Short Encounter With Girlfriend
- 4 years ago
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The next few weeks were especially busy for the couple. The fall semester was well into it's full swing and both Dan and Lisa found that being so in love used more of their time than they would have thought. They could no longer wait for two weeks to see each other and so each weekend one or the other made a trip. In addition, two of these weekends were taken up by trips to parents. They had called relatives the night they returned from the cabin to announce their engagement and of course both sets of parents wanted to see them. At least they had the enthusiastic support of both sides. Everyone knew everyone else and everyone was well pleased with their choice of each other. Still the trips were somewhat of a strain. Neither was ready to acknowledge that they needed only one room and thus both put on the pretense that they didn't sleep together.
Unknown to the couple both sets of parents saw through their acting and had a hard time playing along. While Lisa's parents waved goodby as the couple drove off, her mother commented, "I'll bet she's already got her hand on his pants. The poor girl tried so hard not to shock us and it was so obvious she was ready to rape him any second."
Her father laughed. "Sort of like her mother, huh?"
"Well, maybe enjoying a good rape is genetic," she replied, letting her own hand begin to explore her husband's crotch. Then she added, "And since we have an hour or two before dinner time..."
He kissed her and took her hand, leading the way back inside. "Just an hour or two? Well, I suppose we can fit in a quickie." Laughing, they started upstairs.
Dan and Lisa had decided to set a date next June right after Dan graduated. That left a full semester, but both assumed that things would be a little easier with them living together in the spring. Lisa had told her parents that she was transferring to Dan's school, but not about living arrangements. She didn't really think they would object, but saw no need to mention it unless it came up.
With school work and family visits and a lot of other things, Dan and Lisa found that even when they were together they didn't have much time for bondage games. That didn't mean they skipped sex. Far from it. It did seem to Lisa that whenever circumstances allowed she could hardly keep her hands off Dan and that he seemed to be the same. "Oh, I really hope this feeling lasts," she thought to herself more than once. And usually she followed that thought by "And I'm going to do everything I can to see that it does."
One weekend in the middle of November when Dan arrived at Lisa's apartment - after their typical half hour "greeting" - Lisa said, "I know you've been expecting me to come over to your place for Thanksgiving weekend, but tell me what you thing about this. I was talking to Aunt Mary yesterday - she seems as excited about this wedding as if she were my mother - and she invited both of us up to see them. Is that all right with you?"
"Sounds great. That way we won't have to fix our own dinner and since they know we sleep together we can find something more interesting to do while the turkey is roasting."
Lisa swatted his ass. "You're hopeless. But you're right. It will be nice to be able to just relax together again. Maybe we'll even get lucky and get a chance to raid their dungeon."
"I definitely wouldn't mind that, but I wouldn't count on it either. Someday, we'll have to have one of our own."
"Um Hum," Lisa agreed. "I'd definitely like that. Anyway, I told her I'd check with you, but that I thought we probably could. She said anytime would be fine. When do you think you could get away?"
"Well, I'll probably have to go to a class Wednesday morning, but usually afternoon classes are canceled the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Do they do that over here, too?"
"Yes," Lisa replied. "In fact, most professors cancel everything Wednesday. I expect I'll be free after my class late Tuesday."
"I expect I'll have to go to that one Wednesday morning, but you could drive over then and we could go up to their place right afterwards. That would get us there by two thirty or three."
"OK. Oh, Aunt Mary also said that they had some news for us, too. I don't have any idea what, do you?"
"Nope," Dan answered. "I guess we'll just have to wait and find out."
That Wednesday afternoon found them heading up into the mountains under a clear blue sky dotted with a few white clouds. The air was cold - in the thirties - but the road was clear and by a quarter of three they were pulling into the farmhouse yard. Tom and Mary greeted them with hugs and a handshake and led them inside to where a welcome fire blazed in the big fireplace. "Just leave your bags in the hall and you can take them upstairs when you're ready," Tom said. "Now sit and tell us all about your plans. We want to congratulate you both again. I don't think either of you could have made a better choice."
They talked about the wedding date and other plans and then, after a few minutes, Mary said, "I'm going to have to make another apology and ask you guys to forgive us for being bad hosts again. It seems that when I invited you up here I didn't know that someone - not mentioning Tom's name - had made arrangements for us to meet with a financial advisor on Friday."
"I'm sorry about this, too," Tom put in. "He's normally in New York and is back home over in Johnsondale just for the holiday weekend. He's done work for us since he lived here before he went up north to the city and he's really good. He agreed as a special favor to see us on Friday and I really can't ask him to change now."
"So," Mary went on, "I'm afraid we're going to be gone all day Friday. Probably won't get home until after ten or eleven. If you two don't mind, you can use the house like it was yours and find something to do while we're gone."
"Oh, Aunt Mary," Lisa said, "don't worry about it. With school and everything, Dan and I haven't had too much time together anyway, so we really don't mind."
They spent the next hour talking. At one point Mary asked, "Have you made any long range plans? I know, Lisa, that you have another year to go and, Dan, you said you were going to grad school, right?"
"Un huh," Dan answered. "You know Lisa is transferring next semester and it looks like she'll still be able to finish next year. I've been offered an Assistantship for next year and I expect I'll keep one while I finish. I'm guessing I can get my doctorate in three to four years."
"What are you planning to do then?" Mary asked.
"What I'd really like to do is teach college. One of my professors has already told me he plans to retire in about four years and indicated that if I'm interested he would help me get in line for his position when that happens. That would be ideal if we can bring it off."
"What about you, Lisa?" Tom asked.
"Well, like Dan said, I should finish next year. I haven't made up my mind for sure, but probably I'll go on for a Master's. You know I've already sold some programming. It's something I like and seem to be pretty good at, so I expect I'll keep doing it. If I'm lucky I can stay independent and just write programs on contract. That way it doesn't matter where I am so I can go wherever Dan's working." Then she added, "Of course, if Dan gets the teaching position at school, there are also a lot of companies where I could work that are located in the area."
"The important thing," Mary said, "is that you like what you're doing and where you're doing it. When we were first married your uncle worked for an aircraft firm out in California. The pay was great and for four years he continued to get advances and raises. But we hated California. Kept missing these green hills. You know they call California the Golden State because it's dry as a bone. Anyway, we finally decided it wasn't worth it. He quit and we moved back here to the family farm. We aren't really true farmers either, so Tom did some consulting jobs and then started to write articles and training manuals."
"Yeah," Tom put in, "I found I really like that and it still let us live up here. I can't imagine we could have found a better setup."
That night it seemed quite natural when Dan and Lisa went together to the room they had shared on the last visit. They were so comfortable with their aunt and uncle that they felt no embarrassment whatsoever. Lisa spent that night bound to the bed and even though they tried to keep as quiet as possible, Lisa wouldn't have been surprised if Tom and Mary had presented them a full count of the number of shattering climaxes she had reached. But nothing was said at breakfast about the nocturnal activities. Actually Mary was wondering if Dan and Lisa had heard the two loud finishes she and Tom had had.
Lisa helped Mary in the kitchen that morning while Dan and Tom attended to a couple of things outside. There were some fallen trees that needed clearing and it was much easier with two large men than it would have been with just Tom himself. Around three o'clock everyone sat down to a traditional Thanksgiving turkey dinner. "It's nice to have more than just the two of us when you go to such trouble for a big meal," Mary commented. "We always have a big dinner anyway, but sometimes it seems a little silly for just the two of us. Not to mention we have turkey for the next week and a half."
After dinner was finished and the dishes cleared away, everyone went in by the fire again. The day had again been clear and cold, but the forecast had indicated that by Friday night there might be light snow moving in. As the four of them sat around talking, the subject turned to the farm itself. At one point Dan asked, "I know the farm has been in the family for well over a hundred years, but I've never really heard how that came about. Do you have any idea?"
Tom quickly said, "You don't know what you just asked. This is a favorite subject of Mary's and I'm sure she'll be glad to tell you in detail."
"Now, Tom," Mary chided, "if he didn't want to know he wouldn't have asked. Besides someone should keep the family history alive. I've found a lot of old family papers and diaries and so on and have a fair idea of what's happened. But, seriously, Dan and Lisa, if you get bored, let me know. I find this fascinating, but you might not. You're family, so don't be afraid to say 'Enough!'. I really won't be offended."
Both Dan and Lisa answered almost together.
"Don't be silly, Aunt Mary. I'd love to hear it."
"Don't worry. I'm fascinated by this, too."
"OK, don't say I didn't warn you," Tom said. Mary gave him a playful swat but their smiles showed both were kidding.
"All right," Mary began. "The farm was originally bought by your great great grandfather, Dan, in 1867. His name was Jamie Duncan and he arrived here from Scotland with his new wife, Marnie, in 1867. Both were just twenty-two and had grown up on neighboring farms in the Highlands. It was right after the Civil War had ended and there was land available at reasonable prices up here because so many families had been either largely or completely wiped out. They bought the place and started to farm. They eventually had two boys and a girl: The girl, the youngest, married a soldier and moved west and everyone seems to have lost track of her. The oldest, a boy named Brian, worked on the farm until the Alaska gold rush. He went off to the Klondike to make his fortune in 1898, but died up there the next year. The middle boy, John, was your great grandfather. He stayed on the farm and inherited it when Jamie and Marnie died in 1897. They were both swept away in a flash flood trying to rescue someone else."
"Anyway, John married a local girl, your great grandmother, Nancy, and they had a boy and a girl. The girl was your great aunt Elizabeth and the boy was your grandfather, Richard. He married your grandmother Ellen in 1925 and they had four kids. Richard never left the farm, but Elizabeth married and moved over to Ohio. Their oldest boy, James, was killed shortly after D- day. His sister, your aunt Patricia, still lives over in the next county, as you know. Your father, David, was the third of their children and as you know, Dan, he decided farming was not for him. Tom was the youngest and you know we moved here in 1966 when Richard and Ellen retired and moved south."
"Now that the state and national forests have most of the land, there aren't many other people up here, but when Jamie and Marnie were farming the place, there were a fair number of other farms in the area. Today, farming up here isn't really very practical, but we've loved the place."
"If you really are interested in the family history, there is a whole collection of papers in the study. You might like to look through them some time. Of course it isn't really my family: it's Tom's. You know my family lived a hundred miles from here and I met Tom at college, the same place my sister, Janice, met your father, Lisa. But I've been seriously thinking about writing a novel about Jamie and Marnie - their diaries make them sound like really interesting people."
"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Aunt Mary," Lisa said. "Novels based on real people and real diaries are the most interesting. And since I'm going to be in the family even more, I'd love to read about them."
"Well, maybe I'll get the time someday soon," Mary commented. "But since we have to leave early tomorrow, tonight I'd better forget about being an author and get some sleep instead."
Everyone decided to turn in and good nights were said all around. Tom tended to the fire and then everyone headed upstairs. An hour or so later, Dan and Lisa were both lying spent, drifting in and out of sleep, when Lisa thought she heard the basement door open and close. She sat up and listened, but didn't hear anything else. Dan woke and asked what she was doing and she told him what she had thought she heard. He listened for a minute, hearing nothing, and then began stroking Lisa in all the right places. Within a few minutes the couple were busy and wouldn't have heard a whole platoon marching up from the basement.
The next morning Dan and Lisa got up early to have breakfast with their aunt and uncle before they left. "We'll clean up," Lisa offered as they were finishing. "You two go ahead so you won't have to rush."
"If you really don't mind," Mary said. "It is getting a little late. But don't spend too much time working. We'll be gone until ten or eleven so you two will have to feed yourselves." Then she added, "And we'll be sure to make some noise when we come in so you don't have to worry about putting your clothes on too soon."
Lisa blushed crimson. "Aunt Mary!" she said, but even though she was embarrassed, her smile showed she didn't really resent the teasing. Their aunt and uncle were so obviously physical people who didn't hesitate to touch or kiss in front of them that the remarks didn't really seem too much out of place.
Mary laughed, but smiled back at them. "Have fun, you two." Then she and Tom headed for their car and drove off.
As their car left the farmyard, Tom said, "That was kind of mean, wasn't it?"
"Not at all," Mary replied. "I was just kidding and they know we know they're sleeping together. Don't you remember your parents teasing us a few times?"
"Well, yeah, I guess I do. I even seem to remember your mom and dad doing it a couple of times. Did you get everything fixed downstairs?"
"It's all ready," Mary answered. "We'll have a pretty good idea if they borrow the playroom again. But I'm sure they will. You're not having second thoughts about this, are you, Tom?"
"No, we're getting everything taken care of today. It's just if they only looked at the playroom last summer out of curiosity and found it a little too much, I don't want to overwhelm them. But I think you're right. I'll bet they're heading downstairs right now."
Tom was exactly right. As soon as the car was out of sight, Dan and Lisa headed towards the basement dungeon. "We can clean up the dishes when we come up for lunch," Lisa said. "I've wanted back in there since last August."
"You and me both, Wench," Dan said. "I can hardly wait to get you stretched and abuse your fair body."
"That makes two of us," Lisa said. "I want you available for my every whim, too. In fact, I think we should flip for it to see who goes first."
"If you want, you can pick," Dan replied. "I like both sides."
"So do I," Lisa said. "But let's let chance decide. Have you got a coin? OK, heads I'm the first victim, tails it you."
Dan flipped the quarter which landed with the head side down. Lisa smiled at it as she picked it up and returned it to Dan. "OK, lover, let's get you naked and tied up nice and tight."
They opened the secret door and went inside. The dungeon looked the same as last summer and both stopped inside the door to look around at the wide array of toys and equipment. "We definitely have to have one of these someday," Dan said. "Come on, let's strip."
Within a minute their clothes were piled by the door and Lisa was heading towards one of the drawers to get wrist and ankle cuffs for Dan. When she had them firmly in place she led him over to one of the whipping benches. He was soon bent over the padded waist bar, his legs spread widely apart, and his hands stretched tightly out in front of him. Lisa pulled the bonds even tighter so he could hardly move at all. "Now let's see what we can to," Lisa mused as she looked over the rows of toys. She settled on a heavy pair of nipple clamps and a weighted "parachute" for his balls. She spent ten minutes teasing his bound body, stroking his cock to a full erection and tormenting his nipples and balls with sharp tugs on the clamps and the parachute. Then she chose a wide leather strap and stepped behind him to the side.
It had been several weeks since they had had a chance for a real spanking and the first blow from the strap across his buttocks was much harder than Dan expected. He let out a howl and pulled against his restraints. Lisa hesitated long enough to be sure she hadn't struck too hard - no safe word - and then swung again. After five strokes she laid the strap down and retrieved a thirty inch cat. For the next twenty minutes she tormented his ass, back, thighs, and stomach with the multitailed whip. By that time Dan was breathing hard and almost gasping for breath. Lisa found a tube of lube and used it to insert her finger deeply into his rectum. As she worked it in and out she teased his cock and balls and further tormented his nipples. Dan was obviously becoming more and more aroused by the intense stimulation and when Lisa stopped for a minute and moved away, he let out a groan of frustration. But she was back almost immediately, moving behind him and starting to push the strap-on dildo deeply inside his already distended rectum. Not surprisingly, Dan lasted only a few seconds under this intense activity before he shot his load, helped along by Lisa's hand wrapped tightly around his cock. Lisa continued to fuck his ass and gave into her own orgasm in less than another minute.
As Lisa untied Dan she noticed that his cock was still hard and full. "Still have something left?" she asked teasingly, as she stroked his hard member.
Dan pulled away and turned towards her. "I'm saving that until I've put you a little more in your place, Wench," he said. "Ready for your turn?"
Lisa held out her wrists. "Go ahead, Captain. Do your worst." Then she added, "Or is that your best?"
Dan put cuffs on her wrist and ankles. "We'll see what you think about it in a few minutes. I'm planning on making up for lost time and torturing you properly."
"As long as you don't leave any marks Tom and Mary can see," Lisa said.
"Don't worry," Dan replied. "That's one of the nice things about November: jeans and long sleeved sweaters."
He led her over near the center of the room and fastened her wrist cuffs to two widely spread ceiling chains. Her ankles were then stretched to floor rings three and a half feet apart, leaving the naked girl stretched tightly, her weight largely hanging from her wrists and her feet unable to remain flat on the floor. Dan circled his victim, teasing her nipples and sliding his hand up and down the inside of her legs. Lisa's breathing once more became rapid and moisture began to drop from her engorged pussy. He twisted and pulled her nipples until they were hard and standing out from her tight breasts. Finally he stepped back and picked up a shorter cat than Lisa had used on him. This one had eighteen inch tails and he proceeded to lay them across her taut breasts. Soon the swollen globes were cris-crossed with a number of fine red lines and her nipples were sticking out even more. He changed targets and began to apply the leather thongs to her bare pubes and pussy lips. Her clit was aroused and sticking out, so an occasional lash landed directly across it, bringing a sharp cry.
Lisa was rapidly approaching orgasm and Dan laid down the small cat and picked up the larger model Lisa had used earlier. He stepped back and brought the instrument down hard across her round ass. Lisa's scream attested to the severity of the blow, but she made no attempt to stop him. He delivered another dozen and a half lashes and then stopped, leaving her gasping. "Don't stop," she cried. "More, Dan, more."
"Don't worry, Lover, I'm nowhere near finished yet," he reassured her. "But I have some other things in mind. You'll just have to be frustrated a little longer," he added as he let his fingers stroke up between her spread legs and rub lightly across her hard, exposed nub.
Dan then moved one of the leather horses over and positioned it with the end directly in front of Lisa. He lowered her arms, but left her legs tied widely apart. "You remember the drill," he said. "Lean forward along the length."
The end of the padded leather came against Lisa's pubic bone and when she lay forward, her ass stuck out invitingly. Dan used a wide leather belt to fasten her waist down tightly to the horse. Lisa was then lying with her torso along the length of padded leather. Dan disconnected her wrists from the slack ceiling chains but then connected them together and to the end of a single chain, hanging directly above her back. When he pulled up on the chain, Lisa's arms were pulled up and back so her back arched against the waist belt. Dan knew this position placed quite a strain on her, but she had really enjoyed it last summer. Dan now rolled her sore nipples between his thumbs and forefingers until they were once again extremely hard. He let a nipple clamp close over her left tit, bringing a sharp cry. This was followed by a similar yowl as he placed the other clamp on her right side. Two eight ounce weights added to her discomfort. Dan gave the weights a swing and watched as Lisa reacted to the changing hurts.
Dan then took a large dildo vibrator, one covered with small rubber protrusions, and inserted it deeply into her sopping pussy. He used a strap to secure it to the end of the horse so it couldn't slip out and then turned it on. The effect was immediate. Lisa began to squirm and pull at her bonds. Dan grinned and ran his hand over her exposed back and striped ass. He let it linger and probe her anus, again bringing an immediate reaction. He applied some lube, using his finger to work it deeply inside, twisting and moving in and out as he did so. He then took a vibrating butt plug and pushed it inside her rear until it was seated with only the wide T-handle remaining outside. Now he once more applied the long tailed cat and spent the next twenty minutes lashing and teasing the girl's bound body. Her cries and screams alternated with her sounds of pleasure and Lisa came three times during this harsh treatment. Finally Dan decided she had had enough of the whip and put it down. Lisa was still twisting and pulling at her bonds, obviously still very much aroused.
Dan grasped the handle of the butt plug and slowly pulled it out. As the plug left her anus Lisa let out a long sigh and shuddered into another orgasm. But Dan wasn't finished. He left the large dildo inserted in her pussy, vibrating away, and then lubed his own cock and began to press it into Lisa's tight rear passage. Soon he was embedded all the way, his pubic hair scratching against her reddened flesh and his cock lodged deeply inside her distended bowels. Dan began to pound in and out until, within a couple of minutes, he could last no longer and, bringing Lisa with him, came deeply inside her in a noisy climax.
When the couple had calmed down a little, Dan released her and they cleaned up and then spent a little while exploring until they were ready to begin once more. For the next couple of hours they played in the dungeon, even though of necessity, everything couldn't be as intense as the first couple of times had been.
At about eleven thirty they decided they needed a break. "Let's see about some food," Dan said, and the couple started for the dungeon door. When they reached the exit they stopped to reach for their clothes. Then both looked at each other and said together, "Naked lunch!" Then, laughing, they left their clothes where they were and headed upstairs.
After eating, Dan and Lisa decided they had better get things cleaned up in the kitchen so they washed and put away the things from breakfast and lunch. As she stood washing dishes, Lisa was once more struck by how normal it seemed to be standing here, naked, with Dan, doing ordinary things like the dishes. Well, maybe not really normal, but definitely comfortable. She hoped they would always be this comfortable with each other.
When they had finished both were ready to head downstairs again because, as Dan put it, "we don't know when we'll get a chance at this toy store again."
Lisa quickly agreed but cautioned that they had better take it a little easier that afternoon if they wanted to still be able to move normally when their aunt and uncle returned.
"Don't worry," Dan said, "I have something a little less, shall we say, strenuous in mind right now." He went over to one wall and pulled out a strange looking bar stool. This device had started life as a plain wooden stool, but had been modified. The round wooden seat had been cut in a curved hour-glass shape so that the person seated on it could close their legs to within two or three inches. It curved smoothly back out to its original circular shape at the front and back, but there were two inch holes cut through the seat both front and rear. The entire thing was mounted on a piece of plywood so that it was nearly impossible to overturn.
Dan had Lisa sit on the stool and it immediately became apparent where the two holes lined up. Although the seat was unpadded, it was well smoothed and her legs fit comfortably into the side notches. It was tall enough so that her toes just touched the floor. Dan used straps on the stool legs to anchor Lisa's own legs at the ankle, above and below the knee, and above mid- thigh. When he finished she had almost no freedom of movement below the waist. He put padded cuffs on her wrists and attached them to a chain hanging from the ceiling. He raised the chain so that her hands were above her head, but not stretched tightly.
Lisa was becoming excited from the position alone and still did not have any idea what Dan was planning until he went to a drawer and returned with a feather duster. He began to lightly tickle her all over her exposed body. Lisa's helpless laughter echoed in the room as he found and attacked her most sensitive spots. After a few minutes he stopped and found her pussy was dripping. He then retrieved two dildos, inserted one into her dripping pussy, and lubed the other before pressing it deeply into her ass. Dowels were inserted into prepared places on the stool to hold the two intruders in place. Then he once more began his feathery assault. For the next half hour the room rang with Lisa's shrieks of laughter as Dan varied his teasing from the lightest of touches to a full out attack with the feathers. Occasionally he let her have a brief rest from her laughter while he pinched her nipples or stimulated her in other ways.
By the end of the time Lisa had come five times and was showing signs of becoming exhausted. Dan's cock was still rock hard with his own desire, but he released her from the bonds and let her recover.
In a few minutes when Lisa's breathing had returned to normal, she said, "OK, Lover, payback time." She led him over to a padded table and bound him on his back with his arms and legs stretched and attached to the table ends. She than began to run her fingers lightly up and down his ribs, and for the next forty five minutes it was Dan's strained laughter that filled the room. Lisa used her fingers as well as the feathers to torment the bound man, but the only attention she paid to his aching cock was an occasional tickle.
Finally as she saw that Dan was reaching his limit, she put down the feather duster and climbed up onto the table, straddling his waist. She looked into his eyes and said, "Now let's see how long we can last." With this she lowered herself over his rampant member, burying it to the hilt in her hot slit. Then she froze, holding herself motionless. When Dan had relaxed a little she used her internal muscles to squeeze and stimulate him, but never all the way to climax. By carefully controlling her own desire she was able to prolong their coupling for another half hour when they both finally became too excited to hold off any longer. As Lisa ground down against his groin and Dan spurted his load deeply inside her, the room echoed with a new set of sounds.
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xmoviesforyou“Easy, it’s just me,” I said when the door opened and I saw Mike standing with a knife. “What are you doing here? I thought we broke up!” He questioned angrily. “And I’m here to make things right. I'm sorry, we shouldn’t be having such fights” I responded, walking closer to Michael who was standing by the door to pull him in and shut the door closed. Michael hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead, before slowly advancing to my lips. He pushed me to the bed and headed to the wardrobe. I...
Everything had been packed the suitcases were sitting near the door. They had showered and bad had breakfast at the cafe. Now they sat on one of the beds. Kathy didn't want to go, but she had no choice. The money was running out. She was aware her daughter didn't want to leave either. Sharon dragged about as she helped get things together, and when they had breakfast, she kept looking around, out of the window, toward the garage. Kathy wore a fresh, bright yellow dress with thin straps...
As I came home from the party after my wife I caught the most upsetting but at the same time the most erotically enjoyable sight I have seen. There should stood leaning over our sofa as he thrusted into her from behind. We had enjoyed a night at a friend´s house, you know dinner, drinks and some music. The group of us in our 30s and 40s had spend the early evening hours toasting glasses of prosecco while talking about sports, politics and more basically curing the world´s evils. My...
WifeDaphne Klyde loves many things, but above all she loves extreme sex and today in Private Specials, Bad Girls Go Blackshe’s here to prove it! This horny brunette’s dishwasher needs fixing, however when two well-armed black studs come over to help, she has other ideas. It doesn’t take long for Daphne to get what she wants as she’s on her knees for some gagging deepthroat blowjobs before warming up her ass with her favourite toy. Then watch this nympho get the wild fuck she craves as she enjoys an...
xmoviesforyouHello, friends my name is Mandeep and m basically Punjab ka rehna vala hu, vaise to main ek chote se gaun se belong karta hu par ajkal jyadatar chandigarh me hi rehta hu. This is real story of me and my bhabhi and I hope aap sab ko ye story bahut pasand ayegi. Let me introduce myself first mera naam mandeep hai height 6.0 aur lund ka size 8″ hai. Ye kahani meri aur meri bhabhi ke baare me hai . Ye story 2016 ki h december me ,aap sab ko apni bhabi ke baare me baata du dekhne me gori chitti ek...
I am Sunil today and want to describe the real-life thing that happened in my life 7 years ago. I was just a normal guy of age 36 and from a middle-class family. I was living together with my father, mom, and wife. My life changed suddenly when I had gone to meet my friend Vishnu Vishnu lived just 6-7 km away from my house. I arrived before the scheduled time to meet him at his house and saw the door was closed from the inside. The doorbell was not working and hence I stayed there for a few...
IncestRam vilas khasub mera naam tha mae ek retired admiral hoon. Ehe story baut different hai. I had a son ho bi army mae kaam karta tha jo desh ko bajaker margaya. Sunita mere baho hai jiska koi bi nahi ho anaad hai mera beta bi is duniya mae nahi raha aur mere patni bi nahi rahe. Ek bacha tha 2 saal ka ho bi ek hafte pahle bhagwan ka pyara ho gaya. Ab hum story pe dhyan dhenge. Hum dhono mae aur baho bura ghatnoke karan baut door chal kar rahne laghe. Ek pahde gaon jo himachal mah hai. Mere baho...
IncestFaye’s favourite toyFaye lay on her bed naked after just coming off the phone to Ray who was away on business, reaching over to her bedside locker she pulled, out her favourite sex toy, wetting her fingers she reached between her legs rubbing her perfectly shaved pussy, switching her toy on a soft buzz started, slowly she dragged the toy over her breasts and across her nipples, making them go rock solid she groaned softly, slowly it made its way to what was now a very wet pussy, she opened her...
"I told you I would not return your powers to you, Anyanka. And you try to subvert my decision by using a human witch to restore your amulet to you. What good did you think that would do you? You still answer to me. I could strip you of your powers again. You would get to be a former vengeance demon twice over." "I... I thought you might be impressed my being an independent go getter." "Very amusing. In fact your being independent is the problem. Over the past century or two the way you grant...
I’m waiting for Her to arrive. My laptop is open on the desk with Her worship folder big on the desktop. The video camera’s on its tripod pointing at the door. The worship sheets I’ve printed for Her, along with a mag cover and Worship Certificate, plus the Worship Session Assessment form that She also completes nowadays, are spread across the desk. I’m in my ‘dirty’ mac, which nowadays I leave open, with my wank-trousers underneath with a few discreet crusty spunk-stains on them. I don’t even...
The battle-hardened veteran of the Holy Crusades stared down at the hardness of his cock standing outright ready for action. He was in the lower levels of his castle and was employed in the art of interrogation of a fine set of gypsy females accused of poaching on his family estate. There was a definite age disparity between the two females, but they looked like two peas in a pod in all other respects. The experienced cocksman noticed that the older one’s breasts drooped slightly whilst...
“Mr. Krushank, you wanted to see me in your office?” Patricia smiled as she said it, knowing that it was she giving the order.“Er, yes, Patricia. You don't mind me taking you away from the party, do you?” Krushank covered his surprise nicely. He stepped away for the group of employees with whom he had been talking, taking his drink with him.“No, Mr. Krushank. I'm sure the party will survive without us for a bit.” Patricia smiled demurely at her willing accomplice. Patricia led the way to...
If you like the story, send your comments to story is about my net friend Purnima with whom I used to chat mobile. Both of us live in the same city, Durgapur. Slowly, we started doing sex chat. She used to share all her feelings with me. I came closer to her through chat. We used to have hot chats very often; we also exchanged many of our pictures and mobile numbers. She had very vivid sex fantasy full of surprises. She told me she had sex with her boy friend before marriage and that she was...
I lay awake in the night, wondering. For some reason you have been in my thoughts lately, in ways that I normally only think about guys. All I’ve ever thought about is strong wide shoulders, tightly formed muscles, and long thick smooth dicks, plunging deep into my pussy. Now though, now I’m not so sure. Ever since I met you things have been different. When I close my eyes I don’t see the usual chiseled features I’m used to, I see your face, high cheek bones, small nose and pointed chin. Your...
This morning you left me, my world fell apart. Heated passions had boiled over, an argument that never should have been, now tearing my heart from my chest. Fate destined lovers with eyes only for each other. Two souls as one ripped from one another, leaving just ghosts and painful memories behind. Your words cut so deep, the blood ran freely, I didn’t want it to stop. Scars were all that would remain. The pain so great as the door slammed shut behind you, your keys on the table. The world...
This is my own, original, fictitious work:Chapter ISubmission, DiscoveryA state of contentment washed over Loken, the morning was usually the most stressful part of the day. Not including, of course, what evening activities were to occur or were planned. Loken had successfully got his mistress up, made her breakfast of half a g****fruit followed by a poached egg on toast, cafetiere coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice whilst she was in the shower.Mistress Inara was immaculately dressed in...
We spent most of the rest of our time together that day, from approximately 11am to 2.30pm, in the bedroom having sex in one form or another. It was broken only by a couple of bathroom visits from each of us, Alison returning a message left on her phone (it was her mother, and I heard heard her say 'sorry mom, I was out the back when you called'), and a break for lunch which Alison brought upstairs in the form of sandwiches. For the journey to the kitchen she scrupulously got dressed — just...
Girls Have Fun Making a Pretty Boy One of Them ? by: Jayne Willard Chapter 1, Caught Peeping Cindy knew the party was getting out of hand, but she was enjoying herself. They were at Summer Camp; the boy they had discovered "sneaking a peek" into their cabin was a wimp. He had a cute face and slender body with long dark hair, as was the style at the time. They had jumped him and since there were twelve of them, they easily overpowered him, as if he had resisted at all. "He's...
Hank did more than think. The problem invaded his mind whenever it was not otherwise actively engaged. His initial feelings were of embarrassment and guilt. He searched his memory for some occasion when he might unwittingly have encouraged Anthea. He could recall none. That allayed his guilt but not his embarrassment. He was not worried about being teased or laughed at himself but he was concerned that shy and vulnerable Anthea might be the butt of such behaviour. He needed to make sure that...
The moment I see you across the room, my heart speeds up and I get a moist feeling between my legs. Images of our first encounter fly through my mind as I thought more imaginative things we would be doing had this meeting never been scheduled. Catching my eyes, you wink over everyone around us, a sly smile accompanying such a hot look. I feel like laughing, knowing you’re doing it all to throw me off kilter. Deciding to join your game, I glace around quickly before pulling the front of my...
SeductionChapter 1 I often sit around wondering what might have been. The choices we make in life: did I make the right ones? I know I've made a lot of mistakes and have done a lot of things that I'm not proud of, but I think back on my younger days and always wonder, "What if?" I know everyone probably looks back on the decisions they made. Some we're happy with, others we wish we could have 'Do Overs'. Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. I think back twenty plus years ago when I was...
Introduction: An experience I had with an ex gfs sister Ok so let me just give you a little back ground info. Im a 23 year old guy, love working out so Im in reasonably good shape and Im 62 200lbs. Ive got a girlfriend whos 19 and she has a gorgeous body, shes 510 slim toned body a stunning bum, perky DD boobs, slim smooth legs and long dirty blonde hair. We love sex and we,re pretty adventurous with it. Alright so this is an insane but very true story of what happened to me over the last few...
In the interest of National Security: conclusion The pre-dawn silence was shattered with the sound of the gigantic warehouse doors opening. Almost before the doors were fully open, the driver piloted his large truck through them. The driver, Corporal Timothy Dennings was just about to shift into a higher gear and floor it, when suddenly a figure appeared before his truck. Dennings rolled down his window as the figure stepped over to the driver's side. "Get your ass out of that...
A package for Caroline. It has the Dammartin Manor crest. She takes it through to the back room and sits down in the big armchair, tucking her stockinged feet beneath her bum. She turns the stiff cardboard envelope curiously in her hands while wondering what it might contain. Finally, she decides that there's only one way to find out, and she begins to pick at the flap with her nails. When she has it open, she pulls out a wad of glossy photographs.Oh, God! Look at these! Her insides twist into...
ThreesomesAdriana is not here to play games, she is hungry for some good dick, and Bang Bros is there to fill her appetite. She shows off her amazing ass for us before starting the day off right with a good squirt. She meets Mick Blue who is ready to fuck. She gives him an amazing blowjob before taking him inside. Once inside, she wants to know how his dick feels inside of her ass. They have amazing anal sex and Adriana can’t stop squirting. It’s wet and raunchy in every position and they love every...
xmoviesforyouI walked her into my room, and after the door was closed, I took her and wrapped my arms around her allowing her to sob for as long as she needed to. If this had been a well written porn scene, I would push her up against the back of the door and say, “I want you, right now!” That made her giggle, and her tears began to abate. Her mouth seemed so kissable and she moved, hers to mine and the kiss began. She turned me around and I was the one up against the door. The kiss was soft and...
At 14 1/2 years old I felt my life was totally boring. The few friends I had were girls; I never had a boyfriend even though I lived in the same neighborhood my entire life. Even with my girlfriends I felt awkward and out of place, I wasn't popular and never was the center of attention. My brother Tom was sixteen (1 1/2 years older than me) and just the opposite of me. He was amongst the most popular in school and completely ignored me. Even if I passed him in the school hallway he would...
“Mmhmm” Riley’s sucking got faster and harder as his now practiced mouth and tongue worked around this Chad’s cock. This Chad was one of the few that knew Riley was a boy, but that cost an extra fifty dollars in this conservative little city. Most thought he was just a sodomy whore, but there were a few out there. Chad came in Riley’s mouth, and he held it in his mouth to show it off. “Yeah, I know, here.” He pulled out an extra twenty dollars, and Riley swallowed it enjoyably. “Thank you!”...
XIX. First draft people. An occasional bat flickered across the stars overhead. The gardenias and hibiscus had long drawn in their petal- awnings. Across the lawn, the hunched bushes looked like a queue of black-robed monks marching back to their monastery. And in the middle distance, fireflies marked a secondary night-sky of transitory constellations in what might have been an even more unpredictable universe than the one we find ourselves inhabiting, one that blinks in an out of...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Wimal and I'm a successful Politician living with my wife in Sri Lanka. Every year on my mother's birthday, I make a pilgrimage home to join my father and brothers in giving her a very special birthday present. My wife and mother had never taken to each other, so, as always, my wife did not ask to go along. She did not know about my special relationship with my mother. As I left the heavy city traffic behind, my mind wandered and I began...
IncestHi this is Manjit from Mumbai, I am 32 years and 5.8ft and always ready to satisfy women of any age who are hot and have inching chut. Let me tell you a real life story that I went through some 6 years back. I had a kashmiri girlfriend Shammy fair, sexy, slim and very important HOT. Ready to be fucked anytime of the day or night. We were batch mates during our Master in Business Administration. She stayed close to my house. After some months of college we become good friends and she use to come...
Amateurs find themselves home alone. Fully aroused, needy to work their toys up each other’s pussy, and prepared to film themselves for the first time. A really spicy combination set to deliver the most intriguing lesbian one on one. Real homemade lezzie action showing both dolls naked, wet as fuck and waving their dildos over their medium boobs. They start with soft kisses and loud moans. After that they continue to gently insert the toys into their shaved cunts. Only to end up stimulating one...
xmoviesforyouIt was a typical day in the office, everybody was working on the current projects to meet the approaching deadlines. After the general staff meeting I asked my co-worker if we could talk in detail about the more urgent matters. Almost everyone else was already heading out for lunch. He told me to wait in his office while he grabbed a bottle of water. I went into his office and closed the door behind me before lowering the blinds. While I waited for him I settled in his chair and reflected on...
I had the evening planned out well. My wife of lessthan a year was young and inexperienced in the ways ofsex. Don’t get me wrong she is one hot sexy girl andher body and looks would make the dead cum. Long blondhair and a rockin’ body that never ceases to excite me.But she lacks experience. With her looks you wouldthink that she would be an exotic stripper. Incredibletits and nipples that are thick and long. Lithe sensualbody with legs that are long and shapely like her tightlittle ass.When we...
Amy 11: Best Friends Forever! by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Saturday Morning Hangover Saturday I woke up early and rolled over in bed. I just lay there and looked around my room. My cheerleading uniform was lying on the floor, which reminded me of what a shitty time I'd been having...
HeLLo eVeRy1…… how r u all? how is ur sex life? hey, dis is my 1st story, please give me ur views abt it. i am kamal from chandigarh belongs 2 well-educated and gud family. i m gud looking & personalited boy. i m 21 yrs old. i am going 2 tell u my sex experience wid my bhabhi & her friend. yeh ajj se 6 mnths pehle ki baat hai. uss time main kisi private institute mein software diploma krta tha. hamare ghar mein mere siva mom,dad,brother and bhabhi rehte hain. mom and dad dono govt. job krte...
Hey, Indian sex story readers, this is Akay from Pune, about myself – I’m a 21year old engineering student with wild desires to satisfy women of all age, I am 5’11 with a muscular physique and a monstrous little friend of 7inches, I took me some courage to approach this woman whom I healed sexually. Let me first describe the hotness of the sex story, her name I shouldn’t disclose, she was a 24-year-old, height 5’6 with a slim yet bulky figure, by bulky I mean the extra curves of her assets. She...
Chapter 1 FROM CHILD?S PLAY TO???.?ByBondoy I lay panting on the bed wondering, as usual when I was in this or a similar situation, who the hell in their right mind would allow themselves to get as frustrated as I was in my current position!? That position was being tied in a very strict hog-tie and trying to get enough air after my efforts to escape even though, from many previous experiences, I knew it was futile to try. My rope bonds had been very professionally applied.? Ankles...
He doesn't love her like I do. I can still remember when we met. I was locked up in a space much too small. The air from outside brought the smells of urine and fear and death. Then someone brought me to her. I smelled her for the first time. She was youth and freshness and clean air and love. Even then it was love. She hugged me to her bony chest. I licked her face and she laughed and hugged me tighter. I was so happy that it wasn't enough just wag my tail. I wagged all of me. "He...
It had been a long time since I had last flown, and I had forgotten how much it sucked. The flying itself is ok, but airports are in some special circle of Hell all their own. Then, of course, there was the worst part… SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I don't know what was worse, the sound of Lorraine chewing her gum or the sight of her doing it with her mouth open. From the very moment we had gotten into the car, she seemed to make it her mission to annoy me. The whole car ride, we had argued over...
I woke up to an empty bed. Had last night really happened? Had I really fucked my best friend's dad? Questions ran around my head, as I began to think back to how it even started.I pushed myself up and felt a cool breeze making my nipples turn hard. The window was wide open.I pulled myself out of bed and walked over to the window. I was completely naked and the breeze felt amazing against my body, as the wind blew softly, causing the curtains to brush against my body. I closed my eyes and began...
TabooMargaret Wallace was your average, everyday housewife. She was born and raised in Queens, NY. She got married right out of high school at the age of 19 to her high school sweetheart, David. They were perfect for each other. They actually waited until their wedding night before they had sex. They were two young kids who basically did what they were told to do by their parents. Margaret was a sweet, young woman who was always willing to help out a person in need. David worked for his father in...
Thursday, August 10 to Thursday, August 31, 2006 Vanessa called our lawyer back, to tell him we'd signed. He said, "Congratulations. I'll get the ball rolling here and I'll fly to Corvallis with the rest of the originals on the next available flight." "It'd be more convenient if you could fly direct on one of our new jets." "It's too early for that. Commercial flights will be fine. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll let you know my arrival time when I've got the bookings." Now...
For quite some time now I have been cooresponding by email and phone with a dominant male that I met online. I told him that I was curious about being submissive but was not sure if I would be able to perform and did not want to get into something I could not get out of.I am not submissive in my life and was wondering if I could be submissive sexulally. The thought of it excited me and made me hot and I regularly fantasizied about it. After many long discussions we decided that I would try it....
Ths is my first story. Constructive feedback is welcome. MTSW – Mother Teacher, Sister Whore My name is Jason and I am average in nearly every aspect you can imagine. My height is average, maybe slowly above, have short brown hair and brown eyes and though I am quite strong and muscular I am not ripped. I am an average student and average at sports. The only thing I am above average is having sex, thanks to lots of practice. At the moment I am 21 years old and studying at...
The next week was pretty much a carbon copy of the previous week, until that Friday, which was the start of the holiday weekend and the camping trip. I told Carol that she could go with her mom and sister that Friday, but she elected to wait for me and leave on Saturday, since I had to work until 1pm. I did stay with her Friday night though, but warned her that I will be up very early to go to work, which she was fine with. That Thursday, I traded vehicles with my buddy who has a pickup and...