene,(formerly Sylvia Greenburg) is finishing telling Tom about the time she gave a blow job to her mother's drummer, and unbeknownst to her at the time, her mother's lover. . She then goes into another story about her life as a sexual temptress at age f******n: " "It was always a surprise when I made the first move. Did that get them excited? Oh God, did it ever... well,yeah, for boys especially. I got to see how erections work, I guess you could say that. I was having a lot of fun....
There was a little interlude, and then his tounge went right into my mouth. I had been experimenting since I was thirteen about what "sexy" meant. I thought I had just found the answer. I thought: ' Okay, Miguel, you want to get a little bit of Sylvia? This is your lucky night, boyo.' I noticed that Judy and Pedro were kissing now, sitting on the sofa, watching us dance. Just kissing. I was kissing Miguel, doing this dance with him just as close as I could do it. I looked over again. Judy was...
"How does that feel, Leo, if I push my ass on you like that? How does that feel, baby?" " If he comes before I do, I'm gonna be really pissed. Can't have that. I need to come, I really need it, I don't think he is going to last very long." "One thing I learned about getting it in my ass is that I can rub myself as hard and fast as I want, the dick never gets in the way, and the guy is still fucking me like crazy................"" 'I was masturbating as hard as I could. He had his arms around...
I’d been single for quite a few months when Lisa messaged me out of the blue on Facebook last year. She sent me a phone number and asked me to ring her as she something important to ask me. My curiosity pricked I gave her a ring that evening.We exchanged the usual pleasantries (and it was great to hear her voice again) before I asked her what the call was about. It was quite a long story: Sophie, her stepdaughter, had recently returned from university after gaining a degree and a teaching...
I wasn't exactly sure what kind of building Ariana was bringing me into. It wasn't dirty or dangerous or anything like that, but it wasn't an apartment building either. It seemed like a collection of business suites. She had asked me to be quiet so I didn't want to ask her until we were behind closed doors. When she lead me into the room, it made more sense. The space was small and softly lit, very warm and cozy, with music playing and a padded table in the middle. Very small. She had clearly...
This was my first Bi-Weekly party ever. I’ve heard about their parties for a long times, but have never went. This party was held at a newly renovated venue of theirs called the “DC Speakeasy.” Upon entry, there was a sign outside the door of the building that said “Fleamarket” which I found quite humorous. I immediately knew that was code for that is where the party was taking place.When I went inside, I walked down a narrow hallway. At the end of the hallway was an elder gentleman who...
I'm an adventurist for sure. A horn-dog, a slut, a monger, a serial masturbationist. . .an all-around perv you could say. And I'm okay with that. In fact, I like it and hope I never get so old that my dick goes soft and my libido fades. That would suck.I am not, however, a good diarist. I think about all my encounters and wish I had kept some kind of record. Something to re-kindle the memory of this escapade or that. But I don't.Until now.London rapped on my hotel room door with...
Back after a long hiatus. I was busy shifting from Los Angeles to New York Had a great time in Los Angeles. I had in these last few days.I had picked up my new career of Professional photography in last few days of my stay in Los Angeles. There I had the pleasure of learning it well & now I have become a prolific enough photographer. Once I arrived in New York I took up this new hobby seriously. Since I was not having any friends here I chose to kill my time by photography. On an...
Hello everyone – a mostly true story that just happened!!!Today my Bi- friend Chris arrived back from a few months in Malaysia. He said he had been reading my stories and wanted to be part of them. So we decided to act one out and he would a Sissy (well I always thought he was one anyway!!)Firstly I fitted him with a pair of Niplettes which he wore all day. He loved the way his nipples doubled in size. When I took them off and rubbed oil on them he started fondling mine through my silky blouse....
" Hello there!" A voice shouted behind me as I strolled hand in hand with my husband, Simon, on Blackpool's Central Pier, I turned, a man in his mid 40s,around 6ft tall with thinning dark hair slimly built, he spoke again, "Hi, pardon me but aren't you A.J. from Tumblr? I love your blog," I felt myself redden slightly, a reaction I always tended to undergo whenever somebody recognised me from my online blog posts, " Yes I am, how are you?" I offered him my hand which he shook vigourously, "...
first time – anal – oral – shemale – dominant shemale – submissive male – rimjobBook Expo America. Here we go, again. Will it be the same thing again?Fly in, get the baggage, take a smelly cab to the hotel. Meet my Sales Director, Victoria (who goes by V), in the bar."We've got to set up the booth, Jack. But first, let's have a drink or two!" She winked. V has been my boss for five years. She rode the team hard for sales numbers, but she was fair. We had up years and down years, she knew there...
This story goes with my video: out walking my dog last week her ball got lost in the hedge. When I reached I to retrieve it my hand brushed against some stinging nettles. My fingers tingled for ages and as I continued my walk it brought back memories of about 8 years ago when I read a few accounts of guys using stinging nettles on their cocks and I had tried it. At that time I lived in a first...
The Time To Strike It seems like a strange thing to look forward to, but when the news came down that we as a union might strike, I got very excited about what I could do with the time off. Some of the events that happened I could never have dreamed of, but I am so happy that they did happen that I felt the need to write my story. A little background on me. I live in the Albany, NY area. I am a 30 something year old male named Bob, who for the most parts is known to be one of the...
All of us have special moments we remember about our mothers. We remember even more details when they have passed and are waiting to welcome us into their loving world. (Hope I make it there.) I’ll tell you a little more of my mom so you know why I have those loving thoughts of our time together. We were Florida farmers or if you were in Texas we would have been ranchers. Our farm had acreage that was used for strawberries and then when all the berries were gone, the fields and rows were...
How It All BeganI retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...
Damon and Susan had both slept soundly following the last Halloween costume party at her Master's mansion. She awoke the next morning feeling happy and refreshed. Her pussy was sore but not terribly painful. After all, her Master had been gentle this time as he took his mate with his massive cock. It had been only her second sexual adventure. She had been painfully initiated into the world of sex and the occult the preceding Halloween. Her new Master, the Warlock, had torn her virginity...
Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto.I am amit from kolkata.Age 24.Lund ka size 7.5 inch.Ye mera kahani ka 2nd part hay.Pehle part main aapko bataya tha k keyse mera landlord bhabi mere lund ko hilate hue dekh kar horny hoke apni boobs press kar rahi thi.Ab aage ki story Agar koi girl ya lady mujhse contact karna chahti hay to mera mail id hay Main apni lund ko jor jor se hilane laga aur ise dekh k payel bhabi aur v horney ho geyi.Wo jhuk k mere lund k saamne aagyi.Uski agar saanse mere lund...
Come one, come all and take a ride upon the TransBike and Pedal your troubles away Upon seeing the sign in the shop window, an elderly man in a wheelchair approached the Dapper Gentleman. "Greetings my good man, how may I help you this fine day?" "Mister, does that bike actually work as you claim?" "I give you my word kind sir." "What do you charge for your service and what exactly is it?" "Kind sir, my TransBike will give you the body that you seek." "But how is...
Kelly walked along the shore, listening to sound of the waves as they crashed upon the sand. It was growing late in the afternoon and the beach was now almost completely deserted as the days revelers moved off to prepare for whatever entertainment awaited them on a Friday night during the California summer. The mournful cry of a lone seagull carried over the pulsing waves and the young woman looked up to watch the white bird as it circled gracefully overhead. It, too, felt the shadows creep...
AnalThe Cottage It had been a couple of weeks since Ben arrived and once again he awoke with a start from another bad dream relating to events about his family. Breathing rather heavy he sat up and swung his feet off the bed to the floor. He bent over and ran through a deep breathing exercise to calm it and help clear his mind. He had dreamed like this five nights since coming here and wondered why. 'Guilt or anguish?' he thought to himself. He sat up from his bent over position and...
Darf ich mich vorstellen. Ich bin der Klaus bin 63 Jahre alt aber als Kleingärtner noch gut gebaut. Habe einen gut durchtrainierten Körper und bin meistens geil. Mit Sehnsucht schau ich gerne auf ganz junge Mädels und wichse was das Zeug hält mindestens vier mal am Tag. Aber lieber würde sie ficken. Ich zermalme mir den Kopf wie ich ein solches Sahnestückchen vernaschen könnte. Ich bin Kleingärtner und liebe meinen Garten. Eines Tages denke ich, da ist doch jemand in meiner Hütte. Ich befürchte...
‘Go on, go on. No one’s looking.’ Betty quiveringly drew in a deep breath and held it in her lungs. Why was her friend asking her to do this? Was it part of some kind of game? It seemed so weird, but she couldn’t bring it upon herself to protest. It was hard to say no to Eugenia. She exhaled, then clutched the sides of her skirt and began to lift it up. A gust of March air brushed her ankles, flapping the hosiery cuffed around them. As she pulled further, she felt the wind on her calves. Her...
The next few weeks were especially busy for the couple. The fall semester was well into it's full swing and both Dan and Lisa found that being so in love used more of their time than they would have thought. They could no longer wait for two weeks to see each other and so each weekend one or the other made a trip. In addition, two of these weekends were taken up by trips to parents. They had called relatives the night they returned from the cabin to announce their engagement and of course...
Wednesday morning It was a warm early Wednesday morning in March, with the temperature in the mid-60's. The all night mini-mart on Gulf Blvd. on South Padre Island, Texas was very quiet and 18-year-old Kevin Butler who worked the 11PM-7AM shift was reading 'USA Today'. At about 3AM the quiet was suddenly shattered by a commotion at the front door of the store. When Kevin looked up he could not believe what he was seeing. Three beautiful black women wearing only bikinis and high heels rushed...
The Forgotten Island Caribbean Sea 1735 Aboard the SS Sharon Day 1 The main mast had shattered to pieces after the last wave washed over. Half the crew was washed overboard, the other half was in complete disarray. Captain Steven Blitzen took a moment to gather his thoughts.’ If I can get turned INTO the waves…’ After the last series of waves, mixed with the reef they were just now bouncing against, he doubted he had a rudder left to steer with. He ran to the empty spot once held by his...
Thanks for your mails guys.Ye meri chudai story “Facebook se patai girlfriend aur room mai le ja kr pela ka” second part hai toh isse padna se phela pls iska first part padh lena. Uska toh bura haal ho gaya tha.Woh mera saar kabhi hata rahi thi kabhi daba rahi thi.Uski chut ka taste mast tha.Khatta aur namkin jasie…jhatt bhi muhh mai aa rahe the.Par chut ki taste aisi thi ki jhaat ka pata hi nai chala.Maine uski gand ke niche hath rakh kr uski chut ko halka sa uthaya aur chatna laga.Uski gand...
Several weeks went by and Tim and Raylene had not seen Ashley since that magical evening. They hoped that she didn't get in trouble. They'd hate for anything to happen that would prevent any chance of them having another opportunity to hang out with their friend. A few days later the couple was outside doing yard work when they saw Ashley and Max walking by. Ashley saw them outside and came walking over."Hey guy, what's up?" the teen said."Oh my God, it's Ashley! How have you been? We've missed...