Kevin And Denise Naked In SchoolChapter 30: Program Week Is Over, But It's Just Beginning. free porn video

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On our way out of class, Linda Grover, our website content guru, rushed up.

“There you are, Kevin, a bunch of us’ve heard that the feds are trying to locate and shut down the site, you know?”

“Yeah, I heard that at lunch. Any news since then?”

“Not about the feds, but the media are trying to find the site too. There’s going to be something on the six-o’clock news about it and the kids who did the website and server setup and some of the others will be watching. They wanted me to find you and ask if you want to watch together.”

“Sure, good idea. Then if something comes up, we’ll be together to make plans. How about at my house again, it seems most of you live not far.”

“Yeah. I’ll get the word out. I’ll do a text and email. We’ll come fifteen minutes early?”

“Sure. And I’ll provide the pizza and everything, too.”

“Cool. See you later, buddy!” and she dashed off. Yeah, that girl seems to be dashing whenever I see her. What energy.

In my history class, the unit we were studying led to a spirited discussion of how civil rights was manifested in various societies in Europe of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as compared to modern times. I pointed out that in societies that were ruled by a king, common people’s rights were never clear and could be violated by royalty’s whim, and in modern times, the same could be said by the high-handed way some government agencies operated, either through mismanagement or even under the authority of laws that could be interpreted to disadvantage some classes of the society. It seemed everyone was clamoring to give modern examples, and the Program wasn’t spared as being a poster-child example of government excesses.

The school day ended with English Lit where we listened to the first group of student analyses of the short works they had chosen to report on. This was fun, listening to what the kids thought of the stories they had picked to talk about.

The final period was assembly and I hoped that there wouldn’t be any surprises. The Program kids straggled in, some red-faced from having to perform some last-minute Requests and clearly looked nervous and apprehensive about what they would hear from Fletcher.

Jane squeaked, “Hell, I’ve got my fingers and even toes crossed. No surprises, please. I’d like to get this over already; it’s been a tough week, you know.”

We all wandered into the auditorium and went to our seats. The low roar of conversation gradually damped down as we saw movement off to the sides of the stage and everyone waited expectantly. Dr Fletcher walked to the podium and adjusted the mike.

“Good afternoon, students; welcome to the end of the week.”

Applause. Teens will applaud most anything given the chance. Mainly the guys. Guys love to make noise. Must be a male sexual display trait, like a peacock’s tail.

“The main topics I want to cover today are mostly about issues related to the Program. First, I’d like to congratulate the first group to complete their week in the Program for the fall term. When school ends today, their week is essentially over because we have no school sponsored activities this weekend. But remember that the Program still encourages Outreach and we want everyone to take advantage of that opportunity. Will the students in this week’s Program stand to be recognized?”

We stood for ten seconds while a cacophony of applause, hoots, whistles, and yells rang out around us.

“I’d also like to offer recognition to a small corps of dedicated students, our Guardian corps, who were instrumental in making participating in the Program safe for our first group. These students did their jobs quietly and effectively, and have our thanks for a job well done. Will our Guardians stand to be recognized.”

They did, and received loud acclaim as well.

“I need to mention this in connection with the Guardians. Despite my words last week about behaving properly and courteously toward Program students, we had eight incidents of improper behavior. One resulted in a sexual assault charge and expulsion, three resulted in three-day suspensions, and the rest in a formal warning placed in the student’s permanent record. I also have been given to understand that there were a few cases of students’ self-policing of behavior infractions and I urge that everyone refrain from doing this in the future. Don’t take the law into your own hands; you might get into trouble yourself.

“The next matter concerns the student advisory committee. We plan to begin setting it up next week and the staff has suggested that we allow the student body to nominate students to serve. We will consider all student nominees as well as staff recommendations; still to be decided is the number of students in the committee and their class distribution. We decided that when the group convenes, they can choose a name for the group. If you’d like to nominate someone, even yourself, please get a form from a teacher at the door when you leave here.

“There is an issue coming up before the state education department, sponsored by the state’s physical education teachers’ association, that the required dress code for all high-school physical education classes be total nudity. State school officials are watching this issue and we will keep you informed.”

There was a rumble of extreme disapproval at that news and a lot of hisses.

“And on a related note. Voluntary nudity in school is still open to students as specified in the volunteer rules in the Program booklet, plus any student who has completed the Program may be naked in school at any time. These students will be given a green armband to wear; they are not subject to Reasonable Requests, and they will not have assigned Guardians. But abusing any one of them will be dealt with, just the same as with a Program participant.

“Concerning Reasonable Requests, the procedure we have previously announced concerning complaints about a participant’s refusal is working well; all refusals have been well justified, so the Program students have been taking their responsibilities seriously, as have been the Guardians. So no adjustments in those procedures will be needed. Remember, don’t ask a Program student to do anything that you yourself would find uncomfortable doing.

“Monday morning during home room we will call the next Program group to participate for the week, two students from each grade, boy and girl. They will strip in the office and be naked in school for that week. Anyone in this room who hasn’t participated can be called. It will be you—you will be called, if not this Monday, then on a following Monday. Think about how you would want to be treated when you interact with our week’s participants.

“Next, I’d like to introduce our new Biology teacher for the fall term. She was kind enough to come out of retirement to cover our junior biology class after the medical retirement of Mr Wilbur. Mrs Edna Payton, can you wave your hand so we can see you? There she is. She’s agreed to cover the junior biology class until spring term while we search for a new teacher.”


“Finally, I have a request from the national Program office, as relayed through their district office, that the national Program has become aware of an illegal pirate website that is providing inaccurate, false, misleading, and sensational information about the Program’s operation in schools around the country. The national Program office wants every student to know that accessing the site is a federal crime and students who visit it will be arrested and prosecuted. They are also assuring school officials that the site will be shut down before Monday, and all contributors to the site will be identified and suitably punished.”

A loud buzz of conversation erupted at that news. Apparently a lot of kids hadn’t heard about that yet. Actually, the Program office was doing us a favor, they were giving our site the best publicity ever possible.

The assembly wound down with a few random announcements from the assistant principals, teachers, coaches, and the janitor (just kidding) about events coming up, student parking problems, athletic season ticket sales, all the things that make a high school run, and then Fletcher resumed the podium.

“School dismissed.”

“YES!” The eight of us, who had been sitting together for mutual support, jumped up with arms raised. Kids around us looked and grinned and then gave us the “thumbs up.”

Barbara said to me, “Kevin, are you going to ask to be on that student advisory thing? You’d be great there.” The others agreed.

“I don’t think so. What I really want is to lay low, study and learn, maybe even have a little fun, and graduate with no more excitement.”

“Well, I think you should,” Jimmy said.

Jane was watching as the auditorium emptied. “Hey, guys. You know, this could be a twitchy time right now. Everyone’s leaving and when we go for our clothes, there may not be many people out there. There could be people who want to do last second Requests or maybe even worse.”

“Damn, you’re right, Jane,” Andrew remarked.

“I’ll come with you guys to be sure you’re safe,” I assured them. “Let’s get your clothes quickly while people are still around.”

We hurried to the doors, and sure enough, there weren’t many people left.

Barbara exclaimed, “Look! Where are the clothing boxes?”

They weren’t where they were supposed to be; then I noticed a guy ducking out from behind a row of bushes about twenty-five meters away next to the building.

“Probably over there, near those bushes. See the two guys standing there?” I whispered.

I noticed that I could go in that direction between the bushes and building and keep hidden.

“Make like you’re searching for the boxes. I think they want to keep you here until everyone’s gone and then who know what. Ring 911 now. I’ll check on the clothes.”

I slipped between the bushes that grew along the building toward where those guys were standing while the others went looking near the steps and in other places near the doors.

When I got close I heard one guy say, “Alec has his dad’s van over there and the other guys are inside it. When those last cars leave the lot, I’ll call to the naked kids to tell them you found the boxes here. When they head over here, that’s the signal for Alec to drive up behind them and snatch a couple of girls while we keep the boys busy.”

That was all I needed. And here were the clothes boxes. The two guys—punks actually—skinny kids, were staring at the naked group at the door. I needed to get two at once, but coming from behind made it a little easier. There was one scenario I had learned in jiu jitsu that covered this situation but I had never practiced it. Well, if I mess up, at least I can delay them.

They were concentrating so hard that I was able to worm my way out between two bushes right behind them. The first guy began to call to the group at the door when I jumped out of the bushes right between them and grabbing both with my arms around their necks, I pulled them down to the ground with me. As I fell I drew my arms together. pulling their heads hard in front of me, hitting their temples together as I fell on top of them. I heard a double “oof” as they hit the ground and I used their bodies to break my fall. One was slightly on top of the other so I shifted him to lay crossways on the other and I sat on both bodies, then shouted to the others.

“Guys, it’s a kidnaping! Watch the girls and that black van!”

The girls shrieked and then all seven came toward me on a run; the black van was moving toward us now. Andrew shoved the girls behind the bushes.

I yelled at them, “Don’t touch the boxes—fingerprints!” and the van pulled up and four guys jumped out. “Come any closer and these guys’ll be dead meat. Four of you may be able to take me if I were alone, but I’m not. These hands haven’t killed anyone yet, but I’d really love to see what that feels like, wanna help me try?”

They were uncertain, shifting back toward the van and then toward me, looking back and forth. The two guys under me had been squirming but I had put the top one in a hammerlock and had my knee in the other’s spine. When they squirmed, I just increased my pressure until they stopped. Suddenly I heard an amplified voice.

“Freeze, all of you. Don’t move.”

The cops! They didn’t use their sirens. Cool.

“Now the ones with clothes, you guys, on the ground NOW. If you move in any other direction than down, if you wake up it’ll be in a hospital bed.”

Then I saw two cops come around the sides of the van and then another patrol car pulled up and two more police got out. The first two cops were busy cuffing the guys on the ground and one of the others came up to me where I was still restraining my pair. Then one of the girls called out.

“Officers? Is it safe now?”

The cop near me said, “Let them go, now. What the hell is going on here? We got a call about a kidnaping?”

I spoke. “Yeah. These two took our clothing boxes and hid them. I snuck behind them and heard that they were planning to try to snatch a girl or two when the parking lot cleared out. I found the clothes boxes behind the bushes; they probably left their prints on them.”

One of the other guys called, “He’s lying. No one ever touched the girls or their clothes. We just stopped by to see if they needed help and that kid just jumped two of us.”

Meanwhile the girls were peeking between the bushes.

Barbara said, “Please can we get dressed now? I’m getting cold.”

A cop looked up. “Oh my god, this is one for the books. Rescuing naked damsels in distress. My wife’ll never believe this one. Ok, sweetie, where are the boxes? I can get the clothes out without damaging any prints. On second thought, don’t you think we need to hold the clothes for evidence?”

Three girls screamed “NO!”

“I guess not. Sorry for the mean joke.”

Someone had called an ambulance and another cruiser pulled up with it and two plainclothes guys got out. Good, not Detective Conners and his sidekick. The two morons whom I had planted on the concrete had lots of facial scrapes and bruises but nothing looked very serious, but I was certain that they would have really bad headaches in their immediate future.

The detectives took all of our statements but our attackers wouldn’t say anything other than they were just driving by and had stopped to ask if we needed help. One detective was going through their wallets.

“Hmmm, all 19 and 20 years old. Are you from this high school? Where are your school IDs?”

One of the first cops to arrive said, “I see four cars in the lot. Whose are they?”

Three belonged to Sarah, Andrew, and me. We pointed them out.

“Jim,” he called, run the plate on that Chevy.”

Soon Jim came back. “Ken is running that plate. No high school parking sticker on that car.”

It turned out that the six of them had graduated high school from a different school last year and some had police records. The Chevy belonged to one of the guys I had taken down. The police wanted to take the clothing boxes but they didn’t know how to handle them; their evidence bags were too small, but Sarah came to the rescue.

“I have a roll of garbage bags in my trunk. Will that help?”

It would indeed, allowed one of the detectives. Then a car pulled up; it was none other than Dr Fletcher. He came rushing out of his car.

“What’s happening? I just left the staff lot, passed by, and saw all this.”

The police took him aside and explained; as he listened I saw his face turn white.

“Oh my god, are they all right?” he asked.

Then he came over and I told him that Jane had a premonition about this happening so we all stuck together and being together we were too much for the gang to handle.

“Yeah, right, Kevin. You just stood back and rooted for the team, I’m sure.”

Barbara told him that I had overpowered two of them while they rang 911 and then the others came and I had stood them off.

“Hell, Kevin, you’re a one-person defense force,” he said.

“Whatever, sir. We were in deep trouble and I was really lucky that those two were scrawny twits. What this shows, though, is that you need to provide some protection even after school hours, especially when there are no after-school activities. Even after evening events where kids will have to attend naked and then leave when it’s dark.”

“Yes, true. I’ll have to request an emergency school board meeting to discuss this. It’s really fortunate that, once again, you were around to save the day. Officer, what about those hoodlums? I didn’t recognize any of them.”

“They’re not high school students. We’re booking them all for attempted kidnaping and attempted rape. We found all kinds of personal restraints—handcuffs, ball gags, head hoods, leg bands, things like that, in their van, and photo prints of these girls, so this attempt was planned and they were waiting for the opportunity. The rape charge is permitted because their targets were naked and in the school Program. They’ll be off the streets for years, I’m guessing.”

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

2 years ago
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Kevin Randy and I

I always knew my time with Randy was going to be short. We liked each other very much and had great sex, but I wasn't totally her type and she was very wild and wanted to play the field much more so than me. We had very different ideals and goals, but that was okay. I always knew and appreciated what and who she was and never judged her poorly because of it. To this day I still defend her whenever someone badmouths her. Randy made a lot of guys, including me, very happy and was never really too...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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My Weekend As Denise

My Weekend As Denise - A Magic Depot Story By Cabinessence Author's note: I did go to college in the Hudson Valley area, but not to any of the schools mentioned. It all started as just another Friday afternoon in purgatory. I was waiting patiently for my girlfriend to call me so I could find out what our plans were for this weekend. Then it would be off to the campus ATM machine to get out the money to pay for it. I really loved Kathy and couldn't bear to be without her ....

4 years ago
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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 13 Plans are Made

After our seventh period class, we went to Sarah’s wing to wait near her locker. Our group was to meet there and then go to the club room that Sarah had arranged. Kids began wandering into the wing and hanging out, waiting. Then Sarah came rushing in. “Guys, we’ve got a room in A wing, 130, for the meeting. Can someone wait here to let latecomers know where to go?” A guy volunteered, and we left, following Sarah. Room 130 was a regular classroom. We pulled the desks into a circle and got...

1 year ago
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Kevin Butler

Wednesday morning It was a warm early Wednesday morning in March, with the temperature in the mid-60's. The all night mini-mart on Gulf Blvd. on South Padre Island, Texas was very quiet and 18-year-old Kevin Butler who worked the 11PM-7AM shift was reading 'USA Today'. At about 3AM the quiet was suddenly shattered by a commotion at the front door of the store. When Kevin looked up he could not believe what he was seeing. Three beautiful black women wearing only bikinis and high heels rushed...

4 years ago
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Futa Naked In School 12 Futa Changes the Program 4 The Futa Programs Big Success

Chapter Four: The Futa Program's Big Success By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 President Birdie McTaggart, Friday The students surged from their seats. Clothes were flying off in a wild disregard. The cheerleaders were mobbed in a rush of wild passion, their gasps rising in bliss. Heady, wild, and uninhibited frenzy descended. From a side door, the coaches of the various teams wheeled in vast kegs of Gatorade to give the electrolytes to keep this wild orgy going. The last day of the school...

2 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 25

Getting Jack to go to see Jill at work turned out to be a whole lot easier than Denise expected. When she'd gotten home after lunch with Jill, Denise had unconsciously tossed the coupons on her desk, next to her computer monitor before she called Staci. Over the next couple of days she looked at them often, but failed to move them. By Friday, she had managed to bury them under her Computer Organization homework and forgot where they were. She was quietly studying when she heard a knock at...

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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 3 Denise and Sue

Monday April 9 Carla had set her alarm for early enough that the couple had time for a quickie in the shower. She had to be at work by 8:00, the same time Matt’s class started. His first class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday was creative writing. When he arrived at class, early as usual, a girl he hadn’t seen before was standing outside the classroom door. When she saw Matt, she looked at him intently. Nervously, she asked, “Are you Matt Young?” “Yes,” he replied. “I’m Denise Connor. I...

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Denises Promotion

Denise’s Promotion Denise & her immediate bosses. Our story begins in Birmingham UK at a large public transport organisation, Denise was part of the Project Support for the teams. In her late twenties she was petite with a hint of Amber Rayne or Riley Reid the well known adult stars. She would normally wear trousers around the office and had an excellent pert tight bum and small breasts almost teenager like. Her dress would change to varying circumstances and a shortish skirt would appear...

4 years ago
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Denise and her family Part 1 The Funeral

Part 1 The Funeral By Docker5000 Introductory. A Mother and her two drunk son’s bond in a Hotel room after a family funeral. Denise huddled closer to her husband Tony she was trying to keep under his umbrella as the rain was now coming down hard. Her two sons Gary 15 and James 17 both shared an umbrella. However, even this did not stop them both from getting wet-through. Everyone at the grave side was now wet-through the vicar was trying his best to read the funeral service, but the...

3 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 11

Jack moved down to Denise's hard pink nipples and began sucking them hard, not caring that her chest was covered in his cum. Denise moved her hands to the back of his head and pressed him closer, trying to get him to take the full breast in his mouth. Jack tried to oblige, sucking in a large portion of her right tit and leaving a large red mark on it. Denise moved his head to her cleavage and moaned contentedly when he began licking the flesh between her perky breasts, cleaning his previous...

4 years ago
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Denise and her family Part 2 The Long Drive Home By Docker5000

Part 2 The Long Drive Home By Docker5000 Introductory. It’s the next day after Denise and her two teen son’s had sex in the Pub bedroom. And Denise is filled with anger and shame over her actions. Denise takes Gary home and James goes with his dad to help his widow auntie. The next morning Denise awoke to the full horror of what she and her two son’s had done last night. She couldn’t believe she had allowed them to have sex with her and she was so ashamed that she had really enjoyed...

3 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 8

Denise woke Sunday morning to the pleasant sensation of someone licking her pussy. She lay on the bed with her eyes closed, reveling in the sensation until she felt lips sucking at her engorged nipples. Cautiously opening one eye, and wondering if it was all a nice erotic dream, Denise spotted Jill's dark curls gently caressing her chest. Reaching up with a hand, Denise stroked Jill's face as the brunette began lightly biting the nipple in her mouth. The realization that someone else must...

1 year ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 18

Jack woke with a splitting headache and a groan. Reaching out he encountered a soft female form lying sideways on the bed and immediately rolled over onto his left side to press up against it. His right arm dropped over the woman's side to rest against her bare left breast and Jack began snoring quietly once again. Denise opened her eyes moments later to find Jack spooned up against Jill. Between the two of them, they had somehow managed to steal all the covers, leaving Denise feeling a...

2 years ago
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4 Mrs Wild Denise The First Affair

Dan had the body of an athlete, so tight and ripped; Denise couldn’t get enough of her latest PA.Denise lay on her back, admiring his six-pack and grabbing onto his tort bum, as Dan used all his stamina to ride Denise.He was much smoother than her other PAs, well, in terms of his hair. He was hairless, apart from some hairs on his legs.Forty-five minutes, this extra session had already gone for and Denise still wanted more.With a sly nod and smile, Denise indicated, that she wanted to go on top...

1 year ago
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Wife Stories Denise

Introduction “I know how your marriage to Wayne ended,” Henry said, slowly licking in between Denise’s large breasts. Her head was back, her mouth open, eyes closed, an orgasm subsiding. She was straddling Henry in bed, giving herself to him – like she does daily. Their naked bodies faintly illuminated by the orange glow of candles next to their bed in their new Charleston, South Carolina home. Henry squeezed a breast, sucking its nipple, “I know he was a horrible person. ...

4 years ago
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Denise woke early in anticipation of things to come. She had already packed the car with all that she needed for the day and, after breakfast, set off for the rented property where she had arranged to meet a new lover called Peter. They had agreed that Andy (a professional photographer) would be joining them to record the events on video and in pictures.On arriving at the property Denise unpacked the car and she felt a sense of excitement as she lay the contents of her luggage across a bed in...

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Jack and DeniseChapter 19

Denise watched from the doorway as Jack slowly rose from his crouched position at the toilet and flushed it. She felt terribly sorry for him, but at the same time her sympathy was beginning to wane, as he had no one but himself to blame. She stood there uncertain as to if he would want someone to baby him or not. At times like this, Denise became very uncertain about Jack's moods. "Are you going to be ok," she asked quietly. "I guess," he grumbled as he gingerly stood and shuffled over...

2 years ago
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Denise Gets Caught chapter 1

Denise Gets Caught, chapter 1 Dennis Radcliff had it made. His wife was a real MILF, and she was constantly horny. A fact that he took advantage of almost every night. Dennis worked from home Tuesday through Friday in his home office, going into work on Mondays and Fridays for the weekly meetings. Angela worked in an office full of other women and run by other successful men like Dennis. Men who constantly praised her looks, often making advances. Advances that she would share...

3 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 20

Jack had been walking for quite some time and was beginning to wonder if he would ever find the girls. He had done a little searching near the house then began walking up the beach in the direction that Staci and Jill had taken Renee and John the day before. The beach was fairly empty for a Sunday afternoon, much to Jack's surprise, and he didn't anticipate having a hard time finding Denise with her bright red hair. However, after walking for close to thirty minutes in the hot sand, his...

1 year ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 7

Jack woke early on Saturday feeling the effects of a bad hangover. Friday had started well. He'd gotten up late and gone to class where he sat with Denise. They didn't have much of a chance to talk before class as she was late getting there. They talked for a few minutes and Denise had mentioned that she had to change to meet him at the gym so Jack had decided to return to his apartment. He came home, had lunch and then met Denise at the student recreation center for their work out at 2...

4 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 27

Denise rolled onto her right side and let her left arm drape across Jack's abdomen. He stirred slightly, than softly began snoring once again. Denise held back from snuggling too tightly against his back as the room was quite warm for this time of year and Jack was giving off quite a lot of body heat. As she watched him sleep, Denise wondered briefly if he wasn't coming down with something. Most nights he was like a human sized space heater, but tonight he was burning up. Denise sighed...

3 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 23

Denise scowled to herself as she stared at her computer organization homework. She'd run the gamut of emotions with this class in the past six weeks, going from expecting an A to hoping to get a C. Denise had signed up for the class because it was on the only hardware class offered and she'd hoped to find that it was highly technical, dealing with networking and the communication of various parts of the hardware with each other. Instead she was finding it to be a class about how the...

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Jack and DeniseChapter 15

Jack filled his plate and sat down next to Denise. As he began eating, Jack noticed how quiet the kitchen had become. Looking around, he noticed that everyone was staring at Denise or himself. "What," he asked, "is wrong with everyone? Is it something I said?" "No, we're just wondering if you two are going to stay long enough to be sociable or if you're just planning to eat and run," answered Jill. Jack laughed. "Sorry, I guess we haven't exactly been visible for the last half...

3 years ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 4

Jack staggered out the door of Jill and Staci's apartment late that evening. After Staci had gotten her turn, the threesome had taken a break to order some pizza and guzzle some water down. Jill had turned on the air conditioner to cool the apartment down and help with the stuffy smell of sex that permeated the small apartment. Once their pizza arrived, Jill dared Staci to answer the door naked. Never one to turn down a dare, Staci waltzed up to the door and threw it open, revealing not only...

1 year ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 12

Jack woke up disoriented with a massive erection caused by a full bladder. He was lying on a bed with a warm feminine body next to him and his right arm, which seemed to have a heavy weight on it, was numb. He was sure it was a school day, but his alarm clock hadn't gone off. The bed he was lying in didn't feel like a conventional mattress, it was more malleable. He also had a mouthful of hair which he knew didn't belong on his head. Spitting the red hairs out of his mouth, Jack sat up...

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Jack and DeniseChapter 31

Denise couldn't stop smiling as she and Jill pushed their way through the crowd of Christmas shoppers at the mall. She loved this time of year, fighting the crowds, looking at the holiday decorations and, most of all, shopping. Denise was especially enthusiastic this year since she was buying things for Jack. It had been too long, she decided, since she'd had a special guy to buy Christmas presents for since it was more fun than buying for a girl. Of course, not having school for a few...

3 years ago
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Denise My Hot Secretary

I've always had these wild sexual fantasies about my secretary, Denise. She is quite lovely, a sweet young girl about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, with a cute little girl look that I find so sexy!She is about five foot four inches I guess when in her stocking feet, but since she usually wears heels, she comes up to just below my own six-foot stature. She has a very nice figure too, not too skinny (I hate those skinny-as-a-rail types that look like they are afraid of food!), but not too...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Denise is a very naughty bride

Denise and her fiancé are getting married at five o’clock today. She had many appointments scheduled throughout the day. Her and her bridal party went to the spa in the morning and enjoyed hot stone massages. Afterwards, each girl received a manicure and a pedicure. They all had a wonderful time. After the spa, they went back to Denise’s house to have brunch. Pat, the neighbor, had set-up the food that was delivered. She arranged all the food on the dining room table. There were assorted...

1 year ago
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Jack and DeniseChapter 13

"... 'cause everybody needs someone sometime, Everybody needs someone can't you see? Everybody needs someone sometime..." Jewel continued warbling out of Jack's boom box as he pulled the drawers out of his pale pine dresser. He rummaged through each before slamming them back into the dresser in a vain attempt to locate his black swimming trunks. They weren't leaving until the next morning, but Jack wanted to be packed so all he had to do was shower, eat breakfast and go to pick up...

1 year ago
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DeniseAn adult novel of sexual slavery and service.Written By Miss Irene Clearmont.Copyright ? 1998/1999 Revisions ? 2011Synopsis:Miss Denise Arden Lamont renews her friendship with an old university friend, Kathy. Kathy has always been rather curious in her choice of male friends and indulges herself in training them.As Denise slides into this dark world of sexual slavery she becomes entrapped by the evil Miss Clearmont whose appetites for malevolence and vice know no boundaries.*****This was...

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Jack and DeniseChapter 17

Jack poured the briquettes into the grill then returned to the kitchen to snag the matches, while Denise poured the chips into a large bowl and set them on the counter, next to an open bottle of salsa. Wandering back outside Jack began looking for the lighter fluid. After scanning the perimeter of the deck, Jack discovered the tall gray plastic closet. The double doors stretched to a little over six feet high and it looked to be only about three or four feet deep. Not exactly an expensive...

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