Questions for Miss Butler
- 4 years ago
- 32
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Wednesday morning
It was a warm early Wednesday morning in March, with the temperature in the mid-60's. The all night mini-mart on Gulf Blvd. on South Padre Island, Texas was very quiet and 18-year-old Kevin Butler who worked the 11PM-7AM shift was reading 'USA Today'. At about 3AM the quiet was suddenly shattered by a commotion at the front door of the store. When Kevin looked up he could not believe what he was seeing. Three beautiful black women wearing only bikinis and high heels rushed through the front door giggling and acting drunk. Co-eds coming into the store in bikinis during Spring Break were not unusual but these women were a bit older then college girls.
Tammy Cato, 22 years old, stood 5' 7", her 32B breasts filling her black bikini top, her long slender smooth legs totally exposed, her hips barely covered by her black bikini bottom. Her 2" black heels made her 5' 9" tall. Her curly black hair was flowing down to her shoulders.
Veronica Redic, 26 years old, stood 5' 9", her shocking pink bikini top hardly containing her firm 34C breasts, her pink bikini bottom exposing her firm 32" hips. Her 3" pink high heels making her 6' tall. Her long frizzy black hair flowed down to her breasts.
Suzette Evans, 28 years old, stood 5' 7", she was wearing a white bikini whose top was tied in front that her 36D breasts strained against. Her 3" white high heels made her 5' 10" tall.
Tammy and Veronica were staggering around so much Kevin did not notice Suzette flip the open sign on the door window to closed. He watched in amazement and shock as Tammy staggered into the rack holding bags of potato chips, pretzels, corn chips and popcorn and scattering them all over the floor.
"Whoa ladies," Kevin called out through the microphone. "Please be careful with the merchandise."
"Woops," Tammy giggled.
Tammy brought her right hand to her lips to suppress her giggling.
"Hello," Kevin said through the microphone in frustration. "Ladies, can I help you?"
The three women stopped staggering and turned towards direction of the metallic voice and saw Kevin behind the Plexiglas partition, that the mini-mart stores used to protect their employees and prevent robberies during the late night hours.
"Ooops," Tammy giggled. "Sorry about the mess, mister."
"We want some wine," Veronica shouted.
Veronica started staggering towards the wine rack. Kevin knew that he was not supposed to come out from behind the partition between midnight and 6AM but he also knew that if he didn't, that these women were going to knock not only the bottles of wine all over the place but everything else and then he would have one hell of a mess to clean up when they left. Besides these women didn't look dangerous at all, they were apparently drunk and besides there was also a video machine that was tape recording everything in case they did rob him.
"Hold on, lady," Kevin called out. "I'll get the wine for you."
Kevin came out from behind the partition, leaving the door ajar and made his way quickly towards the wine rack. He could not smell any alcohol but he could smell their perfume.
"Why thank you, young man," Veronica said a little too loudly. "You're not only a hunk but you're also a gentleman."
"Don't you ladies think you've had a little too much wine to drink tonight?" Kevin smiled.
"Why we haven't had anything to drink," Suzette said a bit to loudly. "We just want to party."
As Kevin walked past Suzette she goosed his ass and he swung around to face her.
"Hey," Kevin said. "Watch the hands, lady."
"Sorry," Suzette giggled. I just could not resist."
Before Kevin could respond Veronica circled behind Kevin and wrapped her soft feminine ebony arms around his 5'9" body in a bear hug pinning his arms to his side.
"What the hell," Kevin cried out.
"Gotcha," Veronica said.
"Hey, let me go," Kevin demanded.
"Ahhh, what's the matter, baby," Veronica said. "Are you afraid of three little black girls."
Kevin could feel Veronica's firm but feminine breasts pressing into his back as struggled to break free from her grasp to no avail. He could feel her soft, sexy but strong arms tightening around his arms.
"Let me go, bitch," Kevin cried out.
Kevin struggled fiercely as Suzette stepped directly in front of him with a bright smile on her face.
"Like I said," Suzette said with a smile. "We just want to party, honey."
Before Kevin could respond Suzette punched him in the belly. The air rushed out of Kevin's lungs as he slumped in Veronica's grasp and she eased him to the floor. Tammy ran over to the L'eggs display and came back with a pair of pantyhose in her hands.
"Let's tie his hands behind his back," Tammy said.
"Good idea, Tammy," Veronica said.
Tammy knelt down next to Kevin as Veronica held his hands behind his back and Suzette ran her hands thru his hair.
"Just be a good little white boy," Suzette cooed. "And let us three ladies of color show you how to party."
"Uuuhhh," Kevin moaned.
Tammy tied Kevin's hands securely behind his back with the pantyhose as Suzette kissed him on the forehead.
"Be good, sweetie," Suzette said. "I'll be back shortly. I have to get some money to party with."
Suzette got to her feet and went behind the Plexiglas partition, she opened the cash register, scooped the up the bills and shoved them in her bikini top and bottoms.
"Don't forget the video tape, Suzette," Tammy called out. "While you are back there."
Suzette looked around and could not find the videotape machine.
"The tape machine is not back here," Veronica said. "I can't find it."
Tammy grabbed a handful of Kevin's brown hair and pulled his head up till she was looking directly into his brown eyes and smiled.
"Baby, where is the tape machine?" Tammy asked him.
Kevin was still breathing heavy, trying to get his breath back, from Suzette's punch to his belly and he was in no mood to cooperate with these black women.
"Fuck you," Kevin gasped.
Veronica dug her fingernails painfully into Kevin's biceps from behind as Tammy slapped him sharply across the face.
"Where is the fucking video tape machine?" Tammy demanded.
Veronica dug her nails deeper in Kevin's biceps and if his short-sleeved shirt were not protecting him her nails would have broken the skin.
"Oh my God," Kevin moaned in pain. "It's in the back office."
"Thank you," Tammy said sweetly.
Tammy kissed Kevin on the lips her tongue invading his mouth as Veronica loosened her painful grip on his biceps. Suzette went through the door directly behind her and was in the back office. She looked around and saw the videotape machine on a table in the corner.
"There you are," Suzette smiled.
Suzette went over to the table and removed the videotape from the machine.
"I got you, baby," Suzette said.
Suzette came out of the back office waving the videotape triumphantly in her hand.
"I've got the tape, girls," Suzette shouted. "Now let's get the Hell out of here with our guest of honor."
Suzette moved quickly from behind the Plexiglas and towards the front door of the mini-mart and held it open.
"Let's go, stud," Veronica said.
Veronica and Tammy stood up pulling Kevin to his feet with them. He struggled with them and they quickly dug their fingernails into his biceps.
"Aaaahhhhh," Kevin cried out.
"Stop struggling," Veronica said.
"OK, OK," Kevin said.
"You're coming with us," Tammy said.
Veronica and Tammy entwined their arms in Kevin's bound arms as they led him towards the front door of the mini-mart that Suzette was holding open.
"No," Kevin moaned. "Plea---mmmpphhhh."
Tammy pressed her left hand over Kevin's mouth while keeping her right arm entwined with his left hand arm.
"Shush, be a good boy," Tammy said. "And everything will be just fine."
Tammy and Veronica took Kevin out of the mini-mart and into the parking lot. Suzette opened the back door of their silver 2001 Ford Taurus SES.
"Get in the car," Veronica said.
Tammy and Veronica shoved Kevin into the leather seat in the back of their Taurus. Suzette closed the back door of the car, quickly got in the driver's seat and drove off.
"We did it," Suzette shouted. "The BBB's have pulled it off."
"Who would have thought," Tammy said. "That three black women in bikinis could pull off kidnapping a white stud and robbing a mini-mart at the same time?"
Kevin couldn't believe what was happening to him. 10 minutes ago he was working, minding his own business, when these three beautiful black women, wearing bikinis, came into the mini-mart and now he found himself in the back seat of a car, his hands tied tightly behind his back with a pair of pantyhose, with a black woman on either side of him, not knowing where they were taking him. He could feel their almost naked, bikini clad, bodies pressing against him from either side. Their perfume wafted into his nostrils. Suzette put a 'Destiny's Child' CD on. Tammy who was on his left side placed her right hand on his left thigh.
"How are you doing, sweetie?" Tammy asked.
"Great," Kevin said sarcastically.
Veronica looked over at Kevin with a smile on her face. She ran her right hand through his brown hair.
"Oh, come on," Veronica said. "It could be worse you know."
"Yeah," Kevin said. "How?"
"Well you could have been kidnapped by a gang of over sexed gay men, who would fuck you up the ass," Veronica smiled.
Tammy and Suzette laughed but Kevin, turning red in the face, just looked at Veronica with anger in his eyes.
"Instead you got kidnapped by three beautiful black vixens," Veronica continued. "So consider yourself lucky."
"Thanks," Kevin said bitterly.
Tammy moved her right hand to the zipper of Kevin's pants, unzipped it, reached in and pulled his cock and balls out of his pants. She wrapped her soft, feminine hand around the shaft of his cock and started milking him with her soft, feminine fingers.
"Do you like that, honey?" Tammy asked.
"No," Kevin said.
"Maybe you don't," Tammy giggled. "But it seems that your cock likes it."
Kevin's manhood was betraying him and responding to Tammy's milking of his cock.
"Ohhhhh," Kevin moaned.
"Ohhhhh," Tammy mimicked Kevin.
Kevin could feel Tammy's cool fingers wrapped around his cock as she continued to milk his cock.
"Look how big and red his cock and balls are, Veronica," Tammy giggled.
"Oh, yeah," Veronica smiled.
Veronica cupped her hand around Kevin's balls and squeezed them lightly.
"He's got a nice set of balls," Veronica said. "You like Tammy and me playing with you like this don't you, sweetie?"
"No," Kevin moaned. "Yes. I don't know. Just let me go. Please."
Veronica grabbed Kevin's chin with her free hand and turned his face till
she could look in his eyes.
"Let's see if I can help you make up your mind," Veronica said.
Veronica kissed Kevin full on the lips, her perfume wafted into his nose as her tongue invaded his mouth. When her tongue connected with his tongue he suddenly stiffened and his cock and balls jerked in the women's hands.
"Don't you dare come," Tammy said.
Tammy released Kevin's cock and flicked the tip of her finger against the head of his cock while Veronica broke her kiss and gripped the base of his shaft at his balls and squeezed tightly. The pain shot through him as his cock went flaccid body and his body slumped back into the seat of the Taurus. Tammy, placed one hand at the back of his head and her other arm around his back and hugged Kevin tightly against her so her breasts pressed against his chest, as she kissed him full on the lips. Veronica tucked his cock back into his pants and zippered them up.
"Later," Veronica said.
Veronica patted the crotch of Kevin's pants.
"Are you three having fun back there?" Suzette quipped as she drove
over the bridge towards Port Isabel.
"I am," Veronica said brightly.
Veronica looked over at Tammy lip locked with Kevin.
"And I'm sure Tammy is," Veronica giggled. "And I sure hope he is."
"Well he better be having fun," Suzette laughed. "Because if he isn't he is in for a very long unhappy adventure."
Tammy broke her hug and kiss of Kevin and sat back in the seat.
"I'm certainly enjoying myself," Tammy said breathlessly.
Veronica took Kevin's face in her hands and turned him so he was looking at her.
"You enjoying yourself, hon.?" Tammy asked.
Kevin did not respond. He started fidgeting but he could not move much with his hands bound behind his back and Veronica and Tammy on either side of him. Their feminine flesh pressing in against his body and the perfume of all three women made it hard for Kevin to concentrate but he managed after a few minutes to work his hands free from their silken restraint. He looked out the windows and saw that they were in Port Isabel northwest on Route 100.
When the Taurus slowed down and stopped at a red light. Kevin suddenly dived across Veronica and grabbed at the door handle.
"Hey," Veronica cried out. "He got his hands loose."
Veronica leaned over Kevin, wrapping her arms tightly around his chest and Tammy wrapped her arms around his waist.
"Where do you think you're going, baby," Tammy said.
"I'm getting out of here," Kevin cried out.
Kevin got his hand around the door handle but when he tried to open the door nothing happened.
"Sorry, sweetie, but you're not going anyplace," Veronica said.
"The back doors can only be opened from the outside," Tammy said.
Kevin struggled as Tammy and Veronica pulled him back up in between them. He started waving his arms wildly and looked around trying to draw attention from the few cars also stopped for the red light.
"That won't do you any good, doll," Tammy laughed. "Nobody outside can see you, the windows are tinted."
"Help," Kevin screamed. "Someone help me pl----mmmpphhhhh"
Tammy pressed her hand tightly over Kevin's mouth as the light turned
green and Suzette quickly drove off.
"Shush, baby," Tammy cooed. "You don't want to spoil everything do you?"
"Mmmmppphhhh," Kevin screamed into Tammy's palm.
Tammy could feel Kevin's warm breath on her palm. He struggled violently as Veronica tried to grab his wildly flailing arms. His feet kicked the back of the front seat violently causing Suzette to swerve the car.
"Hey," Suzette hollered angrily. "What's the hell is going on back there. Control that little white fucker or we're going to have an accident."
"Aaahhhh," Veronica cried out.
Kevin grabbed a handful of Veronica's long curly hair and pulled it sharply, yanking her head forward. Tammy grabbed his balls, through his pants, with her other hand and squeezed them forcefully.
"Let her hair go, boy," Tammy ordered. "Or I'll break your balls."
"Mmmmmppphhhhhhh," Kevin screamed into Tammy's palm.
Tears flowed down Kevin's face as he quickly let Veronica's hair go. His body went limp and Tammy took her hand from his mouth. Veronica slapped Kevin sharply across the face.
"Try anything like that again and I will really hurt you," Veronica said. "Do you understand me?"
Veronica was looking Kevin directly in the eyes. He could see that her black face was set in a definite resolve and her eyes blazed with anger. He decided that he did not want to send her over the edge so he just nodded.
"I asked you a question," Veronica demanded. "Do you understand me?"
"Aaaahhhh," Kevin cried out.
Tammy gave his balls a painful squeeze.
"Answer her," Tammy ordered.
"Yes, yes," Kevin cried out. "I understand you."
Kevin shrunk deeper into the leather seat between Veronica and Tammy. Wishing he could just disappear.
"Oh, will you look at that, Veronica," Tammy teased. "The big white stud is afraid of us little black girls."
All three women laughed as Tammy patted Kevin's cock through his pants. Veronica looked at his face and her face softened as she smiled at him. She moved her hand towards his face and Kevin flinched.
"Oh, poor baby," Veronica giggled. "Are you afraid of me?"
"Fuck you," Kevin sobbed.
Veronica ran her hand softly over the cheek she had just slapped.
"There's nothing to be afraid of," Veronica said softly. "All you have to do is be a good boy and we will all have a good time."
Kevin just looked at Veronica with anger and fear.
"Ahhhh, come here, baby," Veronica cooed.
Veronica pulled Kevin's head down and cradled his face in her breasts. Kevin found his face surrounded by her soft chocolate skin, his chin resting on pink fabric of her pink bikini top. Her perfumed breasts overwhelmed his senses. He tried to pull away but Veronica's hands were on the back of his head holding his face in her cleavage.
"Calm down, baby," Veronica cooed. "Just stay there. We're almost home now. So you just be a good boy."
Not only couldn't Kevin respond due to his mouth being pressed tightly against Veronica's breast but also her cleavage also effectively worked as a blindfold keeping him from seeing where they were taking him. Kevin tried to concentrate on the movement of the Taurus but Veronica's perfumed breasts were weakening him.
Tammy ran her hand lightly over Kevin's thigh and crotch.
"Just calm down, sweetie," Tammy said softly. "Everything is going to be just fine."
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No, we can't do this With just the towel wrapped around him, he exits the steamy bathroom. On his way to his bedroom, he hears his mother calling him. "Kevin, come give me a hand here." she shouts from her bedroom. What does the old woman want now, I want to get dressed he thinks to himself, getting a little irritated. He likes to get dressed immediately after his morning shower, before he does anything else. But as he has to walk pass her bedroom on the way to his, he might as well see what it...
As evening starts to color Mitchell's Plain a pinkish-orange, Kevin lies in his room, checking out his digital camera. As he goes through the photos that he and Jody took a few days ago, a thought suddenly explodes in his mind. Yes, why the hell not?He jumps up and goes to the kitchen where his mother is busy preparing food. His seventy one year old mother is wearing her pink housecoat. He can see right through the flimsy material of the housecoat. He can see the outline of the half-slip she is...
No, we can't do this With just the towel wrapped around him, he exits the steamy bathroom. On his way to his bedroom, he hears his mother calling him. "Kevin, come give me a hand here." she shouts from her bedroom. What does the old woman want now, I want to get dressed he thinks to himself, getting a little irritated. He likes to get dressed immediately after his morning shower, before he does anything else. But as he has to walk pass her bedroom on the way to his, he might as well see what...
IncestWe arrived at Bob’s office at 3:15 and went up. His receptionist greeted us. “Oh, Linda didn’t say you’d have someone with you. She’s in room 410, go that way.” We went to the indicated door and on into the room. A middle-aged lady sat there surrounded by four monitors and loads of papers. “Hi, you’re Kevin, right? You didn’t mention a friend.” “Ah, forgot, sorry. I was rushing between classes. This is Denise Roberts and she’s one of the people I need to discuss with Mr...
This work is long, 38,000 words, a complete novella. It contains multiple scenes of hardcore explicit sex between men and women, men and men, women and women, and groups dealing primary in a MFM arrangement. Themes throughout center on domination. Comments / votes are welcomed by the author. *** A house divided cannot stand, or so someone once said. I myself was finding that it worked quite well. I kept my life in nice neat compartments, and there was no room for error. It made for a pretty...
As evening starts to color Mitchell's Plain a pinkish-orange, Kevin lies in his room, checking out his digital camera. As he goes through the photos that he and Jody took a few days ago, a thought suddenly explodes in his mind. Yes, why the hell not? He jumps up and goes to the kitchen where his mother is busy preparing food. His seventy one year old mother is wearing her pink housecoat. He can see right through the flimsy material of the housecoat. He can see the outline of the half-slip she...
IncestIt had been almost two years since I had loaned Jake money so that he could travel overseas that summer with his friends. I knew then that he may never really be able to pay me the money back, but I didn’t want to deprive him of the experience of going abroad with his friends. One of the things an eighteen year old needs to do is see what other countries are like, so one can appreciate your own country more. Well that and the lifetime camaraderie one builds with your friends on such a trip. As...
The first time I ever saw Kevin he had come to my sorority house with his cousin (by marriage) and had just gotten out of the military, straight from Iraq! So, needless to say he was about 6'3" with an incredible body, and eyes that made me melt. I had to have this man inside me. About a week after I saw him that night, he came back to my sorority house with his cousin to hang out and sneak a few alcoholic drinks with me and my sisters in my room. We were all having a good time, drinking and...
EroticWhen I woke up, the first thing I felt when consciousness truly asserted itself was a enormous sense of relief. All that nonsense of being forced to do things that were repulsive and humiliating was over; now I could go to classes without being worried that a teacher would try to use my body as an education aid. Not that I had anything against displaying my body publicly, when I lived in Japan my family would go to the onsen where we would bathe nude in the hot spring with other families and...
When I awoke Friday morning it felt like I had not slept at all. Groan. This must be a post-adrenaline reaction, the body’s gotta come down from the high. I think listening to the news report must have had something to do with my delayed recovery. When I picked up Denise, she told me that the press had rung her for a statement but she told them that she had fallen, didn’t see much, so she couldn’t tell them any more than the clerk did. Smart girl. She saw the news report too and wondered how...
As I looked around at the strangely quiet scene before me, I saw that Adam wasn’t among the group and then little Kimberly noticed Denise and me in the school’s doorway. She ran over to us and hugged and kissed Denise; then she came over to me and gave me a hug. “I like it lots better when there’s no clothes in the way, Kevin,” she said seductively. “Denise, did you tell him?” “Not yet. Kevin, Kimberly is coming home with us. I didn’t think you’d mind.” I figured that they wanted to finish...
[5:26:19 PM] kevin6666: :) [5:26:22 PM] Black Stallion: im pretty good :) [5:26:26 PM] Black Stallion: how about you? [5:26:33 PM] kevin6666: same here :) [5:26:44 PM] kevin6666: feeling better now that i talk to you [5:26:45 PM] kevin6666: lol [5:26:57 PM] Black Stallion: lol , im glad [5:27:00 PM] Black Stallion: have a good day? [5:27:19 PM] kevin6666: yeah. and you? how have you been? [5:28:04 PM] Black Stallion: i had a good day and i've been doing well [5:28:15 PM] Black...
[10/23/2011 7:39:40 AM] kevin6666: :) [10/23/2011 7:39:46 AM] Jon: lol, yep [10/23/2011 7:39:52 AM] Jon: forgot that was fucking hot [10/23/2011 7:40:07 AM] kevin6666: lol yeah [10/23/2011 7:40:14 AM] kevin6666: did you cum hard? :) [10/23/2011 7:40:20 AM] Jon: mmmm fuck yeah [10/23/2011 7:40:35 AM] Jon: damn ur such a slut for black cock, u find me every time [10/23/2011 7:40:47 AM] kevin6666: hehe yeah. fuck yesssss, i need it bad [10/23/2011 7:41:11 AM] kevin6666: you hard...
We arrived at Denise’s house and I brought my overnight bag and school backpack in. I had put them in my car earlier, expecting that I wouldn’t be going home after the workshop. I had suggested a carry-in dinner but Denise had a meal in mind to prepare, so I hung out with her as she made dinner. I tried to help, actually, but she shooed me away, saying I was distracting her. Well, I suppose I was, kissing her on her ear or neck every minute might actually be a tiny bit of a...
KEVIN Es fing alles damit an, als ich 8 Jahre alt war. Ich wurde neugierig, wie man sich f?hlen w?rde, wenn man wieder Pampers tragen wurde. Wir wohnten in einem kleinen Haus au?erhalb von M?nchen, meine Eltern und meine beiden Schwestern (2+9). Meine gro?e Schwester Yanni war auf Klassenfahrt und meine Eltern mit meiner kleinen Schwester Lena zu Freunden gefahren. Als alle aus dem Haus waren, nutzte ich wie so oft schon die Gelegenheit, und ging in das Zimmer von Yanni. Ich f...
When I got to my history class, Denise told me that she had an attempted groping incident as she walked in the hall with her Guardian. She told me what happened. “Two guys came up to me and one asked if they could feel me between my legs and I refused. “Then the other said, ‘Hey, her friend isn’t here to protect her. You grab and hold her and then I’ll hold her so you’ll get a turn.’ “He went to grab me but I was holding my whistle and blew it, and at the same second the Guardian was...
After English class, Denise and I left the school and noticed a change to the way the clothing boxes were arranged. Instead of a stack of loose boxes near the door, there was a long cabinet thing with eight doors in it. Fletcher was there, handing paper slips to the Program kids, and we heard him talking. “Last week we had a problem with the loose clothing boxes. Your clothes will be kept in the boxes inside this cabinet and these combinations will open your door. The doors are self-locking....
“So how do you want to work it with the kimonos, lover?” Denise asked me as we pulled into the student parking area on Tuesday morning. “So today is a partial touching day,” I mused, “I wonder how much emotional support our kids will need. Tomorrow will be the worst of the week, that’s how it was for Sarah, Barbara, and Jane last week. How about we change at our lockers before home room? We can leave our clothes there. Tomorrow we may be needed out front when they strip and have the groping...
Tom walked up to the house address which he had been given. Tonight was going to be an eighteenth birthday and as such, he looked forward to the evening being over. The address was a modest semi-detached house on a residential street and seemed innocent enough. Entering the porch he knocked and waited for a response. He heard a girl call to him from inside and a minute later, the door opened. Beneath a head of curls, pretty dark eyes smiled up at him with rose lips. “Hello, you must be the...
SeductionI have just about thirty minutes before Kevin is due. I decide to start getting ready. I wonder if Kevin will think I'm pretty. I'll try to look my best for him. I put on some cologne and light make up. Now I need to decide what to wear. I have some laying on the bed. I pick up a semi sheer white shorty. It comes to just below my ass. It should get his attention. I don't want to look like a hooker. I get out a condom and lube putting it on the nightstand. I'm all ready go watching TV till he...
Fletcher and his goon reentered the office. The goon had an almost feral smile now. Fletcher walked behind his desk. “Ok now? Clothes off.” “Wait.” “What? You said you’d undress after your five minute powwow.” “No, sir, I said we needed time to discuss this between ourselves. Now that I have a complete picture—well, not complete but perhaps a sightly better one—I know what we need to make this work maybe a little better; at least for six of us. The other two are much more...
I woke up in the morning disoriented and confused—something felt way off kilter and I just couldn’t get my bearings. Slowly last night swam into my consciousness. I was in Denise’s bed. After our wild sex of the evening, we had awakened in the wee hours and made love again, a slow, leisurely, gentle love-fuck that ended with the two of us having huge cums and then falling back to sleep. We got up and sleepwalked through our morning routines and made our way to school, with me driving slowly;...
Hello, Kevin name changed for privacy, here thanks for the response for my previous story I welcomed your positive feedback and ladies and gentlemen looking to here. About me, I work in mnc as a digital marketer in Bangalore. Life kinda sucks if you’re working professional. As I chilled out person and funny at times my office colleagues love me for that. Since saturday and sunday are my week-off. I wanted to learn content writing, so searched for the institute and zeroed in one institute near...
“C’mon, guy—what really happened?” “You saw it, how’d he trip” “You know how he did it—tell us!” rang out all around me. I put my arms in the air. “Listen up!” I shouted. “What I said when I came in. I can only say what I saw myself. There’s a whole bunch of accident reports in the office, if you ask nice maybe they’ll let you read them. Is there a school paper? Maybe they can do a story, ok?” I squeezed out of the room and found Denise waiting in the hall. “My god! Let you out of my sight...
It’s Thursday now. I can’t believe what’s happened this week, it’s like a bad dream. Maybe I’ll wake up in Seoul and go have breakfast with Mom and Dad ... no, stop it. I’ve just got to keep focused and everything will work out. Maybe... At least I’m really enjoying school. That is, when I’m actually in class. I’m looking forward to when this craziness is all over. Ugh, a thought. If they’re gonna be running that damned Program in school from now on, it’s gonna be in my face all day long!...
Wednesday morning seemed to arrive very quickly. It seemed like I had just fallen asleep and suddenly I was awake, and awake with morning wood. That usually doesn't happen. But this hardon wasn't painful—just uncomfortable. When I get erections during the night, their pain tends to wake me, so maybe this treatment is calming things down. One could only hope... I disconnected myself from the gadget and got the data file shipped off to the docs. As I was dressing, I heard the kitchen phone...
On our way out of class, Linda Grover, our website content guru, rushed up. “There you are, Kevin, a bunch of us’ve heard that the feds are trying to locate and shut down the site, you know?” “Yeah, I heard that at lunch. Any news since then?” “Not about the feds, but the media are trying to find the site too. There’s going to be something on the six-o’clock news about it and the kids who did the website and server setup and some of the others will be watching. They wanted me to find you...
Caroline and I have known each other practically our whole lives. We didn’t live right next to each other, but close enough…she lived on the corner, and I lived five doors down, across the road. I met her at the bus stop in fourth grade. Her family was new in town. She was a year younger, quiet, and sat alone, ignoring all the noise and spitballs flying across the seats. She was just getting off the bus, when the bully of the entire school yanked her braid so hard she yelped and dropped her...
Latha woke up as she did every night about 2:00 in the morning. She walked over to the little bathroom area and peed. As she headed back to their bed she noticed light under the bedroom door. Had her son left a light on or was he up watching television or playing a video game? She decided to see and perhaps talk to him if he was awake. She opened the bedroom door and went down the hallway past the dark living room and into the kitchen where she saw her son’s college roommate Kevin laying on the...
It took two days plus to get to my destination. I had two flight delays that resulted in an overnight stay in Tokyo; fortunately I had packed lightly or my luggage would certainly have gotten lost. I had a change of clothes, some toiletries, and my electronics. No mobile; I had been told that the international SIMM card wouldn’t work in the U.S. and my device couldn’t accept U.S. carriers’ cards. That would be the first stop. Stop two had to be a car. I had checked out the area where I’d be...
Tuesday came, bright and warm. It's gonna be a hot day. I'm not looking forward to the heat, the tights get uncomfortable when I sweat. Need to look into tights with some natural fiber content, I guess. I'll bring extra powder to use. After driving to school and parking, I walked into the building to my locker and then needed to find my home room. I had just stowed my junk and closed the locker when Abover sloped past, giving me a surprised look and a real scowl when he saw me. His face...
When I woke up on Wednesday morning, I felt a bit off-kilter; usually I feel rested and alert. Now I felt somewhat disturbed. I had dreamed during the night; usually I don’t remember my dreams but now I began to recall, not the actual dream, but impressions of what the dream was about. In it, it seemed that shadowy figures were moving around a web, like a spider web, and one of the figures resembled Abover. It was a hulking shape, had a swollen face, and one arm was hanging limply. The whole...
I was dreaming, I thought, I must be dreaming. This has to be a dream. I’m in a large, fog-filled room and girls, tall girls, short girls, fat girls, thin girls, cute girls, ugly girls, are circling around me, moving in and out of the fog, getting really close and when I turn to look at them, drift away. When I try to move toward a girl, she smiles, giggles, glides away, and disappears into the mists. Now I’m beginning to feel ghostly hands tugging at my groin; I look down and see that I’m...
I woke up Monday morning, thankful that my night had been peaceful, and then wondered where I was. Oh! That's right, I realized I had slept in the day-bed in the den and that Denise was in my room. When I went off to the bathroom, I heard her moving around in my room, so I knocked and she told me she'd be right out. She'd already had her shower and was almost ready. She wanted to call the hospital to see how her mom was doing. I did my morning routine and then got dressed for the Program...
Soon we were joined by the others. Barbara was all excited when she came running up to the table. "Hey guys—did you hear? There were two ambulances outside, cops all over, and someone saw a couple of U.S. marshals taking a lady out of the school. They had these black jackets on with the words in big letters on the back! There's rumors that it was a big drug bust! I wonder who got hurt? Maybe someone OD'd!" Denise and I looked at each other knowingly, but Nelson noticed our...
PART ONE My wife, Sarah is a CFO in a mid-size company. She often works long hours and I'm left alone in the evenings, and I watch television, work on our old house, and hang out being somewhat lonely. In November Sarah's dad died after having been a little sick. Wewere shocked and her mom decided to move in with us. I beganhanging out with the mom. She was still quite attractive andmore than average sexy. She was not as slim as Sarah, but shewasn't fat either. I would call her luscious. She...
If any ladies want sex chat email me at Two years I had been working in Dubai as a butler in a hotel. Most of my clientele who stayed with us were Arabs and European. Each and every weekend there was someone or the other who was always throwing parties and bringing ladies along with them. During these years everytime when there is a party you will find some of them drunk or some who is just there for the money. As an employee of the hotel we have a common rule, ‘The guest is always right’. I...
Rob and I started talking online back in 2000 he liked my wife's pictures. Rob suggested we get together and meet. His wife and my wife, and us guys. so we set up a time. and met at a local hotel. the couple Rob and C were into the lifestyle a lot longer than My wife and I. They were both very attractive. I could see my wife was horny for them both. we had a couple of drinks and it didn't take long for the girls to get undressed. C was gorgeous. nice trimmed kitty Rob cut cock thick and much...